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Naugatuck Daily News from Naugatuck, Connecticut • Page 4

Naugatuck, Connecticut
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PACE i-X'At'OATL'CK NEWS (fOXX.) SEPT. 1957 5fau0fltttrfc finidj Published Every Evening (Except Sunday) by THE XAUOATUCK SEWS NAUGATUCK, CONN. Telephones 1'A 9-2228, PA 2220 ami PA 0-2220 All Ik-pnrlmcnls Eiileml us second (hiss nrnllrr lit Hie of rite In Xaugalwk, Coimc'C'licul SUIISC'HIPTIOX HATKS Month $1.50 1 Voar $18.00 Member: American XnvsHapor t'uhllsliers N. K. Dully Publishers' I'atm.

Xe.wsp:iptT i'nbllslicrs' Assn. SATDHOAV, SKlTK.MHKIi II, Iflivj THE CLOCK A DEMOCIS ATI Town Conimlttce Chairmnn Addison Verrill thrw a couple of hearty upperc-uts at Governor Hibicoff anil Stale Chairman John Riiley Monday niglil al a dinner of (he Hamden Democratic Association. because neither of the state leaders attended the funclion, Mr. Verrill said both had Ixntcr show more coojxira- lion if they expected help from Hamden Democrats SOMKl'IIINfi TO KNOW The New liuvoii Coin- pany Is the IniiilawiH'r In'Belhaiiy Over 20 prr r-cnt of IlcOiuiiy's Is owmxl by the firm GRADY CARPENTER and Tom-Burns have been talking to just aboul every kid in town conducting a survey on the popularity ol games for youngsters The two will run off the entertainment and games program for the under 21's at the Elks Family Picnic, scheduled for Harry's Grove, September 22 If they can touch last year's jierfrellon mark they will be repealing a job well done ACCOMI'ANYIXfS the School Flnnnliiff Committee's uost fo the Hoard of Hmiiice for approval of a bond Issue for Ihe construction of a new high school nuisl a pctilion signed by 20 electors of the bnrongb The oilier day ILS one member of llic planning group approiU'lieil a warnaii to sign it, she immediately spouted off "I'll mil sign ngainsl not lor tbe general welfare of galuCk ns a whole!" Komcwhiit laken bacjk, the member of Ihe school planning committee said, "I Ilionghl you a new lilgb seJioo)." "Oh! I replied (lie u'mniui, "I thought dial was pelilion lo have (be Kccrcufioir Kicltl bridge Issue go lo referendum" She immediately took tbe pettffon and signed her name. it died In an instant way For a motorist ran Ihe liltle boy down And he died at the close of the day.

SnmclKKly kneels by an emply lied And fondles a little shoe Soniflxidy looks through Ihe empty years Suppose this somebody was yon? From tho September 10 traffic collision report of Ihe Connecticut Safety Commission. THANK'S lo the Democratic Town Committee of Ueacon Kails We're invited to attend the Family Outing Sunday, September' 15 at Smith's Grove, lieacon Falls Business-As-Usual Trend On Sabbath Disturbs Clergy Press Si luff essential services Into tills Washington, Sept. category. Once upon a could tell when It was Sunday because all Bui there Is no used or Juslifi- callon for Ihe sale of articles on the stores were closed. You could buy a newspaper or a bolile of medicine at the drug store.

You might find a service station or a delicatessen But that was about it. open. Somebody's boy was crossing the street Innocent, young and fair He hadn't the judgment of older folks He didn't see the danger there. Somebody's boy had a song on his lips A. VIST of 50 Nettle- Ion avenue and l.INDA DK- Homestead avenue luivo been awarded sterling silver lapel pins as honorable mention in a national contest conducted by a silversmith Con- among 15,000 high school senior girls all over the country last Spring had lo do H-ltli selection of sterling silver patterns Doris likes Classic lloso and l.inda likes Silver Wheat AIRMAN THIRD CLASS Alexander S.

