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Bryan-College Station Eagle from Bryan, Texas • Page 8

Bryan, Texas
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Ag Croup Organizes At Chamber Two of Problems Over, Bills Ready for Pen No lacrease In Whoopers rri Ihis season EVIDENCE SWALLOWED BY WOMAN Dear Editor: As the Christmas Seal campaign, sponsored by the Brazos County Tuberculosis Associa- tion, draws to a close. I would like to take this means of ing all who helped in any way on the drive. We had over 150 volunteers who worked in some way in getting out the seal letters and reminders, I appreciate the fine publicity given the campaign by the newspaper, the radio and television stations. It helped a great deal in making the campaign a success. I found the people of the community most cooperative and interested in the work of the TB Association.

I would especially like to give public recognition to the two auditors, Mrs. P. Marstellar and Mrs. Abbott, for thej time they spent in counting the! returns. They came every morning for six weeks to open the mail and count the money received.

To those of you who have not sent in your gift for the I Christmas Seals it too 'ate to do so now. Your TB Association needs more funds carry on the services which pro- tect the community. Mrs. Hickman Garrett Jr. i Chairman Christmas Seal; Campaign TURIN, Italy Elisabelta Guglielmeili, 31, was convicted Saturday even though she had eaten the evidence.

Police said the woman went to a bank here apparently to pay off a $2,300 promissory note. But when the bank cashier handed her the note she hastily stuffed it into her mouth, chewed it up and gulped it down. Police said she admitted she had forged her father's signature on the note and had been unable to pay it off. The court gave her eight months in jail for fraud. First Methodist WSCS will have a general meeting in Fellowship Hall at 9:30 AM Tuesday.

Executive board will meet at 9 AM. WASHINGTON Hope is nearly gone that a record number of wild whooping cranes would show up this winter at Aransas National Wildlife refuge in Texas near Victoria. The Interior Department said 36 of the wild whoopers have settled down in the area. Thnt is the same as last year's count and the largest number for any year since record keeping began in 1938-39. Five of the big birds counted in the latest aerial survey are young of last year.

In the fall and winter of 1960-61 there were 30 adults and 6 young whooping cranes, all of which left last spring on the northward migration. No trace has been found of five adult birds which started north but returned to Aransas. Emmanuel Baptist WMU Bible study is set for 9:30 AM with the Alice Griffin Circle members as leaders. First Baptist Circle meetings set for 9:30 AM Tuesday are follows: Alice Griffin with Mrs, C. Simmons; Anne Laseter with Mrs.

Burgess: Esther Mrs. Ethel Cox: Paul Bell with Mrs G. Madeley; Lottie Moon with Mrs. E. Yeager; and Faith Snuggs with Mrs.

S. A. Lynch. TOMMY FOYT JR, Dillon Ranch At Normangee Still for Sale First Free Will Baptist Circle 2 will meet at 2:30 PM Monday with Mrs. C.

Cloud and Circle 3 will meet at 9 AM Wednesday with Mrs. J. W. Hamilton. Panty Raid Broken At Texas II.

First Baptist. C.S. Wan a Ann Fort Circle will meet at 7:30 PM Thursday with Mrs. Keith Haines. AUSTIN (Jfi Police broke up what an officer called makings of a panty at the University of Texas early Saturday morning as 200 students watched firemen check out a false alarm at Kinsolving dormitory.

Eight fire trucks answered the alarm. A check of the five- story dormitory disclosed no fire. Students milling around the hall in freezing weather left when police warned them a dean had been called to the scene. Beacon Mission Baptist Ladies WMA will meet at 7 PM at the church. United Pentecostal Ladies prayer service is scheduled for 7:30 PM Thursday.

itan i.auncli In California Reliance Baptist WMU will meet at 2:15 PM Tuesday. VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. tB The Air Force fired a Titan intercontinental missile Saturday and then in the first practice for firing Titans in salvo began readying another. Two of the three armored, underground silos in the Titan complex here were used in the test. From one of the deep pits a giant Titan rose into the skv at 4:57 PM, Pacific Standard Time, heading for a target area near Wake Island.

4.000 miles west. Plans called for a second Titan to be elevated from its hole an hour later, but it will not be launched. Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ, LDS Lila Mitchell Circle will meet at 7:30 PM Monday in the home of Mrs. Fred Norcross, Funeral Services Scheduled Today For Miss Eidson College Station Bank Is Moved To New Building College Station State Bank moved over the weekend to its new building next to the Community Savings and Loan Association building. The bank is still located near the North Gate and on Sulphur Springs Road, and will be open for business in the new quarters Monday morning.

Harold Sullivan, president, points out that the new building offers more room two drive- in windows, a walk-up window, a bigger lobby and more room inside for each department as well as ample parking space. Funeral services will be held at 2 PM Sunday for Miss Laura Virginia Eidson, 85, a retired school teacher who died early Saturday after a long illness. A native of Brazos County, Miss Eidson lived in Wellborn. She had taught in the Waller schools and at GOLF CLUBS ARE STOLEN FROM TARZAN Funeral services were held in Marlin Friday for Mrs. H.

P. Curry of Marlin, mother of Mrs. Mortimer Brown of Bryan. She died there Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. Brown have returned from attending the services. PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. Johnny Weissmuller, the former champion swimmer who portrayed Tarzan in the films, lost his golf clubs to a thief Friday night. That forced him out of the Bing Crosby Golf Tournament.

ELDORA, Iowa The inmates of the State Training School for Boys recently chose their favorite popular tune: the Road, xercises ARE NOW ANNOUNCING r- 1 THEIR Travis School Sets Nursing Course Feb. 5 A home nursing course will be held at Travis School from Feb. 5 through March 39. Announcement of the course, open to the public, was made at the Travis PTA meeting Thursday. Mrs.

Douglas president, conducted the meeting. Mrs. Bennie Griffin, missionary to Nigeria, gave the devotional. Guest speaker was Dr. Nena Harris who spoke on Children Physically and Mentally Fit for Effective Room count awards went to Miss Annie Stout, lower grades, and Mrs.

Mae Hoke, upper grades. SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico The Commonwealth Senate has confirmed the appointment of Luis Negron, 24. as a District Court judge. Negron, lawyer son of popular Democratic party official Luis Negron, is believed to be the youngest District Court judge ever named in the island. MASSING.

Germany A 33-year-old Bavarian housewife took drastic means Saturday to end her husband's drinking she burned down the local brewery. "If the brewery burns down, they can't make beer and my husband can't drink," police quoted her as telling them after her arrest. They withheld her name pending completion of their investigation. Damage to the brewery was estimated at $62,500. No injuries were reported.

This Outstanding Sales Event Starts MONDAY 22nd of January And Continues Through the Rest of the Month DON'T MISS IT! Sale Ends Wednesday, 31st of January WATCH US IlnvvV IN FORCfc Jonuory 1. JANUARY 1, 1961 $7,514,000 DEC. 31, 1961 $15,448,046 VAC BAGS Carver Club The Carver Homeroom Club will meet at 7:30 PM Mondav at the home of Mrs. Mable Holland, 1610 17 Street, according to Mrs. Estelle Rhone, chairman.


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