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The Critic and Record du lieu suivant : Washington, District of Columbia • Page 1

Washington, District of Columbia
Date de parution:
Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

THE CRITIC THE CKITIU 8 circulation 1 Hx cceded by only ono dally papor In tho City of Wrwhlncton, and ia riipldly Ruining. THE CRITIC) is increasing In circulation faster than all tho other dally paper In tho District of Columbia. 19X11 YEiUt-WHOIiE NO. 5,808. WASHINGTON, D.


The Interstate Commissioners to Announced This Evening, Tnn PRESIDENT'S OALLDRS. Military nml Nnnl Nowa-lottnii teri Appointed, GENERAL AND PERSONAL. TLc President to day Appointed tbo follow log collectors of Internal revenue; hHllcUl Walker, district of lor Ma. Dudlej W. Stewart, ill strict of Iowa.

Also the following postmasters Illinois John McXamec, lleracoti James Kcocy, Cum brM ge, J. 1 urlong, Hoc he lie. Connecticut II, Swartwont, Stamfonl Iowa V. C. Swlnart, Maouokcta.

MaecacbusctU J. lore, Webster; A. II. Carpenter, New Hertford. Minnesota II Htaey, Albert Lea; C.

Johnson, Austin; K. E. Newell, Morris, Jifan Mc Cur I by. Stillwater. New iork Georeo 1) Ilabcock.

Mexico Ohio J. W. Deer, Washington Court- 11 raise Pennsylvania J. Lclby, Newport. A Irglnla a.

II McKInne), rarmvlllo. Wisconsin V. M. Underbill. Oconto Vermont N.

V. llowrnan, St. Johnabury; 11. W. Martin, Ilennlugton.

Local Patents Issued. Paten ts have. I ccnUaued to the residents of tbo District ns follows Miter bof, to Martin Itretbcr ton; rcBr sight for fire-arms, to JobnC. Ktltoc; wheel, to m. E.

Smith. Change of Command Major James F. ltanellctt, Ninth Cavalry, has been ordered from Fort McKtnney, Wyoming, to command at Fort Du Chcane, Utah, to relieve General Ldward Hatch, colonel Ninth Cavalry, who Is ordered to Omaha. Callera at tho White Houao. Speaker Carlisle, Senator Edmunds, Senator elect Date, ltcprcscntatlvoa Wise, It Ice, Curtln and DelcgatoCatne, Consul General 1'helan, Consul Merrltt, and Commander Stirling Mere among the President's callera today.

Presidential Appointments Yesterday. Tho President made tbo following api ointments last evening; District At tor-nf)B Oeorgo E. Prltchett, for Nebraska; 1 mcry IJ. Sellers, for Indiana, Thomas IUv-doo, for Nevada. Marshals James F.

1 letcber, for I lorlda Samuel UUfadell for lthcde Island, vlco Jamea II. Coggesbull whose term has expired. Our Mexican Trade. Secretary Hay erd has received from Consul Alien at Fie dras Megras, Mexico, a communication to tbo effect that there exists an Increasing do in and for American agricultural tools, particularly the plow, 'lbo prluclpal obstacle In tho way ot trade, ho says, lathe dlstruit entertained by a large proportion of the Mexicans toward our people, hut the Incoming of a better class of Americans Is effecting a change for the better. Army Assistant Surgeons lbo Secretary of War has ordered tbat no applicant for tbo position of assistant surgeon In tbo army shall he examined by tbo Army Medl cal Lxamlnlng Hoard at Now York whoso application was datM later than January 1 of this jcar.

Dr. Pud, Morse raIor(son cf Major Moreo Taylor, surgeon IT. A ,) aLd twelve others, who had been alrcaJ) ordend for examination, have had their orders revoked, and have been obliged to return boutofiom New ork, where alt had already reported What this mcaus Is not understood at the bureeon Ueiierars Ofllce, as It lias been dlflleult for scleral jears to keep tho gradoof awlstant surgeons filled. Tho Interstate Commission. Tbo President has auiioiiiicc-d tbat tbo Interstate Ccmincrco Cummlislon will prolnbl) to appointed within fortj-elght hours Up to the present time tbe President Is entire! at sea es to two of tbo Commissioners, and there Is no assurance tbat the- other places ore Fettled bet ond tbo possibility of change lbe President baa received Intl rnatlons from Innumerable sources tbat tbo delay In making these appointments will result hi serious embarrassments.

It Is understood tbat two or more of the person? rocnllontd for Commlsslouei ships liao leen maklrg a careful study of tbu law for week. There was a full attendance at tbe legular Cabinet meeting to-day and tbo personnel of tbe Commission was under discus, flou. It was announced, however, that lbe appointments coul 1 not be made before night. It Is understood tbat strong pressure Is being brought to Lear to-day foi tbo appointment of dovcrnor Abbettof New Jirecy as one of the Commissioners It was learned tbls afternoon tbattbeCom-mission bad been finally determined upon today and will bo announced this evening. Tho Brooklyn at Ceylon.

Captain 1 ilmund O. Matthews, commanding tbo Prod lyu (which has before thU reported a flufctulp of lbo Asiatic fleet), was at blngaiore February 1, whenco Captain Mattl cw sends an Interesting report of tbo I rod nets and trade of tho Island of Ceylon, where tho ship etoppol at Colombo. Tbe ten IntroMuction has icen doing well. Tne rreoanutoll trade Is tho main stay, tho cinnamon product Is keptdownby au I llth firm tbat controls the trido, to kiep tbo price up, tbe Introduction of cofTue growing Is considered a failure after sixty jcara of trial, rubber tree planting has not done well, Ulumbago and a Quo Iron ore can bo found almost an) where, ami the ravines leading down from Mount Adams tupplj large quantities of sapphires, rubles, cat's eyes ami Alexandrite, wbleh aro found by washing and blasting out tbo insures Tbo great pearl (liberies of the tiulf of Manaar are under (lovernment control The ship left Colombo lanuary aLd reached Slugoporo January 37, Minor and Personal, The Treasury Department lias refused free entry to a Chinese Joss. Kansas City, Mo baa been designated as National BuiA reserve city under the now law.

KIchard Hunter, a Now York architect, has goae to work upou plana for tbe proposed new aval Observatory. Ibfl postofllces at McCabc, Patrick County, Mlsklmore, Nortbumberlau 1 Count), and Selvavllle, Northampton Count), vo nave been uisconunucu. Tbe life Saving Service will ho provllcd with lighter aud lines to preveut a repetition of tbelr recent failure to istabllsh line communication with tbo wroekol fcteamer Wiseonsln. Senator Coekrell is holding daily confer trees with tbe beads of Departments, an 1 making every effort to aw tiro Information for tbe guldduco of tbo Senate Corainlttea Investigating tbe status of work la tbo Do poitmeLls. A K'ciNUtuiit Nolillci.

