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Lancaster Daily Intelligencer from Lancaster, Pennsylvania • Page 4

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rx J1 s4 r-cv Jw? 'm SSr" si; KS 'iH il? rs? OUTSIDE THE PARTY TRACKS. irt M.ulA.t In fkta position te the Elections Bill. MMinr Pudtteck. of Nebraska, has been telllnit bla Bepttbllcnn asteclatea sotne In- tereWing facta about the acntinient In the v. Aina rMrardlnc the fedflrnl dec- "Bastern atatea regarding iitfer Facial ten bill.

Senater rnitaecK na roeeniiy returned te asuinRteu ireni trip i mas section. "Vhile In Sew Yerk and Bosten ht met a number of prominent bmluewt men, the majority ofwnem areHenubllcans and all of whom deneunred the meanrn In strenc terms. Senater Haddock himself 1 antagonistic te the bill and docs net h'sltate te Mir that he will vele against It. lOu.n il.n Vn1ml nnnnler came hack te "Washington he acattored these fiicli with fy- Wunt Western rratiKiieis nineuR associates, wtin result wi ucu hue-muiji as little short of paralyzing. Mr.

I'ad. I.r'ii .1 nn.lllntl nil tin IllCCtldllB bill Will prove very gtntir.vltiR te the opponents of V'Pt the measure, who In the absence of knewl- edge te the contrary uave regarded niiu ene of Its supporters. Senater Washburn, of Minnesota, Is also among the Republicans who rcfuse te be driven by the crack of the party lash Inte a snppert of the bill. Ile Is (luetcd as say-lng'ln conversation that injury has alyavn resulted te parlies which favered legislation of this character. The peeple lii his part of the country, he said, have no Interests In the bill, and he.

llke Senater Tail -deck, will vole against It If ever It cemes befoietbuSenalo. Scniler Aldrlch, of llhede Island. Is said te find his connection with the bill an embarrassing one. The city et rruvldonee is largely interested lu the Southern trade through its steamship line and iiianufnc torles. The peeple nt the Iieail of theso various enterprises are uniformly Hcptih-lican In politics, but they roallie that the passage of se obnoxious it measure cannot tall te engender bad feeling and In the end work them no Ilttle Injury lrouinceuuiioi-clal standpoint.

Fer this reason they are urging Senater Aldrlch tousehls Intliieuce ngaintl me anoptieu ui mu um uj manner that te him may seem proper. The list of nepubllcin senators epiwed te the lull up te the prosent tlme Is ten In number, embracing such gontleinen of prominence as Mr. Edmunds, ei" ernient Mr. Paddock, of Nebraska Messrs. Teller and Wolcott, of Coleiado; Most re.

Washburn and Davis, of Minnesota; Messrs. Jenes and Stewart, or Neviula Mr. Hule, of Maine, and Mr. I'luinb, et" Kansas. A I'nninut Lancaster Count Inn.

Frem the Philadelphia Inquirer. When Dr. D.ivld Haves Aunew runs te I.anejxter, where he Is ellen called pro-fesslenallr. he Is nlweyn reinltidcd of old tlmes ami his boyheood days as the trulu sweeps nreund North lleud and thunder through the Ilttle villnge or Cliilsllaini. It was lu SadHbury township, anionic the Octoraro hills, within two miles or Christiana, that the doctor whs born Ti years nge.

His rather. Dr. Hubert Agnuw, wniit pliy-itlclan with a wlde reputation, who practiced extensively in litstern Lnncuster ceuilty nud contiguous portions of Cheslur. He long slnce Joined the nmnrlty beyond, but old Inhabitants yet allude te Dr. Heb Agnew with nfl'ectlen and rospect.

Yeung David, determining the avocation or his father, was graduated from the University, at the nge of 20. Ills lather dled In 1M, ene year later, and the sign, D. llnjes Agutw, M. was nulled te a shutter In the village of feoudersburg, ten miles from lAiictsler. "In this place," says ene who knew him well, he didn't maKe ins salt." This was no fault or Dr.

Agnew, but was due te the all-absorbing practice of Dr. Nathaulel Sample, fimeUH physician of that tlme and vicinity. The young physician then went Inte the iron business with a Mr.Irvlii.ofCheMer count but tills venturc, tee, did net pan out well, and about 1810 he settled lu rlillatlulphlii. An Inscrutable something, perhaps, was forcing him te the career ler which, In the lighter subse'iuent seems te luiie been destined. Dr.

Agnew's slsler, Mrs. "Wallace, Is yet living with her son, Jehn S. near Cedar Urove I'rcsbytciluii church, In Lancaster county. She is ever SO yours of age. A cousin of the doctor's Is Judge DttvIdSVatsen Patterson, who Is new serving tils second term en ttie pencil.

A l.uniberinun'tt sharp Trick. A (iilmer county, W. lmiibermnu. Is 1100 aliead. but has gotten himself Info nrlnnc fj.ll-AlA -thmnifli thn trliikivlili'li Bgfmoaer nuili bin bank account, luitil famous rpsclonce.

Walnut lumber I iln hd very valuuble, and the r.nZ BnernU(U bin bank account, but depleted is very i Gllmnu 1 silt I I fflll oil tiM i i iiiuils Mitxt tut i iinw '-ana oeniik.i ci.i it '4enlV ten mitnn sum te mi EaMtern limn. fO 1ia iliA 111 1 mnfllii imnliul fivs wHJiiu M'i'" UUIIV uuieiilltv tiuu imu it Mmr, 1k: govcrnmcie walnut leir was taken away he auds of Ivn a big black oak of the s.une di WjW' eeivcil i)Ons with that of the walnut, wlucl carefully nieasnrcd, and taking tin ich fides th 10 i irem us piuce ei cenecuiiiiuiii cuiu- "wwv illltl UUIIIJ LUUtlll IV Wll IIIU bT VJI luu juu nun nil nuii uuii miiniiimij II M.l.n I Ij.r dene that no ene but un expert could lmve told tlie di lorenco. Ile tlieu tflilDDOd It with ether legs te Cincinnati, where he sold the oak let; for walnut for SI00. 'lne Qllmer mau then left fee home, but he hadn't been geno long hofero the Cincinnati firm discovered the fraud mid started after him. They left, It Is loperlcd, last night for Gilmer county, wliore they te overtake the slcek luuiberuiau.

