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The Sun from New York, New York • Page 5

The Suni
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i Zq ITL I THE SUN SUNDAY OCTOWKK 1WJ I 1ANY SALES nUT NO CASH tau runs BitniKn uorltR rzzxzaND 30 HrUMH VH CVHTOUXH8 Vnordcred llonds Hrnt to Mmiy ssTerchanlebr Meek nko PorkHs OmiHtealorit lh AlltsT Kales nod thrn Allenoie Halrlie A short tlollcntclooklnj mun with a Jnw Ishcihtot features applied to Morris llormond nt 141 Jronnostroot ft tnnnufnoluror of furs 14 rOno Itroot earlflu July for employment la 8ld ho WM Aloxnndnr KJeliteln nnil thnt ho WM 89 rcnr old Itu was In and noott of omiloTmmil and his rufutencos wero BODd Mr llormond for mtttod him to sell hid Bonds on commlxslon Lutwr Mr llprmond wns IntroJucod to Blrn Uilolstnln who ho loirnod wit tho ilaimMer of Mr Jacobs mllllonrlro browor nod nn 0 Alderman lln Jondon Thlnus wont well with Kilolattln for xororM Tnontlm Ito mailo many fftlen Hohndctis tomam In this CItY nnd ni fur Wont Hullo City Knunat A short tlmu nica bimlnosn foil oft Oly ntui Mr lloniicinJ ndtntiooU money to his Diilvs mnn whom ho allorwnrU tiroinotad to tlio position I ot inikllliii clerk KJolAtolo wns onorcutlo und Htlll prncurod Biileii rita cooJs woro I BliliipoJ lo arlouit artot tlio country lint tho buyers woro flow In cundlni UioeKs for thom Mr IMolalolii inndo munr excuses for his CU8 tomom Iotlerfl worn wrlttott In groat mint tiara urulnu Immodlute iiuyinoiits nnd IMol I 4 Bloln win Inlriiutud with tlin niillln thorn 8111 lid yl IIKO Sir llcrniiiml 1 ciillod tiiion 1 3 llloominudnlo llros of thli ilty to Iniiulio bout IIIU0 orilor which ho HUtipoud llioy IIlln uttur lind Klvun lo Kilutluln Mr lUnninncilnlo win nirprlBcil nnil oiilil they Mini ihn nn recent onlur nnil Hint no mo of Ilio IOU A they bad rlh I cnlxnil Ira in Sir Ilirmoml mitt not licpn tmlnr I nd Thu liiltiT I Mid that hlMKiln mnnKilnlBlnln Inul lurniil I ho I ordor In Mr illncimlncilnln I klov Mr IMd toln und anld Boinolhlnu tu Mr I I llTinoinl llmt nrnusnd Ills BUHpklons Ho roll rlol nnd ocirriproit his nalcoumn Toll mo tho truth nbout thlx ninttcr ho 101 10 onld to him or I will I mnkn trouble for ou IMol lnln tlmn eonl snod that ninny or the nr lorn Mint ho had turnoil In I nnil i coleJ hln cnmmloiloii tar woro nimrlou Ito vra dIg CI Thon Mr llnrmoud lieain rncilvn lottord from II nfl 4 nkliiK 1 why hn hnd tent ilioin tnrs I I which hinl not loon ordorcd Mr Mormon 1 oxninlnod III hooks nnd thon Inloarnphod In tOl riot to nil of Kdolnttilns cut lomorc An BWOIS store rocnlved front station nuint In 1 SWi many i iris ol the West Htatlnir that Mr llor 4 mOOd hiil Komls thorn swlt I ug I IiiortI i Dunnlnu nod liomr I I Clafltn of this ally nl IAO hnd cooiln which they hail not ordorod Mr llonnoiul found that tho KOOIH flit out on tho 1 worthier orders wero worth 15000 and that his loss through tho ehliimnnts would amount I totwentjllo per coot ito hud islvcn Kdol BlAin tllil nn thoao orders tlB UI 1 Mr llornioncl was angry and wont nut hunt Ict Ine for Kdnloloin Ho found him jesterduy ku morning at Houston and Mercer Btroots and had him arrested Kdeltoln WAS token to AII Irlnon street station whom I Is aliened thnt hn was BltCn wan thon taken to tho JefTorwin MarkotCourt nnd lockod up In tho pen with thiee other rl nmiri 1 At 850 oclock ho called CourtOfikor Gardner I to him nnd said Cant you put mo where Ill bo alonn I dont Ilkn to stay In hero with Ihfso men Youll IMS taken boforo the UiHtlcn 1 In a tow minutes replied tho fiber Moantlniu yuu will have lo stay whom you nro Unit nmlnuo later a pistol Mhnt wan hoard and 1ollcuman Gardner found I jl tnln In tho itarko9l corner or thu I pun Ho won sitting upon the floor I lth his taco to tho Iron I giuts nnd his elbows resting upon nnnodcn tench buu hind him Hn held I nbiirnlpd rcinlxor In his rIght hand nnd blood I flmvltn from i a bullet wound just over DIP rluht nyo was conscloiin nnd was ackPd by Tun Hu rotmiiur Why ho had nttoinptnd his I llfi I I worod What WM hilt for mo but thin nn He wna tnkrm to Sf Vincent Hutpltnl Tho urgoon found that the toUt hint tloicoil the bonl but had not entoriMl tito tuain 1 ba Wound Is not noensotrllr fatal Edelstoln Is I a Holland lat I Jnnnary his father In law trnvo lilm I t2iOWl I with I whivh i tn tart In business Hosrjuiiulnioil tho monoy instead nnd when It was niMiiirvnmt I mnio to this countrr with his wlfo Huhni ihud In vnrloui placos since ho onnio hr Hi hat 1 S23 nan East llvlmr Twelfth with his street wife for eot voki OdrUlII itr vi3irit tun iirKii 1 Tk nr ii rt nran tlirudr UrInesIs AOTUST JvrBMo llopkln ItleM at Two weeks ago several muutbof of tho I Wadsworth Post A It became fired with II tbo ambition have tho name of the post en Ii I Braved on one of the stones In the pedestal to tho Dartholdl Ktatuo of Liberty which tlrr Is permitted I thoy pay for putting in thu 4 tone But the post had no fundi to gpnrn and of Its members coucoived tho Idea of a4 one 13 Culohod 1 unIversal subscrlptlou and proceeded to carry 1 out The Hons of the Uovolutlon had a similar Idoa at about thn Rixmo time The two I organizations joined force and mado their first combined swoop on tlin rubllo porno yos tordnr nMod by tim Qronndlort Itoclmmbonu and with the purpoao uottlnt nil the money they could to holp build the pwliMinl At 3 oclock tho Wndsworth Flute and Drum Inl i Corps composed of 43 nulhd lads drew up In front of the Unrco Olel Alon Hldo I Wpln the Orenadiuri brilliant In bloodred tiouor nnd the prim nnd tincoiiiforlnbolonklni Honour I with thoh big fur ohniMiiuix lilt aprons and lirond Wllllnm McDowell Irosldont of tIm ym llennh Railroad nn of thu Sons of Ibo It Involution sat In a hack with two other HonH nnd twoihg monoy boa unklnulll oBla beehives hives Two other boros wer trundled about among Iho crowd Bmnll boy wavnd In tho nlr I paper banners on which was painted thostato I mont Tho Statue of LIberty Is I tho Kilt of tho I rmoptfl of France to the pooiilo of tho United JoOlo I Htatos 125IIUOO toncent nlocus nro noodod lo I complete the ppdoital i The line iiroceedod dlriotlytn tho Prodncn richun and Iliad up to the Door The flute and drum corps plajudthe tarfeolllal8Bnnd I Ynnkno UooJlo the boxen wore kept circulating i and Irosldont Horrlck of the Exchiinuo tooa up In the gah1o ant mndo aspoooh upon i Franco and America Tho boxes woro about 215 heavier worm they went out than whoa they wont In I was too Into to visit the other Kxcbancos and the next atop wan on the steps of the Treasury building Tbo cohorts aftor finrd procoed a iin Urondrai tbrouifh Olty hail I siiuaro ana tlionco to Union vauarn A halt wnt mado by Jafnyottoa etutuo and the I ManiollliilMo wa again played Tho lino a was brokon the Worth monumont on Madison Rqnaro AHordlnnor tho commlttwo mot In lloom Vat tho Fifth Avenue Hotel nnd counted IIP tho contrIbutions They ainountod to 05J67 In ono box was an orJor from CarrulhornA 00 I for 250 Th ro were some 1 notes There was nn nbundnnco of dimes and quartern In addition to this the Bonn of the Itovolutlon havo niootved chock of 3001rom tho Hunker Hill Monmnont Fund i Mr MoDowoll reported that Ibo two orcanl I cntlona had collected thus far nearly 3 1500 toward tho statue This Is onouKh todofrav I4 tbo bulldlne oxpenses for twele days Mr Jerome Hopkins prono as to ulvo I series I of monster concerts for Ibo henollt of the pedestal fund