Kraycske was recently assigned to Maxwell Air Force Base in 'Alabama for duty wilh the 3S02nd Supply Squadron He was transferred there from Gunther Air 'Force Base, Alabama IMKF.GTOltS of New Knglittid and their guests wilt convene Sunday ut scnlf, for their GGIh annual meeting- and professional Tlics merry mor- fkjuns will'be session until Tuesday when officers will elected B1JRT SNOW, was honored Thursday noon al a farewell luncheon in the cafeteria, is al! set to lake moving pictures of his next big trip And i( will be an interesting one if plans work hopes to lake a group of young fellows on an expedition into Alaska next Several veterans of his western tours have already made tentative plans to make the Alaska Irek. Today in thousands of American communities, it's as easy to go shopping on Sunday as on any other day. Hardware, furniture, and appliance stores advertise "all-day Sunday sales." Heal estate brokers and automoljlle dealers count Sunday as one of their -Ijest days. If you need loaf of fir a quart of imllk to feed unexpected guests al Sunday dinner, you don't have lo hunt around for a smalt supermarkets are open for business as usual. This trend toward a seven-day business week is profoundly''dis- turbing to Protestant and Catholic religious leaders alike.

Even liberal clergymen, who once endorsed the repeal of Blue Laws which forbade Sunday movies and tjasebul! games, arc concerned now about the extent to which the pendulum has swung in the other direction, rushed Belatedly, the churches are mounting a counter-attack. They are reading to a generation which has never memorized the 10 Commandments the ancient passage from Ific 20lh chapter of Exodus: "Remember the Sabbath Day i keep holy. Six day shall thou ibor and do all thy work; hut lie seventh day is the Sabbath the Lord thy God. Tn it thou ball not do any work. Interesting aspect of hoth he Catholic and Protestant cam- Is thai they have been ddressed primarily, 1 not to tbe iierchant who opens his store on Sunday, 'but to tbe customer vho shop there.

oti Sundays when there are customers," 'bserved Samuel Cardinal Slritch if Chicago in a pastoral letter appealing to Catholics to plan heir weekday shopping so as "to make Sunday purchases unneees- Catholic Archbishop Patrick 'A. 3'Boylo of Washington protested in a pastoral letter that "Sunday has been degraded to 'nargair ilay." He said the church has no on jeetion to "Ihe conduct of such ljusiness as is necessary for the public good and the safeguarding of health." He said sale ol medi cines, the operation ot res Sunday which can tie purchased oh weekdays, The convenient shopping hours in the evening provide an ample opportunity for shopping even to those completely occupied during Ihc day." O'Boyle said one of Ihc worst aspects ofj Sunday shopping Is that those who practice it are "depriving sales people ot tbc opportunity to observe Sunday fittingly." While most Catholic prelates so far have relied on the moral force of earnest appeals, 'Archbishop Kdward D. Howard of Portland, last month issued a loiter directly forbidding'Catho- lics in his three-state province of Tdoho and Montana lo Canodian Province Answer to Previous Puzzle ACROSS I Canadian province 8 Much Is cultivated here 13 Perusers 14 Weird 15 River in Switzerland 10 Faucet Waggish 18 Great numbers ol caltleare In this province 20 Greek Idler 52 LarUsan 27 Carpenter's tool 30 Individuals Consume 35 Make amends 37 Encountered 36 BusUc 39 Set cncvv, as a uc-rn 40 Note in Guido's scale 43 Ahead ol schedule 45 Make a ini state 46 Onager 47 Red planet SO Entire 52 Gaelic 56 Accumulate 58 Three-toed sloths CO Lamprey CI Fastening de-vice C2 Its is C-i Very small 65 Venerates DOWN 1 Nomad 2 Shakespearean king 3 Ur.ctolhcd 4 Editor (ab.) El 5 Soak flax Snares 7 Vipers 8 Married 9 Egrets 10 Love god 11 Is sick 12 Tissue 19 baunt 21 Feminine appellation Closer 20 Mountain crests 27 Fruil 28 Burden 29 Above 30 Sit, as for a portrait 31 Sheaf 32 Feminine nickname 33 Remain 36 (comb, form) 42 Abate 41 Peer Gynl's mother 46 Olhervvisl 47 Emporium 48 Friend (Fr.) 49!) ant 51 Openwork labric 53 Plexus 54 Line ot junction 55 Measures of cloth 57 Pigpen 59 Seaport (ob.) 63 That is (ab.) Zl 21 28 8 tb to SI se 16 52 to 55 taurants public transpor tation Tacilities, and a lew othe work, conduct business or shop on Sunday. The instruction is morally binding on all Catholics In Ihe area, and violations become a matter for confession. Protestants have been Amoving in the same direction, both on local and national levels.

