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Boston Post from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 6

Boston Posti
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nOSTON I'OST. WEDNKSnAY 01 1 NG, AUGUST 28 1 89 THE MONEY MARKET oston Tucsfl iv I'-vonintr, -7. Tlio nioiicy lotii.iiiiH qniot ami with Cloarinp lloiiso rato at, 'rime lupins at witli 111 tlo (Iti lit'iiiitlcr liimiisoi) call with coilatoral s. uriiy fpDiu to 4 Vi par out aiiinmi. prosout juilicy of banka M-ntns to bn to ilieir I'liiids in himd.

to a f.iirlv frcfl t)ireriiiK on call at it picxents iiinoii liusini'HS ill timt) loaiH, wiiiiih movH rather slowly. At ('loaniiu bal.iinu-i tho banket loaned at per rent, mostly at 3 iwr and New York inn is Bold at from li) to 5 nor were 6lO.U'J 1.4;')U, anaiiisr, a yuar nyo today, a of and tho balances were In York the exchannea were JrldH, against 1 Htltl a year today, an ini of IS 1 und 111 wcio l.iM I Im was didttor at the JSuw York Clearinn IIoush Kxchansie on York: At C'hio ieo, 7i) discount; i'l. Lonis, discount; cisco, 10 prtMiiinni, telutirapli preminui; Isew OrUans, i-oininercial 50 grtiminni. bank 125 wrtMuinip; i iiarioston, bnyiny par, preininin;, a piiiniiiun.

(iovernmeiit steady, with the 4'A at 1 and tho 4s at 1 8 to 8 iiiid tho tis at 118 10 180 bid. I'tie bond todav I as follows; Konr per oiuits, tered, and al, 1 iii-nis- terud 4s, 1 000 and ut rjS. All thu were accfpled, a total of for I he day. For. was still hnvpr today at 4.87V, for c-tblt! ransf.MS, tor ind, 4.8;5 )4 tor and 4.8 for oiiiinercial hills.

Fianos, sijr.lit, 5.1 7 iiani-s, tJO days, litfirliMnarks, siulit, rniciis- limrks, days, I'Murins, tloniis, ()0 (lavs. 4o'i 'I'he loi'al slock market today i.s been only moduraieiy activo, but vtM-y stronti in its tone. 'I'liB is all biillisii. llfavy Vurehasi's of bonds, assnrintr 1 juoney. Mild irood ciop nows, coiiibiiied viih excbllHiit railroad' aro jjiad- iially bniiKiiid tiie ontsido public into the ir.arkot.

Iho total today woro bonds ami sliares of listed mid shares of nnlisieil stouks, eompired bonils, sliarts listed and shares iinli'ted slocks yesteid.iy, and bonds and list a year to lay. Atohison trainetl a fnll to o7 at I'he point is (tnrrent that Air. vhoin has tho position of presidttiit, is to be retained era! of the system. Ic is also intimated that iiiipoitaiit developments will Tuaterializo in coiiiieotioii with in next week or ten days. Now York was tlie principal bnver of Atcliison in this market lo- it is clairned rhat tho short interest in Atchison in Boston.

Now York and will approximate sitares. AtlHiitie iV I'aeitic sold at 5 io 5" for the third week in were last year, a of jjl 1 in Aiiijiist, airainst yem-, a de- freaso of 4i)8 do 1H8S, 18'J; decrease, bui. Kansas C'ity, Fort Scott tS: Memphis (is 1 15 '4 'orructed earniinis for Julv do 1 HH8, 1 (i 4-; m- creaso, 1 1. I 1S88, triinutl to and Union to consiin Central at to The lost 54 whili! the were unchanged at to 5t) 'i Mexican Cent ral pr- erred incomes sold ar, 81 and the seci nds at 1 7. ae aniiiigs are reported today as follows: 1M.S!).

XUtMgt! 1 Ttilr.l in 3(il hree wi 3 Kiiice Jiiii. I5'J Mexican Central siibdiUy half-year eridiiiti 18SU (on the 5 ner cent ba-sis). foot up 'tr ajiamsi 084 1H88, ou tiu) per cent basis; an inciease of l.S'.l,5‘J8. I'lie total siiiisidv io.lions since lesumuiioii 1, 1 loot UP and tiio p'land total troiu tho $5 ,1 54.501), iho total net Bubsidy to oO, in Uisitod currency, 1 8 8 2 New York ct New Kiigland comnion gained to 'ho proierred to I'JOl following; is a comparative stiitement of pro'S earninjis for the month of Julv, 1888188U: Source of carnluiis. July.

1S80. July. 1888. trust will bp rendered impossible. I havn do- nioTistratcd that culture (an bn siK'i i'ssful and atid it can bo just us iiiucb so on tho Atlantlo nlopo us ori tlif cilic, in tho valloy a.s in aliiui nta.

is oMTytbiiiK Ml points wliicli must Im considered bntoiH a bcot farm i.s os- talilishi'd. the bxiiitioii ot tho factory bo into ai'cininl; Kocond, i I kto to pur lent, i must bo plenty of water, it must be a lime- country and funl iniist be Ibird, llio must know how to ex- trac.t llK'siik'ar from tlic beet, ll is not neiies- Kary to import labor from (Jfrniaiiy for i it tho farmer will but iiiioriii himself on ho ami mak('as I ok a it pns.sible. I tUiiil. that a Kood deal of profit awaits tlif) farmer will into i tills business. I am anxious to tiet all tho I crude boet siiKar that can be produced hero.

I'ho American Bell I'elepliono Company has I tall for meeting to I be hel.l 111,10 aocopt tho of Lejrislatiire an iiuMeaso of capital to anil to vote upon tho MiprKes- tion ot I lie directors that an of 000 of new c.ipilal bo made. 1 hat I he action of Iho Hiockholders will be afliriuativo in both is a forexono conclusion. 'I he rinht.s will exist from the timo of ttie iiassHne ot tho votes, and after 1 the will sell 'I'heso will at iho pi market 1)0 worth about I bus tho Ntock, shoiihi thu market reiimin as it in now, would hell for about 20.5, which would set in absnrdlv low, considerint; that thero is a dividend coiniii)i in October and a prae- tiial H.s.suraiico of in dividends diirinu tho coming year. The policy by the tompany in this iiiHtter abundantly sustains tiiH vepiitation of the niaiiairenient for shrewd tinanciering. Whllo its auttioiity to its capital from to tixed when tho vote to accept the act, it is undiu'stood that tho will only lie i.saiied so fast, iw company is nbie by reiniui- erativo cou.strnctioii to hilly maintain its ilivi- iiend rates.

