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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 11

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BXAL KWTATS. I t'MUDUi nud MeVOVHX. i Meal If'r'l Ptaeiler MI. taordon MulotUMOf tic wVd.jfOO BUYS NICB IIX-BOOIIED ay brick vsassr, Aw impravettieoic ot- uwa South. J.

BHMMOK, Real KatmU tl Kldeae St, iKHW MM, 1'rtOR SALB ON BAJItD GOOD oollaes. wiu Improvement, (M.lw ceh and beUtnco 110.00 yearly. IIELMEK at POMMWVUXaC. RhI bUU Buildinc A Loan, IT Bank PsVnesi MOOO OLEBR, NIW BRICKHOUSB. Ktv.

bed rooms. Ftirnac saedsra plumbing, tl,) dowa. a.400 BUYS TWO LOTION FOURTH Ave. IMUU Ala Fran St lot 4t ay It, Rid. EMPIRE REALTY CO.

Real tjrtate, Inauraaoa, Money Loaa Room lot Spark Sk T.OOO HANDLES OOOD COMMER-clal property, paying 7. With email outlay will pay 11. $500 HANDLE! NEW lt-ROOM brick. Modern Improraevgnta. Splendid location.

l.ft'OO GOOD BUILDING LOT ON V. powsll Ave, also lou oa Carting ad C. MALCOLM WIQGINa. Brokaraf, Real Eatata, Insurance. Phone WtT.

UK Sparks St, TJOl'BES FOR SALE FRANK AA Ill.tOO and Slater, 45,404 Murray ana ueinouatc, las.wBj. NAUBKHT A GATrTHIKR. Raal Estate, laaaraaoa. Phoaa dOPT. Raooaa Albert VN BALAAM BT A DOUBLE BIUCK vtrKl.

All Improvement A real nap. who want- it IN IVY ST. A DOUBLE BRICK vnrd. All imorovanicBta. t'han II WVIa 1 B.

inifRRIIKT IT A us a. VJ Inee propoaltlon. But thing at the ST. GERMAIN 4 Real Eatata and laaaraaoa. FtMnea: Ml-Ott Bank 8C CUMMER COTTAOB AT NORTH Wakefield.

Partially furnkhu 1 good water; beautifully eltuated. Rent SHOP NO. Ml' BANK ST. WITH apartmenl overhead. Raat fit par PARTMENT NO.

4MUj BANK ST a. Vary largo. Rant 110 par month. CKnnr.E WriinnatTiiM Realty, AealfBee, Maniac I Ir'nnam aoSH Bank Sk Pbonea lata A at IT SHOPS AND DWEL-- ling. Let Mxlb.

Renting at til month. A 1S1. invectmont. Easy terms. ELBERT N.

aoPEk. Real Eauta and Inauraaoa. iia. Si gpuka atreet. 1S0(0 noOKCLIFTB PARK, ONE or Laurantlaa bllla and aurrouDdlnc la.tMrO ROCKCUFFe) PARK.

LOT waiv. ,111 pummar nouaa. ROCKCUKFB PARK. ZeARQB uurnir 101. S.OOO LOT.

NORTH SIDE WOOD- lar Ji etcefp OBIo Pbooe o. HoaeaPhota ISM. Raal Eetala, Inaaranea, raei, 1 MM.M CASH AND per month, will buy new brick houae with ell iraprovemonta. Hardwood floora, enamel bath end baaim hot air heating: everything light up-to-date, with seed alaed lok. In a good locality.

Thle la an aeeeptlonal epportnnlty to eeeure a good home at low price and. moat reasonable terma. MOFF ATT R'oSa. Real Eetatt. Metcalfe 81 fbom tSMt.

S8.BOO OO HANDSOME -NEW BRICK realdence, corner lot. on paved at raat. Contetoe reon-e, bealdee outer kltehen aad gBrun. Hardwood Ooore, brick al gratea, two bath rooma complete, hot water heating: Houae beautifully decorated by Durord. A beautiful pro fjyiyl but tow large for preeent owner.

MlghtiUke emaUar new heuee la (Irat-daaa Jeeellty In pert saymank Shown only appointment. y- ROBT. Rral Eatale, Weetaam Ind. Bank St, j. phone 0OO BANK ST.

PROPKRTT. Three etoree, feet Reet. enue. Met yearly; Inveetlgste. FIRST WEST OF Bank.

Ten ropme. Full lok Oet pamcuiare at once. SOMKRSET ST. WEST. OP Good frame and faat becoming 00m-merclel.

Lot I3xr. W. A. Raal Eatata. 11S4.

as Riden nr. COTTAGE ON HURRA ON HALF VJ lot. I2.000. Double unamenk Sk Patrick Sk, M.toy. Aleo twenty ekoloe lota la Eaetview, fae.M.

Twenty-Hye do! Lent oaeh and ta.M par month. High sad well eltuated. Bear In mind that when' yoa buy 'One of theee lota that you ere buying In the eleeeat auburb to the city, 'prleee will advaae in a ahort time Th. TATE, SI assL SS.BOO PATTERHON AVE. 1VBN rooma.

Lot 40x104. 1 i 4aA AVBL MlMr rocma l. aaparau; het ajr iurne U.fOOFOUR DOORS. PBRCT'ST. Well, ranted.

W. ROSS, Act, Saaartaja Property. Phone etle. Ontca Rlchnaoad tnu opp. Oaa Clak, I1BODUCJI DKALERS AND- OROCERS A "Look Aheed." Here la a dandy auburBen eaalneae ette.

Two iota. lo cated at WeodrofTe, iaet where the car line eroeaee tne ntenmona Thle will eventually be a very valuable cm-t. ner. and now la the time to buy, before pneee run away. up.

term oaa a ar ranxaa. railjUe-Kauwn; FRATT. Real JCatat and Ftra Inaanawe. rhoaa Cor. WeJUiurtoa A Bank.

4.50O LOT, COR. DRIVEWAT AND ntcLeoa. Bk neeunroiiy eltuated. Can be bed oa exeeptloaallr eaay tarme. a.SOO-LOT, CORNER AUCE AND ep DrivewBy.

a coniinuaiion ok etc Lena St, Make enquirlee. fSTOO-TWO LOTS, CORNER RB-gVat and Ann St. Make anoulry. We leo have ether valuable propartlaa worth while welting Into. McJLAY 8ION CO.

Sat'Ciieanre to John MoKay. PSema lead. 1M Qweea Sk Eek 1ST. 1" it MIL UTIII BROKBRS Special prleee for sign during Marelk Phone itli, f- OTTAWA RKALTT CI. Mono to Loan.

1 t' lUtt Bank at. Pbosa UM. a.3MI, UACKAV ST. REDUCED from for aulck le. Contain! lummir aad wlotar aHcnaae and bath.

tl.OOO HUPEWKLL NEAR Bank. Lot WxlOO ft. DAVlDaON MOFFETT. Real aatata, inaaranea and FaeL- 1M Bank aX. rtMNa OT FOR IALB FT.

