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Evening Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 1

Evening Bulletini
Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4fVlHBHOTT "TV 1 fTjr." t- sb. o. Vol. ILL No. -121.

HONOLULU, II. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY M. 1802. dUUdOHIMTION fO OFflTS PFP MONru Hfl(R'" iws J'if UIASWUHHRlis "sH'5' JHHIf i "SfliK HU JIHAfeWBgHBBGfiRiyT w-y 7 IF 1 21 II x3 ikSkW Kvr AtSeo? Sv I'M "MI BULLE'll" 18 EYfctj Attornoou Except Sundays At tho Olllce, Queen street, Honolulu, 11.

1. DANIEL LOGAN Editor Manager KOlt TIIK Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited) HimsOlUl'TlONct: Daily Bui.i.ktin, 1 year $0 00 0 months 3 0U per iiiuiith (delivered 5 WKKKl.Y BUL.I.KTIN SUMMAKY, 1 your 00 foreign. 5 00 4k Itolh Tol4iiliiiu'H Xn. Sifitt. fa najrAtlilross nil business comniuiilcii- tlollS "MANAUKll UAILY llULLETIN." nil tinittci lor publlua-tlon "Kiiitou Daily Uullkyin." i.

o. iinx Nil. Iloiinliilu, II. 1. ALFRED MAGOON, Attorney at haw and Notary Public.

No. 4-2 Merchant street, llono-nlu. 1-01 HW. Schmidt Sons, Importers Commission Merchants. Fort street, Honolulu.

1-01 HHAOKPELD General Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Quceu streets, Honolulu, H. I. 1-91 GW MACPABLANE Impoileis and Commission Merchants. Queen struct, Honolulu, H.

1. 1-01 G1 ONSALVES Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants. Heaver Block, Honolulu, H. I. 1-91 JOHN T.

WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise. Queen street, Honolulu, 11. 1. 1-91 Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt ami Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen fatreets, Honolulu.

1-01 EWERS COOKE, Importers and Dealers In Lumber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. 1-01 HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, i I H. I. Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings Machinery of every description maile to order.

Particular attention paid tc Ship's Blacksmlthiug. Job Work executed at short notice. 1-91 JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer General Business AGKN 'Ji Mnlitiluina.

Koliuln, Ilaivall. WMNER MANUFACTURING AND Importing Jewelers. 02 Fort Street. Honolulu. Mas Assurance Compiiy OF LONDON.

H. W. SCHMIDT SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. l-Ul lClng Mtreet, Honolulu. Excellent accommodation for patients.

Dlt. A. It. HO WAT, V. S.

Ollice Hours 7:30 to 10 a.m.; to'2 p. 4:30 to 0 p. in. Tklkpjionus: Bell 00. Mutual 183.

P. O. Bos 32C 102tf Palmer Richardson, ATtOULirvmCVM. Designs in Stone, Brick, Iron or Wood. Modorn, Cheap Artistic Cottages a SpeciaMy Plans, Speculations, Contracts Drawn aud Estimates complete for every description of building.

Also, thorough superintendence of consti notion. BUILDINGS APPRAISED LOTS SURVEYED. Itir- Room No. 0, sprcckels' Block. up 1-02 CHAS.

T. CULICK, Notary Public for the Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor CoutiactH. Agent to Giant Marriage Licenses, Ho- nolulti Oahu. Agent for the lluwillim Islands of Pitt it Scott's Freight it Parcels Express.

Agents for the Burlington Route, Roal Estate Broker Bell Tele. Mutual Tele. 13U. P.O. Box 415.

tf No.oSMeiohuntstieet, Honolulu, Oahu, II. I. jau 02 Australian Mail Service I'OJt HAS PliAMJINCO. The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship "MONOWAI," OI the Ocunnli: Stciunslilp Company will be duo at Honolulu irom Sydney and Auckland ou or about June 2, 1892, And will leave for the above port with malls nnd passengers ou or about that date. For freight or pagBage, having superior accommodations, apply to ffm Q.

IRWIN I'd, Agents. For Sydney and Auckland I The New and FIno Al Steel Steamship (i MARIPOSA7 Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will be due at Honolulu from Sau Francisco on or about June 2, 1892, And will have prompt dispatch with mailo and passengers for the above ports. US" For freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to Wm G. IHWIN L'd, 1-91 Atjeuts. IMer's TIJIE TAJUJLM: STMR.

