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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 4

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Journal ECU OTIlfi. YuMUhed by Tha Journal Printing 0tUw.I4n)lUd. T- JOURNAL TXLXPHOMES. BUSINESS tlFTICI EUJTURIAlj IWUBOii sw vooxooooo ooooooo OTTAJfVA, MONDAY, OCTOUETt 1KA Beware of political goldbrlcha. Tn politician hake hands yt.

writs art Issued. haven't begun to Thy won't tlU th Kttiier Ottawa Is unfortunate In lta cirlo officiate, or doubly anfortunate In its aldermtn. It must-malis Emperor William feel tad that he cannot sar to th allies Hemomber. I am your Kaiser." tr Charles Tupper'e manifesto Is likely to rviiilnu the confiding public of th promises Sir Wilfrid Lauflor four years ago. but didn't keep.

The wave of Industrial prosperity that haa swept over since ltiM, la said to show signs of receding. The government had better-hurry up those, lections. Hamilton's civic census baa Juat been announced. A population of Is elalnied. Hamilton's effort to caloh up to Ottawa reminds us of- the little boy that said to hla larger brother.

"Billy. In tw years I'll be aa old a you are," It It to true that old Mrs. Buckham is shunted about from refuge to refuge merely because ah 1 a colored wo-ham than seams something radically wrong with sorasbodjr's understanding of Christina teaohlag. Surely (ben same echsr explanation. Its wonderful bow.

tenderly consider ate ot the welfare et th farmer the pol parties become about this time. Tnat cold storage manifesto of Sir Charles should convince any Intelligent farmer of Sir Charles' desire te he rotce "right. i aaBBssaaBBBBBsassBBB The appointment at Lord Roberta as commander-in-chief of the army will be greeted by the Empire with marked algna of pleasure. ye there will not be as much show of satisfaction as there would have been the appointment been mad considerably earlier in tha campaign ay just after Pea roe berg. Th fact Is Bob baa so filled the public the last four or five months that be has come to be regarded as th whole thing.

Th appointment th cmer command cornea aa a sort of mpty formality. It has been regarded aa a loregon conclusion, There are a very nlc. wait furnished houses In Ottawa which ror to be let Imfnedl- ateiy arter th election. Dun't buy elsewhere before seeing those houses. A snap.

Investigate. Hamilton Bircviaior lon. Dear Spec, doa't worry. If there are any houses la lt her after th alec. ttohs and th nw crowd don't want mem, there are too many foot-son, nousc-nunting yiotlm at ths recent Br around allow Una to stay Ta- long.

THAT rUSTXB BUST, Th Liberal! are taking great amuee. sent out or th plastar pari bust ampalgn th Coneeryattro leaders ara waging In Ontario. But th Liberals aaar Sad th pkuter parts bust a mora propositi en than the Ueing iianca or It o-caniDlnr. If a consei-rattres win. the flag-wrap-4 bust will bav had considerable to with tha victory.

To thousands In- la-day the nam at tha aid onienain I mor of a charm than It wag la the days of his Ufa. Tim baa awvarag facts ot th politician with saaatl at th statesman, and the tteaa1 air John Macdonald stands on pedes! of esteem and greatness that ka had nat- attained befor he passed way. sir jonn, th father of Confed- rati, air John, th Imperialist, now aa years dead, has. passed from, ths Malm ot politic to the enshrlnsment of history, but the public cannot fora-et that this sum Sir John waa the stone sauo lonaervauv party and th ca- eat that held it together, hoi ulekly It went to pieces when he died. Thus it will com to pass that It ma ertsct or th Liberal ara of prosperity la to offset, though Liberal shortcomings and Liberal breaking of promises ar n0' iiafly to avail against tha full dlnnr pall argument, it will ue in bust and Ifs glorious reminders at former times of prosperity that will raclor.

HiIHmidasoee. American medical Journals ar urging thp Unt4 Slates government not to go to sleep under th delusion that th conquering or th outbreak- of th Bubonlo plague at Olasgow will and tha danger to tbla continent. They point out that th history of plagues abow that their march la alwaya alow, that the. germs must become aoclima- usm Derore they can display their deadly power. On of th plague that Koarged Bifrepe la th middle centuries, hilling oft twenty-Ore million People, took over twelv years to travel from Asia to Europ and make Itaelf at horn ther.

