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The Ottawa Journal from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada • Page 11

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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re 12 i iiinmii Little Stories of Big Canadians, Big Stories of Little Canadians. Anec-dotage of G. A. Macdonald. IMIIIIIIIWMIM Mr.

A. A. wU known for his abundance of public spirit and for hie eulire-aliundance of whiskers, waa fur mm yn member of parliament -fur his hume county where be grew irull as lusurlant as the htraute whl.h ho waa famous in the Uhum. Alter he re-mn-d his seat lo accept lira position iKiatiuuster iir lorn of Iten-irew-a port thuk In ronslflrit-d a II mil plum Mr. Wrlirhl frail.

Home summers ul(o I ITered aunie nf lln product fir malm throuiih iho medium if the mpers. and Iho nest week leader l-ame out with tlua editorial nolo, "Mr. A. Wright I. plums for sale If the puet oltlro In In the lot I llul It was II VNH IX IIAXK.

Tie printer and work liuli.l In hnn.l hand at that. Vr Inatnnro during the 'Ki'nrral' olwtlon the A' Rubbers. All aow good. Tti'-s aaaaoa'a maate. "MEN'S Reg II lie gjg Overagiters 45c.

ST .60 -SPABKS ST. Ladlee beat quality of beaver cloth, half-length call era, well made, neatly fining; all eraea. Regular He, JflOONEY- 2 Stores 203 BaVlTC ST. IIIH vertlser cam out with a largo flei bald. "Laurlor and Iho Larger Market." but there waa troublo In tha oltlro whn an dropped out.

or waa pulled out, and tha heading au-ueared In part of tha laaua ai "fur icr and Iho Lager Market." Thlav too, In tho homo of aoroa ftna-brewa uf Lager. a a "WK'IX GO TO BED." Another mistake during tha aama election campaign waa luckily, or un lurklly caught before tba prlnlar on-dorsrd It. An Kngllab newspaper In Montreal secured tha services of a tranalator to laka down tha French addrraa of tho "Old Chieftain" In Canada a metropolis Tho Premier apoke for an hour and a half and tho tranalator waa kept both buay and worried until a lata hour. Conclude Ing Me remark! on tho naval policy Sir Wilfrid bad declared, "If Britain should over go -to warr which Ood forbid, lie'' II waa just tha kind, of elnqut-nt appoftl that the Montreal GIFTS IN FOOTWEAR Such gifts are moat acceptable, and act as' a eonataot reminder of the giver. None are mora appreciated.

Our stock is most complete with a lull assortment of Gift Shoea at prices so low that add to the plessurs of giving. -1 Ladies' Juliet Slip- pert 98c. paira at Ladles' Juliet Bttspera, mada la beat anal- tor of feR an4 vaerat: vary ooav and eoejafortabls; stee-ly made and trtnrmed with fur and rrbboa trtmsntng. In colore of Brown, Rod, Ulue, Oreea. Blaok and raney "pom; all ataaa.

Itee-uaw 11. and Child's Slipper. 29c. Juat tha thing far hetaee wear, aolaalaea aa good mada la Herat and dark colore.

AI ataaa la I. Hen's Soneo Slippers $1.69. fade In good anaHty Vlel KM. la Black and Chocolate ealara; good full Otters, Tory aoantortabla and antlafnetory All House Blippers 49c. Ladlear fatt Houee aitspara, with thlok foK aolea, wfth a light top aala of leather: la plain and fancy eolern; vary eomfortaMa and good wearing.

All ataaa. old regularly far Tie. l. Hockey Boots Boya Mae Oraln Calf Plaekey Boom, reafnlatton atyla, plain and Beeee Head; gelid leather. Regular 11.7a.

Men's SUppers $1.29. Man'a nomfortabia Honaa Bhooe nt Bearatt and opera out atylea, aleaty made, oomfortaMe at-tins, ra blaok and chocolate eol-era; all etaaa. Regular 11.71. F. C.

