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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 1

Springfield, Missouri
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THE SPRINGFIELD JJEMER The Paper That Goes Into Over 905 of 4M Springfield Homes Missouri Weather Generally fair tonight and Bun flay; somewhat cooler Sunday OI ftTRKKT DAILY IVKDAT OK TKA1HS. DAILY llMOA SPRINGFIELD, MISSOUlUmiMblTJim 1933. PRICE Full Day Lratcd Wire Auociated Prctt Report VOL. NO. 303 3V IK yur 5 id i5 1 mnnnivPH KHiM wacwM hwi trim Santa Claus Has lllll mM tv 11 NHHREDW BUCSIl William Brandt ami John Gardner to Deliver Addresses.

William brandt Mf St. Louis, nd John Gardner, of Stone county, ill be the principal eeakers during the Labor Day celebration to be held at Dlckcrson park, Monday, bop tember 4. according to an annourice inen made this morning by members of the entertainment committee, lioth Mr. llrandt and Mr. Gardner are well known In labor circles.

The speakers will deliver addresses on present day labor conditions. Tho celebration will be. held at Dlckerson park Immediately following the parade. The parade thl year will be extensive, according to preaent Indication. Ono of the feature, of the afternoon the park will be a baseball game staged between two teams composed of women.

This event will be played about 1 o'clock. A. largo number of other athletic contents have been cheduled. A basket lunch has alKo been planned by tho committee In charge Arrangements now are under way to have the parade of the llub Inson elrcua follow the Labor Pay procession. Definite arrangements will be completed upon tho arrival of the circus In the morning, mayor Inane Proclamation.

Mayor W. E. Freeman Issued the following proclamation: "Whereas, The first Mnday of September of each year nan been et a.lde as a legal holiday and known as Labor Pay, and WUrri'SniTlhe rnakoup of our national and local life It Is neces sary to our existence that all factions going to make up th. Industrial structure of our nation, recognise those fundamental principles URon which our nation is based; and "Whereas. Tho large class of people whom by their toll and labor play such an Important part In the kmimiih and maintaining of our na tion as oa of groat prosperity and of happy homes, snouia am inn proper recognition for thetr fforU In upimtnr t.4 Jn Uylt)' lo aiSTrlAfKa br th at all tim.a.

Therfara. 1. rrman, Mayor of lha City of 8pr1ngfleld, Missouri, do hsrehy declare Monday, September 4th. 1922, to be. a legal holiday and request all of the cltl sens of our city to refrain from tiuft.l avocation and Join In the prooer observance of such an portant day.

"THine at the orflce of the Mayor Of the Cltv of Bprlngfl'H. Missouri, fhls the 2lh day or August. li)22." The parade will start at the cor n.r of East Walnut street and Kim 1 rough avenue at 9:30 o'clock. Hen Jones will be the grand marshal of the day. The parade will be led by ettv officials and members of the police department.

There will be five olvlslons of the paiade. First niTtalon. City officials and police department. Hoover's band. The Central Trades and Labor Assembly, consltslng of two members of each affiliated local union.

Local Federation. Boiler Makers and Helpers Union No. 70. Blacksmiths and Helpers Union No, 70 Lakevlew Lodg. Railway Carmen Ha 511 Oiark bodge Railway Carmen No.

ItS. Shet Metal Workers Union No. 101. Electrician Union No. 463.

Machinists local 233. Machinist Helpers Union No. 921. Coach Painters Union No. 375.

Railway Clerks Union No. 149. Railway Clerks Union No. 722. Railway Clerks Union 2003.

Railway Clerks Union No. Maintenance of Way Employes No. 493, Maintenance of Way Employes No. 2015. geeo.d IMrlslon.

Building Trades Council. Carpenters Union No. 798. Plumbera Union No, 178. Painters Union No.

367. Sheet Metal Workers No. 300. Electricians Union No. 335.

Brick Layers Union N'u. 10. riasterers Local. Hod Carriers Union No. 52.

Teamsters Union No. 178. Tklrd Division. Ttroom Makers Local No. 86.

Cigar Makers Union No. 23. Bakers Union No. 235. Musicians Local No.

