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The Weirton Daily Times du lieu suivant : Weirton, West Virginia • Page 12

Weirton, West Virginia
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Weirton Daily Timei, Monday, May 12, 1958 MARKET PLACE OF MILLIONS TVA1STT AD RENTING-HIRING BUYING-SELLING -CLASSIFIED ADS I'HONK 185 -'Want Ad Copv must be In our office by 9:30 a.m. on day ol publication. per word--one day 5c per word--two days 7c per word--three days lc' per word each consecutive day Minimum Charge--75c Classified Display lOc pe ILhe Uinimnm Charge FOR RENT Upstairs. 4 untiiniish- ed rooms and bath, dowiwiftlrs, i i i rooms and a i a enlrance. Terrace Circle.

Plione 31.1S-J of -J3SI-R. TOR -PrODins N'o, 22 Call FOR RENT Furnished ap.itlmenl,|FOR SALE 1MO Forl truck Ion, 3 rooms, private bath 5-S-6C-7 VOJt HK.VT .1 across ail modern, i i i furnished. Call 12G9-W. -15-lIc-7 VOK RICXT 6 CouiJU- Heart 7 rooms aiul bath. SXi.

a i St. Call I077-J. FOR 2 rooms a i luiUi. Collins a i St. FOI1 RENT i baUi, private entrance.

a and KOK nicc-ly i inquire' 315 Heasletle avc. LIMIT p.m. aiiults only, FOR RKXT 2 or coupK. SI. P-OR upstairs, fiirnfshed roams and i i St.

rallo and healor, spot light, paint job, motor overhauled, S276: Foil! cab S15: 1919 Fonl Car Motor $12: ISl'J Fonl rear i-ml SS. Call 1929-J or 121 Front si. FOR SAIJC 195S "Mercury Station Wagon, Plwm- H20-W. station wafjon 210. series, pack and a a i i 7000 inilt-s, 1 ownrr.

SoM for Wilt sac- i i lor 52.000. Plinoc RUG CLEANING 5 dav, pick up service. Terl Harfingtoti. AiitTtorizea Hoover Sates and Service. S.

E. Henurlcka. Phone 392S 6-1-UC-J6 Jt aiid ueautifullv cleaned. Call Am 401S9 3-7-tic-lG SIGNS, rill kinds, cards, paper. etc.

Phone 4619. Anderson Hxit sltop. radio and T.V. Service all appliances. bicycles and what have FOR SALE J551 Hudson 116 Dickson SI.

Piione T.1V. i i fnfircro SI nn 1 -Oixi-J 4-TMMfi--fi A I 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 vu. .31, i-iiujlo Minirnnm Cnarge Iti 1 FOU 2 riirnlsliwl rooms, all Call 412:1 5-io-Mp-i6 All Classified Advertising FOP. HE.XT 5 room apartment, prl- private. 320 Mason si i on -ho rmhlilhors (hi rio-ht vale a ,5 utililics.

KarnKC if de- vS-lfr-7l TOR SALE lOoO Nash. 4 iloor PUR STORAGE, have your He pUDllsncrs reserves Uie ngni a Crawford Ave. Cail IMS, Ion Dodge pickup i cH-aned and stor.Hi in our cokl slor- to advertising wnich does not conform to our standards. Publisher will not be responsible for more one incorrect insertion. Above rates ire for regular type, set solid.

"KEYED" or "BUND" ads are counted as five words additional when addressed to a box number care of Times. KOR JiKXT IT rear. Cove a Rent I $550: '950 Iluick motor. Cumberland S217 age. Pick and Delivery.

