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The Critic and Record from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ett8Kar t-T'" -J- ft II oWl rj( vf' -mm- rrwer i4n If irmwnri" rxzrz? THE WASIIIXOl'OX CIIITIC, -WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAKCH 23, 1887. WASHINGTON 011ITI0 ruUUhfd DaUy Sunday i KtipiU BT The Evening Crltlo Publishing Company. UA1.LKT UIMtOUUN.l'ritt1et.t. OCjTIco, ISTo. Oil ID Btnrooto Ton Brttmna, WASHINGTON, V.

TERMS 3ConM Uy Carrier reni try Mall, postage paid, ono ynr Uy MRtl.poitagofald, sit months 3.00 Mall Subscription Invariably la advauco. Address 11112 WAHHINOTON IIII1TIO. Wellington, P.O. KIUHAICO HYLVKSTKH, Killtor "WASHINGTON, MAItCII 2:. 1837, TIIK IMTKUSTATK COMMISSION, Tlio Vrcsldcnl lias at last completed rvbnt ho regards the most uliilcult task yet cncountercil by lilm, and ha? announced lila list ot flvo Interstate Commerce Commissioners.

The Hat of names reveals a con-hIciiUous effort to secure the most conspicuously competent, qualified and able men wbn could bo obtained for the silnrlcfl, U'pnnllcss of other con-sldcratlons, political, personal or geographical. Tliu Commission con slstfl of five lawyers, running froTi II t3 ytnrs In aire, rcpren-ntlnp; tho States or Mhhlcnn, Illinois, New York, Vermont and Alubiittm. anil nil mote or less prondnctill) coiuicctud with public liTnlrs. In cacti rive ibr-rc Is something to give the ninu peculiar rlatm to the distinction. Mcm.

Cooler, Ilrag ami Walker huu been piondncntly and closely Identified will tho subject of jrovernmcntnl rtUlhms to the ralltou Is. Judge (loolt-y perhip the most cent authority In tlic I'nlted States on sulijort of Constitutional law affecting Interstate commerce. Mr. Ilragg, ai president of tho Alabama UaDroal CcmmiasIoD, and Mr. Walker, as a member of tho Ytnnont Senate, have been Intimately Identified with tho formation and execution of legislation niTcctlns the railroads.

The Identification of these three gentlemen with railroad legislative matters has been such as to Indicate In each case Integrity and Intelligent appreciation of tho rights of both tlic public and the transportation compa-nlts nnd tlic legitimate scope of Governmental Interference. Mr. Morrison Is qualified by his long experience us a law-maker, his thorough study of commercial quel tlons and his universally recognized Integrity and earnestness. The special fitness of Mr. Schooumaker's appointment lies In his fnmlltarlty with the laws and commerce of New York anl his relations to Gov.

Til den as an earnest co-operator with his reform and by an Intelligent appreciation of his Iews of the mutual obligations existing between corporations and the public which they serve. The President has done wisely, as a matter of self-defense, In selecting Commissioners on thu basis of merit ntd thus relieving himself ot responsibility In a greater device than he could haodono by appointments based In "greater degree upon political or personal considerations. The new lawU a vast prnblemjcvcry feature or Its operations Is moro or Iei uncertain, and whatever Is done, adverse criticism and Industrious opposition are to be expected. Under tho circumstances Letter rules of selection could scarcely have been followed. Quite a number of ellclblo candidates could not be tempted to accept the places by the si tar lea attached, or were deterred by the complications to bn expected, or hid loo cvtcuslvo financial interests In railionds.

The number of desirable men who were sought and Could not bo secured was only exceeded by tl number of eager applicants who were utlerly unfit for the service. The rallrond men, the producers and consumers, the shippers and travelers are ready to make Ufo buidcnsomc for tho new commissioners, and contrlbuto to the activity of tho opening season In Washington. AN AMritlCAN-IlUILT NAVY. Secretary Whitney Is to bo congratulated upon the satisfactory proposals lie has received for the manufacture of gun forglngs and armor plates for the new cruisers. The appropriation of Is considerably below tho requirements of the work to bo performed, but when tho attention of Congress Is called to the favorable contracts which Mr.

Whitney has succeeded In securing, it will not hesitate to provide him with ample means to carry them out. Tho great point gained by the let-tings to the Uethlehem Iron Company Is the demonstrated fact that tho forglngs and plates can bo produced ns economically In this country ns they can be purchased abroad, thereby doing away with one big bono of contention which has Ions stood in tho way of leg-Motion, Another point of prlmo Importance Is the beglnulns which Is thus assured of a steel plant sutlir-Ieut to meet tho needs of naval rccomininllon and coast defense for all tlmo to i-nine. what the Secretary of thu Navy 1m done was thcthln most of all eentlul to ho done the first step to be taken, In fact, before any furlhir progress wero possible, no nutter ho.v prodli! Congress might have been In thu matter pf appropriation. If every bill Introduced at tho list session, relating to ship of and urdnanco and lloatln bulterlci and for-Ideations, had been jmod and become jaws, aggregating over hundred millions of dollars, tbero still rcmalnel the question to be solved, which Mr. Whitney, under thu slmj.lo uu of August 0, Iho, has solved so successfully.

Shall tho Government cstiblhu a plant equal to Its wants Shall tho new navy be an American built Instltu lion or an Imported article? Tho question seems to bo settled In the Interests of American Industry, as shown by tho bids received at tho Department yesterday. Congress can now take tip tho subject and deal with it as the public necessities-jleuianij, without clash-logs of opinion as to the practicability of tho work, and with an assuranco that tho resources and facilities of homo manufacturers nro fully equal to whatever strain may hereafter bo put upon them. Mr Whitney has gono about tho htisliii-si In a buslncs" like wny and obtained results that have a most encouraging and buslne9S-llko look. In tub llouso of Commons last night, speaking to his motion ngntnst the urgency of tho Government's Coirclon Mil for Ireland, Mr. John Morley Minimal up tho whole question In I lima brief, vivid terms: If un Uhh hMorr over iigiili.

-moral ron'rpMlnRUiia mi ffu In people without gal remedy then Illegal act to neo'iro something like mural rights: tin coercion, driving Just discontent under tho awl exrltlng fiercer discontent Tim wlH policy wan remedial legislation which would destroy thu root" of discontent. It would seem Impossible to confute such logic ns this. Tho Government admits ns much by Insisting upon a policy of brute forco nnd bKNMuii SmxMV.N stopped over at ftlnulngluin, last night nnd "after much Importunity" was Induced to make a few remarks at the opera-house, but, ns wo arc further assured, his speech was ot an "entirely not-j artisan" character, tlh tho slnglu exception that ho Improved thu occasion to descant at length upon the beauties or a protective tarlir. Wo shall pee to-morrow, probibly, wherein tliu piUtlHunshlp of his Nashville speech differs from (ho nonpinlun-ship of his lllrmliigham speech. wtiNPKU applicants for the District Judgeship hesitate to admit any foundation for rumors to that effect to our neighbor, the I'ott.

In fuel nil cm-dldates for olllco ore morally justified In positively dcii)lng that they aio applicants If by so doltiK they can escape mutilation In the I Hint rated art gallery of our esteemed contemporary. CorsT Yon Mi'Shtlu, tho German Ambassador at 1'arH, held a reception last night, nt which General lloulaager, tho French Minister of War, was the conspicuous and mnt honored guest. Such a shaking of hands across tho bloody chasm of Alsace nnd Lorraine was never witnessed before, Wr. congratulato Colonel Morrison upon his nppolnlmcut to tho Interstate Hallway Commission It Is an honor ho well deserved and which ha will honorably wear, but wohaven well defined Idea that ho will, booner or liter, find his wny back to the House of Ucpro scntatlvcs. Mayou Ilr.wiTT of New orlc, who tackled Harry Hill not long ago, has finally downed him, and Hill's notorious resort Is effectually closed for Iho first time In thirty-four years.

