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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 3

Portsmouth, Ohio
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FEBRUARY, THE; PAiLY TIMES PAGE THREE sBig $20,000,000 Mystery" SHOWING A PAID ON THE MAD HOUSE ANOTHER GOOD PICTURE ''SHADOWSvANDJ SUNSHINE'' I flfESWILL DECIDE ll Fob. 23--A rain threatened to eiit the expected vote iii.fpday's may-: orality primaries, 1 Mn irhisb rtb. the'Baffle voting a's Ben They Ho; vote'for all Ihe question of the -yote ivas nuzzling irero'of. the opinion, that t-astby this, women w.biild.decide. tho-issuc.

1 Carter the presekitj inayor, opposing Kidney: Tfoubie Sickness" vA abU'a 'half, ago-I attack pf-'Klilney trouble tfiaV'palned-me lo'l'sucli au'extent'Ihtil inprRhiriu.hatl to-be-given 1 Was at- who pronounced-it in ihc.uiadder. uhd 'prescribed Lilhia-Water: LUfiia Tablets'- fur 'some time anil received -no relief-'Ifbrn-Uicni. I -stopped-'taking Swietzeiv and six others 011' the! Democratic Damson 1 is -seeking liis sixtli term- as" maj-i oiv Harry Olson, jiisticb'of; the municipal court, WiIHa.iu. Thompson aiid Jacob A. He.v/.iirej are persons eligible to 1 vote, and 21.8,7^2; lime, later having some SwamprHool Iri-Mie house.rdtrid- und -felt much i relieved.

second neuced Uovpass- firavel until I -it. least a h'nlf -dozen or nut suIToreil thc. half a feel very grate- uTtO Yours (Jamp Personalty before- me this day Hi W. Spliiks, vlio subscribed the above statement, and narle oath.llia't tlie'same is-friic id substance, and in'- Justice, "of. Peace.

ProVo Whit 'Sit York, (1 eb. 23--The Tweu- tv-iimtli United States infantry has been ordered to the Panama Canal zone, aud will sail for Colon about March 35 transport Buford. thii army The destination Twenty- ninth infantry lor in.the canal increases the infantry garrison there by three'regiments, or a full brigade. The other, infantry commands on the Isthmus are the Fifth and Tenth Send "ten. cents! to Dr.

Jiiigliuipton, N. for' a sample size It will convince'anyone. You vill also, receive a. booklet: or vnlunblc 11 forma lion, 'telling about the kidneys md bladder, writing, be sure and mention, the I'qrlsmoulli Dally rimes. -Regular fifty-cent and one- dollar.slzo sale 1 at all drug stores.

It Kiistaineil the district ourl uC com mi 1 re (J commission is authority to inspect correspondence files oE interstate raurouds. Nashville tn permit examiners iiispeet its I'ilcK. Germany Extends Call To landsturm Gcncvn, (via Paris) Peb. ttt-- nnns 11 to tlie of '18, cli: fnr fi-rvico ivith tho Lllllds- inrm troitjis, have been recalled I from Swititcrlnmh rind it is roportud I licrc tliftiio living in olliur neutrul tries hnvo itlso been diroutod to join tlie yolora not luliir lliuu jMa U. Anfitrin, likewise, bus mim- inoncd from neutral cuuntries men nf tbc.

Lmidstui'ni up to the Tlio ofdur nfiVcts 2.000 Switwrlnnd. ol WOBf AN DIES VERY SUDDENLY BOMBS aged 5S suddenly, at her home, 1 Jj'roiit aud Sinton Tuesday -ai'teruoon. 1 bad down to sleep whttii about 3 o'clock her Lottie, was' the oth'er member "of tlie family IIUI'O' tj iiui -1111; 'i -1 i ii I a have taken.uuu lionift found, brcnthiug She udtice'd she was ill silmmoiied E. Gault but the inptlier." exjiircd he- the physician could reach scene; airs. Craycraft luid )ceii suffering with catarrh the tead of She was the widow of the lato.