It hue can fret the pupils of tho public ini schools of Now York Ilrooklfn and Jersey City to sing His notion Is to Rive two concerts I week for I year or so and ho nays that ha can I train any ono school exhibition in II vo days I I ono bourn day TIIK MAN WITH A GLASS VYK Monrlla Iliiucr Aeid twIaditng Adrcr liter rr EII al Rhalnhold Molasnor a greenhorn German ID taitlnft about for a career In tliU count came to the lonclualon that coachmen had a arortd lot He ad 1 tertiitd In a German paper fur a hlace coachman A lapper young pan aniwered the ajvertlaemrnt al War boarding place 494 Manhattan arrnue I Greenpolnl sat allied MelMnfr to accompany him toIl a York The two went toauloon at lOttih unset and Third arenue where the sincerer eald he was 1 oblereiihaueer and wanted a cachman for hit brother I who lived In tuttle Veils lie wrote out an irreeinrn I lo par Melnner tl a mouth Mtlnner hnndea over hIl I watch and chain aa mirtty and went back to I ErMUpotnt to await the uiniunni to Little Fills tot After a Mle he concluded that he had tern cc IndUi and made complaint to Iniircor liyriits who tint pre stonily received elmllir coinililnti la I a iiunitxr of I the cases the uherper was dexrllied laying a itliii ire Detectl Brlen put tory UcrlUfintni II I Lj oy Oilman pnper This rentilti in ills arrest of tic I one eyed man who nave il he nainr of Morlli haunt 01 his pern won fuund pawn UcKrtt and a letter front ali prteouerun lilttrkweiri lultnd referring to urenti that I had happened while Cater was it prlmiirr there Till will bf utllurd to prove a pretties convutlon oDd In I cna the stilettos In rain of tleconvlctlun of Ilaiirr Took Wire In hUOId Aue A cod Nathan 0 Horold lnsulni hU wie It I Anna for an absolute divorce romiilalnlrrf of her In I i lunacy attit Since named Uudeii llcroliVi story I lists Cohen cnuif to him about a year ego and eilli 1 llerold you are an old ninu and hav no cnruforte Why tint you take a wit I know A nice I rPIioCtbln voiiiitiMhuwlllinake I ouaRiud wife and will lust vnuwrll ohen lie s1s liiuaduftd him 1 to Anna end lie iei I lit II her IU cay Kite trick I all llU 1 moiirv a lthou priAltiinir fr tim all lire at erk aUf tin I mnrrths Ifave hliu ocoiiilon for III divorco mil lltr ii i licaiun for alimony wa doubt by Juhi i Doaohtiv 3 ceterdey Hlcual OBc IVxttellua lonorally fair weather varltble wliuU vlt it ay etailunary tltuperatJr jIsulujir avrmre omomxa WALT torn of Ik IVvtftM MM th tlM lh a 1 AI ISd7 Mad Much raonor 1 Btakod In tho form of beta on tht result ol the approaching election mor In all probabllliy than ha been wa cored In any prolous Irosldentlal campaign The doubtful condition of some States and the multiplicIty of candidate ha produced that uncertainty delightful th sambllnB rlrlt and beta ranging from silk hats thousands of dollars have been tho consoauonce The professional bookmakora however do not how their usual avidity batting as yet lor they always lay personal preferences aside wh they put UP tholr monoy and although I they bollevii In chance they Invariably like It to loan a little In tholr direction The result i I llttlo too doubtful for met a professional Rambler said yesterday You cant toll ct which way the election ls going to lio I havo Rtttdleil the question up coolly and without any prejudice anti from I purely business point of vlow I dont care to bet BOno of thin sporting mon I know luue matte Individual orln liotH but they Morn HiiKoil by disltu Thoro In too llttlo bookiiklnuKolnuun Whlstaro the odds 1 Iali to nlno In favor of lllnlno VI riitco of Hnudr Lake manager of the Ilnas Allan Gold nnd Silver lllnlni Company nt Las VORIIS if has hot I now mil world MOIKHJ nnd the romtmnyi tnlnlnit property In nil valued nt tSOOnoo aualtiHt Huuhos Hhan lions copper property which Is valued nt 000 UOll Charms Hlmnnnn who Htakod tho copper pionnrty Iwtn on Oluvnlnnd while Plnco la for lllnlnii Pnpora have boon drawn up and I itro now In tlin hands of ntnknlioldcr AH noon 10W the oloctlon IR ovor tho transfer 110 indo A uiunthor 01 pools Iao been made for hut i purpOHO of Iwttlnir on tho nlocllon Ono IUII I lUtPO nIIA 1 en pi ml I of 500000 which him icon put up by NVnMitrn cilHo mon I Cob fut until lluputy UnitedBtulo Mnrahnl for Dakota I coimlnof Don Cnmi ron rnprpiKnt lila 1yn Icntp Uuliham only ninkos the but thnt lllalno will cnrrr Now York tutu will 0 elected 1roHl Iiont both ui ioio ltlotiH to bo accepted It Is nld that moro money will bo furnished whon Iho 500011 IA ttiid up Thcro nro however oino nllcirod tools the rcpro Rnlatlvoa of rrOnlltOB hlch I nuiko litriro offers but who cannot Hind whiiutt mon wllhirponbnokllned pocknta rink I for them A puhliHUPil latter signet by lonry Orrlnun AtiKitstns Itobhlns nud Lose Curtis otters thciii propositions I IMP tliiiu I nnt I ClInic eien tlMran curio Newr urklit i MLiKlliinnJiirllviTI i toni tn thil he I rnirlee iw irk hy I iti test iisjoilty flou I rlitlml I rnrrlcl I I hunt rjoi to tiau I 10 rut co Inwi I Jlioi 1 tnf Hlhe tl I lirlfl New Jemcri I 0 Mirht Hill 1 til I tlitlril I Tie St 1 lr110 UK kr tu hV MI din il ullli Utir I uckrrt nt 03 llliwer Col FrancIs Cratliot Iho Uimbiloiin Oon tnl Coto tuition of Uiiiu I loiiiuy ami dnjii thora wont to Ci Donor biitruiililnt find any ono roiuly to bt lluckort donled thnt any money had boon depnsltrd with him Ho lint over hoard of the Hlcnnrn of the loller There are nutnotoun twin on the way Now York tate will ao A than IlfthAvnnuo Hotol ocently Mr William Wypo oxprexsed lila belief hat Cleveland would curry tho State by 500UU majority and ofterod to hack up his opinion with 500 Col Chnrlov Knnncor took him up twinkling Mr Wy was not frlchti ni repeated tutu Mioi lho iaino awning with Mr Parker nt tho Ollsoy HOUBO Col Hlmuihnii iiy has bet t0 that Illume will carry the Ktulii aaaliiHt nlmllar amount put up by IM Kunrnoy Among tho smnllnt lot here arosomo that Blame will carry the Stale by 50IMX 40000 nnd 25000 majority I that Cloxuland will carry It by 10000 nnd 251XK anti I that each will carry It inajorllloH not mentioned Then there nr beta on the number I of votes Itntlnr und tit John will each poll In ail dltlon thoro are many large bols announcod which are said to hao lb air orlclnnmoni the politician nnd tu hay buun sprorul lily to In flilsaca voto Tho betting on the Htock Itclinnco has been irnk aol to sty that CiOuoo hat boon wnsorcd Imrn vould not ha fur out of thIn uny Mr AllIson UimniHOk hni gIven A crcut iloul of ittontlon to thu ennvaj i ant has wacr nl a treat dual of monoyon fJlevnlnnd Honm sty bit It Is molt than IMHX Deacon VhlIo of Plymouth Church ban mudo several boU hat lilnlno will nlaoted iiu odd of 4 to 3 Ho also mndo tire oven help of tlOM cart nlth lint 1l1 lot Snhsjiitiintly i I Cti irk 8mlh trot him to boU2fMI to 1900 that Ilinhie wouiil 101 Prertldnnt I is bail that tho Deacon bets amount to 70JI Thn haiti Kigln flow Into tho Fifth Avenue Hotel a few uunlnes nso ixud with John iVlloy of IlufTalo 1 dlftcuasnd I 1thu county iiolltLb The discussion ondod with the uuml bettlnz tlOO that Cleveland dont Ill hAl you SII Ihlt Clovlnnl tunt rarrr jlnhTaIotdt1io1in1dEue Mr Wlloy promptly callnd Then another 100 wait bjt on thu rasultof Kile countr Xowcald Mr Wlloy Ill bot you 10 that Ill win both bets Il Tho HaitI Eagle took him up A wealthy Kvutlamnn ot Dtltltnorn irn out 120000 to this city to uncutm nit oddn that Vet Virginia will