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The Critic and Record from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 4

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUK WASHINGTON OWTIO, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 23, 1887. WASHINGTON OltlTIO cirr nvr.ciALS. Hprrtid Dns Nairn. isiPoiiTANT Notice. OwIer to tbo inclement weather of the raftt two ilija our special aalos advertise 1 for Monday ana Tuesday will 1)0 continual II ednctthiy and Thursday only.

Tub Faih, 813 Seventh street northwest, aoUschrnld's Old Stand. This Is an opportunity no ono alionll mien. Majolica Ltitpldor for 27c; Fancy Decorated China Cups and Saucers for Colored Cltass Water Sets, with brass tra). Kuby Water Seta, with lummered brass trays, Decorated Dinner cots (Imported). P-J Pieces, Decorated Tea Sets.

I rencb China, pieces, for '7. Imported Decorated ChamlerteU forf 1 71', iland-palnteil larlor Lamps forlc; Deco-rated Mustard Set, with China Spoon, for 15c. Fane Decorated Lira Kccctvcrs, 4f M(t nt DprornlcHl Cutta and Saucers. 1 7c, Japanese Urea 1 Tra)f, 17c lleood Cr)lal (ioblcts for Ulc Largo Iiird Cases, rrunJ or pnuare, our $1S Ilsby Car-flatten for $15 V'-; Sets of Decorated Cupi, Saucers and Plates for 17c. cnmai i ouieia lor i.sriro mm vjaccs.

rrund or Muare, our $1S Ilsby Car '513 VI Tub Faiii, Tub Faik, The Fa lit, rl2 w. and 811 and 813 Slhat.n.w. Fiianki S. Co HcUc IMMplitjIiin the l.nrspwt and most varied of I'astcr Hood and Noriltlctluthoclty, IMw, W. Koch.

Mil l'iuusIvanU avmuo uorthvvcst. Tele-fhoLu 755 4. (rrnt ltnruln Nn 11 one). Kullldont for thu Teeth, Mv regular I rice 5o lEkUlthcr'a Sktii Soap, lc regular irkoiv- Low Son A. IIailnns Si3p (impirtel), lfc, regular prluyv Celluloid Coinhx ifnll itzf) lie, regular plroll'ij.

Horlda Water, 3li' regulir price 50c. INcsllo Food for ItifaU, ngular rlco 50c. Ansonla I'ubber CorupaiVa Hair llnub, ic, repulnr price 1 KaMmau's Triple Fxtracts, 'die regular prlrp 2Cc. Sulphur Soap. Jot ciUe, IOj fojt, Isr pilce.

tAe Al Staudlfurd'A Sd fl I Flurmiry, Southmtt corner I'll, and Us u. w. lie Alt l-lih)lt)C lilt1 Ijll'KCMt and rrost varied atoek of Faster flood and Novelties In the city VAv Koch, Vennvv1vinli nvmue north a est Tele fhone" 755-1. I.ndlcH, Sih Honu'iit. Cloth and Knit Skirts ut cot thli week, Flannel Skirts reduce 1 to rui.

1 0 Flannel Skirts reduce 1 7') Flannel Skirts reduced to $3 in. $1 50 Knitted Skirts reduced B1. Knitted Sktits reduced to TSc. Children's Jcrsejs, black, brown carnet, tlue, all tlzpp, ndiiced from $1 S7, $1,50 and $1.25 to a uniform price of 1. Dotal aw', Ninth and struits, Wc itAi boo top-floor side show a or any old shopworn Roods to mark up to fahu lotia prices and then intend to mark down as bargains, Nor do wo have any pretended tpcclal day for selllncone article at half cost and try to doubloon the second pur chase: but we alvvav, meetany advertised price list on first class Koods.

FurDlture, carpets, bedding, baby carriages and up holetcry good. Also remember that wo are the on)) agents for the celebrated Alaska refrigerators, aod sole scents for the genuine rubber-tiro blcvcle-wbcel bab) carilages. Sinollton Flhtcucr, 115 Seventh street northwest, Uototliri Cnpltnl City Art Hi ore. Cli7 Seventh strett norths cet, lfjouaro In search of the latest distns In FJcltiro Frames and Mouldings, ncent publications of KtchluRs, Fncralngs, I'hotographs and Artotypc, Art Novelties and Lands, or are looking for the flotst Kcirulldlne Kstahtlsh' laentlu the clt). "Our Favorite" tlold Vatnt (the best manufactured), only 30 cents per box.

Metallic Lustra and Water Colors. tlltllli til tllO Druse, Chemkals, l'roprlctiry Medicines, Toilet Arllclrp, caubefounl at 11 Flnnc'a Store, coiner 7th and 1 fttrctts u. w. Kxinnon Jstleastd with the work done ly the Ilamnioril Tjpo Wiittr Jons C. Faum'h, Agent for Ihc U17sud tll'J htuiiih street northwest.

Atli'iillon We beg to call jour attention to our ttock cf siring and tuiuuitr goud, wliKU com prists all theliailluj; bovvltles InForeUn and Domestic Corkscrews, Wile Walt Diagonal, lllrd's ejo fc-iotch suitings, alio a full Hoc of for Sprint; Omcoat. Call earlj and get first choice from ttie lorzeutlmk uf Its kind this si lw of Niw oik. V. II ()i ifT Co, CM strict northwest. It In the It.

-I. Atk for it. Schlftta Mllvjii'ico Laitcr Uter. tor sale by all lea ling houses. Ifoch Voiir llntrh trtl CleniiliiK? Go to Ken 11 el 1-0j stuct uoilhnust.

Visiting Cahim neatly engraved from jour plates at 75 tints ptr huuJred, Ker-vaml, 101" l'euup)lanla utnue. l.atlU-H, Attvntlonl We have a largo line 1'ogllsh Serges, Tropical suiting In all the leading shales. The gooda make handsome spring suits for ladlcaand are everlasting for wear. Col ored Mohair and MIk lira Us, Kuttoni covered to order; also a full lino of Cussl-meres suitable for tallor-maJo jackets. Fjusk II.

(Jla.t Cloth House, C29 street north a est, LiTnoQiuni Check Hoous made to order. Handsome designs. Ken and, 1U13 1'enu-eylvanla avenue. ilo to lientleltl. I'JOt nt.

X. for Waltham and Elgin watches. MosoaitiMs and address dies stamped In colors at low figures. Kcrvand's, 1013 Pennsylvania avtuue. 00,000 ItollH AcwHtjIcH IV nil I'n- lf rri.

