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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 4

Indianapolis, Indiana
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32 si it at JnolsaiapoUa. lad Tk sat wha th5bertptlh expire prtatea on tse wrapped of sac taper. SpaeUMB opl cq(M free apolfcaUloa. The postage ft stag coif I wrapper la Mak ell arafU. aad xcfjofflce nrdr saraMe a ta aria hi.

and ,4 all aaWatl ta Telesksa CsJJsiA Editorial wi Business Office 673 tOI i 1 TEN We should aay th ths most ominous sign apparent at prseent peaceful attttade of Cxnjfesvj Tb conserva the rhlch U'iij creditable if etoraslyngiiwae.Jspoken of 8cTXor i Allen lis drew Wt KMlotioa goalljnfir Ufr a iarlal lnvwtlttoo tba Wtuatlon la Cuba, because we! alIlii from th Vott on Ids amln)fentu befora tttaX tia tat of ihls'j waa. ealad." JLud ao thj moat of the day In diacuaaW coveted Ho tlon Woe. In the Huaa th proceeding aquaiir tuu. 4 UTtetbar thU peaceful iamst due to the tact' that tt fncoeo aatlafled vtth the conduct of thaj adci nutrition, or to tbe aoberlnc ecC of tie proapect of actual wax, oM'Aot, 'i ol "fwuraa, be Jtnown. Probably tbe jaadera ti Oonrresa hare beep, to, aoroo axttitaX least, taken Into the eonndenoe; of ie admln latraaoa.

Ieakplte tal'a. tbara be no doubt that' ffre ajlininSkrttUoti la prepartaf iu rapldy a poas for the wont. Tbef ajierobiia of tb warablpa at Kr Westf the aofjrlty at ar)wnala axvd nary yarda, ttta ntov'mmi of troop, ttie It i ii oo4 4ia start Ti ii ft i 1 i i PAGES eeerfetic work on our oaat ceea, all I ment with France he could not give demean tbat trouble hout be poaal 1 tail until the negotiations In Paris were Voreorer, tbouai there Is so far oo evidence to support e' theory that the Mains was Down tfa by enables. It Is dear that ths sisciA Ury is and that many Ftftatr skeptical fcn ttto beginning are iow convinced ths destructlorr Jof fht was designed. And whaXevef the itss, there Van be no doubt that: the administration oeUwres that war i among.

tb4 possibili irO: ties. But that: fact in VAT rtileves ttos people of the obligaoa wnloa is upon tbem to preserve It will be time enough to elicited when war I oeoiareo, ws irauy com 10 uw. Tbe 'people of this e6urttry do? not need any stimulus to do tteir. dutyiHThe rav of tna yOkw 'niew spapetS are for revenue only; It is se lo suylhat they are prompted by a desire to fur up a patriotic eelinc amog he Th dtlseos of this cojintry deeite peace above all things, if they pan bats hon orabhr If ther can honora bly, they may be trussed to ngt for the I honor 'of the United States; i I "In the meenUma, Captain Elgibee's ad I vice ought to be followed pufllc opln kn should be euapetHSed. WeJould lm press upon all people the woiu spoken i by Secretary Xong yeaiteroay.

Summing up the sira'atWn. should say I that tbe Navy Department knows to day nothing more about the eauee tbe dis sstcr than It did kf ter the receipt of the flrst dtapatfh froia Captain i bigsoea. Ui If that true, it is much tooarty for the private cltlsen vi express Ja settled opinion on this Important jsubjfbt. Even th readers of the yellow ftiVapapers ougnt to realise that ithey knofj no mart I than the administration' abouV1 the ex plosion. Therefore, it Its.

Very foolish for, people to ret excite, ti rf course. Impossible to blind oties eyes the fact tnat tbe relatione berwean thl country and 8pam are seriously, straisfd. or to fall tb not the actlvUy! In miliary and These axe obvloua But war has not oomsj yet. anda peaceful disposition on the part people may obviate war, while, certainly will not impair the abilrtyof country to take care of Itself If fwaj really; comes. Tnougn It is as easy matter to arouse Is as easy; matter a warlike teeMnc Anaio Saxon'peopie, tt eeeres to be Extremely dlfSt brmg onusj istiMtten, There has hardly befti fci moment since the dose of the Ruaso Turkiah War when tbe etatesmen of Burop4.Tnave4wt been apprehensive of serious trouSa.

Over and over again the wjorti has been as sured that war was laerHable, And more swu ii thaav once tt has oeemed thoiigh noth big could prevent tt. Indeed t5are have been times whn then statesrssa reaily seemed to desire waryet theH has ai Thus It will be seen that this corn ways been a alight squally on mi tee, desirous only to do the. best for both sides, and the rMujthas that the people; is able only to go so far as to all the world's troubles j'bavs een 'set tied la a peaceful wa js thsVretao sid Xrmetf Dunne the Cretan end Armerran com plications there was rj good chAaoe that the whole of Europe i would t1 involved la armed, eonfiVctv P6p5 bedroom to eiaitr at t3k rlotm. tra mattes how in siraSflcant. the lEtrope powers wroald be forced to tjikei But though the concert was not ahH'to tnein tata peace between Turkey, rt did lajoceed la locai aipg The (struggle, and the sjnoabis relapoos beHreen the parties to the concert 'were not disturbed.

rerything was dopato! ooexeT. Great BtTtam to Intervene forcibly uUhalf of the Arwjecnans, butfth effort failed. Though there weemuiAjxcfUeifeh and a deep war feeling there was', ad general i 'Reoently we have tad other aUutstra tions'of the same truth aim Tor a time. certain that 6rmanygral "at Cmnece territory wcfaJ i bring on ths long xpectei Uraisflikl fx maber of the British declad that England would fight blfos she ould al low any Chinese port be clostf. ships were hurried tojf jna, ai great Britain.