TAYLOfc 1ST BA1TK rr cor. Seaarr. CIVR a man a l'lpe, a Box of Clgara, or aome other little Tobacco Necessary, and you aattafy him. Thla aeaeoa I am ahowlng moat complete stork of everything the arhoker could wish for. I am ready lo.

help you choose a aVlt- able gift. Cigars are alwaye welcome. Theae I have In every known" brand from tic a box up lo a hundred. Niri UtUt or c'w aa. IIIUC aultable gift, A.

large assortment In all slice and shapes. Other Articles that are aura to please are Pipe Racks, hand painted Ash Trays, Tobacco Jare, Sliver Cigar and Cigarette cane. Match Lighters, Cigarette, eta," search- the Town ITayc'a good look around, but when it is Furniture of Quality Vtaaa Q. aaM. that you need do: not forget that tha LORD TURJlfTUM CO.

Is moving, snd jhst yon will find hundreds of useful gifts at our store. Urd Furniture Co. Rideaa 1732 111 Ridean St- Tins OTTAWA EVENING JOURNAL. SATURDAY, DDCEI.1EER SO, 1413. paper waa looking for, buV Ute la Kir did not got II' ao happily, fur I ale oopr rand.

"If Ureal Hrftala ahould aver go la war, we'll ao bed." 1-. BY ACCLAMVrlOX. Tha lata Robert member tor Kent County In Iho Legie-latnra, waa aoolcn. and a goodly par-, cantaga of hla conatltuanta alao an-1 toyed that bloaalng. ao II may be ad mitted at enca thai Mr.

rerguaon had a large aad witty collection of good anoodotea. One of bla' boat waa ab-aoluaaly true In every feature of Importance and only pwed Ita humoroua oraajnenta to the member'e atory telling akllL Mr. Kerguaon uaod ta mention, the. hero'a name quite calmly, but per ha pa II would be aa Well hero to, call him' by another, name, for ha bad a large boat of relatlvea In the riding who would hardly rellah one partioular of the atory a particular Mr. Verguaoa oooaaloa to refer to brcauaa It waa ao widely and generally known.

Bmlth (then lot It be had bean an unauoceaeful candidate aaveral tlrneg. for the roove-ahlp of bla tuwaahlp; bo had boon Juat aa unauoceaeful in hit altempta to become a councillor, and defeat had attended him on three, oocaalone when ha had conteatod lha doputy-reeveahip. One election night after a particularly eevere defeat, smith waa. ao dlaguated that ha drove off to a neighboring town and became glorioualy Intoxicated. On hla return Ma horae ran away, burying him and part of the buggy In a anowdrlft, and kicking the reat of the ouldt Into amllh.r-eena, A couple of men driving along tho.

aama road noticed' parte of a buggy lying on tha enow. They In-, voatigated and, on- moving the rem-nanta or the rig, 'found a cuehicm, then robca and ruga, nd Anally Binlth hlmaelfi peacefully anoring down In a hole 'In the anowdrlft. They dragged hlm out and when they had rouaed him up one aaid II him' "flow -on earth did you ever get In that hole. Smith 7" "What holer- he aaked. --''Why, there!" pointing to the deep hole In the anowdrlft.

"Waa 1 In there aaked Bmlth, arrloualy. you aura were they replied. And how on earth did you net In there Well." replied Bmllh. aolemnlv. "1 muat have gof In by acclamation." ROCXD AXD FLAT, i- M.

John itrClellanrf. lor many yeara editor of the 81. Catharine Htar. and for- many, other- yeara city' clerk' of ft. Cnthurinca, far-famed dar ing hla life time for hla peculiar ldeaa about aatronomy and eome other almilar eclanrea which he had aer- knialy atudlrd.

earnretlr and conaclenlloualy that the world waa not round, but flat, and lie even lectured publicly on the "flat earth" theory. Ilia original- Idea on thla matter constantly brought him Into atrenuoua dlacuaaionB. for oeoole alwaya hold moat atronalr the vlewa Uhey are unable to actually prove hy eviococo. me on a t. Catharlnea atreet car, the' late Mr.

