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Daily Free Democrat from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 4

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

davis's column, For the Hcmovul ami I'criimneiit Cure of nil NERVOUS DISEASES, Ami of those Complaint, wlllch am earned by on Im paired, weakened or unhealthy condition of tin NK11VOUS SYSTKJI. Thli beaiitlfiil anil convenient aiiiilicatlon of the mys. terlous power of UAL ANIs n.i MAiiNKTIMl, f1H. been by .1 i tl i i i .1 1,0.1, Lumps and the United lo U10 rami midiclntl d'scersry Dr. CHUISTIE'8 GALVANIC BELT MAGNETIC FLUID, cim ofWt uc" In GRNKIlAr.

DEI11I.ITV, strengthening the weakened Ixnly, RlvlnR tone 'to the orgnus, an. I im II, 01, tiro ivilom Mo lo KITS. CIU.MI'. PAllALVSH .0,1 DVSPKI' or l. SIIIUr.Ml'IO.N, HIIKU.MATIS.M, AlTJTK ami ClOUT, F.PILKr LIIMIIAdO llrlAK NS.

NKIt VOL'S THHUOIts IMI.I'ITlTlnv Ilk Tliy. IIKAUT, AfOI'LKXV, NKlJIMLUtA. PAI.VM in COM (NT, CU KVATL'itT. of the' Hf'l ill rnMPt.AI.VT. 11,., tonvi'vu iil i simple cause namely, A Derangement gf the Nervous System.

tnwKlivnus Drugs and tine, A. frtly weaken II, vital ensr. untie already pinstrate.l Idle, under Ihr ei 1 n.irM 1 loir iMlltie j.l I co.ery.'the rxliaiuteil patient no.l weii'knisd mllcrer restored to former health, strength, elasticity and vigor The great peculiarity and oxcellonce of Dr. CbrMle's Uulrnnle Curatives, Cnniltti In the feet that they nn.l cure llieiso eufir i.J In place 'T II10 o.n'il mode of diui Itli'B, ml licking llo.

piticut till I Nutm, Itnka hn wleaaly timlur the Inlllctlou. TA.y itiriieMrii IK A Ws tuttrm, tuualtt Mr elrcuU lon Mr i.e. tlftMnl lojorv ciiimmii.imcm. Since Intiikliiotlon In.

the UiiitedfJutet.ouly thteu yenr, since 7 5,0 0 0 Persons InnliiillnK all acne, cl.i.iai and eonilltlom, nmonjf which ol lio nliarh 1 jhjoct to.NervouaCiinplaiiita.lmebpuli ENTiriELY FERMANENTI.V CURED, whr.11 all hopn iif relief ha, I hcoi givrn iijV and everj To lllmliutu Ihn lite .,1 in, (J.U.VAMC IJKr.T. un i.o tho raw puiann uilll. l. il jno ol eleillrailoii. 011) other niionlc or.SViv wluoh.

hy Ihfir n. lion mi ihn r.n i ,01. 1 1 artot.l ,11 lelicf, lint, which lu.n patient In a hover .1 no, unl i.illi liilurt'il f.iulll.. tin. ncllon thin I'xrilcil 00 i.o.l rv illMl.r eflerl lo.nllmn Irom thn up ll.

of llu 1 1. I iiiko a nyix iir irr, i vrii In tin yoptom. of an altnek, ami aimplv ti ih Uuit monll.) Iho; I ho i lo'hl lo a aliort period Iiuoiolhle penphailoo will iiet'oii Ihr pmllhe uluoirnt of the h. lt. thor.

hv .1 lln. unio hirh will on to ti.e nv Ij.ick ogalu to the pittliha. thn in 11,1 i tlniioiii Oalvuinc rirriiMion the Thn. Ih.


