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The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada • Page 4

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I i TITE WINNIPEG DAILY TRIBUNE, TUESDAY, AITllii 1C 1805, I IK liill I ArcbblhLop Latisrcvin'i With Kefererrt to 5on-Snpp(trters I of 8pparti Si IkkIm. ExpUattioa by One of th Priest It the Parish of 8t, Marj'H. Mr. John O'Doiioliae, One of Those Aimed at, Interviewed by a Reporter. i lliivlnff turn nt St.

church Xn Humliiy pvrnliiK. ami llstcui-il to Archbishop Liuu-'cvlu' iteriiiiin, a reporter of The Tribune on Monday culled on Mr. John O'lxiiniliiin to nee Whut that tent Iririi' thought of lit tiruro' woril. The vtnteineiit wn i tliiit those who illil not follow the I hierarchy on the school ijiicMtlon were I no longer ('iithollc. "Of Courto." mild Mr.

ODoiiohue. "tlm Archliihti put the matter rather broadly, nnd 1 have no reason for myliiK thnt hi remark referred ipreud.y to uiu. If bo hud rvferrod to me directly I would linve tnken nrtlon to kIiow that I wim right, nnd that he had exceeded hi powers In "pcukliiK a lie did." "Whut course do you Intend to pursue, or will thin make any cluitiRe?" 0 "It will not nmke any difference. I Intend to H-rforni nil my church dntle JiiHt iH'fura. I am aa good Catholic an nml In Kpenklng In the nrhltrnry nnd unkind mnnner lie did Archbishop LiiUKeviM took a course thnt runnot be defended.

I have watched closely the enrycllcnlH they ciiiiih out, I lui've conferred with proiulueiit laymen nnd with prominent eccle lustier, nnd I hare yet to find tlm: blNhnp linn any power to ko treat perHonii liecause they prefer the public school to the church mIiooU on the ground of the Huperlorlty of the former. In fact, the evidence In nil the other way. The decbdou of the I'ope, a expressed ly JlHjr. Nutolll and by othem, well ni ly encyclical. In that no one run be refiiHed church privilege because preferring; tho public iHChooli." "Va there anjr epeclul object In reading you out of the cliurcu, do jruii think "I cannot nay definitely, but I linve had the Impression for coupio of years back that they hae beeu working to net me to withdraw from the church, that I might 1ms pointed to an a warning to those Inclined to take literal view.

But I bare no Intention of allowing niytd( to be driven out of the chdreh." OXK OK Till: IMtlKSTH lNTT.K-VIEVLD. Ijint evening rejHirter of The Tribune waited on one of the priest of St. Xlary'n pnrlsli to learn whether Archbishop Ijingevln'n word on Huiulny evening were to tnken nit literal or merely figurative. Severn! Cnthollc In the city were uncertain whether the word "he no longer Catholic meant excouimti-iilcutlou or imt. The reverend father went Into the question to chow thnt the archbishop wna iiHing flgur-ntlve laiigiinge throughout, lie spoke of the mcImhiId Mug burled nnd raltej np again from the dead nnd on.

Vhen he wild therefire thnt people b) did not follow the hierarchy were hot I'ntbollcV he meant that thev were not Catholic In spirit, thnt their view were not to le tnken a representing tho vlewa of the laity of the church who follow the teach-lug of the church. Kxcommuulcntlon, therefore, wne never Intended In the mighteitt degree. Nothing could Iks further from liU mind thnu excouitiiu-nlcntlon. lleoiden, nil the net ol not following the hierarchy on the school quest Ion, would not ipso fncto ex-cimniunlcate a man, If Archblnhop Iingevlu had Intended rxcommunl-tlon he would necemwirlly have had to nnino the pnrtle from the nltnr. The reverend father repeated that nothing win further from the Archbishop mind thau excommunication.

THE BYE-ELECTIONS. Continued from Page I. tendlly on the track ol the Tory oratory. The Mlera speaker havi lieen mo nggrewlve In respect to the trade question that the Torlei have nlmoNt dropped the Ni-hool ipicstlon, and linve ln-en comiwIleU to discus the tradf Ishiib and defend the wnn-liil. Kvcrvthlng point to a Llliernl victory on WedneHdny." LAURIElt AT OTTAWA.