Mr. Hewitt can well nllord to brag of an exploit In which so many of his predecessors failed. Mn. lli.AiNi; Is said to bo busily engaged In a revision of his political speeches, with a possible view to their being hurled nt an unoffending public again from tho rear platforms of next year's railroad trains. AN1 GOSSIP.

An Association of Tehgrjphcrs an Klettrltlaus tas been crsnfzed In 1'lilla-dtlpbla. Madimi: Path quoted assaying that her successor upon tlm operatic) stae will unquestionably he MnUuit) fembrlch. Tlic students of (icrmau to tho Johns Hopkins nl vt telly nt Bjltlnioiescutucou-ratuUtory dtipatch to Kmpctor William jctterduy, (iCEUAt- But Owns bMov, a latin-culshtd oflk-tr lit the Soudan uatopalgn un der fieri end (iord-m, rpetidiut the winter at the rincy VYoodfrlu Uiomasville, (fa. At Intcn Seri-lcoMlia Moll Corns In our pew, Kute. Mts Katu Oh, no; tome In ours, We'vo fjot such nice, eom-f oi table high Ittitclln-ciuhfona.

Thuy don't strain your polonaiso a bit, Vld-Itlts. l.onii Hamilton conclulcl his Jlbltlmoro visit Lterdy, and attcr dining with Mr. and Mrs. Itobcrt (larrctt left late latttilirfit for New York. 11 left for r.cland this afternoon by the steamer liilttanlc.

Kiratoit Wn.UVM Is halnga dinner service ot tho Dresden bright tllow ware made for presentation to Queen Yfctorla on the occasion of her jubilee. It will comprise about 400 pieces, splendidly em bull Is Led, Tun story going the rounds that Oscar tide's mother Is fu "absolute want" lacks tho Important element of trutb. Lady Wilde entertains handsomely at her London residence, and her latest work, "Irish Folklore and fairies." will yluJ her Mai on Ulwitt Is In favor of opening tho Museum of Art on Sunday, "Better the museum than the grog shop," ho declares. This Is a matter In which thu vast majority of tho people of ibis city wilt cordially Indorse Mayor Hewitt's sentiments. New York (trophic.

The JefTersonfan Club at Frederick, Md will be formally opened to-morrow with a membership of over one hundred. Governor Lloyd, Senator Wilson, William rinkney Ubjte, Attornty-dcneral Hoberts and other promlneul Democrats aro expected to honor thu occasion with their presence. Tut: three popular composers, I'ranz von Suppe, author of "Fatlnltm" and "Boa-eaccio," Carl Mlllotker, uulhor of "Tho Hepgar Student," uud Illehard (ieuce, a'l-thcr of "Nanon," ull reddo at Vienna and orelneetnfoitfebleLln'Uiu-tanrc, VttnSuppa ownlru ofjtttinliil fitite tn tbi Biibnrbd of llaLliy. lli Isiilyttusof uge, Mllloeker It (iCLtel" TMlfiu My lieurt Is lurn-lTiiMi In art (an he, Ann il.u l-! oi hmtl k'oitt iiiifi'i, ii me, 1 el Iho 1( in) trill' iiiifurpif if tliolitiUi-liililrcu tlttt Hronot; Although, kinm Theyurnall In ihd l.ilid roHtnllrfo want Ilium i-Vhu hi Mm dmrold iy; put lirifoLHtorniirt nnd will tin' ttty; And llo who tniidott has irmlii It rtirli'! tt I rnls-f my out of my hi'tit. ItiKnipli, hnow, Thty lire all in tlwiand where I tlulliM.

Only one has dl--d 'rhcic min mi ill tnoim lolet tienpeii, InthoKWrtt uitritiiMUul; 'Iwenty tu boomui and npnul Oitrlbullttlo baby lu-iid And uli' 1 know M.f kafi-hi tli'jliiid wlici -I Mull u) Not tleiut; only irn-wn o.ti.1 nw.iv. Ihchulrot dtiilnir turrdiii bihv. 1 in mu Bolden nen In tho days oitJir mn (oi ana muny a) ear, ti I know- I know I bl.i rt uchlUUn tlieljud whLToI bright hraubuy Itagray eyed man, f'aclnir tho wot Id in a wuiker f.m; Butt think of htm now a. 1 hul htm tlnn. ALd 1 lay bU cheek to my lu-urt again And ao, I know, Iflmll hue him there hem webn'imiiLi'lti) Ont from tho Father and lnt llVj Uiick toltWltreast Irotn ttio ande.1 utrlfit And the finished labor 1 hear Iho word From thu Um of Illra ho wa Child und Lord.

And 1 know, that no It shall be In tho laud where wo all -hull go, -Adeline Whitney, rniriciir.itt. jrnna waxcm's rnovEims. rattrlotlsm mighty frequently goes off half-cocked. The American eaalc don't lay no Anarchist alge. When statesman don't aim at no on I excrfit his country', his constituents (It another statesman tosuccojd htm as soon as they kin.

Lf nobody hut honest men could hold ofilco, thar would bo a business panic In politic. All Christians atat Congressmen, an vl a iorf. Most people that holds oltlco seems to think that glttln' tho ofilco Is all that Is required uv them. Political stock that don't dcclaro no OhMcnds la a drug on tho market. It's mighty seldom thar's an oflico eo small jott can't find a man small enough to lit It.

Justice Is blindfolded, hut sho holds a pnlr of Milliards In her hand to'a she kin ttll tbodlfTcrenco between tho heft of a dollar an' a dime. The Hlblo hain't norer been very popular as a campaign documeut. SptltrlsprftEl cedtlesprlgl Cubblj; with Budshlde ad showers 1 fprlg 1 sprig 1 ccdlto sprig I Fragradt with ao ad with flowers I Jones; I don't llkoltoblnson. Brown: Why not! Jones: He said I was no better than I should be. Urowt: Well, aro you Joans Of course I well, that Is say, Brown, Is an) body l'ojserpets ptcae tukc notice: All railroads will bo Impassible after the first of April.

Mr, Presidents Your attention Is hereby called to tho fact that you have given of-fi'iiso to the American worklugmen by the tmployment of Cooley labor on tho Interstate Ifullroad L'ommlnloii. How doth tho little boodle boo Improve each fbfntng minute, By catrhlrg on to eveiy schemp, And scooping all there's In It. pesklng of the tee hrraklng up In tho Western rivers, wo are Impelled to say that the thaw takis tho cake. Tho fiovrmor of Massachusetts has appointed Aptll "csndayuf fasting In that State, In order to savo beans enough for spill planting. hooks From Itobcrt Beall, 405 l'ennty Ivanla ave i.ue.

Inn Stoiiv or Ancient Koti't. Bytieorgo Ilawllufeou, with tho Collaboration of Aithur Oilman, author of "Iha Story of Kome," "A History of the American nciue," ono oi iuo latest tmimions to the valuable "Story of tho Nations" setles, now In couren of mibllcatlon by O. 1'. Putnam's Sons, Now York. Tur.

iNTCitsTVTE Comucrcc Act; nn Analysts of Its I'roylslons. By John It, Dos Faesos of tho New York Bar, author of "Tho Law of Stock Brokers and Stock Lxcbangee," etc. New York: O. I', l'ut-naiu'sfe'one. This little volumo will bo found of value to all who desire to become acquainted with tho nature nnd scope of tho lntcrstato Commerce taw.

