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The Times from London, Greater London, England • Page 2

The Timesi
London, Greater London, England
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1874. rOTICB to MARINERS. No. 4)AUirrS' Uln, tad Jams. VII.

rVTC 1 BO0KU0UrVE5Sr4ArprMcbwOetk Herbs atrtata Oca of lral Ir i Uch to biln, Tt4 JNW Ncttfe hereby el WO. that ia ecffWdaewewtth the NcsttoM MsrlBtre hat beu 1 eirtt U. of a of Rock. u4 n.u4 four teeth mt i fLAE, from Roberts Head, ea, Cart, imttiMliMiicl rUttktMii4 light i es tuted ite wtttoa of Site eeltae est eed tO sou mad ha mtarward tre TbV tlb On MM, Bad MttWIiltllt Si her mttaiatat and cone at wliwirt bead, phkh will indicate how the KVMl It im. tu ia va a wan win a mJi est' tat white It art oa br ndn.

r2 pitted loll ftUocM low wttn rru tides, wiU the fol Knrr men ana mMN oeaaagt, tu. urer XxyxtAiomnse. rtorUead KtfNjV.i UM 2lrwUUt5 Telegraph Tower Kta telle W. bvk 113 IOm a. Purteg tXf? weala ran Ml be Ml twtoe eean qaarur of en who mi interval at in attsvlee bat a tea eaca shot, aod so com tlsscd ssld if oe The Weil BM Mi kntofes star tai danger be rw aaa A bet the ccoel buoy near the rock be 1 oed I The Cooia ek ee of Irlab Ul hereby farther tin Toll wl beta tad la eone ttoa with the Bhoto Vnad ta aeoorJaace whs th Ioat order o( ur IU)M9 umml ui(4 utk May.

It7fc At tt Obort a mndacr.UM 1 4t of Mar. 1CI. rMi.TU Oain1! Mail EiaaUaat llklact la CaonciL TTbana br th ir hasdr4 awl UaU mcUo Tt Uerdaast CUtia( AH, IKt li 1 bBam4 tUt MMKfMtKlMur aiMbaaaaaavbleburata ara laatadnl SaaUaf aad otbar lUbw rxUbKad fr tb ro Bipal Majatt mar. Unlet ia OoancO. tx nub dsti ta mcl IWn( ta ba raM hr tba BNaror tnraa ct run tbly Mcb raaa taa aama, dttlm (bara froex Qf Mbatr aur laaoa4a.

aa4 au rrem Uata Uim altar ionik tbrro. aal Vbat neb 4a abalt ba ild and,ui aasa toolrtloM la, hT, and aabjaw ta vhiea taa tkbi data aatbeclaed ta ba ItM br tba akl Act ara raid a4 ooltatr4 iad Wtaa tba ODansbaKman Ir Kb Lifbt aia about to alaea a UM aiatu to aurt uaoim Boca, os ua aauaae wn owwwi aadtoczbAEialUblUiwafrDia: Al abCftM, tH amrftl eUawa af tMemt. ba Ml. JtD MUM ealEnt at fee on Oort Uirtiar far th parpeM ftMaia 1 JUi tbiiM. whrthar oratna or emaWtx.

rcUrtM Cart Oarbow rg tax ald tkbt waaat or darm bnaai Urfrtroa inaratara, Uar bbjar. la furvlaa of tbavvvan IUr br aba tad tadtad JLn. i to aad 1Ur Oa adrtiaof Her Priw Oooatl.Ut4aaaadtodlwct tbai. bpm tha JUtMoo(tba aald Utbv taaw abaU ba paid ia rttj ct aftba aaM ais lotber tbaa tbeat ta balbatL vbataar taldUcbt "iml. for awry Mttlab or lorattn, on aa naraaniTtCaadMfartBOoTfcBarber.or anf a or txk Harbaar.

far taa an attaf Bbartaiat orian xref Uadla or ambarfc till iianain aiiibTlbittllrf pertoa 7iCaMSaaiinaEkbi for aaebluaa 4 ao aotcrtacoraa caJtewaaaracTOark ibrbaatiaadkf aaaaoaaUiat vema tba UA of far tba of a taanj par too af Uutaaa or arcry loca abl; a of astartmc or ao eaUlix 00 Oort lUrboar. rymLA trji ba Urtad tha Gcaaral llxbtAooaa JLaaonutc rabxaaalr to loataoatabtttrattit ordJaeaaaa af alztypar aantam taasUooaTia a Oroarla OoaaeO datad tba twaotr Aat day ot at aillrjr "Clipper KDKEV, Uoaamaular rSJSSaiviSl UUa aad MUaa. S. adi uball tlraat, K.a T0MBAY. Notice to FMetirCT.

The well kaovn II tart aad taaoarfM Maaaatr aTKATn CLT tTrota Loodan. ukSonCbaal. A1108. LKItoaa ireaa ndrtccC Tw. rvrmCTlaCllteiaa TlatorbT Daeka.

Laat abiMaar dar 10th Jaoa. HarovbtaaaraaO (bat cm datataraaJdiaaTOTaca. iiianilai ABolraloaea to BarraUaadSoa. mtmt, UarB4 aaa la LaaoB ia uo, umewnmn mm. or 2(0.

raaanaJL KHm. Tba laUowtaf kid DtrlfnaHn ftoip. Kombay Boatbay Kaja30 Oa'aawa' CaaaaMa Bar ax MBaaadbtflaa, Toofc Chat 1 Dot. gafl. tST 'Ail KXTX Jaa XSsT JaaatS ftM 111 tttaaaaail If I Tba 1 at.

LaaaapbaJl atitat B.O jfatUaluraatoiaTi Tba fsfiaviag STXAJaXXS Xaaaa. I Ooamaandar. I Oaaa. iTaaaJrUTJ Totatt. JaecnlaTiLiin ct Hrtt toBoaabay, atoftotoCSaaal.

KAMKMwfflbadaapatobai ICasArUarl Utarlal ilraa I yr. ISBAl "laraaraoa) UI pa. JU! I 750 1 Jaly iVftohaaabaai niaabilly for tba Hoaabar faadaTaad WMiiaiiiitaTlnii Tba aalaoaa aad atoto rooaaa ara alt aanaxaaBaaaac tbata ia aaaryam panaarof Int rlaai pataaaaara, Utt I JasaU inl ml jaiyi van of ltaa aaaakaiaaBrrta rau on all. for Uaeoaxfortof allmttad Kach ataaaMC wUX aany a atowardaav Tit maai rauwar faratroot as rorptaotot casta osdfBrUnrlsior Loadoaia Baary Kttt at Oe, CornblU, aad a An. a.

a in i i ui fv to T.a Sateat. sZajta WTla Ojatjw. tof If. rtiaaMrtot: aad ta Jitoraaat to tto to IKblA. rUtiiwsCuaC Tba BOTAii ITAXIAK afJUZi oTKdJUSS (Kobattloa lflU.VUui BOX BAT.

arttaaBMUTUttar paailaaUtr. QmtotoaL abttjtat. aad BtaM atrarabli roato toMaaibar. varafa paaaara Ufaia rarbenba, ptasaTas, ar to AlfrataBia aadOo. taadaaaUatraat, loav SaTaad jSubra.

Maaebartar. vvror.inn vnrrrv. Thm pkninkiii.iruuI OUBUti BttAM SATKULTIOaT OOHTAWT book ftMh BaWaUar 1 Kaarr Malta 5. i ITJazalay, OatoaOa aad I aara Cbiaa Ml apaa AaatraMa, it.Jtiil"i an aaada ta tfttoar Of aaaa rataraag py toa vumyiMi a a5cnatoXlapl aTarraar arary altaraato I ato Wdayjr Mead laartbl Uaadararyf rw (a laarMrTViay.j aa toarU Eaflaar OaVaaL ia I tiiinitunari lor M.B.W mI 1i i im. all mml ana IXOi ot STEAJI IH aoa oai Itwaoaj, riOVLATLT, ajiafipxASLori a a i.a a anr a ia aara iia i.i miukaa.

umji. ALTfiHCnd ru ta OULT. Eiu bBA. aS UZ3TmAjriAJ. Tba foBovlac al.ti rUaitil aorra ETJCAU flini artlaa iliimli liil laf I I tttatpurina.

I Aasa. Beapbay ktratbatyda Catoajbn.ttadraa, laaLE yoraTotftbiata.j Kaato. Caaaa. tntkdrda' rJlftJAl Bdorado i.mjU UUmCo LOaioBM Tlaaab an rami iM hm i.Alm ataaatarUal E2if, La. liaTziTjZZ nana.

uocxa. nau. Xl TicLJILIuaaia AJSTieXElJoaa 2.000 'Joaa It i i. Vu VltLttlji htn t.r It. U3jVkJ.ap8ly 1'fiTlaJjaaa feitfflasr3.

on Sfttar octa fartbar baaJ aay at taa alitat ittajtra ba prataatad mSiht. ctaoa For totbtar raaai ca aptTrSuaily; iUabty; SaaaD. aadjOa, AibatVaara, HaaeaaatorTL Ttaiot auraat lirarpool U. PaU paall. B.W.; or laa.

Loaaau ira. aaaiaan. a a a a a tu irom ia a Arvj on oatsma fJL. tea IXb Jaaav aad aaaty, eatarday, aata farther aotioa. SuAaparaaarTur V.

i vAArU i. A (rut yanin, irom atuaauai day. tba I3ta Jaaa, aad aaary. Satorday, i MoaaMoaaba, BroUw.aod Co M. pQWM 3iii5tt' llm5a tkaAd.aweayper DAfXAv 100A1.

U0 atUracalT aaoda tba Xaat lpdu itetaa cptOilb iaat. Appll to tba paiara. Mian atoraadAUataa. lid, toaUlla aaataabPaTg.AaadaabaUaat U3L Oolombol and Mlraa. WILbON LlrTE.

Ttt Tfttti CaaaL Tsa tpkedld, An atoiiaar XaVAJUA'Oi JJM laas It tataadad to fnOoa bar aUiar ahip tba 13 Paraan, and to trr nw.TwrrTtril boaa Vlctoda (LoodeoJ Docfca oa lat JattTUM tba CI Uorada bar cabte aeaoairaadaUoa b) arablthtra. apartir aad aapaouey CKad tor lr a Irwa. pprr Qaaa ktogtmtj Maachatlar i baa. aadOoullailaad laadoa aad Co. U.

arUanasW aadpauaanlaav. GrllaUr Uaakcy. oaaaU. aaa Oa Albert Hraara, MaaeacBMr: 1. Vaaiatrtai, Utcryoui.

aad raUull, or a iW. Uap I Itrrort. 1ooojpb. YAlTJUTTA. i aa CnmVcalliBc at Colotnbo aad aUdm.

Tka tpHadld n. bULTAH, tnai, UBfrooraa mm adaajra, U1 laarp tba otbWart tauto Uoott, oa tba 2nd of Jaly. Tba aalooa aaUaa taaai of akk ara arraareJ or tatilil ewr arc aawniprraj i may ara hmwwii hhw taad witb farauara. hoan, aad all pirnttrln. Tbaablp is pro.

ansa paia rooaa. loa soaaa. puoo. ao, aoq oma Baiiaua rartltaa. aba baa am czomaat aooorsaKxiaaao ror aeooiw auaov Apply to Mtairt Ortadray aad Oa.

ParttaajtoV inapt. BVWU KcDUraild, Uraroaueua, aoa vo. in rcocourco atract. tVCaad ICraryHaaa, lararpoel or to Cma aad Co. yeUAliiaub aarapLopdoa.B.U' TaLCUI TA dirert, rta fWl lfY LINE.

Tba BafiaelattBataaapC3TYOT UAKCHTSTEfi. 30BX rfftptme baa airttad aad gooda ara patoc rceetrad for bar at bar berto. Jdorpctb Oock. Hrtcnbead. doainc 20U lnttant, LOi I wtaaij fail, aad taffisf ImoadUtely aftcmrdt from Urar toa toOalooturHrael.

Thto aMattaaar aaa tnada tba patatMoat toil dsya, aad bocoa ta dan ladadlrat all daamtlooj tbalaUar batac laa tiaatt op 1 1 Oakta paaaaca. 30. btrUi rooma. aoaaa, aaa anrr ooauon isr; mnwm tmtia pataajpaslao. lot robatottoaadhyi 'pjtaaaiar.

ToAa. fstala. Otayef 1 ibaraa ToRafl. ApaattOtk'Ja? About kXa Aaa. reiouow Cttyaf Oactorptttf A 'KoUdlaf Aavb t0aa.fisOa aa4 6ooa.

ClaaKoa to Allan, Brotlwn. aad OaTtTairael ar to Mtotiattrii aad tawataoraa, It. Oraoaobarca to OAJUWa faoa UoEtecaBawjl Coloaibo a4 Madna, fiats 4 Yhflt of HCAaf PACKrTi Tba matajn. euaovmof ttui liaa vlil U.daapatobed.ta rrpUar aa rSAat PACKllTa. Tba tMcaia aa ortil ba ilaiial lail tn molar Ootfl tram LONDON to OaLODMa, calUn at To BaiL ri laTTamar rttra.