Ottawa. April 10-The Llliernl lender, accompanied by Mr. Lnurier, nrrlved lant evening for the cnhu, nnd occupied their old room nt the HiiHHcll hoiiHe. LIDKUAL NOMINATION. Halifax.

April 10. -The Ltlwral ot King' county had a miccewdul eon-ventlon yeKterday, nnl nominated lr. Itorden by acclamation, lie nccepted. I'OLlTIC'IANti KN KOITK. Among tho polltlcluna who went to Ottawa on Mcndny nnd on Sunday I ere the following Kenntora T.

It. Mclunl. of Victoria, n.C; V. J. Mac- 1 louald.

of Victoria, II.L'M nod T. 5 Hornier, ot 8t. Itonlfnce; N. K. Dnvln, 2 M.l' ot AMlnlbolne Vet; 1).

V. 1uvm, of Alhertn; and A. A. Ln-Kivlere, of Kruvencher, nnd K. tl, i'rlor, M.l'.

for Victoria, ll.C. Till: UYK-ULLYTION CONSTITLKN-11 ICS. At tho lat election In ll.lldlmnnd Montague (Con.f defeatetl Colter (Lib.) by 78 vote. The totnl vote polled wn Montague. l.POfl; Colter, Notwithstanding the tntement of man tike Dr, llnxter, local Liberal member tor Ilnldlmnnd, It I felt by many that the great bulk ot tbe Lib-ernl vote will go to the Mct'nrthylte and thnt hU chance are very good.

I'uder the clrcuiiutuuceit Ir. Montngue will irobnbly have nn nlmoot no I Id upport ot the Catholic vote, but thnt la not very large In Tlie population of the 'at int ccriKU wna of wb'ir. 1.071 were Catholic, By thin out of vote a bout nvumgn polii-d in Huldlinnnd recently, lex than nre Catholic, and of coure probably half of thee have generally been with Dr. Montague Anyway, 1'he constituency, therefore mcciiim likely to offer fair enough tekt in to how the government coume In the Manltoha matter Iil(cct4 the old I'roteHtitnt (onMervn-tlve vote In Ontario. That I.

can the Mi Cnrthylten on the Manitoba ijuetlon drnw awny from MontAgue enough old-line Protextant Con-vntlve to enable them with general LiljKiiil to beat tbe uuuieber? lie-Biilte the ncceHHlon to him ol a certain nnuiber of Catholic Liberal? At the at election in Antigoolnh Sir John Thomson iCon.l pollml vote, to A. Mcfilillvry'a l.U'J. a majority of VSl In favor of, the CoiiHervatlve. The tnot origl-1 nn I claim put up by Mr. ChlNholm, the CohNervatlve cundldute now in the Held, In that he wna a relative of the lute premier by nnrrluge.

The IriemlH ol Mr. McUiiic. the Liberal candidate, itre very hoeful of victory. Ill (lllbe Wffuf. nrulljlfifti.

A rl McMr Thonui Mclireevy nnd It. K. The latter hn declared him-elf a wi'inre upporter of free trade with the I'nlted State, while the former ha tdiown no definite pro-Kniniine. Very little Interest Meem to lie taken In the election by the elector of that cohntltuency, and It I ctnted that quite a number will ab-xtalu from voting. Dobell I nbxent in McOreevy exjirenHe him-elf confident ot uccuh in aplte of hi eiM'rlence In parliament three year ago.

He nay he uudurKtaml III lute very well, and I working hi election very ipiletly, hardly Hhowlm; hiuinelt out of bin reNldeiire. The candidate In Verchere nre Mer. C. A. (Jeoffrloti (Lib.) and K.

J. HlHaldon Here tbe uliool oiiertlon ha been diwuHKed, nnd prlei't and InVhop nre working for the government candidate, but Mr. (ieofirion, the Llliernl candidate, I a man of great nnd even Hon. Mr. Oiilmet declared nt a Quebec meeting thnt the Llliernl candidate man of great talent, who honored hi race." MCDHLE AMOXO SELKIRK TORIES.