At George S. 12" 1 Seventh street northwest, a new and ex tensive stock of Teak's patent raised paper. Also a full Hoe of Campbell's Mica fiaper. The largest stock of cheap paper the city at wholesale and retail. Dado shades, with spring rollers, at 50c.

All work guaranteed at the lowest possible rates tj practical experienced artists. J(udttenV4 I'oimlnr IiiHtallinent lldllxt'M, Housekeepers who desire to bur any kind of stoves, furniture, carpets, clocks, willow ware, oil cloths, baby carriages, ttc bhould go direct to this promloent establishment, ICOandKU seventh street northwest, (west side.) Ills goods are excellent and cheap and his terms are the ea blest. IllMll'H tlttl Htunil, OIU Ht. W. lluys geols' second hand clothing.

Note by mall promptly attended to. I'lirnpent I'fnrt In thi VAty tobuj watches KtutkM's, 1U05 st. n. CliQlrent Flouers at Jiw I'rlreH, C. Hale, florist, 710 Fourteenth street notthw est.

Funeral desigus a specialty. IV. II. Ilouttltton A. 11 Htteet AortiiucHt! At this time of the ear have a great many goods of the highest class, (ring euch goods as wo cannot dupllrarp, wiilh wilt rCir st dUtuUut tJ Ml percent.

Including chamber and parlor furniture, chenille portieres, etc. Notice to lIoiiNeUcpnerft In addition to a completo stock of heating and cooking stoves, ranges, carpets, blankets, comforters and parlor and dining-room furniture, 1 have Just received a full line of silver table ware, all to bo sold on easy monthly or weekly payments as cheap as can be bouzht elsewhere at strictly cash I rices. Smith's reliable Installment noose, Hi Tcnnsylvaola avenue northwest. "Alderney Iinlry lVngons," Freeh Alderney butter, churned every morning and delivered la i lb "Ward' trlnte, 45c. per lb.

Also cottage cheese, buttermilk and sweet mjlk, 5c. per ut. CretiD, 15c. per pt. AT THE THEATRES.

AltHtOH'S "the mttm: TTCOO1." A good bod weather audlcuco gatliored at Alltaugh's last night to see and hearMTho Mllloljcoou," which, for Iho second time this season, appotrs In Waihlngton. Uhat was sold of "The Llttlo Tjcoon" before may be repcattd, but added praise for cur) performance puis a newer polish on the 1n) and brings tie actors imarorthe parts lliey personify. Graham Is still on deck with his catch songs, "What Noxtf" I ting the latest. Miss Dietrich as 1 tf Mi's Dilsro as Mi's Jlitmcanr a perfect blizzard, Miss Mcholsou as Dolly Jhmjile, and all the others as attractive as ocr. Iho audience took it In ai If It wcro all new and abctUr atrpulntatice lent zest to appreciation.

Again lo-nlcht, TUB NITIOSAt. SOI. SMITH UU9SCM Sol Smith Itusult presented last night at tho National for the first time fu Washington his three act phy, "Fa." While Mr. llueecll as a natural comedian is second to no actor In America, It has been his mlsCor tuno never to have ha 1 a play ifpnl to his sbllltlis. nid "IV Is no exception He mokes tho most of It, howcur, and with his fjiiaiLtncss, hli Interpolations, Imlta-Hols, tVc, Ac, manages to keep an au II cneoou tho laugh rctt conitaully.

Ills support was ss goo 1 as uhat it In 1 to do could make It. Miss htnrua JIaggar Vi'jidaushtcr, wai bright and graccfut. Miss Nelson and Miss Panrker, Lis other two, wcro handsome. MI Mattle Ferguson, an Ohio girl, as was not ury itctl), but she develojvd romcily tah nt of a most promising quality. Mr.

Ham's fditry Jltimpjn was a fo'jd ltce of clutocier work, and Mr. aw ton's whittling serenade caii'ht thu hctiM. Mr Marth as HnmomllHwuri did IlieiomUo trsIc with leillug. Ml In nil, "Pa" Is a play which aorimllkcuud some don't, and to see It the onl) way tu reach a conclusion, to night. TUG HUnr "lOtT IN tONIiilS A aitilleuce was 'Ist In Lon-don' at I he IHJou hit night, notwlthstind Irgtlietod wealbir, which was truly Ku-llb, ji i ii know, lho pis Is ono of humau Interett and never fUgs.

lllatheator) of a i leh man si i nt on poor nun's hcrth ttoiic. TLe eiidlig Is bomtrw tint sumbre and net salt should I the lour gois nn-pnilshdl, while- hli letlm, the poor nun's wife, (Ids, at-d her IhjbIiiihI Inies UU reason Newton lUers, as the hero, is good, for too for his surrounding. 1 tin rtsttf thu cast Is nut worthfof special mention, situ the- flnnlngof tie I'sn l'ipu sli gtia and the- luiltutluus iftdiu, ili-ruard, lotli of whkh are iicilliiit Theply wjs liuiitifiilly itoid A I to night. KI US IS'ft I "drogaii's Lleva'lon," whkh has tha boards nt Kerita u' IhU ei Is from the pen cf Kd. Price, well known here In his sport now asuer'stful Un)er la New ork City.

The principal characters are In the bauds of bhielmu and Coyne, aid are well taken. Of plot there Is little, but tho play answers the purpose for which It was eildcntly written, and depicts lift) among thelrlth arlatoeracy of bhautytown In true colors. 'Inure are man) special tics that sro good, while Gcrtrule James in Jlor Mom in Ul Is as pretty aud taking as dew-ktmu mountain pink. Haul orer jour 1 1 Mi, Pat, and go take an clevatlow again to-night. Tiir! dimc "tscLn tom'scamn," Ihero aro some oliLStnuts whoso Lursaroaltractl-ic.

Such aouoli ''Uncle Tom's Cabin," and our children's children will prubaLl) saj thu same. It Is a plty that must necessarily llu as was demon stratcd by the packed house that greeted It at tLu Dime lat night. Iho specialties are a way tip, audorellvcl) and catching, Uury eftirnocu and evening this week. MturiMi or ciri.i;.s. Hi sitleiitM of Northeast Washington Appulnt Central Comiuttlaonien Tho Cltlzena1 Association of Northeast Washington met at Melford Hall, at tho con ncr of Flghth aud I streets northeast, last night aid decided to change tho name to that ot "Gltlzina1 Association, No.

3." A (omudttccof twihu was was appointed tj thu Cmtral Cumm'ttco ns fulluws, C. Dbilci, iijstir, Ciirk, T. Smith, C. Hughe, Duorgo Dawfon, II. Walker, V.