MRS. CAIItN'S ItlSVUNOK. A Colored Trulntui: Hcliael l'luntd Ill the Centra efn Suburb. A dispatch from St. Leuis says that Klrkwoed, ene or the most aristocratic suburbs or St.

Leuis, is violently excited ever tbe sale id' feuiale seminary in the heart of the plaee te syndicate et wealthy negrees who will turn 11 Inte a immuul training school for colored boys. Mrs. Anna Snccd Cairns has for nineteen years ceuducted foiimle seminary that draws atrouiige from all ever the united States. Shots an btieugiiulndcd wemiiu, well known in the ranks of advnnccU thinker. Her husband Is ene of the best known incliitects lu St.

Leuis. Tvie years age Mrs. Cairns ijet Inte twjuariel with the town beard of Kirkwood ever trivial complaint about drain plpe that was declared nuisance, and which she rerused te remove. The matter was taken into court, and was can led up until It reached the state court ol'appeals, where it new is. In thu meantime the town beard persecuted her lu many small ways and 8he fought back, l'inally Mie determined te take her seminarv away irem Kirk-we'kI.

Wli en she announced this, the people laughed, for they thought bhe would net de it, ns bhe eu'ikh! the property. She bought pieperty elsewhere and began the erection of anew seminary, which will lie ready for occupancy in October. Then she seuglit purchaser for herjlvirk weed jirep-erty, oxelinlstor te Liberia Turner raised money for the traluing school and overbid Kirkwood people, paving gaii.Ooe, of which $10,000 is given by Henry Hridgewatcr, 11 wealthy owner of gambling hells and saloons. The Peabed fund furnished J5.000. Mrs.

Calms smiles borenely and says that Kirkwood should be proud of the new in. stitutien. KldiiuppHd lu Colerado. Thrce weeks age, Mr. H.

1 Spinney, a business man, of Colerado Springs, mid a ranch ewnerln Seuth Park, was luduappid and taken into the mountain bv a Texau named Harris, whoclaime.1 that "Mr. Spinney owed him JJ.OjO Ter a bunch of cuile he had purchased of him. since that tlme nothing has been heard et Mr. Spiuuev. Mr.

Harrington. brother-In-lnw of Mr. Spinney, raised the roqulilte sum recently, nud went Inte the meuuUdiiH te piy tiie ransom, but he, tee, has disappeared. The Texan said he would held Mr.Splnuey ten days, and the meney net forthcoming that time he would kill him. It is feared that he has carried out his threat.

A Number of Cases Heard. Alderman Harr disposed of the Qui nn cases and the cress-actions growing from them te-day. The assault and battery cn-e against Wm, Quinii was dismissed. On the charges of desertion and and disorderly conduct Quinn paid the costs. Susau Qulnu, sued by Jeseph Ueam for assault and battery nuddiuuk-enuess and disorderly conduit, paid the costs.

The cases ugaln.t Mrs. Leber, brought by Mr. Quinn, will be derided en next Monday. lu Town. Jee Heyer, the well known musician of this city, arrived home en Saturday ecn-Ing, bringing with him his wife, te whom he was recently married.

Joe is new the "Mr. Wesf'efScely A Wett, a musical team. They were at Keith's HIJeu, Philadelphia, last week and go with Teny Pas-erB company curly in August. M7-3 15. SUMMER LBISUrtK.

The high school orchestra, Including the old members, Intend taking a day In the country. They will go out te Cemer's weeds near Hohrerstewn, en Tucadaj, July 2 and they expect te have a very pleasanttlme. The Pennsylvania railroad this morning began selling tickets at reduced ratosle the Lindlsvllle cainpineellng and the Sun day school assembly al Williams Oreie. Jacob Maynard and ttlfe loll te-day for Ocean Grove. Chrlstopher Hrubakcr, el the New Yerk store, has koiie te Ocean Greve.

Kdward Troyer and his sister, Mrs. Sallle Terry, have geno te Mlllvllle, N. J. This morning Miss Jennle Dellct went te Lincoln te spend a row days, Joining her sister, who went out en Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. J. I). Elchler and Mrs. C.

P. Sbtiltz are in Atlantic City Ter a week or ten days. Adam Mlshllch, who left Lancaster mero than two years age and went te Wichita, Kansas, whero he Is new doing well, Is here en a visit. Garctt Lverts, formerly of Lancaster, new or Heading, Is In town spending a few days with his brother-in-law, S. K.

Llchty. Kev. Matthew Mark Dlggs, colored, vhe new resides In Philadelphia, came te Lancaster te visit his old friends en evening. He Is looking very welt and says that he Is engaged preaching the gospel. Miss Carrie McCrackcn, of Columbia, Is visiting her cousin, Miss Mame Stene.

H. W. Hnckius, formerly or the Jam(-tier, who for four months has bcen with I Inch Kcegh. contractor, en a new railroad In the wilds of West Virginia, came home en Sunday morning. He was lohnve been here en Saturday ovenlng, but get en me train at Columbia, and It went off without him.

"Huck" Is looking well, but terrl-bly sunburnt. He Is pleased with his new mode of living, and he has Hungarians, Ilallans and monkeys working under him. St. Stoplien's Lutheran church will picnic, at Tell's Ilnlti en Thursday and cm the same day Zlen's Lutheran church and Sunday school will be at Hecky Springs, llelh churches will use the olectrio cars te PeUb' landing nud as the congregations are large the strcetcara will be imable te carry the crowds with lliclr prescnl ficll'ltles. The Presbyterian Memerial Sunday M'hoel will held their annual picnic at Penryn park en Wednesday.

The pin-Vrauime of the day's amiiHemciits Includes bise ball, beat and ether nites, and Hthhitle sports. Fer the general entertainment biass band has been secured. Miss Jennie Limparler, of Philadelphia, who has been upending thrce weeks wltn her friend, Miss Mary OroeUinger, of this city, with whom she hoenme acquainted at the famous ladles' school lu Kcutlluger, Wurtembcrg, Germany, returned home te-day. The Tycoon club, composed of Samuc 1 Hechor, William Martin, Jehn Martin at.d Milten Joll'ries, left the city en Saturday oveuing for Hartmau's Island, where tiny will reinatn ene week. City Superintendent H.