Fl Kura, 21n South 4 St. Steub FOR ItEKT -t room apartmenl and saragr. Penna Ave, Fhone 543S-J or o3S-H. I2-I5-tfx- SleeplnK room 176. 312 Lee Ave.

cood condition. Phone ROOM AND A contraction Phone Atlantic 2-1340. I 1317 Chevrolet, 2 dooT. I preferred. FOU room, a i Weir- tonian Club, Delaware Ave.

a FOH REX'l rontn apavtnic-nt and bath, private mem Kus entrance, nice a c- 7 1 i iim'iu Kiis heating, jiiqiure i 5 Help Wanted FOR RENT Apnrlmcnl, 1057 Penna Ave. with Karate, near bu.s slop Cnll 353. Inquire s-3i-trc-c TED Qualified man for in- lline, furnaces, plumbing a lonailionine work. i to Box a care of the Weirlon Daily Tiin- i-22-tfc-l 2-Help Wonted Female and super a 12.M FOH RENT tiath. PJione per week: Call 1C40-W.

OR RENT stairs a i i a bath. Wall lo ail carpeting in i i 5-3-J3c-2i---- WAXTKD i 2 RENT upstairs moms and hnth. entrance 372 Penna Avc. Phone 513S-J Wanted. food apply in person.

Green i 1313 Main M. S-lO-fc-2 you in need Avon Koir-- Are monr-j 1 Be- ond your during convenient hours. Phone 5243 FOR JFIEXT 4 floor, 1430 Main Kent $25. Call Orc i stair.s nvm. balli rooms, 2nd St.

Semi Batli, -t-lS-tfc-G 354S-R. nTcciy room American 321 Cove Rd. Call 25. Wl RKjVr Slctplni: roninTTmerl- cnn Family, 130 Hudson Avr. Call Sleeping room lady.

Downtown. Cnll 2506-J 5-2-12C-S TOJl Sleeping 3 2 3 or 1 rooms and IH-AT? i- i i J-'Mlc-S rooms, kll- chen and i a I a Modern 3 room clown- Aom. SG12 i a SI. Call 2006. FOR SIcepiiiK cmim.

in rear. Call 292IJ-R, Wost Si. 5-S-trc- 4-22-6tfx-12 FOR SALfc; Good used mechanical and body par horn Auto Sal rla cars. Inquire lvage. 1 nillr.

on Devil work guaranteed. Home and Commercial. Piione Welrton 5342. I I A SAWS and by a i (rnowcia. i and 2-24-tTc-12 12th St.

Pimm 5910. awn power fOR KENT Giraffe on 17th Sl.i Weirlou Helghls. Call S27. I 6-7-6C-1S IJ3AVK FOR CHIdACO NEW YORK (UP)-The Russian aiwi United States ueight-Ui'jng loams were scheduled to go lo Chicago by plane today a meet there Monday night. They will meet again May 13 at Detroit and Atey 17 at New Yorfc.

FOR REN1 Oarage, 3332 West St. 1 18 TOR KKNT Double Main St. Call 695-R 5-12-oc-lS 22 Instructions JIOTKl, "women a conpies ty train for JJotel an operation. 1 i a i will bt- considered. Age 2o to 59.

Write National Motel Training Inc. Write lo Box al-11 in care of the i Daily Times. 5-12-lp-22 NOTICK TllR uudersltmed Commissioner oil has in her office in the City! of Chester, West Virginia, the follow- A i i a nf CARD Of THANKS I ANTONIO We wish lo express our sincere tbaijk.s to our CrierKJ.i and for their kindness and i a i Ing the recent a of our husband and father. We especially Msg. W.

S. Fr. P. J.

Teigue, Pr. J. O'Reilly the (liop- who flowers, and masses, don- ateil ihft of i cay.s. and all others in any to lessen bur sonow i and Family named account.i Frank C. T.

A. or the -FOR SAI.K 1057 Chevrolel. panel li-uck, equipped. Call 4SI1. 5-I2-6P-12 TOR SALK tone radio itnl ovei- ili-lvo.

SSoO. Cnll 5205-JX. 5-12-Gp-12 13 Household Goods nd rfr- palrinu. Phone lfK)2 e-l-tfc-16 I Wall paper, i atid wall wasliinft. interior and Phnne Sl'-uoeni-iJIe Atlantic POSSESSED UEAIITIFUI.