A Wlnnlpegger who ha recently returned from the town of the north bring with lilm the Information that Mr. r.radbury hn not lot any favor with Connervntlve voter In Selkirk, but ha gained Mnce the nrtlon of o-called Conwrvntive nt the recent convention held here. It Ik generally undemtood that Mr. T. II.

(illmour atated nt the convention in Winnipeg thut "Bradbury ha Selkirk town.but the party can get nlong without that place anyhow." There nre over 500 vote la Selkirk nnd our correpond-ent wiy they nre dlxguted with the Ilagel Kobiln-Ullmour combination who hnve ruined the prospect of any ConKervatlve candidate In thnt con-Htltuency, nnd It would Inevitably re-ult In the eat going to the Liberal candidate. It wn generally concedeil In Selkirk town thnt Mr. Armrtrong, who I oppoMlng Mr. Bradbury, would not get a doxeu vote there, and a the Bradbury feeling la too trong to be healed up, even the Brndburyites teel like upportlng Mr. M.icdonell, nnd thus Miow their fctrong dlHnp-provul of the courne adopted by thone Winnipeg wire-puller and the rent ol their clique.

It wa' refreshing to leurn via Selkirk, that Mr. Ilagel re-luned the nomination himelf a he claimed to hnve a greater duty to perform in provincial mntter, POLITICAL NOTES. Bye-election to-morrow. Hi Ornre ArchblNhop Langevpi ny he i not going eiiHt to nttend convention of the lender of the church. All the lending Journal of eastern Canada have reproduced the article hich appeared in Saturday' Trll-une on lit contest which tnke place on Wednenday tn eaatern Canudu.

If Mr. Oiilmet and Dr. Montague were to change berth, tho Doctor rtump Verchere nnd Mr. Oulmet np-IHnl to tne elector of Haldlmand to approve the principle of Interlorence In Manltoha, the ucce of the government candidate would be nured. Tbe tight of J.

A. Oulmet. ny the Montreal Herald, with fnlHehood on hi Hp nnd deceit In hi heart, standing on the busting nppeailug to the Verchere elector to remeiulier their duty to their Clod nnd vote tor K. J. Disunion, w.t one to niuke honest men iilush for a country thnt hn Much a mountebank among It public men.

AII ATP rwwon cn yon give for paring ntt I for China. Crockery UIm wr when gi't Mine for nothing- fininiluina with your 1m. Coilve, Sptew ji1 Uklni I'owiler. nl kl lh tume tnnohiin btior tkIii. higher gnuloe, uptrlnr flvnr nil tMulmiy tiure gouU for the Mine monel UiirTe na foiriw re Inuxirtnl tllrxct hy nt hlcmleit to nil the Nor'-Welcrn wdera.

hnre la twk every kind of lea rrmrn. we Inrlt a trial of our koinIis and have faeilltlw to ellnw Im ttrrnr piirrhe-lng. I KKaT NOU' WtTtK.N TIU tn ttMaio treoU I i i 1'erfect keeping qualities belong to Dr. 1'rlce- Baking Powder, It' absolutely pure. The Palace Clothing; Store.

xl OUR BIG GLQTHlHGliTHAT S1E I going nt full blast. Very busy suits we have eome lovely clothing direct lat week, and expect to 1 busier English and Scotch good, for $1.30. er In Montreal at ul T' tl.U week; PRICES TELL THE suit worth $0.50. and a very good that tell the tale. LH TALE.

If you cnn save 5.00 on a salt tor $2.50. Boys' H.ort punt at you at wholesale cost ana $12.00 suit of clothes, and we claim 40c. Children's suits n. low a. good profit.

In you can BY BEYIMJ from us now Nearly 5 per cent olf lints, a a very fine stock. Soml whllo our big sale is on. you would bo couple of weeks like lust ono will to select from as low foolish to go eUcwhere. In Child- clear out of hats. You will won- A very nice suit lor and ron's Suits the price is cut In two.

der how we sell so cheap. Fny of furnishing com Surely that la a temptntlon. In Boyg enough; we bought $25,000 worth of gain" BW9 he bar" 4 THE PALRCE CLOTHING STORE, 458 MAIN STREET i NEARLY OPPOSITE PP5T0FPICB. ITIce's Cream Baking Powder touches fiMid with treRhness, It's absolutely pure. Belief la Mix Hoars.