At the chest of the Washington Feder- tion of Churches, Protestant astors In the Capital have been rging their congregations not to atronize Sunday sales. "Detroit's 'roteslant Council of 'Churches, pparenily proposing a weekday oycotl of stores that stay open Sunday, exhorted church icmbers (o "vote by.your pur- hases for those businesses thai io not unnecessarily stay open Our Lord's day." Communities Alerted The'Economic Life Department if the -National Council Churches has proposed that 'roteslant churches 'throughout he nation join with "civic and jther religious groups" to press "or "community recognition of Sunday as a common day of re- axation from work." It said hat Ihis recognition be achieved "both through he enforcement of-present laws ind proposals for new ones." Every state except 'Nevada now las Sunday observance laws Most of these laws limit to "essential" services "or many years, these laws were rarely enforced. But there has been a movement in -many areas lately to dust them to even tighten them. Recently, the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld the application of such a law in a crackdown on automobile dealers who stayed open on in Illinois, Connecticut and olher states have also upheld Sunday closing statulcs in. Ihe past year.

CHURCH ACTIVITIES SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1957 ST. MICHAKL'S (Kornun Catholic) i Itcucon Vails itcv. John I'astur 8, riiid 11 o'clock. ST.

FRANCIS (ftorhuh Catholic) Itev. John T. C'orpior, I'astor 8,. 9, .10, ond 11 o'clock; downstairs chapel, 9 and 10. ST.

HKDWIG'S (lEunmn G'utlioHc) Kov. William I'ustw Masses-Oils, 8, 9:30 and 11 o'clock, ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH (Itomnn CilllioUc) Itav, Kdward J. Donnelly, I'astor Conn. '8, 9,10, and 11 o'clock, ST.

MARY'S (Itoiiiiin Cutholle) Ttcv. TliotiKis M. Griffin, Vaxtar Sunday Masses will Ije celcbral- ed at 8:30, 9:30 and 11 a.m. The 8:30 a.m. Mass will be the cliildrui'a Mass.

All children 'are requested (o attend this Mass SAMOM LUTHERAN CIIUKCII (Anjpislnnu) 20 Snlcin Slrecl Telephone 1'A (1-2G92 Tbo Hcv. Howun! Anderson, Pastor ST. MICHAEL'S CHUKCII' THU HILLSIDE COVENANT CHURCH lllllslih'. Avenue Conn. Kcv.

Piiul S. Haeklnnil, Minister Telephone PArk Sunday, Sept. a.m. Sun- ay Bibfc School. 11 a.m.

Morn- Worship. Anthems by (he hurch choir. The pastor jXMk oil the topic: "The Sign 11 :30 p.m. Hi-League meets forrc- carsal. 7:30' Evening Youth ervice.

The Hi-Lpnguo will be charge of this service. The aslor will speak on the topic: The Prophet's Supporter." Tuesday, 8 p.m. Special meet- ng of Church Bonn). Wednesday, 8 p.m. Chojr Re- earsnl.

Thursday, Sp m. Regular meet- of Die Ladies Auxiliary, Hos- esses arc Mrs. Carl nd Hoy Hcrgslroni. The pas or will spejik, and Mr. anil Jackluiul will sing.

Friday, 8 p.m. Meeting of Men's "cllowship. A film entitled "The Vonl" will be shown, ho teaching of reusing to a tribe the interior of New Guinea Everyone, is invited to this meet K- THK UNITED CIIUKCII Itcjicon Kalis, Conn. ICev. Andrew W.

Solamll, Minister Sunday, September 8 Sunday, September 15, 11 a.rn ervice of Morning Worship. Sei mon by Ihc Minister, "The Sc of tbe Soul." 'Flip Church School will hold it session of the new seasoi next Sunday, Sept. Also next Sunday the Nursci'i Class for small children will SUHTC its sessions at 11 o'cloc, so that parents may altomllh' Service of Worship. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES CD! S. Main SI.

XaiiRnluok, Conn Will bold the following nice hiRs this coming week. At Ih Kingdom Hall, South Mai' Naugaluck. Sunday at 3iOO p. m. Publi address -H "How Important I To You?" by 11.