MJ rtaiial, Toaaj Captata. afSf SI Wl AJanbi wtifcW JJ AOw I UBU ataataPPaTrraaaaaaaaj aj AaVpav4.aVW.l FOR RANGOON direct, tha'taacnifieaat iron clipper abrp YlCTOItT. AA Ll Icat rcflater I tafl Jroai Londoa daraoaatlXb Jalrt reodnnf cooda ta tba VtetorlaDoeta. ThU aa ot tba birWl pobU claM. and oSen a try taoaralU opportonftr tnr lot iMpox tit of doa rooda.

For frtlfbt apply to tba AjVav lbH tVwm. ltd, UaUahalltraw. g.q SVliLtiMllO, 1 Aiadra. anoi Oaicutta. WILSON tJ.VK.

VUPaaaCaaal. Tba fatoojlta. fuOiwarad ttrasrr DORALxt, 1 taiM, tapuln t. KEKR. U.N.R.

Itlnlaiuted to ha daroatcbad rum Vktoria Loodoot Oortt co Ttb Joti. Ilr raataortr acoommorUtloQ la tuprrUy Pttad aitb erery rirtttata for aa Indian rotart, aba binf beao rlprawty buCt tor tba Indian puaaarer trad. A aorraoo and vardaa earrlM. ApiJyat ooca toTbooiat WUaoo. Hoot, and Co.

lloll ao lodon UnolUy aadOv.M, Parlaaat4rM aad UaUatly, Uaakry. HrvelLand Ox. AlberUaaaan, Maocbotcr 1. Fuvfck ftrrat, UvcrpoU, aad il.IW atall. or 109, LaaJcebalUtnat, CO.

Loodoo. lJ07MdRU. and Calcutta. 1 Paaanrera. Tba' ealcHatM ramlar tradr JUIIK AL, vXl toot 8TK10KU.

B.X.IL.(Vaf aiaodcr. wUl ba dnpatcbol about tba 2Mb Jaoa. ThU a tO knoaa taaal. bail! cxprraaly tor tba pawoaar trada, it filial aitb artry eoa tawlann tar PraueUat paaararera wbo will ba ooortTtd aV nvdarata ratra. Oarrla a aarrwa aad trwardtta.

Per plana of tba rabioa. rataaaadall partieiiUn. anlr to Mrura. Crtodlar and Co. i lar UaaMataWaat.

H.W. to J. and B. Oraut, LaadcahatHrtroat or to Ootnua aad Kmltb. in.

LaadeahaU ttraet, Z.C Csl NC7tPoREHrNATTloUowin aplaa did. travabtat CUPPCK BfUPa aHl badatpatebad aa rortrr: Moarkoaf Cbbaaaiaa At 1 yra. K.LD. Withdetp. At Uyra.

K.I.D. Wtbdap. Bbasfbai JohaO. Kl.U. Wltbdcrp.

Apply to KlLkck. aUrtla. aad Co. 10. Ctorra rarJ.

lorlarl ttreat, ttr LKN LINK o( 8TKAM PACKETS from LXJN 1X1X. Tor naruuiia. Itanrkorir. andKhanrhal taktax rooda a tluoiuk ntaa for Java aad Jaoaa Porta, aad aooda aad rtianrert at tbroocb rain to Uaeantiaad Porta, bfttprr. aad Melbourna, to ono.

aexton vita the aalm aad Anstraliaa Hail gtram Com pan j. tba rlodM Clyde oilt aa. nLESGYLK, 100 reainar. SA) h.p. Boailaal, now Inadiar la Soatb Wtat India Dock, will rcedta aarga ap tdl Ptb Janavaad aall poaltlrrlr onKtuJone, TbtotUamrT aaa tmfertor aoooaiaxautloa for a hailed pantcr ct aalooa paaan rtra.

Por rdrht or pataaca apply to UoOretor.Cair, a4 aaa) Iodia areaaa. Ta ba uUovad by taa najaioceet cirda bout ia UtoaftnUa, 3utb Jana. GTKNLTNii of 8iAM PACKJiTSTrom CON DOV. Por Siarara. Honlom.

and Khancbal taklaf roodf at ihToui ittai for Jara and Japan porta, aad coxni aad pancotm at throosb rataa to Qoacaalaod lVru, Hrdacy, aad Uelbooraa, ia coat aritonlon wUb tba aaatora aod AuttialUa HaU Btaam Coo pan 7 tba BtanlAeeat, oav, Uyda built aA UiXNf INLAS, llffl ton. Mtttcr. 100 At, 330 ooailnal, aow kaxUnr ia (ilaxmr, a 111 abortly ba at a Wliafbortb la ouih Wrtt ladla Dock, aad will retain cargo lndlaatanaa. 8TEA51. via th 8aes CantL To sail on the 10th Jtu.

WL tot PEN AS U. Elntapora, Hnnjkoos, aad BaagbaL tba rplrodid, lalHioirtrtd. acmr rtoawrr UP U)RN iia AU CS30 toat tiOoraa rover aonlnaL W. If. BUBGOYKE.

Oomaaader Boalb Wctt lame Docia, 11 at rlexant aocoBOMdaUno for eraVelaaa paaaeiif era lododinc catta Sttlnca, beddlac, aad Usca. Par frrlsbt or pauaft appir to Sbaa, Max tun, aad Co, 3, Eoyal Ex duutl baildlata, lmndoa. KU, CJHANUUAi (riA IJanalLfrora JjUMDON. on Satur IO dar. ttb June. BrotacraaBd Co. 10, Vprer Qatao'a. wnaoa, Boataaiai Maaobtatrr aa' jeui ruoe. Eacomha.

JJrotbera.aad Co. 10. vprer Qaeta'p. mptoo IA llaekln'bey. Urerpool 38.

Xlnr rtrael, pd Eaatcbeap. London. OBEliTaON and liibl'A, CUlNA, and TAiaawBiMnururar AMitB ai ta am a ami, nna aafw Iloartoacn lord Vaeaalay. It naasxooc. oenaaa iJU YidhiEJo Kralja PorfrrUat.aryaawra apply at Srainan'Keowl, OorokJH, Lea .4 APAN and 0U1MJ Orrat lieduction in Fare.

Mat! Roata Tiagaa Pranciara. Tba PACIPIO MAIL bTEAM IP OUMPAltY arm datDeleb tbair aaaralaoral bTEAMKRflL of 1000 toot' aod apvarda. aitb Matla aad Paatatttra, twioa at err atoatb from Ban rnnclaeo to Tafcabaata, Qioso, aiacatatt, Whanihal and llaataknoc and vaavTetaa. Tbreorb farea from aUad, la iTe York aad Paaaaaa, toToke aama. rarood Yokonama.

X7S tfa uaioa raotaa uauaay. ta Yokohama, JSi beyond Yokohama. S3. Bait prrtat la tteaaxra. Tba Oompanya tsteameri laara Xcv York twica a Booth, trii raaamai tor aaa rraaoaoo aaa mtermaaiaia porta ror uroocn ratea aaa atnar laiormaooa appry to u.

aaur aaa wo. avseaia. Ka H. Mannaia Umdan. Aroaadtba World ay Bteaav Coapea tiaUU fawned tor taa Beaad yonrory.

rare ana arre eroa, 'AN. Paasencers will nnd tba chief cabin aecom aioaatioa of taa aaa earner aatp r.tuin, At wraen, ai very rooa aaa oomiortaoia. itaiea mouarata. Appry to JL1 tba itb Joaa Eeoomba. Srotbara.

aad Ca, 10, Upper Qneaae terraaa. Soetnaaifitaa IS. llactli'i tm IJremool Ed. JUnraSiaet. jaaBcaeaTrr arm nmaeorap, unoqon.

and SI JAVA direct, without tnuuhiptneDt, from Soatb Uatoa.Uta JaaMA. WYEEKTOX, till tone, h.p. anrntaal. appy a joaa loons, um. wi ut, ureu ueiena.

Xe. IA Hacklat HrrTUTerpool ML Ktar ttreet. Maadttter. aad a iu, upper yauaarraoa.t)oavriaaptio. SOUTHAMPTON to llATAViA, ria boes CanaL wi.

ar ii fianlaa to Daleb Kaat lodlat, aadar eoo tract wtUt If ttbtrtandt Ooterninent. Tba raatBta oral, aa uyaaawi noamiaip rjuauarss amaua. asow too. TOO aorta power la appotatol to aci) from Hootaamptoa to Padaoc, Bauna. aad and apvardt Bourabaya.

about th Utb Jane. Pare. riraVdeta, 42a i aarnod cUea. 33. Apply to J.

Baokiod aad Boo, Waaraw; or to the Gaoeral AzrsU of tba Oompaay. KaUar. WalUa, aad Tortletae aita. 1 aad 17. Klnr WiUlasMWret, Uaulaa.

KCz aa ia neoaouiT, aiaocnencr aaa a Boauuunpioo, a. 73, PlaeaAUly, Maachattcr and at Sontaamptoa. U.PK of GOOD HOpk NATAL, and ZANZIBAR BOYAL MAIL BMtR VICE. Tba USIOif STEAatsUlP i COktP Amra PACKETS aall frooa BoalhattPtoo oa taa tta.Utaaad SXa of each month, Apply at tba Cbmpaayr ogee. Borrthtmptoa, or ll.

aaaaaaatii iiraat, uooaon. HOPECoJonial Mail Line. to P. J. Mtraar and Oou AP of GoOl) DOh'ALD OITSBIX and Co.a LOSDOX LL2TE of aadar eootraet with tba OnVmlal Coraromaat for the ooararaaoa of mailt let ama London aad Ceoa Town, fctoaetl bay.

Alcoa Bay, East Xamdoa. aod YataL oallloc ar Dartmoeth to embark aUa and pea. anccn. btaamer. WIKD60B CASTLE, from London.

Josa SO boat fttrtporrtbJaaea. Apery to tba awnarai and 4. Penobnrrbtrert. COAST of Af RICA. Madein, ind TeoartSa Tba taat aad eoauaodioai atcaraats ot the ArEIOAK UTEAXSUrp COMPAKY aatt from Uvarpool arary alternate liatsnUr.

The fart aad powerful rtatmtMp ELM IN Am toleadedtoeaUaaSatajday.UthJaaaUlAaja. for MADEIRA. TenarlOa, BUrra Leone, Cape Ooaat Cattle, Aocre, Jtllab Ceftae, agoa. Boany, PtraaadaPa, end Uid Calabar alao dellTtt tmj aad abJppjac earro iaatda tba ban at Uraaa. New Ceiaber.

Upobo, aaa tscnta. raaaeaccrt embark at taa aorta larxiinr mere at ju am. Por fartaer'. lafonaaUon apply at the Ooespaar'a otQcaa, No. II, Uaaiiball rtrtal.

London or to Plrtcbcr aad Parr. Dale ttreat, Urerpool. 7XNZIBAli, LiAVotTll, NOsblBt, and MA MAJufc'OA (WpvtaraatarL 3TEAMEK4 of BBrTtsil INDIA STEAM NAVIUATION COMPANY leata ADEN for tbata porUrmy foar weekt, earrytaf tier Majaaty kUU. aad ta aoo aeiloo taerraTUi other ttearam art dotpttched rtrnarlj from ToivVm taklas carzo aad paaaanctn toat traatblpped at Adea. ror rates aad sea aral tolanaattoa apply toOray, w.

triara, K.a A UHTRALiAN MAIL BERYICiS. The PEN IN jtX ULAfi aad ORIENTAL COMPANY STXAMZBS aoatlaoa toTEDN to SYDNEY, sad heaotforth will eaU at AaaUids A USTRALIA and NW ZclAitAND. Mail tier J. tlos try toa Aavericaa OmUad ICotttA Tat MIKADO, ax, ItM toas rajlattr, wlU ba detpaicaad from 8aa Prancieeooa tba XUtbJaae. for NKw EEALANU aad SYDNEY.

caOtac atlloootola aadPitL Por through rataa, arpry to tba Maatjmy AxintoyLawrenoa Uart and Civ. WlnrteoT chtT, OrtatHt. Hafcci, go. A UttTkALUkcdNlsW ZiULANH0UU)It: BBUTHEKa, and Crx't BECULAB LINX ot CLUTEB CHIPa, iterpatcbed ram the Locdoo DocU to ItYDSEY. I WOTPBILUP.

totrmism ttallaea Tta Jsaa CarttTraa CbetJa TUWoae BllrwEarlt 29Ut Jane I Prtorbnrcrara. Tlrt Jans ADELAIDE. I BRIaBASn: WHARP. Dinapor Jaoa I AarioBasoa luh Jtrae aamuiy aaa aaips will ra aeapatcaeu to nyoacy aaa Mainonraa twice every aioeta: anna via ana untnana onee every taraa weata. Apply to Hoalder.