Frbee, Ruia Japan were all reprtijwed la Chinese wutera by powerful fleets. It even aid that th State had Riven Ortmt Britain the uwnac of ber znoral support. Here egaln there seemed to be an actual desire for war. The nation stood, as tbt hav long been staodtss. at bar.

each one apparently anxious for a ngrhjt. But acain It was shown that a war spirit doc a not nere arilr mran wax. In the House of Commons yesterday a note was read from Count Uuravieff. Runlstn Minister for Forrfrn Affairs, in which It was said that Russia waa not proposing to close any ports, and that all she wanted was an outlet for ber commerce. The minister expressed great surprise at the agita tion In England "on the subject of recent events in China, where English and Russian interests could not be seriously After declaring that "various Engliah statesmen of position have recognised that It was perfectly natural that Russia should wish for an outlet for her commerce," as.

indeed, it la, the minister closed his note wHb the following assurance: On the coast on the North Pacific any such port will be open for the commerce of the world, and England, whose Interest sue so ltr.poftanx in this region, would share the advantage. Thus another war cloud. If not dispelled, la certainly much leas dark than It was a few weeks ago. One other illustration is afforded by the dispatchea to day. Only a few days ago Oraat Britain and Franca were on the dangerous edge of war over their rights in Africa.

France was said Ho bo lnvad Ins; British territory, and it waa known that the forces of the two nations were under the command of hot headed young men who "might at any moment embroil their respective governments. agrain, an English statesman said that if the French persisted in a certain course England would certainly declare war. Perhaps this hypothetical declaration should not have been considered of great importance, but tt la, nevertheless, a fact that the pepp) of the two countries wars deeply and it was suspected that the French government, weakened as it ias been by the Dreyfus agitation, was anxious for the diversion which a foreign war would furnish. But, the cloud seems to be passing. Mr.

Chamberlain, the head of the jingoes. yesterday la the House of Commons, apeaklny; of the Afrloan situation, that "he expcted a friendly and aatlafactory aettlement." though "under the ajroe I Thus there are peaceful ways of set tling even the most dangerous controver sies. Threats do not neoeasaniy moan sr. It would be foolish to think that ttie peace of the world is never again to be broken, but It Is dear that the most belligerent minister, much as he may cm to desb war, is likely to stop short of the final plunge and to fail back on diplomacy as a means of adjusttog any disputes to which bis country may be Involved. At any rate, that Ja what has happened la the cases of which we have spoken.

And, tnougn the relations between this country and Spain are seri ously strained and there Is much Tar talk, ft 1 sUU probable that a peaceful solution of our difficulty will be found; MUNICIPAL 0 WXEESHIP OF TKBST rt tt Irr I There are few msnlcipaUuea In the United States which are not Interested In the results of the. Investigation of the xtlatlons between municipalities and street railway companies, which has been conducted by a special commutes appointed by Governor "Wolcott, of Mas sachusettt. The committee consisted of Charles Francis Adams, ex Cngreasman w. w. wrapo ana ex Mayor Eiinu u.

Hayes of Lynn. Mr. Adams visited En rope an cities for the purpose of the In vestigation, and tbe other committee men investigated conditions in some twenty cities in the United States and Canada Many publlo heastnga also were. held. In the report' of this com mittee, which is to be presented to the Massachusetts Legislature, there are four recommendations That the corporation tax now collected by tbe Btate on the excess of the share value of a company above the value of the real property be distributed to tbe cities and towns containing the trackage of said company In proportion the mileage or each, instead of as now, to the koaMtles where the stock of the company is owned or held.

That where the dividend payments go above par the street railway com panies be. required to pay into tbe State Treasury a sum equal to the excess, ex cept where a company has failed to earn an average of per cent a year, from the time of its Incorporation. That a franchise tax additional to that now Imposed in the manner noted in the JJrai paragraph be levied on the gross earnings of the companies, the rate vary ing from I per cent, where gross receipts per; mile of track operated shall amount co or less a year, to per cent where such receipts amount to ooo a mile or mora. That ckles and towns be permrtted to buy. tn existing street railway track al the cost to replace It and to construct new track or extensions as thej public convenience may dictate, the local gov enunent thereafter to maintain the way niainiains otner parte of tbe streets, and to be compensated therefor by.

tte railway company using the tracks in a sum fixed by mutual agreement or by a referee for periods of seven years. reoommend the public ownership qf street ear track a The committee la not able to bring itself to tbe point of rec ommending municipal operation. This was a committee of conservatives, but all of Its members are men ofunusual ability, and we may feel sure that none' of their recommendation was made lightly, Mr. of tbe committee, found tn his Investigation tn Europe that the results from municipal operation of 'street raUtravs in England had been somewhat overestimated on the side of cheapness and efficiency and that in Germany there was a strong present tendency against publicly operated tramways. The plan recommended by the com mittee is not entirely hew.

Indeed, it 1 the plan which has jbeen looked to by most workers for retform in the street railway, businees for a solution of. present difficulties. There is something tteoretically, In the idea of municipal ownership Jof such monopolies as the street oar service and the light supply. But many students of municipal government doubt whether It Is the wisest course to place such gigantic power in the hands, or In tis reach of the politicians. In some cases In this country municipalities have managed the light supply with success, but there liave been.

aJso. some fall urea. The Massachusetts committee Is of the opinion that the operation of street railroads by public officials and political parties would be fraught with much danger, and it take the safe middle ground in declaring that the ownership of the franchises and of th roads themselves may properly be vrted In the municipality, which can then confer on whom it pleases the right to operate for any agreed length of time. The recommeivdations of the Massachusetts committee have been embodied in two bills, which will be presented for passag to the Legislature. The outcome of the work done bv the committee, the practical results that may come from that work, will be watched with peculiar Interest by many cities where present street railway ar rangements are unsatisfactory.