Thus tlie value of the a dividend payer will not bo and future issues of sto'k will continue to plums for the fortiinato holders. in mind that tho value of the rijcht will be and remeinberiufr the motto that siinaro rneal is as good as a whole loaf," it is just well that the company only puts a quarter of its melon on tho table for this least. 'I'ho lonn distance work is so successful and is ho- pu.shed so rapidly that it cannot bo loinj before another ibaue uf utouk ih laade ith more rights. 'Oliti niinl. A ik M.

lifl IlM. r. w. Mii'h. VI.

Kif. 11. iti) t'J- K. I I. 1 K.

M. fx K. K. A M. 1..

Kl 1... 1.. SI. 1.. tin.

ill) 2il Mfx. 1-, it I itii CKii. Inc. 1 Ill I'Diiii. I 1 ilii.p'li.

lOit, IK.t.'».............. i I'. V. s. tlo till Nur.

I'Mr. 1 1.................. i I r.M.'.................. OreKoii tu. I'IMI.

ilo li. A. Kullaiiil 1 Ili. IS9H a- Ill) x. iliv ilii SoiiDiii M.

.1.1 A- 1. I I.Inn Util- F. i'i fi du ha, PER CENT DilEiS 18s.S. i 1:50 2.7'.((! 7 3.0 7.2 ij 7 for ilio Wo offor a few thousand dollars stock in the TENTH NATIONAL BANK OF CITY, Now Organizing. We believe this stock will pay IO per cent dividends and appreciate at least 20 per cent in value within one year.

For full particulars call or write. WILLIAM H. PARMENTER, SIATE HTUEl'T, c.v tias 'J nr is wliom lie I a to jol i lurii lu a vcrv lotll.Tlil.' I nini iftiT- tur.ii.i'hcil; l'oiiimuiili aiior.i wili held tly AJilicsi 1'. boi ",330. Iio.itoii.

8 TON STOCK AT r.ROKKItó’ liOAKH Aliti. 27. Ul'lH'lAL KKVuUr SALK.S OK STDCIIS l.SU.liito i 1 1 13 lii'-ii'asrt. 14.4:r¿ is I binct! Jan. I.

eariuiigs. Oct. 1S3.S. I.SS7-8. 1 l.SfiH-i).

Oroao Boston liiiJ first 03 sold iu the board at 1)5. End Land sold at 27 Js Tlie Journal says: The West End Land Company not issue tho couiiaoij stocK of the railroad any I'aster than money is njquired to carryout tho iin- jiroved elcciric It is po.ssibli^ tluit the iirst iii.sialuient of will be issued early in the lull, hich ni the rii-'lit to each lioldei-of tweiity-tive of the West J.aiid (jonipaiiy to siib.scnl lor ono share of tho coiunion slock of the End llnrsc Uail- Company at rijihts will liiid a price. It i.s claimed 1 tho cominou Block will pay lo per cent diviilond. Bay Laud to closinj' at 5 bid, 5 Telephone shares wore fractionally hiirher, Bell training and Krie Ys toiiTjd Lanison btoro Iservico was in improved demand at 58 Boston Moiitan.a covercd to while Taniarack lose 1 to The last in the JJuiican mine is said to have proved a youd one. Tiio ore steak is Iroiii (ifteen to twenty inches wide, in Kood lead carbonati! ore, and it steadily iiuinoves as development Drogresses.

Tho assays run iiinety-thieo ounces nilver and GO per cent lead. The place wheio tho ore is found is just fifty feet from tho mine. Sugar Certificates 1 to 110. Mr. Claus Spi eckles of Francisco, the who has just returned from Eiiropo, where he has been studying the German beet Bugar industry, tells tho New York lierai.I that lib proposes to tight the trust, lie says: A.s soon as my factory is in operation 1 shall place on tho niarke.t from that source aloiKj tons of njiincd sugar a year, iiiid tlien they will to close iipstiiiio nioro of their csiablishiiicnl.s. they are not gointr to give me all that want, anil there will be a cutting of prices, it may be below toil a.s to ihai. W'iicn you arc engaged in warfare you say exactly it end. 1 liave in I'liiladi'ljdiia tho largest rclincry In tlie worhL 1 imend to run jt and to II my sugar. I ciire what the Consc'i'K'iices may There will bo a heallliy of competition as soon iis my factory is started. The pre.sent output of the trust factories is jicrliaps bc( and eight liundrcd Ihousainl ions a year.

iicw factory will produce lOiiO of relined sim'ar in a and niy California factory hoo That, you see. will make nearly (loo.OOi) tons a vcav. Add to the output of Harrison and Jotincries in wbicli uri; not controlled by the trust and which maniilactiue liiiiu a and you have toii.l prodnct which is ciuial to that of tho woiild- f)(i monopoly. 1 do not know what thoso two I'hiladelphia factories will 0 but know tticy are indeiicndont of tho trust. The trust must go under if avo can only hang together, li has too many lamo ducks lo fcoU DOW.

If tho sugar beet industry can bo fistablishcd this country tho ciistcuco of rclincry moil lo A. M. TO Snles, Ihgtii-si. 1 T. s.

Ke col. tr, (lO do trust (id 15, f.i.üilO 11121 4 San, Cleve. 105 .,4 K. -Meni. Os 1 ont.

1st lue H. r-nt. 1 8 Heil 41 581 Uay 1 1 i 7.) 4 28 400 lio 15, 1.0 27 Cal. Ut fi.i...............................1.5 1 ani 1 ac'K 7 l'op. H.

12 i lio 50 37 fi r.iei;K- .................150 l.o-.i»)ii l.owfU.................. ho 170111'.) i Ilo l) 3.........................................1. l. 2 do pfd 22 4 Oie. IJ 1 mon (12 fat hnd Cent 000 25 SAI.KS KUOM 1 2:30 TO 3 F.

s. Fe tr. 00 r.oä, Ci.lied lias 1st lili. 1 do 2d iiic 0 17 Wi.s. nt.

