The San Bernardino County Sun from San Bernardino, California • Page 35
- Publication:
- The San Bernardino County Suni
- Location:
- San Bernardino, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 35
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
I SAN BERNARDINO DAILY SUN, FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1925 PAGE NINETEEN 64 Houses $600 CASH and $35.00 per month at $4300. 5-r. good as new east front, paved st. near Highland Ave. A modern 5-room, large lot, paved bargain at $8000.
$1000 cash. HAVE lot on Reid Place at cost, 2 years ago, see me at once for these good buys. I know values. I can loan you money to build or finance your H. T.
WIDMEYER 34 Court. Loans. Ph. 38173 or 23498 BARGAIN-2 acres fully alfalfa, grapes, 16 friut trees. strawberries, truck garden, plenty of cheap water, domestic and irrigation.
rabbit 2-rm. house, 500 14x29, chicken, houses, ft. from city taxes, S. of High off of Muscott. Come out and look it over, ideal for chicken ranch.
Sell on terms or trade. Phone owner mornings, 223-10. SACRIFICE, MUST SELL Brand new 5-room modern bungalow, has all built-in features, large porch, breakfast room, firep.ace, garage, flowers, lawn, located in' the North End near Highland Ave. Price reduced from $5250 to $4200, $800 down, balance easy terms. CRAGGS SHARP Third Phone 241-36 'HIS WON'T LAST LONG 50 down puts you in possession of a new garage house, plastered, bath and everything.
1650 A Street, the best street in town. Build your big home later on front of lot. See J. M. HOWSON, 474 Court St.
Phone 221-93. OR 5-room, modern bungalow, window in each room, built-in bookcase; fireplace: large bathroom; cabinet kitchen with cooler: electric water heater: screened-in back porch, with double wash trays. Lot 50x198, lawn, flowers, fruit trees and shrubbery See owner at 730 Eighth Street. ERY NICE new 6-room bungalow 'on Base Line. Owner leaving town and will sacrifice over $1000 on the purchase price.
Bought one year ago. Better N. G. LEEPER 648 Fourth St. Phone 402-07 FOR SALE -Lovely 5-room bungalow in choice north end, all latest modern features and absolutely best of construction.
Here's your chance to buy a home just a little better and priced right. Phone 39369, evenings. FOR SALE-6-room house, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors throughout, built-ins, built-in bath, lawn front and rear, 10 fruit trees, garage, blocks from car line, paving paid. $5650, $700 down, balance $45 per month. Inquire 1949 St.
or phone 431-09. ENGINEERS, LOOK! Do you want a home within a short distance of the railroad shops? take care of you if you have $100. Drop me a line now. Box 889 Sun. BEAUTIFUL 5-room stucco building and race restrictions.
Price $3550.00, $100 down. Come out to Highland-Mt. Vernon Park or call 301-06. Would consider some exchange. FOR SALE- A new stucco nungalow, 5 rooms and breakfast nook.
in features. Finest electric tures, in one of the best residential sections. 2063 Genevieve Street. Phone 23208 for information. LOTS of people have money to buy a home if they could find a one built to please, something different, on a shady suitable lot.
See it today at 1996 Mountain View. CARPENTER That will buy and finish 3-room house and mo. garage for $995. Nothing down, $25 Box 890 Sun, DON'T rent, see this first. New hse.
5 hardwood floors, $2500, $50 down. 548 Marshall Blvd. or 32nd. Owner, A. L.
Wilkins. $6500 is less than replacement value. 5-room modern home on large corner lot. in Highland Avenue, $1200 to handle. Roberts Savage.
1535 Street. Phone 441-26. ROOM house, $2000, $150 down, 10- rated between 7th and 8th Sts. Platt corner Highland and Arowhead. Phone 252-07.
LING East, will sell for less than ost. House lot, 1387 W. 10th it. Price $1500.00. Some cash.
Sal easy. house, new strictly modern. arage, cement work. 1415 Magnola. Call Christensen, owner.
31247. NEW 6-room and S. modern lot 53x137, on 10th, 1 bik. west of I St. Call at 963 10th St.
Terms. 6-ROOM, sleeping porch, $3800: also lot in Reid-Sweeny Tract 3, $630. Phone 24380. NICE large 9-rm house 2 baths. $8000.
885 D. Phone 81-10. Terms. NEW bungalow, also lots, fine location. Phone.
owner. 40420. 65 Income Property ALMOST new stucco close in; income $200 per mo. P. O.
Box 704. 66 Lots ON Mt. View near lot 56x137, all improvements paid. $1575, terms. Roberts Savage.
1535 Mt. View Ave. Ph. 441-26. FOR SALE -Base Line lots and several nice homes, reasonable: also from 1 to 7-acre tracts.
See Sparks, Base Line near Harlem Springs Mountain and Beach OTTAGE AT BALBOA BEACH, turnished, 3. rooms and bath. Will sell cheap or exchange for San Bernardino property. See Dr. Butler, Andreson corner 3rd Sts.
OR SALE--At sacrifice, beautiful mountain lot at Cedar Pines, for particulars phone 412-40. 18 Ranches JUST THE THING start in small or large way on poultry ranch, rabbits, etc. Drive out on Highland Ave, just opposite PERRIS HILD and see OUR ACRE LOTS, price $1100 to $1500, terms as low as $10 per month, or can fix so can get lot in order to build. Come in and see us or call us up for all particulars. ROBERTS SAVAGE 1535 Street Phone 441-26 MOUNTAIN ranch, 160 splendid location for amusement grounds, dance hall, diary, poultry, cherry or pear orchard; have fifty acres in bearing apples, double garage, chicken houses and fencing, also other buildings, plenty of water.
For sale or trade for town property. C. F. Leonhardt, Devore, Cal. Woman Is Winner in Primary Race (By Associated Press) TOWELL, June Edith Nourse Rogers, widow of Congressman John Jacob Rogers, was the Republican nominee to succeed her husband as United States Representative from the fifth Massachusetts district with returns from yesterday's special primary complete today.
Mrs. Rogers' victory gives her opportunity of becoming the first woman from New England to sit in Congress. She will be opposed in the special election on June 30 by former Governor Eugene N. ToSs. Foss was unopposed for the nomination.
Final returns today gave Mrs. agers an overwhelming lead over Er opponents, former State or James W. Grimes, of Reading, and Mayor George H. Brown, of Lowell. The count was: Mrs.
Rogers Grimes Brown 574 RABBIT KILLED SNAKE SYDNEY, N. June Newspapers here vouch for this story, whether you want to believe It or not. A large rabbit took a flying leap at a snake and landed SO heavily on it that the blow broke the snake's back. OFFICIAL RECORDS Deed Mar 21 1925 Roy A Swank pet qrly Eva Klassen mar wo her ux To Cook Lot 136 Redlands sep prop to Cons I Co Tr Hellman Univ Tr Resub No 1 of Cty Red Also Lot 17 Coml Tr and Sav Bk lot 80 College Blk Highland His Tr. Sq Tr 1737 City B.
Bank Deed To Hellman Sandros Coml Tr and Sav Tr Deed May 23 1925 $1150 install int sgl man un- 7 pet install mo Eva Klassen div int Mar 30 Santes 1925 sel man Lots 128 wom her sep prop to Cons Co div Sam and 129 Mary gold Ac 19 15. Eastwood et ux lot 80 College Tr Deed April 20 1925 $1750 instal Square Tr 1737 City B. per cent qrly H. Sandros man Deed Mar Coulter 25 1925 lots Coffin et ux Santos sgl man Hellman to 6 7 15 19 bik Coml Tr Sav Bk Tr Hellman Tr 1776 City Ont. Coml.