Jharlcs Craycraft and is survived Dr. Kilmer i T. imp-Hoot- Will'Do For You" jy, seven.cliildreu: Jlrs. Faunie Jortch, James, Frank, Nora, jottie and Florence of this city, hid Jlrs. Mary Daniels of Colum- jus.

Sfiiiire was .0 hold (he inquest. He. found OFHAIII Feb. Theodore abdicated bin of ft eo of president', of Haiti and taken-refuge-on the Dutch steam 1'Ycderik in the harbor at Port An Prince. abdication forecasts better condition of Haiticn affairs, iu which the United Btatc.s will carry put its purpose to send a commission to tlio republic' in effort to i i in condition to satisfy foreign creditors and restore order.

was 46' years old. He had for sonic hue been employed stove mounter by the Portsmouth Stove and company. He is survived by his a i wife, Mrs. Tjonella Rogers Minego aud OIK daughter, Mrs. Frost JBratt.

also leaves, two brothers and one this eity, Lou of St. Louis and Ella of Chicago. JMr. Jliunegc was Ji deacon in the Craudvicw Aycuue church. He industrious, a man of splendid habits and will be missed by his family and friends.

The funeral services will be conducted from the Grandview Avenue Christian church Wednesday afternoon at '2 o'clock, Rev. 0. Hamilton Will Gor.don McGraw Will Gordon infant son of ami "Mrs. TJoacoc AEROPLANES WRECK HOMES IN CALAIS death was due to heart failure. JGnnv, of T.owcr Twin Creek, died Monday evening after a 'short ill- jiicss with pneumonia.

The deceased ivas 2 years, 1 month and 12 days Mrs. Fry and Miss Lulu Dunham, employed in fitting jin of Rclby factory, used alcohol to kill roaches Tuesday aft ernonn. They held Ihu bottle too close to a burning gas jet ami gas ad a bunliain aliout arms and face. 11. Moore.

Their burns were dressed by Dr. Feb. 33 (via Lou-' Malting a i marked the Carpathians and I to luiviiig defeated tho German campaign, iu tlie north 'liicli "never emerged from its Russian italT nfi'irers look an optimistic view tmliiy of the outlook along olfi front. The flcrman vaiice from Kast Prussia lins I Wen stopped, owing to largely lV flooding of rivers and the ol' snow, while the attempt to cross the Bohr riviM 1 has Veen tlnvarted. A new tluis linen formed in the north, along, which them is uninterrupted fighting.

On the other hand, operations in tin; Carpath- ians are developing rapidly, and HO EVIDENOE FOUND Wasliington, Feb. 23--Attorney. General. OrcRory's investigation or' whotiicr unlawful eoin'binations have caused the reeent rise in the far uncovered no evidence, Prewident Wilson told tip- on which criminal prosecutions cquld be found. THAW'S LAWYER Wiibliinglon, Fell.

John 15. Qlcanoivu Cs'cw Yorlc Inwyev, today loGt his suit in- tho supreme uourt for clinrgca for ilc- 'fiiiuliiiK Harry 1C. Tlmw in liis first trial for killing of Stanford White. The oonrt held tlmt services of. lawyer arc not properly, within' the meaning of the hnnkruptcy law which provides a bankrupt shall not be disehnrg- ed from 'liability for obtaining Harold.

Johnson' Harold, little son of Arthur and Jlnry Johnson, was born June 24, 190S, departed this life February 21, 1915, aged u' years 7 months and 21 days. His death has cast a gloom over the entire community as he was a bright and intelligent child and was loved by all who knew him. Harold was the sunshine of the home and tlio surrounding neighborhood. When in' his presence we left like being in a ray of sunshine after a dark and gloomy a wo a i a hu was only a bud given hero to bloom in Heaven, and arc willing to say the Lord's will be done, not ours. funeral was held from the home iu Long Meadow addition to Sciotovillc, Tuesday morning, at ten with Rev.