BO Ufinncritlc and that wi lt Ohio will co Dnmoomtlc In tho Octolxir 0110 wi eleptlon Tho money 13 West Twenty ifth atroot lllh shant bet a cent until after the Ohio nIne lIon politician paid yniuterdtty for I eon I Ioliloln sldor that until than nothing can ho calculated on tho remilt I Ohio gnu llxpubllcan with 12001 to 15000 majority I would not bet I cont on Clovnlands chances ll coos DemocratIc or the ltopubllcan only hold It by for thousand then I think monoy wnicnred ou Clove land may bo a pretty hufo entiire liqttlm on thlloorof tho Stock Ixchanco for HIM Inft two ilayi has been nt tho rito ot 100 on li lmi to 80 on UluvoKind tictt irs Uf Itiirrivii XIiI ntiiriliiy Unit llollilnj In I Ikr Cnnviiei The County Demorritcy titne elhl I wa dull il Iho Ituiiubllcan National 3omnilltooa hiidrtutrtorA joitenliy most of Iho manncort of the canvass belmc nbsont Wllllnm Ilnrkor Assistant Secretary of the itopubllcan Stat Oommlttoe receives visitors and nnswora questions Ho huM predicted ocr since the cnmpulen opened that Now York State would co for Ulalno Ohio will go Uopnbllctn this mouth he said yostordty nnd after that fortyone Ito jubllcan orators wit stump Now York le ub Icau bonfires will burn on overy hilltop and RepublIcan torches will Illumine tie State from Montauk Point to Lake Erie Mr Honry Clausen Jr said at tho Democratic headquarters that the letter published yesterday In a morning newspaper ovor his name In wbioh he was made to ask Senator Darnuin to top the btaattZeibint From publishing freetrade articles wait a forgery The Olov land Clubs organIzed In the downtown Exchanges have decided to hold a mass mooting on the steps of tho SubTreasury on Thursday next at 3K Another meeting will Ui held In the Axadomy of Music about tho middle ot Ibis month Thn mass meetlneof tho County Democracy and Irvine Hall Dnmracrats will held on Thursday evening Oct 9 In the Academy of Music and Irvine Hall Outdoor meetings will also bd hold on Union square A parade of uniformed Cleveland and Hondrlcks Cub from each of tho twentyfour Assembly districts will 0 feature of Ibo demonstration Marshal Inn Martin of the procession MoMahon will bo tho Grand FOR TIIK MULLIGAN LBTTIWS Flikrr Maye lilaln Ord him 1OOOO and Free Trip tin Europe Flva hundred uniformed Democrats with torches and music marched into tbo villain ot Fair View last evening Thor came from Union Hill Outtenborg and Hackensack ana took part In a mU meeting hold In front of Daniel Kelly tavorn under the direction of the Rldgoflold Cleveland and Hondrlcks Club 0 Talman was Chairman of he meeting The speakers woro Mr Qustav Kobbo Congressman MoAdoo and Messrs Urebol and Chapman Mr Kobbe read tile following extract from I letter rel him by Mr Wlrren Fisher Jr at Windsor hm Vt on July 12 188 In April I or May rrllhl IBW PlaIn sort 1 word lo have me meet mm at the Fifth Avenue held lie then author lied me to let the lettun i from Mulligan pay 110000 pal 1C II could not get bfgm for lei nil then wanted Mr Mulllnan and myself to to to Europe aid II remain Iru after election I all at file etpenie ilr Mulligan declined the offer He laid that Blame hal atolen hie letiere In Waehutitont I be never hold have what he held at any price rlllleeU Itolee The Tompkins County Democratic Convention yesterday rcuoinlnated John Cadr of Ddln for Ibo Anemblr br acclamation The remainder of the ticketUaifollowe for Oherlff I 3 llcilden Treat unr MWQulckJintloeofSeieloiieJ HCunklln The I nominations are ode here I an exceptionally ono Onondaita county Democratic ABftembly nomlnatlime aret I Willis kirkpatrickln tin Hret dlitrlct Robert vorbII In Ste 4rnndanl I I I llnflman IntneTliIrd I The ltepiibl ani of Iliemunif county yeeterdaj noml natid JIHIMB an iltiicr for the Amieiiitil yinnur exter for Ciiunij InUie nnd I A I Healer for bully mrk The llepuUlciix or the Third dlilrlct of Uliirr mill live lioinlli led 110 Illllctte for lie Aitemblr The Peonlei i irlv In rl the Fourth i Coiivremdletrlrt of New Jervry luM a Conicm Ionventlon In riillllpibtiric I on Fillet unit ml Aer tIlls of arrrn counu In noml itllnn On Ilir I seine day the fro fr Con veutlou luMuliutfl 1 a full count tlvket holier Clnt There Id a lame Duller anti Weil 1 club In 1iiMiVlu An entehelajtlo nicellnc wa loll on frlday nljht Kperchei were made by lArl hue Mtiktr I UMurray I John Dooley and Frederick Car On KrMay evening a elub wae organlied In the Rlghth ward of Newark and ti morrow another III be formeu i tIn Iuurth want LLIJr1 Imp A ua Rs Bltet rheltft aus th Dsa txriM wr Out Wlesm 1 nendrlck HsMAinu Ohio Oct 4Mr Blame ohansed hIs plain toward tho close of the day owing to the peculiar management ot the local Ilepublloani ot Wheeling Whoa they lent a doloeitlon to Cincinnati to InvIte him to com to Wheeling on SatnnUy evening and lend Sunday there they tailed to notify him that dov Hendrlcks wan to be In Wheeling on Saturday evening and that tho Democrats were to have a groat demonstration In his favor It Booms that the proprietor ol the new Mo Luro House had agreed to entertain Mr Hen drlcks nnd his party ot lour without charge I When Ibo local Republican comtnlltoemen went to see about Quarters for Mr lllnlno the proprietor said that he would take Mr lllnlno and those with him at double his regular rates I6n day This offer was accepted Thon affront howl went up from the local Democracy The demonstration In favor of Mr llnndrlcks they said would be credited up to Mr lllnlno and as ono of thom put it Wo do not propose to shako down apples for Hondrloks nnd havo lllnlno como and pick thom up The Homo oraLs hold prolonged conference ant then took Hondrlcks away from iho now Mcluro House und arranged to hold tholr rccoptlon at thin Court Home Whon Mr limbo hcatd of tho tnnuwnt In teapot ho decided not lo go to Wheeling tonight He stopped oft nt Tlollnlro four mlloa away from Wheeling and will rnumln here to nluht lliillalru IB only a small vlllnto Time Ulouo llousn where Mr llnlne In stopping Is I small country house with cnpartly for entertaining about twenty people It wan completely Bwmuiid by the NUildun dropplna upon thom of Mr lllnlno nnd his party without I singe word fit naming Thn town of llollnlro I although ainall und taken iinnwnroH has roo spondud Ihln rumlng with rnutiKh of noisy I welcome to urn ont tho Ulalno lourliU from I funllng loneHomo I Tile ride today from Columbun lo Ihln point huts boon nearly ns hot its yiMlrrdny Al Newark tho Democratic stronghold Micro wits nn large 110 Ill hllcn II cnlhuilng wan over hold In tIn county A lIttle girl In whtto raino III to Mr lllnlno when In wax on the stand and uavo him her Illblo which unn given her luHtChrlst mime Hho wan poor child tho diuwlilor of a Hfildlor and had nolhlnunlho to 110 him Mr lilal net kissed hor nnd I lint ruked hOI mnM kindly forhi rlrlond hlp I At Xiincdvlllo thorn wns largo tratlmrlntf Hinl an llltln iittnintit nt ririlnr tlmtMr I lllihio was rudely handled Thorn or good crowds i i nl nil thee stop nloni thin line Mr lllalno in hln talk today connnod him Rolf iilinostentirely lo the tariff Hu xald In nno iihco that till tariff I hail mennt to Ohio nn increase ono hundred rnllllJiin a year since Iho adoption of tho prolootho Hfltem his linn of progress today was through the heavy 1nlrrrowlnl countlcs vhoro thug tariff Is the ono oiorshndowltiR icetue Mr lllalno obtained Mrr good rest last night nnd woe fooling very well tod