For tbesicond time FrnestYonDIeselskl, charged with being a deserter from the United States Aiuiy, was today before Justice MacArtbur on a writ of hibeas corpus. Tbe hearing wus flxedforTues da) next at 11 o'clock, AlOIlClirO l.CtttllC Moncurol) Conway will lecture at the Uidtartau Church this evening at 8 o'clock, on uujaud In Its Year of jubilee Mr, Couwaj'a rank us scholar and writer should enture blm a warm ruceptloa la Vi aehtngton DISTRICT GOVERNMENT NEWS. Matters of Pntillc Intcrost Considered lty tlio CouimlHslonerfl. TIio District CoinmUatoncrslnvo not yet decided to occupy tho Webster Law building, un street, between Fifth and SIxlh streets, a a municipal building, Tho building was offered by tho oilier, Mr. II.

G. 1'unt, to tho District, and bo olTcrcil to make altera lions and nddltlons, Tbo Commission ere referred tho matter to Inspector of DuiMlngs Kntwlalo for oxamlnallon and tcport, and tho Inspector hiv not cxnmlucd or repotted on tbo bulldlog. It Is understood that Mr. Fnnt ts ready to make any Improvements tbat may bo required, ocn to putting In fire proof safes, provided that the cost not unreasonably great IIo wllllngto expend $1,000 In Ibis way, Tho Commissioners will not settle tbo matter until Mr, Kn tulstlc makes bis report Tho rcutal hI.COOnycar ho buildings heretofore occupied as District olllccs were the City Hall, Mclcrolt building, on the Acnue, near Nlnlb street, tbo building at the northwest corner of bccutccntu street and VcnnsvUauIa nvenue, and the present building. The Commission crs think that If Ibey can get three or fam Inrgc residences together they can su them for city oIUcls.

D. K. Hackman, W. K. Clark ct al.

have piotcsted to the Commissioners against the condition of North Capitol fitrcitfrom 11 Etrect to Massacbusctta aicnuc. I. Tardon ct at owners of moro Hi mi one-half of tho property on Su pcrlor enuc, between Ghamplntn a nuo and bUtecnlh street, Meridian Hill, have petitioned for a sewer extension from Champlaln acnuo to hlv tceiith street, during tho present season Dulldlng permits have been granted to B. G. Ward to erect a dwelling on street, between Sixteenth and Seven tcenlb streets, to cost Ida Oder, erect two dwellings, 12J) and 12J7H street, to rost 1,000, M.

0. Mitchell, erect a dwelling on street, between rourib and Tlfth streets, to tost ,300. Tbo Commissioners to day appointed Cbarlotto Ilalley us juultor of tho Smallpox Hospital, In tho place of her deceased husband. II, A. Wlllard was oulcrcd by tho Commissioners to day to remove tho obstruction In lbo public alley In tbo real of tho Kbbtli House, and to repair the concrete pacinent damaged by tho former occupation of tbo alley.

rI bey also ordered that tbo alley In square 118 connecting Virginia nvcauo and IJ street, between Ninth and Tenth streets south (vest, bo paved under tho compulsory permit system. SOCIAL AND SEMI-SOCIAL It Is doubtful tf the President enjoyed his "spread" on bis recent birthday moro than Dr. Uranham, superintendent of tbe Bccd room In tho Agilcultural Uurcau. Somoot the prett) girls and ladlos la tbo room got up little eurprlso feast In his lienor, oti tbe kind-hearted old gentleman was touched aud pleased at this manifestation ol tbelr regard for htm. Among tin piett) tblnirs was tbo birthday cake, iur-i ou tded by tluy colore 1 wax eandles, in-dlcatlcg tbo number of bis jenrs Ju Iglog from bis clear Hue e) a aud tbe rosy tinge on his cheek, tbo frosts of miny winters I avtdeult klu lly Willi blm llii Doctor, In tiuth, has foutid tbo true elixir of perpetual jouth tbo philosopher's stono as ho uidwb he never worries about anything.

Mis Albert (lallatln, who Is still In Washington, will sail for i urope the (Irst week In April, aecompanted by her mother, Mrs Howard. Ibey will be absent until October. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Sinclair of Washing ton tiro VtfcltiDg In Philadelphia. Mine, T.

Il.dullaritosof No 8Vi Piftb areLiie, New York, cava lutjcheon to ifltttn Indies Saturday In honor of MMs 1 le Maikoo of asblngtou, bo asilng a week In tbe Metropolis Mrs lottery Kearny cf Washington Mn New ork UItlng ber mother, Mrs Will! in Lrewtter, -m ll id and lholu diolj vv Contract William Walter Phelps has been on a fl)-fnglslt to this tho Irtbunc'j asbtngton correspondent, for the purpose vulfilngsomo facts recently brought to Lis notice with regard to General Gar-lleld's connection withtha DjOolyer contract. Attbe request of James drant Wil-eoii, Mr. PbcltB had under takeu towrlto tbe OarflJd article lor tbo forthcoming volume of Appletou's Uiographlcal Pncy-clopcdla. Ho was so engaged at Point Comfort when some new facts were acel dentully brought to bis notice and bo promptly eamu to this city and spent so mo time ut tbe Congressional Library verifying tbo statements made, with tbe assistance of Librarian tipoiToid, Mr, Phelps, It Is uu derstotid, exonerates Uarfleld from blauid In the Credit Moblller affair, but Is oblige to censure tbe btiuular lack of forethought wblih cbaiaeterlzed bid ussuelatlou with tbe Du tiuljer buducas. Nnlt-H oritcat I).

It Graff has sold to M. C. Hooker, for $0,300, lot squaro 103, on street, be tween fifteenth aud Sixteenth streets. W. 11, Clagett has transferred to L.

Cavaunaugh, for 7,000, sixteen lots In block i1 of Long Meadow. A. T. Whltnt) has convened to T. A Lambert, for IU 000, property Penmyl onla avenue, between Ninth and lentb streets.