150. Barbers Local No. 191. Meat Cutters Union No. 663.

Metal Polishers Union No. St. Stove Mounters Union No. Stage Employes Union No. 137.

Moving Picture Operators Union No. 447. Stationary Firemen and Oilers Union No. 78. Postal Kmployes No.

203. (Street Car Men's Union No. 691. City Firemen's Union No. 158.

Typographical Union No. 158. Printing Pressmen Union No. 203. Leather Workers Union No.

70. Molders Union No. 296. Grocers and Butchers Ass'n. Fourth Division.

Fourth Division will form on the outh of Walnut east of Klmbrough will be In charge of Fourth Aide H. Schmlttou, member of Molders Union No. 296. The farm clubs will make up a part of this section. Fifth Khrtslea.

Trifii, riiviatnn will form on Wal ut and Dolllson and be In charge of Walter Verlnk, member of Plumbers (Continued on Page Eight) tomorrow. Ft. Smith vs. pprlngfleld. Gam called Advertisement.

111 In to In Joined Ranks of Sordid Profiteers WASHINGTON Sept. 2. Santa Claus Is Jotnipg the arrordinir to a report to the commerce department today from lierlln which advised of mounting ir: a fui Gi man tnyH. ChrtMiiias prices rannot he forecast, the report declared, but an Increase of 100 per cent to take effect in the fall already has been decided upon. Militarism, the report added, has disappeared from the Ger mun toy Industry and the army corps of load soldiers formerly turned out by the Nuremberg factories have been superseded by tribes of American Indians.

Fix Responsibility Failure to Call Troons. for MAlllVlN. 111.. Sept. 2.

(By the Associated Tress.) The Brand Jury Investigating tho Herrin massacre. which 22 persons were killed, so Is making thorouRn inquiry Into the responsibility for the ap parent failure to call troops in time prevent the slaughter, It became known today. A number of proml eme fore the Invstlgalng body and ques loned along these lines, was learned. Should tho grandjury find jni trace of dereliction of duty on the part of any officials, recommendations of Impeachment likely will be made. It was said.

It la also expected that the failure to ask for troops, after Colonel Samuel Hunter of the adjutant general's office had recommended such steps, will be commented on. Scores of anonymous letters, charging that the principals engaged the prosecution of persons guilty of participating In th Herrin riot of June 33, which coat the lives ef 23 men at the Lester strip mine, are paid agents of capital, are being received daily, according lo Assistant Attorney General W. Mlddlekauff. Ne Tkrf Heelved. fl artllltr ehmvrr" Tiy the senders, Assistant Attorney peimal Mlddlekauff declared, as he.

Attorney General Bnind.ifire nd State's itiom.v Di lo Duty, have been re cipients. He denied that any of the missives threaten eltiior or nt prosecutors with death. The general tenor oi ino nwn Assistant Attornoy General Mldde kauff said, la the sam. All charire ih.t thn nroset Utors and those In terested In delving Into the facts of the riot are tho paid agents of "big money." The grand Jury Investigation, the letters charge, according to Assistant Attorney General Mlddlekauff, Is Just a part of capital's scheme to break organised labor. Although Assistant Attorney General Mlddlekauff expressed a belief that the communist party hss no followers In this section of the state, he did declare that there are a number of reading, educated Socialists In this county.

Uetray Socialises. "Tou can see that In these letters," he said, "there are excerpts from the teaching and uoctrlnes of noted Socialists sticking out plainly In all of them." When the grand Jury convened this morning, nearly a score of federal operatives were engaged In guarding the homes of suspected leaders In the riot to prevent any moves to escspe. The precaution to prevent this possibility was doubled today by an additional force of federal operatives who arrived yesterday. The grand Jury will adjourn this afternoon until Tuesday morning on account of Ijihor day. Those in charge of the prosecution expressed a belief that no finding, will be returned until after the Jurors return from their short vacation.

Colonel Hunter, who was here be. fore the riot, declared shortly after the massacre that he had advise Sheriff Melvln Thaxton to ask for troops, but that Thaxton Insisted he had the situation well in Hand. Adjutant Generol Black consequently took the position he could not send troops unless tho sheriff asked for them. Oovernor Small, who was at wau kegan, at the time, complained afterwards that he had not been advised of the seriousness of the situ ation. Sheriff Not Present.

