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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 10

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

io i AMUSEMENTS einaiitii'ifl i Helasco DeMllle't Comedy Drama. THE CHARITY BALL "The sweetest story sver told." Souvrntr photos of ths fsvorttes every Tuesday IIMinM and evening. Coming "The Man on tlx Box." Ottawa River Navigation Co. IXCUMION TO MONTSSBLIO. lluatr "DucheM of Tork" will leave Queen Wharf dally at (-M A.

M. Sua-day excepted) for alontebello and intermediate ports. Kara eenta meamer "Victoria" at 4 P. M. for Cum-berUnd.

returning via. Steamer "Duchess of Tork." 21 cents. tickets at 14. 41 and 12t Sparks St. 197 Jisak or on board steamer.

TaL Ut. In the High Court of Justice In tfM mattar of the Act. htng CItilor. Hi pf fiwn4 StatuttM of Canada ana amendments thereto, and In the matter of th Traateontinrntai Uxptoraiioo Syndt--, catt iJnUud.

By virtu of a Judgment or order of mo.nt Friday, the 10th day of June. A D. mi. at ten o'clock forenoon, at my Charabere. tn the Court Houw, In the of Ottawa, to aettte the report, tax coats, fix the liquidators' conuntvskitia and declare Anal dividend and as the Uuidators' account.

And let 'all pariiea then and there attend. Seated the th day of June, A-D. lU. 8Kd. J.

HIHHOP, Master at Ottawa. AUCTION SALE OP MIOH-CLASt HOUaX0t-O GOOD At Therten'e Warerooms, 107 lhapel St, meer Rldeaia Street on Wednesday, 21st ln at 10 A. M. Th goods to be sold Include a tot of handsome parlor furniture, earpeta, rugs, etc, a very Ane dlntaf room Mtt, a lot of bedroom furniture of all kinds, gas and cooking ran, etc.

in an exrvptlonally good sale. WM. A. CoLE, auctioneer. i BAILIFF tALK of contents of house No.

44 Charoberlln to-morrow morning (Tuesday), at 10 A. Jat. D. 0, CURRBWU The Kxpert Auctioneer, Phone 4470. 1 Klgla Bt TINDIM WOn COAL For A rimer Model School.

Sealed lenders, addressed to Seeretary-Treasnrer, will be received until Wednesday. June fist. lll, at 0 for 3ft tons best quality egg and furnace ooal. Prices to be separate. The lowest or any tender not necesaiily accepted.

JOHN WATT, Aylmer, Que. TO PREVENT The Reason Why Diaz Gave up Presidency. OfflrUl Rtatrmrat ImnHI From Cor-nnns For the Fin Tim the Patriot or Tyrant of Mexico Ra- proacbew His Corunna. Spain, June ally enfeebled and sick at heart, Qen-eraol Dias, an exile from the Be pub Ho of which he was chief, build er, at last has yielded to an lmpulaa of self-defence. In a formal atata-' ment ha Just I flea hla administration aa'presldent of Mexico and reproach-" an hla countrymen' for what' ha de scribes aa their Ingratitude.

The expression, the first of pgr aonal nature, since he waa forced from office, wag made on board Jha steamer Tplranga during the brief atop of the veeael tn thin harbor. JDtas had received the governor of Corunna and the commandant of the port, who, with their staffs, had boarded the veeael at the direction of the government to present the greeting of Spain and the Mexican consul. When he was approached by newa. 2 paper representatives; he at first asked to be excused, pleading; Indisposition and explaining- that though the troublesome tooth had been extracted he atill suffered from an abeceag la the lower Jaw. However, after consultation with-mem berg of hie party, a statement waa given out, During the night the pi rang proceeded for Havre.

According to the preeent Thorough chewing Is an important part Of the Digestive Process. Soft, "mushy'' breakfast foods Are often "bolted" without Being properly mixed witrr Digestive saliva of the mouth. i Grape-Nuts FOOD 1 1 1 Is in the form of firm, Crisp granules, and has Corrected wrong habits Of eating in thousands. This food encourages Thorough chewing; normal Digestion, and being partly Pre-digested assists weak Stomachs. 0 -Grape-Nuts contains, the Vital food elements which Are necessary for building Strong bodies and nourishing Brain and Nerves in Nature own way "There's a Reason" Canadian Poatum Cereaf Co, Ltd' Wtadaor, Ontario.

