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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 3

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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pi turn two lUQKtOJDIIIUM Great for children Chtldben certainly do like Kellogg'. Whole Wheat Flakes. And of course there' nothing better for them than whole wheat Yonll also He delighted with the economy of the big, red-and-grcen package. Made by Kellogg in London, Out. LARGE PACKAGE Further "DbnW List in Germany CasaaUaa new via nana, BERLIN, April 1 stores today war forbidden to ahow chocolate soldiers r.

eembllng Nail storm troopers, or wax. cardboard or. wood fig-una of Hitler. Th official ga-rett publiahad today a new liat of "don't," Certain publicity schemes also have bn prohibited. A Lai pale firm was enjoined from using the swss-tika on iu advertisements announcing lower price for tomb stones.

upon th adeauaev regulationa under which the banks visata. Gave Aaapl Wamuu. 8. H. Logan, a F.

Patterson and acaun uooas, general managera iMtsumr va we vanaoian Hank of Commerce, the Bank of Nova ocvua ana in Bank ol Montreal, testified yesterday. On Thursday morning heart, the commute will rsauma with. Morris Wilson, general manager of th RoyaJ Bank of Canada. Th commute is dealing with th Central Bank and other banking legislation, but little reference was mad to these measure in the avirfanea aaaucea yesierasy. The subject under which yester-dsy's inquiry was ostensibly conducted was with reaped to the banks' efforts to combat denraaalon and th effect ot their activities upon restriction of credit and th lowering of commodity prices.

All three witnesses testified that veaeeis in atarcn. 133. and 309 ves sels in March. 1933. Net mistered tonnage I reported at 1,904,993 for the month Just closed.

Figures for mails and passengers enow a very suDstanual in. lb. Tin reduced from 90c to 80c; other ipwcial values at 10c and 15c THE KING You get Poker Hands, too Rex certain jr a royal blend with thousand of loyal friend mUd, fragrant, altogether gatig- 1 lying. For your pipe, Rail the King of Smoking Mixtures. Many men like it for "rolling their too.

And, Poker Hand are packed with every package and Save them the gift tney bring you add greatly to the extra value and enjoyment you get when you tmoke Rex. SMOKING.MIXTURES AVI TH o'lCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL II, 1931 THE OTTAWA JOURNAL Committee Hears Three Managers Canadian Banks S. H. Logan. H.

T. Patter on and Jackson Dodds Defend Coarse of Banks to Depression. head of thr of.Can-ada chartered banks, Commerce, Montreal and Nova Scotia. In eluding thtlr evidence before lb Houm commltt on banking and comnwrc yesterday, satisfied at least on member thai Canadian bank had carried out in Bank Act to th letter and administered tbetr business escellently during in yean William Irvin (U.F.A.. WetasU.

wini mad that obarrvauon. but lamentad th (act that ha could not aacur answer to question baarinc NEW I A isupa-aospj WHEAT Marco Coffee Ground Fresh la Oar Stores While yen wait. hea OOC' IWUI AU. OTU TOWN the banka had issued warning. agsinai over-connaence in tne stock market as far back as 127 and taken executive steps to restrict losni for purely speculative purposes.

They were equally in accord in testifying that no curb had been Dlaced unon ordinary credit, and that the fall in bank loans followed ths drop in commodity prices rather than preceding it. The witnesses were also In agreement In believing that a great cause of the depression had been the erection of tariff carriers to trade among the big importing nations of the world. Carniet Iaereas Carreer y. Th chartered banks ot Canada cannot Increase the amount ot currency In circulation in the country, the committee was told tonight by Mr, Patterson, general manager of the Bank ot Nova Scotia. The Federal Government, through a variety ot mean, was the main source for Increasing currency.

S. N. Logan told the committee one of the reasons tor the Intensity ot the depression In Canada was the high tariffs and trade restrictions throughout th world. Harking back to pre-depression days, Mr. Logan said the banks sounded futile warnings as early as 1927 against wild speculation.

The warnings were not heeded, due to th mob hysteria of that day and th belief prosperity was unlimited. Sometimes the warnings were resented. Since 1(29, bank loans; In Canada dropped several hundred million dollars, continued Mr. Logan but he denied this was due to forced liquidation by the banks. Ther had been, no concerted action by the banks to force deflation.

One ot the reasons for the drop in loans was repayment ot brokerage loans, estimated at 1100.000.000. The general drop in. commodity prices had the effect of decreasing bank loans, said Mr, Logan. Tor instance, to carry Canada's wheat crop in IKS. due to Its high price, added (bout to th total loans for that year while th 1933 total was only 981,000,000, "Ne new loans that are reason-' ably safe have been refused by Canadian' banks, said Mr.