if in splto of tho boat ill tUX TO illS COJVSTlfKVTV li riiliera lleulGnT Hill na Ike Next I Oovr rMfi New Ymlt Till 11101111I1 TOITILbllI Club of the Fourth I A iQniijy IlHirlct hold a Cleveland mid Hen dtlck ratIfication meeting In Rutgers saunro last evening An immense crowd was present KoRolu lions ploililtuT titus hearty support of tho Democracy thu Fourth district to tho candidates of thin party wcro adopted Mr Algernon Hullhnn nnnbzoil thin Mulligan letters Mr Michael Bluoriuin made speech and Con iri8smnn Cox dollvored nn nddress In which ho mild refonlnt to liii protonce ot Llout Onv Hill If tie moieinrnl rnntinuo for the acetiilsncv of lIon1 Kei ral 1 rule IbU itriitlcmin beronirt the Ion rnnr of Ihe mrlie Moic I lie cut innt nicer Cleve Inuil renmieit 1 hj I the act nf the iei ile to etiltiElon lolI iltv 11 eon I It i lImo a 11 Ipit tliniuht I Iw in our 1011 tic that tbo ml innfmiMrf I not In deal I till li itlU rutbcr tile rl ntcl tl 1 LiitKUcr not to I link nf thin 1 riilnml Innil crnliln are liapi itt rr the genera iletni rnlyHtlon of uhli I li the liiiuil mtini Irour ivliuil uiijio lent a nrii nnd a proof IiliitUnv Hill in tile cnmiu of liU Kninrks 9ultl lies ci ill in i 1ic I Iiriiioiintio tiaitv ar lIrr for free ti tie I 11cC There I nut a wonl 1 In heir i I nialf rm In imdieie such a thlitr Thii rrnioe tn loiltt the tariff on nrticIeK nf nriiit here It nnttot harm any labor llitr I man 111 th Inn 1 ThI it I Ihl lit slots ttmt Phil tue eir suit a won In ioitslr of Hi lnli pcujile Ha will not vet the suit port rif iho i Irish illn ur itO ivituitrj ItriM Thc ins nt rt lar1 in ill Hal as mini Mils In the lImit I it rHn fi at linve I liern chord Slice lit ritctnlul tMine tu liriln ire ha iUblUhcil Hurt an rr tln oliitn if i I lie ti IUII nt Lair llo I I lim tljne I hlltt to olIIh lie trOut rnnirict sycton i fur n1 it rvlnttr tr I lull in prevent mite taInt of chit lint tuidr rUln tci iii I the refine 1 eltrirs of the SlaIn nt i I tfMiiUM KIP I aene of the voiU ifliiu al lira terra leM In 1 all dcci filWII1 CELlI1fU TIYtJ Vkat Ulemnrtk Nnld lo Mlnlalf ktlr Annul the piling llnlchnmm Tho German flag floated over Steinway Hull yesterday in honor of thIn contunnlnt ol the German Society of Ibo City of Now York Hho society wns founded to care for German Immigrants Tim cintonnlnl exercises con oliteil of HpjiichmnUni nnd singing In the afternoon Inhteln ny Hull and a banquet In Ilmlerkrnnr Hill In the oonln Btclnwny Hull was cruwdod from tho platform to the doors Gorman and American flairs intertwined decorated walls President Hansolt wits III tho chair Tho Lledorkrnnxand Arlon singing soclotlfg sang and Carl Scliurz und An draw White mndo speeches Mr White said that Il mnrck had asked him why Carl Schutv has succeeded this country mind he had replied thnt Mr Schitrr went down Into tho ethical und philosophical basis of the nluvHryquestion and btruck a doopoi vein of thought In ovary man and woman capable ot thinking BUmarck snld AI Cirrman I nm proud of tho success of Curl Hchuri Af tor the fearing In Ltcderkran Hall In the nveulnc President Whito and Mr Wcliurz made another speech aploce Mr White responded to the toast to the PrnMdent President Ar thurs Administration ho IIIIItI Is I successful It ban beon a most happy disappointment to us nil He lisa tho thanks ot every rightminded oltl7in With grant ability and dignity he baa discharged his duty and when ho lay down his staff of power ho will receive the prnlse Wall don good and faithful servant Consul PoUler to the toast of Kaiser Wllhelm said that It was the undying merit and glory ol the Kaiser thnt ho had united Germany and recovered for her that herman Roll which bad passed Into French nnd Danish hands Oswald Ottondorfor Hlalsmund KaufQlnun Mayor Elton nnd Mayor Low spoke A3IIIKKUKHTS At the Tamtiw Theatre All Germans and admirers of tho art 01 acting ns It 14 I understood In Germany must lojolcII that tho recently contemplated chance of tho Thnlla to nn Kngllsh theatre was not offocted It would have deprived thom 01 many enjoyable evenings if tho performances given since tho opening night may be taken asa standard The representations are to be somewhat diversified Comedy III I to Inter ohnnRO with tragedy and melodrama and oomlo opera with grand opera Thus we nro promised Der FreiBchntz the groat Qer man opera for an early day Among the nowcomors who nave so tars pearud FrUuloln IIcbullz and Herr Illtzlgrnth the stars havo bad ample opportunity to show their mettle In Der Probepfoll Frftuleln Schultz Is I a clever Ingenue discreet In voice and gesture whllo Herr Hltzlgrath baa the dignity and at the same time the fire of a flood leading man Herr Kugelberg Is a capita low comedian and amused his audience hugely by the irtthetlo melancholy with which be Invested the part ot a pianist Altogether many Interesting events may be expected several novelties being promised with the standard etook pieces Obituary Edward Hyan a detective on the police force of Jeriey City died 3 eiterday morning at till home 213 Van Horn street 44 years old During the war be aerred In the nary and wit at one time matter of ttsi gunboat Para In which he took part In the expedlllo against New Orleans He was a member of Zabrlekl Post 1 A nTh The lon John KIll died suddenly yeilerda morning of apoplexy on hli farm near Hcheneetady He reprnernted I Bohrnertaily I rlr In the Ailrmulr I i IHeiti and was us heavy stockholder and Preillent 1 of the Hcheneciady Locomotive tSorks Company In 1 lick 1 1 its 1 brothers Clause I Kdward and Ullllain IIIU of Nw York are the principal etockholdere I Dr Kemp a member ti the llrlllvh Atioclatlnn was taken III on Friday Montreal and died at the hoipila jekterday He yea to lie tailed yesterday from bite her for Kngland Mr Klliitbrth Alexander Courtney Adntti the wife of Ir I Adatnt itt on Friday etenlniut 15 Congrei itrrct Jcrit LIt lltlihtt low to het IloORI Ilulh 11 11 hurlull1 tiara I ndlei cl iii ant tie trals oe cia tahuattle sitidsi iertetn I coil tIn lit tIny sre let rr sl ral her than leunltci ci 11 If Its liout I moor anti lhll ail pilsunni lIlt bile lieu of tIe iiiechcs neceusltut3 wl as well a Indices lolh I Lh hon dai nl curry Ullo1 nututtise ititeriel 10 us lois if lrlh eiemaiiiv Iltiws pair I WAste 11 flllv tnt growth ii lit if the ii mci lni mII nriicii our rr11 whit I ir linrmce I I Meiicai liso rjJ siti llueidn hn I exercise 1 at 1 dOIII111 nil mullet ItO tour phr Wonderful Clenlinn dl co er I tnlalualle Iullln farmatlon stalled free concerning rtmuiiiAtiain araset gout Infallible cure AJOnmL A tatit if Hett i Ith it 15 Tnt JJ IinIi nud llrocaiiled MIlks NttnsSeieia silts satIns tousle piiielit5 drese group Inuitnititc ytiti ton mantels oiitszii lhueit eacquies shawls tiIaiikt dry goode mciis clothing lilies CIte slice he cci be Isd on credit at Sir Tiomias lCd lye html and Wed l7thi at door writ of oh a our advice is to cell iiiiuttahehy aid open our at Cittits lla The Secret Murder Tlie new low story In the ifnrTiMiiitnnjf Rxcllllu thrilling absurblni Out XViduoids Omie cuut1il ttittc otLce Vac Ansjoelurit SlItters the genuine onl the orld rrnonnett appetlter and Igoralor Have It always In your house SteiCnniaa UO llerliy senrpiassd 1st style IKIInble In quality Lowest In price tie Howery Wltiter Lndansktnte iud Prnwera lovreat price toe 7 JOli TON JHU Urand it KPIITIPCIV Ifnla She auil MKIrta kink quality ifood