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Daily Free Democrat from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 3

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Sl)c glaUjj democrat wAFRIL 12. I'Oll NAI Tha Type upon which this paper prlntcd eonslstllig of MO or 000 lbs. llottrgeols! nnil somo Ibs.of Noiipnrcll vcry cl.enp Tor cash to bo dollvcrcd oil or buforu the llrt or June. mlM Alo, 200 Long I'tlmer, iiorIy new. PIlNroiiroMOi lutloii Uxpoaod Under tliis cnplion, the Sentinel takes us to task for writing, that public sentiment here was ng'tiinst the Attorney General, and in favor of ttio Govornor, in regard to staying proceedings against tho Bank.

The Argus also represents us as saying, that it had pri. vatoty expressed to us iu disapproval of tho Attorney General's course. Wo said no such thing. hud no conversation with any editors about it. Nor did wo intend to include the Democrat in tho catagory when wo said they meaning tho editors of tho Aryus would not like to havu us repeat what thoy cny privately about it Wo wrote tho para graph in great haste, whilu tho messenger was waiting for tho mail, and did not look over our manuscript.

Wo woro crudiuly informed that thu Argus folks had said privately that tho Attorney General had pursued a very unwiso course, and from tho eloquent herald' inc with which they announced tho common cement of tha suit, they could not consistent ly have Ihouyht othcrwiso, whatever thoy may havu said about it. lint wo present the vote of the Assembly on tho Iturolulion, reported by tho commit tee, to whom thu whole Huhjoct was referred, to tho Sentinel, as conclusive evidence of the truth of our assertion. In body nbout equally divided between Whigs and Democrats, the vote to suntain tho Governor, and authorize him to present the whole subject to thu Supremo Court, in such manner us lie may think propur, stood Forty One to twelve. And some of thesu twelve approved of the Governor course, but assigned to us, ns the reason of their voting against the Resolution, that it gavo tho Governor too much disuru tionary power. To represent, then, ns the Sentinel decs, that public sentiment hero is opposed to tho Governor couiso on this question, is ns deliberate and wilful a misrepresentation of facts, as was ever perpetrated.

It is not strange, that the opposition party press should denounce Gov. Farwell, for his attempt to cm forco mid faithfully execute tho laws, for tho interests of their party require if. And so manifestly is ho in tho line of his duty, that even some of the old Hunker pnpors sustain him on this question. Hut that tho Sentinel, aspiring to bo the lending Whig press of this Siato, should make unremitting wur on thu Governor in this matter, copy all the nbusive articles it can gather from tho Hunker press ng.iinst him on this question, to show that thu people don't sustain him and labor mora ns Miliiously, if possible, to manufacture public sentiment against him, than it did to elect is passing strange! For doing what he simply regarded his duly, under his oath ol ollieo, to eo tho laws faithfully executed, the Govornor certainly had right to expect butter treatment at its hands. Hut tho fact is, thu Sentinel is less the ornn of the Whig party, than it is of thu Hank, and of such bolting Democrats as Messrs.

Hubbull, Walker, and Crocker, and thu littlu coterie composing the Jenny Lind Club. And tho con summation of wedlock, between Jenny mid Otto, has not more tllectually dispelled the charm which lingered around tho presence of tho Swedish nightingale, than has tho open proclamation of tho bans, between tho Sentinel, tho Bank nnd the Jenny Lind Club, dis solved the partnership between thu Snntinel nnd tho Whig party, ami disarmed it of its power to injure Governor Farwell. Such count! as thu Sentinel has pursurd toward thu Govornor, if sanctioned, would bo sulllcient to damn any party. b. M.

13. Foreign News ly tho Africa. K.VOI.anii. Liltlo nows has transpired since the Baltic left. In thu Commons on Thursday.

Air. Ilumu brouobt furward a res olutiun for oxtotwion of Hultrugo, but it was defeated by majority of 105, Lord Russell ueing one oi mo speanors againsi mo motion. Breadsttitrs McIIenry says tho market closed with more hopeful feeling, though without any improvement: prices nt 19s (or flour: no sales at less than 19s for Western canal, Philadelphia nnd Baltimoro 20s. For Ohio wheat Cs (Id whitu Corn nt ills, yellow 23s lid. Gardner's Circular, on tho contrary, says tho corn market is still downward.