Although the Interpretation Is not ofltclal, It Is the Interpretation of a very sound lawyer, and may bo ot great practical assistance both to the Interstate Commissioners and the railroad companies In determining tho meaning of various vague and doubtful pro(sIons. From A. Wlthcrhco A Ca, (Uren-tano's). Mns. llRi'iureTt nnd other Short Storlec, together with "West I'otnt," a comedy In three acts.

By Ueorgo A. Biker, author ot "Point Laco and Dlamouds," etc. New Yoik: White, Stokes A Allen, Maihihim.s ami Catch fs. By Frank Dtmpster Hhcrmsn. New Yoiki White, Stokes A Allen.

From W. II. Lowdermllk A Co ll'Jt street. ItAt.TiMor.c asp Tim Nisetixctu or Ihfll A Study of the Wur. By Oecrue William Brown, Chief Judge of the t-upteme Bench of lljltlmoru and Monr of Ihttiitv In 1501 An extu vol- uiiH-uf thu Johns Hopkins valuable series of FiitvtrMty Studies on Historical and l'olltlctil Science.

An AiiM'MIictlc millet. A (iermau chemist has Invented anew kind of ami slhettu bullet, which he urges will, If brought Into general ue, greatly dlmlnhh the horrors of war. Ttio bullet Is of a brittle substance, breaMnc directly when It tomes lo contact with the object at wtucu iiisauncu, ix. conrainsapnweriui piouuciuginiiaiiiaucousiy compute Insensibility, lasting for twelve hours, which, etctpt that tho netlon of the heart contlntns. Is not to bo distinguished from death.

Wbllo In this coudltlon, tho Herman chemist points out, tho bodies may bo packed In wagons and cantos oiT as prisoners. London Court Journal. JPCINOTJCES r-nNOTlCi; TO ON VSS THE Hill ST. LINK OFCAU8. An adjourned meeting of the citizens Inter-Chtul In procuring a proper car Ron lee on tno 1 1th nt.

lineof thoWashlnston and (loorgctown circi't Itallway will bo held nt ho resldenco or ITofest-or Harry King. No, D19(j8t. on Wednesday, Marcli '-il, p. m. Itepoits of rominlitces nnd other important matters will tie proffnted for action.

Lists for thoiodc-filrlngto Join the organlzathm of "Anti-fare-depositors and passers" will bo found In nil ttio drug stores on tho llth st. line. 1'h'iino rnll and hln before tho meeting of WoJucs- wrpr Wll AKT U2U tKoks bound, full Morocco gilt odge: we have stamps and dlen; muazlni'x. as nnd 'ti tents. LYUB1T H1NI1KUY, 1013 l'enn.

live. jJrwUILLIS' IC1! D1SPOTM, lSlh nn.t Water ts nnd at W. K. HodeuM wood and coal yard, Li st.near It. Full mpply of best Penobscot Hlver Ico always on hand nt lowest jirlccs.

l'atronko rod wugons nnd net lull weight. IirgeconsumerH having their own wagons will lu llbernlly dealt with by it-nduig to Iho Ico Iiciot, (Joiurat-ta made foronoor moro ytars. Ijiiko whurfizo nnd fetoincofaetlltlcft, Teler bono call, 19 tf. MOOIti: SCIII.HY, UANKEItS AND UROKUItS CO Droart street, Now York. iiiuMii otricrs; Walt N.

Y. HI South 3d at Phlla, Conrerted with I. A. Ilistonj Drew-iter A Cbltago; Corson Ma-cirtiity, Washington; Hubbard A Farmer, Hart for Wanen Quailcs, Hlchmond, Private Wire Connections. Buy and fell Storks, Ponds nnd Securities on New York Mock Exchange.

THU Cndrr tho t--K net of Congress Jan. ii. iw, all bnlMIngi fin ft blah or out nro to be nm-hled Willi i-cmhlried hUnd plpo and ladder llroeM-apo. Thnindcmlguel a mt'clHltv of Ihl linn of IiiisIiidhii for iern. ate pictured to erect, at reasonable rates, tht inon Hiipioveti 101m or 1111 nppii inco, wiui nil tliu ltHHt Imtiim'ii-iiofir for siLfetvof II fu uud iroieity For further Information, plans and eitlrautci, api ly lo COLLINS A CO, Doom Corcoran building.

-3WHK3IOVAI. t7 II. DAnilY, HOOK, JOB AND NEWSHAPKIl PftlNrElt, Has Itemored to Unlldlng 1308 PKNNA. AVU. NORTHrt'CST, Which runs through the entire square to Dat; whue, wlih neroai-ed facltltle and tho latest Idea- In machinery and materlil, ha will ba 1 rcpurul to tin 11 out moro ant batter work Iran any establishment south of Newortt.

J. Oentlat, 111 Twelfth street. Flrat-clasa work at mod onto prlooi. Qold and Amalgam filling. Artltlelal Crowns per-rcane-itly attached to roots.

Uold-llnod plates; satisfaction tuaranteed, Ueatls treatment assured, ti It. 1L EVAN. 13 21 rt. n.w. COMMIWoNKHntMlRMl'IK ALL HTATKS AND TBtlKI IMHIKi.

NtrTAUY I'UMMU Trloiibnno. ItMS. Hqum fr imOta ffl). tST11 nil.N. MASON, Dentist, Form nttvnf ill.

t. In, hUofllirt loiwl Ptnnn. corner Wtti st, Cooalio nnd gaplvrn. av7HI'KVIAT MITIUK. 5Lf tiao tnotfvl to wit I st.

n. w.j of-Hep, 001 ji, avo. (Metrrrott'a muslo store), MuMnfor reeeiitton, balls, germane, cto. JillAVHK, Leader, Natmnnl Hlflca Bind. WANTED HELPFEMALE.

Thi following trnii or wttiitlmtnt, tueh at Salt or Kent and tltnllar rtnnll potlctt, four tlnrs cr It, ont (bn, '21 ctntil tuotimtt, 40 centt tlmtf, 60 tents. WANTED-A YniingOIrl 1o llnlp In boiMowork nndraroof thlldrcn, Apply ni sin wr. Colored fllrl llctueon It nnd ia your of ngo to assist In housework. Ctillnt Cllmtn OnmitrUtit Coloreil fV womiAitodo general boimework In email fnmllys iont bo welt recommonded. Apply after fianpm at iJiWNrt w.

"TirANTKO-illrl for ncnnrnl lfoitin-V noik. Cull bet. 'i and 4 mot 1711 1'tilmtn w. WANTllD-Voiini: fllrl or 14 or 1A toiiMlnt In light housework Itmmall family; references rtKiulrod, Apply nt )A ct so rirnt-cliKoi Hoii(i fier-1T put! call n'ter 1. Also tor sato orox-fhntfo tor Improved rroperty, good lot, 37x1(0.

.1 ao, corner fit w. nn.l Young Men to Decorate Holiday Novell lc lor Holl- finy and general trade: ftendy umploymvnt; 1 1 wuk vnriifilinll materials ttirnlshod; worktnniled frie. A(ldre' hMiLANI) Ol-COK VTlVi: SIOKUH, Pearl Itnuton. Mcbu I'. 0.

