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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COME TO CAPITAL FOR CONGBESS jtepireteot State of MuMchui- ett, Cornell University and 'Ithaca. MY. Tig curtain raiginr drag it stwaitetl, for the owning of Ih hjroateet iaUnunooal frathennir an Canada 'f tie Third CWorld's Poultry Congress. rf i KM Kir fl OWB i Seec for the world' Boot prominent poultry fancier, and Oovrnment of forty-two uttrle bar despatched chosen sprwentatlv to bo la too Ca- asdlaa Capital from July IT aaUl Aagast to tab part la ib blg-geet sarlculturaj Vent of all tlm. T.

fedeaate Still ArrlTtag. 'i Delegatee. members and members ot tb eougree. which -open. J.O.

o'clock to- morro morning, today to.errtv ta Ottawa, aatll tb mil at Oeagnaa Commltteee' headquar-. i' wr taxed to capacity, reile-Urlag an it accommodating aad dl-reeling them- Tbey are arriving from every continent aad from (early every land under -he enn Among th largaat parties OlUwe arere-cepresanlaUrea oi ui hiu or atasaacBusott. aao University, aa aatoraoblla earavaa ot 100 can converging oa Canada' Federal Capital from New England. Aaotbar Una eararae of tot ear h) bar froa Itblca. Collage.

A larg aetoeveMI caravan ot IU probably 110 car ta expected ta Ottawa rly tomorrow tram tb International Baby Coif a Convea-A ttoa. which baa Jaat closed Ita sa-aual gathering ot Grand Rapid. Mica. Bears ftogtoratloa. Registrations at tb registration and ecoommodstlos one la tb Ruaaell Ho today Indies ud tb eoemopollta aatar ot tb Cob A groea, and proved la to' Cane-da' premier bor to data, Thar fi war rlaltora from Edinburgh.

Scotland: Corvallla, Oragoa; Re- Cgin. Saskatehewaa; Belfast, Ir-leadr Brokea Arrow, Oklahoma: I Bareetoaa. Spain; Iowa, Petaluma. 6 Callternla: Tb Hag. Holland; pratd part ot lb gloo.

Congrw offlclala- today rltr-atd thalr Invitation to tb ganaral publle to ttand ta pntng aaMtoa of Congrua at Aaditorlnm at 10.10 o'clock tomorrow morning, whan HI Kloallanpy Vlaconnt Wll-lingdoa. Lady Wllllngdoa. Pratnlar W. L. Hackaoat Kin.

Ho. WU-Ham Unltad Htata Ambaa-aador to -Canada, W. alothrwn. rdrl Mlnlatar Aarlcultur. and Mhr blab naiy aooagr wiq tak tb platform to waicom Intaroailoaal dalaaatc to Canada and Ottawa oa babalt ot tb Britlah Crown, tb Paopl of Caaada and tb Cltluaa of Ottawa.

Urged ta Ba rrompt. Dalwataa ara aakad to oa In thalr wat la tb big baUdlng at Argyi aranu ana trvonnor (traw, not, lata than 10.11 o'clock, in door balna cm ts tbam at 1 ootock tharp. At 10 10 tb Tlca-raga) party arriraa, ta door will bo throw wpaa to tb public. and tt I aipacud that tb big Duiiaing will packad to orar-flowtni for tb Inaolring caramony of Uunchlna tbla art rnt lat wiatorjr. BlaadJoaay.

Tb I following pr-raitrd or algowd tb roll hr tbl oratng: Byroa Aldar. Loaan. Utah: Mrs. Byron Aldar, Logan. Utah; Balaton B.

Hannaa. Cblcaao: J. 8. Jsnaa, Bt. Louis, Mo.t B.

H. Cbanu roamlak. Augait Sehwan. Oadaden. BruS Garratt.

To ronto, B. E. Croydan, Ram- nay, Mra. E. B.

Croydaa. ttamaay. Mri. Jai. Bmbr Laara, Mr.

John Holmaa, Raglna: A. 0. Mltcball. Barmoral fwift Canadian Toron to; a. v.

joaaa, Bl. John. N.B.; W. R. ghaw, Charloltatown.

King Hallyday, Naw York; Hobt. H. Eai. Toronto. Elian Jlckllng, Dngald.