I IN. IB, lj Evalya PHtM: Mxioe Vauih.o 81., tJ7l.uo MiM Arltnttoa 40x91 1 with lanol. Cantra 8k i A. A. TAILLOK.

Baaker, Aielnee, Raal EMate, Iaar Pbon till. led Sparka St, IMVE Or THE BEST ON BANK BT. Three built eonwr propartlaa, one Taoant corner lot, eoe eentral lok All wall located tor bank ln( or commercial purpoaea. ISAAC R. COLS.

Real Eaute. Prodnoa and Faee, rnon M. ta 1 fpHREB HOUSES ON TURNER T-X I3.W0. 11,000 and I1.0M raapeotleely i Plnhay Bk. HlUaaa Ave Clair I'M Thorotaa Atom I Oarland Ava-.

MO i alee aor (ana, L. R. OtJOKSICLL. Inenrano Raal Via Phone 0T. Bank Si, $0,000 BUTS NEW, UP-TO-DATB double houae, on atutebator Sk Pare ll6 on inveatmenk LARMO.NTH A WELCH, Real batata and iBMieaDk1 11 Elfin Sk Pnona 11L -1ILMOUR BT.

ROW THREE B. V. VJ houaaa. containing parlor, eeparate amine room. kitchen.

oea rooma. aea. All Rente 191 1 per an Bum. Thta la a barcaln, requlrinf caan. n-ica H.

W. CHAMB1E1U-I1T. Real Eetala, Inaunuaoe and CoaL 11 Bank Sk Pbooce and BRICK HOUSE. ARLt Initon Ave. ConLalna rooma.

All improvrmanta. will oaonange. WESLEY BICE, Real Eatata and Loeae, Its Bank bk Ptaoae ell. Roe, 1M LeBretoa St. Pooaa eel a.

nHAHAM PLACE, RIVERSIDE PARK. Kvary lot 100 leal aide and all eeaii' tltuUy treed. tM. eiPRlNflllALK PARK. CORNER LOT.

fJ next tlaotrla Railway, M. Tarme LtO BUlk 1 VTW OTTAWA WEST COTTAOB. A.1 carleton Ave. Decorated end fitted for winter nee. 9100 down, lt.Ot per month.

CJUMMKRLAND LOT, MX114, FOR tw. Rlvereide Park lok lOOxlM, for 1800. O. W. BUTLER, 1M Olea Af.

Pnoew t7i. Real Eetate, Iiieuraar Loaaa, J. BOO HOUSE AND BARN. WELL fenced eood wail one mile from City. A anap.

t-wtiar mu eeii. SOVEREIGN REAL ESTATE CO Ltd Real Eetala Loana, Fnon UTS, W. F. SoriTMU, Mgr, TS Bank St. oLEOD ST.

HERE IS AW OPPOR. tunity to aecure a beautiful lot. aa by eloae to Driveway, on MeLeod Sk To a nerty who will build et once, can no Bougni witoout caaa.paymeak rricaifjiuw. I. W.

4. BROWNE. Real Eetat A Inaurance. 1TSM Bank St, e.aoo buts four-door brzck, with all. Improvemenu i good yard.

rayrnB iv rpo RENT NEWLY DECORATED -v nouaa. eig.w montn. LOTS FOB BALE. 37 ACKI-S. 1-4 JilLEM FROM PAR-llement BuUdlnxa.

54 ft. hleher than ManorgPark. overlooking River end Oatlneau mountalna. Apply Box Ml DRFS8ER. Jack O'Meara, lata of Two Mens.

Pbon bo. Nlcholaa St. YOUR WARDROBE KklPT' IN RE-. pair for per nwntfk Open all LKADED ART oLabSV COLO.MAL ORXAMKNTAXi MS Bank i- Phon SOTS. 1 1 BADED-ART OLAS8 FOR PRIVATE -fc" awciina.

m.nrariAi Wln- dowe. Deeigni and aatlmatae oa appii. PRITXRARD'ANDREWB CO, Ltdf 114 Spark Brae Workers. ICn. graven.

Die, 81nkera and Seal Makara. ANK AND OFFICE ORILLBL church work rail, memorial labiate! au MataL Kara ft-TT DallHmelo St, Phono IUL ON THROW AWAY OLD "Vu or elotblng. We pay hlgheat prloia for them. uuJiIm Bhnn A Braaa ill WelUngton 8k iJ, bCKSMITHlNO. BLACK8MITHING li rod bicycle repairing.

-puller. PLUMBINli AND BEATINO. tSCHWABE PLUMBING AND healing, engineer. I4t Rldeau St! Phone tnt-for eatlmate. PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTINa High grade work.

Chandler A Co- tit ipiinM 1141 RE8TAVRANTS AND CAFES. rrRY NAP'S NEW. DINING HALL, 101 Spark ilk LedleC prlvau dining room upeulre, kJPBCIAL LUNCH AT THE KING ED wardT 11 to t. Jte. Kalt Centra IKtatlon1 SODD1NO.

UABOUR1N A HENRI. BOX 41, B1LL-(3 Inge' Bridge. Sodding, grading, ahade trace, 'Phone 7111. TAILORS. KPSTKIN SUMMER 8tTITi praaalng.

O'Conaor Sk 'Phone int. H. iOUBARNB. TAILOR. FIT GUAR, anteed.

Preaalne end repairing dene promptly. at Dalhooele till. XT. wolfb. in Conner st, Ladies' larenteen.

nafeinng a apecteltr. THORNTON A TRUMAN. Lorkamltlr. and Machlniate, 114 WeUlngton St. Pbon 101.

aA.AAaaaaaa'aaAaaaaaAaAAaAaa BnAOB rA wrraa wtrtnaiKB. vault ear, blcyele. repaired auaomatle aeor earing lock- amlthlng. STORAGE, MERCHANDISE. FURNITURB, IN-auraece, Domlnloa heualrx cempeny.

Limited, el Nlcholaa tu 'Flume 444. a. I THE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL. MCNEVAY, JUNE 19, 4911. 11 rOJaaTIC WAXTKD.

8MUVANT. OIBL WANTKU OOOD suae Bald. Apply Royal Eacbaua Hotel. ONE DININO ROOM OIRU ONE ward meld. Helereneee required.

Apply bk Luka'a Hoapllel. WANTED A OOOD OBNBRAL SKR-vaak who can do rial cooking. No weahlng. Ironing or upetalr work. Apply el Albert et.

WANTED IMMEIMATELV. OKNERAL aervank with experlenee willing to go to the eraelde. Apply IM Metcalfe Sk 1 AMTEIV-A GOOD HOUSE MAID. -Referencee reaulred. -Apply Mra.

A. SC. Palmer, let Cooper t. GENERAL. MUST BE OOOD PLAIN cook.

No laundry nor eweeolBB. Ap ply, with refereaeea, Mr. Oorman, 141 Augueta. WANTED-OENKRAL SERVANT FOR the country, near Ottawa No weahlng or cooking. Good wagee.

