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The Mercury from Pottstown, Pennsylvania • Page 13

The Mercuryi
Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MOND AY, FF.BRUARY^l lOSS POTTSTQWN MERCURY, POTTSTOWN. PA. DIAL TA 3.3000 PACE THIRTEEN Royersford-Spring City MARLfY B. BRANDRITH. Third Aifnue and Main Royertford Pbooe 158 Business Men's Group to Hear Talk By Representative of Credit Bureau and collct- will be fli.scu'»*cd at a of 1960.

reason, the business- mon.hly mfclinj of 1 united action Mens jMocialion to demand bolter and niorroA at 8 ni at Sprinz- viro the earlient (late It was 'aid the telephone company is Ihi, phave of miTchandisinj be given by K. Purter, of the view Credit bureau. Members of group bren A Iflfiritdll quested to write to Ifvvin Brow.n LCy lUII manager of office of Hell Telephone re vOltllTtlftGC Will ciue lin-! action the installa tinn of the dial in the local area. It wfts announced tele Chester county committee of phone company ha1 previously the American Legion uill meet promiicd dial service some tonight at the Charles F. Moran thi.

year, then it Downingtown, vith Com- Meet Tonight NEW MEMBERS RECEIVED BY LOCAL CHURCH Scout Troops Attend Spccial Sorviccs at Good Shepherd Boyertown EAftL t. BtNFIELD. 7-2801 129 North Walnut to the last quarter of 1959 and now it tentatively has been post' poned again until the last quar I I TWin-Boro Classified mandcr C. Lewis Sparc prcsid-' ing. Delegates and members of the Walter T.

Caff rev post. Spring City, Mill meet at the post house HOSpildl I'fioto by Ftu'dod CHARTLR PRr.SKNTrn—llnrold F. HlmSy (renter) pichident of the Optimist club, nencsl servier orsanlration ln the rottstown arra, aeiepts Ihr rlub rharlrr from Harold Mumma, (Irft) of IHstrirt 2, at In thf Die rlub. At right Is Kenneth of Ihr club (bat Rored the new nrganliatinn. Deaths Admitted: Frank William Delwiler, in Spring City at 7:15 p.

m. Transportation will be provided. NFwumTNiiioii Kririir Clcorgc F. Bruno, castcm vicc'MTs. Enri Newborn, will bo in attend- Dora Krechovicr, Mrs.

Paul Martha Newborn, agfci 88 years lancc to address the delegates Shoemaker, Leslie Putz, Mrs thi? guests. The eighth district Anthony Sikorski. Raymond Funeral Home 367 Walnut 8t, Koyerjiforrt, on TtiMrtay Intermfnt Kern wood may rail a home Monday rvenlng Ppfvnnala DAY and over. Good fneal. Lovely rail Rovfrafurd 1851 it 200 Attend Meeting at Die Caster's As New Optimist Club is Chartered GILBERTSVILLE POSTMASTER HEADS SCHOOL FUND DRIVE Mxlrcn nrw mrinhere wrre mrivrd and Seoul Inmps at Frank mertlng.

In addition lo 40 tendrd niorning wur poMmasIrr, who is srrv-iauxiliary membrra, Mra. servur in the llrformrd ing as chairman for a dnvr in Willard C. Churrh of Ihr of funils for Ihr villr HI), who repreaented thfi (t nilfvl of I hn I), srhnol llanovrr Upper Frederick rrlown hHndirapprd rhililirn Khcrwin Zirglcr, Doug- I he new meftibcrs rei rived township principal of from thr former Hrforined con the ini schools. Stanley Sweinhart, aec- grrgalion at Trimly HrchloKvillr. Included Mrs ii'Connoll who chairman of township; William ijrorce Krllrr, llobeit and Nrw Hanovrr Mover, Mr anil Mrs havr I rltoy Moyrr, Mrs.

Kvrlyn as Mrn. Anna M. Sliiuffer. Mr Margurnlr Iv (Irhris, Harold An orxanliational mrrtlng (Irhris, Irrnr .1 and of the group held In the Mabel (. DrIlickrr by letter of wrrr Arthur H.