Brotbera, and Ullladenhalltreet. London. fcw. mm wwiwil, rt mwl mwf AUblitALiA. OoLow IaL Ll.Nfcof PACKETS.

Tba toUoainj mttntflrrnt BUIfg will be despatched aa Fir ft I ShStw (Too rec Xkackft. I Dcp4itas. TTcooamuaary i L31 Aim tVaea I JOtt laete tpienold. ana cltrita veataia nava fTooe res Docka. ID "a Eaat indiT LSJt Eatt India I L0Z Eaatladm I tela bar apaetooa fnai EatS India I Jane a 'Eatt India i Jaaa SO (Eaatladm I Jaty IS enaeioaa ftulBooea and cabtat an deck, oflerias aartTaUad aocnnoUUiator tlmaadaeoond cahta psjaeosars.

Apply to Joaa Bcary JTiat, at Aceab US. Pea churchtrtet, Loadoo, TtLSX a UbTkALiA'lOlilkKTLJNEoi bHIPSX WEST jCa. COAST Of AMEBIC A. WEST XJlDXCa, A intending pi pa and ablpptsa are loionaad of the folkraiaxarnaceBMOtat (ettlaatloaa, I Aoelalde C'ptami. Depart p.

Unit Jute it 501 rr. Wadham a.W.1 Jaaa Si tlM U. L. Daua I LOW Bobiaioa Jan 10 U. Dray S.W.L Juo Jl U.

Traas aVVrj.JaBs a anwwi. MiiaMimi PortPtilUlB fUdaey Dieraea ariaer Diloomoad Vslparate .4 Kerala! Liaas tor Jaak Bailie, AiprewaU. aa. Appry toAader ton. aaatnoa.

aaa uaw laiatcroars awu, savaaoracrs. sraataa to Aaeuiae laewnrfrn. datde Matvorft ABRbKKN CUPPER LLNli LONDON to AUSTBAL1A. Tba atteattoa af jataaai in aad shippers ll raapeetfaUy Clraatad to the follosrrac rpleodid CLIPPEK hUlPS, trhKh will be dearatebad from the Eatt ladtoDoctataaaaderr PatrlaKb June 5ih I Btrathdon Jane 2Dth Chratisaa Thorn reno Jaas 30th I Morarlta JoneSOtb Damatcst sly 6h Ibtar of Peace July 10th haraiKl PllmtoU July SOU lAriemora SCth Arpry to ueaTaraaraon. ran, ana uo ueeaeccaittreet.

OYAJHISX. YIOTOJiiA lilXIti Tbo following tTl favoortta resreli are now on the terta. andwuttwdatpatehat tropj South Watt India Dock to date: SAINT toa. Al 17 rrara. to sail Joaa 10 Plackaddrt 90S tona.

Jaly Ttete raaralaoaat Mrb rlitntd tblps are welt kaowa ia the trade for their STOat speed, aad are pertaealarly reasmatendad to shippers of aae geodi aad lateadtnf pmwtfrt. Por frtixt or inip appry to rotter, raancu, ana wl, ta, urrmt ct. mm ayixw FJEtiYUXEY (last hippintt day ISUfJane, beinj nnder charter to the Areat Oaarral of Ktv Booth WaletX the dlpcer built ship TYhU RNIA, A 1, LOST tons. B. tiOLDEB, Com.

mender loathu tn the South Wmt India Dock. Apply to lavhlin aad Carrtartoo, 77. Comhill. to SYDNEY are inritod to inspect JL tha raparior ereoairnodttloa of Ua SIB WILLIAM WALLACE, At, t7 tona rasiatee. Caa takaaUmltadaambar of eoood data.

por rarta. appiy to ixouiaer, crotoars, aaa ua, jte, i Tairrnini moqoa, or a. un.wiiai'en, wwtroiaa, ijTgrrooi. mm MN OEK3 to a UN are iavited to insDect the ealahrated cBsaer afaia LEICZSTEB. AIM nun.

neat coooered. AiOO toas toadfbr fa the East ladia Dock. Her amraf. ficant aalooa and atata tooms cflar aorommodation of the am orxW, aad are replete with every cnaveaieaos. iadndtng bath room, he Bbe has alao anperior acooaupodatioa for a ftw arwirxWlni paaaaorars.

Applets Jaaa Henry Pllst, as Agent, lit, PcBchurca ttmt, Loo Dl VlTT aod MOORfa AUSTRALdAN LINE of CLIPPEX PAIlErrSv Tba toUoainr nldxlaaMd YZSiXLB aad ItTourHo raminiar aaipsaiu toaerpatcBaa atnaaer? Adelaide DocU. fcLwJj UBrnetlay castle p. w.t, igettBcee axaaoar Aorauta. w. fihaw poata Brace wo.

fivdaar feidaev PcttrasUB iBaaaey Aoaiarae Miua dkw UobartTowaEUal HabartTowa Xaaaoattoa Brtabsae Bntaaae Bt, Viaeeat WagooU Weatbary Araanah Martahta i OacapoUs. IH. Uarmrworth Daerots TarVati SO Jaaa June July Jane Jaaa Jaly Jaaa' July Joaa June Joaa Jane wiwii a. aua betchtor taarara aatly to Devitt aad Uaora. laarlanHlVttreet.

EXL Lind orders graatadto paatengeri procoadlcg olraot ta tanaaaaa or Aaeitme. Ltehrl Plagaetr OAaTlilLfor AUoURNt Inteid. 1 tag paneetiti are iarltedta laipeetthe splendid sccorooda uoa ot tais msrninreas Teaaa. a. tew sccoaa aaa toira cists Daaten baacr faUow i asm Loadoa: UrtaeV attoaiiai stinti aad Oabaare, Maakey, aeaiall, aad AUKW, rcn ut totea.

Per punt of aalooa, far and Uo. Its, ItaflrarmlHtraet, aaanaaraat. aavorajooi. ae. apply, to Uooider, unai ram ksaka.

iiowE i WlokAM and yOKb' LlNB Of BTKAM sad BUlPo for AUSTBALIA. For uavafi iron rauuM a toed rsrtd w. JOtUi CUMMIMQ, Qorainaadrr to load ta tbaboeta WaM UdDocaa. Her aaaomoutdatkm torall claatat of Mitansiri tmnisina, asat the aUooa cabias are sued wttb aula erattars, aestaataa. SODNEY, for mraJ eastad to rratpret the acgotrrmodatlon at this aew abln, bailt the raaparl Ion at the owners apadalrr frar tba AatbaUaapsa.

ammaiflaari tafT fVlat AVf AX, 11 171 TTT 14 a arwea 4. WnB aBmVmfA rtaTaTS aftafJQ bPTTcTt arVPvirrwtnl Tfaf aaaiwtea W.aW br Mtertkma, raedatioefer fjbewUaafl Jaaa, aad a aaa esks aba pas bmi aooitcruhU aceonv A aawbtr of eaaoad aad'tbtrd etate lfm, terms, to, apply to DerlU LAOKWALL LINE of PACKETS. Melbcnrne. Port Pblllio direct.

Ktasra. GREEN'S abla KMtOWS. llS mi, xuaia r. wut Mara ua ua lama ooca OB taa Sta June. Ilea vrrr aanertor aeeoamodatiaa for Ant.

amL aA thiM claea paateogtra li sued wttb bath' roocaa. sad the talaaa aabtaa are proHded with tarsUora, Ac Carrtae a lurnoa. Arply to P. Ureea and Co. Ill PehararatrM.

K.U rwwe.wawa LACK WALL LINK of PAOrtiriH MUL Jt BOURNE (Port PWllipl direct Mem (IKEE.V8 ship, the CURD WARDEN, LCT torn, CM. J. SMITH. wlU lesl TEatt India Docks on the (tb Jaly. Uat very nirrnor tawiaiaiailttlnn or lint, trcood.

and third da pamtuteta la cited with bath roomt. end the aalooa cabins art prortdal with arnKnra, Ac. Carrtot a iar geoa. Appiy r.ureeo and CO. I li enenarca ttreeV E.C STEAM from LON DON to MELBOtifiXE.

Mrort. MONEY WIORAM and HON If.acwa2t rard, Lon d.mlLlNKot tfTKAM and PACKET SHIPS to AUSTRALIA. Tin new uu KtiAU, ions power eaeetta virrlkirlrlf.w jviirDiv .1 ill th Hobth Weot India Dooki oa Mnoday. SOth July, calling at Ply okkiui. rr Plana, ratea oi paaaaga.

ana ait partiaalan apply to Ail oort and Morrea. 7. Lravlaohall eh vrt, Loodoa. ADELAIDE. The PENlNSTJlAR iO and ORIENTAL COMPANY'S MAIL BTEAMEB3 BOW CALL at ADELAIDE (Ulenalri.

A DELAIDE direct ELDER LINE of CLIPPER XTX RIIP8. Tbe wdl kBowa eompaelto dipper thra GLEN USMOND. Al IS an. 100 tona Matter Cant. W.

MAKCHAST. now loading at tba Jettv. Loodoa Docfca, will bea qakk deapateh. Thu fcaeuuful eUpper abtp offen a moat destrsble op Dortaaitr for ram aim and to ablpoan ot Bnerooda. She wilL tt nnrni i call at Plyaioaita.

aad carry a turrcon. Por rata ot freight and paaaage money apply to CjUsy, Moore, and Co. Ca, AutlnlrUri, OH Broad WAN RIVER, dhamnion Bar. and IhTnrV. tO W.A.

Tie new vraait CH A RLOTTE PAbBOBY. tli tona re ptter, ai rear, aut cipremiy tor tba watt Aaatransa traJe. and with IntnU aocAatatodatioa for paatearm, wOl be at patched ed of Janitor tba above porta. Por freight or paatige tIT'y to Jamet jucLwoaiii ani if. ini ourr cimia.

au. li lb a.n li I'assenzers are informed that the linn lle rauacrmr Indm wilt ta danetched frnm tha firm Uk, rtettinoia Docks as under: UAKTAl AN. u. vUUK. Jaaa 18th; Decapolia, T.

M. Almond, June These veajcls will carry ma gmdtsad Lave excellent acoatnmoilatlOB for Srit aad teooad clam pnmrpgen. but do not take emigrant. ESQ land order granted, Por piana, teima, are, appiy as um tt sua noon, iu. ieaonnailntreat.

llISlJVNii laaacnjrcr ara invited to inspect tbo bertbed In the fore part ot the poop ao emigrants taken. 20 land crdtra giran to approved paoasngera. Por plant, fares. Ao. apply to lUulder, iJrothara, aad Co ltd, Taarlrnhtlrwlreet, Loodua; or A 11.1 If 1 rrUYLOR.

IICTHHLLu KOBra Queenaland A LONDON LINE. UndaT Charter to H.U.k QoMrBtaeaa. 23 land order rlvra free. Pane, from 11 guinea. Tha following hUb claataxl CLIPPER SHU'S, tetectod for their treat speed, aid nttea purposely lor toe putrnger arrrlce, wm recrtn gooTS in toe eatt mam upon dock to tae touewtet oatea, uauas pravtouair tsu Port, Rbl I Tonnage.

I Cum. I Date. Downal LiuO Indut 1UO0 Wlnetred 1,000 Marrboroosa. 1500 Rorthimpton LCOO AAl I July 10k Loodoa Line of Packeu. 110.

Fenchurch ttreel I1C. fmATRTtriWNrtnT fine clipper HELSS, A190na.i Jane IS. AAt JuatJa. AAl I JnlvSO. IU iOyra.

Jana 11 HOBAKT TUW, the tine clipper UKLEN. Captata O. It. EVANS, AL. IS years, SO tons regwter will recein cargo in tna Loodoa uocu until jene xna.

ror imgh paaaaca apply to T. P. Staler sad Oo 33, LradenhaU ttraet. EW ZiiALiVND. The PASS rlNOEiia' LINE.

Bhlpa. i Tone. Porta. To aaa. sTuuo Oiford Cotpa trick liydaepcs The Dooglat Waoganol (nee) Catbeart Meropa New Zealander (new) Soukar Haddaa Ball Calypso (new! Edward P.

EouTtrlt May Qorea Tiealtndta Oeleetial Quota Vaeta ilea 3,000 irxo LW0 xoutf 1,000 AOOO .,00 3.0U0 1000 toco LtOO X0O0 1,000 LOCO Auckland T. June Auckland Jaaa Auckland June Wellington June Wellington Jane Uint ton July Cantor bury June Canter burr June Caaterbury July Canterbury July Otaee June Otago Jnae Otago Juoe Otago July Otago July Netaoa Jana Napier a Poverty Bayly oae Tna ahne anamad ahlna ara all CrmWala laawiini i taekata. rlltad and equip apoa plaac founded upon long experience, chaw, net, aad Co tTLaedanhall atr Loodon. NyBTro be obtained from the above, tha 13th editioBof taa New zeaiaaa liana boot, wita tumcment, pott tree. u.

mHE rNwEAiiANLr8Hippiira (Limited) wUl detpalch the following bigb daated cUpear K1UPS from tha Booth West ladia Docka. with strict panmntllfy, for tba Bnwrrorouonaa new evraiana pone Port. Caaterbury ymioa nsttaagl Ship. Canter borr. Auckland lotw ship) Otago Tweed otago M'iuaaiiaa ooa.t Maatar.