BETTl'B FARMING. There is food for optimism in the address which Governor Mount delivered before Illinois farmers yesterday. It was a protest against unthrifty farming inethoda. The waste of the farmers 4t Indiana, he quoted a traveler as would support the farmers of France, while he declared from bis own observation that a million sheep could be raised in Indiana on the waste of tbe farms and in consuming some things which are now a positive detriment to the crops. It is distressing to hear that there is such wastefulness, but at the same time It is cheering to think of the immense undeveloped, Resources of the country Not only are these possibilities available to the farmers, but the Governor's ad dress would indicate that the utilisation of them would add greatly to the zest and interest of the farmer's life and decrease the tendency of young men to seek the city as the only field for the proper expansion of their powers.

He presents the idea of economy on the farm, not in the aspect of a repulsive stincineca and meanness small things, but as a fascinating study which would arouse the interest of any active mind, and would keep that interest warm with com fortlng material results. Much of the repulsion of farm life, the Governor holds, has come from the alm Iessnese of It and the fact that the farm er's work is pursued without the special training and the scientific methods which would give It the interest and dignity of a In New York, where a movement toward agricultural education has begun, the. promotors, he notes, are enthusiastic in the hope of a solution of what has hitherto aeemed the hopeless problem of poverty in great cities. Great interest in the subject is shown, not only by children, whose delight in studying plant life is general, but among who have worked for years without knowledge of some of the simplest truths; Go vera Mount's idea seems to be that there Is ample room for two blades to grow where one has grown before, and not only this, but that the fostering of the two blades would be a much more interesting occupation than the present drudgery of attending to the one. The soothing effects of large crops on the temper and feelings of a people, are now being admirably exhibited In some articles in Harper's Weekly, on "Bright Skies In the West," where the marvelous results of agricultural prosperity in Kan sas and Nebraska are discussed.

While the whole country is harping on the one string of the money question, it is pleasant to come upon such discussions as these, seem to attack the monster "hard times" in an unguarded spot and to find that spot very vulnerable and the monster not so much of an unconquerable monster, after alL As Governor Mount aays, in concluding his address Ws want fewer farmers who follow, the Signs of the moon, and more who are governed by science. We need more high thinking and less chronic grumbling. Wis Want ire men who can see posaibllKli and till their farms in the sunlight df hope, and fewer growlers and grumblei We want more farmers who can present their grievances in forceful argument, fortified by truth and Justice, and fewer who generalise their complaints and focus them on nothing in particular. We need more enthusiastic, wide awake farmers to talk farming and fewer miserable failures to drag this noble vo cation in tbe dust. The tendency of the French court was to increase Zola's sentence in proportion to bis innocence.

Sentinel inadvertently "gives itself 1 1 1 away in great snaps io uay. it sueaas of. the last ten years! as "the most ira sortant epoch of the city; State and nation from the standpoint of advance ment in development and prosperity." And yet every faithful reader of the Sentinel knows that these same ten Years have been made lean and gaunt. and wretched because of the gold stand ard; knows that misery has stalked through the land at midday and gone on stalking at midnight; knows that. stretched on beds of suffering and woe.

men have lifted skeletonlike hands in anguish to the unpltylng sky and walled: "Give us ailver silver at a 'convenient' ratio or we perlshl" The Sentinel'! readers know all this, because the Sen tinel has been saying it in all kinds of rhetoric. And now the Sentinel mocks the woebegone, adversity ridden, gold driven sufferers with its maddening prate of these ten years being "the im portant epoch tne nation nas ever known in advancing prosperity! Even the Klondike has sunk to a subordinate place in popular interest since the Maine disaster. Although every one having the good of bis country at heart hopes that the clouds which lower over us will pass without the outbreak of war, there is still considerable danger that war may come and there has been some speculation as to how war would be declared by this country. The formal declaration of war was borrowed from the Romans and has fallen Into disuse. In this country an act.

of Congress Is necessary declare war, and the President has no power tn the. premises. The rule laid down by Mr. Webster, Secretary of State, to Mr, Severance, July 14. 183L is taken to goyern the case: "The war making power in this Government rests entirely with Congress, and the President can authorise belligerent operations only in tbe cases expressly provided for by tbe Constitution and the law." Judge i Grier.

In the mi cases, saia: By the Constitution. Congress alone baa the power to declare a national or foreign waTC The Constitution confers on the President the whole executive power. i Jie is bound to take care that the laws are raitnruiiy executed. He is the commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of th militia of the several States when ralleil into actual Rtrvice of the X'nited States. He has no power to initiate or declare a war.

either aaainst a fwreUfn nation or a domestic State, but, the acts of Congress of February ana 3. lX0i. he isVuthortsea call out the militia and to uV the military and naval force of the United 'States in rae of an invasion byorejgo nations and to suppress insurrection against the government of a StAe or the United If war be made by the invasion of s. foreljrn ration.

the President Is not only authorised, ut bound to resist force bv force rii lies rot initiate the war, but is bound to cept the challenge without v. a' ling fJfc any speciaJ legislative huthi. iy nn whether the hostile partvjbe a f. reisn vader or States organized in belli 0 it is none the leas a 1 TVar having been declared, certain, new civil conditions and relations at arise. When hostilities are beguri the persons of the enemy are subject to Imprisonment and their property to confis cation unless treaty provisions exist, to the contrary.

