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The Philadelphia Times from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • Page 22

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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bears, while there is not much that is fresh to be taught to elephants." "And do you prefer performing with one lion or with a group "There are advantaged and disadvantages in both cases. Of course, if you have only one lion to deal with you can give more attention to him. but it is easier to manage a number of animals together than a siugle one. because the imitative faculty is strong in them. Yet when one of a group dies, it is by no means an easy or agreeable task to train a fresh lion to do his part with the others; that is a difficult and dangerous job which I have had to undertake several times." Lucky" Baldwin'! Etcnpe From Death and His Hide on a Buffalo.

From Ihe New York Recorder. In April, 1852, 1 hud left my old home In La C'ro6se, and was bound West with an emigrant train for California. It was my first trip. We had left the Missouri river on the 1st of May and by the latter part of the month had reached the Laramie Plains, Just below Fort Brldger. In those days the whole country swarmed with buffaloes.

There were millions of them. For days everywhere you looked you could see bufl'aloes. We hunted them a good deal and killed many. Bands upon bands were nearly always in sight aud all we had to do was to saddle our horses and be away after them to get all we want ed. When we had arrived at the Laramie Plains we were out of meal.

Buffaloes were unusually plenty, and a lot of us concluded we would set out after them. I had the best horse, and I got In ahead of a tremendous band, and was riding alongside when I saw a magnificent 2-year-old calf that suited me exactly. "He was fat as butter on the new spring grass. I blazed away at him with my rifle, nut the trigger did not work right, so I threw away my gun, and drawing my revolver poured two or three shots Into him. "The calf fell down, and, without thinking, I leaped from my horseand left htm standing to cut its throat.

I drew my knlfo and had Just plunged it into the calf when, looklngup, a horde of bufl'aloes wore upon me. My horse was frightened and swept away. Death stared me in the face. I was to be tramped upon and crushed. No shots from my revolver, not even a fusllade, could turn the thousands of scared buffalos from their course.

The myriads behind would press the others forward. "In an instant their hot breaths oppressed me, amid the thunder of their feet, A gigantic hull was almost upon me. I watched his every movement and a thought dawned upon me. Just as he reuehed me with his big horns down and bis eyes glaring, I slipped aside, burled my bands in his shaggy mane and leaped upon his back. "The buffaloes ran as only such animals can run.

Before me were thousands upon thousands. To my right and left were myriads and in my rear was a following flood of them iurtner than tlie eye could reach. "How 1 escaped their horns, even after I got on the hull's buck, and through the mad ride I do not know. They cracked and rattled all around me. Their snorting and roaring sounded, with the elash of their sharp horns, like the roar of a battlefield.

"My bat came off and I lost it, for I had enough to do to bold on to my strange steed, who was all the time going in the mad phalanx like a house afire. I must have ridden him in this way at least fve miles. My companions were all long since obscured from view. What my thoughts were no one can Imagine. I kept figuring how I could get off and out of the midst of the great band.

"Finally we came to a little creek which the buffaloes had to ford. By this time my buffalo had begun to gf-t tired of carrying me, and he had got pretty well to the rear. Just as hejgot to the edge of the creek I got behind and slipped oft, aud he plunged in and went on. My hnt I never got. It.

took a good deal of searching to secure my horse, and as long as I was in the train I never heard the last of my buffalo ride. Home of them made some pictures and caricatured me riding on the shaggy beast, and they had a lot of fun out of It for a long time. The ride, strange and dangerous as It was, didn't hurt me any. At that time I was but 'Si years old, and I was exceedingly strong and supple, and could do most anything. i suppose mere win oe some people who won't belteve this story say it's too big to be true but Jobn McHenry, my watchman here, will tell you and everybody that it is.

He was in the train at that time. That's where I first met him. I'm a poor hand to remember names, but I do not doubt there are yet many others scattered up and down the Pacific coast who were In the train at that time, and will testify to the truth of my singular experience." A SOLEMN SNAKE STORY. A Boa Trlrs to Swallow a Little Boy, Bnt Choked Off. Baraboo (Wis.) Dlspntch to N.

Y. Evening World. A circus which was wintering here was putting a lot of pythons and boa constrictors info new quarters yesterday when in some way a liltle Norwegian boy stepped into the cage of a boa constrictor thirty-two feet long. The snake sprang from the cage with distended Jaws and gobbled the youngster. The attendants were horrified to descry a fast disappearing pair of legs stick'tng out through the monster's jaws.

The great, serpent's eyes were aflame with excitement and In another second or two the poor little Norwegian boy would have disappeared from view forever. It happened that Henry Kingllng, a giant in strength and stature, was present. He Is a man of quick impulse, and without counting the cost or forseeing the danger, he grasped the serpent around the neck und commenced to shake it. With one swipe of its muscular fall it sent ItingUng skurrylng heels over head across the floor. Al Kingllng took in the situation at a glance, and grasping a long chain lying on the floor, be passed it around the serpent's body at a point about six inches below where be thought the child's head would he.

Directing several attendants to grasp either end of tho chain and pull with all their strength, he was gratified to notice a relaxation of the snake's effort to swallow the child. Then this chain was made fast. The snake's tall was fastened around a post and the whole body drawn to It greatest tension. This rendered bis majesty inert and powerless. He still continued to gulp, but bis game was up.

Two men inserted a wagon jack between his Jaws and by degrees they were pried open and the boy pulled out. His bead and body were covered with a thick saliva of a peculiarly offensive odor. The boy gasped for breath and then burst Into tears. Then he looked around In a wondering way and ran out of the house aud across the snow to his father's wagon. The boy will recover, unless blood poisoning sets in.