Jt VlM wl Louo Ltuo .000 U00 Taylor Peek Btuart" Kerr Jsaa 30 BU June 20 July jaaet. uaeU Jaly Par freight or taaaagg and farther particulars apply st the Oota panys amcet, inaia Boate. AKiermar waia, new isroaa airert, uMiiiuJUUX, new eajanu intenain psa. aeogers wui ao wea latpret aaa At clipper aaip M.ut Lloyi LllUX. teas rcgittar.

Thu vretel wlU aot carry Ijoverameat emicnatt, sad has good aecocavotUtinn for But. teooad, aad third elan tiatt nriri. 8ha will ba daanatrhed from the W.l. Doafe tbeSOthiuat, Por fnisbt or paaaage sad further particulars spptyat tba Company, offlces, ladUaouas, Alderman's waa; Ntw ltrosd streea, an TAGO (NEW ZEALAND) PACKET tiHIPS. Pmm IAS fXj far UTAfJO IE8SIK RKADU AV AAl '(fa at! tona reruter cooda.

Juaei ramnsura 16th June. Tbeea tblendid raaatU load in the Eeit India Docka, anl wUl be da patched promptly on dates lied. Oalbralth. Btrtcgcr. Pcmbroka, aad In UU 1 ,1.4 UrrAi ml Antl.M.n 1LYDE tFNEW "ZEALAND: The splendid, new.

clipper ahip CANTERBURY, AAl LloydTa, wUl saU from the uyoa to uanTaiteUAi oa cu jror psrticaian lor pa apply to P. Uaadanoa and Ux, li, bt. Yinoest pUce, Ulaaiow Ualbralth, EUiPier, Pembroke, and Co. Auatlatrlats, SM. I OMDON (ril lisrre) to NEW YORK.

XJ Denmark 3,723 toot 00 hp. Jane 10. Holland AMtona Mlhva, 17. Prance liUtoni UX) o. Jalr Saloon, 10.

11 gnlnaae ataeraga, Appb to NaUocal Bteata thtp compear tuautedl, uvarpool or to bmitn, eaadius, aad Cew Plrmoutb, tfoutbsarton. aad 3A Urscaabuitb stuaL Loodoa. srUlONTaNlUttStatri UteamersT VT UYEXtPOOL to NEW YORK every Wedaaeday. Average paaaaca lOdara. Bpleodid salooa aODomaadatOB.

13 to SO gutaeai; Utermedista tlx rolneaa ateerare. t3L Tbrouga tickett to all para ex toe uuuea nuies aaa tansaa. atuit ah a aouo toas. iota Joaa. Ilueu forwarded by post.

Por paetags aad berths epwyto Norton sod ribaw. 7. derrick Ooveai carden. Loodoa." I lTEliTAinJINELTNTTEi IT nTr.AMr.KB. toflEW yoitK. arary Taarsday; Oeaossawa, Priday. Tha tpasadld nmils of this Una, the fattest la the world, ara aalform ta stse sad aasuiaawad ta the oomnletaaam of their aronlalmeatt. a.i..

t.t to IemaA lajne. aad Uo. 7. Eaat Indle ereaae, Loadoa, EXU end IX treat, urerpool. composed of first lass, fnll.powered.

to NEW tURKaeervaltemata rridar. ealline at Iiim itnr aod alao from LlTerpool to haw Orleaoa avary BKioth, calling at Bordeaux en roica. Par fxeignt or ptauge apply to taa Manager Lew T. Marrow and Oe, as. Great Oiydtreet, Uiaagow Azentt, Geo.

Pint jkI Co. 31. Dooeval auay. Belfatt Bou, Bkol Deia, aaa uo. LAtpei nrtcL isvrrpooi caas.

uomm aaa ua. No. ll Charua slley. Oorahill. Loodoa T.

Hsrward sad OaZ Ma, Eatt Iridlavanae, LaadebalUVaetUmdon. STEAM to NENVYORK. from bOOTflAllPfON. UaU lias. The STEAkUiUIPli of the NORTH GERMAN LLOYD are appointed by Har UyyMj't Pntmittrrianeral to leave nontnamptoo lor Jitiw tuitA airect, aa roouwi i Motet, AOW toas.

700 horse power. Tuesday. June 9.. America. 3.000 tooa, VH barm power, Tuetday, June II Kheia, LOUO teas, 00aoras power.

TueaUr, Jaas 13. Mala. AUXi toas. iwaorss power. Teeeday.

June Jo. rain I'ut dim. upper eatooo. EH; lower aalooa. aUX Aa extra ramer every moAy irom nam.

rsaaeugen muat leava Watarlaa Statloa I p.m. Wednesday. Apply to Pnllllppa, QraTsa. aad Go, tntawac i eawaa.t.w. i or to aeucr.

waina, aaa uo, is aaa 17, Yi Uliaa ttrset. TAPketdiiir. Mttntiastr sad aoutosmptoo. tlTJN AlULTN E. NOTICE.

With thoriewof the chances of colli alon, the tteamtn af this Una wui beucWorth test ipedSed coone for all teaaont of theyear. Oa tha Outward Paaaaca Irom Uuemttown to New York orBcstoa croatiiicraeridisaef MMiJIst, or nothing to the north of ti On the tlomeward Ptataga, croanrig the mrrirtlan ot COM Ulat, or nothing to the aorta, of 43. CUNARD LINK. 1 he UKlTlsH and NOKTfl AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, appointed by Her Maiesty. PoaUnatter Gescral to sail every Tuesday sad every eater day.

The touowtog or other Royal Man Bteamtn art In tended to mil from Literpool, vlatjnerrmown Abrmtnla. fur new York. Eaturday. June hibrria. for Boftoo, Tueadar, June V.

Unatla. for New York, Saturday, Junt Chins, tor Dottoa aad New York. Tuesday, June 11 No steerage paaiehgers earned oa this voyage. aaac v. baww aa aavwan kwiw aoa aoooauajdaUou.

Itetwa bUUUralUUe(urlaB30BtUaMaiBcaa, lUtmof pasasgwiaoacyby tha steamers earrytnt ao 1 Wet age pttata ten Chmf cabin, ai second cabin. AM. These rates taclade steward's fat aad provisions, but without winea or liquots, which aaa be obtained oa board. Steerage, 3. Piuiinimi booked through to Baa Praacuco.

China, Japaa, ladia, New ZeaJaadjUd Apsiraiia, by Psclfle UsUway aad Mail busmen. Apply to w. Canard, ak Uelen'a Uace. Biaboierste iiraet. tad 2A Tsfl tnelL Loodoa Uorug aad MscXvcr, Havre, sad 11 Place da la ttoarat.

Pari and J. Uaios.30. Jamaica tlrauVUIaagaw and iiaino arrear, imaaee u. ana u. auciver, taaaitowa, ana s.

nrstar. ttreet, LlTerpool, OTEAM to BALTIMORE from SOUTHAMPTON. k3 NORTH GERMAN LLOYD LtSB wrtry b.Uirdsj). NUBN HEBQ, lIAl tona, 00 horte power, eaturdar, Ut Jane, Cabia tare, 11. Apply to Pnillipc.

Orarea. sad Co, ot, Doaataa'soaas, Cjtr. E.a: oc to keher, WMu, sad Cv, It aod 17, King WUUsavttreet, taty 73. PlooIUly, tUncherter; sad eoathsmfrtaa. ivtSHPXiuu ana VALfAttAtdo Lirits.

JLi The ACI riO STEAK NAVIGATION COMPANY'S ROYAL MAIL bTKA r.HS Portnlgatlr eaUmra. The folkraine ar other ateaaien are apyotated to tail as under with Uar Majtatya Mads from Urerpool for UXU de JANtlKx, MOhTEYlbhU, YAL PARA1SO, OALLAO, and all West Coat porta, aaa taking mailt, tassaaiers. andspeou to Baeaos Ayresa.BiaTA.NNlA. June 17. 11

Juna Elder, Jaly IV ia CaUrat at Borleaux. paniaa porta, aaa lasoaa tot maui aaa piiarnten. louerung si rer. asmoooo aaa naais, lor insus aaa psstengers only. Lnartmy berta, Morpeth Dock, Blrtaobaal.

Por tarmt of paaaage or freight apply to n.4.uDuiaj uaui uiaiT. ea, viinia tiitai, tSTtrpuut; or Bl taa, Tata, aad Oa, a aad I. Pencaufcli itrattt, Loadoe. I ONDON, ANTWERP, and SOUTHAMPTON to BRAZIL sad RIVER PLATE. Monthly sailiors.

trader postal contract with the Government. One of tba undermentioned MAILsrKAMEKa will beoXpatcbed from the sttUwsU Uockr, Loadon. aanndar. for BIO DE JANEIRO, Montevideo, and Itotaoa Ayres. calliag at Antwerp for the Bdgitn lulls, sad aaslly aalling from ooutbampioa oa the 3rd of each month, altar embarking ptamncra.

tpscie, sad a limited quantity at doe goods Galatea SSOhp. JsneH Laeydou. l.ttltoss SDOhp, JulytS Ltiatoaa 30Uh.p. AuxaittS lor Buenoa Ayres have aa traaablscMat. aa theaa stesmen to direct up to the port.

Will carry iurraooi atewaruBmia i or rreigat or paataro appiy toe crotert, juex. iiowoaa ana ua. in, aurenin iana, mnaon. cu. LIVERPOOL.

BRAZIL, and RIVER PLATE 1 HAIL bTEAMEBit Oa tba 1st; loth. 13th. aad SOth at eafh month, under postal contract with tha Govtrnmeol of hraiul, aad (2ih of each month) wiih Her Majettr'i Poattcaater General. tha foUowtng or ether SCREW STEAMERS will be derpatched from liverpool tocca. sioeally calling st Istbooi with ftrst aad third rim tmtiain sad aargwierpwie aoAauiaw taa Mftaruuar yor Moatevideo.

Bueaos Ayres. ao3 ahia. Bio do Janeiro, aad BSatos da Janeiro. atoata4 rideo, saa laiseos Ayres Steamer. Data, Thales Ptolemy Kepler 10th iUth.

Juna 39th The rttamtr of the SOth of each raoath ll under contract with tha rostaiaster4Jaaaral aadearrics Uar Majesty's MaOa, The staaaien at tais una nave sunsnor aanornmoasiioa for pateaugas. and sarreonsi for terms aod Holt, flea, tad ottMrat or Oonditiona as percirtalara. for which aaa ptaas or caoras scprrMisuxj n. Wateratreet, liverpool, or U. St, IlalanVplaca, carry and BOYAL MAIL "LINE to BRAZIL and RIVER PLATE rata SO UTI1AMPTON.

rtomtHnotrU arrice, liastpaaya STEAMERa taave as uader(loocaiaatLlabonJr The ataamtr.wsvlat oa the ttth ot aaeh esoath wUl pressed frees Llebon to Rla da Jaaeira wtthwt aalling a Peroeasbaoe aad Itoyae. ttb Jaaa U7t. I LUry, Sith aJy, lt7i TnthJaslMV ihnrrth Jaly.lt7A I. 'Mtaho, Jlth Aug. lt Te rwmmtiaiii fliMi Tin flit 14 jtiSia T.TrMAaadensards.

iS3 Avras! Jfr aat4awU. No ebsnce ot steamer batweea Soathsrri gjid aUaarPlaaa. PinalamraturnUekeUfcwafanaadahalf. Ausuiaantt ra tavoar ot ftmtlles. Por farther information si to pataaga and freight sppty to IC Liastaad, Wonthsmptoa I or to J.

M. Uofd. Secretary, Royal ba. Moorrtie iirwrt, Loadoa, cu Mali Btasm Packet Company. A Moomtc ttrert, London, 1 fATAIa INFORMATION rardinf the oolonT, 'mt'nMi 'uybtohtataedutha Natal Eraltrstioa oaca.

ft Coisaiiiteiatsa, aq ,4 L3AN FRAN CISCO, nl Panama, brtha wagaigcent 29 manoatnet TEAJMERS of the BVJYAL MAIL STKAM. PACKET COMPANY, from Soutbaraptoo. oa tha Id aad 17th of each taenia, witboot ehaage af rliemtr kiiwita twwrtnamptoa sad tbalstamatafPaaaam. Apply to J. M.

Lloyd, aacrrtao. bt. Moor ran airiaa. Ln.

WWt IHblta. rhe kox'aL MaIl steaM PACKET COMPANY deapateh' a ataamer oa the lfh ot each moo lb. from Southampton, calling a the foUowtag porta tba out. ward voyage BarbaJoea, iriaidad. La aaayra.

