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The Critic and Record from Washington, District of Columbia • Page 2

Washington, District of Columbia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ItMtK THE WASHINGTON' CUITIC, TUESDAY EVENING, MAtitJH 2ii, 1887. ,4 WASHINGTON 01UT1 (J ruXWltt PaUv KrtrpttA, BY The Evening Crltlo Publishing Company. IIAI.Lirr KIMIOUHN, OUlOO, tfcTO. O'il XJ StJTOOt) Tost Ucildihs, WASHINGTON, P. 11.

TERMS! flngle Copy Djtarrkr Wy Malt, postage paid, one nil (uixf ni-n I al tlldtlf I 4 Cents (M a Hall buiscriiliun invarmmj iu nuimu. Address Till: 1VAMIINC1TON CItlTIO, WlillIllK.lI, II. HICIIA1CI) 11, StM KSTKlt, IMIlor WASHINGTON, MAHCH 2- ISS7. HIM Ml IN TDK HOL'Sl! or IOMMON." Assistant lllibop Henry C. Potter of New York, wliolm recently returned fiom foreign tour, describes In the rurrinllsMienf The Cntu (New York) 'An Kvcnlng In the Homo of Commons," nnil some of tlio peculiarities of lUlltah oratory as compireil with, or rather rccmlilhi.

Unit tf Iho United Stntes. Itwtsnnrv nlnj general ilcbtfo tip'ii the Itiiu ii ihlrt. In I oil by Clnrlii e'Tort, we art tnlil, iriu! I II errul at nil, In tho tinlltr of fnrrii nn ilu Ic or too much Iluoix ninl smoothness Xoholy lHtdiln toll wmiliflnxu hmnl In it nnjthlnj fnru tlm leutl) Mini ll twin i Units nf i olnllir i hitiiK irr in I it Item. I ut) lliu llo ir of our own 'I lit '( i ik wlm full rvnl 'vas ml Hnmhilpti fMnnrlilll ot wlpta ut tlio closing uf hU umiitts iui Ann'rlem frlcntl of Mr I'utur sail "Cluur, hut I nt steal nitil tlm UMiop riloV 'It uai tiitr1ciii. lull not tliu Iil'91 I) poof mirU.i'i uuttory He ilit-u pun on tit ilpsrrlho "tho nmldtn Epiitb of jemng Kngllslumn or noble wlin on thosvuu run tug nrMrciseil Ihe Hotuo of Com innns for fiu first time, und whoso lomposurc, ittnler very trying clrcunv ttances, was something remarkable.

hough admitting his Inexperience at lie outset and frequently Interrupted with evident Intentions to disconcert him, tho young min showed no signs of embarrassment, milntatncd his courtesy and good humor from first to last, and long before the finish "mil do It almost Impossible to bcllcro that ho was not thoroughly at homo as a prao tlccd speaker on that iloor." To partially account for Ibis tho Bishop says Tho thing that was noticeable litre, as In tlm other cases, was tlm tliu stylo or mwaklng as bo thoroughly un English, tlmt In Its form uiut utterance It dM not betray from first to Imt on) ot that concern as to tho right or wrong word, that reluctance to go ah'ad, or that Incapacity to do eo, liicti have boon thlefly R4OLlatci with tho t-rJmary lurll.i ntary iicjker It wouM to veryllittcilns to our natloiml unity toatsumo that all thlrf, trany parte! It, wosowlngtotholnlluencoof uur American lnhtltutlousand methods mum tiitr tnclisli bitthrci), A umatHrof fatt, I (loDotOuubtthcremity buounK-tliliigld thli, IiitticuuraebctuteutljotWLHo'jntrlcsIm be (nro Kolitlniti iuiI iicQUiliitaneo wPliour bt-st juiliIIohrtiktrMfo pti cral, nn 1 mtnilra lion for Htm ImuyuJl no hearty, anJ often tut Imilnp tK', that would nut lu ourirHIng If the mother had roMfiileit to lean scino If tit' from lie daiwhli "The dawn of anew era In pirlli mentary lIu has come. "Tho speik lug In the two reprinentithu bodies of the Old World nnd tho New his grown In many rceptcis curiously alike," It la (n token of lbo unification of Kog-li6li-speaking peopks." Hut aftn all It stems to be question nlile whither tho "motlm" is to bo congratulattd upon hit she Ins borrowed from her daughter." We are left to Infer from the general tenor nf Bishop Poller's article that the "unification of which he speaks means Utile more than a trans planting of some of the faults of our f) stem from American to ljigllsh soil, for he ajs: ''Undoubtedly the House of Commons has lost In dignity, and I fear, too, has lost In weight. It Is no longer the leader of public opinion that It used to he." Whether the Bishop so Intended or not, the sequence Is Irresistible, that If tho English House of Commons Is undergoing a process of dctcitontion, It Is to eomc extent, at least, a result of borrowing tho manners and methods of tho American House. Both these great parliaments must ho losing In dignity and losing In weight, and ceasing to bo leaders of public opinion. This may he true.

Then comes tho question whether through unification the Kng. llsh speaking peoples aro to ho mado better or worse whether unification Is something to bo encouraged or discouragedwhether It Is a step ahead or backward, whether. In short, It were not better for Bngland and America to remain permanently distinctive factors In the world's progress Instead of being unified by tho adoption of each other's defects. "This," as Bishop Potter suggests, "nifly afford an interesting suhje'd for speculation In some gmcr discussion than the present It little ludUcreet, perhaps, on the part of the President to give It out that he "popped tho question" In tho Tast Boom of tho Whlto House. There arc Indications already that the romance of the example thus bet will prove contagious, and love sick swains with their best girls be tempted hither from all parts of tho country ou a similar errand, until tho amorous fusillade concerts tho oriental apartment into sort of national shooting gallery.

The next thing Mr. Cleveland knows eloping couples will ho asking him for the use of the "Gretna Oreen" room. At tiim distance It would seem as though tho Car of Bussla might safely grant about all that Is asked of him by tho Constitutional party So far as lbo amnesty of political prison crs Is concerned, It Is an experiment that Is at least worth trying, it hoi worked well In other countries, why not In Bussla? As for the freedom of the press, let Alexander study JefTcr-eonlan principles awhile and glvo the newspapers full swing. They can en-ygbten tho people moro than all the Imperial schools and universities. And why not let tho Constitutionalists havo i tho Consultative Chamber they I As thl! vun povvcr mer us t.cnlly nn nutorrurj whit nn iiq 10 frnr from lint source9 If Almnlrr tie Mrts progress In UimUlm inuU put Ills own slinuMtr to tliu wlittl lustful of Ittrplng olmrucllnin In front of It Tin DMiht C'ninmtaloiicM aro ti I'eMongralulaltil upon the prn-ipoft if an early rcmoal from their present dingy, dirty nnd altogether unsuitable quartirs to a more salubrious and con unlent location.

Tho Webster law buildlnir, which will probably hose Icctcil for the new olllce, belter adapted to the purpose thin any yet suggested, although It will require con slderablo reconstruction for the proper accommodation of the Commissioners nnd thilrntllclal associates, ll near to Ihe Police Department, Ihe Health ofllccnml nil the courts, Is easily nc cessihlo to tho public, has flneaoiitlicni exposure, nnd will "fill the Mil" excel-lcnlly until the District can have build-IngB of Its own Tin Citizens' Association of North-cast Washington met last night nnd appointed a committee of twelve good and true men to represent that section of the city In the promotion of their various local interests, nnd alio to cooperate with ihu rtntral orgrtnli'Ion In hi half of the ireinrnl welfare. Ap t'loramiH now Indicate tint before another intHlne tin1 My nnd counl will he- lilii irgnnlul thai ever In forr and able in mniinitid i-h Irglhtloti as nnj In needed 'lo lrnnilcr, Antnrrut 'U 'ho Huclas The only cun- fir and llu- nlhi I1U yn ir 3t t'w i. Is (OiiHtltullon il gmrmm nt. Wit iim bin blrthdnj by grunting atuimlxrof pi- Iltlcnl pinions Tin hint MdiiM not he lost upon Car Alexau Itr. It Tin: Demorutlc ikhet In fhoutd he HIII and parKs, it woul 1 tnnro (iiphonlou, bo to epuik, if the In Hill bu changed lo Ir (ioern Ctirlln cur to Mexico Iu any apneily ho will toa'ti tlmt joikcj club gang lesson which it will neer forgcU TnniiR has been good deal of talk about the Baltimore and Ohio lately.