E. C. Branca. I Summit, W. V.

Tallant. Edmond. R. Dlckay, Pnyallay. Frank I.

Knowlton. Corrallla. W. P. Mulllran.

EraratL T. T. Clyde. Edmoato. A.

C. Smith. Bt. Panl. O.

O. Par-ar, Wladaor. W. B. MeEwea.

Naw Tork; Baa E. Adams. Colombia. I.C.; J. B.

Seou. XaKail. Ira-land: U. R. riabal.

Hop. C. H. Edaa, Cranborn. Sallibary.

England; H. Edaa, Craaborn, Saliabory. Eaglaad: H. MaclTar, Tsrk Building. Edinburgh.

Scotland; E. Tngwall, Chatham. Ada K. Jobaaoa. ferkenham.

Rad- dlcb. Woreastmblr: N. B. Mad- dlaoa; Brookilda. Dan Hill.

Susan; R. R. finch. Montreal, Tom Newman, Bndgwlck, Bueeex. England; Mr.

Nwmaa, Bdg-wlck, Suaaex, England; r. Markla. Claypool, A. O. pence.

Calgary. Alta: Yoeum raaat, per W. R. Kemp. London.

A. B. Wilson. Edinburgh, Scotland: Alex. Main.

Edinburgh. Scotland; lliilja OFFICIAL OPENING iOJ) AJIL TO Berlia.7Urmany. aad'otbar wldtiy Auditorium 12 ni, WEDNESDAY. crock, jftep wltich the eneral public will bf Thedoori will bs dosed at jOJ'ciock, StT when Hiii tjiuSuii official iiirty 'will um'Uxi'ti i the welcoming ceremotues. ExmBinoN at park crni: WEpriESDAY; july at 1 Afciiiion to Ground 25 Centi.

"TH1 OTTAWA! JOTOHAE Htppy Oonpl ClebrU Golden Wedding i Mr; aad Mrs. Peal Keauaedy, who ara celebratlag tb ifttath aa alawreary of tbetr amarrlaaa. Tbey are well know reaiArnda of Beeeh. crore, gnebec, wher tbey hay Heed for aome years. At a receptleet held recewUy ka tbetr beane.

aaor than 130 guests were preseat. Fir cbildraa were preeeat oa the oecaeioa. Roy O. Miller, Rockford. 0.

Paradls, Quebec; P. A. francla, London. England; 1. V.

Morrow. Sellerarllle. Pen. I A. O.

WbeUel, Vlnelsnd. N.J.; Mra. A. O. WbeUel.

Vlneland. N.Ju P. Bonet, Ottawa. Ontario: Jeaale Magllony. Barcelona, Spain; Lalaa Magllony.

Barcelona. Bpaln: Cornelia Magllony. Barcelona. Spain; Fred Walsh. Peterboro.

A. C. Smith, Ottawt; a. R. Joweey.

Ottawa. Oat; B. S. Archibald. Ottawa.

J. H. Thompson, Port Dorar, Oat; Mr. J. C.

Onaibory. Port Dorer. Ont; Lena M. Baker, Saskstooa; Prof. R.

K. Baker, Saskatooa: P. H. Hay. Bra It en Arrow, Okla.j Clarenc O.

Daitoa. Mounds, Okla. A. F. Saodgrass.

Nowata, Emll. O. Olaeer. Lincoln, Neb W. H.

Boyle, Re- Slna; Mr. W. H. Boyle. Begiaa: oka CarroU, Bay City.

Mr. Joha Carroll, Bay City. C. R-Jackaoa. ML Vernon.

Ohio-How Mesnbershtpm. New mmbrblp taken oat tbl morning Included: J. B. Roblnaon. Hamlltoa; Ida M.

Pttrkk. Oraad Juaction. Col.t a w. Pattarlck. Grand Junction.

J. Handry. OtUwa; Charlotte P. Kendrlck. Windsor, Alexia D.

Kendrlck. -Wlndeor. Mr. King Hollyday. New Tork Dr.

Herbert Kllllp. Oekalooaa, Iowa: Mra Herbert Kllllp. Oekalooaa. Iowa: Mr. ArCSmlth, 8t Paul.