Logan. The Bank ot Commerce bad no desire to drive any man to th wall and th borrower was carried so long aa there was sny apparent chance ot htm rehabilitating hint-self, Mr. Logan The bank, sine the early days of the boom, had striven to keep business de velopment on a sound and solvent CULBERTSON on CONTRACT By ELY CULBERTSON Champion Player and I I Card Analyst i rBKCMB BBASONtNO. OJ'J- th genwMoye won th trick with th Ace of Contract Bridae which add to He ver-increasing popularity is th fact that both In th bidding and play there are numerous opportunities for 'precise reasoning and th drawing of th moat deli-oat and accurate inferences. Inferences, of course, are of two kinds the positive inference based upon what partner and opponents ssy, and the negative Inference based upon wrist partner or opponents fail to say.

The hand below, which was Played by Mr. Alphonse Moyss. Jr, in a team -of-four match recently, is a case in which He drew such an accurate Inference from a psss by one of his opponents, thst the opposing players for a moment thought that someone had tipped him off aa to the distribution. Of course, nothing could be further from the fscts. Mr.

Moyse's play was based entirely upon the draw ing of an accurate inference from the failure ot an opponent to bid. The hand was: East, Dealer. East and West vulnerable. 1KII. 19 QJ iQl Tit a iii i i KQJIT A It 1 10 nsiil 9I4 a 10 9 Tha Wddlag: 1 (Figaros after aids refer to mambered explanatory paragraphs.) Esst Soath Wast North Psss Pas INTO) Pass INT( Pass Pass Pass 1 Of course.

West should pass. The hand is too week to even make a bid of two hearts, and the bid ot notrump is manifestly unthinkable. North has a very fine hand. The aaeoul Double la obviously correct. South hss no four-card or longer suit except the suit bid by his opponent.

Inasmuch as he holds a stopper, one no-trump Is no doubt the best bid. 4 Perhaps a somewhat strong bid in view of the distribution, but North and South knew that their team score was bad and needed some unusual result to bolster It up. Hence North decided to conceal his club suit and hoped that the club King either was held tjy Mr. Moyse or could be captured on a finesse. West's, Opening lead was the heart J.

indieatins the nrobabilitv that he held four ot the suit. Mr. Ocean Freight Handled Is Highest on Record HALIFAX, April month- ly records for cargo tonnage handled Inward and outward through this port were shattered in March according to tha latest sum. msry released by Harbor Commis sioners. Th total of 181,709 tons Is 33 percent greater than the former record chalked ud In December last During the month 4S7 vessels en.

tered and cleared eomnared a 30 as there was no purpose whatever in holding up with hut rags. Obviously, East, vulnerable. who had opened the bidding, had entcy cards in other suits and could not be shut out in any event. In addition, there was a real danger of a shift to the very weakly protected diamonds. Having won the first trick Mr.

Moyse saw, of course, that if he could capture the club King his 1 contract waa assured, as the heart trick together with the Ac and King of spsdes and six club tricks totalled nine. I Hoping for but really not expect- I ing a cover, he led the club Ten, and naturally West played low, I whereupon Mr. Moyse went into a long huddle with himself, Anally emerging with th cornet solution. west, he reasoned, held four hearts. He could not in addition to holding four hearts have also the King of dubs, as otherwise he would have made some response to his partner's vulnerable Opening bid.

Therefore the club King must be with East and If that was true there was not a thing to gain by a finesse. The one chance of running the club suit was to And the King a singleton with East Scarcely hoping for any such good fortune, Mr. Moyse played the Ace. and when the King dropped, the opponents felt that, the play bordered on the miraculous. Obviously there Is no method of knowing thst the King is a singleton, though North's unbalanced distribution suggests a similar lack of balance in other hands, but whether the King is a singleton or not, the line of plsy adopted by Mr, Moyse Is absolutely correct and based entirely upon a correct decision as to West's lack of honor strength.

If East held the club King guarded, from the stand point of South it would be lust too bad. The card was clearly marked In the East hand. If it was un guarded, the contract could be made: otherwise the fln could accomplish no good purpose. TOMORROWS HAND. South.

Dealer. Neither side vulnerable. 4 9 I 4 Kill K19IS 4 AJIIIJS 0 I I A II I 4VQ 10 A 4 0 A10IT It 9 KJMtl 4AQ941 The hand will be discussed In tomorrow's article. Copyright, 1934, Ely Culbertson. Te Be Continued Dally.

Mrs. S.N. Parent Deeply Mourned Last Tribute of Community Is Paid at Funeral Here. The grief of the community over th death of Mrs. Parent, widow of th lata Hon.