Wheat declined Hour Is. Fiianck. By a recent decree, tho Presi dent has complete control of tho aeiion of ovary meinour oi inu Assemiuy. Tckkky. A despatch, datud Zora, March Mill, states that a force of 1,700 men was marched into Lyons, whoro tho Greeks nnd Catholics wcro disarmed, and the clergy nnd two principal men from every canton, seized and imprisoned.

Kmiland. Advices liavo been received that tho steamer Abeona was on her way from Vera Cruz, with 5,000,000 in gold dust from Cnlir.irn;. Very larjo quantities of Wheat and Flour had been shipped from London nnd Hull for' Prussia, at nominal duty. In consequenco of mo great scarcity in tnni country contracts are said to hitvu been entered into by leading corn motors. South Amkiuca.

A lottot from Calico, of tho 9th states that thoro is an intended invasion of Guyaquil by a cortain political party. vessels had loft aimed with 100 men. A Child Found. A. littlo Girl, nbout 4 years old, dressed.

in it pink dross, with a light summer hood, was found on Suturday last on tba street and taken to tho houso ofG. F. Beckur, East Watcr above tho Market Houso. Sentinel Hon. Honry L.

Ellsworth, formerly Commissioner of Patents, will sow 600 acres with flax this season. Tha fin cnltnrn will item of groat importuned iu tbu agriculture of tuia tuuuirj. ITIadlaon Corrcspoudeuce. Madison, April 1852. Veto of the Fox amhWucoruin Utters Im provement Dill.

To day tho Governor return ed to the Senate, the bill entitled an net provide for the completion of tho improvement of tho Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, with his objections to tho same becoming a law. They aro in substance This bill prescribes a conoral policy for tho conduct of this improvement, and the manage ment of the fund, and, in cllect, endorses and legalizes past policy in bis opinion objec tionablo in the following particulars 1. Tho adoption of a plan or system of im provement, nnd the prosecution of the works, without regard to tno amount ot the available fund granted by tho United States for that purpose. Iho prosecution ot tho work upon cred it, or iu ndvmico of tho means derivable from the sale of tho granted lands. I ho pledging of the Revenues of tho Im provement for tho ultimato payment of tbeso credits.

4. Tho creation of a debt of a largo amount ainst this fund, without any certainty that the fund will be sufficient to pay it, and by investing that debt with such forms of stock ucrtifieatcs, under tho seal of tho Stato, as to give it a fictitious State credit. 5. It impairs tho rights of previous eon tractors, You see tho drift of tho objections. The message is long, but is of sufficient importance to bo published throughout tho State.

Public sentiment will sustain this veto. S. M. B. Tho Indlanx for tho ITIatiio Law, Tho following petition, expressed with great truth and simplicity, was sent up by the Onondaga Nation to tho Logislaturo of New York.

If any man is moro poculinrly entitled than auothar to mako such request, it is the Red man. For to him and bis race, tho firewater" of the whites has proved as deadly as their fire arms. It has worked for him, suddenly nnd swiftly, that ruin which it more slowly yot surely works for his civilized neighbors. Let tho whito brothors of the Onondaga, who have opposed tha Maino Law, blush to find themselves surpassed in sagacity and self denial, by the untutored children of tho forest Mr.MoniAr, ok tiik Osondaoa Nation in AVOIt OK TUB ftlMNK LAW. To the Senate and House of Representatives, at Albany: Dkar Fathers and RiiothkiisI Wo understand you aro all nt tho great Council House at Albany, and that tho groat Council Firu is now burning, and that our Whito Brothers, nil over the State, aro sendinc wood to put on the Council Firu but wo Traid the council nro win noi uurn origin unu clear without moro help so we send this to mace it burn.

Now, Brothers, what wo want to sav is this Wo hear about our Brothers in tho State of Maino wo hear that they find Great Rogue this rogue, he got folks' money; somo uinu uu imru iiuuscm suinutuuu uu kiii puopio Boinotimo ho make family very poor some tima he tako 'way senses some time ho make 'em very cross, Hnd ragged, and dirty, and some uuiu no irurjit, um iu uumii. Now wo hear our brothers thoro thev try stop it they try talk about it, sea if can stop our brothers won't bear it no loncer so thov mako law to knock him on bend, any whoro thoy find lum in barrel or jug or bottlo, in tavern, eroeerv or burn, nnv whpro knock him on head I Now wo want to toll you, Brothers, that this bin Ronuo has been hero to On onuagu; no uas mauo us great irouuio. oomo ni our peopio wouiu uu very goou tuts uttu fellow would keep away. Wo try our peo nle trv some, too but ho will not. Now, brothers in inu oiato oi maine nave mauc.