Enjoy Coronation Day in a "Palmer" HAMMOCK we have a large and complete assortment in a variety of colors' and designs, and they ar priced VY', $1.25 up to $7.50 OUR SPECIAL At $2.00 Is A Beauty. plana. Dial will land at Havra and go with hla family to Swjtxerland. lit. atatamant aa aHv.ii to th.

Pabra Agenda, th. orflclal pre aaaoclatlon of followa: "General Dtas la saddened by th. recant event In Mexico and th. tn gratitude of hla countryman. 'H.

voluntarily sacrificed big am bttlon In th. hop. of obtaining tran quility for th. nation; foreseeing that if h. continued to defend hi.

cause, h. jnl(ht afford a pretext for inUrr v.ntion. -Th. bittern ana and deep dlaappolnt- m.nt which he felt wan mltltrated by th. warmth of the nuuilf eatatlon of aympathy upon hla departure from Vera Crux.

'Much haa been about a mili tary dictatorship, but can on. thua de fine a realm, which reeled upon 'an army reduced to 14.000 ment 'General Dias, when h. aaeumed power, had to deal with condition! re quirt nr an army, but afterward th. nation ripened and waa mora able to direct ltaelf eonitltutlonally. General Dlai'a later pollclea were Interpreted by hla adreraarlea aa a alsn of av f.

'Oeneral Dtaa, confident of the nod aenae of th. people, thoutht that th. arttatlon would disappear, but the peopl. Mally forsettlna the. merit, of th.

Dias administration, allowed them-aelvea to be drawn Into a revolutionary movement," SOCVENIRS OF THE CORONA- now. Th. art production! of Meaara Raphael Tuck Bona Limited, re ferring to coronation eventa ar. x-oeadlnaly flttln sou ventre of thla areat oocasion. In a variety of beautiful deetsne, th.

production, of thla widely known publishing a splendid aalection of picture cards the varioua member of th. Royal Family. There are maanlncent color productions In the series and many handeome card aouvenlr. In elxteen different styles. In th.

form practic ally of (raetinc carda Apart from. th. art series of aou venlr, poat carda etc. the same firm I pnbllahlnc. by command of Hla a fao simile or the autosraph letter addressed by the Kins; io the nation on hi accession to the throne.

Ttjle la published In varioua styles to suit all convenience. Th. symbolic border which aurround th. fao elmlle letter has been deatsned by Sir Lawrence Anna Tadema. O.M R.A..

and la a beautiful characteristic example of thla famous artist's work. Hla Ma-Jaaty ha been aracloualy pleased to expreaa satutfactlon both with the border deals and avneral manner In which the. latter has been reproduced aer tna puDiiahera NEW PROFESSOR FOR MONTREAL lafoatraat, June lt-iAnothar appoint ment baa bean made to the staff of the Woeteyaa Col let In trie person of Rev. James Howard Robinson. M.

B. of Union Theolocioal. Seminary. New Tork, who la to' ancceed Rev. Prof.

Bland aa profuasui in church Th executlre oommttto of the colleta at their aweklnc. however. only mad. ma- appointment an "act. tot" on.

Her. Jamea Hcnrard- Robinson I described aa enjoying dlatlnotion aa a oubilo apaaker, aa excellent preaoh-arand holdinc a fine academic record. HI degree wot. conferred this sprint and he comes) to Weeleyan Collet with the hl(ht andoraation. SAYS CANADA 15 DRIFTING British Paper Make Very Vnfat able Comment oa Iewulti' Stand at Confercssoe.

Canadian Prms. Xondoa. June If. The Sheffield Telegraph ha a leader headed -Th. Dominion the Drift," aayt that already It ha been pointed out that from Sir Wilfrid Laurlar ob- atinat.

hostility to all proposal of consolidation, 'the only poaslble Implication I (hat Canada la towards eaparation. and that Sir Wilfrid haa loot faith peftnanently la malntalnmt Briuah pennectlon. THE OTTAWA TJVENING JOURNAL. MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1911. RIFLEMEN'S' SCORES HIGH 43 rd Had High Men Rockchffe.