CLARKE, Commanajr, Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock r. touching at Lahaina, Maalaca Bay and Makena the same day Mahu-kona, Kawailme and Laupahoehoe the following day, arriving at Hilo at midnight. Returning leaves Hilo touching at Laupahoehoe same day; Kawaihao, A. Malmkona, 12 noon; Makena, r. m.

Maalaea. Bay, 8 P. M. Lahaina, 10 i. m.

the following day; arming at Honolulu 6 A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays. Jpff" No Freight will bo received after 12 noon of day of sailing. DAVIES.

Commander, Will leave Honolulu every Tuesday at 5 o'clock p. touching at Kahu-lui, Huelo, Hana, Hamoa and Kipa-liuiu. Returning will arrive at Honolulu every Sunday morning. g0P No Freight will be received after 4 p. m.

on day of sailing. Consignees niUBt be at the landings to receive their freight, as wo will not hold ourselves responsible after such freight has been landed. While tho Company will use duo diligeuco in handling live stock, wo decline to assume any responsibility in case of the loss of same, and will pot bo responsible for money or jewelry unless placed in tho caro of Pursers. W. O.

WILDER, President. S. B. ROSE, Secretary. CAPT.

J. A. KING, Port Supt. 1-91 ThOS. LINDSAY, MANUFACTURING Jo-weler "WirttolimiiUor.

KUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY. KiiiST Streot, Honolulu, II. I. t8f Particular atteutlpu paid to all kinds of repair's. 1-01 C.

B. RBPLEY, AKOJUTHOT. Office Room Spreckcls' Block. Mutual Telephone 208. New Designs Modern Buildings 1 Complete plans and specifications for.

every descilption of building. Contract drawn and careful superintendence of const! uctlon given when required. Call mid examine nlaus. apr 20 ly PAINTER I I you want a First-class Job of Palnr-1 lug of any description done, cull on the Practical Painter, J. L.

Mky" only. Fort street 180. P. O. Box 3K7.

Mutual Telephone fifl-2. 1fi(l tf Piutui'u Frames mado to order from latest stylus of mouldings. Itouovalion of old pictures a Hjieoiully at King Hotel street. facile Mail stsnutUg Co. AND TUB Occidental Oriental S.

Co. For Yokohama Hongkong. Steamers of the nbovo Companies will call at Honolulu ou their way to the above ports ou or about the following dales Slmr. "Gaelic" July 2. 1892 For San FranciBco.

Steamers of the above Companies will call at Honolulu ou their way from Hongkong aud Yokohama to tho above port ou or about tho following dates: Slmr. "China" Juno 21, 1892 Stmr. "Gaolic" Aug. 17, 1892 Kouud Trip Tickets to Yokohama and return, $350. tfST For freight and passage, apply to H.

HACKFELD 2G7 tf Agents. Oceanic tanm TIME TAJILK: LOCAL LINE. S.S.AUSTRALIA. Arrive Honolulu from S. F.

Loave Honolulu for S. F. May 17 May 24 June l'i Juno 21 July 12 July 19 Aug 9 Aug 1G Sept 6 Sept 13 Oct 4 Oct 11 Nov 1 Nov 8 THROUGH LINK. Arrive from Sau Fraucisco. Sail for San Francisco.

Maripobii June 2 Monowai Monowai June 30 Alameda Ahuncda July 28 Mariposa Mariposa Aug 25 Monowai Monowai Sept 22 Alameda Alameda Oct 20 Mariposa Mariposa Nov 17 Monowai J.W.WINTKH,8R.,I)I)S. W. O.WlNTElt, WINTER WINTER, Olllco Hotel opp. Y. M.

C. adjoining the Honolulu Library. Branch Olllce, 200 Kearny S. F. A LL Dental operations skilfully pcr-XX formed at Sau Francisco prices; which are 30 percent cheaper than Honolulu price; and if not as good as the best Dentistry In Honolulu no charge will be made.

You need not go to San Francisco for your Dentistry. Om-great reduction In prices the citizens have demanded, and we will supply the demand. ive iiavk com: to i Bfiy Call aud get prices and savo your money. We return our thanks to the citizens of Hawaii, Maui and Kauai for their liberal patronage aud solicit a continuance of the same. Office Homes: 7 a.

m. to 0 i. m. iuu 27-02 IIOINOJL.UJ-.O CHINESE TIMES Published Every Thursday AT 4 A VKAIC. The Leading Chinese Paper of the Kingdom! Z3T Advertisements Inserted at Low Rates! Job Pi iutliig hi Chluese Neatly Executed.