Tr Sav Bk of Lots Deed May 27 1925 Gloria Wool128 and 129 Marygold Ac cont 9.6 ac. ery ct mar to Isaac Large lot 2 bik Tr Deed Dec 8 1924 $500 Mrs Alice 7 Town of Magnolia City Upland. Stewart To Rogers Tr Santa Mtg May 13 1925 $15,000 3 yrs Fe Bldg Loan Assn Ptn of Lots pet sa Leslie Riggins et ux to Po7 Bik 24 Cty B. mona College lots 2 15 18 Sec 3 Deed Jan 8 1925 Mike Grams SW SBBM Chino Ro. Anna Grams To George Tr Deed May 18 1925 $5500 pet Kallans Lot 6 Sturges Sub affects mo install Mary Ellen Paul sgl wom Reg Land.
to Bill and A Ball Tr jt ten Deed Feb 20 1925 Kallans sgl man Redlands Bldg Loan Assn ptn bik To Claude Hawkens Lot 6 Sturges Colton Ld and Water Co. Sub affects Reg Land. Deed Sept 24 1923 Robert Bedou Deed Feb 24 Claude Hawkens ux to Lloyd Durrell et ux jt ten ct ux To A Jones Lots 6 and 21 5 blk A Valley View Add City Red of Sturges Sub in City B. exc 45 ft sd Jot. Deed Mar 30 1925 Albert Frescott Tr Deed May 29 1925 $2000 install Jones widower To Arthur Johnson 7 pet qrly Durrell et ux to et Reg ux ten 6 Sturges Sub affects Trust and Safe Deposit Co Tr Pac Deed Land.
of Tr SW Tr and Sav Bk ptn lot 5 bik or bef 3 yrs 8 May 27 1025 $2000 on Valley View Add City Red. Johnson et To per Cons cent qrly Co Arthur Tr Tr Deed May 26 1925 $6000 1 uX yr The San Bdno Co Sav Bank Lot 6 pet qrly Herbert Hubbard Sturges Sub affects Rex Land. to A Tr and Safe Deposit Co Deed Nov 1925 Samuel Hartley Pas SW Tr and Sav Bk a Corp et ux To A McBurney et ux jt ten Sec 24 1S 3W SBBM. Lot 398 Ont Col Lds City Upland. Tr Deed May 26 1925 $1400 A Deed May 19 1925 William H.
Mai- Johnson et Peter Borregard ser sal man To George Adams ux to 0 Rogers Tr Santa Fe Bldg mar man Lot 7 Bik 4 El Bello Tr and Loan Assn lot 15 Victor's Sub City B. City B. Deed May 20 1925 George R. Adams Tr Deed May 26 1925 $605 install et ux To Addie Adams widow 7 pet mo Peter Borrefard et ux Lot 7 Blk El Bello Tr City B. Pioneer A Co Tr A Johnson To Sarah 10 1925 George Adams Wil- et ux it ten lot 15 Victor's Sub Deed May et ux Maiser wid B.
City liam Maiser sgl man mother son it ten Lot 65 of East Wood Sub. Deed May 29 1925 Robert Deed May 19 1925 Floyd et per Town et ux Ont to Mead lot 7 bik ux To Ernie La Fave et ux it of tog with any pty wall ten Lots 1 Blk 2 Hutchison Hol- rts which gtors may have. mes Sub Tr 1717 Cty Ont. Tr Deed May 29 1925 $14,000 June Deed May 19 1925 Eastwood 1 1930 7 pet sa Mead et ux ux To Persinger et ux jt ten Pioneer A Co Tr Robert Lots 2 and 8 Tr. 1737 College Sq.
Tremper et ux jt ten lot 7 bik Deed May 25 1925 Persinger Town of Ont. et ux To William Bottini unmar man Deed Mar 12 1925 Gustav Gramlich Lot 2 Tr 1737 College Sq. et ux to Chester Arthur Morgan et Deed Mr I Bryant his est jt ten ptn of lot 3 blk 3 of 5-ac Surv To Bryant his sep est RSB. 1925 Lot 3 Blk 1 Tr 1763 Cty Ont. Tr Deed Mar 12 1925 $5700 on May 18 1925 Mr.
J. F. Bryant bef 3 yrs 8 pet arly Chester Arthur Deed his his sep est To Lot 3 Mr Marion 176370 Morgan et ux to Pioneer A sep Ont. Cty Tr Gustav Gramlich et ux jt ten Blk 1 Tr Tr Deed Nov 18 1924 $2000 1 of lot 3 bik 3 of 5-ac Surv RSB proper cent ga Mr Marion Smith vision for ptn release. his sep est an unmar man To Title Deed May 6 1925 Bunnell Gtee Tr Co Tr I Bryant his ux to Geo Hall et ux jt ten ptn sep est Lot 3 Blk 1 Tr 1763 City lot 7 bik 66 of 47 ac Surv Ont.
Deed Apr 21 1925 Arthur Deed of Tr May 28 1925 $800 Mary Rouda Harry Rouda do bus Moody widow To William Clarke Rouda Realty Co Ira Hatch Tr Tr Chino Bldg Loan Asan Lot 9 Leah Sinclair sgl wom all and 10 Bik 47 21 Town 1925 of Chino. in cert unpat real prop in Holcomb Deed May Korell et Val Mng Distr near Poncho No ux Tc Helvie et ux it ten Lot Mng Claim. Parkford-Bence 23 1925 Sub Ont. Deed Sept 8 1924 Arrow-bear 28 per cent May mo Helvie et Instal ux 71-5 To alty Co a Corp to Mary Bryson Mtg $2800 The Peoples Mut Bldg Loan Assn 2 of Arrow-bear Bryson lot 70 bik 12 Unit of Ont Lot 28 Parkford-Bence Sub Park. Ont.
Deed June 2 1925 Card Schwarz Tr. Deed Apr 30 1925 $1300 instal Conemac Ins a Corp to George per cent mo instal Enos J. Wood- Bailey mar man Parcel of lot ward et ux To WT Bill and A Tr 1973 Amend Map Lakeland Tr. Ball Tr it ten Redlands Bldg Loan Deed May 18 1925 Arthur Assn Lot Blk 7 Enterprice Tr No 1. Rouda Harry Rouda do bus Deed Apr 10 1925 Henry Hen- Rouda Realty Co Ira Hatch Tr ning et.
ux To Austin Pharaoh 8gl Alvin Smith et ux it ten all man Gracd Powell ea undiv 14 int I in cert unpat real prop in HolN1. Lot or Blk 14 Barton Ro comb Val Mng Distr near Ironside Ro. and of of Bik 14 Barton Lode Mng Claim. Tr Deed May 6 1925 $350 3 yrs ler 22 1923 SpangDeed June 8 per cent sa Julius Briggs et ux Province Spangler Mike Walters To Pioneer A Co Tr Empire Co 600 ft by. 1200 Realty Mtg Co of Lot 7 Bik Gerome No 2 Qrtz Mng Claim 11 San Antonio Hts.
Spangler Mng Distr. Deed Ack May 19 1925 East- Tr Deed June 1 1925 $35,000 on wood et ux To Harold Nelson et bef 5 yrs 7 pet qrly M. Cope Comi ux jt ten Lot 15 Tr 1737 College Sq. Co a Corp lots 3 4 blk 9 and ptn Tr Deed 5 yrs $2800 8 pet qrly 5 blk 9 Town Plat of Red also all To May 17 1925 Harold Nelson et ux I in pty wall agree bet yots Pioneer A Co Tr Soren and 5 blk 9 and all RT I in Rosenberg et ux jt ten Lot 15 College wall agree on li bet lots 2 and 3 Sq, Tr Sub. Deed 27 bik 9.