K. Iluehrle will go te Pottsvllle te-morrow te attend thu Interstate summer hcIideI. He will be ahsentlun weeks. lliZII.S's. C.OMI'LAIN.

i he.v Think This Street Cur Company Overcliiii'KCH 'I'licni. Mayer Clark's attention was called today le a violation by the Liiui'iisler City Klectrle iiiilway of part of the city ordinance under which It was granted many prlvllcgOH. The oulinance prescribes fare of llve cents fnim ene end of the city te the ether. Under the rules of the company a passen-ger of nuj of tlie lines that desires te be transferred te thu electrlc line must pay evon cents for an oxchaige ticket. Very frorUeutly the drivers or thqse cars de net have such tickets, and tlien the oxpenso Is toneents; llve cents Ter horse car and the same muuuut for thu ulcctriu line.

As the same company is upending all the Hues except the West End, citizens think thai the fare be but tlu cents, eon ir It Is necessary te transfer te the electric lead. The mayor had confeieuco with Jehn A. Ceyle, of the electric read, and the latler piomlsed te lirne arraugoiueuts iniule by which drheis or conductors would at all times haveoxchauge tickets. As te the charge of seven cents ler transfer ticket Mr. Ceyle said he would bring thu matter te the attention or the beard or directors at Its next meeting.

THE COfl'lN 1ILISW UP. Dllllciiltlti Attended the lluilnl ef.Mi-s. l'ldoi-sen. A most singular buriiil took place at Springfeik, en Saturday. Among tlie early sottlers of the county were it young (lerman named Jehn N.

Potersou and his wife, Thursday Mrs. Peter-seu died of dropsy. At thn time of her death she was leinarkiibly large woman, weighing nearly three, hundred pounds. 1 mined lately" after Mrs. Petersen dled, arrangements wero inade for the funeral.

The largest casket te be procured was thu exact measurement requited at thu time of death, but as it was net delivered until l'rlday morning, the body hud swollen se much that it was crew ded Inte thu casket with much dlfllculty. The lid was then screwed down nnd thn body loll in that condition for burial, tce could net Ijo jiwurud. The funeral services were set ierSalurday afternoon and, 11s is customary, number of mighbeis acted as watchers l'rlday night. At midnight the w.deheis were sUitlcd by loud report in the loom where the coffin had been placed. It was found that the gases or tlie body had accumulated within tlie casket until their ferce burst the glass ever the face of Mrs.

Petersen. Se was the ferce or the explosion that the body was shot forward nnd upward, the head prettudiug fiem the celli n. A consultation was held and it was decided that owing te the condition or the body the burial should take place at once. The grave having been prepared the celli 11 was carried te the burial place mid strong ropes wero placed under the casket. Just as thecnlllu was being lowerod one of the assistants let go of his end of the rope.

This ttnew the weight te the head of the celli 11 nnd the ropes were Jerked Irem tlie bunds of the men stationed lliere. The cefhn fell with great lercc, head down, nnd burst te pieces. Anether consultation was held nud it was decided te till up the grave nt ence without waiting for another casket. Itesnlt id' IIiimi Hall ttiime. The games of base ball en Saturday te- suited us follews: National Chicago New Yerk IS, Cleveland New Yerk 7, Cleveland Husten ti, Cincinnati 'J; HroeklynS, Pittsburg 3.

Phiyers' League Philadelphia 3, Uuffale Husten (1, Chicago New Yerk Pittsburg 7 llroeklyn II, Cleveland 10. American Association St. Leuis Athletic tl; Teledo 13, Syracuse Louisville 15, Hei hosier 7, Columbus 1. Interstate League Yerk 13, Harrishurg 0, Lebanon 3. Thore is 11 hitch between tlie Atlantic Association peeple and Hiirrlsburg.

Thn latter want te retulu Grunt and the association peeple don't waul darkeys. Tayler Shafer has been released by the Athletics mid Lhlerdny, of Columbus, takes his place. The games or the American Association en Sund.iv wero St. Leuis Athletic iolede Kyracuse '2. A rire nt Mm Cumberland.

A fire ut New Cumberland, en Saturday ovcnlngdetroycd the sash and deer factory, planing mill and adjoining buildings, belonging te Musselmaii A Sadler, involving less of gtt.OuO te clH.lHX), Dining the lire Themas Snell, who leaves family of si children, uu empleye of the Pennsylvania steel works, Sleelteu, was killed by falling from the reef. The urlgtu of the tire is unknown, but it Is supposed te have caught from sparks from a locomotive. The works will be rebuilt nt ence. Pully Insured. We a I) 1 ve roe Henry Stelner applied for and was granted en Saturday afternoon a subpoena In divorce from his wife Kllza A.

Stelner, en the ground erudultery. Senater Imralls en Publle Lifts. In recent Interview, in the New Yerk World, Senater Ingslls reported a wring that "the ptihlie service and public tnen have net kept pace with the natural development or the country. I de net mean te say (hat we have no great men, but the public scrvlce dues net command the greatest because the hlghest reward of intellectual activity nre found In ether avocations. Public lifts has degenerated Inte a species of servitude, and the Inevilnble tendency Is toward mediocrity and pusillanimity." lu another nirt of the same Interview he hepe that political equality would, result In the destruction of poverty, and In social fraternity, has net been reallred.

Thern are larger private fortunes, there Is greater political power In fewer hands; In ethor words, there Is uiein tyranny In the republic than In a monarchy. The strongest succeeds mere readily and mere rapidly here because, llberly belng common te all, thore are no restraints and limitations te overcome." Itudy In the Penitentiary. Sheriff Hurkhelder and Deputy Ievan delivered Jehn W. Itudy te the officials of the Gastern penitentiary en Saturday morning. When brought from the Lancaster Jail early en that morning Hudy complained of feeling sick.