We bavo tried coax him but ho wont bo coax wo try scare ho wont scare much ho still mako great deal trouble wo think bot inr iiihko taw io icnocK mm on ncau men uu make us no moro trouble. We Christian par ty iisk it, unu soniu pagan, wo mosi an as it vou muku this law. Now, brothers our peopio sold our land to white people, nnd whito peopio mako treaty ho sav ho bo good to Indian. But ho let this llonue trouble us most too Ions. Now, Brothers, wo wus once great people, and wo have gono to war for onr whito brothers but now wo nro few, and our whito brothers are strong.

Wo want you help us wo want you mako this law, so when wo find this Rogue wo kill him. Wo sco him great many times, but wo mean to bo pood and peaceable, and so ho got away but if you mako this law, then wo kill him, nnd then wo live happy and friendly no more cross no moro ragged no moro fight, but raise corn, wheat, oats, beans, cat tie. horses, nnd somo children too no moro got drunk no more freezo to death work March 28, 1802. DAVID HILL, Ch DAVID SMITH. And sixty ono moro of the Onondagas, FnutT Thkks iiy tub RoadSide.

The prnctteo of setting out fruit trocs by tho road sidu cannot bo too hiuhlv recommonded. In many parts of Europe this practico is general, and tho fatigued travcllor acknowledges the well timed hospitality thus afforded him. Tho oxeuso is often mudo that tho fruit will be stolon; but if tho practico were genoral, tho amount of fruit tnkon by wayfarers, would only bo what common hospitality would freely grant; and in Gorraany every third treo, bvcustom. may bo tabooed, the owner of the adjoining farm ties a piece of rag to ono of tho lowur limbs of the tree, and no traveler will touch it. Travelers inform us that no reward will tempt a German stage driver to regoio nis passengers wnn truu irom a maricca iron mo oui oi tnrco being ion to nis use desired, renders tho selnrtftil tnn free from the chance of being used.

The amount of luruuzni ui.uvnui continually Tvasieu upon roads would be available bv such a nractice. and nothing but extrcmo selfishness will provont tne use oi tnose materials tor public benefit. Many.of.thelargersort of fruit trees are highly ornamontal.and afTord fine shade, while the uso of fruit trees alone 'for shade, liko tho disolav of costly mansions ohlv excited tbo poor to, envy, without adding! materially to their comfort or health. Working Farmer. Seventeen persons left Cassvilte and vicinity 9th; inst.

for; tho Plains the same number will leave Lancaster a ww uays. St Louis, April 6. I Louis Election iZios.Returnn of tcrday'a election indicato the Jsoccest of the whole Whig ticket, with probably threeeV ccmions. ttuturn ten rcc Kennett is ro elccted Mayor by COO or 700 majority. A disgraceful riot occurred in the first ward, which resulted in the death or one person, and woundinc five or nix nihor.

Shots were fired from tho windows of a German Cofieo Houso, which, in addition to two or three other bouses, was entered nnd ucstroyeu. The crowd was again fired on at tho corner of 7tb and Park Avenues, when tho windows and doors of the houses were instanta neously broken down, and tho crowd fned tho building and burnt it to tho ground. Subsequently thev were fired on at the. cnr. nor of Purk and Carondelet Avenue, and a member ot otioms iro uompany was mortally wounded.

Tho houso from which tho shot was fired was immediately riddled and the crowd then pursued their way up town and quietly dis Later at nhht a crowd cnllnetid nrnnnil the ofllco of the Anzoigor des Wcstcns, when the Military was otderod out bv tho Mnvnr. and having formed, kopt tho block where the ofllco is situated clear until a lalu hour in the night. Tho office appeared to be deserted, the inmates probabl expecting an attack. punecuy iranqun io uay. at Jwouis.

AnnlS 9 P.M. Tho Steamer Glericae. arrived from N. Orleans this evening about 8 o'clock, and while making a landing blew up, with a ter riblo explosion, bursting all her boilers About 1 50 passengers wero on board at the uuiu, ii largo numucr oi wuom wcro kiiicu. Snrinc business is ouoninc: briskly in our village.

A number ot buildings nre in process of erection, nnd many moro in con temnhition. Wo aro informed that a lamer number will be put up this, than any prcvi substantiul brick structures. Pt. Washington wane. ll'iVi'lmiCi nf Woman I want to Inll vnti a secret.