Messrs Cutter and Wlmcr to daj sold to tbe North Weebluuton Ileal P.sta to Com pnnj lots Ut to 1M, lucluslvo, In sqiuro t'J, being feet frout on IweutyHrst, tttwein ami streets hortbwest, for tbe sum of $C0 517 CO This purchase Id understood to bo for a ejndimte of Washing tonlans, and Indicates tbespaely Improve mentof lweutj-llrststreet In that squaie Tbo North Washington Heal Pitata Company has sold to J(. Dulanya part of lot 10, fan aro CD, fronting feet on Twenty tlrat btreet northwest, for orth Carolina at tlio lrlll. 7hv old North State will be well rep re senttd at th National Drill In Ma, as tbo follow ing companies ill be hero to contest for tbo pilzes i liovtrnor's (luard, Greens boro KUles, Pdgecombo Guards, Wllmlug-ton 1 I tbtlnfaiitrj, Maxtou Kliks, Monroe Llkhtlurantry, Hornets' Nc6t Hlflemen and KelUllle Illit Infantry. The) will como hero us one regl ment, and bo under tbo command of Colonel W.C Jones of the Second North Carolina Krglment, aud tbe lino brass band of the regiment will accompany tbe ''lar Heel bO)8." Muirlatfo Ucciimch. Marriage licenses have been Issued as fol lows John Lewis aud Lizzie Jackson, John II, Iboma of this city and I'm ma llllottof Iangley, Va Chris llowarl and Joslo Duvall, W'm.

Murray aud Georgians a Jones; J. A. Plemcr of this city and Cornelia 0. Matthews of Ulcb-rnond, John Hacking and Julli liurke. AN OLD CASE SETTLED.

Major Azor H. Nickorson's Wife Obtains a Divorce. HISTORY OP THD APPAIIl A Tnle TImt Itoada Llko Ono by modern Novoltit. "I never grantod a divorce moro cheerfully than I do this, ond I have granted several," said Justice Merrick, In the Equity Court to day. It was the case of Kmma C.

I). Ntckcrson against Aror II, Ntckcrson. The bill was filed June 20, 188J, and created considerable of sensation at tho lima. Tho defend nut was an olllctr In tho United States Army, and married tho complainant in San Trauclsco August 13, 1370. In March, 1870, bo bavlug been assigned to duty In the War Department, they came to this city to reside.

Tho wlfo's hcnltb bclug poor, In July, 1U30, sbo with her child, at her husband's suggestion, went abroad, lie kept up a corrcspondenco and sent remittances until May. 183, rrom May 31, 1832, to April 31, 18fJ. she was In I'arls or Dresden, uu able to understand tho sllcuco of her husband or cause- for tho treatment alio was receding. On the last date above ghen sbo received a telegram from her mother to tho clTcct that her bus band bad obtained a fraudulent divorce and married again. Mrs Klckerson tmmcdlaUlj returned to this country, aud finding tbat tho divorce) bad been fecured in a Philadelphia Lourt, she Instituted proceedings to lmu Una nulled for fraud and was successful.

it was developed that by false statements, supported by perjured testimony, Major Klckcrson bad secured tho decree. It was only a few days after doing so that bo returned to this city and married Miss Lena Delta Carter of No. 7 pout Circle, In whoso mother's house! ho was bourdlng at the) time, nod the couple went to ltaltlmoro to liavu the ceremony rerformtd. It Is just to say that Miss Carter believed tho representations made to Iter by Major iMtKireon, mat no was legally orecd nml free to marry. Tho first Mrs NIckersou, finding this stato of affairs on ber return from Kuropc, unit to work to undo sorno of the mUthlcf done nnd placo bcrsolf In a true light before tbo public.

After the ftaudttlent divorce obtained by Major islckerson bud been set aside, she petitioned foi dKorce, chuglug him with adultery nnd cruelty, asking alimony, custody of tbelr child aud permission to resume ber maiden uamo of Dtnma Cecelia Derby. In addition she filed a bill in equity to secure her share of tho property owned by ber husband and transferred by blm to Miss Carter. When these circumstances came to light army circles were astounded, and the scandal spread with remarkable speed, Major Mckerson had stood high with his fellow officers, and was doomed above tho committal of such au act. Hut the difficulty Into which tho false hnsbind bad got himself did not end hero lbe Philadelphia court, which bad boon Imposed upou, transferred tlu matter luihu prus.cullni; attorney, and sjmi Islckerfon wa Indicted for obtaining a dlorcc through fraud and suboumllon of perjury, At tlio Fame tl tu tbe War Department bal taken tho cae up and ordered a court martial to trj tbu officer on the charge of perjury aud nllur frpccIMcatious It was cldeiil that tbo sliuulnn was be-coinlug too hot for the Major, and be sought a cooler climate In Canada, wheio liu has since resided. traiifuctliv his business iu tho United States through counsel and friends His attorney In this easu admitted that there was no defense to lbo charge preferred, nnl that tbo wife was entitled to the dlvorco sbo prajed for.

Willi this action lbo curtain will prol ably forccr fall upon what has been regarded ns a most disgraceful affair, and which some army olllsers think cast a stigma, In general way, en tbe rej utallon of all of tlicm, THE ARMY AND NAVY. lurluushH, Oritur Leases, Courts-Slur tlul, 1'crnoiml Nuten. Geteral Hobirt Murray, Burgeon Gen cral who was placed on tbo re tired list In August for age, Is now rcildlu at Clifton Heights, la Delaware Count, I leutenant Colonel I dward Collins, be eutb Infantry (who was recently promote! from tbo I Irct lufantrj), lias reported to detieral Crook, and la assigned to duty at Port Laramie, joining. General George Crook left Omaha last Prllaj with Lieutenant fjuiaii W. V.

Keu-non, blxtb Infantry, bis aldo-de-camp, on an official trip to lort Hoblnson, Nebraska, and Fortslaramloand David A. Kussell, Wjomlng. Army Leaves. Captain Ogden H. Kead, hleveuth lufantry, iort Yates, Dakota, twelvo dajs, I1 Irst lieutenant tiolou P.

Maisej, Hftb Artillcr), Port Douglas, Salt I oKoLlt), sixteen ilajs, Captain V. S. Pd gcrl), Set colli Cavalry, tort Meade, Dakota, tuirt) dajs. The quarterly station list of army me II cat ollkera has appeared aalu for tbe first tlmo since tbe icbiieif July lv(l, slnco which lime tbu Burgeon Genml baa hal no fuuds for the purpose. With this re lsuo tbe list a pears In a new font of tj pit, which, though smaller, preaeuts a band Eomcr tjpograpbleul appearance.

Tho Detect 1mm Htnrtle (I. Lieutenant Swindells and every person lu tbo Detectives' office was startled today when two small wblto bos brought In a suspicious looking can and surrendered It, because they feared it contained dvnamlto lbo can Is made In tbe shupe of a cylinder, and Is about 3 Inches lon and IJ Inches In diameter and constructed of heavy block tin, with both ends soldered tightly. It Is full of some heavy tut stance, and altogether bad an ominous appearance. It was cire full) depostte Una quiet safe li tho oOlce Ibobo)s state Uat the) found It on the stieet sear tbe curb, aud one of them scratched ia small bole In tbo end or Haul saw that the contents ere bite, 1 lo said the were afraid to throw It hi a sewer. Opposed lo tliei Cock Ion Pollrj A largo mass meeting was held at tbo Cooper Uuiou, New York, last ulht, to protest against tbo threatened coercion of lrekndbytbo llrltlsh Government.

