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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 19

Logansport, Indiana
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"INEVITABLE!" THE MEANING: That which can no longer be must be met at once. The crisis from which there is no retreat. This is the state of affairs which confronts HARRY RRAN We must sell our Winter Stock. SUITS The $18 Suits and Overcoats must go for 15 Suits and Overcoats must go for 11.50 12 Suits and Overcoats must go for 9.00 We must sell them. We must have room for Spring goods that are now being prepared in our factory.

Have you If not, borrow it! Come and see- HARRY FRANK. The Triple Clothier. Flannel Shirts at your own Price. THIS AND THAT. A Few Pithy Items Cane 1 1 on the i Ban.

I Of tbe 6(53 convicts in the northern Indiana prison, 501 were intemperate in tha use of intoxicating drinks iisfore their incarceration. There were 6,762 murders dnrinc 1892 in the United States, against 5,908 durinft 1391. 4,200 in JS90 and 3,567 in 1880. Who said the world was growing better? The peach crop rumor man has started out on a different line this year. He now says that the trees are all right and the crop next season is to be unusually large.

It is stated that nearly 22.000 Hindoos lost their lives last year from being bitten by snakes. "Snakes" are very common causeses of fatality in this country. They don't bite, though. An e-ichange tells story of a trirop who rang a doctor's dqor bell and asked the trim, pretty woman who opened the door if she would kindly ask the doctor if he had a pair of old trousers be was willing to five away. "I am the doc- or." replied the plump and pleasing young woman, and the tramp fainted.

Negroes and whites are allowed to in- ermarry in twenty-one states and terri- ories They are all northern states but 'me-Louisiana. They are as follows: Jonnecticutt. Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, New Hamp- hire New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio. Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South DikoU, Vermont Washington, Wisconsin and WvominK. all the other states such marriages are absolutely void.

In Indiana a white person cannot marry a negro. CONVICT LABOR INVESTIGATION OF THE LEGIS LATIVE COMMITTEE. FOR WOMAN MI) HOME 1 INTERESTING CHIT-CHAT FOfl LEISURE READING. Pen Picture, ot Pnt Ont by the-FMfclonmbU Model for of Moderate AlTrmji The taijor-made ulster, with circular cape, hig-h in the shoulders, has not yet lost its popularity, and preferred to heavy furs on snowy days or in cola sleeting-winter weather. It comes in all colors of cloth, and the color to be MONEY TO LOAN.

NGTK8 BOUGHT. GEORGE B. PORtlY, Loc.ASSPOltT. Ind. 26, '08.

I have received thU day pa? in full for loss by flre sared in the Agricultural Insurance company, 3. M. CloBson agent. take plcMure in recommending this company to rcy friends Gno. W.

BKXNETT. Low Kates, Prompt Service. JOHN W. MARKLDY, NOTARY PUiJUC. ABSTRACTS of TITLE Money to Loan On long time at rontionablo rates with unexcelled partial payment privileges.

Office over Fourth St. opposite court DOUBO. INDIANAPOLIS LETTER. Real Estate Sales. Tnollst of Ron tEsuilo Sales printed In tho Phnros from time to time la furnished by Kl-k Volso.v.

They havo tho only complete Ddtraot In Case Fire, Lluhtnlnir. lor- Accident and Life Insurance agents. Monny In band to lonnon liberal terms. Office ko.SW Fourth street (oppoiite court house) Lotransport, Ind. ft to der Any at home, selling Uchtnlng SO Plater nod plullmr Jowolry, vratohcs, tablcwarc-jlto.

Pistes tho finest of jewelry (rood as now. on all kinds of motel, with gold. or nickel. NoMpoiienco. No capital.

Every homo has good-" iioedlngr plfttinif. H. K. DKI.NO Co. Columbus, 0.

CITY NRWS. The Elks will meet tonight. Wheeler's Nervine sold at Coulson'i. Mrs. Al Swudeayr is ill with grippe.

Miss Agnes Hebe! is visiting Lafayette. Ladies rubber boots, one dollar, at Otto's. The'younR son of Mr. and Mrs. Morrell is ill with malarial fever.

Tke young daughter of John Schevy, of Race strett, is ill with lung fever. Call and sec our blooming No-why's floral store, 323 Pearl street. Just the thing for this weather, ladies rubber boots only one dollar at Otto's. "Corkey" Smith, ot Chicaeo, who sell millinery to the local is in town. Miss Kate Kelly has returned to Lafayette, after a short visit with relatives here.

Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Will B. Place entertained company of friends at 6 o'clock tea. Charles E.

Smith, of Crawforusville, a chosen depends upon the style of the wearer. A dainty, silk-lined hood in the back makes an effective trimming as well as s. useful adjunct for the evening, when it may worn over the head. popular business man of that city, is guest of Joseph Harris nod family, of the Westside. The ico on the abash river is breaking up, and the situation is viewed with some little alarm by the dwellers on Biddie's island.

B. A. Kroeger, Patrick Mahoney J. Twomey have returned from Kokoico where they went to attend a meeting of the C. B.

L. The New England supper to be given by the ladies ot the TJniversahst church been postponed on account of the death of Mrs. William Powell. Frankfort Crescent: "Mrs. Sarah Dunkle, of Logausport, went home this morning after spending a days with licr brother-in-law, Ssm Holiday." John B.

BlsHingham has received official notice of bts appointment to the position of regimental quartermaster for the Eighth Indiana regiment, Uniform Rank-Knights of Pythias." Daniel Fetrow. of Adamsboro, who rendered insane by injuries sustained in a runaway on the Nortbside some weeks ago, was committed to the hospital yesterday, for treatment. Catholic churchei today celebrated the feast of the Purification of the Virgin ICary. or Caodlemas called reason of the blessing of thVcaadleaosa on the altars and for other purposes. Prompt attention ibould be givsn the sanitary condition of city, just roonas spring weather acta; in.

It It no Intended to raise any scare about cholera or anything of the kind, but" the clean lineai of a not dttract ttom i in the estimation of a there is nothing like hiing prepared fo aa emergeccy. Mr. Mord and Oreaalieert Varment' InntltutcM Unpopular! Correspondence. INDIANAPOLIS, Jan. 31st, 1893.

Both the house and the senate have been busy this week, tbe various committees sent out on the regular inspection tours having returned Mr, Hord, of Miami county, has probably received more notoriety than any member in the house. His speech in favor of Hon. Oil Rhanklin, for United States senator, brought tbe young-man into prominence, and now he appareuth lands alone as the friend and champion if non-union laborers. His attitude icainst organized labor has placed him a very unenviable position, and it ii quite probable that Mr. Hord will neve igaln warm a eeat in the legislature lord is a man uf considerable ability, i and forcible! talker, while his apparent independence and indifference t( he requests of his constituents, make lis short political life somewhat remarkable.

Dr. Blair, our joint representative, has lubmitted a bill to repeal the luw author- ring the holding of farmers' institutes. He defends his measure by stating that not one-fourth of the countieu derive any benefit from tbe $5,000 appropriated by the state. It is claimed that the money noes to the trustees and faculty of Purdue university, who enjoy themselves traveling from place to place at public expense. Some of the best farmers in Miami county have asked for the repeal of the law, and Dr.

Blair is simply obeying instructions. Representative Quthrie is inclined to look with favor on the institutions. He says that when properly managed they In- accomplish much good, and that the trouble in Cass county has been the failure of many farmers to attend tbe sessions. A bill to amend the divorce laws has been introduced It don't state how often a man should get drunk to entitle his partner to secure" a separation or nether too frequent attendance at lodge" meetings is a just cause-for com- taint. For these reasons it is though' he bill will find Us way to the waste The bill regulating the stopping rains at stations was called up in tbe enate yesterday.

Senator Magee said that in 1885 the same mutter came up nd it was found that the state could no ontrol the running trains on road olding charters granted prior to thi doption of the present constitution. Th Till was referred back to the judicisry ommittee. Indianapolis is filled with thieves an bugs. Besides the home talent, the are here from Cincinnati, Louisville an )ther points. Two light-fingered rascals with a good supply of nerve, made a attempt to rob a young man yesterdav i he state house.

The affair occurred i he corridor, near the Washington atree entrance, and while tbe thieves securet IM Bad Beyond Any Idea I Formed," Said Mr. toir Condition of the Prison Xorth. The house committee on prisons has returned from the prison north. The members of tbe committee say they were satisfied that in a general way.the prison is well conducted. However, the sanitary condition of the prison was found to be bad, and tbe committee will so state in ita report to the house.