Tylutke, rep reseiilative of tbc Watchlower Si ciety. p. Arc the Peaceable Mali. fi-n. Tuesday.

p. in. --Bible "flatheilij; the Great Crowd Ilir Temple." from Tbe hook Vou May Survive Armagjiedilo into COD'S New World. Thursday, 7:30 p. in.

"Nice eralic Ministry School. Instrm lion Talk on "Champion Of Trci (lorn Of Worship. 1929 193S." Student's, "Talk on Adona Comes to His Temple." liib! Heading, 2 King, 7:1 to 7:20. 8:30 p. m.

-Service Meeting Theme. "Analyzing Our Oflerii to God" Talk on, "Make Sure of Things." THK CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Ministers Willard B. Sppcr Waller lludy Morning Worship will be held 11 with Mr. Rudy reaching on "The Newness of The Now." There will be The Dedication the Church School Teachers. "Music; prehulc, Four Hymn Vehicles, Willan; anthem, "Bless he Lord, My Soul," Ippolitof vanof; offertory, "Praise Yc Lord of Hosts," Saint Sacns; 'ostlude "Fugue in Minor," iii.itehude.

Robert A. Requa is linistcr of Music. Monday The Girl Scouts, 'roop No. p. m.

Tuesday Noon Hour Discus- ion Group 12 to 1. Wednesday Evening (D) will meet at p. m. in IIB parlor. Thursday The Adult Choir 7:30 p.

A Cub 'arent Meeting of Pack 102 will held the Parish House at 8 and The Hoy Scouts, 102 7:30 p. in. Friday The Parish Players will hold their first meeting Ihe season in tbc Parish House it p. A Pot-luck Supper wil served and there will be spe cial entertainment for the chi: Those planning to atlem arc reoncslcd to call Mrs. Suth erland.

GG07, or Mrs. Worthing ton, 9.S5D5. Mr. and Mrs. Charle Ueevc and Mr.

and Mrs. Kober Sutherland are in charge of ar rangcmcnl: 1 Saturday All Members Pilgrim Fellowship and Scroob Society will meet at a. m. i the Church parking lot to go fo the day to the new Confcreni Center at Silver Ijikc. Each on is to bring a lunch.

There wi be Worship, Recreation and Plar Sessions for Fall programs Parents Children coming inl Ihe two year old department Ihe Church School are invited come with their children for get acquainted sc.ssion 3 to p. Uie nursery room. Next Sunday Church Sehoo will reopen. Following are the announcements 1 for the coming week: Thirteenth Sunday After Trin ily. Early a.

m. Sunday a. m. 'Mr. David Etersolo, Superintendent.

Late a. m. The Service Prelude: "Jesus, Still Lead On" Vocal solo at the Early Service by 'Miss Ethel Satmonson. 'Anthem at the Late Service: "Lord God, We Worship Schnecker. Salem Choir.

The Message: "Prompted -By Love." Poslhule: "How Great the Herbert Bohlin, Organist. The flowers on the Memorial Stand will bo given by -Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Juraschka, in memory of their parents and their daughter Hermine. Ushers: Early Service: Messrs, Carl Carlson and iErnest Englund.

Ushers: Late Service: Messrs. Kazemckas' and Carl oie. 'Acolyte: John Johnson. iThe annual meeting of the arlford District will be held on onday, beginning at 10 a. the Holy Trinity Lutheran luireh, Newington.

Delegates to The Ucv. Winf red B. Langhorsl; Keiitor The Kdivanl S. Shirley, 'Curate Telephone FAr'k 9-8219 Sunday, 13th Sunday rifter Trinity, 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion Server, Thomas Honyotskl.

9:15 a. m. Family Service Morning Prayer, Assisted by the Junior Choir. Acolytes: 'Richard Stauffer, Crueller; Keith Lcucharsand Robert Candle Bearers Ushers: a 1 Bliss, George Goodwin, Robert Brinckcrhoff aiid James Hart. Music: Prelude, "Air," G.

F. Handel, Offertory Anthern, "He Who Would Vali ant Be," Posthide, "Allegro Maestoso (from Walcr Music). Handel. 11 a.m. Morning Pnjir and Sermon.