Olllce, 53 Xiimiiiti St. 304 111! FOK HALE! 1IIAVE 1'our Flue Rosldenco Sites, situated ou 1 ilkol street, for sale. Tho Lots have a fioiitairo of 01 feet on 1'likol street aud nru ii00 feet deep, are nicely laid out In fruit aud shade trees and are all covered with grass wutei laid un throughout. The situation of these Lots and the limited number make It necessary that iutendliur mil chasers should muku early application to tho uudei signed, from whom all particulars can be had. JAS.

F. MORGAN. 203 ti Sausages Sausages I7RESII Bologna, Liver Pudding, Itlood Pudding, Head Cheese, 1 I L. .1 rraiikiuii rMtusae, vicuna nuusago ami Fluu Pork Sausage always ou hand and delivered to mdur by GEO. D.

BOIIRAKDEH, 102 King btreet. WT Mutual Tel. 7J0. 3m Island Shells and Curios Vf HOLKSALE and retail, cheap for TT cash, at 101 Fort streot, between Elders' dry goods btoie and I' rank Gcitz's shoe stoic. 8ft) tf 'J'.

TANNATT. FOREIGN NEWS AND GOSSIP. Heavy frosts linvo ravaged tho French vineyards. Natural gas and petroleum have been discovered in Italy. Nuremberg is the only city in Germany whose old walls are still standing.

The Spanish Duchess of Pastrana willed her entire fortune of many millions to the Jesuits. Immense beds of pearl oysters have been found in the waters around the Southwestern Japan Islands. The amount of St. Peter's pence collected in the month of March was upward of 880,000. The United States standi second in the Hat of subscribing countries.

The Pope is said to be the richest man in Rome. He personally directs the financial transactions, aud even carries tho key to his safe, which he keeps in his own apartments. The French Government has decided to prosecute several bishops for issuing-a pastoral letter setting forth the duties of Catholic electors at the approaching municipal elections. Major Yasumasa Fukushima, the Japanese traveler who is now making a horseback trip from Berlin to Vhul-ivostock, is arousing considerable attention during his somewhat slow progress. The celebrated Knglish caricaturist, Harry Furniss, of the London Punch, limits his work ou that periodical almost entirely to political caricature, and Gladstone is a favorite subject.

Russia is represented as having 200,000 infantry and 38,000 cavalry with which to threaten Northern India. To this force England is able to oppose, at most, 100,000 infantry and 18,000 cavalry. The North Sea Shipping Gazette states that there arc at present 400 large slcamera owned in the vat ions German poits that are unable to find employment, yet the builders keep turning out new vessels. What is said to bo the largest automatic grain-weighing ficalcjii the world has been recently erected in aii English Hour mill. It will weigh ninety tons of grain an hour, and will automatically record the result.

Swiss families in Gadmen, Guttn-ncu, lnneskirchcn and other villages of the Husli Valle are emigrating by the wholesale to the Scrantou district of Pennsylvania, allured by glowing reports sent home by friends who have preceded them there. A snake has been found in Ireland at lost. A Belfast newspaper says that a snuke seven aud a half feet long and nearly seven inches in circumference has been killed at Nora's Glen. It was taken to a contractor's yard in the town, where the reptile was inspected by a large number of people. The solitary snake of Ireland will be preserved in a glass case lor the inspection of future generations.

HELPING TO SOLVE THE RALROAD PROBLEM. An electric railway has been chartered to connect Chester aud Media. The, road will be twelve miles long. In the building of these electric roads is to be found the solution of the problem of cheap and rapid transit in all parts of the country where there is a sufllcicntly dense population to justify the necessary expenditure. Cleanliness, celerity, comfort and cheapness arc the alliterative inducements which have made electric transit popular in every place in which it has been introduced.

Philadelphia Record. HARD TIMES. London Industries says that "several large collou-spiuniiig firms in Ashton and Mossloy have taken steps to run short time, In other districts there is a quiet lessening of the output of the spindles, and sooner or later therp may be general short time pf spiimera. A feature of tho present slate of the cloth department is the utter absence of practicable business from India, owing to the collapse in silver and Eastern exchanges. Further, there are apprehensions of a serious famine in the dependency in June.