8t Cralf Corp. Russeil Sft. Wilkinson Sapper J. H. Alien Corp.

Cora Corp. Ruthouaky Lt T. A. watteraon r.nL w. A.

Wrmaa Corp. B. Mark pta. G. Evans Pta.

H. Pt. B. W. Bennett Corp.

R. A. Lew Bgt N. H. Smith 11 r.

nr: Mar Sgt C. Emery Pte. J. Burt rorn W. H.

Blackburn Btt A. D. Johnson CK V. svTAa AS uilllB-wea It If It at Urat. T.

F. Klmitt and Corp. a. O. McCoonrU Hot -OiU of 10 ate.

j. W. Ganta tiie Uuarda with M. Otuwa Riflemen afaln scored blh Ml the Rockclirl. ranee Saturday.

1 Ueut T. P. Elmltt and S. O. HcConnell of tbe ilrd D.C.O.R..

were hlxh men with tt out of J06, pta. W. Uarvla led the Ouarda wKh In-U'udlruj a possible. I The scores s. I Headquarters.

,100 too tot Tl Bt. H. Llstsr. C.A PC. leapt, A.

Bray, C.O.C.. I Mr. W. P. Potter, at.

i and I Mr. H. B. Oraburn Utaff-Sct PKman, C.O.C Corp. Baker, K.C.R..

Huft-Bft. A. Marahall. PiA.M.C hi Btaff-8t. j.

aioColinC CJ4.S.C Set, Larkln. C.O.C. Mr. B. j.

Boaa. K. and i Corp. Clifford, C.O.C.... 8f J.

Butler, C.OjC... 8 Dewar Mr. A. Watteraon. M.

and l8L-Mal. O. W. Worth. W.O., C.A.P.C Capt C.

B. Lone, R.C.A. Sub. Con. W.

O. Dial, i W.O.. C.O.C. 8t W. B.

Crisp, C.A. P-C Pta McKensa, C.O.C.. Pta J. Rlcharda, C.O.C. It.

to it ti tt tt tO ItIt it tf-U It-TI IT Tl M-Tt It T4 it 1173 tt tr tt-n 14 it Tt n-u u-n it-it it lT-q I Winner of first class epoon. Sat Llater, CJLP.C; winner of second 'class epoon. Mr. W. Potter, MMItla and Defenoa.

p. i. d. a 1001001001 Trooper R. Pettlcrew II It Trooper P.

Davy It tl Trooper M. McDonald 11 it 04 It It IT II it 7t 1177 It tt 17 Tl tt it 7t a MUML m.h. Crali; winner of second das epoon. Sapper J. H.

Allen. O.Q.T.O. no too too ti. Pte. W.

Garvin 10 Sutler P. rosier ti tl 07 Pte. B. R. Locaeoer, Hsrsu.

Jr- Baort- ttH CoL-Uerxt. P. MaxweU II 14 10 at asrat. W. A.

solth. 11 to Staff-BeiTt. M. Hall Pte. R.

ti it 10 Pte. J. Black It It Ot Pta a Tyrell Pte. Hen Locfceoer se ss pta P. tl 14 1001 Benrt J.

Ii 11 Pte. P. It It W. a. II It Corp.

B. Ollll II 17 Pta ,8. it II 17 Pte. C. A.

E. milaotl sa i ei Pta H. Motan Bergt. P. Olesd P.

M. Set. W. Prlth. Pte.

J. Bsrft. 8. Dawaon Pta. 1.

Steele Bandsman M. Walton Sergt. aV -Bent. H. P.

W. pta W. Msrtln Bergt X. Oale Bent H. MatUeue Pta.

D. Hafhea Col -Sxt. A. P. PlUaaaa.

Bent. W. Trestle Serai. O. Pta J.

A. Hoes ton .17 14 tl 71 Pie. J. Collins. Pte.

T. J. Clewee Pte. J. H.

Pte. A. C. Pick Corp. It Pta O.