Tho way to mako yourself pleas ing to oiners is to snow innt you care tor them. The whole world is liko the Miller at Mansfield, who cares for nobody no, not the whole world will serve you so, if you givo them the samo cause. Let every one, therefore, sec tbat you do caro for them, by showinir them what Sterno so happily calls. tho small, sweet courtesies in which there is no parade, whose voice is too still to tease, and which manifest themselves by tender looks, and littlo acts and attentions giving otners tne preierence in every nine enjoyment at tho table, in tho fluid, walking, sitting, or standing." This is the spirit that gives to your timo of lifu and your sex their sweetest charms. It constitutes the sum total of all tho witchcraft of women.

Let the wor see that your first caro is for yourself, and you will spread tho solitudo of tho Upas tree around vou. in tho same wav, bv tho em anntion of a poison whieh kills all the juice of may bo admired for her understanding arid i. loved. The seed of lovo can never grow.but under tho warm nnd gentle influence of kind feelings and affectionate manners. Vivacity goes a great way in young persons.

It calls attention to her who displays it nnd if it then bo found associated with a generous its oxecution is irresistible. On the contrary, uo lounu in nuianco wiiu a cold, haughty, selfish heart, it produces no tuitner eucci except an auverso ono. Attend to this my dauglithcr. It flows from a heart that feels for you all thut a parent can feol, and not without tho hopo which constitutes tho parent's highest happiness. May God protect nnd bless you.

Wm. Wirt to his Daughter. Fresh Air. Gentlemen and ladies.onon vour windows, nnd lot in tho fresh air. Light, tint to i nnd hnppiness.

Yet how careful nre most of us to exclude it I You closo up the windows, nail list round the doors, nnd appear to do all in vonr nnwor to exclude Heaven's free mft of fresh air the reason why thousands of peopio arc not smotnercu, is mat tne air is so subtle it will work its way through ovory littlo crevice, so that is almost impossiblo to get it shut out altogether. But, if people do not get themselves quite suffocated, they contiriuo to get pale, stupid, nervous, nnd hcavy hended, for wont of pure air, which is no nnxioua loiorcc use nuo weir ruouis. uui which they contrive to keep barred out. VIHH WUUIUUU mum ui uinn tuiuui uunu tlin river on raft, who would cut a littlo basin of water and keep it for weeks to wash himself in every day, when tho broad rivor was running levol with his feet You would sav ho was a fool. Are vou nny wiser, who have fifty miles deep of fresh air abovo you, and allow yourself but a few 60oro fnnt to bo used over and over again hundreds of times? I wish ovory one of you know what a curious piece or mneninury vour iuiibs unu heart nre, and how the atmosphere is adapted to our uso.

Keep your windows open nigth nnil ilnv. If von ura afraid to liavo the nich air blow upon your while you aro aslucp, br.puk a pane out of tho top of th window until vnn rrnt moil to fresh air. and then a stream of it hard enough to blow tho quilts off the bed will not nurt you. WIIiLIAa IIOMN, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Oluoe Dlokerman's lllock, East Water Milwaukee.

mhle HUNT, NOTARY PUBLIC. Will tskcaoknowledgments of Conveyances, and all NOTICE WISH TO FIND A LECTION OF GROCERIES PROVISIONS, At a low prtceifor they can find them at iNamber 39, Spring where the undersigned will be glad to meet' all hta TlfTTTTHl Mat is'JlLFTTEIl and every thing else In the business warranted to I All kinds of School Books, Miscellaneous Books. Choice Stationery, COMMON 'AND SUPERFINE EAPEB, i Wall Paper, Jnk, Inkstands Pens, Holders, uota fens, ratenrjzxienxion t. BiAJW I'ttlVfJ, lor auvi wwm CITY NOTICES. ax nHniNNrr Begtttotlng the aiscsflag, levying and eollcctlng ol The Mayor nnd Common Council of tho city of within theclly, uinclent to Identify the ol II persons or boJlw politic, llsble to psylaxw on persons! property.