J. C. Letaurneeu. OUawa; J- Ross Carara, O. A.

College, Oaalpb: A. Kendrlck. Wladaor. A. W.

Maedopald. Ottawa; Mlaa Louisa Clark. Tollad, Masat Mra, O. C. Ktnnard, Wooeter.

Ohio: Byroa Bui. Aebtabala. Ohio: D. C. Ken-Bard.

Wooeter. Ohio: I. TJ. Edger-ton. Chicago, Mra.

I. 0. Ed-gerton. Chicago. J.

Qaan-bemr. Port Dover. Ont: Mr. 1. H.

Thompson. Port Dover, H. O. War. A.

M. college, ntlliwater. Okla.i B. Marler. Mountain road.

Hnll, Mra. A. O. Thorn Oibb. Mooac Podaea f.Ufwt---e Ottawa's door are wide open to Ttettor to tb city for tb Coa-reea.

It at expected that, daring their Week or eight day ta tb Capital, delaga tee -aad member will auk a point nf taking la. between moating, tb beauties of tba moat eultably altanted capital la tba world. It la expected that partle ww Halt tb Natloaal Museum ot Caaada nd tb. National Gallery of Caaada. oa McLood street tweea O'Connor aad Elgin streets.

and will also Ttslt tba Area ires, Royal Mini. -and other OOTernment balldlaas oa Suseex etreet. easy walking distance ol lha Cba-taa Lurlr. Other beauties ta be aeea ta- I. I I.

ress dud, of' conns. Parliament Hill and Ita bulldlngi. crowned by the Peace Tower, oa the Central Block, where Canada' Carillon ot 1 bell chimes twice weekljk Wednesday aad Sunday erenlnia. Tb ParllamanUry Library aad tb walk around tb Hill, worth a visit. It la also expected that visit will be paid to Kldaaa Hall, RockclIB Park; tb Oovraant Driveway near tb Congress ground at Laaadowna Park, aad tba Experimental Farm with Ita many wonders and beaatl.

CONSUL GENERAL IN DAMAOX SUIT An actios tor for personal Injuria aad damage to hi ear. ba beea entered la tba Hall Super ior court ny jcaepg am, tormer M.UA. for Hull, throng Bl coun sel. Francois Caroa. against N.

Matsanaga. Ottawa, Consul Oeaeral of Japaa for Caaada The action arte from aa avoidant which, occurred oa tb Aylmer road at d.ll p.m., Juno St. when Mr. Caroa aad Aldaraaa 0wld Mar war lnlured. la tb action it claimed that tb Consul General- oar was travclllna at a high rat ot a Deed and wltbont -proper regard ot traf- laW.

r-r INVENTS NEW KIND 07 SM0KX MASK A radical deperture from tb existing amok mask is tha lavaa- tloa ot aa Ottswa aaa, w. tond. euperlntendent ot civic Br alarma. Last enlng It waa demonstrated aad pro red highly ae ceeeful. Tb apparata consist of a pip, within tb standard ir hoe.

which ta connected tt on, end with nn oxreea tank and at tha other with tb hoe connection aa- tb mask. Valve control tb Sow of oavaaa la tb alp. A Bremen entere a oke-ld batldiwc and attempts looat the source the blue; It I carrying the bos. The oxygen Is Howl lag through the small sexibl pip, and when ba discovers tb ore's source he ran commence to extln tilth It without delar. Tb eBect of tb smell pip la not to diminish th fore of th streem and Sects tb volom bat (lightly, fa all probability a dm-onstratloB of tbl apparatus will he give before th Sr chief vha aro assembled ta Mall for the eoa- rentloa, CONDITION ptPROVED.

TORONTO. aly Showing steady Improvement the condition ot He. A. B. Moria.

K.C.. Minister wltbont portfolio la tha Monro ndmlnletretion of New foundland, ba renewed tb hope of big rlntles aad frleuda her that ha ta bach -oa th road to hi former good health. It will I son tlm. however, before tb i Hob. Mr Moris will be able to I lev hopltal.