Olsen Corp. C. T. Sinclair Bergt E. P.

Cornelia Corp. P. 8ft J. Warnock Pta. A.

J. Staples 17 It 11-47 it 1711 17 It It tl II 17 14 10 It II it 17 tt 1711 10 to tt 11 it (it tl It 10 41 17 If tl 14 i4 10-71 17 It 1771 It It 71 tt tt 1477 10-71 ss is Tl tt 14 tt 74 It It 70 11 4 tl 14 tt 10 Wa A. W. TrowbrMge 14 II 1141 11 11 tt It 1141 tl 11 11-41 If 1741 tt. 10 11 It It It It 17 ls-00 Dessert spoon, flret class, rte.

w. uar- vln, tl teaspoon, third class, pte. Oeo. Dessert spoon for peasiM at too yards. Fts.

w. uamn. Company teaspoon, rta -k. tM.nMi. at r.Mn mam.

tret daaa. Pta w. Garvin, tl tnira eisea, rte. owmw. tt.

100 MO MO Tl Corp. Q. It tl f.ot T. F. Elmltt tt 1.

r. tl tl tt tt Bat H. A. ouinney zs ss as so W. 8toart.

II Sgt P. i- Guthau tt Sit P. tt u. H. Wriiht J.

tt 0.111 B. H. tt IT 04 Us lor H. mair is Bat H. W.

II tt A. J. StaS-Stt w. T. Mason.

Staff -Bgt W. E. Bennett Pta M. Bedale Corp. J.

Doyle Drummer Alt How j. n. rtrawtev. II II to 11 10 11-41 It tl 01 II Pta W. Letgo It 10-01 at a.

B. Thornton W. M. Pta Art How. Bugle-MaJ.

P. W. How Pta. A. H.

Bwalne Pta Pinard Corp. P. W. Corp. A.

W. Clark Lt Jl. Capt R. S. Pta O.

M. Taylor Mr. H. McDonald Sgt R. Corp.

H. Carson Drummer j. Howe Bugler B. Kent 11 it tl tl It tl II II tttl tt 11 ttM tt 17 si to tt n-tt It It It tt rt 17-U tl 17 tt17 II It 1747 It tt tt tt nun ti. it tt tttt It, IT It II IT lt IS IK It 10 II tl lt 10 II II 10 It 10 It tt II II II It II 1114 14 It 1114 14 II 1014 II IT 1014 It 17 17 tl tl 17 It II It 14 lt 41 II II 1111 17 17 1111 II II II It a.

a Bgt J. M. Olllmor It 11 1111 Set C. Blevera, it lasj PUs. W.

Huchaa II It to II tt. 1, H. Murphy It 11 itil Sat. i. T.

Ward II 14 Corp. Anderaoa tt. 1. Ml(hail Corp. Phllilpa, Pta.

A. Ipmitmn. Pta. K. Cottae Pta.

H. M. Aerrev C. Milne r-te. n.

canon Pta. T. L. Thacker 8t. W.

R. Kenny Pte. P. A. Evaaa Stt.

J. Cralf CoL-Sa-t. H. Harbat Pte. J.

Pte. p. Mora Pta. a. N.

Moxlev Suit. Pta. O. McMillan Pta, P. How.

Corp. L. H. Davla Pta. t.

Btatham Corp. W. J. Mason Pta. A.

R. Iaaao 8t H. c. Harbat Corp. E.

Ham peon Butler A. E. Cooper Bet P. Anderson Sat Q. MoWhlnnav Corp.

C. Graham Pta. i. p. Praaer Pta, B.

Rot-era Pte. Foley Pta. W. B. Brownlna It II It 11 It It 1110 10 II It so ii itto taa-Hct.

A. H. Wheeler II It it 71 II 14 17 Tt 17 II 14 7t II It II 7t II II It 7 17 IT 1471 10 14 1471 it 10 It 71 11 It 1477 14 It It 77 II II IT Tl II 10 It 71 It It lt71 It It It 7t II It 1176 II II 1474 II II 1771 10 II lt71 17 II 1071 11 It 1171 17 41 lt71 It It 1171 II tl 1170 II II H70 II 17 14 41 11 II 1441 It It II tl 17 It 11 1 II 14 1147 II II 1147 Pta H. Cottee 7 l( 7 Pta. i.