Kodies- ter i in charge. Burial in Whcelershurg comet cry. William Lawhom William Uwhorii, IIROI! .911 yijiini, iissifil away his Jiomu Sunday fto'niDoit tliVtie oVIock, of in- ririitk'fl of old age. J.iuvhorn not been in hualth fur omo time ami was taken seriously 11 hint Jtomliiy, when ho bccimu! nn- wife. -Mrs.

Mitry fl. jnvliorn, preceded him to tho nboiit six yearn Ho ho father of il uhililrim: Thomni Lnurn I whom, who prci'L'iieil tho gnivo.sovorid yenrs lira, Kmitm Thomas, of J. 3 hiladt'l- ihia, IV; Mrs. Klinira of Lou 3fo- 7ulloiiKh. Mrs.

Kreil Knhr nnd Gcorjfo T.uwhorn, all of Cincinnnti; olm 1 I'orlsmoiith, 0., i nd Varker, of "In- liana. Tho deceased leaves mo brother, Oenrgo Tawliorn, of He wtia a member lifi 'First Chvintinn chureli. llu en VPS fourteen grand-children mul i bust of friends to mourn Jiia loss. sprviijcs will tnko plaeo at lionic WoJnesday. Interment in Vimiieburg; ec'inetery.

of age. Tho fimcrnl will be interniciiL Kundrcc cemetery, ncjir Mrs. Fannie Argo JVaunie Argo, widow of Soloman D. Argo, died nl'tcmoqii at at the hojnu of her daughter, Sirs. Horace Hall at 1'ine Creek Lauding, near Wheclcrsburg.

Death was the result ol' the' third stroke of paralysis Airs. Argo suIYerud Sunday morning. Jlor husband died i in and around and WHS a (leveled member ol! the Anstri'uns right iVaiik "is. now property' by pretenses, thraitencd by the Russian sive niovenient. The situation in Northern.

IV land, however, is regarded as of grelitust immediate importance. Tho position of tbc Ossowctz is considered critical, since they nro under attack i'roih the heavy (rims of the fortress and arc nnahle to bring up their own iieavy artillery, owing to poor roads. CAN PLAY IN HIS LITTLE YARD New York, Feb. The golf-links nt Pouunticp. Hills nro in' suuh good condition that John D.

-Rockefeller, who wns to hnvc started the Sontlr two. weeks ago, lias postponed the 'trip in- definitely, it was announced Mr. Koekefeller is in the hcst of health and goes over his links several 'times 'daily. Koekefeller -is iilso-im proved in health. Purely Vegetable tiJTirincd the federal courts Vew York.

SIX CARGOES OF COTTON ON WAY TO EUROPE Savannah, Feb. 23 Forty thousand l)ales of eotton, valued at approximately $1,600,000 wer. on way tolay io Europe from port. 'Phis cotton formed the. cargoes of six.

steamers. BARSEBALL DECISION WILL BE GIVEN SOON Chicago; Kcb. 2'3-- Baseball thusiasts were cheered today "'by the announcement that Judge M. Landis probably would give his decision this week in the sui of the Federal league against or gaiiized 'baseball. over twenty years ago.

Sirs. Argo spent most of Wheelcrsburg church. 8-J years, months and dayn'ulil wlien tho Ui'iin Heap- cr ulainu'd her. Prior to her death Mrs. Argo expressed a wish Hint her many friends kindly omit (lowt'rs, Threu children, Luku Argo, river pilot of Ironlon, Kov, (lames Argu and Mrs, Horace Mall survive.

The a will bo hold from the homu of Mrs.| at. IjlJO o'clock 'aftcrnobn liev. Jlager in. will ln iiuule in Wliedersburg cemetery.

