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Muskogee County Democrat from Muskogee, Oklahoma • Page 7

Muskogee, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BUY MUSKOGEE fV Centrally located tram alt points win excellent railroad servtes. 8. Frtt available. S. Large to eeleet from.

4. Prlcea offered. Use Ttits Page to List SPECIAL BARGAINS WANT ADS BARNEY GOOGLE AND SPARK PLUG All Isn't Moose That Barney Shoots At By Billy de Beck MEMBER OF TtfB ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ot all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwlso credited In this paper ana also the looal news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches horoln are also reserved. LODGES AND SOCIETIES PHOENIX Lodge 103, Knights of Pythias meets Tuesday eveulne, Colorado 31dg.

FEMALE HELP WANTED NAFZIOER Toaster 7itc at your grocorB. WANTED 010 Barnes PERSONAL HAIR wnnKS-Mm, IQnley. Phono 8741), Phone 474 for T-D Want Ad Solicitor. NAFZIOER kinds, 10c to 50c at your grocers, RIDE A YKLI-OW Standard MALE HELP WANTED Phone 474 for T-D Want Ad Solicitor. A THINKING FELLOW a lellOW service.

Phone 23. BOYS wanted to distribute circulars, Klrschner's Store, on West OkmulBoo. barber at once. WcHt Okmulgee Barber Shop, 434 West. Ok-.

and women of nent appearance. Call nt once to see Mr. Davis Room 304 Hotel Huber. shipping clerk for national concern. Must havo ability to advance.

Application treated strictly confidential. Address Box B-85 Times Democrat. SEVERAL, energetic reliable- salesmen or salesladies for old established household produots. Direct from factory to consumer. Will pay 40 per cent commission.

day; pleasant work; chanco (or advancement. Gall at Room 3. 120H S. 3rd, ask for A.KIrkpatrlOk. Ph.

6350. SALESMEN WANTEP 8ALESMEN-i-Men wantod. Whole or part time. Everyone buys this latest New York vogue. No competition.

Sells on sljrht, Repeat bUBlnesic Commission In advance. Send for samples. Super- graphic 461 8th N. Y. City.

shoos, quick 'sellers. Big commissions, Immediate returns. Independent business. Repeat orders. Experience unnecessary.

Write full particulars. Tanners Shoo 1113 street. Boston, Mass. SITUATIONS WANTED 474 Is the Want Ad Phone. EXPERIENCED white woman wants housework.

Write Democrat. WASHINGS work and Barber towels. Phone 3103-W. E3CPERIENCED abstractor or office aa- desires position. Can give reference.

Phone 3748-J. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT Hone 474 for T-D Want Ad Solicitor. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; everything fur ntshed; two.rooms S4 up, 676 N. 3rd St, TWO cool, well furnished housekeeping rooms: close In, 215 South TWO rooms for light housekeeping, 211 South Phone THREE housekeeping rooms and bath. Phone 3473-1.

No children. TWO FURNISHED rooms; reasonable. Call TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; $5.00. per week. Phono.4110..

TWO OR THREE splendid housekeeping rooms, furnished. Phone 2957 ONE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room for couple without children, 224 South Cherokee. Phone 365S-J. FOR neatly furnished: rooms for housekeeping; no. children; garage If.wanted.

308 Fredonla, MILLARD APARTMENT. No. 2. Children welcome. Phono 1117.

.510 South Second. LARGE downstulrs housekeeping room; back and front entrance. Nice and cool. Phone '2481 FURNISHED Light 'housekeeping; price cut ono-tHlrd, Call or phone 5185, West Okmulgee MILLARD APARTMENTS No. 3.

Children welcome. Phono 5148. 132 1-2 South Third. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT FOR -furnished house. Call 712 437 North Sft.

7-room furnished home for rent during next two months. Cool and desirable. Call 1. FOR SALE OR TRADE on Muskogee Property MONTHLY PAYMENTS. STRAIGHT LOANS.

FARM LOANS. St lowest of Interest Go Ground floor Barnes- Bide. -phone "6214- Watch Mtfskogrea 22. UJ Waimtt ROW HOW pft So iiMGAw oese H6AU OftMAuA XVi APUIAIO MOMSSiCK SPARKV' MS GS CAW TT4AT IklHATJ 0JITW "TAKE H'M OUT AMD OWE HIM SOMB TuATa CRAQE HIM UP APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR 8-room apartmont furnished complete; close In; East side; reasonable. Phone 1883 THREErROOM Furnished: apartment; water, lights and gas furnished; large Bleeping porch.