Huch uirumcul roll fliall be eo mint iu to show, In propor column, ilticriptlon of ny Improremtnu tHrreon, thu valusllon of the fnioiiiucnuii ine corrccicu vaiu and the amount thereof, for which they niaylwa 8eo 2. On COmillellncr ralil mil. thrnumunn proceed without delay to nxrtaln lliecli value of all tho real eetntu nnd the lmpron im nn thereon, within the elty, and to enter the tame ojipmlte to the projicrlot or tract, under thu proper culumuf. and body politic, the amount for which they may be re jpoctlvely nwcsKd each column hall be aildeil II ami icrronal crtnlu respectively. tiec a.

t'ermnat proM rty chall bo OFM Mrd In the ward In which Itmav bu foutul bodlcanolltle within the word In lilch their cilice or place ot buihien may bo and rUthns credits and moneys Iu Ihc ward lallrefldu, 4 When tho uir alinll l.nvn enmtdi ti and compan raid aennent roll, they Mini! wi time and plnco whi oml fhero they will lienrthc objection of parties dn mlnn themfelve njtKrleveil from the common council. Sec ft It shall he tll illltv nf tin. mvnorii In ml. tlce. and to hear such oblectlons ns mav be niniln.

und after liearlnK the same, shnll niter, modify or per. riiuhearinpmaylemljouriiedliom day today, but not beyond the time limited Sec 0 Wltliln one week from thetlmo limited for lire ocarina oi onjeciiona, tne assessor navitiR pleled and corrected said roll, shall return I lie i to the common council, with a certlllcate Diet sinned by them or a mnjorlty oftliem. sec 7. Should tho common council refer Ihe roll back to the nsnnson, they shall examine, revise, and correct the snmu, to them shall seem Just and council shall direct, return said roll to tho common and corrected by the mmon co ncll.t sutneshall real or personal estate, Ihturcs and tho usual abbreviations used In the descrip tion of real esluto, may be used in nny roll, tax list, warrant, or oilier proceed, lug In relercncu to tho levying, assessing or collect Inu or taxes Hco 10. the assessors shall bo unable satisfactorily to ascertain the amount to nscaa any person or body jtotltlo, thoy shall assess such sum ns they may deem Just ami proper, unless the proper party shall show, by nllldavlt, the true sum which l'ossed April 3, 1802 IIANS CROCK Ell, Mayor Attest Alfred Johnson, City Clerk, STREET COMftllXNIONEHM' NOTICE.

lit! CltV kl e. held nt their oil re In Wn I line's thick nn till! Otli day of April, 1862, thu following Resolution declared NUISANCE, to wit Lots four, live, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven nnd twelve. In block four lots two, nine, ten and eleven, In block eleven lots ten, e'even. twelve, thirteen nnd fourteen, in block ten lot six. In block seventeen lots one, two, three, eight, nine, ten.

eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen, and parts ot lots six and seven, In block eighteen lots four, ilvo nnd six, In block nineteen lots ono. two. three, tour, live and six. In block twenty six lots three, four, Ilvo and six, In hlnck tUL ntv.liliii! Inla tlirvn nnil i linv llve lots lour nnd live in block tlilrtv. live and tlioramu nn or before the day of May next.

If iioaru, aim tno expense ol tno same charged lo tin so of tho lots, according tola Attest prIIMOt J. M. WARRKN, Clerk. ORNAMENTAL ANU USEFUL. r.

J. BLAIR, At Number 1G1 East Water street. llns on hand a litrifoand ellscjected stock of Uoods luiiauie lor iionuuy rresents, cunrisiiug in part oi Rich t'urlor Lamps. do tin Girandoles, Sllvor l'lntcd Cuuillestlcks do do Lamps; do do Cake llnskrts; do do Spoons und Forks do do Hungers and Trays do do Castors) Albata Candlesticks and Lamps, Rich decuruted China Coffees do do do Tetu a Tetcs do do do do do do Mugs I do dp Fruit ltaskets i do do Cake nates do do lluttcr do. do do Card Receivers) do do Candlesticks do do Mutch (tares: splendid Chlnn and llohcmlun Vnicsfc Colognes Culftlnss Krnlt Dl.he..

IWjtntnn. I Inhli ls. He 1 Also, English and American iltittniinla Tea and Whito. Hand and Lustre ChlnnTci Dinner Sells. very low prices, ElUIUR AVION, LAND, HOUSE AND GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE run Wisconsin.

Office next door to the Post rrUIE subscriber has now on his hooks tint largest 1 quantity or LAND, ever offered for sale by any Aoencv ol lee In Wisconsin Km Is tU nnil Farms at all slrrs, on 1 ut nil prices, either with or Stuto. Tersotis desirous oruurcbaslng cannot fall suit themsolvca on annllcaflon nt this Airenev. nn. the terras cau bo ulways so arranged as to accommo. crv town Iu tho State, Improved and tinlmirovcd.