McClelland argued the. flat earth theory very ably and peralatently with a chance arqaulntance. "Oet along with your talk." aaya the hrqualntance. "I'm euro that the earth la ee round aa-aa round aa (halting for an llluatratlon to hnw Juat how round he ihoucht the earth lo Del tnink Ife aa round aa aa your face he concluded lamely. I differ with vou." reollit Clelland, "I feel aure It Is aa flat aa la flat aa (pretending-, to halt and aearch hla mind for a almilri 'aa flat aa your head a a COl'XSKLS OP r.GOIf.V.

The genial. A. Jeffrey, editor of the Arnprlor Chronicle, never lata a good anecdote go unchronlcled when ho la around. One of hla atooiea eon-corna two noted Kaatem Ontario law-yefe Klng'a Counaela of emlnenre T. W.

McUarry, M.P.P.. and Peter White, K.C. Theae two wera. one week, together several dnya In earn-eot consultation about political mat-tera and political prohnbllltlea. The following Hunday.

the Habbath school teacher asked an observant, but wdrlh-ly little member of her elasa, "Johnny, what la meant by 'Counsela of the Ungodly In our lesson today 7" "McCarry and White, I suppose!" answered the boy. WEDDINGS. XESBITT-XKILIi. A very, pretty wedding waa solemnised In the Merlvale Preabyterian church on Wednesday afternoon, at four o'clock, when Miss Margaret NellL daughter of Mr. Samuel Neilt, of Merlvale, became the bride ot Mr.

Robert J. Neabltt, also of Merlvale. Tha ceremony waa performed by Rev. as. Robinson In the presence of a large number of friends and rela tlvea, Tne bride who was given away by her brother.

Mr. James P. Nelll, looked charming In a handsome gown of- pearl grey satin, trimmed with veiled yoke and aoed and veil caurht up by orange blossoms, and carried a large bouquet of carnations, As tha bride entered the church Mrs. who presided at the organ, rendered Mendelssohn's wedding march. Her going away costume waa a smart tailored ault of brown eloth, and she wore the 'gift of the groom, a beautiful set of furs.

Her hat was4f black slush trimmed with an ostrich plume. The high. esteem In which tba.young eobpla' are' held, wae'-'-ahown by the many and costly presents' which they received. Mr. 'and Mrs: Neabltt left on the midnight, train forToronto, and other: western points, amid showers of eonfettt and good wlshea from their many friends.

On their return tney will reside at Merivaie. raooso Your liftfilFreinian's Hundreds Ct Durable, Lasting Ant) Mosf Acceptable Gilt Selections Await Your Coming Monday 'l Conslfler these Waisls Dolls Carriages Oar Special Value. Doll'e CanaUga with black body and tantttereeta hood, taereratble and folda up tight. Bteol gear. rubber tired wbaela.

Regular 11.11 CC each. A Pra-Chriaunaa gpeclal at PXeUU fa 1 1 Dainty Ml Dial urea of the klnda we aJ- I grown folka nee. Kaon atyla has well flPflS made up ninUreaa and two pillows. Two atylaa and two prices. White Enamelled, regular L( value IQ Braaa regular U.l value $1.55 For Boys.

Busier Brown Sails INCLUDED in these special lines st thia price ara soma very xelleDt and line Serge and 'Worsted Suits as well aa a yeidt aelection of different patterned Tweeds. Also a fnr Corduroy and VeWet Suit. Every suit is a Buster Brown atylo with sailor or Russian collar and smartly trimmed with military or fancy braids, also leather TO RECOVER -4- as D.Mcrmnrnt Orrr Prclw of Ato-mobUe Ooe to Coait. A Biilt brounht by Ui Beach Motor Company to recover $246 from Mr. T.

M. Mulllyan waa aettled by Judge aUacTavlflh la the county court yesterday. Tha eutt aroae out of -a sjiaacreement over the charse mad) by the piainiitTe lor rtiwinoK automobile, which they aold to the defendant. Mr. Mulligan alleged that the car which he purchased aa new bad previously been uaed.

Aa the amount of 1210 had been paid Into court by the defendants, only a balance of waa In dispute, and Judge alacTavtah allowrtf the Motor Company $31 of thla and costs. The annual, meetlna of KnnlsklUen Lodjce, tia. L.T.B.A., waa held In tha Orange hall on Wednesday even Ins. There was a very large attendance of the members besides several ghosts.1" By FANNIE 8TEARX3 DAVIS. I am almost afraid of the wind out there.

