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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 2

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TORONTO HAS BAD BLAZE Grand Trunk Freight Sheds and Numerous Loaded Cars Destroyed. Toronto. Oct II IBprclall. The Oread Trunk freight Parkdale mad numerous loaded can were completely destroyed by fir, thla afternoon. No estimate can be mad of Iht loex at present'.

OVER THOUSAND TO JAIL IN YEAR Iturreetlng watlrtlt- of Xk-tiplae Htrrrt latllutloa IH-parrd. The annual report of lh County of Carleloa Jail for tha year ending lath haa Juat been compiled and shows' that a total of 1.066 prleon-era were committed during tha year. Of theaa 1(1 ware men and 114 women. The number of first com mltmenta waa and only tw prisoners nder sixteen yeara ot aga ware committed. Seven woman wera sentenced to )all during the year, who wera after-warda removed to the Mercer Re- fuliiialory toe VYomeai Only la recorded.

of the l.oii prlluner committed due- ing the year aeven nunvet Canadians, ninety-six Kogliah, sixty Irish, thirty-seven Beaten, fifty one cltisens of the vnued Htatee, and the remaining one-hundred and eleven from all other countries. The most common cause for commitment was larcencr followed closely by drunk enness, vagrancy and assault. The re port states that the average cost per day for prisoners rooti waa nine ana one half cents, and given aa prisoners' occupation the breaking of slnna. By fat the largest number of male pris oners were laborers, and moat of Uie women are els seed aa servants and washer-women. There were no escapes made from tha Jell during tha year.

SCHOONERS ARE WRECKED Several Gasoline Vessels Were Lost in Recent Storm in Alaska. Nome, Alaska, Oct. 11, Tha gaso line schooner Nora, which sailed from Mlcnaeia a few days before the big atom of last Sunday, having on board Herbert Gutsier, his native wife and three boys, and a vers I others unknown, was wrecked on the beach at Bimmck and all lost. Four bodies have been, found. The gasoline schooner Princess, which sailed frnm at.

Michaels with, the Nora, was wrecked on the beach at Capo Prince, of Wales, 8 he was manned hy Charles Green and Martin Bramble, who were drowned. Th gasoline schooner flea Wolf, which hss just returned from ftfberla. i reports that the gasoline schooner EI Sufo Is a total wreck at Kalooch Bay. Rlberia. On hoard were Captain Alex Mclntyre, Martin Morris and a moving picture man, name not known.

It Is believed all were drowned. i The Eskimos say the Rl 8ufo was abandoned before she The Bea Wolf slghter the wrecked schooner Maria at Cap Prino of Wales. fthe reports many other schooners, along with launches, dor-! les and other small boata strewn along the Htbeelan andv Alaskan coasts. s. IX n.XOKR Montreal.

Oct. 11 (peclal. Fifty students of the Montreal Presbyterian College had their lives endangered in an early morning (Ire to-day. The stole through rooms as they Xew alept and awakened one, who gave an alarm. -Tha fire waa In -the floor of the kitchen and waa easily extinguished.

It waa due to the gaa being left- banting under ateam preae. FOR COXSEOB.TIOW. Mkt. A. 'UeRny, of and Fathar Buryathuter.

who has been ftuperior-Oeneral at Ironaldea for aome year, have arrived In Ottawa In connection with the roneecratlnn of Mjtr. Brunt aa archbishop on October M. at the Baalllra. He will In charge of Wont tanner, which wtll he part of the archdiocese of Ottawa. THAW THREATEXEI.

"Concord. fi.H.. Oct. It Anattempt ha, been made Harry K. Thaw by a woman said to reside In Boston.

Hhe wrote that If ah did not get a certain aum 'of money ah would "tell all I know of your past life" Thaw declares the woman haa opposed him since his first trial. Thaw waa in a excess of III humor due. It la believed, to th denial that Jerome ha clandestinely filed papers, without permitting him to have a aopy. THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL. MONDAY.

OCTOBER 13. 1813. NOTES AND NEWS OF INTEREST CONCERNING THE PEOPLE OF OTTAWA AND THE SUBURBS' MURDER CHARGE IS LAID rownxvKw from pVok -'Did you glie detective, clip- pings of letter 7" asked ir. Hrader-lun. "Ve." replied Mm.