By a treaty entered Into with Spain in 1795. It is provided that: For the better promoting of commerce on Dotn sides, it is agreed that. If a war shall break out between the two said nations, one year after the procla mation or war shall be allowed to the merchants In the cltle and towns where they shall live for collecting and trans porting their goods and merchandise. Among other effects of a declaration of war are: The suspension of the rem edy for the recovery of debts; the cessa tion of all intercourse between the coun tries at war, the suspension of contracts and the cessation of the running of in terest. Nans en is still complaining of America.

If he does not like it, let him give us our money back. The President has received plenty of offer's of companies and regiments, but It hard to sc Just how Infantry could Operate aa ainst Snnln after Cuba h.m been overrun. There is a pretty custom in vogue in Denmark, which is explained in a recent number of the Dietetic and Hygienic Ga rette. It appears that during the sum er holidays the Danes send the school children of the city to the country, and those of the country to the city. The parents.

of the country and those of the cities swap children so that the city children are strengthened and made happy tn the country, while the people in the cities show the little visitors sights and get up festivals for them. In this way Copenhagen sends 10.000 sobqol Children to the rural districts and entertains the same number in exchange. The custom of giving the poorer city children a summer vacation In the country has become established In many parts of the United States, but Danish idea seems even better, as it confers happiness on country and city children alike at a season of the year Then outings are the rule. There must be pleasure and education for both classes oC children hi this temporary exchange. Such a system, or something like It would not be a bad idea for this country to adopt.

i No hostilities are probable until you hear of General Miles ordering new uni forms. I 1 Dupuy 'de Lome says again that hen loves us. Then why did he try to kick us down stairs? We learn from the Sentinel to day that silver has not declined in value in the last twenty five years at alL It has been perfectly stable and steadfast. This is what one might call exclusive news. It is a kind that needs no copyright.

No one In the wide world would think of appropriating It, any more than any one would wish to claim the authorship of the wonderful "conven lence" theory or the marvelous Lelter analogy. When Congressman Boutelle counsels moderation, you may be sure that there is little jingo spirit left Evidently, Captain Slgsbee has been1 besieged for Interview. He refers to the correspondents in one of his communica tions as the "intensely active representa tives of the press. There is no doubt that the sentiment of the civilized world would be with this country If tt should Intervene In Cuba In the Interest of humanity. The London Spectator in an article, which we print elsewhere, gives clear expression to this thought.

Of course, intervention might mean war; but only if the Spanish min isters are utterly blind or feel that war is necessary out of deference to the ex aggerated national pride. If the statesmen of Spain know anything, they know that Spain has failed utterly 'in Cuba for three years, there could be no possi bility for her arms against America ex cept humiliation and disaster. The Journal believes that th Hawaiian. islands control the approaches to the Nicaragua canal (that Is to be), and the commerce of the Pacific ocean. That Is aa much as to say that Ireland controls the approaches to New York and the coiamerce of the Atlantic! There are a great many strugfung writers who would not object to under going a year's imprisonment under tne same circumstances that surround Zola, It is hard for Wall street to get used to yellow Journalism, because some pf these times thosu papers might contain something of a sensational nature that would bo true.

Congressman Johnson is receiving warm praise for his speech against Hawaiian annexation. Even the Democratic papers are disposed to recognise his pa triotic wid independent spirit. The Louisvill Courier Journal says: Mr. Johnson, of Indiana, not only made a good, speech against Hawaiian annexation in the House of Representa tives Tuesday, but On usually manes a good jspeech when he makes one on any subject. Mr.

Johnson is one of the ablest knd soundvst men on the Republican side, and it would be better for the party if It had more like him. A singular omissioh is observed. With all this war talk, nubody has come forward "to tell how TesU had invented a plan to melt by electricity every warship that comes wrthin a hundred miles of New Vork. Even tt it Is proved that the blowing up of tbe Maine was an accident the Cuban question remains as big as ever; Everybody in Ripley county seems to have gone to bed early the night of the lynching. Nobody sqems to nave heard anything or known anything.

There was a mob, but nobody was In It or ever heard of anybody that was in It. 3 suspect1 that! it will turn out that the five men broke out of Jail, shot and pounded one and then; hanged themselves; thafthe mob was simply a group of cKisens on the. way home from prayer meeting, who weTel invited by the desperate met. to wait a few minutes and see hat thy treated one another fairly; that! they jkinaiy eonsenieu to do this as a. neignoony uu men reurea to their homes and couches with a clear conscience! nd gave the matter no more until Inquisitive outsiders ques tioned el ri good, taste.

It Is constant cause for wonder bow our yellow Journals manage to run. So many things that are not so 3i of is on a the a has in had and this two fa Sorrow. 'Tis all on whether I tt anS. eptn. 'Tl all one whether I rle 'and Tfi, Hope ha no promts with me to keep.

I have nothing to lose, I bars nothing to win. The work fall out of my weary hand. Life path la lot to my airolen feet. The world to my vision 1 Incomplete. An atom of shlftlnc; and aha pel ma sand.

The best out of alt that Is best. I roi: The light from the morning I gone away. The noontide tun 1 a shadow's piar. And love but the hint of a Blcher bUn. All thine have fallen, to the blindness of fate; There is nothing that either I doubt or believe; Neither has faith any trust lo retrlr Therefore I alt In my darknea.

and wait. Thou who hast laid on my spirit this pain; ieare me. leave me not In the aunt: Grant me tn fAl n4 V. li i af though the bright daybreak dawn never araia Alice Cary. a 11 IVock Bjre.