The wounds arc about his shoulders. A BIG GRASSHOPPER. The Amusing Mistake of Nnturallst In Australia. From the Kan Francisco Examiner. A distinguished naturalist of the California Academy of Sciences was traveling In Australia, when be saw a kangaroo In session and flung a stone at 11.

The kangaroo Immediately adjourned, tracing against the sunset sky a parabolic curve spanning seven provinces and (vanished below the horizon. The distinguished nutur-allst, looked Interested, but said nothing for nearly an hour. Then he said to bis native gn Ide "You have pretty wide meadows here, I "No, not very wide," the guide answered; "about the same us In Kngland and America." After another long silence tho distinguished naturalist said: "The hay which we shell purchase for our horses this evening I shall expect to find tbe stalks about fifty feet long. Am I right?" Why, no," said tho guide; "a foot or two Is about the usual length of our hny. What can you lie thinking off" Tbe distinguished naturalist (of the California Academy of Sciences) made nn Immediate, reply, but later, as In file shades of night, they Journeyed through the desolate VMstness of the great, lone land, be broke the silence: "1 was thinking," be said, "of the iineoni-mon magnitude, of Hint blanked grasshop- ITtiurrvetl, Krnm the Detroit Free Press.

lie didn't have them ngnln, that was evident, but when became In at fl o'clock from his office be was badly rattled. hat's the matter asked his wife. I I saw a woman while ago," ho stammered nervously, "wearing one of those confounded skoop hlrt "Hkoup hlrts?" queried the lady, eyeing him closely. "Xo ho," shaking his bead, "one of those confounded hook spirts Hook spirts?" and again his wife looked at him suspiciously. "No, not that one of those confounded skook plrts "skook plrts?" Interrupted the wife.

He rubbed his head Imru and tried again. ')ne of those confounded soon-" Henry, my dear, Interrupted Mrs. Henry, getting up and taking blin by the arm, "miiu- go out. and soak your wits at the drant lor a few moments." Henry obeyed, and when he returned he said It. was one of those confounded hoop skirts thai had unnerved him so.

I I Skill and Daring Nccdrd by the Suc cessful CowBoy. From Scrlbner's Magazine. The task of the drover and his assistant cow-boys in getting the herds from the southern ranches to the northern shipping points was one involving both skill and daring. The daily programme was us regular as that of a regiment on the march. From morning until noon the cattle were allowed to grazo in me direction of their destination, watched by the cow-boys in relays.

The cattle by this time were uneasy nnd were turned into the trail nnd walked steadily forward eight or ten miles, when at early twilight they were halted for another graze. As darknessoaineonthey were gathered closer and closer into a compact mass by the cow-boys riding steadily In constantly lessening circles around them until at last the brutes lay down chewing their cuds and resting from the day's trip. Near midnight they would usually get up, stand awhile and then He down agnin, having changed sides. At this time extra care was necessary to keep them from aimlessly wandering off in the darkness. Sitting on their ponies or riding slowly round nnd round their reclining charges tho cow-boys passed the night on sentinel duty, relieving one another at stated hours.

When skies were clear and the air braolne he tsk of cattle driving was a pleasant and healthful one. But there came rainy days, when the cattle were restless and when It was nnytuing but enjoyable riding through the steady downpour. Then especially were the nights wearisome and the cuttle were ready at any time to stampede. No one could tell what caused a stampede any more than one can tell the reason of the strange panics that attack human gatherings at times. A flush of lightning, a crackling stick, a wolfs howl little things in themselves, but in a moment everv horned head was lifted and the mass of hair and horns, with fierce, frightened eyes gleaming like thousands of emeralds, was off.

Recklessly, blindly, in whatever direction fancy led them, they went over a bluft or morass. It mattered not, and fleet were the horses that could keep abreast of the leaders. But some could do it, and lashing their ponies to (heir bem gulf the cowboys followed ut breakneck speed. Getting on one side of the leaders the effort was to turn them a little ut, first, then more und more, until the eircumfereneeof a great circle was being described. The cattle behind blindly followed and soon tbe front and rear joined and 'milling" commenced.

Liken mighty mill stone round and round the bewildered creatures raced until thev were wearied out or recovered from their fright. But the cowboy, with his white wlde-rimmed hat. Ills long leathern cattle whip, his lariat and his clunking spur, is now a thing of the past. NOT TO THE MANNER BORN. A Voting Lady From the West at the Inauguration Ball.

From the Washington Star. I beg to be excused. I don't belong In this round-up. I'm off my reservation." That was the peculiar reply a very stylish nnd remarkably handsome young woman made when a society reporter struck her for a description of gowns, which must have been "fetching" indeed with that girl's splendid brunette beauty inside of them. "Oh, well, most everybody is strange here now," was the society reporter's cheerful response.

Wc are very anxious to have all the notable people" "That's IU I'm not a said the brisk young woman. "Lad's not an officeholder nor an oflice-soeker. He's Just a plain, cvery-day cattle baron, and we're not In It this trip. We're stampeded." "stampeded wc don't feed with these kind of cattle, you know. Our crowd 1s these people nil belong to the dash range, nnd tliey ve turned off the water, burned all the grass, rut all our fences and stampeded us in great shape.

