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The Evening Post from New York, New York • Page 3

The Evening Posti
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

19 la) is IM 8 It 100 96 to 75 'A to JB to CO 21 JO 1 10 SI 10 60 0 SO fiO in B) CI a luo 10 3U0 GO Ml Set 7 1 IJ I6J COJLUEUCIAL. do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do LATEST DATES WALL STREET. SeJee a Iks llMk BukuiPi 19 400 altar TJulted Stsxes Bsnk IA do, Del A Uudsoo do do do do do do do, do do i30d do "S3 cash IB do CUB icj. do dO SI6.IS b3L'd do do Cn tie do (jp do da do di do do ou do BtOda do Fhenia Bmk do River Bank do A Trust ath do do ilo do do do do do li do do do do do du 4. do do do' do du da do do do do do do )) as 10d do a la do do do do do blOde uo no, do do do tki in, la Dry Dock 10 ds do do iSOl do 60 ii do do do do da ilo do do do do do DuimlRCo HJ Utl.

atouington do do. 30dS do b4 da a 30 da 10 da do. do do do do New Jry. do do boll da CI 4 1 tW 62 61 63 ar 61 61 60 U' 77 77 5 77 83 3 47 27 'P 5 271 a 27 S7J 60 60 64 64 63 viva 21 S3 2 arii iw zi 84 7 Tha alack market waa Tory animated to dsy.4ut pi I ea generally were redused at Ilia cloaa. Balled Stales Dank all for tuna bargains per eenL and great eagerness exhlbked la aall even at one per cent uoder tbe caah pricea lo ba dalif arad la AAeea daa.

Norib American Truat ad aaead little and fell back to the old ratea the change In osber Mot not worth noticlo(. Etchings oa 97a96 Baltimore 9Si964, Ttela af ItMki at PfallaicUlpaUa. Eept. IS. inn Wilmington R.

4'a. 1314 9t JI2 Caindea aal AuiboT Uonda. lUDUhighB'a, lla 67 A7 anaToaVj i Uiiik 631 do Commercial Hank 641 7 do pBUad. Wauiingtoa Bait 43j Prparid fat ikt Evening Pott. Rarlaw mt tka Haw York Market.

fob rai waaa iMttma iimnn I9ih, ISI0. Aaaaa Tha demand for Pota la moderate for ejporla Uou, wua a am ill roek la market; aalea at 65. Pearla are Wanted for 230 bbla ao at 95 75. naiawax aWee have been made of about 3J0O Iba South' em Yellow at 24 cte. cub.

Cottob The utarkat haa remained without material at laralloa. Iu the early part of the week the demand waa eery limited, and confined io wants for home tiae. The aowe by the Br tileh Queen, though conaidered rather fa vorable, did not produce any great eliange. Holder ai Ana at hat ptteea, and tbe stock quite reduced. Tbe talee eubraca bales Upland and Florida.

CaBBLse The eupply of fperm la eery limited, and Nantucket baa adraneed US eta. and New Bedford la3, the I'jnaar are wot lb 39 and the latter 40 eta. Coal Tha market la well aupnlied with all desertions, end holders of Kerpool are edrancing their pretensions. Hales bate been moa. and Sidney at (6,4 moa The other descriptions are eetling within the range of our quotations.

(Jccoa Aa Insoles of 100 bags Guayrquill sold at 7 els. less 2 per ernt for eaab. Coma The market la well auaialned and aalea hate been made of 800 baa Brasil at 10JallCUi; 35JdoLaguira at ll 260 Cuba IPg; 540 do Old Oovorumont Java at lSalTJ, all 4 tone; and tOuO St Domingo .9 caah. Daoee abb Draa. The aalaa include 6 caaka Canllie ridteet76eenta 12 cases 1 Rhubarb, 91 20 some prime fresh Turkey Opium, 2 87 15 eaaka Ombro Mad der, 11 fOO oa Fiencb Ihitphate Quinine, 2 671,8 cuks Sad Argala.lO 35U) bbla Biahroinate Polaab, i3g anil OUOO do Pruaatata Potash, 3H all 6 moa; 60 cases Sicily Liquorice Pasta, 11, abort lime 7 bla Para Balaam Capirl 20 do Refined Cauiphor, 91 ar1 3J baakete prime Para Annato, for export, on tense not made public.

Dre Woods The atock in market haa become consider ably reduced, and aalea are moderate without change In Th aalea embrace SO tone Maraeaibo Fusue st IS, and 40 loos Be Domingo Logwood at tX, equal to 4 tooths. Ones There is good demand lor Bail Cloth, which earce. flalee of Duutty Bruagina at 19 cts, snd Jojao do Hi Raecns are soil within our ejuoutions. Demesne CocDe The market la without much change, oitlier ladauiandor rates, though fur tho week there haa tieen leae inquiry for cotton goods. leva abb Meat The market wears about the sane apect that it did at eur but review.

The aalee have been mostly confined to the city use end the supilrs required lor Ilie Eauera market, the detnind for export having eeaerd aoioe time elnce, and Ilia news by Die eteam thin being euiplcioua ti the harvest, I willeonrlnueto bemod a rate for soma time. The recelita have been qnlle moder ate, wilch haa bad a tending to sustain the prices, though boim daacrlptiooa have rather a downward movement Oenaaee cotnuwa and good Ohio and Michigan, round and fiat hooped, 91 91 a 94 94, and yeatarday buyer oflered but 94 76 for some brand. Southern la rather ecaree in market and firmly bold; IIow. anl aad Georgetown at 93 SO a 91 63. Rye Flour is In de ananJ at 93 l'4 93 25.

Corn Mi al in bbla. 93 12, In pun. ehaeoa it la ecaree and hold at an advance on quotation. Frsar There have been rxtenaive sales of all the Mackerel afloit aomiitOOO quiuuls of the former at 9 4 76, and Ilia latter No at 913 SUalS Si No 2. 10 60 10 and No 3, 9 CO.

The demand contlnuea lair, aad the maaliarel are all out of first hands. Shad and aw Rested Herring are scarce snd in request 1000 boxes el the latter Bold at 75 eta. GaaiB Tbe aulee of Wheat embrace onocr twj parcels Onto at 91 n' aeeat91 ijal 10, aaoslly (or export lo the Britten Provinces, la now offer ad freely at the latter rate. Northern Rya eomea In aloarly and Is In goo I demand for distilling, at 6091., delivered. Oats sis about the seme, with the exception of Southern, which bave become ecaree.

We qutMo Northern 3340 Jerssy 3UB33, and ouihern 25a23 aad 30 i on'e. Bou.hern Cent has beea rather ecaree, but ie now cowing ia more Reety. The ealee bate beea mostly lor tbe Eastern mar kat at 67a5S ceota for Mar, land, Virginia end Delaware, measure, and OOeeota weight, eaalk Northern and Joisey are aelbng raoderaioly 6940 eu, weight, llaarr Tbete have beea arrivala of Ruuia since our lest, threat, aad tbe stock sa market baa beea considerably increased, though we have beaid of no sales of this tie' ecrlptioa. Of Miailla 109 bales was disposed of at 9150, 3 per cent ksaa for caah aod 209 do Bombay. 9130.6 Isbiso There Is a tile more enluwiioo in the market end prices have advanced.

We ootice Bales of 29 cases MamUa at 7087, and aome at 91 fi do Bengal at 85, and tO oeruoBaCanceaa at 90al 27. La Owing to Iba large advance made by holders, (he market haa remained eery lueclive, and we are w.thout ealee to aotlce. Naval Broaas Tbe market Mill eoBtlauae mactive. The oaly aalee we aotlce are 3B0U bbla North County Turpeo tine el 92 25, cash, for export. We have beard of no Iran.

eaetsoBS la tbe other description, which ate dull at former prices. Paonaioas There is no particular change In the mar ket, Tnedeutand for Beef and Pork, coo'lnuea steady for set.s al ekqr ue. Tbe stock In market le light, but the sea bob or aew packed being al hand, provision remain wit bout any ehange. Lard, llama, Ac. are going off quite freely at but rales.

Prime ie selling at 15 a IS. aud com' mow at 8 10. Cheese is dull. Plaitsb Pajus This article ie dull; sales by tbe cargo base beea made at 91 62 cash. Riob Tbe supply In market is aow quite abundant and aalee rather dull.

They Include about 200 caaka at 93 a3 75, ah, part for ex port. Saturday Suiwlay Tallow Foreign is oat of the market. Bmill aalee of alty reodared have beea made al 9al cts, per lb. TeaAoca IIolders are a liule more firm ea the stock do ereaaee ia soarkst The ealee Include 57 hhds Kentucky, sariou qualities to a dealer at 7J cts 50 do prime lOj.4.1 da merchantable andonmerchautable ai 7 and 49 do good and prime al talOl tbe usual time, and 30 bales Cuba 17 ets.4 moa. Tut A lot ef 300 slabs Bsnea was Bold previous to ar rival est lerme ant traaepired WBALSBOBS The tranaacOona embrace amiUrarceUfor maauBaeturioi al 20 cts.

cash, snd 15,000 lbs for expert a meta. Wool The market la very Inactive, though for Ameri. eaa fleece there le 1MU more kiquiry and an advance of 2 4 otshas beea obtained, rolled baa improved an no ehange eat quotations to eonfona to the proaeol market raiM. Rust An Invoice of IS casks la sheet was disposed of et7ieta. 90 days.