Box AV A Wnmm fldct 3 jeam; ratlst bo willing to Uvuln till- iwiiliejio faro oi ivrn oni.urun; limoro i moitin. Answer m. oil cp. iiim' niiinn nnd nddrewn Ciltlo WANJED HELPHALE. WANTKIl-Aceiit for "lllntory" oT Confederato state Kiivy," "McClel-Int d's Own Mory," Thu WorM'n dreat won-tri." 'tvA uiiif iJind or Nutnnil Illilory," "'IboAllntof IhoWoihl," "Student' Kney-i o.a.t tirt clnxs terms.

Apply nt Koliii I. H'MfM, corner Uh. flood Hoy for (lenitriil boiisework. Call bet. tho hours of 5 mid 7nt 'JU t-t st w.

WANTED SITUATIONS. "ITT an Kxp.rl.iMed', I situation iubnnkkeppcror I'lerkt will tngio Inhonlght work. Address Lxpcilene, Crillo othco "WrANTKD-Mtimllon iih Coirlnimni IT good letoicmeiidatlnt. Inrpilro tn renrrf st. "VANTIUl-JIy ii ColM I) woman.

aMtuatlonas llrst-i ln. cnok In nhato family. Anly Inrcur of nil Iltli w' Htenogrnphrr, am ploymsnt during evenings: person with largo eorrcupondenco or other writing could fin much lime; only fnlr com pon nation ox-I ccted. Address SUItlBE, Crltlo olllco. Youth of IS.

Ablonud IT willing to work, desire- employment lnnny can gty tho host nfeicnc-es. Address J. H.O,li0rlt st w. "ITy ANTED Iy A'onng Colored Wo- man, place to cook, waluiud Iron; good references. Apply to '-Ci jth w.

WANTKD-A Colored Woman tn cook. wab and Iron; good reference required. WAN TED-A Situation, by nn Kv Dirlenced chambermaid. Call at iW'il ft w. WANTKD Ity ii Very lien pee nb lo young whlto woman, a situation a chambermaid in a prhnto family; can furnish reftrenco.

Addren O. crltlo oflh'O. Very Renpectnblo and competent colored man, a situation as waller; good references. Address i.Mi;st..u'.-.iBtwt w. Holier, Industrlout young man from tho country, a situation to do any kind of honorable work; tbo vciybcrtof rcfcrcEco given, Addrcai Citilo oflleo, WANTED ROOMS.

WANTKO ltooms-W Huve Con ilndcd to resume tho room-renting pait of our buolnuHH until May 1, anl will icilster only loom for rout to tranilonts and lorhomekccrlng ptiriooii: roomt bcrctoforo rt'Lbiired were cancelled March 1. 1). G. boN, real estate and Insurance, KX nl w. VAHTCDHOUSES.

VANlKll-To lluy 11 1 or ti bnucfor en Mi; rot to cxucel Sl.l'jo. Address, with number ami location, Crltlo Clllt O. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. rANTKIi lo liny Recond-IIiinil jKiol-tab'o nnd equipment, cheap. Ad drcris K.

Ii. K.CtltloofUfo. WANTKO-A flout, 'IboroiiKhly trained, and hat nei; reasonable price. Addresi tiOAT, CrltlojoClf eL ITfANTrw to Trv IT 10ur.1l of buttertno, at and If not found to eamraro favorably with butter ut Ul to to leturn nnd pet their money. Malls gl.

'Mt. Ml Center Market. WANTED-ALL TO KNOW THAT DR. Taylor, 031 stroot, near Tenth, makes beautiful sets of artificial tooth for 8M guaranteed to glvo full satisfaction; extracting with gas, tliloroform or local anostbetlcs, 50 cents; without, 23 ooutsj filling at very low prices. unit Silver bought for by VM.

FIIIEDEIIICII, ttio manufactutlns Jowolor. U)5 Ttu ut, opp ratcnt oflico. ITTANTKn-lt Kl that C. 8. YV LUNIlYofJIO I.a avo fonnCll Litriiaii) la of llocds tor ulltbetiuvtoi and TiTrlloilf.

(cxprnt MnrTlflnt1. FOR SALE-. T.MlIt SAI.U OR IIKNT-Klcllleiit Jl1 Tlano, tlicai. Inqulro for law day. at ri .1 hvw w.

SAI.i;-At uflrciil llarualn-Oiio curtain roQknwar. mailo by (Iresic .1 liowo. atJollNMcDEHMlirr Car- curtain rofiknway. mailo It: atJOHNMcnEKMHTr a rlwgo Waroriom, 810 1'a avo w. T7011 8M.I2 clasi flrc-jiroof lafo: combination lock: all medium and low; ra.uor tlmo.

AddiesgU. Ciltlo olllt'C. OK SAI.K-ia.fl. CanviM Cutios cheap, gko. chandllc, Vt avo SAI.H Hie).

W-H-Kowr Saraty, heap: is star, 8 fti Star, ssn; IS hlbnt star.iilrkf'l, 8'Xi; Victor Tumlem, gl jo. C. C. 1100 V. avo.

n. w. IOft HAI.Iv-l'nr1rlti;o Cochin alftuii)food woikbomc, sound and gen tie Hmxc. frUlnonUfi COUMTHY rROPEIlTY. NAM: A Kino Farm of IOO 1 iicrea, rear llyattlllo station, suitablo tor subdivision Into small tmbtirtMU will tcllwhojooraparii Ingoixl rJr.Hioi hoimo, bum.

ftablvs uud otter oiitbulld'iigi: fruits of all kliiiU; only miles trom u'atdi'ngton on good toad: flue i hatieo for lnvestmnm, Mllt'lH WAhlllNOlON JtlUbUSrATCCO, I iao tiw. PROPOSALS. an i'UJii'Lce. qic.viii.vo Ornr i. or nir.

jmhhh i.niiH. rov. 11. (T. Slaroh SI.

tmr. hEAI.IIII'IIUHiHtl.SjMU In reraliml ot this llli ntlH 1-J oVloft ft, on MONDAV. Mnrvh UH. 17. irrAdlmr Eu'JUa l'laee.

M.inb toitninf ruyosnlsan'limelniialloni ran Ichlalucd at tiimitncauvii aiiiilluatlun thtrtof. t.rjrt-tliei wlili all Inforjii lon, nnd ud. urun UKwMornH will ho fr TtvtLilit 1, rc.erj.itlffflTiileetanyandall, rnaliunr loner II LOAN. Nl'AV LOAN fll'I'ICK, lOOU 11 LATOUIlPlTEft Money advanced on diamonds, Jewelry, etc. old gold nml alher lioiiglit.

B. B. RIDER, 314 KXOUTJI BTflCHT, Near Pa Avo, WniTINO, 1'ltlNTIXa AND WH.VPPINQ 1'ArElt, CLANK HOOKS AND COMMERCIAL STATIONCny, Tclephono call, ni 3, FOR IlKNT-713 llth nt wNlcely urnhhed rooms, slnalo or communicating; niso one room on ground floor suitablo for physic Ian or lawyer's onVo, ltlCNT-nil I st. n. Fur.

or tinfun thril rooms, on stilto or slnglo; smnuirnnio rainuy; rciereiices exc ItDNT-NiMYty Fur. Itoomn, with uo of vonvenlencct location verydeslrablrt reaionablo charges. V13 l'a nTQ w. IOIt KENT llaniUomoly rurnlslioil rooin, with board; lino location, near mpuoil Yti roiorcnopn. 17 OH ItKNT Large nnd Convenlont yd story front rooms for light homo-keeping; adults only: also, room and lioard for two gentlemen prlvalo family.