The journal warn th goverament that tha plague will oome year after year, now that It aa mad IU appearance la tha westr At Arat It wlH be subduad with com-aratlv ease, but one let th germ late th country and lot thrn ac-Hmetlsed, and aa awful harvest of eta WW raraib to The Evening establish a most vigorous Quarantine white yet than Is time to guard every port, big and small, and not lb forget th Canadian border. It la Intimated that Canadian will no doubt be wide awake to the danger, but th government must not Use any chances. The warning seems It Is to hoped that our own government will not. neglect any measurss cgleul-atsd to preserve Canada from th dnad disease. have already enough troubles of 6ns kind or another.

WHEN (kvfRE TOWN BE-OAN. Ta Fint Building Sr.cted Kear th Crar of Elgin and Spark. Fifty-five years ego no then Ilanry and hlark Kiauopriik began th erection of the nrsji bulkling In that ssoiUoa of the city, known aa Centre Town. This structure occupied th corner now owned by Mr. Jamas Hope, where th buslnen has been conducted fur furiy-elg-tit yearn, and when building operations ara going.

on which will make the old norttrweal Bparka-ttlgln street corner equal In business enterprise to any In th city. At the time th lilshopiicks built th Whit House In IMS then waa no building whatever between th Hip-per'a bridge and the now -vacant lot on the corner of Wellington and Kank streets, while oa. Hparke th most easterly structure TVa. th old Metho- aist Church, that hallowed spot being now ins seat of th Parker Ly Work. But as to the pioneer building.

Th flrst us It was put to was for a young ladles' school, pleasant recollections of suae rrascr, the principal, being sll frewh in the memory of manv an Ot- tawan. The next ue the rough-cast home waa put to evaa the Sutum boarding house, with the origins! Y. A. on the-cround floor, where tha writer well rrmembvra meetlnv Mr. Ueo.

R. Klllott and Mr. William Hamilton In the later We. All other nam- nen. so fsr aa memory can brine to mind, have disappeared.

Shortly after fin destroyed half the block, which wss then erected between Klgln and Metrajfe. the corner being meantime occupied by the le Henry Home, who waa afterwards Joined by Mr. Hope In the stationery and bookbinding business. The remarks an mads at the present time with the view of keeping alive a bit of local history that should be preserved ss showing what progrea naa been made In th city ri.Vl.nm..t n. ht, T.I.K oprick took the venture, one being stllll active among us.

They were laughed at aa men on fnr atralrht liVlr. et, the aton nd mortar were laid upon th ground, but time haa Justified their far-seelhg enterprise. Then the boulders lay all around. To- osy tne eieetne street can travel rapidly by. and the anphalt pavement and the vranoltthlo sidewalk mak pleas ant tne evening hour.

CAXTON. A FARBWHUL TEA. Victor Woodland friends. Honored By The memhen and offlcen of the Toung Mens' Christian Assoclotron gave a tea in their rooms Isst night to Mr. Victor Woodland, who left this morning to take up his studies In To ronto Lnlverslty.

Mr. Woodland baa oeen nuing tne position or assistant secretary to in Association, for a number of months. A representation of Eldershetm's Llfs of Christ In two volumes was mad by 1'reildent Hubert in a neat sneech. In which he preasau sorrow at losing such a faith rul worker as Mr. Woodland nmvil himself to be.

Th president also wisnsa mm every succ la bis studies. sr. nooaiana npued in a sultubl manner. Iast ntht'n mMtln AAm.A by the Rev. R.

Hatchett of Hamilton. a pastor of th British African Methodist church. The nri physical culture class of the year was held tbla morning for the Normal students, about sixteen of whom wen present. At I o'clock tonight th lint class for union from sixteen to twenty-one yean of ag will be held, and a larre turn out is expected. i he dressing room Is helne thorough ly gone over and repaired.