Phone 5621 SOUTHEAST 321 N. fitly. Ph. 3158. 336 East Okmulgee.

Phone MODERN per week and up. Detroit Rooms, lH'A Callahan, ART HARRlH cratlnf drayage, storage. Phones 186 -118. IHOUSF.S Amu FI.ATW rOR WENT. Phono 474 for T-D Want'Ad Solicitor.

FOR house. Phone 1874-W, FOR bungalow, North street, phone 27fi0. UNFURNISI-lKD 'T-foomTlaTts, J20.00 per month, 573 North Third street. LOW rents on houses tor whlto and colored, O. P.

M. Butler. HOUSES AND apartments to rem in all parts of city. A. Ford.

MODERN bungalow with garage; Fastslde; rent $25.00. 3083. FOR houso, $30.00 per Xnoji-'Jl- HIIHgoss, 2000. FOR house, garage. Close In; no ohlldren.

Phone 6160-J. NEW five-room bungalow, with garage, 3206 W. Broadway. Phono 972. SIX-ROOM modern brick, duplex? largo front porch, sleeping porch, 616 1-2 Donison.

Phono 4375. MODERN five-room bungalow; Bleeping porch and N. Seventh St. Phone 4375. ONE 6-Room strictly modern cottage; 1014 Lawrence; also one 4-room partly modern, 1024 Cherokeo, Phone 4733.

FOR 'R ENT apartmont; desirable; Knst sldo location; class to schools; rents reasonable. Call 1883. FOR new niodorn 5- room bungalow; deslrablo; close In; East Mde For Information, call 18S3, Mrs Whltsall. FOR RENT--Good modern houses for good people, good locations, rents moderate. Phone 682.

VE Phone 474 for T-D Want Ad Solicitor. 474 Is the Want Atl Thcne. DODGE truck for sale. See Ferguson FORD Touring, late model, runs gooiT, $185, 231 South Phone. 4400-T.

Four-Door Sodan. Will Bolf cheap. 2118 Elgin avenue. Phone 6222-J. buy: Ford roadster or coupo; late model; must be In.

good phono 3700 or 688. FIVE-PASSENGER wire wheol Sport model Columbia In perfect condition to trade for Roadster or Coupe. Ph. 2730. AUTO LOCK repairing; keys: litted te auto looks.

Tale ana other makes. Loiils Rlrkindlck. Ph. 117.Ho, 3rd. 200 USED'Tiros ancPrubes, all prices and sizes.

Satisfaction guaranteed. Byais Tire 312 Court; Phono 4370. FOR SALE OR RUlck Roadster. Will consider motorcyclo with sldo car, Urcedlovo 'Garage, Brnggs Okla 1923-JTOKD Ct'JUPE body to trade for 1923 Ford Touring body; good condition Call 4911-W. BUICK USED PARTS Taken, from cars dismantled.

Rebuild your old car, half price. WOOD HURT MOTOR CO. Phone 800 COO W. Molt MMCK Specdv was roadlng this morning about Henry Ford's new Ideas about war. Ho said; "It's all right for man to alter hlsvlews on war but I notice that -Henry hasn't chanced his Ideas tiny about Ford cars.

You can buy 'etn that have new styles in the body but when you peep tmder the hood they have the motor that we sell you In one of our Used Fords." WHICH ONE Shall We Deliver to Tout 1023 Ford Coupe, all now 1923 Ford Roadstor 186.00 1023 Ford Touring 225.00 1922, Ford Touring 185.00 10311 Ford Touring 125,00 19311'Ford. Roadstor .186.00 1022 1 Overland Roadstor 125,00 1020! Maxwell Touring 75.00 lOlOlFord Truck, aolla tires In rear 85.00 610 West Okmulgee. EASY TERMS. EASY Open Until 0:30 p. High 7-Tassenger Cadillac, now paint.

Dodge Sedan, A-l Condition .1000,00 Dodge Coupe, like new. 760.00 7-Passengor Oldsmoblle, fine con. dltlon 650.00 6-Passenger Special- Six Studebaker 475.00 Several good used cars to select' from at 100.00 Open-From 7:00 A. M. to 0:30 P.

