Alexandria Gazette from Alexandria, Virginia • Page 4
- Publication:
- Alexandria Gazettei
- Location:
- Alexandria, Virginia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
SUnawflna ztttt. WEDNESDAY EVENING. APBIL 12 1RP3. The Elephant IMttsburg five months ago a small boy, with several companions, was feeding one of the elephants at the zoo in Scheuley Park, known as Gusky. He handed her buns on a nail fastened in the end of a long Mick.
The boy for fun jabbed the nail deep into the ele? phant's trunk, and then ran away. Sun? day the same boy visited the zoo. Sud? denly the eleghaut threw her trunk in the air, and, trumpeting, made a rush at the boy. er Andy Neelan se ized a pilch fork ami ran for the elephant, shouting "Hack For the first time in her life, Gusky refused to obey. She had thrown the boy up against the side of the shed and was rushing for him with her trunk.
In a moment more she would have trampled him under her feet. The keeper thrust the fork into her shoulder and forced her back, sav ing the life. Gusky sank back into her corner and gazed appealingly at the keeper, but she was beaten. The crying, frightened boy at fust denied that he had ever hurt Gusky, finally confessed. Neelan warned him never to come there again, adding: "Jf you ever sec that elephant any? where, you start to run, because she'll be after you.
She will know you twen? ty years hence." Diamonds From The of "diamonds falling from the skies'' has been investigated at the French Scieno by 31. Ber thelot, under very peculi; circum? stances. M. Daubree, the geologist, read a let? ter received from Mr. Nordenskjold, and in which the illustrious Swede de? scribed experiments tlicit on meteoric iron, which was found to contain a cer? tain quantity of diamonds and which not be worked into any tool by the best Stockholm blacksmith.
This circumstance reminded the learned perpetual secretary of a story narrated by Aviccnna about Mahmoud the Gasnead, the Mussulman conqueror of Imlia. A large lump of iron having fallen from the heavens, it was decided to present to the prince a sword made out of it. According to the Rastern nations, the arm should have been pos? sessed of secret virtue. Unfortunately, it. was impossible to work it, very like? ly because some diamonds were includ? ed in the meteoric mass.
SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Knights Templar. Ohl Dominion Command ery meets every third Friday of each month at Masonic Temple. Royal Arch Chapter: Mount Vornon Royal Arch Chapter meets every first Friday of each month at Masonic Temple. Alexandria-Washington Lodge of Ma? sons meets on tho second and fourth Thurs? days of each mouth.
Andrew Jackson Lodge of Masons meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Potomac Lodge of odd Fellows, No. 38, meets in their hall, on north Columhus street, every Friday night. Sarepta Lodge I. O.
O. No. 46, meets in their hall, on King street, every Tuesday night. MarleyEncampment, No. mee ts every second and fourth Monday at Odd Fellows' Hall, north street.
Mechanics'Lodge Knight's of Pythias, No. 3. meets every Thursday night in Pythian Hall, north Pitt street. Oriental Lodge Knights of Pythias meets every Friday night on north Pitt street. Alexandria Lodge K.
No. 7.5. mecte Wednesday at Sarepta Hall, King street. Potomac Tent Rcchahites ne i it, Smcpta Hall every Friday night. Golden Light Lodge of Good Templars meets in their hall, on south Kairfax sttcct, every Tuesday evening.
Talisman Lodge (ioodTemplars every Monday night in Pythian Hall, north Pit) street. Junior Older Ecchabitcs meets every Mon? day night at Good Templar's south Fair? fax street. Refuge Council, Sons' of Jouadah, No. 12, meets every Monday uight at Sarepta Hall. Juvenile Templars meets every Saturday afternoon at Gool Templais' Hall south Fair? fax street.
Champion Castle. No. 5, Knights of Golden Eagle meets every Wednesday night at Good Templar's hall, south Fairfax street. Alexandria Council Royal Arcanum meets li Potomac Hall room, north ColuiulillS street, second and fourth Tuesday. Belle Haven Lodge Knights of Honor meets every first and third Tuesday in Potomac room, north Columhus Street.
Robert Andrews Division Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers meets first and third Sunday in Potomac Lodge room. Osccola Tribe of Red Men. No. 1, Jnicets every Thursday night in Sarepta Hall. Alexandria Catholic Beneficial Society meets every Sunday night in St.
Mary's Hall, corner Royal and Wolfe streets. Young Mi ll's Sodality Lyceum meets every night in their hall on Duke street. Lafayette Lodge. No. 11, Independent Or? der Mechanics meets Wednesday night at Odd Fellows' north Columbus street Alexandria Council.
No. 33, Jr. O. IT. A.
M. meets Thursdays at Washington Hall, King street. Bathbono Division, Uniform Rank K. of meets every other Wednesday at Pythian Castle, Pitt street Alexandria Light Infantry meet every Mon? day night at their Royal street. Confederate Veterans meet first Monday night iu each mouth at Columbia Engine House.