The doort ot all the lockers ar being refitted and everything will be In shana far to. night class. PARENTS AND CHILDREN. Tasterday waa Barents' dsv In Tin. minion Methodist Hunday school, and 10 parents ana cniiaren were present in force.

The usual class study was replaced by a class roll call and aa the number of each clasa waa called th teacher reviled by the class motto or a text of scripture. Dr. Rose thea read the report of the June examinations In tne ui hie study for ths six months previous. Klve -obtained over -Ha per the highest being i per cent. Dr.

Rose thought the showing was not as good as It would have been had the parent taken mon pains to Instruct th chlldrsa at bom. A collection In aid of th India amine sufferers resulted in th contribution of Hi toward in tuna- THB DUCKS ARB PLTINO. One men th ducks ar Hying la th braAlaiv autumn air. can. hear their quacking voles mk- lug music everywhere.

They are coursing up the riven and ar sportlag la tns lakes, the ponds are thickly studded with tha HIUilMM Mrf tha rir-akM Heads of red and green and purple and ui nuum uronn anu RTOy Beb mini above the water a th Pretty creatures nlav: But the eyes sre over wntchiul tor-the nesr spproadh of harm. And their waagS sre ever ready te re spond te aa alsnn. Quack I Quack! Quack I Quack! -Don't you hear the beauties calling? Quick! Quack! Quack! Quack! Haaaria la-fha Oejly-calored wing are stirring ereeses wnn tnelr Vlaahlme In tha aiinnott Olrcling 'round with graceful motion Through the atmospheric area. rom their suawier haunt theyn Prom thrtr brooding ground they're wlnain. And the autumn air ta ringing ruin tneir marry Quack! Quack! low the hnslere eyes are sparkling and nam are oeatmc nign, ror it is ta thsm ss heaven when ths d'K-ks begin to fly, Ad from eut th dusty garret they pull down their canvas eulra.

4 JTrM peevnitlvs sad thrtr Isogrhy rubber boots. iirTi. dreaming at A they ram tha ho Into the shells, nd her thouah ta tnvrtit X. Jlcsun rest 'her wtpe the duat ef eummer from nami or the gun. STk; Oitarlt.

Quark Dos it yen hear th beauties caniagf "aylv-rijered wtnw'ar. errta, IP the hmrsn IUIM viuwa ThwirSi irarol iaetieiiT Ttirr-irh the atmomherlr areaa. 'ber; eummer haoat fnejere 1 thr branatn mi Wfealea- At the autunm air is rlnwmr. With enear sserry Qoaekl Onaaail a fHE OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL MONDAY. OCTOBER 1 190a Pembroke (Special to The Journal.) Pembroke.

Sept. J. In th Presby terian church last vning, directly i after the Mission Band tsa, present'' lions and addresses wen made to Mr. and Mrs. James Findlay.

who leavs thta evening -with their family for Riverside, California. The cbalr-was taaen uy sheriff Moffat. An apprecl- atlvs address to Mr. rtndlay was read oy itev. u.

l). Bayne and a present tlon waa mad by Thompson, Esq. Ths sddresa was slgnsd by Rev, O. 0. uayne.

H.D.. paatar: Andrew John son. clerk of session; Wen. Moffat, cnairman or managen; T. M.

Skinner, secretary ot manaaen. address to Mrs. Flndlsy waa read Dy Mrs. Dr. MKay, and the pre sentation made by Mn.

Alexander Minan. The address waa signed on behalf of the ladles of Calvin church by Mn. Mary L. O. Irving, president W.

F. M. R. Mrs. Phsmle, J.

McKay, viwincu rr. w. is. WHAT THE DAILY PAPERS HotOnrTet. Hamilton Spectator.

Of course the Boer war cannot be considered to be quite finished until i ol Ham Huahea actually A Good aaggaetion. Kingston Whig. A olvlo coal yard for the benefit of the very poor, who cannot buy their ruei in Urge quantities, and who an naeijr io auner by famine price, la Beswa in Hamilton. If Hamilton could only bottle some of It ununex.beat It would not need any coaL Th of man ha room tor ozpaa- uiraciion. Try Xt Onoa.