M. AUT08 AND VEHICLES Used! Car Esurgsims Have a Few Lcfft 8 verlnnd Coupe vctla'tid Sedan 126.00 Overland Touring Chevrolet Speodster 125,00 Dodge Coupe 280.00 wiilys -Kuight Touring Chevrolet Coupo Chandler Sedan 305.00 A Few Left from $50.00 to 166.00 The Custonrcr MtratrBo Satisfied; TERMS. TRADE, A. J. Esttwatt-dls Motoir Go OPEN EVENINGS.

Our Reputation Your Protection. Sixth and Broadway. Phone 2288 REAL ESTATE WANTED 474 Is tho Want Ad Phone. BOARD AND ROOM 474 Is the Warli Ail T'lurira" FOE SALE MTJSKOOER." We are now In a position to make Immediate delivery either power or Two Horse Foot-Feed Presses. Sn before vou buy as we enn HUVO ynu money.

Considering speed, upkeep, Irrespective of the prlco you desire to pay, I here are nons ire8 MUSKOGEE, OKLA. 401 S. Cherokeo Ht. Phone 1884. BUSINESS CHANCE8 Bplendld room, hoard.

Phone 810. COOL BEDROOM Tor gentlemen. garage; Phono 6617. IF YOU are looklg for a room nnd excellent board Phone 270 or call at 225 N. 7th.

i Nice clean comfortable rooms by day or week. Reasonable. Dining Room in.Connection 2 W. Okmulgee. Ph.

1824 WANTED-To huy cleaning and pressing outfit; must bo cheap. Phono 2(1, OIllo White, Porter, Okla. NAFZIGER Toustor 70o at your grocors. REAL ESTATE FOh SALE 474 Is the. 1 I'hone.

GENERAL Phone 474 for T-D Want Ad Solicitor. I'lute nlqss Hooker. FOR on side cheap" I'hone 3260-J. FOR 2107 Chandler. Terms, Wi R.

Kirk. Phone 2478. nVE-Room modern bungaTow for sale, 715 South 20th street, It. Phone 1725-W. WHY Imnsralow: breakfast room and garage; S3100.

$500 down, 6-room cottage; sleeping porch, outbuildings, fruit. Other good bar- galns. Phone f02 or 32'ROOM modern hotel'building nnd 8 room modorn home; both located In heart of Miami, Oltla. Will exchange for Improved Muskogee ncrcoge; small Improved farm; Niihurbaii grocery, or anything unlivcumhered. E.

CV Reld Renlty 123'MuKlblian llldg, Phones 2609 and People Are Buying hn Kershaw Heights Addition Buv a lot now In Kershnw Heights. Lots' $06 to $195 each, $10,00 dawn, $5.00 per month. acre tracts, $26,00 down, payments on balance, L. R. Phone 1921 Offices N'nt'l Illdr FOR house, 110 price $50 down, $50 month.

Phono 3684.. Millard and SIX-ROOM modern houHO on "Geneva Htreet for take niiiten, horses, chickens, light cur or as part payment. Owner says vSKLL." Phono COS. PHILPIN P1IILPIN. 300301 Natlonall Bank Plilg.

FUR owner, new 6-room'mod- ern bungalow; garage. Phono 2739, corner 26th and KlVE-i'oome, located at Okay, Okln. Has chicken lot, oow shed, garden, fonced; six lots, 26x160 feet, value, $3500.00. Trado for farm land or Muskogee property. PHILPIN Ph, 1108, FOR SALE OR TRADE 7or oiniliy In smaller rostdemc, 7-room modern home; doubts- garago; East side: i'enair.

Value $5600. PHILPIN PHILPIN. Vhone 608. FOR vacant lots between 32nd and 34th streets and between Boston and Elgin; all clear and sell part or all nt a sacrifice for cash. Must have some cash and would make big discount on entire tract.

Phono 2478. SALtT NAFXIOER Toaster nt your grocers. 474 Is the WRiit Ad Phone. NAFZIQER kinds, 10c to SOo at your grocers ONE CHIFFOROnE and two rugs at a bargain. 412 North 0.

FOR SAI Baby Stroller, only 6 $0. Phono 27,111. TRADE touring far or truck for Plnyer Vlano. Ferguson Bros. PURE APPLE per gallon.

675 North Third street. A GOOD house paint nt $2.25 per Crlswell Bros. 114 Cal- gallon, lahiin. Cm 624-630 West Broadway. 1913 Ford Coupe, new paint; praotlcally new Kelly-Sprlngfleld cord casings, car In A-l shape.

ADVANCE BATTERY STORAGE CO. 320 COURT. FOR 16-foot awning, new; 2 good barber chairs at a bargain. Apply South Second, FOR paths machiffe with records. Excellent condition.