Also, dcslntblo locations for Villages, Tavern Stands, business streets it nil prices, and on easy also number oi lots to lease. Land or tho best quality, near the elty, and well suited for gardening purposes Dotrnble sites for building In tho Immedlateviclii Itv or Milwaukee. Capitalists about to Invest monoy In the purchase or on me aecuruy or real citato, will Hnd the very ucsi siiwnuaiua oi uoing so on application at tills Information given to rangers free of charac. feblB JOIirTUREUOltr, Agent. A nMNISTIl A rnil iMrnnr TVTOTICE Is hereby xlvcii.that the undersigned! ad.

J.1 mlnlstratorofthe estatoof Mallnda lluruo, latenf tuo or a license from the county court or Milwaukee county, will sell at public miction, at tho houso lately occupied by the s.ld Mallnda llurge. In the Fifth Ward In said city, on tho 18th day May. 1863, nt ten o'clock in the forenoon, lots numbers 10 and 13, In tllnok tmmlter If In r'. I'nlnt Arf.lKln.. ll In the Fifth Ward In the city and county ofMIIwau.

CHARLES llVoilTON, Administrator Dated at Milwaukee, this 3d day or April, 1853 P. YALE, No. 190 Enat Water at, martin' Block Is how receiving his Fall and WintcsBtockof CLOTHS, CA881MERB8, TESTINGS, And Read v' Made Clothinir embraces all the new rich sty lea of tho season, a well as every variety or blaple Goods. Ev. DTPItaaa call and

Eastern Cotter, and can warrant the most perfect NO. 1 MACKEREL, Shad, Codllah, lor sale by REED. CITY, NOTICES. AN ORDINANCE Itrtrutatiuo tha Issue of Cltv Orders. Th" Mayor nnd Common Councilor tho City of! MlUvnukie, do onlaln beetlon 1.

No Hinds shall be drawn from tho Trea. irv, except the same shall liavo been duly allow ed ml appropriated by the Council. onierslffned by the Mayor and Clerk, which shall tw iiuueirysimua iiiviiiiiuojr oi ebruary aucreeu Inc Ihelsmtlncoftlie same, to thentder of the rson 1 specify the day, and the purpose' for which It Issued, and the accuunt in wlnnli It ble. All orders shall bo receivable In payment or nnytaxci, or assessments levied by authority or the city, or other dues payable to the city.

aec. u. flu order snail tie Issued by the Clerk or until they have compared the same with the counts as allowed by the Common Council. meeting 111 which the same may be presented but account, to Hie local committee of the proper an). comptroller, shall be cudorred td upon, or attached tu Hco 6.

TheTrcasiirrr shall return to the Common icliodule of tlie same, and the orders so returned iniec or coinp iroiier, with theslnbi of the orders returned, and troller shall, In the preience of the Council, cancel be til and in crervtil'bv tho clerk. Sect! The lullowtiig shall be the form of orders 8 1 i Sec 7. All ordinances or narls of ordinances con flicting wllh the provision, hercor, aro heraby re peuledi VnsedApril8.1Kfa Attest: HANS CltOt'K Kit. Mnvnr Alfred Johnson, City Clerk aprlJO AN ORDINANCE duties! Atturncy. ThcMavnrand Common Council of tho Cllv of Section I.

The City Attorney sliall draft all ordi nances, ueeiis, oonus, contracts, anu nocuraenis 01 whatsoever kind, which may be required or lilm by any ordinance, resolution or order or the Common Council, or any committee thereof.Biid to which the Common Counoll or any committee thereof may be a dctend all suits against tho city, or any officer thcro 'u lileh .1,1,11 lf hStlU. Whenever required, ho shall siivlso tho Common Council, or any member, committee or officer thereor. on till siilijecfH touching their official duties ho shall examine und Inspect all tux and assessment rolls, unit all proceedings predicated thereon.aiid advise thlrlv ilavs hi'Diro tho ex titration ot Ids term nrnfflm! progress or result of the suits, ami tho disposition orl uttornoy. Section 2. The cltv attorney shall receive.

In fli 1 1 for Ills services, the simi of six hundred dollars per AN OROINANC'i; To provide for licensing and regulating the vendln; und dcullng In vinous, spirituous, or fermented If Tho Mayor nnd Common Council or the City of valuable thing, nr give away, 11 ,7 been licensed therein, ui IkicIii niescrllK il. Sec. 2. All llcenK's shell tied by the Mayor and Clerk shall sivelfy the place where the business ufselllncorilealliin lit such shall be carried on; and nn llcen Ui Issued for less tlinu one yenr; mirshnil thesume he assignable or inure tu thebenetlt of any person other than the one to whom Hen. 3.