PARMENGBRR. la tbe ante Gen Park bill, from Llverpeot dsns of Pnlladslphia, John Jobasoa xaiss hsitu aad MS Oeorg 0 ofCulombai; Uliam riswmg, aad 170 ia tliesteer wulu In th hr Uary Kiog froui Bt Croix i Mr Thorn aadJTedd. tn the ship Oconee, from Bristol A Philips, II Parria, naywwru, ami ID BieerBge. W. MARRIED I ltihmstant, by the Rev.

John Marvin, JOHN PE1RCE, Em. of Brooklyn. Mass ANN CLEAVES, daughter of David Cleaves, Esq. m( th former pawe. Ailtoothbrfclge, "Isas.

ea the 16th Inst, MANNING IAOHAKU, meroneni, oi sisoisoo. lod. lo Miss MARY risRRR, osagstarol K. D. Aauaidon, Esq.

ef the sinner place. 't dud; A Oa FrVlay afteraooa. Oapl LEWIS MOORE, la tha 48th eanref hlssge ui ai iseioei, 9 Tit frotBlke rsaidenee of his fcthsr, at Hsckeaaaeb, N.J, at RfwaklyB.oa Friday, lathe. THOMAS PaNNINO, taVefiBSITIiomneP Rlehards, agsd II months Fm from Rsmeen street, 64 Irani Rick St ar MARINE LIST. PORT OF NEW YORK.

SEPTEMBER 19. ccrrkamsa riaea. I sub sets. I mga wai. 65 6 67 233 4 0 PACKETS TO ARRIVE.

Liverpool. Oxford, Bathbooe, Aug 19 Patrick Bristol. Great Weetern, Uoskins Sept 12 London. Philadelphia, Morganng 20 1 Samson, Havre ergnndj Unas. 8 Puehe see cTOrlesns.

ept IS CLEARED TUU DAY. Phlp Gladistor, Button, VmAtm, Crrnnsll, Mini urn A Co; sehsover.EIHs, Uall, Tap rm.wiuwva., viciona, Bogert, avtenmona. ARRIVED TUIS FORENOON. Bhio Oeeeieav Knl.hi ai H. nnni vn wiit, nm tr rcott Morrell.

lmh inst. off South Hampton, a.w ehip u.aiasK, uence or ruvre Bria CaniuA. rf. fn. I with nlaatAr tn Breft Vois 0ch Vaallnren.

Allpn IS H. An I iil with nUater lo Brett stVoea Bch Exit. Murphy, 3 dsfm Virginia, whh wood. Bch Ann Eluialieiii. MiUlhewa.

2 da Un Folly Landinz. Willi Coin. neb Provilence, ds fat FoDy Landing, wl corn. Hcb Joseph Mar.b, Poland, 5 days from at. ech Doctor, Jones, 3 dsfm Berlin, wnb corn.

BELOW OosUrqoeaod2brige. HAILED 8btos AnxeBaoe. Amsterdam; Bragansa, South America; ana ottiera. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. SbiD Gen Patkbill.

Hovt. L'dooI. Aug 13, with mdxe le Bolbruok, Nelaon A Co. ttrig Ij Staxion. tlarvey, ia aaye lia jonna, rn, wua ufirio Mason AsTbompaon Left acb Boston, Jenkins, for NYork, unc.

Sch Henry ef PhOad ISds fra8lCrix. Wast End. with aiiear aud rum to Deforest A Ce. Lett acb Sejitcmoer, Burgees, for York next day; brig Pa nw ti, uu in iu. b.

Aialiama.8oule.7dsfmBelheI.NC. with naval stores ion vtsruig at aon. feh Swao, Wheeler, (days fm Newborn, NC, with naval stores lo Brown. Potter A Co. Barge Micliixan, Allen, lin Phi ad.

via canal, with mdxe lo iiumson at mice. i MEMORANDA. To Masissbs IJuht Houses Renreaentstlons liavins been made io the Admiralty of tfce danger, in tbe winter seaaon. of muiakint some of the Uthl llouaea on this eiaat. In lhir Inrn iiilefl nu'irelv white.

acouununicalUin oo tha subject luurecently been received rum Hi colonial minister and in compliance wnn me aug geaiioua Ibereio matte, the 1 gbt house oo Pariridie Idand at i be entrance of tliia harbor, haa been painted while aud red, vertical on each alternate angle those at Point Le preauxaudQuaco are to bn painted with the eame colore in honS'Wiai atripca; and the Gaiinet Roek and St Jubn Baeoo Iwlit Iwaaea, oUc and while, vertical we ueuevs tne color of some of tha Urhi houses in Nova Scotia ate aUo to be changed St Johna (N B) Courier. PHILADELPHIA, Sept 18 Ar scb Maryland, Gartoe, Norioik. Sepl 17 Ar ship Cores, Jackson, fmStUbor, sch Cur. reney. Urav.

II ililax, N4 nilLTIMOKR Hem IS Ar shin Beaman. Niekersnn. fm Ivica ami Gibraltar. Left atlvica2d, brig Geo Manon, of Maine, for ,4 York, next day. Bremen bare Minerva, Debarde, fin Bremen; brig Pavil lion.

Aiwe l. NYork. NORFOLK, rept IS Ar sch Richard, Baker, Boston, boil to Richmond CHARLKKTON. tept 16 Ar brig Moses, Loveland.Nsw York; sch Eagle. Osborne, do; Eolian, Means, Gouaivea, 15 ds, bound to York, short of provisions aud water, and damage of sails.

In the Oittmg Ship Thomas IUlsey, fa Liverpool AtQuajaoiioe acb Osceola, Arnold, (bus Townsend) fmAttakaoae.La.36ds. la diadrete. bound to New York, bva oak, lo the master, abort of provisions, wster sud crew. ALEXANDRIA. Sept 15 Ar ehip Mary Frantia, John eoo, NYork RICHMOND, Sept 14 Ar Leontine, Bell, Vork.

PALEM, Sept 16 Ar acb Ann, Georgetown, DC; Victoria. NYork; Faiifield, do. BOSTON, Sept 10 Ar bark Moscow, Low, Sumatra, A pni ron lyjuia, isie oi ranee, june ii. Bi ig Au fubon, Ilieckling, Cape Coast, Africa, July 24, in bsllsHt. Left no Am vessel on the coast.

Was boarded July 20, from Br gun brig I ynx.wbo reported tint she had captured two daya suspicion of beinx a alaver, Am brut Portland from Havana with 911) doub loons and a full cargo. SchOetavia.Wliite, of Orleans, I had baen taken on of being a alaver, and sent to Sierra Leon. Sept 17 Ar aliip Charles Carrol, Grazer, Newcastle, 11th 6th inat on Grand ink, foil in the wreck of a vessel, apparently a brig, full of water, man gine. lumber loaded, green bottom, ualuled green Inside, while streak around ner. billet head, iron bodstav.

hixh deckveaaeL name cou be seen but not made out, two last iettors ap peared iu be ii PllO V1DENCB, Sept Ar tkop Hope, Pitman, New HARTFORD, eept 16 Arr sloop Amerlcr, Bbalar, New York. UilD, a gentleman to take an intereat in a large saw mills iu a mnidlT imorov na 1 xraxing Farm and I and part nf PentisyKania To a person with six oi seven thousand dollar, seven percent will be guaranteed, and the most unquestionable security for the safety of the investment. For further particulars, a note sddresscd to G. W. csre of C.

ec A. Warner, Engineera, No 3 Wall at. will meet with attention. AuA9IK BKACLARD sV CO. respectfully in IT1 forms ihe ladies ol New York, snd its vicinity, that iheir fall rpeninj of Paris Milcnary and Fancy wda, will take place on THURSDAY, the 21th buL at No.

93 Chambers sl93i llL.L15ilLRY. MUSS C. LAWSON at MiaaThonipeonAI'o )No. 18 Park Place. CO.

will onen Pari Millinery on THURSDAY next. Sent. SMih. in addition to their usual assortment French quilled Capotes aod One ra Hoods. sl9 4trd aHIP OCONEE, FROM is now discuarging ii at Pineatreet wharf.

Iin.igneea will please send their permit to the office of Ihe subscribers, as all goods permitted in five days will unavoidably be sent to the public atorea. I9 SCOTT A MORRELL, 63 South st. Quercitron Bark, in good shipntni order, for sale by si9 S. II. PAYNTCR, .1 2 Water rt.

tilSKHAT SKIN 710 Muskrst Skins, for sale by 111 al9 S. ft. PAYNTEB, 52 Water st. tt 'HITE BRANDY. Superior Freueli White Brawly, liir preserving fru Jun received and lor sais uy s'9 TRf OLASSaS 19 11 litis iTA si sl9 sale by pah renauu a 30 Pine street.