Sons' of Confederate Veterans meet first Wednesday in each month. Mount Vornon Curt, No. 7713. A. O.
F. of A. meet every Tuesday night at Pythian Hall, north Pitt street. I. O.
B. B. meets first Monday iu each month. Beth-El Congregation meets first Sunday of every quarter. Opening ami Closing of the Mails.
Northern mails close at 7 3D and 9 50 a.m. and L2 30, 615 and 845 p.m. Open at 8 OO a. 1200 in. and (i 30 p.
in. Southern mails, via Charlottcsvillc, close at 8 and 45 p. in. Open at 8 OO a. in.
Southern mails, via Bichmond, closo at 10 a. in. and 40 and p. m. Manasaas Division mails dose at 8 25 a.
m. and 3 30 p. m. Open at 10 40 a. m.
Alexandria and Round Hill mails at 8 a. in. and I itt. oo a.m. and 5 p.
in. Western mails close at 9 45 a aud 12 30 p. m. Open Washington mails close at 7 10 a m. and 12 30.
4 40, 0 20 and 8 45 p. m. Open at 00 and 10 00 a. 12 00 and 3 00 and 0 30 p. ra.
Washington and Hinten mails, via Char lottesville. close at 3:50 ami 8:45 p. in. Office at 00 a. m.
Close at 5 30 p. m. Open at 0 30 p. m. Close at 7 00 p.
m. Sundav at 0 00 a m. Close at 30 a. m. Carriers' made on five-trip 30 and 10 OO a.
m. and 12 20, 3 00 and 5 45 p. m. On three-trip 30 and 10 00 a. in.
and 45 p. m. Deliveries made at 8 00 a. 12 00 m. and 5:00 p.
m. window open at 9 00and olose at 9 30 a. m. SOMETHING Rammel's pat- ent BAKING PAN" SET for cooking. Bread, Pies.
Cakes, and A great saver i of labor and expense. Every housekeeper should have one. Call and see them at JA5. F. CAELIN SONS', 315 King street.
Alexandria, Va. MISDTCINAL. CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. Castoriais so welladaptedtochildren Uiat r.rninend It as superior to oay prescription tn to mo." H. a.
AncnEii, M. 1:1 Oxford Brooklyn, N'. Y. "Tn' use of 'Castoria is so universal and so well known that it Seems a work i Bupururogation to endorse it. Few art) the Intellifont families who ilo not Castoria easy reach." CARLOS UABTXX, I).
New York City. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhova, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di? gestion, Without injurious medication. "For several years I have reeommonirrfl and si mil always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results." Emm F. IUnnzs, M. VXilh Street and Tth Kew York City.
Tint C'kntacu Costpaxy, 77 Mennxv Street, New Citt. ROOTS am) shoes. beware: of fraud. Ash lor. i.i-iv; upon having XV.
None bcu nine wiihouc W. OoukIum name and priee slumped on bottom. Look farltwhen you buy, Sold everywhere. FOR GENTLEMEN. A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf, seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever sold at the price.
style. Equals custom made shoes costing from to The following- are of the same high standard of merit: S4.00 and $5.00 Calf, Hand-Scwcd. $3.50 Police, Farmers ami letter-Carriers. $2.50, and $2.00 lor Working Men. "2.00 anil $1.75 for Youths and Hoys.
$3-oo Hand-Sewed, FOR Dongola.1 ladies. DUTY yon owe yonresll tbo best valuo lor your money. Econemlzo In your itwear by purchasing W. I. Doaglaa Ghocc, which, represent tho best value tu too prlcoB advertised as thousands can tes uiy.
Do you wear Will nive pale to>~ donlrrs and t'enrrn! npentc. write for Ifnoi for nalo in vonr place ncn and 1'octiiic free. Jj. POK S.U.K BY 11. SiMl'SOX'S SONS.
It) 1 X. Alex re I bare no I-'aiMccy, tShuo. Va. COS V.CT IONERY FOE THE SEASON. JTAIiKY APPICJI, Vt'hidcKtlc Mini Retail EJSG STREET.
Kos. 21G, -J-JO, 2'J'J N. Lee febfj ly Alexandria, Va. J. MACHINERY.
II. AITCIIESON, Practical Machinists and Engineers, And Builders of MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. Blacksruithing and Steam Fittinp. En ginecrs' and Machinists'Supplies, and all sorts of mill work and that connected with brick? work promptly executed. Repairing prompt? ly done.
J. H. AITCIIESON, BiylO 1 Hi Kinc Alexandria, Va. M.S. MOORE, Machinist, Iron and Brass Founder, SHTPSMITH AND BLACKSMITH, (old dominion wokkh) SODTE UNION STREET.
