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The Raleigh News from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 2

The Raleigh Newsi
Raleigh, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

New York fnnrt in the army, and all over the South, and seen all sorts 01 characters, but Tom, Me Daniel was the most desperate and gamest THE CHBISTIAN C0UN1RY. Christian and Civilized Ku Klnx. OHIO'S LATEST LYNCHING. sixty miles south of St. Augustine and twelve miles north of Mosquito Inlet.

Charles Smith, James II. Kelly and Mason Talbot part of the crew of the Vera Cruz landed near us within five miles of insistcd, and said, 'I cannot leave the little fellow behind you and I must save him. Take him until I come back. The next minute the sea canie into the saloon more terrifically than ever, filling it waist deep Th a i lv jSTKWs. Br P.

M. HALE, PixTt tothkStatk. lTlTpOLK, Coaaasrosoixo Editor. man I ever saw. McDaniel- was taken home to the care of his distracted wife, whose devotion never faltered, arid under each other.

Charles Brandenburg and in water and smashins tne most 01 tne her care, with medical aid, Tom was A THRILLING TALE. 'cfnM Amid the Wreckage. lly telepraj.h to the N. Y. Herald, 5th inst.J Jacksonville, September 4.

Mr. Owen make a frraphic statement for publication concerning the fatal occurrence. Mr. A. K.

Owen a civil ensrinctr of note is a man of exact mind, and his statements concerning the condition of the shin during and previous to the storm are 4 ft KALEIG II. X. Tr is a y. -J? rrK kr i a'faLSE CLAIM. Herald Report.

A SLIOIIT MI.SCONCElTlox A bendy-legged colored man in less straw hat and an army (v H-into the Tombs Police Curt said he would like to be vomr S'M some charitable institution. "My legs ain't limber as trubbled wif co ns, too, but I git along wif dein an' de rhiiL slowly recovering the use of his only eye THE END COMES. From the Cincinnati Commercial. 1 Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 1, 1830.

Visitors at the State Fair from the northern part of Pickaway county brought the report this morning that Tom McDaniel had port side. The little fellow and myself John Ureenneld, part ot tne crew, ianuea wi re rolled over among the chairs and at Mosquito Inlet, while two others of the tables and I lost him, but he was picked crew and two passengers are at Smyrna, up and brought to his father. I called to south of the inlet. Their names we were (Jeneral Torbert to come to the deck with unable to learn. None of the lady pas- Last night, about half-past eleven, his wife got up to bathe a cloth and lay it on been Ivnched near Commercial Point last his eve.

He said, 'I will go aft and meet you I sengers were saved, and but tnree passen She had just done this and was me 1 1 I 1 1 above. I never saw General Torbert 1 full of interest. Mr. Owen says: "Ihe Vera Cnix left New New York city at gers and eight ot the crew are Known 10 have been saved out of eighty-two all told. GEN.

TORBEKt's BODY FOUND. It acLunwd, mv the Philadelphia Vr. that th protective system helps uch pcron are actually employed in rvttxted in Jus" trial establishment the workmen in faeto-rv-s mill, forgw nd mines. How doe it help them Bj furnishing employment TVr. ir n.

imrwTt at the Custom H'U? night. Your correspondent took a norse closing the door, which had stood open and buggy and drove to the scene of the during the hot evening, when about eight tragedy, and procured a full history of the armed men appeared and ordered her to outlaw and the details of the summary leave the room. She complied without manner in which he was launched into asking a Word or screaming. She knew eternity. The village is the centre of a the end had come.

There was no attempt fine farming country, which is threaded in at disguise. As the wife went out Tom all directions by a system of fine woods. was surrounded in bed, and as he straight- "General Torbert's body was washed ashore at New Britain Monday morning, if fo' de rheumatics." 9 "Samson Potter," said his he had learned the applicant' "you don't look much like a deJL-08 valid. There are marks of j-about your face I do not like an aroma of beer kegs and coai i0L Tu you that suggests many da 1 the corners." 1 four o'clock p. m.

Wednesday, under command of Captain Kdwin Van Sice, of the United States and Mexican Mail line, bound for Vera Crux, Mexico, with passengers. There were also two cabin passenger an I two horses on board. The officers and crew comprised fittv-onc persons, making eighty-two souls onoanl. Kleven of those on board only again alive. KIDDING EACH OTHER UOOD-BV.

Th' passengers now crowded into the social hall, which was at the top of the saloon steps. Here they said farewell to each other. We adjusted their life preservers and extended sympathy one to the other. Never before, perhaps, was there a set of passengers so quiet and unexcited under circumstances so appalling. Mr.