Of the inoet Vnilutilitcil C'hniitctrr, rrnm all patU of Iho country eould ho glvunsuillelcB' toOllereiy culuinulnthli 7 AY, EXTUAOItlUXAUY.l.CASE,, hlch concl.uWely prove, that "Truth is stranger, than CUBE OP. BBEVSATIsn, DKOXCIIITIS, XSO BEV, DH. LANDIS. A CLEItO.V.MAN Ntv Jersey, of dlatlogutihud attiilunienti and exulted rtputalluu 1 SinKr, Nitty Jersey, July 12, I Dear Sin Vou whh lo kn, 10 rr.nlt lii my own cao. of thu i rlic.llo,, of Til tIALVA.NIU UKLT AM) My teply Is as lollows 1 1 Id I obtain onnnoant li.

I ny c. nedleal traatmontwIiaUear Abnni ir. 1 eniT.nrjr in cninciiuente of fie(uent ro.ilro thn thediicbarge nl I l.ccmoo loil.jict to a severe UhronlO Itheuniatltm, which lor ycarmtrr liar, eauaed me Imlotcrlbebl. niimiUb. In 11...

l.ii... I' MS and MU, In conic of pnMchlnj. a fjreat duuli .11 became 10; nil of my put through of iho Nervous yjstyin. In whole there reemcd to l'o mi icmeJul guine hopes of their i li In June, ItJltt. Ton HA.

Mlllr.l.Y ei t'sko' vondei till nod happy iviiill. i) trltd thcin, won lu re, llulltill'P'Ai DR. CHRISTIE'S GALVANIC NECKLACE la used forall rnmidalnts all'eatlua the Throat or lies auehas BranehitU. Innammatlon of the Throat, Nervo and Headache, of the llcjil, Neunilcn th. Bnttlm; or li.etrt.iir h.

the Kara. Ulealiie. SSS? end tlmt disUesslug col plaint, called Tie Uoloreux. if DR. OHRISTIE'si GALVANIC BRACELETS rrTn ui c' 'f or Kits' All' ctaim 11 ral.y ind r.

extiemltlea. Also Many hundred Certificates from all Ihi" ntrr or the most eatraotdlnary character can, he, en, it rtnulrea. Iln.cnn,,,nl,,nc uttemts the mo'of CtlKISTlH'S a.1I.r.l.lC.1HTICI.SS, and they may be worn by the most fsehlo and uellejte, with per. ghtt tM end. Uly.

la inatiy eaaea the sentatlon attend tFriceaV ThrooJDoUttra. The GaUna rNccklaco, i Twd DollnrB. Tho Magnetic Fluid, 1 Ono'DoUar. rSth by' iail.aDd.plsla, kT at 7, a Jr ntAD M. TFor Val5 by H.

N. DAVIS, IWaitUbtt, w.wBonin, wuero, 13 also opt.almost every, 1 ssvTtfO i HOOKS AND STAIIONERV. BLMK BOOKS, AND STATIONERY, NOW KECEIVING, S2i Alftlll IBCDCDma, LtWKandbrondOay.Journals.Ledgera.ltccordsnna jBirblBlllB Paper, leather Cnp. Letter. Follo poat, Demy, Meillum, Writing.

1 ui 1 C.llt, ami ending l'A I'Klt. eleil,'nrv and Printer's CAIIDS. Gold anil steel PENS! wood, tin undornamcnted CutlHr.drawlng.stateandcrnyon PENCILS, Porcelain and stone SLATES Buff, white' note; oream. andmnnrnlng F.NVEL Nntr.lutterund Not rial 1 Letter tor .11:11 is, Backgammon Boards Colore. It Pencils St I I ffood aanortmcnt.

Grfun. bin. and lark Uillio.or.ndl.k.M.loil CIJliTAIN I'Al'Elth UoardlTliita.n bfaut ilnl urlicjc. WHOLES ALU Oil" UETAJL, Siililiiith Schools in Wlscinsln. llllmiud from Ibo S.

S. Ilnl ij.oo.,00 iiiviutii'tliu MILWAUKEE. S. S. DEPOSITORY, r.

il(i(ir wiwt or ili Auti rlcnii Iloiiho. wlileh wltlt i lliosl.200 worth on hand, will glvothe UK) vol. uio' Wo bellovo thla one ol Hie cheapest. Sunday iSchool Wbrurlinpiibllrlied A Irom tin! Milwaukee Di iiotltory. lftc VAIL.