Porto tbello. Caracoa. baata Martha. Savaallis. aad Cbloa.

Bates of paieaga nnl daaa. Oi aacocvl eliat. 30 aad apwardi. N.B, Toariat tiesrts lor tas round voyage are awoed br theaa ttaamm. Por further iaf ormatioo a to satae of paaaage, irwigat.

Ac, apply to J. K.!. Royal Mad ateau Pacsat Oumpacy, Soathamtton or to J. at.

Iot.L aeemtrr. lA. Moortata iti net. K.C. tSST INDIA and PACIFIC bTEAMSHIP COMPANY (LtmitecU.

armu tta BorsI Mail cfTEAMER.S are tlcspstohad troia Liverpool, si fallow, rix. 5th each moath for turbaaoea. La Uoayrs, Puerto Cabella, araaOla, Canbagens. and Uolnn. Uth each month for.

Caps ILytl. Port ea Prince, Kiagitoa. VeraCrus, aod Tacapioa, SUth each month for St, Thoeukri. Cuncaa, ftauta Martha. Colon, and.

Carthagena. Puaaogan sad cargo ara tokea by theaa stoamcra rla Uoton, at through rates to aS ports la toe ooatn rnia, uemrai Amenta, uauronua, pan. ana i Aa: to Wl Pares to Wort Indto Porta, 3 aod lctmd.Z3X PotsU gau UcnUn apply to J. M. Cume, taUarre aad Pane; at the branch emce, tu, laawtnntiitTeet.

uoaacn or at tae aaaa ooca, taa Temple. Lrrerpool. West rNisiisrnrThenr STEAMEKaof the CXIMPAUXIE GENERALS TRANSATLANTIC will take gooai as throogh rate from Londaa aad the nmaiifactujingdUtricU by the tWarathlps ST ANN IN UTON aad i5T. Ax AIRE, leaving Loadon weekly. SeillBf from MlNaxairs 7th of aacamontlf or Manirdqua, La Uaarra, nava ailla, Coloa.

direct. Par traatit at Martiiitqna to Goaleionpe. Samt Lnit, TrtnidaiL Dcmsrara. Parajcanho, aad Caysaaa, flam Ot Naxalrs vth of each meats, far Bt. Tbomes.

liaraaa, aad Yera Cras direct, for traatit at fit Thomas to Guadeloupe, Mania iqas, St. John, Porto Biao, Case Uayti. SanUago de Cuba. Jsmeios, and Cotoa. Kagnltr terrice from Lnndua in au.

Nexaixe has been srraogwl incon tnnctioD wttb Urn deverwm aod arrivals of tba abovtrsamed tteamen at aad from rit. NaSalre. Por other particaltn apply to Galoraith, atrlngw. Pemtroke, aod Co. A AaeMnf rials, ROYAL MAIL RO0TiTto WESTTBfDlE3, Ootoo, nr Allan wall, SiraaiUa, Msxloa, t2eUxajrmtrslAmetieaa sod South Paciao Porta.

San Panciaoo. Japan, China, ana iltiia CohimbtB. Tha ROYAL VfAlL il PACSST COMPANY'S RFJtMft3 leare foaJmrnptoa with U.U. MalU ea las 3d sad 17th of aaeh month, eaaveyiaf ptiteaten, ipsets, goodi tuuder uiraaga billi of laJini, and ttreeti. Pint diet, Seoood claaa.

PareetoWarttadlassadOotout XSOaad s90 and iLitkuaui of Panama) epwarda. upwarda, Retara tlokeU itaued. Through ticket gtaaa to taeaeath Parioe, Central American (Pacific! Porta, San Praaettso, Jsgan, sad Inline, Abatement In favour ot ftmllles. Por farther strticulan apply to J. EVIinitaad.

Soathamploo or to J. M. LloyO, rfocratay. Bayil Mall Steam Packet Company. S5.Moor raientTeet.

tocion. I il SxxjAM to uua a iaxi rin ururs ana wulhha dlreeV The RUbSIAK STEAM NAVIGATION and TRADING COMPANY'S steamer KOBNlLorP ta now loading lathe Victoria Dooks. Laat abipptof day Priday, Jaaa Utb. Apply to George Bntaetl and Co, til. reMhojchetreet, K.C.

LIVERPOOL to the MEDITERRANEAN. Pint data BTKAMKEa an mtemled to be derpatcbad a aadar wua iimwty to sau at say aort or aorts ror Uioraltar, ataUa, byra, Uonatantinopia, sad Smyrna, UktTg goods al throughl ftldoa Marocoo Brat JuaaU June JuaaU to Saloolea. Trabiaonde. Varna, 1 I a I a. iManntijia.

ijaiaw, aaa auraM mJ uiorsiur, uenos. lagnova, ana Palras, Corfu, 1 afu Triaii ami Vtoism 1 Tbeea ataaunara Ban axcallant for carry ttewardetars. Por freight or pa an go apply to Burns sad Maelvcr, 7a, Markst ttrset, Manchetter; and i. BaauroVatnet, Uverpoot. Regular Line ofS teamen, load.

IClag in tba Loodoa Docka Xha ipleania, test tteamen of toa lane ru be da. patched tares time eaca monia lor usvaua, iesnorn, Nanlea. Maaaina. and Palerme Next deBaiture. the at.

ITALIA. To tail oa Kb Jane, for freight apply to the Agent. Alfred Laming and Co, A laadcBnaa ttreel, lodoo, aad OTa11 to ITALY. Rentsr Line of Screw Steamer, loading la tha Loodoa Dock. The fait staamtoipa ot tbla line an daapaaohed three time each month with Itrict pcmotoallty.

EURO PA, 67s tona, ZOOhone power, receive goods tor oeaoa, les sor iratgat appiy ao tTotoruai, ORSES. EIGHTY asefal HORSES, of ererr dcriutlon. on view, for nrtvste SALE at tha Loadoa Boras bepoaitory. tha properties of leatlatata. I two Sale, every Tnacoay, atxoeloee.

oRtiE. BLAClTGKLDINO, iXi, are sevea, far ALE, ViirTTttinrmmrrr tm iimtilili i ITin lamia i feet hack. Warranted quirt la aaddla or harnea, and wttaont vice of aay kind. Nodaalars. Price 100 gaiaeea.

Apply at 7. Glooceater roaJ, hagiirk COACH ERS a pair of short lez2.ea,powertril animal. UA quick and handy to drivs, At Mr. 13. Cxemr rtreet.

Pan lane. XTICTORIA HORSE, tltohkhaat At Mr. Mcatyn'a Crten ttreet. Park lane. OLACK OBLDING.t.La one hack, aad qaict in Baraam.

a raw stamp. At Mr. Moat 1 Crtaa rtrya. nuTkeTsOLD, a BROUGHAM HOESE oneoTe JL naeat (tepren bt Loadoa, To ba sera, between 13 aad A at No. TA HaHa vsltu property of an Oficer.

to be SOLD, a baad BROWN. biaVttepping HABNESa MARE, Six enL fnca ua gumeas. Apply to uoes luroonu. uegsexs par. AVerr fine VOltNO CARRIAGE HORSE for SAL Also saearry aew park Phaatoa, by one of the bast Sudan ja Pngltrat.

Ayply to Ua Qoaehman. Crsta sim. Wlmbla. three well trained Hores Maparvyaf a lady. I vUtg Lnodna threagh PTi its, far SALE; alaa a Yk tnrU Bona and Groom, liana.

Apptr to Maaac Boysl Military Riding Seboet, 9, Cloijae efseent, Hyds aark. W. PONY. A derKjmaa sfishea to port with a rery handaaae PONY, fooryr old. LTH baad.

ha be rlddaat and driva by a lady. Prtas 30. larjaua at WaylandVamiaa. gartdrtnrnaroaa. csary.

1iOR SALE, TWO BAY HORSES, LU and 1 2, 1 six aod tn years nHqaiet to rirl and dTirS larinri anddonH haraom. Appfr at t. WaatmceeiaBd plaor Baytwatrx, or 5, Gnat Tower ttTBet. Cttr. OR SALS, the property of a ladp.

a PAIgTof CHEATS OT HORSES. Ui: haia ban rerabwtr drl a fa doable sad aingia barnm, ant baea rtUen by a lady Por prios sad part ataniBq stC ay Ward's Owatnls in Bromptoo road. wbers the bona caa ba am. Eimi SAX a OEiNG, six yea 1 aU, IAS, a deter heater, well kaeara with the Llawtiek henaifs. Mar ta teea before II am.

by apprrtnr tn tba Cneebraaa. st Oakley Slim. nail, iv jona a woaa. Ji.T. ui aa suioj at aairt oa tna llta tart it pot bet ore.

foR SALE, a capital BROUGHAM HORaE, A eolottj' bar. 1A3, oa! IViodea, soond, and rem work. atrnog aad(as sue a fjoa. una yean oto. cay.

wua macs pom. ISJL partly reokea, enod stupe aad rahatance. Brewery. Chawrtc. W.

BROUGHAM, Seeo htnd. drtular front, nw JiiT'ta rd ooodWoa. Pr33r iAsnii to Wtaicott, a. Aldermaabory. nl T31UJUC7XM and PARK tn eoaVt1 MOROA iTCotre ONEtheir eles nt, 1 MORGAN and Ca a PaT EN IV ltbAUsTwE aly can aodefc iaaida.

The taceea.o(toe affaal fahfbrttoa. fw amdata awarded. Pinyctrs a5arTa5E 5tXSUVTr rarton aan. New and CASK Jin VJ i an i lie ibii.i ai aaiaai iai 1,11,11111. rn.i, obtained the Agrtcwltaral haa Prtxa Medal.

Pnwlaas. dxnarm NNs aad Cot. invito lnspectioa of their i feTOCK af CA EJlIABEa. emwg of Laadass. Vcsfji aod douhla BrougU ma, Pariai a Ac.

at than iw lf i lq Part Pioeluiy. aad Ca log. tvmaam LENNY and celebrated 3IUN(jATllReAir perfect ladj a two wbeal carrUg. park and ataaaap, waggeoeuat, groaas sad dog carta. Alao Lenay aad l.

Baatet Camagca aleat in and ta peat Tartetr. aaas LENNY and NEW ST.L al CakT wtaar. raaarkahlr Be aad rtnat anrt bU to 1A3 carnet oar yanoaa, is very arstxy, sad. wertkyol tatT 14 Part iaaa. ITaca and Sorthead; doa.

"WUov SOTICE. U. MOaXlNER ScEJ NcTthampton attalHthrrl 17 Tt wa ,21 riW after tba are. and twataeet tally canted ea es amaL wha exteoaivs stock of the mo la proved aod etegaci mouaneast 1 BIDDLECOMBE PONY CAUlUAUES ir Great Qwn ea TJeo't irra aeliti they tee lrrtij hope, diivlas Phaeton. All at medertta prion 1 anwfne al? OAROUCH.

attad nth poia aod. ar.Tri; I Cost SSL paly aaNt a few timn. Aa ehtrsat sad eoSpS ETSJGANT MINIATITEE. ClCUA5iujVT BROUGHAM, ta hcautifat order, saaal to aew ri J. 1 Eat eat taah ia aaa? atr Plana rtv a rLT7' Lrrev Bri trie 1 wiware.

7" "Vr lYkkicLL'3 PoN CxRklAOKs.i STOCK la London to eltel rrom. i a aad SaakeS ehaataaa carta. Se (a A riMn. mrw taliln.h, tvlM tor tor atarnta, Ceeat Qaem etw UaeSw ,1 1 1 ir 1 iii 1 1 a 11 1 1 1 1 Aras P. 9, Lamb OR SALETaFAIRoriLlYMARS, L5 hands.

rood action, both hara etnlad a ladv alao alaant Haraeas too A) for the above, Price 130 or with hanem. 170. Apply to Major Crawford. 3d Batttltna. 3tth Begimaet.

North Camp, Alder. shot. BARK BAY GELDING for 8ALT15j haodA 1 Uoldan a Stoblss. St. John'rwood road.

front aata ILor 1 until. born, Naples, Mamma aM Palermo. aratams, sa, jtneauren ttreet. STEAM to LISBON, Gibraltar, Malaga, ana CadlsThaaadernotod.ntUakaowerful SCREW STEAMERS art appointed to tan trees tae looooo xmoxs rlnla ton T. Rhode Junell Cadis LteS toot W.T.Earla..

JuaaU London L.331 toot Joeeph Harris Jan Si Por freight or raw rpl to John Hall, Junior, and Col. New AAodoo street, E.C or to aau treet, 7Un IL. Thorn peon and Co, 37, Carries LL to ST. PETERSBURG, the line steamer PANTILE (Jaotaln WHITE. Wsdandsy.