Hill T. liohtuson, Mil! ml and (1 L. Ho! land, Alttriihtis- I) Joiiir, II. II, Fain bam, Di) Land, Irech, J. It Croeimau uLd C.

McDjvtell. I'roft-HU'-r tiltMisotTH Trnlnlti, 'Iho L-fctrtet llltik crowJcl to Its utmost capaclt) lasttdhtln spltu of the storm to witne6 Professor tlleason's novel Iiorsc-tralulnenteitiilnmet Iho 1'rufesior handlid four horses lu a way that see ued to lcar-e the audience1, although oil of them wctu of rliicuh-u Olfpoiltljii, nut caku latid tothow wlidt a thorough nnstcr au i educator cf thu brute I'n fvpeor GUasou Amoi the horns tu he handled to uliht is a I "lear old thornuithhred inuruowneil h) Dr. K. Goldliorough bho Is ver vicious, and will gl the all ht wMs. t-crd our lul Lories and hutlhcm Iruken lite of (haigu.

AcnliiHt rfiimlny llarr. 1 lie Coiittntitloutrs haU' taken ndecllcrt' aove oyulnst liquor dealers whokeip their bars open on Sunday, Ith a view of revoking tho licenses of suck offenders after the second conviction. There aro scorca of bar-kttpers who have been caught selling on Sunday, but they put up (20 collateral and forfeit It, and this does not count a conviction. In tho future no person charged with keeping his bar open on Sunday will be allowed to forfeit collateral, 'they will all hao to stand trial In tho future. Prosecuting Attorney Padgett stated to a Critic reporter that there are numbers of barkeepers who openty sell on Sunday and forfeit regularl), and It Is tho Intention of the authorities to put an end to this, Verdl'M Jtcllo" Illustrated.

Tho current number (March 10) of FreuniVa Music ant Drama contains an elegant 8 page supplement descriptive of tho new opera, "Otcllo," and accompaolud by full page and doublc-pago illustrations, together with portraits of crdl, tho com poser: Faccio, tbo director; IfomllJa I'anta-feonl (tksdfmoiut), Vittorla Maurel Francesco Tamagno tOtetto). and Bolto, tho librettist. I Another Flnr JIoiml. Mr. S.

(1. Ward Isahouttobcgin the erection of au rlegantdoublu house oo street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth, streets. It will have a frontage of flft) feet anl a del th cf fifty-one fett, and will cost fll, 00U Tho front-wilt be plain with square windows and an arched doorway, and tho material of the front will be pressed brick. ltwillbetbr.joatQilcsblab with a cellar, "IM-lnsN nrc Dangerous." If you are pale, tmiclatLd, have a backlog cough, with nlght-sneats, spitting of I lood and shortnies of breath, you have no time to lose. Do not hesitate too long till ou are past cure; for, taken In Its early ttages, roiisumtlon can he cured b) tho use of Dr.

Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery," as ILousaLd can testify. By American ilt-t'haiitcul IhiglnrerN The Hit tenth meeting of the Amerlcaa Society of Mechanical F.oglDCcrsyreques. and tuggestfon of a largo number of tho memltrs, Is to be held In this city about tho middle of May, 'Iho exact date and dctalli Iistc not jet been announced. Timte mid Aip1 it 'stlafitd by Colgate's tinequalcd lino nf i' tit soaps. Cubhmero llouquet soil all the world.

Chinese laundryman In San Diego, an advertisement fu a local paper which ui, bceu running fur fifteen years, ight gltls now la Wellcsley College la-t I to be missionaries, and the Uostou aid ejaculates; "Happy cannibals! The Icsley Uavor (a delicious." 3iiEBiiAN Coyse's Company wa Ued with hish favor last night at Ker bin's io each of its numerous tUepubiicao. "Excellent." l'ost. What Is vinegar without a mother It Ii o'phan very poor, GENERAL STORTING 1NTELL.1QENCE. Hoitn of lliq Unit rinyeM. A.

Spalding has sent registers to each of tlo league umpires. The register Is ftboLt tho shape aud slzo of a pocket match box, and Is made of ivory. Tho wheels aro numbered on tho new stylo of four strikes and Jh balls, and ou tho aco of tbo caso Is tr crated the tiamoof tho umpire to whom Ills presented, Tho Chtcflgos plsycd their first game, March 8, at Hot Springs, against a plckrd nine, with I'yle pitching and Datv catching, Tho Leaguochamplons, who hid llaldwln pitching and Darling catching, won by a scoro of 'JO to 14. Iloth ptlchcra were batted freely, Williamson distinguishing himself by making a homo run. Tbo llostoa Herald sa "1 lie Washing-tons have an array of solid material to put In the held that will gladden tho admirers of tho Ihcy havo (Jlllijan, Mack, Dealy and O'lirlen, catchers, all good backstops and fine throwers; Shaw, (lllrnore, hltncy, O'Duy, Kccfe an 1 Keating, pitchers, ood no club would want a letter and more cfTectlvo lot; Krelg, Far-roll, McGlone, Iiascmen; Myer shortstop; Carroll, lllnes, Schoch, out-fielders, with Donelty third baseman, llaker aud Stinrt as cubstltutcs." Cariittiers has signed with the Drowns.

It Is understood that he Is to receive Manocer Kelt) has adoptel a schemoby Which tho speed of tho pitchers cm ho greatly Increased. Hu had an Iron lull weighing about two pounds made tho other day. 'Ihe pitcher will bo required to practice with this, and the man who will pitch In each gsmo will uso It about half an hour bcforutlmc Is called. In tlm I'rlK'i Itlng. Mctvloe Thompson reapptari-d before tho rtd.llcon Saturday night I ist In a wrestling match at Hindul.y with MarcChristol.

Tho roi illtlois of the match were that tho stylo I e- 10 Human, uurt't, no foul, no draw, aid (hot llicmpsoii throw Chrlstol flvu times in one hour In win. Tho llret threi) fails were won by 'Ihompson; time 5JT1 1 rerpt ctlrcly. 1 lie jtirth fall and match were won by Chrlstol in B0. Gtotgc ridjames, tho clever fwather wtlgl tiow iisldlug In Cinhdi, has inilu orruupunrntMo trnln Harry Gllmoru torUU futuio 'mills tuljunos expresses confide uci- In (illmorc's rttllity to cet uMay with hfs man, Ihi liu cltlitr Jlmm) Cirney or hli fonner victor, Jmk McVuIlfTe. A'luulli V.

until. There-fs-some talk of a boat race next fiitnmcr In whleli the rontcstauts villi bo Mr. J. A. St.