08 fin do 7() -Vi lieli lele: 231 Krlw 2o 1 h. union store Sers 5HI4 reuo-ma Uay 4 Ml 5 Kniid hnd l.and 27 llos, Mont, a 1 )0 lo a iV 1..3 8 S. 0 71-8 11. 7s5 8 N. r.

250 rt 50' iio 100 a UnU) i rt'e't ICnd so CD do 20 05 irvt.isrKn SECfHlTIES, Ain, Cotlon Trust. ..150 l.and.. 1 Nat, l.ead..................................... Il 10 23-'4 (105 110 1 1 loi) 30 2 2 53 lo-j Kl.t' 10(1 lua I (Ml 1031 ll.s:<4 110 iir )'4 li'i R7 1(14 Top. A K.

hoiloii Bii.sliiii Uiisl Simili. rii ill lit 1K8, Ai 15. c.iiit.pii. ill) S. I ltlSi-1 itii il'i Dlif I pn Him r.

it. pi K. I t. s. pu R.

Cl. sp. K. if. 1 t- li.

Ki. SI. 1 ilo pn-f M.iliif- I iMifriil. W. pri OM I Or.

stmrt I.iiir............ liiilluiiil pri'f Siiiiimlt r.iHm I lllilll ii.l 1 in I I 111 il'i 170 10 1 1 4 I 104 i I' I 1(11 1 171 I rj' 7 1(16 100 Lnit 88 'i I 11 1 4 1 1 17' a loo Tilt 115 I'U' a 100 102 1 I 10 I 17 lO'JT's 111 104 105 1 101 87 71 77 1041-4 1 1'' Va a liH IVO 14 I 104 li I '3 Vv 1)1 4 i'-' Coal rontinnod to ndvanco, nnd at 41" was 1 per cnnt above tho noon After the market dnvelnpod streiigth. whioh was iiccomjianlrd by iirtivity, In liock Island. Missouri Atchison.

1 he wero lor fractnms only, but the highest tirices of day wore roarhcd. Tln're wiw ni) 'ither special ftviinro, and tho market (dosed butMroiiu at best prices of the At the Stock today the wofH made at uriccs generally from per rent heller than last evening's tiRiires. lint the advances of the jiast two days suUicient to ause some by the trading element. and the Wes oper.itors were sellers to a limited extent, wiiirb tlie tiliward niovcnii'iit and even about a rnntie of v.alue.s. After ihe movement was over tlio usual e.xtrem»' Ihe Northern Itie preferrt wore well hohl.

however, ami was bought for Boston account, being more active ami slrfing(M' than for t'lne back. 'Iho noon were giiiierally the lowest of tlie and St. Northern (both common ainl preferred 1 Rock Island and Tenncssi-e all bocamo ptorn- inent for activity and sireniith. Hock Island within Vs cent of par again the of tratllc. In the general there was a slow' find gradual aiMuec iation in values, liisiing until the hist hour, when there again a di.siiosltion show to realize upon the gains, wln the annoniiceini nt was made that the sei-retary bail ai oepted the ainount of bomis.

and this the selling, and the maiket again anic airlive and strong. 1 was gen- e.rally at about the prices of the day. The railroad bond nas soinowhat nnire the sales all issues lieing of which the ck Island lur- lushed 2 5 0 'i'he tone of the dealings was linn to stroiiu' almost throughout the entire day, and most ol tho tinal changes are In the fif higher liKiires, though Ibo number of in was small and the trading of feature of iiilwrest. those whii-li higher loiiiglil, Allan Is l-U to THVz. and Denver it liiotirando Western ccrtiiicates, 1'4 riio hisses include lloiisluiiit lexa.s firsts cerlitic.ates.

at 1-0; New it Northern 1 at fi4. and loledo, Ann iV North tnsts, I at J. E. CARTER CO. Sfockn, Grain and Petrolouni, 221 WASHINGTON BOSTON a from Ihe Son til are in good form.

The mills ure all well emoloyed, and are not anxious orders just now. Ves.sels are still scan c. Inn 0 Onmm nn nn fl -n freight arc high and firm. Even I A 7 I 1 11 I 1 'he high rates they can obtain are jiot any 111 Jll 0 (X UU I 00 ll I 0 for captains of vessels togoto I iheOulf or ports, 'I'lio rates were (pioted at from tho ports and $10 from the (iiilf. inier room is well I l.iken up for Ihe next niontll.

and the rate is I lirni al Ao. fhe conipnny is making no for owing to the l.irne liiiti -3 1.0 17'1 I Iv l.n»;. 1 Vi's. TlCI.KfMoM'.S. tM '4 r.

1 ir.i Hc.l 37 8 1 "I'O MIM far Sn 1 I I NMsn nrnr.s. f.s.'fl ISI A in. 111 i liKjl 0 r.urloii lo prt-f 7 -j I.iver;ii»i>l i n. Ii5 Kil. iiiygriu li tiiy I.ifi Wi IKllIiiM I.viiii.i: l.i> ton H.illro;i'l 170 l.jrilll 1 II' te.

I Ml. r.ituc trie l'i Si'W iirk I Ili 5 oi tti l'la, fui. I Snn.ii '4 1 l.lri'......... ilii I nist 17 iiil. I I.

cd ilo Int. 1 li'i'. iliiiii Klfi'. (.1) vl 10 Kl MISCELLAN EOlJS l'OCK SAl.KS. bv Wilson K.i, Kl 11 riXs 1 IS le-j 71 40 1 -jin 4 l.ilO I 4 41 (15 ISO 10 1 Vjo tu.f.

11 T. 110 10 r.iinil 7 Kannns CItjr auil Miifi'j. l'rlvate Yorit and Chicago. COMMERCIAL MATTERS NEW YORK Sftn SALES. AlKi.

tr ansact ions atrgreicate I The tollovvinii are the old, the lowest and dav ycstrday; l.U«».\l>S. EXCHANGE. suite htrfii't. 100 1 eys. i ................................................................................115 50 l'oster 1 loi- 7 N.iiional 2 10 Kv ri 1 ayiif Iron SI 0 70 lUec Waveink 2 15 20 1 ........................:5 11 1 ilo loi) IX f.

