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Statesville Daily Record from Statesville, North Carolina • Page 2

Statesville, North Carolina
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joining in pralee of his administration as a whole, a sore and touchy spot remains In the hearts of state employes toward former Gov. J. C. B. Ehringhaus.

Dreary, dark days Of 1933 once more are recalled. It was then that money of three months; wjithhald frlom pay GULF Of MEXICO DANGER ZONE Map shows vast area ravaged by flood and the land the Army plans to evacuate If the $1,000,000,000 Mi: ssippl 'levee system breaks under the flood rampaging down the valley. A ortat of 55 the highest In history, IB expected as engineers battled to save the homes of millions as levees strained to hold back the torrent. A relief corps of 130,000 men worked under General Malln Craig, Chief of Staff of the United States Army, and other Government officials. Young Pigs Often Die When Exposed to Cold Pigs farrowed In Feburary often, die from excessive chilling that could be prevented by giving them adequate protection, weather.

from, cold disinfect them A farmer who loses pigs In this way Is really paying the price of a good farrowing house without getting Its benefits, said H. W. Taylor, extension swine specialist at State College. Taylor urges farmers to build a farrowing house for each brood sow. Or if old houses are available, clean and thoroughly.

Farrowing houses are not hard to build, he said, and the cost ifi low, much less than the loss that may be suffered by losing pigs through exposure. One farmer lost 15 plge which were eaten by a cannlTballstic sow, Taylor added. This could have been prevented if each pig litter had been in a separate farrowing (house. A self-feeder is another advantage in hog production, he went on. The feed is kept before the growing pigs at all times, where they i can get all they need.

Pigs actually gain more weight from feed fed through a self- feeder than they do from the same amount fed in ordinary troughs, he pointed out. Plane for building a farrowlnig house, plan No. 160, and plans No. 217 or No. Gl for building self- feeders may be obtained from county farm agents or from the agricultural editor at State College, Raleigh.

checks of state employes by order of then Gov. Ehringhaus. The money withheld was never regarded as a pay cut. It was regarded as notations on vouchers 1s- eued in April, May and June of depression year. And the claim for reimbursement has never been denied as being a just claim.

Now the North Carolina General Assembly Is being asked to reimburse those employee. The total appropriation would amount to more than $400,000. That a fight will ensue was evidenced by the Introduction of a bill in the lower house of the legislature aimed at repaying the state employes. Two years ago a similar measure was killed because of the opposition of Gov. Ehringhaus.

And until they are reimbursed, state employes will hold the former governor entirely responsible for taking away from them money they then needed and money they now could use. Ehringhaus In 1933 that the money was withheld because of the emergency that faced North Carolina during the panic of that era. The day may come when North Carolina will furnteh North American continent with wine. Nowhere else along the Atlantic seaboard are grapes of such fine wine quality grown as here in Tar Heelia. Qualification for these two statements is left to W.

E. Hope, vice president of the Garrett Company, heading wine manufacturers. A joint finance committee of the General Assembly heard the state- DEATH BY KNIFE TRACEDTO1797 Indians Cajoled Into Giving up Fugitive by Threats of Boycott DULUTH, Minn. ng of Gordon Bliss in Port Arhur. recently for the murder pretty Mildred Johnson, 18- ear-old telephone operator, re- ailed the earliest recorded formal xecutlon in the Northwest, which ook place on the Superior Bay ront, a century and a half ago.

The condemned hlppewa Indian, Way say-ige- hick, who had "casually" mur- ered a voyageur, according to ata Sn possession of the St. Louis ounty Historical Association. The crime occurred in 1787 when the Northwest Fur Company iad a trading, post on the Supe- lor Bay, John Baptlste Cadotte, a DRINK FOR STOMACH'S SAKE HOLLAND BROS. Phone 7 Wood lime, Rook and Sand. SAFE BURGLARY INSURANCE Wa win policy thai wUt pay up $500.00, including to iftffc SCHIFF INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 610 sot Stearoa Bldf, ments.

"Encourage the raising of grapes by all means," Hope urged the com mittee. He asked that the legisla Lure be not too harsh in taxing the wine Industry. He advocated a heavy tax on Imported wines bu light taxes on home-manufactured wines. He eald his company could use a hundred times as many from North Carolina than he Is able to get. Hope pointed out that his company spent more money las year In man power trying to secure grapes from this state than it did in payment for grapes.

