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The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina • Page 2

Charlotte, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-I '-'o- PORTAiBEE ENGINES. his mind tis, naturally incapablevof Adam was dying, he sent his son to the Garden of Edjsn to request that aneel who Ket)lt-ihe way thereto ADWAY'S READY RELIEF CURES THE WORST PAlWc -TV. jf yv STATIONARY ENGINES, JTJST DECEIVED another lot1 of: a gt Wnchlcloatuig and ancy Cassimeres. which are offered at the lowest possible pri- MANUFACTUBED BY THE 1 '3 "VA ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, ERIE. PENNSYLVANIA: ARE THE MOST SIMPLE, legal tact and acumen.

He can neither acauire nor comnrehend a letral ideav hel's Tot witboui 'vow forceof intellect Diciuoaram-er, uun; a tfnitei with great Vanity'and Vonder- obstinacy, makes him the worst wwwb vuuuvt J-vwvw. I ufcutro, uu uu vuciciuio ncvci wu licans feuppoTthlm We hone cobd results may flow from nnr ritrhfi and lihprtW is a mmeagainsuociet eyihrninded, designt- white men will s4b the ch try sprang inxee rpicu ''ffAwy't; Wereyori everhows editorclipper, 'GLOVES, "aithft liiiie; dnHtig hof shell DURABLE AND EFFICIENT, MADE IN THIS COUNTRY. GUARANTEED IN MATERIAL e- work pjLtlhe! Recent vEducationallrequestedlw AND WORKMANSHIP. THE PORTABLE ENGINES. A.

Are rParticul a rly Adapted to Plantation Dse. 45Tf ktui JONES, PEXDtlSTQJf, Tliursdai, Jnly 23187f fettir.our freeb M'iwJaytj'l "Viet. PWARINCf. SOLOMON REID; 1 T' J. S.


B.BELK; 1- or Slqnor; war vcrr AOSBOJEOTE. WM. MAXWELL. i fbr Suheyvr, MOOKE, .1 THOa LTAIL 'r W. EiAEDREYi july 15, 1874-te, 'n'al emittent diyint'Rich rd Hookeri' says' inh is, Ecoksidxtical ackiwlejdgedtbanthat is the bdsonrof liotr, tier voice the nar- mOnv of the things iin heavenandT earthdo her homage, very least as--feeling her.

care and the greatest as not froTn her rant' ing th ine fort wish with a pie, side to can be war would BGnd him! some' of the fruit of they shall have grown into trees he shall be freed from his sickness." -i ttie' tnrfie grains ne- piaoeQ -uiem aity dailyifXSiot; ydu'ought to it, 1 merely for curiosity's saice. Grange have been AThbmpsdncturer of the Natiph ry win aaaress me peopie in iiie.inii 'iil i VBlacksville. Monday, 20thi; Morganton Friday Julyp 24th; VTaylorsville Thursday July 30th Wilkesboro Friday July 31st. States ville Saturday August, 1st. fpOSi ASHE, th Deniocratic ative Candidate for Congress, will ad- Sherrill'a Store, LincolntoivThuredasMii i Seattle's Pudav.

AllmdrianllsatntdftS, 23rd-24th. 25th. 27th. Falwoods' Store, Monday, 28th' 29 th. 30th.

31st. Big Lick, Stanley Co Thursday, r. -r i A tt. lt Mfc Giiead. Monteomery, Monday, 3rd THE RISING SUN.

Atiesil of ill' ompetition. IFhat shall we aay, what shall we do, For every day brings something new. HOLTON CO. TTe live here and don't refuse To sell cheap eoods to all that choose, Our credit is bad our profits small. Therefore nnnni trust all.

Yea my friends the sun Is still rising at iJy2j XU Co auuxxta lu Notice. w. ofMcl McMURB AY. Registrar for Wrd No. 2.

Charlotte, will be lound at the Btor McMnrrav Davis, irom the hours of 10 tneee ot LAfeinaj taste but gave'tb the sfon of Adam tiree seeds. ''Piacetnem, said he "in' thy' father's mouth; and whn dress his jeliow-citizena sat following rSf fc Dallas, Monday, July 20th. Newton, OF FASHION! -h BEFORE purchasing, send for Price List, Manufacturers. Address July 11 lw." 172 5 S3 L02 1 SHRIER TERflPLE 7 11 a to 03 I cs UJ co CQ 1 (Cphventiph; people 01 uu popular' 'By'yodntinuatf iefr the parr those. subject.

the of the Educational Association -'of North Carolina God- speed in their labors. Education is a flRUiai not lor us is against us i J' 4 7 i' 1. There i no5 tiricef taiiity in' this figW fi i. -iik''ir-'" between' the Conservatives and the Radicals. Those Who3 profess to be Conservatives ut thedicalsoir'tplay "fairIf miin pomp wun ma coioreu Deo- i let him Btand Olacfci of the line; if proposes tOr go withthe white step'over; their side.