Underlakcr J'Vnnk McCnrdy is in chai'go of the funeral arrangements. James M. Cooper foui-yeni'-olil son Calais (via Paris) Feb. 2U--- Warning of the approach of Keppcliu vrhich boia'barded tbis city yesterday morning was given tlie sentries by the throbbing of Die engine as it approached rapidly from the sea at a height of ffboul 1,000 feel. The airship Hew straight across the city toward the Foiitinctto station, dropping no botubs on tint way.

Tlie first missile fell when the Zeppelin was above the point ivheru the railroad tracks intercept. IL went through the foot bridge and struck the track to Dunkirk. The airship tlicu rose somewhat higher in tin; air snd dropped five bombs I'npid succession. All fell in vicinity of the railroad. Gnu Imrst in tlie court yard of a hoi close to the grade crossing, demolishing a shed aud breaking windows.

The occupants houses, awakened by the explosion escaped without injury. Other bombs fell in the garden and on the roof of little house iu the Kno An old man and a little girl asleep in the garret and the family which occupied tho cottage on tlie ground floor, consisting of the father, mother and two children, wen buried in tho ruins, AH wore killed except one child, a Iwby- five months old, which was a uninjured from the twisted mass of brick and piaster-. Tho frutit of tho house was mil olf as cleanly as though it hut bci'ii dono by a gigantic i Tlie violence of explosion shook tlio neighboring houses foundations and broke all tho windows i i a wide radius, A dropping the bornh.s i Zeppelin disappaered rapidly ovci son. It evidently was inaunct willi fron: Defines Position In Frlck spuukiug of latest move N. AV.

Ju tho Kendall avenue controversy, afternoon, said ho was not any eontcntion -with tliu railway but merely insisting t'liat aothiiig he done tho loss of the i home in Earlytown. Eiiid tlmt riiilu'ay cross- iug wnfl jMirt of the plat when Kurlyiowii was annexed to the city and the street was'provided for. The company offered no objections nt t-hiit time nnd when tlie 'elimination of tlie, oossitig'wns first talked "of lust ypnr the corn-pony even suggested the idea of foot ibridgo' across its. traolts to iirovide passage for people of that section. 1 Tho state Inws provide that they shall be provided with an outlet nnd the company is well aware of this.

the city', was not to interfere with i a a in its elimination of the but was going to' insist, that snuli not be done nt a loss to those who wilfbc ilamiigecl. Tic said he was i-cndy to give tin AV ev'crytliiiig it in way of yard extensions -nnd it wns so long as such" were done on a fair bns's The inayor said he was not any threats but said tlit X. W. had quit tooling a nibottt the Kendall avenue crossing matter thing 'Portsmouth will witness public utilities p.ommission in our midst. to see i that rights of cvcry'bod a i i i punrdeii jiml once it -got every ftradn.

crossiMg orl.s- moutli would ho eliminated as is I ho case in Columbus nnd other In Huntingdon' Ralph Ijogler was in i i i ton, Tuesday, on business for the Clothing company. by pilots well loealily nince it came Urn son directly to Fonti-iineltc crossinir llm city point of its grnalvst, width. A long German piMiuant nttnclipd to a suck con- a i i iiand was found on thn roof of a houso near one of those mid hniuletl over ilic militiiry governor. day nifrht. JJI iloveloped from Tlio boy was nnd tho over their lostt.

1 lion bcnrinpr tho names of hundreds' children and pleading for an immediate cicHHtition nf ihu Knropoan wnr was tho object of a visit today to the htiito department nf six litllo uchoul sirls. Tho pe- tilion IH uOdrcsscd ti) the rulers of 0( The funeral scr- i of the Austriaus and Ocrmans at several points on the western a front, arc claimed by the ItnssiaiiK in nn official coimmmica- fls will be Ik'ld at 12 o'clock "Wednesday from ihii- inul intor- ncnt will bo made nl Frost, Ky. William F. Minego. A nn illness of eleven days with pneumonia Wm.