M.ieli................................ 10 Tele.ilione....................................... 20 d.i 1,00 Kdi.on 11,00 .00 l.a.->i.iii.iii AICTIUN SALES. riio following will b' by auction grOTATIOWS AND LASl SALES. quotations are corrected daily from the reports ol iho Boston Stock L.vchange.J MINING COM 1'AN IKS. hast s.iles. Allouez 50c75e 20e f.Oe 7." 30 Vi 3(j Unite 15 2 15c12c (. rt loc 1 rlitr.l 1...................................................

VO liii.ikin.................................................. t)5o071 Frank In 10 ni.5, 11 4 5c 1 IVi Nall 75c 1 1 I 12 2 salit.i (5 10314 10.JV-Jl03Vá LAND CUMPANIKS. liootli Itoston 'V 6 lioylsion 3 hrooKline I IV4 Kast h'runeli. liay 5't 2V4 2V4 t.aiiioiiiu................................................ 6Bc 10r 1 1 IV3 I'Vii Sa 27 "7 I '1V4 314 We it Kurt 2 7 Va 50c7(K: BONDS.

Ati'hlHou lit 7s. 1803 UOV-i 112V3 115 do eoli, tr, 6s, 75 7 1., (i. inoo los do jilain niort. 5s. 04 do ll, t) At.

I'ae, 1st 49, 1037 7S do lit U. (Neb.) ex. Oi, 191S 118V-J do (Nell,) IOOV2 10(1 ilo 4.H, (Nell.) 7i. 1 101 4 Cal. so.

l8t (i.s, 100 do 84 5 ll. 7s. Den, x. 4i, ill) 11, it lSt2G do deb, 10() n. W.

05 (55 do 15 on Wo.lnesilav, U.S. iiii Maiki't r.iiiiAot l.iiiiliton. 'J NiUiuiiiil l.uiik. I'I I.lii;.f I.nciit I I). N.uuilkraK iMiii oLto I la.

Noiitifrii N. 11. lu llliiis'li Ki.ik, lllllgluini. 1 aliS I o. i 10 tiiriTs" 111 1 r.ank.

iW.iiiii N.iUoUiil 11 ink. gl ,000 cerali'I l.ak*“ siiore S', July. 181 1 000 Conn. m. Hivcr liii.

7s, lsO.3. SSJOO Kirl unl UU. 1 II ()i, I)8 li.iiik. 10 iiiiltJi ank. Ih Nalioiial liii.i:..

I'J'K. iJ I.DSvc.l 10. 5 1 1.0 in Co. of K.insaj. 15 l.ij^lii 0.

Nal'iiiial Dt'Lit-iilutf Co. l(j 10 fort 1 iijiie I X' iron 10 o. ilt. ilor I'J Co. Muii.

hi iti-r Uy oilier of 10 o.ii. L'O I' iilU Conway 100 Norwi. fc KU. II) ull 1 uu iaiia 1 ll- liaiili, 4 Ill lo K.iiisas (. li.v al)it'.

Kullway Co. CJ Wi-si I.Ml SiM-ct Uail.vuy Co. Wiiitii.siiiiiiirt inii li.i. ijor I.U1111I Co. 76 ill 111(1 l.i.siciii l.k'.Mri" Cable, jild.

l.uhioii i oloriiilo Co. 14 I'ri'i m.Ill's Nailon ll tioutiuu Co. 10 Clripinm Co. I I ll .11 iiial ii'eil I'l Co.

l.i/ Co. liy order of Tniatee.i 7 Nation .1 i.aiik of the Ki'i'uoilo. -Also- 100 Is 01 lo.v Boat Co. 100 I'ayiii'Coal Iron Roc. .0 N.ill abe lo Wtili.ili'i Dank.

10 I moll LlciUiie ar 1 o. Ka-im iii I'reijjlu ar He iter KJ nail r'reijiiil ( HoaU Co. 10 Morellaati' National liank of Kansm City. 8 Si, i hake tiainvlaM Com. 5 61.

iV Lake Ch nujl. ln St. iV i liaiiiplam com. 537 SI. Lake Chanuilaln UK, pref.

i-cnp, FR4 Cl -veimil it Canton UK. pref. stock 1 lopeka iV; Fe UU. Isi. -Mori.

7s, Irf'ji). Clil iiiirllnnton Northern UU. 2il luort. 11118, gt.OOO New York New KK. S25.000 IUi.sf.,->n Wall I' ow unrai coa- Don'i on siampixl i eiieciiiablo in

£500 it tvennebiio KU. 1 st llort. Cs, Anni. IS; Tlie oiiB iliilatcil Llectnc lia, 1895 by We.siiiinlioii.HO ICleCtrlc Co. i Luniplam UK.

I8u0 s. 1. fSOO Valley UU. 1st Mort, 7s. 1009.

NEW YOKK FINANCIAL. Nf.w Yokiv, Aug, on all has been easy, rani'injr from loan at 3, and closintr olfereil at I'rime mercantile naper, i'7 Vi 2 Har silver, s. Sterling exchange is uuiet and irregular, with at for sixty-day bills and 4.Hi>'’i for demand; 1 rates at 4 7 2 have been and sU'ady. iiailmad bond.s have lieen dull ami iirni. The Slock niariiet continued after 12 but thero was a strong lone and evervtliing the iist fractional advances.

Eai'kawanna lirst sliowed iho new intluence, and 011 a largely increased buMiiess rose i'lieii Nortln'm I'acilic. Si. I'aul. Ten- Coal followed, but everything made some imDrovement. and Cotton Uil and Eead were especially active.

The upwara uioveiueiu culminateu ut 2 p. but Tcu- Alt. X- I. r.oo____ I'l All lilsoii, All jirel 1:., Kocli. C.

K. Call. I ille. .111. I ,1 ll, I 4 jin 100.

I'-ieitle 1 iliio, lit 800 pn 111. i n. A St. 1,. I eiil.

Chi, F. 111.. 1400. I'. I.

I K'll. U. 1. Ft. I'jisl 1 pi -1 I rii 0........................

llockiiiR I le Hi. 1., A Kan. L. I.ake slioie, 1., In.ano.................. Li)iiii.