But at all events, gen tlem en of the independent persuasion, "sninny oij your 't 3- The senior proprietor is engaged in i viissihg Mecklenburg county in. be- half.i of, th Conservative, party He reports the prospects. of a Democratic i triumph as nnusnally bright." The latest news from along the lines will fofmd paje.r Mccklen- burcr i always true as steel. She never yet has failed to do her duty, in or in. peace.

The exposure of Beecher is a warn ing "to other hypocrites: mask worn by dissemblers is always sooner brt later torn off "some rel witless Inspired Book contains no more fearful words to sinners than these "Be sure your sin will find you h'Itr 4 -rine evidence or ijeecncrs sm is conclusive.1 He will stand convicted before the bar of public opiuipn, and ms 4 jb -He was a man 8tole the Uverv he Court of Heayen The journals of 'Uew York' city and Brooklyn are daity filled stories crime, adultery and seduction; It a shame upon; the: profession journaU8m when newspaper become the scavengers of society, i f. i-jlli A text for independent candidates- gentlemen wh6; having no party affil nations, ana no nnhtiral fripnrt nn office regardlessof consequences i i Gentlemen who, vote forogar to to spite his face: Patrons of Husbandry 2 i -'we give Deiow ine numoer of subor AiAt 1 dinate Granges in. tne different States as rJ vs. Aiaoamav bU4 JSew Jersey uj 78 Arkansas ftif-421 New York, 216 California North Carolina 399 Connecticut 3 Ohio 947 i. m'-'SHKS corner-stone in the prosperity anq glory of a State.

i TxuliUi -it f- Wi i i 1 am, to it pm for the purpose of registering At the same time we inform our nutuer-all persons entitled to vote In the ensuing Lu, friends that our is now I fZ i 2 nrir -v'H t-e 1 I r4 ILLIP.Sf'; A- Merchant Tailor ete- ces. v. -x, vi I haye still on hand a large stock of C0LLAES of all kinds, which are offered at cost, in or- der tolose them out at the earliest possible of the Finest Goods kept continually on hand in the Merchant Tailoring Depart ment and made to order with dispatch and at the lowest figures. apl29 TO THE PUBLIC! As eternal vigilance is the price of liberty: so is contmued vigilance, honest, fair and upright dealing necessary to success in business. Having from th outset (18 years ago) appreciated these factsand acted upon them, we find ourselves to-day rewarded for the countless anxieties, vexations, and ihe loss of honrs of rest by seeing our long cherished hopes realized, of making Char- a i', Wholesale Mart, and ours an exclusive Wholesale House.

In order to be more explicit, we have the pleasure of informing the mercantile, world that we have leased -the nperh store, 'adjoining our present, (herebiiure occupied by Messrs, Breiu, Brown A as tbtar Drv- Goods Store), wnich we will ccupy by first orueptemher next for the retail trade only, ma win tite our present Heuaiu and com modious store fur an exclusive WHOLESALE HOUSE thus giving to the trade a strictly "Whole- EstabliKhmenl. whfrc lhev can make ilieir selections front a Stock irchased for hat trade only, thus avoiding coining iu contact with a Retail SUtck and Retail Buy; era. The advantages of such a House are oo obvious to need further comment, To give the general reader a better con- Uvption of the colossid dimensions of our two Houses we Mate that we will hare upwards of thirty thousand feet of superficial floor room; or a lane of ten feet wide MAMA rvWVhl I o'" ponsiucraDiy over nan a nine. JKain iforth buying our second icason, and owing to the declin slock this owing to the decline in goods, will again place us in a position to success fully compete with all other houses. Very respectfully, WITTKOWSKY A RINTELS.

Charlotte, N. May 1st, 1874. apl31 OSWEGO Silver Gloss Starch, SEPox tlxe clary. MAHCFACTCRKD BY T. KIIIGSFORD SOU, HAS BECOME A HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY.