F. Minncgo inssed awny at 4 o'clock Moiulny nftcruoon at the family residenee, 16JG Kighth street. lie became nucli worse Sunday and his death ensued few hours later. Sir. Minego was a son of the late August nnd Louella Minego and 23-- A soldier priest was saying us well ns defense, hns ten muss ycslcrcluy in church at doinomtratcd llie opiniini of GEORGE PFEIFFER Undertaker 4 Funenl Director lifly Aililtint Home Phone 211.

Bell Phono 331 723 ChUlicotho St. fully foi- Rlvcnlingne, near Y-pres, when a mcr Adinirol Frniicia P. German shell exploded over the Bowles, who resigned chief cou- building. A portion of the missile I structor of the United Stales onvy, cnmc tlirnugh the- roof and struck I who arrived last night the priest on the head. His con- steamship Koltcnhim from Roy CLynn UNDERTAKER AND Funeral Director Auto Ambulance Service BOTH PHONZS 11 F.C.DaehlerCo.

Funeral Directors --AND-Undertakers BOTH PHONES Automobile Ambulance Servico Paris, h'eli. 23--Colonel Jlnreh- inil ol! Fashoda fame, has linen iromoted to thc rank of hriga- lier general, lie retired from the nrniy some time ago but otTcr- nd his services at fnc outbreak ol and was appointed a colonel, Ihe rank lie held upon 1m retirement. llaztfhrouek, (via Paris) l''eh. lion issued last night. 11 is slated a in eastern Ualicia, soutih- cast of Stanislau, two brigades of Autrians were (Irlven off the loss of prisminrs, including officers and several machine guns.

AVashington, Keb. entente allies have made rcprosiin- tations to the States that Ocrmany is not the cojt of cnre of her prisoners of war in their, campjt and have asked ibo United States, as earing for the diplomatic interests of all warring powers, make 'snntations to Berlin. Birmingham, r'eb: i i i 'persons, probably more, were hnrniid to a and eight, others were injured in (i (Ire which curly today swept Ihe business section de- slroying several commercial buildings and AVindsor hotel. WILL INVESTIGATE W. VIRGINIA RIOTS li'iiirmont, I'Vh.

special grand jury called by W. S. lliiymond to iimjs- rioting between striking i i n-sherilW posso 'at l-'arminglon last Haturdiiy will he- i i work lomovrowi No disorder wafi' reported from he mine where fully .1 thousond nen were still oul. HONORS RKQUISITION Coliiinlins, lA'b. governor of Ohio today honored a from the governor of iftirnia for the to county, of (jcorge A.

answer to a charge of gnind arceny. Maekeon is undor irrcst in Cleveland. Start On Bridge. Contractor Henry Ifiiel coin- driving piling Tuesday 'or i new county temporary bridge across the Hcioto river. Ifw York, Fob.

53--The value of tlie submarine as inenns of offense dition is serious. 1'nris, Feb. 23--When tension between Turkey and Greece was greatest last, week, says the Petit I'nrisiciix, the Turkish minister at Sofia asked the Bulgarian government if it would permit Turkish troops to pass through Bulgaria for an attack up on Greece should wnr be declared. Premier Hadoslavofi" replied, tlie paper asserts, that i country would be permitted to transport troops across Bulgarian territory. Pctrograd, Fcfi.

report on the lighting in. the Caucasus received today from the head- iiuartei-s of the Hussian commander of a region says Hint on h. 21 were engagements with the Turks in the vicinity of Tchoruk, as a result of which the Turks river. months' stay iu Gel-ninny. Ttcnr Admiral Howies wns a close observer of submarine operations while in Germany, nml commented on the iinvnl end of the war.