May 1925 $850 instal Tr. Deed Mar 16 1925 $2000 Laura 8 per, cent Harold Nelson et ux Hinckley Francis Hinckley to To Eastwood Lot A 15 College Co Sq Tr Sub. Chambers Tr Robert Taylor ptn Pioneer lot 2 Hansen Co's Add to Ont widow To May 19 Edgar A Anna Brown Gomes City Ont lot 68 Country Club Sq Deed 1926 507 TL Co. Tract. Deed June 1 1925 Juan Hernandez Deed May 27 1925 Gertrude et ux To Pilar Gallardo a mar woman Ward to the Southern Sierras Pow Lot 20 Bik 50 Town of Chino.
lot 549 Co r'-W over Deed May 1925 Arthur across. Cresse To Ralph Imhoff Int in and Deed May 14 1925 Nellie Kuebler to I Placer Mgn Claim in un- to Mrs Mary Brownlee nam mng distr being ptn of Sec 10 of of Sec 30 6N 3W SBM. 11 14 15 3N 16E and Deed May 20 1925 John Deed Mar 31 1925 Arthur I Rounan Elizabeth Rounan to Frank Rouda Harry Rouda do bus as Baumgarteker and Mary BaumRouda Realty Co Ira Hatch Tr To garteker lot 4 blk 6 Arrowhead LakeAdam in Hammer sgl man All view Forest 23-65. I Valley cert unpat prop and sit in Holcomb Deed Mar 25 1925 Bewley Korell Lode Mng. Distr near Poncho Beulah Korell Deed Mng May 29 1925 Rosalie Ker- lot 3 of East Si Add to Upland.
Claim. cheval Venia A Kercheval sig women Deed Apr 25 1925 Jose Del Real To Harry Rouda gl man Lots 15 Guadalupe, Del Real lot 4 bik 16 Blk 10 Tr 1875 Big Bear Re- of Ont. serve. Deed May 25 1925 Robert Franklin tis et ux To William Ostrowsky Sal thur Harris Philip Harris unurv Deed Dee 5 1924 Louis Mat- Garner et ux to Herman Harris Eisenherg Pin of of NWi, of int to ca ptn of lot 7 bik 12 City Sec 36 AN SW SBBM Subj to 25 ft 7-1. on end.
Tr Deed June 1 1925 $30,000 install Deed Dec 5 1924 Louis Mat- 7 pet qrly Herman Harris an unmar tis et Eisenderg ux To Ptn of William NW Ostrowsky of Sal man Arthur Harris et ux Philip HarSec 15 3N 5W SBM. ris ert et ux Garner to of Garner 7 Tr RobJr of Deed John Bauer et ux To Jose- B. ptn lot blk 12 prop April 25 Epperson 1025 mar wom of her sep Deed May 29 1925 Dick phine Lot. 493 Co. of ux to James Grant et ux jt Palma Deed June 25 1925 Arrow Bear undiv 1-32 int in pump plant Realty Co Inc To Lee Roy Brown et well sit on ptn of lot 2 of Sub of ux jt ten Lot 83 Blk 21 Unit No 1 of of of Sec 16 1S 3W Arrow Bear Park.
undiv int in pi 11 lead therefrom Deed May 28 1925 Arrow Bear Wly to sd lot 1. Realty Co Inc 2. To Hurdlik et ux Deed May 29 1925 John Braaksma it ten Lots 1. 92 Blk 15 Unit No et ux to James Grant et ux jt 3 Arrow Bear Park. Undiv 1-32 int in pump plant Deed May 28 1925 Arrow Bear well on ptn of lot 2 of Sub of ptn Realty Co Inc To John Charley Bog- of of Sec 16 1S 3W SBBM.
dan Bear Lot Park. 33 Blk 3 Unit No 3 Arrow Deed Dec 14 1925 Jose Paredes et ux to Charles Segurotti lot 10 Deed May 29 1925, Arrow Bear 2 of Paddock Sub City B. it Realty ten Lot Co 85 Inc Blk To 21 Olden Unit No Block 1 et Arrow ux Deed June 3 1925 Reid-Sweeny Bear Park. Co bik to 6 Arrowhead Malone Park mar man Unit lot No Realty Deed Co May Inc 26 1925 To Arrow Carrie Bear Park Amend Brophy mar wom Lot 16 B1k 2 Young Unit Tr Deed June 1925 $1000 Map. No 3 Arrow Bear Park.
pet RSB. an lot 13 bik 3 Sub of ptn bik Deed Mar 12 1925 Roberts Tr To Effie Harris Lots $3 and 84 Bik Deed June 4 1925 A Wheeler 3 Cedarpines Park No 4. to Anna Wheeler Bloomington Deed May 10 1925 Card Schwarz Villa lots lot blk Bennette Conemac Inc To Clare O'Brien sei lot 12 bik A Rialto Acres lot wom Parcel of Lot 413 Tr 1973 Mtg June 3 1925 $2790 1 yr 7 Amend Map of Lakeland Tr. sa Daniel Carpenter to Ida RunDeed Jan To 26 1925 Harry Rouda yean lot 3 Angelica Villa. wom man Mrs Lot Mattie 67.
Blk 7 Stuhr Tr 1875. Deed June 1. 1925 Thomas Hardy sep prop mar man To Thomas Hardy el Deed Mar 31 1925 Harvey High jt ten Pin Villa Lot 1 BIk 881 et ux To Shute Ptn of Deed May 27 1925 Carmen Sec 33 1S 1W SBBM being 10 ac Douson Allen To A Allen her subj easement 15 ft wide air si. All I in Lot 18 BIK Town Deed 28 1925 Stowell et ux Plat of Red and Lots 11 and 12 To Bernard Nelson Lot 33 BIk 673 of Link Add to Town ot ked. No Ont.
4 Deed Apr 16 1325 Merle HutQ Deed May 18 17 Albert chinson W. Brain Warren Bartlett To Thomas Hardy Ptir Walter Alf Arthur Doran To SouthVilla Lot 1 Bik 881 Ont. western Portland Cement Co Victor Tr Deed Lawrence Platt sg1 to Lime Plac Mng Clann sit in Sec Cons A Co Tr Platt Mtg Loan 8 6N 4W cont 84.38 ac In June 1 Frank 1925 $2250 3 yrs 8 pet qrly Silver Mtn Ming Distr. Co lot 62 Platt Highland Ave Mtg May 12 1925 $1014.10 Dec Tr No 3. 1920 per cent Sallie Bright widow Deed May 27 1925 Henry Edward Arlie Brignt Print et mar Letha Mastin wder to Henry Smith Little- Shoemaker et mar 10 Lillian field et ux it ten lot 8 Mastin's woods cecile W.
Lewis Univ Court. in pol oL Gov Lot 2 in rel bee Tr Deed Apr 10 1925 $2500 install and pt ut retl Sec 8 of no A 6 pet Henry Littlefield et xt to chino 25 8W and Ptn Gov Lot 3 Inv Co of Ti Ins Riverside and Gtee lot Co 8 Tr Mastin's Secur Deed Deo 8 1924 Security being M. I Isabelle Court. widow To Russell mar man Tr Deed May 15, 1995 $1000 Mr Sec 42 6N SEBA Dees and wife if any Luella Bur- Deed Apr 6 Gov Surv. any Rogers Tr son To Co of San Bono or ton and hus if to 1925 Axsel HellikSanta Fe Bldg and Loan Assn ptn of arm Lot 323 Co Resolulot 17 bik 1 Carter's Sub.
tion of accept attach. Deed May 21 1925 Cook et ux Deed Bert Rogers et ux To to Roy A Swank et ux jt ten lots 6 to Marlay it ten Feb 28 1924 19 incl Tr 1987 Cook's 2nd Add to and lo ac of or City Red. Sec 33 18 6W compr 55 ac 1 Deed May 20 1925 Wilson pt Surv. ux to Jepson et ux jt ten lot 3 Corp Deed Feb 17 1925 Cons A bik A Bennett's Sub City Red. Co To Johnson Lot 4 Tr Deed May 20 1925 $1000 install Home Gardens.