NEW BOOKS AT BIRD'S, 185 Knit Wilier rTIIK rate, by I'll Jntues, it, v't 1 11, Km Si Mini, 'I hi. JTo 11 1 l.uiih Ai iunloil. culnplt Iiilurnnlloiiul jln.muiim Tor ScpU raber, II.11 imt'k (lo Uo. Illii.trutcil London Nowh.M'uiicIi,' By lust K. prone.

JMptl9 Stciiiii IMniiiiiir iVIill HAVING piirchnscil the Tf ANIXCJ 9III.Ii In Iho 'iiiiitli U'nril ui thoclty of I itukw, we areprepiiruil to furnish 011 eii'tonuTf with I'lllllixl 1, 11 11 Mi or ol'ii 11 ORiiotltiiiaortinont ul which will hukopt 11 11 rtuii 1 1 oiihiinil. Wo urn ulao preptired nml iniryul to do thin niuthoil to In the public Unit wo hnvvptir. chased tilt, fxclurlv i hl In run the Wooilwoi th rillllltlliMnclilnes'Mii Die eilvuml county of.MII wnukeoiliirlimthe I extension Decoinbui All pcrnon tuc hereby cnti SMITH Jfe MnVf Mil vuiiri', l)uc'J3. 185(1 NT.W WOHKS JOT IlI.IMIIIili: IN Till WI ksT. or the Morton i nuillvi' Modern London Old the Irlsli I'edlar MniMTMVr i.rrTotin rA'it' belli ccarcrnllvenllliloil enrlanl.1 In I Imvo enough to supply every istomcrwliocomcf MituttasliiOH Ifor eUriuiry.

pODEY'S Lutllcn, Hook, Hnrtnln's iulne, (irnhnm'K do." Also. lCn.sutlUo Juatrecelfi ilby 'H. It. GItEAT W01IK20N OIVIIiIZATIOK. Tlilivaluabioworkihn" nil arrived at C.

OTT'S BOOKSTORE. It la the work of thedgc. From a largo nnmbcr of work, from therollgloua nud secular prcn.we only elect therollowlnir! adrnlrablowork li dt length ni, and tlon, which hast bur hi en imulc to tlie Literature of ofltakliid.ovorpubllalied in Ilia In faot complete library In ltolf, ootidonted and ao arranged as to brim: thewboie queutlon gratpof the humblest reader. .11 nppearr nioatap. tiieiruinein oi great eiucncy in toe orkof jrmn miti NRtV nt'n nesna T.JOJV did England become f'ntliollcT rind, he Church the witness of scripture, or how do wc The Catholic The perils In I'uroguny Annlo and her Aunt 1 I It It! lit', i n.

lli M'lscooiln, street, lie is now opening a Stock 'of: New. VBobks, Ilnrper's Mtignzltte, for November; Graham's, do do Godey'a do nd New Hooks by til COI1U: Now Pancr Denot .11. HIIIl) la now roadt lnit liTr'ae atont ih, lis latest, style pnonp ut No. 17 Wisconsin st t.tiovllU, Aeentawniitoil In nlrmilk thn nh'ne ri AVrirb. trl a' rlia rS CHAPMAN 11..

no.NprliiK sitrout, Itfllwuiiltoo, COJIMISSION, BOOKSELLER AND in. School BooliM. II I it 11 1. Doo I. st, CAVEtti ANG1NGS.

GOLD! AND STEEL whlohwlllbeeold at the lowest prlcea for eath otTa. i and Christian Urn, pubUtlnidatGhlcago. Atii'O'. OTT'S' BOOKSTORE, il. is Ml East; Water Market Place 'TbestibscrlbrT has el Am fifrmanB OMrf'fVnrifs, thclar' real ami r.illerlln.i or PA NI'V aafcaOuooOrl; ofetery variety; ever, Import Mlntotbleelsy, including i nnnmrni the j'" ivioi teiiiriiiiiiiD, nwiiiHa': JEWELRIES Tlllia drllni.

tl.n elll.en.V,, alTdrdlng.tliu c.1 ciiiity, an opponuiiiiy oi aoiecttna Horn anoxlenslvo i.ow,a.Wiui.r4ieifTssuisi UIH upproaohliie Vl nilHlvrm as iwn at as iv.vt. inien. All: Hieortlole will be aoldiac itbo oweatiuoial i bio prices, tor Caih: suid i I aeclnBtlievlcnddan.rorthernselvesJt.i Ur. jss is, utwuaiatAsiu eon.tantli oo band and made to order. C.