It Is to he hoped good deal may come out of It. Kmsi.h Wiium Is forty years older than Ciover Cleveland, hut he doesn't weigh two hundred an I fifty pounds. Dvkota towns along lbo Missouri Ither arc gelling enough ice water to last them nil summer. NOTTS AM) OOSSU'. John L.

the lecturer, will Bill for I'urot oon tlio4tuof Ma), In tho North Ueruiau j.o)detumsblp Aller. fcoMK of the stories of Master Stuart Holt-son CraDO arc not true, lbo main thing pgalnettbeoi Is that thcro Is no such boj, New Orleans Plcoyuuo. Mit. ItciiM, the leader or tho military I and at West Point, has rcelgocd his poet Hon, lotatic tfftct March 31, and appllci-tlons fur the place are uumero it. A utr, tobc known as the "Meridian," hi prc-eirs nf organization number of New York lltcrnry ladli, fochilinz Mrs John llabtcitcn, Mr llu-tittr Johnson and Mrs Martha J.imb Tiic New York Vcchnntcnl Vugutctr of Match coiitHli furthtr ihfcrlptlve matter cocitrr It the proposed (teamer Pjci hotilas of the Arrow Mcumsblp (Joinpieiy with IlluttrotUe tkttchti'.

ANOTiintneu uieiIoiu open has been priMlueed la ChlcHgo. I iihappilj, the Interstate Commerce haw goes Into operation jtitt ubotit tho tlruo hci the com pin) will Irtttn to waut paseta llast, I'titla tUlfbla Ntns Cmiuts UiiKLns' Inn tljuclitcra nnl his ton Chsrle, fcir Arthur bulllvan, Mark Twain, lMinund Yates and miny otlur wtllkiown eo1onrH (iintrlbiitnrB to tho foilticcmlrc Ihm lM "OkKeiiti Puitrajedby Ptn and I'ticll." Inn Chicago Ant mjs that uhcu Mrs ttopij tlnftlly cets control of tlm Chicago 'J tines the Intends to put her co iln, IHhau A. Snivel), In edttoila) chargouf the piper. At present tin Is clerk of the eeutrat divlil ia ol tbe supreme Court. A Boston man alvcitlscs for some "experienced latters." If he will pay their tracllng expenses we wilt send down half n-dozen, who haunt this office, an I warrant them to be Hie best Utters he tursaw.

Uurllogtonlrce Press. The Illee vi Cannon In the World. I niToit Chitic: UI1I joupleaso to give mo the dimensions of tho heavy gun recently made and tested In Kugland, together with lie weight of the gun, nrojccttloandctmgo of powder used. walteii Paiui. WatblngtoD, D.

March Jl. The gun referred to Is the largest cannon In the world. weighs 310 tons, and Is Sit Inches, or nearly 44 feet loug, Tho Inuer tule la of steel, and the length of tho horo Is 4 Inches, Ihe diameter of the boro Is H'i Inches; of the powder chamber, leches. 1 he gun la mounted on a cast steel truck weighing OS tons, Tho first round was fired with t-00 pounds of powder and a cylindrical projectile elghhig pounds, attaining aacUxttyof feet per second, and an energy of 35,210 foot tons. On tho third round a charge of 600 pounds of ponder was uttd and a velocity of 2,007 feet ptr second attalucd, tho recoil of tho gun being controlled by hjdraullc buffers within 4 feet, Inches At the next test tiring charges aro to be tiled of hT0, D) and WO out lis or powder, with tbesjuto 1,800 rouml prfjfctl'e and an nerer of foot tot Ifttxpi'Ued to bo developol, cap blo of penetrating armor oter three feit lu thlckLces.I i una a ins The followlnit cxipilsitu owm-ii limont fer death du lies pathclk aud i riiphetlu fclnlfitante from the fat ilat Itwusiocchoil bytlioNew urk mien and pub Ished after tbo author death Ala for ai hltth In I nil desires' Like ltaes In jelhuv a ilmnn llmo thtjy fall.

Alas for ira)eis aud pKidm. unl loro'n ptro llrt One IIei ce and onedarkness ends them till Alas foridl mankind -sid, I'eutfntf rn o' Alan in) Iaap, for jou and inouiis l-orreduy dcntti 1ml Un In Into Linhntre Wt.tio llkunll the Kit, futui Lirllitniit JUfS A lu" to tl Ink we t-liall furt'et como hotn tho nemcry llko Loo'a pUnet Glows tcrct-t tl em. as tho joar her withered llowers I ortet them, an tho sun forget tho rose Our keenest rnitiuo our most doendcspalr. Uur hoits, our dtoads, uur liughtcr aad our tea is Minll be no inro at nil upon tbu nir- more at all tbrouli all J.u jcais We bhall to mute hcn-alli tho rvh nnl itew Wehall be lery ruuto theie, In Death' itato And jou will bo and las you One eameuessjiliod upon us, und one fato Philip Uourko -Mar; ton. OIM.U W.

AMI ritlTICUl. Ml. "Pantrl," rctuaiked the Prcsllcnt this morning, nhn it at his dcak, ahunt-mlniUdly etilbMing lsS on his blotting pad. mpoiidfdllitikl. "1 lax jou noticed by tlio papers that wuuro to hau Iim, tho Iu town i oon tt slrp "Well, somo one toll me ho 1ml seen It snuomiccd, but 1 havcu't scoi authlng of It.

hat do you suppose ho Is coming hcrj for, Danltlt" "Be, elroV" nO.ed Daniel, with a puzzled look, "Of course, lUnltl. You woutln't refer to Jim lllalno as would )ou re piled tho l'rctJcnt, "Certainly not, slro. Hut what has Mr. Illalnegottodo with It "That's what I want to know, Diutcl," "Itut, sire, 'Jhn, tho Is a play tlie are going to glvo for tho benefit of tho Actors' Pun 1, aud Ulalno has absolutely nothing to do with It." "A ploy, Daniel A play?" and Iho President pressed hlshanls ocr his temples. "Ym, she," "Well, why In thunder don't the) gltelt at other name, so a busy man can tell tho dlfTircrco between politic i anl Iho drama When a country paper appears In a new drcs it Is tho editor's wife wliuibcs not.

"I'm Ijjlnc fiirllut Mlnw, and will get him jet," said iui unjr) Wushlngtjn nun I olds Itontoil Ulfi "ou (ho'itd'ut, t-H) 'I i) I ii Uati)," rut it (ttil Ms ife "Yo 1 snout 1 ic) I) In I for hlni I ihoul 1 nothing i rn dnir. I'm no Ijwjtr. bu it-plltil, aitt the la 1 tetlnd Iu Linifu-lnn Ah Hi i kr, inr fjUn if, 1 tan not id uj irto n-lilt aetois, I ilii I 1 PhJitiiMi ilxt)tifi ItlTtT'un t)nit. Aid ttil-i ft bjtrlni. If Ibis wmthtr Kii) up tutub tourer tlicte won't I Hi-j till I ft fur lie gt until hrg to do but iLto p'jlfth or the law, "Mamma MllnK it net little trl to dm, "uhat Mid of vot 1 Is snoluudcr, at il wbatdocs It nifnii in) lilt I rtp'fed tho amized tnothtr, "I ni't tell )ou I nerer hjjrd tuh a wold efore.