Matthews. "Why did you not give the polio -all of the letters, soil what did you do with the balance of the letter asked counsel for the defence. 'l did not think that they were Important, and lore up what ever left," said witness. "Who loiit you to destroy ifkl Dr. Oordon Heudernoa about dcteo Ilfltr.

-f Wit new rvf used to answer. Vou vindictive towards Mrs. Balcomr-. In fact you would to do her the harm you could ank(nt Dr. Henderson.

"Yea, I would," biased back the wtt net. Witness sUm told of the wedding ring- iw-rt Hnd the name of a brought out at the In-quetU. Mr. Anna Kuundi re swore that she had seen Ktnily Cormck- on Hank treet during Exhibition week and i that Kmlly t'ornlik mi thla occasion, hare Ii.IjI hf ihM aha Vrtln In 1 houee on t'hsvel street to undergo an tperatlon. "I'll and thla case to a higher court and Mod the witnesses ovej attend." titrate o'Keefe.

The- bond war sjov for -each- wir AimMImt liargr. If has he, learned that the polic ere to ri-t-r more rhargea airs, It la chsrire haa heen laid on the ground that alra, Halcomb admin. atcreil druse to another pat- lent. PRESENTED ROBES TO BISHOP ELECT Itatvlllva Oricaiiixailon l- lrewnlrd in Mar. Ilrant.

After Ipint-Hirtinn of the Rleweed Kit ramt nt Friday evrnmtc nt the Baa-llica the dee fan tea de Mrtrie waited Urunet, bishop-elvct t(, lini tadjurier, and praaanted -Jiim. hi i-plw i'pl rnbe of purple. Xfse ftroimxeuu. preeldent of the ao-. clety, read the addre.

Mlea Demra. eei-rotary. and Mi H. Po trier, treaa-. -urer, made the presentation, 1 iUi.

Hrunt made a feeling- reply expreioiintf hi deep appreciation of the lft, a valuable ope. and of the eeneroua spirit of the aoclety for which he had been chaplain for about eight yeara. BOMB OUTRAGE IN NEW YORK Entire) Block Khakra by la Orocery of Italian who had Been Thretttened New York." Oct it. D-nlnv the recent round-up of Italians suspected of being reaponalblA for most of the bomb outrage committed In' New York, the Kast Aide was disturbed again to-dny by one of tha moat terrific explosions for years, An en tire block was shaken and aloioat every pane of glans throughout the block was haftrod. The grocery store of Candlebro Catteo was attacked.

Catteo mkym he had received several threatening letters lately. Two hundred and fifty persona were driven from their homes by the explosion. IK I'ltlZK CHKKHK." Lakcfleld, OntV rOetV II. Mr William Wilson, who came to Apsley when that village was a prime forest Is dead, lie was born in Ireland In 1U4, and canes to Canada when he waa 2S years of age. Mr.

llaon built the fl rs heese ratnrv in th back country, and he and his wife, rn made th cheese' which won the ailver medal and Ionia at the Chioago Fair. His wife, one brother, Andrew, In Chandos, and two sisters, survive. BIHHOP'H AXXIVI-mHAnY, Next Saturday the fifteenth anniversary of the conservation of Mgr. Oauthk-r aa Bishop will be celebrated la the Basilica. Pontifical mass will be sung at nine o'clock.

WWU A TAGS IN SEARCH OF A HOME i'lid i Activity of Women's Societies ST. VKH.l'S Cl'ILD. Tha St. Vera'a Oulld of St. Barna-bae Church will meat Thursday evening at eight o'clock.

At present tha member ax busy preparing for tha annual ant of work to be held In -XI. George's Pariah Hall. Metcalfe atrael. on Saturday. October lata, from JS to a clock.

Thla annual aale la uaually the flrat of the season, and aa In provtoua year, a la ran v-n-i of uaeful and fancy arttclea will be on aala at raaaonabl price. Among the booth, beta arranaod for are' Kanrv and uaeful article, candy, heme-made cooking, flowers, picture and a fleh pna. lee will be served during (he aftemooa and evening, and a good programme of muaie haa bee srrana- ed, tncladlng a aumbar of violin duets. Thus In chant of tha arranaemanta are: Aavertistng and printing com mlttae. Mtsa Baxter.