Representative Deery, chairman of tbe labor committee of the house, who is a member of thi prison committee, wbile at the prison made a special investigation of tbe convict labor system in there, a fl his opinion is published for the benefit of Pharos readers. "The convict labor system is bad beyond any idea I bad formed," said Mr. Deery. "I ascertained that much of the raw material used in the prison is imported. Tbe cotton used, for instance, comes from South America.

The goods iade in the city are branded as though hey were made in the factories 3f the ompanies outside the prison by honest ahor. For instance, the Columbus buggy orapany harness is in the prison, nd is branded so as to lean tbe purchase! believe it is made in Columbus, 0. 'he largest shoe factory in the world, hat of H. Co does all ts rough work in the prison. The finest machinery the company baa is in tbe rison.

Tba rough work is all done in be prison, and tbe shoes are then sent Chicago to be finished. The goods being placed on tbe market are as though they were made in Dbicago. This is manifestly unjust to he laboring men of the country and to be purchasers. I shall lay the result of my investigation before the house in ask- ng that my bill to abolish the contract abor system be passed. 'The sanitary condition of tbe priion very bad.

The stench in some of tho departments was so strong that I could hardly stand it. If we should get cholera Indiana it would find a rich harvest in his prison." The Tapeitry Koonn Wtndior. The Grand Duke and Duchess Sergius of Kusaia were treated with ex. treme courtesy by the Queen at Windsor and were lodged in the charming suite of apartments known as the tapestry rooms, the windows of which look straight down the finest avenue in Europe, The rooms themselves are not very large, but they are about the most interesting in the castle, for they are always allotted to the most distin iruished of the Queen's guests, her most intimate friends or members 1 the royal family. It was in thi tapestry rooms that the late Emperor Frederick and his English wife stayed during the jubilee week in 1887, and more interesting still is it to recall that it was in these same rooms that they spent their honeymoon nearl; five and thirty years ago.

The Empress still has the rooms allotted to he- whon her Imperial Majesty visits he mother at Windsor; and among- th other distinguished visitors to th who are also located in the sam apartments is the Empress Eugenie who is now one of the Queen's oldes as well as dearest frionds and con fidantes. The rooms contain som very fine pieces of old tapes try, and there are some wonderful hit oi old china, one very curious being spray of whiie thorn in full flower made in Worcester porcelain, which was presented to the Queen when a girl by the workmen on the occasion of her visit to the factory with her mother, the Duchess of Kent It was at the time impregnated with the scent of the hawthorn bloom, and although so many years have elapsed, it is said still not to have wholly lost its fragrance. Flcurod Sillri Comlnjc In. Quite young girls wear figured silks and satins this season, and a noted Broadway importer is making a large sale of these fabrics at the low price of 81 a yard. These silks make effective dancing dresses, theater coats, tea gowns, lining to cloth and velvet capes and vests to plain silk dresses.

Black sprigged with scarlet or old ose is a pretty with rellow, etc. A gray silk figured with mall pink roses, costing SI. 25 a yard, worn by a pretty girl at a dinner. The short Eton fronts opened over a ull vest of pink crepe de chine, and he jacket fronts were faced with pink silk revers, studded with cut-steel heads. The slightly trained skirt was hell shape with a narrow plaited ruche at the hem, faced with pink.

The full sleeves of the figured silk drooped close pink silk cuffs banded with cut-steel gimp in many rows. The pink silk girdle was simi- banded. ratner tnan a social circle govern the length of time the robes should be worn. Widows roar deep mourning, consisting of i- stuffs and crepe, for two years. 'jilUlrea wear tha same for parents ue year and then lighten it with of silk.

Complimentary ourning is black silk without crepe, ocond mourning, which follows the 1'otted period of deep mourning, is, of ourse, black and white, and heliotrope. JUform on CoMt. Perhaps the most practical walking ress for a woman which has ever ap- eared on the streets of San Irancisco that worn by Mrs. S. C.

Smith, a hysician residing on Grove Street. The costume is a short Princess dress, caching two or three inches below the uee. It is worn over trousers, very much the same as those claimed by the male sex. Mrs. Smith, in speaking of he peculiar gown to a Call reporter, aid that she first wore the union indergarments without any bands or ompressions about the waist, or act any other part of the body.