I Mrs. Krnnrlh M. Mr. and Mrs. C.

and Mrs. Itnhrrt H. Moyer, Becoming by re- nrw al of were 1). Krllrr and Hobert II. lioiicW.

lllr ITrr hall, along wilh Ihr rrgular ninnthly tnrrling of Ihr l.adirs’ aut- lllary of Ihr illr ire roinpanr, who will assist In Ihr rnllrrllnn of fundi for Ihr sthool. Mrs Marion tluchak, aux lllary prrsnlrnt, introducril llindrr, llrnry Frry, John l)ort Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs Hrrbrrt Moyrr, and flenningrr, all of statrd that a llstinf of captains and solicitori for two townships will announced in the near future. Boyertown Classified ficially wrlconird pastor More than 2(K) were er and Donald S. lladiey, vice the Hev I Dfviirnrn in Mnnpiral, 7 1 0 H.

l-rank l.uthridne. physio nottfrfr huahand of therapist, who rxplninrd iVitirrer. Moyer Road. I I .1 iiown 1 si The new were neett for a school this invited to to care for youngsters afflicted Funeral wilh, For Info. Notice inc nik TAX ervice No minimum fee Foater Yerger, 7th Main atreet.

Royeraford. Ph 303 Coatesville are Mumma, at the event, which hospital Phoenixville RD George re entertained by the eighth Mont Clare; Mrs. Fred Rich Optimist district 2, to llar-uncluded a buffet lune district. Royer.srord; Mrs. Julia President followed by i.anc 10 to 22 We ran Do It IS 'The United Lutheran Mrs.

Phillip Braski, Frank! rRivriNO of Old Time of Spring City LutheraniPier.son, Mrs. Joseph Kamerdze, ahip. Try It at Shadea Trinting church will meet tonight at 8 John Foster, Thum, Bouse. 2b6 Oreen Royeraford. Si He liivlir I to titf from tha hinehenn and .1, The nihmnster and ll.iyerlo\in loii'triiition for Ihe 1 Mrs.

Ruth hensler. Spring "rw chih, was spon-inew 40 charter tr.Hip n. Frain is also which mean an may attemled Ihe Service cents per evening 7 Iconlnbuting in the county to rhiirrh aihaii fn Mftfti Myrtle Titus. Ray Law- 'ored by the Moyertuwn Opti bers. VnUivn ffUlilwn lO Frank fkntimiwla friim Ihmiiirhmit The Rev.

Ralph A. AuinoriEea oaies at oerr- Pilro Ice All other repaired of West Pike- rr bags 20c. McKissic's, Royersfd 35. land Lutheran parish, will speak SAMUEL D. R05 R3 Plumbing Ac Heating.

Ruyerafurd RD Phone 124B or 540-J. If you have Spring- Ford Specialized TV Service. 1309 JOS T. KONESKL on Lutheran Congregations Are The women of West Pikeland Lutheran parish will be guests. Mrs.

Holskik, Phoe-i nixville; William Ames, erford; Elmer Lehoe, Norristown RD 1. Births: To Mrs. Cornelius Prizes lo Be Awarded from the Pottsgrovr and Lower I joined Pottstown Dptlinisis to participate in the raslon. Biddy League Game Three game.s will be played In Boyertown Area Ruldy basketball league tonight at 7 A total of worshippers werr in Pack Committee rrach that sum. tat on Ihtnnday, 8.

Ih-- organisational and Calendar Rimby, include Willrtm S. Weil Furnlsbrd Second ifoor aduiu '259 Royersford Orace choir. 7 p. confirmation Royersford Methodist: Today, mf class. Girl Scouts; 8 p.

m. troop 7.30 p.m., Boy scouts; 7:45 LlOIIS LIUU 949 BUICK Super 2-door. committee; Wednesday, 7 p.m.. tomorrow' 8 For- radio, heater, except, clean, good P- tires, 001 I24y Juriior catechetical class; Wednesday. nQ LoUnchcd Kenneth Royer, the Boyertown Area Junior Plans Banquet Desimone, Phocnixvillc, a the Boyertown club, also parschool gymnasium meetin of the Mrs.

Elmer Gomoas. Phoenix- ticipated in the presentation of! scheduled to play are, Vu i lri chartiT Legion and Keystone, the Tack Officers of the elub Bechtelsville. and Gil-! was held at Ihe home of Mr. bertsvillr and the lltMiks. Mis.