Mtsa Darby music. Mlaa Hlney. Mlaa Emery: decoration, Mlaa Hearnden, Mlaa Bergrea. a a y. w.

r. note. The I'nlon Jack Club of the T.W.C.A. met Friday venln- and had aucceaaful aewlng aeaalon. Afterwarda mualc waa enjoyed.

Mlaa Taylor con tributing a coupl of very enjoyable aoloa. l.lsht refreahmenta wera aerve at th cloae of the evening. a Mlaa Hutcllffea Sunday afternoon Bible, elaaa. Inatead of tlia reKUlar aeaaloa yeaterday afternoon, attended tha meetlna- at tn T.M.l'.A.. ana ine ifongry addreaaerrer tnoroognry enjoyed.

Afterwarda th memoera r- I timed to tha t. and afternoon tea waa A large aumher attended th vesper service at half-past SIX o'rlocK last evening. Miss Mary McKay Bcott waa preaent, and gave a-most helpful address, and Mlaa Kerr contributed a solo, which waa very tnucn enjoyeo. a The opening meeting of the first aid (fit. John Ambulance) class will be heM this evening.

Hewlett will have charge of the class, and a large number have already register. see GLEBE W. C. T. V.

The filch. W.C.T.U. held th flrat home-mad cooking aale on Saturday afternoon, and are greatly pleased with th result. The salea waa moat successful, and about 117.00 waa realised. Another aale will probably be held on October lath If aultabla quarter can be secured.

Tb members of th anion are deeply grateful to Mr. A. J. Brownie, who kindly loaned them the- uaa of his store -window for the aale. WESTERN" INDIES' AID Th -anniversary aupner of th Western Methodist Church will be held thla evening.

The Ladles" Aid Society have rharg of tha aupper arrangementa. and a good programme of music and addresses haa alao been arranged. Th Diocesan Board of th Women's Auxlllsry will meet this, evening In Lander Memorial Halt at lght o'clock. HVKfvOP UXIOX. Th Hyslon.

Union met Friday after noon In th Baptist Mlaaloa Hall, Ottawa Kaat. wtth a targe alleadano of member a and th president, Mr. Taylor, occupied the chair. Mra. N.

A. Frith anted aa organiat. Hid den read a rry muck appreciated. temperance paper entltMd Who Boy," and Miae atcuonneii aang a solo which waa very much enjoyed. Mtsa ballantvne.

aunerintendent of th Flower Mlaaloa, waa Instructed to send a bouquet of flower, to tha public ward of 8t. Luka'i Hoapttal oa Thanksgiving Day. At the close of the meeting rerrean- menta wera served by tha executive, and th next meeting of th unJaa will be held at tha home of Mra: Bid-dell, Greenfield avenu. coairwaVii HOUSE OF REFUGE WILL BE OPENED InstUalK for Cnltcd rjnUe of rUorsaont, Oandaa a ad Cornwall. Oct.

(Special). The new County Houae of Industry and Refuge at Cornwall will be formally opened on Thursday. Oct. It, p.m., and wni be ready for tha reception of lnT mate who ar properly committed by the reeve and clerk and satisfactorily vouched for as to Ungth of-reeldenc and condition of health and after Monday; October SO. Commencing on Sunday, Nov.

Z. meetinga will- be held each' Sunday' afternoon throughout tne winter in Cryatal Palace for men. Some of the leading speaker In Montreal. Ottawa, Toronto and New fork will be heard. The first speaker will be Mr.

W. 11. Goodwin, of Goodwins, Limited, Montreal. The meetings will begin at 4. IS o'clock.

The other, apeakera Include such men as John W. Bde. of Good-wine, Hev. W. J.

Baker. Ed. M. Fuller, w. D.

Raid, of Montreal; Messrs. R. H. Buchanan, D. A.

Budge, of Montreal: Dr. A. W. Thornton, of the department ot dentistry, McOIII University; W. P.

Archibald, Dominion parole officer; Dr. J. T. Oil-mour, warden of Toronto Central Pn- acn. -v NotesAboutTownj iorsa UAitv Malt.

Mr. Newton Kendall, who baa been oonnet-iro wiin. ma evening journal for several yeara past, left last weak In order lu take up a poaltloa aa editorial writer oa th a La ft of th ar Daily Mall In Montreal. Bafor leaving Tb Journal, Mr. Kendall waa mad th rei-ipieat of a presentation from his fellow-workers aa The Jour- aaj ataii.