Its great excellence has merited the com mendation of Europe for American i A i PlUYeriZCd COHl Starcll, manufacture. PKEPAEED BY T. K1NQSFCRD A SON, Expressly for food, when it is properly made iow x-uaaings, is a desert ot great excellence. J'br Safe 6y ofl First-clast Grocers. IMPORTANT T0FARMIt8 AND PLANTERS MAKE YOUKOTFN Super Phosphates fertilizers; And save from 10 to 20 Dollars per Ton.

Get the Pest" Pure Ground Bono and Chemicals. 1 rMt nf VniJ.Ii 1 i ter. Nitrate and Sulphate of SodaTcaxbonate and Sulphate of Ammonia and Sulphate of Magnesia, Sena for Catalogue of Prices, re It RAKER ft m. 3G and 38 South Charleft fML. nalHrnnra Mil IllIU 90 7 TO Builders Lumber LTAYINQ located in the finest timber Jvx gion in western JNorth Carolina.

1 an prepared to famish AU Uinds of Lumber An4haw notice'1 desired length uner 65 feet, i w7 reaOTiciote terms-; I Will ft Wo A Tihfirnl OTp'hQriero f1i nnv person who will patronize and can supply my employees. Ihave6to700 acres or Land forsaleto suit purchasers well watered, good timber, 1 and. healthy, or and near W. N. C.


V-' StatesYille, N. COPARTNERSHIP THE undersigned take pleasure in lnt ormln the public that they have formed a cop arl 'V uviDlup. AVI. tug UUI UL Udll UU A IHCI- cantlle business, in the city ot Charlotte, under wv mm wuub anasiyie 01 KOO KOTHS CHILD. TTipv lire nnv ror olirln MILLINERY GOODS, an Immense stock of NCY GOODS, WHITE and rcSuVUclt 1 hiih.i 1.1m viii itiir 1 KOOP iLOOPMANN ROTHSCHILD! I oopnwiui taxes tnis method to tender 1 his sincere thanks to his friends and former i trons for the patronace heretofore so liber: ma oiucic tuo.un.3 ui ius irienas ana iormer patrons tor the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, and that the same will be continued to the new firm.

Those indebted to me are respecti ed to come orward.and settle with ofis is authorized to receipt -BKO r-: inose indebted to me are respectfully request- tne new nrm. for the same. liOUf AlAKN. 13LANK APPLICATIONS, For membership in the Patrons of Husban ury, ior eaie dly wky, tf AT TIII3 OFFICE. 0na t0 Twenty Minutes unt HOUR tMs advwtitenwat need SUFFER WITH PAIN.

REAPV RELIEF 13 a nnDD EVERY PAIN. CURE jt wa the first nd la Tho Only Tain Reme, WomachBowcla, or other glands 2r o.f IS FROM ONE TO TWENTY MINUTES, no matter howi'rJpnt RHEUMATIC, Bed-rlddeiH InArro. Cripid ain th JKeurjUgjc, or. proeu-ied wHh disease may mg RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF 1 wtll afforotnrtantease inflammation of the kidneys sorethbW, crouppiptheria.0" th HEADACHE.

TOOTIIACHE083, INFLSZi. COLD CHILLS: AOUeS' The application of Ue Ready ReUefto the n. Portiere Uio paia or difficulty exist will affora Twenty drops In half a tumbler nf water win i moments core CRAMPS. SPASUS, SOUR HEARTBURN, SICK feEADACHE DIARHB DYSENTBRY. colio, wind IN THE BOWp and ail INTERNAL PAINS.

"UWEls, Traveler should alwavs carry a bottle of xvay'. Ready Seller with them, a few di water will prevent sickness or pains from chanJ? waten It better tUaa French Brandy or BitSP. 7 rEVER AND AGUE- "FEVERS AND AGUE enred for fifty cents tw nota remedial agent in this world that will cnn and Airue. and all other Malarious, Bilous Sonri5. Typhoid, Yellow, and other Fevers aided hvfe WAY'S PILLSJ so quick as RADWAf'S REaLt LIEF, Finy cents per bottle.

u- HEALTH! STRONG A NO PURE, RICH OF FLESH AND WEIGHT-CLEAR SK IN til BEAUTIFUL COMPLEilON SECURED TO ALL DR. RAD WAY'S S'ffiapariliii Eesolveiii TIE.CAT BLOOD PURIFIER. HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING OITRES QUICK; SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THI? 4 BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INKLUENl OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE 'tv-f THAT t-r- Ivery Day an Increase ii -aitfeiElitistaMfelt Ewry flrop of' the -8ARSAPARILLIAN RESOl. VENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine other Fluids and juices of the system thevicorof -Jiie. for It repairs the wastes of the body with new nnj round material.