AMERICANS C0INQ ABROAD. The annual exodus to Europe of American tourists appears to have bogun. For every one of the iivo big ocean liners which sailed from this port yesterday was freighted to its utmost capacity with travelers hound for the Old World, Every steamship leaving New York for the next ten weeks for Euiope has already its full complement of passengers booked. The number of American visitors lo the other side this season will surpass that of any previous year. N.

Y. Tribune, Apiil 17. The best spring medicine is a dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills. They not only physio but cleanse the whole system and purify the blood.

For sale by JJcnsou, Smith AgciHsj. PMi.BIlMG. JAEGERS "tii' IjCji GENUINE CERTIFICATE TRANSLATION. I herewith appoint Mil. M.

GOLDBERG, Agent for the sale of my Genuine Sanitary Underclothing in the Hawaiian Islands. Beware of imitation. Signed, PROF. DIl. G.

JAEGER. Stuttgart, the 19th of September, '90. A FULL ASSORTMENT JUST ARRIYED. 297 tf FOR SALE OR LEASE. On and after Slav 1st, J.iViM'V.

IP'JJ. II1U AUW U1IU lU- lf. fnr. .1... -v 3.r- pii aim; I iiiramuiiuu of the uu(lulirueu, on Thlirstou Avenue, containing Large Par lor, Dining Jtoom, conservatory, two Bedrooms, Diislng Room with Stationary Washstaud and Cedar Wardrobe, Bathroom with Patent Closet and Hot and Cold Water attnehuient.

pantries. China Closet and Kitchen with New Rrtnge, Hot Water Boiler at'id all attachments complete. Largo aud convenient Stable on the premises containing two large box-stalls, carriage, harness aud feed rooms, and servants quarter. Grounds 2iH)x200, beautifully laid out and terraced. Thu view- is Unsurpassed in Honolulu.

For further particulars ee W. G. ASHLEY, 38C-tf O. U. Jb L.

Depot. PIOISKlQlt TTMJ T1 A.rvo XJA-Hnuifyr. F. iiOULV, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook Baker. 71 Hotel St.

Telephone 71. 1-01 COLUMBIA ety Cycles XOK $135. KING BROS. Hotel Street. 300 Cottages to Rent iMn LINCOLN has just completed Three i erv Desirable Cottages on tho corner ol lilnuii ami streets.

These Cottages have been finished with all modern improvements aud being situated near the Maklkl Valley have abiind'iiiee of fresh aud cool air. The grounds contain beautiful shade trees ami rare plants, They are only two minute' walk from the trameaiB, aud parties dcshous of eccuilug one of the very pleawiutest slluatloiin of tho city are requested to Inspect the above promises. tit- For fm liter pin Oculars apply to llllin J. A. MAGOON.

IK The Bout Lunch in Town, Tea and Ooffee at 111 Hours The Finest Brands of t'S9 V-afiS Alwayi. on lluiKl. J. NOJ.TK, I'ruprlflor. 1-01 it, FOR SALE! A SPRINGFIELD 30-Llght Gas Machine hi complete working order and guaranteed, Will be sold upon favorable teiuie ui the pm chaser.

Also a few Handsome Fixtures. Apply lo 300 King street. SanitaryD nd crclotui ng aJ, -ee tefff Ciors. jJlaL Tome C.J gg We G. hiii (S Company, (liLJJITKO.) OFKKK KOIt SAI.K Ac SJoaaAjn, PARAFFINE PAINT COMPOUNDS and ROOFING, REED'S PATENT Felt Steam Pipe 'Covering, all sizes.


Hartford Firo Insurance Assets, $6,2 1 9,458.93. London 4 Lincjshire Fire Ins. Co. Assets. 54,317,052.

Thames Mersey Marine ns. Co, Assets, $6,124,057. Now York Life Insurance Assets, $125,947,290.81. C.O.BEliGEK, HONOLULU. General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

1-01 G-. IRWIN (i.i.uiti:i.) Wm. G. Irwin. Clans Spreckels.

W. M.Ulffard... Theo. C. Porter.

it Manager Vlce-1'iesldenl Secretary Al'rcasuiei Auditoi SUGAli FACTO US AND Commission Agents. AOENTS OF T11K Oceanic kmm Conm'y, Of Man FruiiciNi'u. C'ul. 1-01 CASTLE COOKE, Life, Firo Marino insurance Agents AdlCKTS I'OIC Mi England Mutual Lite. lus.