HMiU4. r'lKK AT BOOTH'S. Th aecund fir within flva weak J. K. IkKitka big aawduat carrier at the Chaudirre occurred on rtauiting in about two or tare hundred dollars damage.

Thla la In third fir at iJie Cnaudjerg mill Inald of fi wecka The fir originated from on of th email electric motor underneath the i ..71 iiugairnra in oi abort order, and InconVanleac will result from the fir. ntVUAV HALL KKPAIH8. Th addltlona and alteratlona which have been In progress at Hldeau Hall ar about oomplwed. Petar Lyall A boOS, kavs th. sn.l will live up to their promise by having th work finiahed tha rturn of tna i'Uka of uonxiaught.

CITADEL KEHVICK8. The Salvation Aran Citadel Oladatona avenu waa well patronised yeaterday, the occasion being the visit of tha thre special olflcera: Major Crrlghton. head of tha Immigration department Toronto;" Adjutant is ui, ok Montreal; and ilun-can, of Toronto. An Illustrated aoni service will b. held next Sunday.

UKXKKAL BOOTH'S VISIT. Th Salvation Army In Canada wUl shortly cslebrata an event of historical unportanoe to that organisation In lh welcome td tha Dominion for tha firat time of their new general, W. Uramwsll Booth, eldest eon and uc- caasor or th late Ueneral William ooouv -iouader of thla world wide Toronto and Winnipeg ar th only centres to ba visited by Ueneral Booth, and extensive arrangement for publlo.and private gathering ara being made. All tha officers ot in Army and delegates In tha tar.

ritory extending from Port Arthur to tiaiilax, alao from Newfoundland, will meet their leader at Toronto, and those from Fort William to th Pacific. Coast, at Winnipeg. FAREWELL UATHURI.VJ. A vary enjoyable time waa spent at th bom of Mlaaea A and lc Hh. well.

McKay etreet, N.K, It being tna ot a xarewell gathering for Mlaa Pearl Poole, who la ahortly Icav-tng th city. The evening waa whiled away by music, dancing and progrea-alv game, after which refresh menu wera eervea. Among those peasant war Ml. Poole, Mlaa B. Lang.

Mlaa K. Man-aell. Mra. Liadaay. Mum O.

Dafoe. Mlaa K- 8tvenson, Mis fl. Lister. Mlaa K. Bothwell, Mlaa T.

Shea. Mr. T. Butler, Mr. H.

Stewart. Mr. A. Stalker, Mr. Davla, Mr, C.

McKee, Mr. 0. Murphy, Mr. L. Tubman, Mr.

O. Sherwood, Mrj J. Bothwell, Mr. T. K.

Gerard and Mr. B. Ralph. KOMA-t AKt-HrTKCTCHK. Tha scries of Icclurea of.

tha Areh- aaological Society for Ult-t opaosi moai auspiciously witn in coming of Mrs. Arthur Strong, assistant director oi in untied school la Home, wh will lecture on Tueaday evening next at tne Aaaembly Hall of th Normal School on tb aubject -Th imperial idea In Roman Mra. Strong la undoubtedly on of th most oelebratad woman lecturer of England, and one ot tb greatest living authorities on Koman literature and art. Earl Grey haa written to members of tha Archaeological Seoiety hare commending Mr. Btrong'.

lecture In the highest terms. The lecture deala with the Influence of Koman Imperialism on later antique sculpture and art, and Ir profusely Illustrated by 'the stereoptlcan. Th, lecture la, aa ara all tha others In th course, free to the public. WOMAN DISAPPEARS. Mrs.

ttamewl earns, ot Velnor, baa Bea Mkatlng Since Friday. Kemptvllle, Oct. Samuel Kearna, of Ventnor, left home on Friday, and haa not been even since. A large party searched the surrounding country yesterday, hut no trace ot her could be found. Her re-latlvea ar at a loss to account for her disappearance, nothing having occurred to warrant her disappearance, aalda from the fact that sh has not been very well of lata.

It I. feared tlujt ah haa ended her life In the diver. Moat people wotiM benefited by Um occa- II si octal om of II' la-ini-C LauOvcs II fl OenUy, thoroughly, and 11 witiitMit discomfort, tahej fre II II th ysteai of tb wast If 11 which poisons th blood and 1 lowers vitality. 15. a box, at roar Dnicsrt'a.