He eaid the finest wines are mad. from North Carolina grapes. With committees working harde than usual and local legislation be ing moved out of the way, mos observers believe the legislatur will adjourn sine die by the Firs of April. The whip has been cracked ef fectively over two of the most im portant the flnanc and appropriations groups. Rep.

W. L. Ward of Crave: heads the House appropriation committee. Since first going int- session he has moved the mem bership along at a fast pace and an effective one. Some call him "Sim on Legree," but it is in good faith Rep.

Victor Bryant, who sits next to Ward in the lower body, also has been sending the finance committee through maneuvers. The sales tax section to the revenue bill has Ibeen adopted. Only a couple more sections of the bill need adoption and then It will be ready for the floor of the house. A. gallivanting bunch of boys from nine to 16 years of age do the bidding of members of the House of Representatives.

They are really Huck Finns and Tom. Sawyers and not pages. In their odd moments they become mischievous school boys. Evidence of their cavorting not as revealing as that of pages who served the 1931 and 1933 sessions. On the east wall of the lower chamber hange a picture of "The man was a mixed blood of ability, was in harge of the stockade.

Fur Boycott Threatened The murderer fled to his tribe on Lake Court Orielle, 60 miles 'rom the trading post. Cadotte sent word, to the fugitive's band that it must. de.llver Way-sag-ge- shick, or he would refuse to continue fur deals with the clan. The following spring, the entire reluctantly marched to the post and delivered the accused arave. Indians from throughout the Superior region flocked to the stockade to see what woufld be did voyageurs and trappers from many little outposts.

Cadotte organized a trial with a jury of white, men and Wfeiy-say- je-ehick was convicted and sentenced to die by the fashion of the quickest justice of the times. Ransom Moved Failed After sentence was passed, wall- Ing relatives of the Indian tried to ransom the condemned' man with furs and pelts. They managed to sway but the voyageurs were implacable. At noon the day following the trial, the Indian was led in front of the outpost and an appointed executioner stabbed him. The blow was not fatal, however, and an enraged voyageur delivered the coup tie grace.

Although the Indians witnessing the execution outnumbered the white men, they Impassvely watched the manner of "paleface" justice and returned without incident to their villages. After that white men were safe in all Chlppewa villages. ELECTRONS MADE SERVANTS OF MAN Possible Services May ceed Wildest Flights Of Imagination By LEO SOROKA United Press Correspondent Jan. 28 Electric scientists working In research laboratories are "training electrons to serve man." In fact, the scientists say the electron promises to be the "greatest and 'most powerful servant man has." a statement to the United Preee, the General Electric Cfom- pany said the electrons are toeing subjected to training, and that the "discipline they are being taught evidences one more step In man's control over tne forces of nature." Scientists today have a fairly good idea of what an electron Is. They know that it weighs 1-1845 of a hydrogen atom, that It 10 charged with negative electricity, and that its mass increases as its velocity approaches that of light.

It's 20th Century Product The eltctron, admitted by mod- jern physics and chemistry to be a probable ultimate constituent of all atoms, Is a product of 20(th Century research. Scientists say that until the 20th Century, the structure of atoms was entirely a subject for theory and conjecture. "With modern research methods and equipment," the General Electric statement eald, "It became possible not only to theorize, but In some Instances to study the Interior of atoms and the movements of electrons. "Experimentations' with electrons, scientists are going far beyond the limitations of our visible world. They have long forgotten the age-old common-sense adage that 'seeing is believing.

1 They are seeking knowledge in an unseen, unknown universe. "It seems impossible at flrat though that the human, mind can study things it cannot see, feel, smell, hear or taste. The five senses that serve us so well in ordinary day-to-day events are, however, hopelessly Inadequate In receiving impressions from electrons. The reason is that electrons are so tiny. THE MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI BREAKS FREE Offer Idea of Size RIVER SMASHES close-up view as the Mississippi, fed by rain-swollen tributaries, breaks through the Bird's Point levee near Cape Girardeau, below Cairo.

Meanwhile workers toiled frantically to strengthen the $1,000,000,000 levee system down the river, as water licked near dike-tops the most devastating flood ever to strike the nation. CHEMISTRY GUNS FOR SLY GERMS Believe Compound Found To Kill Blood Poisoning Germ Baby Chicks Need Careful Attention "Get your baby chicks off to a good start and you will be In a "better position to make money with your poultry flock this year," said Rjoy S. Dearstyne, extension poultry specialist at State College. The first step, he said, is to get only good chicks. Hjatch eggs from birds of a good type that are high producers.