Rpck a bye, baby, thy cradle sreen." Oyr thy the cool branches lean: in thy bower are crooning their snr.g. Leave whisper round thee all the ay Rock a bye, roc.k a bye. blue are the skies, Ilock a bye. rock a bye. shut little eye.

Rock a bye. baby, thy cradle 1 green." Tiny brown mothers their soft feather preen. While the dear bird ling ar bushed In the net. And the light breeze blow out of the West; Rock a bye. roek a bye.

blue are the skies. Rock a bye, rock a bye, shut little eye. "Rork a bye. baby, thy cradle I srjen." Father a nobleman, mother' a queen: Sweet as the deys in the cups of the flower. Love shed iu balm on thee through the bright hour Rock a hye.

rock a bye. blue are th skiea, Rock a bye. rock a bye, shut little eye. James B. Kenyon, la tbe Ineependent.

SCRAPS. A volume of the "Canterbury brought J750 in London recently. A silk factory in which only women are employed has been opened in a suburb of London. General Bou I anger's black charger, on Which he hoped to ride to a throne, now draws a Paris cab. A one lefigsd knife grinder in Pkiladei phia has tausrht a Newfoundland dog to turn grindstone.

Count liuravleff. the Russian Minister ror roreign AJiairs, is just recovering from an attack of chicken pox. It is stated that the over production of 011 ine ioe angeies on neios ax tne present time is nearly 500 barrels a day. Experiments at the Missouri State Uni versity show that in the matter of diet a man can live at an expense of is cents a day. In China the detection of coins is a skilled, prosperous profession, known as "shrpffing," and is taught in special schools.

Last year there were about 1.100 col lislons in Berlin between bicyclists and other persons or vehicles; there were two ratal accidents. In the period from 1ST! to 1896 the ca pacity of the mercantile navy of Great Britain has' increased from 7,900,000 tons to It has been decided that liauors of all kinds are Included tn tbe provision of the Wisconsin stat ute lorouiauvg adulterations in food and drink products. A recent landelide In China revealed a pile of money equaling in value 7,000,000 coppers. coppers were made about tne middle of the eleventh century.

An enterDTislnsT news vender at the South End. near a ohurch. displays this susrs flstive noeter: "Siindav naners Dious iy wrapped up. Boston Time and tny how. An I association has been formed in Paris for exploiting the new method ot purifjilog jraterby means of eiectnclty, wnicn ira Tyndai and itoux nave in dicated.

The tobacco raised in Beloochlstan Is exceedingly strong and can not be smoked by any but the roost vigorous white men. The. natives do not appear to be affected by it A resident of Quitman. owns 42.000 acres of land, one or his sons 4.W0 acres. and another son s.ww acres, aul tneir farms are well held In hand by an exten sive system of tele phone a The well known Orientalist.

Professor Ahlwardt, has at last completed his task of cataloguing and describing all the Arabic manuscripts In the Berlin library, a task to which he has devoted twenty four years. 1 Cactus Cal Thet there new minister tt ourn ain't no tenderfoot See; he's Usin' his left hand ter shake hands with h' memb'rs 'f 'his congregation. EasternerWhat does that action signify? Cactus Cal It don't signify nothin', stranger, but it leave3 bis gun hand free. Judge. A certain Dr.

Brown courted a lady unsuccessfully for many years, and drafik her health every day. On beir.g observed to omit the custom, a gentleman skfd: "Come, doctor, your old toast "Excuse mV he replied; "as 1 can't make her Brown, I'll toast her no longerj" London Tlt Bita Miss jFootlites Is Bessie JTJyes much of an actress? Miss Tawmenter Yes and no. Slie acts well enough; but then she does not possess a particle of tact. She wastes hours In studying her parts which might be so much more profitably employed in getting up biographical eccentricities for the press. Boston Trans script In England, during the sixteenth century, stealing above the of 12 pence, burning a haystack, killing or stealing sheep, breaking a dyke or bridge, breaking bank of a fish pond, cutting down a tree in an orchard, and the malicious tearing or defacl.ig the garments of a person in the street were all capital offenses, and were punished as such.

The shores of Lake Lucerne used to be adorned with fine groves of chestnut trees, which yielded about 70.000 francs a year. With the opening of the St. Gott hard railway the Import of chest mils from Italy reduced the price from to $2 per fifty pounds. no the trees, no longer profitable, have now been nearly all chopped down for timber and fuel. In a study on suicide.

M. Durkheim has shown That tne or tnose wno have killed themselves, from 1S26 to 1S90. has Increased 411 per cent, in Pruasi per cent, tn France, 318 per cent, in Austria, 238 per cent, in Saxony, 212 per cent. In Belgium, 72 per cent. In Sweden, and 33 per cent tn Denmark.

During the last twenty years the increase has been 109 per cent, in Italy. Regarding the plague in Bombay, a writer in the Lancet says that the mere aggregation of the sick In hospitals appears to have I ttie effect on the spread the disease. Experience seems to prove that cor taglon from one person toanotner not by any i means the chief cause of Its spread, but) that a house becomes in some way ana is ine source from which case after case subsequently proceeda Chief Juetice FuHer Is the emallest man the Supreme ttencn. ana ne la nanxeo by the two largest men. Justices Harlan and Gray, both being very tall and broad shouldered.

Justice Gray is the oldest mam on the Supreme being nearly seventy, and the youngest. Justice White, to fifty three. Justice Brewer. wiio was born in Smyrna, Asia Minor, where his parents wt re missionaries. Is the only member of the court who was not born in America.