17 Nepeaa at. flOOD PLAIN COOK OR; GENERAL aarrant. av eace. nint Apply tu MeLaraa. WANTBD-AN EXPERIENCED COOK.

Muat hava rafarancaa. Apply Mr. nV A. Dun top, Pembroke, Onk VOUNO GIRL TO ASSIST IN OB1N-A 1 erel houae work. Apply Mra.

King. Ill Slatar Sk VXANTEU AT ONCB, MAIDS, TABLE maid, eha mkarmaida, perlernvaid. general aarvanta, eooke. ate High waaa. taken rree enarea.

Uwa Employment Bureau, Canada We Building. 71 flnarka. FEMALE) JfJEf.P WAMTKHw -ANTED ONE OR TWO INTELU-eant women of fair education and good appearance, for lucrative posltloa on salary and oottunlseion. Apply BOX Me. EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTED AT once for Ice cream parlor rood wagee aleo young girl te week lee cream ae ruaeau ak TjVFTEEN OIRLS TO WORK IN BIND-A' try.

Experiaaeed preferred. Apply Mr. Bailey. The Mortimer Ltd. TOO GOOD ACTIVE BALESLADIEg wajitad.

anaalrlna FraHMab and En- Uah, for action departaMnk Experience needed. Apply A. Faulkner, Dal-houeleSk MALE HELP WANTED. 'ANTED CARETAKER, STKWAR-. ton PreobytoMan Church.

Write A. W. Hubend, Seeretary, 1T LewU Sk BRYSON-ORAHAM LIMITED WANT a window waeher, aleo oaak bora. Apply ft. P.

McLean. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRIVER. appiy j. u. Btawark ItT Bank.

TVIANTKD MAN TO TAKE CHARGE and run manufacturlne cards roolien." Bteady work far the riant man. State wegei expected. Heneon nooiien Jtiit. tiuu. Vjtie.

Mf ANTED STRONG ROY TO DRIVE. one wno te willing te hlmaelf generally uaaiui. Apply at once, et Mem 01.. uuava a-aat. ANTKI-YOUNO MAM AS CLERK In ffroeenr Btora.

Anolv at anea. 11 awn uiMwa aaai. WANTKD SALEHlf AN. APPLY NEW WllilaaMi 8win Machlna If omnm. 'ANTED COMPETENT HARD- war clarx.

Apply aa and it Rldeau 'ANTED A CARPENTER. APPLY j. JiokaugBlln. bo ma raat Sk C1TABLEMAN, NONE BtTT EXPERJ- enoea neea apply, (Baalay caw Bo taller Sk QALESMAN WANTED. APPLY 0.

B. Bciicry. ara Aloeri ax. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS WANTED.

FOR PARTICUL-ars aptly Electric Beaa Chemical aa Aioan m. TEACHERS WANTED, WANTED A QUALIFIED TEACHER to teach both French and Eagueh r-t b. a. t.u. unmnana, Apply, elating rerereneee, experience, and aai- ary.

juiian r-otyin. oaraneiq. ont. SITUATIONS VACANT. T7 PAY LADIES OR OENTLBMEN vv fifteea dollara nd expeneee weekly wwirar aa- veneed.

Commenoe In borne tarrttnn. Write for Wlnaten Caw SITUATIONS WANTED. GOOD MARRIED COUPLE AS CAB. man end French eook. Good refvr.

encea. Apply journal omce. J. IK, WANTED. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ALL KINDS of soap, 1 ban for It cent.

'Phone eeia. WANTED SECOND-HAND OFFICB deck. In good oondltlok. Apply, piiw, oo eournai umos. trETERAN LAND RANTS WANT, ed.

Ontario or Dominion. loeated uumtea Mulkallend a Toroata. ECOND-HAND CLOTHES FOR THE S.B,lu,m Salvage, Oeorge William Sk 'Pknna 111 ARTICLES FOR, SALE. t8.00 BUYS BABY CARRIAGE (KN(1. Hah cab), In good condition.

Apply i.i atmoti Java. T7IOR BALE RUBBER-TIRE BUGGY. A Almoat new. Cheap. L.

Apply tl 8T TANDARD BRED STALLION FOR aaie. Appiy to js. j. jonca. i.j Sparka Sk GREAT VARIETY-DELICIOUS BREAD aad cakee.

Mlller'e Scotch Bakery, Ml Bank Sk Freeh dally. poi SALE GRANDFATHER CLOCK. It Heapain SUMMER DRESSES, ALL-1 LATEST ehade and styles, at lowest prleee. AU plcsly made sad fit guaranteed. Caah or eaay terma The Ottawa A Hull Furn.

117 Sussex St. THB JOURNAL BY MAILTO POINTS In Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland and most British poeessslons, poet free i lee a week, lac twe weeks, 10c three weeke; It a month. Te 0. a. points, I per month extra far poet, age, 4., etc.

a montn. Yearly rate Quoted on application. JUST ON BREBDtNO) HENS, canaries- and breeding, eagea, 11 RMean Sk 'Pbon 4T41V arONARCH. METAI. WEATHER.

iU. Sulp, ponnd aedee)mg, Kawneer puiie gia-s eeiung. J. it Mstcslfs Sk Thene 7lL rraa) herald is to iiamilton A what The Telegram Is la Terente the recognised Want Medium. If yoa went kelp, property, situations, ad-verUee la Tke Herald and get reeuUa.

Ratal 1 cent a word: three IneertiOBS for the price two. Subscription: Dally. Salvrdey edition. Me a year, postage rree. Aodreee Tbs Msrald.

Hamilton. EARTH FOR FILUNO TO OIVBN away at laf Bay Sk i TjXJR SALE CLEAN NEWSPAPERS. A Good for wrapping purpeeee. 11.44 per IM lbs. Ar-ply Journal OfBoe.

JOS. DAVIS, 471 WELLINGTON ST. Casl-oa clothing bought and sold far F. SALE. CHEAP.

ONS MBDTOM-alaajl O. Jeaascn A Co. Ill rjsaex Sk ARTICLS FOH SAI 1 UMNO ROUel FURN1TU FURNITURE FOR aala. aheap. IT ThlidlAn Mid.

Ft! I atKlt HOT AIR ri RNACK, IN A good order, with all cxniia. Atr- Ply M. XuMerren. lit Sueaex. Sk TJOHTON TERRIER.

14 MONTHS OLD. oaauiiiuiiy raerBaa nrat etaaa uv. F. W. JohDAtoa.

II. Nepeaa Sk 'Pbooe 1BO.OO STEVENSON UPRKlHT Piano, perfect order 1 great anap, U.M eeeh, 74c par week. Ltadeey, iw a para a sk $34 00 KILOOUR ORGAN. FIVE octave perfect order. each.

tea per week. CV W. Llndw, Ltd-, 111 apera CBS OO NEW YORK SQUARE FI-v bbo good araer: aplendld plea lor beginner, 11.00 caah, Tie per week. V. W.

Undaay. LI. 1M Spark Sk ET YOUR FURS CLEANED AND mad over at Alfred Ceta, lac Blast. ITIENTS. BOATS.