Alexander Wallcndge brought his little i about six miles above Mr. Botelunr larm. His body was warm, his heart was beating and the blood was flowing from a wound over the right eye. He had evidently An ft rwMHF us.r Th tui arm The country for miles around, from Dar- ened Up he said bysville to Mount Sterling, in Madison, and from Harrisburg and Bonor's Cor "Boys, are you going to kill me There was no reply. His hands were iuu-, o-eage, y0(I's honey.

I'm street niVah ,1 .11 reached the breakers sound and well, ana there had been struck by the fragment he was on and stunned so that he drowned before he reached the shore. I went out in a boat after his body, which, when recovered, was buried under the palmetto ners, in Franklin, to Commercial Point, in Pickaway, is populated by the most prosperous class of farmers in Ohio. The roadsides are dotted with brick houses and jes in from Pokepsie." "Oh, you are'r paid iMiy to me and said, 'Mr. Owen. I will give you Sl.OGH in gold if you will take my son and get him to I said no, I did not expect to live five minutes after the ship went down.

I told him it would be fine barns, buch as are seen in the fine groves on Mr. Botefuhr's farm, on ednes- "Then that settles it. you Poughkeepsie, where you belong. tl t. no appropriation to keep you here" Samson Potter smdd day morning, at daylight, on the first day farming country about York, Pa.

They a bound and a noose, made out of a halter rope, was slipped over his head and tightened about his neck. He was led out. No, he was dragged out. Eight stout men laid hold of the rope. Not a word was The programme had been arranged, the tree selected and the leader, with a cocked revolver, bqissed the job in silence.

They dragged him over a rail fence, over logs, through bushes for about four hundred yards to a little red oak near the road side, where he was strung up. are law-abiding and social, and have been a mercy to himself and his son to go down I of September. The strictness of quaran- are koown to have been saved. THE CARGO. "The cargo was assorted class tuen-han-dise the heaviest the ship could carry vegetables in cases, one car for a Mexican railroad, and barrels of oik and acids Wing The odd wave of Wednesday, with the rain, continued, with brisk wind fnm the northeast Thursday and.

Friday, but it calmed down at midnight. The ship listed all the way, and at meals it wx- difficult to keep dishes on the table. Particularly this the case on Friday, which proved that the storm was increas- tine regulations did not permit his body to Uboren at horo- in weekly reinforce! by innnizranu from brud. The detu-nl induces a sur-ply, nl the vupply ii- the demand- The employer hu hi labor, or a-killed, lure he get it cheapo, nd he hx th whole rid '0 draw from an ojn market aI -Int Ijr without r.ntTK-tii.n. He n.t to U- bUmed f.r thU.

It be o'titraxy uu.I ta.ines maxim f'r him to do otherwic-Hat the sytcni i to I 1-UmeJ hjr which the ItijrrrnnifOt which hald the gtvt-4 he greatest miniU r. Urol int.rtrn. by legidat to high prkv to the employer for hi, while the employe, who in fact product them. left entirely unprotected. Huh rrievs do make and rann.4 make high be removed to Milford, where he resided, until TEN MORE WRECKS.

yUl.X&J ears and looked uneasy. A say 'bout 'propriashun ho asked eagerly. "I say that on account of the of the appropriation we cannot as juick as possible. I told hiui 1 could sec nothing to hope for in a storm like this. I said 'Let us look at it as if our characters on the world's stage were about a girl's request.

"Mi.v Sadie Fay asked nie in her sweetest manner to take care of her, but I said to her and to the others that there was nothing to be done but to stick to the ship until we were washed from her, and then to cling to the fragments as long as possi He never spoke after he left the house. This morning the early passers-by were happy until the last ten years, during which time Tom McDaniel has terrorized this whole region of country, engaging in all sorts of devilish and diabolical tricks with impunity. His chief passion has been to cut, carve and shoot. His greatest weakness has been for brasshandled pistols and two-edged knives. He came to this county when a lad fourteen years old.

His home was formerly at Falmouth, from whence he fled to escape arrest for engaging in a cutting scrape. He knocked around at odd jobs and about ten years ago he began work for Mr. Decker, a large Ire- auc sciillCIie.U Ills HoaJ I i uThc dead bodies so far found known to have been on board the Vera Cruz are ten in among which were three women. The coast for one hundred miles is strewn with wrecks, and in that distance we know of the loss of two steamers and eight sailing and then inouired with soma 1. mg.