MICHAEI, HORTOX. On ot th best knows resident of -Chrysler OaU died yesterday I who, death occurred at a Cora wall hospital erter a tw weeks lllnees. Friends tbrouihout th district will mourn his passing sincerely. Th funeral will be held at Id Wedneeday. from his bom to- SW- Churekr Chryalerr- Bora at nenmore.

unu i year ago. Mr. Nortoa want to Chryeter wha ouita young and live! there Practically all hat life. Deapit hi Advanced age was very active aad vUlted OtUwa a month ago. Borvtvlns him ara hi wit; two oasv mbk oi vawa, ad A.

Bv Nortoa. ot Chrysler: lv danrh. MeMahon, Rochester; NJCi Mr. Richer, Caseel, man. OnL: Mrs.

N. Beehlrr. Chryttfr; MrT. J. Bishop.

Ottawa, Mrs. xW. Braitbwsite. Moatreal; three bjrotbera, Cleveland. -Ohle; Richard.

New York, aad Alfred. Chrysler: and two aisiere. Mr. Pi vara. New Tork, aad Mre.

Bakr. Berwick, Oat. 1" BONO O. LONOPRE. r.

Friend of Oscar Longpre, popu-ler Aylmer resident, gathered la large aaabora last evening at hi homo la honor of hi A congratulatory addtaa was read by a brother. Rosarlo Loagpr. and a wrist watch waa' preeented to Mr. Loagpre. Muelo aad dancing enlivened lb gathering.

Mr, R. Leveeeue rendered vlolla eoloe, accompanied by Mr. H. Marcll. Oaitar eoloe were oontHbated by Mr.

O. Vllon. Among tha rueeU wore dme W. Jublavtll. A.

Longpre, W. BlacUlrU. LavlgBT. Trot-tler, R. Chewier, Edgar Onertln, A.

Oullkault) -kHseea B. Ouertla, B. Heart, B. -Merta. Vleaa, D.

Maria, J. A. Olaadoa, J. Mart, Martel.VloU Noet. T.

Lamlraade, D. Loagnra. and C. Onertln, Messrs. H.

Thertee, T. Lortte, W. Jnblnvllle. 0. Lavlta, E.

Lavtgne. Orsvellt, A. VI, B. Longpra. A.

Dlcalr. B. Ouertla, B. Bourg aaa, L. Quian.

U- Dotols. W. La ml rands, Trottler. W. Boarg-eett, U-Owlaa, Doeola, W.J.TH aaa.

Oeilbealt, O. Allea. C. Oravellaa. B.

Prouli, A. Aebla. B. Allea. B.

Moria. a Qulatal. at Aabla. ft. Laflemme.

X. B. Cknrlebola. J. R.

Thariea. AIL Lavlgae. T. Longpre, R. Son 11 are, N.

Morla.vN. Ayott, O. Paette. C. Psonette, Wi Ladrllt.

ij THIEVES ENTER JEWELRY SHOP Lou To- A I- Lapointtv 146 Rkkau Street, It Utimatecj At $700.. A dariag robbery rMultlag In theft of (omo 1700 worth ot Jew-elry was carried oat om tlm during the Bight ot July Jl. according to a report made to po lice by A. L. Lapoint.

it ki- dsu street. 4. Police investlgatloa revealed that aom tlm between 110 o'clock aad vb o'clock la the morning ot tb 14th, a thief or thieves entered tha yard of tb tor by a laa from Beaaerer etreet. removed a pan glass carefully, from a roar window, and reaching ta palled Back tb bolt ot the rear door. Ranee eked Show Caw.

Inside the elore. th Intruders ransacked two show cases In tb front part ot th (tor, taking watches, rings aad other email jewelry 1b doiea lots. Tb cases In which tha stolen goods were display were trwa all ovr tb oor by tba thieve. Th list ot stolen goods as given to th -pollc Included It doten rings. 11 gold-BUed wrist watches, Ix whit gold wrist watch, or.s whit gold cast.

It doien assorted cuff-links, oa gold-blied bracelet, two do sen cold-Oiled neck chain, two doien gold pendants 'our diamond (tick pins, one dotes bar pins, lx gold chain with knlvea attached, three lead pencils, on watch, having a total vain ot 550. since tbl list waa mad. out, other lossee Jewelry, according to the Sna, bring th loss up to I7UV. Left Bo Clear. Nothing la la th stor wet disturbed, aad th thieves iefl nothing behind by which tbey might be traced.