ALEXANDRIA. Will furnish and repair all kinds of Machine? ry, and Brass Castings. Wrought and Fences, Mill Work, Ship and Black smitldng, Edgo Tools, Mill Picks, Facing Ham? mers, aud all kinds of Mill Work made and re? paired at the shortest notice and at reasonable prices. highest market price paid for Old Wrought and Cast Iron, Brass and Copper. BRICKS! BRICKS! The Alexandria Brick Works, Situated on Hunting Creek, Are now prepared to receive orders and de? liver Rrieks of all kinds used in the trade on the shortest notice.
Apply to M. B. HARLOW, Secretary and Treasurer. J7URMEBS, READ X. 0.
DUST! X. O. DUST! The New Great Discovery, X. O. Dust, for the relief from the Texas or Buffalo Fly on cattle, just received and for sale by F.
CREIGHTON CO. Till: "FAVORITE" or the "SUNBEAM" LAWN MOWER will cut your grass and your lawn the. appearawo of velvet Prices from $4.50 to $10. JAS. F.
CARLIN SONS, 315 King street. OTTEEIIURN LITIilA known water for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Kidney and Liver troubles. Prescribed by our leading physicians. For circular and in? formation as to it use, apply to L. STABLER 1" A 1)1 ES BALBRIGGAN STOCKINGS, -i double heel, toe aud sole of pure linen.
Very duarblo and und comfortable; look at them at CHAPMAN'S. 424 King street. GRAIN CRADLl-XHay'Rakcs'and Grass Scythes, wholesale aud retail at JAS. F. CARLIN SONS', King street, Alexandria, Va.
ANEW and full line of fine and medium grade Torchon, Oriental Point D'Irlande iiud Veil laces at CHAPMAN'S. King street JUST RECEIVED an elegant lino of FRENCH HAIR BRUSHES of our own importation; a great variety of stvles and prices at E. S. LEADBEATER SONS'. PROFESSIONAL Jj C.OKAY IX CITY SUllVEi'UK, IVIL (GRAPHICAL IVERR.
Retailing itV Ijihe.l turveyed, town iah! mit. h-vi-ls riisthci ii. Satisfaction NOK. STRKlv." (O'N'ir'l Luul's where Im: In? in ur l.n' In? k-Mr r. Civil Etiginwr Archiiecl National Union ISiitldu-g 1 pli-tn- T'ijj, WASHINGTON, Alexandria phone N.
lairfa? street, near King. Subdivision-. Surveys, Su? perintendence and l'lansfor Construction of Roads. Railroads and Uridges. Municipal Work and Estimates.
imvl'J 1 BRKAVKKI l) Li Brewing Company's BOTTLED BEER SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FAMILY TRADE. Send Orders Direct lo the TELEPHONE NO. VINOL1A, for oily and muddy complexion and irritation of the skin, price 50 cents; FONERDEN'S DRY LAVENDER SALTS, 25 cents, and a fresh supply of all kinds of BIRD PREPARATIONS. .1. A.
DIENELT A 00. rpooTIl ACH WUNDRAM'S TOOTHACHE DROPS will positively cine toothache. 25c. For sale only by J. A.
DIEN ELT King and Alfred streets. jgWEET CI DEE! SWEET CI DER! ONE BARREL of New York Sweet Cider on tap to-day. W. A. JOHNSON CO? BOTTLED Salad Dressing, Catsups, Olive Oils, Olives, Chow-Chow, Sweet Pickles and Mustard (French and Domestic) at C.
WALLACE'S PAINT YOUR OWN re? ceived tho following new line of Colois Olivo Foncc, Ponceau, Eearlate, and Jet Coach Black. Call for sample. For sale by W. F. CREIGHTON CO.
"VCEMORY CUPS, PALM POTS. Fancy JLtX Cream Jugs, World's Fair Piu Trays aud many other novelties just received from the importers, and for sale by J. MILLER SON. WAMSUTTA SHEETING REMNANTS at CHAPMAN'S, 421 King st. II TELEPHONE EXCHANGE.
ELLO! HELLO We wish to (-ill your attention to the REXANDRIA TELEPHONE EXCHANGE AND ITS ADVANTAGES. Instant communication any sulMcribar with any other is fun.i-iit.-il any moment, day or night. Each fa liiard in Iiis own nccogniKwl voice, i is transacted with iho utmost hig uic. ieatioii is also witb Washing in iV' more. Rhiia i.
Ipi.i.-i. New York ami in my her points, thus ami i'aiiug distance a lime. theexpenfo but few ivnls a day my i a-, very much tho service worth to the than forty classes of busiuesi are to bo fill nil among our subscribers. If your name is not enrolled cousuSt your own interest by ending at onee. fall on the manager or send hitu word postal or dephouc, and be will rail yon.