OIT Importer i. VXwPt l.ubsa ready toiaelUPaper Hangings: at anyinriae. froatoaf oentatd a rofli at IDA "oit du 411 360 per our tt i 1 1 mind For erally WHOLESALE" DRUG HOUSE, 83 East Water, st, DROPS PSAiiifi i l.o't mmm mm mmm I it, mmm UK havotiowln Store, nnil will iho Inoonajant LAUGEST iTiboK Ol" roiiEicN and' ncwirsTio DRUGS IMEDIOHfiSi uiieniicalH, Ri'iisIicm, Paints Dyc Woods, Glass, Perfumery. Fancy Articles. west ol'lho Lukes'.

It has ahvnvV b'ten' ihe'nim ti, 1 'J' rco lltltl Vai loil Mm.u embraced In tlilis cfetirirtihc'tit of ratio. Hut our 1 1 I 1 cnrrvln Inr 1 IncrenVcd nils Ine or 1 ted nuthellrsl iloo, 1 rleice. persona will tit till tlmi a attend to he ci 1)P 111 I' tio wa i't and, the mon reduced rules. Onr.alock will Drugs, Medicines' Chemicals; wliloh havo.bben scieclcil wllh grenl cnreylrom tlte Comprltlng all, the dlllerent varieties nnd colors BBLS. DYE WOODS, irom which man ulho Hirers ciin make licit seleutluris uteuatern pilciw, 11 t.000 DOxen rrou.

I.T.cllMt tt'ttd AltVor tiit WIii.low packages nhd Apothecaries ijliop 76 do' on l'ltch. llrusbes In endless variety. llroiucs, Gold nnd. Fancy etc, cto. ilOOO allN.

Tiiunp conslstlngofbleachidtitid unhli ached wintci Spcrm, line led 1 I I OH. In which soIIIiil' nt 11 ma iuKivesnt.iietlon, cotntnl.Floii trom enKeni iiiK It rclinscd of I I 5 1 hu one tires than any ot Itir bouse In this mm keUnuU If oofr ll will, ill ill In the iirllelo llo, I cent cnti bo mmle, by pin chnslngdlruet from us TooWrVei. iiufd 1, 60 bbls Caator, Olive and Tanners tni. .1 CENEB1U1! fii 31EDI Km llrlstollPSarsapni llln. Perry Dm Is' Pain Itaoway'allenily Keihii', Inhaling '1'iibes nnd Meillclucs, Louden Go's medicine, tirecn's Oxyco'nalctllllt Townsend'e Km snpni llln, elo, etc JTParlleularmieiilloii pub: tojiaolslnggopdi for Drarts a'tid orDopo'sll iiNcwlork.Unstniinnd.l'hlltirtclplila..

C7 All ordi rs multi be addressed to II. BOSV OIITH out nil Milwaukee, Wise rtttrirlMin iif.St. Liottlsi. tlo liuiobvC'oVtlfv. (T.IIAT tlie ftlllow'ln'g Is a mutonieni.oi'tlu' Dit.STOUM's SCOTCH COUfiH HANIIV l''t'rcd froni'lils orlp fnoi recipe, by HAMILTON luUthatlLhnSalven eenernl aatl.lneil, customers ho have used it, as a remedy l'or: diseases of I lie chest nnd tunes i.

i roriclefc Wdlton," 1,000 packages. 1 Job. A' Wise, Almclriu; li Uockstuedt Harry Wm II Joseph Flshei; 1 Doench', Pclolux 'It Annan. .1 ut James 1 "28a V. Saint Louis.