7 pet install Jepson et ux role Patent Apr 28 1925 USA To Cons A Co Tr A Wilson et 1' a Zieger See ux jt ten lot 9 bik A Bennett's Sub 4N SW SB5M cont 40 ac. City Red. Trunbull Deed May 19 To 1925 Ira Robert Mtg May 25 1925 $900 1 yr 7 pet Bruce ten Lot et 8 ux Turnbull arly Maude Thomason et mar to et 2. ux Jt Hellman Com Tr and Sav Bk lot 43 No Brock Benningsdorf Add City Red. ct ux Deed To May 19 1925 Rodden mar man Eastwood Deed May 20 1925 Cook et ux 54 Eastwood Sub.
to Roy A Swank et ux it ten ptn lot Deed June 2 1924 Amelia bik 2nd Prel Map Red. widow to Vincent Dascomb batenTr Deed May 20 1925 $1020 on or elor lots 2 3 bik 17 San Antonio to bef 2 Cons yrs A 7 pet sa Co Roy Tr A Swank Cook et ux Heights. lot 4 bik 0 2nd Prel Map Red. ptn per Tr cent Deed qrly May 26 1925 Boyce $350 To 1 yr Deed May 1925 Fred Lyon et Hoeton Tr Preston Henry ux to Jennie 37 Frink lots 7 8 Plat 9 and ptn W5 ac E10 Farm Lot Townlot 10 Deed bik Residence $3500 of Red. site Sansevaine.
Tr May 7 1955 7 pet sa Deed March 96 1925 Chas install Jennie Frink et mar to Cons et ux Ramsey et ux To I Co Tr Lyon te ux it ten lots Edwards Addie Edwards ca an 8 9 and ptn of lot 10 bik 37 Resi- div int Lot 452 Tr 1787 Amend dence Plat of Red. Map of Crestline Village Sub No across Lot A sd tr. Deed June 2 1925 Ascension 5 JUNE 1925 6, 1925 et ux To Martin Polanco 50 Mtg May Ford $8000 3 yrs and 7 28 29 30 31 32 B1k 199 Colton. net sa Harry et ux to Helen A Tyler wdow lots 3 and 4 bik Add No 5 Red. JUNE 8, 1935 Admr'd Deed July 15 1925 $1000 Deed May 21 1925 Ernest Nashke John Wood dec'd est of by Ralph et Knoll ux 19, 1963 Leroy $600.
lot 7 bik 1 Swing admr to Leonard Morris Wm S. Simpkins Undiv int in Tr Deed May widow 21 1925 Paul $800 Selesti of of Sec 8 2S 1W SBM. na Garcie to Endicot Deed May 23 1925 Eastwood Russell Pitzer as jt ten Trs et ux to Eva Klassen mar wom Builders' Loan Assn lot 12 bik lot 80 College Sq Tr 1737 City B. Town Chino. Tr Deed May 23 1925 $1500 3 yrs 8 Deed May 25 1925 Garrett wood et uz to Davis et ux jt ten lot 8 Central Park Tr.
Deed May 29 1925 Veronica Goyena et mar to William Poole widower lot 6 blk 3 Carter's 5 Sub. Deed May 4 1925 Jules Brisacher his sep prop to Thurlow Workman mar man lot 327 TE Co 11-12. Mtg May 4 1925 $7500 install 7 pet sa Thurlow Workman et ux to Jules Brisacher lot 327 Co. Deed May 29 1925 William Poole to Veronica Goyena mar wom Jackson Sub tog with flow McKenzie Tr ditch ev 8 da prop flow. Mtg June 1 1925 $500 2 yrs and 8 pet sa Carl Von Tunglen et ux to Teresa Paris widow lot 26 Tr 1925 College Pl City Red.
Deed May 12 1925 Henry Sommers Tr et ux to Carl Rockoff et ux jt ten lot 9 Camp Waterman Tr. Tr Deed June 1 1925 $8000 on or 7 bef 3 yrs 8 pet qrly George Voss et ux to Cons A Co Tr Calif 2S State Bank ptn of lot 2 blk 33 Map City B. Deed May 27 1925 Ralstin et ux to Roberts mar man ptn lot 2 blk 85 21 Deed Apr 27 1925 City of Colton 10 Martin Tr and sml pta lot 2 blk 66 et to the So Sterras Pow Co lots 7 8 bik lot ly of AT Ry grtor reserv r't to keep pres pi li across sd land. Deed May 21 1925 $600 Ernest A Naschke et ux to William Cormack A lot 6 bik 1 Seenic Knoll Tr 1963. Tr Deed May 16 1925 $600 on or 7 bet 3 yrs pet Sig Herschbach et ux to Cons Co Raleigh Arux nold Leona Arnold wf Tr Farm lot 146 Co.
Deed June 4 1925 WyckN off whose wf's na is Nellie Ward et Wyckoff to Nellie Ward Wyckoff wt of grtor all RT I lot 82 Mill Creek Canyon Park. Deed Apr 17 1925 Arthur Marks Grace Marks to Big Bear Realty to Corp lots 13 14 blk A Big Bear Park Annex. Deed Apr 16 1920 William Stone man to Arthur Marks et ux it ten lots 11 12 bik A Big Bear Park 37 Annex. Corp Deed Apr 18 1925 Big Bear Realty Corp to Arthur Marks et ux lot 10 bik Big Bear Park Annex. to Tr Deed June 3 1925 $350 1 yr 8 pet qrly Antona Amarall et ux to 37 Los Angeles Tr and Safe Deposit Co Tr SW Tr and Sav Bank 50 ft of 120 ft of blk Map show Ave and ux Sts.
Mtg Jan 1 1925 $3000 4- yrs 7 pet sa Edward Heyden et ux to Giles or Rowlands W1 lot 1 all lot 18 Sec 7 28 7W SBBM Ro Chino tog wi 3-10 Co int in well and pump plant sit on lot ptn 3 sd Deed Sec July 7. 7 1324 Alice Daley Warren et mar to John Bradbury et ux et jt ten ptn lot 1 bik 821 Ont Col Lds. of et ux to May Charles 26 1925 Bealey John ptn Bradbury lot 1 Deed I blk 821 Ont Col Las. as Mtg May 14 1925 $2000 mo install to 7 1-5 pet mo Bealey his sep prop I to the Peoples Mut Bldg and Loan Assn of Ont ptn lot 1 blk 821 Ont Col Lds. Mtg May 14 1925 $2600 mo install Re- 7 1-5 pct mo Bealey his sep prop wf to the Peoples Mut Bldg and Loan No Assn of Ont ptn lot 1 blk 821 Ont Col Lds.
and Mtg May 22 1925 $7000 3 yrg 7 pet qrly lots 52 55. 57 Sec 18 2S 7 660 SBBM Sub Ro Chino Undiv int lot in well and pump plant etc loc on 38 sd Sec 18 2S 7W SBM also undiv 14 int in dom water system loc on lot as 38 to Sec 18 7W Mtg June 4 1325 $500 NIO install 7 1-5 pet int mo Margaret Campbell unmar to the Peoples Mut Bldg and Loan Assn of Ont ptn of blk 989 Ont Col Lds lot 4. to Deed Jan 15 1925 Hall et ux of to Stults et ux jt ten bik in 29 Town of Ont. Mtg May 18 1925 $560 6 mo 7 pet sa Stults et ux to the Ont Natl or Bank lot 18 blk 23 Town of Ont. lot Tr Deed June 1 1925 $2500 2 yrs 7 pct qrly Fred Black et ux to Title Gtee and Tr Co a Corp Tr Stevens et ux jt ten lot 20 Sec 34 1S pty sd 8 SBM Sub part Ccino Ro.
