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Portsmouth Daily Times from Portsmouth, Ohio • Page 16

Portsmouth, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LAYMEN'S CONVENTION GETS A SPLENDID START Chitf. AMftfwc White ISOD I Said Tb Have KNOWS Fine Addreses Made By Noted Visitors Tho importance oC missionary! noik in the foreign fields, the fact that if the world is to be saved it must lit' done this generation and that 25,000 tional missionaries are needed to the world were cmplu jn pulpits Ports uiotath ri Tiotestant tlmitlas Sun dav Tho'speakers were the Heis 1 ail Miller Hcndeison jnd It JlcCreerj uitu -nho had cipoiiuaef. in the inibsiouarv fields and who rtfealtd then audiences witlTun array ol statistics'relatee to Hie wonder fill strides made implanting the hi istiau faith in China, Korea Amtrica, India and Afuea horoughb ednvcisant ith tliur subject in a most convincing and inteiestiiig manner lluj (old it had been accomplished nlon these lines and briefly out- Inud what their pious a mis siouarj way wcic foi Hit future Bit meetings i uhmaved Suudaj afteinooii whtii under the mspice's of the Jim were, held in the Second 1'it i a and ilimcli Hie lougiegatiou was made up of women main of whom' liavD i i taken 1111 atlnc pail loiugn missions and the audient in tin Si-cnnd Vimliytcrini liui.h was tntulo up of Give Twd Great Addresses: Hit i Hcvb )jin I) Alillu anil 1. Jj MtOicerj niul-tliiiy'dcHVcrcil'lwo' Krcal mci in II inimioimiv a itvcal iiiil to Iliiili- miilieniHW Uio iiicstin! nlilO: iiinouht-of good-aceomplisl: i-il in; tho-foreign llelds.iind whu is nicdiil most lo tuiiliinio Ui work. of'i'qilcmplion nn a'liroade mid nipu strum! iu IMIRIS Trinity: church' Sunday iiiormn Itn i i i i i i a mos thrilling experience he had Africa when attacked i lioi lie kiiiK of biiimU: 1 rn'iilk'd other thrilling ex pint in PH iitl i i i i i i wi in Ins lulditH 1 I)u McCiLcrj inon nig sppkt to the L'nilttl Hi ethic slhool and i i i Sunday -iil'liii-noo lu spoke in tht botoucl 1'usbjte inn Lliiinh and In "linuU 1 also spolii in tin.

J'luisaul Clici Baptist and uddressed splendid audience in a ijundiiy night. Ituv. spoke, to Eoiir Struct Methodist church' Kmidi 11101 mug ot tho SttonuM'i csln ti iiiu and Trinity cliurclius Siuiili iiCU'i-noon and nt J-JCROI I uslijli nun i i i last nit-ht. I'V IX- Henderson spoke First Baptist, to tlic llei Jiiblc, Class of i I'rcsl i church and in the Central Pi-osliyti'riiui church Sunday 1 i All 1 i lit i spol i jit tliL mini 0 tlital thnTch i'viming About Korea A tlie Presbyterian Sunday Rev. laid great Htress upon 'the-stridcs t.lmt had been made in i missionary in Korea, Africa mid India, lie paid China a great tribute.

i a i that this rapidly developing country 1 discovered gun powder it has never blown it in the face of an enemy. China.has no war-like tendencies i I good thing she J.iisn't.',with her pic She is not sukmg temporal irlor.v.' Thon.snntis upon thousands i arc lieiiig eon- verted Christian faith and iio'where are the a i missionaries- accomplishing more good than China. The. people there are reading the Bible find they mukii-staiicl it," said Tiev. Mc- 00 years of tbe liardest hind of to convert 1,000,000 but with the system i use in that country this number is being securer every few years." "Fifty years ago in Korea wbei it became known a a resident had embraced religion he wns shot.