S. N. Parent, former Premier ot Quebec, and mother of a family distinguished In professional life and In the field of public service, was strflSngly manifested yesterday afternoon on the occasion of her funeral, held from the family residence, 117 Stewart street to Sacred Heart Church. Mrs. Parent's death occurred Sunday afternoon, following an Illness of two months' Prominent members of the House of Commons and the Senate united in mourning with leaders of Bench and Government officials of many departments and represents- uves or educational, cultural and social life In the' Capital's French-speaking community, as the lengthy cortege formed up in front of the Psrent home.

A profusion of msgntfl- cent norai onenngs completely tilling two cars preceded the ranks of several hundred mourners, who walked to the church via King Edward and Laurier avenues. The body was received at the church doors bv Rev. Father K. Laflamroe, OJat.1., parish priest, who omciatea at a solemn Libera service, assisted by Rev. rather A.

Morisset, O.M.I, and Rev. Father Marchand, OJ4J. Chief mourners were J. Alberto Parent. K.C Crown Attorney for Hull and batonnier ot Hull Bar Association; Hon.

Senator Georges Parent. K.C president of Le Soleil Publishing Company, Quebec City; P. E. Parent. Montreal; Charles E.

Parent law nartner nf Hnn I. A Taschereau, Premier of Quebec; Mrs. Thomas A. Legris, Chicago, Mrs. A.

J. Major. Mrs. Robert Laurier. and Miss Simonne Parent of Ottawa, and numerous grandchildren.

Among the many and representative mourners in the 'cortege were Rt Hon. W. M. King. Leader of the Oooositiori: Hm.

M.nrira niinM Solicitor General; Senator Louis Cote. E. R. E. Chevrier.

M.P.; Alphonse Fournier, M.P.; Mr. Justice Thibodeau Rintret: Mr. Justice A. Audet: Judse Hmrv. nf Hull; Hon.

Charles MarciL Dr. Arthur Beauchesne. C.M.G Jean Francois Pouliot. M.P.: Col. a LeFledM.

P. B. Malar. Crown Attorney of Hull; C. A.

Srguin, M.L.A.; i. r. rafard. M.P.; Romeo Lachaine. Senarata Rehnnl IniltMT Alderman A.

A. Pinard and many In token Of avmnalhv bi 1. A Parent, batonnier of Hull Bar. members of the Bar Aasoeistion of Hull Judicial district, attended in a body, headed by T. P.

Foran. K.C.. dean of Hull a-legal profession, Alexandre Tech, lew-partner of Mr. Parent, J. C.

Langloia, K.C of Buckinghsm. former batonnier, and many others. The sense ot loss felt in Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec and many centre of Eastern Canada was notably attested In scores of magnificent floral offerings front organizations and personal and family friends, a very art number nf nlrWiial offerlnaa. and nundrede of telearams and Btessages ot sympathy. From th church, th body waa conveyed to Union elation whence It was aecermsanied in Onehae citv bv invnediat relative.

Solemn requiem nisn sue was celebrated this morning in th parish church ot St Sauveur. Quebec, and Interment wea mad tn family slot of th partjli Mysterious a Aim of Search By Band of Spies One Member of Blng' Ar-, rested in France Worked in Government Chemical Laboratory. Assarlate Pre Cable. PARIS. April 10 The secret of a myitenoui and powerful gas was sought by the apy ring with which he has coniemed affiliation.

Robert G. Switz. of East Orange. NJ, told an investigating Judge at a long hearing today. Judge Andre Benon quoted Swits aaymg that M.

Reich, alleged member of the ring who worked in a Government chemical laboratory, furnished various formulas, tor gases. Documents were smuggled out at lunch time. Swits testified, hastily photographed and then returned. M. Benon reported that Switx aaia the agents eacb had a numoer.

Stratford Man Boasts of Owning Horse That Enjoys his Tobacco saesawaeeBwee.wss.a Teamster for Furniture Company Always Had Animal With Extravagant Tastes. raaaeiaa Press By Direct Wire. STRATFORD, April Willis, a teamster tor a local furniture company, 'has an animal that will match the performance of the dog, owned by a Windsor, N.S.. msn thst chews tobacco. Ambrose drives a horse, Nellie, and she appreciates a nibble of chewing tobacco now and again.

Ambrose alwaya had a horse with extravagant Isstes. There was Barney, destroyed three years ago at the age of 17, which had a repu Reich waa 011. Colonel Dumoulln. retired army officer, was 924. and M.

Aubry. engineer at an army powdei factory, was 063. All three are in jail. Benon quoted Swits as saying he came to Paris from London in August 19.13. to take charge of espionage affairs in France.