Mr Charles A. Dana of tbu Sua was chairman of lbo meeting and made a vigorous Intro ductory speeeb Letters of empathy with tbo objects of tbe meetlug woro real from Samuel J. Kandall, tijniucl 8 Cox, Gov ernor I ee of Irgluta and ltom-oe ConMlng Governor Abbett of New Jersey was ono uf lbe spetkers. MEN AND THINGS ABOUT TOWN. There Is a general Idea existing tbat most nrmy olficcrs spend their time pursuing tho agarics of tho game of poker nnd sampling tbo "frco boUlc," that Is usually on top at tho post-traders' wo used to call them sutlers twenty oV more, cars ngo, Thcro le a good deal of a mlstako about that Idea, aud an old retired officer of tbe nrmy In Glanced a few examples a daj or two ago.

I he lalo ITrst Lieutenant Henry II. HcrccTwcnty first Infantry.who.whllo engaged In rough field-work In the extreme Northwest, translated Into verso, that won tho highest commendation from tbo critics, two volumes nf the clasMc Latin and Greek poets Later, In tbo samo regiment, a boy almost In years gathered together and edited the most complcto military encyclopedia known lo tho military service. This is young Lieutenant Tarrow 8, ami ho kept tip llifl labor ocn while bo was bard at work In his successful task of running dorvn, soundly thrash lug nnd capturing thu Sheep Utter Indians In Washlugton Territory. Cap tain Charles King, now retired, wrote those most charming nrmy novels, "Kltty'd Conquest" and "Winning Ills Spurs," during the rush and turmoil of a frontier garrl-on Hfo In Indian war fare limes, nnd his "Hcoullng with Crook' Is only edited from hU dally writings wbllo It was "boots aud sail dies" all of each day, nnd tho Lord enly could tell, In ndv nice, how much nf each night. Head Colonel Crosson's books, lead Lieutenant Hugh Allen's monographs on tactics of tho line, nnd tbat other Allen of tho Third Cavalry in his handbook of popular Instruction Inwenther observations.

Tbo list ts too long, nnd dhprots tbo Idea that our nrmy officers, as a rule, nro Idlers The Idlers nro exceptional needs aud are toon weeded 'lbe close nffecllon existing between General ward Deale and tbo hto President Grant, Is known to tho whole country but thcro never bis been known slnco tho alleged epl sodo of Damon nnd Pythias a closer friendship than between tho hero of the "March to the Sea" and Geucral btewart Van Yllctof lbo army. They were classmates In 1SJG as "plcbcs," roomed together during their four i cars' of bard work at West Point, and graduated togetherSherman a little ahead in the class, in 1810 as second lieutenants In the Third Artillery General Sherman got his first llcutcn nncy in 1811 and Van Vllct followed two years later, but tho latter jumped bis chum In 1817, by getting an appointment as captain in the Quartermaster's Department. Sherman also went into tho stall three cars liter beptember, 18o0 as captain and com nitanty, but resigned In while his old chum stuck to tho nrmy, The rebellion camo and bhermin cimc back with a colonelcy and trod rapidly forward to his generalship, while Van Vllct kept close at work on tho Huo ho bad marked out, nnd a'lowcd no mail of tho army ho served afield to gruin ble for lack of supplies that he bad aiibt lo do with During tbe last half docn 3 cars of General Sherman's official life here he and his old chum lived side by side on i Ulccum street, ana were almost inseparable. GeL.eral Van Vllct was then on duty at the Quailermaster General's ollleo and bheuimn commanding tbo a rm j. Their Inllimcy was as close and ofiectionato ns In the old days when they wero cadets and lieutenants lo getber, nnd foi mutual protection tbey lurineel private "wine mess It was en purify business baH, In addition to tho soeltl clement Involved, aal uch kept strict account of tho mess One day Generi.1 Van Vllct would Join Genernl Sherman promptly at noon, and tho General In Chief woull tike htm to Klot7's and treat.

Tho net day General Van Vllct would ro port at noon, and he would treat. At litres, when bhcrmau's duties would iku blm uv clear across tho contl nent, perb ips tho "mess" woull bo resumed on his return, but each would refer to tho prhatc mess account to sec whoso turn it was. An old army man, who was councctcd with army hull quarters In General Shermans time, told mo that just at noon any one lo iking otit acres tho Whito House grounds on a summer day could tell which of these old chums bad lo treat. If it was General Van Vltet's turn, that ofilcor would bo coming slowly along tho asphalt walks, umbrclli sproil, hat oil, and using his handkerchief fruely, wulkiugblowiy at tho suite time If It wus bherman's day, Van Vllct would luivo bis umbrella folded under his arm, ni come along ns If he hal (1 uck the big prize In a lottery. A personal friend of tho Hon Sun-uel Joseph1, tho well known Phlladel phia statesman, tells onu on "Sim, which is loo good to keep.

Itwas prior to tho Democratic Convention at Chi cngo, when oery man wanted to know how every other man stood on tho quos lion of a nominee. Taking time by tho foielock, Sam exiled on tho hto John Kelly, who, ut that time, mistered Tammauy, nnd from tbo latter gleaned tbu Important Information that when Tammany went out to UUlcio, If it found Cleveland was going to bav a the lending support for tho nomination It would stand by him. With tbls news. Sam came over to tbo Capital and sought out Speaker Himhll, who wus aspiring to Presidential honors himself, and who expected thu Pennsylvania dclcirntlou to extend him true and lasllug support In the convention ho two canvassed tho question and It wus agreed, under tho clrcwmlinccs tint with Tamilian Mr. Cleveland' chances were assured, and that not to be left lbo Penusyhnnla legation Mioul go to blm after tbo first ballot Who is to carry tho nows to Grour Cluuhnd at Albany? Scuril names were men Honed nnd that of Colonel McClure ngiced upon bun then returned to Philadelphia nndMr McOluru lo Al bony to say that tho Pcuuslv unlaw would support Mr Cleehud on tho second ballot Mr McClure bad a pleasant lnlt, and made tho acq mini auco of the futuru Picsldeut bimis now candidate for Marshal of llisteru Pennsylvania, nnd he Is "kicking blm self" because be deprived blmsilf of making Mr Cleelaud's ni qiialnUnce nt thai Important time, width vvjstli means of MrMcCluro reaping all tliu glory theto was In matter which might hau aided bis own future cause All I pldcinlctil Tut it Mfttttlr.