Gray 10 It 1141 Set R. A. Neabltt It II It 01 Corp. B. P.

Copplnf IT II it tt rta. m. t. Mennle tt 44 L-oL-ost H. Q.

Elakaney 17 10 1744 Pte. L. H. Manaell It II Pta. R.

C. lto 14 A. x. Uulnney 10 Pta C. Wharrey it 11 i4i Pta.

H. Bartlet 17 It 1SM Pte-i P. Trottler It ll-tl Pta L. P. Howard II XI tial The aeoarut ahaat tn the Ramm arnce shield competition took place on oeuiraay nu.

iH lonowing reauit: AAsTeamte Score to data A company (lit team) M4 loot company 4tt tre A company ftnd team). 414 til company M4 Bulo Band 4tt Mt Tienaeee mmim m.ji,u. rm 9 llliuu' ed by Lt-CoL D. W. Cameron, were won by Col.

-Bat. j. r. Barton at MO yard and Pta. M.

Eedale at 100 yards Royal Mat. MA BAAene ti A. P. William It It nM R- Poster tl 14 ti-47 A. Annetmne as SI a.

ai P. W. Moaaar as T. H. Muinell SA SI J.

B. Crawley tt il tfn P. Bdey tt J. How. tl ax-ktt i.

Cletheroa tt it 1111 Roe se is 1 D. P. Batsman IS as a. Noyea 11 11 4t L. O.

Manaell It ia-44 WlnnA ef Am iriaM Poster; winner of eeoond class spoon. nowa ST. JOHN'S S. S. i PICNIC SPORTS St John's church Sunday school pupils held their annual picnic at Aylmer Park on Saturday which proved moat enjoyable.

The prise winners In th different eventa were: jr Olrls race. 10 and under I' Isabel. Ian. Hay and L. Lew la Boys race, 10 and under V.

OecTke. R. Tlnk and W. Hoderklnaoa. Boy three-legged race P.

Onr and H. Lewis, O. Ptttawayead H. Lough- ran- V.M Vt-" Boys raoa, over 10 B. Shaw.

Guy, W. Oeorc. Oirir race, over 10 L. Feppex. G.

Lewla. I. VUleneuva Sack raoa W. Hutcheaon, H. LswW.

p. ouy. Bag and spooa race L. 'O. Lewla, H.

Smith. Boy war bores H. Loughraa and O. Plttaway. H.

Lewis a ad P. Guy. Milk Mald'a raoa-a Lewis. N. Jonas, M.

8. Blada Olrhr skipping race O. Lewla L. Pepper. P.

VUleneuva. 1 Running; Jump H. Lough ran, W. George. 8.

Turner. Hop. step and jump H. Loughrmn. O.

Plttaway, W. Oeorta. Boot and stocklnc raoa H. Louth- ran, W. Oeorge, H.

Lewla Wheelbarrow race O. Plttaway and H. Loughran, T. Ouy and H. Lewis.

Boys con eolation race 1. Lumsdea and 8. Johnson. Results at St Hubert's Saturday A large turnout featured Saturday's hoot at the St1 Hubert' Gun Club traps, th workout proving a bene ficial one la view of the Coronation Day tournament which win be held Meaara. R.

A. Slbbltt and B. Brown tied with 40 at In class spoon shoot Using once more in twenty-five bird contest, with twenty-three each. -Mr. Sangster ran In two extra event, thaa winning a apodal spoon that th club at all timet offers for a perfect run of to bird straight The highest percentage waa that at Mr.

Banister, with 01 100, Mr. Browa being eaoand with 10. Mr. Beattle had an even R. A.

Slboitt also to, W. C. Little tt, and A. W. Throep to.

Bower Heney waa high in class with The scores were: Bxtraa tt it -ii J. X. Brawn 14 11 tt R. A. Slbbltt It tt tt W.

C. Little. i. 11 it- A. W.

Jl ti 8. B. Sangater II it It B. Beattle tt Dr. I.