Console Sowinx a i 5 months old. Take Ti Imlance at 57.00 moiuh. 4-20-tlc-K-J CUSTOM KITCHENS and sink free eslhrians. Call 537. Visit show room

Penn hiiHt In appli- Supply. 2401 Penna Ave, FOR SlcM-nliis rooms, prlval'- Imtli. i Booki- FOR ping room. i or 11 inal SINOEit sewing a i S13.05 i all attachments. a 'STEP SAVER kitchen unit.

Frank Papas, and Son. Pa. i Call i 12331, 4-2-tlc-l A I TYP1SS used second hand i lure. Priced reasonable. Cull 701.

11 I 1 1 ed. call H9.i2-J female i WAXTF.D IMMEDIATELY. Man or with Rawleigh Products. Cao r.d Imth. 3025 earn SaO weekly part time.

5100 and up Ml lime. Write Hawlcigu's Depl 1 jjn WVK Chester. Pa I -7-6p-6 FOR RE.KT Modern 4 room aparl- mont. private entrance, steam heat 1 Kingsdale. apartment.

a WANTED TO RENT i'FOH KKNT 4 Situations Wanted- upslafr5 5t st Co room M-6p-C Al TVTt CAIU'ENTER WORK any tvpc, Call S-15-J. -l-l-i-2Gc-l HOOF JOIiS, in.5ide and outside paint- ins. Phone. S70I-WX Marlnncl Heights. 4 room a a OR RENT 10 room apartment, for 1 or 2 families or buslnes.1, 3102 5 Opport.

Main Si. I'hone I51G-W." FOR KENT 7 rrom house. AVR. ClfiR Turjiace, comJHlrm. room hom i rondition.

Phono 20S1-M Kl'jiX 1 2 (L" ul, imra P-i'll IT 11 in OwlnKs AklUior, or fllnll: )lin a 2.C3-J limits. i 11-For Sale Real Estate KOFI SALK 3 almost roo roofing. Riuler r. Cfill powder G. W.

Harp- Your sui( convprloJ to nn up 1 inotlrl Tailc.1-.Shop. Weir- PIAXO i i a i i i i p.rbs OR CARPKTS Tiit into Inj; thc.n in vonr lioni fror For Carpet Slouaailis. Kinal Report Korotich ot tho al Re-port. i Mary Stotiobnrjicr. of I lie i'f Paul Stotiebuvn- i er, decea.seu; i a l.

C'aHic Ciiniiilssioner of Accoinus, Hancock Wosi a N'OTlCf-: I To the Crrditor.s and Ttcnoflciarlps i Uift KstflU: of Kdward Williauis: I All ppt'sonji hnving clninis a i i tho csitite of i ho Edward i 1 liams, if-coaspc1 wht-thor ciiitt or n( are tiofiffod to (-xdibit voucher tlnToot, legally verified, to iu nty r.n a i cl. City of Wcivton. County of HnncocK. in, on or before liir 'SOth (Jay of "October. IMS; other wise ihoy may by lift excluded from all i i of s--aiL estate.

Fiiiil arc to to prosent on clay to protect Given unde of April. my hami tliis clay Donald Donolt uniF-ioii-i- of Acroimis. of Hancock by clonn- i i i I prriofinj; call 2G55. Snn-Viin 4-S-26c-16 Iravin-To'Vn Af 0 Cemem FVl po 3 i Ce FOH SALE RCA Kstatc Dolu.vr ful! automatic. T-j years Call 130-W fi-Mfc-lS TO BUY OR SELL USE CLASSIFIED ADS IMionc: i m-J-l SAtiE i i i i i i i i I i Avc.

Cnll i a coateil linolouni, So oasv cle-iii, Stona ani( a house, a grounds, on a trout stream pointmenl Call Evergreen FOR RENT small gas rent. Call 5151. Clirome Gill" a. Phono fi-l-tfc-16 i i to 1953 Cai5 ownera. com- 1 clunrs.

A-l i i i i i paint job, Terliacs i)3-J. Used Cnj. Piione J-29-tfc-3G I I I umy. iiyyi-it. o-a-wl-y picniclFOR RENT 3 rooms rind bath, 1010J FOE SALE.