Twenty missionaries were driven out of that, country. Now convert is being baptized hour of the day and night Korea. In India the stimc. condi existed. There are now oOO, 000 communicant members of chureli in India." 1 more, fully th improyointints brought ii religious in 'China," sai 'Kev: McCraii-y, who is a forcefn talker with, an inexhaustible'sup ply of data at bis linttur tips i years iipo tlie Bible then was an book, Toda.i jtherc are a million and a hall'poo "who are fashioning con cl according to Jesus Chnst may say the samt thing of or crushed Afnea people ere aked up to the MI and are embracing religion the thousands Iliey itad tht ble and undcz stand it And crt ait many manj thousands ady lo tome into the church as oil as can be id the speaker, who recalled any stones of how the Afi icans 'e m'thcn native country and at fl st the mis issiouary: Rev Lii'rl Jlillci sOoii nhoto In his graphic 1 descnption ol fiy woik as it has pi6 ressed step bv step these luntiies that he has given tho ubjett mucliNsaioful study urn eep thought Bus business of the woild to Christ is nth ticatti than any othtr bus less tan nltiition 1 sonit tlie'average per on loses sight ot its jmnicii'ity it fai nidus rial oi.moitantilc business ivestmeuts made to reli ion in the foieign mt ito Millions joit n.

necdtd If Ainci tan would fhc atnts i towards' the work-' a luilu fund bt 0 on mill it siyd Mill There 'WimimimiKci ic merchant'prince. is'nt th cad of 'of- lasses in Uio Cin-ndditio woiidiirful iiiurciiiitilo store n. New: York amlsl'liiliulelpliii 1 is invcstiiicnls.arc.liothing, hov to whiit is beiiig-'nscd lo ei ciilo thu uiireligious element he foreign countries. This is. I'orld wide BorVicb in i re all interested or 'should, be Y.

M. 0. A. Groat nstilulion 1 Do you; know -Unit the irty controlled alono in this coin C. is'estimatc it $80,000,0001 'And what do.yo the liimdaom churches lif Ihii.

United States at a rupreaent in a monetai way! The inycslmen ivc know of are of a religions ii: l.urc," thu speaker said. "Tl 15,000 missionaries how: ahroa can possibly evangelize 375 mi ions of puop.le seuo atinn hnl 25,000 more missiouari are iiocded to provide for the ol or 025 millions. There is no greater service than to go on re- h'oming the world. "Why. tho angels in Heaven would like to have our said Hev.

or. "There is'an ordained minister ol' the Gospel every fsSM 'persons in the United Slates. That is why the world-wide campaign against Sntan is wonderful in its scope ami so productive of good. with its 815,000,000 ot people has 150,000,000 of 'low caste people and we are striving to redeem them socially, intellectually and spiritually. Africa has 50,000,000.

Shall the pagans become Moslems or Christians?" Members of tile German Eviin- gelical church attended tlie im- Son Is Said To Have Admitted Guilt Of Fathers Accusation huift Smith tut to- Harrison, lilt lalt Saturday to pVitb uudci Chaiks 21, miged jbj his falher "William ulltus, of feciolo Fuuiaot, mill f01 feed his name to a check W7 aboul one week ago Die was inailcd to the elder Miens bv tho Gum Coal com Uj Irouton, lu paymcnl for mo cliaieoal delneied Hie com anj Tht son, so the father claims etuied the check tho post Itiee at Seioto rmiiace, and in lead of delivering il to tht athtr moeeedcd on to Ports iputh, i he endorsed it with fothtr iiamo and had it cash at Qeorfee Toehr saloon on Vallti strttl Jlc afterwarjl used poi lion of the mouev to nl him elf out ith an ciituely nev out it an onoicoat suit of clothes, mt, shoes and oth'er furnislunga it a local stoic it is tlaimcd 1 oeln presented the ehetk to- lit Ohio Valloj bank of this eitv 01 pajment but il was letinncd ronr the: Iron City Savings 'Bank of Iionton, on which institution was Mullens hod.noti. led Hie in tho I notified the bank uot lo jionoi it A quiet investigation soon led fathex to Itlieve thitihis son liad tounuilled a forgei, and lie nolificd faheiin. bmilli Salurdaj to plaeo him uudei arrest AVhci found young Mullens was work ing on the Msw orth Lj oils am back of llariisonvillc He had 5 ui his possession it thi time of hit ariest, which Ihe shei iff appropnaled Ho admitted hi. guilt tho shoiiff elanns and told him thai he had beut $40 of th money to a brothei kdwaid, Seiolo Turuaee Shciifl: Smi'l will make a diligent effort fo re cqvci tht full amount from Hi brother. William Mullens, the falher operates a charcoal pit on his farm near Seiolo Furnace and disposes of his cnliic output to the Gmi Coal company The accused son was employed him al llic lime he is said lo have appiopiiatu tlic' check Drawn by Eva Shepherd Washington, is observing birthday by griuding'ciit the long delayed appropriation Only nine, working days' of.