Just when th robbery was committed I aot known' but-R. Anber. truit dealer next door, stated to police that whan ha closed nts hop at 1.1 la th morning everything seemed rbout tu LapoTat premlaee. An automatic arrangement that off tb ttnr lights at midnight so last the tor woald la darka when th thieve entered. RODE TO WORK Cowttaned froa Page Owe.

ot tba city' aula travel artrrlea. Arrangements hava beea made tor 1.100 extra bo ta parallel th at aad weet aid aabwaya. while municipal ferrte will be run tbe length ot Maahattaa oa th Knd- eo river. Lrg corporations have boon asked to operate their owa truck to bring their employe to aad from work. Sarfaca ear line and bus eompanlee are prapered to place all tbetr oolpmnt into service aad extend thalr root.

Have 1,800 Strike-breakers. Th involved comosnle hoo. however, to keep their ilnee la on-eratio tbrongh aa ot atrlke- broakar. Fifteen hundred men. most of them aald to be skilled laetrle ear men aad others cor- railed from perk benches, bare beea examined aad pronounced fit for aervfc by tb fntrborougb Plan ta lodge aad feed tbam bav been made.

A third attempt by Mayor Jam u. waiter to avert tb threatened strike met with fa dure yatrdy. Previously th. company official refused to meet the mayor la conference with tha anion leaders, bnt yesterday both sides to th contro versy tnraad down tba mayor In -ntatloaa Wa Refused by Ceeapeay. A ugrtloa from Samuel Un lermver.

Ifew Tork attorney, to th interoorougn company tnat a cret -ballot cast by Its employes to determine th auestlon of thalr amllatloa, -wa rat need by tb eora- Recognllloa of lb Amalramated I th mala point at tan la th threatened strike. Th companies raw woiy ivwnuisv eo-vmiivei crm- paay unions. The Amalgamated baa announced Ita willlngnee to submit to arbitration, tb oneetlon ot revision of working hoar and wage HOLD EXCURSION THOUSAND ISLANDS -fTbt aaanal xcursioa-iKleT the maple ot th Matropollua Xif A tk lai L.t, at tha Tboaeend biaad oa 8t Tb executive of the association wathe te oatead aa lavlutloa to any of their trlenda who may de-air to tak advaataga of the re duced faro obtained for lata oc casion from the railway aad navi gation companies. Aay taformatloa atay bo b-talaed by telephoning to tha Publicity Divbjtoa, Mtropolltaa Lit Balldlng. s- CCU3 iUI -J PKit II TIE ST6-UCI eiebty yeare; let aetiaa i twaasaa.

reliable aad edeoUve aad seiief fnaa hlyh. MsweenDthr. 0 boetiaatall dvnewWme T. iu. ke Tbe OB.

Silk Shop 7n28IPeRKSrST. ttraa. tssesl eat lb anerta earners, eotx toneoberea PrKe.Oe. 1 Mn4 VIVIDLYTELLS OF HRE MENACE Clyde Leavitt Submiu Pafxr To Fire Uiief On Measure To fight Member of th. Dominion Fir Chiefs' Association, la covntlon In Hull this morning, carried oa strictly bueiaeee meeting and pro- pared for tha Hall elvle' banijuet being tendered by th Hull Council Luna Park this vnlng.

Officer ana member wr loud la their prats this morning ot th reception tendered yesterday In Hullend Aylmer aad look forward to th remaining two day. At th meeting tbl morning. with Chief Alphoa easier of Hall la tba chair, members em- enssed Sr Droteetloa In rural centra, end a paper by Clyde Leavitt. chief Sr Inspector ot tne Board of Railway Commlsalonera, was read. Followlna- the business session members adjourned to tb.

wharf near th InterorovtncUl Bridge, where a demonstration ot ta ftcctlvanes of various type of Ir engine was given. Interesting Urmo net ratio. Possibly the feature tbl mora ine waa tha demonstration of a chemical In extinguishing gasoline and oil Urea. This was mad in Held adjoining Pare Royal, where a pit of 400 square leet was nueo with barrel of gasoline and a barrel of crank-case oil. Under th direction ot L.

palmar, ot Montreal, tb blase, which reach ed fully 100 teat high, and threw dens clouds of smoke, was extinguished In li seconds. At Pre Royal. wBicb was open for all member, every type ot Sr fighting apparatus and rubber goods used by Bremen wa on oispiay. Th hall was beautifully decorated and exhibit war wall placed to be viewed to advaotag. Fire Menace in North.