Whc'rc dll jou eet Liar It?" "At school to da) minima. Tho teacher said spring was snodunder," 1 he mother caught ou. im: catholic vsivmtsirr. Dm Tope ICtnpliatlc ally Indorsc-i tho I'lim I.ii Id Before Ul in. A cable special from Bomo to the Baltimore hun of to day sas As anticipated, tho Pope to day approved tlo plan of the new Catholic university which is to bo located lo Washington, lty his Instruction the secretary of tho Propaganda waited upon him with a brief fully, heartily and emphatically Indorsing the piojcct, lu tho matter of location, as In other respects, the Pope confldcntly defers to the judgment of the bishops, and places tho Institution directly and forever under the sole jurisdiction of tho American hierarchy.

In all the text of tho brief are used enthusiastic terms ot Indorsement In the same spirit as the language of the Pope on theoccuslou of tho private rccep'Iou to the rardlnats after Thursila)' consistory, a in elj "It (s tho pride of our pontlllcato end the glory of the church In America." Tho brief will be signed by lbo Pontiff rext cck. UUhops Ireland and Keano are delighted at lb I inaulfittatlon of curdfat approval, and will leato for Anitrl-a ns toon as Ihe brief Is received. Tncv were commlFsIoued b) the 'third I'lemrv Council of Ualtlmoro to to tho Ihe prcirttctuaof iIr tulvirstt), wnl-ti tc lu tended lo make tho mist complete IiHtltu llou of It 1 Ind In the wuld Mn 1 1 ovit half a million dollars liao tcieu ru bribed I) a lew Catholics In tlio rnltid fctatt, Influ In ir a gift ir I from Miss Cnllrttll. Iho tlnnid cost of tho uiltcrMt) wbtu eomplttfd I Plans" of prop mil taili of whl ti will tio ii com ponent pnrt cf tlm unit ml'), hue Utii subiulitcd and are no In puascidnii of AichbUhop Ull4iiM of llj-itou. 'I be (lieolf glial depattiun will bu a feature of tho iwlmtlti, and mi It ktone seveial inllltoiaif dollars will be spent Insure tlio higher education of tho clerjy.

The pioftseora will bo chospii from tie bet lu-fctitutlonsof learnbiK hi l'uropo and Anier tea. 'Ihls inrtof lbo uuhtibtt) will bu put lnopiratluu flrtt hitr ou depirttu-iuts of medicine, law and other will bi added 'Ihe nlans for the tniin buildlnir of Iho Unlvcrbtly were drawn by Clusa and Lhulze of thUcIt, who were awarded a lirlzj of $S00 for them. 1 tiex are now In the p'ta srsMon of the Arcbblthop nt Dostou, luj building Is of the Komancsrpte order, hiving thico high stories aud a high roof, two towers on each side of the entrance and a high tower In the ccntro. Uy the action of tho l'opo yesterday It must not bo understood that the architect's plana and stipulations have been accepted, but lb it tho project as a whole has been approved. SPECIAL NOTICES.

faAUTici: to tiia ox fc2 1IIS 111 11 hT. LINE or VIW An adjourned mitring of the citrons Inter-f ttd In procuring a proper tar ner lee on tho ltd hi lino of hoWathlnAton and Oooi setow Ktrcet Italic ay 111 bo held at tbo residence of Profisxor Uarry King Iso, U19 (J st on Wednesday, lrch J3, 7 m. lleports of ci minlttet and other Important matteis will bo presented for nation. Lists for thoso desiring to Join tho organl7at1oa of "Ami faro dcHitors and pasirs" will be found In nil the dnicMorcs on the llth st line Pit aso allnudBlgn beforo tho im-ctlng of WoJues-day. -3WlNll AIIT AMI LziJ books bound, full Morocco gilt edge.

weha0Btampsand dloo; maga7lno4 oi nnd 75tints. LCE1T IHNUKKV, lOlil'eou in. rNAT.I VALIII IWcV claims against tho i state of tlio late Lieut a l()ELLaioroquotud to preAeiit them within blity days from thW da'n to his widow Mrs AiiPlo ljiilno Powell, Ad dreBi ltu 3V, mdilngton, Il C. jrsifMl It'K IIFI'IITS, 1 llh it nil La Watirhtssw anl at llotlio's WKxlnnd (oal junl ht near It Hill Mi ply of I c4t IVnubscol 1(1 or loo al i) ou hand nt jrhes Palronfi-oretl wigms Kiid get full weight Ijirgouonsiimtrs luting Hitlruuii vati bo llliei.illy detlt vUti by M-ndlng to tholee Depot Contrtts iniie furunoor inoru yiiirs I urge wharfac! and fetoiHCo faclllth lolophune call, 4Hi 4 rSSf-T TIIK ITmler tlio uft uf rtmgiesi Is7, nit building Wfttt oroMruro to bo provided with comblncl fctmd t)e mil ladder frocHCupu Tho lmliumiloa stte'iait) or this lino ol utisluefcs for learn, nro piejared tntrect at ra'oi thi irot oiirorttl ffrm of this appiliiiuo, with nil thelatc-t tmjime'nunt for hiifety of life bud irnntty Kir further Information, plans uuti viiiuuun, ui'i i i'( COM.IN-J A CT Itnomfl i ditotan Hull lln UU01C, JOU AND ntlNTElt, llasllemovetf toltulldlog iron im ma Ave Whleliriui through tho entire sqmrotn Dst; where, with Inpinantd fat lllfl uml thu Ideas In mud Inery and material, ho will bo pirpjici io turn out moro mil imjih wjir man nny eBtaoiimmcni nuutn ot rev tfjy'iVKCIAl I3L ihavoremovoI toNI st wj of-tlce, Wl Vo aiO. muslo btore).

MuIo for reeci tlons, lulls, permans, etc. KItAUbE, Leader, National FtiUea Eanl. vr-orncK or L'lS? II. 1121 Fst COMMIF'JIONKK UW IifSCIlS Ml ALL AM) TfcHIM IMUIE i. NOPMIV PL'ULIC Tttfihnnff 'tVll Hours fi'imQ to l.TQ iiy Twolftli street.

First class work at moderate prices. Gold and Amabara tilling. Artificial Crowns permanently attached to roots Gold Hood Hub-ber plates; eatMactloa jraoranteod, Oeatlo treatment asuured. qr-Mooiu: UUfUCIlS AND lirOKEItS, 2fl Drond street, Now York, miami! omen: Wall tit Y. ConrectM with I A.

lhewster A Co, Chttnuo; (Niwon A Macartney, WtilnRton: Itubliard A Farraor, Hartford; Warren Quirlcs, Hlehmond. rrtvalo Wire Conncrttons, Buy and soli Mocks, Ponds and Miscellaneous boctirlllos on New York Stock Kiclmntco. I Tuko This Xlptltml Ircy of inforrnlntf my friends and tho pub-lm ircnrralty tlmt 1 bnio removed from my oldntnlilo.lvn.cis New York ntenno, to my now stable, No CU7 New X. nrk Benuo, where IhontnOLourtesy nnd irmnrtl riots wilt hi-exit mini ni heictoforo. Hate now on hand ttn lino horscti for sale jAMCsaimwnN.