Deed May 23 1925 Pierce et ux to Wilson mar man lot 33 Mountain View Tr City Red. Deed May 5 1925 Jesse Turner et of ux to Lena Monteleone mar wom in whose hus's name is Monteleone 1710 undiv int Louise Musacchia unmar wom undiv int lots 7 and 8 blk 6 Co A Mountain View Add No Ont exec crop and of citrus fruit now on prem. Mtg May 5 1925 1 note $5000 5. yrs 7 pet sa 1 note $3000 3 yrs 7 pet sa Lena Monteleone et mar Louise Musacchia unmar wom to Jesse Turner et ux jt ten lots 7 8 bik 6 Mountain View Add. Deed May 8 1925 Reid-Sweeny Co to Maurice A Wood sgl man lot 4 bik 3 Arrowhead Park Unit No 2 exc easement and r-w over 5 ft.
Tr Deed May 9 1925 $2500 install 8 pet mo Maurice A Wood sgl man to Pioneer A Co Tr Reid-Sweeny to Co lot bik 3 Arrowhead Park Unit 115 No 2. Tr Deed May 26 1925 $1300 install 8 pet mo Wm Gillett et ux to Ar- neer A Co Corp Tr San Bdno 1-3 Valley Bank a Corp ptn lots 14 15 of Berry- Tr No Tr Deed May 19 1925 $3000 1 yr 8 pet qrly William Dryden Anderson et ux to Pioneer A Co Tr San Bdno Valley Bank lot Hockaday Sub. City Deed June 3 1925 Wm A Cutting et ux to Mansfield et ux jt ten lot et 13 blk 2 A Woy's Sub City Ont. ten Deed May 29 1925 bear Reand alty Co Ino to CH Squires Elvin and Arrow-bear Park. ptn Meadow eq int lot 69 blk 8 Unit No 3 Deed June 9 1925 Arrow-bear Realty Co Inc to Charles Hayden ten No 3 Arrow-bear Park.
Squires et ux jt ten lot 6 bik 11 Unit and Deed June 3 1925 Arrow-bear Reof alty Company Int to Charles Cobb et jt ten lot 98 bik 16 Unit No 3 Arrow- bear Park. bik Deed June 3 1925 Arrow-bear Realty Co Inc to Vivian Carlock mar wom sep prop lots 1 2 bik 21 Unit No 15 3 Arrow Park. Deed June 3 1925 Arrow-bear Realty Co Inc to Charles Hudson et ux 18 it bear ten Park. lot 5 bik 20 Unit 10 ArrowDeed June 3 1925 Arrow-bear Realty Co' Inc to Edward Huling et ux jt ten lot 8 bik 13 Unit No 3 ArSub row-bear Park. 11.
Deed June 3 1925 Arrow- bear Repot alty Co Inc to Hilleary lot :3 bik 1 Unit No 3 Arrow -bear Park. Deed May 1.8 1925 Arthur I ux Rouda Realty Co Ira Hatch Tr Rouda do bus as Ont. Eason ten all RT to ux jt nus in cert unpat real near prop in Poncho Holcomb No Valley Mng Distr 1 Mng Claim. Deed May 10 1925 Card Schwarz and Conemac Inc to Vera A Witzel sgl wom Parcel A of lot 675 Tr No 1973 Amend Map Lakeland Tr. Deed May 20 1925 Chas Mann et 7 ux Ramsey et ux to Margaret 1 Fink Ruth Fink Miller ea an div int lot 57 Skyland 21 24 25 1 Subj r-w over lot A sd Tr.
Deed Feb 9 1925 Big Bear Realty Corp to A Lawrence Kapp lot. 86 bik int Big Deed Bear May 1 Park 1928 Annex. Stowell et ux to Mountain 8 bik View Warehouse Lds Co lots 7 and 634 Ont Col and City Ont. Deed May 1 1925 Stowell et Ray SW ux to Mountain View Warehouse Company lots 9 10 bik 634 City of to Morton Invest Co lots 92 93 bik 10 Lothian Sub. Deed June 4 1925 Alford to Neil McMullin 14 bit: 31 Residence Plat of Red' exc r-w to Water Co and r-w to City of Red.
Deed May 11 1925 The Muscupiabe Ld and Water Co to County of r-w for park and pub highways purp in Sec 13 IN 4W Deed May 29 1925 Horace Smith et ux to County of San Bdno for highway purp thru ptn of lot 110 College His Tr. Deed May 28 1925 Adelaide Lewis Kimball to Louise Munro sal wom Sec 9 6N 6W SBB cont 70 ac m-1 exc r-ws for Co roads. Deed May 28 1925 Louise Munro -sgl wom to Adelaide Lewis Kimball et ux jt ten of See 9 6N 6W cont 10 ac m-1 exc r'-ws for Co roads. Deed June 27 1924 A Bausch et ux to Meadows et ux jt ten lots 29 30 bik 70 Town of Colton. Deed May 18 1925 A Booth wder to Edgar Clarke et ux jt ten 50 ft lots 15 16 bik 36 Colton Add.
Deed Feb 29 1924 Anne Jane Hamilton sgl wom John Whyte Hamilton unmar man to Archibald Hamilton Catherine Hamilton jt ten Undiv 1-3 int in lot 901 Ont Col Lds. Mtz Feb 5 1924 $6666 5 yrs 6 pet Catherine Hamilton Archibald Hamilton jt ten to John Whyte Hamilton lot 901 Ont Col Lds int annually. Mtg Feb 5 1924 $6666 5 yrs 6 pet an Catherine Hamilton Archibald Hamilton jt ten to Anne Jane Hamilton dot 907 Ont Col Lds. Deed Dee 24 1924 William J' Tench et ux to John Rash et ux jt ten lot 28 bik 25 Mentone Re-ree. Deed June 3 1925 Webster Hall et ux Eugene Thrasher Jr et ux to Lee Burton et ux it ten ptn of of of of of lot 27 77 City Red.
Comr Deed June 3 1925 $107.90 Eva Harrison by Comr to Cooper lot 10 bik of Ward Gill Tr City B. Deed June 1 1925 Jean Emard to Dyke 5gl man lot 5 bik 1 Tr 1776 City Ont. Deed June 5 1925 Kyke sgl man to Jean Emard sgl man lot 5 bik 1 Tr 1776 City Ont. Deed May 1 1925 Reid-Sweeny Co to Meyer mar man lot 18 bik 22 Garden Est No 1. Correction Deed June 16 1923 Reid-Sweeny Co to Meyer lot 16 bik 5 Arrowhead Park Unit No 2 exc 5 ft.
Mtg June 5 1925 $262.72 install 8 pet from date Ida Sternbaum to NauMurray Co lot 13 1 Bedford Bros Sub. Deed Apr 4 1925 John Rash et ux to James Nowlin et ux it ten lot 27 28 bik 95 Mentone Re-rec. Deed June 9, 1095 Charles Miller et ux to Charles Haas et ux it ten lot 40 Mill Creek Canyon Park. Deed May 9 1925 Eva Pehl Tr to the Upland Woman's Club lot 16 bik 24 Magnolia. Deed March 10 1924 Nellie Wilson Tr to the Upland Woman's Club lot 11 and ft of lot 12 blk 20 Magnolia.
Deed June 4 1025 Elton Vanderberg et ux to Vanderburg mar man lot 72 Sec 18 2S 7W SBBM Ro Chino also undiv 1-3 int in pump plant. Deed June 4 1925 Sidney Dennis Mary Dennis to Mary Cornell Fenner hotel prop and improv on Tr 85 ft by 315 ft sit of Sec 3 8N 17E nad of Sec 34 ON 17E. Deed Apr 18 1925 Fred Smith Harry Lovill Frank Savage et ux to A Bausch Massen all in Mammoth Lime Gamet in unorgan mng dist cont 160 ac in of Sec 19 and Sec 11N 3E SBBM. Deed June 1925 John W. Ebert sgl man to Thompson et ux jt ten lots 11 12 blk 14 Town of Rialto.