the present session of congiess icimiin nnd both house and senate lire center- cn 01 ncautime that tbo ebcck had not nttention" on presS- received and to.avo.d.dupli- eato a i i eompany BOY SPUN HAND 1 Tho.o'ight old son of Mr. and Mrs. Delph, 612 Gay. streel, was painfully injured Sunday evening, when he apoidenlal- ly shot hiinsolf in Ihp' hand vrith toy pistol, the cartridge' making a jagged wound and one that caused the'little boy much suffering. The pahn'of tlio'hand, was not only lacerated, but filled with powder.

Ho was taken to the office of Dr. J- Obrist, where Iho wound was, cauterized in lho hopo thai blood would be prevonled. Fired Pistol Shot At Burglar, Bloodhounds Fail To Get She doesn't'ntin'd your.rage's,'any more than the earth minds vthe pelting rain and grumbling thunder I She knows you so muoh belter.lhan you. know her, and il is this superiority of knowledge thai makes it possible for her to'subduo you. so docs nol even- have to slamp her foot to have her own sweet way way.

UM5, by HorlicrtTonttns. in.your heart you tool You aro.dwarp of tho futilily or your ranting, but being a male, and'supposedly one of the kings of Iho earth, you are expcolcd lo boss your own little at But deceive anybody, even yourself! WOMAN IS Charles Yoiin'fe'man, an electrician, fired, a pistol shot at a bur- who had almost succeeded in entrance to his home.lit No. Eleventh streel about nidniglit Saturday. i under cover of a'pass- W. frcigjit train the rob- iier had cut the jcrecn of a side window iinH'riMimved a half pane a.

rear wiiidow of the kitchen when 11 r. Yonngman, liad )ccn asleep, wns 'awakened by the his gun he slipped downstairs jimt. in time to see nn' a a i reach tlu'ough the broken'window in an elTort lock: Mr' Youngman blazed away, shooting through the panel of the door, but tailed to wound the robber, who escaped by scaling a showed the robber had succeeded in opening the main lock of and in another instant'would gained access to the honsiv. Police were the', secne and later sent for Hoy blood liouiid bul a large orow'd had boon altnieteil' to the neighborhood that Ihe dog was nimble to prove of any service. Once the dog took snout but after going to the rear fence ran around the house.back to the broken window.

Tile hound was fnrllicr hanrlicajipcd by the' fact a stranger bail lier in Yoiingnian is employed the Whitlaker-Olesaner company plant; pressivc services in a body and nide a fine showing. They were sited to rise by Mr. 13. F. Hideout nd while standing Hideout mid the members a splendid tri- nite, lie nsked other congrcga- ions to take the same step.

Th losing prayer wns ofTcred by tlu Rev. 'Samuel Lindcnmcyer, if the Gt-rman Kvangelica' burch. Weyand. ihairmnn C. acted a.s chair- ann of the and hitro- lueed Hcvs.

JlcCreery and Miller. There were a number of ministers the audience and the meeting ns interesting, and re- ulted in a new light being placed on missionary WMH'k as it was cx- in its broadest meaning. Patriotic lo-- of tlie Missionnry a or. lo whom tin; nre iustly lookup to aid in ftnardinjr their interests, should speak. You presented drawings the llrst nnd World" wliich incliuliMl Koroa.