John of bt. Louis and Mr. W. D. Crate1, tho well known and popuhr crmeeliatt.

'Uicienro some points on which thu iitluncu illITcr, however. Mr. St. John wai ts tho racoto ho In shell huts, no. a lal ecoune, while Mr.

Crane will Insist on lowing In sklfTs from point ot th) HulMachtCIiib Hou.otc) I In, tlht and re turn, or from fiu Imiiclniiv line In t'au cote off Lanreoro tUrrcti's cottigi at Cohatf-ftt tut toward loot's HM and re turn. Mr. Crane acknowledges tint skffT rowing does not draw out tho scientific points of the "game," but ho likes tho exercise, ard does not care for fresh water, preferring the briny deep to an luland lake. Captain Yates of tho New York pilot boat Hope, just returned with the steamer St, Albans, SBts of the race between tho Coronet and Dauntless that wo shall havo some very swero northerly gales before long, as it Is approaching tho tltno of too equinoctial storms, and If the yachts do not arrive oil ltocho's point before these" storms leglu, It will to merely a quoitlon of cu-duroLce, "In in) opinion," he addel, iwthueeels will keep not far north of tho 40th meridian. Tbero Is too much Ico lloatlng down from tho north to admit of a falling vessel taking the northerly pas sage atthts time of the) oar, Kven steamers find It no Joko, and thu St.

Albans steamed for hours through Held Ice that would soon cud the prospects of cither of the schooners If they were unfortunate euouih to fait in Note-) of the Turf A meeting of the cxecutivo committee of the National Jockev Club was liehl last night and tho prograinmo for tho sprlngl meeting adopted. It Is tin Jcrstood there Is 1 toia racoou ii longer mau nino luriongs and not a steeplechase. Tho opening Fcramblo will be at 11 vo fuFlong ueljht for ace. It Is lobe hoped a Brighton Hoif-h programme was not adopted. Iho horses at the tiuck are nearly all Uklug good stroi woik.

One of trum u-acbed tho 15! noUli jtsttrduy morntitfr, and the Holus colt, P. 'Ihoiuus, Itali I Uu bunch of two- ear oMs. Mr. WasMmrton, tho owner of tho cele brated cross eruutry hore, Duudus, Ut tnurii uiappomiLU tnst no nus no cuanca tu start ids hunc herer tils rrln, I'rortssorGIoascn will tr-. to teach Ulack Hose, a It ur vear old thoroiuhhrcl fill to work In barntss to nlsht.

Fvery ot-e- from Iho race track attended GIca6on'a pciformaLco last nlht Mr. llurcli has not jet lurnol old Coloiel Spractiu out the scumh, but will this wttik If I ho weuttcr irm tins gaud lialtlmore will train his mart) Farewell to go over the sticks this sea son the ihould be a dairy. tjiiiln is tell quietly bickel fur the Suburban with stable nuuty. 1U will bju Letter hurce thou he was last jcar, CITY MEWS PARAGRAPHS. Ofl'cer James Chester of tho SI vlh Pre-tlntl dhd of consumption at hU resllenco, (ill New Jersey nvenue, last ulght.

1 lie rumor that Daniel D. Tompkins, a colored lie publican, bad been appointed Dc uty Ktcorder of Deeds, Is denied, Andrew llarber, a oung mulatto, who la a dticrter from tho S. Navy, was In the tolls at tho Police Court to-day, charged with carrying a pUtoI, Ho recently came from the West, and was arrested at the house of his father In-law last night with a plttol In his pocket. Ho was fined $30. Allcrt II.

Corr, the reform pollco commissioner of Ilultlmorc, ipoko at tho meeting of the Maryland Democratic Association meeting last Dlgbt. He said ho would support civil servico Just as soon as civil-sen Ice was so revised as to give all the otll-ccs to tho Democrats and was loudly applauded, Invincible Council, No. 9, Sons of Jonadab, had a very pleasant social gathering last night at Academy Hall, Georgetown, Professor 'Iho mas Garland, Miss Olllo Goss, Captalu Win. llowen, Mr, Archie Clark, Mr. James Loveless and Mr, Jerry Williams took part lu tho entertain tuent offered.

Another division of tho Anclont Order of Hibernians has been established hero with tho following ofllccrs: Michael Moo nej, slate delegate; Joseph r. McCrlok, r-tate sterttur), Patrick lMey, prosidont; Ibouias Kilehtr, tee-president; William J. from) ton, financial secretary, F.lward T. McQuttiiej, monllig secretary; Hugh F. MiQuuutj, trit-tuur.

Vit WasIilHgton. Cattle sales nt Drovers' Kest, March Cat tie sul ln follows. Ktsl.nic., good, -IJ05, medlun, 11 common, -iO1! Mieep und lambsblieep, lands, fQJ, calvw, 5QIIJ lh.rti.eri cows and calves, $J0to fit) per bead. Temperature aud cuudltlou of water at 7 Great Falls, temperature, St.condi ttor, -l; rtcetvlue reservoir, temperature, ii, condition at north connection, -1, at Efiuth ccntitctton, -Zit dlstrlhutlug reservoir, temperature-, 40, inndltlou at lutluentgate-houKp, CO; condition at elllueut gate-huuiCi 2-1. A (-lit Tor All, In order to give all a chance to test It, and tLusleconvInctd cf Its wonderful curative owen, Dr.

KIrg'sNew Discovery for Consumption, couirhs and colds, will be, for a limited time-, glren away, 'Ihls offer Is not only liberal, but shows uubouu led faith lu tie oiti Its of this great remedy. All who suffer frt in cotmhs, toldi, consumption, nithinu, bronchitis or any afTtctkm of Ihinat, (htst or 1ung4 are especially re-nneited to call at Stotr, Cromwell drug store and get trial bottle free, largs bottles $1, "Your Honor, he was drunk. I saw him staggering through tho street," said the pollctmsii. Prisoner "Your Honor, he Is mlttaktn, I was simply practicing tho earthquake step, for tbero Is no knowing what may happen." The native bnm elephant bids fair to rival the great Imported Jumbo In size anl weight; but It Is pretty generally known that nothing rivals the great remedy, Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, BIRTHS ii.

on lo sir.nndMri. tico. il 1'uwcll, lis st, u. w. $3.89 for Jackets of light or tl.trk ordark striped cloth, plaited hack, satin hood.

The Hon Marchc. $4.98 for Jackets o( black stockinette, coat back, double-breasted and tailor-bound The Bon Marchc. T4-9S for Black, Seal or Navy Bou-clc Jackets, with satin hoods and facings. The Bon Marchc. for Kersey Jackets, tailor-made, in tan and drab, full finished.