Phone 30B3-J after 6 n. m. RENT a typowrlFer; drive it yourself New and used sold nt bargain prices. Cash or payinonts. The Rovul Agenoy, 313 North Third Phone 996.

I HAVE a largo list of water welrdrllla grist mills. Jay Bee Hammer mills, gas engines, electrlo motors, saw mills, hollers and engines, new and second hand. Prices right and terms eusy, John Deere, hay baler with 6 H. p. unglne $300, A.

Box 701, Muskogee, Okla, FOH SALE National Cash Register, See Ar-BAMIELS-- 105 W.Okmulgee. Phone 2833, C. Pool Hall. Will place a guaranteed Harbour's Reliable Rofrlgorator In your home. Easy weekly terms will pny, HARBOUR'S "Where Hores are Furnished 223-226: West Okmulgee, Phone 25.

MISCELLANEOUS SALE SMALL btmlmiim, Court. Phone 474 for -D" XAFZIGER kliula, 10c to 60c at your giocoi'B. NOTICES Stock of Keifngaiiraftoiro Still offers the size and style you need, Extra low prices and easv terms now. HARBOUR'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE 112-114 So. Call 20.

thrsshlnr lump coal, $7.00 per ton at yard, So. Fifth end Frisco Railroad. Slpes Phone 96, KiddIes STioptn'mT our utorlt of tnttlng, crochet 'tinil hand.mode clothes for tiny tots, 310 Court street, phone 036. HOU8EHOLD GOODS FOR SALE- Sanitary cooi-li. Iron hwl chairs $1.

phono 347.3.'.', FOR refrlgerutor, No. 4, Kenmoro Apartments. SEE THIS BARGAIN---8-niece fumed oak Dining room inilie, $10.7.1. HARBOUR'S FURNITURE EXCHANGE 112-111 So. 2nd.

Cull 29. FOR Wnlnut bod room Hitito, $87.60, TerniH $5.00 cash and $2.00 Fergason Ilros. $4.95 Vays for a 8'i fool fumed on It porch swing, complote with chains, hung on porch. 95o cash, cnoh week. HARBOUR'S "Whore Hores are Complete." 223-226 Weal Okmulgee.

Phone 25. TAILORS MITCHELL C. tailor. 11 Arkanaua Bldg, 1'hono 3C61. (FARM LOANS.) FARM P.

ATlotT 1S 7 S2-5I76. NOTICES NAFZIOER Toaster 70c nt your grocers, 474 Is the Wnnt Ad Phone. THIS Rubber Stamp Co. Phone 8C18. for SnITeltor.

For HuiTi )a irisuran'Te. "Sbwet aHookVr. NAFZIO'ER klnilsrioc to'Htic tit. your groi'ei MUTTER llOOKHINDING CO, 22 I WILL not In- responNlBle anyTdeljls iniiile I niy wife. Orval Olntlier.

WESTERN UNION Uniformed service. MOWERS 7 Sharponcd and repaired. Louis Sicken- lick. 117 Big shoe.V whole slr.i's. BarKiiln Shoo Store, opposlle' Kresii.

YOU It iJcjlJ 111 F.M ENTS wVh nlshoil promptly. Tho Star Primary, Corner 3rd and Wall. Phone IIEMSTITl'MlNtl. Rc 'and ioc. Dressmaking nnd Mending.

Chick Fiocko Shoppy, 244 Raymond 6715, 1 new F.ukera -Eleetrlo Vacuum Cleaner look', down. $3 per month. 1 new Hoover Sweeper, f.i.00 down, $6.00 per month. 1' Demonstrating. Molu Electrlo Washer Only $100.

Easy payments. Call trial. Else Uric "Gommpa-my Phone 101: or 303. 221 West Okmulgee. HERE IS A SNAP In a used Sllvertone Phonograph, fumod oak cabinet, 6 records free lot J30.75.

$5.00 cash, $1.60 weekly. HARBOUR'S FURNITURE 112-114 So. 2nd, Call 23. 6 TO -OA PT (7u TIMI NST 474 1s the Want Ad 1 hone. LOAN OFFICE.

Ill NO. 2nd. St. WE Toun money "on anythTrig of VaTuT 0 n(1 rh (CITY UOANn) Phone 474 t-ur T-D Want Ad Solicitor. fto Loami ON REAL ESTATE LONG TIME) LOANS UONTHLY PAYMENT LOANS For It ran wi have been making form and city loans In East- irn Oklahoma and Muskogee.