P. II. SULLIVAN, Manager. C. E.
MrCLCEB. District Richmond, Va. Eurkc St Herbert, First National Banlt, Citizens' National Bank. Hui! Washington Southern Office and Depot, Co, Superintendent's Office, Local Freight Office, Union Street Office.
Freight and Transportation Of? fice. Co, Freight Office and Depot Electric Ruilirny Companies. The A Mt Veruon Electric Railroad. Steamboat Cum pan ies. Washington Steamboat Company (limited), B.
Padgett, Agent; Potomac Steamboat Company, Ilooe. Agent; Inland and Seaboard Coasting Company, A Reed Co, Agents. Groeert. (' It Davis, Cowling, Adams. Entwisle, .1 I.indley Co, ha lies Kins St Son, Pulnian Co, (i Wm Ramsay, Fisher Brothers.
Groeert and Liquor Burroughs, Harlow Brothers, Avery, A Johnson A Co, Carr it Swelnam. Druggists. Crcightoll Co, Lunt Allen. Lcnnon, Lcadboater A Sons. Stabler Co.
Physicians. Dr O'Brien, Dr Smith. Dr Ashbv. Dr Junes, Dr Purvis. Hardware.
Jas Carl in Sous. Agricultural Supplies, Herbert Bryant, II May Sou. Stores and Tinware. Henry Baader. Feed Dealers.
Burroughs, Pallard, Roberts, Walk ins. lee Dealers. .1 Hammond, A Reed A Co. Wood and Coal DcW. Aitchcson, A Sruoot Co, Zimmerman, The Marine Railway, Shipbuilding and Coal Company.
I'. S. Postoffice. Dry Goods. Isaac Eichbcrg.
Heal Alexandria Real Estate Investment, Trust and Title Company. Brick Manufactories. Alexandria Press Brick Company. Breweries. Hohei Portner Brewing Company.
Butchers. Heimutb Brothers, M. Wholesale Cake and Cracker and ('onfectitners. George R. Hill Co.
Commission Uooe. A Beckham, Fisher Brothers, Harlow Brothers, A Johnson it Co. Monroe St Co. Kell Co. Courts.
County Court, Corporation Court. Lawyers. James Catou, Georgo A Mushbacb, Norton, Carlin, Brent. Merchandise Brokers. Wm Fowle Brookes i Co, A Brocket! Private Charles King, Herbert Bryant, II Janney, Georgo A Mushbach, Mrs A Wood, Mrs Francis Smith.
John Ilooe, Daingerfield, II Sullivan. Daingerfield, Zimmerman. Manufacturers of Soda and Mineral Waters. James McCnen. Stationers and Printers.
Bell's Sons, French. JM Hill Co. Schools. Episcopal Iligli School, Black ford, Prin? cipal. Seminaries.
Theological Seminary. Telegraph Postal Telegraph Cable Company, Western Union Telegraph Company. Tanners. Smoot Sons. Express Companies.
United States Express Company, Adams Express Company. Insurance Agents. PR Ilooe, Stabler. Junk Dealers. Henry Baader, Dreifus.
Lirery Stables. Patterson St Brother, Myers A Co. Lumber Dealers Smoot it Smoot, Perry it Son. Aitchcson Bro. Municipal Offices.
City Treasurer, Polico Headquarters. M'dlers. Walter Roberts, Burroughs. Newspapers. Alexandria Gazette, Evening Sun.
Oil Companies. Standard Oil Company, Nicolai Brothers. Planing Mills. Aitchcson A Bro, II Smoot, Smoot Co. Glass and Chinaware.
Miller ASon. (train Merchants. A Moore. Wheatley, Restaurant. Opera House Restaurant.
Gas Companies. Alexandria Gas Works. Bakeries. Alexandria Steam Bakery. Machine Works, Old Dominion Machine Works (WS Moore).
mh23 WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION to our large assortmeutment of Genta' Shirts, Laundered and Unlaundered, best quality for the price at AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S FINE LA GUAYRA, MOCHA AND OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEES for sale roasted or in natural state by J. C. MTLBUBN. STEAMEHS.
WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT COM? PANY (LIMITED.) FERRY SCHEDULE On ami after Monday. March Oth, 1893,1 oats will as follows Leave Ah-- ndria. foot of King street, at 0 00, 7 30, 1" 11 30,1 30. 2 -i ti ::0 p. in Leave Washington, foot of 7th r.
at 0 30, 7 30, 8 30. 9 SO. 10 und 11 3d a. 12 1 30, 2 30, 30, -1 30. 5 30 and 630 m.
N. R. Same schedule coinnii uchig a. m. POTOMAC RIVER KK ARROWSMITH.
reaves Washington Sundays at 7 oo a. in. and Alexandria 3 00a. on Wednesdays leaves Washing ton at p. ami Alexandria at 4 p.
for river landings as far as Kinsalc. Returning Tuesdays and Fridays. STEAM EL WAKE FIELD leaves Washington Mondays, Wed? nesdays and Saturdays at 7 00 a. and Alexandria at 9 CO a. f-r landings as far as Komini.