Toronto Star. When you nr an open, street car deposit yourself at th far end of the aiia vbiei-v now much you facilitate ease of travel. Hughe. Toronto Tele ram. Is doing nothing mon jueuce to a crave man in prepar- VOU DUl What errora Col.

Hani Hughe haa committed, he haa paid for la i thVaaark TT 1 crl- wieny acnieramenu In South Africa siana to ths credit ev Col. Hughes, to his town, hi county, and hla country as well. In th fare of Jealousies and apltes Col. sam Hughes fought himself to ne troni. He proved himself a skll- itii commander and a aeldler of ua-questioned courage.

Th greatest demonstntlon that th own ot unoaay can plan la the Juat du of lta distinguished eoldter-clttaen. f-i beee Ohinaa Beer. Vancouver World. wen tnree thousand poor Chinks In th Pitang forts. Th alllae naa nm surrounded." Th allies attacked the forts with a loss of It men.

vtnen they got into the forte they found them emptied of all but four Chink, and they were dead. The otnn had escaped. And yet some peo ple wonder at the prolongation at th nor war. Arnprior. (Special te rhe Journal) Arnprtoe.

Sept. Ouy mtaslrsl wen greeted by a large audience. Mr. Cotton, who is a fo-. nir AraprtorH, era a fovortts with the house.

"A Cavalier of France'" lata be plsy- ed la ohs town hall ea Tuesday evening oast. A large number ef Areprter people Attended the Almonte Fair, but sly a few went-to Itaofrew. Mr. V. A.

Harnett I rrecBng. fee himself a no residence on Craig street. Mr. A. Abemethy Is to become a commercial travetler, whtrh means that rnprr ujo loss Mn, awd everybody Domtnloa Imml-grat Commleslonsr.

who Is to cosiest I Jhe Liberal laterest, I. mm At ths Theatres. ORANV OPERA HOVSB. An' Intereetlsg story, a plot that I new, ileallng with ail Meet 9 that heretofore- hare not been exploited en ths stage, a oarload of p-1sl scenery gad a company ef twenty-rive players. It Is ssid.

go to msks up Mr. Carl A. Has-win production of "A Llon'e Heart," a drama that he hae brought from Loo. don, where It waa produced over one thousand times. This Is th at tract lea wnlKi Is ti be presented at the Oread to-nlrtK.

ales Tuesday -and Wednesday Mgnja. nhi li ai that Is said to be strongly emotloeat at times. Intensely dramatic a-nd literrhr, ahoondlag many sltujUors and climaxes a.w to the Through the whole iXecerit Is said, there la a vein of bright, clean wh" IT." wnal Ih llrf1sava Kau.n trial, of the hero and hero- Ine. R-nl, Wvjd ske clearly proven. the ta hsvm.

hem is it la claimed, praise of the new prodct.o.-" "I matloe Wednesdsy. THET NEBD BATHS. eteornte If not Waah.a Half of tha euuvo. v. ow.

the uCtr Ucle. and are a. A Z.V DT' now and then as People an. It I. eeonla th.r.

r. Wlnlne their uowanotnen nicy keping them clean. The fact they want a bath )uat aa frequently doe. a human being. You it la thl way: "The face, end especially the IT,Ume 1r off wa-por.

Thla i Ing to th glass ard th dust them. Aa anon ae they become clean that la p- ciran tne weanr la sat! Bo the process goee on. But. wnlls wining the glaaee cleanses them and to n-cesaary. bath la alao requino.

Every time the glass an wipwd a rm film of dirt I left on them and this gradually accumulate, and no wrping will dssn It off. In time thla mating get quite thick enough to oiur the vision, even though at a glance th glass may appear dean. When thla occur, th sight la diminished, and they com to or some ether optician, what thy ought -to bav don waa to aire th Isaacs nam in warm water, -well acm being them with a small toothbrush and soap, and afterward wipe tbam. Tbla leather and then with tWwuw Paper to polish them." Bcaton Tranacrlpt. irwrNa BOCIETT Hewing Society ef, St- Palrtejt'a, parish will resume meertags for the season aest "Thursday aftsrosea.