Mrs. Maunder, whose name has ap peared among the many successful photographers of the recent eclipse, was a MisS A. S. Russell, a Qlrton girl, and optime in 1X9 between numbers forty one tnd iorty tnree. rora cam bridge she went to the GreWwlch Ob servatory as a computer, anevwaa lor some time in me suiiiar imin.uKra.piuc branch, and afterward in the soic de partment.

Mrs. Maunder hold.fv a Pfelffer studentship from Girton Colle rvi i sa i lieffsvi te re is Is given to assist, pom search. New York fost. Kendall Jester, of Chincoteague Island. who has just uieo.

was ror many years the patriarch of the Island and repository! of its legendary history. owner of the most extensive marsh ranch and the largest drove of ponies qn tne iimnu, ami. iur mure man sixty five years had been a familiar figure at the annual pony pehnings. He waa fond of relating how, during the of 1X12 15. his father made salt from 1 airater and Sold it In Baltimore for i bnsheL At he time of his death his children, grandchildren and great grand children numoereq iu souia Mr.

Onslow Ford, tbe British R. been most union unate with tne blocks of marble obtained by him from Italy for the statue of Huxley, commissioned by the memorial committee The work was put in hand a year ago. and after it had been with for some time, a blue vein was, discovered the marbld. with the result that It to be discarded and a fresh block ordered. This alsfrproved to be unsound, the sculptor Thas.

therefore, sad to await a third piece from Italy. Of course, mere lis jiow no nance or tne statue neing evn tne xvoyai Acaaemy summer, and it will probably: be years before the monument is laced in Its nnai position in the listorv Museum at 8outh Kensington New York foss. be of of to i I HARRIS? O.T TAXATION. Tne Ex Prealdsm re Chicago Tribune It is true that stocks, bonds and morU gages are seldom taxed except when they form part of the estates of widows, and orphans, idiots and lunatics. The most rigorous laws when most tnert getically administered have failed to reach Intangible personal property.

Id Massachusetts a persistent effort has been made to reach that kind of prop erty, but a tax commission has just reported that "the taxation of personal property in the form of securities and, investments is a failure." i Ohio has an exceedingly severe asssss ment law. 1 There is also a spy law which gives 20 per cent of all unre turned property to the man who un i earths It, Yet aa Ohio tax commission reports that, "while In the country coun ties taxation of Intangible property la perhaps feasible. It Is in city counties ad utter failure." The commission stated further: "The system, as it Is actually admin Istered, results in debauching the moras sense. It is a school of perjury. It sends; large amounts of property into hidings.

It draws capital1 in large quantities from; the State, The moral sense of the com munity is blunted; iu dtlsens art made familiar with all 'manner of evasion they are Uught! to lie." There are two. ways of dealing with taw wnicn nas neen inoperative, one'tsi to make renewed efforts to enforce It! That is what ex President Hargsont recommends in this case. Perhaps it is the natural impulse of a lawyer to dot that. The other and better way is to la quire whether the failure of the law toj work is not due to the fact that it Is. a bad law, repugnant to justice, and en forceable if at all only by tyrannical methods.

In that event the best thing to do is to repeal the law or let It re main in "innocuous desuetude." The property on 'which bonds and mortgages are a lien is taxed already. Therefore the taxation of thosei liens would be double taxation. But 1c appears from a remark mads bv th tJ President that he does not favor double; uci aivtv iits snuuiQ BO( OS 1 mand the enforcement of laws to tax the shadow after the sunshine has been, taxed. If evidences of indebtedness were taxed those who borrow money by means of' mortgages, bonds, eta. would have to pay heavier interest rates on then in' order that the lenders might be able to get an adequate return for their money.

1 Thus the owner of the security will not in reality pay a tax. The borrower will, have to pay two sets of taxes. If all evidences of indebtednem imw in. existence, amounting to billions, could be, nsieu. ana taxed, the holders of them and not the owners of the property on which those securities are a lien, would have to pay the tax.

But that would be groes injustice. For loans have been vcvuiiura paying, raw interest, rates nave been disposed of at good, prices, because intangible personal property has not been taxed, and presumbion was tt would not be. Ex President Hanieon states that: "I do not believe that It Is impoBsfble so to stir the conscience of our people, so to stimulate the independence and courage of our assessors and of our courts and prosecutors, as to secure a fairly general enforcement of the personal property tax." I If he will study the question, not as a lawyer, but as a political economist and as a business will perceive that he is demanding Impoeeibikittes. "Tbe conscience of our people" can not be reconciled to manifestly unjust taxation. The fact that the difficulty of enforcing laws which call for it ought to be evidence even to a lawyer that the trouble la In the haws, and not the conscience of the people.

Every attempt to enforce them simply debauches the public conscience by forcing men to fly to falsehood to protect themsdvee against lee allxed Injustice. Tax Reform la Chteaa o. Chicago Inter Ocean. The address of General Harrison at the Auditorium was and was not special ly appropriate. The audience waa a magnificent one, drawn from those who are.

as the ex President expressed it well to do. it was to tsem that he spoke. His mesajage was direct and plain pay ered anywhere which waa more representative of all degrees of wealth. But the subject had. In It no element of novelty.

For four months Chicago has been making a specialty oftax reform. When Benjamin Harrison was preparing his address the very class of men of whom and to whom he spoke were hard at work crying to get a bill enacted at Springfield precisely in line with his appeal. When he delivered his address the fruit of that long tabor of reform was so nearly ripe that all anxiety for its fate had been dismissed. Chicago Is mov ing aJong the Harrieonian lme ex otW city in the country is moving. His speech was more in the nature of a second to a motion than of the motion itself.