Four years from now If you happen to be around here you will find the national range In the hands of the old bosses again and I'll have no objection to giving you a description of my harness. Just now I'm a stray and object to being bunched with this outfit." The objections must have been intelligiblo to he society reporter for they were accepted, and the daughter' of the pluln-overy-duy cattlo baron" was excused from being branded as mixing with a breed of political "cattle" by which she declared she hud been "stampeded." A CAT'S TRIP. The Animal Blaise Tonr of the World on ilrr Own Hook. From the Yorkshire Press. A good cut story comes from Bombay.

In August a Liverpool resident proceeding to Bombay took out with him a cat, which he intended to presont to a friend In India. Some days after the arrival of the steamer tn Horn-bay pussy was missed, and though she was searched for high and low, she was nowhere to be found. Her owner bad quite given her up for he received Intelligence from England that the cat had niado her appearance at her old Liverpool home on October i', as calm and collected as though a trip to India and back was quite In tbe ordinary course of tier lite. The facts are vouched for by Bombay paper, and there Is no reason to doubt their substantial accuracy but. It's not made clear whether the cat was not stowed awny fn the steamer In whtchshe went out to India und carried back in the ordinary course, Lnder any circumstances ber adventures are, however, sufficiently remarkable to deserve recording.

A Drntal Item. Teeth Inserted here. Jitilgc. I tlllztug the Punch Bowl. From the New York Weekly.

Wile. Isn't It lovely 1 It was so delightfully antique 1 could not resist the temptation to buy If." Husband. Well, I'll be dinged Here I've Just been elected president of theSwenrOff Temperance Society aud you go out nnd purchase an old-fashioned punch bowl as big as a tub." We needn't use It for punch, my dear." What can we do with it I was thinking ve might keep It In the library. We can All It with water, you know, nnd alongside of It have a spongu on pretfy Japanese What For wetting Columbia poatago stamps, of course." It Didn't Work. From Good News.

Nervous Lady. "There I I've had some ashes put on the hill outside, und now I guess those noisy coasters will go somewhere ele." Hoy (nuMldr). III All of you I Here's a bully place to shine y'r runners." A llalH Jllnksr. Frnm Trutn. Beethoven.

"They say that In Greenland It rains steadily for si months In the year. What do vou think Is the cause of It?" i'apa. "1'robnbly Wagner muslo Is popular there." A Fair Scholar. From Truth. Kverythlng Is fin de sleele now," he remarked." "Ves," she answered, thoughtfully; "I wonder why?" Did JSot Want Much.

From Truth. Hunker (at Mrs. Dinsmorc's small and early). I hope we shall have a little music," Hpatts. "Ho do I.

As little as possible." THRILLING SCENE IN A TRAPPER'S LONELY CABIN. UP OH TtfE YELLOWSTONE A Big Beast for a Plaything The Siberian Dog Was Its Mate How the Animals Were Fed The Lion's Nature Cowed by Its Master. From tho New York Tribune. X. Biedler, a few weeks before he died.was sitting in one of the card rooms of the Silver Bow Club iu Butte City, talking about mountain lions.

He said it was true that you couldn't tame thein. I said there was a man down in the Yellowstone country, near trapped a good deal in the mountains, and he had what he called a tamo lion. "How tame was it?" asked X. dubiously, and I had to admit that there was a question of degree in the case. Tbo beast was about -J years old.

Tiio trapper, whose name was Skit, had caught a mother lion and two cubs and this creature was one of the cubs. He had killed the mother for her skin and also because sbe wasn't an agreeable thing to have around. The other cub had died on his hands and this one. just for the fun of the thing, he had undertaken to educate. When anybody dropped iu to see him Skit would bring out the lion and put her through a course of exercises.

They were interesting enough in their way, but they made you feci queer at times and you found the rafter that ran across Skit's cafiin decidedly tho best place from which to view the performance. Skit would bring the beast in from a dug out, where he kept her chained. With the lion he would bring an enormous Siberian dog, between whom and the lion there appeared to be a sort of mutually fearful friendship. The dog was a magnificent creature, aud as entirely under Skit's control as if he were a piece of machinery and Skit a master mechanic. In his hand Skit would hold a whip with a long and startling cracker, and he would manipulate tho whip during the performance, producing a constant succession of noises for all the world like the reports of a rifle.

Tho lion growled constantly and seemed under an intense excitement. She was afraid of Skit, afraid of the whip, and to some extent afraid of the dog, but it seemed to me as I watched the show that she was also in a kind of trance. Her eyes glowed with a steady flame, hut without a particle of expression. It was her reckless walk, her dreadful growl that never ceased a moment, an occasional savage bark, a long, low moan and now and then a wild, shrill outcry, and. most of all, tho motion of her tail that revealed her intensely fierce and malignant disposition.

She stood about as high as a Newfoundland dog and was about as long as a horse. She kept, her tail, which was at least three feet long, extended in the shape of the. letter S. stiffly out from her body, and the only motion she imparted to it was just at the tufted end. This seemed to have a personality of its own.

and it would move in short parabolas, making the, figure of an hour-glass. Every nerve in her body throughout the performance was in a constant quiver. Skit insisted that she was not dangerous and that he had her perfectly under control, but within three minutes after the show began I had scarcely the remotest hope of getting out of the. room alive. I expected every minute to seS tho beast make a spring at Skit's throat and tear the man into shreds, and what hope I had resided in the thought that she might turn her attention to the dog next and get tired out before she came to nie.