U7 N. nve. jrfDH.H.T. MtSlIN, llvtitUt, For in-Sj etlyof I'ist, has rcmovod hlsoilko lol-Xl Ptnnn. ay, eorutr uth st, Uoealtio and trniglTcii WANTErELP.FEHALE, fotfotrtng ctm or a tctrtUnmnttf tuck at Hunt, for Saltor Rtnt and tlmllarmuill tuttcrf, fovr Hurt vr Ut, out time, 'JX ctntlt titotumi, iOctntt: WANTKI-otinc (llrl nf tl or 1." ton-isM In lluht housework InsmiH fHtnlly; HfctrucesreHrulred Apply ut ii A -rAlNTKI-Hrlclitis IIhiihb Hnr-1 nut, tullurlir I.

Also tor sate orox-ttiinro ii uniririHl trupcrty, if ju I jrx)(0 .1 r. flInr w. nnil XoiiUtf SIoil to lloiili) Niittitlosrorlloli f'ny mid gemritl Iratli' tcndv tnpluFm ni I wuk tuintil all nntiilals iiirnfihol. Wolk inillNil fMt AiMnw m.vv imilimi ntu'oi: van SMIIIHS. 1'Utnrlsl I'o-hn Mis P.

(t IJix v7 MMIJ1 Itillnblii Uninill 11 iwl lit In mi of tw will' tjv i etdii nu-t 'c lllln, ti llllM'1 Htl- critio MtniiHi I mciill u-tttr iltu Jttufl jnl irini ftrlTtU riCLpftirtut, ll iy Mi r.twicml boitFWUlk tali bet. tlio huuu ot HtlLf WAMfcll-llll (IimmI 111 Ii In Urk ii ffnuMln O-tinv, i'W ltihI iiiTiMtidy work, wilt no at antl'. ilc) 1 1, lib on MrtinHv, Tu)SiUy att 1 Wifluifda inoitiii nt at 0 oil ll I rmi.n. ftASTED SirUaTIUNb. WAMin-ll mt f-xpiiUtif nlXlun.

eftiiiitlin n- bii'kkiirx'i urrleik, will Ipu'Io tiikoiiUht work AtMrcsKxpLrleiK'o ti.llo i Itity "lyAMI I--llniillnii in CuiiilHiiiliil 11 cnod rccommetiJatl im Imjilre In renrr 3410 1 i WAMKIMI Ili'fiiectiibln OlM 1 1 woman, a situation ns Ilrst-i lass conk In iiltuia family Applylnruar of Ulllilh ht ii Stennj-riiplHT, oili-ploymentduilngcrenlniisi penton with Iirgo tonccpcnduico or other writing could memueh limojonly fair tompcntatloucx-ectrd. Address Crltlo oOlco WJTEI)-A Youth or 1H, Able nnd willing to work, desires employment In nnyrespcctablobuslnoi: can gho tho best ufcrince Addrest .1 11 CI ln. ll'ntnw, Hj ounCloreil Vn- man, a plato to took, wash nnd Iron; gutnl refirtrecs. Aply toiiCIKtlitn w. Colored Woman to took wnliaml Iron; good refcr.nccfi rcqiilred.

413 Jd htji w. WAN1KD-A Silitntlon, by im K-pctlcnccd chambermaid. Call at SOU WANTMI-lly ii Very llespettulile young uhlto woman, a sltuatlou ns cbsmbcrmald In a pihntofamllj; can furnish lefinnco AildremU' 11 1 rlito offlr WANTKIl-lly ii Aery Kenpectnble and competent colorul man, a situation as waiter; good icleieuces. Address JAMbsR lststa w. WAhTKD lly it ober, IinliiNti Ions if younc man Irom tho country, nl tuition to do any kind of honorablo work; tlio vn bcit of icfirtcco Address J.b, riltln of co WANTtlb MUUbES.

ANTKII-To Utij ii 1 or in louMifor to cxi'oail Si.uu. Addns, with number nnd locution, oflit V.AMTED MISCFLLANEOUS. UAMI II Tu llu Siimil-ltiniil 11 wol tab e'n I viiilptiicnts cheap. Ad-dre li, crltlo oil to. nrliiii.

Clitic onke. Tl Toundnf butterlno. at Irv an 1 If in it fount to umnro fivuiubly with butter at A) lu j-io lo let urn and git their iflouey. ttBlIsStcrAUi Center Mairet WANTLD-ALL 10 KNOW TnAT Hit. I Taylor, PJ4 street, near Tenth, makes ocautlfiif Pctsof artificial teetbfor fV guaranteed to gUo full latlsfactlon; extracting vt nil ku.

vuiuiuiMt iu ur jut-'m tn cents; without, ss cents; filling at very low prices. btiueLt for hv M. FUIEDKRICII. the manufacturlnj; Jeweler, C05 7th st, opp UM 111. Illlltt) 7ANTFD-U Known that C.

UUNDYof-iW la avo fomi CItv Hall) In Commlsiloner of Dctyi for aiituebtatod amlieirlloiios (eicept laryland). FOR SALE- MISCELLANEOUS. IrousAi.i:-, curtain ro At Grout UurKiilii One rock aw ii mado bv t.regg Howo titJOUNMtDEHMOir rlago iirerooinw, tip Pu qye Fc OH HhK claa flio nroof safe: coin Itlnat Ion lot k. all linproeincnt; medium slro and sell low; cash or time Address ti, 1) Crltlo ofllce. 37 OK SAI.K-12fl.

Canvii, Canoe CliCOlL UEO. IIIANDLLE, Vt nVO IO It 8AI.K-lllrj.i-Itoir Safety, tlioiii: is Stnr, JI3; Slur, SW; II Mlcnt. htur.nlcktl. luO: MttorTrlcjclo, JVii Vlctoi 'IqiKletn, $Uli 0 1 lxry, ae 1JOI1 Cocllln I-'k'CM jl mi LOST AND FOUND. IOST-A Small llliick ami Tan I) on, answers to ntmo of Dot.

Hmlcr ro wauled if returned tuikiSlItliKtii w. IOST-On Suttinliij evening, the liifct kid gloe: will nnder kindly return It to llill'enn i. in o.ii EUMii.m Monday nlghr i ek tutpjioud near luth standliiaio kuiuI biindUof papers, lot tern and clothing, number fngoti'ii halt iibly lewaiced by iiddiusilng LP1IV, euro ClhliinfttK MIINtY HI LOAN. vt iv I in tnnti st 1 U'IOI)fth1 tE.t MOOItE Moimyad art cd tm watches, dlamontls, Jowo'ry, oto. Old go'il and hlUnr hoiiifht ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW.

pAMFUKLL OAHUlNaHJN, A ttomoy at-Law, UAimuenLAW DntTut-tt s'JJ avx, WTAniNOTON, I) 0 ItHStdeure. No llfl st rtml norlhwet B. B. B1DBR, 1 riuimi Neitl I'll WRIT'NC, I'ltlNTINCJ AND RrHNa FArillt BLANK HQOIW AND COM- MEItdAL STATIONERY. dei bono call, 131 M9 Denlcrs In ANTKjLn AM) OTHER FURNITl HE, Mil Jiairiutiim th west Carpet, bpiing Mattroases.

Mirrors andoill'aliitlmfs Feather FUlow 4 and Mattresses to order at lowest 1 rices Itepah ing and UphoMcry a sped Uty, lino old Mahogany Chairs, Oid plocoiof furniture ol all descriptions. X4TV. ILtaUwelllsagent for tlio Victor Flro and Uurglar proof fcufes. FOR fENTnOOMS. IOH IIKNT-TU Mill nt II Mrily J1 furnished i noru, sin (tlo or roinmunli at Ingialsnono on around thwr suitable fur i liiHt-iuorjawypr'n ttftiiti.

i. 37 OU I sl, n. I'ur. nr 1 iinfun lhrd rooms, rn nnltn or slnirlo; urmlj rUntn fainUy: fj rem pb jjxi Imniznil 170It IIFNT-Nnstlr ft nr. Ilnoiii, with J1 tio of balbi utry ioittiileiuci Kkia-ilonicrj tlcjlrabltj uaaonable cburcs I'll I'tinvon w.

ltFNT-IlniHlmnetv 1'urnUheil wllh Immdt duo location, near i ii Itnlj s-tt N. nc h. ii ri'f roneo IP OU IlKNT-ltoom-, KnHntto or Sin-' rIc, In Ihstttats luue sttuato on a rthwewt cornor In best part of tlio city, nt Kiiinmcr rates; all mod grnte ilron: will I rented furnish) or unfiirnMiod. wlthor without lwnrd. Addirs Xiim.C'rttlo ollr-o.