Sugar House Molasses, for MOSES TAYLOR, 44 South st C'ILK VELVETS 4 eases black and blue Silk K3 Velvets, lor sale by I9 clEULRT A STRULLER. Piatt street, up stairs. FsaJEW FALL UHY GOODS ROBERT W. OG i. UEN tSiiccrssnr to Fountain) invites the ci La.

dies and oth era lr an elimination efhis present stock of seosonsbls Dry Goods, which const it in pari of the follow ing Una ea'e tlamaak BguredHatina One do rich striped do One de apteoahd style of silk One do Facon Rapps. in rich dark and light colors tine do Embroidered Rapps, the preaent Paris fashion Cast ol Wiks.of variou km, all color, low priced Ten Cariuia damask Silk and plain SbwU, 4 4 to 9 4 targe One case ef Pari needle work, containing tha newest siispcsof collars, cspes, culls, embroidered pocket handkerchiefs, Ao. Several ease Mouseline de Lilne, low prxed, oriental designs Do do extra rich Paris quality, rich Plaids, Ac Case French Calicos, rich dark (rounds. cbintx coots Do ilo hai.daome style, per yard ALSO Merino Clotbs.of all euadea: mateiiala for cloak: Thibet and Caahinere Miawls. Bombasines, Chulhes, fancy ll, it ia, ate stc.

mostui tne auovs nave Deenputcnased at auction under ihe most favorable ciicuiustanc or lisre been selected in Paris exprewly for this city trade, and will oe ouereu at luouerate pi ices, st ut tiKUAUWAH.aiijoinmgthe s19 American Hotel. fllO BOt'TUKHM AND WESTERN HER. M. CHANTS The undersigned have iuat opened aline aasoruiienl of single and double barrel! Gunaol all de scription; runt and rereuasoin Hiues, various patierns, pnnoitMtly of Caswell's make, which they will seil less than the tost of manufacture, together with a large assort ment oi nstois oi au ainns, enesp lor eaan. uall sod see A eriLS as CU.

21S Pearl tv opposit i Plati tt TW0 SPORTSMEN. We have just opened a fine A lutof singe and double barrelled Gun, of all detcrip tiuna A lao. Powder Flasks, Shot Pouches, Game Baza. aineie and double Shot Belts, Percussion Cap, Cones, together with every article in gun repairing line, which they will aek very low. A.W SPIES A CO.

i 'aisrean st. opposite riatt st. (COOPER'S NAVAL HISTORY. History of ine Navy of tbe United Suttee of America, by Fennim we Cooper Second edition, with corrections. vols.

Svo. ckitii. Just published sud tor sale by LINEN A FENNELL, 229 Broadway, American Hotel. Where may also be had the Novels end Talea bv the same author, tn variona style of binding. sl9 LAWS OF LTIULE 1 TE, or 1 ules a rett lor conduct In st cieir.

bv a xentleman. A amall Docket volume, a work of which many thousands have been enld. uiqueue ror tne lames tin ninla on tlis preservation, improvement snd display of female beauty, fur sale by Mnii.i m. rannLij.v nroaiiwsy, sl9 American HoteL IN CHANCERY. BeroBB thb Vies Cbabcbllob of tbt FutST Cucvrr.

James 31. an 1 wile, 1 va John H. Murray and wife, and others. STATE OF NEW lo pursuance of a decretal order, entered in the above en titled cause, win oe aotu under tne direction of the undersigned, one of tbe masters of this court, at th auction room of Messrs.

Bleecker A Van Dyke, No. 13 Broad street, tha city of New York, on the twenty sixth day of September next, at 12 o'clock noon, 01 insi nay A I.L. that certain lor of ground, with the frame I FAT AMUSEMENTS, THIS EVENINO. iWl 10,1. arm ha, urbrnun.

Ihe Cam. edy of BORN TO GOOD LCCK Or, 4a IrUI nun'eFrirtnne. Paudcen OTUffeny.l'oaer Count Uield A Pas Arraline To which will be added the Faree of v. HOW TO PAY THE RENT. Mr Pow (Miller.

Mr PUcide awe Evening Enter ainmenta to roncjude with llilS HIUUI ABttUKK. TomCrinrle MrliiH Harry Halcyoo Hill Doors open at7 Performance commences at 7 o'clock. Priesa Boxes 91 Pit 50 ets Gallery 36 eerrrs. BOWERY THKATRK TUU EVENING, Sept. 19th, will he performed, the moral Tragedy of GEORGE BARNWELL I Or.

The Loadou Merchant. Whh tbe atfdctiug Execution Soeneas originally performed. George Millwood, Mrs Herring To conclude with YANKEES IN CHI NA Or, a Unioo of the Fhus. ZeksPike Mr ite Princess Miss BeR Big. HERVIO NANO, the extraoadiary Metempsycao sine Actor, is engaged for a limited number of niguis, and will appear oa Monday.

Door open at 7 Curtain rie at 7, o'clock. Pi lees of Admlsaioo: Boxes 75 eta Gallery 2S. fNASSI.MKH.iv8 AND VE6TINGdofthe moat desire Ola styles and paitems. for sale by sI8 WILSON Q. HUNT NOYE, 464 Pesrl at NIBLO'fS OtUDEOi.

9ATCRUAY EVENING September Khh. Great Attractioo I The Evening's Entertainment wiii commence with an uverture. After which, the admired Pantomime of the WOODCUTTER! Or, Le Soldat Par Amour MO.TS Ravel Ravel Jerome Ravel Janitta MieaKerr After which. Mad. Prorhe Gnibeiil will dance the ririinnm i To conclude with the splendid comic Ballet Pantomime entitled THIS CONJURER'S GIFT or, The Magic Pills Arranaed bv M.

Jemme RaveL Don Panchio. a rich Jerome Ravel Elvina, daujbier ol Don Panchio." Mad Giubilei During the Pantomime, a Spanish Paa de Deux, by Mad. Giubilei and Gabriel RaveL Door open at 6g Entertainment to commence at 1 ciocE. i icaeta au centa. rgI VOLl GARDES AND Richmond Hill,) corner of Varick end Chariton ats.

ldrThe ProprleturB have great pleasure ia announcing to Hie public that, in compliance with Ihe wishes of several highly respectable families, they have made arrangements for producing another series of SACRED CONCERTS! The first Grand Sacred Concert will lake place on Bundy Evening, Sept. 20. t640. Tne following eminent talent Iseneaged: MrsGibbs, Miss Thornton, Mi singleton, Miss Taylor, Messrs Thornton, Palmer Knott, Bennett, Kavaanagh, Bee, Ac A good Orchestra ia engaged to give effect to these Stered Concerts. tt The audience ie particularly reduested not to applaud.

Admittance Zd rants to Mmmane al half nasi seven O. clock. 19 COLONADS G1UDEK, MONDAY EVENING, Sept 21st LAST GRAND MIUTARY AND CIVIC BALL for the season. Tickets 50 cents, to admit a gentleman and two Isdies. Fulton Ferry Rials run all nlxht Passage 3 centa.

On Tuesday Evening, Miss RANDOLPH'S third appear ance. Ojr NKW'YORKEBS, Look out Sharply for Bellingers' Opposition Line of anges, starting from the corner of tne Bowery and Bayard street, almost every hour in the day. If this line is neglecte or Buffered to go down, the monopoly will Sweeton your Coffee so that it will stay aweeiened. Business men and land holders took closely to your intereat The fare can and will be kept down, if you adhere firmly and truly to Kellinner. Look to the miserable condition of the track aod tbe locomotive.

There's know humbugery lo this line. Know sitvertising io run for Yi cents, snd daily end hourly charging 184, thereby deceiving hundreda. and most grossly insulting them when spoken toon the subject of Ibis swiodiing system. Ira IO WROUGHT ANUCAST IRON WORKS 1 lie subscriber bavins perfected bia machinery and hav ing in his employ firs1, rate mechanics, for the uianutac ture and completion olth' iron work for the new Custom I House un which he denes cmoueiinna lis prepared to exe cute orders for all kindeof Iron Work with neatness and despatch. Southern orders soMnered with promptness.

CASTINGS, tarce or ainall, oi he best miterialand work manehip, made at short notice, and all of the above at the lowest market price. JOHN G. THIBET, 199 aad 201 Grandst tO CARD The are prepared to make contracts tor turnisumg any quantity ot uemiocK raving Blocks, to he delivered at any ol the sea port towna in I he United states. KIRK JOHNSTON. 137 Front st rOr B.

DEL A PIER RR, IMPORTER and MA NUFACTURER OF MILITARY ORNAMENTS AND FANCY ARTICLES for Theatrical and other decorations, Hearse Ac and Embroiderer in GOLD and SILVER. 90 Fultou and 25 Howard street, begs leave to inform bis customers and the public, that he l. well prepared to furoiBb foods iu the above line, of the best kind and workmanship. LPAULETI'ES repaired, or altered to correspond with the present annvresulaiiou. Army regulation TARSALS put to MILITARY tiAslifc of the old pattern.

B. D. receives flora the WAR snd NAVY DEPARTMENTS, at Washington, drafts of all new regulations of EMBROIDERY for UNIFORMS, as soon aa adopted. Bonnet wire for sale. Kir FIRS INSURANCE BY THE jKINA INbll RANCB COMPANY OF HARTFORD.