The Hon Marchc. $5.98 for Jackets of fashionable plaids, i satin hoods. The Bon Marchc. 7-25 for el Striped Cloth Jackets, satin collar, coat back. The Bon Marchc.

$13.50 for selected Plaid Stockinette Jackets, velvet hoods, tailor finished. The Bon Marchc. THE BON MARCHE 316-310 Seventh St. N. W.

I EW DRY GOOD Wm. D. Clark, fcUCCUSOIt TO THUNNEL A CLAItK, 811 Market Space, Is now thowiiig-onch gutit iuoitmont of all iliueletlmbio now bin Ins Dress Goods, And nt tLo Oiicnrd this morn In 3, 100 ticcc. of Iho celo bratedTull Du Noi-J biugliaiQ, elegant sijlos, nao sonio grjii 1 uirjaui on our llot-kry (ounter, niinioarrfel a'lof onr Ttliok and Pol nred Sllkannd Woolen 1 res (inods, Inclul inc Oelds mid Eod. and markeil tliom at such prlcca as will Insure them simcdy alo.

Como and look them over, "Ono Price Only." A or He a uty is a Joy Forever. DK. T. FELIX GOUIUUD'S Oriental Cream, oi Magical BeautiHer, bo suro tho preparation Is properly made. Ae ceitiioeouiitvileltof similar name 'lliodU-tludiilMiiedUr.

L. A.baycr eald to a lady of tho hauttoniA patient): yott UvtUt will utt than, I recommend Gotiraud'i Cream at th leatt harmful 0 alt tfit tkln preparation," Ono bottlo will last six inonttii, uulng it every dav. Also I'oudru bubtllu removes suporllu-ous hair Ittiout Injury to the Hktn. I'iJleD. T.

UOPIilNh, Manacor. MHnmlsUN.Y. For sale by allDnitrcIst. and Fancy Goods Dealers thmmrriout thu Canada and Kurope. of baso Imitations.

91 uw Howard for arrest and proof of any one Hulllnirthii rninm WOOD AND COAtj 11 roun Coal Wood ntoM Johnson Brothers, The most itouters In tho District. Supply more families than any (Irm south of New Vork. 'telo'honefonnectlons. Wain Oflleo 1A street northwest. Branch Ofllees and Tttrds- 11 Hovi'iitli stri'ut uortbvvent.

1740Ienna avenuu northwest Tfiiun untie southeast list Muth street nortliwtut. eAlPeuna avenue mrtliwint Corner and KstreuUnotthwest. barves and Itallroad Yard twelfth und Water streets southwest. V. BALDWIN JOHNSON, Wholesale and Itetail Dealer In "WOOD AND COAL.

Completo PacllltleH. Iluttom rrlcos, PollWelnlit and Menauro, Wood and coal direct from thb forests anl mines by rail and water, aud freo from slaz, slate and other impurities (IIVK MK A TRIAL. Main Yard and Ofllce, lOlt it. ave. n.

w. Iiranch bit A st. n. JJruncU Office, corner Oth and its. W.

AU connected by telephone. zZ33 Itomoves gSA Tunt l'im- 0 plea. Moth nSjbM liP'aWCc- XV a hos, 71s3Cn Frookles, itS-SSB iK SV tb1j easeq, and fcic-oie PovorT blowUh Trt A ou beauty VVlKl't detection. CLOTHING. RETURN OP THE OF SEVENTH ST.

W. Afler spendlna several years manufacturing clothing la Haltlmoro, I havo rcturnod to Wol inftton and located at D2 1 7th at. n. vvhrrol shall bo pleased to sco all my old friends and customers, and ns many new ones as dosiro to cot tho best made nod trlmraod clothing at lowest prices. Our motto Is tho best Roods at lowest prices Wear ono good for a year; If tboy don't turn out ns wo rccom mend, you can hare your money.

Wo don't vv out your money llhout Riving you an honest dollat's worth of goods for every dollar jotipayua. Wo do want your custom, and 0 do want your Influence In sending others to us. Nodcslro to build upas larw ntrado as wo had hero when serving you with cloth log, 0 did not leave Wa.hlnnton beforo bo toiiFo wo had to, but our stoKei wcro located below on Uli st and they prated tho street nnd left our flemrs Just seven feet abov 0 tho pavement, Tho landlord was In Paris. Duslncss had been forcol off tho streets for months owing to tho deep cuts on Fst.and on'thst, we could get no Htoralosaltusat lint tlmo In tho olty, ami wa forced to imno out, I oar In (i cplendll businos. Mill the march of Improvements iJemamled ttiogrod lug er tlio strt cts, and Individual losei could rot stand In tho way of public Improvements it was a itreut loan to tne, but tliosyutem of puhlle tmiruvcmenia then 1 nati curat en ims ruado WaMilitatim 11 beautiful eliy, and I am fietotoetny iiuvv, mil to sell tho het eluth-lug In thu city.

Who of tlmol lur rodlentoM e'dcciotntno'i rMnltli, Iho clot Mer, of Tth thu orlehul Oak Hill ulothlurr Nut 1. mun, wrniiiti in child but knew thu store Wo were then among the fmir lulling uIothlerA nndtutlrnof thotity Wall Htepiiens aco, Noiih Waller Co, (Moimi II ill nn I Smith' were thu laics then Wo Intend to rouku bn lib the plnio ticnltr. uhllcwo aio a llitlo farther up Sovonth street llian wo duKlievl.wu roul 1 tiuttd'otru astoii lower down, uurreiiii am lower, und voiuii n'lliht Mteri lothitu, at ltwur irkes.tlio irilt cf low omenem VVomn nmvoitriinirtha or ntvamul stylo of Ul 'Inllor-Mudo lullilntf for Men, lliynnd Children, Wo haw all irrudfti und qualltlei. and want your trade) Men's iiltfrim il to hi. SI Vt ti an 1 CMl Ircu'a suits Irom $JWHiptoST Wo hivoa to(ilul drive In a thousand iMlrsof Knee I loI3, nt KVj, nnd KV, 7'nitid (Wo innts forrxto.

to rinse out, I nmo to HVI I ril'ri, tlio Clothier lo tlo 1 tuple, for tlio imnpta. Monnvanved nnd money made hyeiomlng to'MMt IMPS, 7lh tietween I aud sts, two doun be low7 LurdetteV. bBIlTXl I MtlTII I TIIK CLOTIIIRII. hTIITII JS It I'ortlio ronrentenco of our custom crs llvlngnpar Ittli mid Pets, elm a opened 11 fine Clothing and Mrrehant Tallcirlng llousn nt tholinostore, 111J Fst, nfow duursubivn Mofis A Son Inrgo furnlturo stora, whero youcanlenvo your orders for tho finest cus torn work or supply yourself with atl stylos of Men's, lio) und Children's Clothing, SMITH'S, rcrmerly of 4C0 nndli17th st, bolow and corner SOth st and Penn. uvo, ICow of 041 Tth st and 1112 1' st w.