I had a good-sized gun in my pocket, and I kept it where 1 could use it at a second's notice. But Skit did not seem in the least afraid. To be sure, he kept his eyes fixed directly on the beast's without ever once removing them, and he made (hat whip sound outat intervals of only a few seconds. The dog did his part in a nerfectlv frolicsome wav. as if hethouirhr.

it it "Sit dowu, Kitty yelled Skit, cracking the whip. Kilty sat down. Shake Kitty held out her paw and Skit took it and gave it a vigorous shake, which I wouldn't have done for all the gold in the Rocky fur the beast was growling like a tiend. Now, lets take a walk Skit held out his arm. she put her paw upou it, and walking on her hind legs, they moved together twice around the room.

Then Skit sent her off into a corner and made her lie down, and told the dog to go and shake her. Duke that was the dog's name bounded blithely across tho room, grabbed the suarling lion by the back of tho neck and shook her vigorously for fully a minute. Ouce she. gave a nasty little bark, and then I knew the. end was coming but it didn't.

Puke paid no attention to her, and gave up shaking only when his master called him on. Then be wagged his tail amiably and sat down. Skit brought the lion into the centre of the room and made her stand still while Duko got upon her back. This process was attended with some difficulty, for the. dog rolled on" three times, and on each occasion she whisked her head around at him aud made one of the most unearthly noises mortal ears have ever heard.

But at last he fixed himself firmly on back, catching her about the neck with his teeth, aud then Skit sent her trotting around the room. This part of the show was concluded by a seriesof springs, each clearing the entire space across the room. At laf Duke fell and ran over to his corner. Apparently ho had had enough. Then came tho mot-t wonderful thing of all.

Skit produced from a corner a huge chunk of bloody meat, at the sight of which she gave a series of terrific cries. He sent Jut to her corner and set tho meat down in the centre of ihe room. There he proceeded to int it into half a dozen strips. When (his hud been done ho told her to come on und with one bound she was at it, but before she had quite, touched the meat be gave a savage order, "Stop and cracked the whip loudly. She did stop, hut with what tremendous excitement! Skit ruado her stand up.

He called the dog and bado him take piece of meat and put it on her nose. Duke did exactly as he was bid. He took the meat iu his mouth and as she held up her head ho laid it directly on her nose. It stayed there a full minute, she growling wildly, Skit, watching her intently and cracking his whip, and the dog sitting on his haunches, a picture of indifference. "Now ttke it away.

Duke!" Skit cried. She knew what that nii antand barked again, but made no further resistance as the dog look it and calmly proceeded In cat it. Tim Skit Inula him take a second piece and do the same thing. After it had remained for what seemed to me tin age on her nose, just where it must have tantalized her horribly, Skit said the word Now and in itn infinitesimal fraction of a second she had il iu her mouth. Al this point I begged Skit to cull off the show.

I had seen as much of a tame mountain lion as I was in a mood to sec. He let her cut the remaining pieces in quiet, and li her away when she had done to her dug-out cuyo. A Wonderful Shot, From fionriun Field. Muring the recent severe weather fn Scotland a very extraordinary shot was made by Sir Charles Ross' huntsman. A large number ol birds were seen sitting on the Ice, and the: huntsman succeeded In getting within about sixty yards of them.

Home of the birds rose as the gun was fired, but the total number killed by the discharge was Nit. They Included several secle, hut Ihe majority were plover. Tbe gun was Inches In bore and the charge 1 ounces of powder and II ounces of No. a shot. The shot was doubtless rendered much mfire destructive than It would otherwise have been owing to the pellets skid-tiling along on the flul surfuceof tbe Ice.

i THEATRE OF THE CONFLICT It Was a Wild and Mysterious Spot, Haunted by Prc-IIistoric Memories The Sight of the Two Brutes' Conflict Not One Soon to be Forgotten. FetersvlllefKy.) Dispatch toClnclnnatl Commercial. Southwest of Petersville a few miles is a section of wild, forest-elad country, made up ofa jumble of hills and hollows, from which radiato several streams that flow toward all points of tho compass. Within a radius of probably seven miles, the country is as wild and primieval as it was in tho days when Sinion Kenton and Daniel Boone pressed the bosom of the forest with their soft, noiseless moccasins. The country being unfit for agriculture, and its fine timber being too remote and difficult to handle to attract lumbermen, it has been left as a territorial reserve for wild beasts of various kinds, and an occasional hermit, seeking, in those congenial shades, a refuga from the civilization he had learned to scoru.

In the centre of this wild district at tho head of one prong of Triplet creek, is an interesting piece of nature's eccentric workmanship. It is a flight of stono stair steps, formed by the uniform retreating of freestone strata that rib the sides of the mountain from the foot, whence the stream starts, to the top. The flight of stsps is probably a quarter of a mile in length from bottom to top. They riso gradually, evenly and uniformly, tho width of the steps being about the same throughout the scries. By the chiseling and polishing of tho elements for many centuries, they have been worn smooth, and the uniformity and smoothness leads one, on a first view, to suspect that the shaping of the steps was rather a work of art than the result, of nature's accidental arrangement.

In fact there aro some who safely declare that the steps are tho sculptural work of Indians of a remote past, and assert that, tho marks of the rode chisels are plainly visible to their practiced eyes. On a level lap of land at tbe ton of this stairway are scattered about the rem nants of a rude ancient structure. A few years ago several euriosity-scekers sunk some shallow holes hero and there among tho ruins. A number of curious pieces of savage workmanship were discovered. Bits of charred wood, along with pieces of human bone, were found several feet below the sur face.