The dead leaves skip on the porches bars, Tha windows clatter and whine. I alt Hera In the quiet house, low-lit, with the clock ticks and the books that stand. Wise and silent, on every hand. I am almost afraid; though I know tha nlsht Lets no (hosts, walk In the warm lamplight. Tel (hosts there ara: and ther blow, they blow, put la tha wind and tha scattering snow.

When I open the-wtndowa and go to bed. Will the -ghosts coma la and stand at my head? last night I dreamed they came back again. I heard them talking; I saw them plain. They hugged me and held ma and loved me; apoke Of happy doings and friendly folk. They seemed to have Journeyed a week away.

But now they wera ready and glad to stay. i Hut. If they came on, tha wind lo-nlght Could I bear their faces, their garments white Blown ln the dark round my lonely bed? Oh. could-I forgive them fur being dead? I am almost afraid of the wind. My shamet That I would not be glad'lf jny dear ones came? Harpera Hasaslne.

for Mother, or Daughter Regular S6.50 Brocaded CO QC Crepe de Chine Styles BAlXT we nave never ahown Btylee more deUoata and more exqulalte than theae. Beautiful Brooaded affaou In rich allk Crepe de chine. A gift that will be appreciated and one that. will remind the wearer of the doner every (time la worn. Theae Walau are the vary having turned down allk oollar In plain aalf and oentraating tones.

Bbadow lace in neck and eleevee and 4 large fancy pearl buttone on front bar re shoulder Hue and yoke extending acroaa back. Shadea are White. Navy, Mauve, Golden Brown and Black. Hagutar values at H.tO Special for Christ maa An Eiderdown Kimona maks vmry appropriate gift from brottMr, dauvhtar or htiabiuid to mothar or tha lattr' wif. Kvery woman HkM to dr In h-r boudoir and you can ajaitt her by- chooalnff an EXderdown Ktmona Thia ia indeed a wonderful ODDOrtuni- from our large ranga.

Prlroa ara toouUH.a boy from 3 to 6 year. y- ItllJJ tl vr 111 1 visitors from Westboro No. MS. Tho election of officers was keenly contested and resulted as follows: W.M., Bro. J.

Newell; D.M., Bro. N. Bishop; R.8., Bro. A. J.

Norrls; F.8., Bister H. afcPadden: Bro. O. lio-wen; D. nf Bra.

R. H. Eddy; chaplain, Bro. P. Graham; Bro.

H. Busaall; I.T, Bro. Mason; O.T., Bro. Rivers; ladles committee. Sisters H.

Ayotto, Beaven, Kleler, Burnalda, and Mrs. H. Bussell; men's committee, W. Carpenter. D.

BuaselL C. Green, A. alaaon, J. Milk. Coal And Wood DRY MILL BLOCKS, 'per load Tou cannot equal thla for Value, A Trial Order Solicited.

Other gradea of Wood and Coal tt Lowest Prices. J. A. BARRETT 1011 Wefltngton Street. Phone Queen 4567.

Complete you Christmas arrangements by having your floors a promptly by competent men; See our Windows for Good Kcteres Pa Stewart 301 Bank St" Phone Q. ia8 ar 789 Somerset. 'Phone Q. 3470 EATTTTrTX. Soft Mssaallu, Underaklrta, newest accordion pleated stylet; tha very ksteat BEAU-sa i Nai i $2.95 one ot three tints wouia mnite mm.u norm- jhm mll Com, ln mnd siut, wi sun friaxBXtasl Tjrescnt.

Values in tha lot thatn. Oapahle; elarke will be snd Black. Ci Blue, and Black. Cut Mnnrlnv l3f ff pleased ta ahow ryou "our entire on pleated flounce. Regular 14.

a eDsO.aJa range. valuea. Special Christmas effarln at opSOiai vaew What Abont Underskirts? Dther of These Lines Would Please ADIKS1 Satin Undeinhlim of exoellant quality. All auch new ahadae aa Pale Whtka, Laweader, Navy, Pink, Tan la newest atylea with amordt- I ilff--- Aw $1.69 advocated tor wearing with the new, atyla Oversklrta. White.