Ihe weather was clou-ly. with uent rain. ClIEERKl'L PASSENG KRS. horror stricken to see the nude body swinging to a limb. It was after eight o'clock before the Justice of the Peace, 'Squire Beaver, arrived and ordered the body taken down.

It was nude except the band of the shirt around the neck and a strip down the back, on which was written the follow meals "The r-assengcrs, however, at "Who 'propriated anyfing just what the trouhV his Honor. "It is on account 0y has been appropriated that can't It stay." "Jes wot I was a thinkinV il applicant. "Xothin' would jilt niwah Si Tlinmtuuin Ki, 1 France and Her Wines. land owner, as a farm hand. He was a fellow of fine address, and at that time was ble, and this plan was carried out by every passenger.

The captain was seen just before the sea smashed in the port side of the upper decks, at twelve minutes past four a. but whether he got excited and jumped overboard or was swept away is not known to any of us. killed in the lieeboat. 'Mr. Parris, first officer, the second ing card in a wretched scrawl Take Notice! Anjorall persons interfering will meet the same fate.

We will protect all law-abiding citizens. From the New York Times, 4th. France has at length become a wine-importing country. Her six and one-half million acres of vineyards are no longer able to supply the home demand. During 'I .1 uuui me piopnauu UOIll Clilckcii, is were in good cheer, and though the rains drove them from the dock they seemed to enjoy the passage.

On Saturday at daybreak fore and aft were set, as the wind was then blowing fresh fVoru Southeast. At one o'clock p. m. Saturday the captain wu heard to remark to Mr. Harris, his first officer.

"I have just noticed that the barometer falling rapidly. We are L'oing to have a Orders were then given to cut up and throw the ear overboard, and also the barrels of oil, eaes of acid and cases of vegetables on deck. The real blast of the cyclone struck us on the tort bow at about twenty-five because dey sor me loahV aroun and found de fedders in do wmgt. r.veo tncy aid mewurimms in the one 1' would he bahinevd by hi kw in the other. Till ri thev will not riso here.

The American laborer cannot tand ut for higher pay than that l.r which men can 1-e brought into the country. The only possible relief ij to found in bringing down pricv through the adoption i-f a tariff for revenue only. that he can live upon hi pre--nt income with tuorv eas comfort and convenience. He will not pet nure dollars a dav's work, but he will get as manv I'arkvtfi iaiHan. vno propriated unytiii" like to know?" 9 And he limped off morosely.

handsome. He beguiled a young daughter of Mr. Decker's Alice and ran off with her when she was only sixteen, and was married to her. The elopement created great scandal and excitement in the neighborhood, and the girl's brothers, Boone and Peter Decker, swore they would kill Tom on sight. Notwithstanding their threats Tom returned in a week from his bridal trip, rode into the Point with his brass pistols and his bride, panting for gore and eager for a fray that would enable him to decimate the past six months of the current year she exported wine to the value of against an importation of In the first six months of the year 1872 her wine exports amounted to and her imports to only Thus, in eight years, from selling to the outside world more than eighteen Vigilance Committee.

'Squire Beaver held an inquest, examining the wife other witnesses. The testimony covers the facts given above. The Coroner's verdict was, "Death by a person or persons unknown." The hanging was well done. There was no mob. There were not over twenty persons in the party, and I don't think over ten.

Part of them came up the road from Jackson and the remainder from the Point. They met at the gate on the Decker farm. mate, and one or two more ot the crew took to the starboard bow boat and were killed before the boat could be got free. Mr. Miller and his engineers stood by the ship till she sunk.

The quartermaster, William O'Neal, and a sailor, name unknown, stood at the wheel until the ship sunk. The captain never came near the REFORMATION. It was "a brand saved from the Luriiiij -which a policeman of tire Steamboat brought into the Tombs Police Court v. minutes to two p. m.

Saturday and listed the ship almost on her beam ends. From passengers during the storm, nor did he send to inquire into their condition, and it may be sincerely hoped that no other pas terday, and which, he averred, NtJ fished out of the hold of a suutliwari bound steamer. The brand was li.nnnj years old and had curly hiir, a drab and a second hand horse idsti the Decker heirs, and thus increase his wife's share of her father's vast property. Decker owned acres of land. He set apart about 150 acres for Alice and her under the shadow of the tree where he was hanged.