Call at pjJiost w. IOlt ItKNT 734 10th fit a Adjoining room, furnished, for light house KiTinnic; irowH-rn iinprovernt'iHB, I70U liny Window parlor, suitablo for law ofHco or doctors no. uu FOR RENT-HOUSES, I7IIK HUNT A Ktca R-Kooin 1 atlinullmpi. Innulroat JHXIlllU.t W. I pint ltKNT-I'nrt or 7-Iloom eltlicrlitnr Stl lloor; furoialied or IJftW Ktli vr, OU JIKNT- 1400 Kstn 12 rs ,1100 12.100 12A CO 100 00 100 00 100 LO 100 00 -100 00 100 00 imti rs ill Tth st ctoro and JWUIaisaTc, 13 rs fnmhstnw.ors lUOKInvc, rs into conn arunw.

0 rs IMV.NiinTC, 18 ra tout nth it Mrs oi-i Km la rs 'if Kutn v. Im HI 3.1 Rial rs UI3I inju inuiBtii 13 rs bim Mngnolluave. 81 a.1 De Naleistii 11 oo uu nth nn 10 rs oo ItnUUnW 7500 ion Nhtnw, io rs 70 00 lirPComirLtU-lltdlo GOOD aiislitliyerl'lacon lOrs oom t-iiNJ ai ono, io oo oo i'l-f Craven Terraton flrs fit VIW ttaven Tcrraco Brs 00 w.Ors 51 on rai en '1 erraco Ors Si no 2 US Crm en Terrace Ors 51 oo inii at i is 4oo 1H1 st rs 3300 V-LHl l) II MM llltl'lcrfol'laeo MM IKiJ Coieoranrtn 0 rs so vsi-tft w. or 1500 9111 tn w. 8n 1 ho aboo bouses can bo examined bypor-ml from THOMAS J.

nSTTBTt ft 13J-1 street nor tit west. TJOll lir-NT A New UeftlrahtH Nlae-1? room bounci nil morl tmpij Hit llrlists wt one Miimro below lmrrau of Kmtravlng an 1 llintlDjc; rent reaionablo. Inquire at l18 I'naTon w. T7or A' 4Io Town. Circle, fur.

11 uioo MOO o-ina 40 00 8100 2750 moo irjoo lion 13 00 15 00 w. rs, fur CiTDstn It rs 0 rs l.Vjiitlistn w.urs.,... 11M IJoTinitHry inaatst no, 8 rs NOiPtlist Ntno.srs.... lG-muibhtn 4rs l'll-13 13-17K t-ta o. 0ri 10 BO KOltTU WASIIIKHTUN JtKAb ICKTATE ujp nt 11 w.

FOR SALE-HOUSES. 17 OK Klecnot InlllOfr, containing Hi rooms, ncnr tho (Jovoru-imnt Trlnttng ofilee; nil modern Improvements and In excellent condition: price, $1,011. Apply to or address "TUB PYTHIAN woltUV'jillMh st nw. IjiOB SALU ISO Ilotmes, ltanglnc; In rrko Irom SISO to terms or payment from all cash to Si! ir month; hoiues for bomen or Investments; bouses to Milt everybody and In every part of thoelty. NOKTII WAbUINOTON ltBAL ESTATE iwirBtnw.


WON-Tavoso, Mi, lira 40H, 410 and 41-J Mh st b. 7 4 in, 4 and 4Vi 1 rt Grt fit!) II Ft, Hrs nil, 2M3 Tth st b. water', 0 rs. Sil to 3-tl st b. eucli tfi-2 4th nt b.

1. 7 a icthstHo, 10 rs lOthet 7 rs 113-j u.tht 8vs 53.000 r.ooi 4.a00 4.CHM 4.0.0 2.W0 l.wo TWO-STOItY Umrx AND FltAMJS HOUaCS 1'OKbALB. 81fl to SI 13th st andKy ute, UtDand H(Jao se.f $1,000 ww, it ut st aim 'jot, ivj a i nro c. i 4rs aji.nji.JWiX ft no, b.

flrs MantliM o. li. 3 nro :j.cfl.i M7, 2d bt 1 rs UU II ft 1 II, Mfllill UtHO Drx. Alley bet Oth nnd Tth, tl and V. fits it, iirn auilflllirtttt, fh.Ors 1,1 It HI.

rtHC, Ull, a 18 QJO UNIMPROVED FIKU'JSRTY FOR SAL1T. 0 ft, bet Cup nnd lstn $1,800 So eoi'H abound lllli ft so 85J Ungui Kt, bet lbt ht and Prosjet avo 11 700 Per Foot. HI ave. bet 14th and 15th stsn $joo lMht-t, wt liftiiti i.w Hpt.bct2ianndS.Mn l. NJ uve, bet nnd Itsts 1.00 Vst, bet 11th and 15th stsn 1.00 dt bet Del av and -'dst Mo Cop and stsn Mo HOUSES FOR KENT.

lCR8 81ststn fur, poss Juno 1 to Oct i.irrs ST3 0) lM Htbst Ors ai no 8r 03 11 Ols 1 00 siaothsts io 2 oo I.VlKtliBtii pons Apr 1,0 is UJ ot) rsiNcnpstnw.o rs so oo KftfSSthst Ors 13 oo ors io on UiiMOiBtn rs as miynlostne, 7rs 1100 itot tthstn rs Ht ivil lilagdon'rt alley Vi Co Oak Lawn, nih etox 'i 1J00 csMackon Hall alley, 10 00 10 00 4'JiNrtn 4 rs 10 no Eear4isWafchlnKtonst a 7 oo nllcyn 0 oo 217 fcts 0 00 LOANS. In sums to suit at 0 per cent. IhonlHMels only small portion of property on my books. For lull list call at oflico for bulk tins Issued on Ut and 15th. LOST AND FOUND.

OST JUnrch 30, ml llth St Car. or A on O. bet 10th and llth ats, red purse, swth and Yaln lock key, ita. Iavout lYdlo ofilce and rerelvo libonil reward. I (1ST A S.iuill IlllU'U Hlld Tun Doe, un.wcrs to nnmo ot Dot.

l'lnder ro-walded If nturned toOOH llthst w. PROVISIONS. M. KlNSLOV SON, Oyster X3obXonrs3 STIIKKT N. nuntitAV, UUKAHY MAUICET, 113 lift, h.h., Wabhlngttm, I).

C. Iliocholceit meats, tho bot butter, fresh poultry and everything tho best In market. i re I'rcndi PeuHand Jlustrooms, Pickled Lamb Tongues, mioAppiu ujieone una uu ueiica-tdrii In the eating lino uutantlyoi. hand. rtlllULIS Unvlnc lur-j thawed tho fctock and good-will ofC'Iicla Market, comer of Vt.

ave. nnd wo earn-ertlyhollclt llio liberal patronauo given our picuerc'Hfors, and, by making Bnoli additions to ebxk aa thu demand may require, with rarcful attention to builnoss uud prompt do-ltcry of orders, bopo to glvo satisfaction to all who laironizoiiH. Pespott fully. h. WILLKTT A H.

H. OWVNE, to 'P. H. Ilrooko Co. LASKEY'S Loan Office, No.

36! Pennsylvania Aye, N. WASHINGTON, D.C. Money Loaned on Gold and Silver Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, Pistols, Guns, Mechanical Tools, LadW and Qentlemua's Wearing Apparel, OLli JL HlliYlSUllOUUHT. PERSONAL.

Logan oafis. nn 10th at. w( near nt, (lato Forsyth CaM. OnrlSand S5o. breakfast sorvM from 6:10 a.m.

to 11 a.m. Dinner 12m to 7 p.m. Sunday. 1 p. m.