March 1.1 h' ogethcr.wlt iysn.esbyt.ha wholc.ulc.geiits, prove this arlicle.lmliogother lor do any other reinedrererotlerciiror Consuiniitloii This Is lie a ly ed leuled Cnudy; li'Hhe'Unlt. Asiionldrdii well irihcnr thlslnl when mnkliig. hclr pui ch. WlienonyloM issuitalnedlVum dampness, the PnievdnJ)ime' per, "itcll't pefdozen i om jrehjfro vlrc. 'oOhecotHsri Coat qi; fproprtelorllson tht cnlF.Tdo'wraiiperbf facb roli "tC Klati.lM.Maln atreetvSnlnt Loula.Moiare thSxieii? eralAgenU." Orders from the country, or amillca UonaroraReqajixllrtoicditotthemtWlll'taeet with i UUAAtJt.V ine jjrugiitrs orJillwancee.

aprllUly mm II kTkiniyi ,1, MHtBKGllKI aleby I'niggisanil Country Merchant gen. throngbouti! states attrlthd hands' I to 11 111 I vl I And goods LJ HARDWARE. '25 Sprih'st'l first doorVeast of At Inch hi wlllsell at Wholesale or Cash, as OIIEAr.AS THE CHEAPEST I at lilt expciur. are Ics than tiny almllar ettabllshmeiit In the city. si tsoattl Us her 1 ill '1 nd a full and It 1.1 III ACKsMiriLSand W'AdlitjN MAKLIts.wilb i lull I 1 ii lie 1 i ps.Adzes.Shn A Aiti'i'ieiv i' 1 1 Jii l.Til.

I'loks t'tlrs' A'v'lee hips I 1 ui i 1 1 mi i an 1 rdi ur nuiJ 1 1 i 11 mj leov tlned l.rt Sta ml a 11! s. Tin Walters In setts; Urns and Pillar Candlesticks, llrassn 1,6 (jlass Curtain l'lna and Hands ion Oct 13, itai. V. Hardware' and. Iron Dealers," SIGN OF THE 153 EAST WATER ItfirAVAIIKEn.

brought to 1 his market. I nurstock will be lo mil 11 wry extensive unit complete tissurt inent or 1 is. IRON AND STEEL, of the best ijuallty. A 'large Kccsevilltv IVnilM, wllloh wo offer at the lowest mnrket IV 1 1 in LARH. every size, both Kreiich and American A com.

plete iiHSortinent ol Blacksmiths', Carpenters' ami Joiners', and TOOLS Collins', Hunts', Davis', and Albany Co AXES; AlsoHrond, Iliui l. and Lathing Hatchets, Allies, tugeiiici wiui a mosiperieui unit geueiaiussori Slini.F II Alt DWA HE, 'Innllltavarletles. A full stock of TIN. PLATE, SIIKET! IRONv WIREi lillAZIER'S 'RODS; COI'l'l'Jf. c.undovery vurluty.ol We nrb' alio agents IV)r Peck, Smith At (Jo's 1 ti MMtusi as 'it isv imi Titnia.

weciin ut all tlmus'l'iirulsli at munul'ucturers' pi Ices." 1 1 1.1 Cyt.Thesonlorof nui ilnu ha "In spoilt Moarly live 11 hlutl nst 11 ets.has I 1 son wo I Itisniilmitpussed IV n.tliu.Wejtui'ii couut iinil wiiich.wo.oirer. foMiilcat prices that dely ciiiiit November 1861 STORES! STtO.iY i FOK WilOLESATiE AND RETAIL TRADE w. H. EYRcrj co: i'BL AllE now.rcuL'lvIng a very iargc stock TOrcfl aiu 1 0 su 1 ii i 11 11 tvinterde COOKf NG ''STOVES iimong wllloh are Tho Now Western andothcrdesir'ntilerattci ns, with a eomptelenaiort. i 'HALL' AND' KOX STOVES," and vni'letien," il frr Allttiniibnv wlllbaaolil nf LDlVKIt IMMfM.U lillliriimr uuv over in uuuu uei eu, liuvipg OCell rurchased under theuiot ml van In mentis cliemiisiiin.