at merely nominal price iMCortlau 11 et cptri2d 3attcc AAA Ni IIEICSIIMM MM 55 a RRR Nit FKB MMKK3 AA RNN Nil UK 1MMMM5 AAWtUNNNItUIIKI IIMMMM I bHS AAAH RN NNH ilK IIMMM a A All RN MNU 11BRE IM Bsas WE ARE ANXIOUS TUB PUBLIC SHOULD BE CONVINCED Of TUB ACTUAL BENEFIT AND EXTRA INDUCEMENT WB ARE HOLDING OUT TO TURK OUR REMARKABLY LOW PRICES AND UNLIMITED VARIETY IN STOCK 18 TUB BEST PROOF IN THE WORLD TO SHOW THAT VB MEAN BUSINESS A WORD REGARDING THE STYLE WORKMANSHIP AND EXTRAORDINARY PIT WE PRODUCE ALL OUK OARHENT8 PIR3TWR ON1V PROCURE THE SERVICES OF EXPERIENCED AND MOST TALKNTKD CUT TEita BECONDWE GIVE NO WORK OUTSIDE TO BE MAPS UP BUT ALL MANUFACTURED ON THE PREMISES UNDER OUR OWN HUPERVIR1ON AND THIRDWE USE MOTIIINU BUT ThIN KllY 11EST SEWING SILKS AND TWISTS IN EVillY GARMENT CON8IBTINQ OK MILTONH KRRSRVH AND CHIN CHILLAS SURPASS ANYTHING IN NEW YORK WF HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF IVTHV NOTED MILL IN THE WORLD WHICH WE MAKE TO OR unit IN SUITS 118 UPWARD AND TROUSERS 1 UPWARD ALL OUR GOODS MARKED IK PLAIN FIOURBS AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE A RRR NN II EMS II MM MM 88 AA It NN II II IIMMMMS AA Klin NN Mil Hll KB II MM H88 AAA ItNNttlt lIlt 11MM A 511 MNZNU UIORSIMMM B888 MAMMOTH TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 100 IB2 IM BOWERY colt 8PRINO ST A 1Tl1 000 NItS B5 A 0 0 It II Pt wwwW A A a it tin ItS WWWW AAA It A A Xxiii 11 KKsl TUB LAltUEST STOCK OF WATCMIKH IM NEW TORE AT VK11Y IUU IlllCKS Wa sell a SOLID IJOIt WATCH FLY BACK fOO We sell a solid silver Hunting Witch genuine American niorjnunt Edna or It aliham key wlndsr 7 A Solid Hllrer Hunting Watch genuine American movements Elgin orWaltnem item winder SIC A iioye Suhli Silver Hunting Witch 5 A anA solid Oold lluntlna Watch stem winiler American movement Klgln or Walthatu vllli cuss beautifully chased and engraved gentlemens tXi laillettUen yeA LadlesUold llunllnx Watih til We Rive a written Ruarantee with every witch for three yuan If hint as represented the monej will be returned OAHriHf ELl A UIIVKIMNO last BUWKKYtietwten Urand and llroome stii lOHNM MAOIC KIMU PAIN IANTKn latett and arealestt cures all fetes and aches Hy drujitUtt at rm only Depot UI told st Mew York i stN von hVLKTIIK 1UKIK OK KSOWIKIKIE Content Milliiinlnm lM 1 arrival uflhe Inc antlcl paled Jwii i Nr iahi great noimilal mils IHSU great ocr throughout tne entire world INBUI Natan the dust Autl Ihrlsti I tine if his birth Incidents connected with halans blrtli rnwert and alliance sklrinUhersi Hatan Temilet Ten Vommnndinents rlatan Lnsixn and In serltitlont cite AStute says regarding Ills inugn to al liiltli it Ak frice Jw stanCe AiMreM AUOlif noilli St raul Mmu wW LA hiillflt i I II I Ii ii vv vw ooo Jit1tI gDD 8ItRftJt iww 8 3t i ooo ii LULL UODD USrltUHOBKTKO SUCC8S CIRCULATION it 0u00th0 35S WlM 1177 i5 I cX 7 8 111 IS A CUIN or ovrit B7O IM SIXTEEN MONTIH MOTIIINU LikE IT IN TIlE UIBTOHV Or1 JOURNAL ISM AUVKKHBIVa RATES LOWEST IN TIlE CUT TIll I DOOM StARK CRLUDRATRD UV TUB rtRINsI Or CANNON ThOUSANDS Of tTH READERS ATTEND TUB CEil HOMY AND IilEIHCT OREATEB THINGS IV TIIK NEAR FUTUREAN UNUSUAL SCKNK IN THIS CITY HALL rABK THIS WORLD bourn which really took the torn ol ft rood sized boom on Sunday when the clrealfttlM passed the looOOO point was echoed In City flail rt Monday afternoon when 100 guns wet find la nonet ofths achievement SUNDAY a PAGES 140 COLUMNS 3 CENTS CIRCULATION lii tef0Ld Ire M55 77117 ii we rit IS I UO3 Min SbGS 0000 000000 is3 ed 77 ADVERTISING KATE LOWEST IN TUB CITY VICTORY IN THREE CHAPTERS HOW THE WORLD DAS GROWN PRO 1STTO TO 103870 WITHOUT REDUCING ITS FBICS AFFIDAVIT Circulation of THE WORLD for the Fire Rucctutve Weeks Irectdtni the Ctianje ot Proprietorship Sunday April I98J 169M Sunday April 15 1833 1044O Sunday April 23 liW3 1 8 Sunday April 29 IS33 13TW Sunday May 0 1893 13TT9 II Circulation or TUB WORLD for tlio Fire Successive Weeks Preceding the Reduction of Price of the Herald Times and Trluuae Sunday Aug S6 188S ITTM Sunday Sept 31S83 J6040 Sunday Sept 01883 J531J Sunday Sept 18188J S08W Sunday Sept 231843 zaMO III Circulation of TUB WORLD for the Last Fin WeekJi Sunday Auf SI 1BS4 88110 Bandar Sept 71884 BJ07B Sunday Sept 141884 Wsra Sunday Sept 311884 09910 Sunday Sept 231884 ICOoT I Joseph Pulitzer proprietor of the New York WORLD solemnly swear that the above statement of the actual regular bona Ode editions of TIlE WORLD is tel asS and correct JOSRIMI PULITZBB Sworn to before me this 29lli day of September IBS MICHAEL UORRIBSON Notary Public Ce CIRCULATION lit 0PuI0 3T1313 f55654 T7 Pjs it sr 8 8 0003 111 i333 666b56 TI ADVERTISING WANTED LESS THAN HALF TO UERALO RATES CIRCULATION ill 00200 55565 ll 00 11000 710000 ltoJ00 a UI 03 50ff QROWIII Of WOtttD AUVEIITlaiNU Ior the Last rive Wcekt Sunday Anti St ST Colurnne tti9 Advertlsetnents itundayilept 7 4Coluuiini l72Adcerthemeuta Sunday Sept 14 dl Columns i76 Adtenteeineeta Kundsy Sept 21 57 Coittuuune 211 Adventhiementi Sunday Selt2 Oi oluinits 2070 Advtrihsemetttl 15513 Suiidsy Auag 20 Colutumue t0 A lvzrtuetnisute hltCTJLtTION i thfAOt II il 10 155 utus Dr Gtufoi 7 LfiSS Tiltt jitL ThE iltilAitJ RAIhI MM Borar naAr WUZN AMIctMl with MUiMhlU asmi On flreat ts Va11 Suhtd Mr Henry Ilnrt a dealer In upholntcry roods at 39 Union square oocuplos apartment In a large apartment house at 204 Columbia heights Brooklyn Ills wife is I the daughter or John Oomstook a Custom House officer She has suffered for rear from a din oas which produced melancholia The but physlolan In this country were nonsulted but their effort to help Irs Hart were fruitiest Three roar ago It was suggested that Drs BrownBcquard and Chnrooi eminent medical men of Paris should bo consulted and Mr Hart visited I 1arl for that purpose A constant melancholy tad by this tlmo settled upon ber and 118 she I tad often said that death was the only relief I she could expect from her misery and bad I hinted at Bulcldo a careful watch was kohl upon her She rnmalnrd In Paris several months and was troatnd by tho physicians named but without much success When Mrs Hart became satisfied that she wan beyond help shu became doHporntn and took an overdose of morphine Her act uns discovered In urns to save her life When abe returned to her homo Ibo wan kept under strict unelllanoo hut sho was runtruliicd In anyway Her condition grow wurw nnd her do pondoncy boentnn no treat nt time that she talked lncos nntly of suicide She break rutlod at her homo at about 0 oclock yostorday morning and then lift the IOUKO saying that sbo was going to rail uimn her father who liven In Clarke stroot Brooklyn Vhon Innt noon oho WiLt walking aulotly hroiiuli Plorrepont HlrocU Lest ovotilnur Mr Hart And Mr Onnnlock called ntlolleo Head iitaitorH In BronLlyn und caused nn alarm to ItO pont nut to tho various statlotis with thotol owing dosoriptlun of Iho inlhHlnir woman fiiriytttrre I ear of ago Oslo comiilenlnn blue eves tierS hair glr flve feel four and a naif Incheat I black loth I lres ci trMrt I and heiti Inck I leather belt i I UII ah 1r1 dl WIbJ IMIi jl eriei tick vblvct honnvt trimmed with black sit nt hero emit twu LId Tii3 HUN contains all advoitineinont this mourning offering 100 luwnril for urination hilt I will load to tile recovery of Mrs Hart either alive or doa MrComntock unhl last onlnl My daiiuhtor has boon nil Invnlld over since hn lout thu scarlet fever