CAMP FURNITURE. A iiv minnow, worraa, etc W. J. 1, a. JABOT PINS, MANY AtX prleee.

Oouiia, Jeweller, 111 Rkt-eau St. 'Phone M44. OLD NBWgPAPUlg IN aV-LB. PACK-agee, at lac a packaxa. CJean (took.

Apply Journal Printing Co. JEW ARRIVAL OF BREAD SOXEg, tcuare. 111 Dalneuele Sk NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURN1-lure of ail kinds. Uaholeurlag. pojtohlng.

repairing. A. Brocker, IM 17NK iham ramenr ORGAN, almoat fn lie. BavabAe ICO weekly. Mendehnohn plane, used three month, for tl): payable monthly cost new MM.

Mason A Rleeh eauare piano, 114.. terms 13 monthly. naw York upright, In good repair, floe tone. 1M; payable monthly. Joan Baper Piano I7t Sparks Sk PANAMA A Brtoae.

RATI AT FACTORY rioee, aleo oleaa and bleak old Pan- bat. Joe the Hatter. BLOCKS FOR 1AIJC. H. aivieioa aw ATS vt a it, MOLASSES bene food 111 Hula Co.

'Pbeae AVAl. rtAPlTAL HOU8B FURNISHING CO. baa reoslved a big chliimoat ladlaa mIm ha im. aX HORSES FOR SALE. AM EN ESS.

BRUISES. STRAINS. aweiiings. mnammatlon on norwaa cured by ABSOKBINE. 11 at deeiere.

W. K. young, P.D.F., ear Lyman Llm-Ited. Montreel. Agaaix.

(H) ROOMS TO LET. ljWRN.IHHiCD ROOMS TO LET. AP-A ply jtl Nepean streak eaat of Bank FURNISHED ROOMS OR UNFUR-nlehed. Enema I beta, osmmcrelei lighted, not water bested. New psaa-egemeak 111 Usgar Sk-Srst door off T7IRONT PARLOR (FURNISHBD) AND A other rooma (aafuraiehed), with ar wltheut Rent moderate.

Apply BOOMS AND BOARD. TJOOM. (WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, la Engusb family. 414 Oladatone Ave. I rpHE PRINCESS HOUgS, 14 WELL-A ington St.

Under new manage menl. virai-ciass roera. up. optlenei. 1..

A MERICAN HOUSE CORNER DUKE -a, ana uriage tor cigar, cigar-ettee. tobaeoo. pipes, soft drink news papers. First class board la connection A. Amour, t'rop.

YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE WANT a. nice room aad board, with private family, who don't take ether blaraira. Will pay well for good service. Apply Box 117i Journal OfBce. TSOARD AND ROOMS WANTED awb ret with board.

Twe rooms, elttlng an la private family, for men and wife. Must be nloe. will pap Iaa. 04 perjwoMhjppJyoxuet BOARD. AfEALS AT Y.

W. C. A. -FIVB DIN- nere I teaa ll.t. nere 11.40.

Seven breakfasts or va mHB SHERBROOKK, COR. SLATER ja. no Connor eta. la Die Board is per mentn. 'intone li.

APARTMENTS TO LET. AN. APARTMENT AT THB "WAR. VJ rlngton," Kigin facing VlctoH Museum. appiy Janitor or is.

a ae N.tll. lot Quean St. HOUSE FOB SALE. TO LET, BRICK HOUSE ON FULL tot. aid iwrpar Apply jars.

jr. A. Brysen. lot Carllng. N1 EW DOUBLE TENEMENT.

SOLID prick, corner or ventre aaa Ralph St. Modern in every way hardwood floor throughout, eta. Rent for 1710.00. Price 17.504.00. Apply E.

Mc Neill, xoe wuaen BRICK HOUSE. THIRD fj.teo. Apply J. H. Bennett, lie n.nk.

Phone 4H4. OFFICES AND STORES TO LET, S1 HOP AND DWELUNO. CORNER ST. I watrtek and Aueruata. la rank Ae.

ply tUMj at. "int. aic VTO. SPARKS PART OF IN ground floor and three Sat above, it 04 month, lor one yeer. Apply an pram- race to Miss J.


Wad ding nnge maoe iw orosr. Dnwi.nA., halt price. Watch repairing guar- anteec uronww aiu BERLIN. II CLARENCE BT. RE- pairing or watcnea nd jewnry.

work guaranleea. "OLEBK BUSINESS DIRECTORY." AM WAH HAND LAUNDRY, 117 Bona ak a-Ainary eaiAea tar aad eeliverea. oob Av. 'PhotM tn. PriMnpt HVTTtBl atwmysa, i.nat;ai sanitq IOT.

CARDS. J. MASON BUILDER AND CON-tractor. Estimates gladly furnish 1.1 AA.a t. BOgE.

LICENSED PAWN BROKER. Loan on leweliery, fur, cletalng. eecurnr. -w rHAIHg RB-CANBD. FINB WORK A cpocialty: beat cane.


4t Seaner. set Sk 'Phone 1171. B8 PS CENT. OFF WALL PAPERS. rnvM tiiiiaiaa.

fieynold. IM Staalay Ave. ARTBR. 171 BRONSOM AVE. House decorating, palak water ad ore or pmpvr a.

y.era espeneaoa, gpe. laity, graining and sign writing. SBC. OFF ALL WALL PAPER FOB cash. 'Phone Itk F.

WT Hcrtes, 111 Ner PKliaONAL. MADAME SKPTIMA CANADA moat BOBUIar eelmlMk 'Health, bua- laees. wealth, love. nutrrlAule. 721.

Rank at. IfONEY. BAVKD BY BUYING bAdlee' silk tourist" eoaU at Finn A Co- lit Rldeau. flBNTLEMEN, HBalBMBER HARRY VY kill, th, cutter and taller. a wu to see bontereet bk ate.

DM LA M1RANDB. DERMA- tologlete lBrevetee. Kleclrolysls, manicure, pedtoure. none a. QPRINO AND -BUMMER SUITS RB' Sauced, 411.

Sk 'PheneMM. PROP. P. MABTEL-UMB SETTER. Herha for all diaeaaee.

ia bair growers. It St Patrick Sk' Tr a. b. dorion for photo- A hi al well-lighted roonv. Buaaea Sk PVERYONB USBa MEXICAN teic.

wrnmatw, uaeeca oe.uvr, faotanl cambload. Oaplwl Manufacturing 1T bperke Sk 'f boae M41. lermlnator. Insect deatroyr. alalM.

SUMMER RESORTS. CtALUMET ISLAND, QUSU VILLA Ulvaralda. Haady lit accommodate aummer boarders. VUla built directly on bank of Ottawa River, affording splendid opportunity for fishing, bathing aad ooaitng. xrain leevee viie.w..

returning at l.ll a.m. Hoard reasonable. For particular apply to John E. Caolli. Calumet lelend.

Que. CEDAR CAMP. WEIR, QUE. YOUNG men look la for a place te epend vacation win mu tnia jh. apot." situated on Hound Leke, Lauren-tfan Mountains.