Or buy chicks from reliable hatchers. "Don't let low prices fool you Into thinking you can get a bargain by buying cheap chicks," he- warned. Then give the chicks a chance. Feed a well balanced starter. Provide- one mash hopper, five feet ong, for each 100 chicks, Provide a half-gallon drinking fount for every 50 chicks.

-Carefully figure the amount of floor space In, the brooding house, and do not more than two chicks for each square foot of floor space, Dearstyne cautioned. Check brooder house temperatures at frequent intervale. More chicks have been killed by overheating than by chilling. Protect the chicks from drafts, but see that they get adequate ventilation. Rigid sanitation will keep down disease.

Do -not let the chicks of Our Country." Where come In contact with anything that his nose once was Is a hole. Some page once placed a paper clip In a rubber band, drew back with deadly aim and sent the clip tearing through the canvas, disfiguring the face of George Washington. Other pages had tried to find that mark. But they were unsuccessful. Evidence: At least two dozen other holes scattered over the canvas, all made with paper clips.

As a whole these pages are a tamer lot, say legislators who have been serving through the years, than those of bygone days. In the Senata is to be found a has been infected by older birds. Don't drug the chicks unless an emergency arises. If any chicks appear to be infected with disease, remove them from the brood at once. Investigate the trouble and see what can be done to eliminate it.

County farm agents and exten- specialists will be glad to offer suggestions about disease con- ttrol. "Our five senses are not keen enough to be aware of them. Anything that weighs 1-1845 of a hydrogen atom, In turn weighing of a gram, is quite outelde the realm of human sensitivity; and that Is what an electron weighs. It's too minute for -direct observation." With modern instruments, it te possible now for scientists to observe the effects of electronic activity. Prom the study of the effects, scientists work' back to the causes.

It is also possible to define certain laws of action the electrons seem to follow. As an example, tho statement pointed to the Interior of a gas- discharge fube, auch as the sodium lamp, which is coming into wide use on highways. "Scientists," said the statement, "can measure the current of electrons flowing inside the tube from the heated cathode to the anode. They know that there are millions upon mlllione of sodium atoms In this space. They can, of course, see neither electrons nor atoms, but they do see the characteristic yellow color of sodium light, and that tells them the elections speeding across the tube are colliding with the sodium atoms.

Many of the collisions between the speeding electrons and the sodium atoms cause profound changes the atoms struck, and when those atoms return to their normal condition they give off the golden light that is the principal evidence of the whole process." Example of Behavior To the scientists, It Is explained, the procedure Is a simple example of electron behavior. To the automobilist who drives at night under sodium lamps it may seem very mysterious. "When we have once learned the behavior of electrons," said the statement, "then can come the training period to teach them to serve man. "The great universe of electrons Is just becoming known to scientists. Only short distances have aeen.

penetrated In this strange micro-land and our brief glimpses nto It have not gone far within the outer boundary. The enormous amount of knowedge still to be grasped eeems limitless. Yet ecien- know that with every for- wai'd step, they are gaining facta will be invaluable in training electrons to work for man together with the other forces of nature man has aready harnessed. "When all the electrons have completed their course of Is, when scientists know all abo.ut them and can make them do what we want them to do -their possible services to us far exceed the wildest flights of imagination. "Even with our present email and Incomplete knowledge, the possibilities for use of the electron MINNEAPOLIS science today seems, near realization of another of Its greatest of chjemlcal compound which, Injected Into the blood stream, will kill the.

germs of blood poisoning. The two germs against which laboratory armies have aimed their artillery are streptococcus and etaphylococcus. Each germ appears In several forms. Each has taken thousands of lives despite medicine's desperate efforts. Countless research experts, following in the footsteps of Dr.

Paul Ehrllch, German scientist who, after years of experimentation, discovered a compound of arsenic Which killed one dreaded germ, have been searching for a chemical to kill blood, poisoning germs. Ttireo Approaches Mode Modern Medicine, published here, discloses that success has been achieved along three different lines. One chemical compound, a coal- tar derivative called protoeil and prontylin, was used successfully in Franklin Delano Roosevelt, in Boston, while Dr. Edward LeCboq in Seattle has discovered another derivative of arsenic which he used to save three of four persons who were expected) to die. Phosphate Increases Productivity of Soil A 30 to 40 per cent increase In the pasture and legume growth on fields where triple superphos- phate was applied last year has been reported by J.