about twolvo or fifteen tears aco riho wns not BO ill bowour hilt that WI hail hOIo 01 hat rocoNory About lovon ytuirs ngOHho loxtu child nnd Hum mile hC nu to Nt worse I have no Impel ot ovor IniHntf linr I litn Vit ann nrnnirml for thu Worst For many years she wan i thu i victim of lyntorln which settled a low years ilgo Into morbid tdo mulincholla with a tendency to sul I IHIHS CASIK TIIK HtHllt1 The Hiitcnu or teus br nce Yrtak Off I ks front or Cherry Hill Mnlioi At tho junction ot tho Now IJowcry and rVmrt Blroot Is a small throooorneied lIquor store owned by Ooorue and Ietor loosen The brother hired thn place tour month ago and set carpenters to work knocking out tho olJ woodwork replacing Itwltlinow Ialnt ors thon appeared and painted everything a cherrywood hue btorm doors toro built out on both fronts of the toro huge panes ot glass ornamented thorn nnd thon tho place was christened Iho Cherry Hill Wino llooma and bllllln088 Will bftlllln lioforo the place was opened tho luther of George and Petor Benson onitinoroil to propitiate tho nolubors by muklni friendly calls upon thorn Ho says ho succeeded fairly with eorybody oxcupting James Kirby who keeps a butcher shop tinxt door to tho saloon and didnt want time saloon thereAbout two WPIkA suo Mr kIrby complnlnod to tho Ititrcnu Uncuinhrancos tlmt the cherry wood color norm door of tic saloon projoctod ovor tho iMownlk four foot further than I they luau any huslmFs 10 Mr bongo lloinon wit notldod that ho I would hav to nimrvo tho loors Ho imll no attention to the nollco bo from HUI till thnt Hiironu the nf poimlmlon Pet mltK to ho build Imil tilt rooolved doors would protect him A tow days IIKO the Superintendent ot HID Bureau of Permits tod Mr Condon that his permit hail bon revoked Thon ho recnltod notice tit 12 oclock on Friday from the uncumbrancos PeOPle that Ills doors noitd have to bo removed by noon yesterday Tliuj woro not Mr Ui3n invH bartender was Bolllnc a pint of beer at noon vJion two hnrsos pullud ntruok up In front of his door and two mon jumped tile truck upon the Hidewalk They fastened the nnd of II rope 10 the frame which hold the door mthtad oft big frmigmelll of the chorr hucd structure and loaded It upon the truck Thon they discarded tim rope nnd sprung nt the work with hmo baud George llonaon rna out end nxpostulnted In English and German He was thrust aside and the work of demolition Mint on Mr Benson called two mon who woro lounging In the yaloon to bill tlhl and beifnii taklnif down the storm door on the other front hlmsnlf Tho work on this Ride of thc house was prosecuted with tender hand No limo was lost however and by tho time the warriors from the Bureau of Enoumbrances had the storm doors on ono side of the hulMIng In tholr truck those on thu other Hide wore safniy housod In tho toro Thn Huuor store hooked IIIAI night nA though It had hon struck by lightning Mr George DoiiBen nxtilnlned that ho had hired cirpon torto ttkodown the doors yesterday but the carpenter had not como to time dont want thin place there said Mr Kirby boenuselt hurts my business nnd every other rospeetnbV business In the neighborhood I linT Ioon pestered by lot of follows tonight If Im bothornd any moro Mr Klrbys ores alit the knlfu in his hand Hushed simultaneously heath of WIMhrop It Oilman Ylnthrop Sargent Oilman bttnkor died on hid at Palisades Itockland county He irai T7ean old and a Millie of Marietta Ohio The early part of his btiplncee life he spent In the Weit and he was a warn personal frlinl of President Lincoln For the past twenty years he had been In the bank In bu lnets In this city III the ann ot Oilman Son A CII Celir chest He wn senior elder In the Ilk Preibytertin Church at Thirtyseventh tret and Klfih avenue and was one of the founders of time 1retbyie nan Hotpltal rri was the grocery warehouse of Uodrrei A Illlman In Alton III that was stormed on No7 lrtJ7 tiy A 1II0h whoee object was destroy a new press Imported Into the low1y Elijah Ixivejo the abolltlonlit Mr nil lOin assiutd In the defence of the warehouse Mr IM ejoy wal ahot and killed Mr Oilman wu arreitul for Inciting a riot ana was tried and acquitted The leading rioters also were acquitted Uxl Makers Aluraod There was much talk among tho hat makers In I Rrookljn yesterday over a report that unflnlthed huts were being imported and flulibed here tr a out onehalf cost that they un turtltd tut for here The 1 eRe tff till I vas said would be to throw factory eiUPlC ecs out ot work The reanon for the talk was tnst Dickennou A Uronn whose factory la I at A3 Kns clutko street had just reueivrl two dozn iintlniihed hats from Brussels where huts are made bm omen Instead of my i men at here This It was pall wes a trial lot Tin yarn said to hale pasted the Cuitom house as raw material The Hat iiteri Union will lake steps to see tabsi 1 ran be done Ion aid a remedy 1it If nrceiar a petition Tilll In I sent torongress The Importation 11 due It Is complained to faults In the tariff llltelnv with bla Cnniw Thomas Concklln a young clerk tor Holmes A Adams In the Mills building live alil Gran street Newark On Wednesday he decided tilrvko a few days vacation and went to Wlltiamtburitli to buy a canoe He Intended to sail the canoe home but netting further has been heard from him The possibility that he may hate chanred his union and started right ci I on a canoe Y03 age without I your home le held In by seine 1 hh of his friends I tri most 101 them holding I thnt he would have aent word home In that event fear hint home arch dent has befallen him feiiilrlUc Water la Wotaene laces Two mon calling themselves William Smith and Jamei Brown and profeeelng to live at the Astor lou went to the American Institute Fair lat ulght and on coming out squirted Ie From emat syrlugee In the faces of eeveral women On the way down Third avenue In front of Hlooinlndelee Ihy caught In the act and studIed Mrs lIllIan Wilson of I8 East Flflreecond street Is the complainant againt them Lawyer Livingston eatd they reppectabl men who had given fictitious uaiuei and lie nent bail for them at this station house Mr AaUr Withe to Forrclo Mr Astor through hU counsel CalVIn Frost tuade a motion before Juitloe ktiinn In the Supreme Court at White Plaint yesterday to hare fore lola a morttciKu for i hleh lie I had InantJ to the tchrtterUM Company uf Yonkers which Is In the hunUi nf a rev Ivor The motion wai oppoied by It I lrlmr who apt rnr for tIme receiver nit the ground that the ttrfemUnu wtieii they borrow td Iho money were not Irytlty rianUt The dccliloii wee renod Mr llullnu Term KnUailed Ten llnye WAHUIKOTON Oct Shortly after 4 oclock this afternoon Mr rudcn the allitant prlvl eecretarv of the Ireeldtnt called upon Acting Poet mailer ileneral Frank 11 Union and lnforiur IIIIfl Ilia the rrendrnt had ileMgnateit him to act as ruitninttcr Jencral for ten dajre from today Nomluntvil for Convrcaa Dr John Kwlnburno antlDrapor Itepubll can Nlnetreulh New York dl trlet DI I I Uraveeilreenhackir In the Lul tIle Ky die trlct district lienjaniln Howe Itepubllcan Kourth New Jerie XLOfmtODtt 01 OBMMU A Terns Iesisty frtMauiaiMs tt aaIrrU4 Musi Aos thi Mtas BOSTON Dot 4 Slnoo the Mcintyre Inlehlnson elopement In Chelsea her bar been counting the nose In that little city and find that unother ell cart Je of tbo Mine sort ha recently occurred In society circles thoro James Tlldcn 35 year old ion ot the senior member of the