Wiitorgtrect 10,000. TO LOAN IN Slims Jliit'ids, Mortgage Notesl nnd other (bought nnd 1 I. It SCIILEY.i TiTtLe3', irilSTAIttKNTtl, llobkai.Prayer auppllod. on the most usoiinoieicrm 1 II TM'IIVIIIP. 'rnBstibVorlbcrs have this day formed n'oo partnet 1 Rrnl.i;Htitto,TtIitioyA Eiiilerntinii AtrotilH.

11 I igan and KaM 1 ih I. Two lio 11 11 (I ol I 1 To.Iionn, In tntiar nf, $10(10, AN City orCount; property, nt I'd percent. Interest. Sums will be furnished also, ofj DO" 0 S6UO, on 80' 00 days time, on good, augd.3 OEO 11 DAY i.rsaua. n.t.i.iaiM si urnrtorfnir nt il l.nti Wis no ofJItl.tllN I the (rn I This Is.

celientSUHST'lTCrK for I All orders; post paid, aiklrcs edi to, Messrs. Will lir.F.tyA it 'Mii wlllbdpi onlptly ntte'iidod to''' i nvii eoctlM' LA ltd stipplv JuslTi celveil. A Letter nfni Cnpl'njicr, he the ri nm, vti cheap, nt: i Sloro. rtMAPttOP WISCONSIN, Ixirlnc ooiiiity. ll iunl tor gooiUbulldlngaein, 'bops itilaoiooiomaotilnoryforinantithctiirlngwne ,0 oodawouldborakenln nnvmenfrvPr 'Il 1AY TO; THE.

XA DIES, OF.I?IIEWAUKEE: I AIISS nil AnVnTTTrT? lllillincr nnd i sIliMMN lWlSCONSW il si lust cttimed in i Vofk largtf nnd sukci assMtmqnl of Fashionable MlLLINKnY'ANl) coiialstlnrf'drwin'icr styles'of'. IIATN, IIIIinOQiS, JJi iJi.wikJ.i. a i.tiv. LACES. M.T,,,?,y HIS 'i Atld: OAHUIACEi TRIITIlTIINe.S,n oiar) to, hits, d.

and. all wantlnir In ds li. eat, inducements (jKo iJiYEn s. rXn: MA iPM al tt a tsUeiVI UirM.u a. mm i.nev, :lt.rt Ain' ulPoriLe OMiUn Wor hlpextiSt I I HARDWARE.

the American House, Milwaukee, IS NOW RECEIVING 'AND. OPENING tills i1 lo w'ell'to i and sec for themselves, before 1 nt, id reduced prices. Hatchets, II Augers, Levels llevels.i A nvils, Vices, licUows, Springs, Axles, 'llca, Ham IIoivc kn ri' 'orkt, Coil, Log and O. vL'haliif, CIimIi i (it sli Tons mil Iv el lies, SI nyel ni i s. 1'lre Felts and Ac.

fill card, FltOM WISCONSIN WHOLESALE; DRUB WAREHOUSE 'And PATEKT MEDICINE UEl'OT, DRUGS AK1) MJilDlCl NES, PAiNr oii.siVE.sTiirrs,' Vnmish, (lluss. rfimicry, Soup's, FANCY' fiOilllu so. 1 taRiitrs iindshiillulwaysheejia roll nnd Immense, lock In. tending to do the chief part or I he AVItolchiilji 'l i mlr of tlto tb, the diiy.lncludliig the celebintcd ir and goods carcltill) wriiikec, 1861.. Old I'nclory.

WQyT' reapeclfiilly Infornr the cltlrei it: U'lscrjm in, bat he bus on bund one oflhe MONUMENTS'11 TIT? A Person's wishing to coni 1 rat edeccnsetl friends 1 1 i'i iVoi Mi. ri' il. Allworkoxeotiterl intlirlntretafvlr. trtiiprloor.tvlll beobsorved lib tlis addition ofl AND: FROPURTt AT WAUPUN, ii ii. iii TOir AT.TM "L' liny, of 'The' WmiWnn Mill, 1 i li Mill adlolnlllrstlii'.