Over his she wore what is commonly jnown to ladies as the "good sense" vaist The trousers are made after the pat- ern of those which usually go with a ady's riding habit. The trousers are not held up by suspenders, but are astened to the waist by safety pins. Corsets are not worn, and there is no upon any part of the body to aold the in place. The waist fits the body, and the weight of the clothes is distributed and not sustained from the waist or shoulders. The outer g-arment is made exactly as a princess dress, except it is shorter, falling only a few inches below the snee and long- enough to come over the knees when sitting down.

The main idea of the dress is to do away with long trailing- skirts, which are a bother to every woman who walks along the streets. FUN AND PHILOSOPHY. I wish yon would let me have $40 today. yon. seem to think I married, an heiress, my Mother (to her child, who has just had eome sweets given her do yon say to the gentleman, Mabel? yon got any more, A photographer is one of the most independent of men; he never hesitates to present his Courier.

has become of the in- dia, rubber that was at the museum? he was imton Leader. Hubbell swear as much as ever since he married? Bis wife don't mind it. She used to be a telephone Journal. Rejected what will yon consider me, now that yon have rejected me. Will it be in the light of a brother? "No; as the light that Record.

"Hit doan' do," said Uncle Eben, "ter take too much 'count ob de fac' dat er man looks good natnred. De crocodile hah de broades' grin on Star. What makes the bicycle popular with many, rich or poor, is that after trying to ride one they feel they are better off. Times. ft vn iW'is' S3.0 3,50 400 450 Drtttr Unequal Division.

"I am sorry to go," said a lady after making a long afternoon call, "but I promised to be home before tea." "Ob, no, stay, and Til 1 it to your husband," replied the hostess, -who had been urging the invitation. you do it!" came her nephew's voice froni the nest room, "Don't let her lead you into misdemeanors that you will be punished for afterward. She used to coax me in just the same way when I was a boy, and then I had to suffer for it." "Nonsense, Henry!" said his aunt. 'That is nothing but a joke. Don't take any more notice of it, Mrs.

Bell, but you must stay to tea." "You eee, when I was in school," pursued the ruthless nephew, "we lived ont of town, and I was expected to be at home every night before dark. Once a. week I used to run in and call on auntie, and she always persuaded me to stay to tea and go home'in the evening, and when I said father would settle -svith ma afterward she used to say: 'Oh, just stay, and I will take the responsibility "Well, didn't sho take it?" asked the visitor. was the reply, "she took the responsibility, but I took the Boston Transcript. MEN'S SHOES WORTH Patent Leather, Cordovan, French Calf, and Kan- DAYS and DATES.

Fukcr Term. OTTOKRAUS ST1TI Ml'llil BINK, Indiana. nothing they manaeeci to make their escape. F. R.

Louiii Very 111. Lewis Mcrrison, the actor, who was unable to. fill his this city Mt week on a'ccount of sickness, is DOW at the St. Louis hospital, and is reported in a critical condition. His wife, whose stage name is Miss Roberts, is at his bedride.

Ths company is still playing iu engssement with Mr.Owen, the under study, in the leading part. The Xorth Galveston Brick Plant. The ki ii of red pressed brick that wan opened a few days ago at Xorth Galvei- ton, revtaled a quality of material which was pronounced by expsrts as fully equal in density, durability, and color to the best pressed brick. The Korth Galvestou Brick company is a pretty big concern. The machines buildings, yards and general capacity equals some of the best plants in the country.

More factories beiujc built, a steady increase in population and an abundant iuSux capital seems to be the present record of this thrifty younc city. For particulars call on or addres, L. R. Cleveneer 316 Broadway, Logana port, the local agent, or addresi thi Korth Galveston Association, box 963 Minneapolis, Minn. IMssolutlon The partnership heretofore existing I under the firm name of Quinn Bridge, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr.

Quinn retiring. Mr. Bridge will continue the business and is authorized to collect all monies due tbe firm. and pay all bills. J.

H. Qcrsx, "WILL F. BRIDGE. Losansport, Jan" 19, 1S93. A Popular Habbatli School Convention.

There will be a Sabbath school cnn- Tantion it the Crooked Creek church, Jfcttenon township, Sunday. February 3 p. m. Al! cordially Followiag-is the prognmme: The best method oi a Thedatroi Sunday school duties of parents to ted Sunday "ow.ihiSiwibnnd up oar Sunday SUIQ 1 to chflaren Overholfer- i Jos. VXKATIA.