H. Fincher, H'aywood County farmer. The percentage of Increase was determined toy comparing these with adjacent land where no superphosphate was applied, he W. A. Corpenlng, assistant county agent.

Although dry weather tended to check the growth of vegetation, Fincher said, the treated pastures provided ample grazing for his etock, and the grass was rich and succulent. The treated clover fields not only produced more organic matter for enriching- the soil when Still another chemical, a "bile acid product" IB being with amazing success In Germany. In 19 coses of severe septic poisoning all but three women were saved, while in 68 of Infection which threatened serious development all were checked. NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTATE Under and by virtue of the and authority conferred upon the undersigned Commissioner in. an.

order of re-sale made by J. Crater, Clerk Superior Court, omj January 29, 1937, in the special proceeding entitled, "IAJCY and husband, C. H. BOOE, ve. L.

RENEGAR ET AL," I will sale and sell for cash to highest bidder at public auction SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1087, at 12:00 Noon, at the Courthouse Door of Iredell County, N. the following described lands lying and, being in Iredell County, N. Beginning at a stone and post on West side of Troy Mill runs S. 86 deg. East 600 feet center of road; thence with eaid road S.

62 deg. E. 375 feet; thence S. 73 deg. E.

700 feet; S. 76 degl E. 724 feet; S. 82 deg. E.

514 S. 62 deg. E. 156 feet; S. 30 deg.

E. 220 feet to an oak stump on. East side of the road; thence deg. E. 796 feet to a dead post oak tree, J.

B. Patterson's and D. plowed under, but the plants also Renegar's corner; thence N. 3. gathered more nitrogen from the Mauj Dangers Faced Search for killing "machine guns' in the form of chemical compounds which will kill germs in the blood but leave the corpuscles unharmed, goes on in the presence of dangers as horrible as success may be glorious.

Destruction of the blood of experimental animals Is always a chance that a chemical that performs a medical miracle on an animal will be fatal to a human being. And alwaya the chance that tho tiniest error in making involved and unstable compounds will result In a chemical "necrosis" that slowly destroys the human body. air, he continued. This year, Fincher plans to raise soil-depleting crops where the clover was grown last year, and a check will be 'made to determine the effect that triple su- perphosphate applications In 1936 will have on "cash crops" grown In 1937. R.

M'. Shoffner, assistant district farm agent at State College, said that Fineness results are typical of those obtained by many farmers in the Piedmont and mountain sections of the State. However, he added, a number the farmers did, not get such ood results. In some cases, this as due to drought, excessively wet soils, or the lack of other lements needed for plant growth. Applications of triple euperphos- hate will not correct all soil de- clenciee, he explained, and If oil on a certain farm Is deficient other elements besides phoo- hate, these other elements must supplied before crops will grow too, he pointed out.

many armere are finding they must ap- ly lime, with the triple super- hosphate In order to get the best Georgia County Cited As "Independent State" TRENTON, Ga. county, In northwest Georgia, Is not a part of the United Statas of America, it Is contended, by older citizens here. Veterans of the Civil War say Dade county withdrew from the Union before the rest of Georgia. Dade county officials sent the federal government a proclamation, announcing tho "Free and Independent State of Dade." No written document has even announced the county's return to the Union. seem infinite." Already Trained Already some electrons have been trained to serve us, said the scientists, for instance: "They obey the commands we transmit to the grids of vacuum tubes.

Here the flow of millions and billions of electrons is accel- FROXT SiT. CHURCH) CIRCLES The following circles the Front Street Presbyterian church will meet today: At 3:00 p.m. circle 1 meets with Mrs. W. B.

Gibson, West End Avenue; at 3:00 p.m. circles 2 and 3 will meet as follows: with Mrs. L. F. Edwards, Maple Avenue and wlxh Mrs.

E. L. Phifer, on West Front street respectively. The Business Womens' Circle will meet with Miss Addle Lackey West Front street tonight at 7:30 o'clock. and control their action with uncanny accuracy.