Ile said he had been unable te cat any breakfast. On the read te Philadelphia he appeared te be when the penitentiary gate shut en lilm, for the last time, If the sen-(ence of the law of life Imprisonment Is carried Inte cflect, he betrayed no emotion. The sheriff did net wait at the ponlteutiary te see Hudy examined nnd clothed lu the prison garb. Itnbbftd er8llverwr. An upstairs room ofNe.

G05 East Orange street, occupied by K. H. Kludlg and wife, whlle at home In Lancaster, was ontered whlle they were away by a tlilef, he took from a drawer ene dozen Bllyer knlves and forks, nud ene dozen sllver spoons. The teaspoons and butter knives were loll In the same drawer from which the articles had been stolen. Nothing else wns disturbed.

Mr. Klndlg thinks he knows who tlie guilty party Is. Mr. Kludlg also says the peeple living In the houseat piosent have had nothing te de with the theft. Iteturned te Court.

(leorge Keust, charged by Christian Miller with threatening te de htm harm, was reiiilred te glve ball by Alderman A. V. Donuelly te answer at the August term of the quarter sessions court. I.eulna, Ida and Mary Iloepcs, charged with disorderly conduct, wero heard by the same magistrate en evening. Doclslen was lenftrvcd.

The cress actions brought by the Iloepcs against the Mlllers will be heard by Alderman Harr te-morrow. PlukeiiiiK'a Tenm. Ofllcer Jclleris, of West Chester, will be in Lancaster lu a day or two te get the team nbaudoned by Prank Pickering, the horse tlilef. The elllccr writes that he will be able te Miew that Piekerlng became possesicd of the team through a trade for property he had stelen. Anether Victim.

The proprietor eT the Lloyd heuse, Phllllpshtirg writes te Chief Hergor that W. A. Seaman swindled him out or benid bill In I83.r. lie icquestn the chief le gel neiiih from Seaman, Contractors- IIcrIii Wtirk. llliideu Fiitchey put'u force of men te work this afternoon digging up the diamond ul Kast King and Duke streets, preparatory te laying Helglati blocks.

Te Mnke llosseinor Iren. Twe ero loasterf." have been placed In Chlckles Inruace Ne. 1. With the use or theso machines what is known us -Hesse-mer lien Is made A liiivluu Ancldcnt. Jehn Sliauk, a young countryman, was driving out or the Coepor house yuid in a deg cart Saturday evening when he backed into 1111 Ice team or H.

S. llcrr. The horses slopped Inte ene of tlie ctnl wheels, smash-ug It up badly. Ntrcet VloivCentlnui'il. The death of Dr.

O. W. Orelf, one of the viewers appointed te assess ihuiiages caused by the opening of North Maishall street, necessitated an adjournment of the vlew llxed for te-day until a viewer can be appointed in his place. Til 1: rex tu uru nt lit IVnryn Park will be open ewry day this week. KlrBt-rliiHS warm dinners unit suppeiH.

Parties can make arrange, meiits for xeclul chicken and wallle suppers by ralllui; at my tore. ltd titAH. W. ECKLUT. Ne.

2ii WFST Kl.NO HTnKKT, C. U. Lleclrlcal Appliances en trial. 12 te te. Cash or liiBtahiicnts.

Sir. Hoke will be at his ettlce Wednesday of each week. Ijidy always Innt-tendance. Jicathe. ltl'ir.

In Kdii.1, (Ixuijhter of ChrlstUin and mie llcrr Itutt, lu herelghth yeiu. The relatives nnd friends of the family are ic-spectrally Invited te attend tliefuiienil, fiern the U'Mileiice of her uncle, U. H. Heir, undertaker, North tjiuen Tuesday afternoon ul 2 o'clock, iiml Jllllersvllle Mcniioiilte (iiiitcliat Su'elerk. Interment at Mlllcrsvllle.

111 thin city, en July 20, 1SH, Kvu MariEiiret, Infant daiiehb-r or Henry and Anna MarKiirct Kwhlcr, aged live mouths uiidsW days. TherelKtlvci and friends of the family arc 10-spectrnlly luxlted te attend the, Irem the parents' residence, Ne. Laurel street, en te-morrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o'clock. Interment ut tJincaster cemetery. ltd Ittavltcte.

l'hlhidulplitik I'roduue Market, July quiet; IVnu'a snpcrH, 2 2Ve2iU: extra, family, IJliV.i.lW; roller, I patent, fl7M515. Wheat steady Ne. 2 Had new, U3'fcj Ne. 2 Pa. de, We Ne.

l'eun'a lied. We. Cern steady Ne. 2, new, old, UYa 51c. Oat scarce; Ne.

2 White Ne. 2 mixed, lt)c. Ilran steady Winter. 113 7511 Hprlng, 1 111X1350. Hilled liny dull IX) as te quality timothy 1U ee.a)l3 00 for clielce mixed, t750u9 Ull; baled ryu straw, new, JI4 0(jS15ne.

Duller steady; l'euu'a ereaiucrv extra 17c l'viiu'a firsts extra, 2le; Jobbing, Kcks tinner l'enn'a tlrsU, 17c; held let 1 1 it 15c, us te nuidlty. Cheese steady part nklnn.tMJtie; full skim I'etreleuin steady: refined In J7 20. Potatoes quiet uXAfuc ht bbl for new. Nteclt Mnrunte. limitation by Heed, McUrann A banker Lancaster.

I'a. NEW YOIIK LIST. 11 A. M. Atchison, 1MJ Canada l'uclne.

12 m. sr. m. Colerado Ceal Wi Ui Central l'ucltlc Canada Heiitberu Cht. hi.

I'bs. Deu. AllleO. Del. L.

A HSU lfJS Ms'i 2J4 Krle h'rle Jer K.AT Ix)ll. A N. L. Midi. Cen.

2GVJ 73''i NV'i Missouri I'aclrlc. 7.HJ4 Heck N. 1. Valley 31 N. 1'.

l'ref. West- ii in.t.u New Knglund Ui Kast Teuntssee. Oiualia Oreton Transcontinental. Ontario A I'acltte Mall Itlehnumd Terminal Ht. Paul Texas Pacific.

llutuu Pacific ltd? ii :9 a IW Wabash Cem Wabash 1'reC. Western MJ WestHliere Uend rillLAUKUUIIA LIST. Leh. Val it. N.