These discoveries furnished fanciful data for the bold mcanderings of speculation and imagination had little difficulty in erecting a sacrificial altar and temple on this spot centuries before the copper fate knew that a white one existed. Up these steps caino a long, slow procession, guarded by tho light springing up from the stone structure and spreading out iu huge wings of refulgence that rise and fall among the shadows of tho trees like Titanic goblins. Tho priests are seen to start around tho altar, lifting their weird voices in a wild, measured, monotonous chant. We see, all at once, a vivid spurt of rolling white light shooting up from tho altar as the victim's grcaso begins to melt right freely. But what I started out to tell is that on this sacrificial spot took place, a few months ago, a battle between two king beasts of the forest of different species that one man will remember with a sort of horrible delight for the remainder of his natural life.

The account was furnished mc by Mr. Robert Kankin. a pension agent, of Petersville. Mr. Rankin travels about in the wilds a great deal iu quest of game.

Last fall he was out in this district in scach of wild turkeys, which were at that lime very plentiful. He wandered about for several hours without being able to get a shot, when ho came within sight of the spot I have described at tho head of the natural stair-steps. Being much fatigued with bis long walk over tho rough country, he sat down on a bowlder to rest. He had been sitting only about a minutj when the dead silence was shattered by a low, rumbling growl. Looking to the right, whenco the sound proceeded, he was startled to behold, not over fifty yards away, a hugo black bear.

It. wr.s moving slowly, but its movements denoted that, it was as mad as fury, and fairly aching for a light. Wondering what could bavo excited tho bear's wrath, his car was again assaulted by a loud wboof and turning his eyes to the left he saw, at a short distance, a wild boar of mammoth size. The two great beasts, with suppressed eagerness, were slowly moving toward each other. Neither had noticed Rankin, so absorbed were they in their purpose of annihilating each other.

His eager curiosity was now at a high tension, and no thought of interfering with their plans en tered his mind. His gun rested at his side where be had stood it when he sat dowu. He could feel bis heart lean within him as tho mighty licasts caino nearer aud nearer each other. Tbe lipar's bristles stood np on his back and neck like steel spikes. His great mouth was a working mass of foarn.

His every motion suggested challenge and de fiance, lie seemed to be saying: ou think you will be boss here, do you? Very well. I'm glad you're in that notion. I've just beeu looking for a chap of about your size and aspirations. I've heard of you, and now that I've met you, 1 11 go oft king or lie here dead The bear seemed to say "Them's my sentiments, too On they came. They were soon within fighting distauco and no pre-liminary monkey work was indulged in.

As the boar's head got in slapping reach, tho bear let him "bavo one" that barely missed the skull, but clipped off tho left ear. The boar now made a great lunge nnd thrust a knife-life tusk into his antagonist's thigh, Inflicting a great, glaring wound, from which tho blood spurted in a broad stream. Now the battle began in earnest. Slapping of paws and stabbing of tusks rontiuued until they constituted a great rolling, floundering mass of blood. This terrific work continued for about five minutes.

Then both mighty boats, falling away from each other by their own weight, were unable to resume the battle. They lay for some time, then got up and staggered away a few steps. A littlo later both were dead. Long Itnlloon Asceut. From the London Public Opinion.

M. Mnurlco Mallet describes what he claims to he the longest balloon ascent, on record. His balloon, Les Inventions N'ouvelles, started from the ias Works of La VII lotto, Paris, on October IS, nnd the voyage terminated at Wuhlen, In Central (ferninny, ot fl A. on tho 2fitb, after a total Journey of fW hours 10 minutes above ground. The flight was Interrupted several times by thu snow, which fell In the higher regions of (he atmosphere.

When lowor strata wero reached the snow melted and the balloon regained Its nseend-Ing power. Luring one of these descent It was stopped and examined by a Prussian gendarme, who iuid followed It nt cnllopfor some distance. The roots' passed over part of Belgium, the Tan una and the Odenwald, und the towns of Mntzand Frankfurt were recognized in passing. Qnlre JnMlflcd. From the Chicago Tribune.

"The real reason why my wlfo wants a divorce, Judge," protested tho defendant In the ease, "Is that I couldn't buy ber a new dress wben she wanted It because I bad to pay some unexpected lodge assessments, aud be" Vou blong to a lodge, do yon?" "Six of them, your llonor.nudsheknows "Tbe divorce la granted. Call the next case." BUT MARK HOW HE DOES IT Ho Puts Out a Fire ith a Pail of Water. Which is a Tiling Few ISrntes Would Think of Doing ile is Repaid With In-gratitude. From the Sun Francisco Call. Thero hardly a breath of air stirring, and the torrid sun beat down on tho sandy road as if it had niado up its mind to hum it out of existence.

AH around was the sandy plain of Arizona, and far as the cyo could reach iu any direction it met no soothing patch of green except such trees as rose abova the adobe walls of Tucson. On the road a man and a burro could be scon going toward tho city. The man was walking behind and the burro was carrying a large pack of mosquito wood that his owner intended to sell in tho town. The latter went ulongslowly. but willingly, although it was tho third trip he had mado ovor tho desert road that day.

On his trip to town in the morning his master, Santiago by name, had sold a load of tho same kind of wood aud then spent the money for fiery mescal, so that on the way homo he was very cross and gave tho poor littlo beast many cruel blows. As the two wore going to town again tho burTo seemed to be wondering if his master would do the same this trip. But ho might have saved himself the trouble, for that is just what Santiago did, and this time he was worso than before. The two trips to town had obtained for Santiago nothing more than tho mescal he had drunk, and on the way homo he beat the burro nearly every step of tho way. It was not lato and the sun was still trying to consume the sand by heat, but the little beast went along and paid littlo attention to the blows from tho ciub Santiago struck him with.