CitciMivTl, March "ZZ Iticro Is au epidemic of measles at Locust Grave, Adams Count) There are cases la nearly every family, 8evu dulbi occurred yes tiiday, ma x.wAh voxnt wrs. IMtt Oprnril for 11 un ror(iiR4 nml Armor fur tbo Now tirulnerx. Dlds were opened by tho Secretary of lhcXay today for supplying the Department steel gun forging and steel armor phlcs for tho new cruisers Ibcro nro about tons of gin forging 3 to be furnished, of which 'MS tons will bo for guns of slv Inches calibre, 70 tons for guns of right Inches calibre and tons for calibres be tneen ten Inches and twehc Inches, both Inclusive. Thcso forglngs aro to be delivered rough bored and turned, and ben in tbat state tbe heaviest forging which enters Into tbo construction of gun of each of the desired calibres will be about ns follows (1 Inch, 111 8 ineb, 5 tons; 10 Inch, l)t tons, 10 Inch, 0 tons; lncb, 1S tons. All these forglngs must bo delivered as follows.

Por 0 Inch guns, '2i within ono jear and tho remainder within clghteru months. Por 8 Inch guns, within two jcars Por 10 Inch and larger guns, within two and a half years. Preference will bo ghen for earlier deliveries Also about Ions of steel armor plates, to be of tho best tnaterlil and manufacture, shaped accurately after patterns to fit the form of each csscl for which Intended, nnd of such ns may bo required, varying somewhat ns follows 20 feet by 8 feet by Inches thick, 17 0 feet by 0 Tcet by IT Inches thick, 11 (I feet by 1 1 feel by 6 Inches thick, Tho amount available for lbe work Is rJi.JTS.OUO Tin: iiiiw. At the opening this morning the fol lowing bids were received Por gun forglngi, tho Cambtla Iron Company, thoMldv do Steel Compmy, 1 rOT.SIO, and tho Hctblebem Iron Compauy.ifOUJ.T), for armor plates, tho Hctblebem Iron Company, fcl.OlO.TOT, aud the Cleveland Itolling Mill Com panv, SUUir.Ol The Lids of the ISctlilchctn wero nccompanled by let ter describing tbelr facilities for per forming? lbo work, with which becro tarv Whitney seemed to be well satis fiPd and much gratified Although tbe bids aro In excess of the appropriation, thcro no doubt that contracts will be made for as large amount ns tbo Department can expend becretary Whitney is agreeably sur prifid tbat such favorable figures should bo sccuted from domestic mm uf acluri rs 'X1W DISTRICT UlUi Lb II IV. Tlio Appoliitiuuiti of Com ml! nner fluid tuba DoeldodOn.

Attorney General irland, after the Cabinet meeting to day, said that bo did not think the President would be prepared to day to announco Judgo MacArthur's successor on the bench of tbo Supreme Court of tho District He intimated, however, that the matter was virtually settled, It Is now generally conceded that Hon. Mi V. Montgomery, tlio retiring Commissioner of Patents, will bo tbe appointee beiutor IScck stated this morning that Commissioner Montgom cry would bo appointed JiuIjo Mac Artum's successor, nnd thought the appointment would be made to day. 1110 piouiuic nomination or. Montgomery meets with the cordial uppiovalof leading members of tho DIstile bar, and Is lookcl upon us a just recognition of ono of lbe fore nrnst hwjeis of tho groit and vigorous West, jet llie position bus b-cneutlrcl unsought on thu part of Mr Mont lie Is about 47 3 cars of no, a nuilvu nf Mhhtgau, aud lifetime resident of Hut Mite Mituidnv iiitir noit.iii.vs.

rrmiaitu, Pi, tanb 22 At ten 0 clock to moil ow morn 1 0 tbe 2i0 pat tein makers emplojtd la tho forljscvui shops In Alligbeuy and this city will pre sent a demand to thulr employers for half 1 ollday ousutirday At tbu samo hour tbe pattern ma I eit, in Chicago, lUItlnnre, UiiciiitiAtf, Lkvelitid Sin 1 raQeUcn au 1 otl ir places will present tho saum duntu 1 'lbe) now work si it) hours pnr wlcU tlieirdiinand being to reduce hours Ij lifty five per week. notlicr hnl AKuIiiMtHcmitor Hntilii CiiiCit.o, III, March 25. Henry II lcrtcrand Hansom It. Cable have com me need suit against Senator Sabtu, tbe fcrmer for tJOO.UOO and lbo latter for CO, for tho loss of their stock In tbe ortli-western Car Com pan), owing to Senator bablu's inlsmanagemeut of lbo coucern. I'llll AllUOllt'H Tlip.

Sin Pkancisco, Ci March 21 V. I) Armour and party of have been stojlngou tbe coast for tbe pJSt few weeks, left hero on a special car jesterday for Chi cago. All tbe members of tbe part) ex- refsed themselves as being greatly pleased wnu meir visit eaiuornia. A Itoodtcr VMin HUlppcd. Ciucaco, March LJ Ills reportol this morning tbat Lx Commissioner Jobnu llannlgan has left tbe cit).

lie lias been ver uneasy ever since the grand Jury be gait their investigation, and a week ao eoi suited a friend about tbo advlsablllt) of skfj ping out. PERSONAL MENTION. Mu DitVNCi Is con lined to hU bed with a serious cold. Must Assistant 1'ostmasteu Ors BitAi tfTEVLNSONdluud In iltliuoro jester djy lib Postmaster Brow a of tbat city Al im us In New ork )esterdaj Nov id Cotittnictor Philip Itlcbborn, at tho Astor, Medical Inspector 11 C.Nelson, If 8 at thoMurteiaut, CominaudeT I Lvaus, nt tbu (lllsey, and ex enator Henderson of Mfbsoutl. at tbo Brunswick.

I'i online nt Hold irlvrtlN, 11 1 Aim K. V. Davenport, I'lilla lei (lardncr and wife, Australia, 1 intrj, New ork KkiiS It I'helan, St Louis, Henry Ilt-ech, Heading, Pa John Twcslyand Wildman, Danbur), Conn. Woumiev's 1 8 ouug, jr aul wife, A 1. Ibllllpsand wife, MUs 1 A I'I urn inerendAlrs A Uedel, Now ork.

Will a itn a James Cook, New Vjnrk, Orr, llttsburg, II laDiolt, Chi cago.C White, New Hedford, Masi. St JAMrs scott Ifice, New nrk.H LouI, 1 llureb, Port land, Oiigou, Charles M. Wood, Home, Ital). N'ATiovAt I 11 dolbce, Hartford, (onu, Wm Hvndinau, New ork Win fullv. Media, Pa O.

Karle, Urllge-pott, Conn, McTitoioiiTAN II. Mullen, Mar) In mi Kuv. Dr llodiro. Klchmoti 1. A (InlloMO), Noith Carolina, lUIIeck, New Iciik, Aiciimiton II Taft, IMttiOilI, Mass II) mu Weston, Daltnti, Mas 1- King, Ottawu, Mrs Cbailea btrong, Cleveland, 1 ltiviTT -Cbailes (iltebdl, Kt Loul U.Hulland wife, Kuftrtlo, 1 L.