Tho bent In tho market only uxeuandeookod properly. All wo ask (a a call to bo convinced of thu above. bill of faro Thtirdy, March SI, 1SS7: IIUCAUKAHT. Uecfstcak, with or without onions, voat (hoi, liver and bacon, sau.ago, ham, cggi. With any of tho above article) you aio entitled to hot and cold broads, butter, potatoes, fruit or Hauco, with coCToo, tea or mint, IUNNKH.

Pour-Vegetable and barley. Monts-tltoust veal, stufTod, pork and kraut, roast bctf, Vegetables-rotatofls, turnips, lima boanf, sweet potatoes, pickles. PcsertsApple, potato and mlnco pics, sago pudding, cotTco, toa or milk. Wo servo nothing but first-class articles, thebcntcoircetoboliadln tho city, roidoln French Drip ITrn. W.

K. LQH AW. rroprlotor. MOKAI.AIIV1BER-WI11 tlin author of tho nnonymous letter slgneil ns abo 0. who has by bis sllcneo acknowledged hlmnolf a eontemptfblo coward, communicate wlthtlio other party eonrerncd by naming a tlmo and placo for meeting, and provo thatho tsnut what bo tins branded himself.

Dlt. N. KRNISON, Otil ronmllRt. Manlcnro An 1 Oermi- tologUt, will bo nt bis patlors, '1 Jfll Pa.nvo In twrson. from 7 a to 0 m.

Ho ban bad over 40 years of constant and successful praetleo, and hamper-sonaltytrenlcdoTer UM.txw natlonts, I'rloos, corns and bunions, S15c. each; manlcuro, ftOo liair and skin, Dou. to 75o each sitting All tho preparations used for his specialties Tor fate. I' AMY Leaving Car nt Howard Hoinn Tue-dav evening pleao uddross nnd st," crltlo olllco. mil IX Kit.

XJ bicilalist for tho rpiiii fjifKKN or IIKKIII." Drink tho best In tho marltot. Nl.W OAUHIAOIS IlKl'OSITOtlY, No.Mi'a. avo. n.w. A largo variety c-f new ami secondhand carriage, biclndlDg family vehicle.

huggte, lidloV phietoi and difctora' carrlaaei for snbi or exchange, on trtmatowilt. VM. (IKVEIt. rpItOY LAUNDUV, JL llio (t alrect northwest. Branch ofltce, 1.M2 IVnna.

avo. Collars and Culls a FpccUlty at Wo per do; frhltta Wo each. tiooils called for and dc'heiod at any part of thodty. AVI 11 J. MKKI1AN, 1'ormerly of tbotlrmof llawkoA Mcehan, livio and r-ign painter, 400 1, street southeast, Wdshlng-ton, 1).

HiMilo Induntryt NnltH ronred, ft; units dyo 1, 51.50. CO Ul'JSH '1 IVK KHUP, WO 1) st W. Aciiuiilntiiuen of blonde, HI to at, for mutual pi en mi ro. Biaio putio 01 meiMinc ior dtess llAItHY, Crltlo oQico. 'npiiE or Drink than.

II. lb on DAiiv cull on liiiuiiiiAiiT, limrth Ktinv, OW I. llio Tlmo to not nnd IIAISLCTT. HIT Market Snicc. 1 tlio roan to malio them.

BEItNAIll) KESTKHHANN, Merchant tailor, cos I st w. Spring stylos lint received. Suits from upward. Clean-Ipg and repairing in tho best manner. SKNI) roitul Card to Klectrlo Steam laundry.

1C07 st w. c. T. Nutzo. prop.

S. rractlcal Wutch maker nnd optician, has opened nt H3Z Vtln a full lino of watches, gold ornaments and optical goods. Kept! ring ehra-nometcia and lino watches a specialty. Tlmo locks cleaned and kept In order. SUITS SCOCIlKIl AND FOIl ONE DOLLAIC.

Conts, fti cents; pants, 25 cents; vosts, ai I cents. Good called for and dellverod. Ho-1 pairing und altering ctono tn tho best manner. I K. I.

HAHN, TC5 Ninth fit. N. Washington, D. C. 1 eiepuone can, ouvw.

rilBR OUKKN OP Our publto aiteakera will drink nono other. NliW TOltKOwtor and Chop II one, cor Kb and ats Knglish chops, strafes nnd nTRtem In all itvlea coo lie ticforu i your eyes on iiwoniy c-nnpranuo ni i-TrANTKii00u0Sultor01otne4to clean at $1 per suit. None but competent bands employed, and bestmaterIalnod. Send to'tatandluvo goods called for, PlttNCE, lf.T0Fntn w. M.

ii. LADIES DnESS AND COAT MAKER. lust arrhed from Knrono. Ladles1 Seal and riueh Coats rcllned and altered. Corner and Penna.

nvo.t 0erIuvls'Uatstoro. Reception, Rail and Street Drcisos a specialty TAIL A. II. AI. UAUnil, Olllco ami Itel-X' dcncoWJOOstn treats all Chronlo AfTecttnis of tho Ejo und Throat, Ca tm ill.

Kldnoysnnd spleen, Dysnepsla, Rlieumatbm, (lout, Fits, Spasms, all Female comphilnts, l'lles, Tiimoto, Cancers, eto Tnpe Worms removed in few hour, culls iroinptly nttended to night or day. Ortlco bourn. to 10 a. li to 3 p. in 4 to 11 nnd 7 to ao p.

rn. fcumlay, lQtoUa. ,5 to" p.m. rpm: op unKuv All our musicians drink It, ITTAN1 S'TEIJ A Mcdlcnl (IrailuatR VV oovlHtant to nr.irfli-nl nlirlrUn! good clinnce; amnll capital rouulrod. Address AbMS'lANT.

Ciltlo OIUco. rpiCKKTH Honght, Hold xcli uu ceil i uy Hoifgy Ass'n 4st fa ay. on tlio Itanjo and Oultar, by an oxneilcncod lady teacher. Ad-dn'fs B. Crltlo oftlco.

RWASIIINOTON'A Alafflo renin or Initantanooiis euro. Any breaking out on faco or body cured. Moth Pimples, Wrinkles, lilack Heads, Vulgar HoIoosh, Kcrema and all fuclal disfigurement remorod nnd clear complexion Insured to nil who uio It. Perfectly harmless. Testimonials on application, Sold by all druggists.

Wo. and $1 per box, bent to any address. SUPKKFLirOtlS 1IAIU IcaMng no traco, by my ELKCTltlO NEEDLE process, which Is tho onlyroinody known for this hideous blemish, flasters, jkvw tiers, nclds. only promoto a moro fctnliborn growth. JtheumatUm, Neuralgia and alt Nervous Complaints of ladles nud children ttoated.

Call or vrlto for valuable clrculara. MIIS, DH.UAIIHIlIL, stnw. of Tudgoforyfiursolf. COI.UMI1IA HIIIKT Harry O. Towers, mannger, aro now opening at No.

IHO avo a full lino of ono of tno best seletted stocks of cent's furnishing goods la the city. A specialty In tine dress shirts, read y-mud and to order. INOltAVKU PLATE, fl Printing bo lotting cards from samo, 45e; printing 100 lsltlng cards from the Bamo, 75c; lithograph check books inado to order, J. L. KEUVAND.

10M Pa avo w. II. WJ1ITK, Sti'iioRruplier and tvoowrltcr: contrurtH and Btiuclflca tinttufif nil ktiidnutrnitioiiiitiliiTAt4.Mti0aGhnl. peimons, accurately reportccl, A low pupils taken at moderato charge, 100(1 Fttnff, Hoom n. IltlCHIKCTPVLIY ANNOUNUK to the publlo that I have roniovod my drou-making parlors to ltIO i' nt it and onlarged myplucoof but.ccss.