Clyde Leavitt, chief lire Inspector of tb Board ot Railway Commlsalonera, la bis paper oa th Forest Fir Hssard, vividly described th "menace of tb north," and told of measures to combat forest fire. The greatest factor of hazard, he aald, arise from general coa-flagratton having aa origio out-Id populated centres and covering larg areas ot fortt. To a large and villages are surrounded by agricul tural lanaa from which tn lorasi growth must be cleared before cultivation la posalble. aad la that process fir must need to clear tne aeon, aaa experience ana given rise to lew which protect Hie and property. For town and village wnere complete cultivation 1 of th sur rounding I not leaaibi.

experi ence baa again staowa th ftectlve-as of cleared fire-guards, main tained free of debris. Th Ontario Oovernment haa aided thii to the amount ot, 110,000 la 1111 and $100,000 ta Jill; 131,00 In lilt ad each )n 1116- TO MAKE Cowtlaaed froa Page Omru expected to retura to Geneva to resume th conference. It appear that Bridesman Informed Hugh 8. Gibson, chief ot th American delegation, before departing for London early last week that expeetel to start back oa Sunday last, hat-sine then aa word has beea received br from th British. Ia tha meantime th British aad Japanese delegation In Geneva desks dad it 1 understood that tb Amerlcea secretary of B.

Kellogg ia -remaining in Washington to keep ia toucb wftb th ltutloa. report received ia Geneva that torn of th Britlah Dominions, becoming anxious over a posslbl rupture ot "tb ronfereaeai hae aigad Britain aot to apprabeaaiv over detail of th United Stat building programm on tb con. tcntloa that everybody realises perfectly well that war between the United Atate and Great ala can be considered as perpetu. ally outlawed. This reported dominion attitude iluatoa to th fact that th United State delegate ere Insist.

Ing apoa th right to build eo ondary erulaar capable of mount-lag -a buttery ot t-inch guar If they "are obliged to restrict tb number of thlr "ld.OOO toa era Iter to about twelve. Tb United Sutra dlgtloa ttrtsa tha slaw that long dlsUno commhnlcatlona rnd convoy doty rndr emlsera Imlted to S-lach (aaa aaaleee a a defense agalnet. nor powerfully armed warships which thMraU-cally might ha neountared. WILLIAM POUKKIXY. The death of Wllllata Donatlly, a highly temd aad respected farmerof Calumet Island, occur.

rod on Jnly 11. Tbe deceased bed beea in hi usual good health ap to th tlm of hi aoath. aad-hat trodden passing waa' a shock to hi family aad to the aurroundlng com-mnnlty. 1 The lat Mr. Doinelly bora la Slid on Calumet leUnd, wbr lived all hi nf.

Tha larg amber. people who called at the boa aad atteaded tha faaaral bora tea tl mo ay so tb arm pa thy felt tor 4h bereaved wife family. Left to atoara hla-loe ara kls widow, formerly Maw Bridget NewelL hi eevea. aoa aad aa daughter tollowai Thoaaaa. Gerald.

Edmand, Catherlae. Raymond, at borne: Patrtek. of Niagara Fella, N.T.I Richard, of Ttmmlaa OaL, bad Will I aaa. of Ottawa. Tha funeral, whir wt very largely attended, waa held to St.

Ana' t3burcb, Calumet Island, oa Thursday, at 10 a.a. Mas era celebrated by Rev, Fsrher Mertel, P.P.. aasleted by Rev. rather Klmptoa aad Bnrtrbt, Thai pallbearer wer ais bob of tb de-, Bealda hi wife aad family the deceased ts nrvlvd by three staters. Mrs.