The limb on which he was hanged was picked out by a committee times as much as she bought of it, she has come to buy more than she sells. The phylloxera has done it. The ravages of this pest have had a melancholy effect upon one of the most extensive and profitable industries in France. Spain has profited first and most largely by the diminution in French productiveness. Her export trade in wine has douh.

he petj now. ana they will pi a great deal further. Factories, forges, and mines will continue to 1-e operated as they now are; since, though they may not pay Urg profit they do under the tariff guarantee of exorbitant returns on the capital invested in them, they will pay sufficiently well to keep them this time it became next to iniossible to walk about without clinging to chairs, tabic and other stationary furniture of the cabin, and all movable objects in the were ijuiekly thrown from port to tarboard walking was exceedingly dangerous. The wind was at this time northeast, and the vessel was steering south by cast. KI.OOPING THE CABIN.

During the evening three skylights in the main saloon were carried away and the waves poured considerable water into the saloon and statements, settinir all adrift. some weeks ago. The vigilauts had made two efforts to hang him before, but when they called at the house he was never at home, and they disguised their mission so as not to arouse suspicion, from being closvJ. sengers may fe left to so thoughtless and indifferent a man. It was (I o'clock a.

111. that the ship went down, breaking in the middle and filling the sea with fragments of stores, trunks aud merchandise. A VRE STREWN SEA. To say then- were ten million pieces of wrecked stores all clashing together five minutes after the ship went to pieces, would be gross exaggeration, but even with such a statement do idea could be conceived as to the state of the case. Men, women, children, horses, cats and rats mixed in and went in, through and over led in ten years, and of the 2,500,000 hectolitres which crossed her frontier in 1878, France bought for her own consumption 1,750.000 hectolitres.

From Hungary, t)o, a large supply is drawn, and a lesser (juantity from Italy. The French demand husband and built a neat little cottage on the edge of the woodg, just to try Tom and see if he would not do better. Tom rewarded his wife's father's confidence by immediately beginning to do worse. He refused to work, and the condition of the outhouses on the farm shows that agriculture was not his forte. BUI TATj CAREER.

Shortly after his marriage he attended a wolf hunt at Bloomfield, and on his way through the Point he became offended at Thomas Becket, a dry goods merchant, and getting off his horse, he proceeded to ham not strive to corneal the gentle impul, that had lured him from the pi i vary home and the sanctity of the school, but freely admitted that he for the gore'of the wild Indian of the jain. and longed to close in combat wi grizzly. His Honor th-brand to go into the tmiuj ponder on the wickedness of nuhniin Jii hands in the red man's bl.J- and the difficulties which would atteml I've exer cise of a trapper's practices in the Asylum. When he came out ajain lit seemed to have made up a new vmiIuini and his Honor said "I hope meditation has done you snut good. I sincerely trust that vou cetiinit TlIB New York advocated AteiaJ equality between white and black and hopes for the time to eome speedily when the difference letwevn the races h.dl vanish "in the closest and holiest bond of matrimony." As the owner of the ii one of the nastiest of the nasty After the terrible fight of Monday the vigilants were called together, at a place the correspondent could name (if he wanted to be hanged), about a mile from town, and it was resolved to terminate Tom's career September 18, l'SSO.

While eating dinner I talked to Mrs. Beaver, Martin's wife. To illustrate tho Ky midnight the passengers were generally sitting upon or lying on the floor of the saloon conversing with and assi-stinir each lor wine is likely to increase rather than i fierwise, for the struggle against the phylloxera seems to be hopeless. It de-lies all the insecticides which the wit of man has thus far devised. The Academy of Sciences is unable to suergrcst a reined v.

this mass. The waves were fifty feet high, not in swells and ridges, but in peaks like Beech eh lot. it surprises us by speaking of matrimony as holy. That it seeks to over-tarn God's-Lw, does not surprise us. If we disliked, instead of entertaining a real mer Mr.

Becket, a hundred persons standing by afraid to interfere. A bystander finally pulled him off and prevented him braining Becket with a rjiece of buco-v other. Yet good cheer was the rule, and many were the exchanges of wit and humor between them ill. The servants, as they passed around them, added to the good feeling. Major (Jeneral Torbert, I'm'ted States Army, had been washed out of his stateroom No.

5), which was the first on the port Uw, early Saturday evening, ne then came to me in the saloon room No. '21. terror in which people lived, I give her statement. She said: "I have not slept for four weeks. I have not gone to bed in that time that I did not expect to find our house in flames before morning.

His death is a relief." THE DEN OF THE WOLF. to let the poor Indian roam about unharuiH and allow the bear to look after the lirtl cubs in their mountain i'au uscn. Id me now, won't you let them alone shaft. Several years ago there was a house-warming near Barron's Cavern, in the southern part of Franklin, and Tom went down without an invitation to help and the Government's prize of for an invention which would stay its ravages remains to be won. The best authorities in France agree that the only resource is to transplant American vines to French eoil.