In St. Patrtek's Aerlura. Mass ssjc PsMckw Ohareh Frtoay 1 Is to to ot I 3DDOorJDDoaDaaaacaaDuBDaaDD I ODDS AND ENDS I CROWS OIVB WARNINOS. It to contended by him naluralisia that arowa know Inatlnctlv! whetner a place I healthy or not. In proof of tbla, a crrapondnt at th Indian Forester remarked th other week: "My houat la eurrounde by a number of tree, wher these birds ar housed la hundred.

aa happened early la April last they commenced winning out till they had disappeared to th last crow. Quite simultaneously with their migration cholera brok out, but now that cholera la faat disappearing th crowa an again cnuatfrlng In fore," BIO ORDERS FOR CHAIRS. -On of th moat lnteresUog papen In Good Words, la on the Industry of Buckinghamshire, by Bher-tmgton Mills. Th rapidity of autput I surprising. "A slngl arm vrlU turn eut many troes weekly.

Five thousand were cad for th Alexandra Palace la all days: 1,00 tor th Crystal Palace, aa record order la chain, nntshrd nd delivered wlthJn a tew weeks to th order ot Messrs. Moody eaul Ian-key." A BIO SAVIVO. Tunbrldge Well, la Kent. Is on of th first towns In th kingdom to taks advantage of th act enabling munlcl palllle to provld a telepn'mi ervic or tnfr pi and th town eounell have already accepted tenders for the Installation of a local system. Th corporation anticipate, tat Country Life, being able to provide a eyateua which will cost subscriber CI 10.

lees than they are now paying tha Na tional Telephone Company. TO LET I TO LET! Trie commodloua capital reMntlr aeeuplad by Oora Paul Kroger, Esquire, wsfsBunj lit highly dealrahle residence aya the Irreverent Adelaide Obeerver, "la ot unique dssug. th saloon ear style, recently Introduced by Mr. Kru- fY tT.S PrvM4 by Lord Rob ert of England. it la fitted with all tha veniencee aa a dwelllne AfHf lnca Chamber.

Tha ailti.lln. I. a.n.i..e..i but by an Ingenious arrangement tne whole structure own he moved to any distance wltout disturbing th in- THB DUC D'ABRTJIZL Th Duo d'Abruaal- returned from aa la Bhurileh yschtln, clr- elaa. and 1a tha earlier day of th deli" rwlr vtoltor to th Thames for the oneninsr manh tk. eaaon.

During th Riviera regards of he had a handsome lltUestea-or called Beatrice, and spent moat of ssn smewg on or tne ooata own by lb Dl Poaxea. When did ao In for a aalllna boat or i. on he did on a big oal. and praoea ne wmanisws in tne band ef Mr. O.

I Wstsom. Tha Beats, boat tost Jlttte MeTgar than Uie Herreahntv eyensr-rooiers, waa tne reaali, and a capable hand tha red cross ot Savoy waa carried to victory a eamril numner or ueaee ror a swasoa. Th' the disk tired at yachting, and sold me Doat. immeaiateiy afterward mas. Inr up hla enlnd to the dash for rhe pole, from which has mnrd with so much credit.

Looking at him. en would hardly fancy htm an arctm explorer. He eeeme a arell.hrsd Una. llehman to his Snger tlre and of th yp wnicn until recently was enr. posed to prefer sitting at hem In sase to anytning im.

ITS JOTS ARC OONB. Victor Emmanuel If. was a fraouent visitor ef Capodtmonte and hunted le neignoornooa wnenever he went ta Naples. HI grandson, the prcaeal king. I now n)oylng the earns sport, but Capodlmont.

with all lta charm. is no longer tne peace rul resort or ror. mer days. The murder of Kin Hum. pert hango Ilk a black cloud aver tee yivan oeautie.

mi Duiidlnaa round th roysl forest, formerly held by gay courtier, ar now occupied by guards, detectives iniK-ninmra. wno scrub' nlse every new face that appean In the neighborhood. Th wood an pa trolled day and night, and tha quiet cvnlng ef th Italian summer during which. In former tlms, only th village belt were heard tolling th Ave Maria, an now diet ar Bed try th trap of eoldlere and Ui challenge ot sentinels. ess -THB WORLD'S NEWSPAPERS, Ths) records show that a per cent, et all tha nesnpapen published in tha world -an in the English language.