This Company continuesto insure against lessor damage by fire on build ins, manufactories and meicliandtze in general, in the City of New York and its vicinity. Application may be made to the subsi is duly appointed Axontlbr this City, with full power to receive proposals aod issue policies and renewals A. G. HAZARD, Agent, Office 67 all, corner Water street SlPhlHlOll 2IIFACTLIU.E. A(J KNOWIDGED SUPERIORITY Leuera patent have noen granieu m.

t.ins nr tne various combined improvements in Chairs, of which the following peculiarities are tbe most prominent, viz metallic eniisuuciion, graceful contour, revolving seat 00 new principles, balauc; seat entirely new, siing flexible back entirely new, with a va riety of other convenieu'es, which give this cbsir its prominent position with ladies aod gentlemen of diseriinina lion A trial more in its favor than any advertisement can, there fore a reaped fill itivitllion is given to the intelligent community lo satisfy theinse ve by an examination at tbe war bouse 4J5 Broadway, corner of Howard street. New York. air29 CO LINCOLN'S FASHION ABLE TAIlRINGES TABUSHMENT, 1G4 Broadway, second floor. H. LINCOLN invites his friends and the public to examine a ehoUe assortment of black, blue and fancy wool dy ed Broad Cloths, Cassuneres, Vestings, vc.

that by patronizing him they will realize their utmost wishes in point of economy and excellence of manufacture. jvO U.B FLIIUIl OIL CLOTH MANUFACTORY. UNDERH1LL. ELLSWORTH A Manufacturers, have a quantity of Floor Oil Cloth, in good order, of the best quality and must fashionable patterns, ready for the market. Dealereio the above articles wishing to purchase, or to have orders executed, are recreated to call at their office.

No. 41 Fulton street, Brooklyn, and examine the quality ol tiieclof s. jelfim OO J. WELLER'S NEW ICE CREAM SALOON. The subscriber respectfully informs bis customers, that he has fitted up that commodious store 236 isroauway, 2d door above reaie's meaeuin, wnere he wilt serve bis superior Creama and Ices, in French sty le The saloon is delightfully cool and pleasant, and having made ai ranzements to furnish ail the novel articles in this busi ness, he trusts to merit a cmtinuance of list patronage which haa hitherto been so liberady extended towaids him JOHN WELLER, 256 563 Broadway.

Orders received at either store. jy7 3m PAPER HANGINGS, BORDERS, tc PARES A Fa YE, No. 379 Pearl street, offer to the trade snd others, on terms ofgreat reduction, the tnst extensive a sort men of ihe newe patterns and style of gold and stiver, velvet and satin French Paper Hinging, Borders, Ftre boer i rrini i. views, statues, ueiungs. ate Also, American Satin, and common paper from the most eminent mauufactoriea, at the lowest uianufactorer's prices.

Merc Dalits snd ottiera iroin all pirts ol thecouotry are eur nesry solicited to cau ana examine ror memseives. siiaicodislin P4RFS A FAYE, 379 Pearl St. BLANKETS, QUILTS A COUNTER PA NK8 r. A LANE, have on hand, and are constantly recervinga large supply of Rose Blankeu. Marseilles guilts and knotted Couuteipanea.

aioone which are 8 4 and 9 4 Penh Blankets, roed. 4auu4 do do, striped ends, 104 snd 1 1 4 single bed, do, rosed, 124 and 134 double do do 104 and 13.4 super ribbon bound do 84 snd 6 4 berth Counterpanes I04tol34 bed do 8 4 to 134 colored do 10 4 to 13 4 Marseilles Quilts, Together with full assortment of Roae Blankets, Linen Sheetings, Towelling Diapers, Table Linen, Shirting Linen, Ac. for hotels, ships and family nae, for sale low at whole saleor retail, at 11 and 18 Maiden Lane. TINHORN'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF COPAtUA M. AND SARSAPARILLA, a certain, safe, and most effectual remedy ever discovered for all sexual diseases.

Trie compound extract of Copaiba and Sarsrparilla posse see a few advantages not enjoyed by any other medicine tor the cure 01 tne above a isomers, ana wntcn must with sn enlightened public, render it assuredly highly popular, and a desideratum long Bought for in the medical world. It needs no confinement or change of diet, lo its approved form, that of a paste, it is emiro ly tasteless, and cause so unplessant sensation to thepatienL Prepared by Thorn, Chemlvr, London for sale by JAS. TAURANT, 264 Greenwich, eor Warren sL "rJ Kw ANU VALUABLE bOOKS FROM LONDON This day received and for sie by D. APPLETON A CO at their Literary Emporiu Broadway Tbe History 01 uie university 01 or wait ham Abbey, with the appeal of lojured innocence, by Thomas Fuller, D.D. author of the worthies of England, Chinch History, Ac A new edition, with Notes by James Nichols, Esq maps.

plates, see. complete, in 1 vol, bvo. Specifications for Practical Architecture, preceded by an essay on tbe decline of excellence ia the structure, and in a science of modern English huiUings, with the proposals for remedies in those defects by A fred Ar ehiteel.illttatraled with one hundred engravings on wood, complete in 1 vol 8vo. sis To be continued IEW VOLUME OF THE FAMILY LIBRARY I tlH.1 eon, known aaNn. 145 Chapel street, wtuate.

lying I Is TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST, a Personal ai anu Lrina inv ruin uiq vhj ot new xork. bounded wextsrly In front by Cbapel street aforrsaid, containing in breadth in front and rear leet, and in depth on each parallel with White street 20 feet, inure or less; said lot commencing al a point 60 feet distant from the northeasterly corner of White and Chapel streets, and running theore northerly along Cbpel street 2a feet, btbe property noworlsieof'iideon fucker. Dated Now York, Auut 13th, A. D. DANIEL CLLMAN, sul3law6w Master In Ct.sncerv TUK STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, ixstos lonrrr.

Hugh Rngsrs, by his agent Davl nsyueo. lllHOLESALK ividj va. i Atiashment for 63500. Hnrse Cole. 1 NAT OTIC to hereby given, that the above attachment Is wa issued at lite earl of the sal Plaintiff, against tbe said Defendant aa an absent debtor for the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars, and has beea returned to lliiaomee duly executed, end ie now pending and uadeter miued in the Circuit Court of Winston County, state of Mississippi, snd thst unless the said Defendant shall appear on or before the third Monday after the fourth Monday of October, 1810, tetag the first day of tae Circuit Court, for the County aforesaid, special bad aid plead jutlgmeuL will be entered sgaiost him snd the property attached will be sokl to satisfy the PlaimifPs dementi.

itnesB, Uie cterx ol said Court, this 1st dav of WW JAMES PHAQAN, Clerk. lavrew A UE All's BTKEK4.TUENINU PLAa TEH. Pre narv for pains sud wanknn in ih. breast, bsck or liuibs also for the gout, rheumatism, river complaint, and dyspepsia I and for pleasantnews safety esse end certainly, are decidedly superior to most other remedies Such persons, whose busiuesBoravocationa require that they should stand or ait much, or Uioae of scden lai 7 twin too side or oreaat. are advised to try one of these beautiful plasters as they are essentially difleient from all others, snd are free from tbeohjecliona which ere sorrsannably are preparer aud soldat tub now tax sroRE, tl eni" 1 aw Bowery.

AND RETAIL LADIES FRKNCM SHOES STORK. P. LABOYTEAUX re Bpectfolry Informs his friends snd the public that he haa opened a store in tne grawie uuiiuiu, vmeuen sr. corocrof Broadway, where he will keep constantly on hand an asaortmeui of tua most Asliionaole arueles in his line, which he will make up in a very sopenoi style, sud oa the ausu reasonalile terms Along experience In the business enables him lo aaaert, that furuesines of workmanship n.l I 1. WIWIUWfHUaKU.II.

N.J PHIU I.U any the trad; and be begs to esssie the public that so A er ingerlng insjse, sa tne lam mertni EUAb I evidrevwrees iu pan shall be wanting to give satire aads faenen. Ti i jslf Narrative ll Life at sea: by Dana forming No. 106 of Ihe Family Library. Published this morning and for sale by A LANGLEY, Booksellers and Publishers, si 9 1 47 Chatham st. (COLERIDGE'S POETICAL WO UK.

8 Just published in 3 volu oc duodecimo, the Poetical Wi.rka ef the bite Sam'l Taylor Coleridge, Esq. author of Aids lo Refection, dec. For eale by el A LANGLEY, 67 Chslhsm at. GENFINE HARIBV OIL A GERMAN PILLS both genuine articles sre sonranil on band and for saiesi ibliuitwanubas rnarmacy, sl9 30 Broadway, corner Pearl at. From the Evening Star.