The phylloxera will not touch the American vine. But it is admitted that this process will require many years. Meanwhile the area of vine culture is expanding. France already sees in America not only a possible source of sup sugar loaves, rour peaks beatiug like surf tore into each other. When we went up on one it was njt to go down on the other side, but to be turned over at the top and sent rolling through the air to the opposite one, and so back and forth.

This lasted about two or three hours, after which the waves took a more natural character and came in swelling ridges, aud we whirled down and over them to the opposite side. GENERAL TORBERT TICKED UI. "(leneral Torbert was picked up by Charles Smith, one of the crew, about fifteen minutes after the ship sunk. lie was then weak and could crawl on the After dinner I drove down to the house. I found a lot of men sitting undwr the warm tlie house and the guests.

In the midst of the dance he provoked a quarrel by stepping on the toe 01 a country gen tleman who was fastidious enough to ob affection for the negro race, we could wLh them no lower position than that of social equality and matrimonial relations with the owner of the Inilrndrnt The Western outlook at l.u-t good. The New York Timr lxt evening it very plain that Indiana is all right for the I democratic ticket. Three column arc devote! to showing that Chairman PR-ni m's Tusit there and his conteren-c with Messrs. Knolhh and Henirick hive GALLANT TORBERT. "He had been thrown against a table in the afternoon and had cut his right check, which troubled him considerably, as it bled fnely, but he was in his best and kindest humor, speaking a cheering word here, agisting a man there, and attending to the women and children everywhere.

ject, and, whipping out one of his brass pistols, he began firing into the crowd and ply for her future needs, but a great rival. The foreign wines we drink cost us now about 84,500,000 annually. In less than twenty years we shall probably drink our own wine almost exclusively, and supply a large demand from abroad. brought down a man named Hock Breck-enridge by shooting him in the thigh. Tom was not arrested for this eccentric Ihe brand thought a little and.W-' don't know as I care about Awi them anyhow.

To oblige you I gMU let 'em alone." "That's kind of you. inuliiit you go a step further and give over wild notions entirely? Keiurinber. vmiu got a chance to be President of the I nm-J States one of these days, but i 1 i riir red skins won't give you a grip on thr ladd' of "I don't care about being said the brand, "but I won no if lin Injuns, that's settled." "And you'll turn your mind to more profitable "I will, you trees in their shirt sleeves, laughing and chatting. Passiug under the shed, I saw his wife sitting with a number of women in the front room. No tears such as are usually seen when death has taken away the head of a family.

The wife is young and handsome, with eyes as deep as wells, and full to the brim with a sorrow that tells of years of heartache. As I talked to her she made no complaint of the awful taking off of her husband. By her side stood a bright girl child of six years, the oldest daughter of the dead and her. The child was a stranger to tears, and to her such a dead father seemed not a subject for grief. I passed into a rude wing of the house, and in a far room found the flies keeping watch over the dead.

The body lay wrapped in a bed sheet. The head was a fine one, a high, retreating forehead that He lay on the saloon floor for a part of the fragments of tho wreck only with assist- night, but was flooded out, and then came ante. When the fragment on which and laid with me, bringing his waterproof, he wus, was turned over a minute which we threw over us to protecus from later, Mr. Smith came up on another the water dripping in from the top and piece, and never saw the (Jeneral again rides. At one o'clock, p.

the engine alive. The wind was so terrific that when room was dry. The drag was put on. but a plank, raft, box or trunk would reach the Waiting for the Baby. From the New York Herald, 4th.l reversed and was useless.

It was toD of a wave it whirled ihmiml. resulted in flooding Indiana with money enough to prevent a free ballot and a fair count. They have bou-ht many Kadi-cols as were for sale and have ball -doled the balance. What a miserable set of cowards and racub Kadicals mut be' They outnumber the Democrats everywhere, bat a piece of buys or a little had seares them. contribution to the evening's entertainment.

Later he turned detective and went to arrest a man named Crawford near Mount Sterling, who was charged with throwing stones at a train on the Muskingum Valley, near Washington Court House. He rushed into the room where Crawford was eating a meal, shot him in the face and then arrested him. He was never molested for this little pleasantry by the officers of the law. About a year ago he became enamored of a fair maiden of doubtful repute at the American House, in Darbysville. He never stoppad to inquire whether his intentions would be agreeable, but called on her one night when the village was wrapped in slumber, by climbing on a pedler's wagon and going 1.