Sheriff Thaxton was not on the scene at the time of the massacre. On the day preceding the slaughter, June 22, he was In a distant part of the country when the Lester strip mine was besieged and two striking miners were killed and an. other wounded fatally. Although the siege continued through th nlaht. Sheriff Thaxton returneo here ani went to bed, it Is declared and did not go to the scene of the massacre until after the killings, when he and State's Attorney Delos Duty went to the woods near Herrin and directed the gathering up of the dead and wounded.

Mr. Duty Is assisting In directing tho grand rv Investigation. With the subsiding of the flurry caused hy the speedy Indictment of Otis Clark, for the murd of Super Intendent McDonald of the strip mine and the first man killed In the nassaere, the community today was i relapsing Into Its casual attitude (Continued on Page Eight) GRATiD JURORS TO ESTABLISH BLAME rnn lirnnlll niflT HIH MM HU up to hlin Ms of L. TAXI CAR DRIVER Keit Harris Is Lured to Lonely Road and Robbed. ltert H.irrls, 823 North Nnttleton avenue, local taxi driver, was held last night about 10 o'clock on a road near the Country Cl'ib and robbed of 115 In money and a watch.

Harris was di Iving a t.xcl ths o.unre when the two men linllcd him. who asked that he drive them a place near tho Country club where they claimed their machine was stalled. Trlekeil by Itobbees. The men entered tho taxi and Harris drove to tne place directed. Upon arriving at the place desig nated by his passengers.

Harris no Heed that there was no ear In sight. When he started to turn around and 1 the passenger concerning the ear. one of them covered with a revolver and tho other struck him in the head with the butt end 'f a revolver. While In unconscious condition the two men relieved Harris of valuables. They also took a iron from Harris.

No attempt was made to take his r. After Harris retrained consclousnesu ho Immediately notified polire headquarters the robbery. No trace of the robber has been found. TRANSCRIPT IN HIGGS CASE IS COMPLETED Transcript In the case of the state against ClydcTIlggs, charged with complicity In the payroll robbery of May 15 when 320,500 was taken from Tom Watklns, by masked bandits In an nntomobtle. on Boonvllle street, and Detective Ben Lamb was shot in the arm by one of the robbers, was today completed by Roy Arnold, clerk of the criminal court, and forwarded to Marshfleld where the case haa been sent on a change of venue, Marshfleld Is the eighteenth Ju dlclal circuit of Missouri and the next session of court is to be held at Marshfleld, one of the point, on th eieeult regular eessions are held, will convene September It.

It la not known whether the case will como on for trial at that term. In the meantime Hlggs Is held In the Greene county Jail In default pf 115.000 bond as "fixed In preliminary trial. It is unlikely. It Is said, that he will be transferred to Marshfleld until the rase Is called for trial. The defendant Is represented by Attorneys Tal Heffernan, Judge A.

Page and Val Mason. THAYER STRIKER IS RELEASED ON BOND Sherman Mlllsap, a railroad mechanic from Thayer. who was arrested there Tuesday night, charged with ybjjatlng a federal Injunction issue to prevent Interfer ence with workers In' the 1 rlsco shops, yesterday afternoon was released on 11,000 bond. He was arraigned before Hoy 11 Thompson, United States commissioner. In Kansas City.

Mlllsap Is the sixth man arrested In connerton wltlh the alleged beating, August 6, of Leonard and Clarence Garner, employes In the Frisco shops in Thayer. BELIEVE ENTOMBED MINERS ARE DEAD JACKSON, Sept. 2. Another attempt to construct a platform at the 2, 500 foot level took place today In an effort to establish an air relay from the adjacent Kennedy workings to the Argonaut minu to aid In rescue work and to force fresh air into lower levels of the Argonaut where 47 men have been entombed since Sunday midnight. While there was no letup in rescue efforts, the belief was growing that the Imprisoned miners have perished.

THOUSANDS IN FLIGHT BEFORE TURKISH ARMY ATHENS. Sept. 2. tny Tho Asso ciated Press.) Oeneral armv head quarters has ordered concentration of the entire southern Greek army the L'chak line tn Asia Minor to make a definite stand against tne advance of the Turkish nationalists. A Smyrna despatch says that at 9 o'clock last night the tireek retreat toward enak was continuing ana that thousands of women ann children were fleeing ahead of the army to escape tho Turks.

fiF.NFJIAI.S ARB IlKTIltFJl. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2. Major tlenerals Francis J.