the belief that German nela disguised as nijutml ernft and not banes, were to supply submnrines'with fuel nd torpedoes, which ho thought explained Iho ability of the Gcrnnin under-sea fighters to rench tho Irish sen nnd return to their bnsos. The latest nioilel of Mdmnmnc, be milled, can Mrry sufficient fuel to cover nbout one thousnml miles, nnd by conserving the supply ia able to' nnnnin ns long ns a week front her base. driven beyond the Washington. 1'Vb. 23--To biy be fore Secretary Brynn peace pcti- WOMEN IN THEIR FORTIES NEED SOME BRACING AID t'lml i-iu't'ly nVi'jnii'i'il for.

ii nmttilly i ct-lttcnl ivnii llttlo (lotat Iji'iiilmt hen It 11 nnd I'Vw ri'iillku (lint -lurliirf. thH ImiiKlnu limn they to many" liVHlcnl ttu-iilnl li'tiilH tlnil will li'-lr i i i i i i i i i i iK Ixilill nml inn Hi' nnnlly To llm woiinii) wtuiHii IM tmitly Wl-nlu'lll'll, I lirrluil uoulily UK In I i I noro enblly nrfci-iisil Kfowttin Mil In lout whkjli lior now ovn-- inxoa (trHiinti ni-u tuiiiiiio ii inroxy off, i i i "Ko i I I KUI1IU I I I i nintiloMH rninnily i a In ken lntr thtiir will "lid I i i i i i 1 lll( holo BIRTHS Ati.nd .111 i tho in-luK alritii. tioli -rei i HI. ly almost If yum- lunl i rmaiil 111 or Itiiio trK-it IH Unit luivrt tin ImninrHnLc i mi llm onlIff tinrvotiH KJ-M- turKo to llio ttorv.o "liVi" 'ii, foul Mini, in 1 mul all Ilicil mil, i will lifllp ynit imcc; mul HirpVcli nnd otlmf It'dtl- i In your virltilly i tiuwlth'o Kuiininleo tlnit Iliv htiK-ri-'ial ri'Miltx cx- IIHUIUJ- tjr It. will bn line was born Monday- Mr.

nnd Mrs. Jolin of 71li Third street. EDUCATORS AT i i a i Feb. 23. Six minor bodies of Ihu Kducation ociation began their sessions here today, preliminary to the opening tonight of tbc main convention tlmt of the department of superintendence.

Three other organizations affiliated with the association held tlfrir opening inuctings last night. Six cities have already tlie contest for the next mid-win-' tcr convention of the National 'As; sociiition. They are jMiami. aud I'ulni Beach, New Orleans, Oklahoma Citv, Detroit and. Omaha.

Do not dislU'iire your teeth and destroy, yonr natural appearance with unsightly gold filling. Our' Synthetic Porcelain' fillings jiatcli Ihe delicate' shades and the linings "Ol bo- detected: Every ol good tastc'cnlls for this -form -'of den- suggest it to 'you call at 'this dfe: ily patients' arr gratified at-the wonderful results aceonipliahcil EELIABLE HOME TREATMENT Tho OBRFNE troatment for tho Drink Habit cnn Iio lined with absolute conft- i flcnce. It ileatroya nil desire for wliiskoj, lieor or other alcoholic Htim'iilanta; Thous- nnds hnvo eiiccpnafiilly usctl it nnd hnvo 0 rtumrm restored to lives of eobrioty nml use- that siihmnrinCR are being inanu- Cnn Iw given Mcwtly. Cooti only box fail to BC 'wsniHs from CITRINE nftor a money i bo refunded. Ask for Irco tcltintt all about OflBINE.

Washington, Kcb. charge by Oermany nnd An.Htria that suhmnrincs urn being manu- fnctnrcd in the United States for j. Great Britain wns discussed today at the cabinet meeting without action because Secretary Daniels had not finished his investigation. Wnrstcr Street. 110 Chillicothe IKUt Dem 10in i Corner- Third Office hours Wc'ek days'8 to 8 p.

a. Sundays 9 a. 12'in. Horae'pHon'o 1217 uBl'i 1 WITH KODAK VFOWLER'S: i 717 Second Street;.

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