C. W. RIDLEY. General Manager. JOHN PADGETT.
Agent ULY LIN TO NORFOLK AND FORT? RESS MONROE. I) The Norfolk and Washington Sleam doai Company Will run a DAILY LINE, commencing on Monday, March 30, with their new and pow? erful iron steamers WASfflNGTONAND NORFOLK, Leaving the harf at lue foot of Prince street 7 p. in. Returning will leave Norfolk at 20 p. m.
Single fare Round trip P. B. HOOK, Agent. No. 2 Prince street.
SODA AND MINERAL WATERS A SPE? CIALTY. Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and ac? curately compounded by registered pharma? cists only. aug3 ALLEN (Successors to J. D. II.
Lnnt DRUGGISTS. N. E. corner King and Washington streets, Alexandria. Vs.
Everything usually kept in a first-class drag store and at lowest prices. All the latest preparations constantly on hand. Physicians1 prescriptions a specially. STABLISIIED 1702. K.
E. S. LEADBEATER SONS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, 105 and 107 south Fairfax street. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medi? cines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stulls, Spices, Drug? gists' Fancy Goods and Specialties. Wholesale agents in Northern Virginia for J.
Ayer's Medicines and John Tinted Gloss and Prepared Paints. Manufacturers of Standard Pharmaceutical Preparations. Wo have made large additions to our stock and arc buying leading Proprictory Articles, Chemicals. direct from the manufacturers. We are therefore nahled to supply the trade with nil goods nsually earned by a Avcli-ap pointed WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE at prices its low as those given by the best houses in larger cities.
All goods forwarded by first freight or express after receipt of order. Promptness is our specialty. Wc gnaranti the purity of all drugs furnished. Corre? spondence invited. rARFIELD HALL, DRUGGISTS, CORNER PRINCE AND FAIRFAX STS.
Prescriptions a specialty. English, French, German and Domestic Toilet Soaps; Genuine Farina Cologne; Mag? nolia, Hedyosimia, Geranium and Florida Water; GenuineLubin's Extracts; sponges. Hair Brushes and Combs best English Tooth Brushes; a full assortment of Patent Med! eines; Coxe's Gelatine, Com Starch. Sea MOSS Fariue, Spices of all kinds, and a seiet stock of all articles sold by druggists at prices as low as the same, quality can bg obtained ulscfl bore. F.
CREIGHTON w. Wholcsalo and Retail Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS. PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, DYE STUFFS, GARDEN SEEDS, Comer King and Royal streets, Alexandria. Virginia. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully com? pounded.
Orders will receive prompt atten? STABLER (Successors to R. H. Stabler) DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS. N. W.
comer King and Washington streets. Dealers in Patent Medicines, Drugs. Cigars and Cigarettes, Fine Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, German and Domestic Cologne, Hair Brushes, Sponges, Flesh Straps, Especial care given to prescriptions. COAL AND WOOD. COAL! COAL! We invite the attention of dealers and con? sumers to our largo stock of carefully pre? pared Coal of the following varieties LYKEN'S VALLEY.
LORBERRY and KIT A WOK TN RED ASH. WHITE ASH (free-burning and hard; of steamer, broken, egg, stove and nut sizes. Also GEORGE'S CREEK. CUMBERLAND and KANAWHA SPLINT, from West Makiug Coal a specialty, we aim to keen only the HIGHEST GRADES. Yards floored, and all Coal sent out WELL SCREENED and FREE FROM IMPURITIES.
J. R. ZIMMERMAN, Wharf and Yards foot of (Jueen street. QOAL! COAL! On our wharf and to arrive daring the sea? son a full stock of ANTHRACITE. CUMBERLAND and SPLINT COALS of the best quality and weli screened.
Wo will be pleased to supply our friends and customers at lowest market price per ton of 2240 pounds, delivered at houses, cars or boats. W. A. SMOOT Telephone S7. TWO (2) LOADS OF ENGLISH WHITE GRANITE from Hanley, Eng? land, in store and for sale by I.E.
Picturesque and beautiful route, new and magnificent cars now running daily from Alexandria direct to the pate of the Mansion. Opportunity to visit Christ Church, Mar? shall House. Braddock House and other places of historic interest in Alexandria. Passengers from Washington taki steamers foot of Seventh street. Special excursion ticket.
round trip; connecting also with trains of Pennsylvania Railroad at Alexan? dria. Take cars at Sixth street depot. In deference to the wishes of the Ladies' Mount Veruon Association, cars stop on SUN? DAY at Little Hunting Creek, one milo this side of Mount Vcrnon, the grounds being closed on that day. Tickets now on sale at the office of the iom pany. 106 Fairfax street, Alexandria.