La)ies will Had It to their udvantago to oall buforo going eiso-wbcre; suits made for $5 and upward; ovonlug costume a Kpvr laity. MADAME I'KKLIB. riini; (jtiKi.N iikkies, Stnd luuroi-dcrstu st w. 2YSTK. want t.

nuarl KJtHl Ovbterrtt OinterHt If You want froth oysters, fat and Juicy, by tho nuartor cation, wholcalo or retail, do not fall to buy them of DEALE'S Oystur 10th st w. You will got them at reduced rated. fVAIsIFOKNIA 1VINI3 ItOO, 713 II st w. Jacob Oundlaeh's Celebrated blto and Claret Wtnen by tho glasi and bottle. N.

U. WEYAND, late frouSau Eeruar-dlno, Ca). I' UAlOUlt.ItOritaurateur anil Cateror, will Jurulth cslltnuU-s on application for weddings, parties, Roclablos, banquets, oto. EinvfuuUty ns a llrst-elass caturor, Call or address LE llOUrt, HI i 8tli Bt w. F.

II. YOUNG'S HTKAH OAItPKT- I'lAnnlllO dTlfl KutlftViltlllff WfiPkfl. 1 Lathers renovated, mattrosxos mado ovor. furniturosteamect and moths destroyed. JIJJ Paao aw.

Factory, comer ol 6th audK sis o. CAMnVULI SONS, Donlers In ANTIQUE AND OTIIEH FHnNlTUHU, hot IE street noithwost. Carpets, btoves, Spilng Mattresses, Mirrors and oil Painting. Feather Pillows nnd Mat tret ho to order at lowest prices, Hcpuirlng nnd Upholstery a specialty, lino old Mahogany Chairs, Odd pieces of fun.lturoot alldoseilptlom. litre, n.

Caldwell agent lot tho Ylotor riro uud Eurglar-proof tiafo, EDUCATIONAL. DU8INKS3 roLLKOn. in rommodlous halls, National Dink of tho Itepubllo Building, sonthwct comer Hoventh nnd 1) streets. Established In 1JI. than 10,000 students hnebocn trained In this College.

Services of Its graduates always In demand. Thorough Instruction given lit Kapld Writing, the Kngllh Language, Correspondence, Itapld CaleuUtlon, Hoottkcening. llUBlnoss l'ractlco, Commercial Law, Political Kconomy. Bienogrnphy and Typo Writing. llcgular day and oventngscsilons, 0 a.

p.m. Mum rated Circular nontfreo on application. Telrpbnnoratl.ft7t-'-J.. I1ENUY C. SI'KNCKYt.

rrlnolpal. MK3. SAItA A. HriiNCElt, Vlco-Prlnclpal. Norwood Institute, 1407 MASSAVENUE.

Second Term opens FEBUUATtY 1537, Hummer Peslon at Norwoo1, Va. qiYrJI-WKITINOThoroustilyToucbt At Room 23, St. Cloud Building, nofcrencos. PItor. WHITCOMH has Reopened hts Rchool of shorthand at 1413 st w( elass sessions I'ucsdaT and Friday evenings.

WASHINGTON Academy of Tolo-craphy has removed from Capitol II 111 VUIMI JT tt ItOOMST. BandO. INTEflESTING TO THE PUBLIC Toptvo more spaco to our Department of Specialties, we have determined to abandon tnosaloof Chamber Snits, Cliiironiers, Bookcases ANIl MANY ODDS AND END3 IN THE PTTBNITURB1 XjIXTB). To commaod a of til, nlmro pooOs now on hand, wo havo ercatlr nxlncotl tt.o prlccsm soilo Instances to ONE-HALF THEIR VALUE Their exccllenco of quality Is too well known to rccmlro special mention. Alex.

Milne, Fnrnitnre MaKer ana Decorator, 511 Mntli Nt root lie twee 11 II mid CIGARS AND TOBACCO. K. of L. Made Cigar And Krdnhts of Iibor SMOKINfl and Cll RW-1NU lollAcco, manufactured by tho National K. ot h.

Co-opcratlvo Com-, pauy, Raleigh, N. C. or sale by J. EC- OKEI3VE, 333 Penna. Ave.

tSAcent Tor tho Celebrated Roller Organ; prices tsand 210. FURNITURE. New Installment House. Fumltore, carpets, oilcloths. Mat tings, Mat-trefcsand Redding, Stoves and Houao Furnishing tioods, for cash or weekly or monthly payments, by JAMES P.

LOFTUS, on Tth at. ir, w. Batr Carriages and FrNm Library Latnpa. IQB PRINTINB. KOltaK II.

STOUI1ART rnmTEns AiJiTENanAvEiis. Book and Job 1'rlntlni; a socially. NEW YOllK l'KICEa. 013 nndOlo Ttbat.n. opp.

U. S. Patent Oflico. ItUOlUAS McGILT, CO. (Successors to Mcolll Jb Ylttlcrow), rnlNTEICS AND BTEItEOTrYSKS, No.

1107 Bt. Northwest, Washington, D. C. GOOD WOI1K AT FAIH PRICES. rOLKINIIOKN, Book, Job and Poster Printer, 033 AND 031 STHEET N.W.

Near corner Tth st. G11ISON 11ROTIIUK3, ntACriC'AL BOOK AND JOB 1'ltINTEIiS, 12S8 Tenna. Washington, D. O. ty bine Printing Clias.

Eleisclimann, Conrcetloncr anil Caterer. CAn: AND DIXINa-ItOOMS. No. 1110 TENS. AVE, Onposlto Wlltord's Hotel.

Itcsulnr llonrd. SUI) Vrv Jlontli. Orders for Pal ties. Weddings, Itcceptlons, tironerly and rroroptly ottendei to. rPIIKlrect AV.

Evans DlnlDS-Itoouos, at Oil) st continues tuBerve tho limited or fixed meals, bill of rare at following rates: breakfast, 15e: lunch, toe; dinner, cue; cakes and coffee, loo; regular monthly board, tNo; moal tickets, 3 for SH for 33. Ail orders tilled promptly, and lu tho beat manner known to tbo trado. P. W. EVANS.

Proprietor. WLPAPE 50,000 ROLLS. XJoxL'ts Wall Papers Until you sco onr prices and tho Klocant New Ooodn now In stock, i am soiling way below Keculur 1'rlces A. M. TUBMAN, 411 Ninth Bt.

Northwest. Estlraato, tor work fnrnlihod at reduced prices. The best workmen employed. FINANCIAL. WALSH, CROPLEY Uloier UiiildltirTi BTItEET AND Gift SEVENTH ST.

W. Etocks, Honda, Grain, Oil and Direct wires to Now York aud Chicago, d. e. mm, B. H1BB3 B.

K. RLAIN BROKUIB, Grain, Provisions and Slocks, 0T1I AN11 ST3. AND 1 122 Washington, u. city Koftrcnccs-Nat tonal batik of tho Itepubllo, Chlcaeo Corrcspondcnts-MUmlno, Eodraan Co. Constant quotations of iho Chicago and Now Yotk Markets by special wire.


Ilctiirn of tlio TEMPLE TI1EATI1K OI'CIIA COMPANY THE LITTLE" Words and Muto by Wlllard Ppcnser, otq. AI.LTIir. OLD FAVOIIITE9, INC1.UD- l.SU Robert R. Oraham, Klma Dolaro, ha. J.