1 HeaW ttvs, amd mU Cx II 174 NEW BRASS BAND IS CONTEMPLATED May Ussel to Fniwistiow of Hall Military Organ. mUs Isj Near ant ara There la to be a new military band organised In Hull la the near future. There waa a practice bald yeaterday In the college ground, when a large turnout waa present. The aama haa not been divulged yet, hut win ba la a few days. a There were two easea of smallpox reported to th Medical Health Officer last week, but there ar a very few panes of ooatagioua dissass In th city present Th funeral of Mr.

Joseph Isabella waa hold thla morning from his residence, and waa largely Attended. Mr. H.T. leaves thla business. Flyna, mlalng operator, week for Manlwakl oa Alfred Blals, of Leduc street, died on Friday evening; from Injutiea received through the overturning of a lamp In his room op Tuesday evening.

Little hope had been held nut for his recovery from the start. The funeral service waa held at Notre Dame cemetery and was rery largely attended. Tbs Youna People' Asaolcatlon of St. Matthias' Church will org a la for th season on Tuesday evening. Alao the Glrla- Auxiliary will prepare for the winter', campaign oa Wednesday evening.

Next Sunday Children's Day Church. 'Ill be observed aa In St. Matthias' OTTAWA SOUTH Tb morning service In the Congre gational Church waa conducted by Mr. Lee, a Yale student at present la th city. In th evening Mr.

Patrick Morgan occupied the pulpit. There wer good congregation, at both services. Rev, C. Dee prose of Ottawa South Methodist Church, spent the weak-end up tha Oatlnean preaching missionary sermon oa tna sVaxabaxua circuit. The aervicea were conducted In the a Mens or Mr, Dee prose by Mr.

Q. Burton. The Epworth League In connection with the Ottawa South Methodist Church will bold a meeting thia eras- ing. Tha programme win ba la charge of tb missionary committee ot the league. A paper on Newfoundland anil be read, and Mlaa Florence Deeg- roea wiu renaer a aoio.

BIG MARKET FOR CANADIAN WHEAT Germany likely to Bexar Bis; Par of Snpply Tbto Wlaeer. Oerniany. acoordlng to reports ceived at the Deparunent of Trade and Commence from th Canadian Trad Commissioner at Hamburg, will fur nish a splendid market for Canadian wheat thla winter. Lrsading flour and milling companies throughout th German State are eagerly demanding sample of this I year's Canadian crop la order that they may be able to teat Its baking qualities at th earliest possible date. Canadian hard wheat has been found to.

be an Ideal mixer with Oerman wheat and as such is firmly establish ed. This year the German wheat crop is away below the average yield, ant ith the Russian crop a railur the Canadian product will have th great est in year. It Is found that the import of wheat from Canada to Germany which were non-existent In lMt, rose successively from 1C.V71 metric tons la the calend ar year lle. to M.tMT tons la 1111. and to 29.028 tons In Itll During January to June or th current year, upwarda of 160.00 metric tons hare been Imported already.

It Is considered that a fair explana tion ot mis aeveiopmeni is to found In th recognition hy th Gar- man milling trade of th quality of the wheat which Canada aaa be depended upon to supply. rie-RCTRD PK1W1IKNT. The Presbyterian Ministerial Asso ciation met tnt morning and appointed Rev. D. N.

Mordea. pastor of Brekln president of th Association. Repreaen tat Ives wer appointed to the various Institutions of th city, after which Dr. Armstrong spoke la regard to the erection and furnishings of the new Ladies College, and Rev. Mr.

Mcllroy spoke In support of th requests for he)pnade by the Un Reduction Organisation. MR. IORKPH IHABKLLK Th funeral of the late Joseph Isabel I Hull, waa held to Notre Dame church this morning at seven o'clock, and was on of the largest seen In Hull. There wer over seventy-five vehicle la the cortege. Rev.

Father Guertln conducted tb funeral service. HIKT0WBUEQ. Atteaoaats of th Methodist aad ribjrtt1ajj eh arch aanrloc la Wt-boro yeaterday, ware amply repaid for thelr attaaoaa by having eKoellent. instructive and highly Interesting sermons delivered to them by la respective pastors of tha churches. Rev.