Russell Hollowbush, Blue Note Club Studies Vocalists frlrndi are tnvltfd to the servlrra from Hihwpnk r'une al Phlladripiiia Ave fioyprtown, on Moiidav at 3 p. Interment In I'alrvlew cemetery Hoyrrtown. Ftlrnda may on Sunday even- to 9 (flohwenk) ville, a girl; Mrs. Richard Kern, the charter. Phoenixville, a boy.

Francis SON motor CO. Ph. Royersfd p.m., misslon study by Women prayer service; Thurs- of the Church, topic. and day, p. chcrub choir; Crisis in women from A of Various were made at, Do ft Ti the regular merling of the new or Note Bovertown, held', 11 .1 Free Estl- Sell announced which meeting rt)om at Kuser maten end cau ruANK I.

HnriruMfro "-others store. UPDKCIHOVK SaMaman.vlll. 4 8 l. Marv Jiinr Van Gilder re expert waUh repairs. May I aava vou tif lost lima.

The event has been scheduled on the latest Hsue of hankly Jewelry store. for Saturday night March 8 while Donald Sim- quildin(i Repairing. liall. Gilbbert.sville. mons on current events t-iui' that the monthly award of were inade for the will be made during Ihe games.dinner.

SE Tour Super Market at 367 HIGH ST. Pottstown, Pa. It Now OPEN Will As Thursday Until 9 P. M. FRIDAY NIGHT tiltil JQ Spring City Lutheran church will be guests; Thursday, 6 p.

junior choir rehearsal; 8:45 p.m., youth choir rehearsal; p.m., Boy scout.s; 8 p.m., Senior choir rehearsal; Satur day, 10 a.m.. Brownies. Royesrford Mennonite Brethren in Christ: Today, 7 p.m.. house cleaning; tomorrow, 7:4.5 ip prayer and praise service; Thursday, 1:30 Missionary society. Royersford Baptist: Today, 7 p.m., Girl scouts; Wednesday, 7:30 p.m., mid-week church service, hymn sing, prayer, Bible study; Thursday, 7 p.m., I Junior high choir; 7:30 p.m., choir; Friday, BYF Valentine party; Saturday, 1 p.m., ON THE AIR MONDAY MORNING Deaths-Funerals Funeral service! for (KCA Yesterday members of the II.

DOTTLHKR, widower of Scout pack, along with thr Boy Scouts, attended Sundav 7 p.m., intermediate choir; 7:45 At New Hanover ISallie O. Freiloilek I Dotterer p.m.. Senior choir; 8 p.m., POTTS I OWN services and participat fourth quarterly conierenco-; .1, will be held tomorrow at program. Saturday, 10 a.m.. Brownies.

ijSwamp j.3Q Those attending Ihe pack Spring City Lutheran: Today. to continue West Phila- niertmg included Vincent Rem p.m.. Women of the Church; tomorrpw'. 7 p.m., (iirl scouts; Wednesday, p.m., Junior cateclietical class; Thursday. Senior catechetical class; Friday, for organitalion of a hart.

Donald Kastle. Kerrnit for residents of Lrnhart. Roy Geiger. New Hanover towni-hips. services Wilmer Johnstm andi Forming of th- new organira- mothers Mrs.

James Malz! tion was discus.sed at a meeting I'eiormed. Kermit Lenhart. at the hotel Wednesday attended class; Friday, 7 p.m.. Mover of Chicaco sne- Schneck, p.i-tor of the, choir; Senior choir; hurch of Ihe Cood juilIOr WOllian (lub Saturday, 10 a.m.. Brownies.

icrnational. rii Inited Ihe Douglass New Han- Chiirch of (brist: Today, 7 p.m., Lions club is being Girl scouts; tomorrow. 7:30 sponsored by the Limerick i.m., Philathea class; 8 Lions organization, church and ministry conferencej in St. church, Phoenix- past ville; W'cdnesday, p.m.,|di.strict Junior catechetical class; the Shepherd. Church ij Christ).

Boyertown. officiating. HCdT BOOK K6YICW Interment will be in the Hill Church cemetery. shown films of the pertaining lo jazz. lirnir Matlack followed with a on Ihr first portion of Ihr "Swing Srvrral srlrrtlons were playrd Including Ihe I.oma l.oiiH and Ihr lattrr by Harry Jamrs.