Anv tierson navlno to tho Cllv Tre the sum of Thirty Dollars may, on prc sentotlnn to ircr's receipt, Revive license lensetl under this chanter, nor person employed by, or cctliig for him, her, or or sufferany drunkenness, ina, or any other disorderly or Immoral conduct, or sell nr give any vliioiisjplrlttious or Ibrmeiitcd llilinrs In anv minor, nntirenlleo or servant, ex cent mmn the authority ofsuch rtons' parent, master, mistress or guardian; nor sell or give any such article to ny on And any person or person's offending against nil fnri verv meh crTevrr (nr fhn of islil city, a' sum not exceeding lltty dollars, with cost or prosecution, and be liable to have his, her, or their Sec.C. Every person who shall, within the limits of tho city or Milwaukee, directly or Indirectly deal In, with Intent to evade the provisions of this or dlnance, give lo any oilier person, any vinous, spirituous or furmcnted liquors. without tint having obtained a license therefor, according to the provisions here nny dollars, and bo imprisoned In the county Jail until the same Is paid or, In place of socli fine, may be sentenced to be Imprisoned la tho county Jail, not Kiw.n. It lll ha tha dutv of tha elty elavk tn keep'' list or all person to whom licenses (halt Issue, under this ordinance, and to give a copy thcreorto the Marshal, whosa duty It (hall bo to notice and Inquire Into all Infractions of tldsordlnsnee Sec. Alt persons now holding licenses under the aothorlty of the City ol Mllwaakee, shall retain all the prlrllfRe lherof, during Ine fall time for which they were issued, any thing In UU ordiaanoe to the eonirary notwithstanding.

vision are contrary to those btrtin eontslned, hereby repealed. 1 raaaed April 8,1868. UANS CROCKER, ncr. Attest Alfred Johnson, City Clerk yptiw TUB undersigned has targe qaantrtr ofOu Field and Flowerl Heeds, on thajvay fo land th arrival of which will aflbrd an ace opportunity Tor those wishing frfsh Jo Oroeer and other to whom 1 wmrracw deliver Seed, will beroppltad oyf0" COUNTIKCmOUSE ALMANAC. 1853 Mill II list 523X21 SSSflaTWmOOBI iKtuanaisssaai fulitiniataw ir.

iniTiHiii jn ji 5,3,1 R2 2324 2520 27.2S 1 a i4i5ini7iKiifc; 0' 7, a uinlii I2l3l4in'inl7lrl IU2H3iaa23S4J5 1027282U3UT nlfjfl ion l'ji. tulir.iii lT.iKinaipistss Tffm Aran 11 11 trt ti I181U2II21 2223 I 10 main Mir.lrtlTlHlliai 1212223212520,37 If. IT IH lii 2321 252087 2S Jem IJJIStil.i nl 7 si uinn 13 14 15 lit 171 111121121222324 25 htowaaxiaiai Officers of the City Government, for 1SJ2. Mayor IIANS CROCKER. Compltoller CICEHO COMKTOC1C.

Mnn.hel 1 IMOfllV D'HItlKN Tn'ssurer LUCAS SKA City Atlornct AltTllUlt MoAltTllUR. Clerk ALKltKI) JtlllNSIlN. l'nllce Justlco CLt.NTON A LWOHTll. City Survoyor U. II.

EDUERTON. VI Nt llenrv 1 frck Third Ward John ItlxVnv William Itroa Heed Fourth Want H.mnrl M'mI A It .1, inn John Kl hhsch mm nni oiwiuani ji aiariin, jonn luwcuecsr, George Dousman HTANDINO COMMITTKKH. Flnanee llurliMiliniunn, West rm! Ilrown l'ienllss. Dousman suit l'liilp isuusman. urown, wast llrlilBcs Martln.Foole, West, t'h'elps, Illckcy l'ollcc Illckey, l'cck and Foot.

tJOMMlSSt OlfKHS OF SDll VBY, FlrstWard listhsnny. Second Ward I A Laphatn. Third Wnrd Kllslia Kldrod. Kniittli Ward Charles II IVllllauis. Filth Ward Mertln Dulaney ASSESSORS, It Dlokrrman.

JohulITrsch. Filth Ward Smith justices ov tiik rtucK. Fllmle. Thlrtl Ward Wllllani Holland. Fourth Ward rrancls lUiidltou.