Deed June 3 1995 Card Schwarz and Conemac Inc to Robert Philbrick Samuel Philbrick John Philbrick William Philbrick sgl men jt ten Parcel A lot 526 Tr 1973 Amend Map of Lakeland Tr. Deed Card Schwarz and Conemac Ine to Jay Wood Lizzie Wood mother and son it ten May 10 1925 Parcel lot 434 Tr 1073. Map Lakeland Tr. Deed May 5 1925 Bartholomew Zuchschwerdt et ux to Herman Hess Kingsley Hess Sec 17 10N 7E SBM. JUNE 9, 1925 Ont.
pet sa Ira Gilbert Pate et ux to Deed June 3 1926 Allen et ux Cons TI Co Tr Harry Mason pins SUN INFORMATION DEPARTMENT Alfred Pure Ice Cream Mfg. Ice Cream, IcesFrozen Desserts. Factory and Office, 241 272-87 Ambulance, Embalming, Undertaking (Lady Ass't.) Mark B. Shaw 468 Fifth Phone 401-02 Cylinder, Crankshaft Grinding; Machine WorkPiston Rings--Fred G. Walter, 518 Court Phone 431-51 Drugs, Prescriptions (Prompt Attention Mail Orders) The Central Drug northeast cor.
Fourth and Phone 331-36 DentistryDr. Goodman A. Miller-509 Third. Phone 421-53 Moutb Surgery, X-Rays, Gas-Oxygen. Anaesthesia Extracting.
Paints Paints-Oils-Glass-W. -W. P. Fuller Co.Fuller Fourth and Streets Phone 2167 Gate City Creamery All Dairy Products Prompt Delivery-547 Court 441-33 Radiator Work Martin's Radiator Works, Flexo Cores a Specialty--All Work Guaranteed -228 Street. Phone Transfer-San Bernardino Valley Transfer Co.Heavy Hauling.
Furniture Moving. Storage. 282 St. Phone 401-12 D. AdkinsEconomical and reliable.
1046 Rialto Phone 234-50 Tr Deed May 7 1925 $1800 install pet install Ashley et ux to Security Invest Co of Riverside Security Ti Ins and Gtee Co Tr ptn lot bik 39 RSB. Deed June 3 1925 Briggs et ux to Frank Cunnison mar man lot 8 bik Boswell's Sub City B. War Deed June 1 1925 Andrew Herbruck et ux to Jacob lock et ux jt ten of lot 25 of Rialto and Adj Subs exc r'-W for pi ani pi 11. Deed May 5 1925 Educated Investors Corp to Schultz lot 7 blk Bunker Hill Sq. Deed May 14 1925 Educated Investors Corp to Charles Ireland lot 2 bik Bunker Hill Sq.
Deed May 95 1925 Harvey Hall et ux to Adah Nicholes lot blk of 5th Add to Prel Map of Red. Deed May 25 1925 Adah 'Nicholes sgl wom to Harvey Hall et ux jt ten lot bik of 5th Add to 2nd Prel Map of Red. Deed May 25 1025 Harvey Hall et ux to Henry Schuil et ux it ten ptn of lot bik of 5th Add to 2nd Prel Map of Red. Tr Deed May 14 1925 $4000 install pet install Charles Peach et uX to Security Ti Ins and Gtee Co Tr Security Invest Co of Riverside lot 10 bik 3 Fontana Ac No 5. Tr Deed May 28 1924 $2000 William Thomas et ux to Paul Endicott Russell Pitzer jt ten Tr Home- Loan Assn lot 6 bik A McIntosh's Little Farms City B.
Deed May 5 1925 $350 Educated Investors Corp to Della Grumman Grumman wi rt surviv lot 16 bik Bunker Hill Sq Sub. Deed May 5 1925 $350 Educated Investors Corp to Mrs. Alice Kierstead lot 1 bik Bunker Hill Square Sub No Deed May 25 1925 Grow et ux to Kyle Alexander et ux jt ten 37 ft of 80 ft of lots 7 8. 9 bik A of Highland. Deed of Tr May 18 1925 $500 install 8 pet qrly Kyle Alexander et ux to Cons I Co Tr Platt MtgLoan Co ptn of lots 7 8 9 blk A Map of Highland.
Deed May 25 1925 Harvey Hall ux to Richard Colsman et ux jt ten ptn of lot bik of 5th Add to 2nd Prel Map of Red. Deed May 20 1925 Henry Schuil et ux to Harvey Hall et ux it ten lot 76 Red Univ Tr No 1 City Red. Deed Apr 30 1925 Emma Nodine wdow to A Speyerer et ux jt ten lot 7 Neff Ham Neff Sub tog with all furn and fix. Tr Deed Apr 30 1925 $6000 A Speyerer et ux to A Leonard Tr Emma Nodine lot 7 Neff Ham Nett Sub. Deed Apr 20 Lorenzo Haskin et ux to Ira Gilbert Pate.
et ux it ten ptr of lots 42 38 43 Sec 3 2S 8w SBBM Sub of part Ro Chino. Tr Deed Apr 15 1925 $2000 5 yrs of lots 42 38 13 Sec 3 2S SW SBBM Sub part of Ro Chino. Deed Apr 16 1925 Ira Gilbert Pate et Ux to Frank Thomas Gettman et ux jt ten ptn lot 38 Sec 3 25 8 SBBM Sub part Ro Chino. Deed May 23 1925 Daniel Carpenter widower to Isabel Carpenter lot 8 and 15 ac of lot 12 of Little Tr and ptn Gov lot 2 Sec 13 IN 4W SBBM tog with 1'- for road over ft of lot 3 Little Tr and undiv int all water of Harrison Canyon as conv to Wm Harvey and pta of Reservoir lot. Mtg May 1 1925 $25.000 install 51 pet sa install Daniel Carpenter widower to the Federal Land Bank of Berkeley lots 1 2 ptn lot 3 lot of Little Tr pta lot 6 tog with water rts and int in reservoir lot.
Mtg May 1 1925 $1500 install sa pet sa Isabel Carpenter sgl wom to the Federal Land Bk of Berkeley lot 8 and 15 ac lot 13 Little Tr and ptn Gov lot 2 See 13 IN 4W SBBM proportionate int in water rts and r-ws for roads etc. Deed May 23 1925 Edward Phipps et ux to Benjamin Lewis et ux jt ten undiv 14 int Joseph Quinlan et ux jt ten undiv int bik 195 Revised Map of Yucaipa City. Deed June 21 1944 A Harwood sgl to Margaret Harwood Thayer mar ptn lot 602 Ont Col Lds as shown on Woodford's Sub City Upland. Mtg May 18 1925 $5000 mo install 7 1-5 pet mo Ernest Thayer et ux to the Peoples Mut Bldg and Loan Assn of Ont ptn lot 602 Ont Col Lds. Deed Nov 1924 Juan Corloza et ux to Leonard ptn of lots 12 13 bik 11 Corp Deed May 21 1925 Title Inst and Tr Co to Laura Feas lot 50 Tr 53 Arrowhead Woods.
Tr Deed June 1 1925 $900 Tr Monahan et ux to Shepardson Amer Natl Bank of lot bik 1 Wrights Sub. Tr Deeed May 28 1925 $1250 1 yr pet qrly John A Menke el ux to Trust and Safe Deposit Co Tr Pae SW Tr and Sav Bank bik 3 Sub No 3 part Yucaipa Valley. Mtg June 2 1925. $1250 3 yrs 7 pet arly A Goodlin te ux to First Natl Bank in Red W1 of NW of Deed See July 22 1S SW SBBM City Red. 28 1922 Lockwood unmar to Angelo Mone lot 10 bik 3 Columbia Tr.