Kcrnan. com manding the Seventh corps area with headquarters at Omaha, and Oeorge K. Bell. commanding the Sixth corns area, headquarters at Chicago, today were ordered retired from active service In the army, effective. December 1 and November 30, respectively.

TAKK 1STO Cl'STODT. Joe Amo i. 20 years old. 2109 North Csmpbell avenue, was taken Into custody last night about 10 o'clock on a charge of receiving stolen property. He was released on bond of 3300 pending a preliminary hear.

Ing before Judge Thomas It. Gibson of the municipal court. vaii nnrni Sept 5. Draughon' Business College. Good position waiting.

Advertisement. to it intiniiinm rim i nn Much British Coal Is Reaching U. S. Ports As Result of Mine Strike WASHINGTON, Sept S. As ono effect of the coal strike.

fuel imports durtr.f August ad vanced sharply ojrcrhejrcvlgus month, according to foreign trade reports Issued today by the commerco department. foreign wil caching thW country during July aggregated 4.263 tons of anthracite and 19, 940 tons of bituminous as com DEBT OF ALLY BY Sussests United States Should Participate. rARIS, Sept. 2. (By the Asso ciated Press.) A proposal ror a conference of all the Interestea nations to settle the war debts question Is embodied in the French reply the recent circular note sent lo the entente powers by the Earl of nalfour, as British acting secretary for foreign affairs.

The reply, signed by Premier Polncare, was given out last night. Such a meeting, the French note holds, would have the most salutary effect on the reparations problem, qi until the quesllun of Inter aHtcd debts Is settled, there con be no solution of the nner. Furthermore, Is pointed out, France can not pay her war oeots until sne mIvm the money from Germany, The note reiterates ins rencn uUw that reneral cancellation of w.r debts is' Justifiable, and plainly Intimates that tne unnea states snouia participate agreement. eoneedee that the United States "sntered tne war witnout s.r existence being directly menaced, to defend with her honor the prln dni.s UDon which civilisation la FRANCE 'and HlsheWeanaifvoTl.n rnioM. hm depenaenoe, oi ner twrrnurr, uv property and the mean of existence of her people." MAYAR'S SENTENCE.

IO REDUCED BY PATTERSON Judge Orln Patterson of the criminal court today reduoed the sentence of Charles Mayar. alio John Meyer, from 10 year In th penitentiary to five years. Mayar was tried by a Jury last week in criminal court and found guilty of criminal Intimacy with a girl under 14 years old. The Jury gave him 10 years. Mayar was sentenced by the court lo 10 years last Monday.

The prosecuting witness In the rase was Bertha Bailee, daughter of William Sallee. It I shown that Mayar and the girl had lived together as husband and wife at the 8allee home. For some time the girl hss been' In the welfare home. William Sallee today made an effort to regain custody of the girl. He told the court that he is now living with his wife near Brookllne and that he Is able to support hi daughter.

Mrs, T. K. Bowman, president of the welfare board, opposed the re quest of Sallee on the ground that the alrl would be better cared for In the care of the bonril. Mrs. How man does not believe tne girrs mother is proper person to have charge of the child.

She gave the court a history of the cose and asked thst the girl be sent tn a home or left In ths care of the welfare board. The court ruled that the child la to be left in the welfare home ut present. TOVRISTS USIJTG PARK. The traveling public Is already using the Long park near the post office as a camping ground. Six cars and three tents were' there this morning.

For more than a week tents have been seen there every day. The camper frequently build little fires and cook on the lawn. They make their beds on the grass snd use the stars for blanket these hot nights. V1' Work of Improving Vhe park for a tourist camp site Is progressing. An iron fence is being built around the park.

A water main has been laid from Boonvllle to the park and material Is being assembled for the buildings planned by the park board and the city officials for the convenience of the public The street from Boonvllle acres the vacant lot owned by the city north of the postofnee Is opened and access to the park may now be had from Boonvllle a well as from the south. BRKVlSTER'H MOTHER DIEg. KANSAS CITY, Sept 2. Mrs. Annie Byard Brewster, 30,.

mother of H. R. Brewster, Republican can didate for United states senator from Missouri, died early today at the home of another son, H. H. Brewster, near Merrlam.