He xvM- His Honor seemed a trifle s'irn the brand's earnestness, but Ik couragingly, "I'm glad to hear it. mind yourself and you'll come outal gotten ready until this time and was too mall for M.rice. even if in proper order. At two p. in.

the ship took a heavy sea and the water -ut the fires out. immediately tcpping the engines. PASSIM THE BITKKTS. air with a force terrible to behold. Among the living and dying I never passed a person who was not bleeding from some wound inflicted by passing fragments, and half of them were dead or dying within fifteen minutes after they took to the waves.

STRlOOLIMl WOMEN. 'This was most appalling; and sad, indeed, wa.s it to see those heroic women It is safe to say that not for many years has an expected addition to a family called together a crowd such as is now gathering about the apartments of the Queen of Spain. Usually the persons present on such an occasion are privately notified in advance by the lady who provides the entertainment, and being selected for sympathetic purposes, they naturally are of the sex that know how it in short, they arc women. Kven the doctor never makes his appearance until summoned by a panting husband or a galloping messenger. But the invitations to Ouen Christina evinced brains a thick bull Pay attention to your duties and you II if a wealthy man yet." "'Wealth I'm iust -roinir to be

the brute, and a deep, mighty chest that a nercuies mignt have been proud of. The YerMo.VT eleet.s State officers and Con growmen to-day. The success of the Ke publicans is not doubted, but they have mad a warm cmava.vs in order to obtain face was bruised and discolored. The blind eye was sunken. The gouged eye was puffed out, blue and discolored the tonnie.

almost bitten in two, protruded between the he tnrougn the window. On the inside don't you forget it." "Good enough, my little man; I'm to see so complete a reform." "Oh, I wasn't so bad gone on Injtuis anyway," the brand went on. fiked it for amusement, but I know letter racket than that for a feller to stiek io more o' the Far West for me. I goin' to be a pirate. That's the talk.

a bi majority that it may have its effec in Maine. In the Vote Vermon Republican 4 Democratic 2. interesting event have been issued bv thp found a gentleman, called a SDort. named teeth, black and decomposed A dark line "The donkey engine then started and wa.s going when the ship sank. The purser came hurriedly below, aking for (Jen.

Torbert. and said that the Captain had sent him to tell the to come and the crew ur the vessel would go dowu. Wc immediately got up. I went to the deck and to the floor of the engine nxjm, where I agisted to pa.vs the buckets for an hour. ('apt.

Van Sice was in line near the top tsing water while I was there. It was of no u- The sea was continually breaking over the Vosel and comint; down in large juantitie between decks The donkev engine was Working nnt jxtru inamDeriain, ana although the crowd u- C5- Fernet, who gave Tom a-warm wcl- uoul uio necssuoweu where the rope had might be exactly'to his own liking in case he come- They fought over the room and Jone its gnastIy work. The body pre- Republican majority 211. In had anv dutv like the On 17 the Republican candidate for iJot stairs until the house was as bloodv as a "eu a ingmrui appearance. The chest struggling against timbers, waves and fate.

I passed Mr. Wallendge and son ten minutes after the sinking. They were about ten yards apart, clinging to different pieces of the wreck, and the little fellow Mooked as calm and handsome as when playing in the saloon two days before. His father was depressed, but only for his son no thought of himself entered his head. Would to (iod that I might have done something for them loth.

Thus could I tell something about each passenger, but a I did not know their names I cannot enter into details. butcher pen. rroor received majority over his His last escapades are numerous and of IVmocfatie competitor, and the iret nbiA form, it seems hardly such a party as Her Majesty would have selected had she been consulted. Kvery member of it is of the gender that is utterly useless on such occasions. Among them are crav dinl recent date.

A short time since he was candidate lvet-ired 2.I5 There i Waifs. The lamp will hold out to burn a many years yet, accoiding to reports the oil regions. taken to Circleville and put in jail for a tirevtiUiek Mate ticket in the field a.iin stealing a buggy, lie went to a nek-h- this year, an 1 a nxnlo. caiidi ltte mats, astute Cabinet oflicers, saintly or'8 house, hitched his horse to a new officers. saintK- was literally skinned.

The left nipple had been torn off the breast, the scars, scratches and bruises indicate the horrible and brutal treatment he had received before being hanged. He was buried at 5 o'clock, people flocking to the funeral from miles around. In the Skies. From the New York World On Ihe 25th of September will occur General Schenek savs he prelates and proud nobles but it would be to any purjwc. After thU I went to the and told Cem-ral Torbert that we were going to and fast tilling, and tithing remain.

