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The Hawaiian Star from Honolulu, Hawaii • Page 8

The Hawaiian Stari
Honolulu, Hawaii
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6f 0 fir- A Busy Place Tne Womans' Exchange Is a very trOMj place during stenmor days. 'This la on account of Its large and cxclu-Wro line of curios. Woman's Exchange Hotel Street near Fort. PACHECO'S "THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING 18 IN THE EATING." 1 One trial of PACIIECO'S DANDRUFF KILLER will convlnco you that It is the best preparation for the permanent removal of Dandruff. It keep your scalp clean, too.

Try It. Bold by all Druggists and at Pache-BO'B Barber Shop, S28 street. 'Phono Main 232. 1 DR. A.

J. DERBY, DENTIST. Office in Boston Bulldln-. Hour: 9 a. m.

to 12 noon; 1 p. m. Ba p. rn. Oil Keo JEWELER.

New lino of Shell Back Combs, Jewelry, Hawaiian Quarter Belts, Watches, Spectacles and Clocks. King Street, between Smith and JIaunakca Streets. TELEPHONE Office, Main 343. Residence, Blue 2291 Wallace Jackson General-Baggage 12XPKESS and Dray Business DELIVER? TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY Large or small parcels. Office and Stand: Merchant and Nuu Uu streets.

Carriage Repairs "Wa are paying special attention to Carriage and Wagon Repairing and in up fully equipped premises on Queen Street are prepared to turn out the best work. Schuman Carriage Company, Ltd CARRIAGE REPAIR Queen between Fort and Alakea. Von Hamm-Young Co Has a fully equipped machine shop tat manufacturing and making repairs, ALSO AGENTS FOR Union Gas Engine Troy Laundry Hamilton Tool Paramne Plaint yrederlck Paint 2teese, Gottfried Co, Ohinen Engine Erie Engine Works, Sterling Boiler Rlidon-Sulzer Pumps, Wagner-Bullock Elect. Dow Pump Works, Harelhurst Centrifugal Pumps, Prick Ice Machinery Eclipse Corliss Engine, The Engelberg Rice Mach. Western Expanded Metal Bt.

Louis Expanded Metal Co. Headquarters for Kahikinui Beef Dor. Alakea and Beretanla Streets. PHONE AND KINa MARKET, PHONE 419. Inland Butter and Chickens.

mm KM ai is ti imi'a. II Co Pago 3 lininior Beer Pago 8 liobron Drug Co Page Metropolitan Mont Page 3 County Committee Meeting 5 NEWS IN A NUTSHELL Paragraphs Tlint (Jive Condensed Ximys of tlio Day. The first thing to do after dis- i covering that you have lost your watch, purse, dog, or anything, In fact, Is to arrange for running a Classified ndvertlse-t ment In The Star. Classified I Ads three times for 25 cents. i THE WEATHER.

Local Olllce, V. S. Weather Bureau, Young Building. Honolulu, T. June 1G, 1906.

Temperatures: 0 a 75; 8 a. 76; 10 a. 7S; noon, SO; morning minimum, 71. Barometer, 8 a. 30.02; absolute humidity, 8 a.

G.0G3 grain per cubic foot; rolativo humidity, 8 n. 70 per cent; dow point, 8 a. CO. Wind, veloelty: a. 7, northeast; a.

4, east; 10 n. east; noon, 9, northeast. Rainfall during 24 hours ended 8 a. .07 Inches. Tolnl wind movement during 24 hours ended at noon, 237.

WM. B. STOCKMAN, Section Director. LONDON BEETS: July 3, 8 shillings. ii pence; last previous quotation Juno 30, shillings, 3 pence.

SUGAR New York, July 10, 3.71875 cents a pound or $74,375 a ton. Last previous quotation July 5, 3.734375 cents a pound. Next Wednesday Is the last day for paying water rates. The schooner Eva departed Saturday afternoon for Eureka. Toilet water of tho proper odor may" bo obtained at Hobron's.