Acolytes: 'Cnicifer, Francis Nardello, Candle Bearers, Theodore Dove and Paul Stinson Ushers: George C. Gould, Claus iMonsees, Alviu S. Hepp, jiicl Ol ncy C. Trask. Music: Prelude: "Vivace from Concerto Grosso No.

Archangelo Corelh An them: "Immortal, Invisible," Eric Thiman. Posllude, "Posthide in Monday, Sept. 16, p.m Meeting and Dinner for Ihe Key Men and The Clergy at Trinity Church, Watcrbury. 7:30 p.m. Meeting ol the 7th and Sth Grade Teachers and Substitutes Wednesday, Sept.

IS, 12:30 Church Helpers Covered Dish Luncheon ami Meeting. 7:30 p.rh. Meeting ol (he finance 'Comrnll- tec at the home of Harold Baldwin. Thursday, Sept. 19, 8:30 am lecling -of the A.

A Friday, Sept. 20, 7:30 p.m dull Choir Rehearsal. Saturday, Sept. 21, 9 a.m. Holv of St.

icw. Server," William Sheridan 0 a.m. Cherub Choir Rehearsal! 1 a.m.. Junior Choir Rehearsal. Tuesday evening, Trus cos will meet.

Wednesday evening, Committee will meet he 'Assembly 'Room. Thursday, Brownies meet in the Youth Children's Choir wil! meet or rehearsal. Salen will meet for rehearsal. Saturday morning, 9:30 -The unlor Confirmation Class wil nect to organize. or Confirmation Class will meet organize.

IMMAMJEL UITIIEK.VN CHUKCH U.I..C.A. ffllT High Slrerf The Itev. Howard Rogers, S.T.M., I'BSlor Telephone 1'Ark Sunday. September 15, Tl: Thirteenth Sunday after TriniC Lutheran Matins 7:45 a.m oscr Walerbury Sundi School 9:15 a.m. Miss Elhel Sch man, superintendent.

Worshi Service 10:30 am. The He' Wayne Rollins. The Rev. Wayne Rollins wi be the guest speaker al th morning worship Service. Tuesday 7:30 p.m.

Meeting the Friendship Circle, Mrs. Hci ry liioski, president. Friday 7 p.m. Senior Choir ti le meeting are J. 'A.

eterson and the pastor. Harr) THE NAUGATUCK METHODIST CHUKCH The Ucv. Nicholas Nappl, pastci 21 i Mea.loiv S(rce( Sunday. Sept. 15 a.

m. Sunday School for Grades 1 12 Bible Class for adults Valtcr Harris is stiperintendenl 11 a. in. The morning wor hip service. The' pastor wil ireach on "A Gentile Joins i Cliristian Church!" based on tlii.

10th chapter of Ihe Dook of Acts Music. The choir will sing "Bles he Lord." by Ippolitof, and Love How Deep," by Tjlcomb. Sunday School during the wor ship service: Baby Room, Nurs ery, Kindergarten, and an add iona! session for Primaries (Is 2nd. and 3rd gradersK 2:30 m. The Senior MY.

will meet at the church'and the leave for a District Rally of Ihodist Youih al the New liritai Methodist cihTtrch. Mcmljers ar reminded to bring a box lurirt and beverage. p. m. The Intermediate) (four grades 7, 9) win meet al the church wilh Ihcir Mrs.

Noyes and Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, to plan a worship service of Ihcir own, as part of Iheir studv unit, "Enriching Worship." There will be recreation and refcshmenls at the close of the program. Tuesday, Sept. 17 p.

Woman's Society of Christian Service is sponsoring a Moldcr and. Daughter Banquet at the church. A brief devotional period will start the program, which will include a puppet show, and singing. Following Ihis, Ihe W. S.

C. S. will hold a business meet- infi. Rcscrvalions are Sl.50 for adults, and 75c for girls under 12 Thursday, Sept. 19 3:30 p.

tn. --Junior Choir rehearsal; and 7:. oO p. m. Senior Choir rehearsal.

SAINT PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHUKCH Kev. liownrd H. I.eber 350 OIllIvJllo Avenue Thirteenth Sunday after Trini Lutheran Matins WWCO, 7:45 Sunday, School and Uible "lass: 9:15 a.m. Ernest Volaitd uperintendent; Miss Martha tartinkac, organist; Mrs. Donalt Vllliamson, director of Nurserj chool.