Ho probably thought that his master was not responsible, so ho just switched his tail as if ho was bothered with flies. When they reached tho small dilapidated adobe strueturo that was called home Santiago threw himself down on a straw-pile without stopping to draw water from the well for his faithful servant. The burro brayed several times to attract his master's attention, nnd at last tho man got up and filled three buckets of water and left them where his beast of hurden could drink. The animal did not take more than one and then went to see what he could find among the straw to satisfy his hunger. Santiago laid down while the, mescal burned into his brain aud made him nervous.

His head was in a whirl ar.d he could not sleep. He saw his burro nt the straw-pile, but ho looked as if ho was running around him at tho speed of a railroad train. Tho wholo earth seemed iu a state of convulsion and the ground was upheaved cn all sides and he saw tho walls of his hut shake like reeds in tha wind. He could stand it no longer, so he tried to get np, but fell back, and then concluded ho would smoko a cigarette. With great difficulty he managed to roll the tobacco and paper into tho desired form and lighted it.

Tho smoke soothed him, and soon his eyes began to droop, and everything got hazy. Ho fell back onto tho straw and, stretching out his arms, in an instant was asleep. Not tho gcntlo sleep that soothes, but the hard sleep induced by the poisonous liquor he had drunk. When ho fell back ho had the lighted cigarette in his loft hand. The nerveless fingers failed to hold it, and it fell in the dry straw, it at once commenced to glow, and soon caused the dry material to ignite.

In a few minutes there was a small bla.e, aud still tho man slept soundly, unconscious of his danger. The flames came closer and increased in size. Soon they were, seen by tho burm, who gazed at them strangely a low minutes, and then came to liio conclusion that his master was in danger. He forgot all about the cruel blows, anil only thought to save tho man's life-, lie run up to him. and com menced to drag at, his clothes with his teeth; but all in vain, as thu man slept on.

Tho flames were within a foot of him now, and an occasional tongue would liek the man's hand. Hut he was past all sense of feeling aud never moved. In a few moments more ho would have been burucd to a crisp. The burro saw it was impossible to wake his master, so lie ran for the water that, was standing iu the buckcU). It was hard work to carry one of them, as the handles were only thick wire, and it was with difficulty that he secured a hold.

But by setting it down several times ho got it to the, fire, and by this tirao the flames lmd reached the man's hand, which was badly burned, as well as tho end of his shirt sleeve. The burro set the bucket down near by aud pushed it over. In an instant the flames around tho spot wero extinguished, but a little, fire still burned near by. It would soon spread and things would lie as bad as ever. But the burro ran for the other bucket of water and with difficulty dumped it on tho last of the tire.

All danger wa.s now passed and the faithful animal returned to his straw. Santiago did not wako up until morning. He saw at once that thero had been a firo aud that his hand was badly burned. How he was saved wa.s none of his business it was an act of Providence. Ho got up and started for the house, and as be was passing the well the little burro was standing near by and brayed, hoping that his masfcr would give him some water.

Hut Santiago's hand hurt him and he was ia a bad temper, so instead of water be gave tho animalahard kick, and emphasized his action with a curse. A Terrible Ordeal. From Truth. The editor turned pnle and caught his desk for support. "James he called to tho office boy.

"Sir?" "Take that envelope out In the coal house and open It with tho axo." Five minutes lutcr tbo boy returned pale and trembling. "Was my presentiment right?" asked the editor hoarsely. "Yes, sobbed tho boy, striving In vain to keep the tears back. With despairing cry the editor fell to the floor In a lit. The first spring poem had arrived.

Why lie ettccficdcd. From the Butudo News. Who is your doctor, George?" "I'r. smoothmun." How did you como fo have that harebrained creature?" ih, my wife once nskert lilm If he could tell why she always bad cold I'eet and he told her that they wero so kdu.1I Hint thny couldn't bold blood enough to keep them warm, wouldn't bavo any other doctor now." The Uclslit of Style. From Good Xews, Mnmma, What are you doing, pet?" Little Lot.

"I'm wrltln' invitations for my dollie, Invltln' other dulls to her party." Mnmma (looking them oven. Very nicely written. But what in tills black cross at tbe bottom Little Dot, "That's dollie mark." (mine for Moving. Frnm tbe New York Weekly. First American.

"How did you hnppen to leave New York and settle In Chlcngo?" Second American. "My name got on the Jury list In New York." tklf-Control. From 3rtofl News. Teacher. "What Is the menulng of self-control Hov.

"It's Wen a teacher gets mad and feels like giving a boy a black mark and doesn't." THE COYOTE HUNTER. He Makes a Profitable Bnslness of Destroying Them. From the Pomona Progress. John E. Snell, who has come to visit his sister and brotber-ln-law In Pomona, Is well known here.

He tells us that the law which pays bounty on every scalp removed from tbe skull of a coyote In California has been the source of all his present lit tle fortune, and he Is grieved at the probability that the law makers at Sacramento will repeal the statute at this session of the Legislature. When the coyote bounty law went Into effect in March, 1391, John Snell was a waiter In a Ban Bernardino hotel. He had a tast for gunning, and knew the mountains rind favorite resorts of the coyote In Southern California likea book. So hestartedout early for coyote scalps. He has made a business of hunting and scalping the beasts ever since, but for some months tbe supply of coyotes has been so'small, under the operation of the bounty law, that ho has not made more than 880 or S'JOa month, and that, with necessarily large expenses, has made the net profit very small.