Fourteen new cases wore filed this morning in tho land court. Drop In at the Lauhala lunch rooms and try their appetizing lunch. The Metropolitan Meat Co. has a thorough complete line of cheese. The County Board of Supervisors will meet on next Wednesday evening.

The S. S. Callfornlan departed Saturday evening for Kahulul to load sugar. Tho Republican County Committee will hold a meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The steamer Muuna Loa will deport tomorrow at noon on her regular Maul and Hawaii run.

The schooner Aloha will deprt for Kannnpali tomorrow. She will load sugar for San Francisco. Budwelser is "King of Bottled Beers" Costs more thnn most beers but worth many times more thnn the difference. Mons. A.

Vlzzavonn who was former ly at this port ns French consul may return here in the near future. Sheriff Brown does not know anything about the organization of the Brown Republican In tho eighth precinct of the fourth district. D. L. Austin formerly wltn the Pa cific Hardwnro Company is now with E.

O. Hall Son, as a travelling salesman. Tho barkentlno Archer was expected to leave HUo Saturday for San Francisco. The bathing beaches nt the Ivtels yesterday were crowded all afternoon. The bathing season seems to bo on In full blast.

The first transport dance at tho Seaside Hotel will bo given this evening in honor of Captain Parker and officers of the Lawton. Edwin White Sutton, a graduate of the University of Michigan, was admitted to practice this morning by tho Supreme Court. The usual meeting of R. R. Bodo's singing class will bo held this evening Instead of tomorrow evening nt St.

Clement's parish hall. Ten Chinese charged with being pro-sent nt a place where gambling was conducted were fined $5 and costs today by Judge Whitney. Tho barkentlne James L. itEviston which fiad to leave Mahukona on Thursday owing to a gale, was sighted Friday night off Kailua point. A fair sized crowd attended the temperance meeting at the Y.

M. C. A. Saturday evening. Among meeting Is to 'bo held In the near future.

Use Liquid Veneer for (furniture, pianos, woodwork, carriages, autos, and bikes. It will clean quickly, clean well and leave a fine polish. Sold by E. O. Hall Son.

Only the chemistry of nature Is cm ployed In the manufacture of Rainier Beer. It Is wholesome. Invigorating and genuine. S. T.

Horrlck, agent Phono White 1331. The Supremo Court, with De Bolt In place of Hartwell, was In session all this morning argument by At torney General Peters and S. H. Derby in the Cotton Bros Case. Nino alleged gamblers arrlsted In the four story building at tho Junction of Beretanla and King streets last night, wore discharged by Uudgo Whitney this morning In the police court.

Alice Maud Way and Ethel Way have begun slut against W. C. Peacock for $1,208.40, alleged to be due them for rent of King street property. Thayer and Homeriway nro plaintiffs' attorneys. W.

A. Wanrf who has been the District Suerlntondent for tho Mutual Life of Now York for this territory for tho past six months, leaves on tho Koron next month to assume charge of tho Mutual's business In Oakland and Berkeley. Tho pump which Is lifting water to clear the way for Bngineor Kellogg at Nuuanu dam broko down yesterday, and there was considerable lnterrup- Ion of tho work. It was expected, however, that the dnin wduld be ready for Inspection this afternoon. DIO NOT SAY WHAT THEY MEANT LAWMAKERS DECLARED TO HAVE FAILED TO EXPRESS INTENTIONS IN THEIR ACT.

Three membors of the last Senate were In attendance at tho Circuit Court this afternoon as wltnessos ready to testify that the County appropriations act was not Intended, at least, to mean whut its wording says according to the elnlrrts of tho County. They wero sent for by the Attorney General's Department In connection with tho effort of tho County of Oahu to collect $17,000 of tax money from tho, Territory, representing the County's alleged share of money collected after the County was organized, for taxes delinquent "bpforo the County was organized. The senators are J. M. Dowsett, E.

F. Bishop and W. C. Aehi. de-claro that tho law was never intended to nllow the counties anything but half of tho taxos accruing after the counties started.

