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The Ottawa Journal du lieu suivant : Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 8

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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it fyrinx THE OTTAWA JOJJRNAL MONDAY. JUNK 8. 1959; Mutual Life Opens JNfew 4 0 i ANNE MlfviS, daughter of Mrs. R. R.

Jarvit and the laic Mr. Jarvit, who was graduated from the Kinpton Gederal Hospital. Mr. Jar-via rttidca at 607 Highland avenue, Tjttawa. -HORSE-BUGGY CAN AT NIAGARA FALLS.

NY, June A- New Yorle. Sute AsaemMeytean- ha called -for the1 building of, a replacement rtor theetlaod Canal "on the; U.S. aide of the Niatart river, allina ih Wallanri "a hone. territory for 5600,000,000. TONIGHT 9.05 P.M.

100. unii- iHl BETTER I -DOROTHY GRAY stick CBIAM DEODORANT 75c I EE rH 4 tramlrtor twrt tt i aaivi-i wuia rar a it" a cra katlaaa tm ta far rr DiaiaaitraUaa Telex Hearing AJda fj I ia aaaraa Bar Your Household Needs vtith up to Pay WflODHOUSE CO. untn 1M Rldeaa Stract. CES-8137 -Tiai 2 1 iiu ugn i Csf Pimples iua Cenlak rla wUiaraa. Mal av-ki burnt.

rlta atvanlM uf rtd th a ef tia a IrMHjig aVtUa. Acs. Vunpta. Jw aarnanuwl. aatli lv Iwla talBlnt nuui tin an araUabl tpiitor araa win JTawOd-. jatlata. ar Mula are euiaia ear this 'awnmanla stasamnt. TuiKiM Tjhlaia ara'aolit wllh. ut BJaaerlyUa all 4rac ataraa 'Company Reaches Milestone In 82-Year History in This Area 'A new chapter in the h.istoryjlhe Company's Directors' EfficU of.

The Mutual Life Assurance jency Trophy, whi'-h was Company of which baa; by the Ottawa branch for out-been serving policyholders in'itinding work in 1 958 in coin-Ottawa and district for the pasttpetUron with, the company's 09 82vfs, will be writlerctQnwwYT other branches across Canada. row at 2.30 when Mayor Nelme will cut ribbon to fosmally open -the company's new building ar80. Argyle avenue. The derision to build the. new Ottawa office, a company official said, waa "a result of the stead? growth of.

sit branches of the company's business in the Ottawa The new 1250,000 building becomes the fourth branch office owned by the company. Others are ml Montreal. Toronto and Hamilton. The company 4a. strictly Canadianraells-onty in Canada, and ha branches thia country.

The Head Office and-buggy he said nrit canaqja new one could be built on U.S. is located at Waterloo, Ontario. nimn'aimjinu nLi.w.110. 1 una -UrsX j-Hymn-mting crnwrls, 4 OmOrfOW- Graham when he arrived here from hjs. four-month Australian and New Zealand tour.

HEAR DO'IALD MORROW UMDIDATl 7 OTTAWA WEST, ov me. insurance com pany and waa established in 1869. opening ceremonies will be Louis L. Lang, Chairman of the Board of the Mutual Life and Rieder, President. Other officials will also be present from Waterloo, THe-new'b'uilding la an attrac tive, modernistically designed two-storey structure, with generous frontal glass area.

The main floor bouse the firm's life insurance and investment departments, and on the second floor is Mutual' Public Service of Canada Hdipital- Medical Branch. The company's former offices Were in the Jackson 'Building for many years and later In the Ottawa Electric Building. Designers of the new building were the Ottawa architects Burgess, McLean and Mae- Phadyan. Construction waa by the Ottawa firm of Queensview Construction and Development Ltd. Subcontractors in' practically all ease were firm, represented in Ottawa.

manager of the Ottawa life insurance branch in the new building is Aubrey W. Oldham, who came to this city from Sarnia in 1957. At the) company dinner fol The local agency was junner-up in in tne previous Mr. R. D.

Lockwood is the Branch Secretary. The amount of the company's life insurance now in force in the Ottawa -area eicteds $70,000,000: New Building Contain-" All Brahches The company's Ottawa moil: gage Investment" office tirihe; new ouuaing nmnaa-ey w. G. Snelgrove. Associated with him are George Pennie, mort This, office wss established In 1940 and administers mortgages In this area 1 to the extent of errnriw became associated with the company, and laid the foundations which led to the success which the Mutual Life hai en-; joyed In Ottawa through the years, fie was the first General Agent Henry Mooney waa succeeded by his son J.

Wilbur who Joined the company 60 years ago and was branch manager for many years'. W. Lloyd Mooney, from the tnira generation or tne. aame family, is one of the Company's lowing the official opening, Mc4w representatives. He Oldham will be presented with tionat Joint council nan, on the second floor, is managed by J.

P. Devenny. This plan was underwritten by four Canadian life insurance come I les. and is administered by The Mumal Life. Since 1950 the branch has been paying claims to members all across Canada and In every parrw the world.

glYearj'; In OttawaArea T. D. Ruttan wa the first Mutual Life of Canada agent to aell policies In the Ottawa dis trict. In 1877. In 1879.

Henry Mooney joined the Company in 1923. PLUMBING and HEATING Inilmllei by John Colford Contracting Co. J- 233 Mctcilfi Sr. CE3-4410 The Aif-Conditioning System -or- the-. Mutual Life Bui Iding U'r nipplleJ and iuttattei jr.l" 1 ROY' SODERLIND at Ca UMTTED 108 SPARKS ST.

VINYL ASBESTOS TILE FLOORING Supplied and Applied? McAULIFFE-G RIMES 15 Pre teri Phtm CE5-1427 AUBREY OLDHAM, CLU. JVanoffrri Tl r1 I I I (- Snraa- jbnifflo In" iioCMrT" err and London: Ontanov'Mi Qldhm. la tnajrlid and two airla and on boy. He gage inspector and Edward Ui-tfiStitM Bornla. and In Ottawa in mi.

Mr. uitmams atrncy has wor the Mutual Life Directors Efficiency Trophy In 8rnl in 1951 and 1963 and in Ottawa hi.ik.h t. orpsi- "5 mi oiaiu ernia nouiry uiuo, nrm ub. rlrnt enl- BamiaTT.M. Y.W A former director Simla Cham-er of Conrimerce, senior artm member Oii Rotant-XJIut Ha.

le- ery actire lnftmrgh I wore ana attenda Chalmers United Church. Mr. Oldham's hobblea are atcreo hi-n, photor aphr. tolf and island living in Muakoka. He write many arUcla for re li-loue and trad mapulnMi and averasa mora than 100 apeaking encanntav yearly.

Li gk. ai'I a -X- .3 1 i' I rr rz i HTii. I- The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada since 1900 has grown steadily until It has become one of' the leading financial institutions In Canada, erfd one of the leading Insurance companies on the continent. Pictured above Is the gleaming exterior Mutiial'i newest branch, (pcated at 80 Argyle where official opening ceremonies will take place tomorrow" the completion of the distinguished Ottawa home of ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA QUEENSVIEW Construction and General Contractors 525. Bank St.

CES)710 'An Aitiliatevl CkimpeauXonstjuciionXiqtd. I' 1 jn'J TV. 0 1 i.

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