Scrofula, Svphlli, Consumptinn, Glandular disease. Ulcers in the throat. Mouth. To. mors.

Nodesut the Glands and other partsof thesvstem ors. Eves, Strumoroua discharges Irom the Eafs.and the worst forms of Skin diseases. Eruptions, Fever Aires, KcaldHead, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipe Ins, Acne, Black -Spots, Worm in the Flesh, Tumors. Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and paintal discharges. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wastes nf the Die principle, are within the curative range oi this wonder of Modern Chemistry, and a few days' uo wi.i prove to any person using itfor either of these t'vnm u( awease its potent power to cure inem.

If the patient, daily becoming reduced by the -wattrj and decomposition hat is continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repairs tiie fame with new material made from healthy blood and this the SARSAPARILLIAN will and does secure a cure to certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishinj th loss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and every day the patient will feel himself growing better andstrnneer, the food digesting bettevppetite improviug, and flesh and Weight increasing. Not only does the SiRSiPARiuuir Rbsolvkw excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic. Scrofulous, Constitntioaalguid Skin, diseases; but It is tho niy positive cure tor 3 1 1, 'KidnS'tadbr Complaints, Vrinary an Womlb disease; Gravel, Diabetes. Dropsy, titupnaxe of Water, ladentiaence of Urine, Bright's I)is-Albumiiiariaand in all cases where there arg the-water is thick, cloudy, mixed it subxtancea li ke the wbhe of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bilious appear-anee. and white linue-dust dmwisltit and when there is lu pricking, burnini; s-iL-tiou when pacing water, and pain in tne awau ut tue auu aioug tne Ijoius.

Tumor of 12 Years' Growth Cured by Mad way Resolvent. DR. RAD WAY'S perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gnra, purgevregulate, pnrlfy. cleanse and strengtneu. Rad- way's Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach.

Liver. Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache. Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Billons Fever, Inflammation of the Mnwcls, Piles, and all Derangements of the Interna Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, coutainiDg no mercury, minerals or deleterious drugs.

A few doses of RAOWAT'S PILLS will free the v-j'emfrom alltheatxive named disorders. p- Box. BOLD BY OltUUtHSTS. READ "FALSE AND TRUE." Send one letter tump to RADWAT A No. 32 Warren St.

New Jaformation worth thousands will be sent you. The only Reliable Gift Distribution in the fi country! $50,000 00 in TA1UABIE Girl' i- i TO BE DISTRIBUTED IN Li SINE'S 168th Regular Monthly All 1UU1 Uiuu To be drawn Monday. 1874 ONE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE Two PRiiKS each, Two Prizes- $5X. Greenbackj. FivBPRmjs $100; in I One Family; Carriage and Malche'i ilorseswttU SUve'r-Mouuted Har-y ness.

-worth Horse 'A 'feriggy. (Harness, worth One Fine-toned 'Pfose-wood Piano, worth $550 iFiVeFaniily Sewing Machines, worth $100 i eacht 150QoUtand Silver lever lfogb? lfhes in oB.) worth from $20 to $300 each Gold ChainVSilver-Ware, Jewelry, Number Tickets linutd (4 to 50,000 1. i AG EN1 WANTED TO TICptCTS, to vwhom. Wberal urns will be paid. 1 Single Tickets Six Tickets Twelve Tickets $10; Twenty Five arcnlars containing a full list of pn.

a description of, the manner of awX and other informaUon in reference to li oeni tft" One dering them. "AW. JWlx Cincinnati. 0. mai omcjs.

101 Fifth June3Q GUTTER'S Pocket cures catarrh- CO, v- Agents for Nt. junel2 llretoth weasel. -rThit for is whitettne verdict of history will be ARE FULLY and make' comparison witlr tiist of other w.C-MObuak, General Agnt, Charlotte, N. Cn or Erie City Iron Works, Erje Pennpylyama. SPLENDID FARM FQ it As Agent for Albert Rinaldi, we offer for FIRST-RATE PLANTATION, -situated one and a half miles from Olin, Ire deli county, tind on which be formerly' resided.