V. A I'a. It. H. I lead In ir.

Nav Wl zu tiest'iuv. p. N.CenU People l'a Jtdc Oil WJ iV Ltr MecK Manret. CHtCAoe.Juljr shipment, .1 steady I beeves, 14 754)9 00; steer, 3 HHM bOtsteekm and frediv. 4OS70j cows, hnll and mixed, 1 40 1 Txa cattle, I2004W10 Ile; Iteeetpt.

flflOO shipment, mar. kt weak 759S NOt hnivjr, light, UMA 05 1 ski ps, 6TMJ 05. Hhrep ltetvlpt, 4one: shlr-ments. -t market cany I natives, I2'4il Wextern. (1 15 Texan, t3 40an Ismbs, 0WI 10.

Hum AI, July and head 200 en sale market steady. Hheep and head! en nlst insrket llalitmiri prices weak. Hheep. elielre te extra, 5 VYitfi medium toiteod, 13 HxstS V. common te Keed, II fA5 00.

Iinii joed tu rlielce, ffl 9037 fair te Koeddsue iiieaiumuf wfle .3. Hogs Kecelpl, ft.490! I mi en (wis (market lower! seleclcd iiirstliim nelelit and selected heavy end, It 04 Oe eoed te cholee heavy, t3 (OuklOO; fleeted Yerk weight, HiO (fit 00; mixed plgf and light Yorkers. 00 tuiu; iieni pign, i uu; reugna, 10, lBg, M7uiH. KASTl.tnxBTY.July 19. Cattle-ttecelpU.

lOOOf hlpment, 1980; market nothing doing through connlgnmenU. ling llecclpui, 2700; shipment. 2400; markelftlewt meulnm and common te bet Yerker, 13 fij4 tn Plg, 13 g.100; no ear shipped te New Yerk. Hheep Iteeelpta, lene; shipment. 1400; market fair: prime, 15 fa 50 (MOO; common, WUVi 60; yearling lamb, 3 50 (fc5 75; uprlng lambs 1160(37 M.

Oram ana rovistens rurnUhed by K. Yundt, Breker. Ciiioaeo, July 21, clock p.m. WheaU Cern. Oat.

Perk. Uird, July 8714 3TJ MM 11 AllRUHl Heptember SUH November December OIK Year 10 10 00 5tK aw mi May (111) Wt Crude Oil-July Yij'i 82J K'j lrd Closing Prices 2:15 o'clock p. Wheat Cern eau, Pern. July- wa. 87ti mu 11 10 10 20 Hcptcmber RO October November.

December Dili May(lHJI) Wj) Consel Crude Oil-July 577 5 1)0 3SJ4 29J 6 00 32M mei Car luu. Iteceipt. Winter Spring Cem, Oat Kye Ilartev 570 163 C'onReln Head. Itecelpls Hee. Itecel Is I.ecul Stock nnd Henda.

HeiKirled by J. II. IOng. Par Last value, sain. I jinnoter City, 10-20 year 4's of IRSI.

100 102 le-au year I or isv ivjiojeiirOer isw. Hchoel 4's due l-MltllelK! 4'Hdiielliui). Columbia HoreuKh 4's duelUOl Miit-helm nerniiiih 4U lean 1011 100 100 100 UK) 101 10T, 102 1(11 101 100 10(1 100 102 MISCKLI.ANKOUS HTOCKB. Ouarryvlllelt. 11 tt 1 6S 40 IPO 25 11 205.25 210.10 I.Oj IS 75 im 107.20 10S.25 57.50 47 fti 4.5 IX) M) 101 Miiiersviuu nireei uar, ft) Inniilre 1'rltitlinr Cemiirtliv ft) UusilKiit and Fuel Ceinpuny 2f Htcveus Heuso (ltendi) 100 Columbia (las 1 10 1(0 IK) 60 25 ftj 100 urn Columbia Water Cem puny Hiisqut'tiunna Iren Company Marietta Hellew-ware Htevcns Heuso Mlllersvllle Nermal Hchoel Northern Market KasU'rn iX.

(Ins Company Points 15 per ct. Ouarrvville it. it. Ileadlne A Columbia H.'s..

100 Kdlsen LUht Company ft) wesiern uirKci. ft) 60 60 ft) DO Heuthern Market. Uincuster City Htrect Haltiray West Knd Htrect Hallway Helvetia leather Ce Watch Factory e's Lauc Chum. Ce. TUIINI'IKK STOCKS Lsiicniter AVrultvllle Lancaster iJincester A Wllllumsteun Ijuieaster Maner ljiiucnster -V Manticlm.

IjiinciiHtcr Marletbi KM ICO HI 2Ti 25 SO 2A 2A 100 (17,75 100 140 25 20 SO Ijincaslcr A New Helland Stent buevtiacmcute. CHKAl'-t'UHK KYK WIIIHKIK8. HLACK-beny, and Kummel Uriindlc. HOHHKH'H LIQUOH Ne. 22 Centre Hquare, 1AltltIAUl, ETC.

OICO. S. NORHKCK'S Doersom Carriage Works, Cerner of Duke and Vine Htrcet. Cull and sce the finest Assortment In the City or Canopy Tep Uiirreys, Cabriolet, Ladles' Wlmt Iwsh Gentlemen Drlxlug I'luuleni, Ilrewstcr, Tim Kin End Hprlinruiul CoinlilnatlenHpilntlJiiKKles, 3st)lesef Market Wnitens, 3 Hereiid-haud Mct'idl Wilsons. B-Ufpalrlnn promptly and neutly done.


rilHKY CAN ALL COPY HUT NONECAN Equul Hilly Waiti's Havana Killer Clitar. at nua. i im ISOIlTll 11UELN BALTLMOlli: Alt) HOCIKTY. Itcqulres several eeinpctuut and trustworthy men of Kentleiuanly upeariince te act us eolticters. Alse two men as usst.

stiptN, W.J. llAHNi.TT, JeO-tfd Hi1 liist King Ijineustcr, Pu. QONTIlELLACOCHItANE'HDUllLINAND llellaht dinner Ale. The very best Ginger Imported te thn I). H.