-d but for us to get life prerver- upon the women. I Jeneral Tor- Considered a fourdn-hand as a uum ouggy ana drove on. Tom's latest ambition has been to thrash (oogrv in the Third District. TttERE no belter evidence of ex IMIKlsoEI I.N THE SUII the entire population of Commercial Point il a n. trrOK ignorance of the ank-e j.ple profit rather than expense.

A man name'l Tassell drowned in Pittsburg the other day. Tmo iiju.I' corn in the Tassell was what ailed hiui. IHt irn auu ue uas inreaiena alter doing this to lay the place in ashes. This spring he it rt a lace hurt him thaf he buckets. was out squirrel hunting with an old r.XUTKMKNT.

the perihelion of Jupiter. That triant Well, fashioned shot-gun. In firing it a piece of Define a tfentlemaji," yOU sav tmnk 1 can planet then reaches his nearest point to the Therr Uard- W1' thing excitement -evert the children wvro nie cap new into nis right eye, which ran out of the socket. He paid no attention woman an He as gentle as a man. sun, and is also within a few days of his to it and went about as if nothing had hap aud tVAHonable.

Ka, xUted the other in arranging life i-rcx-ncix. and llfnrral opposition or nearest point to the earth. Jupiter comes at that epoch 46.000.000 sate to offer a million to one that not a man of the whole body knows catnip from peppermint, or could give the royal baby its first bath, or knows how to handle the scales so as to be able to assure the expectant father that he had landed a ten-pounder. An I in case of twins a possibility that the Lord Chamberlain, never having been a mother, has entirely overlooked why, it would be just like the stupid old fellows to mix those, babies up and knock the whole question of the Spanish succession into the limbo of eternal uncertainties. And suppose the baby should howl, as most husbands have heard in strict confidence that babies always do as soon as born, just imagine the German Ambassador, or the Minister of Finance, or the Patriarch of pened.

lie didn seem to know what '('oal will fir Who TorUrt w. like a -uiiU nni I Ihe stewardess was jammed in the saloon among doors and tables and sank with the ship. She was crying bitterly, and appealed to me for help, when the water joured in upon her like a Niagara. I stiod by the mainmast till the water rushed in over the hurricane deck, and then I climbed up the rigging twenty-five feet, and was washed off by the wave. An intant after fragments of the wreck piled in and over inc.

I was stunned by a blow across my head, cheek and eyes, as I climbed first upon one thing and then uj.n another. For half an hour 1 rushed up one mountain of water, then down another, until finally I caught hold of a piece of the ship, about twenty-five feet long by ten feet wide. Through one wirdow pain was. About a month ago he went miles nearer the great central orb. He is then, however, more than 450.000.000 An Indiana editor says: bed on the neck and head cholera; we have tried it." pute testimony like that A Maine lady had some with all while he them into Martin Beaver's place at the Point i 3 The nn at thin time was ma-t terrific iHartin runs a grocery and a threshing mues trom the sun, fortunately far enough llloll away to counteract and mollify the increased force of attraction bpfwppn two from her room at a waterin I.l.r J1 and the room of 5inrthr folv in the Sorb wind and rain can never be dcriUJ.

The 5hip lifted to her beam end at ever)- wave, and it w.11 ju-Ht possible t. crawl from one place to the other. The wis thick that we could tint such miarhtv niassps. Tt. is aafp tn machine, and is one of the local magnates.

He is a magnificent specimen of physical manhood, and a relative of Tom's wife. Tom had taken a dislike to Mart because he would not let him turn everything topsv that the Rubicon of Jupiter's perihelion is was searched without effect. The husband nP lndv 2 mt passed, for the 21 days yet to be completed count as nothing in a revolution reouirinn- I. ee one iiuthlreU yard ahead, and th- iurvey wnen he got filled up with liquor, of the wind and beating of the rain was whipped the husband of lady not being satisfied, slapped the fan No. 1.

Tom informed him that he meant to shoot nearly 11,000 of our davs. or 32 of our tlie Indies trying to soothe it with, "Hush my dear," or "By, baby bunting," or even "Hey, diddle, diddle Attendants Oil Such OPOAsinna arp iisiia.Ilv PTruirtfl a man. like the rattle of muskctrv. was the head and shoulders of Thomas (Jranibool. him down.

Mart did not wait for him to years. Nearly 12 veara must mss hefiir is runmhed doily by ihe New TtWtand'. which A 1. tolcr, and rnod; them, t.i Ieve tht a region sriven up to hUs. which raie thU year ix million tale of eotloo.