Dtftxeaslttg Kidney and Rudder disease relieved In tlx hour by ths "Great South Amort-can Kidney Cure." Tl new remedy Is a tret I orprln and delight On account of It exceeding itromptneM In relieving pain In the blad der, kidney, back and every part ot ths urinary pawage In male or femal. It relieve retention of water and pain In pawing It almost Immediately, If you want quick relief nnd wire, Uil I your remedy. Bold by J. W. Mitchell and R.

Ionian Co. Tlirsn HO TaLKIHO. A kw treatifint whereby rrmanent en re of oabUTh of the no, thrual or ewutach I rapidly eflVcted. Interesting book, eonulnln. deerrtptioa of UiU treat own and much ralu able infnrmaUoa for both sent tree.

The Martha lleeaat YerkvUie, Oot. DECORATE YOUR HOMES! WALL PAPERS RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. Oolor Pattern Wall Papers, from. So per roll I 8llk Effect from Ohuitr Kileoti rwn 10o per roll (Jilt Design from. Canvas ElleoU from juo per ron Perron CentSletf Xjtt R.

LECKIE, 425 MAIN STREET, WINNIPEG. ArS-Fc, IMPERIAL SHADES CHEAPEST, STRONGEST AND BEST. ttj-zrhster COMPANY Shade Manufacturers to the Trade, Toronto. Sold by all rellible deal. r-.

Price's Imklng Powder alone enjoys the distinction of being absolutely pure. BIJOU THEATRE. T. SEA CH, Manager. WILLS' NEW "Two Old Cronies" Direction of A.

I DoUon FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 19th and 20th. Matinee Saturday Afternoon. A Urge and competent eomtniiy of eoiwd-ln. and specialty artistsln the m6t hea'dedby "vagana on the road, MR. JOHN B.

WILLS. The American Pnrtrnertto. MISS tOl'ISE CAKVtlt, and 3-SISTEHIS HELSTON-3 English Cluuicter Scngi and Lightning Dancer. 30c. Keserved avals open Thnrwlay next at Bir-rowolouKh MuhIc store, 470 Main Wreet.

FORT GARRY PARK. 8ca-on ticket for the ne of Horse iixi Bicycle Tracks ran now be had from the Secretary or from the cure taker on the groundi Driving Track Seam Ticket ee Bicyclist Track Seaaoa Ticket Single Admhuloa, bicycle locluad, Lockers for the lesson aoa Club Koom li Shower baths and wah room for one of ticket holder. The pork can be eimagf by the dir for a fixed sum or on a pcroeDtaxe bank K-on tickot not good on auch ocrudone and a special price of admisHlr may be charged. M. ALDOL'8, Sec Treu.

IBS For 1895. Our showrooms are at the same place as formerly. Our REPAIR SHOP Is at the rear of our Showrooms. Our BICYCLES Should be sceDi by, every lady or gentleman before buying. VlE Have the best wheels and the largest assortment in the west.

Everything guaranteed. CORNELL, 353 JIAIIT STREET. THH DOMINION HE if MONTREAL MAKCrAITVBKB or For Mining-. mission of Power, Towlnr. sUV Rig-krlnir, t'nyi, etc Also, LANG'S PATENT WIRE ROPE IranmiUlon of power.

CollW Underground haulage. Signal and fBf ftrnclt. Clothe Line and Belting Wltf. Full mock onn.tntly hm! Jj! j(c Apply for catalogue to H01 UW.or W.O. UfMAHQX.

"it PKOl'LE WK TALK AltOUT. ltuvenirnt ef WluiitiieKger mil Trorellrrf Here and ElMtthere. Premier (ireenwny 1 In the city. R. Lognn, of Cnrberry, I In the city.

F. Rndford returned ycaterdny from Ht, Paul. Wm. Brydon left lat evening tor the west. Capt.

Mnrdonell left for tho ent yenterdny. F. Clinton, of Mlnnenpoll. It nt tbe Queen'. li.