G. Smith It tt H. 11 O. Baadale 10 10 17 14 P. A Heney II B.

lt It 1 W. Forbes II II 11 C. J. Booth II Ii W. Williams 14 17 W.

L. Lumsden ..14 17 TOtflGHl-S BALL GAMK. ''-Billy McBwaa will over and umpire tonight' gam. la the city baseball league which starts at six o'clock sharp at th Oval. College and Pastime will provide the 1 MORE PRO.

CHARGES. Meaara. Poran, Parson and Leggatt have their hand full again. Leblanc, who twirled a few Inning for the Masco ta, la charged with playing pro. ball In Montreal.

Mascots have protested Albert Groatat, claiming that he received money for playing with National last winter. cases will be dealt with by the ruUng body. OTTAWA GOLFERS DEFEATED Special to The Journal. Montreal. Juae It.

After aa enjoyable luncheon, the annual match between the Ottaaa and th. Royal Montreal Oolf Clubs took place at Dixie, en Saturday and resulted in a aria for th horn team of II to t. It la admitted that a club baa always r-" rf tl a Its fsvuc trhsn It playa on horns limits, but considering ot- tawas' beating of rleaoonalleld, the Roya Montrealere ea Baturday were not by any means certain of themselves. Thirty playere a aids took part and the local player by on mesne had aa easy victory. The top men of the Ottawa made a first olaae showing.

being a aotesls performance for Lsea to beat Turpln on bla own course, and Maekarell to beat drier, while Meee was only one down 10 Hill, end Koss to 'tsylor, who waa am ateur champion of Canada in loot- The "youngsters of the Ottawa team, Mae-donaell. Parker and acott. aiao won their matches agalnat Strang players. Scoree OTTAWA. ROTAL Gerald Leee Q.

II, 0 O. Moss Ova. W. L. 1 T.

MacKarell lea. K. 1 P. Rosa Ova Jaa Hill 0 A. Ova C.

B. 0 HewardHutchlson 0 J. P. Tsylor. 1 A.

L. Palmer Ova R. MaeDougall 1 D. K. MacDonell Iva A.

1 IL Psrksr Ivs. K. MacPheraon 1 N. C. Sparks Ivs.

W. H. Hodgson 0 Norman Beott Iva J. C. McDougall 0 W.

M. Ova. 'A. A. Hodgaoa 0 Alex.

Praaer Ova A. O. 0 J. D. Ova C.

Pv 1 W. B. Ova W. Muaaen 0 M. Donaldson Ova J.

B. Cass 1 R. O. Ova A. Browning 1 L.

C. Penet Iva B. a 0 J. P. Oroe Ova, J.

T. 0 a. Rose Ivs. J. W.

1 P. W. Carting 4 vs. A. H.

I B. L. Iva O. K. Moderly 0 J.

Mahado W. 0 L. Ova. P. B.

Tytler 1 D. Ova J. Patterson 1 P. W. Murpey Ova A.

P. 1 W. A Dull Ova Prsncls Cole 1 R. C. Douglaa Ova C.

T. Hare 1 W. O. Ova C. A.

1 N. Larmontk Ova W. A. 1 Tots is I It STRATHC0NA AND HIS AIM Hopes to See Better Steam ship Communication With. Britain.

L. For fifteen year Lord Btrathoona ha been the chosen representative of Canada In England, and the value of hi work to the Dominion during that long period cannot be overeetlmated. The remarkable thing, Th" the opinion of the London "Financier," la that at th age of tl he should etlll be amongat the moat active of the official representative In that country, and hla continued good health muat b. attributed largely to the splendid constitution which he was enabled to build up during hi early year la the Hudson Bay Territory, sufficient testimony, urely, to th xoellenee of th climate of that country, which 1 on. of th.

moat flourishing portion of the Xing' scattered domtnlona Lord Btrathoona la keenly deairoua to see Improved steamship communication with, the United Kingdom. In his Introduction Mr. R. J. Barrett' work, "Canada's Century," published by "The Plnancler and Limited, ha remarked: The eervlce to Canada ehould be at' least equal to that of the United State: indeed, it ought to- be better, 'considering the geographical advantage which Dominion enjoy In being about too mile nearer to Europe.