Mtg May 8 1025 $8500 3 yrs 7 pet sa Culbertson et ux to Pomona College lot 3 14 Sec 14 2S SW SBM Sub part Chino Ho pin lot 4 sd See Undiv 1-3 in well pump plant sit on lot 2 sd Sec all I in pi etc li. Mtg May 13 1925 $1500 1 yr 7 pet qrly Culbertson et ux to Albino Albera et 1x lot 3 Sec 14 28 8W SBBM Sub part Chino Ro lot 14 ptn lot 1 sd Sec also undiv 1-3 int in well pump plant sit on lot 2 sd Sec all RT I in pi 19. Deed May 26 1993 D.E Trefrey et ux to Leonard lot 19 bik 1 Allen's 1st Add City B. Deed Oct 92 1924 0 Moore unmar man to Kane et ux jt ten lots 5 6 7 City Ont. Mtg May 9 1025 $1200 mo install 7 1-5 pet mo Kane et ux to the Peoples Mut Bldg and Loan Assn of Ont lots 5 6 bik 7 City Ont.
Deed May 4 1025 Willard Ball to Hahn et ux jt ten 1-5 lots 223 224. Villa Plots So Si Tr Ont City Ont. Tr Deed May 4 1925 $3000 3 yrs pet sa Leora Hahn et ux to Pioneer A lots Co Tr Jane A Wrigley 1-5 293 224 Villa Plots So Si Tr Ont City Ont. Deed May 26 1925 Kistner et ux to Anderson et jt ten lot 44 Tr No 1953 Kistner's Sub. Tr Deed May 27 1925 $2000 3 yrs pet sa Anderson et ux to Pioneer A Co Tr Ont Bond and Mtg Co lot 44 Tr 1953 Kistner's Sub.
Tr Deed June 3 1925 $2000 install 8 pet mo Van Santford et ux to Pioneer A TG Co Tr San Bdno Valley Bank lot 15 bik Murray Payne's Sub. Mtg June 6 1935 $4500 install 7 pet install Edward Merle Fisher sgl man to Bertha Malinda Fisher lot 11 bik Frank Platt Highland Ave Tr. Deed May 20 1925 Richardson mar man to Hans Goodager gl man lots 27 28 bik 19 Town of Victor. Deed May 28 1925 Card Schwarz and Conemac Ins to Sophie Goodman sgl wom Par A lot 678 Tr No 1973 Amend Map Lakeland Tr. Deed May 10 1925 Card Schkarz and Conemac Inc to Anna Doherty Watson sgl wom Parcel lot 435 Tr No 1973 Amend Map Lakeland Tr.
Deed May 29 1925 Arrow-bear Realty Co Inc to. Gaspard Roberts lot 31 blk 12 Unit No 2 Arrow-bear Park. Deed June 3. 1925 Arrow-bear Realty Co Inc to Madeline Marsh mar wom her sep est lot 80 bik 21 Unit No 1 Arrow-bear Park. Deed May 28 1925 Arrow-bear Realty Company Ine to William bik Johnston et ux jt ten lot 58 Unit No 3 Arrow-bear Park.
Deed Jan 9 1925 Arrow-bear Realty Company. Inc to Paul et ux jt ten lot 75 blk 13 Unit No Arrow-bear Park. Deed May 28 1925 Arrow-bear Itealty Company Inc to George Johnstone lot 10 blk 13 Unit No 3 Arrowbear Park. Deed May 25 1925 Anloff to Martha Mulder lots 13 16 17 18 19 blk Tr 1873 Cedarpines Highlands Charles Cornelius 137 ft let 7 bik No 2. 32 Town of Ont.
Tr Deed June 1 1925 $600 Her- Deed May 19 1925 Boyd et ux rington Katie A Herrington to Guy to the Salvation Army 127 ft of lot Wentworth Ted Atwood Tr jt 7 bik 32 Town of Ont. ten El Dorado County Bank Tr Deed June 9 1925 $951 install Sec 3 3W SBBM exc 8 ac pet mo Fraim bachelor to James sold to Storey. Cunnison Tr Mtg and Loan Co of Deed May 29 1925 Richardson 100 ft of lot 1 bik 29 et ux to Mercedes Velarde ptn See Deed April 29 1925 Bates et ux 3 18 3W SBBM. 3 to Elliott et ux jt. ten of Deed June 1925 Herbert Frances Espy Farm lot 88 aced Map Tn Rialto adj et ux to Edna Espy and Subds Cy Rialto.
A 1W Espy all It I in See 11 Tr Deed May 5 1925 $1300 Susie 2S SBBM also perp rt to use all Warren et mar to Winslow Tr water from spring sit on lot Sec Rialto Bldg and Loan Assn 12 sd two also r-w for ditch etc. 154 Marygold Acres. lot Deed May 27 1925 Nelson Van Deed May 22 1925 Ike Suker Fleet et ux to Castro No ptn lots A It to Woodward et ux it ten 50 ux in 11 1 bik 1925 61 $123 Nov Cucamonga. 1 1925 lots 5 and 6 bik Daley Tr Cy Mtg May B. 8 pet qrly Jesus Salsameda et ux No, Deed May 92 1025 Woodward Felipe Lobo lot 1 blk 53 Townsite et ux to Ike Zuler et ux lot 15 bik Cuca.
Bungalow Add. Deed Apr Clifford 16 1925 Jack Baines sgl Tr Deed June 4 1925 31000 3 yes 8 man to Brooks Edith pet orly Ike Zuker et ux to Pioneer Brooks lots 4 5 blk 5 Tr Strawberry Abst and Ti Gty Co a Corp Tr Decia Lodge. Patterson lot 16 bik Bungalow Add Deed May 29 1925 James Upton et Cy B. ux to John Grover widower ptn Deed April 5 1925 Levi Silliman a of Sec 31 10N 1W SBBM. wdower to 0 Daniels et ux it ten Deed Jan 6 1925 Vaughn Maynard lots 2 and por bik No 28 Redlands.
et ux to George Smith unmar ptn lot 3 blic 33 of Sub of biks 33 34 Col- Deed Dec 16 1924 0 Daniela ci ton Land and Wat Co. ux to John Ashton mar lots and por 1 bik No 28 West Deed Ellis et ux to Earl Hal- Redlands. vin $300 on or bef 6 mo ad 10 pet lot Tr Deed May 97 1993 59 Eastwood Sub B. $3300 1 yr City pet qrly John Ashton et ux to Les Deed Mar 26 1925 Chas Mann et Angeles Tr and Sate Deposit Co ux Ramsey et ux to Fred John- Corp of A Tr Pae Sw Tr and son et 1X jt ten lot 653 Crestline Savgs Bk lots 2 and por 1 bik No 48 Village Sub No 7 Tr 1710 Subj 1'-W West Redlands. over lot A sd Tr.