WlrrstTirx" WO Orclmnl si. I H3illl tlts fald. Tcrma lo julL 3 6 Rent Houses Apts FOR RENT 3 room apartment, anil bath, all private. 2J6 Ferguson Avc. it.

Write to Box A-21 in care of tie Weirton Da Times. 6-S-tfc-O 532.50 Call SM9G-M FOR RENT 3 rooms. Ponnn. Avn. Heights, adults onlv.

Call 356S-R. FOR" RENT a room door, private -porch and back entrance, private basement. $50 Month. 3S1S Orchard St. Call SG5-I.

P'OR RENT on RT 2J. 12-6C-6 FOR 4 room apartment, 1st Iloor. all private. Morgan Drive, Call 1 9 TOR RENT 1 elde of duplex. Morgan Drive, ilarland Iluight.s.

rooms, basement nnd garape. A 1 1 mMcrn. Adults only. nionlb Call 5-12-6C-6 RKNT Upstairs. 4 i i od moms and bath, downstairs.

It iinfurnlsbcd rooms and pantrv. Jy Peim Are, Chit FOR SALE Near State Line On Bel-Air 3 bedroom brick veneer, ranch home. 'Paved street and Eewers On Hudson Avenue 5 room 2 story home in excellent condition. Easy payment-s On Avenue 6 room home and garage, 2 kitchens, execl- condition Our diversified homes, prices, and locations rlcservea your inquiries. Ill Taylor Avenue Phone 104 Weirton Where You Ruy by Cliolcc Not by Chance FOR KENT or sale, Mouse, Halter Park, Call 1M2-J.

5-S fic-fi bath, fiirjmcp niti) laundry. nnvJy decorated. 1 ciUd allowed 214 F. Call Am 5-S-Cc-G FOR RENT npnrtmonT West St; Call 69.vR. 5-R-6c-fi FOR RENT --4 nr 5 rootn WarT- $45 Month.

Call 3S75-J. I acre Ki-ouiifl ni restrlclcd i W111TB ROCK AND heaw liens, alao fl 37S5-V 3 beilrooins 28 room frying cbicknns, and pigs. i.repln,:,-, i In ovrn MSAV Everett Kestor. i 1 1 and range. Sechnleil nt-ar Toniliuwin rt JU.n Pool Call New Cumtini-lmi'l ens FOR SALKi (ormal slzn 1 Tor a i U.

Cnll ISGSJ. 5-RGrl4 i FOR RKXT A a llolclils. j-nonis. hnlli, parapi 1 stop. Phono FOR illi-Nf oom3 anrl balh, piltilry, 311 Avc.

J. PJionr- VOR RENT room a i 2nd floor. Prico SIO. St. FOR KBN'T rooms nnrl atro.

116 Dt-vorlv Avc. Call 055 MAHLAND Heiehte, room ipitr(joms. excellent cctiiclJlloct. lot. Reasonable.

Call FOH SAL.K New i rancliTom I acre ground i Sale Misc. PAINTING AND Rooting or 3S5S 9 and 5:30 Phone 22S6 "1 3-6-ttc-1G FOR SAL.K teen anil Junior Kowns. sine 1IM1. Call 419i FOR SAM: foot Call 2S77-R. FOlt luitiac g-ood coiutitlon.

Call 970-R. i dark female a 1 c. cloK. fnot Covp Hill. Owner must ray far 's-ia-ec--n Miscellaneous FOR SAl.fc room ho franklin Avc.

Call 2S57-J. 4 ncre.s ground on RT i li'lorence, brick 7 room? 2 a hardwood lull collar. Ras a sprliifr floors, 2 2 car garag-f. Orchard and prtino arbor 1 i-eafiitr- rttif, Inrfip parking lot. best localloii for business and resilience For ai- poliument.

Cnll BiirKottalown. i t- 7-Rent Furnished Apts. FOR RENT rcTorni" trivnte entrance. Call 4101-J 5 PrlvaU- balh. Off location.