City division, including Alexandria and New Alexandria, (i tickets for Mount Vcrnon division 5 tickets for 50c. Round trip tickets from Alexandria to Mount Vcrnon 20c. sep27 F. A. REED.
Superintendent F. W. HTJIDEKOPER) and Receivers. REUREN FOSTER, VIRGINIA MIDLAND DIVISION. Condensed Schedule, in effect Nov.
20.1892, South Boron. No. 13 No. 0, No. Dally, Daily.
Daily. LKAVr. Washington, Mexandria Hjuuusm; Gal verton, Culpepcr, Orange, ABBXVX, Charlottesvillo. Lynchburg, Franklin June, Danville, Greensboro, Raleigh, Salisbury, asbeville. Hot Charlotte, Columbia, AuguSta, 4.3pm tl oopm 4 07pm 855am 1123pm 5 USpni 10 00am 12 OSoni 5 33pm 10 30am 1- 30am 13pm II I Ram! I ifiaru 51pm 11 55am 1 37am 745pm 1250pm 232am 22pm 1 58pm 6 20am 6 00pm 7 800pm 920am 800am 1 09pro 9 50pm 11 oiam 4 25pm 5 57pm 11 10pm 12 tOprn 600am 1 2npm in 4 25pm oOiun 11 oopm No.
11, No 10 No. 12. Dnilv. Dailv. Daily.
9 20pm 05.1m oopm 1 1050pm 90pm 55ani 7 5 2 9 52pm 6 15am 1 lopai 1020am 11 3Spm 12 2opm 1 1 21pm 2 9 25am 2 55pm I PMm 30am 5 30pm HMm 12 25pm 6 28pm 7 05ar 1 Irtpm 7 02pm 7 iOani 1 Xfpni 7 43pm 15am 2 25pm 8 10pm 8 1 lam 30pm 901pm 10 15am 55pm 9 26pm 10 40am 12pm 1135pm 12 OOn't 7 1 Spin 2 20pm 920pm 620am 450pm north Botncn. leave. i Augusta, Columbia, Charlotte, Asbevllie, Salisbury, kjilciirU. Danville, Kninkliii tarnchburg, Cborlottesvllle, Orange, Cnlpeper Calverton, Mnnnmnn 1 Alexandria, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York. Additional Local Train No.
15 leaves Charlottcsville daily 6:30 a. arrives Lynchburg a. leaves Lynchhnrg a. m. and arrives Danville a.
m. No. 16 leaves Danville daily 4il5 p. m. and ar? rives Lynchburg 6:45 p.
m. Washington and Southwestern Vcstibuled Limited, operated daily between Washington and Atlanta. Leave Washington, No. 37. L0 43 p.
Charlottcsville 1 55 a.m.: Lynch bnrg 15 40 a. arriving Danville 0:31) a. 111.: Atlanta -l p. m. Returning leave Atlanta.No.
38,12 45 p.m.: Danville 1210 a. arrive Lynchburg 1 52 a. Charlottesvillo 33 a. Wash? ington 45a, m. This train is composed en? tirely of Pullman cars, on which 1111 extra fare is charged over and above regular Pullman charges.
Through Pullman Sleeping Car New York to New Orleans, and New York to Au? gusta' also between Washington and Memphis via Atlanta and Birmingham. Connects at Atlanta with Pullman Sleeper to Shrcveport, via Meridian and Vlcksburg, and also also connects in Union station, Atlanta, with through Pullman Sleeper via Macon G. S. A F. R.
R. for Jacksonville. MANASSAS BRANCH. STATIONS. Eastward.
Daily, except Similar. Talpni'io 10am Ar. Wa-liing. le 901pm 10 15am Ar. Alcxa.
ur. 740pm 9 lOainjAr. Manas, nr. 1 35pm 7 03am Ar. Ft ttoy.
nr. I5am Ar. Hivertn. ur 3 20am Strssbg. nr.
westward. Daily, except Suniliiy. 3 I3pra 30am 4 03pm 850am 505pm In 008111 7 21pm I 10pm 7 37pm 1 3d 8 OOpm 2 lopm 13,14 and 42 connect daily to and from Warren ton. ERA LIN Rocky Mount daily except Sunday 6 46 a. ar? rive Franklin Junction 945 a.
in. Leave Franklin Junction daily except Sunday 5:20 p. arrive Rocky Mount p. m. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE.
On trains Nos. 0 and 30 Pullman Buffet Sleepers between New York and Atlanta, and Atlanta and New Orleans, and Atlanta and Memphis via Birmingham. On trains Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Buffet Sleepers between Washington and Atlanta: New York, and Washington and Hot Springs via Salisbury and WASHINGTON AND OHIO DIVISION. Leave Alexandria from depot at 0 30 a.
and 4 30 p.m. daily, arrive at Round HIB 11 40 a. m. and 7 10 p. m.