The place contains 125 acres of with a good dwelling house, bare, smoke house, i kitchen ana air Other necessary, outnouses, i wiiii a goou wen or water in wo yaru. Aim buildings are alt new--put up since There are about 80 acres iii original forest, about ten acres of which is fine bottom land. Balance in a state of cultivation. Besides, a good bearing orchard and a good many choice fruit trees were set three years ago. Title good.

Will be sold Jbr- cash. or. a credit of twelve months will be given on one half of the purchase money. my9PPly JONES i i Land Agents. i i For sale.

A Splendid Farm, one and a hal 'miles from Third Creek Station, on Western N. C. Railroad, containing TWO HUNDRED ACRES. On this Farm, there are 25 acres of good bottom land, a good dwelling house and all npfpsaarv outhouses'. 4 About half, of the land'is'in a high state of cultivation, and under good fences.

Bal- ance in imeval forest A 'Kr -Terms: one naiicasn. balance on lime. Reasonable deduction for cash down. JURIES OS PEJMDEKTON ,4." -r O. W.


Baconu Groceries, CH A 6 EV Special attention given to consignments pt Cotton for sale here or in other markets! a ltd liberal advancesmade. 1 June 9 Dried ITST RECEIVED, a lot of elegant- sugar i cured canvassed without Call soon at my30 J. L. BROTHERS fc CO. P.

LCDMIO. UNTIL the first of this month; under Oachrane's, will re-open next Monday, in me casement oi me xxew mea saioon. Lager, Ale and Porter, sent to domiciles at $1.00 per dozen, bottles to be returned. Lager on draft sold as soon as his new ice pump will be mounted. July4-tf.

s. I anttunspoited. It is emDtematiealf puritv I An unjust judge, one who will per- ven justice to PMWJ ends, is an abommBtiott'iri tne tft uT.T.,- ViS incorrupiiDimy that we loo for 7tuwulu of Judge. TV wisdom, earn- a Af States been firm in ner.larino' nnnnrAintr fi itu n. iffiE! for 1 1 1 1 3 shadow FARE'S BUILDING.

23 STREET. -I CHARLOTTE, N. C. ouwuwonai, ana our. people saved irom the terrible 'persecution they under- wen, tne eupmeuourtof varouna: nau peen courageous in do- 8pite Schenck, will find themselves- in mgjte duty the Kirk wr would have the xidicuious.pligbt of tb most in thed andthetaw iable son of Adamwho bit off his nose "TT me uuage wno SrZ ms mvLjuuveruur imoses.

to i 4 i ine penitentiaty wherehe so richly 1 y-Bf auTJuugex.ogani4t,ATTJ U' election, who have not previously registered. jmy 4 te. I Boarders Wanted. "It 1Y house Is now open for the reception 1TX and accommodation ox regular and transient boarders. Table supplied with every delicacy in seas on.

xvriiAa hcoimuiuuukuuk. A. BRADSHAW. Tryon one door below Charlotte Hotel. mayZ3 om.

B. T. Babbitt's PURE CONCENTRATED POTASH, OR LTE. Of double the strength of any other SAPONIFYING SUBSTANCE. I have recently perfected a new method of packing my Potash, or Lye, and am now packing it only in the coating ot i which will saponify, and does not injure the Soap.

It packed in boxes conUining 24 and 48 lb. Batls. and In no other DireeMons In F.nerHsh uriil nermsn tnr msV- i ing nara anasoii soap wiin mis rotasn ac companymg each package. juneio 1 is. T.

BABBITT, 64 to 84 Washington Y. Wilson Black, WHOLESALE DRUGGIS1S,, c. We have now In store; 60 dozen Hostetter's Bitters. 25 25 25 Plantations Vinegar Home Star ICoopman (. 600 12; boxes Window Glass.

V- Pure White Lead. -Linseed Oil. Turpentine. Varnishes. Machine Oil.

Kerosene Tanners' Oopperas. r'' Epsom Salts." 10 50 10 10 10 75 cases Lamp Chimneys. 200 doz Paint Brushes. Morphine. 9Ssfe 0 Quinine.

to tne wrug ousmess. wnicn tney oner to prompt customers at close prices. wiujon BLACK. i Oerinan and Arithmetic. xrom xiansisr.

oirera His pro- i fti Jr2Ultpd wvmMut. (Title DKiiMnf Ts.m. Mn D.11 1 at Levi Vatiderbnrff on the ptemisesi'o to a -77 SEGARS! of very an Simmon's CHOICE Country Fine Canvassep Ktxina. Mum viv8sru ceei, 1 i 1 A ROSS. SAS n.e Debilitv.

lust received. At. i aw mm. a iiaconr. j-r ni im miu.

miu janeltt McADEN'S DRUG STORE. ENGLISH Hair and Tooth Brushes. '-JuiyHif Spricofnr ppngg8 orn? ROULHACS Durham Smoking fr Tobacco. Jnne 12 RBTTRWKLL fc Co. tJTTTJ XXTVT nrt' rs, the bpst on the market, at Ci- ST0RE, Hiidbeen i learnt in the law, jtf apbeal Ere1 bell taken fonV the -'T.