I r. i 60 choice. Ylllngo Uts. i lSloimWiiggoii Slum. 1 Slone I'i OwelJiiiK llotisci, 1 largo Hum.

with stall, for six horses. The i Mills nre sltnnted In one or the beat grnln growldgeeollona ofl he Slate, nnd have hitherto had nil business they do. The Hock Itlver flou'tAPselieapunil li.l db in tl Ird ash; tin balm ce In two and three ii earns in no positive to me htgiicH uiddcr, be. in nlei 1 to close up in, es tor tmrjleular addres Wfe" 170 It JTWOYkAILSVon Clly 12 tier cent, and comml.slou. "yJ ,.1 I'll POWER! SCHLEY.

i'l NIW.ASI) JIOBTBAI1ES! ANV.per.on iharlnn. llonds or nolea seeoren i fiOTl.Dro" Jiin'ci3 uMiiiur. ii. tA y. raTAnillKRr V.LP..

WoMhbry'BtPatAntiwilh Stationary THEoapacltyof otherm'. (H and unlfdrmjliruicis making encb board OMiiillbrm Milwaukee, Nor IB. 1BB0 "IriV rttVo Viii. raiic usrc ranceboth OharlMtheyVtoauiKd h'rtjuTorai Ireland. iv.lrALKX'nlMn hec'y and School Orders.

nii'i srijinyspeoiai taxes in tne in n. arq targe ima'. aitrrnmln Sn1'inSrAe titllai.nitnl.' to jQBANBFJBBIEaiioXtbajbtait I aS da aAk.Ee AND TO PENT. TO RENT, will, a Imrement, and rood accon LULtnodalioiis on the cornet or WisconslB i mi given i.nuiedl.icly. 4 Also.twogoodOIhces roiit.luthclCinplreMocv 'HAllLES WATlSltMAW.

iioins Foit In evrr Wur.1 oft! trom 8Ss year.ti. te ller month also a fine hture a 1,4 Olllcrln Uickcrman's block very lew rrnt 116 UEOKIIUAX. FOR SALE, OR RENT, THE WEI.Ir.KNOWN RAIL' ROAD TEJI PERANCE 1I0USB rormerlr Lake Ilonae,) TTTII.1. HENTEI1, rot a term ofycnra.orBOLl) on rensoiiuble turns. A good rami will be ta.

ken in payment 01 luinltiire, he cr In 1 nyineiit iur the premise. Credit will be given on puitoftbepiirchnsriniiney ou 17" For jiarllculiiis.ciiijulre orthcprniirlelnr. WILLIAM A. HAWKINS, I llwnukee.Oct rA BRIUK nnil FRAME HOUSES, at ItAltUAINS, very low, and eaVv terniaof pnyiueut. lso, for Kent, good II outes'ln' every Watd'in leclty augl6 I.4.TS ASS VS.

Pthe I 'irst many years, aprll 11 OEO. K. II. DAY. (Th smuii'iii tiEO.

E.H.DAT. rnn Ka re r. rioveral excellent Ittiome, suitable for Starrs Iloo. In ll.nlirlrt to, 1 1, line .1 Wlsciuiiln uri Iinportniit ultirnlhinstiie b. lne made, to con loi in to the new grnile, and hen nun.

pleled will miike Hun one ol the busltiut corners In the clly I'oesresliui given III about ten duys. lintilieol llu I he prmil.ra. miv" I'. fniKVEM MTIWMOS sV New Vork. Ncw Orlrun nnil WobMe Exiirrsi.

1I)NN Ft; PI Nil with the Su I Ili el anil Bnnat Usible, en the principal lounrin Maine, New.lluiup.bin Veiinunt, ilassachusrtls, Ithodo Island. Coiinecllcut, Lower Cui.ndu, New York State. Or awnte elll svivnnlu. Mr Ins.A. 111..