Addreas Cedar Camp, air, leu. irJIWO PARTLY FURNISHED COT- atppir row. eon. Cascade. Que.

AKK L'ACHIGAN LAURENT1AN saountains. ideally auuaiwi. a-boating, nahlng. bathing accommodate i rwpil ciaaa poaru good chef flrat class cooking. Addreas n- iivMiiia Terre- boaae.

Que. nOTTAOB ON CORNER LOT. 40X104. at Weodroffa Just fluUhed. la real cummer cottage style, but can be used ec a permanent borne.

Concrete eellere, double boarded and plastered crematory closet i aloe lawn and good w.U water, and near the ftnaat bathing beach on the Ottawa. will exchange for good building lota or medium sued house. and pay the Balance In oaa a. ar. vr.

riuu ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS. ITtRANCla C. SULUVAN, ARCHI A too. Conatruetlna Engineer. Bank of Ottawa.

Bank and taAOuceeter gta. Phanee 7U-24H. HERBERT GEO RGB, ARCHITECT. Castls' Bulidlag. 11 Queen Sk Bus-I phone 711 recuse.

I17T. A NDRBW BBU-L, CI VII, ENOINEER ara. aaa ubiavio iww auAveyar. Albert Bk ARTHUR LSI WMt ARCHI-teek Canada Ufa BM. Tl Sparka St.

Pbooe 4t4. uIan tceefeb. Press Blda. 111 Sparka Sk 'Phone 1041 as- C. EDBI AROHITBCT.

AP-Al pralaar. valuator, arbitrator, etc opo w-M. TIM Spark bo, PATTERSON A BYRNB, CIVIL IN. HENRY F. BALLANTYNE.

ARCHI-teck Ottawa and New York, jjia parks Bk, Ottawa. "Phone lie. i TMrtVOOD, TATLOK HORWOOD li Ra slater Architects, IM Spark Sk "Fhoa uia VV at a. v. ci.

tral Chamber. 41 Xlin Sk. Ottawa. A smnana a. Buslaees 'phone 1I0; recldonca, 1441.

J. p. MasLARBN. ARCHITECT, HOL-brooke Chambcra. 104 Sparks st Pheae m.

JAMES MATHER, CONSULTING AR-chl tact. Plana, estimate. BpeelAca- tlcns, valuation and lit Wellington Bk OTTAWA TRANSFER OO, aaa. Aataaeobilea and Cabc.

Baggage TrarAsfor. SOS Llagar St. ALL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT AND careful attantlca, ensuring patron pa tract aatl.taotmn. BAGGAGE TRANSFERS. SOMsiKbBr i HAnormKw.

THOMAS. Prop, ltlt Someraet St. "Phone pwtiwr MWSBW SO, CENTRAL TRANSFER AND LIVERY Baggage and general transfer work don promptly. Check relied for with out extra charge. Moraa -gat Spent.

-j-non aaee. MERICAN TRANSFER. 'PHONBI SSI. A Also hrat-claae double and single turnout. AAl MWnf SA.

T. ROBERTSON. 14 ALBERT Moving, pleasure vsns. eompartment rurnuure s-nooa ate. BUSINESS CHANCES.

L1VKRY FOR SALB 14 HORSKS. Established Tears; splendid oon- nactloni proprietor deccaaed. Mra. F. A.

CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS, i WATSON ACCOIIMTAVT aj' Auditor and Truet. CaaUe Blv CUNNINGHAM A CHARTERED Accountants, Auditors and Assigns Fire, paste glass, burglary insuranoe. Hoi-brook 14 Spark Sk 'Phoaa int. PS. ROSS A SONS, CHARTERED Accountants.

Trustee A Auditors iaa Notre Dame Week Montreal. Weetern Brweii Winnipeg, Man. GBOROB L. BLATCH. CHARTERED Aocountanl.

Auditor and Truateec parka Chambara. lsl Spark St 'Pbon lass "lU-k LLJ 1 CAST OFF CLOTHING. a a-r-nms r-T yVTM rxjrs wm. 1V1 ahoee wented at onoc Gottdaak! 1SS wroso at. T1E8T PRICKS FOR CAST-OFF Philip Harris.

Ill X3 clothing. Queen St. w. clothing, etc. TTIOHBST PRICES PAID FOR AA end-hand clothing, leweliery end hard.

are. R. Kamlnaky, 11 Wlltlira 'PhaMji 7 AS. i-riaHET PRICES PAID FOR LA nice. O.

and gentlemen' aults. E. Barnetk 4 York Sk HIOHEST PRICES PAID FOR CAST-off clothing. H. rinmesteln.

4U-4U wsutpgten st. I.OOO LADIBS' AWD OB NTS' CAST off alothlng wsnted. Hlgheet prices pal By 4V amaer, vrtiiiem, av riMn ADIES AND OBNTS CAST OFF Li olathlag bougbk Highect pries. P. rtuaotpn, ee vrimaus HIOHEST PRICES FOB CAST-OFF clothing aad J.

Byar, tat Suasea Sk cast-off clothing want. ay CO. aiisnaa, ywvmm awe. asaui Sinxai. in Weiliagtoa.

rpBY OLD BUYER OF CAIT-OPT jk n'Bsw, wrrawa. alSary, 411 Wellington Sk 4 AND FEED. )ROVENDER li PER CWT. CHOICE Btftetoss. Sour and face.

'Phono lit, M. Bardineajr. 124 WtlUngtca BAKERS AND CONFECTIONERS. VOU HA VIS TH1KU THE REST, NOW I try the beet neme-maae Bread la the city Cunningham' Deuverad any where. 'Phoaa 4241, CUSTOMHOUSE BROKEJUi.

lUNIlkt A CO, ALSO FORWARDING 1 export end general agent. uiu Sparka Sk 'Pbon 444. HAb HIOOERTY CUSTOM MOUSE broker, war. nouaa man. Ofnea, Ra II.

Cltli.n Bltlg. 'Phone tUL COAL AND WOOD. HARD AND SOFT WOOD. RjUTTER. Realdeaca, 41 Cobeurg Sk Yard 'pnohe 0 AL AND WOOD PUOMPT DB-llvarv.

P. Dolan. Ml Cataarln Sk Phone 141. THB INDEPENDENT 'COAL CO- UM-Ited. Robert Mastsy, President; J.

A. sine, vice-rrestcenk aeu oaiy tne had aradee of eoai Plymouth Red Ach at loweat prleee. 141 Sparka Sk Xel- none Sit. DENI'AU Da a C. bi'RATT, DENTIST, COR.

Bank Sk and Flrat Ave. Ofllce heure from I am. to p.m.; evenings by appointment. 'Phon TIM. DR.

B. tor NO. DENTAL SUR-geon. OIRoci Rockland. Onk Oface boure, I to 1LDRED A.

HANNA, L.D.S., D.D.S. Dental Surseon. OIBoet 14tU Bank Sk, between Ll.gar and Cooper Sta, We mea and chlldrea. 'Pbooe 404. DR.