1p)lt mid Cnnnlent ttil story front rooms for light house kcci lmt; adults onlyi ntso. room anl board for two gentlemen; trlrato family. Call at 0J1 st w. I Jimi HKNT 734 Ifltti st w- Ad-' Joining room, furnished, tor light houso heeling: miHiirn imi rovcincius TOlt llKNT-Onn Liren It.iy XVIndovr J1 parlor, suitable for law office or doctor nisn, if urnltitu rooms at low rents, piu. uu i w.

FOR RENTHOUSES. OU KKNT-l'nrl nX 7-Rnnm hnuto, either lt or ftl lloorj furnlsbod or un-uitilchel. HfWKthi'tn w. TjlOK KKMT- lusiKstnw, lirs 1M7IftttlW, 10 rs. 711 Till st etoroand $iroo uoo lJitO 1IM00 100 00 100 00 100 00 10)00 loo no Hl'U 8111 8131 8131 sir.

i a jiuB aw; 1 1 rs.i... 717 mh nn w. nrs luoitlovr, il rs loioi onn oiun 9 rs IsotiN Hare, is l(s9tithtn w. Ilrs nrs ritrjtu 15 mieibMn p) rs lcianthst tiw.ltm Vagnullaarit, llts lol Hi' HiIps st tl rs IiliMtbMii 10 niiNM rs 1HH( i in cili nt vi JuisllllljerJ'latL'n 19 a.s N.l uro lurs t'lifinicn 1 rrm Or urs ruru It rr ao rj iincii'ltinitr w.flr StJit rim ti Itrrsio Or troiikt w.urs lNi ()rt nw.u is l-t-111 UrruPlnco oMorrm w.u rs jm jtst 7100 7500 70 tW BJOil l-ilO) 00 00 51 CO HI 00 3) OU 5 1 CO 51 (H) 11 Oil 110-1 3.1 SJ S.

2ii 01 15 00 ht art lloFlKAelmiifccficdU ti examined by permit rrora Thomas j. 1HJI stroet nurl hwont IU ioi ml on NT 1 UlrnlilH Mno- nitc: nil mod limn: Ul 1Uhnts fouvro luliw liii'rni nf Itwnnltiff nn 1 1 rent rtaonablo. lti'ptlro ut HIS 1 a en w. 17on 4 1 IownLlnle. fur.

Urs. SKOOD Ul IK) WOO eijoi) 4)C0 1.1011 27 'i si no is oo 11 ro 1100 vi (inn sirs, nir latest no. pi is r.71itn It rs r0M is Ii-sithetn w.Urs. tatllnundnry ntn eirs in -'dot ne, 8 HHiothst up. 7rs an Ht a a rs ic-tiiittb ftn 4 UM 1 1 11 17 Kf a (i.

ftM. 10 KJ UltlIl WAMtlNtnON ItEAMisTATECO iui in FOR SALE-HOUSES. you. X1 eon HALi: An Kleciint DtrnlllrJir. ii(uiiiiiih 1't iiiuiiif, iiviii iiiu iimti lint Pilntlni' OflUo: all modern lmorne- mtnts and In excellent condition price, $ii cm.

Apply looraiWrets "TUB rTIIIA Small monthly Pay. ments, 8 new bricks. 5 rs, JI 200 each; 1 now bricks, rs, nil 81 4Jcnch; ktoro ami dwelling, Jl.OCO. U.G. I'ltUCTUK l'st.

IOR SAI.K 10 llonnes, ItiingliiR In price Irom 8 1,50 to $I)UK); terms of payment from alt cash to tii per month; houses for homes or Investments; Uotuos to suit Ler)body and In ncryimrl of tlio city, MUt'lll WAbUIMllON IILAli LSfAlKCU 11.11 I'M 11 JQR SALE ANDJtENT. ijstati; iiullktin THOs. E. WAGOAM AN, 817 street. Chnnges made Wednesdays and Saturdays TDHEE bTOEY LH1CK AND VJIAMB HOUSE1 Kilt SKLS.

203 1 st bh. mi. air Siinno nw, 1 1 11 Ii uitd IMh, sell joI bld'iu Jl OiM 4Ui in rs 131 i rtfitrnt are h. in 1 1 ri. lcyxw rstn rs liiuo UJH II t-t nw, bb, 10 rs.

11,1. K'lhbtll w. till. ml. 15 ll vw tuftMst

iii Ut iluu lomothhtn bh. iniKlIm, ium 11 skiO 010 Mat IDUiO TWO STORY MUCK AND FKAMB UnCSIIS ruitsLE ltinilaCthtlsw.lj a'ldlfhm rear 0003 4cti, 408 lllh sts bh, mi Or nou liOli a n.o 7 O.ryw kt Ii, orit, house's lu rear, 4 tn each 5 00? SPi to ISth st nn 1 Ey me, bet II and, h. 4rs 30U Alley bet tth aud Tib, HaiKlUstis b.Mrs 1AM 10- HOUouiularyst bh, Jrs nw Alley bet inn and nth. Land sts, Irs tf Alh i bet kl and -1th, and sts fli. Ill 50J TJNIMiTtOVED FROrERTY FOB HALB.

TlIaTC(bct11thnndirth eUnw IM l'a aiu, betrthoml Uhstsa isthst, bet Land nw IM Hst.hotsutaiid-rMn ll st, bet Jd and 4th so a Massao. bet Delavoaud 1st st 1 a Itbt.het Ht and Hdnw list bet Del av and -MBt Wa Cap and It eta Mo aic.bctl and Kstsso HOUSES FOR RENT. ICMlSHtstn fui, poss 1 to Oct I.lTrs 475 0.) I PIE Cap bt, pOHS April HUT upi er part 1 lu8 1 st 8 rs JS 00 rjiMotustnw.Sr jioo HUMlU'ltltist nw, 7 IS 3100 3Ji.A3,aj3Hilstse. 0 rs His, lltil, iico Mdavo no. 0 rs.

pnsi. A pi 111 3100 r.Ml.'tliBtn pobsApr l.ors mm uviostnw, 7rs. J-i J7 TlilWt ne.Tvfl JOilhftne.u 17 00 inn, wi, iJ3, soo. Nil Essex Court ii rs hi niuitlggsEtnw.tJrs 17 fUDBtsw.o to IHUtstsw, srs VI i.niMstsw,o rs looo Irs wo.) Wi.lackson Hall ulloy, w. 10 (0 rs it H) oltdtesalJcy, Jdlloor, iv i 10 LOANS.

In sums to suit at per cent. 'lheuborolsonly a sin ill portion of property on my books For lull list rallalolllue for bulletins tinned tm lit and lMli. rRpyisoNS. M. KINSLOW di SON, Orstor Ifl4-1D'I1 SI SIIll.KT N.