I let 111' Columbia, I ml In un. Oh In, Illinois, the generally, the Mississippi and Alalaaia i iis.nuil the proinhicnt plncetlii Ueorgl. nntltheCarnilnc oextenalvcnnd perfect, that wa mi securethesul'e si.e. TrniiHiMirtatloiiott'rt lKlittTriitiksitl'ai'k. Fromoiieeniloi the counlry to thcntltvr.and bt.

tw een the most remote )ioliits. bus Inese, while eoniiicted with Messrs Adams 4 Co. nud our iiiimerniisadi milages I other respects not the I east which Is he con lldence and paiionsgeof the New, York community. 1 In I nssiii. llt shall to glv the most cut It at IHocllou to our Mend st he Jewellers, ltuliket i and Melchaula gencrnlly ss tr i ()r! in, in oi 1 rt bctweeu tJllli Cuinp street, New lHWall.l.

New Vork cash isa iii run RAIL IIOAl) Orders on the Treasurer City ilrders Flrat Wind, Third Ward, TI10.1MS VA1IX. Window Shado manufhetoror (1 TtOM NEW.YOKK.l Prcnti' Mack, opposite Ihe Vitij Hotel, rfWv.h,,. i ltANhFAilL.NT i.M)()U MlADlhS. Mote bbudes end bcrerus 'V liadia Ibr l.O. 0.

l. ol H. nl Ho erpin DIIIEI) PLUMS, PEACH IiS, juai'ren lved from the not II KEEU S. LAMBERTON, Wholesalu nntl lletall llralerln: Plain Fashionable Clothing. TAILORS' AND CENTS.

I I llMMIINt; cotim I AIJIO FASHI0NA1ILE HATS AND CAPS, Shirtt, Cravats; Collar; I fa mlkerch Mittens, Glares, And every thing in the Cluthlng line! Nil. 181 Etui 1IO.TIINV! THAT real otr.ern Hominy has Jij.t good order, mid will be sole! hou salr mYt retail. lorciisn. octlU ItHEI). itS6F.ast Water at undersigned, ilim.Wul to'his frlenrtafor I hell tnntll) Ortirrrr lliisltieas, hi, ow 1 1.

old mid ml I rusts list the oNccllct.t nuiillt mid ol his Ootids, nnil Clltllle I. Music fbr Parties. ii. o. win rurnishFash.

OS lon.ble Music, for 1, il, with ilau" "nd "lelHf, loiltilie nl the ut Jt Treat's, 1 East WmerM, 'g Concert Hall, Kit Mi will ach (he Violin, I'latioonii Piano nrlra tuned nnil on leainnebl T'lO Accotdcons forVale. IVulktr's. Vol ii nnd: Kllbouriilowu Ituniilng regtilnily.lrom 7 o'clock A.M.toD P.M. is is tit tie nail at itioblage Ofneo, Wlsootiiln 50, to 100 Cords of. Wood FOKHAIilV fiOtollOOcptda or hard wood (stand.

InitA live in lea Iho clly, on the plank road Janl, HL'IILLY, Klrby'elllock ON DON 'a iflYJtjmiN A Kr Aug Hall I mi rl Sir A mlr'al I i'shert and other new Hooka Illllti'8, augitt 8g KaJl Waler atreat StatfTTalvi 777JT. Vott, and nl the steal Fair trmis(, it don'l succeed, Mfy deei'l elsw. 'inrlions. hnveuied CKANE'S PATEKT60AP In our families for the past; eight months, and pronounce It clieajieai Soap In use We not wlllltigiyi iff In Hid least. It la the JOHN TANNER." dTrSIanufhclnred nnd sold at wtiolrsale by the 'OH a trees'.

Wt hom cations, pos pa Id, for town and conn, irrlphls lu thrhlnlr orWT.crtt.slir, fexccpllng the swillirrn tier ofcountlee,) mini be liy.manyoMboDrugBlitsand qroeerala tins clly. ocl7 K. P. To thiy Puhlie. TirlTII a iv.

Mw.of Talent" rilspiayetl In the adrerllsv rnentor iho Oeneral or the" Cnllsd ''Iie'anderslrtaed begs lease to PLAINJLNOLIBU, tbttbOlABllBB Id alfssTPaatnetlee, where lie will alwayabe happy to merit; and endear. i CEO B.18YME3. houra. pOOFieil.Sack Salt Young Hyson and Imperial quality iHlaraudlM.iSoap.CaBar.

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