Mr. Snell tells us that his two years' work In the coyoto scalp business made him about $3,700 richer. He has shot, trapped, poisoned and maimed coyotes In every county In California south of Vfsulla. He has had two partners In the business at different times, but most of he time he has worked alone. Helms tramped and ridden on horseback several thousand miles In quest of coyotes.

He made the most money In scalps in San Uiego county, and the next most in Ventura county. For the first six months in the occu- Fation he got on an average two scalps a day. one day, In the Tcmescal mountains, he got fourteen, nnd in one week his receipts from bounties on scalps deposited with the Clerk of Los Angeles county were over SUM. Hut those were tbe pal my days of the coyote scalp Industry. For ten months the number of coyotes has been growing smaller fast, and for several days aj, a time Snell has not so much as seen one of the animals, and the few that remain have become so scary and fearful of the presence of hunters that It now takes a craek rifle shot to lay one of them low.

His gross receipts for sculps have been over RUSSIAN BEAR DOGS. They Are Very favage and Fight on Slight Provocation. From Temple Bar. Alongside ran our small pack of bear dogs, a breed peculiar In this district, but much resembling the Ksklmo dog in general appearance, with powerful frame covered with a long wavy coat nnd set on short, legs with broad feet, a short, thick neck, broad head with a short, sharp-pointed nose, small erect ears, bright, intelligent eyes, and a mugnifl cent busby tail curling over the back like a squirrels. They are very savage and spend most of their lesure time In getting up fights among themselves nearly every one of our small pack showed by a banging ear or a cashed lip that he had not been made free of the guild without paying his footing.

In bear hunting these dogs are invaluable their keen scent enables them to detect his berloga, or winter lair, at a considerable distance, and through all but the deepest snow; while, when he Is started, they will follow his track witn unerring patience, giving tongue every now and then to assure the Hunter It Is all right and guide him through tbe forest till the final chorus tells that, they have come up with the bear, and you rush up to obtain an oav shot, as he stands at hay. Tho dogs are very active In avoiding the fierce blows which the bear alms at tneui, and soon learn the wisdom of attacking him In the rear, so that, though every now and (hen they limp away bleeding from an ugly gash from the bear's claws, after sitting down in the snow and licking their wounds carefully over, they trot contentedly home and come out tbe next dav as keen us ever. We usually took out five, all good dogs and all of uiuerent colors, tsoboi, a splendid iron-gray dog, with a voice like a bloodhound's and a frame wiry and strong as a wolf's, holding tho proud position of leader. INDIA RUBBER. The Characteristics Which Mark Good Vulcanized Wnrei.

From tbe Electrician. An investigation has recently been conducted by Lieutenant I at the St. Petersburg Technical Institute, with a view to establishing rules or tests whereby tho quality of vulcanized India rubber may bo efficiently Judged. It is a notorious fact that no method of chemical analysis gives a reliable result for this substance. Hence the tests applied were chiefly of a physical nature.

From a lengthy series of experiments the following conclusions were deduced, namely 1. India rubber should not give the least sign or superficial cracking when bent to an angle of 10 degrees after five hours of exposure In a closed air bath to a temperature of 126 degrees cent igrade. Tbe test pieces should be six centimeters thick. 2. Rubber that does not contain more than half Its weight of metallic oxides should stretch to Ave times its length without breaking.

U. Caoutchouc, free from all foreign matter except the sulphur used In vulcanizing It, should stretch at least seven times its length before rupture. 4. The extension measured Immediately after rupture has taken place should not exceed 12 per cent, of the original length of the test piece of rubber. The test piece should le from to 12 millimeters long, 11 centimeters wide, nnd not more tban 6 millimeters thick.

6. (Softness may he determined by measuring the percentage of ash formed on incineration; It may form the basis for deciding be-tween different grades of rubber for certain purposes. The vulcanized rubber should not harden under the Influence of cold temperature. These conclusions are to serve In the establishment of rules governing he Introduction of vulcanized rubber in the Russian uavy. THE MOUSE ESCAPED.

Fortunately It Did Kot Attack the Lady In the Cue. From tbe Boston Rudget. The Se.untcrer has a friend on the staff of a Western newspaper, with whom he often exchanges Interesting clippings. The latest bit received nt this office was the following, cut from a small paper published In North Dakota 'Tho mnny friends of Mrs. will be pleased to learn that sbe Is not In serious danger, us the shock Is not so severe as nt first su pM)sed.

The particulars of the unfortunate a flair are Interesting. "Itseemsfhat Mrs. while going up stairs saw a mouse run behind a barrel. Her cries were heard by the hired man, who hastened to tbe scene, armed with his gun and followed by his faithful bulldog. Mrs.

hen took courage and poked the barrel with her broom. "The mouse ran out the dog started In pursuit; the hired man fired; the dog dropped dead Mrs. fainted, and the hired man, thinking be bad killed her, and that he would Iw arrested for murder, took to his heels und bus not been beard of since. The mouse escaped." The Qnrrn's Wine Cellar. From Ihe London World.