"It la gratifying to notice that the question ha been discussed by. the Imperial Conference" Hi Lordship waa referring to the 1107 conference "which haa plaoed on record Its ophv ion that Improved communication la neceaaary and advisable, both on the Atlantic and on the Pacific, in order that a fast route may be available be- tween Great Britain and Australia and New Zealand by way of SOCIAL The engagement I -announced of Mis 'Elisabeth Thomson MacDonald aaugnier 01 tn late eonn aaacuonaia and Mrs. Mac Donald of Rouleau (formerly of Russell, Ont.) to David Hutchinson Moore of Rouleau. The marriage will take place the latter part of June. "COMING AMUSEMENTS.

Crltlesaan and Oprnioae of th Prase and Others Concern- ing Coming Attractions. The Dominion Stock company gin it ninth week thla evening when it will present David Belaaco and H. C. DeMllIe's beautiful comedy of social Hte, "The Charity Bell." So much baa been aM In advance of thla notable play that the promise that It will be the best and most finished offering ol the company'. season will Interest those who have come to look upon the achhrrementa of the organisation with Interest -To-morrow, at the matinee and during the evening performance autograph aouvenlr portraits of Harry Ingram will be given every lady holding coupons for Bests.

Every Tuesday during the remainder of the seas will see th distribution of souvsnlr photographs, a different member of the company being aeiected for each weak' Next -week the atock company will present for the first ttm In Ottawa at popular price "The Man en the A BEAUTIFUL ROSE DISPLAY A beautiful display of roeea may be eeen at the residence-of Mr. W. O. Black, corner of Bay and James street. Th bloom at thl time are rooking their best and people wishing to Inspect thla garden era always welcome.

These rose carried off six prises out of ten in the corhpetltlon at the Horticultural Society show. DIED BEFORE HE GOT HOME Sad Demise of William Well Known Member of the Public Ik'hool Board At One Time oa the Man of The Journal Ucelh IX-cwrretl la CbJcago, 1 Mr William Hinks. a member of the Public 'School Trustee Board, representing Capital Ward, la dead. He resided at Wilton Crescent Some months agovnot -toeing in good health he went la the Printers' Homo, at Colorado Springa to recuperate. His recovery was nut to be, however, and word haa reached the city announcing hit.

death. died at Chicago, while on hla way home. On, of bis broth-era met him there. Mr. Blnk wae a well known mem ber ot the International Typographi cal Union No.

101, of which he wat auditor for some yeara A meeting ot the union will be celled and arrangement mad for aendlng a de- Binks. i MR. WM. MINKS Public School Trnatee, who died at Cluoago oa hla way home 4 to Ottawa. putatloa -to the funeral.

Both thla union and the School Board will pas appropriate reeolutlona. Mr. Blnk waa for some year a member of The Journal staff and prior to hla Ulnae waa employed at the Government Printing Bureau. Since entering th School Board he had shown a great Interest in the educational Interests of the city, and Capital Ward lose an able-representative. iMr.

Blnk waa tt year eld. He leave a wife and three children. It la expected that the body will reach her to-morrow morning and an nouncement a to th hour of th fun eral will be made later. Pew men were so generally Hked and respected aa Mr. Blnks, not only by the congregation of the Oiebe Presbyterian, church, of which he was a member, but by hi -business associates and alt with whom he cam Into contact His demise Is a distinct loss to the iHXrrCHKHXHWWOOOOOOOOOO MINING NEWS Work haa again been started In th wins from the 100-foot level of the Canon vein of th Crown Reserve mine, to drive this working down to a greater depth.

The wins at the present time la down 110 feet or a total depth of 410 feet from the surface. Thla la by far the deepest working attempted on the Crown Reaerve pro perty. 1 "believe, that copper will Bell at lie. within two months, aaia D. Jackllnx.

general manager of the Utah, Nevada Consolidated, Ray Con. olldated and Chlno Copper Co com' mentlng on the copper ettuaUon. New Tork. June. It la an nounced that the Iron and steel manufacturer of the world will meet In Brussels next January In an International congress to discus a world wide agreement for making etable the market for their product.