Classes for all age groups Worship Service: 10:30 a.m The Howard IT Lcber reaching- on the theme, "Who my Neighbor?" Terry Sokoli ilfar boy. Bryan Hum iricl, Otto, Po.lz, Robert York am. Icrbert Ludg'cwait Organist Hheirihold 'Wall. Sunday 4 Congregation ited to attend the Dedication Zion, Lutheran Parish Hall in Wallirigfdrd. President J.

Rippc vill be'guest speaker. Monday: Rev. H. teller will at the Visitor's Conference a he Henry in Nei York City. There will be a specia meeting of the ees of the.

Ladies.Aid and Mother's-Teaciier's Club at lh- church 7 p.m. Work night atlh, church starting p.m. Tuesday: Mother's IMub will meet at'the liome Mrs. Ruth Finer at p.m. Wednesday: Junior Choir Re iiearsal 6:30 p.m.

Senior Choi Rehearsal p.m. Wor night at the church starting a 0 P.m. Thursday: Special meeting he Local Preaching, Teachini, Reach ing Committee at th church, 7:30 p.m. Friday: 'Work night at th church and clean up for Sunda 6 p.m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCP, Holmes and Mitchell Avenues, Walerbury, Conn.

Sunday Services a.m. an 7:30 p.m. Sunday School and sery a.m. Wednesday Mee ing, including testimonies Christian Science healing, p.n "Substance" will be the su jecl of the Lesson Sermon fi Sunday, September 15, 1957, The Golden Text is from Hose "Turn thou to thy Co keep mercy aiid judgment, an wait on thy God continually." Selections from the Bible i elude the following: "Charg them lhat are rich in this worl lhat they be not high-mimic, nor trust in uncertain riehcs, in Ihe living God, who giveth'i richly all things lo enjoy" (I 1 mothy Correlalive passages from ence and Health with Key tot Scriptures" by Mary Baker Ed( include the following (p.73:; 32): "Giving does not impoveri us in Ihe service of oiir Matte neither does withholding cnrii, Mrs. William Pohl, organist and director.

Saturday 10. a.m. Junior Choir rehearsal, Mrs. William Pohl, or- ganisl and director. HOLY SAVIOUR (Polish Xnliotul! Onltiollc Church) Tho Kcv.

John H. GojoIsM, Pastor A mftsg- will be celebrated nt 9 in Iho Prospect Street School auditorium. FIRST ASSEMBLY Of GO CHURCH 101 tjnlon City Itcv. llj-rl Decker, Pastor Sunday ScrvlCM Sunday a.m. Morning n.m Evangelistic p.m Mid-Week Prayer Meeting, We p.m.

WANT ADS TlKING -WICK Itte Just arrived new colors in Loops for Txwp Craff WEISS BBN FRANKUN STQRR 152 Church Street COMMERCIAL SERVICK 29 tleld St. Wulorburj Automatic Typing Mimeographing I'hoto Offset Direct Telephone 5-01C6 IT i'AYS TO AUVKKTISK IX OUU WAIST ADS THE NAUGATUCK NKWS Ciill'PArk 9-2328 HIGHLIGHTS (8) BrooUUii Dodir- is Mlluauku 30 (2, TIM! licrt Slinw. "C'oiniiilslailnr." A Spanish retain Ilio mls lh Ti-nipest; In. uu I'lfyrl to dnuv tlif KnxICKlimait a citi He in (I) I I Oil I Alii ii umlli'im' sliou- tea- lurEiiK Art l.tnklettt-r as ul ct-ri-iiiuiili- 00 knilNDlll' III ullltl I (I) PKItltV COMO i tie Terry Com 00 Ci) CALK STOliM SHOW, "Oh Susanna!" t-oun-'ly futu 1.IK i 1 Itulierts. I'al ItuxiiV 11,1.