Moise KloU, attorney for Switx tation as a tobacco chewer. Barney chewed a' large plug every week and looked for more. Mr. Willis makes a hobby of training pets. He had a dog which used to go around picking up lighted cigar stub which careless smokers had thrown away.

He would smother them In dirt and then carry them between his own teeth. At the present time. Mr. Willis has a big cat which special-tied at lumping through his outstretched arms. and his wife, both held in Jail since December, seid it was possible they would escape a prison sentence because ot their revelations.

They face a maximum penalty of Ave years, he said, adding that he ex-pectad their trial to be held In June. He knows not the value of flowers who never botany. Botany Wool Knitted Suits Just Arrived at C.D.5. and Full or New Spring meat! So neat and smart are these attractive three-piece knitted suit. Well tailored skirt, neat fitting coat gweater and adorable little short sleeve pullover.

In smart spring shades of royal, wine, light blue, navy, green, tile and brown. Sizes 16 to 40. Special Thursday, Each Satonia Shoes For Women Oaaraateed to the Beat Regalar She sine ha Tew at 5.50 sr Main near. An Offer at Va- stsaal Interest rastidleu Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet SOAP The He stse cakes New rrlees) at, 3 for 25c Rubber Gloves Women's household seamless rubber gloves In red only. Sizes Wf Vi to (Vs.

Special Thursday Pair Women's' Travelette Bags With draw string and slid fastening tops. for ereems and lotions. Colors, blue, brown, green, black and fawn. Special, Thursday, Each, 1.00-1.50-1.75 H2-95 COME SEE AND SAVE ON New Dresses Redingtoet Short Jackets One-Piece Models And what a glorious array of styles awaits your choosing Thursday breath-taking numbers in dashing stripes and plaids or the more conservative type in pretty plain crepes. New interesting fashion accents with gay touches of white; in fact there are so many smart detail to talk about Sizes .14 to 44.

See them Thursday without fail at only CDJ. gsnang Fleer. ARCH RELIEF 7 Eatoiiius put their best foot forward in style 'and comfort at a guaranteed good value- Tlicy'rc built for supreme comfort fitted with a lightweight yet strong built-in step) aveh a ahoc that has gained great popularity among the value-wise women of Made from a fine quality black and brown kid with Goodyear welted soles and Cuban heels. Sizes 4 to 9 and widths AA to EE. Come and see thenew arrivals in Spring styles, Thursday! ff.

8-95 asanas ORl CD. Sua Ftser. Ml Predicts Slash In Interest Rates Prime Minister Dealing Loan and Mortgage Concerns, Caaaata Prase Direct Wire. INGERSOLL. Ont, April 10.

"The Prime Minister has been dealing with the loan and mortgage companies with a view to reduction in Interest rates." Hon. R. J. Manion, Minister of Railways, told the South Oxford electors here te- night "1 msy say that I believe In a snort ume inis reaucuon wui an accomnliahed fact.1 The Minister was speaking In support of Donsld Sutherland, con ervative nominee in South Ox ford. The Liberal standard bearer is A.

8. Rennie, of Tillsonburg. Dr. Manion. who has been in fhel riding for two days, reviewed the record of the Government durinr.

the past four years and declared that in no other country of the world were conditions better than in Canada, Thai Are Brimmed Full of Loveliness Large or Small Dipping or Straight They're Sure to Put You on Top of the Fashion World While They Keep You on the Best Terms With Your Budget i In beautiful fine and coarse straw fabrics. also oft-the-tace. trlcomes and matrons' hats are included In this attrac tive group. In all the wanted spring shades. Special Thurs day, Each Swagg 3-95 CJJ.

Snend Fleer. C.D.S. Leads In Smart iers and 3-Piece Styles for Spring! Swaggers so flattering so wearable that you'll just know you can't get along witnoui inem. attractive fabrics featur ing tweeds and wool crepes in navy, nublue, fawn, grey and 'browns. With gay dashing colored scarf in contrasting shade if you've an eye In your head at all for fashion then these are th suit for you.

Three-piece style have neat fitting skirt, short coat and swagger coat, other with skirt and swagger coat Size 18 to 38. Priced at 19 50 ,.25 00 Linen Rollc Towel I in 1 Another Creat Buy for Thursday Shoppers! A sturdy quality all linen roller towelling with gay colored striped borders. Width about 16 inches. A won- derful opportunity to buy; all youH need for fl FtT jft months apd months to come. Special Thursday, xara Much Towels A Timelv Offer tor th.

Thrifty Housewife! a a a Buy Now! Although these towels are made from cotton yarn -aav they will stand plenty of wear and tear and launder ex- Cu ft 11 aey, cellenuy. In a even weave. Size about 17" jiVf 3Z special inunoay, ucn i. SwV4b4 ITMf.

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