FO SAL ml e7all cctric hrtck house. 5 rooms ami hnlli, o. I. and 1'HA Loans. TOR house, bedroom house, I earaev, liooker St i' 01 i 10 Smafi down ment.

balance like rent. Call Private eyilr parking. Cl Uo Osteopulhk: IIosp. Penna Ave. I Phomi Bock's i I SJM01V7 IFOR KENT 3" KirEcTurnlshMl rooms, i i i raiiRe and I i i a a paid.

a 5-S-IIC-7 RENT 7 4 -2S-tlc -S FOR 2 runikslicd -S-6c-7 FOR 4 rcKim. 1 bath, all private. I i "(XM Orchard at. MO-fioT FOR RKNT 2 room apartment! 1G trc 7 FOR RKNT 3 rcxjm apart me in. Wost St.

JFURNIS11KD APAUTMKXT lor si'li- Hie orcilpatiy. utilities paid, 3 3 5 Penn.i. A Very reasonable. Phone 2 i 7 TOR RENT stairs. a I a iieishls.

Call Wli-W. FOR nKNT 2 lof.m parlrin-jil. over Alpi i i-l3 Hardware, 1WS Main SI. fi-12-ttc-7 FOR RBNT 2 roonnsTpri- 1st flocir. Ave.

F. a 3S50. -ins, IdS Cm- nicoly FOR SALE Wnotllaiid K.stalcs New Brick Ranch bungalows complete with all improvements. 3 Bedrooms 60' lots. Restricted sub-division.

FHA Loans. Only $2,000 doH'n payment $78.00 monthly Only Kami 4 miles South of Newell, West Virginia on Foil-view road. 25 acres, good laying land on a good road. Modern Groom Farmhouse with basement Furnace, hot and cold running water. A very good buy Only I I MnrlamI Ills.

3801 Haiilin Way Modern 5 room sclni- bungalow with unfinished attic. Only years old level lot. FHA loan. 51,700 down a (til ft 578.00 Monthly Only I Wcirlon His. House Mo.

270 Beech P.oad. Nice 4 room brick home. Gaiage and in excellent condition a Ixjblaws Supermarket 11 Cfift. and bus stop Onfc- Kollansbcc anil Kldcrsvillp ItrunkviRiv Drive 6 room, 1'i story home with garage. Gas storm windows and doors.

3 bedrooms. Tile batli Only five years old JL. 70' by 270' Only $14,500 Nice. Aerraf-c Near Airport. 11 acres level laying ground.

Good i tractor, plow, disc Cftft and other crjuipment included Only J. A. MENDENHALL, Realtor fire i- Aulo Insurance--FHA Service--Home Builders Khvriod A. Slendenliall Salesman I'lione Kvonings 3830 3MU Street, W. Va.

rhnno 233 trarago, i ol CaJl Kverfrii'cii nnri FOR SAI.K --1; House, room ivtrlnerntor, includctl." PiiRhtowij 5-S-Gi-ll ssooo. NICK LEVEL IwililiiiK lots very rcaaonabto priced. location, Call 701 or 11S8 oVso 1 't 1 lr 11 HOME Sl sn)o 2 lots, jlfmtile no pricp ciuo- Call JD! or I i i 1250 St 12 33C N. lOlh SI. Call Autos orVr TTn FOR National Cash register, comnlfitely reconditioned, a-1 condition.

Priced for (iutcl( sale Call 704. or after p.m. 3-1Wfc-14 FOR SAfjK fiorfic motor PJlgrin boat. 12 foot ru rial Knit nnd a i $37o. Phone J5S7-R or 207 o-fi-Gp-14 TOMATO Ific Leo Ave.

5-12-12p-14 FOR H. P. Scott AU water i OiitVwnrd motor. $75. Plume 6-10-aij-M I'X)R SAMS Inside paint.

sn.M'sai^' Ion. outside Daint. gallon, pan and roller 9Sc. TlotlKers Appliances Main fit 5 KH CEN MORTAGE MONEY a- 16 Services HIKKAI.A'S lawn mower sharpRtiiiiK Service. 621 N.