N. Man. liiMi i )i't. Ml h. 10 S.

A I ai ille, li.Si'O.,. M. 1 ilii 1 N. sli. N.

700........... N. I actli''. 0. 1,0 )o.

11, V. N. St, pi s. I lino Oat I ir. Na -oil I 1:100.

1 Line 1' 1 I III 1 1:1. h. I'. 0 pri 10..................... .11.

lo.ouO. Si. 1,. s. St.

pret. inen- 27 Anu, 2 C. t.nw- 1 45 3 4 451,3 4 .5 7'4 3 17 'ti 104 1(4 8 20 25 25 (il 5352 a 7 71 70 lot tot 101 voo'H 4 2 2 2 Oll' 4 4 1 1.4 401.4 i 2 Ilio 10 10 3104 lotVu 12 12 7 i'l 7 .) Kt-j 4 HO 41! I.iimber is fairly fictivo. Joal IS l''lour is ijuiet. is )alM are dull.

Itye tlour is st.eady. (iraham thmr isiiiuet. Cornnieal in ()atmeal is sloady. live is nnch.uiged. iMillfeed is dulh meal is nominal.

Malt is Hops an; Butter i.s tinner. Heomariiarine is Cheese is strong. Eggs are firm, Heans are are sle.adicr, is not adivo. Hay is Straw IS tirm. '1 ruck is dull.

Apples are are hrm, lj(fmons are steady. California triiits are in fair demand, liananas are is steaiiy. Lard is in fair demand. Hogs are steady. beef is Fresh is tirm.

iittons are steady. Eatiibs are Veals are unch.ingeii. '1 allow is Sugars are steady, ilohis.sea is nominal. 1511 140 to 101 1 1 I i5 I 0 1 1:1 l-H'. 14, ina -4 8 I (17 4 1 4 1 117 4S I'-i'a ir (il UKi'n sol 4 8 I 71- 11 31 0 111 70' 111 30': I 1 1 10 5(11-2 41 44 141 -i 4 4 115i 3 ii 1212 211 j30 1413 103' 70- 70' 4 37 ov 142 1 CJ 01 111110 1 4 1 'J I5S.K '1 1 5J i.

1111 1 141 3 leii 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 4 4 21 2.1 15'i l.V.I JHE (M.OTH MAHKET. F.M.I. KIV'EK, Amf market quiet and ste.idv ut r. lor remilar.s. both spots tutiires.

indicated in sales. ool sales AN Alive 27 At the then; was a attend.incc. I'liere was an active The grades at an 10 fraiKis over the prices the last sales. average iKiweyer, was unchanged, wool ciiruMl 10 liaiics, riiere were otTered 1000 are ihe sah's: Hiicnos bales at franc- lOO kilos; jNlon- levi i( iiaies at i so 71 li llKl 11-'. SI.

M. 2' 2 l03Vs 10.1 7 I 3 1 101 ii 1'. it '4 120................................. MI Texas i'aeilli-, llOO 2'Il 10 '4 2'V '1 ol, 11. 1 Ol rf 54 1 1 1 ai 1 tie.

(i2 's (i2' 1 '4 0.21 tiea A 1.. SI, 1 1:1 4 U' )irt 2.S0O 32-'4 feji 2 W. 1.. 1... (jiH) 7 1 8 70 7111 1 NEW VOilK GOOHS 1 Daily Commer- lUilletin says of the dry goods I he jobbinii trade was buoyant and ai tive the a very force of out-ol-town tailers h.ivin.g appcarc.l.

lletailors are stocking np but is not tlie ten- lov. anls spe-cuiation in their operations al lir.nt hands was rather active, numerous having received troni Ulterior ni irkei-. lliroagh ihe travelling Siapli' ari cotton gtmils are lienerally ste.elv in ami wear wooiK'iis iiin.iiange»!. THE ('Hi( A a I' Farnuni. Reardon Co.

lio.ston. curb Dectmiber wheat. 7iic, Firiunes-. 1:1 day and tiiere has been a further adsance. winch has been weli mainlained lieporl on lliti crop Iroin seems to be concurred in ijy operatins, and result is seen in good outside buying.

Tho public who tradi'will probabiy ri'iiuire some few days to lieco ne with the. report and its but wiien tiiey nave we think it will have the eliect to bullisii leeling and desire to buy. There some reaction to low'er cal)iesand the arrivals of whea: overrunning siunales, hut this was as liie receipts lor tomorrow will show a marked dccrca-c, it is exjiecled, and the export pur ciias. are good, iiicrea.sin sh.irply, tiiink market a on f.i'iis, as our liisii will proU.itily be ami our tire at a low puint. Corn has also, today were iieavy, liiit aiiivals will bo only ahoui half a.s large, while shippers were active 111 n.aikct.

Firmness in wheat had some Ihe chances of damage from beinn redicceii th(i prospects are tine, imt corn is not very ruled a sln.d^* easier at one lime, Im; recovered and clo-ed tirm. Strenglh in corn gave ihe ni.irkiM a belier Hogs running liu'iit. Farnuni, Ileardon ik. Co, Boston, report ihe as follows: AND Ini. I al W'.

t'nion, ir'll I 111, 1 I 'In. I H'JOO. Icnn, C. 4700 r. (1 11 list t.ea.l u--(.

13, 00, Suijar IKlNDS. Anu. 27, Cnn. So, Cm. 1'.

40" 8 34 53 c.oi 41' a 841 51 40' 4 17'i 84-H 5 I 4C's Hi 1U! i -('loslnc- 'J7. 4 (rig Hi II 1 Isl-i. I'J'-' 12J 1 4 I). U. G.

105 105 V. 104 Kan. eons 1 1 5 1 (). Ists.

113 11 VI 1' irai.s.()S.lu5;'s 4 M. F. SI. I K- 81. t.

A I SI, I', cons .,.120 I St, C. 1'. I I sis ...............117 1'. C. 1 Hi 12C.

K. 1', g. (is lo 5 I'll. 101 N. .1.

('. I 111 2 N. 1'. I'ts. in 1 Silver Cert 3 lex.