Ui le other valuable pn-Jacts, or that block men are ytetuatieallT rvbbd, abased and wronged, when bLck labor produces a Urge tart of enormous crop year afttr year. Tilt christian an civiUavd received Ut night from New York contain rwl of christian and crimes cooajth to fill Tilt News for two or three dayv There not a Southern crime in lh lot, bat rlnty of arrmuouia to the th Sooth 00 'its Urk ,4 christian irili-xatita. A narrow -gape railroad, thirty mile in length, about tr be built from the f. mouj Cranberry ore mine, in Mitchell county, N. near the Tennoe line, to Up the Eat Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia road at Johnson Hty.

fcw n)j above Jooeahcro. New North Carolina four per cent, boodaaro rrooted in New York at 771 bid 30 uked. ,1 1 A Poet named Siirraoin. finding bert and myself were lying in my berth talking and ouietlv awaiting 1 tne conditions will again be as favorable for observation. Jupiter comes bcamino- 1 uia not come to him mnek el i.

n. en. at twelve minutes fast four a a above the eastern horizon about. 8 o'clock. execute his threat, but grappled him, and they fought all over the house, McDaniel getting the worst of it, and Beaver took his pistols from him.

Last Monday Tom played his last act, termined to make it. He has ished the citv of Ltona bv entering 1 ea bright enough to cast a shadow and afford t'At UHT IS THE WRECKAGE. "He asked me to break the frame and get him out, but, as that was impossible, I shoved him down, and he came up through the next opening. We now threw off ourlife-prescrvers and stuck to the fragment of wreck, through thick and thin, for twenty- 1 fuur hours. During that tiniewe wereat Wt 9x broke into the engine room and through the saloon making a crah like a batteryof artillery and striking terror for an instant into every one, iLuhimr salon a glimpse of his moons through a good of lions and reading one of hi- The poor brutos howled a L'ood lie entered Beaver's place with a knife in Pera-glass.

Nothing can be more inter- be patient and good tempered, but most of those old fellows will want to smoke, which, of course, will not be the proper thing in the Queen's apartments, and if Her Majesty should compel the party to remain a long time, as ladies sometimes do on such occasions, there will be the crossest crowd that Spain has known since the last time she raised her rate of taxation. The whole thing is a mistake. Lord Chamberlains are generallv considered old OTannips his hand, and announced that he hadeomft esting than to study the chases of the. four the ordeal, but did not avenire then. ts tit i .1 i 1 I (lnninn A i 11 1 .1 1 I untn A.

a table, doora and the loose furniture lo-' pvther and into water knee deep. up jjeaver a mortal career. Beaver I oi ngnc mac Dear witness I tueir torturer grappled him before he could execute his pescuut; 01 tiupuers moons. Jup A (yen rl.i. i.Iif 1 1 I LI "I In tVlA nirrVit va two-thirds under water.

AX ABOHT LIFE. York street car dropped a silk Th.r..n.l V') mina irom tne salt vujv uiK immeuiateiv ueTit'i 1 nt uuuMuau neroicujiy tiopjn WOIlhl nr. run r.i-..r- if l-'or after this with M. ti 1 nuca we struct I i abUt the SUrf' at four cIock a- on Monday, and Her Majesty undoubtedly wishes that the Snanish fun; threat, knocked the knife out of his hand, and they had a rough and tumble, pounding and pummelling. Beaver tried to gouge Tom's good eye out, and thus terminate his powers lor mischief.

A bystander says he had it out two or three times, and tried to pull it out, and it would snap back with Seemorl that Vi. Tr-iM tliirxf would beer iouui VU illlO lVVrtOlUU iter turns on its axis in about ten hours, so that ah observer on his equator would be carried round at the rate of nearly 500 miles a minute instead of the 17 miles that mark the comparatively moderate progress made by an inhabitant at the earth's equator. Jupiter rises now about at the end of the month the rising will be about 6. The September moon fulls on the 18th. It is the harvest moon.

ed. But no; he reined in the mala tht Ktrnetlire misrht be one. uv i n.e. filWa nitoote to live, and argued that it TDK LANDING. A Chinaman who was looking at an En- wouia oe mercy 10 let the little fellow co were of aaea a report nice a cork flying out of a cham V.

jir. lotelunr do gnshman eating tripe said: "And vet he me Ul. ttJ-. wire, stopping the great line el behind him, lightly jumped from and picking up the umbrella, put truck and drove away. v.i 1 uvi oil tuis Lime never "'mOTwnaiji rann, near Daytona, Volunsia county "us mice: I uuc says: "i nave Deen.

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