ARTHUR C. MeKBNNA DEN-tei btusaon. oraoe. Ml WeUlruitoa Sk Oftloe bcursi Ib-lV Bvaning by appointment. DRESSMABERA.

CatARD1 moved her dreaameklng eetablleh ment from IN O'Connor Sk to 141k, Elgin TTP-TO-DATB DRESS AND MANTLE making, at rMsouabl prleee. Miss Qaroau, 117 York Sk EDUCATIONAL. LANGUAGES THB DB BRISAY method is the royal road. Claaee. mail course Academic Brlsay, 414 Manx EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS.

ANTED SHANTYMEN, LUMBER M.MMaBhAn. aaa. vasts, ate. Ottawa Employment arareae. pparaa rs.

H. WRIOHT LUMBERMEN'S AND A railroad contractor, agent, at an secure for railroad, bush and mill work oa ahort notice, oflloe. let Canal (Rue-sell House Block). Ottawc 'Phone 1441. FINANCIAL.

pRiYA FUNDS TO LOAN. LARGE or email aume. Loweet rstsc Mur phy, Flab.r A aberwood. Central Caam- ars, as ssgin BU ARNB A MAGBB LOANS ON raal i.ui. 1 opara ni.

ONEY TO LOAN. LA ROB OR ZZT emeu amounts. lanreet ffijf'al edvaotaujec H. Perelva SO- "'I wiai A A41 AJT. ONEY TO LOAN.

LOWEST BATBS JTl' Terms to sulk Smith A DunlsTl. to si 1 rust isulldlng. 4 apaja. tHRIBTrw naenua a. utt.r BAB1 11.

WeUlngton Sk. Ottawa, next Bank of Ottawa! Uonay Mat In Bum to uit borrower. ajONET TO LOAN, PRIVATE FUK" (church money). City propertleser farma. Lowt rata.

Taul table terra "111 Smallla. 4 Spark Sk TtfONKY TO LOAN OM CITY OB term property, caw ear rates -ereek Oemmiu A May. Cerlaua Chem- operas ak, utcawa. MCNBY TO LEND. LOWEST INTER eek Mortgagee purchase, B.

-war, si veairai cnamuara. MONEY LOANED ON BBAIj-' loweat Interest rets. McLaurlS aa.iaar. rirrutters, II Kigta ak MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY OR country property, on terms to ault borrower Nellls, Matheaon A Tbemp- warn.t.ra. etc.


Beet upboleteiiog don Ottawa UpboUterlnx Cc 111 ma at, T1RY S. W. SHERWOOD FOB UP-A bolstering repairing, polishing, car- Et. oilcloth laying, window chadce. timataa free.

"Phoaa Aaa. lis ataa. 1H Stan; avc rTtHOS. STRINOSIR HIGH CLASS UP-- bolatering end Interior aeeeratlag. r-Bone sea.

QTORAOB WARBHOUSB, 107 CHAPBL Sk Carpet cleaned, upholstering. pairing Tneiiea A C. Phone 114. CJ TEW ART A CO. PALACE FURNI ture Bteaw.

luasfAMursf. and dasi. era In ell kinds at furallurc MRldaan rnon4 l.I. UROCKHa. rtOWLaK'l COOKED HAMS AND RA.

cone Local atrawperrlec, freeh every dey. uracc atros. -pnon I4M. C9TRAWBERR1ES, PIN Kg. RHUBARB.

aa pa rax as, radlshss, eucumbere, sum-mar drinks, ny-oatchera. kjtatootk Beak ajtREBH GROCERIES. DBL1VERBD A promptly, courteous ireetment. H. J.

Jdeutie. sis aunnyawi Ave 'Phoa 4H1. HOTELS. TINO EDWARD HOTEL. RIDEAU ST.

AV adjoining Central Station. Modern equipment end reaaonabta rate. TlONALDSON HOUSE It ECHO iJ Drive ll.M a day. Only hotel en BOSTON HOUSE. Ul DALHOU8IB ST.

A. Charbonns, Prop. Rates:, wa, T30YAL BXCHANGB JOS. LANGLOIS, thing new. 11.14 a aay.

ikSGOODB HOTEL 1A eisir, BOOMS. Beet yard and stabling in Lcwsr -wwp. aj. Ajatnoiette, proprietor. TjURMBRS" HOTEL 11 AND YORK A St.

H. B. Boyd, Proprietor Beet ear huse la Ottawa. Pre slanting. uuBNi sasr.

THB OLBNORA HOTEL CORNER Rldeau and William gta. S. Davidson, Proprietor. Ottawa' wading com- ntnea, vj.ntrmuy sooaieu. netee.

v.ay up. pMCTT COMFORTABLE ROOMS. POP-A, alar commercial hotel. Tke AIbIcbv ajairameciee rPRE ORAND UNION, OTTAWt Popular commercial and tour art bo- wA. eamee ralaiar.

rropnetcr. ntSURANCB. ji suia.1 i a-aoenia, a iii.nca Assurance Comnanlaa. I i.tra American Surety Co. Accident, glery.

pleta-slaaa, issurenee. 'Micae 141 OH CARRIERB, FIRB INaURANC etc Union Aesuranee Society ai other eompenlee Rocnte II sad 11 citl-ten Bid. 'Phone Ne 77L Lowest rate. i W. TASSB.

Ftrt-Ha Cab Baa ilia. till Sk Patrick St. art. 3HONE NIGHT OB DAT FOR A single or dcubla aaa Pro sank anl. iian, awrrtca.

JUNK DEALERS. riUla, OTTAWA CITY RAG STORE 1 bruad end QaeealSt. Ulabeet prleee paid tor sarep awtsi, lag, papera. AS. pa rtatara.

Nolartaa. etc bole Court end' LepejimootsJ Ageate pram ae ItfaoCRAKEN. HBNDERSON. MoDOO-gal A tACsene. lierruurs.

fruat ktldg. aoltcltora Toronto Gea. XruaU Co. and loyal Bank. A.

B. BLANCHBT BARRISTBK aMUltor. Kouu-y. etc Roema vaniraj Chore. Muaay loan en real, rDWARD A DALY.

BARRISTER. SO-A- ttcltor, eta, Sa prams wurt a) Pa-iiamentarw a i ac 'Pboas 1111, ar A VOU STB LBMIBUX, If RARaUaV trr A Solicitor (Oataria A Supreme and Exchequer Court and DW VV- tarVMBLB, ADVOCATE, OF ma pravtnaa et Quebec Room It. Trust BuUdln. el Spark Sk "Phone aev. G0.

B. aUDD. K. BARBiSTES. Solicitor, Notary, Ex.

Ywu 1 Sq assgJfir-ajisBjaiiaji a arej BWX- waaa CsaUe Bldg, tl Queen St. kwaey la teaa ea real eetate. 'Phojia U1. TaROOKB A CMAUVIN-iDVOCATalS, As rii u4 nanarl- "fetttai AMU. Gronam't llasca.

Mug, JW- a-ounc 114. i TTOaxywnu. a caldwellbaR- AA rlalcr. Sollelterc etc. Depk.