Juno 10th. 1X7L teward and anvw ardata. and has axeallrnt aosommodstioa for ptfecger. ISrowlew, Lnmadca, and Co pte mahip VtEAM from L0ND0N to CRklhTJLAN HAND and kt CHRISTIANIA WILSON LINE. Tba Bnt claa tteamer ALBIUN i appointad to Mil from Mill well Docka oa aradar, Jan 11th, sad every al ten ate Thursdsy tbcresfter.

EscsUeat accammcrla. Ilea forpaaitiigrn. Apply to WJ Pott and Co JO, Mark tone. E. C.

TlnnTliDLL to SWEDEN and NORWAY. To GOTHENBURG Icarrytng tha Boysl Mails), HOLLO or OULAN IMA, every ssturdsy nomine, st aau psss uoct. Chrlstisaisad and CbritUaals lUro or Oder, every Priday ereaiac. Storaaser aad Baata. lortalghtiy trgo, one it, Dronthrlm.

fortaiehtiv Tamo. Jana la. Apply to Tbos. Wilton, Sona, sad Co, or W. E.

Boti aal Cot, No. 10, Matk Uas. K.C. OTOUKUOLM. Orurinal Service.

Twice a month lO dsrinc the sestaa, aader Swedlah Oaf. The STOCKHOLM SIEAMSMIP COaiPANVS fUst elata strew tteamen NAUTILUS. Captain J.K. AHLBORQ Ataianta. Captain A.

Tigerbletm, an ap pointed to lean the Mill wall Dock alternately with roods aad paamo ger. Por particuUn of bright or pajcage apply to PhUllpps, Graves, Phillippt sad Co, SL Duortan shoose, Creta4saa, Loodoa, E.C, and No. to. South John etnet, Llvmpoul. STEAM to NORWAY.

The well and farourably known Bxml Norwealaa maU ateamer TORDENdKJOLD. CspA OL8EN. It tatecded to nil from Newcastle oa or about the lota aoe for DitONTtlhJM. taking paamugai 1 and goods far all Nor. wegian porta, ror inionnauon apply to ita en.

tsrotaen. aaa co. ewnne on Tyna. ll AMBURG. Tno GENERAL STEAM NAVl ll ATI ON COMPANY'S STEAMSHIPS lean from; aiennid fit.

Katharine' hart, near tba Tower, far HAMBURG, everr lt eay.Trrursday.sna Saturday I jana as nu; sta. at uu, at is am. rant oa.000. z. iar ca tsa.x aa.

to. ruttura uccets (srailable for a month), 3 St. aod 30. ed. 8twardi fees are new aboUthed.

Ottlcea, 71. Lombard tlreVtd 37. BegeuWiicas. Extra it 0 trs, carrying cargo only, leave alao every Wednesday sad Sunday seornran. Por freight, aa, apply to P.

ptsMtrtimtdt aad Co. pa. Loer Thajoee ttrret. ORUSSLS, Coiojrne, Hamburg, Bex 3, Leipsio, Dntdto.ltodaead Pares to Aatwerp. Chief eahia.

1 1 lore oabin, lia.t retara tickets, availabk, one at lawThe ANTWERP COMPANY'S raoowaad steamship KARON OS Y.J. VKRBldT. Oommaadtr, wita aew boilers, aaa anthrUy imiuni aad radeooratad laavei St, Katharine! Whaxf, near taa Tower, ever. bWnday, at 13 o'elook aooa, Rtorntng from Antwerp every fttdaeaday all dock aftemooa. Apallcatlotarthaahipmammtreaaadiie moat be made to the Umdoa agsnbt, Simon aad lilthUr, 133, Psa berth mar ba Hew Ri ataaat.

aecursa and every latonaaUoa nhtalncd. Marehandiao and pareela reonlvad at 123, Ptncaur rarest, or at the oeScaa of tha Landoa Paroehi Uelivrrr Coapanr. all rart of tba Continent. DARIS and BACK. ttL The GENERAL STEAM JT NAVIGATION raMPANYafaat STEAMSHIPS leave St.

Kathartnert Wharf. Bear the Tower, for BOULOGNE dally Juae 6th, at 7th, at ft ttb, at 7 10th, at llth. at 10 Pares ta Boui ogue tlaloon, 12s. tore eahia, ta. 6d.

Retara tickets (svsllabls for aoe month), aalooa, Li, td on cabin, 13. Lmdoa to Paris tlnt rl am, 37 a. id. tsalooo and teoovd clas, 33a. for cabin andsaooad tcrt eahia and thirdiaa, tes.

td. Batora 4 No. 37. Berrntdrcna. for dani.

3 3. t3a.e tt(a. lees an now troll ihal. Offlces. 71, Loabard ttreet, D1NBURGU.

Pares Reduced. The maniacent Cl ttesmshlD MATT ION (new shibL er, now learn Htr luge eteaot Wbart Waptdnc. for LC1I1L, every Wedaetday and oAtorlsy, as follows Woaa 5th. 3 o.m.1 19th sad .,1.1, ..11 1 iit 33s, indudiag ttewtrft fee fore esbta. Its.

aula room! for fami ne 10 eaca certa ai itioaai i oecc laoalien ana auon ouiyi, iu. Itetora tickets svallabla for one mouth tisdudingttsward'sfeea both vara), fixtt caUn, second cabin, 21. td. Appry at Kpread Eagle, llerent cirrut Lariiurtou'a, 63L Old Bailey or st taa Wharf, to J. A.

7aRMOUTH. The ALBlOlt will leare London brldre wharL for YAUMOCTIL on fiatnnlar. tth Jana. aad rubequt Tuetday and Satardar, at 8.30 am, returnisg fromYar. taouth every Monday and Tbartday.

Pares Saloon. lore eshla. retara ticatt. svaustue lot one montn. a ana oaa.

MARGATE and RAM8GATE. The MAGICIAN leaves Loo.lon bri harf. tor MABQATE and CAMSGATE very Tnesdsy. Tborsdir. and Saturday, at ll am, catUnj tt Blackwall and Tilbury ptecs.

Pare 5 Chief cabin, 5. fore cabin, children. td. JTRfTATR and Ft At Hnnrlav KAtll.P. TI Uaa rMW Jtra Wharf for VIA RT! ATP sm.

st A30a.m, eaUog at Blackwall ami Tilbury Piert rrturnlng from Martste st 130 ta Pares there sad back Saloon, ta. td. fore eshto, t. Sd. cbildren.

3. ad. PASSENGERS from LONDON to AUSTRALIA, New Zee xL ladle. Chin, ee America can eeae the bwat aceoatmodttioa la aay.stnmer or tainc veswl oa the lowett poesible terms. PnU par 1 tan of all thlp bow on tha berth will be for warded on application to Kays sad Crawford.

XL Gnat St, lltleas. Imdon. "DTI5. ATKIfi ftd General Shipping, Foreign JLV Traii Cattrjuhousa, and Cnrnmltilnn Agents. Exprtsa Carriers of Parol sad Goods by tha avtrland routes, mail steamer.

elincer shirs, sad. rsilwsn to all narta of tha world. Isanrancea ected. Bagfsgs shipped and cleared. Pt rages engaged, lodeata executed.

Chief odee, 10L St. Mary axe. West cad U3, llcca London, sad B6, TowermUdtrifs. Liverpool Through rate to, correxnOTvl ti In. all cart of tha lobe.

X'EW IRON SHIP. A few SHARES toboDIS 1 POSED OP. la a Urge ship, tons giater, to ba the ant era new me to the at indie ana Anttraua. now cabhlog. ready for ttt la July, will hsn the hisbettelsm st Lloyds, sad he kept folly Insured, Minimum dividend expected per cent.

Tba ship Is divided la to Ct (h re price per era 3M eaah. Address N. 103, can af Henry Green wood. Advertirlar Ageata. IinrpooL and a IROUGHA Horse, and Harness ia excellent JLjP eoaUtfoa.

Price 110 reinta. eon aVm tha money. Te be teea before A or after i. al 81. Aaae't ho SA Aaa ana worth.

THONIES for 8AI A superior collection of hand aoeeIUtleWXSU POSIES, tuttarda lor chair to rile and for aaraeaa All ookmra. Trom 11 toLLS hlch. fin aad six man 'aid. perfectly tnoad, free trom vice, aad good mcvtn. Prieat mode rate.

To be viewed, bp appointment only. Apply to Jobs rsrsoot, Eaa Aehunt lnd S. Laastoa. Tuabrldxwells. i5RtTUGHA T3RS JLf some, up rttndlng.

well hraj Chtstnnt Celdl g. It aaads high, six yean old, goes with superior actlnw, is highly treiaed tor iatt end atil1 la. and la la are reapers pertacuy aoa O. rrm us gumaaa. To be viewed by appointment only oa boor from town, Appry, la the tnt place, to toaader.

praStaaea, YTgo stnct, Becaatetreet, BOY 1 PONY for SAXE, the propeitrof "a centle a. rt.i.w a oat Ll ha ad lhk.ln yean old. hat a vny long Cow tar tall, fej watt broken to doable and tncie harness aad eedfeMw St for a rentier aa in want af a fut clat pony: Ts be seen aula eut of towa. Apply, la tha am a to C. X.

potf office, ITtmii. Bhtod and Tutt't, Uttla Sot piaea, Hyda park. "AW7JllYA iTiairw Mr. Charles Tea; the emlaeat Geernmewt tncter. toSKLLby AUCTION, at tas ttona aaa tuoum yara.

nuaixeaa. aurat. tm Wednesdar. the 17th Jaaa, U7A at o'clock. PORTY CAST and tas 1 boiwia rrom asax aaa esur wore aaa rooa ditioa aoma of great power, actrre.

and the majority of them young; imeatrt alaa Bet of Birarai Har The above ara sold ta qismee of the exptratU of ths era art at tha Roral Arsenal. Wooi wteh. Cstalorues co the Prvw sad the Aurtluotar, 130, AUen eatostrsat, Cab Stock trader a Bin of Tieiay DexlJ. A COW EE sad Co. wfa BELL by AUCTION, Taeaday aext, without uatue, ay erier or tna aioTtcesee.

PIPYEEN aeefut qtdeV. young HAttNEi J9 U0RSE3, saves Hanw aad Clsrence Caba.Wafronua. fltja Ac, at lately worked by Mr. elina Inaon, of Faddi rVoo. Oa view day prtor.

ARBICAN REPOSrTORY.SsJes br'Atiction every Tuetday sad ridsy. THTS DAY (PrldsyL enra wawnHng at siiuirass liai lirrt tnnliiiniil rrf new aad atnood oaad carrlsc nAamn Sam CS narn ae, w. wnaa TJARBICAIi 5rt ucsTte. la tinttmnw KL JT. 8 (TOWER, sad Co.

have oa view aad wili filX, by ACCTION.THIS DAY (PridsyL TWENTY powerfuL active CART aad VAN HORSn tMrsatasa good worsera, wertap tae notice of armaa, ermtraetors, and epical terltts Two Dsvs' positiTe Stle of lV tha miMui named and nalvetasllT kaowa Cab Stock of Mr Thorn a Kite, for Buuiy prirUeced to work from tha Gnat Ptttrm Rawsy Ttrmisaa haoremtea. J. uuwajt aaa ux ipur ant to itraeuoBi rrom taa rropnatori wiu baa ay nwAui.iiu.i,e the taYraite. to itsriasuiu. reanoo eat, jui tg saa roaa.

ea Wdv and Tbursdsr. Jane 10th aad llth, atLlfor 13 o'claak each dar. 130 weB kaowa, qukk. aad powerful rouac HARNESS HORSES, TO Eftniom aal OareneeCabi allequslto new. sad tails with rertrd to th latw rvTUla tios 100 sets ot Hsrnras, towa msde.

In capital coodl on, Man aad stsacopa PbaesoBs, uaaaetrs. Carta. Pane Van. Break Chaff hod We Mschlnes. Cora Raokt, Head Stall.

Ragx Loin C3c, and a. great variety of ether Egac la coossqar bob of Mr. Kite tattria; from lnlnin thro gh foott natd ladiapodtioa. Cm view two dart. Cat3og es on Umptv tattea, sad ofthe Aaetloaeeis.

at thekr Bspndtory. Barhima HER MAJESTY'S REOIMTfECt5ND Lirx GUAri H. GOWKS and Co. wQ SELL br AUO TIOX, at their Repoti torr. BarttcaTHI3 DAY.

without re tarve, Lt ALX, long ta a luuur nutuiiA sansrai. merarietof Hr Majtrtrs Refirnent of 8erod Ufa Gaarda, by order of the commanding an car. xaaaoota Hsag trocpars are wertar the sttea lion of asrUtaritta yeomaary eevaop odScers. faaaral errian matters, traxiaa en, aad others. On view.