firm of Tlldon A Taylor shipbuilders and Isabella Dllllngham daughter 01 I Freeman Dllllngham a wealthy Boston aper dealer living In Chelsea are the principals In tho affair Tlldon ho been married orcral roan and his wits la I now with hoe recreant husband people Tho runaways seem to havo formed on Intimacy while laboring In tho temperance Cause The Ihelsea lit form Club has been Instrumental UHtalnluu oolTue room for reformed drunk trda and Mr Tlldon ami sUlllnKham have bOtn active workers In tho project Mian 111 Inghum raised A large subscription for the ootns by a personal rnnva In Chelsea and lint pleasing address and enaruKlnlr nmnnoro added to tho fact that she was well known I and moved In tho best society aldod her In obtaining a good turn ol monny Site Is a very irotty young iwoinnn only 21 years old hey loft town without a dint of their In I ontlon four weeks ago The first heard of hem was a week later when postal card from Portsmouth II notlflod Limo Dlllltiu lama that their daughter was them with I a gentleman and that chIn was going ovor tho Inn Thero havo boon letters from her ilnco to her parents but thoy will do nothing to so cure hor roturn JKIIHVH AKD IIXXT OY UVHHER Fox Vlid Wish Tulkln In Mr Inti In the Ntrertnud Ooee ut him with Keiaor Tlitxxloto Fox a tailor of 172 Avenue wit separated recently from his wife Kate to whom ho had been married twontytwo years lola 49 years old and she IB mom than 40 Since the separation bo nan kept a watch on its wlfo and last evening ho found her nt 1our oonth street and Avonuo in conversation with Henry Wioho a milkman of Avenue Vloho hnd previously boon Urn Woct of leaP alley on tins part of the oiisplcloiis husband Inx sprang upon Wlnho with rancor us It is upposnd and cut nnd ulaihed him No leas ban ntnu wonnds worn found upon tho victim iftjtr thn fllllrittp nnaitlllt wlilfh WAA flyer un Quickly that no ono of the byMumloru had tlmo to interfere or men to flop Fox when ho turned and road oft up tilt nvonuo leaving Wiiuhte In a pool of blood on tho sidewalk Fox was nrroxlod nt his homo whnro ho wan found waahlnu tho blood from his hands anti clothes Vvloho is not otpiiclod to live StIes Ciiikllua IIpeitd Allempl nt Hulcldo Miss Jennie II Conklln ot flood Ground Hut folk county who was reported to have attempted to commit suicIde a few dsys ago hues written the follow log for publication 1 apeak for myaelf and hex leave fore the obltuar is printed to contradict the horrifyIng statements for the benenl of my scattering relalUet as well as for nine ot my supposed friends I read that I am pretty but that Is a mistake as a much flattered tintype would easily convince anyone I am haopy to asy that I am not aiipoinlod In live nor do I anticipate anything of lbs kind II the reporter hart only looked at my teeth they might have discovered that I am not nineteen but considerably pastAs I am of ase mite and I time no talk on any such deep subject a match maklnir As fur a dlMiute In Inch agentlemau tumnlfr wee lmillcateit that is omethlnir nltrely new but tlll nut ucar si ne do not take board crc As fur lr rurillinm tie was well at lest accounts but for one of tie Sun one timnut expect much as lie Is if email stature and not nn where near liirn enough to cmnnilt suicide os en I shoiiM like In ety ihnt If lever attempted such a rash thtnir I slinnl 1 lertnluly carry It out I am I ill nt iirenont and It Is lily democratic opln Ion Hint I shall live my natural life An Oipra Vuipiiny In Financial strait SviucfiiE Oat 4Thin Now York Opera Com isny under the management ol Ij kc was billed to play lrirce Metlnlalem In VVletlnc Opera house hail eenlnir The big audience was kept waiting long last the hour for ralnlnif tho curtnln Mr pjke then shhenreti eat announced that the delay wee on account if the late emit al ot the tipany In ton The compa ii appeared hi bltulraon Thnrsdav evemilmug and It Is asserted that the members hail no tnone to pay their Mils The hotel keeper allowed them to remove their iagaffe on condition that hla bill should it 1511 I out uf ilu receipts here and the Superintendent of the ratlrniul furnlMitfd tranf iiriatlonlallug their checks assciirltr When thej arrhed lure the liiana Kir nf the Oera House paid thilr fares and took a bill ut i ih Pflt hi begin the hliulra hotel man emit el Hllli an Httach netit Imt wise Unable to serri It as the opera lloula naiiAifir hut nciiiitred a prior claim There was a scene hind the curtain and tint hotel treler was put out riicn the leaner nf the orchestra refuted lo CO on until ItO should receive his pa Mr tyke 1 nave him his watch ntsioitru and thptrforuinnciHciii on The company are pie liiT The Qiieeua Handkerchief to a good tiltS tu night and hope to get enough money to pay ttci hiha The NpencerClusruirzh Divorce Sole riTTsnunnu Oct 4The divorce suit of Lillian Spencer the actreis agaluit her huiband Ed went Clsj burgh of New York came up In court here today Jnsiah Cohen who appeared for Claybargh contended that the Hbellant had assigned In her petition for divorce that it was for cruel and barbarous treatment that she louhc legal separation from her hus bald and that now by an amendment her counsel were elidtaiorin tu amend that petition by alleging the additional ground of alultvrv which he claimed could not is don JtiJire Ewing WAS in butt upon the matter an tlm cute went over uutt 1 the week utter nest for arxnmtnt Four Tnn i Uyuumllei KefusInK lo Explode PANAJH Hopt 2TIue Canal Company Incited quite a number of people ou bunds lust to wit limes a big explosion at Bee Obispo a slallon on the railroad The affair ties A compute heidi ns although Loth the elrcttlo mud the ordinary means of eplotlou wire at hand the churgo hlch confuted of four Ions of ihnainitK and one ton of blnck ponder obstinately rrfnprd to ifo lift de Leiseile Is niiect hero In January and It II hopid hut tie Tlll combined nlth the lloulllijof anew Ilsn In Parli hy tie company ulll make things quite llel on the Isthmus A Uetllrond Itloekrd by a Wreck FoxDORounii Mass Oct 4A train of empty dump cars on the Hotton and 1roiidence Railroad became divided on the down grade between East Foxbo rough and Mansfield last night and the rear portion left the trot on curve and piled uy about thirty cars coy emilly both tracks nnd totally wrecking the flazmana station Fred Titus who was sitting tu the flagmans house as severely burned by the stove being thrown upon him and also otherwise Injured by the wreck The flagman was thrown a number of feet and several cars went upon him Both men will probably die Toe SO I Providence train and the 10 30 New York train wrre deU id at Noel toxborougli by the blockade until 8 iloik tiie ninrnhtg Ilenlh uf no Old Tmnniauiy Unsu LlTciiriiMConnOct 4 Thomas IjSalton atnll ho has lint died here nt the age of 00 was funiierh TCIS prominent man and aiwa a vtanoh I Democrat ion Ills originality ant tecentrlclilci he wuta our ut tie mt Interrttlng nt tho mnrkcd characters of lilt I field In curlv life Mr Kallimitall lived In New York tIll was one of those whn took part In tho iKiitmnny meftliu of IHifi where tim llgl Is were blown nut situ rellghleil with looofucn matches whence came the nlcknsme Iocofoco hIck ao lung stuck to the Democratic parti luhn ftfcfullouili t1us la HI Ionls CIIICACO Oct 4John JtcCullouch the tra gedian left at oclock tonight in company with 11 llrrsllu for St Louis a here he will consult