S.S. Orf-nii llurt'i, bill SusaLiiiA ffrn-ls litui out mid In' Juln IUT In fcsllvul of Aiijigs. (lie (I) DKOHGK SANUKIIS llruker SlicrEiil" Saniltrs A runs ilrm Itity vklll, liU anil tri'Bl), IKf nmtlrr llzlill' Illrll r) In ul 111, 111:1. TV's hlsliosl musical Kram featuring' Wrll; uiid tiU ChalnliaKluV Muk- or includlt, Mlci II rky Hull l.lili), l.arr;- i-r. l.i'nnwii -SKIors unj ulhrrs, in vocal anil Illslrimii-iitttl KI I 9 iO (il J1AV I I MM I HUM Ml iif Ir 'I'- Kerli-s, lUrlinril Ho lal Jin rnlrrT liu ulll ci ul 1.U It Ml Mi the resell I tli 18 Us, rllr thru III I 11, into vErail 9 i- Jlt In nit ot t'luiiini; rancher's unit i liililcr bairn, I I ami Jack vlll In II Inn-il.

(II IIOLI.AI! A SKCOXI1- III ly quit -I: liost ait (mini Tslrr. 10 00 AnuuJa Illili- :ui.l Dennis WraWT. I'. S. Djllion II Nale Sl'Mn-cr.

-kniin-o Iliri I out Dip Ironlirr a hircil s- sassin. Muff, fciiiri-rnril alioul I Ii j. tin: i I tli I II, 11 ulio Is tuylnfT SjiniiRPr's st-n- ii-rs, Dillloli flays a li'jivi- Inc same mul niakis utu-n lie finally mui-ls Sprinscr In .1 bllstnlnc i douii 1 Mil III I II K.VCOKK 1 Millions." litarrliiK Ollu' A men lalsll) claims liavr million dollars In to luu-ii ami Its 10:30 12) JIMMY- HKAX an musical vvlilt II Trias II try I.ajs, iTntrlluquIst Alcr Jl i triu Jail vorallsl. I'. Morgan, socalisl.

TRANQUILLITY FARM DAIRY For Home Delivery of AH Your DAIRY needs CALL NAUGATUCK PArk 9-2222 VVATERBURY PUza 5-0177 2148 South Muin Street Water.bury PROGRAMS :30 0:45 GM 7:15 7:30 UNITKII NATIONS IIAN1H- OAT M) 3IUVIK 4 (B) ABVKNTmiES OF T1IK EAST SIIIK KIDS "Hocks Vurli" (S) A. (2) MATIN'Ki: (Tart 3) "Grnni! Onlral Mnruer" IS) Vtll.l) IIH.I, MK'KUK "Scmura Trail" (2) TUB I.AljKKl, i IIAItllY SIX O'CLOCK Nfil Palmer (5) AIITKV SIKHV "Illacliivalfr Valley I'euil" (SI WATH1U-UOXT "Tension" 1'ATTIK TAfiK SHOW Sl'OKTS TI.11K 12) MY J.1TTI.E JIAIinil: (I) II OAllDNKIl CAI.I.IXC (5) I.OOXKV TONES (8) AXMK OAKI.BY (I) 31KKI TIIK CHA.MTIONS (J) XKWS. HKATIllill, STOUTS (5! I.OO.XKY -VUXia (J) IF VOU HAD'A 3III.I.IOX "Story uf Caliluoll" (I) TOP OK '31 (5) Til): OKKAT CH.I1KK. SI.IJ:VK "Cfldj-S All Amprlran llo.v" (8) ALL STAI! TIIKATBK (I) SI'OKTb FILM THK HUCCiXKKllS "('nrnjulslatltir" CHCfTAnE I.V TIIK rACl "The Navy lloMs" TKni'L): AllKl KU.VNY (8) BALE STOKJI SHOW In N.llilrs" c-'-8i iturxnur (5) WOHI.IVS (JREATEST DK "Srcrcl- 0) I'lvltllY COMO SHOW T. A.

(at TIIK T.I11KHACK SHOW (7) 1'Oit 3:00 15) OAI.E STOIIM SHOW (4) (iEUUOE 31YS- TEHY "A Serial" 15) lOXl'IllKXTIAL VII.K of (8) LAWKK.XCK SHOW ilu-Ir" 0:30 HAD Oli.V—Wtl.l. TUAVKI. (4) A SECOND' SATIillllAY MOHT.WHi:ST- I.I.VC 10:09 (J) OIINSMOKK (I) KXCOUK TIIKATIU; OOI.DKX 10:30 U) "5I1KS AMKKirA'I'ACKAXT" (6) Mil. Jt JIHS. XOKT11.


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