L. Cl. 71 11. 1 u. n.ree............

3714. 1 Hi Ists, .114 ill) 'V I 8hore I 1 N. 2 117 117 114 l.nw- 1- 't. 7S7 7 8 78 7 7 I b' 8 Si'4l) a 33'-4 8 3 341.4 35''4 i 8 20 2 20 Clos- Cluini laHi ea. 78-sa 112 "i 2 07 31.1 44 4 4 i 8 (let.

1 1 I oru iiK-. Oel Oats 20'rt 21) 20 2 i 20 20t4 22 4 0 75 li('2'-a a 2 14 Oci S)i 7' 3 14 I'J A 114 5 o21 3 5 1 (io 2 no li(ij '3 Oet. 5 2 00 .) 80.1 5 6 7 87'a sliori ribs 4 I Il'l 4 87' 2 Jm 4(j2'. 'j The closing in shipments that will then take place, although tlKjre is talk of pill ting on an extra steamer. In fact.

it has been staled on very good authority that Ibis will bo ne ThearrivaN of Southerti lumber ha been quite large the past week by y(is- aniouritini? in all to feet. This sun )ly was as follows among lour s(ds' Flora liimers, from ic.k, ia, with feet, bark r.enjamin hicker- man, from bicola, with teet Fannie (iorliam, from ville, with 270.000 tei-t, and schooner Hall, from Hanoii, with le.el. I bese cargoes were principally of hard pine, 111 aving a part of cypress, and all went the for stoi'kirig up fiurtioses. The arrivals steamer have large, have bet'll no larwe onh rs tmaling around Ihe market this week I'rices Ihe same. We quote as argo all heart lloor- ings ai ami from yaiil at ordinary dimensions at dimensions fr'in yard at cargo rift liooriii at and from yard cypress a' loooleet.

'1 here liavci btten free arrivals of cypress shingles. OIK! ssel and tho steamer a nuniher. are tirm, and we No 1, 6-ls, at 1000 PCS. on tlie wh irl. Northern and Eastern liiinh has been in ste.aiiy demand, and prjcivs susta Cargo sprill is tirm, ami the arrivals have been small.

It is that ihe trade ni years has lieeii so well sustained through tho liot as it has the past months. The Iocs tm tbe Feiiotiscoi Kiver are now all in, and reports troni there state that the prici'S paid by the mills have been bitili. Ihe accumulations of spruce have b'cn sm-tll, (luoie cargoes at 1 dimensions at 1 1 OO and at 1(1. st iilT. from to 11 inches, coiiiinand.s SI tj and 14-1 neh Car has in l.iir reniie.t.

Imt il is a more dif- licult to place 12 iiich than a couple of aiio. In linces we make changes from last week, and rinote mill random at y.ird orders at and at 1 Ki. Hry spruce lio.irds are in quite actiVe and are linn, with sales ol lunler inclies at (i-inch and unwards, 2 50" Ui 0 planed clear f)oards sidl at for hrst and for boartls have in steady and in prices tluMo is 110 change 1 with sales of car lots at 00 and random ngtbs at 00 In Fennsylvania lio.irdsthere have bei'ii sales al for 8. 10 and and for dimensions, Hox hoards in good de- mainl, ami unchanged in lirico, quote at til tor inch bonrds, sti.x’k at 50 for ijiDii'J oU lor and CO St 1 00 tor Western pine liimlx't ba.s been in good demand and mule is much better than for some time past. remain tirm, and wi- quoui follows: Michigan np- r.inge troni selects from 00; tine comnion.

1 slieatliing from and hoards Irom as to uuality an I market is miicii more active lor h.irdwoods. The busy is opening np. i-iuilding tions have largo and the (temniand fi.r all kinds of tinishin.g lumber is sure to lie active so time to come. Several ord'-rs have been placed the past and more art; to follow. Clierry and oak are in-rhaps tini iikjsI soughi aiier, and iipplies of them are not very largo, and an advance in prici-s is probable, lu fact, some dealers have advanced prict's this week to si'ine hit'" woml h.i< also niet ii a (iood demand and poplar sells freelv.

We lower our prices of sligiitly, butii'o decline bits lo briii'g about a belter demand, and at the close there was a linn feeling. This refers to inne chiTiboards; spruce have been selling freely at previous pnces and are tirm. We quote pine at for extra sap, fo; clear, and tor clear sap. are at lor exfa, for clear and for second clear. are a many shingles on tho market and tiie owners iooking ctisioiners, Tr.uhi rules fair, are (luoted at 40, poor e.vtras at clears at 7.) Ol).

extra No Is at and No is al 1 ii, 1 In laths we a fair trade and prices remain alioti! the s.iine. 1 he s.iles of have I cii at $2 which is a trille higher (idoialion, and carifo at THE TRADE. Thedem xnd here for anthracite shows no great improvenuMil, thougii the wholesale trade have ilone alitile more -ban for some previous weeks, Tho consumers have not yet bouglit to any extent their f.ill and w'inter supplies, hut the trade is to a later lime tiian usual and must soon he felt. The agents of the anthracite companies meet in New week, and will talk over the matter of advancing price.s. It is not probable that an advance can be sus- laineil, Tiie production of anlliraciie for the week has bt'cn tons, aKainst tons for the corresponding I'eriod of lasi yeai'.

rates are very liriu iiigh, ami vessels scarce, are on this account. 1 he same is true of bituminou.s coal. wheii tlie supply of vessels increases iht're will be so iiuieh coal lo come forward it is doubtful if freigh; will be (istablislu'd. The rep'irls from pointsof production are rather unsatisiactmy in INVESTIGATION tn rp 'anl to mir tind ivr oent KlrH inn Mortsnfv anil 12 per cent Dl.i.leml I ayliu National la respeeltiiUy sor.TC'j/niD. AM partic; h.i\ inveti.and wrltli LANK U.

tor REFERENCES invcil.iind wrltlnK to the Karito, full p.irtii'iil.irs. will 1 eiln' names ot partie .4 wh(J ii.ive lield iKir mi'i I ner eeiil and 12 per cent bank lo from 2 10 5 PROMPTLY FURNISHED Farm Mortgages. 7 Jortgages Wltliout Guarantee 7 EASTERN BANKING Ca St reel, A. OsliOU.N’, I'lebldenl. ilUW.