The Queen possesses nn Immense quantity of wine, there being very lurgo cellars, and most of tbem full, utHt James' l'alsce, Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. No great stock of wine Is kept either at Uslmrnu or at Balmoral, the supplies of those places being renewed as often as may be necessary. The tjueen's collection of old port nnd sherry, Last India Madeira and Cabinet Khlno wines Is probably the largest and finest In the country, and ber Majesty has a splendid cellar of Imperial Tokay, which waa Prince Albert's favorite dessert wine. George IV. purchased vast quantities of port, Madeira and sherry, which be was privileged to Import tree of duty; and In those days members of the household were In the habit of getting a great deal of wine In the same way, under the pretext that It was being ordered them tor tbe King.

AMOUSA AND PRINCE. A LION WHO WRESTLES THIS IS THE LATEST NOVELTY AMONG TRAINED ANIMALS. A TALK WITH HIS TEAINER The Leonine Muldoon is Named Prince and Was Taught by a West Indian Negro Named Amousa Amousa's Ideas on the Subject of Training Animals. From the London Sketch. With a touch of that bloodthirsty curiosity which seems to make the whole world kin when a dangerous inan-and-beast show is announced, peoplo are flocking nightly to the New Oxford iu order to see the brave West Indian negro, Ales Amousa, not only wrestle with his hugo African lion, Prince, but perform a number of equally daring tricks.

I had a chat with Alex Amousa just after the performance was over. The loud cheers and clapping could still be heard when tho bilge kindly-looking negro came iu, beads of perspiration standing on his forehead, but with no other sign of agitation about him. Alex Amousa, although he can speak equally well both French and English, considers the latter his native tongue, for he was born in tbe town of Kingstown, St. Vincent, one of the most beautiful of tho West Indian Islands. "Oh, no, never saw any wild beasts in St.

Vincent," he says, in answer to a query, a broad smile showinthe even rows of white teeth. I left the island when I was a lad of fifteen, in order to be servant to a party of Knglish gentlemen who were going to hunt big game in Africa, and it was in Africa that I first saw a lion, though I little imagined then that I should ever come to such close quarters wit ono as I do now." What niado you first think of becoming an animal tamer and trainer I came to Kngland and obtained emr'" mcnt in Sanger's Circus; whilst the habitual lion-tamer either couldn't or wouldn't go into the lion's cage one day and I offered to tako his place. I then discovered that I had less difficulty than most people in training wild beasts, for you must know," added Alexander Amousa, proudly, "that lions are by no means my only specialty. I have trained and performed with wolves, tigers, bears, leopards aud elephants." "And which have yon found het from tho training aud intelligence point of view Lions, without doubt. They have far moro intelligence than other beasts and are capable of great natural affection.

On one occasion, when touring with an English circus in the north of France, I was severely bitten by a lioness who formed one of a grou I of six lions with whom I performed daily. I was hid up for six weeks. Well, when I came back they were so pleased to see me that they nearly broke the cago to pieces, including the very lioness who had bitten me," he added, with a twinkle in his eye. "And do you think your influence over Prince is owing to his affection for you?" "I do really think so; I do really think so," answered Alexander Amousa, with considerable solemnity. "I bavo trained him entirely myself, lie is an African lion, born in the desert and was grown up before I took him in hand." "And what made you think of teaching him to wrestle?" "I said to myself, 'If a kangaroo can box, surely ono of my lions can and so made up my mind to try.

Prince is now 7 years old. I had known him and had my eye on him for soma time before I trained him, for I can toll what sort of a temper a lion has by merely looking at him. Prince, when I first began teaching him two years ago. was a splendid specimen of tho fine, untutored savage, but his instiuets were always good," added Alexander Amousa, affectionately. I suppose that though an clement of danger is never absent from your work, the most critical time of all is when you begin training an animal?" Yes, certainly.

The first thing yon must do is to make the lion feel you are his master. Thus it is sometimes necessary to ehastiso them, but I do that as rarely as possible. Although I take a little whip with nie into the cage, it is only to indicate, to Prince what be has to do. lie is not in the least afraid of it. Training is rendered tho moro difficult by tho fact that you cannot appeal to lions by their greed.

In other words, theru is no question of 'feed the for they only take raw beef, and there is no equivalent to tho salt so loved by horses and the carrot which persuades the. donkey to do anything. After each performance I feed him, to show him I am pleased but all his tricks, sjrh as firing off a pistol, jumping over a stile, feeding from my lips that is, taking daintily tho bits of beef I hold between my teeth for him and. last of all. the wrestling, all this 1 bavo taught bim by kindness aud appeals to his intelligence." "And baa ho never injured you in any way?" Xo, with the exception of a slight scratch, Priuco has always behaved in a friendly and proper manner to I consider him both physically and mentally one of the finest lions ever i sine across.

He was nervous flic first time be wrestled iu public, fur tho people's cheers and shouts troubled him, and lie could not niaka out why they went on so but he is getting less and less worried every day and his performances grow bettor in consequence." But supposing that one day somo unforeseen circumstance or sudden noisu aroused bis anger or irritatad him, and bo turned on yon, would you be able to slip out aro tho bars of the cage wide enough 1" Alex Amousa shook head. "Oh, nn; they are, on the contrary, trellised, forwburo (wild pass Prince, were he lashed to fury, would probably follow, and that would lie a bad lookout for the audience. I must tell you that I always tako a loaded pistol in with me. but I net fl hardly add that I should have to be hard driven before I should think of using it. for Prince is a valuable animal, and there is no fellow to bim among contemporary performing lions." Next to lions, what animals do you prefer to perform with Leopards aud tigers.

Wolves are uncanny creatures, and seem so stupid, though very sly, and very littlo can be done with 4.

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