A report on male vocalists was matle by Richard Longacre. i I- a 1 II Nlfhtt nr nra TVViimK, The jazz vocalists he bumlnf or llfhlni urInatlAn) ei I nfiirnialird Apurlmrnts (18 FiriMr Kl.OOU at 704 Boyerlown. 3 and Hath ply Mrs. Daniel Longane, Main FlKar FLOOR rooms In nelKtiborhond. Apply 8 4 Baal Fourth flt.

Boyertown, Ph 74 I 7 AdvertUement Bladder 'Weakness' orrl by Weaknen" 0 1 nr Wtttlni. Im fra- i Members of the Boyertown club will be Post' lue included Lro Watson Binellini. Cloudy Orina, dua me U(ir(l KIdnt, and bladdtr Irritations. Nat King Cole and Frank Sinatra. The next meeting will 'be held on Thur.sday night, KX fur quirk htlp 1 yeart utt rirova for young and old flit for cnrniXX monty-back how (atl you Improva, ms organization.

shown films of the 19.57 Moyer and Isaac F. A. PKIKR. pmmenade of the rni deputy governor fo Lions er of Jennie (Sheetz; Area Senior High ict 14-A and chairman of SOI Til RFADLNt; LM 8 riistriet extension laM Com- Thursday. 6:30 p.m..

Senior con-jtee, explained the purpose, Pottstown hospital, where be center, firmation class; Friday, 7 p.m., fits and services of Lions been a patient since 'I'ues- Hour 6 1 '9 11 .00 .45 .15 4 I "0 i .00 I I I .00 4 WRCV NBC 1060 Mayor Of the Morning Mayer of the Morning WCAU CBS 1210 DlRest Har-ey WFIL ABC 560 Rise and Shine HIP MBS 610 I Mayer of the I Morning Mayer of the Morning News; Weather Rise and Shine lere tlarvev Newa Harvey Mocaviiay New Joe McCauley Junior choir; 8 p.m., he addressed a gathering day. I of 17 men from the Douglas.s- Faith Brethren In New Hanover area at the WcdChrist: Wednesday, 7:4.) p.m.,!nciday meeting. prayer and praise service. Zion Lutheran: Today, p.m., catechetical class. Also on Ihe program is a book review on Walter rested on suspicion of runninp arms.

She collects native African swords and knives. Sh( union Manufaeturing company, Senior High school. Rise and Shine My True Story Bandstand Good Mornlai Breakfast Club Show Cinderella Wsekend Schoolhouse. Ring Your Bell Herb Oscar Godfrey Anderson Godfrey Women Only Howard Miller Phil Sheridan Show roe 4 News Joe McCauley Joe" Tn Happlneaa Soundtrack Soundtrack Kitchen Kapers Made Of Couple's Marriage Annountemcnt was made of the marriage of Erma Nettles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Ar- the occasion for application for Sixth and Washington streets, MOYER POINTED out that Boyertown. Lions international is the! He was born in Oley township i i i u- world's largest service son of the late Abraham Philadelphia avenue, 1 a 1 0 constituting (Adams) Peter, members in more than 13,500 He was a member of Christ Boyertow'n, is in charge of fun oral arrangements, which are ficials became suspicious of llw knives in her luggage. She finally convinced them it just a hobby. clubs. He said Lions clubs have I Lutheran church, Niantic; the been chartered in 82 countries Friendship Hook and Ladder! on six continents.

company. Boyertown; Ilarleys-j Irrcury wilh tips. The Feb. 17 meeting will be i 1 I Benehcial association; thur Nettles, 953 Church street, a State and International char- Eschbach council 1019, Order of Independent Americans, and and Theodore Hunter, son for the proposed organiza- Boyertown lodge 708, Independ- Mrs. Ella Hunter, 340 Main tion.

ent Order of Odd F'ellovvs. street, both of I Men at meeting He is survived by a son, Paul The ccremony was performed)included Lloyd Kline. Alex Pfeif-at home; a granddaughter; a in Grace Lutheran'fer Richard Kiehlc, Eric great-granddaughter, and two! AFTERNOON 12 1 2 .00 .45 3 0 Vince Lee .45 'Vince Lee .30 .45 .00 .15 Tnie Confessione 1 Man's Fam. Dr. Gentry Matinee 'ik Wm.