Township Xe-w Columbian Half The Pharos has a few of the handsome new souvenir coins of the World's fair that may be purchased by any one wanting them at the regular price of ooe dollar each. BuildlxMC mnd Investweirtfli. write stock on the 4, 5, 6. and 10 year Give yon choice of five associations. Can secure you a- lonn on short nodes- us a call.

COCEBUKK- BROTHEKJI, Room 8. Spry Building. afternoon Clerk Bliss issnad marriage license to John Z. Merz and Maud M. Eads.

The three-quarter, tight-fitting coat is always becommfr and, with the double shoulder capes for slender persons, may be somewhat elaborate. Th saucer bonnet is jnst the headgear to match such a coat The one picmred is of light gray felt. The brim is lined with a band of deep crimson velvet. At the back are high loops of pale gray ribbon with ostrich tips oi the natural color. The ties come from the back and are of pale gray velvet ribbon.

With these bon. nets the is -usually worn high, giv ing the Spanish comb a chance for display. The TVemrlns of MonrnlnR. Despite all protests the contrary, mourning will be -worn as long as the world lasts, for it« only ontwmrJ evidence of grief one is permitted lo make, as well as being a shield from the -untimely-gayety of the passing Granger, who, were it not for Mich, a garb, conld not be ex- oected to know that his mirth -rated on the feelings of a chance acquaintance. Mourning is the most expensive apparel, yet the.poorest families, though -unable to afford it, stir-t themselves in other ways in order to show to the world the respect they for the dead and the sorrow they experience in their loss.

The etiqaet -nocr-aing- is entirely apart any tbe matter, for one Matlasse cloth in being used for dress jackets. Hare is a graceful model in black, made of that material It is laid in pleat, back and front, and has a yoke of velvet trimmed with dull black embroidery. It is now worn a great deal by London fashionables. Hontlftt. The poke bonnet, in order to be becoming, should be worn like the Salvation lasses wear back on the head.

Some of the new bonnets have the white tulle cap fronts, but these are most trying to the complexion. One of tbe most fashionable mixtures is black and pink, and an easy way of making a. dark hat or bonnet becoming to a brunette is to line the brim with vieux rose velvet This shade seems to throw a soft, pretty light on. the face. If one's complexion is not of the best it is worth while studying one's hat brims.

Some of the close-fitting small bonnets made of velvet have the quaint little old-fashioned curtain at the back made of the same material. In fussy little woman went to an orphan asylum to adopt an orphan. She picked out a. little girl with red hair, and, after giving- a receipt for her, left She returned next day and said to the Superintendent: "My husband thinks this orphan won't suit Haven't you got any with black hair and blue The Superintendent bunted through the institution and found nothing of the color wanted. It-is a rather rare combination any way, I have heard.

Then the woman got mad. "Why don't you keep a proper assortment of orphans?" she demanded. "What's the use of running a place in this one-horse way? Over in the Brooklyn home they've got orphans of all colors. You'll ruin the business if you act like Don't you find your customers are going elsewhere? When do you think you'll have any orphans with black hair and blue eyes?" "The colors aren't fashionable," said, the Superintendent, "but I shall be pleased to communicate with you and fill your order when I am able to do so." "Well, see that you do," answered the woman, a little moilified. "These Institutions aren't half what they used to be.

Don't keep me waiting longer than a week." And she left the red-haired one and went home. Every time the bell rings thinks it's an expressman bringing her orphan order with hair and Vine Buy and Sell Government Bonds. Comfort. Little Rex and I to be married Wen we grow up. urse thought you didn't like Reg-ie.

Little don't: but married men is never at home, and I'd rather have him away all the time than any boy I know yei. Conldn't Tell your mother a good now? she isn't fit to be in a decent family, mamma says. "Indeed! Where did she get such a creature?" "She's the one you had so long. A History. Smith, a small coal dealei on Scavenger alley, yesterday compromised with his creditors at 10 cents on the dollar.

John Smith, the millionaire coal man, left yesterday on a tour around the world on his $250,000 steam yacht Dusky Tribune. Couldn't Show It. "Have you ceased to care for me, Adele? I'came earlier this afternoon, and you do not even look glad to see me." I am glad to see you! Bat this is my hour for restiag my features from all A Next Conversation. don't see what makes ice cost so much. It was a foot thick last winter.