STONE lIUItltH Jj and Helt In reimI order, suitable for grinding chop und feed, hire 21 Inches. We have no farther usurer them. THE HUHEIt A DOLMAN Cor. Christian und Oruut Lancaster, Va. jylS-3tiMltw WANTED-AN OI'KICE HUITAHLC KOH a ph slclan, en North Queen street, abe Northern Market.

Address Jy2l-jd liOX 12, Lincaslcr, I'a. CIOAHMAKEItH WANTED. Wanted at Hl'ltAUlsS Net. 3S, 40 and Menth Christian street, 20Clgarmukers ami 20 Learners. J21-3td llTlHMAN'S." NEW WINDSOR TIES, FOIt BOYS AND MEN, NO.

12 WEST KING HT. ALIKOltNlA. HhcIii1 Parties. Heinl-monthly. Tourist slreidngcars.

Cheap rates. Southern I'aeltlcCe. Adihess, E. HAWI.EY, Assistant Tratlle Manager, Hreadway, New Yerk It. J.

HM1TH, Agent, la. At l'lilla. iinlii-lyd2taw AirANTKO- An energetic jeiing man Is wanted le tukechargfl of a Grocery Btore In this city. A geed business stand nt a desirable location is open ten reponslble party. A small amount et capital tsiequlred.

Fer fnrllicr particulars cull nt l'ENN'A EMPLOYMENT HUHEAU, Ne. 12 heuth Duke Htrcet. l'ENN'A J. meeting of the First lleglmental Assoc la lien will beheld nil Monday Kvcntng, July 21 at o'clock, lu room of ret 405. All ineinbers of the old lteserves are ln Ited te ntleud.

Hust-nets oftiupertuuro en hand. W. 1). srAUFFElt, President. H.

F. W. UlitiAN, Soe'y. J) lt-2ld A1 THOHrEU'H COHNEH HAl)ON. A NICE HOT LUNCH will be served every morning from te 1S0.

Hmipert's Celebrated lker drawn from the keg. aprSO-trd HirE "AKE' GUAI)liLY VOHKINO order out el chaos. We are sold out of some lets of ltiels and Itchls, but ne havn unearthed let of Heds ami Heels that were lest sight of In the hurry and buMle of making alienatiens, 'llusu we eiler atsiicclul bargain prices. Remember we me Headquarters for l'l hliig Tackle. KHAILEYH EAsrEND PHAH.MACY, Market), Choice Turkish Hath pnnges and tine Chamois nt Ilurguln Prlrxs.

1" Ce YOU WAN OltKTtiO TO l.ANCAS-J TElt EMPLOYMENT HCItEAl', Nil. UI North Duke trcct. TtltWMAXW NEW DRESS SCARFS. JUDGES HAVE LONG HINCE DECIDED thai Hilly Waltz' Cigar the Itel in the Htate. Fer wile at NOW.


Jylt-tfd WE HAVE THE BEST AHSOHTMENT OK l'lpes and Chrar Helders. French llrlnr Pipe In Cases, 60c. eaeh. All the fine Brands of Hmeking TnbacceH. DKMUTU'H CIGAR HTOHE, alS-tfdll Ul Eul King (treet SCHOOL TAX, 1800-THE DUPLICATE IS new lu the hands of the Treasurer.

Three per cenu en jinid before. August 1, hours from Un. m. till 4 p.m. III co W.

O. MARSHALL, Treasurer, Ne. 12 Centre Bquare. Je-jtinildlt A BEAUTIFUL I.AWN. HOWEVER small It may be, I a great luxury.

LAN-CAHTKK CHEMICAL COMPANY LAWN ENHICHEIt. XplUSMAN'M. BLACK SUSPENDERS. T5ECI ilet Clu ECEIVED DIHECT FROM NAl'A ley caiirernia, superior y.lnran Claret. Uutadcl nnd FrnnLlirnnii Wines.

The last named Wine la very delicate and a delicious Ladles' Wine. 29 EAST KINO STREET, CITY, H. E. HLAYMAKER, AgL EST TWO FOR FIVE CENT. CIO ARB the city, at BILLY WAITZ'S, Ne.

5 A 103 North Queen St, THE SEAMLESS CeOKINO WARE IS strong, durable and cheap, AT UEINHOLDH. CHERRY BRANDY-HLAYMAKER'H superior Cherry Brnndy for Diarrheea and Hummer Complaint, 31 EAST KINO II. E. HLAYMAKER, Agt. BILLY WAIT.

HAH THE BEST TWO FOR 6c and 6c Cigars In the State, at A 103 NORTH OUEEN ST. 1HARLESM. HOWELL. Marble, Granite and Stene Works, Ne. 135 North Queen Lancaster, Executes Monuments, Tombs, Grnve Stones and building work of best material and workmanship nt lowest prices.

Designing nnd Lettering specialties. All work guaranteed. Call and examine the large stock of finished work. Jyl93ld 4' THE BULETT CAHIIIAGE WllItKH. I1KI.

Allt. Ml). ANTED Between Am-imt 1 nnd Seldom. her 1, twenty (20) Carriage Makers, enuslstlns of Bedymakers, Currlagesmlths and Klnlshers, Painters and Trimmers; none but theso who have families nud want steady work need apply, (iued houses can be obtained nt low rents convenient te factory. An excellent op-iiertunlty will bn clven apprentices te learn irades In the dlllerent departments.

Girls can get employment In trimming department. Capacity of works, 8,000 vehicles per year. lylT-2wd JV1 AINNEIICHOR SUMMER THEATRE. Week Cemmrncing MONDAY, JULY 21. CertTss Opern In the Favorite Opera, ft ff With MlssCarrleTuteln as 49 Admission, 10 cents.

CHRIS BURUER, Proprietor and Manager. Week Ceinmenclinr Monday, July Of NORMANDY." mvjMmd rm 4 GOOD INVESTMENT. uivtnir decided te make a. chance In busl- nts, I eiler my well equipped Steam Jeb Printing Olllce for sale. The Tvne.

l'rctsj's. 1'hiht and Card Cutters, etc. are alf In tlrst-class condition, A geed trade Is established, nnd anyone desirous of making a prefltnblu tmestment will de well Cy calling en the undersigned before July IDth. It. B.