Sinitli America, Afrk-a, China i i I i i on exhibition tin; supplcnionted by ninny stntislical cluirts. which wcrn elosoly bet'uru the niot't- ings the pliUfih Sunday Hits Kev Ilctulcrson juUlressorl nutiiibRrs ot the liihle on "Mohiimiiiediuir" 11 Kelision." i answcrcil any I 1 1 1 TM 10 question put to him ami i 1 I V(l ilU iI1 conditions in 1 1 and vividly. has had sonio. cxptiriencls and his talk wns thoronjihly onjoyrd us he dwelt at length upon the mode of i i in Kgypt nnd covered its article "EXPLAINS Tortsniuuth, Ohio, eli. 1315.

copy of ft letter written the. solicitor Mr. Jlonry Buiinun. Division Coim-liiTginff-tfojincil tn with ircforcncc scl. Norfolk Wcsturu vncnting' 'JCondiill nvcinic, statins dciir Mr.

your ioiiipniiy -had nn-interest in avenue, you did not'knmv tliouKbt it might fee the sixty-BOVon'- fvel. I that, in whatever interest you lind in 1 Iflll ftvcuiie, il' any such existed, "vvna matter of record, not a iml could not effect the erection-of' overhead crossing' in another. IAI.L SY" OOXTKOVKU- jggels that it seems to me, vdliisi 1 working plans of uj) to th eith to me, nilrond cinn- finnl ae- luivt 1 the rcUixud in ho demands or eonsod nianifestiiiK ipprcciatioii for those who iiro vigi- iiuit in their private inter. Thcniforc, 1 drein it essential section of tlic city. was imotei tlit- Ltovornmeiit of this oily was untrusteil to my for tlie overhead crossing at flnllia, Younij ith street, in lien of a suh- avenuc, no refer- vocation of any si reel.

advocated this plan, rec tc'rests. though eiitirely. unwilling to overlook those whose interests may bo udvcrsly T'liavc-iio d.o'ubt but a your company-'will he lorded -every advantage ufrom the city i i i future that it ed in the.paM. is butjiieccs- saty for' you. therefore, to-act.

witii consideration. With much respect, FKTCIC, Mnyor evident that yonr if.s to bo iidvantnged 'losing of Kendall jompnny by the nniV' von tire, such might lie at tbe bounding; IM nvenim soutli of your-tracks. 1 mint believe, particularly so'Mm a tlint. yon ivant. lo i people in yonr ponfidencc, yon ilesire to prolit by that Dan a resident of yonr nuighbors may be occ-nsionerl ITilltop, while sending his motor there- ey'tlis-along 1 good rate of speof the- on tho ciiillinothn pike Sumhij through your desire to gain, foiv, siitjpest that to carry on confidence you arc reposing people.that jon call on those nnd fourteen phases with wonderful Jones Company, blacksmiths of 417 struct, have? joined Do I Club.

Friday had put in i place Qi ic ('My Conneil at erty holders who 'ahount its inin-tiiig. What you i a nnd ncqimint them, to Councjil May yonr wishes and your 'nspira is foreign lo knowledge, doulit, suhmitted for vnr approviil. for tho crossing was passed damn nineteen and fifteen, nnd, dcrstaiul. carried nn vnratioii Clause. Tim iimnr-diiilf shows a im delay on ynur purl would neension.