OK IIOSTON, Etna Fire Ins. Co. oi Hartford, UNION Insurance Company, OF SAN KllANQISUO. CAI.IKOKNIA. 1-01 C.

BREWER C07. (i.mrrr.ii), Gonoral Mercantile AN1 Commission Agents, LIST OF OFFIOKUS: J. O. Carter President it Manager G. II.

Kobci (son Ti ensure, E. F. Bishop Secretary W. F. Allen Auditoi Hon.

O. R. Bishop, S. C. Allen, u.

vtuicruouEu. 1-01 Messrs. Kiny; Bros, tire showing a lino line of Hani-boo and otlior stylo Parlor Eiisels, Wall Brackets and Window Oorniees at prices I to meet the times. ft 0Y AUTHORITY Salo of Lease of the Government Lokos cf Lolepaua and Kaihikapu, at Moanalua, Oahu. On WEDNESDAY, May 18, 1802, at 12 o'clock noon, at this front on-trance of Aliiolaui Hale will be sold at public auction tho Lease of tho Government Lokos of Kaihikapu and Lelepaua, at Moanulua, Oahu.

'Term Lease for 20 years. Upset price -1500 per uhmiin, payable sumi-auntially in advance. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of tho Intcriur.

Interior Ollice, April 7, 1802. at Sale of Loaso of tho Government Laud of Kaauwaeloa, at Pttlolo, Oahu. On WEDNESDAY, May IS, 1S92, at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Aliiolaui Halo will be told at Public Auction the Lease of tho Government Land at Kaauwaeloa, at Palolo, Oahu, containing an urea of IS 81-100 of which 7 21-100 acres is Rico Land. Term Lease for 15 years. Upset price $100 pei annum, pay; able semi-annually in advance.

C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Olllce, Mar. 01, 0t Sale of the Lcasu ul tho Mauka Portion ol ho Government Land of Honalo, S.

Kona, Hawaii. On WEDNESDAY, May 25, 1S92, at 12 o'clock noon, at "tho front entrance of Aliiolaui Halo will be sold at public auction the Lease ol thu Ma lea Portion of the Government Laud of Honalo, S. Kon'a, Hawaii, containing un area of 710 acres more or less. Term Lease for 10 years. Upset price por annum, payable semi annually in advance.

C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the luteiior. Inleiior Ollice, April 10, 1802. 100 Sale of Lease of a Goveitimvit Laud at Kaneohe, KooLupoko, Oahu.

Ou WEDNESDAY, May 2fi, 1802, at 12 o'clock noon, at the front entrance of Aliiolaui Halo will he sold at public auction thu Lease of a Strip of Government Land adjoining the Kaneohe Court House Lot, Koolau-poko, Oahu, and containing an area of 25-100 of auaciua little more or less. Term Lease for 10 years. Upset prico per annum, payable seiiii-aniiually in advance. C. N.

SPENCER, Minister of the luteiior. Interior Ollice, April 22, 1S02. 101! lit Sale of Loaso of the Government Land of Opihikao, Puna, Hawaii. On SATURDAY, June 1802, at 12 o'clock noon, at the fiout entrance of Aliiolaui Halo will bo sold at Public Auction the Lease of Government Land of Opihikao, at Puna, Hawaii, containing an aiea of lfiOO acres, a little more or less. Term Lease for 25 years.

Upset pi ice $200 por annum, payable semi-annually in advance. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Olllce, May 0, 1802.

Ill Sale of Leaso of Govornmont Lauds at Kau, Hawaii. On SATURDAY, Juno 1892, at 12 o'clock noon, al tho front entrance of Halo will bu sold at Public Auction tho leaso of tho following tracts of land at Kau, Hawaii: Tract No. 1. Muhakcatiui, containing an area of 2557 acres, more or loss. Upset price -1500 per annum, payable somi-uiiuuuUy in advance Tract No.

2. Mohakeuiki, containing un area of 201 norm, more or loss. Upset prico $50 per annum, payable bCini-iiniiuaUy in advance. Leaso for 15 years. O.

SPENCER, i Minister of ilu Interior, I Interior Ofuoo, May 14U2. I in at i -Aik.

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