H. K. Warrea had Rev. W. H.

Cramm. Th Plagua of Proaparlty, Wlna-toa Churchill's- phrase at th com-sseaeement of hts new book. "Looking into th Cup, waa th subject ably discoursed upoa In the Presbyterian Church last vnlng by Hev. H. Cramm.

Tb pastor mads It plain to th members of th ongrgaUoa early la th service that prosperity la not always or Is necesaartly a plagua Churchill la hia new hook, relate to a ertaia American city which becam prosperous, and waa attended by a plague later on. This plagu later spread aa proapertty continued, through other eJties, from th Atlantis to the PaciAo coast. Rev. Cramm look Into consideration the parable of th rich man and th fool, and gav a Siting Illustration of how the rich man had com tot th conclusion that all ha bad to do 'during I be remainder of his earthly lit was to eat and drink, and follow a life of idleness. 'The plagu of la when prosperity blinds a man to God and to his responsibility, toward him," aald Rev.

Cramm. -Th eervlce last night was vary highly appreciated by th large audianoe pr Snt, and waa easily on of th best at haa been delivered la th WesV boru church for eume time. In tb Method Ut Church at Britannia la tha morning and la tb Methodist Church In Westnoro yesterday afternoon, Raw. H. B.

Warrea delivered two excellent services on "Th Herltag of th Church to its Young People. The outstanding; features of th services were th modern young people's movement covering th last third of a century, th Interdenominational aide of the church and Its missionary phase. The feat urea wer very appropriate yesterday, aa they followed last week's big- Epworth League convention la Cornwall, and la many respects wer closely allied to purposes aad alms advanced at 1L 8ome Interesting facta of what th Epworth Leagues of th Methodist Church of Canada ar doing toward furthering th aims of Chriatiaaity were am bodied la tba- service, Th Epworth League of th Dominion ar sow supporting one hundred aad eighteen missionaries, mak ing- aa annual cash contribution of SM.wOt. Th Montreal conference branch of the Epworth League Is alone supporting wholly or In part eighteen of these missionaries. Th report of th three Epworth League delegates to tb Cornwall convention last week, will be presented thla evening at an entertainment tn tb Method let Church.

A cordial invltstion to attend this evealng's entertainment ha been ax-tended to all of th young people of th congregation. Another good attendance waa present at the service of th Junior Epworth League In Westboro yesterday morning. The feature of the service was the delivering of aa address on the convert ion of souls by the league president, Mr. Leonard WUliama. On Saturday th 'one hundred and twenty-three mesMhera of the Westboro Junior Epworth League will have a group photograph taken In front of the Westboro Methodist Church.

This will th first photo to bs taken of th Junior League. Th Ladles Aid Society of th Presbyterian Church will meet on Tuesday at the residence of Mra K. Curve 11 oa Mala street, Westboro, nt I p.m. Th Ladles Aid Society of the Britannia Methodist Church wtll he entertained at the residence of Mrs. John Sparks, Britannia, Thursday afternoon.

a Th Women's Horn Missionary So-" clety of the Presbyterian Church will hold their regular monthly meeting In th Westboro Presbyterian Church on Wednesday night. Varicose Veins and Itching Piles Usually Arise fVosa Sasae Camee Relief and Care h-ttccted by Dr. Chasea (totaen(. Nearly verybody know of Dr. Chase's Ointment as the most effective treatment for pilea or hemorrhoid that medical science has been able to compound.

80 much suffering and misery arises from this ailment that one la net long In telling hi friends wnen he has round aa actual cure. This account for th enormous sales oi ur, unaeer uinuMBU Tnif leuer 01 rejiex rrom tn aulTering of varicos veins by th us of Dr. Chase Ointment. Many suffer this trouble not know tna th comfort to be obtained by the us of' thl great soothing ointment. Mra H.

J. Evana, 187 Munro street Toronto, writes: have used Dr. Chase's Ointment for have been troubled with varicose veins, and find It the only thing that gives re lief. For every purpose when a soothing, healing; la needed there I nothing; so good a Dr. Chaee'e Ointment.

cents a box. all dealer, or Bdmansoa, Bates At Limited, Toronto. OTTAWA XMT. j) The aaaual harvest service and church anniversary the Baptist Mlaaloa waa bald yeaterday. the church being HHcd ea botb occasions.