A. Mather, of Kecwntln, I nt the Manitoba, Alex. FrnNer, ot London, Is nt the Leland. Consul Hespeler returned yesterday from Rat Portage. F.

Kalrbalrn left on tho C. V. R. for Brockvllle, yewterday. Major Young, of the customs, left last evening lor the west.

Mr. and Mr. J. II. Ashdown arrived yesterday from the south.

Mr. and Air. DeCow returned yesterday from Portage In Itnlrle. Mr. Md.nren, of Bucklnghnm.Que., sister of Mr.

W. F. Allowny, 1 in the city. Ex-Mayor Savage and I). L.

Mather, of Rat Portage, arrived yeeterdny from the east, Hen. Supt. Whyte, if the C. V. lelt yesterday lor nn lnHioctlon trip I'm.

liltf W. (I, Bell left yesterday morning to attend a meeting ot the Mystic Shrine at St. Pnul. Mr. C.eo.

Ashdown. of Mjrdcn, If In the city on a visit to hi brother, Mr. Jns. H. Ashdown.

Itev. Father Fox, of lint Portage, passed through the city Inst evening lor Brandon, where he will renin lu for some time. Mis Nye, ot Boston, who hn been visiting Mr. and Mr. I McMenn.

left yesterday via the. N. P. on her return Journey. Col.

I'rlor, A. C. to the gover-Inor-genernl, and P. for Vlrtorln, U. accompanied by Mis I'rlor, left yeeterdny for Ottawa.

Mr. Ryan, wife of Judge Ryan, Portage In Prairie, ami her daughter, Mr. K. Anderson, of Portage In i'rulrle, axe guetta at tbt Leiaad, LIQUOR LICENSES. List of Tboce Wh Hit Applied for Them for the Ensuing Year.

The following I a complete Hut of those who have liquor license for tho license year 18'j3-0 la the province of Manitoba LICENSE NO. 1. Carberry "iio. Huckell, Western Carberry: Tho. Huckell.

Western; M'iry C. Itanlster, Dufferln hotel; Clarke, Royal hotel. Brandon; J. W. Nealon, Iinghain house; Archibald Mllloy, Pucific hotel: 0.

McKinnon, Pnlace hotel; Thomn II Towers, Bruuswlik hotel; Harold Main, Merchant hotel; F. T. Fames, iueen' Imtel; Pnyne Beaubear. lienubear house; .1. H.

Brown, Kelly liouse; Kate Boisneuu, (Jrand Mew hotel; Wm. Ferguson, wholesale license; Annie Muuxoe, wholesale llcene. Rnpld City: Jnnie Tdder, Queen hotel; Fred. O. Kuy, Wlnd-or iMitel.

Hnuilotn: Tho. Beaubear, Ham-lota house. Oak river Wm. A. Thompson, Oak River house.

Ortswold Edward Mills, Western Manitoba hotel; David Black.Roy-aJ boU'l. Ouk Lake T. C. McKenxle, Tliomp-soii house; Jaine Flanagan, Lcluud house. Vinlen Stephen White.

Balmoral hotel; Alex. Patterson, Victoria hotel; Thomas Moore, (iratnl Central hotel; It. K. Trumlell, wholesale license. Elkhom: T.

D. Cnvnnugh, Cavnn-ngh hotel; O. It. Jonea, Koseberry house. Neshitt Win.

Reynolds, Allport hotel. WttWttnesn Frank A Tamhlyn, Northern hotel; W. F. Thompson, Manitoba hotel. Sourl: Jasper Nation, Transit house; Malcolm Isbeter, Crescent hotel.

Nnplnkn John Kenenley, Kusseil house. LICENSE DISTRICT NO. 2. Portage la I'rnlrle Angus McLeod, hotel; Ada ma Jackson, Kossln house; J. M.

Fitzgerald, Central hotel; Bell, Bellvlew hotel; Jus. W. Tongue, Leland house; the Hud-won' Bay wholenl3 license; John RIely, wholesale license; R. J. tiill-llaud, wholesale license; Thomas A.