Cnmpboll, Carrlo Dlotrlck, R. N. Dunbar, Kinrenla Ntoholoii, lellxllaney, Kdward Krorctt. no. Rto.

NEW SCKNCRY AND RFFCCT3. 11EW NA1I0MAL THEATRE. HcssRbb. Ono Week Only, -COMMRNriNO MONDAY, MARCH 2t- Rngugcmcnt of tho Popular Comedian, SOI. SMITH UCSSKf.L, In bis homo comedy, IN I.DE5.A.CAL WAUACB Tiinr.i: Acrs, Fall to Overflowing with Fun, UliiMJIMK Anil UIAI(T1I Presented bva No'abloCompanr.

RUSSKLi; IN NRW SONHS. SKKTCHKS AND bPKCIALTIE-t. "Matters that Iako Mo Tired," "It's All 0cr Now with tlio Ijidlei," "Way Down Cast," "Iheyro tbo Picture of Tholr "Squlro KI1 Fossell," Tho Country Hinging Teacher." SATURDAY NEXT. ONLY MATINEE OF PA. Man-b 'i-LILLIAN OLCOTT In Pardon's THROOORA.

ARRIS BIJOU THEATRE. NIGHT PRICES-250. MATINEE3-20C. To All Parts of tho II ou 10, No extra cbnrgo for reserved seats. Child run balf prleo nt tho Matinees.

Kngngemcmt of tho eminent actor, NEWTON HKHKS, In tho siinc-rb lyrlo spectacular lurrcsn, U)ST IN LONDON, supportod by tho original New Yotk company of cc medians nnd singe rs, and prenting ear loads of splendid scenery, ioclatly executed by tho famous American artM, Henry K. Hoy t. Homo o' tho swart Mug; Heart Mlonkmoor; tho Fete of Comusl Illuminated eenoatlon snow soeno, and Job's Virion, a beautiful and subllms pro-loguo withont word. Legions of celestial beings, frccneiof dinolvlng beauty. Tho celebrated Pan Plpo dingers.

Original songs, dances eostumos irftd naletnm effects. NextWeck-MATTIE VICKEH, niME MUSEUM. A Grand Success! Everybody should Ool Kvery AfteincHm nnd Nlglit TuU Week. HOLLANDS DOHHLB COMPANY IN UNCI.H OAII1N. Placed on tho Btg in elegant stylo; now Fcenery, the HIcmiU boun In, the Singers and a fcplcndll Dramatic Company.

family and eery Jmenllo should seo ext week America's favorite comedian, Md, Kraneo, who, with the exception of Edwin booth nnd Wilson Uarrctt, is tho most successful aettr on tho stage In tho United l(EKNAN'S WA8U1NG10N THEATRE. Tbo Original Ash-box Inspectors. Sheehan fi, Coynel She eh an CoyncI AND A HOST OP ftPEPIALTY AIITIST3, In tbo new and orlittnnt eomody, UltOOAN'M KI.KVATION. New fiongs. New Dances.

New Cotumei. NEWANli NOVbl. KCKNKltY. MatlnccB Tbur. nnl Knt.

Al'ltOGXlAAlAIK OP 31AEE EXCELLENCE Will bo presented at tho Metro -ol It an A. M. K. Church, on bet. 15th and lUh Btl.

n. FIIIDaY EVENINU, March SI. Somoof tholicst Utciary and musical talent of thu country will take part. Among thorn, Hov. T.

0. Mewardof this city, who will give Set In-turo readings In several languages; Hev. J.W. iStcetisonof Hrooklrn, N. will deliver an addrefs on tho iowcrful effects ot music; Prof.

I.iaiuoof this city, tho blind wonder of tbo loth century; Prof. J. T. Layton, Jllsnes barah Waring and Lubi Hamer of this city, ttio admired soloists; Prof. Georgo Jardlno of Now York city, tho master orgun builder, who wilt gl.o Imitations of tho sweet singing of thunder storms and Hev.

James A. Handy of Daltlmore, who will deliver, an appropriate oddrcsa. fpWO QUAND CONCHUTS Will bo jrh on by tho RICnAUD WAONElt BOCIETY AND HEItR ANTON SOIIOTT, Ixadfng tenor of tlio Geiman Opera Cmt-pauy, recently performing at tho Metropolitan Opera-HouBo, Ntw York city, atthoCongro-catlonnl Church, cor. lot hand sts PEIUAY and SATUKDAY EVENINOS, MaroltWantt iN. Admission, 81, Including ripened t-eat.

llox sheet at DroopV, Pa. on, aud nftPrTuespay. tho Hint Inst. NATIONAL StCATiNO ItlNK. On Est, bet.

Gth and. th. Prof. O. R.

Gleason, THE KING OP ALL HOItSE TAMER3, Commencing Monday Krenlng. 'Match SI, at Hitland Etery Night, in hU marvelous exhibitions Illustrating bis unrivalled nnd masterly method of handling WILD, VICIOL'H AND NEUVOUS HOtUES. Peats of horsemanship that delight, Instruct and pleneitll. CHANGE OP PHOGHAMME NIGHTLY. General adui1lou, '-f.

Iteier cd tent, 60o. I artles luvlng lcloiis borsei. viz: Ktckers, Itliers, Kunawaj's, llalkeri. Plunger, eto, to bo. bandb'd and broke at theso oxhlbltloiu frco of tlmrco, nrply at HInk etriy Monday morning to bate them subdued early in tbO BCaBOIl.

PANOItAMA of lluttle or tJull Hun, 1Mb two blocks Hontb of Pa, ave. Tho moH realistic battlo scene ever painted. Lighted at ntgbt by ifOO clcotrlo lights. Open from 0 a. ra, to 10 p.

m. On Sundays bait prleo. DIlELDOh'S IJANCINO Jul IKS, AOIUK- 1001 STREET N.W. and 3D ST. AND PA.

AVE. S. r. Now Is tho tlmo to Join tbo classes for participation In the annual May ball exercises. OCIKNTIFIO ana KtTectlve Sparrln Tho most beneficial of all exorcises taught by Prof.

J. O. Collins, at bis residence, 700 2d st w. Lessons In dnrab-beU and Indian club oxcrclneq rIbq taucht ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. pAtirilLIX CAItltlNUTON, Attornoy-nt-Law, Dsiicour Law Buijikq 400 La.

Aye, WASHINGTON, D. 0. Residence, No. ISIS street northwest BOOTS AND SHOES. FINE SHOES A full btock of Pino Shoes constantly on baud.

FOR LADIES Wo liaTO Walalna Sltocs, Pres Shoos and Hlt Tn-rs tor reception and ercnlnirwcar la all too ltadinu FOR GENTLEMEN Wo havo tbo tiet makes ot Walking Bhoe. Light rVfiuhCalPatentLoathenind French Kid in all htylet. For ovcnlng wear, Patent. Leather Pumps for Men aud Hoys. Our Stock of Kisses' anil Children's Slioes Is complete, with Straight float.

Calf, Frenchv Kid, Lnamel Leather, Laco and 11 tit ton, Jn every Department wo try to have some thing to plcabu all v. bo fa vol us with a cull. DALT01I STRICKLAND, 930 Penna. Avenue. One-Prico Shoe Store.

A. L. HAZELTOH, .23 H.venm mre.i, Under Odd-rellows' TTall. C. Xlnrt's Fine Shoos for Ladles a specialty.

irlH ICth St. .1. IT, C21 rs. iit. t.

I have a lot of Fir. Shoes, rny own make; laatlwlUieUatabatalri. UlroKoatrlal..

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