DE3TI8TRV. We said aomelhinga few nayapist on the important iiup'ovements in dentistry introdu ced by Mr.Leveu, of No 250 Broadway. At the request of a lady, aa ace.uaintance, we now call Ihe attention of our readers lotna louowmx tacts, as related ny ner to us: That being unsuccessiuUv treated bv other dentists, she was Induced from observing 0'ir remarks lo place herself under Mr. Levett's esi for a fu 11 and complete set of teeth, on his principle of atmospheric pressure. Be haa succeeded most sdmiraMy to her sansAerjon, and has com plstely restored to her sll the power sud advantage of her natural teeth These remaras are elicited entirely at her own req'Jeet, from a very high feeling of gratitude, and aa a rr hut to a very meritorious prulasstonal gentlemen, Man ding deservedly high in his calling, and tn every way worthy of public confidence.


tTBAB Pbarl, PbU'lUSII. Has on hand a etiersl assortment of Hardware and Cutlery fnrthe fall trade, which he hi coosrantiy replenishing from sne'tons and maouraciortea, ai very raw prices: TaMeCntlery Pocket Knives Scissors Razors ShoeKmrex Brsd do Butcher do 5 Iron Spoons Hemrmngs' Needles Hookssmi eyes Pearl Buttons Gilt do Combs Hrosiies Fatoey Arrtcles Looking Glasses Britannia do Tea Traya Ormim Silver ikT Door Liuhee ilo Klua and Screws Cheat Locke Pad do Trnnkdo i Filee BvlreToors 1 lvel AToogj irons i Morse Cm de Curry Combs nov uacansdea race i. nan CKysndCountrvMeichan' are generally invited to can and onmiiu, ariiu bi ourctiasing the tiri. ceaatwhieb tbe above stvki9 now offered, for cosh, make well worthy then aitnniK n. sis BLACK, CADEf.UlXEDOXl'OsU)aUXKDCAA SIMERES.

for sale by nM sl4 LAWRENCE Beaver st HlILIiIHE. SKIT Snuve VIA NORWICH AND WORCESTER RAILROATJ PARK THK ATR Last nifhi but Four of UK. I (From the POWER'S I Far through lollouarn Boat r.d ...5 U0 Deck and iorward 3 Worcester 4 Prvvideocs Rail RaadandBUg 4 The CHARTER OAS, CapUia RoatIikTHlS The BELLjfcatXBuCaitJ MONDAY So'clock. Paaaengere wul leave, oa the arrival ol tne uoww" at Notwich every morn nig, ia die splendid Cars al the Norwich aud Worcester Railroad Company, and proceed immediately to Boston, without change of Cara or ttag rrevghttakeauntage'c'ocB. N.

Ii. Provideoea nasaeoeers will lake the Bad Road Cars Irom Norwich la Kuimgley, thence. Wage lo Prov denee. Fare throuxh MIR For further taforauation inquire of A COR LIES. 263 Pearl at.

HARTFORD STKAJU BOAT I.INE. QsOL From Oie loot of Boekman atreet, E. R. FOR HARTFORD DIRECT. bebL.NB.tlt niLL.Trdaflornoon,at4o'eloclr.

The CLEOPATRA. Monday afieruooo. at 4 o'clock. Freight will not be received within one hourol departure. EAAG WCORLIES, 2a Pearl at, N.

B. AU persons are iorbid trusting any one oa so count of the above boats or owners. KKW YORK, ALBANi AAA) XROk STEAMBOAT LINE, FOR ALBANY. From the foot of Barclay street. 1 1..

ilmhir Qnmli. Mnmlti. alTo'cloCk. The NORTH AMERICA, jadsy Moraiugat 7o'clock. From the foot of Courtlandtetreet The DE WITT CLINTON, This afternoon at 8elock The SWALLOW.

To morrow alleioooo. at o'clock. NOTICE AUOooda, Freight, Baggage, Bank mils, Specie, or auy other kind of Property, taken, shipped, or put oa board the Boatsofthis line, must be at the risk of the twnersofsuch Goodsreight, Bjggage.etc PEOPLE'S LINK OF STEAMBOAT FOR ALbUNY AND TROY. Tbe aew and comraudioua Bteamuou IL TrgadaU, master, leaves the pier, between iouniamn auu 6 o'clock bATUK.UA berty oo Fur l'aaur nr ri.n, Iu CRUOKE. FOWKS, A ror rassase or reisnt auuiv to tiauuao, I T7 CO, cor.

West and Liberty' streets, la P. C. the Office, or the Cautainon board. N. B.

Ail kinds of Property taken only si the risk of the owners thereof. PEOPLE'S LINE OFS tKAMbOAlS FORALBANa AND TROl. The new and commodious steaiuoom I ER, A. P.St. John, master, leaves steam? boat pier, hetweeu Courtiandt and Liueuy AFTERNOON, al 6 o'clock.

Cnr n. frvivl.l. tn CROOKE. FOWKS A CO. corner ol West and Liberty sureeUof P.

C. BCUULTZ, at tbe oo board. N. B. All kind ol property, taken only at the risk of the owners tnereol.

FOR ALBAST. BWIFTSURE UNE O. FREIGHT BARGES. The steamboat ILLINOIS, aptau Comstock. leaves the loot of Cortiaodt ar.

THIS AFTERNOON, at 6 o'clock, with Hie treiglu barge Niasaba, from tbe loot of Broad street, lor Albany For freight or passage, apply on board orto A. VAN S'lCourllandlet. upmaira, FORCOXSACK.IE i. KIUDKUHOOK. LANDING AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES.

Caldwell', Cold Spring, Newburgh, Ponxhkeepsie, Kingston, BarrytowOt Red Hook, Briatol, Calakili. and Hudson The commodious steamboat NAPOLEON, I CapL J. W. Hancox, will leave tbe loot of Robinson street, New York every Tuesday, Thursday and Salurdav. at 5 clock.

P. M. Leave Kinderhook every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at half rust 4 o'clock. P. M.

Lauding on her pss saga up anil down at the foot ofllaiumondstieet. All kinds of freight taken to either of the above places, on tbe most reasonable terms. to For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board, or JUlin 1IAL.L, io oaruay wea. FOR HUDSON. The steamboat WES PCHE3TER, Cant 'F.

Taylor, will leave the foot of Liberty Mnndav. Weitnesdav and Fridav afternoon. at 5 o'clock Will leave Hudson, Tuesday, Thuriday and Sunday, at o'clock. For board. orto CROOK, FOWKES A CO.

au7 cor. of West and Liberty sis. FOR POUGHKEEPslE AjBnrj 03 Every day (Sunday excepted) landine at weal i omr, LOulDpnitz. 1311 i 1 1 kill Laudmx, New Hamburgh and Milton. The new and splendid steamboat (X 'E lLA.Cautain Ver dine Truest lell, will leave tbe foot of Cliaiubcra street, every afternoon, a excepted at 4 o'clock, commencing Tuesdav.

March Jlst. ItWtt Returninx will leave Poushkeeprie euery morning at 7 o'clock, or passage apply to (tie captam on board, or to M. A. D. R.

MARTIN, 114 West street N. B. All roods. fr iriH. bank bills, specie.

or other nron. erty taken on board thid Boatmust be at the risk of the own er Herein. mj FOR KINGSTON A NO THE DUbAtli AikAi AND HUDSON CANAL. The steamboat VICTORY. Captain D.

P. iMapes, leaves the f.m of Murray street. wtiWJSfcoLiAX and 5 o'clock, f. M. Returning the Victory leaves Kingston every TUESDAY and K1DA at o'clock, M.

For passage or freight, apply to the captain on board, or to uiunbLL sr. 101 Weetst New Vork. FORKI.NOSTOS,TllE DELAWARE ANO HCDSOai CANAL. ran The Steamboat EMERALD. Captain John leaves the loot 01 Murray street, "51everv MONDAY and THURSDAY.

at 5 o' clock, every SUNDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. Returalnr the Emerald leaves Kingston every WEI) NESDAY snd SATURDAY, at heli psst 2 o'clock, and every UMiAl, an o'clock, r. in Landing at the intermediate places; For Psssage or Freight, apply to the Captain on board, or to CKUOK.K, ruwus ar uu, curner 01 west ana 1.1 nervy streets. mh6 FOR SING SING ANO CllOTOS. The steamboat TELEORAPH.CaM.

J. S. sOdell, will leive New York from the foot of street every afternoon, suudaya Returnm, will leave Croton every Morning al 6 o'clock and Sing Sing al 7j o'clock, touching at ookers. Hasting. Dobs ferry and Tarry Town each way.

All freight and baggage at the risk of the owners. For furtner enquire of THOS. E. HULSE. No.

PIS West street, corner of Warren or ol the captain on board aul SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. FORNEWRUCIIELLE AND GLEN COVE DAILY. On, and after Tnursdav, June 4th, the iZJy 3 steamboat AMERICAN EAGLE, Captain SJSl 2Chirles B. Peck, wiU leave New York, (iruuiFulum Market Slin.E.R.) daily. Sundava excepted at a quarter after 3 o'clock, P.

for New Rochelle and uten lotc. Returning: Leave Glen Cove every morning quarter be fore 7. and New Ror.hclle. half past 7. FOR PEACOCK'S POINT, OYSTER BAY AND COLD ana o'ciucx, jn.

SPRING. The A. K. will extend hertripstotheahove places, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Returning, leave Cobl Spring every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday rooming at ciocK, uyster nay vj uimuies past reacock's roint quarter past 6.

Stage will be in readiness, on the arrival of the boat at Clen Cove, 10 convey passengers to Buckram also from oiu npring to Huntington ana it vicinity. IvJU NEW AURANGEMEST FOR THROGS' NECK, NEW ROCIIEIXE, CI.EN Cove, Peacock's Point, Nonbport and Stoney Brook. TheSteamboai SIIS, Captain R. Peacock, win, on ana alter nttnuti, septemt 14th. leave the foot of Market street.

everv TUESDAY.TI1UKSDAY snd SATURDAY MORN 8 o'clock, for Tiirojf Neck, New Roc he lie. Glen Cove. Peacock's Point. Nortiiport and Siooev Urnnk. Returning, will leave Stoney Brook every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY MORNING, at So'clock; Nontiportat half past 9 o'clock; Peacock's Point quarter before 12 Gleu Cove 12; New Rjchelle at naif past 12, anu i nrog'a necs ai i oca, Fare to and from Throe's Neck 371 cents: to and from new Kochelle, tien isnve, I'eacock'a romt and North port 60 cent Stoney Brook, 75 cents On tbe srrival of die boat at Stoney Brook, stages will be in sitendance to convey passengers to Oklman's.