Newmnn, wholesale license. Mlnnedosa Duncan McLennan, Grand Central hotel; Rob. Murdock, Queen's hotel. RuHsell: Sidney W. Soper, Queen' hotel; Jus, I', Laycock, Grand Central hotel.

Gartmore: Wilfred Adam. International hotel. LICENSE DISTRICT NO. 3. Morris; Geo.

Spence, Commercial hotel. Letelller: Dedle Fnrent, Letelller hotel. Rosenfeldt: Chns. E. Conner, Cameron hotel.

i Gretna: Otto Rlt, Anglo Amerlenn hotel; Henry Brnun, Queen's hotel: Jacob Heiman, wholesale license. Plum Coulee: John Hofley, Queen's hotel; W. F. Osborne, wholesale license; Otto Goube. wholesale license.

Morden: John Kennedy, Commercial hotel; Oeo. Harrington, Queen's hotel; J. R. Maxwell. Morden house; The Hudson Bay wholesale license; Jacob Helmnn, holesale license.

Manltou: F. J. Shore, Ellis house; Thomas Cassln, Stewart house. Lu Riviere: D. M.

Currle, Kinip-sey house. Miami: Samuel A. Cowan, Grand View hotel. Somerset: Allle Smith, Somerset bouse. i Curtwrlgbt: John.

Wallace, Wallace bouse. i Kiuarney: pnmaei itoue, Iceland house: Frauk S. Rollins, Grand Central hotel. Detoraluc: J. A.

Williams, Revere house: Samuel I.each Queen's hotel; Tbe Hudson's Bay wholesale license, Bolssevaiu: J. W. Kulttle, Queen's bouse. LICENSE DISTRICT NO. 4.

Winnipeg: Oswald Montgomery. Winnipeg hotel: A. American hotel: T. Tessler, Grand Central hotel; F. W.

Sprndo, Manitoba hotel; J. O'Connor, O'Connor hotel; John Seully, Pulmer house; II. Benard, ho-; tel du Canada; Henry Peltssler, Bellvlew hotel; J. A. McLaren.

Northern hotel; A. S. McLaren, Brunswick hotel; D. A. McArthur.

St. Nicholas hotel; Henry McKltterlck, National ho- vt'i, nuns ogg, irawioru nousu: David Rlpsteln, White Rose hotel; Wm. Speiice, Windsor hotel; Marie McDonald, Albion hotel; John F. Campbell, Mansion house; Thomn F. Lindsay.

St. Lawrence hotel; W. E. sher-rard. Royal hotel; A.

Bern-hart, Rossi ii house; J. Bern-hnrt. Cosmopolitan hotel; J. O'Connell, TiyuniHoh house; S. 'Slmoimon, Scandinavian hotel; Martin T.

McKlttrlck, Oriental hotel; W. R. Burton, Manor house; W. W. Carter, Clifton house; K.

Arthur, Cabinet hotel; McDonald A Dade, Globe hotel; W. H. Barry, Royal Oak hotel; John Balril, Seymour house; R. p. O'Donohoe, Grand l'nclllc hotel; Henry Braun, Sherman house; Patrick O'Connor.

Nlcollett hotel; W. D. Douglas, Hotel Lelnnd: J. I). Nnl-mlth, Queen's hotel; W.Clougher.Cln-rendou hotel; ('.

Storey, Bay Horse hotel; Samuel Spetme, Gnult restaurant: Jns. Falrlmlrn, Bodega restaur ant; I). T. Ixnnon, Criterion restaurant; W. F.

Rutley, English Chop restaurant; Hebb Wtlke, Woodbine restaurant; Dontil Bawlf, Ideal restaurant: II. Strutton, 10 restaurant. Wholesale store, Wlnnleg Hudson Bay J. A. Richard, Velle.Ce-rey A tl.

F. J. Gait: Henry Clrnbot, M. E. Hay ward, J.

E. Bell-veau, Andrew Strang, Henry Munt. St. Boniface F. Momlor, St.

Bonl-faeo hotel; James McAnnnny, Ethib-It-Ion hotel; II. Benuregnrd, Bennre-gard hotel; Kile Chnmberlnnf, Quebec hotel; N. Germutn, wholeilo license. N'lvervllle Ttiomn Armstrong, Nlvervilio hotel. Joly: Alex.