Of tha more than fifty thousand a swe epers published th United State and Canada Issue a. 000 Oreat Britain. Germany, Francs, M0; Japan, t.QfP; Italy, l.M; Auatrw Htmgry. 1.200: LOn; Aostna, S00; Russia, 800; Greece, an; Swrltaer-tend. -Ado: Holland.

M0; Belgium. MA, and other countries about nrwi paper Maker. FOR OVERWORKED BUSINESS MEN. WANTED.

Position as stenograph er I am a woman 42 yean old i turn out clean, perfect work It year' ex perience homely but healthy and neat, honest and know business when see it salary to start thirty per week at least I can help to make tbe fortune of any overworked bus iness man with brains, and will do It for wage. Sarah Ann III i.eader office. sjieveland Leader. SOMETHING IN IT. Richard Croksr, th notorious head of -lammany stall and Virtually Democratic dictator at.

the state ot New York, baa wagered SIM. ea Bryan at 1-1 tb l.i Thl msans a quarter of a million dollars for Mr. Croker th Democrat carry th stats, and that aa Inducement even ta a New York politician, it mean alao that svery henchman at Tammany, la proportion hla mean, la probably equally Interested financially, and haa been spurred his most strenuous effort In behalf the national ticket. On gnat dim. vujijr -m national utmacraoy haa always faced In New fork haa been the apathy of.

the New Tork city organisation. As Tammany frankly remarked, "There nothing In It." ThU year, thanke to Mr. Vrokar'g example, then omthlng In It. A PRIZX AT U. Actora often receive' edd mlsstvea Thla.

says tha Dally Telegraph, has Just been addressed te Mr. Charles Wyndham at the Criterion i "Sir, I aak yoa herewith for an en. gagemeat aa spiritualist-ag dverUsr to begin with a salary at Sio per week. "I bav get th strongest electrical brain la the world 1 asa able to hypnotise animals and huasaa beings aav been hen la London only for aa week was never published, and still am known already by th enUn City ef LAndoa, oa aoMuat at my -electrical wave from tbla. my atraag electrical brain.

"My brain to thl vsry atroaa that guarantee yoa to ahla bring you aah night a fwU heuae ha nlli a Iota the people eaoa algM lata your theatre which Would be flood odwilh my monster spiritualising with my elArlrlrkl mmwmm see BBHEADBD HIMBXLF I atory In which la aero beaesded himself with aa ax. Iha (kins W. 7 sevasn at as na Yt thl fat waa wrartlrsillw Sllabsd by a Victorian buahman other ay, axplalna "Melbourne Punch." The man rales a very sharp American axe high over hi head, th log be waa cutting slipped from under hla fool, and isiuHi as sua Boca, nearly aavararf It He waa dead In three mrautes. see. ANNIE LAURIE'S GRAVE.

It ha juat been discovered that th grav of Annie Laurie, th heroine of ui wonu-iamous ballad, has remained ior an mess year without a tomb- nuns, pcopl an under the delusion tnat Annie Laurie waa merely th n. ISni'. "ln- this, says wwunuau, was not SO. Sh was the daughter of Sir Robert Laurie, and waa bora la Maxwelton noun, wnicn stanna immortalised in tbe ong. ON ON THB MUBIC1AN.

Tb Other week uImh.i. -l. I. Duiieun. a conspicuous Melbourne musician and several smaU Iterary and artiatlo tamUtan want up ias mountaina ror nat i change, and to commune with tun, a la Thoresu.

tm the second nlrht a tramawdnna storm struck ths and It thunder-Mi and lightened aa all Gehenna had UIU Then the conspicuous musician rose rrom bis bunk, when he had been prosing rapturously about Wagner, and trode forth into th darkness and tbe racket of dismembered nature. When bis friends followed tbey found him standing out an a jutting rock, dressed In nothing much, with a nimbus round me oeaa, ana a stick in hla band, conducting th thunderstorm!" HOW MASKS ARE MADsV Thsy an Pressed over Face Forms and Hand Painted. Frem th Claeinaatl Eaeulrar. Paper maskg are maae by doubllng'on aneel ot a specially prepare paper, tret-ting It asd moulding It by hand ever a faoe form; It la then dried by ertatleial heat. Openings an rut for eyea, boss and mouth, and It la painted aad decorated by hand as oesirsd.