The Chicago coram tt tee of seventeen. whdoh began its work in the fail, was not a committee of millionaires, yet represented. In the aggregate, vast wealth. The clHsirman was an active young merchant: with him were associat ed other merchants, bankers, manufact turers, real estate dealers, lawyers, and men of affairs. They were working to secure exactly what General Harrison advocates.

They could do nothing directly. In that committee was vested no power of execution. They could recom mend and resolve, but that was aJl. Fortunately the State government was in full sympathy with the reform, or "renaissance," as General Harrison ex pressed It. The argument for "tax renaissance" made by Governor Tanner made substantially the same DOints as General Harrison made.

One was addressed to the Legislature of Illinois, in speciaJ session convened, the other to a mixed audience. The essential oneness of the two was an honor to both. General Harrison showed that he is abreast wlDh the great practical reform movement of Chicago and Illinois, and has given the subject profound study. But tax reform is no more self acting and automatic than primary or any other reform. The main difficulty In the way of Just taxation is dishonesty.

Many a man will dodge taxation if he can who would scorn to be a thief or a boodler. The average conscience needs quickening and str ngt herring. It is to be hopd the appeal of Benjamin Harrison will do good in that line. j' The Sign of Degeaeraer. Chicago Record Ex President Harrison.

In his Washing, ton's birthday oration on "The Obligations of Wealth." before the Union League Club of Chicago, made some observations that are worthy the consider, ation of the well to do, to whom they were directed. He spoke in particular of taxts as a debt of the highest obligation, and dt precated the attempt of possessors of property to evade their payment. The inequality of taxation is an evil which he would have the rich take the lead in remedying. Too much stress can not Je UUd unon the need for men of wealth and high business ability to take the lead in remedying evils of this nature. More intelli gent and unselfish leadership in settling tn complicated problems of government tne need or American democracy ia.

day. If the country is not to retrograde men of wealth and business ability must i At i reccgnize the obligations of wealth and dve liberally pt their time which Is mocn more lmnortant to the Improve merH society than contributions of money in helping democracy to solve the problems confronting the nation. Only so canHlifiscurlt of property be permanently assured. It is well that ex President Harrison took occasion to make thee observations, for the class to which thev were directed may heed such counsel from a man of his prominence and known re fpect ror property ngnis. 11 was fitting tm Washinj ton'a 71 'chosen for such an address.

Wash ington was for his time a man of great wealth He regarded its possesslun ss imposing, upon him obligation beyond those of the ordinary citizen, it is a sign degeneracy that to day too few men great wealth recognize that thel. possessions Impose upon them ob.igations render to society and to government Unselfish and intelligent service for the benefit of alt Between Friends. Chicago Post. was boasting of her latest con. She quest "The flrst thing I knew." she aaM I was n't my feet" "Who threw him?" asked her dearest friend.

i Of course It is well known that these little pleasantries are not unusual be. I tween. feminine friends, i I oin non it t. of i. V.

i. 2 rTi wa, aa .1 Jic iNnvv ukiv i uig iIJ SOLE AQENTS FOR BUTTERICK PATTERNS SPRIG An Extraordinary Event To morrow we enter fairly, upon the spring bcslne witli the freshest, cleanest stock of up to date Shoe styles that: it baa ever beep our good Ifortune to get together. An elaborate opening display will be made in our east window, showing the new shcs in bJacJx and colored kids and silk vesting. Back la ths department wt offer Ygiues to keep things on the hop, step and lamp, all day long and make the opening day ft grand success. women's Tan Kid Laced Shoes.

mads ott the Broadway lasU. with brown Testing cloth tops and regular 12.50 Shoes js pairs of Women's Black Kid. Laced Shoes, with silk vesting cloth tops and kid tips, sixes rs mr to worth HM, also PLO Last Call On Coats Tonr choice of sny Cloth cketla our worth c' up to 120, '34Q3 Choice or any that,t;... 25 Children's Long Coats, beautiful cloths, tiO to $3) Ls, sizes 12 and 14 only, to morrow v. coats.

HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies embroidered Handkerchiefs, all linen, with lac and footing edges. SOe handker 0 chiefs, for Oc Ladies' Swiss embroidered edge and plain all linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, regular 19c iOW onfs. for .7... "2c Ladies' aJn whits and colored border Handkerchiefs, and some wilh lace all at.J. Oc Ladies' ail Silk Handkerchiefs, with white and colored bordersome with Laco insertion, 39c Hand.

fC. kerchiefs, at IOC Center UMBRELLAS School Umbrellas, in 24 and 26 Inch sixes, English Gloria, with KSSSr 49c and 59c Men's 28 inch English Gloria Umbrellas, with steel rods, 1 paragon frames aad silver trimmed and plain Congo wood handles, ff special at saiV sV sS 4aT Right of Entranc. Big Deal A Ifew York importer offered us his odds and ends at a price we couldn't resist nor will you be able to, for this is tbe greatest snap of the season. 2Lmong tbem are Orientals, Torchons, Point de Gene, Point de Ireland, Applique, Point de Venise anofi Chantllly Laces, in white, ecru, cream and linen color (also a few blacks), 4 to wide, that would sell at air tbe way from 19c to 69c a yard in the regular way; choice on the front bargain table lrn at, ayanJ. IUW AT THE COUNTER Real Torchon Laces, with Insertions to match, also a lew urteniai ljaces, iuo ana jzi a yara, to morrow HOSIERY; Children's ribbed Cotton Hose, mads with doubls OLZ.