"And In this ordered movement," said the statement, "this obedient behavior to our wishes lies the secret of radio broadcasting and radio reception and al the other duties that vacuun tubes perform. crated and halted thoosamltj and i hope that "It is, therefore, with groa ifnviriu; look forwavi OVCMI of times a to exploration in the micro-'mii The olei-troiiri maneuver like for in llii.s pi'oiuis sedate, dignified group of pages, cipliiied armlow. They react tinerc- i nK torriiory apparently will just as quiet as the body they serve. i ng to the slightest changes made found the most astounding- am Senate pages resent boisterous- in grid potential." most important discoveries of ou ne6s Scientists are able to predict WILL COMPLETE FOREST STUDY Most Comprehensive Ever Undertaken in The State RALEIGH, N. Feb.

study of forest resources In North Carolina "most compre- jeneive ever undertaken in the be completed within the year, according to E. V. Roberts, survey director of the project for the United States Forest Service. work has been completed six Piedmont counties, Roberts said, and is being carried, forward as rapidly as possible in other counties of the state. Final work In the Piedmont area will be finished by April and the program will be shifted into the Coastal Plains and concluded the mountain regions.

The work in North Carolina is under direction, of the Appalachian Forest Experiment Station at Asheville. Field, headquarters have been set up at Salisbury, with W. E. Hotuser as supervisor and six crews of three men each carry- Ing forward the basic work. Detailed counts and measurements of trees are being made on quarter acre plots.

Completion of the study In North Carolina, the director said, depends upon continuation of Fede a 1 Emergency Conservation Work funds which have been used thuss far in the work. deg. E. 178 feet to holly Patterson's and Norman's corner; thence N. 61 deg.

W. 1018 feet to a poplar tree on East elde of branch, Norman's and Renegar'a. corner; thence S. 38 deg. W.

feet with the meanders of to a poplar tree; thence 62 deg. W. 239 feet to an apple, tree on North side of Renegar's and Norman's corner; thence North 65 deg. W. 553 feet: to a holly bush on East side of small branch; thence down saieLl branch as it meanders N.

13 deg. E. 678 feet to a stone on Nortln; side of the branch; thence 39 degi, West 191 feet to a pine stump on West side of road; thence N. 40 deg. W.

688 feet to a white oak. stump, Norman's corner; thence 22 deg. W. 450 feet to a persimmon tree; thence N. 21 deg.

B. 380 feet to a stone on South sidev of Norman creek; thence S. 3U deg. West 1089 feet to a stone and. black oak, Templeton's and Renegar's corner; thence S.

25 deg. B. with Templeton's line 1090 feet to. a stake on West side of a small branch; thence up said branch it meanders S. 60 deg.

W. 416 feet to a beech tree near a spring; thence S. 72 deg. W. 595 feet to a stone on South side of Troy Mill road; thence with the said road.

S. 16 deg. E. 125 feet; thence S. 2 deg.

E. 220 feet to the beginning, containing 87.7 acres, more or less. This the 29th day of January, 1937. AVALON E. HALL, Commissioner.

REECE HALL, Attorneys, Yadkinville, N. C. tf. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having been duly appointed and qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Samuel L. Joyner, deceased, late of Iredell County, North Carolina, this la to notify all- persons holding claims against said estate to present the same In writ- Ing to the undersigned Administra- trix at her home, Harmony, N.

C. Route No. 2, on or before the 23rd day of January, 1938, or this notice will be plead In bar of any recovery thereon. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement with the Ad- ministratrix. This Jan.

23rd, 1937. Mrs. Ella, Joyner, Administratrix of Samuel L. Joyner. Scott Collier, Attorneys 3-3-Tu.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of. William Milas Campbell, deceased, late of Iredell County, N. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment. H.

p. Van Hoy, Executor, W. M. Campbell, Deceased. 2-23Tu.

Dorothy, aren't you getting Jack and Joe confused? I iget Jack confused one night and Joe the next. tlQUIB, TA fcJiTS, SALVE, MXSE DROPS spry Checks COLDS and FEVER first day Headache, 80 A Tbree Days' Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matter how man; medicine! you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Serious trouble may ati4 you cannot afford to take ft with anything less than sion, which goes right to the eml of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal the inflamed: branes as the germ-rladen is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies failed, don't be discouraged, yoyf druggist is authorised to guarantee Creomulsion ancj to.

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