Morgan, New Haven, William Cusblng, Cleveland. II, Halter, Ken oik, NINETY YEARS OF AGE Tho Kaiser's Birthday Celebrated in Berlin To-day. A NOTABLE QATHCniNa. Thud!) troHilod wllli IsHnri from All I'urti of nrope. Ill ill March 22 Today, the IWth birthday of Dmpcror 'WlUlam, has been ono long to bo remembered In Germany.

There have been marching and singing, services nnd celebrations nil day long, liver) thing Ins been on a stnle of grandeur greater than ever before In the history of Germany All the Powers of Hurope wero present In person or representative, nnd the gathering was one of the most notable of modern limes Hundreds of work men have been busy for di)S nr ranging for the Illumination of nil the public buildings 'lbe CHy Corpora tlon agreed on a very elaborate demon slrallon 'lbe festivities virtually began on Sunday, and veslcrduy Ihey continued with Increase fervor. Largo crowds nssemblcd In front of the Hmpcror's palaco nnd chanted tho bjmu, "Hell dlrblcgcr Kranr." lbo ehy was ob served as general holiday and all the struts were thronged, 'lbe Prluco of Wales, who had arrived some tlmo be fore, bearing Queen Victorias con trnlulallous, was an honored guest, and was repeatedly cheered. Among other distinguished arrlvats were the Klug nnd Queen of Houmiula, the Crown Prince of Denmark, tho Klu and Queen of Saxony, and Prince louts of Havnrla Itwas expected that representatives of reigning fam Hies would be prcseut, and thucxpec tollon has been very nearly realized 'Ibis city is crowded with people from all parts of thu Umpire nnl the world, who have como for the purpose of witnessing the ceremonies iu honor of (he event 1 bo llrst class hotels aro filled with royalty, Tho weather Is line and the enthusiasm of the people unbounded 'I he Dmpcror continues In the best of lualthnnd spirits He received tho roval guests at the pahco at 11 o'clock this morning. Thu recup lion appealed In 110 way to fatigue him, nnd he repeatedly appeared at one of the windows bowing bis acknowl edgments nf the enthusiastic cheers which lcacjicd bis cars from tho crowds on tlio street below. To day opened with a choral, plavcd by the trumpeters of lbo guard of Coir usstetsfrom lbe top of the Town Htlt Tower rl bo children of tho schools of lbe city assembled at an early hour and matched with bands of music to church, where a special service of song and thanksgiving was held.

At UJJ o'clock this noon thumuulelpnl author lifts met at thecburehof St Xichohs, wheio special services wcie held A dinner vv us glv en to the ambassadors of foreign governments by Prince His uiarck, and all the other Ministers of Male gave dinners to lbe leadlu of l'( I lis of their respective dep irlments The Crown Prince and Princess re lieved the Pmpcror of the burden of the cciemonles ns much as pmsl ble lie received In person the congrntulillons of royal person ncs and tbelr represent dives With the exception uf the Prince of vvahs who Is a gitesL of llu Crown Pilncesi, and his bister, the lowu Princes the loyal visitors a. all cntcrlnltiid at tho venerable oil hihloss (ciMk) Gem nil Cirvelro, who represented lbo Klug of Porlu gill brought a beiutlful sword as aglft 10 lbo Ilmperor The bullan of lurki) nisi) sent some migutllecnt Lifts Ilerbette represented the Pre tub Hipublle and Minister IVudle tin Ihu I ulled ht lies AichdukeHudolph.the Crown Prince of Austria who represents the Hiuso of llap-burgat the festivities, lnl a prolonged eonferenco with Prince His mnick to da), during which tbu Chancellor nosurcdhlin that (I inn toy's pollcj was piciflc, and that the peace of llu ropu for the present joar at Iimt wus now a'sured Inc dUrpilctuJe In the Hast aril West, Prince HNmarck declared, was also without cause The ceremonies tbls evening will bo Imposing- 'I ho Lnlvcrlty stulents will hold grand torchlight proces slon llcogal llres will be burnt on tbe Town Tower, tho llraudcuburg Gale and many public but Id In us 'Ihu sti luc of Prcdcrick the Great, In front of the palace, that of PrederlckWIl 11am 111,, nnd the ercat Hleetor will bo illuminated with gas while the monument of Pnderlclc William IV In front of the National Gallery. Is to bu resplendent in magnesium light Hows of lighted candles nro lobe seen evervvbere, nnd t.CUO have been or dcred for this purpose Humors arc Hying Iblck and fast of important appointments nnd proml nenco In honor of the Hmpcror's birth day Among them aro statements that the Grand Duku of Hiden Is to be made King of Hulcn, and tbat Prince Hismarek Is to bu created Duko of Lavenburg. GINEKAL FOREIGN NEWS. Lonpon, March 2-J 10 tn The House of Commons has been In session all night and is still silling.

The lime has leen consumed In efforts b) the Government to dispose of tbe civil eei vlco credits of the Naval Utllce Tho Parnellltcs ntc contesting every step aud resorting to every nvallable iceans for obstructing their pissago Ihu House Is sitting In Committee of buppl) 'lbe discussion of tho Items of credit requested by the Government tor the use ot thedvll bervke branch of tbo avalOlllee Is for lbe most part of afatiical character and llu rets no likilllinndof tliu committee rUlug uu til mid day Mr William Henry Miilth tliu Comei alive leider lu the Houmj. hiving declared llutl the credits must be pasid bLforL, thu House adjourns LuMHiN, March 2i 1 bo credits for tbo tlv II service biauch of the Naval Oiuee. who finally pissed, and at 12 1 1 oMoek this afternoon the House ad journed Lomion March 2-' Tbe naval re view In honor of tho Queen's jubilee wllltaki phuu on lulv 21 on wbhh iHtusliiuthu llmiso of Commons wi 1 bu ndtourued aud thu members wUmss thespectaelc In body Pi iMisiiLitfi 5lareh 11 policeman was anested a day or two ago on suspicion of belug Implicated In lbe pint against the Oar. Ho tried to commit suleido vesterday, but was prevented from killing himself out right, Ihougb bo Is mortally wounded and must soon die. It Is said that bo has made full confession of the plot, admitting his connection therewith, disclosing the names of tbo leaders, thu programme which was and yet remains to bo carried out, and furnishing other Information or great Important 0, which will result in the arrest of many persons hitherto without the bounds ot suspicion, III IN, March 22 Mgr Gallin bert'H mission to Germany taken to signify the end of lbe Kulturkampf.