W. Gu oitui: 1:. Miiuuw, IlllltAHY MAItltET, lllllfrl. 8 VTusliIllUtinl. T) n.

ThothuKt'St inuatu, tliu best butter, fresh. emit leu and Mutbronuis, l'jukltd Lumb iiiinAipiu ciiueno nuu iui ueiicu cleg In tre eating lino onstantly on hand CllltCI.i: MAHKl'T. lliivlng Fur-; eliubed the stnr nffj good HI of CIrelo Market, uornt tif av 0, and st wo earn-tstlysoliclt tho liberal patron 120 ghen our predecesttors, nnd, by making such additions to Hock na iho deimuul may rutpilru, with rare ful attention to business and prompt o-livery of ciders, bojie to giro satUfaetlun to all whoatronl7ous. Respectfully, h. L.


Goods delivered free, CENTRE MARKET Telephoue Call, S-3-L FEI1SUHAL. 1UOAM OAFB, ftlH lOlh 8t.N. near st, (lato Porsyth Cafo). onrlSand S3o. breakfast sorrel rom 0 13 a ni.tolla.m.

DlnturKm to7p m. flun day.lp Tho tn't In thomirkot only used and looked prom rty. All wo ask Is a cull to beion1nriilof tlio above lidl of faro ilnr'dsr, Mrch SI, 1S37I IIUKVKFAST. tlecMcnk, wltli or without onions, veil tlKps, ccwldh steak, liter and bum, sail- tttBi Villi. IlKll.

Willi anvof tho nbiro articles von aronn titled to bot and cold broads, butter, potatoes, fruit or sauro, with ouHce, toaor mtlK, DINNhlt. Poups Vrgetnbio nnd bean. llsh, beefstoak pie, roast beef. Vegetables Potatoes, parsnips, green peas, swi et potatoes, celery. Donsrrts Apt lo, niyibon and mince pies, ccreallno pudding, coffee, tna or milk.

We Ferro nothing but Drst-class articles, tho best coffee to Im had tn the city, mado In French Drip Ulass Unnd Urn. W. K. UXIATf, rroprletor. J3" MUI.M:it, bclalsL for tho Eye, Kar and Tliroat, 017 avo "mill; IJUF.KN OF 1 11, KHS Drink tho beat In tho mirkot.

NFAV CAHHIAdK ItFl'OSITClltY No iWI'a. ao, n.w. A largo variety of new nnd sicondhnnd tnrrlngot, lnclu ling family vehicles, bugglo. ludtos' phiotons nnd dot tors' carrlagm for snto or exchungo, t.n tn ins to milt. WM.

F. riUtOY 1110 0 street northwest. Urnncti nfilce, I'onna avo. Collars and Cuffs a specialty at 'Mo pordoz; Htrts too rat h. cioihIs called for and dclhcrea at any part of llioilty.

TAV1I J. MFKIIAN, Formerly of tho Dim of llankn A Mcolian, Iikho nn 1 lgn painter, 4c0 btrett southeast, Wtishlng- l)ATItlNIi; Ilnino Induttryi Mull-t ttTmrcd, fit Milts dye 1,31.10. LO Ot'KIt -l II w. i rsnti i-Tiii Atiiuiiintiiiirt tk If btutido, PI to St. fur mutuil p'oMtint Mate i In mi of meeting fir ciunday an I at dues HAItltY, Lrlllo oiileo.

"'pm: uui-i-n or iirrtts." lulnktholl 11 11. iott nv I'Aititi inns outi on u. 1 mJllkllAKT, MllTlh Mil NOW In llie llmo to riit Aunlnic, und IIAPI.hri, bl7 bpl Is the man lornako tln-m, in UNAim Mr- (AS lipt w. Mnrlnitdilos elmnl tailor, (ASH Ft w. just riti lied Milts from SJtiiipwdr J.

Cloin-ii a nU i ulrlnnln tho beu manuer. SI Ml Curd tn FIrctrle Stciim humlij, Nntro. prip. H. Wntrli-' mikernul nptklnn, hss ojicnot at UM i nn i i full lino of watt boa.

ul nrna rrirta unl opthal cooda. liopilrin rb-o-rmciers und lino wim lies a spjclalty. Time jorksiltaniijjiiitl kej In order. suits srouitKis ami ton onk dolliii. Colli cents, punts, 21 cents eU, 31 ttnt (lootNiaUnl for nnd dtllrcred Ite-IMlrlng and altci lug dono tn tho best manner, K.

I. HAHN, Nlnlli ft. N. WMnitton, D. C.

lULiliunoCall.M J. t-milU (JUKFN UF 1IF-KUS." Our -I i ubllo shakers -a til drink nono other. NhAV YOltKOyslor nnd Chop House, tth nnd I) sts EnjilUli chops, steaks nnd oysters In all styles cooko 1 before the only chop range In this city. clean at 51 50 per suit. Nono but competent hands emptoyed, nnd best mntorlal uetl nd ftxtnl and bare goods called for.

lTtlNCE, ou ytn w. IHth.N.NANA, LADIES' DRESS AND COAT MAKER. arrtred from Europe. Ladles' Seal and Flush Coats rcltncd and altered. Corner 12(h nnd Tenna are Over Davis' Hat btoro.

rccertlon, nail nnJSlrect Drosses aSpoctalty Dlt. A. Il.AI.IlAUail.OtllconnillEe!-dencelSiciBtn treats all Clironlo Affecthns of tho Eo and J-ar, Tliroat, Ca-tunh, Lungs, Kidneys and bploen, Dysnepsl i. Rheumatism, Clout, Fits, bpasms, all tomalo (omilrtlnts, Flics, Tumor. Cinccrs, eto TnjHj Worms removed In low hours.

Cilli lumpily ntteiided to night or day. Olko liouri. to 10 a. in lito 2 p. -I to land 7 to jO p.

bunday, 10 to a. to 7 in rpiti; of 1 All onr musicians drlok It. Medical Oruiluate ns 11 antihunt to practical plipUilin; good tl ante; small capital required. Addrorfs AbtsIMANT. CiltlO olllt o.

rpiCKr.TH llought, Hold X. Kxcliiutgoil by IioiisiA llnoi Ass'u hrol.ers, 4S1 Pa nv. IhSSONSon tlio Ilanjo und Giiltur, by nn cxiorleiicol lady toucher. Ad-Uni-a ii Crltlo otiico. HllASHINtlTON'S MhrIo Cream or Iiistnntaneous Cure Any lroaklng out rn face or body cured Moth I'lmplos, Wrinkle, Ulack Heads, Vulgar Rolumi.

Fcrcmannd alt loci tl disfigurement removed and a clear complexion Insured to all who It. I'irfiilly harmless Testimonials on application, hold by all diugcWts. and SltcrlHix benttonnyatldress. RITI KFLl ODS IIlll OblltflriitetT. lenMng nu bv my ELECTRIC NEFDLKtrotos.

which Is tho onlyromedy known fur this hideous blemish, blasters, jiowrtern, acid, cto only promoto a more btutiLHJiii growth. Khtumatlam, Neuralgia and all Nervous Coin) Iiiluts of ladles and children treated. Cull or i Ho for valuable tlictilara MKS. DR. CUIlItlEL, 1WI 6t W.

rpiii5 or hukics." udgo for yourself. COLVMIIIA SIIIUT Harry C. lowers, manager, aro now opening at No. 1410 ave a full line of 0110 of tho best iclected stocks of gcufH furnishing goods In tho city. A specialty In lino dress shirts, rcudy-mndo and to order.

INOHAVKIl 1'LATK, Sl Printing MiiUItlng cards from same, 43c; pi luting lot) ilsltliig cards from tho lamo, 75c; llthonrrat cbec hooks made tu order. J. L. KERVAND. 10 Fa ave W.

1 II. 1VIIITH, Steaoeraptier nnd Jl typewriter; contracts and speclilea-tlons of all kinds at rensonablo rates speeches, fcermuns, testlmony.cto accurately reported, A few put lis take 11 at modorato charge. 1001) FBtnw.Room 13 IHESI'KCTFULLY ANNOUNCF. to the public that I havo romo ed my dross-making parlors to 1110 st and enlarged my plat oof business. Ladies will find tt to Hit Ir advantage to call before going else where; handsome suits mado for S3 und upward: evening costumes a specialty.