Coma and sco us at our new places. All tho Latest Styles Hi BOYS' HATS hprine styles Derby llatf, 73u to soft lelt and Cloth Hats, Mo 75c SI. $125, J1W to 51 Chihlron'aPoloCapl. from H'o. lo Wic.

Hoys' School Hats and Cups fromsro upward. Men Hoys' nnd Children's Clothing, from he en low est prices up JJoyV Knee Pants, flora 4'Vc. upward. Men's and lioys rants, from 75c. to SO.

Mcu'a and Hoys' bluglo Coats 'very cheap. Our Ladles' llotiso Slippers. BOo. and CSo can't bo matched for the quality and price. And tho 81 Girls' and Uovb School shooiex eel nil Tho best $1 50 Ladles' and Uonts' faboo In tho city.

Hi Ire your pocket books rcpleto If you wantbarfialusat 1011-1010 PRNN. AVH N. J. Seltoy. Importer and Tailor.

bprltie GnoilH, all or tlio LtiteitNoot tlerif KnglUlt 1'roncli unit Scotch SultliiRH, Just urrlvod Mr. DA Hit perfcocally fits all ff irmouts maJe In our istabllihment. 1111 Penna. Avenue. GEO.


Association. AMERICA'S LARGEST BREWERY. Brewing Capacity tier Annum, 500,000 Barrels. OFFICE AND DEPOT Corner First fltroot and Virginia avonue. FRANK SGIIWAKZ, Aeont.


BURDETTE, solb Aamrr1 USB COKE Tor Generating Steam. For Cooking rurposea. For Heating by I arnace. For boating by Latrobe. For Open Orate It Ic Easily Ignited.

It Makes a Quick, Hot Fire. It Does Mot Barn Out the Orate. It la Economical. It Will fay to Try It. FOB SALS 11V TOII Washington Gaslight Cora'y.

tOBn.nelB. Ornohed llnstiels, Oraahdl. lODathola, Kot orushod a liuboll, Mat Cmtbod TO ..300 rWDellTcrod to Any Part of Waablceton or Uoorsotown. PRICE POR To Rediico Stock. Gentlemen's Street or Driving; Glove, English Tan Dogskin, with Ruddy's 2-Hook Patent Fastenings, or 2 Buttons, At 75c; Usual Price $1.50 lew Shapes Spring Style Hats At $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00.

ATJERBACI 623 Penna. Avenue Northwest. Spring Millinery, Spring Wraps, Jerseys anl Jackets 814 Seventh Street Northwest. Wo aro Exhibiting Cholco Lino ot Spring Mltllnorf, sucli as HATS, BONNETS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, TIPS, GAUZES, SILKS, LACES In all tho leading Shades and Shapes, at pr cos that defy competition. Our line of Jerseys, Spring "Wraps and Jackets Are selling at remarkably Low rrlcet.

Call aud oxaroino our largo assortment, tt will pay you. Wo also offer an cleuant lino of 3 aud 4 hultou KID GLOVES, At 00c. and 00c a Pair. Sold elsewhere at 81 and 81 33. Don't neglect this opportunity.

KXfcTGPS FJA.DL.A.OH!. 1 -4 T'tH St I 1 i 1 1 i Copyright 1 USI! TKIIFS, BTKlU.lNn, aiiNMsnrvi, GILT illini! or UOLDKN llir.I, FLOU And you win always havo lieautlful Urea Holla and ItUoultn. Wholtualo Uupot, corner Flrat utrtct and Indiana nrcntio war. m. (jilt co, EUGENIE'S Secrot of Beauty AND InntniitancouM Ilnlr ly In All HlmiU'M, frout a lilittit illoudo Ion Jet lSlucli.

A head of hair can bo dye I in an hour. Tho ayo uouios uro in iu biun, iuu. uu 9 i TlmmirlnnlrlniT can tet the Ollftllty 01 1 ThoHodoBlrlnc can tet the quality of tho Dyo before nurUiaxlns it at thoatoro. bepa rn itrnrn niirLiniRiniT it. ai ti.r Ilntr llr( luff Aleoftlull assortment ot Human Hair poods, oonsUllnft of tho latest style Front 1 luces, Switches, eto constantly on hand.

I am now boIo acent for this city for the well known beautlf jlnff cosmetlca by tho 1'erfumorle MouleCrUto Company. J. ROOHON, 53715tuBt.n.w. 012 14th st. n.

r.DitiiNK ion uooi. fcERESP All DDtea.usuarod. nnOIKIK WdOLDHllHlB. Cor, at, au4 Uaryland uvo, THIS WEEK APeiyforYoirTloiMs WELL, HERE GOES I Wo me thinking how well wocanpleaso rur nutonura this Spring who vvuat Tory MjIbhnLd EXTRA PINE Boys' Clofcliing Wo think vo can Bhow finer aud hand Eomer poods fur toj" nnd 'small boyn" tlrnn any tlrm In Mushlnatcn, and vve take pit mure lu luvitioir a careful Inspection of our Advance Spring Styles. BARNUM CO, 931 Penna.

Ave. FANCY GOODS. WM. R. RILEY, Corner Ninth and Street, riorthw.f t( nas In store a Full stock ot Woolen Underwear Tor Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.

ZE.Q-.ID.A.'VIS. Black Dress Goods, Embroideries, Laces and Trimmings. 71 MABKET BP1C1 WAHniNDTON. D. 0.

GROCERIES. lO FB1E OH33SJ-OT. Uybufln Butter and Groceries or J. h. msnaiviv, DS1 Luiil.lnDa Aenue, A few raoro choice old slairnolla Ilam left.

JA31I.H IIAItllUUK, liolesala WINE (moCEtlT MMICIJANT. B14 to Clfl l'ennfl Avonun STEAMBOATS. I.onva. 7Ili-t. nun on 'i uciaav.

una I ihim-tlays, ut7n for 1'utomuo ltlver Undlnn. as far as Matlox Crick, (irludor'a wharf, bundaysdoun and Wcdn04tays up; Drent's and Chapel Tolnt, Thursdays down and Mondays und edncsdays up. a. JOKES, Agent, lli-strcet wharf, JOHN JIcUAHElC, Alexandra, Vn Aeent, MOUNT VKIINONI MOUNT VBHNON MOUNf VUHNONI Bteamer W. conconAN Leaves i tb St.