JOUi St. Call 1.1S9 5-9-13P-UJ Why rif, iti your rent a till- cr troin Albino i i US Klmcr NIAGARA Cn'CbO. Massaeei lomige chairs, thermo cyclopai. nnd Imnd mills. Write Pat MUton.

3520 Williams i Drive, or Call 3637 3-17-trci 4112. BUY A HOME FIRST GENTLEMAN' FARMER, 5 acre tracts, bargain price, terms I 3UU SPRING IS HERE, PLAN FUTURE NOW, BUILDING LOTS, A ST. CLIFFORD DRIVE, MT. ROYAL BLVEV. TERMS! Only BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY, 300 ft.

fronting on route 22. WETRTON HTS NEW MODERN RANCH TYPE HOMES READY FOR OCCUPANCY. FRANK SIGNORELLI REALTOR PHONE WH vailaVile on owner occupied rosid- pncep. re.slricti-d arras of Stmibenvlllt: anit Wcirlon. 2-3 of appraised value.

to 2o ve.irfl to pay. can IIP. handled. lo Uox In care of tile i i i DAVIS Real Estate and General Insurance Est. 1918 Consult your agent or broker as you would your Doctor or Lawyer.

A I 1712Maln.St. Thqne 4G1 SKRVIOE UNEXCELLED- 1956 OLDS "88" Automatic, radio and heater 1595 NEW CITY AUTO SALES Penna. Wcirlon Heights rilONE 979 FOR SALE -1( You Are looking for a home lhat has just about everything, take a look at this brick.home on McKinley Road. Sacri- lf $15,500 1.1 Acres on improved city street. Can be divided into 7 large lots.

Good AAA investment at Willow Street, 3 lots 65-65-V5 frontage. (t(JO5 BACH Weirton Heights: Stoi-y half brick. 3 bedrooms on first floor, 2 bedrooms and second, floor. Beautiful recreation room. Many extra features.

Qualified principals only Wanlcd on Homes Near Madonna or Mnrland Helfhfs dams real estate Anas Bids. 3157 Main St. Phone 2921 YOU AUTO BUY Prices CUT to the $695 $595 $495 $495 $395 $395 McKenzie Mercury Authorized Mercury Simca Imported Car Dealer 3992 Main Street Phone 4600 Open Friday '(II 0:00 P.M. Saturday 'til 1953 V8 Ranch Wagon, New Paint, Good Tires J953 Ford V8 Customline 2 door Sedan, Fordomatic, New Paint 1953 Ford V8 Mainlincr 4 door Sedan, Radio and Heater 1952 Pontiac 8 Catalinn, Hard Top Coupe, Hydramatic 1952 Ford V8, 2 door sedan. like a charm 1951 Mercury 4 door sedan, Mercomatic, radio and heater FOR SALE $6,100 icnccs; on ap- $9,500 N'OKTII 2 1ST STKEBT Wclrton Heighls New houses Only 2 left! $700.00 down, 25 year loan 329 1.OEB STKEKT Calico HilL 5-foom biick bungalow; in excellent condition.

1 AA GI Loan, no- down payment WW 3708 COLLINS WAY Marlftml Heights Two story frame; one-cat 1 garage; gas heat; vscant; move right in KICK BOULEVARD Haller Park Seven-room bungalow; 1 story; all conveniences; on ap proximately one acre of level ground; a real buy for 295 JUDGE AVENUE 8-rooni house; real btiy XOHTH Ifllll STREET Wclrton Heights Nr.w 5-room brick bungalow; 3 bedrooms; real buy at 89L7 CLAHEMONT PLACE Marlaml Heights 5-roont 2-story; excellent condition HUDSON HILL UOAU 6- room voman brick ranch style; 3 large bedrooms; 2-cnr -garage attached; has all the modern conveniences; running water; bath; oak floors throughout; cedar closets; on plot of level ground approximately 4 acres; recently liiiilt; 1 mile from N. 12th St. bridge; good all-year-round road. If you like country air, don't pass this one up CAPITOL DRIVE Marlaml Heights 5-room brick bungalow; 3 bedrooms; tile bath; large kitchen and living room; 1-year old; oak floors throughout; forced air gas heat; garage and playroom; quick possession given IIILLCIIEST Wclrloil li-voom brick; 2-cnr garage; just completed; spacious living room with i a A i FArt built on 3 lots I UO VOU HAVK FOUR. I Ol! SIX IIOOMS TO SELL? LIST IT I US FOR QUICK SERVICE! NOTICE TO BUILDERS We have ample amount of FHA loans available at par on 25 years repaynicnt plan.