Glndn, Hotel du Manitoba. St. Mnlo; T. W. McCren, Bell- St.

Mnlo: T. W. McCren, Bell-View hotel. Eincmon Wm. Rohlnson.

Rusnell house; Louise Dueuslng, Anglo-American hotel. Whltemouth M. N. Totiln, Lorne hotel. East Selkirk Amos Barnes, Royal Onk hotel.

Selkirk Cha. Sheldon, Merehnntt hotel; J. Montgomery. Cnn. Pacific hotel; Martin i)'lonohoe, Llsgnr house; Roderick Smith, wholesale license.

Lower Fort Garry: Hudson Bay wholesale license. Stony Mountain: Jns, O'Donohoe. Rockwood house. Stonewall: Isaac Itlley, Couadlan rnclflo hotel. Balmoral: Jaa, II.

Skjnkle, Pnlraornl hotel. St. Jame II. A. Chadwlck, Drer LHlg St.

Charle: J.R. Hewiemiy.St.Cburles hotel. Headlngty: Margaret Mclutyre, Roynl Exchange Hotel. Cannon: A. CnnfldKdl.

Carman house. Fred. Starkey, Starkey house. Holland: I'eter Sinclair, Slnclulr house. Dennlson, Leland house.

M. E. Nevlns, Queen's hotel. FIRE AT K0CKW00D. Farmer Karrower Suffer a a Severe Los on thx Fifteeuth lust.

Rockwood, April 15, Another Ula nstrous lire occurred in Rockwood yesterday at nooa. While Mr. John Unrrower and his man were sitting together smoking, they heard an nn-nsual rushing sound, and running out of the houMe they noticed thnt it was on fire, a was also the straw roof of the stable. Their first attempt was to save the horsey but on reaching the building they fouud thnt they were too late, the fire having made such headway that thoy could not enter to remove them from their stalls. Then they returned to the house and succeeded in removing some clothing nnd a few article of furniture.

Owing to the strong wind blowing at the time the whole premises were speedily In ruins. In addition to the building, Mr. Unrrower tost some six or seveu hundred bushels of oats, a binder nnd lour horse. The fire Is supposed to have caught from a spark from the chimney. There Jo $500 of Insurance.

At a meeting ot parties Interested In starting a creamery in Stonewall, held In Riley's hotel on Saturday Inst, it was decided to ask for Incorporation as a Joint stock company, there being now over $1,000 worth of shnre subscrilssd for. The secretary, Mr. J. B. Rutherford, wn lao Instructed to obtain estimate for plnnt nnd machinery and to negotiate with a butter maker with view to secure his services for the season.

ARRESTED BY LEAC11. A Military Dcfoulur CausM la Winnipeg This Afternoon. This nfternoon Detective Leach nrrested Pnymnster Arthur Dobson of the Montinmbert school, near Quebec, on he sttrength of a telegram from the colonel In charge. His offence i supposed to be forgery ns wwell as desertion. FARMERS BEWARE.

A New Device to Swluule Firmer It In Operation in the Eait. A new device to swindle fanners is In operation in parts of the Western Stntes, and will doubtless soon be experimented with In Manitoba, if it be not already on trial. A couple of men come along who propose to paint hdvertisemetits on a farmer's barns or fences, and they offer a smnll sum for tbe privilege. A bargain 1b struck, the men do their painting, and pay what they agreed. tt course they must get a receipt to show their employer bow the money was spent, and they produce a receipt book.

The farmer signs, nnd the painter go. A couple of months later the "receipt" turn up lu ft nenr-by bank ns a note for SlMO or $-'U)0. The name-signing habit hns cost a good many farmer denr A NEW WAGON ROAD. Toronto. April 15.

In response to tho earnest solicitation of capitalist Interested In Rainy lake mining properties the provincial department of public work ha commenced the construction of a wagon rond from Igiwce on the C. P. R. to the Seine river and it I expected the rond will be completed by Juno 1. It I tho intention of some of the capitalists mentioned to put steamer on the river to run from the terminus of the road to the gold mines nt the month of the Seine on Rainy lake, where the largest find of gold hn Item made.