Nevertheless, tho law Itself, as It was passed, says half of the taxes "collected" after tho passage of the act, henco tho legislature appears to have passed an net not saying exactly what it jneant to say. Tho three senators wero committee on the bill, hence hoy are In a position to explain what It was supposed to mean. Tho memoranda In possession of tho committee and of Secrctiry AV. Savldgo show, tha figures of 'n-come calculated, what was tho Intention of tho legislators. But tho net does not contain any words to set forth such an Intention, and this afternoon Judge Do Bolt is taking up tho question of whether ho can consider what tho senators say they meant, In trying to construe the act.

ARRIVING Monday, July 16. Schr. Kaulkeaoull, from Kohalalele at 2 p. m. CHINA SAILED ON TIME The S.

S. China sailed on time today from San Francisco for Honolulu and tho Orient. MARRIED. TRASK HUDDY At Moloaa. Kauai, on.

Saturday, July 14, 100G, Hnttlo Irask to James Huddy. both of Ka- a. I. TEMPERANCE RALLY At the KallhI Church last evening a large temperance rally was held instead of tho regular Sunday evening services. Rev.

p. M. Snodgrass conducting the meeting. The meeting was for children and 40 and 50 of them were present. John dr.

Martin made the address of the evening which was greatly enjoyed the' children. A temperance organlzatlo was formed by tho children lo bo known as the Abraham Lincoln Temperance Association. Mrs. Taggert presided at tho piano. FORESTER JUDD.

Charles Judd, who arrived by the Siberia, Is a son of the late Chief Justice Judd. Ho graduated last year at ale In tho regular graduate course for a degree, and is now taking tho Forestry course In the professional school. This course usually Is a three-year course, but Mr. Judd expects to make It two years dolna nractlcal work during the vacation. He has been made an assistant to Forester Hosmor of the Territorial Board of Agriculture and and has already entered upon his duties.

BORN. LIVINGSTON In Honolulu, Hawaii, July 11, 1906, to Mr. and Stanley Livingston, a son. WALL In Honolulu, Hawaii, July 16, 190G, to Dr. and Mrs.

Ormand E. Wall, a daughter. ALAMEDA DUE TOMORROW. News of the arrival of tho S. S.

Alameda In San Francisco tomorrow Is expected. Sho is due on that day. ATLAS MADE FAST PASSAGE. The ship Atlas arrived yeste'rday 26 days from Yokohama, which Is a very smart passage. She dime In ballast.

She will load 5,500 tons of sugar for Delaware Breakwater. LAVINIA TO SAIL TOMORROW. Captain Max Schlemmer of Laysan Island, says, tho schooner Lavinla will depart tomorrow for HLaysan Islanl after another load of gunno. IROQUOIS DEPARTED SATURDAY. The U.

S. S. Iroquois departed for Midway Saturday afternoon. She will be absent about six weeks. HAGNER IS IN COMMAND.

Paymaster I. T. Hnirnei. In nntlnir commanding officer at tho 'Naval Sta tion. He will act in such capacity until the return of Contain Carter from Midway or tho arrival of Captain Very tho regular commandant from the mainland.

Cnptaln Very Is expected to arrive hero next week bv the Ala meda. BREAKFAST FOR 25 CENTS. An appetizing breakfast for 25 cents; a fine lunch at tho samo prlco and a dinner for tho Gods at 50 cents aro three attractive specialties at tho Royal Annex Cafe. Mlno Host Scotty has- city restaurants boUon a mile with his weekly meal ticket for $4.50, formerly $5.00 Tho surroundings at the' Annex aro most pleasant, tho service Is good and there aro prlvato dining rooms for those who prafor to dine alone. Fine Job Printing, Star Offlce.

James JF. Morgan, and BROKER. Slf-857 Kaahumanu St. Tel. 71, P.

Bos M. For 7 Roomed House And Lot College Hills HOUSE LOT, corner Wilder avenuo and Auapunl street. Foreclosure Sales Especially Good. 2 1-8 ACRES, Wyllie street, off Nuu-anu street. July 21, 1906.

2 ACRES, LARGE DWELLINGS and STORES, King street, Palama. July 21, 1906. OLD WAIKIKI I am instructed to force the sale of lot at Old Walklki, with bath-house lot. This may bo tho one you want. Particulars my office.

JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEER. Houses To Rent On Emma Square; Three Rooms. On Pensacola Street, 6 rooms.

JAS. F. M0RG VN, WANT LAND TITLES Fourteen new applications for Tor-rens land titles were filed today in tho land court. Thirteen of them aro by the Athorton estate, which is undergoing a general straightening out of titles by securing them from Judge Weaver. The other was from Maul.

STUFFING ROLLS THE PRECINCTS (Continued from page one.j roll-stufflng. Whether the stuffers will be allowed to vote or not is a question, but they are being freely signed up. Johnson Is ono of the strong men of the Republican organization, and It is regarded as a slirewd pleeo of political strategy on the part of the wily Senator to move from his own district and butt Into tho Fourth in an attack on the redoubtable Sam. Sam, however, says he is not worrying and that he will come out all right. In fact Sam is doing some butting himself, and his work will be felt In many precincts besides his own.

At tho same time he Is not neglecting home. "They are stuffing the roll with Homo Rulers and Democrats;" he said when asked about it this morning. Sam has the roll, being secretary of tho club, and ho showed it as he spoke. It bears a long lino of new signatures, placed there In bunches at a time, as shown by the Ink and penmanship, "Let them sign?" said Johnson. "Oh yes, wo let them sign as they come.

I don't know whether we will let them vote or not." In the ninth of tho fourth, the Charllo Coster men wore to the front today with denials that ho is anything like a "dead ono." In fact, they declare that it is Jim Qulnn who died last Friday ovenlng. Qulnn Is running for president against Coster, but the Cos-tor men declaro that he wasn't oven nominated and that Coster Is tho only nominee. Coster was duly placed up for the odlce, it is stated, and then tho nominations were closed without Qulnn over being put up at all. Howovor, Qulnn Is running, and It is thought that ho will bo duly voted for. The Coster men claim to be able to outvote him anyhow, and If they do it will mean goodbye to Qulnn's as pirations for a plaeo on the Board of Supervisors.

Both Qulnn and Coster are Brown men, It is stated, though tho former Is first of-oll a Qulnn-for-super-vlsor man. A SAMPLE EXCEPTION. Tho accounts of feminine mobbing of fashionable weddings in Gotham Indicates that tho much-vaunted refining infiuenco of lovely woman on the coars er-gralnod portion of humanity in com muntties Is subject to some very stren uous excoptlons Baltimore American. i LIQUID VENEER FOR FURNITURE, WOODWORK, AUTOS, You want SOMETHING that will clean quickly, clean well and Icavcji fine polish, and that is just what LIQUID VEDNEER WILL' by A ten-cent bottle will make you long for more. Sold by O.


vee unp Mb po u. U- III Blur by, Wholesale and Telephone Main 251 In Hongkong, Shanghai, Yokahama, Port Arthur, Sydney, Vladi vostok, San Salvador, Calcutta, Honolulu, Dawson, 'Nome, Singapore, Manila and San Francisco, you will The reason is plain. It's celebrated flavor and absolute purity command attention everywhere. E. T.

HERR'ICK, Agent. Phone White 1331. EMPL0YIENT 0FFIGE We are prepared to supply you with Cooks, Waiters, Yard and Stable Boys, Sailors and Men and Women for all kinds of work. JAPANESE NEW HOTEL Telephone Main 743 LIQUOR DEALERS. Corner Queen and Alakea Streets Orolexrs Xfrelixrertred.

to 11 3POLXts of Oity Phone Main 492 About putting up your Jams and Jellies. Also the fact that we are selling JAH AND JELLY GLASSES For the remarkably low price of 35 Cents per Dozen These tumblers also make a nice water glass for "Ordinary use" in the Kitchen. Complete line of Fruit Jars always on hand. W. W.

DIMOND LTD THE LEADER IN HOUSE FURNISHINGS. 53-SS-57 King Street. Bacon Retail Butchers N. King Street find KEEPERS' Minn Nuuanu Street, near Pauahi Co. Honolulu, T.


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