TTlNQL SHART 0S8, off the 8oerset and Alt Donot Bail war, in aoBecnce ot the Una tome aeaily 00m rrleted. To be SOLD by AUCTION, by J. A COWER aad Co, at tbdr Repotttory, Bar otn, Loodoa, Priday. Jena 11 by order of ateaara. T.

aod M. a tar. ot ictoeia ens moara, o. laaooa ractcrs for the Una. the Pint CkMsieaaaeat at 39 sbertdeezed, wpettadiatv YOUNQ CART aad TAN HORSE marry of them clrrer tipper.

tncra imt arvl clam teaoj of nays, brown, roaas. ae, purebaatdss praatlyfor this eoatnot from the principal bnadces aadt naars. Worthy ths attautkm ot railway ctort. carrienbtaUent mlzx. aad others.

On view two days prior. PiAl)l)INOTON710 Horses, ail warranted quiet im 1.. SO Cab and Harne, the proper 17 cf Mr. Hsary Ward, for abaotute tit, in wonaaqwenoe of his entirely relit iq lag the eah and eaibaa trade, hi other barinem requiriae tba wbn 1 of bis stleatloa. J.

S. COWER aad Co. mill SELL by AUCTION, oa the premiare, Cartlal eoewv, Eaihdieet. Ugw rewoad. on Moaday.

June St. 1874. at 10 for 11 dock puaetualty. ia waMsuiietice of the nun bar of lot. 119 HORSES, an warraaled quiet ha rnea, aa rtv all young and freeh.

with lire, power, sad many thowtng treat breed ing, tacioning irversi trotters ou rxsnaom ana uarrnos eaoa. vary tight, aad la good condltino, twaoranionara and the ir timet, worklax bttweea Royal Oak and Loodoarbrtdga, ta ret towaade hirama, forage van, spriac carta, waggoactte. den nail, ehea ehfne, wtlghinr machine sad wetybti, enra tacks and bail, springe, axlca, wbee stable reqaiaitea, and Buaaerens ethar eSeem. Thia sale oSert a eapiUl epportunlly toeouatrytiy sad riding roarun for leoariag frexh. young stock, ia working condltloa.

There are many pain of hlglwuepping sags for Butchphsetoa sad brougham work, and other ueetnl trtdaamen's hart. Oavitw Oatardar nrlar. cata log 00 the pre i. and of the Aoctlooeecs. at Itarblcaa.

QUEES'S HEAD YARD. The well, kaowa Stock rt Mr. Henry Bourner, Eailway Agent and Car rier, la eoasenueEOS of his contract with the. ktldland Railw.y Cma ptcy ha ring J. S.

uoiv ami uo. am dt ALL Tm. toe pre mu te. a anov. on xennaay.

jut at 11 roe i lUUtk ri poevrrui, active, yoaag iua m4tA xtotus t. RED LION HOTEL (on the most beautiful part of the ThamaL ti eclev co 1 ea. for tta ill es tad genlltmea. WTLLIAM.t, lronrietor. I LFRACOMUE HOTEL, lifracorabe, Worth Devon, A location, tetntlftu teentrv 0 roo.

tbrointmeau perfect, euixi oe excellent, wines choice. Acjetti hie from all parts by ateam a rail Use Time Tab leal. HAXELL's Royal sxeter hotel. west otraad. But that tha word taa is aerer gtreo to rtt clas bou, ft eertatal ahould ba applied to thia.

for it homely cocaf orta of old days an before tha tplendoor ot modern giant hoteu. 1 ENSINGTON. W. ORRlS'trr FAMILY IV HOTELS. Not.

tl 50. tL sL sad 51 uar tasd. W. (oppodto the ttstionL sad Not. S3 sad te, LU eta rued, W.

Prirsto entrance for families. nRAFALGAjl, Greenwich. Commence cnt of the A Sea on. PUh ta every variety. Whitebait la perfctioe.

Every delicacy. Splendid wines of the finet vintages. Early notice is re oueated for PrivsU partita. ROBERT MARSHALL. Man ger.

mHE SHIP, Greenwich. The tVhitebait Season hak I now commenced. Every daBci let of the teaaon. Superb fih In tvery variety. Wine ot tha highest data.

T. PYLCROPT, I INE and SUP at THORLEY 'S RESTAURANT, JLp 7. Oiford treet Inetrly oppoot HAjreei Open ant ll I n'ehv In tha morninT. Billiard and Cl Diran ara now Ore Jo 1 Watson Tborlry. Proprietor, VrfHITEBAIT and FlHH DINERS, in Derlee ttoa.

But tesot ApertaMota, for Urn or taall partiea, eing the Blver. Tor tarmt sad particnian apply to U. J. sad W. J.

BAlBEitTB, KOsaerva totel. unvmta OPA RIG1 SCHEIDECK. Opened Jnna 1st. I I lLad eed arieet nntll Jul llth Tor tha Ej arina MflBtlnm. CARL MULLEk.

Manager. ATHS. Warm baths in tjcrfection, at the BATHS. Ua. Arrvn nlaca.

tetnet. and 0.6. Mew BroadaLreet, City Tiili 1 1 Tfli Bakmii(n BATHS of HOMBURG, near Frankfort on th Ms Homburg waters ara very salutary ta illaiam of th ttomsch sad th 11 rer. and attacks 1 af the gout. Tb mountains' pun and bracing air is very bmcfirial In nervoo affaTtiont.

MicersL pine, sad gat hatha, whey ears. ExceUaat Crete sirs, regimental n. raln ttlnmi i ia Um awn A l. tag and c'plen did ladies. cenvtm oa.

aad reading rooma, es, MllUrds, with Uu will kaowa rests saL Bcaatit al sark, cr mg enitro LD AGE or ACCIDENT, not Disease, should end ear sty iphlet en Un ef the rwt We Turt Hath, tor ItTEhTS aew ryvn rented Cunag Dlaaics, four (taaps. by Hotter, at SUA Otdl plete. 31s. sad 4 taoU agent. T.

1LAWKSI A Bleehei rst. BomAatreet, WVide leader ta Dally Telegraph, Prh. 7. 1S7L m. mvd xgita liver.

Se cared bs PORTABLE tURICltVapour. sad Hotalr BATH Price, HOISTS (Patent Safety), of aU tea, hotels. Orpttau, baata. IaTS and JLi fortteaa lorhsnd m. ana eyivaie uat aa, nm nam arawla t.

and aatlrtllte tna. BUNNETT aad Ch, (Umltad), Orlg aad cola Psten tree of Ra votvtaf Sbaners. tO.Qoea street, Cbesutt. E.C. Worts, Kev eroa a tso Bto asif a esatarr.

Kaflt. ROCKS, OoUcction of BediaatarT.Yoleanio and if tnaaailB. Maatra mo, aa.l 41,1. ml ISO xa slai Lta Prrpsred by A ON. P.U 3, Wrysaooth, from ant aad vrrr heavv work.

20 two. threw, and four ton vaoa, troUeya. town rut, 30 teu thUL chain, and van harnaa, shad ma blna. corn Mm, etahl aSenrtl aad other eeu. On view dav ptior.CaUkifnT of the AnettaMwrs.

Repoaitory, Barblcaa. ALDHIIMltTS, London estabtistted I7KS. I5ALKS trr AUCTION of ORSES aad CARRIAGES on everr Wcd aatdsy sa Saturday, st 11 o'clock predsaly. Stalls thould be engaged a wees before either tale day. Hones leueind oa Mnrvlayt and Thoradajt.

from to 13 o'dock. Accounts paid oa tboee days only. taeonis na t. nerraet lorwaraea to in. wj at wtimo oueaL The Sale To morrow tturday) will ladadr Broazsam sad Phaaton Uones from lobmatter.

with hacks sad haraeia bortea. onto, aad ponies, from noblemen aod tlemeu, new and teeooo nd ear riagM. ba rate to, W. tad 8. PREEMAN.

Proprittc CJTAPLETON'S REPOSITORY (estahlished 18A2). 1 SALES br AUCTION of HORSE! Carrl ree. aad Uarneai evtry Th nlay, st 13 o'ctuck, far wbteh horwes, sc. tnoald be sent in two dtyi prerioutly. Commlsi inn dally.

The on Thurtday next will oomprisa Hrougham. Ph eton, and Cart Uones, Cob, foci, cew and asoocdrbtod Carrltfei. aad titmaaa. Sales sad valuations In towa or country. BiafiKStatnet withOBt, City.

MERCER a H(JK3 flIAlCT, 6, LJar Une, Hyde cart. Piccaimr. London. W. Pt Poafea Mr.

TOMPKINS win SELL bv AUCTION. Tueeday next, Jane A at 13 noon, tha fol lowing PiiNIEA tba property of Captain Terrot A lay. Mare, ssvea yean otL 13,1 high. a perfect Polo pony, A A Cny Mare, four yean old. iu nun.

tooa a 1 010. wuo ana action, a i cetaut GeUlog, bylaeydta rts as Carol. On yean 0I1L good ban ter.sp to 13 ttoae. quiet In harneas. RlDtNG TAUGHT, iaTT Teasons, price 2 2a, at 1 ANGLE'S North Iccalca ding Academy.

1. Tya plsce. Itlinrton. buhtcriptton. mont ly, Li 19.

or qu rtexly. 5 St. Lee ton froco 9 a.B. to RIDING. Ladies and gentlemen mar learn riding In a few LESSONS at the Royal Bet gr.ra Riding SehocJ.

Gir gham ttreet, trtqnare, the lxrrett sad test in Lot, Hounfor Udies 11 to gantUaa en7 till til 11p.m. anting I tons ss utasL EDWARD FOWLER, Proprietor. OltrtSOHOOT Ti'iJ, Scjmour plxce, Brjantton JLAj nroart. W. rmhl hal 53 ran.

Mr. ALLEN'S mods of teacb mon rapid tbaa eny ether. It 1 well known toat the prindpal riders of the day. tortadtng a lenfiaaiiwuli. have beew taught by bin, and from bat long experience, both ta the maacs and the bant, tag neld, beean aaaara tohla poplla a th a rh proaewncy.

Tba HI mr bebool i the large tn Loadoa, hetoc 150ft. Long by 40t. wide. VI n. E.

Allen assists la the school, sad ttteads laes oa the road, ilr. A. fuel con est an meetioa of his evtshHshmen will 'obrtato the difSenlty experienced by ladies aad reotleroen ra well con ditioeed and appointed ndinj bone. N.B. Plrtt ci am Rl ig Horses far sale sad to Let for any period.

Pontes or chO rea. ALD ERNEYGnen ter, and Jersey CO P. H. POWLEB. IHe Olaceo too Repodtory.

Watford, ITarU. hat aiwaytaUERDaf PlPTYof toeae tavsluat BUTTE OUWITou SALE, maoy ole ooloar1. The pick of the frequent importations nwlthhat at thia the priaelp depot la Eaglaad. P. U.

P. war raata bis ttock rarv rd, direct I rem the iaUsda with aataaatki bcrl booktertialea. All eatUe dalivered frs by rail la bone bnxas. or byroadla esttle eooveyenos, Tha Repodlory it pnaiUraly only two mit iu wait treat the Watford Bittioa. Traiaa to sad from Easts (Londonl hourly N.P.

Note the aldnaa, PIPING BU tuaes, 1 to each gray parrots, 35a. A kiads of forsga bird aad cage, at R. QUEEN Bedford Coo fvalor 1. Coraalr sarden, W.C CAItRIAGE PRIVATE OMNIBUS, filteti lor two bona. In nd arirrs real the tmatalTite aa.

v7Tt.mT aU pan an obtained, on amlxt on to U. MirtaTT rT.T aattt tm fort woaa. 1 rniaglat. r1 it su 1760, sad buejaea carried an there. rihsmmaa COAC in rood order.

tSb for. tmmerlnte uaa. Caa ba aaen, aad all parttc 00 appUcatloa. to JL.MaBers nags Worka 53S2 QT)0lAl5 LANDAUS. and ft.

HWXis TENT fo. op la, mrf demag thm. tW mirritgtftyte gentle man or lady tna le, Ua tarns sfm sis fat sstotaaca: buildiac to order mar be nea st the tra ta 7 In1 Cnat Igaaea atreet, Liado to's mWdtT A Prirate se Ltem art's sttea i two aaa rsar Nil iwm sndnaUfor ttrvanu as hack tads of proper 'mats. ThmkiaaS. rtt ana and elfiartle rTob bwdfaA Works, Nerthsarphm.

i 1N1ATUI i a XMJ rA I lnn blarhrt mrmn tbtt htt aiaai nrriTTrrrm 111 a a maBceq ana to rata eaa to ea.wti maybe sdectod ia say toer sadtttorbr 1 dtstaaas. LU be alao pioduceU toother breughs a ku a built oa th tame light pri dple, to mat fo 7w QLty SWW mt ajiiii tl aa sraladx tr ara awlilali tomcat, A Urge variety, ready far Imrsilliti mi tlsL Ion tsBioias, Baad a UNIATURE aROUGHAX a Pa tr km. irbt aad 1 7 atttfltoliM. nNlATURB i UjUOUAM. by ikrker, sad mvdmyC.

a tu oaiiifti ww vvuud, aa war 1 tenet, an wtnnnty. una aa bv Barker Uark btwith btaa factlT ouiet IAS bit with nod 1 a art of Braes traces by Itsrry. May torltwad tvtardatotoaW talaed of Memrs. PbilUpt aad AartloatenVn. NaJ5JT WYlKTllASJ5AXi the caTT ze of antral Me 1 119 tf mm ki TiZj.

moat gnceral la dcigs. Wwighs aaly fewt. Ta ba taaaaaxy at tto Mialatare laadsa Warka, ti, Laatera. Dmataatne, in ba JT i mm ti. sau Tt 1 IX lAAfUA'A ItX tOUMPU LdU.