In My I Prpper J- jjj, Vince Lea .15 i .45 .15 .30 .45 Peter and Mary Harry Helen frent Our Gal Drake Perk.n» Dr Malone E. Radali Club 210 Mrs. Burton Backstage Wl'e Ring Your Hous'eparty Pat Buttram News HI NelKhbor John Trent Phil Sheridan Show Bill Webber Show Jim Reeves Show Bill Webber Show BUI Webber Show Vince Lee Arth'r Godfrey World on Pa'e Ed Randall Bill Webber Show church by the Rev. John B. Bergstresser.

pastor. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ilornak, brother law and sister of the bride. at News Question Mike The couple will live Main street address.

Happiness Key, Jack Pyle Sundberg. Peter Ganovsky, George Jones, Cliiford Riegel, Walter Rutty, Franklin Roth, John Epps, William Beacraft, Roy Boyer, Robert Plotfs, Peter sisters, Lula, wife of Cleveland Jones, 500 Rhoads avenue. Boy- ertovvn, and Elsie, wife of Harry Mellinqer, 38 East Third street, the Rotii. Edward Moore, Ray Neff Charles Kirby. The Schwenk Funeral home, Jack Pyle csnd Stop Me Jack Pyle By BENNETT CERF- Heading Home Heading Home Klubhuuse EVENING I ES CARPENTER tells about men preparing to tour i Bureau of Engraving and Printing, where i the paper money is produced.

The first murmured, hope they hand out The second scoffed, to that! I want them to give me a do-it-yourself OFFICC H0UB8 II A I r. 2-3 and 6..10 30 and Friday II A -IP and 2-5 M. Only, Saturday All Othfr A ARTHIK L. DC. Lady Attandant Bayfrtown 7-2344 (Mfi and OOita).

7-2104 (Aniaar ftarviea) 3in Pliiladrltihja Avanua Pt Saa Paiai Talrphana OIrectary IWEftflS SEE OUR NEW 1958 WATCH MODELS Bulova Hamilton Elgin Time Jeivelru Store" 4 K. phllii. Hoyerlomi 01 News Weather I'hu 3 Star Extra .00 Frank Sinatra .15 and Newt World fcd Murrow .00 I Y()u Bet Your 'I I news l-m .15 I Me 3 Star I 9 10 1L Bt Jk Sports Harry Prime bowell riioinas As I See Bill Brannutne Show Bill Webber Show Edward fohn Daly Merv Griffm NlRht Beal .15 I Life .30 I Nightllne .00 Telephone .15 JO Nlghtllne I .00 Mu'lc .15 ,:0 Hy Lit i- 1 Hy Lit 5 Country Muslo Arth'r Godfrey Amos Andy Alan Scott Alan Scott Ej Lit Answer BUI Bransume Starlight Ahn Scott lonitfht Regional Alaa Scoit Wonderful Town Wonderful Alan Scott Lewis Jr. Rouiu F. Brookhouser Dan Dan Curtis Dan Curtis Night Beat An 8-year-old boy la the inanking new Denver Public Library dcmindcd a book on

want he explained, will tell me how to hypnotize my brother into w'ashing the dish- ti every night." At a Yosemlte campsite, reports Harry Oliver, an outhouse with this notice on the "Please keep door closed or porcupines will eat i Herb Lyndon tells me a farmer In Iowa w'on such a reputation aa a liar that even the pigs come when he by Bennett Cert. Distributed by Klnf Fetturea BvTidlcstc Barrj theatre LAST TLMES TONIGHT NATALIE WOOD KARL MALDEN PLUS PLUS yer A iiott kwstei Robot THIS WEEKi WALT BLOLSEI Cattau rail itaavaa I 4 Wrinkla raiKtant and (akrUa. Cntton-Knit jkh sk VS In and laMdi with draw, itrinf kattami, $1.29 up Th9 Square Since Boyertown. Pa. BE SURE AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF LAMPS BRIDGE FLOOR TABLE Visit Us Today M.

S. KUSER FURNITURE Itradlng Rnjertnwn OPK.V TONIGHT TILL 6 P. M. for the One You The Perfrct Gift for a very Special Occasion VALENTINE Give a LANE CEDAR CHEST For thaf special daughter, your sweetheart, your no gift that will say "I Love more beautifully, more enduringly, than a Lane Cedar (best. Opin Today Till Si30 P.M.


112 last Phlla. Boyertown Ph. Pottstown Subscrtberi Phone.

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