The jest it. It was more work to cut Star. ItlVas. "Is that a new K31- jordan. And Shadbolt simply pointed to tne front of it to show that the buttons had all come Tribune.

Snowballing In Billville- Tho whole town turned ont yesterday aa pitched into the The parson led the rumpus, aa he shoatcd. Let An every man lie rolled him ap a boll an sUirt- Tou orterbcen there, fellers, to see the fun begin! First, Deacon Jones, who didn't a man could fall from grate. Jes'nil the parson in the back an snowed ham in the nee; An the parson dropped his snowball: Ins eye red as blood; An when he clinched with Deacon Jones the deacon's name was modi And Collaterals. Issue Special Certificates of Deposit bearing 2 per cent when left for one year; 2 per cent per annum when deposited 6 months. Boxes in Safety Deposit Vaults of this Bank lor the Deposit of Deeds, Insurance Policies, Mortgages and other valuables, rented at from $5 to $15 per year.

Wanted Thorn It was difficult to conjecture -what part the man with a boot and took in the great plan of the universe. Yet he must live. When he asked, the' little boy with flaien curls to go into the house and gteal for him a roast chicken or BO much" thereof as might be accessible, he threw a degree of pathos into his voice did not miss of its mark. little boy assented and promised to do his best. Disappearing with alacrity he returned in a moment.

"I can't" Tha youthful face was clouded witn regret. "get any chicken, but here's some cigars." The man with a boot and ft shoe beamed radiantly. "Don'i tell on me, -will you." pleaded the child apprehensively. "Pa'd be aw- fnl mad because ma gaTe" "Hold" The tramp was shuddering. my boy, I cannot encourage theft in one so young.

No, thank you, little man." "With a look of extreme repugnance ne tamed and walked Trib- Digtingnished -Katnralist in Africa- BrJove.myw.gnew. fast! But just wait till to fee i jjjyonr own inside of dyspepsia I've had for the last 20 w4 yon -vrish you bad let me Life. Then Deacon Jones'wife came out an Ml the parson one. Anmasecondanahalfshebwlhirnonlienin: Then all weiit in for fishlin: Oiey fought from fojannear! The mayor jumped on lie marshal, aa the marshal licked Uic mayor! We don't trant. no more snowballs in EEUriUe right For half the town is laid np now.

with doctors bins to pay; The undertaker's smilin as be hugs bi5 oit hungry man-went into fashjoijable down town restaurant and gave an'order; for dinner. Among other: dishee, he Ordered calf liver and bacon. The waiter was absent a long tune, and when he served, the mealjie said apologetically: "Sorry to keep you -waitm, san, but oe calf sliver was out, an wehadto send for Catarrh, Heart Failure, "Bnt this is not calf 8 liver. cow's liver," said the iJaippointed customer, turning it over with hi fork. "Carn't help it, sah.

Dat a calFs liver when we ordered it, Liked Moaopolr- First there coal trallr- First coal so hign-pnoed pop carries it In hisseif. a scatter enough in BillviJIe to- last hundred Con itndon Detroit Free Press. of. discovers of inductive opened a new era in the history Helpinc Kim Out. He -jrasabashrol lover andhad courted her feng.

She knew he loved her and knew that he-svas afraid to propose. She resolved to help him, ont. "When get married, Ihope to see you at mv TrecEing," she said. "Heaveiisr he gasped. "I hoped, to marry you myself-" 1 "Well," she rejoined as her cheeks flashed to the hue of a rosy sunset, "I meant! I hoped to you there as.

the groom." Xhea be fainted -wiiii Yolk Press. A 15-year-old girl, lopsided in appearance and engaged in. chewing gnm in laborious fashion, came into a grocery and checked the- regular her jaws jnsi long enough. ai tinctl to the grocer, "Poun tea." "Eh? What do yon -want, and -who if it forr asked the grocer. "Potm tea, my mother," jmunHM the girl, her going aglin.

pound of tea, eh? kind do you want, black ot green?" Jwi Mr. Hdrrey. Laceyviue, 6. ralysis of the Throat ITuwUc Cod nnd JToot't perfect BeaMh." frcnUanen: Tor the benefit remrj llavesuffered from Uilorc, jetUag to bid 1 eonld not Could jownii buttwcn I At Death's Doo Itnt-wM entirely cored JkUer MODS wist Vi. SnrfttUt HoodTawMiwina.

tat two botaw i Samaparill posed.

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