MADAME FKHLTB. "rpiIK Ut'EKN OF I1KKKS." JL Send your oitlers to IAti st w. ISTEltSI Oysters! Oysters! If You want fresh ovstcrs. fat and 1ulov. bv tho pint, quart or gallon, wholesalo or retail, tlo not fall to buy thorn of 11EALES Oyster Establishment, 41 10th at w.

Yon will get them at reduced rates. ClAMFOltNIA MINK ItOOH, 713 II st w. Jacob Uundtach's Celebrated hlto and Claret Ines by tho glass nnd bot-tlo. N. K.

TAEYAND, tato from ban Iternar til no, Cat. IK9IOUH, ItestHurHtuitr nnd Cute re will furnish tsLlui il ou application for wetldlngs, patties, sociables, banquets, eto. Every facility ns a first-class caterer. Call 0TaddrcBHl st w. 171 II.

OUNO'S STIIAM CAHIT-T-. Cleaning and Renovating Works leathers renovated, made over, furuliuroKteumodand moths destioyid Wi'i Puavo nw. uotory, corner of 6th aud sts PnOFOSALS. 11KOPOSAI.S lOIt OUAIIINQ KU-(IIDPLVCE. Orritl OKTIIfcLMllMHIlCHIIIOM'll.

AiiiMiTON. I) Maruh JI. imr SEALED pitiiLUkAlS wilt Lo lttelvol at thisofiho iihtltMJ oVlirf-k on MONDAY, Mart JH. POT, Un gra(Uig Eui lid Place lilutik rot ins of 1 rop6uU and spucffleult ins can loot tulned tin nor, her wltlfBll iiieewiry Informa Hon, and only bids ujin lhefonns will Do corsldtifd 9 'I ho light Is resurvil-tfi lelect nny and all bids WILLIAM LUDLOA', Tn gl neer t'oinm1slnnpr II (, PAWNBROKERS; LASKEY'S Loan Office Nd 361 Pennsylvania N. WASIIINnTON, D.

O. VoncyIancJ onOoM nnd Silver Watches, Hamoml. twelry, I'Utols, Mechau'eal Tiiols, and aontlemou'a Wearing Ap- pare). IILII UU1.U A Ml 1. VIUl IIOUUUT.

EDUCATIONAL. nusiNE'Js coLLnaw In commntllotis halls. Nation il Kink of tn3 llcpol lie Untitling, mint hwtt cot ivir yovontli and Iistrctts Established lu 1S1I Aloro tlinn lO.OUO students huu been nil nod In thU (olltgo. Bers-ltes tf Its graduates ulwiysli demand. Thorough Instruction clrci to ltaild writing, tho Kngilnti C'orro-rpondenct Itapld Cutculk tlons, lliuikennlnir.

ltuslncss Praitlco, Commercial Ktonomy. btcnography and Type Wrltlnz Itcgular day and evening sosIons, 0 a p.m. Illustrated Circular aont reo on appll- rnllnn. Tctepbono call, Wl--' IIKNUY (J. MPS.

SAItA A. ttPENCEIt.Vlco Principal. EM Norwood Institute, 1 107 VENUE. Second Term opens FEBHUAIIY 5, ISS7. Summer Session atNorwopil, Vn.

rilYril-VltlTlNdTUoroiiKlilyTiiucbt At Room S3, St. Cloud Culldlncr. Keforcnoos, PltOF. VHITCOMll lias Keopenoil bis Hchool or Shorthand nt 1113 (1st class sessions Tuesday and 1'rlday evenings. y(.

A81I1NC1TON Acadimiy nf Tele- CTflnliv has removed from CJDltol mil irom 8 and 0. lO 1 JT Bt 11 HUUilB INTERESTING TO THE PUBLIC Tojlvo more spice to our Pepartmentot Specialties, wo hare determined Ut abandon tho sale of I Hall Stands, AMI MANY OI)US ND KSUS IN THE To corairmr.l a himiIt b.Io of tlio aWno Coods now ott ltan J. wo lnlo uroatly icducM tlio iken in cone Inslauus to ONE-HALP THEIR VALUE Tl cir cxcclltnco of quall'y Is too well known touqulio special mention Alex. Milne, Fnrnitnrc Mater anfl Decorator, A In tli Street Aorlhwest, Itc-tsren nnil 1 CIGARS AND TOBACCO. K.

of Made Cigar Anl Knights of iJibor SMOKING and CII nw-JNU 1 0HAi 1 0, mnnufacturod by tho National K. ot Co operative Company, Raleigh, N. C. or sale by 351 l'ennn. Ave.

tVAgent for tho Celebrated Roller Organ; prices (Hand iK'. JURNITUR New Installment House. Furniture, Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings, Mat-tresrenand Iieddtng, btotcs and llouso Furnishing uoods, for cash or weekly or monthly injments, by JAMES F. LOPTUS, Oil 7th St. X.

W. Paby Carriages and I'llitn Library Iamps. jBjprnjjQ I.OltOH II. HTOODAKT Si FRINTEHS Rook and Job Printing ra Specialty. NEW YOHK 1'itlChS 013 and 0lt ih at.

n.w, opp. U. rat en onico. ri'llOMAS McOILL A CO. (Successors to colli Wltherow), PRINTERS AND SlEREOrPYEIIS, No.

1107 St. Northwest, Washington, D.O. GOOD WORK AT FAIR TRICKS. Ti O. 1'OLHINIIOHN, Book, Job and Postor Printer, 632 AND (131 STREET N.

W. Near corner 7th tl. GUIS ON llItOTHKItS, PRACTICAL ROOK AND JOD PRINTERS. 1533 Penna. avo Washington, D.

0. pyFlnn Printing a miec laltv B0ARDNB. Clias. Fleischmann, Courcrctloncr nutl (Jutcrcr. CAFE AND DINING-ROOMS.

No. 1U0PENN. AVE, Opiioslto NMlIard'a Hotel. Jtcatilnr Jloard, ia lor31ontli. Older for Parties, WeJdlng.

Receptions, properly and promptly attendol to. miiKFred AV. Kvuns Illnlne-Itooms, at DIP st contlnuestoseno tho limited or fixed meals 13111 of faro at following rates: Rreakfast, 13c; lunch, 10c; dinner, 'JOc; cakes and coffee, 10c; regular monthly board, S.0; meal tickets. 3 for Sl; 10 for 35. Ail orders filled promptly, and In tho best manner known to the trade.

W. KVAN1. Proprietor jmi.PAPER 50,000 ROLLS. I) Buy Wall Papers Until you eoo our prices and tho Klcgant Mew (IooiIn now In btook. I am selling way below Kegular 1'rlees.

A. M. TUBMAN, 411 Ninth St. North mat, Eatlmntos for work (urnl.hed at roduccil Lobeht wnrlimpn omployrtl. FINANCIAL.

WALSH, CROPLEY (Hover ltiillillng, STRELT AND BH SEVENTH W. Etocks, Bonds, Grain, Oil and Provisions, Direct wires to Now York and Chicago, B. E. PLAIN. B.

HI0E3 B. K. PLAIN LKOKERS, Graini Provisions and Slocks, Dili AND ST3 AND 1122 MuhhliiRtoii, City References National bank of tho Re rublfo. Chicago Correpon lenis Mllmlne, Rodman Co. Constant quotations of tho Chicago and New ork Starkets by special wire, CAMPBELL 4 Btock, Grain, Provision and Petroleum Brokers, 1333 I'KNNA, ATE.