Sup, Sx. rt a psAMkAM. ea El- a 1 none Slas, aa. sxcaeyaiw. au-Bcei aid wail.

IMTTH A DUMLEV1B BAPJUSTBRS, ftelleltore. Kuasu a an II Trust loweer rates, BaUUv, S. uiui. sran, mi sAonav to AJuaiewie. TaARNB A MAOEB BARRISTERS A BW4Actire usnaca Ul, naiAasui.

-Sparka Sk, Ottawc Meney to leud ea 'a. estate at lawast raise J. r. nste -a. MCafCC HONBYWEIX A GRAHAM BARRIS-tara.

Solicitors. Notaries, ate Money leea en real estate A. K. Roaey-nell, B.A. W.

Cealat eiisiis esse. R. V. SINCLAIR, II TO 14 CARLETON Chamber. 74 Spark Sk BarrMter, Salleitur.

Parle Sap. Ex. jAArawi. -A-aone ua EDWARD P. OLBASON.

B-A. BAR-rleter. Belleltoe suvl Notary. Carle toa Chore, It Spark Sk Master te loan. as, BSICIA, B.A.

-a, Boueitar, Notary, etc ones: ass AIU SB SLaiAAjrs sannis' tert, Notarlee etc Supreme Court Ago. it tcigla Sk H. B. MoOlveria, nareoB, B. OSBORNB.

BA. BARRISTER. aansiiar. ssaaarv siaiio. aaa.

iaria- ii-aext, 14 spark bk J. OORMAN. If C. RA RRIflTER. Batiatror Mnrapw -Wjwana 9 A vawwioa vaare, Tl paras bc utiawa.

ftXROS a 'WRIOHT, ADVOXTATaB, aiTUUr. SM laaia ft, Hull. MJkcwanunn. inaapVjyyaabj4 iaeyaB. rbnaiivt, aAUiWaai nai peBii iim.

ajngiiMBi, oicyoiajs, IiMharnlthlnar lie ia-ak -Ptatvjr- alia at NASBAOE. MADAM LBIOH MAONETIC AK-aautjwi. Inlcaft4Ma, Inaaomnla. (vartlat araiyais aiKKWMiuiiy iramia. luiunia tUrcompl 'Phon MEDICAU Vim.

BatXKMk B.A. CM. aVOST sPi-aavi. arwiQuniii, joncnOtl, aad Publin hotajaltaaa. omo and iidaiMt.

114 aaruna t-mnw W. BIRKKTT. M.D., L.RC.P. Hmira; V-M. t-l, T-t.

Phon uraoa, tjor. iArppBr aeoa aviata BUk. rtTTAWA ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS" AS-VJ aoclatlon. May Court Club ear. fFrec.) Open Mendavc Wasrm.

aayc a riaajs, aa a-ba. aar a rie4 ana maeeu ate rnsoa saaa. -CV P. QU1NN. M.D..

O.K. OFFICB av ana rwaiuaBvai as. AJBOaor St. once ftours: ltol4.Ito4.ltaA 'Phone AASA A.B. PAKLOW.

M.D.. PHYSIC-lan and Surgeon. Poet-graduat. Ntw York Hoeplteie OIBos hoars: 1-1 cat. 1-1 aad 7-1 p.

m. offlos and reslalsnce. aaa uswvsr sis, r. W. SUTHERLAND.

B. AV, B. ITar.l. Office and residence 14 Mala Ottawa Kask Heurs; l-t, 4. Paone lit, O.

M. WILSON. POST-ORATl. 1 w. Haanltals.

BnacisltVl Caaasa, aa skin disease Omeei aii Lataier Ave wek 'raeae aaie J. ALFORD. V.D.C.M. JMeGILL). Wheelelen and Surceoa. uat Naw York Hoeplule Oor. O'Connor sad rrspesa ate -a-aene sbot. TAB. F.X.VALADB, 141 ST.

PATRICK Sk Aacouchcr, Special sttaatlon pid -v. a a pecially ecaema of adults sad chili auooaaalully treated. Mouist 1-4 and 7-a. T-kR. A.

F. MCLAREN EYB. EAR, Awr BUSS sas wuwis wsns, aaa B.UBSI act Sk Offloe hours: II 1. 1 te 4 m. na 1 I p.aa, rssaa awhv.

a T. SHILLING TON. a.u A. Offloe and re.teance. IM Somerset Sk Specialty, dleeasss of women aad surgery.

Offle hours: I 11 and a te a. 'poonc DILLON. M.D.C.M L.R.q.1 Edlnborxh: L.F i Glasgow. 71 Elgin Sk Oflloe boure: l-t and 7-1 pre "phone 1104. TIjiaAoa I aasvni,, M.

aj w.s ana un, ise pa-twsui Metcalfe a.M O'Cennor. Hours: 1. s- p.sB. -r-nee llll. Wemoa, child W1IHW1S and maternity MARY O.

BRYbON.BA., M.D., CM. all Albcrk Sk 'Phone HI. rvat. hour: 110 I II 1 to 4 a.m., and 1 to p. OA.

woman sss oninirBn- B. WBBSTEta, M.D (Gynaaamleghrt, a C. Oen. Disoaeee of women and surgery only, once and ree. Metcaue ana aabbx.

octo. COYTEUX PREVOST, M.D OTN-J Becolaglst to Sk Luke's Hospital. 1. 1 ar woanaa. nMra: IOJQJsgaivAV.

OSTEOPATHY. 1LTON H. PETTY PIECE, DOCTOR at Ootaopathy. Snaalaltlae Ha. eon aad spinal Slsaaiss.

Treated by oetecpathlc method only. Canad lu Twaas iaii. T. CUVFORD BISHOP OSTEOPATH. Ayimar Apenmsnt, eiatar gc Treat h.

av amMlnlM.Sl. AAA, MOVING VANS. YOYCB A SON. MOVING VANS AND a an naw swa a ana cs. Tisc ROUSB A CONNERS MOVING vans ana general eerta, Thay will year lurniuir nana, ut Uatfenee Bk rpone ataa.

YJtURNiTURB REMOVED IN ALL A1 aarta of the dtr. aioran tfrec. Sparks, Phone Hit. ACME CARPET CIaEANINO WORJia. Caarpet Clealnc.

Prnrn 411E Office ass C'tABPETS AND RUOS PROPERLY cleaned and disinfected. Eetlmats tree 'Pbca for our repreeeatatlve OD A nURaaTT, BAJsra)lA a 2x slcltare Carletoa Cuamhers, Sparke Leaae oa real estate at KTeeet late. O. Code. K.C..

Burrltk BfRTtla, MlvatRlAGkB A TMUTHB. BlR'i'Hn, TOWNS On Thursday. June 1, 111, at rtiueoa tl. to Mr. aa aire a.

Towns, at PKRUUSON. At 4M Gldtooe Ave. on Friday, June It. lll, to Mr. aad Mre Peter Fergtison, a eon.