A heels and toes, to morrow, 73 Ladies' Hermsdorf Black Cotton Hove, wrth high spliced heels double soles, 25c stock 7 lng, or iiadses' fast black Cashmere Hose, wHhr high spliced heels and 0r doable soles, J9c stockings, at. "1 Underwear 8 mail sizes in Ladles' Cotton Union Suits that sell regularly at 29c. to dose to tomorrow, at East Aisle. IN THE HEN'S CORNER. Men's full, regular mads fast black Cotton Half Hose, 17c Hr hose, at Working Shirts, in, good blue checked cheviots, 50c shir la, OCT for i ply Llhen Cuffs, in several SSSf 9ciA llci jiir East NOTIONS Kid Curlers.

4o a dosen. Darning Cotton. 6c a doxen. Tracing Wheels, 2c Madonna Cotton. 2o a balL 1 Invlaibls Hair Pins.

4 papers for lc Waving Pins, 4c a doaea. 'i West Alois. AT THE TOILET COUNTER Bailey's 16c Talcum Pow QC Progress Complexion rl. regular price, 10c, for Large bottle of Petroleum Jelly for Plat bottle ot WRch Haxel Sflr for IU Pr. Scott's SI six Electric Hair Brushes, 89c.

Dr. Scott's H.S0 slxs Electric Hair; Brushes, S1.3S. Center Aisle. SHOES! 200 pairs Misses' Black Kid Button. Shoes, made of fine Vict kid, sixes ttVi to worth and UM, 0y Boys' Calf Laced Shoes, with round toes, extension "half double oak i soles, steel circles heels.

CI Cil sixes lo 5V4. worth forH'aOy Infants'' Button Shoes. In blick. and wine colore, a broken OAc lot. worth up to 75c.

Rear Main Floor. Kesr Mel. Floor ZEPHYR QINQHAMS Standard goods, dress styles, reg ularly sold at 10c a' yard, to pieces, one whole case; while they last, on the center bargain table, C3C CenUr Alslel B0Y5' CLOTHING, School Pants, doubU sear and knees; mothers all Jknow them. sw Ail Wool Suits, with, double seats and knees In panes; spe qq clal at Good. Percale Shirt Waists.

with Byron Coif Cap. aS colors, choice for wsaess Second In Laces a to i incnea wide and worth Csntsr Alala DOMESTICS i A 30 jards iot Sl.Ob Bleached Mualm ft Snlna enit for ryniK yard. gp tntl. Bleached Off Sheets, special Saturday OOC FXANN ELS Craam' DbmetOT Flannel, special a yard Dark Outing Flannels worth 7c and so a yard. Cream embroidered' Flannels, IS Inches wide, handsome de.

A signs, worth 0c a yard. for.TOC The balance of the all wool Flan, nel Skirts that were 73c and Kn. Sc. 'for BLANKET 3 10 4 White or Gray 1 pair, for 0C Ruffled Silkalins Comforts, for children's beds. worth Sac, fjOg Whits Crochet Spreads.

MactsUles pattern, hemmed and ready for use. SL25 quality Good Cotton Batting, a Ar roil A complete line of Feather Pillows at IL10 a pair and up. Basement 5P0RTINa OOODS U. 8. Cyclometers, 10.000 mlisui, regular 'price, LM; to mox row Veeder Cyclometers.

10,000 miles, regular price. 11.73.. Qc5c gV' double stroke Bicycle fB. for aV Whltetey Exercisers for 69c 79c Bicycle Lamps for. New Basement 15o can ready made Paint, 1 Ho aU colors 10c Big 4 Tack Claw Monarch Hatchets, superior AQr quality, for 6c box Toothpicks for 15 Towel Anna, prong and 49c quart Stew Kettles I9c D.hPan..l7cf 49 59c 100 lb.

Japanned Flour Bla. 07r. regular price, ILZ for VC 9r Granita Water Pails, Cn. duart, for New Basement' Specials Git. Roses, all fresh, a dorerjOo Extra long stem Ecses, a d6t 03s i Eas GOODS CO.

BHsffsI Allasioau (CSlcago Reoordl "TCIttyis suca a hapsy "Shs thinks her husband is Jealous every man she knowa" A Point te Coaslder. (Chicago Recrd. Wouldn't you be. glad to know Vo had desnded from a kinrr "Not unless I eouOd pick put the king CASTOR Tor Infiats and Chili OURyRED CARD SALE OF Housefurnishing Goods will go oat today with the blggestr feast of bargains yet Here they arc: vr 29c Just 75 dozen Brooms St. 80c Willow Clothes Baskets.

Turner's Family Soap 18 bars for 25c S0c Wood Fiber Water Pails. 5 er 10C Dust Pans for 10c Burs Cut Can Opener tie forged steel Screw Driver or 5c 20c Saw edge Bread Knives. 5c 10c Whisk Brooms 20c Maple Wood Chopping 10c Bowls Flower Hyacinths, In 13c Cut Tulips, all colors, a dozen 39c 39P PETTIS DRY 'afwuyv a. Great (SaUirday Rviw.J Salomon Caesar Malan habitually coo with his children In Latin, but his death bed. when Solomon, his son, began tb recite a psalm In the famiaar Vulgate of hi youth, the dying man.

scholar to the last muttered. "Jion lta. lta! so the son repeated in Hebrew. He could, for that matter, just as well have said it to Coptic or Chinese, for to turn all tongues came naturally. At eighteen he could write In thirteen languages, Oriental and European, and among his published works we fihd translation from the Arable, Persian, Syria Ethiopia, Coptic; ArroeS cianrriao.

IfoneoL Chinese. Korean Japanese. Greek. Russian. Welsh and Gothic.

He is said to have learned peak Armenian fluently In jTortnight and he preached In Georgian to a Oeorgiaa congregation la the Cathedra) 5 klS IJt MaaBaHal.

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