We cau give you Just the kind of loaa tkut will beat serve your purpoaa. CULBERTSON ft TOMM Exchange National Bank Bldg. INSURANCE Q15NKRAL INSURAN.CB-^RULISON. hiKUritnce all kinds. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 474 Is the Wun't Ad Phone.

LOST "AND" FOUND l.fiST--Pnlr of boys' black oxfords near Drug Store. Finder call Mus- kogeiv DrUtf. Store, and receive reward white with yellow spots: branded on left shoulder; end of tall cut off. Call 4026, Lytton IlarRer. Reward.

IA Probably at Broadway theatre July 28, 0, 7-Jewol watch, No. case, No. 2184, In black leather case. Same out of repair and of little Intrinsic value to any but owner. Suitable reward for return, 212 Flte.Rowsey Bldg, Phone 3778.

1 Keporft of Comidliftioini off At Glose of 1924 Cnsh on Hand 2,225.24 Loans on Mortgage Security 163.800.00 Loans- on Stock Security 2.069.1P Furniture and Fixtures or, Stationery and Supplies 623.34 Charter Fee 650.00 OeneTftl 1,506.60 Earned Interest 821.SI' Dividends Advanced 01.62 Insurance Advanced 12.50. Accounts Receivable 100 66 Total Payments on Installment Rtoclt Advance Payment, Stock 36,641.80 Full Paid Stock 77,100.00 Thrift Stamps Unredeemed 111.47 Due Borrowers- (InconlplMe loans) 2,356.88 Contingent Fund (undivided profits) 130.00 Hills J'nyahlo 2,600.00 Reserved for Cash 'Dividends July 1 3,668.1 (5 Undivided Proflta 4,003.48 Total State of Oklahoma, Mus'nogea It Caldwell, socretary of the above-named association, do solemnly swear that tho above stntement Is truo to the best of niy knowledge and belief, so help mo Ood. A. R. CALDWELL, Secretary.

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of July, 1824. (Seal) HELEN. REES, Notary Publlo My Commission Expires March 30, 1926. Correct FRANCIS STEWART, J. 8.

MARSHALL. O. T. GRAHAM Directors Our Assets have increased ONE HUNDRED PER CENT during the past twelve months. Put your savings and investments with us and we will keep the money in circulation in MUSKOGEE, while it is earning a good return for you.

Phone 1800 Fourth and Okmulgee A. R. Caldwell, Secretary TI Wle. I one. Cleanliness Is a' national Towel Supply.

Phone 281. ICE 3 FER I Lot- too do your'palnting, calo.lhilnins.Th 6608. FOR PAINTING. Decorating and carpen- i ter work, call PottCr Co. 835 CLEANINt" -J EI SINQ ijTTi' iroUIt clothes cleaned clean at H.

W. Okm. excHANoe WlSTrnve movod to Osment old stand Wo want tools, dishes. Jars, rugs. Como nnd see us, Lincoln's 121 S.

Main. rYPKWRITl 'iRS-rAll makes sold nt bnr- Baln prli'is, cnsh or puymonts. Rentals repairs nnd supplies; Agency, Royal and Remington Portable. Take one) on approval. Bowman, 3rd.

Ph. 000. Petering and Lescher Funeral Home. 004 W. Okm, Cull In 413 WANTED BUY jrsoK'BHElWJin, Second.

BeTt price: for WHO'S WHO IN MUSKOGEE KKANK FHTTrsTlAN aHlI WILLYS-KNIGHT OVERIJAND During our GREAT CLOSING OUT SHOE SALE, we are offering the finest footwear made at Diacowntt! Where else can you buy Shoes at such prices? Investigate this unusual sale. 210 West OTvhungee RED HOT, HOT WEATHER Spsoals Tktey Worftk New metal Day Beds with Pad 10 Library' Tables in fumed and golden oak, condition perfect, priced as low as A Settee, 48 inches long, Rocker and straight Chair; have spring seats, upholstered in black leather; perfect condition; fine for office, home or reception room $27.60 Hi -6ven Erie Gas Range, good shape, for Good 50-lb. side-icer Refrigerator, Good used Kitchen Cook Table A fine low-base Circassian walnut Dresser; splendid com mirror, 82x36, and chair to match, the two pieces We'll be to you call us any are always ready to tradd Fwininftwe 0 -Phone 14S 228 West Okmulgee Ave..

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