Miller's Place, Rocky Point, Wading River, Bating Hollow, James Port, Southold. and Riverhead. and alto from Kt ver Dead to oreenaport, Sag Harbour, Oyster pood Point, snd other intermediate places. Also to Pat cnouge, Murtctiea ana otnei place. On thearrivalofiiie boat at Nnrthport, alages will be in attendance to convey passengers to Smithtown aod other nlacea in Ihe vicinity.

For further particulars enquire of C. Baylis A Son, 106 South su, C. Swcney, 431 Water at, corner of Market or to the Captain on board, at the foot of Market sL wharf, E.R. N. Should an opposition boat be again put on the route, tlie fare will be reduced to the same rate as the opposition; the proprietors ofthe Son believing tho aoove rates to be reasonable and not too big rely oe their former patrons tor support.


the eteam WATER WITCH A CINDERELLA. wj vea Pier No. 1, North River, aa fol lows: At A 81 and 1P1 o'clock. AM: 9. 31 and St o'clock.

M. Leave Elixabethoort at 64. 8 and 104 o'clock and 1. tm Sundays will leave aa follow; Lrave NEW 10 and ill o'clock, AM: and 2,34 Leave ELIZABETHPORT. 8.

10 and 12 o'clock. AM. and a auu ciuca, m. ao FOR NEWBTjRO. Landinx at Cainweil's.

West Point and Cold Soring. ne new steamooat janks maihsun, sCapuinCbas.Ualstead.will leave Warren street pier, every TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVb.MNUS, at 4 o'clock Al Burgage. Packages or Parcels. Bank Bills or Boeeie. put on board of this Boat without being entered on the books of tbe Boat, or receipted for, will be at the risk of the owners tnereor.

mhidi FOR NEVYBURw. Landing at Caldwell's. West Point and Cold Serin The steamboat HIGHLANDER. Cant. A Jnlmann.

will leave the naer foot of Warren MONDAY. THURSDAY, and BAi LKDai AFTERNOON, at 4 o'clock, commencing April 15. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on noaro. N. B.

AD Baggage and freigntof every descrindon.Bsnk Bills or8pecie, pot on hoard this Boat, must beat the riak of tne owners trier eoi, unless a nut ot Adding or neceipt is aigneusirioeamme. aa FOR BINO Sf NO, T1RRYTOWN, DOBB'I tbKttX, BA511SU8 ANU lUKabiU), FARE 124 CENTA The steamboat KOSCIUSKO. Captain iBaywood, will leave tbe foot of Robinson tnext above Barclav.) ever itav. uiuU.ya exceKed, at 3 o'clock, P. touching at the Old state rnsou ink, root ui aiuus atreet, eacn way.

Returning, leave Sing Sir.g at bilf past 7 It. For freight or passage, apply on board, or lo HAWKINS wujaA.vj&u.i.B neetio. 0WE60 LINE LAKE BOATS. For Oswego direct, without transhipment. The Lake boat CASflAN.

leaves the foot ef Broad street, THIS AFTERNOON. st 5 o'clock. She takes freight goins to Ca. wellaa all places between here anauewego. to R.

J. VAN DEW ATER. 100 Broad st. states island a eruy. Af Oo and after September let, the boats of ev tins terry, win maae me loiiowmg trips uo mAmAcmmmm uiimu aviKS.

Leave Staten Island. Al AH. 10 do 1 P.M. 6 do au31 Leave WhitehalL At 9 A M. II do 2 p.m..

3 do. 5 do do DIAMOSD CEMENT AND CORN REMEDY Both articles are warranted to cruply with all they are intended for the one for meodiog permanently broken glass and china, and ihe other for exterminating corns, wans, anfl other eacressencies orenared and for sale ax FEUCHTW ANGER Pharmacy, si 9 320 Broadway, corner Pearl HERRINGBJutt recerred, per brig AU bsxes avaoked, superior qtwliiy. for bus by i Ls a AiRA JOHNSTON, 178 Freat St. sl7 rfS FOR LIVERPOOL. TesaolesiilM lsnhmac The spkndid packet ehip ROCHESTER, Cept Waodbonsa, eaa yet accoeBvaodals a few aaora eah aenawl eahlsi aad atssslse pasBCB gers at reduced rates.

For passage apply oa board the the foot of Dover St. or to HERDMAN KEENAN.61 Boarthst. one door east of Wall St. am sisus. FOR LONDON.

Packet of the tOth of Sept. The first etaaa. fast saihss aacket 'hip GLADIATOR, Captain Button, wul sad as ebove her reanlar dav. Having very superior imrnodations for cabin aad AABvuig uperior scccsarnoaauons tor caous. sill WILLIAM HKLSON, 6f Booth st.

FOR NKW Commercial Line With Desnateh. Ths New York built packet ship BRTTANs NIA, E. Cook, master, is now loading, and will dear as above. For ireifiht or ptssaee. apply to Captain C.

on board. at Pine st. wharf, or to DUNHAM tt DIMON.61 South street destined for St. Louis, and consigned to oar agents, Messrs. Fvsdick at Brother, New Orleans, will be forwarded free of commamon.

sis FOR NEW ORLEANS. New York and New Orleans Lane Positively First Regular Packet This Day. The superior, fast sailing, packet ship GOV. TROUP, Cook, master, having 10a detain, ed by the weather, will continue to receive freight this day. For balance of freight or passage, having handsome furnished accommodations for a few more cabin pas sen gers, apply on boaid, or to JOHN SON LOWDEN.

86 Wall streeL. No freight received on board after this evening. Shippers will please send in their bills lading for signauure early this day. The repular packet ship St Mary, Foster, mse tor, will succeed the Got Troup, arid sail with despatch. Goods shipped by this line, destined for St Lutis, and consigned to our agent (Mr Peter Laidlaw) in New Orleans, will be forwarded free of commissi on.

elf FOR MOBILE. To have immediate despatch. The well known, fast sailing packet ship SI LAS RICHARDS, Dickenson, master, havmg a oart of her cargo engaged and coins on board, will sail as above. 1 his ship has superior accommodation (or passengers in the cabin second cabin and steerage and ihose embarking should make immediate application on board, foot of Roeevelt street, or tn GLOVER At McMURR AY, 6T South st. si 9 or 100 Pine st, near South at.

FOR MOBILE. A first rate vessel will be despatched in a few days. For freieht or passage arply to DUNHAM A D1MON, 61 South st FOR.CHAKLEST0N Commeicial Line This Day. The viiperior. regular, competed packetbrig imilion, mister, will take what tr freight otTera tins day and sill as above.

For freight or passage havmg handsome sccommo dations, with si ate rooms, apply on bjard, at Pine tL wharf, orto sl9 DUNHAM tt DIMON. 61 South sU Shippers will plea? send in their bills of lading, FOR BALTIMORE. Old Line First Vessel. This Dav. Tbe regular pack at schr.

CELESTE, D. Johnson, mrster, having bi en detuned by the weather will receive height this dav. For balance of freight or passage, apply on board. Orleans wharf, foot of Wall at. or to SIS JOHNSON ft LOWOKN, 86 Wall st.

2A. Apply to sis Si FOR BALTIMORE. McKee'e Line This Day. he new packet schr AB'M BROWN. Lingo, mister, will sail a above.

or balance of Iretgbt, apply on board fool of all st. or to rV 19 WM MeKEE CO. 71 Walli F0R BALTIMORE. Union Line Regular Day. The fine packet schooner TRAFFIC.

Myers, master, is now loading at pier It, Old slmj For freight, apply on board, or ti J. A N. BRIGQS. 34 Old sltn. FOR.

PHILADELPHIA. SwifUure Steam Transporuuioa Line. viaCanal. rates, apply to ne steam tow ojrge vcaus. is now loading at Old slip, pier 1 ror treigut, wnicn wtu oe tax en at tow J.

A N. BRIUGS, 40 Sonth et, corner Old slip, up lair. FOR PHILADELPHIA. McKee's Line Tuesdiv. The opper fastened schr.

DELAWARE Farren, master, is now loading, and will be de snatched as above. Fot freight apply on board, foot r.f Well atreet. orto aw n. vviu. J.

jacrve isi. sl No. 71 Wall street. FOR FREIQH OR CHARTER. The tunetior fast saiiirg schr ROB ROY, Sk.

Stoddard, master, stows the buik ol shut 800 aaeibbla. now icady for a voyage. Apply to WM. WYLLYS PRATT, el 7 cor. Old slip and South st.

FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. Tbe fast sailing, cooper fastened aod coo pet ed barque MARY CHILTON. Wa. B. Drew, master, is now ready (or buaesv.

D. H. ROBERTSON. 169 Msiden lane; FOR FREIGHT OK CHARTER. The superior, fast sailing, copper fastened brig MOTTO, Forbes, master, stows the bulk of bbls, and has excellent accoeanwdaujas for passtngers.

App to yvoi. tLkta rttAi sl6 corner Oid slip and South at. WANTED. A rood vessel to take from 75 to 100 tons fr ight to Philadelphia. Immediate despatch Appty inn a ay to sIT vVM McKEE A CO.