St. Ptri itsntiiHi, March 22 It is reported that M. Kalkoll has fallen Inlo disgrace with lbe Car on account of bis persistent attempts to force ltusbta Into war. UW UXhOTA lliv Missouri Illtcr Higher Tlmn I.icr llrfr HlMiviuu, Dvu, Mareli 2i Tho river ruse steadily until the middle of jisterdny afternoon when It cimc to a ttumlsllll and it Is now falling It renebed twelve Indies higher than ever Icfoic '1 he river is now clear of Ice 'I ho writer his llooded nil Ihu lower purls of MamUn A telegraph line will bu strung along solid Iio to Man dun today. 'Hie railroad tracks aro now tovered with be It will have lo be cut out To day those of thu three hundred dclnjul passengers now here who wish to (ross lbe river will bo lianbferred lu bouts, As soon as the water subs! les aulllclently repairs will be made to tho icldu bridge, which can bupullu shape for su In twodajs Al 10 o'clock last nUM thu river was stationary Thcro will be but 111 tic delay In travel from now on, whether tho water subsides or not People are continually pisalng between here anil Mandan in boats lmut the only trouble at that place Is the incon vcnlcnce oecnaIoucd by Hooded hisc mcnls nnd cellars.

'lbe Missouri is running a torrent nt Pierre, aud Inst night the people living on low lands were fl)Ing to tho bluIU 'lbo river rose six feet in six hours, and tbe volume of Ice baked the chin ncl and threw huge blocks thirty feet square and three feet thick ten feet In tho nlr Port Pierre, cm the Slcux 1 cfccrvallon nnd opposite Pierre, Is partly submerged uud the people are safely ensconced on tho blultalji cut to ihu vlllagu fI he rle-o exceeds tint of Marih27 IbSl As no gorge has as ct formed, Pierre Is sife Pleven clock found the river at a stiu lstllt wllh lbe ruuulnir ice crow Ins era lu nil) Uff. Pears are now citerUlnel llmt the break at Hismarek will be thu cause of great trouble, ami the ellleus are prepirlng for tho worst Information was received lic list night from Porl Sully that lbe river was tlslng there two feet uu hour II10 Murrliio if mid 1 tilth II. Aim! leu YoiMisTnvvN, March The nupltals of Mr John A Loan and Mlss dlth II Andrews were nlrd at nuontodiyby the Uuv Dr I). Dvans, In the ptlatlil reddemu of II Andrews, thu brldu futher. A cailo 1 1 of llowi rs and floral iIlsIiui were talefully arranged through the nuiuhion Dining the unmonv the couple Ktond dlnt'ly under a lloril bell of extpiNItu beiut) Ihu bride, wus nrraved In 1 wedding gown of white biitin Mario Antoinette! at) liimmed with ileueUtiiu-s 1 tee 'I lie only jiwils sin' wore were dtamontls tiiidpturls 'J Im ding ow 11 tost KliD The groom re 8 ml iu a bluk I'riuie Albert of brondi loth, lmv cut vest, and exceed Incl) broad pnnlaluniis Purine thu 11 reinou) vvhlrh was (onduclid ate udiiu to tbe LdImodiI ritual, an nrctieMra pli)td thu 'Hi muncu of -ipulir liuuu-dl ly thu ceremony Hie brld party uuJ guifth to the numbir ol IV) ptrtook of the wedding breakfast At 1 li i lot thu iartv left In Mr Audrews private car, Vouugstown en routo for Piorlda, where they will reuiitn for 11 month.

Over I'M) costly gifts were re cetved, 'lbe wedding vvns the most gorgeous social event lint ever has taken plaeo In this city AlCMtlldllll MM. AirAMHiiv, MareU On account of tbu cxtteme lllueea of Keltb'a niolbcr, be baa becu uuablot) pre Fblo over tbo Circuit Court Julo lurnerof Wluebestcr is Oiling bis place. Mr It lr)eraud Mr. Stevens of the Arrow bteamsblp Corapanj are In the cii), 1110 lainr Keneicinin iookuu ior rttldfnie, as be expects to make tills cit) lit home oa toon asbecaa Hal a suitable Leiutc lbe Governor has appointed Mr I. Church notary pub I it Cor both AlexatnlrU and lalifax counties Llckc, a colored lawver, was al milted to praclleo lu tbe Circuit Court )cs tctdnv Conluetor 11 i'ltlsof tbe Uittlnnro and l'utouiac Kallroad baa bought tbi lot on tbectiruer of L'rlnce aud Patrick ttreets and will in a shirt time, it ui iltrfctood, tlio erection of two bouse! llo cbooner(l Ira vers is uuloallni; lumttr ut tbo wharves of Mr 11.

I) fcmout Atnonp tbeite In attendance upon tbe Circuit Co it today wero General Tu)ne aul Mi 1 In Jen Kent of Washing tun A iHltnrt limit vinmin New tutu, March ii Joeephlno Muth a I reitv bride ot two weeks, shot an 1 klllul iurfulf iuetaullv jeotenla) without any aj-1 Hit tit cause Mie kissel her buabaul foully and wUbcd bfm (lolopetd as he left tbu buiife iu tbe inorulng bbe then tl lie 1 lbe room, tlrtlng tbe while When abe ba 1 tlntsbtd, i-tie went tbo mint el, mid, takligu Ueallbre rcvolvtr lire ltwofbots tbu tlrtouo M'hiU wile if tliu nurk aul lie tetoi tndini; brfubt )ouni; life Li ici tr MifBtuiei took ebarcu of lbo ease, tut uutbiui: In exj 1 itutlnu of the nt mur In was found It la thought abe was leiu oriittlj InEunc (ill I'loducciH liGtitlNtlcd. Tin 11 1 k. Pa March -Oil proJu ma fu tbla rilon are mt) inuebdlfisatUtlel over tbu arrange infitb vvltti lbe StauJard Oil LcRui'v mined to b) the Producers com uilllep lafct wick In N-w ork Btulel (lyute was hai irul In ufllj) near the OH Kv-1 tiai te vefctt idav bt.atluirlbu label "Ne eiik ti mpriinilio I imimlttee Inliiu tbu mt 1 tlrB have ul'o teen calk 1 iu vmluua (aith i the oil itiou LATEST TELEGUaMS CONDENSED. mu 1 2 I 1i hi I UtlltB, colli till 1 WHMlip lo leen tnlHSlni, tin 1 I 1 iv an 1 I 1 1 lav Is Uf) it tl I ten-rid (l) ui--tii ilollars of ilk td m.i 1 pHfi He la a 1011 uf Win Milling- 'h wealthiest farniir OLd mulu duller in tUu count) WEST GIVES IT HOPE. He Withdraws His Appeal and Accepts His Sentence.