Kas. Mr. Brewster we horn In Chicago and came to White. Cloud. with her husband, A.

S. Brewster, In 1373. Mr. Brewster was prosecuting at torney thero for several terms. K.

V. ORABI.B 11.1,. CHICAGO. Sept. 3 (By The Asc nciated Press.

I K. F. Grable. president of the International Brotherhood of Malntenanee of War nis who uu The Associated Pres. tor.av.

suiter Ing from a nervous collapse. fought to safeguard notjoj the InvJseda pared with 357 tons of anthracite of bituminous in July, Information received throUKh commercial channels. tha dopaetment said, showed that during Jijly andlhb first two: weeks of August approximately 290.000 tons of nrltlsh con) ar rived, In the last two weoks of August 40 vossela arrived at New Tork with a total of 220,000 tons of British coal. Plan of Zarajroza Provides Many Reforms. BAN ANTONIO.

Sept. 2. Ilecognl tlon of property rights, radical modification of article 27 of the Mexican constitution and repeal of the agrar an law under which nig ronenes and estates of Mexico were confiscated are the Important features of the plan of Zaragosa. drafted at the little town of Zaragosa In the state of Coahuila, Mexico, last Saturday, by General Francisco Murgula ana his followers and which la expected to be signed by a halt doxen or more revolutionary generals within a few day. The plan or Zaragosa proclaims General Francisco Murgula Is com mander In chief of both civil and military, governments of Mexico, de eiares th.

government or onregon and the governments of the various states of the republic pull inn voin declares that Murgula will remain In command until a reetular gov ernment can be established and that he will in no ease be a candidate for the presidency Heset for Law. Respect for law and property rights are the outstanding features of the Dtaa or Zaragoaa andv tni plan 'takeJS a strong stsfmt. agolnsi favor of strlot adherenoe to law. In addition to declaring the gov. eminent null, and void, th plan declare all agreements with banker lriiniHtt'lr4 flolf rrf Vdfd bece'use by Illegitimate representative of th Mexican government.

which Is taken as referring to agreement made with banker In New Tork by De La Hue its. Fra tcisce Mar rule was one time minister of war In the cabinet of Carransa and at the time of the Obregon uprising was military commander ot the northern division of Mexico. CONTRACT FOR LOCAL ROAD MAY BE AWARDED A part of the St. Louls.gprlng field road, between Springfield and Joplln, may be among the number of sections of the Inter state road project selected for the first let ting of contracts, local read boosters predicted today, PVveral sections of the first primary road of the road projects have been selected for the first letting of contract the latter part of this month. Fifteen sections In various parts of the state of the secondary routes have also been determined, and work been going forward toward completing the preliminary estimates on the various roads In the oountles.

on which reports have been received from division engineers in regard to the types of construction on which to baae estimates According tota recent report of H. Pelpmeles, chief engineer to the stat highway commission, there reports are required forxha purpose of allocating tn the counties the money which will he soon available from the sale of the bonds. gTI'DKNT RKOISTF.R TODAY. 'Fifty non resident students sche their year's work at the high school today. It was stated at.

2 elock this arternoon oy I'ror. L. A. Doran, principal of the high school. This makes a total of 1,539 students, the largest September enrollment In the history of the Springfield high school.

The Freshmen, who enrolled yesterday and Thursday, number 425. Prof. Doran aald today. About 20 first year students were register ed yesterday afternoon and the re mainder, 405, scneduied before that time. St'LLRNS IX HOSPITAL.

Roy Sullen, son of Mrs. Laura Sullen. V1917 North Grant avenuo. Is In the Burge Deaconess hospital sufferlne from a wounded foot. Mr.

Sullens. who Is a druggist at Marlonvllle. woa struck on the foot two months ago by a plank whl. fell, from a building In that city and his foot was painfully crushed. The wound wo given treatment and was practically healed when th young man went tuning recently and was poisoned by poison Ivy.