Fifth Ward Oliver CONSTAM.ES. First Wanl Aiitiusl Helfert, Hecond Wanl Fr Neuman. Third Word John ilurke. Fourth Ward l'atrlck Meloy, Jr. Filth YVrd 8 Cook FIRE DEPARTMENT.

r.nptnrcr jiiiin assistant Engineer fecond Ass slant Knsln Third Atslslaut Kjigiiierr Smith vulK WARDENS. First Ward 8 DagKell and John Lace hecond Ward i.tucomb.A lioeta lilrd Wanl Fjlmnt ltutlnn, JmH Crummcy Kniirth WardIohu (irldley, A Kly Finh Ward Htoddsnl li il.ttln II Norton 1852. ffDHUGS, PuinU, Oili, CIdu, Perfumery, 4e, 4e. IV have on hand, a large stock of Drees and Med. by one orthe Arm and member orthe meillcal pro.

Cession, and nre warranted of Mtjert ur tiualliy. Wo offer our goods to the nubllo knowing they will give satlslkctlon, irpuro articles and low priceswlll make them so. Our slock consists in psit as follows 1 DRUGS, CHEMICALSp Linseed Oil, Paints, Turpentine, Varnishes, Whiting, Glass, Lamp Oils, 1 Dye Woods. Shakers lleiba, llalr llnishe, Taint Brushes, Whitewash Itrnshes, Kronxes, And a general assortment of PERFUMERY and FANCY ARTICLES. aiosi 01 tne puiar 1'atcnt aicdicioes tor tale.

Jaynrt' ug Oil 1 Trusses, andSuiiiiortcra surpassed In Ihecitjs. rairrci, uoiiiocx.aii the oammoth red in GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY Fire, marine, and Xifb! NEW. YORK FROTECTION INS. CO. of Rome, N.

Capital, t'JOOpOB. UTICA INSURANCE COM FA NY orVtlca, NY, Capital. ORLEANS INSURANCE COM FAN of Albion, NrwVork. C'anllal, SJVfKI.OOO COLUMIIIAN INSURANCE ttiMl'ANY of Am strrdain, V. f'apllal IW.OOO NATIONAL l'llOTKCTION 1NH.

CO Saratosa Hi.rlnits.N V. Capital, I2IJW NEW. YORK LIFElNS.CO.ellhecity orNcwYork MUTUAL IIENKFIT lWk ifit'tSt, of JRFFERSONLIFB INHcaofciSnatl.Ohlo, try RISKS TAKEN iu the abovo named Comp. nles.Blldloiscspromrily sdhistcri at vnts birru force, Clrnrral Aarnla for llv Hlaia tVtunn.l. Or Agent si lliionaliout the Hlate wlllrepcrt to Ibis VAXIM TAXEMt TAXT.H 1 1 muinvrn Titiiinrnim THE ftibsctlliers wtr 11, msnntscliirhig the nbnvn imtneil Hd'i; which fur dursbllllv, sctlim, mid entirely NEW I OVK In this market.

be fore purchnsing el, rwhrrr. We have two slips nf the kciit by the trade, Aii 01 tcfticA are oi manufacture. 07 For Sale at West Wator street, and 137 jst Water street. Milwaukee. E7KtraT'latea jurnlshed when wanted The ilehestprlccpsld forOld Iton.lnixolians.

fcb27 DECKFJt 4k COLD ICTAItlKLLKD DAGUERREOTYPES. rkAltTIKM lstiln cn.rppt an iliinM. 1 awrestiectnillylnsltrdtocBll. Miniatures Insetted In Lockets Ire block, Milwaukee; POV4 R. RODWAY.

LAMP OF ALL KINDS, of sorsrrlor qnslltv. 'Also CAM FIIINEatd HUKNINtl ratear tide, fnrsale cheap for Cash, at the Milwaukee Oil deci l. r. mi 4t a 71 a 010 11 i liris'ia in IT CnlirovNia afttfon: n7 satanurasturea to order, Ugh t', aatt Heavy Wagjons. bdllt ejpressly for Roote.1 eoraer of Main and Chicago opposite Iloosnran'siYvllPW ftbso dS" a ENGRA VERMIN METALANJ) WOOD, number WIseensIn street, eomeror Water, lJ posltBtheatsge, office, Mllwankre, Exacntts Offfeial Heals, Seal Sesaspe fthas? Bieasni.ana nrsaas, ana rry.

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