P. Needhsm, Wetewiaetb, Mr. Joka Merchant, Wwr-geon Fall. aad Mr. F.

O-Mally. Saalt Ste. Marie, Mark, Many clttsen vtntett. Campbell' Bay and ShaWvilte -wer preeeat la fb eovtera. Iatemsetit area made ta tne cemetery 01 aw.

Aaa' Ckarea, Call MAY PROTEST HOLD UP RAILWAY EXTENSIONS Templeton District Residents Mayt Appeal To Residents of tha Tmnltoa street district who ar aaxloaa that th Ottawa Electric Railway boald be ordered by th city ta con struct tbe Nlcholae-Tompletoa ex- salon at Once assy protect to couacll aext Monday alxbt aaalast adoptloa of th Board of Control report tnat us extension be -left la Bom weeks ago a larg deputation ot oltlseaa from St Oeorss's Ward expressed em phatically to the board th opinio mat ta un aaoaia 0 bnut. B. McMahoa; on of thoee wbo haa had a part la urging construction of the Tejnpletoa lin. told Tb Journal today, tba hoard's decision would aot be take without protest. Council, declared, would hear from th Inttreated partle In du course, bnt today be wss unable to any whether tb protest would take the form of a petltloa or a deputation.

J. O. Grant, another reeldent of th district, told Mayor, Balbarrle TUZSDAY. JULY 36. 1937.

ipnnninoanainDanninnannian RlTclwnilHilaimo 82 Sparks Street fj For DIAMONDS one Solitaire at a Oae solitaire at a One geUtalre at One Solitaire at a Oae Solitaire at Oae Solitaire tt One Solitaire at v.a-a, 4m -a llae la aot built oa that thorough fare. Tb Mayor assured him tne request would be considered oa lf merits, aa a' (ueetloa ulu apart Iron) street railway Tb Hoa. WlUUm Phillip. Unltad Statea MJniatar to Caaada. paid aa official caH oa Mayor Balharrie -at City Hall tbl.

morning and signed tbe register ot distinguished guests. USE FLY-TOX In joy Qoldan Honrs ot etful jVfnshiiif aUaop. Enjoy golden hoars ot reetful. retreelilng sleep. Each summtr Bight may be calm, peaceful, undisturbed.

Everyone may bar them. Just by using Fly-Tox. Spraying th (leaping rooms. Killing th mosquito. Evaryon knows mo-qultnea ar disease carriers, Tbey must be killed.

Health authorities advocat Fly-Tox. It I th sclan-X tlflc Insecticide developed at Mellon Institute of Industrial Research by Rex F.elloweblp. Simpl Instruc tions on each bottl (bin lebell for killing ALL household Insect. Insist oa Fly-Tox. It I (.

sulah less, fragrant, sure. At Very Special Prices This Week 5 Toa ara guaranteed lower price en Diamond of finest ullty, and you hava on of th largest assortment la. all Canada tojthooae from. Gents' Rings Specially Priced Wa Boagb These a SO aa the Dollar Oae large Dusaead Blag, regular Tooay -One large Dlassead Blag, reguUr -Today Oae targe Dlamead Blng, regular 1314.

M. Tedey Ladies' Watches A apeelal llae ef Wrist watohea Another lln at Aad atlU aaotbar lln at' jBEE QTO, DIAMOND BET WAT0HI3' yf aaOajN)." mtf'S?" areaaa BQ UBDDIBBDBBIBOByBIHyalHHIUHb Hearty Welcome to World's Poultry Congress Delegates Visit: the Ormc Featuring The New WW Nord Brambach, "Mason and Hamlin, MartinOrme Orrae Diamond Jubilee Models Tha ebovtastraateat( ar aacataabl hi tha hjaw ubtle aeatgas a axelBalve Oraa araattea aomBMaksratlac SS rears of Coafedentto. a $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $125.00 $150.00 $200.00 $250.00 Se Oar Special Window Display Now a $129.00 $200.00 $127.00 Uen'i Watches aeate Oeld Filled Waiekes ef remarkable valaea, at w. gllje, gxaaa, aiave. and ap te aasaev aa Exhibit thd Concrcoo -i Qvm 6107 175 SPJLEKS ST.

Thitt m'4 today he wanted to oak th board to consider tbe queetioa ot opsnlng Templeton strew, area it tb car 0 ID.

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