Th foot became Infected and hi removal, to tbe hospital was necessary. CAR RUlf DARK. Frisco car which carry strike breaker at night are run without lights. Thl I done to prevent the men from being recognised and also as a guard against assault The car which brought In about 80 from Oklahoma Thursday night wa oar snd went on east dark. Only part o.

.,7 lovnerw sv'ss t. a.wwum.b, to at to I I STRIKE PROGRESS; 1 11 SERVED Further Action Likely Unless Trouble Ceases. CHICAGO. Sept. 3.

While rigid restrictions were placed by the Injunction" granted the United Stales government yesterday, on all participants In the nationwide rail strike, reports of violence continue be received. The last 84 hours, however de veloped fewer outrages than days Immediately preceding. High lights Included th derailment of a Big Four passenger train Brownsville. where a woman passenger was Injured: bombing of the home, of a railroad shop foreman at Little Rock. a plot dynamite property of the Louisiana it Arkansas railway at Bert ley, I.a.: an attempt to derail a Big Four train at Marlon.

Ohio; derailment of the Patmetto limited on the Atlantic Coast line near Tampa. and an attempt to blow up a brldze over the Cuyahoga river In A threatened walkout ny train crews at Parsons, Kan, was averted when guards were removed from inside the Missouri, Kansas Texas yards. The Baltimore tmio announcea nnullment of 23 passenger trains September 4. Coal mines In snutnern Illinois fields ere closed because of a car shortage. Department of Justice operatives denied that a nationwide raid on I radical asconlmplted as a re ult of disclosure In Ot ago.

gay Strike Afcoet Over. BAST BT. LOWIS. Sept. (By The Associated Preso.) i Th am railroads, d.

1 .1. IT U.rbh Vhe Illinois Central railroad, who with ether offlolsls of the road, was Inspecting the railroad property here today. "So far as the Illinois Central Is eonoerned." said Mr. Markham, "th strike Is over. Our mechanical force on th whole are practically normal.

At some of our (hops we have more employes than had lUfa tha. (rk, At i'sriudah, we) have it prtiwsl 1.01 phop em ploye, before, the strike had la Fsrtker Move. WASHINGTON, Bept While awaiting evidence of the lent on the nation's crippled transportation facilities of the rederal court Injunction Issued In Chicsgo yesterday against strlkmg railway shopmen, the federal government, administration spokesmen declared, was prepared today to take any further steps snd exercise any of Its power neoeasary to bring about a restoration of normal conditions. I It was declarsd the restraining order did not represent the limit to which the government wa pre prepared to go. Meantime, labor leader here.

viewing the Injunction as an "out rageous" invasion of tne sinnere rights, had declared their Intention of Ignoring the order so far as It might bo construed as, interfering with what they conceived to be le gitimate efforts of the striking organisations auft their friends to win the strike. Samuel Gompers. president of the American Federation of Labor, asserted It was the federation's views thst Injunctions which Invsded constitutional rights should be treated as "scraps of partr." The government Injunction suit was still the dominant subject of Informal discussion among officials kind members of the senate and house toiluy, te a great majority of whom the action came as a complete surprise. Inland Ion Notice gerved, CHICAGO, Sept 2. (By The Associated Press.) The government acted swiftly upon the heels of the action vesterday In which I'nlted states Attorney General Daugherty obtained a temporary Injunction which prohibits the strikers from Interfering In sny wav with the operations of the railroads.

Kdtlce of the temporary enjoining' order and the non 't hearing September 11. In federal district court here, were served Isst night on John Scott, secretary treasurer of.the railway employes department of the American Federation or Labor. H. M. Jewell, head of Ibe rnllway employes department and acknowledged leader of the strike, could not be found by deputy United Slates marshals.

Five hundred suhpnrnses were being printed last nlnht and were to be received at the federal building this morning. More than indi vlduila officers and aids of loaders unions, whose 800 000 members went on strike July named Bome 6.500 deputy United Stater marshals throughout the country are ready to serve the suhpoenses. Fifty additional deputy marshals were sworn In at Chicago to aid In serving the Injunction notices upon tbe union leaders. Union headquarters were worsing at the usual hour today and with I apparent activity. H.