KAUKI'MAN. 10-0ld 17 Ceutre Suunrc, Laucastcr, I'a. B. MARTIN A CO. J.

B. MARTIN CO. Every day this week will be special days for Bargains of Midsummer Goods of all description. TUESDAY'S BARGAINS. 20 pieces Curtain Scrim at 4j4c a yard best patterns.

8c Dress Challies at 3c a yard. 35c French Satines reduced te iSc a yard. 24 Dress Batistes at Sc a yard. Entire stock of Summer Silks reduced te 25c a yard former price 50 and 75c a yard. De net fail te visit the Remnant Counter.

Thousands of yards of goods pushed out of the general stock, and all marked at 5c a yard. J. B. Martin Cor. Prince W.

King LANCAKTUIt, I'A. 1 fck of Bargains. 1800. 91km 9ktreHtcmnt. 1HAKLE8HTAMM.


cheaply they may be yours. CHARLES STAM North Queen Street. Stew bvevtt0mcnt. OREAT IMPROVEMENT TO OLD OR NewLnwnsbviislmrLVNCASTERCllEM- ICA CAL COMPANY LAWN ENRICHER. REIQART'S OLD BRANDY.

Ne family should be without a bottle at Oils season of the year, ai E. KINO BT. 'JOE. KINO II. E.S.

FOR RENT-NO. 118J4 EAST KING STREET, room formerly occupied by Jehn A. Ceyle. ALLAN A. HKRR.


SLAYMAKER, Agt. TjIRISMAim OXFORDS ASHES. A CAHD-WE MAKE "TnE NATIONAL Safety Fifth Wheel In three sire (Cox A Andersen' Patent.) Fer short turning, strcneth and durability are matchless. They also make itncnt finish. Try them, Every wheel la guaranteed.

NATIONAL MANUFACTUING Jyl3-2wd 28 te 86 Sherman Lancaster, Pa. rTHIE ONLY CIGAR STORE WHERE YOU can purchase Imported and Key West DEMUTITS CIUAR STORE, 114 ERitKlmc Street. Telephone. nl8-tfdH rpilOUT SHANK. elameTshirts.

nl-lyd SUR CIGARS, OOLDEN LION AND MIA Qucrlda, nre clear Havana filler cent irs, hand-made. In boxes or 25, 0 and 100. DEMUTH'S CIGAR STORE, Established 1770. 114 Eaat King Street alB-tfdlt USIC CATAIX3GUE WITH NEW EDI- lien and price list sent upon application, AT llPlvnntn'u OpiKislte P. It.


HE NEW SEAMLESS STEEL COOKING Ware Is better than grnnlte nnd sells for half the price, ATjrtElNHOLD'B. T-O YOU WANT HELP? OO TO LANCAS- ilill clli'IAJlAlcm NO, North Duke street. 1 til TTINE TAILORING I ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE WOOLENS, AT P. WEIKEL'S, npl0-3mdlt Ne. 44 West King Street.

Mai OR CAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS, BOTH Plain and reducing, un tnfMneh dlninpier. lalteable Fittlmrs. llanires. h'lnnnn ITnlnnfi. Manifolds, Amerfcnn Unions, Tube Supports, HniiRers, Fleer and Celling Plates, go te JOHN BESTS.

)H3 East Fulton street. iu7-tfd XF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS ItlitTAflLR Engine and Beiler, en wheels, cheap, as the following prices shew: horse-power, H75; 8 vlng prices shew: 6 horse-power, fl75; 8 (-power, S535 10 horse-power, SS75; 15 herse-r, $875; 3) horse-power, 11,175, call at JOHN rs. 3.t:i East Fulton street. m7-tfd power, UEST HITE COTTON WASTE. COPPED BY the pound, 10c: lu let of lOneundsnr ever, c.

All goods delUcred te nny part of the city Free. Call oil JOHN BEsr, Ne. SB East mum street. m7-td 1 OLD BRONZE, LIOUID.S AND SIZING for steam work, at JOHN BEST'S, Sit East Fulton street. m7-tfd SNJECrORS, RUE UIAnT, HAN-cook Inspiraters nud Electors, Ebcrmnn tier Feeder, Penberthy Inspector, American Injectors, all lu stock, at JOHN BEST'S, East Fullen street.

m7-tld FOR BOILERS, HORIZONTAL. TABULAR, Vertical, Portable, Cylinder, Marine, of any size or power, of the best material und workmanship, go te JOHN BEST, 33J East Fulton street. m7-lfd "AUXIN BROe. I-you bought a Suit of us for $23 and we handed 3011 back $5 bill you would count that a clever act and emude. New we ate sailing insult en Just this gener MAKING S5.00 BILLS.

mis basis. Being almost entirely sold out of our first selected SultliiRs te Order nt 1S a suit, our buyer lu the market scleral dnjs age selected from nn Importer, Suitings nnd Treuserings, regular worth tit for Sulls nnd 17 50 for Trouser, which we are making te order nt the uniform price of SIS for Suits and fO for Trousers. If you would make a crisp (5 bill or J150 en nn extra pair of Trousers, see these monster alucs. Seme one Is the loser by these prices. Wcnre uet and you nre net.

Wc guarantee trimming equal te any fU Suits iiiiytthere, and fit nnd finish lu the finest tailoring art, Monday and Tuesday Are Geed Days te Order Suits TO HE llNlbHED BY BATl'RDAY. a-Wc would call jaur attention also te our Choice Line of L'ndr i wear, Flannel Shirts, Hosiery anil Neckwear. MARTIN BROS, 26 and 28 N. Queen St. I7HMTHE BEST HOT AIR FURNACE IN the market, go te JOHN BEST, 333 East I- niten street.

0 ARUy" FN BTOCK-IIWT CI I ARCOA Hammered Bar Iren. Dnubla i Refined iron. Harden' Rivet Iren, Rlel, Het nud Heller Iren. Steel. Slui't Iren 3-10 toNe.lfi at JOHN BEAT'S.