February I i i Inuwiccn and liftccu, submit a tions and (lien 1 am certain ihe gain you expect to lie awarded will be granted you'by these people within reason Tin of their ineonvcn- ia the manner that is tial in taking the people i confidence, rather a than (o DI hers secure for your ciili)- the purposes of yonr desire. id ill In: mayor willing; and ready to jiroinoto public nioriiing, collided with a bugiry wns-tlirmvn Troin his mtitoreyclo Ho esc.aped with a barl nut over thi Irft 'trtit bis mairhine was con sidernbly Ihief Slole Four Hens liuggles. a sboru-orker. Xo. I 1 Tliinl stn-ul.

tin pnlii-e sneak i en teivd hK Saturday night am Mule four tf hw Mnry.Oeibel, wifo-of Harry G. bridge cnr- ic'iittir, wiis the vic.tim of A daring loUhip, 50 yards oC her homo "Eleventh Street, tic ween OlFnero ind 'Lincoln streets, Saturday night boiit 10 o'clock. liad been down shopping mid-'was on licr -way homo young who WHS on roller and kcep- V'losR to. her right. They worn withiii several doors of the family Gcibel was from tic-hind 'small, dnrk.lo.ok- ing grabbed her left arm, iifid with his'iffeu haiidsnateheU her hand-bug 'Jle ran tlic" street, closely, pursiiod-'by the woman, who, however, gave up tho elm tic when he disappeared up thu alley -adjacent to tho home.

MT3. Oci'bcl and dinigliter hurried to tho Prcsslei 1 pharrnsicy and reported what had happened and soon 11 posse of- men 'scouring thai but result. Mrs. Ooibol, snid wns nnnble to sny wliclhcr the mnn'wfts-white or hhick, tluMijrli. ho appeared- (lurk looking.

said ho wnro a tan-oolorcil coat. The- polirt 1 made hut fiiilnl to encounter. anyone thu vnguo deseriulion 'given. 'The hoM- up oL'Ciirrin'g, it 'did, in a wcll- section, caused consiil- crable oxuhe'ment. 01 American tV)pro priii to.

ceroinonles marke'd the jpre'scntalioii of ubuautiful United State flag, to St. ial the '-County "Federation of. Catholic Societies iinday nftcrnoon. Thd r.xerfiisea followed tlie. afternoon services at Clary's cluivch 1 "were held in the school hall, which to its capacity by tho large ermvd present.

Ooobol accepted the.flag on.hclndf of the pchpol, his adtlniss' teeming with beautiful sentiment, patriotic and reverence for the first president nnd father of' Colonial.cos- tumes greatly to.the general effr.ct.of.lhc very interesting eivtcr- tninmcnh rendered by the pupils. of tlie school, for the success of wliich iweh.eredit is due the SistoM of The progViim UH follows: Stflrry Washington's. Hang. George Washington. Acrostic Pupils of liiivl Grade.

J-'athei-'of Oiu-' Country--- Dennis liirthcliy Pupils of "Fifth Grades George and His IT a tchet-- Clifford Like Alex GloeUner. Soug, (( "Veriiou Bells." Central Gnge and the' 1 Piostqn boys. Oliject and Aim of l-Ynleralion -A. Sommer. L'r'osontnlion of Ping George Lniiter.

pi-eaiiient. Address of Cliiireh Wardens. Flower" of T.ihcrty---Adelaide Or- le'tt Aee'optancc of Flag--Kev. A. Uoobel, Song, "Star -Spangied Baimer.

Tn observance of iishington's Eirthdaj-'tho school -mis''- suspendc'l in charge nf the school. Our llnag. THROWN FROM HORSEfARM BROKEN Walker Anderson, a resident of South Portsmouth while riding a horse Sunday was thrown from it when the animal scared at a passing C. 0. train.

He had his left forearm fractured and suffered a cut over the right eye as it cnmc in contact with a rode in tho road, ilrs.r.lolin Coolcy, ugcd.TO, of CM iSinlh suffered fracture of nful' two scriona sc-nlp wounds in.n dawn tklfrt stnirs in Saturday ninjj. jMislnking- Ihc door leading to tlic staiw ns Uio oiiu to 3ior room, IM Ooolny rlowi the liond-first and was badly injured. was in a. scnii-conscioiis condition when picked up ly Dr. Charles nt- tcndinl lier.

Ho Police Court On at WnsliiiiS 1 li-lrtlulny police court wus il' pcnsod willr- In- llic mayor nil ciiscs continued i 'I'lin lii-ni-iiiK of Itnli Book for alj will'bo licld nt 1 p..

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