M. jewen. it two said at hi oriice, was oui mis morning. On report that ne nao gone lo Cleveland and was expected to meet train service brotherhoods leaders could not be confirmed. There was a Belief In the federal building that Jewell still was In Chicago.

Air Hoee Ct. LYNN, Sept. 2. when an attempt was made to move ten cars In the Boston A Main freight yards (Continued on Pag Eight) A.S.HSanders tells "Farm A Rom. Wrtt.

or nhon. 211 or 1341AdT. i Figures Reveal Full Magnitude Of Red Tragedy LONDON. Sept 2. A Riga dispatch to tho Time says that according to official Bolshevik figures the Cheka executed 1.766.118 persons before being n.placed by In supreme political administration last February.

The total Include 6.71 5 professors an.l teachers. doctors, 359,250 other Intelicctunla. 1.2J4 priest. 64.560 officers. 260.000 soldiers; 59.000 policemen, 12.950 land owners; 153,350 workmen; 315,100 peasanta.

During the civil war the Bolshevik have had more executed than Russia lost during the great war. WCHr AVill I)CllV cp Address This Alt ernooii. This afternoon 1,000 of Springfield Young America are having the time of their lives at Doling park, as the guests of members of notary c.uo. woo are ii movement, and have designated thl twdtarilr mm "Itnll1 WV Assembling at the high school building ft 1:30 o'clock, th boys who attended the baseball game yesterday at Whit City parte, wer taken to the park tn car donated oy toe rprifiH.iiu iwhii mm TO" stranssuns testa, water port and a radio con cert. The athletic program which I be iormiy athletic director of the high school.

Includes a Boy Scout demonstration of first aid, signal Inc. human pyramid building, three legged and ntbej" atlrtetii sramea A radio eoncv rf will be broadcast ed by the L. E. Line Musio com pany, and the concert will be canght at the rrk on sn serial erected or lha raoroduced by a receiving et in tailed by th Line company. A hrtef address will be given over ra dlo by Attorney A.

ft. Lovan, and th nrngram will consist of vocal instrumental number. Il.fore leaving tne case Dan grounds, where the athletic carnival will be held, an dress win oe giv en by Attorney Sam wear, and nrnbablv Other. Following th athletlo carnival, all the plcknlcker will adjourn to the lake, where a water carnival will be held, and a number ef the boy will compete In varlou swimming and fancy diving contests. The notarlans have stinted on nothing in providing entertainment for the boys, and have made ample provisions for the "grand rush" when the "big feed" ta called, at 6:30 o'clock.

After playing baseball, running race, and entering Into the various athletic contests. Sklnnay and his friends will he "powerful hongry." The menu prepared by the Rotes Includes 500 pounds of ham: 400 loaves of bread: 50 pounds of potato chins: 50 gallons of Ice cream, and 2.000 bottles of "soda pop." Drive Closes Sonday. Roye' Week" will close tomorrow, and every man In the pity has been requested to take a boy to church tomorrow morning. The ministers have been urged to co operate and special sermons have been prepared to make the services especially attractive. More than 1.000 boys accepted the Invitation of the notary rlub yesterday and attended the baseball game at Whlto City park.

No admission charge was made to the boys, and the Springfield Baseball club made no charge to the Kntur lans. MINING ACTIVITIES EXPANDED IN MEXICO WASHINGTON. Sept. 2. Contln ued expansion in Mexican mining ooerfttlons was reported by Trsde Commissioner Busltnell at Mexico Cltv.

While th beneficial effects of these activities are not yet sp" narent In the general luislr.ess situ atlon, he declared, 'l Is anticipated tnai a invora io mtuun inlt during the coming month. "Advices of the reduced oil but put." he said, "ace likely to offset the benefits of tl. Increase In mln Ing activities, and furthermore. It must be borne In mind that mining progress depends upon continued political stability." CRF.IllTOni' MF.KTINGfl. Creditors' meetings to be held next week In the office of John Schmook.

referee In blnkruptcy, are as. follows: Tuesday: Final meeting of creditors of James H. Hardesty grocer: final meeting or creditors of Charles B. Ousley. of Crocker merchant; nlso a sale of assets of Lester H.