BARGAINS IN FRENCH AND AMERICAN SATM AND WHITE LACES. You'll be surprised te see Jteru ticrticment VERV DAY A CHEAP DAY -LU AT REINHOLE1 VV1IAT I8 TWENTY-FIVE CEN1 create a Beautiful Lawn or Renew I One. FIRE BRICKS, FIRE CLAY, figure, go te JOHN BEST, 333 street. AT East FY mt tr ANTED HOUSES TO PASTURE. Anaress, apr23-tfd W.

W. GHOSH, NcfTvllle, "VirANTED-BY A LARGE NEW Mil at tiAA TT Firm, a caramel Maker. rlcnccd In making wrapped and unwral uirameis aim nas eie control or mis ee t-nnr1 Je nlliiiB niuul mhhIm A l.luun C. F. HAlu.J Ne.

49 Maiden Inne, New Yerk CI jyis-ewi rrtlN TOP JELLY GLASSES AT 25c J. D07CU, ATREINHOLl ANOTHER LOTOFQUEENSWARE Fj Auction. 1 AT HEINIIOLII IOR HOHIZONIAL STATIONARY I eines. ireni 'Z TO Nl hnra.nnwpr. nnil rail engines ireni xietu nnrso-newer.

vnnl T. -Z-. nnuiuem ni juhw uest'S, 3.13 East irceu TTIOR BOLTS. LAO SCREWS. SEr SCRIl Square und Ilexngeu Nut, tbcsogeol i)iv3i kjihi ruiien i niTfl ttieramehicanbightfeedcylinI Xj Lubricators, Glass Oil Cups for Bear you can get mem at juun iieht's, ssill Fulton street.

m74 TTIORBOILER TUBE BRUSHES. BTILt Pipe Wrcnches.Pipennd Menkey WrciJ cumuincu, rues, un uins, eic go lajn BEST, 333 East Fulton strecL m74 TlARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID I XT Medel Milking, Patterns, Drawing! lllue Print, at prices reasonable, at Jl BFT'S. 333 East Fulton strceU m7 TEAM nEATISTHECOMlNGHEATl tVe, I dwelllncs. churches, school house. inillfll Klieensftfllllv llluwl mm hlinrtnMl age.

When you contemplate a change eai juun BMi, mm win tive you a saiisnu Jeb, at a fair price. m7-l THUMPS. BOILERS. MININfl. CKNTH.I gal and Steam Pumps, of nny cnpaeltl DAW MILLS.

BARIC MILLS. COlt Ml I Ita.ltare H'nn ltnlrnn T.lnln Powers, Milling nnd Mining JOHN BEST'S, SH liist Fulton fj-' IIMOT I street. T.ADIATORX. OF ANY MAKE XV sign.cnn beruruUhedatreasunableflgi nyjuun uivii. is) ruisi uueu street.

FOR CASTINGS, IRON OR BRASS, LI or heavy, at short notice, go te J( Viiiiju, Bmn, m7J mANKS FOR WATER.OILS. ACID OR ofunyshnpeorcaiuiclty, at fair price te JOHN BEST. 333 East Fulteu strcet. (rri TF IN WANT OF BRASS OR IRON I Cocks, Asbestos Packed Cocks. Pet and Cocks.

Lecr Cocks. Swine Joints, call nnJ them, or send your order by mall, teJt uuii, cisir uiuu street. m7-l XTIOR PRATT A CADY AHI1KSTOS 11 Valves. Jenkins Valves. Urass Qlobe Vi Brass Gute Valves, Iren Bedy Glebe Va 1-evcrSarety Valves, Pep Safety Valve Valves.

Radiator Valves, Pratt's Swln Check Valves, llrass Check Valves.Foet Va Angle Vnlves, call ut JOHN BEST'S. 833 Fulton Street. m7- -ITtOR PULLEYS, SHAFTING, COLL HimgerSjClninp Bexes, Couplings, etc ie juiui ur3i.tvi.i E4ist ruiteu streeu TRACKINGS, AS FOLLOWS: DIRIGO.l Steam nud Hydraulic Pneklng.AsbcstR Wecn nnd Wick Packing, Hemp Packing urtiiuH iiii jiuaru, asdcsies cement, asik Sheathing. Gum lllne for Oiiuges, Plumbago Reed's Patent lH-stes, Lined Sectional Plpe Cever, at JC BESTS, 333 East Fulton streeL m7-l TTTIOR STEAM GAUGES, HIGH OR i-ressure, water Unuges, Uauge Ce Weed Wheels or Weighted, Glass Tr Whlstle.s,SyphonsferSteani Gauees. Cvlii Oilers Plain, Water Gauge Columns, Ceck Steam Gauges, call ou JOHN BEST, 333 1 Fulton street.

ta7-l rpHE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE, A RARE OPPORTUNITY AVc elTsr te-day large let of -AT- 19 Cents Per Yard. These goods have sold at te 87c, nnd nebltlvclr French. Manvef tbesnvillml Kre. sold here and elsewhere nmthnnl grades of domestic goods, but In order tnirl tins low prlce we will Oder Genulne Freil uoeas ni.ivc, as auovequeted, OUH ENTIUE STOCK OF SUNSHADES AND PARASO! Will be ettered Without Regard te Cost. Purnse's worth from iZM te 17.

will be sold 1 Big Reduction In the prices of Embrelde Colored Embroideries, Genu iiupericu ftceicn anil rreuen tsinximms, viq As It is our desire te cut the Summer stc hs low ns pev-lhle this season, we will nl many things pertaining thereto at iinustin low prills. 26 East King Street, IVNCASTER. I'A. uiansviydlt leit CALLAHAN CO'S iiieut te lake, the nineeef Red lx'ad. bulk It ukes Ile I lines the quantity of lead und Is farsuiirler In making steam Jein mckhur iiihh und hand hole nlales en beilet Ai" Ac, IV 1 e1'HK in-r peu ml, nt JOII llh.Sl'S, Vzl l-ulleufclKVt, tu7-tfct fane French Satii People Cash Sten S- tMf'i jat-1.

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