S. ART. No. TA New Beedtreettslx doors trees Ot rdeti aetL has tos. S.lil aa answtfta viTtxt tim tiima iowf ninw vitian at, may tan apvearttmr ttwith oatrUb i from tna tar tha Iraat saomnaienee.

Thiatu riage. tn made ta all sea. and piatd sayeatoatv Oa vtawal tha above addrsts. B. law toht mcatebrebsbd.

tas ire will be ebargad pareanmd. KwsMitras HAkT PATENT TRAUMA OARx AOri, the graateat eovalty ta the world. Seam lrkUrf to ar aawmn to gam mat or ama eras wane a mecan rsventbl a 1 tottaahwpasbtitoa. AtTA New ttawS cotmtrj OUitLIC NO ilC Penoi from the JL eomlac to Loodoa acd wi ng to pure se searrtsgu, to should meet cor Miht han ioma CAEEIAO tort hi mon room than tha aid nrdlnarv rriaea at thewrlg) it, 1 re are arrrral teeoad hsad eaaa lust come tdkkart JrAtt xdrytoOed. Bsf rear ttren as na han.caMuman la amrty' every county ta Eat id.

Irsisod. a itlsad. sad Wales, which ha tnfflcianl narsatve a to tb ex to ad ve hlalumg we do with saury eroo. A HART. New Boat etnat.

KarWtibad HAST. A new LANDAU, for one or a pair, rnade to order for ISO rsinea roogh a sadden bemnmant Is the family, to okt for 110 rain. Standing tt the a 'a wto wtUf lywvjT tt 7ANwWd tret. SI ART. WO riAEtOA one a Rojal repttond I Btacpe, and a Sr Pbaetoa.

Pries 0 each. Saas lead log at the be iar'a 11 Ntw Boad toti rt Ll ART A LIGHT DOUBLE BRoUoHH7i JL aaaa eaa tone on. SUndlnr st the haflder a TAJ only. Prise gu tas; tost lfit ia new moHo daria tha Ppaom weak. Gtotltmaa yisltlMtoaStaUesswrarstsat.

to appry as taa amo aexs taa lasaari gat. aME ojp Es, iu ElI MaN ''DxL JLi EMBROCATION. ud In tha al sad all lead nc for spralaa. tana, spliata, aprBsg aiaewa, ovt rat km, chtepat hmla wtadgsHs. aad Itmtnmt also foe broken kacat, eats, uimit, mw.

back aad ahonlden. hrs sore throat and la Swear aaM to Caymlats aad Saddlers, ta bottles. fc Ja, td, sad 3. tA mat. COAL, Wombweli Main, Interna Uo1 Frist Coal, S3.

caah. JAME. J. MILLER. KlagVea 1 ttotiea X.

OALS. 21a Stanley hooso Coals, 17 and bn ldallvand at Ma. ear to a.aaah. RCAbELL aad Ca. K.

Aevato ttreet, City, and Batmcntwharf. Ir erq, N. COALS. IXOU iL and Ca, 2s, Bt iT. road, ax't crom.

WalTa end. douhl emaeA 3. Swdthn S9a: kttoue, 30a Ed oadTi. Us, Bsrsdsy. Derby.

Ut; kOchee, ti. bakerr, X. est. eoka. If.

rtaaai aad tm OALS, 19 Wall WalTsead, 5. EUti id Colliery Own rs. Best ,1... If. nii mu, a Cliiw jaraw i dealers tupBiled.

Track leads teat to say ftatiea. Xoo I If not st factory. Is, New Caveodtah ttnet, Pcetlaad rlaee. i n.iiii tltemaa below.

Gnat Nortaera iway, a crhsad vrk te a ii it ii it ftj irivf'ii, v. 1US ureut astern oauttjr ou a uh va i fiiMFAiT (TJi kil coal Mtrea aatt at atr auenr. ami CosL 30B. 3 W.snd B. or KlUben, Jt.

Nat. 2 Caa, 16a.parchaldre. Oath. Add a the Macacer. Paddiagtea.

W. 10AL CLAxHlROaS COMPANX supply eoai. irom taoorcoui tnaea Ca on dahvarr. Ordan toe it Load Olflcs, LL wood placa, nig an road. W.

fOALS, 7s. J. DOBSO is now npplj tu Ufa. Kj clesa baraiBCbaatoeeaLthorr pnoe for caih eoka, IM, per chauroa. viea raa win a.

mm beak. WeatmiBater, sad Warwiek rol, Ktaeeten. a.w. tOAL. (Jr nd tiarrey Ossal Coal Coo tpaay IRIClCETr.

aatXTH. sad OrxL A4drtaa ehart; C.torw.aV roadV Btrt WaO saad. asiaessd CosL 31s. bt bUSk 30. ikttont.

Sat, Dtrtyi hi re. 17a kischao, 2.: eoka. Us, Cssk ca or aaton trve ry. tOALS, tarxe cobbles Derby, Cs.6d. mlected kttoaa.

Na. S3kstona. 3 Bast Slagordibha. 3 OuKoaat an two toes af aaat. td.

Bast eoka. Us Id. oer ten md IS Uab bard. 53. Alhany ttreet, Bexsat 'sasrk, or Ll, ttreet, CIOAL.

Great Nor era Railwar. The Silkxtone ted Qeer Goal Ownen Crs nv. lrfe1! Old tHoSt. Xa. Wharadiit a bettrXl kttoae.

Sue. Ather y.39. iNtetoaCkam Iwt sa.1 onts Hone. JUS jsxua IA jwomswau jsaia, i Earl PltiwUli aa Khunr. 37a Boan Main.

Z7. Psrk sn taam Z5a. iBata. amalL Im. rVeT Hoik mi.

aad i epU taai Ctatla. Mana ter. JAMEd J. MILLER. Klag'e rom toe, X.

COALS. D. RADFORD and Co. Best Wall'K Newesstla Tslk cT Ceopm. bet Xilkttnaa, aU Utona, 2.

Rusbon. Sta. t'heeterteld, toy. 37a Dtrby Bright, XT. second hen.

24. ttaarn. 3U, attta, 3U. eoka let, per eftaMron, Ws i tmokawe. i mut aaHrarapw.

am WWI wj aii'iii, i l. v. VH.I1, V7 atSoaLS. T. a and PARRY'S best WsiJVtni.

nettotr er lairnnri. jj. per too; wBuvrna. aiiw best Wlgsa, 30s. best St oons.

3 Panry't Siitttc Sa; Dtrtr err a. art. raaA. w. aM lA HI Cl tM IIIII1IJ.

MA, am IkUam a VWw wws Im. per cbal droa. Caab. Ilellvered thoroughly icrernrd. twp North Loodon Railway.

CAIedonisa road i Midland Cwix. St, lncra ureaa.nortBem mju way, a a iai mimr "lOALS. OHN BRYAN and Nine imi wrun. ceet netton vtumi, Newcaat 31a: statm. 2 Arrs ss uxotl hsn teen attde AKJ LSTREET.

BAZAAR. ENTRANCE, 4 and 6, King street, )S of 6O0NEW and SECOCBXKD CAKRIAOES oa HALE. XIARNESS, Saddlery, Clothin PUBi 0 AUCTION EViYFORTNl0ET. AMlAQta WABEHOUri D. MESTLdE Ttns CARRIAGES to DISPOSE VX Or wUl tad tba Bakartreet Carriage Bsxaar a very ta a piece to ttaad them, aeh carriage tt pieced la a eoetpieaocs pot oa tautnon a per era a.

T. fAV ta, mtaagwr. aad Thai IGHT CARRIAGES, treat batxaiiu Waoette, i vant, pa run, aaa ju ramaaa ntrnesa lot atavxaa orra Dnwtx 31 three (taanaw staTiOKbroughams ao AA eaines! pat eg athec tor elegsae. Hgti tarts, aad danUty andabtslaad the rdettof Art's ariseaf30tolstoU tseaatieasl Ex hlhiu on. Ot view st ta.

Gnat teentnet, ett tcre. ANDAU. ligLt and fash ionable, it for one hone in JLi a hi tyeonn: By Ws cli to order, bat set large taraxgh, wm be SOLD, a berg. Alto a Light Wagxonette. forma tttahnpe pnteton.

cunning aa met am uas stagtni lute. A MEMPTON CARRIAGE, try Kcttertos, form in a dote or open rsjrlage, pries 10 fit mi I aeta term a waggon one, price armdor aad am verv ehean. be seta si Ihs a atrsst Baxasg. Nca, guras. Both rrittttenta txet.

aa. a te aa ZS latys tuppllca af tha itataoustnlaad coal. tJerby.S7aetamBUa Uautared at "rJ" nrtxio Miwien. Tnim niii. gTsri Kra agton.

or an i part of Loodoa. st tnon soa. Loan Int. Caah yr Tslatramt ami ordan by pott promptly rt' mdgtta COAL. ERBERT CLARKE.

Great Crtiera KtUway. Klnr noUowsy. LltfrBsm Junttlon. Ehm suu Uu Ua. ant dsphata road SUt Clghatrett.

worth. Lamb a Wall'rand. 23a: 1LU Miected. Sit; kewt.NB rvioe. Orjoper and Co.

StUttooa. 30a; Doo lAaaadj bls.k bail. SUUton Leriy. Ta: Bn i. haeaea.

subbka Zm.i beat toam. sav; er. A i3i ea A HfTbwrt raa aa aa a a CECALS. LEA and Cc's Best Walls end, Hettta or Lambton, by screw teamen sod ran wsyi 3 per ton W3 and xn 3 best Wiga. 3 tott btrrjtoce.

kitona. Derby BrighV aarusljy. 2 klvra. rtli. eobMaa, aa.

23. Coke IV. per 13 liaet Ja. MhvereiracrteBea. urpots nigaoury ana utagwr.

E. Beeavoirrfasrf. Kis rw. Gnat Nor Ea way. hht.

eroa. and Uouowar iuiaai way. South Tattiham. aikt aaa a. nar COAJL W.

H.LEE' and celebrated Inhnd Waa sead, doable creene St: tecaAl7. ti Sijoaaa a teooad Biik ma XJa: beet DurhtWairsod. Sh: Pa Msia.X7A: Barwler, Derby. Cheater laid hr SSfc. aew kttooe.

ttroaj klv Sbv. eehUtf ia.iL team. nu. tan Uu eoaak fid. nee ud two WOA lwUe 7 cot.

per Lua. WeUhatae ho. I'" go. IX raersfcro or fc iOAL. FINNEY, kseptrs bat tares datcrtatlo itnw 4TW I CTahtdltta.

vm Lo5a ort vTttr eAorrtr. Maad. aad Cress Wat ra Mail way. Coke. Tba ateta an loaded aader sad Ambis mi drkrary.

Psddhtz baaia, Ws i road. Km aaxtms. vt, Vletflru wh rf. Mffib S.W. Uo at Bali sy.

Kiru'a eraa. N. sad Mi 1 ditto, 5.W. sad aUeesen, All orden ba teat to thearej depot. GOAL.

RIUKETT, SMITH, and Co. elected. 31.: .8. and Co. kstoa a.

3i aew htamaa, m. Derby bright. 3.A! Bmasley. kitonea coal. L2 cobbles.

3 ttsam. auu, XM. eoka. tsiA 'tfm Departrnla Gret Nortaera Bad way. ngVc ariay.

Bt rrat MMlsad Cflf Chatham. alDo Railway. Clsahs in roSd sad AbThaataad Ca asattoas Brld gw wbarf, Himtwr a.ttoad; Eegeati L'saslhaaatas boaae; Warwa roa d. azigtoa sod ta aktr. tltcal 1.

GREAT REDUCTION. The Great Northern. Coal Compxay an varlag COALS. Sukttoa tta. tmaea approvrStA.

Darby. 3: Tort hire, sat, tltenea. La, la I per eaai rs. VV" CUOPKB, Gnat NttrtherBlSjriy, KlagVcrora. 3ST 'WAL 33.

per A JB3 SMlTH aad Jr aojf. ea rad am IA Sal Etshaete. ar A aera aspmd Wapphu. Abobaaad at At 3 ol.WpiW fair rate. Co 17.

reej1LSlamx wndtweep. 8m i sad aha oUtraVeryartoa of the ass same, smjirshal Lg Goi oas PSsrE SEAL, aad Co. tuppfy ho Meria ms of toaL ns, Tb i at 3 the best Piaxtee. st tT. ehAron.

ddi vend tra WherA taemitt a..

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