Tracy, merchant, of Conway. Tracy's assets are listed at il.23.s9. and liabilities are 38.942.39. The first meeting of creditors of Elmer Stfgall will be held Sep tember 13, snd meeting of creditors of Ross K. Walker, osark merchant, will be held September 16 In the office of John Schmook, Fall term opens Sept.

5. Draughon'i Business College. Good positions waiting. Advertisement I IRInl TIE UP; Executive Body of 'Labor to Sleet September 9 U. S.

Plans Other Moves to Keep Traffic Lines Open. WASHINGTON, Sept (By To Associated Press.) Though th American Federation of Labor haa no power to call strikes, according to Its president, Samuol Gompers. Its executive council next Saturday will be ssked to review appeal and) demands from Mhundreda of local unions." for th Institution of a mn. eral strike to support th flghvjr'' railroad unions now on strik. "Thos appeals have come to me) from all over th country from those who Imagine that have the power, or that the federation haa power, to call a general etrlke," Mr.

Gompers said. "They have been In the form of resolutions paaaed br trade union councils, or by local unions or editorial In labor publl cations. "The executive council will asked to consider, although It con. not take action to call a strike," The resolution and demands. Mrv Gompers declared.

Indicated a flat' of mind In labor circles more In flamed than ever before, and ha considered them Important to that extent. It was said that most of them came to the federation headquarter before the federal tou it rrntrslntng crflsr era Issued yester day in Chicago. CHICAGO, 8epl, I. Under restrlc. Hons placed upon them by the Unit, ed States government by mean of.

the most drssUr nnd reanhlw temporary Injunction ever Issued in i i 1 i.i. th. ens eoe tl w.y out July in arotest uetn.t and' 1 ,.7 iv. ot I tMR N1'' The restraining oreer obtained fnem Federal Judata James VI M.l 'fcerson bp Attorney Oii. erty prohibits ln f4 manner with any railroad operations.

Il oral propaganda were placed the ban and the Injunction Js against II pfen an official capacity with the rail way employe department of the American Federation of Jabor, th. federated shop crafts and yta feneration. 'oi The life of the temporary lnJnno tlon extend to September 11, when Judge Wllkerson will hear a mo tion for a permanent order. PUcmjm Gemeral Strike. Meanwhile the xecutlve conned of th American Federation of Labor prepared to meet September Samuel Gompers, president of th federation, who condemned th in junction as "outrageou," aald la Washington that communication from labor organisation requesting the federatrbn to sponsor a general strlks In sympathy with th hop men, would be placed bfor th council then, "purely a a matter of routine business." "i Officials of the federation explain.

ed It was not within th authority the council to order or even an thorlse a general strike. Such ao tlon, they said, would require a tlonal convention." From the Whit House came tne declaration that the federal govern ment will not stop. with th restraining order If It find "other steps are necessary." i In their statement the labor conn. II assumed "that the railway em ploye will continue a lawful trlk In a lawful manner until a sauaiao lory settlement Is made," Te panls Lawlessness At least until advised that th I constitution of the United Stale and the decisions of the supreme "i court are no longer to be relied OP on a the law of the land." the state ment continued. "The official of, the organisations of railway em ployes will continue to perform) heir leslllmate amies no ao sil in heir power In conjunction with of ficers of the government, to restrain and punish every unlawful act of those who sre rightfully in volved or who without right Involved themselves in the operation ot the roads." Briefly and in effect the Injunc tion restrains striking their leaders and agents fromt Ticketing.

In any manner, by letters, clrcn tars, telegrams, telephone, mag ea, word of mouth or by Interviews, encouraging any persons to leave the. employ of a railroad or to restrain him from entering such employ. Interfering er obstructing any railway. Hindering inspection, repair equipment of locomotives or car, Conspiring or agreeing to hinder railroads In the transportation of. passengers, property and malls.

Interfering with employes going lo er returning from by dis plays of force or numbers, thrts. Intimidations, acts of violence, opprobrious epithets. Jeers, taunt er entreaties. Loitering at or near place ef In (Continued on Page Eight) Fall term opens 8ept. i.

Draughon Business College. Oood positions waiting. Advertisement. Sid Wrtghtsman' Ore entertain In Heer's tea rfl th dinner hour tonlgl i sli i JVtJV i I Jhso II 0.

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