Wharf dally (oxcent Sunday) fol MOUNT VKUNON. At 10 o'clock a. i rotumlnt, reaobOA.Wuta InttoB itboat t.9Q p. tyuv aitCAT PEIINSYLVAMIA ROUTE To Iho North, Went nnd Southwest VouMe Track. Sjtlindtd fcrntry.

Steel Jlalh. Magnificent JCqutpmtnt, In crrECT JiNviur 80, 18S7. Train hare Wathlntjton from Station, corner of til and Jl ttrettt. a follow: For rittsbura and tho West, Chtcnsro limited hxT rcs of Talace Slceplna Cam at a dally: Hut Uric, 0 fto in daily to Cincinnati nndbt. Louis, with Plopping (Jars Iromllnr-rlsburjr to Cincinnati nnd lluffct Car tout.

Lonls; dally, except Saturday, to Chicago, wltli bkcilnff Car rittsburg to Chlonro. Western Express at 8 10 dally, blccplna Cars WaBliinnton to Chlcaao and St. Iulrt.nnii flnrrlihurir to Cloreland, con nectlnR nt llatrUburff with throueh Hloonora for LouHvillo and Memphis. pros, 10 oo dally, for Vittuburff and ttia jvest, with through blooper Harrlahurgta ClllCBRO. IlALTIJIOnn A rOTOMAC ItAILItOAI).

Tor Erie, Canandnlirua, Itochosior, Iluffalo. Maenra, 10 (o dally, except Saturdar. with 1'alnco ars MnshliiBton to ltnrtiestor. Tor illlamriort, Lock llav on and Elmlra at 0 Ml a dallr. exc etit snndar.

0 a dallj Pop Vnw nrlr ForNcworkandthoI.ftst,7&.V000andlI 15 u't iiiu iiiinii i -j, iniurii ft 13 ao, to, 4 15, luwand ItJpm On Mmday.Ufflft m. IJ30, S00. llMOOOana ji sup in Jimneaiiiireasorruiimanrar-lor Cars, 40 a dally, except Sunday, and 4 00 pm daily. For jlohton without chango, 200 pmorcrar day. throueh tratna connect nt Jersey city with boats of brooklyn Annex, affording direct transfer to Fulton Ktrect, avoldltift doublo fcrrlago across Now lork uty.

Tor 1 hiladelphla. T.W, 0 00 and 11.13 a 13 30, 2 oo, 4 13. 0 00, 10 oo and 11 so m. On Sunday. 0 ou ft m.

1 i 80, a oo, 4 is, 0 oo. lo and 11 So Limited Kx press, 0 40 a weekdays and 4 CO dally. For Iialilmore, 6 7.J3 0 00, 0 40, 0 60, 11.15 a tu. 4 1 lfl, I 21, 4 10, 00. 8 10, lo to and mo m.

On Sunday, ooo, sai'jiis ForlMpo's creek nnd i 10 pm dally, ncept Sunday. For Aiinnpolis, 7 21 a 30. 4 23 and (1 00 in daily, except unlay, buudays, 0 tw a m. 4 lb m. ALlCXANDItlA AND FflnDKntCKTHma ltAILWA AMJALUVAMKtlA ANU WAblUNGlON UMLKOAD.

For Alexandria, tiro.045. to, 0.47,11 00am. 1 Jul, noon, Mifi, 4 2.1, 4 i ooi.H torn rtnd 11.37 pm. OiiMtndayat0 ir, 1100 am. H)(ia pm.

For IMthmond and tho South, 0 00. 11 00 am dally ni.d 4 in ro dally, oxt pt Hunday. Trains leave Aloxandrln for Washlnaton, 0 05. H) 010 1015 10 lift 12), 0 flu, 3 SI, 10i 7 0, 0 'U nml 10 4-J in and l.MO mldntffbt, Jtmiilny. On bunday at tfuoana lo 41 a 2 uo, 5.10, 0 io nnd U.V nltfht.

Tlckctri and Information at tho oRlco, north-cart torntrnf nth rctt and iVmnvlvanla at the ftatlon, where order can bo left fur tlio checking of bncrigoto doitl-nation fi om hotcU aud risldent on. CiLAS ITtlll. It. WOOD. Manager.

P. A BALTIMORE RAILROAD. bchcdulo In tffect KUNtlAY, MAltCII 13, until furtl er uutko. Loire Waihincton from station, corner of lsew drreoy avenue nnd strict. lor, Chicago 11.4K a and 10 10 dally, with throuBh coaches and sleeping cars.

Tho 11 43 a ts ft Fast Limited Express for llttsbnrg and Chlcngo, arriving in at Chicago next morning at 1110. fto extra fare la charged on Uila train for fast tlmo For Cincinnati, Loutsrlllo and St. Louli dally at 3 JO and 10 10 with throagh coaches and palace sleeping cars to Cincinnati nnd ht Louis without chango: 340 is a fast limited train to Cincinnati aud St. Louis, arriving in Cincinnati next morning at 7 15; St. Louis 6 40 m.

No extra faro la charged on this train for fast tlmo. For Pittsburg at 11 13 am and dally, to Pittsburg. Cleveland and Detroit, with parlor and sleeping cant to 1'ltUburg. For Lexington ana Local Stations, t) 10 a dally, except Sunday. For points on bhenandoah Valley Railroad, ajopm dally.

For linvre tlo Grace, Nowark, Wilmington, and Philadelphia, 70 am, 310 pm and dally. For Ilmlngton, and Intermediate points between Haltlmoro and Wilmington, 3.13 daily, except Sunday. Foriiaitlmoroon weok aava 5, 6 JO, 6 40, 7 6 SO and 10-U3 a vn, 10. 1.JO, 3 is t5-mlnuto train), II 430, 4 40, 6:40, 0 45, 7.J5. Ej and 11 JO m.