British, German. French. American and Bel gian' Interests are to be represented. 1 Granby May operations were again seriously Interfered with on account of the coal miners' strike, which, chuttlng off fuel supplies, made lt necessary to elose down the smaller furnace and quit shipping until new coke supplies could be secured. When coke arrive the plant wilt Immediately re- IsallaTamS--- Af Get I T1 VJ'J i il us 1 ,11 ttWIattC Charles Ogilvy, Limited, BEAUTIFUL EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS -V htv juot placed in tfock another ihipment of lovely embroidered tome have insert! of fine Val.

iniertiont, exquiiits pattern, (uitable for Children's Dreaaes. 1 riULUU) ZMBBdrDEBEO JTLOUNCINGS. 27 to 30 inchei wido at 60c, too, 75c. ranjJBD rLOTOomas. 27 to 30 inchet wide, vHth lace insertion and 3 tueki.

Price, yard 66c. and 860. 2 rows lace Price, yard .860. HEMSTITCHED 1 27 to 30 inches wide, with 1 inch hem. Price, yard 60o, and 24 inches wide, with 2V4 inch hem, 6 denigm.

Price, ysrd i. 60e. ITOE B0ALL0PED EDOINOS. Price, yard 76c. and 860.

WIDE EMBR0IDEB7 T10UK0INO8, 3 to 45 inches wide, hemstitched and scalloped. Price yard vl-PO NEW ivLLOVEE EMBROIDEfilEB. fOev80o. and Yard. Charles Ogilvy limited Cor.


Worshipful Master of L. O. L. No, 4 (Ottawa Dla-trtet) esavsa at the end of thl week aa a delegate to th Orange Grand Lodge ta meat at Winnipeg. There waa a meeting of the district lodge lately when further arrangements were made tor the July Twelfth celebration at Newlnaton.

wMch It la expected 1.000 Orangemen and their friends from thla. district will attend. Three more member were added to the opart committee. It has been de cided that among the prise will be one for the beet uniformed lodge In the parade, and another for She lodge iturnlng out the hut est number ot invinbssrsn. Thar, will probably "be tl lodge In tine, and Ottawan are "hot after" both these prises.

It I expected that both the local lodge Lady Blue will attend. METHODIST NOTES Western Methodist Sunday School will hold it annua! plcnlo otf Thursday, Coronation Day, to Rockcllffe Park. Eastern Sunday School goes on Saturday to that aame plcnlo grounds for Its yearly excursion. The Brer Ready Guild of Young Ladlea connected with Bell Street Methodist Church will, on Thursday night hold a lawn aooial en the grounds surrounding the real dance of Mr. Kerr at the Experimental Farm.

Mlse E. Marshall. of the Girls' Home, will address the young peopif ot Eastern Church tonight OTTAWA TRADB STEADY. Th last Issue of Bradstreet Bulletin aaya: "Ottawa reporta ear trade there holds steady In volume. Retail business Is fairly heavy and wholesaler report a good sorting trade and excellent orders for fall delivery.

Crop In th district are tn good shape, particularly hay, which haa come on eplendldly In the past week or so. Collection are reported fair. n. tj I 17 The Kind You Have Xfc Always Ordered The I Alpr I 183 Carling Ave. For Sale Ormtnlaa 11 rooma, hot water healing, splendid cellar, 1 'AH sBodara ooavenieocea.

Lot SO too. For price and partlcalars apply J. Y. CALDWELL BANK ST. PHONK I47S.

SPKCIl. EXTcA MILD ALB name O'KEEFE means everything to those who prefer a lieht ale. -The name O'KEEFE is guarantee of absolute purity of richness snd fine flavor of iparkline clearness of perfection in bremnssnd ageing. The name O'KEEFE means that you get mild sle special brew that is both extra light and extra fine. There are other ales which sre labelled Special Ales but they are not Do not accept any substitutes, get the kind you have always used the original and genuine O'Keefe's Special Extra Mild, The O'KEEFE BREWERY CO.

Urnlted, Toronto. OTTAWA ZiGBNT-J. P. RY21N 805 Somerset Street. Telepop 381.

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