71 Wall st. FOR SALE. The copper fastened and coppered New York iff), built ship ERIE, burthen by register 451 tons aais good order and web found. Apply to BOYD dt HINCKEN, si 8 No 9 Tontine Buiidirc ESCRRECTIOS OR PERSIAN PILLS. These valuable pills raise from tbe greatest weakness sud distress snd suffering, to a state of strength, health and happmeas.

Many there sre who hsve said in ttv ir hearts there ia no help for me, who have been raised lo pristine hearth and vigor, iney assureuiy nave uesung virtues which no other medicine in this country possesses. Every individual bas found, and will continue to find them euper thnnereaaitv ofanvand everv other medicine which can be produced In America, ii tne purchaser does nut find them to be superior to any articles in the public prints, for tbe diseases mentioned in the targe bill, which accompanies each box, when taken according toibe directions, the money will be refunded oo the return of tbe box. Let no one oe macourageo, nowever utaneirmf ineir case may Be, until tuey nave inco. uie rcinas vtwumw, ior me most Incredulous have acknowledged Us superiority la quelling disease which no other medtcme could reach Tbey are the cheapest ssweU as tbe bem nedicine in use. rricenj cents per rjoa, coniamingia uius, na'i uox Jicts, with bill, le TheuseofoneboxwiUbemorecenvincing than a volume of certificates.

For sale by J. A i. Agent, new lorx. Keiaued at Nos. 79 and 100 Fulton street, at Lyceum Bookstore, 633 Broadway, at the Bookstore No.

2 Chatham Square, 262 Greenwich atreet, and at tbe Circulating library, 304 aowsry. N. B. To Motliers It is with Ihe greatest eeafidenee that we advise all thoee about to become motliers to make use ofthe Persian Pills. sl A tCXUKIANT OK HAIR W.

ii. ETH'S CUE AM OF UL1ES haa now beea so long in extensive use, snd its reputation a firmly established ver sll tbe other ephemeial stuff advertised for the hair, that is only necessary to caution tho pubte against the production of ignorant persons, who aim la gull the public by putting np come vile mixtures, and saying with all the aangiroto," in ine worra.inas. iney axe super exceuenc for promoting the growth of the hair, preventing iu faliing off, and aa a climax, to remove dandruff. Now the original mventor and sow propntor ot uie cream ol utiee (J Wy. etn,) positively deekues that bis siticle will certamly cause the hair to grow finely, curl beautifully, sad remove every panicle of dandrnff or other impurities from the head yetn's nunx oi noses atanns enctuauirw oawm for imparting te tbe complexion a boaotlluj and delicate i softness, wuicn no oinerarucm can appiwrn.

um Iv known and kiatlv credited cosmetic for effectually moving freckles, sua born, laa, pimples, snd all eruptions of the skin aln, for gem Semen after shaving, to allay the sraarUng from too close si swing, or soap toe stroo; of alka n.a no unlet or dreading cam, or be com pie wnhoutiL satlatl nv tilJI n. I OCKIS'S TASTELESS SEIDLITZ FOW. I is oa .11 ihe inrreaVnts in one bottle: Hoc kin'. Sod Powders; llkia'sUinger lPtrwder. DR.

HISHBIE'S REMEDIES for pu monary dn I HilnNeetar DraugM llockin'a Magnesixn Apeneou eeees, compriR? "tf'n' for 1 ioietbcr Vilh a targs assortment otHockia'e Ele aiu Per FEUCHTW ANGER'S 1 Plr. njnway, corner resri futnery, for sa eat nnnTTTrRiJ 171 rtro. sit 1 1 and 196 East Broadway. rgATHERAV Skales lave Oueee Featnera. bales extra Rom White Feathera, Vj 4f do A.

do do Kfj No. 1, 1 rtcr de a 3 do No.3, ds i sC 5 do Doeka kJsk 1 lo 18 Sicily so Fnr sale by a A ELLEN A CO," si JH e. l6 Clattbssi and No. 1 MoU ats, sAssta.

A HAint rf v. aj, ty '1 Hi ,72 iMta 3 i AUCTION SALES. R. H. TIM P30N, Aoelaoaeer.

BY JACOB S. PLATT, Hardware, AucOoa, Oeaeral Agsocy aad Co SUaswaMM) Bute No. Piatt Reference for tha must ia aaaaiU in Messrs iBgoldsbyaX Boisseaa. Spoffurd, Tuestoak Co KPH Heyer Petnboae A Long AcmiUa Stout, Esq, Josa Oolaa, Esq Wdkam Torrey, Eaa. mondayI At 10 o'clock, at 'clock, at Ne 94 Ctotby st.

Foraitare Ihe furmlnr of family giviax BP house a utpumr iar wnisn ut tasauy giving ap aouew ateeraca paseenrera. ssram lateadms' to embark should 1 keeomx. ewcunstnu of sofas, labia, chairs, bureaus asaae uansediata applieauoa oa board, foot of Maidea I eidoboard, book ease, bedateada, beds, keddu carpets, aac, or 10 I sooainf (tassea, eaiaa aaa giasawarw, c. alO uluvaR McMURRAT. 100 Pom st.

i Also Use kitckea lurrmure, ate. wua wnicn Mis eoraer of Soadi st. PASSAGE FOR LONDON. 1 iipimIWAB IB pars snip posrtrvWy sail oa the let Oct. her regular ans.

Persons wuhmg to go to tha above port should examine the accocaaodauons of this vessel before es gating elsewhere. for aaasage ia cabin, second cabin aad steerage, earh applieauoa should be made to ot TAPSUOTT, 48 South at, sIS down 43 Peck bIib, cor. Bostth St. PASSAGh. KROM UAMBIiKli, Ger msny, direct to New York.

Residents ia the United Btatea wubini to send for tbssr friends residiBC ia Germany, eaa have them branch! here bv Erst class ships, sailing regularly fiora Hamburg. The subscribers have made arrang esasata, winch will gnaraa. tee despatch and comfort to any pass eu era seat for through them, aad in all eases where the Das stivers do not embark, the passage saoney will be returned. For turther ftartieurars.TBpprr, ir by letter, post paid, to HSRDMAN 61 KEENAN, 61 South St. one door east of Wall e'reet.

Apents for Mr. Win. Gibson, of Hamburg, Germany. sis ST MARKS, via KET WE3T. First Packet.

Tk. r. u.i.' iTUtiCA WILLA, A Bhven, master, wul sal baCt few days. For freight pf the bulk of 150 bb! or Dassase. ha ring well iuiniabeJ accommodationa, apply on board, al pier 11, or to Win WILL 10 rKAll, sl comer Old shp and Sonth St.

BIT FOR HALIFAX. Tbe 6ne fast satbng acbr ABM. THORNS, Johnson, master, will be icady at a lew daya. For Height or passage, anplv to KIKK os JOHNSTON, 18? Frost at. FOR NEW ORLEANS.

baes Line Positively the first regular packet. a. Goodmanson, master, baa a large part of her Tan if cargo on board and engaged, and will have us. mediate despatch. For freight or passage, having very superior tcconv modstions, apply on board, at Orleans pier, or to wuli FRIDAY, SejLU Fonrth Catalostss Sale aad 6rst sale of NSW GOOD 150 packages English, Oermsa, French aad American Hardware aal untierv, vxermaa auvcr iea Wan, Fane Articles, Japaaaery, Saddlery, Heavy Goods, Ac.

ite. Cnoeistiaux part of aa entire voice of Birvaiag baoa goods, not jet landed, and now oa aoaid me tag bud. Likewise, aa iavoice of Sheffield toeds. iuat laaded (torn tne consisting 01 cutlery, sues as ssuvtb and forks, pea aad pocket karree, rasors, Beisiore, car vmg knrvea. head aad Bead saws, aad a larks assort saeat ef joiners' tools, such as plated squares, eposes, snsvers.

oases, ac to every crest vsnety or uerman goocte, a asong which win be round many desirable and ecaree articles. Aloe new invoice of brashes, entbracin al tbe desirable amis. s. Further BartsEolara will be gives hereaftu. INB Partof thasbova Boodswul be Bold OS a tnr dit of 9 months.

JOHN HUUUAROW Aaeuossei BY JOSEPH SAMPSON St CO, StOAB 163 PtARL BTRRBTs TUESDAY, At o'clock at ths suction room. CLOTHS, CA3SIMKRE3. Ac. general ass sxrowcnioi Uassinseree, ves ugs, 10 approved eadoteedotes at moa. credit.

FRIDAY. At 9 o'clock, at the auction room. CLOTHS. CASSIMERE5. fee A gsseral as sortasent of CkKhe, Cassimerte, Vesuni'i tie.

for snnroved endorsed ante at months. NEW AMERICA SEED STORE 1 The subscriber respectfully indrms the puoitc that he has made arrsngcmeuia to supply the sentry of this ckv wtih Iwnriaomft buqueu durinx the ensuing Fail and Winter seasons. Orders will be nromntly executed tne saiisi action 01 tne most lastidious. Constantly on ind, a lull assortment of excellent Ves table and Flower Seed Also, Dutch Flower Bulbs, Ore en bo use Plants, Dahlias, and all the articles belonging uj uiis uepmruuem WILLIAM WARBURG, Seedsman and Florist 3m 166f Fultri st. oppolie8t.