Leave W. O. Junction daily 6 p.m. for Hcrndon, arriving at Herndon 40 p. m.
Returning, trains leave Round Hill 1)0 a. in. ami p. m. daily, arriving at Ali san dria at 8 23 a.
111. and 03 p. nr. Leave Hemdon daily at 45 a. arrive Alexandria (W.
O. Junction) 37 a. m. The 11 3D a. m.
tmin from Alexandria con? nects at Round Hill with for Blue Ridge. Berryyflleand Winchester, and at Lccsburg with stages for Aldie and Middleburg. The ') 30 a. m. twin and 1 p.
m. train from Alexandria connect at Vienna with stages for Fairfax Courthouse. Through tickets on sale the principal stations to all points. For rates or informa? tion apply to anv agent of the company er to W. A.
TURK. 0. P. Washington, D. C.
THOMPSON, Supt, Va. W. H. GREEN, Gen. Washington.
T. 0. TROY. Ass't. Supt.
Va. SOL HAAS, Traffic Mgr. Washington. HAVE YOU seen the HK) piece "PEARL WHITE" WARE DINNER SETS, in two decorations, we arc offering at $12.50 per set? Also a lot of Decorated China ('ream Pitchers, throe decorationsjit each. See east E.
J. MILLER SON. are now prepared to furnish jJN everything in DRY GOODS, NOTIONS and UNDERWEAR for ladies, gents and children for and winter at prices to suit aU. AMOS B. SLAYMAKER, 429 King street.
PIKBON PAINT for Wood. Willow, Cane. Wall Paper. 12 beautiful shades, in bottles at 30 and Also Pikron for Glass to produce imitation stained glassed. A full supply just received by E.
S. LEADBEATER SONS. ROB ROB ROY! Just received a full supply of the cele? brated Rob Roy Tooth Brushes at HALL'S, Corner Prince and Fairfax streets. C1ALL AT once and seethe CARLSBAD CHINA DINNER SETS. 100 pieces, wo Jrc oll'ering at S20 per set This opportunity may not occur again.
rpUE GREAT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE TO THE NORTH. WEST AND SOUTHWEST. Double Track, Splendid Scenery, Steel Rails, Magnificent Equipment. In effect 12 03 p. in.
January 1, Trains leave- Washington from station, cor ucr Sixth and streets as follows: For Pittsburg and the West Pennsylvania Limited Express of Pullman Vestibule Can i L10 m. daily. Columbian Express at 10 15 a. m. daily with Sleeping Car Washington to Chicago' Harrisburg to Cincinnati, and Pittsbur? to Indianapolis, and Dining Car Hairrisbnrj; to Chicago.
Fast Lino 1015 a. in. daily to Chicago, Columbus and St. Louis, with Parlor from Harrisburg to Pittsburg and Sleeping Cars from Pittsburg to Columbus, Cleveland and Toledo. St.
Louis and Cincinnati Express 1 In p.m. daily. Parlor Car Washington to Har? risburg, and Sleeping Cars llarrisburg to St Louis and Cincinnati, ami Dining Car Har rishurg to St. Louis. Western Express at 7 40 p.
m. daily, with Sleeping Cars Washington to Chicago, con? necting daily at Harrisburg with thmugh Sleepers for Pittsburg and Cleveland, pull man Dining Car Pittsburg to Chicago. Southwestern Express 7 -It) p. m. daily PittBburg, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, i Memphis and St.
Louis. Pullman Sleeping 1 Car Washington to St. Louis. Sleeping Car Harrisburg to Memphis, Dining Car Altoona to Richmond. Pacific Expn es 1" -10 p.
m. daily for Pitts burg and the We st, ith through Sleeper to Pittsburg, am! Pittsburg to Ihicago. For Kane. Canaudaigua, Rochester and Ni? agara Falls daily except Sunday 7 50a. in.
For Erie. Canandaigna and Rochester daily for Buffalo and Niagara daily except Satur? day at 40 with Sleeping Car Wash? ington to Etiuira. For WiBlamsport, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara 40 m. daily except Satur day, with Sleeping Gar Washington to Buf? falo. For Williamson.
am! Elmira at 10 15 a. in. daily except Sunday. Pot Wil liamsport only 3 15 p. m.
week days, ami 110 p. Sunday only For Philadelphia. New York and the East 7 05 (Richmond and Danville Express. Sleep? ing. Parlor ami Dining Oars, no coaches), 7 20.
900,940 (limited Dining Cai si 11 00 a. 12 15. 2 oil. 3 15. 4 20.1000 and 11 p.m.