Tha psper used by manufacturers at Bonaabrrg. Germany, where thla la almost the only lad ua try. Is made In Oee--Isu and Schleuslngen, and costs at present about XS rents per 4M sheets. One ehaat makes these ef 4ho common mssks. The psistlng ef cheap masks costs about 1) cents per gross; the moulding ef fsoe costs about coats; per gross.

Packing la Aa-ured at about 1 per aa the maaks are rolled. In bream paper, the eoda belag folded do to aave string. Ths sxpenses sre estimated at about li per leaving in net prent sua per as the complete article sells at present at about 41 cants ner crass. Last yesr the mssks sold for about ens-third ef a cent each and nest year's price Is eirpeeted Is OS eents per gross. The cost of raw paper neat year.

It I estimated, will be higher, aad then will, he aa tncreae In the cost ot aerat ing, me nair uaea tor musutcnes. etc. cost laat year 11 te 17 cents per pooad, but this year It rente Is psld- Manufacturers havs no trouble la getting good prices, and are making handsome pro-flie. These calculations are ea the cheapest staple good; oa specialties the i in is mvri. Win masks sin mad by stamping a pier ef win setting about eae font square ever a face mould in a large merninv.

inclosing tne roogn win edges a a nsrrew strip of lead, and palnUng. Ths latter is dons by head is oil colors. AN ORCrAif RHCITAL. An organ i mwj -win do given- on Tnursflar are. ening at St.

Oeorge'e church, by tba nraremat. sir. K. J. BerKwrlth.

He Will do assistea ny Mrs Laura hfcLann. Tkls si feature Is ea casts bo ef tbe seoalss Laxative BroffloHoiae Tebist NEW HENTY BOOKS "With. BuUsr is JgtaL" A TALE OF THE BOER WAR In th trlA Brigaia A tale of sear fa Flanden aad Spam. OntWrth Giribaldi A sorry ef the liberation ef Italy. Handsome cloth, tl to each.

Mailed en receipt of price by SPARKS STREET. The Nordheimer Pianos An acknowledged everywhere te. Thg.rin.Mt Caasdiaii Piano Kanafactured. -They excel la PURITT OF TONE, PERFECTION OF TOUCH," BEAUTT OF DESIGN AND GREAT DURABILITY, very Instrument fully warranted. Sold In Ottawa aad Eastern Ontario Only by J.


SOLDIERING GflNflDfl Recollections and expert-ences by Lt-CoL George T. Denison. Prlcb 2Sa3.0 Mailed oh receipt of price to any address. James Ogilvy btaus st. jRuas IS 2 October 1st Th Fat) Rats at all lta.

The last shlpmaats arrived aa Friday 4 Saturday, aad rhe pu bile earn new hoses wtth the seeuraoce that then will be coining la tar. The Bert EngHat Autsuaa Ha (U three colore) made ta iinnihte tweeaV is very styUek-aad very sseaNrtasle. R.J.DEVLIN are la demand. 'B OrOSIS MMeS tr Sals Ifinita. Iff SPAKKS STSSST.

MMtlhrVIr It Ti no msrs fsd ths drinking of ths Msgl i Caledonia Wateirs nq ottisrt st all approach thsm In any rospsot IMaasaasrMMMS Boxes of NoteEnvelopes to dear at sue wnroow. H. THORBURN SPAMCS STKEET. Capllal reuntata Pea H.H, th beet. EST UDDER MADE ANYWHERE Telescopes is ens-naif It leagth.

Our step isaoer niaee, petal Bases ec wave can be utilised wrhen osw per sob can aenoie it. yen ea eae row srean v.aii ana ems mine ana gs pnoes. W4 a. Charlenon, fWerlraian' aid taag.l n. I B1USAU STKEET.