This money can he ished while the- house is under construction. No discounts. For further details come tn for more more Information. NOTICE TO BUVEUS We have FHA loans available on a 25 and 30 years basis with a low closing fee. BARONE REALTY SERVICE CO: Complete Automobile ami Fire Insurance 3340 MAIN STHKKT 1'HONK 2100 WEIRTON, W.

VA. AAA FOR SALE Small farm at Pughtown, acres of level ground, 9 room house, barn and other buildings. Tractor a i uj in nnn mem WBIHTON HEIGHTS, roo.u Brick Bxingalow with extra corner (t 1 Cftft lot $15,500 DOWNTOWN, Washington St. 6 room frame, excellent shape fl LOTS on Weirton Heights Each MARLANU HEIGHTS-- Hail lin Way. 0 room home with bath and powder room large Patio, wall to wall carpeting drapes.

Excelt. i nnn I lent condilion Lew Gordon REALTOR-- PHON'E 2173 William II. Andersoi Salesman lume 10-10 FOR SALE Wclrtoii, 310 J. 8 iooni Irame shingle house. Bath, new gas furnace.

Storm windows and doors. Floor in Kitchen and rf- bath. Reasonable Kings Crook BOH! Nice single liouse, clean with extri large lot, rooms and Garage. A real buy for a family man with children. Oppo- Church of God ITO'i County Hoad, Avenno Corner iiousc.

i rooms, Itit- chenettc, bath, garage, gas furnace and new roof Beech Rout), Wcirlon lleiglils A nrce fraire home, 8 rooms ami bath, nnn with garage I Beverly Avenue Brooke County rooms and bath. Stucco home. One stoiy bungalow. i surroundings, landscaped. $500 Down, 570 per month, -I tAA lilce rent I I f3UU J.

B. CAMILLI Real Ustatc antl Foreign Travel Agency 1842 Main Phone 120 SPRINGTIME SPECIAL SAVE $35.00 SINGER REBUILT EUSCTR1C SEWING MACHINE. Now only S1D.S5 complete with Etill set of attachments including magic action attachment allowing you to zig-zag, darn, quilt. Five year warranty. FREE Home Demonstration.

Liti- eral terms, plus FREE TV STAMPS. Limited supply. Phone Now. Weirton 374S or 3730. MODERN BF.DROOi\( GROUP Complete with Spring Matlrcss KITCHEN with Stove i Refrigerator LIVING ROOM MODERN CROUP MODERN Complete 'Appliances SALES FURNITURE CITY "Home Iho 3.Room 5nd SI I.

open Every 5 A. M. to 9 P. DESOTO IREDOftlE Dr. Sedan '1 Doors 2 Doors Hanltops Station Wagons All Makes All Models 1956 FORD Fairlane V-8 -1 cloor Sedan.

Fordomalic Rulio and Heater. 1955 PLY. Plaza rtoor Sedan. Radio and Heater. 1955 I Super 2 tloor Hardtop Automatic Drive, Full Power Equipment.

1953 PLYMOUTH Cambridge 1 door. Radio Healer. 1953 DODGE V-8 4 door. Radio nnd Hentcr. Plus Many, Many KUS1C MOTOR SALES 40 1 Main Street Phone.

356 Weirton.

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