There will thus lie opened up a short route to that rich mining region. MYSTERIOl'S DISAPPEARANCE. Montreal, April 10. Considerable anxiety I caused by the mysterious disappearance of J. I Robby, secretary ol the Standard 1'1hs company, of St.

Johns, Que. He came here a week ago lust Saturday with friend, whom be left about 8 o'clock tn the evening. After that he disappeared a If the earth had swallowed him. An accountant 1 going over the book nnd no abortago ha bcou found. There we in no reason for hi dlsnppenrancn unless be met foul play.

He wn nn Engllshmnn of fifty nnd came to Camilla live year ago. He was uu-uiarriud. SPOKTLNG NOTES. London, April 15. The Laiicnshlre handicap steeplechase for 2,000 sovereigns was run nt Manchester today, and won by Gentle Ida.

Lndy Helen was second nnd Biscuit third. rlcket. Capt. Cnrruthers hae Htnted his Intention of giving a cricket bat to the Star Cricket club for the player having the highest average la batting at tbe end of the Beason. Football.

The first Rugby match will be played on ttuturduy next between the Winnipeg and St. John's clulm, with a return match on the Saturday following, and the privilege of playing a final game should the result ot the two games still leave the team even. It 1 understood that the st. John's club nre willing to adopt the opeu formation guino this season. MICHIGAN'S BENEFACTOR.

AN OFT HEPEATED ST0EY OF TRI PHILANTHROPY. What Mr. Cbarle H. lUckley Hot Done 'for Weiteru llcblgaa. Grand Rapids, rress.

The most beautiful spot in nil this ctty Is Inseparably associated with the namo of Hackley. Chns, II. Hnckley has been In the lumber business here continuously since 1U50, nnd In thnt time hns amassed a fortune which give hi in a rating among the wealthy men of the nation. But with wealth there did not come thnt rlghV enlng of purse-strings which I generally a marked characteristic of wealthy men. It Is no wonder then thnt the name of Chns, II.

Hockley is known at home nnd abroad. HI munificence to Muskegon alone represents an outlay of nearly half a million. For the past twenty yenrs he ban been constant sufferer from neurallga. nnd rheumatism, also numbness of the lower II nib, ho much so that It has seriously Interferred with hi pleasure In life. For some time pat his friends have noticed that he ha seemed to grow young ngaln anil to hnve recovered the health which he had in youth.

To a reporter for the Mr. Hackley explained the secret of hi transformation. "I have suffered for over 20 year," he said, "with pains In my lower limbs so severly that the only relief I could get at night wn putting cold water compresses on my limbs, which had been growing In In-tnsity for year, finally tiecame chronic. I innde three trip to the Hot Spring with itnly partial relief nnd then fell back into my original state. I couldn't sit still and my sufferings began to make life look very blue.

Two years ngo Inst September I not-Iced an account of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pnle People and what they had done for other, and some cne nearly resembled mine thnt I wn Interested, so I wrote to one who had given twtliiionlal, nn eminent prn-fesor of music In Cnnnda. Tho reply I received was even stronger than the printed testimonial and It gave nio faith In the niedtcinc. "I began taking the pills and found them to be nil that the professor had told me they would be. It wa two months before I experienced any perceptible betterment of my condition.

My disease wns ol such long standing that I did not exect sieedy recovery and wn thnnkful tn be relieved. I progressed rapidly, however, toward recovery nnd for the Inst six month have felt myself perfectly well man. 1 hnve recommended the pill to mnny teople nnd nm only too glad to nlt other to health through the medium ol thl wonderful medicine. I cannot iiy too much tor what It ha done lor me." Dr. Williams' 1'Uik Pill the clement necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerve, nnd cure when other medicine tall.

Tbey nre for ale by all druggist only In hoxe. the wrapper around whKh bears the fuil trad murk. "Dr. William' Pink Pill for Pale People." All other nre fraudulent Imitations. If your denier doc not keep the genuine Pink Pill they will be sent, post paid.

hne for 12.50, by adilrenslng the lr. William' Medlrlat Urockvllle, Out..

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