OTTAWA. naa ijy iTiTiitetHHsta l-lsl-m-m-j i-jri. sl Bankrupt Stock 200 gross sehool and ar titta oraysns, whits and 00U orsd. Largs stook of Inks and muollago, Including I 1 step-hew. ARNOIjyS, rs." s.

All at Isss than wholssals prksss. illlVVIIV spajucs (rrmnr. Trade Mark J- LadleR If You Want Comfort Wear 11 trrtaea I I -4- Always Wears You Y.a'Sx.y dW- rw.rsU-t Ps-r bm- RecJ Square Brand of Ready maw 1 at etaare. II WALL PAPSRS hi various fr-k k-f ATtu'sla Artists' Bsat4l. WM.

HOWE, oAP STREET. Next dear Tod Sweet for Anything "nsm-sna ful vision and palates sa ur woe rsur llttl by paying us a agnnui Our nrtrea sJIm th purchase neaoy. te packet mush vi Letch Stanley's FOOTWEAR 129 SPARKS ST. P- S. And the PRICE J.

FLEMiMING, a88 Queen Street, Cor, Kent and Queen. Manufacturer of Hlah lass and Plain i nrl nfll crm i' "pairings, Estimates Free. BAYSWATER STEAM GEO. M. ZHaamaJaa Timber Shingles aad Orsstsd Lumbsr, Flooring.

Moulding. Sash, Doors. Turning, dc, to. FOURTH AVENUE. OTTAWA, Does all its Pyk PLANING MILL MASON LUMBER PHONE 1511 CANADA.

PTTncbealer New Blval J.l" Nos. nd lt guage, sllgStly discolored, at 11 pa, hua- Cazner SUSSEX DUKE 8TS. Phone 41L 7 Laundry work in the city PYKE'S LAUNDRY Wants your work and influence. Give it a trial. 48 Queen Street Telephone 122 or 577, sts)as)t Preserve the Roof Orer roar bead and msks it meat to the house hr nalntlns it the lion Brand of ears Ready Mixed rslat Ths latest and best Una of eaint Ika rer sale by all dealers.

ash fsr it aad take so ether. TheOttawaPaiDtWorts afsowfaoturerB and I in porters. P.aV-The ssily paint saaaulaorurers In The Season For Travelling aai yaa regslrs Trsre'Jers Can far erhat yea ereat at and RIEOSAU and IM SPARKS )EAtT BT.ind ift STREET. sgAKTjrACTURJIsVB. Erery attenUen glrea ta orders.

Reaairlng asatly, eheaply aad aulckly one. Phone B. H.l50 slsc she 1 beehr got beak -Tee, "Why Tee. bat I'll hare i go gla" Marled Srat la telHng her IsassBMr eaperUDcea. aad I dKlo get a word in sSss.lsa sheet what i see Building? esstaat nas hkve MsBntafsaotHreMs rid Importer te the old stand.

cnuarsa with thssn to feast i. thy amy of sweat thtn emy or sweet thiaaa. Boii.he sit. Tbey wlU ast eooa forget the do. WARNOCK SUSSEX STREET.

Always Looks Right IS RIGHT. Zr.r" "''uro. ottnn SCALES All hinds of offlc. pisiform am counter scale saade aad repair as. Tbe Pritcbartl-Aadrew i Cx Or Ottawa, Limits I.

183 SPAMCS 1EUET DOES QUALITY COUNT WITH YOU? Thau nss only tks csitsiss THE PUREST. Made by SAFEST. BEST. mclaren. Sold by all Good Oroosrs- tB Mis.

1 oarssliig th hew. 'tis boiiser saked tramp, wits a gnors ef ritrem defneser. Well." said tbe Bostoa wotasa, "It can scarcely be termed aa address. I doubt yon will-cere to complete eea yonr eiordinm." Tbereoaoo the Ata eeraied setoslly te freese ht Had Arrlesd. "Tb dtrkeet honr." said CheHy fHte.

I sagely, "la 'nt befor th diwa." She west to he window ssd pes red oat. Ta art.

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