J. MKHUtllEW, Ircasurer. J. C. DAVIS CO.

B-fcNKERS, iQMriiooi. nosroiv. Illude on Storks. W.iiehon»» Miriliinlis ill or onto; liomt an I on ni st of I lie.i. ot eruod uiiiien.

al Also on Knr.iiLiir". t.iiiritiles, to wllo Uie o.wier*. tMix'u Dun tn seven ypnrs nt onr ofllce. Investment for Savings r.air.ü, 't'l uslees or Intllvidimls. JOlliT 78 4 8 4 4 05 7.5 4 il) till 8 4 rt (3 no C.

ol. Deiiilwood T. 1.1 HoeU, HI lloniestike, 1,25 21-2 M)n 27.GH'Oei I I I 16 I a isaviip' aid Con. 4.10 2.10 1.00 I.ti5 4 CALIFORNIA STOCKS. an uancisco Aug.

otficial closing for mining stocks today were, as follows; t.4.5iOecldental.,. 3 A It.I........................;- Uolelier. Con. I rowii iV CiuTv.

'Xiean 2 Sierr.i 2.1.') Union 4.151 Yeliow 1.80 5 2,10 K.TO 1.15 3,25 FOREIGN FINA.NCIAL REPORTS. LONDON. Aug, for bulb monev and tiie account (ireal tirsis, Canatlian cilic, 0 2 Erie, Illinois Central, Me.xican St. Paul commi'ii, 7 New York Central, ItihVa rennsylvania. Ueading, 22'H Central iKiw 4s.

Money rU percent, 4 (Ireat Western firsts, Canadian I'ticiiic, Erie. 2 ordinal I'ennsylvania. Ueading. Vs, bar silver. 42 7-lG.

Money. 2.jj.2* 4 per cent. The amount of tiullion gone into the Bank of England on balance today is £10.000. he kn vw vrmkt the new hotel at Boothbay Harbor, will remain open for some time yet. havinc been very good this season.

The reduced rales over the boston Maine attracting many visitors lo this beautiful resort. 4 4 8 4 sr.ii 4 ()6 were as follows: Wiieat in store. No 1 harii. August, jc 1 NortlieriK Sen- teniiier, No 2 Northern, 72c; on track. No 1 h.ird, cash.

No 1 Norlhern. cash. No 2 new, wheat opened 81c and closed at 81 Vac bui. The New York closing prices ere as follows; asked; Septem- her, SoVrtCi Octolier, asked; Decenilier, 87 4 bid; M.iy, Si'ptember. tiid lo; November.

Oat.s—.\ugust, September, 2.1%c i)id; October, November, l)id. The closing in St Louis were: Wheat 7 bid; September. De- eember, K2Vuc. a.sked Seprember, a.sked Octo- tier, bid; May. Oats- August, 18c bid; SetUember, 22''ic.

tone. STATE STREET. TmC TK. 'I lie iransfe. I of 111 licston (Vis Sy.idicate will lip at I lie eni Siitnnlit 18 and until Ihiusdav.

Sept. 19, SA.MlJi.L hi 1 '1 l.K. Cliairinaii. IJoston, A.IK. 27, 1.S8!.*.

thomrh offerings are still moderate. Chicago No 2 yeliow sbii; is at with i at and No 2 corn at 4()C. We Intih il steamer 50c; steamer, 4Uc; good, no grade, 48c48Vac; olT lots lower, as iiuality. iiinv 2o() hush exports bush; 1,000 bush; active; light ollering- stronger; No 2 C. "4tc store and (bivator, I4c afloat 2 white, No nominal; steamer mixed, iKuiiinal.

Cliic.igo—Ii‘< ccipts. 04 0 obiish shipments, bu'ih. The market i.s higher; No 2, I St bush; shipments, 0.000 bush. The market is liigher; No 2 mi.v(‘d. 81 tc.

Oats-iii ceipts today. bush; corresponding dav last year, Trade conlinues dull, anil tho tendency to prices i.s still downward. Saks of new No 2 white oats at ac tor Irack, with elevator held at 1 The price is lower at for Chicago No 2 wbiics. witli No whites at and No 2 mi.xe»l 28C. sales ol No 2 whites to ship wt're made as quote the spot: Fancy.

clipped, 34' a No 2 white, for now on track, and 4c for old white, 2 for old and for new; low grades. 28 Oil the ch)sing bids orfers were as follows: Casli No 2 white oats, no bids oilers; no bids September, no bids, y.t'ic a'-ked; October, ol-Vito hid, year. ac bid, 31 askod. No business on but ouisule the call cars year No 2 white sold at aud 3 car.s Si'tiling price. New bush none; sales, 10 busii; No H.

25c; No 3 2 4 2 No 2. 2rtc; No 2 while, sii2.Sc; No 1, 2Sc; No 1 white, 38c; niixeil Western. 24Va white Western, white State, 27 ito8c; No 2 Clucago, 27c. bush; ship- meiits. buili.

The market is higiier; No 2, 20C. St bush bush. The maritet is tirm; No 2, l8c. Itye qaiet, witii I'rices steady, af 20 bbl, Graham with moderate demand, and quoted at 00 today, 10S2bbls; last year, hbls. Market quiet and easier.

Quotations: kiln dried, for exporr, :2 10't2 1.5; choU'o graiiulaied, 85 meal, none; hast year, I 50 bbls. Market steady, witii moderate mand, and al for line and (j 00 tor cut. Itye Receipts today, none; year, none. Market with light demand, at aiioul for No 1 New York in a jobbing wav, 31 today, 8'.) tons; last year, tons, to ship continues with little doing. We Sack AO (Kl ton; Sack winter, ton; Michi- 1 bran in bulK, 23; middlings, ton.

Cottonseed nominal, with oflerimis for spot and 2i to arrive. today, fi 100 bush; year, bush. Market dull, with liiilit demand Si.v-rowed Caiiaaa, No 1. 00 ao No 2, six-rowed State. SofA two-rowed State, Hops Receipts today, none; last year, none.

The market is with values in favor. We. liood to choice, 1888 New York, i.S'xliîc; common to good, 1887, New York, nominal. oit'JC. 4 LIBERTY SQUARE.