1 "i nave trial of Lee Banian? -and the blood bf ------X', Gleason would have Ibeeu'aVenged. IgnofaticA 4ru jbdgtStfUMbst as. criminal Judge; sa jr.ri6.Ba.-;- Th i wv periectioayox. reason. He wno aaministers it must-be wise and as intefltrohal iniustioo.

a judged Ji-erpjecfed tokArr.ijhe fiw Jfce is bound tbHecohd'itoT An in ninm i 100 oz learned. -'-It heM tgnorant'Vthere iS8, WesiVa, :465 IKentUckv 1101 9firt ur orance. of vyv ui iaw ooes This aen: settled luaxim isfif." And law is made a Judge, those who elevate him to this hleh and rtM-mMu! i Just Received AT R. F. DAVIDSON'S, PARLOR Suits, Diessing Case Suits, Ward robes, Bureaus, Beads tea ds, Tables, Whatnots.

Chairs, of various kinds, such as Foldine Chairs. Office Chairs, and the per forated bottom chairs something entirely new. Also, a new lot of Baby Carriajres. and a large and elegant assortment of Brackets, Wall Pockets and Comb and Brush Boxes of the very latest styles. Call and examine, -may 20 Beckwith Bullding-Up Stairs.

I TAKE pleasure ia informing the public that I have again opened a. shop where" you can get your sofas; settees, lounges chairs andmattrasses put in the same condition they were In when you bought them from the store, at reasonable prices, I have secured the services of a first class Upholstered who has served his trade in; Berlin, therefore" can" guarantee satisfaction to all who may be pleased to patron4 ize me.1 Orders for mattrasses orv repairing from abroad attended to promptly. S. EINSTEIN: mmmmmv? t). and additions.

to atock of Clothing. It is beautiful and durable and be sold Our stock of Clothing and Gents' Fnrnfshiug Goods is complete in all respects, and we only ask that gentlemen, call and see it. 0u Buits are composed of all kinds of colors, and guarantee satisfaction In quality andprices. -C 5, ome ana see vounp a son, June Putt! Puffl Faff? 1 1 3 V. Smoke! Smoke fpiIE best Cigars in the city, Fine Cut.

Sun A ny Kid and Solace- Chewing Tobacco, and Durham and other fancy brands. Pipes and Stems. 't k- Lemon Suirar. Lemon SvruD. Lemons and Orangrep, Japanese Oocoanut, Sturp's Green and Black Tea, nub, figs, currants; citron, raisins and prunes.

All of the,at the K1SINQ Julyl. THE new proprietors of Tns Obskrvk wilL- not responsible. for any debts contracted by or for any of the employees of the office, without the written or verbal assent of one of them. 1 a pi 8 tf. JONES PENDLETON, inais against, society, and morallv'rfiHt I sponsible for'theevil ''Ji'V Indiana- 1968- Teas "MOO i0" 1995 -v' 120 Louisiana .128 Ontario iJ is jsiainet ifv Wisconsin 407 101, Colorado 61 ro iiA.irnrn.

iJiasBacuuseus Dakota Mississippi- 592 'V 19 Missouri riooan WbV.lTAn C-qo tbe, aezreffnte: M9.492 1 ir iri ef' in- tfcd iSK 0 twice when xlone deliberately; an unnardoh; rV to, Liver Regulator. Home Bitters, Hostet-able offence npt? vageonan average1, number Mfty ter's Bitters, ThA.n VI 4 r'v-r TOtes, and it requires no figuring -to BTJRWELL CO. Bccjting re- a doliM dATpW ft iv'iu oijeir practice Of sendini? rUB.ni08tfdistinertrishrt tO, the Wife' Of tllA i "JudI nic tne. oath was taken, -mark- udS ing the passage therein WpshoH I President's Tnos TnrfFIt the Johnson, Vl83ed the -r except in ohA except in'nhAr n. trRl9 more striking iauils.are 0 unim- lncom- nundred and Pci.

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