SIX YEAH3 AT ALBANY. llo lulu to I'rdHcrvo Mm. l'rtgo'ft luboruo iintl Lock of II it I John L. "West goes lo tho Albiuy penitentiary lo servo six years at hard labor, lo date from tho 1st instant. Ily good behavior the time allowance will reduce the sentence to within four 3 cars.

When be was convicted of lha charges of breaking Inlo the house of Mrs. Mary Irene Tago and assaulting her with Intent to commit rape be pro tested his Innocence and asserted his Irrcsponstblllly for the acts committed by himself on that night At the lime sentence was Imposed theo declarations wero reasserted and In addition he hunched a tlrntl ufalosl the District Attorney for the, ilg itous manner In which tlmt ulllcer lud prose culed blm, cl ilmlng that It was pcrst cutlnii, until bis own counsel Inter fired nnd checktd bis uud utter antes Itwas thought nml rcmarce I that lusliec MacAilbur bal bhown great lenbiicv In Ihu sentence given aud as the tuilt of tliu man had been fully established, und bis outraeoin pur low clearl) proven, thu punishment indicted ought to have moio severe and co ninensurite with the eleid committed While there was considerable sild ns to the result of this ciisu In tho General Urm on appeal, I bote who id followed It closely and vveru nullu convcrsmt with It pressed thu opinion lint thu Judgment I clow would stand the lest, au 1 It was further Intlniated Hint In easu a new dial wasVivnrdcil, It would hardly turn to Weill's bene. It, for new Judgo would tr) him the second lime, and should conviction again ensue, II vvns safe lo assert that be would not cicnpu wllh asl jears' sentence I'ol low lnc these statements came the story llatist lud decided to accept tbe fit nation nnd make no further ctfort to icttfcl the cnfoiccincut of the law 'J bin, It seems, proved true, as wis feliow 11 b) tbu proceedings In the Crlnv tnn) Court this morning Mr Dinlel i' ciiiiin, 01 11113 counsel ior west, enmo before Justice MacArtbur nail rtml a poMnl curd sent by tho prisoner lo lleury Lac), In which hercqucstel Luc) lo Inform his attorneys Hut bo did not wish to piess thu case futlber, nndby the adviee of bis friends, would iu 1 pi thu fcentencu passed He nlto the wish to have tl tube rose, strand of hair and two let ters returned lo blm, as they were bis pcihon it property Mr Cahlll, acting uj on bis ropiest, asked to withdraw lbe appeal, which bad bien taken an moved to Fit aside tho order suspend Ing lbe execution of the sentence, bnh nf which were granted The Court Hun directed that thu be le nee Impose I In tho llpd Instance be cirrUdinlo cf fed wbleh is hl vears In the Vlluuy peiilti titlary at ml labor II14 11. mitt liiul A diliipINluMt IlllTlMt lie, Mil 11 Iba i tut iu siijB tbut It can state, on tbe very I Ltt uuthorlt) tbut tbe Baltlmoro and Oblo (in Ho un ueumij llbed fut Tbe names the Jitlefpaiit, the roads to be ronsoll tinted ui Ihu details are btill kept fu fie uit, 1 111 tit di ui Itfelf a fact The litre tii euu blute further, and lv thu Miu Miiheuliv, tbat ltiltiiiiori. a liitiulttii limit 1 1 out fu, tbat the Uilti un re nnl Oil) Hood villi not si nut uf ile intu nf Prist to it KoUert (mrnt, an) thai fa) tiutild will biVc uo tintil volet In the new management 11i full tHtlliulara will not lu leirnoi uLtll tLc eTIelal aLnouLcciuent Is maJe Tlif Ho) lliii'ltlt'i oiiIi'n-cn.

I 1 if, KA March Zi lllfc sells tha c) murderer, who Ij under sentence of death for Killing bis father mother, brother aud fittti, but who has always protested 1 ts innocence, has now eonfciscd bis guilt. IIuea)B tbat bla brother, Wut, llrst Mile I tiia father with a hatchet during a quarrel. Willie btirn; onremd nt tbls, seized tbe hatchet aid killed Wat) 'I lieu finding that be was rv 1 bv bis mother and bis ttr be killel them lu ihu same na), being greatlv exelted and hardly knoivlug wb) hu did It ltnudlti In licoil 1 on, i Mareh 22- Ibree Ulzns of Put ram County, inniel Bplve) Missey ui ltonuer, were flr.d upou from ambush I) (tveraf necmea )etcrdav. Masscy was ferliuiBl) vvuuudet lbo whites tbeuilrel, I Hit 1: ie 1 and wounding another II 11 runcr'h jnrv found a verliti of aelf tlefuiK. hjlvt) hud uarreled wltlioneof il 1 1 rote over a lmloe8 transit tiju, ant itiln Ud to the attack upon blm and bis ftfeiide if f1jik Urrtgnn Sticccumor.

1'AiibTiNE, Tces March 2: In the Dt-mcerullc Conjjrei-filonal Convention Ut I on tbe two bunlred and eeventt eaundballut, William Jobuaou'a naniB muh ufildrawn, aul amll ono of the will efeiKtnes iver wltuetsel lu a lexis con union. William 11 Martin was uuanl II mtl) noiiilnated to fill tho seat thu ilouie uf lit) refcntatives occupitil fyi uibU) )earab) Kuagan ni ni 1 (huith Strtltc lltlnd New iiiiu, March 22. Tbe altar service ate Itn about a week bro from tit i-tej hen' Loiiiau Catholic Cbureb In tbU vlt) was fuuidiotta) b) Taylor of Urooklya bidden in a pile of eastings iu damsatiect, Hrooklyn Hit Money 11 uUrt New March JJ Mone) 4i per celt 1 xchangesteaJy, Ooveru- roenta firm Cilrrcney ft 121 bid 4'a, eoui on, l.NJ bid, do bid Oc nm Ntt tun Mht i Aiilvnls, New York Circassla, from Ulasgow Glasgow btato ot Georgia from New ork Droop, agent of the orb iiermm I lo)d fctiamehlp Line, baa rcuMved wort that the tuMa arrived in Nun urk al 1 o'clock this morning Ni'tt la-tit i-llo, A rcw letter box baa I een tret tc 1 at tho corner of Fourteenth and streets uurtU west LEATHER INDICATIONS Iulkatious for tbe twenty-four hoara eormneticlnt: ot ru lucsjuy, JlareU 2 tor District ot Columbia, dealing wtuttar, slightly cooler, northwesterly wind Tticrmoinett'i Kcndluc-s. Ttiennometer rtallncs for March tfii 'I a in 7 a iu, 15 It a ra Manb 21 Mean temperaturo, UJ maximum, 470t minimum, Ju. mean relatlvo humldlt), total rcdpltaUou, inch.

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