with num ler of lute friends In all likelihood he will go to the Hot Spring or some quiet retreat He su as more like liimtelf to day and convened quietly and rationally upon the ticct icily of Icnttng the stsge for a tlmn at least but holts to the ilew tint lie will be able to reappear on the board usilhlli I a year Nes Hal In Sly Week ICTElihiIiUItLI Yo Oct 4In consoquencfl of tho itronght tIe water In the city reservoir became to low tiiit It was found necessary Oils evening to turn Water from the Upper AOin ttot Canal into the main pl ca of the city In order tu nupiljr fell consumers This water slows from the river IDIO the canal short die tance aboe the city No rain has fallen In this region for IIv weeks The report of mtauiage from the drought continue lo be recelreu from the adjacent counties Plenty of fourleaved Clover Nuw HAVKN Oct 4Good luck or fourleaved clover Is remarkably plenty this fall and excursions now made out of the city to secure bunches of It for dryIng for drawingroom ornaments In Norwich a lady hasj lucked tlxlyof thins clovers In a Broadway yard non of which hat leu than four heaves and some five or six A bunch laid under the pillow Connecticut girl say will cause them to dream of their fnlure husband Ponce Aoionc Hsillroads BOSTON Oct 4The Atchison Topeka and Santa Ft the Union Pacific aid the Chicago Burlington and Qnlncy roads hive taken action which virtually sets aside for 120 dare time operation of the tripartite alliance al relating to Colorado Utah and taiifornl business and Insures a restoration of peace among the trans Mltuurl roads and the maintenance of trelgh rates 8kmir liens Offer UO Cents em the Dolbtr BOSTON Oct 4George 11 Morse counsel for Shaw llroihsrs now makea an oUer of ao ceutsol the dollar rsshi It Imld that out of twenty five Hot ton nks hulillng Hhtw Brothers psper twenty hav slxnltled thtlr llllngiuii to accept on cents cuth IeulUa SllOOOOOO BOSTON Oct iTtio estate of the lair linn Kraiuls lIaise proves lo be worth SIIuuuo Tie greeter part of thy properly goes nlllcui rtitrlcllJii lu hIs only ton A lllltler Sluts Uvellnff In lrntl2 A Thither and Veet mafR incotlnu will Im holi in tuesday evening In ntral Hall Main tlreet Oriiige 4 XAUA71LJ11S AOMANC A RMawed lion rrw Is be Jaugk Sir WeaUlhv Ijmm llMiifii 4tirtM BOSTON Oct A story ot a wealthy manufacturer of Lynn la I told today which not I only astonishes his friends but which I the talk of all tho Boston club room this evenlnr Tho mnn referred to wtllo A poor bookkeeper ten years ago married his present wHo White on their wedding tour a daughter was born The tact was kept from the knowledge ol friends and relatives and the Infant was ban agent placed In the care of a thrifty Irishman For a rear or two the childs oxponao wore paid by its parent AStor that no more money was received and the woman having charge of the child was unable to net any trace of Its I parent or relatives The only cilia she had was a landkorehlof among the ohllds clothes bear lag some Initials She brought up lbs girl at her own expense and she la now vary pre possessing young lady I Not lone ago she xvsaroo afflicted with nn affection of tho eye resembling cataract Her guardian took hero an oculist who became much Interested In the case and sahl that the only ono he had ever aeon like It wnt that of Mrs Blank of Iynn Tho Inch toman instantly noticed that tho Initial nero the name hose on limit treasured handkerchief An Investigation wan boinin and It was ascertained that the poor bookkeeper had be I como tbe lynn manufacturer worth almost a million Whon the facts went presented to I him prIvately hn ndmlttnd llmm and paid 7UOO fur his daughters hrlnelne up and igroed to allow her 11500 annually hereafter Tilts couple have oilier children who do not mow that they havo nn elder Hlslor In Iho be let that this whole story could bo kept quiet the disowned child Is Mill unacknowledged The facts its nhote outlined are bncomlng so wldnly known In pilvxto clrelos that It Is prob iblo that the tmtnos of nil concerned will coon be published SI tlitS IN TEL 11 fVCS MiwiAToaa ALxiXAO rnii nir Suci flees0 ooSunseta 1 5 3fl I Moon rises Ota HI DM wttaa THIS Dir Bandy Hook 7 I Uov Island 21 i Hell Date 10 II Arrived Bituaruv Oct 4 SI State of Nevada Stewart Glasgow Kept 10 and LarneWth Hs Kulda Ilelmbruck nremen Kept 21 and floiilhanip ion 25th Hs chateau Marjranx Olivier Ilordeanx Bs John Oltist Vounr Ueoreelonu 00 he Olber Clark Itlo Janeiro Hi Dorian Swain Ulbraltar Jerome Macartney Fjtra Orescent rity Uirkwood Asiilufrall Ship Ida Schneider llremen Hark Aurora Kora albany Bark Husan Camubell Steel Billioa Htrk Iron Queen Harris Aracaju Dark Labors Kudresen LiverpooL AIBITBD eat 8s Canada from Hew York for Havre has lanced lbs Lizard 8s Alaska from New Vork for Uterpoel has passed rastnet Ha llammonla from New York for Hamburg has passel the Hcllly Islands 85 CIty of Richmond from New York at Quccnetoivn Allan rae roacirN court As Amerlnue from Havre for New York 31 Annum BEsrToolChutAt Newport It 7 omi Sept it at In Cinitetit by thIn rleitt Rev I 10flOn thark illohop of itliuude Island aoktid by the lIe Mr hhrillt Oil lImit ii A I hery lsugiiler mit the mete John 8 Tooter ef ew Yck OUTlhllMKIiltU1Al St rhrysostoma Chapel New York city on Oct 4 NSA bi the Itev Dr BUI Col Nathan Untter of Miilue to Mn Louisa Merrill New York city I UNliltAI roiU At Diinmere Nsrramuett Pier a Ion Wednesday Oct 1 IKH4 by thus tier John tf Buchanan I of New York atslaleii by the Rev rrancls Wharton A 11 LI ot Narragansett Pier Robert nratmm Dun and Minnie Douglass Bradford both of New York IKNU VOUKIIIS At tin residence of the brides moth ttI HHirhtmi I nil Wdntilv llrt I tact hythe Rev tmetrsc McClellan Flske Mary Ellis eth llaughter of tlie Ute Thomas Voorhls to Charles William UMII HUS3MLPVNKAt Christ Church Rlrerdaleon ludiiou on Thursday Oct 2 by the Itev George Wlldea Archibald Douglas Kussell to Albertlak Taylor daupnter of Iercy II tyne WI LUOUUIU KS I Ihle city Sept 20 1554 by the lIen Uni Lloyd Miss Alice hand Holmes ot Stir York to Mr Maui Waldo of Boston Mass DIED DONNEIIYOn Oct 4 Daniel Donnelly aged IT years and tt months Funeral will take rlaca from hit parents residence 311 East 73d at New York on Monday at 3 oclock UfcYUARDIn Brookbn on Friday Oct 3 aftes short but painful illness Lomse lleyward Ilclatlves and friends of the family are respectfully In sued to attend the funeral from her late residence 17U Ryerson st on Sunday Oct 5 at 3 oclock lALOIt On Saturday Oct at his fathers residence 247 Welt Wth st William 7 Ialor aced 34 years funeral on Monday Oct 6 al 1 oclock 1 Friends of tho family are incited attend tlcBKERN On Saturday Oct 4 Catharine Me Breeu uiied 533 years a native of parlthof Laey county Cavan Ireland runeral from the residence of her eons 1A7 India at Brookltn onMim larafternoiinOitUatJoclock SULLIVAN On Oct Eugene tjullhan aged 25 ears funeral will take place on Sunday at 2 oclock from Ms mothers rrsdeuce 3J Attorney st TOOMIKY On Oct 4 tlrs Mary Jane Toomley aged 00 years and mnnlhs Will be burled from her late resIdence 296 Btanton it on TuMnv afternoon at 1 oclock VAhttthlK tt his late residence 251 West 4lttit on Hafjrday Oct 4 Vm arwlck In the out ear of Ktineral will take place on Mendayatl oclock PM Relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend.

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