Words acil Miiila by Will ml Spenser, osi. AI.LlIIUOLDPAVoniTES, INCLUD INU TtntcrtE GrBham, lima Dctiro, c'arrlo Dlotrlok, It. N. linn! ar, Eugenia Moholsou, ellxltaney, Ldward Ercrett, no, Etc NEW bCENLIlY AND EFFECT. M'onday, Mart li 34 icfjNi: (ouni.AN TEW NATIONAL TUEATRE.

Ono Week Only, -COMMTNCIMI MONDAY, MARCH 21 gagement of tho Popular ComeJliu, SOL SMITH IIUSSF.LL, In Ms homo comedy, IN A. UY IHIlLi: ACrS. JtC- CAL WALLCfi 1'ti 1 1 to Overflowing with Fun. CIEM'INE AND IIEAUTM Freentetl bvn Notable Company. RUSSLLL IN NEW 80N0.

hKEiCDLS AND SPhCIAL'IIKi. "Matters that Mako Mo Tired," "It's All Over Now with tho iJidie," Way Down Last." "Thoj'ro to Flrture of Iholr Fa," Mfilltre III Fosll." Thn Conntrv Klnwlnrf Tcaeher." SATURDAY NEXT. ONLY MATINEE OF FA. Mirth JS IIILIANOLCOTT In Hardou's TIIEODOnA. ARRIS' BIJOU THEATRE.

MGIIT FRlr-aie, MTINEES-We. To AH Fittis of the Houso. No extra thurgo for rcforved Bents. Children half rko ut tho Matinees. Kngiigimcnt tf tho eminent iiftir, NEWTON DEEltH, In lyrlo spettiottlar Mincfs, UijT IN 10NDMN, supported by tlm tirgimil New Yoik compiny of ccmanani nnu slngeis, nndntCM ntmg car loads of splendid sceicry, specially executed by thofamonsj Amtilmniutut, Henry E.Mojt.

Homoo' tho bwart King; I lei r. o' li'tiikmoor; tho Fete of (omu'lliumlnatd ci nai Ion snow Haqne( and Toh's Mntcn. a baiutltul mil subllma pro logno without word. Uglotis of celestial beings, ftenesof tlsohlng beauty. Tho celebrated I'dn I'lpo Ungrr.

Original sonjs, dances, tovtumosaud i ihlnmeToets, Next Wtek-MAI UK VlCKE Its. niME MUSEUM. At other Dig Ccnsatlou' TtRhosIn One! l-irryAtiernooti nnd Night. IIOLUMVrf MAMMOIII (OMFVNY. CM LinOll'S t'AHIN.

Aiiernooti mm ric rinecdon the itsgo In e'egant style; now pctiifiy and aipolntments, tho Hlooihuun Is tlo Mugiiollii WUirtttto. the Ku HcCjc, tlm Jubilco lrgtrs, with nil their songs ami tnmp-mrctlng linmor. with a greitiastof thnracters. Adml1on (n nil only Klcrnts K1 ERNAH'S WASHINQ10N THEATRE. Tho Ottglnal Ath box Inspectors.

Shcehan Coyne! Sheehan Coynel AND A HOST Ol' SPECIALTY AUTIST4. Jntbo new ond original comedy, KI.l.VATION. New Fongs New Dances. Now Cotumos. NLWAND NOVEL 8CENEHY.

Matinees Mon 1 ues Thtira anl Hat. INGLANW IN ITS TKAXl OF LLB, MONCURE CONWAY, M. lectures on this subject THW (Tuesday) EVENING, nt Soclorknttho UNlTAltlAN CHtlllCII, eor-ncrlith and its Other lectures. 'Jhurs-duy, 'lth, 'London; Its Proto and Poetry; Monday, Ath "ubiervatlons In India and Australia. Tickets (at doer) for thoibieo, JI.

Slnglo admlfslon, t0c. ry0 GUANO CONCKKTR JL Wilt bo given by tho RICHARD WACJNEK SOCIITY HERR ANTON SCUOTT, Leading tenor of tho Herman Opera Company, recently performing at tho Metrop iituti 01 era House, New York city, at tbe Congregational Church, cor inthnntl ITU DAY and SATURDAY EVENINUS, March 83 ami Admission. Si, Including reserved Feat. Roxrhcct open at Droops', pa. are, 011 and ofter Tuespav.

tho l-t Int XTATIONAL SIv.VTINO UINK, XI on st bet. Qtli anl 7tli. Prof. O. R.

Gleason, THE KINO OP ALL HORSE TAMEtlS. Comrrenclng Monday Erentng. March SI, nt ttn and Every Night, In his marvelous exhibitions Illustrating his unrivalled and maiterlymelhodijof handling WILD, IU013 AND NKllOUS UUUfE-I. I eats of horsemanship that delight, instruct end pleao all UlANUKOFPnoCHEAMUI! NIGHTLY. Gt nerul admls-lon.

S.V Resert ed scits, Dfla, 1 nit Ips hiving vlnl mshorfon. vU Klekcrs, Riters, Runawnjs, Ddlker-, Plungers. eto, to tu liaiidkd mm Iroko at these exhibitions free of chanrt at Rink earty Monday morning to have them subdued eirly In thou Bson IJAISOKAMA or lUUle uf Hull Uun, Uth st two blocks south of Pa. ave. The most realistic battle bccuo over painted, Lighted at night by 300 elect rlo lights.

Open from 9 tn toiop m. On Sundays half prico. KLIIU.N'd AC AUK- 1001 TbTRELr N.W and bT. AND PA. AVE.

S. E. Now la tho time to Join tbo classes for par-tieliatlon lu tho annual May ball exercises. QC1KNTIKIC Hiul Hjiarrlug. Tho most beneficial of all exorcises taught by I'rof.

J.C.Collins, at his residence, TOO st w. Lessons In dumb-bell and Indian club flXfrclKOH rIho taught NEWPUJUCAT10NSm Index lo the General Orders AUEMIATOIU OP TUB U. S. ARMY REGULATIONS, TOOFTHEU VMTlt Index to the Circulars, Rulings nnd DocUIons ot tho War Department, All Changes and Points" of 'Itutlet or y'ftfvbteh liavobcen Officially Promulgated trnintho Adjutant Ccneral's Ofllco to 1, 1337, RyUILIIAM UIRD, Tlrst Lieut blxth U. H.

Cavalry, T'nlform with tho 8. Army ReguUthi, iti pspp Prko, 05 cents, lntci leaved JI, postpaid, CHAPMAN Booksellers and Stationers, Tcmporniy Location, 317 Ninth St. N. W. BOOTS AND SHOES.

FINE SHOES A full Stock of Tine shoes constantly ou han 1. FOR LADIES We havo Walking Shoes, Dims fehoes anl M'lpcii forr ccption and oveulng wear lu all Iho leading btjles, FOR GENTLEMEN We have the best makes ot Walking Hlioes, Llcht Iremh C'alU'utunt I-eathoruul rreneli Kid In all Mylc" 1 or evening wear, Patent Leather Pumps for Mou and Uuys. Our Stock of Hisses' and Children's Shoes Is cr mplcte, with Straight float. Calf, rroncli Kid, arm 1 1 cut her, Ijico and Ilutton. In every Dtpartmeut wo try to have something to please till who favor us with call.

Uim STRICKLAND, 030 Ponna. Avonuo. One-Price Shoe Store. tj A. L.

HAZELTO i. rjevenin nireoi. Unrfflr 0.11 1'flllQWS Hall. E. C.

Iicrt'a Fine Shoes for Ladles a Bpoclalty. (27K 10th fat. a. VT. Q27 l'a.

Ave Lavt I have a lot of Fire Shoes, my own make. teat I will toll at a baialn QIto me a trial. I1 1 1 V'l i x..

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