WOOD. At at Ceee. ro street. Ottawa, on Monday, June ID. lsll, ecno Mr.

end Mre Che, Wood. MARRIAGES. BROUSK -LKE. Oa WcdaeedBy. June II, llll, by Rev.

w. A. Mcllroy, A ma boa Etta nrouse, daughter of luaac Brouae, Hllllnge' Bridge, to William Henry Lea. uilawa ac DONALD FRA BUR, A On June if mil, at 171 Arlington by Hov. I.

W. Nicol, Aimer Elisabeth Freser, aldeet daughter William F. Frassr, of Ottawa, te John Mac Donald, aleo of Ottawa. 1 DEATHS. SINKS.

At Chicago, on Sunday. June tl. William Pinks, in nts eruk year. Funeral notice ltr. i O'BRIEN.

At the Water Street Hoe- pllal. Monday. June II. till. Lottto O'Brien, youngest daughter of Michael O'Brien, aerad it years end I Funeral netlee later.

HILL: On June II, al the residence of hie eea-ln-law. J. a. Miner, sas aic-Leod etreet. William Hill, sged 71 year snrsatha Funeral Tueeday.

June at Ml p. av. to Merlvai cemetery. HUTCHISON. On Jane II, at the Pro tectant Uenerel Hospital, lieary Hutchlaon.

aaad 74. Funeral from Bank street on Tues day. Juns 10, p.m,, to eteecn-wocd CUSSANS. At Ottawa, en Saturday, Juns 17, llll, Henry cussans, in nts lath vaar. Funeral from the residence of bis dsugh- tsr, Mrs.

Huntsr. si Florence street, it cm. on Tuesday, June It. ItU. to Beechwood cemetery.

yunersl prl-. vate. P4.LMKR.-Oa Saturday, June 17, llll, et the realdence ol nte eon, c. o. Painter, 41 Moore strset, Sher-brockc.

Que. C. O. 1 'aimer, In bis 71ft year. BRANKIN.

At Ottawa General Hoe. Sltal, on Saturday, June 17, llll, oseph Patrick, eldest son of the late Patrick Ureakln. Funeral from his late residence. Is Slater etreek Tueeday, at I to St. ratnoi a cnurca, inenoe to noire Dame cemetery.

Belfast pspere pie copy; HARDY. Suddenly, Boweevllle. Oni on aunaay, June is, mi, nsnry Franele fourth bob of -the let Kobt. Hervey. of Ottawa.

In hla 14th year. Funeral on Tueeday, June II, at 1 p.nk to isoweevuie cemetery. FUNERAL NOTICE. Th Brathrsa of Chcudier Lodge. No.

114, A. F. A A. are requestsd to meet et III MeLeod strset oa Tuesday, June It. at S.M p.m..

for the purpose of tending the funeral of ur hit Wor. Bro. Wm. Hill. without regalia.

By order of th W. M. W. E. Secretsrv.

MONUMENTS. IjMaAWLESS STONES. ARTISTICALLY ecuiptured, ere my acle producte. Importing from best and largest ouarrlvs and guarantesing stock and work finest anywhere R. w.

Brown, 171 Laurler Ave w. i BEST SaUsBCTION CROSS MONU mania. Bpeoisi discount during April. J. Laurin A Son.

II George Sk ABOUT MONUMENTS ISN'T IT A good plan to ee what you ar pur-ehaalng 1 I carry a largs aloe, which i uiviie you to inspect, noeert awjwmi 17. Spark St chesere ta lnaBaat our atottk monument. Priori reaaonebie. Jone A gteveni. 177 Ride Sk 'PhenelMk MAaUUAOR UCENSaca, C1HARLES a.

SHAW ISSUER OF Marriage Llccnaee Offlcs, 111 Spark St, MORRIS, ISSUER OF MAR-, rieg Llceaeec onoe lit Spark Sk Residence 11 bomerati Sk ANDREW a ACRES ISSUER OF Marriage Lloeoeee Its Queen St. (next Family Th astral. Reddeaec 400 O'Connor Sk Offle 'phn 4077. Reel-dene "phan ni. H.

C. SMITH. 117 WBLUNOTON ST, Watchmaker and leweller watch repairer Issues marrlsg llceasee J. A. N.

MEHCIER, ISSUER OP MAR-nag Llosnse. Ill Dslhousle 'Phen' 4114. Recldenec. Ill Auguat Sk GSXA M. WOODBURN ISSUER OF Marriage Licensee 144 Bank Sk RealaeacejlT Lyoa Sk 'Phene 14U YIELDING ISSUER OP MAR-rlege Licence.

It Cliff oil Kenk UNDERTAKERS. GEO RUB H. ROOiRS, FUNERAL Director and emhalmer. Ill Bank Sk Telephone 1091. Private ammucaoc Musia 0J A A I A CONSERVATORY OF Music.

Limited. Cor. Bey aad Slater Stc H. Puddlcombe. Director.

Esarein-atlona June W. to June 14. Appltcatlona not later than June It. Highect Cana dian atandard. 'Phone nil.

DR. HERBERT SANDERS. F.R.C.O. Singing, plane, rgn. Advaatageous summer tarme 111 Sparka.

'Phon tut. IBS V. E. GRAFTON, ORGANIST OF Krekine Church teacher or voice culture theory and piano, lit Florence. PAm.

area W. H. SPOONBR,, A. MUS. T.C.L.

Organist All Saints' Church. -Specialist: Vocal culture aad ptane Ul Sperhe 8t. 'Phone 41. PATENTS, FETHERSTONHAUGH A I EL-gin Sk Patent Solleltorc The eld eetabklahed Arm. Fred B.

Fetheraton-haugh. K.C.. Ruessl B. Smart, B.A Offlcee at Montreal, Toroato, Winnipeg Waabingtoc FBTHBRSTONHAUGH, DENNIRON A Ce. Patents sod Trad Mrk In-Tsntore WrIW to-day for our moot valuable book.

'The PrecpecUve Paten-toe" Pstsnt. their meaning aad how te obtain thsm. Aadrea la Klgla Sc. ot-iwa. Cenede T.

CUFFE-QUIN. REGISTERED Patent Attorney. 4T, Central Cham, ben, Elgin Sk. Ottawa. 'Phone Its.

LLOYD BX-ACKMORB A 17 EU gin Bk, Ottawc Registered Patent Attorns re Band cur bock, "Patent Protection." free, giving complete iD. Iormetteri and advice on patonie, trade marks, etc, yaiaw ajocibiobs end Reamrament. Potent bill ty apuuop 'piano tunino. H. A- HARFORD.

PIANO TUNER, 177 Lyon gk 'Phon UM. Onicei Mar-tla-Orm Plane Ce 'Phone Us. ATTHEW WEBSTER EXPERT aU. plan tuning Order promptly attended. Ill Laurler Ave Week Phone 4144.

Replies to Ads. The tVewIng repHee wlt sdveUlsars Bt Th Jeurnai Offloe Piece ceil promptly I Mo ass A M.E., Ul, 1441, llll, t74, 2I, 171, llll. 1441. lie. t7ia Thar called th Chicago automobile rsoes off after one men hsd been killed, just when the game wag fee-, ginning to get InUreetlna.


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