Copenhagen, Navy, American Beauty. Alice, Sky Bluest Tango and Pink. Regular 15. eo valuea Speceel Christmas offer at BlaCk Nic- Silky, glossy fur. Very handsome.

Lares Stole and jtOXSeiS yjILt, Mnff Beautifully trim- med with heads snd tails. Genuine reiuee at n5.00 a set. ripedal lor V-Jg ijy ChrUtmns I)vpl Beautiful Animal "J- Hhamarl Mtill trim- Kaccooncis "7 th head. tail and four paws. Stols 90 Inches long, has trimming of 2 tails, 2 heads and four paws.

A Tery handsome set Regular Special for Christmas JJ27 50 $2.69 Many. Of Your Lady Friends Would Delight In Furs Suggestlngthesa lines ve bare Considered your Pocket Made Prices Accordingly OpOSSUm Broirn or- Black Opossum CaIo Bets. 6toi has square 5CU back, shoulder effect, with 5 tails. Froht of Btols has 4 Uils snd 2 heads. Lrgo Bug Muff trimmed with head, "tail and paws.

Also some sets have plain large Pillow Mull. Regular 20.00 Special for Christmas Sable Sets Tiargs PiFlow Muffs, beautiful tSoerfe or Stoles to match, made up of most select skins. A set you must see to appreciate, worth 180 to sfl0-a set. Special for $65.00 Christmas ElCtriC Striped design with long, Mali rnsfa de'P "hwl eoU dT OIXVK VQflU cuff, tnd Urg, ornament fastener. Handsomely out away in front and weU lined with beat quality silk ia shads to matoh.

(140.00 and (150.00 values. Special for $g50() OSkrit de up with Western ildns. 'Full bd Inches long and Tery VUdaUl handsomely lined with Skin- ner 's Satin. A Coat envy woman win find warm and comfortable wearing. Reg--' Electric l1' WbU Mal v-' Seal fwOaiS veiae in tha city.

Beautifully satin Full 62 inches long, shasri ooUars, amart cuffs and made in cutaway (Com and sea Regular (100 valuea. jQCVt. Special for Chrabnaa Baltic Exceptional quality. Za.1 rnnta teahe W- Seat VOaiS toanship guar- airceexL Sldnnera Satni lined. Beautiful, rwh, bardsome Coats.

Regular $11 150 each. Special for Xmss The Canadian House Rideau Mosgrove Sts. PRACTICAL XMAS GIFTS USEFUL SUGGESTIONS THAT WILL APPEAL TO ANY MEMBER OF THE HOUSEHOLD ATl POPULAR PRICES. "ELECTRIC HEATING GOODS. Irons 3.60, Curling Tongt, Combs, Hot Pads, Ins tan to Beater, Coffee Percolators, Chafing Auto Foot Warmers, aUdiators, etc.

1 XMAS TREE OUTFITS, -7--V ELECTRIC VEST POCKET FLASHES. ARTISTIC ELECTRIC FIXTURES For Halls, Pining-room, Drawing-rooms, Dens, Libraries. i USEFUL HOUSEHOLD HELPS I' Electric 'Washing Machines, Vacuum Oeaners and Banges. 'ELECTRIC TABLE LAMPS. All kinds from $3.00 np to $40.00 in Art Glass, Cat Glass, Silk, Vase Craft, suit-.

able for all purposes. FRENCH BRONZES A fine lot to pick from by French art ists, at SI JKLtoJMXO BRASS GOODS Candle Sticks, each $1.00 Cruet Stands $3.78 Smokers' Sets, Jardinieres, Trays, Dinner Gongs, etc. 1 FIRE PLACE GOODS. Brsss Fenders, Andirons, Fire Sets, Fire Screens, also Wrought Iron A Vest Pocket Flash Light Battery free to those making purchases of $10.00 or over. Call and let us demonstrate the 1900 washer to you.

Costs less. than for one family wssh-' Pf A PATT'C 224-226 BANK STREET Phone Queen 1747. Open Ersry Evening Until Christmas..

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