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The Weirton Daily Times du lieu suivant : Weirton, West Virginia • Page 11

Weirton, West Virginia
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Weirfon Daily Times, Saturday, December It, WO --II Introducing the new 8 bottle carton of Coke in king size bottles at a special It's like getting two bottles of delicious, refreshing Coca-Cola free! The new 8-bottle carton of Coke in king size bottles. Now on sale at only 59 cents per carton the same price as the 6- bottle carton. In other words, you buy eight but pay for six! This offer is good for a limited lime only at most retail outlets intheWEIRTONAREA, So hurry. Take advantage today. Pick up an 8-bottle carton of Coke in king size bottles.

And save 20 cents! IT'S THE REAL THING. COKE. (BI-K) "Coca-t'ola" and registered trade-marks which identify the same product of Tlic Coca-Cola Coiniinny. BotUedundn-thcnulIiorilyolThcCoca-ColaOiiiipanyby: 813-Stony Hollow JJIviI..

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