Rev. Patrick stomas conducted the muralag service dellvaHng a forceful aenna en "Who la Man." A beautiful ajtthea. waa rendered by choir. Dr. A.

A. Cameron, former paetor of First Baptist Church, addressed ths Sunday school la the afteraeon, and delivered) aa eacellenl' arrmoa at the evening service. Mlaa Bell and Mr. fenny rendered excellent aoio at tha evening service, Th church waa beautifully decorated with fruits. Tinea, vegetables, el.

a a ti Rev. Mr. Wills as conducted both servlcea at the Wesley Methodist Church yeaterday. h. Both servlcea wer.

well attended. a a Th. regular Young People's meeting In connection with Wesley Methodist Church will be conducted la the church thl evening by Her. Mr. Wll-lana, A good attea dance la reuu rated.

TH1 QLKBI About ons hundred members from the three city lawn bowling elulia, th. Ottawa. Vlttorla and Civil Service, attended the Glebe 'Presbyterian Church last night. The representative of the different elube met at the Ottawa eiub house on Third avenue and asarched to the church In a body. Services were conducted by the Rev.

T. J. Taompeon, pastor of tha church, ass A Bible Mudy class waa organised among the men of Fourth Ave. baptlat Church at a meeting held yesterday afternoon. Mr.

A. B. Meldrum was ehoaen as teacher and the officers elected were President, Geo. H. Puahman vlce-preeldent, A.

Ardley secretary-treasurer. Geo. Graham member, of executive committee. W. J.

Bell. Herbert How, and a. A. HarahnutB, Tb -Ladle lesion Circle of Fourth Ave. Baptlat Church will meet thia afternoon at I o'clock to dlacnas the report Of the delegate who at-tended th recent Baptlat conference at Brockvllle.

Three delegate, have been appointed to represent the Fourth Avenu. Baptlat Church at tb. convention to be held la Peterborough next Wed-naaday. Tboee chosen ar Rev. C.

R- Duncan, paetor of the church. Rev. A. w. Frith and Mr, John Meldrum.

Now is the Time To Buy Woollens want to impress upon every reader the wis-" dom of nurchanincr all VVintrr r.lothintr necei- sities before the real cold we have a most complete wouia nice 10 see you make an eany seieciion light weights. 1 and heavy "PONGS SILK LA hi Br WOOL. 8COTCH WORST KD. We have th above Mae to vary member ot the family. Swiss Underwear ATTK1VTIOM la called lo our abowlng of BWIBS underwear.

Thla tin. come In eomblnaUona and separate garments. They are perfect fitting anal for comfort there are none better. amoucaVwotm Next Sunday will he obeerV. as Chlldrea'a Day In all tha Ahglloaa eburchea of the city, aad th.

offer-lag, will go to th. Church of Sag-land Sunday School Commission. a Mr. J. W.

Bearder, tha new ergaa-tst of All Salnte' Church, gave a delightful organ recital alter Evensong last night. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew of All Saints' Church meet on Wednes day afternoon, while the Do res Bar rlety meets thl, afternoon, and Olrla' Auxiliary to-night. a. The gift frnm an unknown doner of a new brass altar croaa, ant altar light, and two goepel llghia, ware dedicated In St.

Harnahaa church by Rev. W. H. Haylry before the Choral Kucharlat yeaterday morning. a a The Oulld of St.

Vera wtll hold" their meeting next Thureday evenjnv in St. Barnabas pariah room. -v Canon Kittson will give aeries at lectures to young men every Monday evening, commencing on Oct. 0. -St.

Luke's Day will be St. Luke's church next Sundsy. A united service will be held In St. Matthlaa church next Sunday at I p.m. to celebrate Children.

Day. a Rerr rural dean of Toronto and rector of St. Simon. Church, will preach the parochial Thanksgiving aervicea in St. Mat-thew'a Church next Sunday.

Tha. Boy Scouta will parade at It a.m. -IT- AN gxegRT CXAMINATtON nf the area reoulres th attest end beet Instruments snd apparatua Any ether examination cannot fall to be eupernetaL A Special Room, Special Apparatus and Special Care In examination make, our service the most thorough and aatisfac- tory In ths oery. THS. OTTAWA OPTICAL PARLO).

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