Tr Deed May 27 1945 $1000 1 yr 7 Deed Jan 26 1925 Chas Mann et pet sa Tr John Ashton et ux to Pac ux Ramsey et ux to James SW and Savgs Bk a Corp of EA Moss et ux ten lot 660 Crestline Tr Albert Cox Harvey Cox ca, an Village Sub it No Tr 1770 Subj und int lots 3 and por 1 bik No 98 over lot A sd Tr. West Redlands. Deed Jan 17 1925 et Tr Deed June 4 1925 $300 Danict 23 Sexton et Wiley to Harry Crew et us it ten lots ux to Virgil Pinkley Tr 24 Sub of lots 3 4. 5 6 bik 71 City B. Utee Bldg and Loan Assn 8 lot 6 Tr Deed May 29 1925 31310 3 bik 2 Fox Bandholt's Adu 8 pet qrly Harry Crew et ux yrs to Deed May 18 1946 Harry Dilts et: ux Pioneer A Co Tr Wiley et to Archie Moore et ux jt ten lot 9 it ten lots 93 24 Sub of lots 3 2 Allens bik Subd.
ux 6 bik 71 City B. Tr Deed May 29 1990 $2000 Archie Tr Deed dated June 1925 from Moore et ux to Pioneer Abst and Frost et ux and Prost et Ti Gty Co Tr Magnoia Mut Bldg and ux covering lots 17 Alpine Glens Loan Assn lot 9 bik Allens Suod. Park is to Cons I Co Tr for A Tr Deed June 1 1993 $650 install Puffer and A Frost (Ree date pet mo Archie Moore et June 3 1925 on fol). Pioneer Abst and Ti Gty Co Tr Harry Date of Deed from Samuel Hart. Dilts lot 9 bik 2 Allens Subd.
ley et ux to A MeBurney et ux jt R-w Deed May 11 1925 Edwin ten cov lot 398 0 Lds is Nov Rhodes et ux to Midway Gas So rt 1920. excavate for gas pipes etc over Sec Date of Deed Arrow -bear Realty 20 25 8W ptl Reconv Attached May Co Ine to Lee Roy Brown et ux jt ten 27 1923 A Co Tr to Henry lot 83 bik 21 Unit No 1 Witte et al ptns deser in foregoing Park is June 1 1925. -W Deed. R-w Deed April 21 1923 Henry JUNE 10, 1925 Witte Bertha Witte to Midway Tr Deed June 1925 $2500 1 yr 8 Gas Co rt excavate for. gas pipes etc pet arly Fine et us to Cons over See 19 IS 8W ReCo Tr Hellman Coml Tr and Sav conv attached May 27 1925 A Ti Bank lot 14 Tr 1737 College Sq.
City Co Tr to Henry Witte et al Mtg May 22 1925 $1800 3 yrs 8 pet puts deser in foregoing r-w Deed. qrly Wallace Miller gl man to to Midway Deed Gas Jan Co 1925 excavate Wilson Rose Rain widow lot 11 bik Frank rt for C. Platt Highland Ave Tr. gas pipes etc over See 24 98 9W. May 20 1925 $18.000 3 yts Deed April 15 1925 Griffith Hayes Mtg pet qrly Esperanza De Davis to Se- ux 4 9 Bailey et ux jt A ten et to curity Tr and Sav Bk 5 ac lot 3 41 ft lot ft lot 5.
bik and lot 13 ptn lot 14 Sec 11 IS 7W Wilseys Special Base Deed Line May Add 98 Cy 1925 9 $378 B. ptn A Co 11 1S 7W Cuea Lds Krause of NE1, Sec prop. bik et Deer ux Lodge to Park. Bingman lot 36 Deed Mar 27 1925 Charles Jaissle et ux to Joseph Brison et ux Deed Conemae May 10 1925 Card Schwarz jt ten undiv int Henry Durant et and Inc to Harvey Collins ux jt ten undiv int W1. NW single Parcel A lot 487 Tract No 1973 Sec 21 1S 3W SBBM cont 10 Map Tr.
Amend Lakeland as Deed April 48 1945 Card Schwarz Deed May 28 1925 Joseph Bris- and Guire Conemae Inc to Charles Mcson et ux to Emile Menard et ux single Parcel lot 490 Tract ten all I in NW it No 1973 Amend Map- Tr. Sec 21 1S 3W SBBM 12 cont 10 Deed May 18 1925 Card Schwars ac m-1. and Conemac Inc to Constanza Bodili Deed Mar 26 1925 Pac Ld Improy mar woman Tr for Mary Ann Rodili Co to Charles Garver et ux a minor Parcel lot 495 Tract No lots 1 2 3 blk 1 Tr 1831. 1973 Amend Map Lakeland Tr. Tr Deed May 15 1925 $700 install 8 Deed May 32 1923 Card Schwarz pet mo Charles Garvey ct and Conemae Inc to Charlotte Cons TI Co Tr San Buno Valley Thomas Parcel Kiester lot mar 793 wom Tract as her 1913 sep Bank lots 3 blk 1 Tr 1831.
prop No Mtg June 3 1925 $2000 yrs and Amend Map Lakeland Tr. pet sa Redlands Security Co Corp Deed May 18 1995 Anloff to to Freel lots 15 16 bik a Link Mrs Cora Johnson lot 98 bik 8 lot Add Town of Redlands. 99 bik lot 101 blk 8 Tr No 1837 sgl wom to Rankin et ux it ten Deed May 39 Talbot 1925 William Irwin et Deed May 25 luzo Laura Barnes a Cedarpines Park No lot Alvarado Terrace Add No 3 ux to Rachel lots and 3 blk City Red. Tr Juniper No I lots 43 and 43 bik 3 Tr No Deed Moore et ux to Finance Park See 20 IN 20 Investment Corp Dec 16 1924 lot Deed May 99 1925 Kistner et and ptn lot. 2 bik 80 of 80 ac Surv ux 47 to Tr 1953 Ont, et it ten lot W' Heinecke ux Mite; June 1 1925 $5000 3 7 Deed May 26 1925 Cy sa Finance Invest Corp to yrs Moore to Daisy Latimer and und int in pet Mary Latimer mar man lot and ptn lot 2 blk 80 of and to lot 746 of 0 Lds per Map.
80 ac Sury Deed April 15 1925 William Deed May 26 1925 Andrew Warmka Perry Kingsbury et ux to the Anter et ux to Danvers et ux jt ten Natl Bk of Pomona lots 1 4 5 6 7 2-5 of of Farm lot 565 and bik 4 Moist Belt Tr Co B. Co. Tr Deed May 26 1924 $1600 on or Tr Deed May 4 1925 Alward yrs 8 pet qrly Needham et us et Long ux to Beach Marine Tr Tr Calif and Bldg Sav and Bank Loan of to Dunlap Cons lot 13 bik 1 Ti Cy Gty Rialto Tr June Abst and Co Assn of Long Beach $1500 install 8 1924. pet mo lot 499 Co. Deed May 7 1925 Card Schwarz Deed May 20 1925 Cons A Co and Conemac Inc to Carrie Hanks to James Howson sgl man lot 5 mar woman Parcel lot 114 Tr No bik I Home Gardens Sub.
1973 Amend Map Lakeland Tr. Deed May 19 1925 Arthur Cornelius Deed Inc June 1925 Arrow-bear Reet ux Ralph Cornelius et ux Charles alty Co to Aaron Floyd et ux it CO Cornelius et ux to Boyd et ux ten lot 96 blk 16 Unit No 3 ArrowU2 127 ft of lot 7 bik 32 Town of Ont. bear Park Co B. Mtg May 19 1925 $3000 mo install Deed May 18 1325 Arthur I 7 1-5 pet Boyd et ux to the Peo. Rouda Harry Rouda Ire Hatch ples Mut Bldg and Loan Assn of Ont Tr to Julius Blackmer all 127 ft lot 7 blk 32 Town of Ont.
in and to certunpat real prop sit Mtg May 19 1925 $500 on or bef Holcomb Valley Mng Dist. yr 7 pet an It Boyd et ux to Arthur Cornelius Ralph Cornelius Read the Classified. NEX Gov BIK Ha17 Moss SuD Lot Toys Fred Shay Mann Opal 5 Ordaz Scenn Hom. Vander-' The Sun A Newspaper for Sea County HAS Free Fireworks -for every boy and girl. Just secure one new subscription to The Sun, paid in advance for one month.
DIRECTIONS- All subscriptions must be new. Have your neighbor, friend, parent, relative or anyone fill out the blank below, collect '85c. both to The Sun Office or to any agency and receive your fireworks. Our assortments are all alike. Order Blank I hereby agree to subscribe for The Sun and pay for the same at the rate of 85 cents per month in advance.
Delivery of paper is to be commenced on and is to be continued daily thereafter until I order it stopped. June 1025..
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