For Baltimoro on Snndaya 6 30, 730, 8,10 and 10 05 ft 1 15, 3.30, 4 JO, 4.40, D.40. 0 13, TJ5, 1110 pm. For Annapolis CIO am ana 12 10, 4 .30 'and 6 40 pm; on unnuav t) JO a m. 4 10 m. Forway stations nctwoen Waninngwn nnd Baltimore 6, 0 4'J, ojo urn, Kiopm.

mi. 4 40. On Sunday 81.) a and 1.13, 3 io. 4 40. and 11 jo For Btatlonson Metropolitan branch 0 43 am dally except dunuay and a dally; 4 40 p.

dolJv oxiti Sun Ivy for principal stations ou Metrojolltau 1 1 ranch, ti 10 am dallvi on bunday stops at ail stations For GaltherBburgniidlulermodtato pamts. OJ) am, 1J WBiid 11 jl pm dally extort bun-day. For Frederick 6 10 aud am and 4 40 pmdallvwiptHin lay. ForHageMtowue.lou ana 3 31pm dally, LXtcpt l-iuiday. Trulns arrlv from tho West dai'y 040, 7.10 a m.

Saw awl 7. run rrom iK.inta on bhenandoah Vniley Ita'lroaJ, Spmdiiliy, From rhiiadelphia, Cho-tter, Wilmington and llfuro de oraco, ll.w a JrAiaad lopmdutly. Truiu Wllnilogton, Del, nit IntermodUte points notth of lijltlmOre, 1120 am From Annuiiolij.Hju a ro nnd 3-33 nnd 6 00 bunday. 10,13 a in. 13 m.

From llurper'ii Ferry and tlioy Itallroad, B.J0 mduliy, except bunday. Jtom Iredwiurf and tnttrintxiiuio points, 8:33 a and b.1 dally exrept Sunday, Trains leavoHultlmore for ashing ton at 5 10, 6 JJ, 70, 0 00, 0D3 and 10 3d a 1 15, 2 3, 4, 4 JO, 5, A 7.13, 9 (JO and 11 OU on bun lays 0 jh, 7 20, .103 and lO.Jdam, 1 10. am, 40, vo, iii 7.i3.ouoand Ut)0im. All trains from Watthlngton stoii at Itclay Station except 1 JO, 10. 3 13 aud 713 For further tnformaliou apply at tho Ualll- moroAOhlo llckU oilco waihlngton station, CIO and IS51 Pennsylvania avenuo, oorntr of Fourticuth street, whuro will bo taken for hapgago to bo checked uud recolv oa at any point In tbo city.

DAVIULEK, O.K. LOUD, len Supt Dilto a. P. A. PEHLY O.

bMH II, Agt Wahlogtoti. PIEDMONT AIR LINE, BCnCDOLE IN EFFECT MAUCII 1J, 1887. 6. M) a. m.

EumI Tenncsflte mall dally for War-rcnton, Uordonsville, Chnrlutiusvlile, I ynehburg and stations between Alexandra and Ijnchluitf, Urlstol, Knoxvlllo, Korco, Culcfa, Muntgumcry and ew Orleans Pullman sitcour Wasmugton to J.ew!Oi leans lljon. Just mall dtfly for Warrcntoti, Cliarlottcsv Ule, Ourdonriv lite, stations Chesuptako and Ohio route, Lynchburg, Itocky Mount. Dmvllle and etatloni bo-tvvtin Ljnchbiiru and Ounvitlo, Oreens-boio, Itakigh, charlotte, Athtita, litrra-Ingham, Montgomery, jNewOrleaiH.lexji nnd California, l'ullman sleeper New ork to Atlanta, In tonuoctioii wltliPull-inun flcipera Atlanta to Huw Orlcaus. an Mann boudoir sleeper for Uirinlngham, Mckbburg and hhrtveport. Solid train i ashlngton to Atlanta.

2 33 p. dally, exceptbunday, for Manassas. btrasburg and intermediate sutloni. 3 JO p. Western exiress daily for Warren-ton, Uordonavllit, Charlotlesvlllo, Loula lllo, Cincinnati and lluoof tlioaapoaka and Ohio route, l'ullman Slodpurs and toltd trains Washinaton to Loulsvllio; also fur Iiiuhburg, Urlstol.

Chattanoogn, Mtmihls, Ltttio I toe It and all Houtlnvost-trn iioluts 'ihruush Pullman sloopera Wa'-hlugtuii to Little liock without ihargo 11 p. oxproas lnlly for Lynchburg, lmnvlllo.ltuieiKii, Afthtvlllo, Charlotte, Columbia, Aiken, Augusta Atluitd, Orleans, Texa3 und California l'ullman titer. er Wiuh'mttnn tu Montgomery, connct ting with Pullman pirlor cars Muiitgumeiy to New Orleans. Pull-wan MtoitM Washington toAlteu with- out thiiniro. TRAIhS ON WASHINGTON AND OIIIO WVlblUN Leave Washington I) a.

in. dally, except bunday, mid 4 45 p. dall), anlvo Hound lllil m. nnd7h)p rtturo-inp, kavo Itouud IIIU c-C5n. rm.

dally and 1 JO p. daily, oxttpt Sunday, arriving WunhlDptonb Wa. and S55p 'Jhroueh trains Irom tho bouth vtaCiiar-lotto, Danville und I.itichburgurrivo hi Wasn-tonb 10 in and HX-I vli Limt Toii-utprnu, Urlstol nnd I tithbui'. ut 1-' Ot p. in.

and 0. top in vin take uud 0'iloiouta and hiulottihvllle, 0 10 p. m. btraihurg hwnlo 17 a m. Tickets, rMotring-car reervation and tn-f or mu Ion furnUhed uud baugugo choakod at oflleo, flol PeniiHylvatilanvtnuo, and ut Pu.s-Btnt,ur btatlou, Ptimsvltanl lit It blzth and blreota.

JA. L. TAVLOll, floneral PitsMenvnr Acunt. CHESAPEAKE OHIO ROUTE. (Newport Nfws and MIsIshIppI Valley Co.) union DeiH)t, blxtli and Jl streets, 11 M.

Fur Nuwort News, OU Point Comfort and Norfolk, Dtlly exoopt Sunday. Through parlor tur to Old Point, Arrlvo Norfolk 7 1 11 SO A. For all stations on Chesapeake Oldo nnd points West. Sleepor rora Clifton lorge. Dully except Sunday.

tJM P. M. lust Western uxpros daily. Solid train, with Pullman sleopers to Louli vl lie, Pullman servioo to Cincinnati, bt. Louis, Memphis and New Or- Apply ut riiosapeako Ohio Railway office, 3 Pennsylvania avenue, aud D.

P.fita- SIS tlon. FnANKTItiaO, Ocn'l N. IS rawewier Aasnt. n. w.

ruLLKit, General l'songor Agent. 'fSSscmsmisfBXSXSsssssssiSSZtT. AtSK. th H. JUM- r-czao i.

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