THE LUMBER TRADE. There has been a fairly active demand for all kinds of lumber, and on some kind.s tho movement has shown a considerable increase. Tlio prospects of the trade aro very encouraging, and a good fall trade is anticipated in all branches. The trade were soniewhat surprised iiy the announcement on Tuesday by the railroads of their intention herealterto make a libtiial charge on all lumber left in the cars on their tracks after two days. It Nvill either have lo be reforwarded taken from the cars.

Uealers liere think that days is too short an allowance, and are talking of appectling to the railroad commissioners on the matter. The Old Colony rail- mad allows live liays, and has not the other railroads in tiie move. This is thought lobeaniDle time, and meets the apTU'ovai dealers, with several cars in on a day it will readily bo seen how inconvenient and well-nigh it would bo to meet tiie desires of the railroads in this matter of two days. The demand lor Southern lumber continues fair, and prices remain firm and are sustxiined at the prices Quoted last week. The reports GENERAL A AUG.

FLOUR AND Tho following represent carload lots for all grain except rye. on domestic tbnir quotations takes in both wholesale and jobliing prices. I'ho inspections today were 1 car No 2 red winter wheat. I car high mixed corn. 2 cars No 2 mixed corn.

3 cars yellow corn, 41 Ciirs steamer corn. 2 cars old No 2 2 cars ikmv Nt) 2 white 1 old No 3 oats. 2 cars new No white oats. 3 cars No 2 mixed oals. Total.

58 cars, todav. 5713 hbls, sacks; corresponding day last yt'ar, hbls, sacks. The con- qiiiet, although a fair business in winter wheat. liuld aliout the same for all grades, quote line aiul snperline. extra and seconds, 25; baker, and straight, winter wlieat, clear and straight.

75; winter $4 75w5 50; spring uateiii, () 15; Canada superior for export, $4 4 fob; Canada roller for export, 00 fob; e.xira patent for export, 40 b. New 13.722 pkgs; exports. 2StG bbls, 11,522 sacks; steadier, fairly active, demand chieHy for home trade; sales, 21,200 bbls; iow extras, city mills. $4 40; city mill patents. 85 winter low grades, 5S2 lo; fair to fancy, 4 85; patent.

25; ne.sotaclear, 35; Minne.soiastmi^'^lits, 5J4 15iS5 25; Minnesota 70, Minue.sota rye 00; super- line, 2 lio; line, 75. Soutlierii steady, mi.uerat*' demand 1300 bbls; common to fair extra. $2 15; good to choice 25it5 50. R.o flour quiet and unchanged. Buckwheat nominal.

Cornmeal steaily; 700 bbls, bbls; shipments, 18.00.> bbls. The market is linn and un- cliantfod. St bbls; shipments 15.000 bbls. Flour is steady and tirm. 227.750 bush 23.1150 bush; sales, bush; hrm and higher; limiteu exo irt mand ami good local di'iiiand, for storing; now No 2 red.

elevator and store. 85Vacasi)Vac ailoal, foli; No 3 red, 83c; No 1 red, nominal; No 1 white, nominal; sieamur No 2 red, 82o; steamer No 3 red. 70 170.000bush; biusli. i'he market is buoyant and lutfher; No 2 spring, 20 St Louis Receipts. 107,000 bush; ahip- monts, 21.000 bush.

Tiie market is higher; No 2 red, tod.iy. 35.870 bush; corresponding day last year, 2C.0S0 bush. The shipping price is easy, and consequentiy spot prices aro weak, with iitllo doing, al- The receipt li of produce lor today liave been as follows; Uutler, pkgs; oleo, 1 231) pkgs; chefse. C.72 bo.xes; engs, 2 libls,; beans, none; potatoes, 10 cars: sweet pota- ioes. hay, 11 cars; straw, 1 car.

Same day last year: I bit ter. 2230 pkgs; oleo, 11 lie; ciieese. boxes; 3 htils, cases; lie.uis, 81 liiils; (i cars; sweet potiitocs, 340 bbls; hay. 11 cars; straw, (J cars. r.iit'er—lirnier feeling is reported on the liner firades of Wi'steni creameries, especially i'or those in soft wood tub''.

Fancy sold today at lU'f lbVac, with some extra ciioice at 20c. hard wood lots, selling from 17' a.iil8'ac, are steady and un- cl There is not much dointf in lirst.s and extra firsts. Luiter that 11s from 12c has a good ileiiiaiid fiu'exiu rt when quality is Ibitter that sells at Mitlcci.s dull. Northern creamern's are and in small supply, sales being made at nominal prices. Most of the ilairv arrivals are in poor and have a slow sale.

Thero is a hit ol choice dairy iluit sells above iiuoiatioiis, but these are Eastern creameries are and steady. There is not iiiiieh doing in and ladle packed gooils. Franklin county creameries at 21 for extras, 18c dairy and for lirsts amJ extra lirsls. 21 is tho price oh lor extra trunk butter in and Vb-li prinUs, with extra tirsis at 18a20c. Wf Wi'stern extra creamery, 17 I.s Vac; fancy well-known marks, 20c; tirsts an 1 extra lirsts.

imitation cri'amery, 14' ac; lirst.s. 12al3c ac; others. New and Vermont noiiii rml, 20c; extra lirst.s, New Y'ork ai.f Vermont ilairy, to choice, grattes, 1 Ic, Eastern creamtiry, choice, The above quotat.i»)iis prices for strictly vvholesalo Jobbing priccis, 1 'i higher, market is easy at 19c, W'ith one sale at s.iles, 12.810 Ihs, New Western creamery. (. lair demiind reported; choi' to taiicy Eltr n.

IBVac; 17c. larger aiul with tlie trade sales aro made at the 1 prices last loted. receipts are arriving in better coiiuilion. as far as the is coiicerin' i. 1 tie market is fairiy well supplied an I are jnade al lower prices.

We (iu''ic: Northern Western, 7 8V4 lower grades as to sage, jo Jobbingprices Vjc higher. ma: ket is lower at 43s Od. market is tirm and quiet at liif decline; sales ruling price, 8V.JC. New is dull and steady. is quiet; cheddars, Ainericas and twins, 8A8V8C.

demand la not very active..

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