On Sunday 7 05 Express Sleeping, Parlor and Dining Cars, no coaches) 7 20,0 00 and 11 oo a. 1215, 2 31 15. -t 20, 1 oi) and 11 .35 p. m. "Congressional Limited," all Parlor Cars.
with Dining Car from Baltimore for Sew York. 400 p- in. daily; fur Philadelphia week days only. For Philadelphia only fast express 7 m. week days and 3 45 p.
in. daily. Ac? commodation 5 oo a. m. daily.
Express 2 Ol and 5 40 p. ru. daily. For Boston, without change, 7 50 a. ui.
week days ami 3 15 p. in. daily. For Brooklyn. N.
all through trains connect at Jersey City with boats of Brooklyn Annex, affording direct transfer to Fulton street, avoiding double ferriage across New York city. For Atlantic City 11 00 a. and 12 15 p. week days ami 11 35 p. m.
every day. Saturdays only at 9:40 a. ra. For Baltimore 5 Oo, 0 25. 7 05.
7 7 5i'. 20.9 00, 9 40, 1015. 11 00 and 11 50 a 12 15, 1 10. 2 ol. 2 30,15.
3 45. 400 (limited). -1 20. 1 30.5 40,0 11,7 40,1000. 10 50.11 15 and 1135 p.
m. On Sunday 5 Of), 7 05,7 20, 9 00,9 05,10 15ami 11 'hi a. and 1215, 1 10, 1 15, 2 01, 2 30. 3 15. 3 45.
4 OO limited 4 20. 5 40, 11. 7 40.10 oo. 10 40 and 1 i 35 p. ra.
For Pope's Creek Line 7 20 a. in. and 4 p. m. daily except Sunday.
For Annapolis 7 20." 0 00 and 1150 a.m.. and 4 p.m.daily except Sunday. Ou Sunday 9 a. m. and 4 20 p.
m. FOR ALEXANDRIA AND THE SOUTH. For Alexandria 4 30, 0 35. 7 45, 8 40, 945 and 1045 a. 1201 noon, 1 oo.
211, 3 28, 4 25. 5 07, 5 37. 0 15. 802, 1005 and 11 39 p. m.
On Sunday at 4 30, 7 45. 45 and lo 45 a. in. and 1 OO, 2 6 L5, 8 02 and 1005 p. m.
Accommodation for Quantico 7 45 a. di. daily, and 5 07 p. in. week dayf.
For Richmond and the South 4 30 and 10 57 a. in. and 4 OO p. m. daily.
Trains leave Alexandria for Washington 605. 7 05. 800, 910, 1015, 11 17 and 1141 a.m.: 100, 2 08, 3 00,3 48, 5 05, 5 45. 13, 7 05, 9 15. 10 52 and 1108 p.
m. On Sunday at 9 10. 1015, 11 17 ai 1141 a.m.: 3 48,505, 7 05, 7 40, 9 15 and 10 52 p. m. Ticketsand information at the office, north? east corner of 13th Etrcctand Pennsylvania avenue, and the station, when orders can be left for the cheeking of luggage to destina? tion from Is ami residences.
J. R. WOOD, P. A. s.
BURKE HERBERT BANKERS, ANIJ DEALERS IN INVESTMENT SECURITIES. A General Banking business transacted. Deposits received subject to cheek at sight. Collections undo. Letters of Credit ami Foreign Exchange furnished.
First National Bank, ALEXANDRIA, VA. Corner Lee and Prince streets. JOS. BRODEES, President CUAS. R.
HOOFF, Cashier. Promp attention given to all business, in eluding collections throughout the United States and Europe. BEKOXI WHEAT. I WM. H.
LAMBERT President. 1 Cashier. Citizens' Xat'l. Rank. CAPITAL 8100,000.
SURPLUS $20,000 Collections made and promptly remitted. All kinds of investment securities a spa cialty. Direetors-B. Wheat, E. L.
Daingerfield, P. B. BCooe, W. Smoot, F. L.
Smith. URPET SV. EEPERS-One of the com forts of the "age" for wife ormother. sav? ing her labor, hack aches and worry, and that keeps home bright. For sale by JAS.
F. CARLIN SONS. Va. AREDUCTION of 25 to 50 per cent on FLINT (ILASSWARE to make room for spring stock has been made. Look in our east window at some of the bargains.
J. MILLER SON. ASK to sec the "OTHELLO DESDE? MI TOOTH BRUSHES. The finest quality of French manufacture. The two brushes packed together in a handsome S.
LEADBEATER SONS' npHE CELEBRATED BEECHNUT HA MS for sale by CARR SWETNAM. i ALLEN Agents for the celebrated ASHLEY BROMIDE OF ARSENIC WATER ALARGE ASSORTMENT OF GING? HAMS, apron and dress styles, for uC per yard, just received by AMOS B. SLAYMAKER. MOCKING BIRD FOOD, in bottles aud boxes, at 25c. LUNT ALLEN, Corner King and Washington sts.
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