Psuls. A CAPITAL ISVEaTUeMT For mmia. 11 applied lor soon, the eteaanl modem two story House situate on the corner of Prince aad uiuvan atresia, and in first rate eoodiiioo. Thoe having money to invest are coiranteed bv tbe re arm owner aa interest of 8 per cent; while those who desire a pleasant aad convenient residence will find the price conformable to ine real value 01 property and tne aapeet ul the umee. Appiy 10 LUkL.vunt;cLi,Kii Bieecker, al82l or 16 Prince st.

ANTED. A ottos man a wai.t of a at uatioa aa elerk.mawaoiemle grocery, produce brokerage. or commtsstoo ouce. ne nas a good knowledge 01 the a bove busioeas, and would engage lor a uderale salarv. Refer 10 former employers.

A line addressed lo R. T. H. and left at tmsomee, will receive stteoiioa. sl83t BO ARD Two gentlemen snd their wives or three or (bur single gentlemen, can be accommodated with geutoet ooaru snd pleasant rooms at 67 Wnue, M.

w. cor. Broadway and White st Reterence exchanged. si 4 UEMOVAL Jul IN 11. BOWIE, Curner and Learner Dealer.

Has removed to No. 23 Jacob atreet. oae door from Frankfort atreet, where he has always on band a variety oi licit, suitauie Mr noot snd onoe makers SauVUer. Harness makers snd Bookbinder. Boot Legs and Feet, and Cut Leather ol every deserrp uua.

niruisi rpO BOAT BUILDER The subscriber is ready to lur nish (at short Boat Builders and others, with Cyprevs auds ol any ik.oeiui ns required. Orxlers 1 It at his Oounung EVtoin, No. 127 Broad sueet. (up stairs) will men nnuiriiMio aueouoaw jyil 3m NATIIL. L.

DAMON. 1LOTHS ANO CASIMEUES. somneoi inat received, sn I lor lust received, so I lor sale by aull i3sm suS choice as WILLIAM BOTTOnLEY.97 Pearl SL, snd tai Stone up fairs. IVTOTICEr The copartnership heretofore su lists ll ins under the firm of Beokman Ac Luke is dissolved. mv29if GEO BEKKMAN OILS, Ate N.

11 Fr street, lias lor sale in kits to suit, a general assortment of warranted uiis ana sperm iMii'liee. si Imeod 1NE APPLE CHEESE III) boxes ll.W.S jl aau A iv pianos, in oeautuui otaer, lor saie ny CII AS A Front st 'BVO tURUICAL tNsTttCMCENT DEALERS. A A stuck of the finest Lmdm ina.le Surgical Instru ments, by Siinpsoo, noStisnd, manufacturer to the Urn tan Navy, lobe disposed of on the most reasonable leim. For particulars and to view, enquire at No. 8 Astor llonss.

oruauway, iv. a Bear's tl COKKSM bale. Spanish velvet, for sale by se3 EO Broadway. PIANO FURTES FOR SALE. fliree new rYino Fortes, of different styles, all.

grand action, metallic platea and liardpeilal. with all the laieat Improvements, of soperiof tone and fins rate worauianditp Also, a second hand piano for sale or to hire. To be seen in 1 1th street, next door lo i lie cot ner of 3d avenue. 3tis MtEKCH MILLINERS I. WlilTTl.NGII M.

A ac? Broadway, wul open Paris Millinery on FRIDAY next, lie 13th inrtanl. sl7is" AM. Wtiri'lNUilASl, 3s7 UROADWAY, is now orTering lor sale a Select Assortment of Choice Goods just received, suitable for the present andapproaeb ing ae anon, vs Rich Sdksanri other materials for Dresses Embroideries, Cloaks, Manliliaa, Shawls, Seal fa, SlcAx. Sl76tis a euou, 5oo. 43o, i iuo, aooo heso sums to oe loaned on Boou and Jion, jge, oa improvea rear estate.

1 in nr. win bp wssssn atree rtABlr Polished plate Glass lor Cabs, of extra tinea iiens, lor at 91 Maiden Lane. JAMtiS I. R004KVELT A HON. I IIUL1C AU11CU CUKfOKA'llKN MlMlu MT Tne Bonds of the Corporation of the City of New iorsniaiuringoothe2ltsepteiiioer in, wid be pdd on that day, with interest, at the ufQce of the Comptroller, No.

Had uf Recor la. Fsrk. Persons hulikug Bonds past due, are requested to preaent them lor payment, as loey cease io near unc real alter lite day of their matoitty. ALFRED A. SMITH, Comptroller.

New York. Sept 18, si Sea HARPER'S FAtllLY LlUdARlr HAK PKR A BKOTI1LR 9. No. (U Ciff street. have pub hahedTUIS DAY, No.

CVI of the Family Library, comprising TWO YEARS BEFORE TBE HAST, a Personal Naria tive of Life at Sea By R. H. Dana. of Boston. Number, recently pubtU hed CV.

The Life au 1 Travels ot Mmngo Park. CIV. Natural Hi scry of Quadrupeds. CHI. Outline Uistoiy of the Fine Arts By Benson J.

Lossing. CU History of BntUh America. By Hugh Murray. C. Outline of Imperfect and Disordered Mental Action lly Thomas C.

Cphain. XCIX. The Sidereal Heavens and Other Subjects connected with Astronomy, as illustrative of tbe Character of the ll, sty, and of an Infli lty of Wotlds By Tbouaa I.tek.LL D. XUVHL Natural History of Birds, their Architecture, Habits, and Facuoiea. XI VI XYIL Paley's Natural Theology.

Edited by Lord Brougham and Sir Charles BeU, and by Rev. Dr. Potter. XC1V XCV. The Pursuit of Knowledji under Difficulties; It PleJCures and Reward, llluurated by Memoirsof Eminent men.

XC11. XC1II. Memoirs of Benjamin Franklin, written by biuiselL With a selection from hie writings EAD 1000 pigs Mia sia our 1. first quality forsile by JAMES McCULLOCGH. 77 Walla reef.

BUCKSHOT AND MUSKET BALLS A fud ssaoruiient always on hand and lor sale by eld JAMES McCULLOUGH, 77 Wall St. mWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST A persona! nsr A railve ol Life at sea, ny ail nana, I vol ISmo. published and lor aale by SIB Just ISRAEL POST. 98 Bowery. UUSTO, Sept 3d, ISItt.

MARBLE FOR THE HEW CUSTOM HOUSE, BOSTON. mHE Commissioners for erecting a New Custom House M. in Boston, wul receive proposals at their office. No. 1, Commeicial wharf, until Oct.

lub, for furnishing and delivering in Bosao, lor said Custom House, tbe following mil oi mar oie vis blocks thai will work into shall of columns, the follow Ing dimensions when wrought 24 ft. 64 in. long, mclnding the fillets at top and bottom. rt. 4 in.

in diamr. thiough tbe fillet at the bottom. 3 ft. 2 In. do do above the scape ofthe fillet at bottom.

2 ft 8 in. do do below the scspe of the fillet at tup. 2ft It in. do do through the lop fill 12 blocks that will work into bases for the above 4 R. 6 in.

diameter, and In 11 in. mtbicness. L2 blocks tbat will work into Arcrihraves lo rest upon the columns: 10 be about 12 fL 4 In. Ions. 2 A 4 in.

ah. tha upper side 3 A 4 in. wide, the lower aide 8 ft. 10 in wide, le be wrought on the inner lace 10 a circle of 21 ft. 1 in radio, and the outer face to be parallel thereto.

The whole ol tbe above rough dressed down to the pro, per sixe work. The delivery to commence by the first day of August, 1811, and 10 be completed by tbe fir at of June ln4A, If required by tbe Comtniasiooer the Centiseior at the whole expense of furnishing the Marble, ouar lyitsX, rough dresattig. freighting, and delivering it al auch pieces in the CM of Boston as toe Comuiisetoaere may di rect Any tntonnation tn renumu 10 tne aoove may oe 00 taiaed, ny letter er otnerwiae, Irom A. at. 1 oung, Arcnt.

n. xl, .10, 1 commercial wnan, Boston. BAS S. B. I.LWI9, ROBERT G.

SHAW, stOlstOlO Commissioners. CAMCEI. S. PARKER'S 170 4 I FEATHER STORE Greenwich Btroet, eonter Dry street, sign ef the live eooee. Feethera.

Reds. Mattresses. Bedsteads. PuV fows. Bolsters, Cushions, and every article Im th beddtnf 1 me, wholesale or retail Old nnUireseee mssle over tn airh manner a to be nearly good aswnenncw.

vta tnilxn draaaed and warrant ed tree from any luuMro smells. Alan, Favors' Pstent Wsrdroo Redtrsd, nae of tbe greatest ioventJoos of the kind ever suede; Fay's Tenoning and Boring machine for carpeoteraand bedstead nv kers.nie pest in sw, CMifuiRR ay. MORTIMER, of New Bond street id Loudon, Manufacturing Silversmiths and Jewellers to tbe I4.ueea7beg to snnounce that they have a Branch Establishment iu New York, st No. 326 Broadway, two doors shove the Cai ooa House, where they will constant I. ATAAmn mm extensive assortment of new and nudnooable article in Jewelry.

Plate, Plated Ware and Table and De. sen Cutlery, of the beat London manufacture, and will re eerre regularly, by the steam vessels, the new patterns as they are pronuccu irom ureru mpghacwiy lorsaoq. A Having co npleted their amngemenu are now en. abled 10 maoauctura beie every description of Plate and Jewelry, and from tbe gratfacilui, they poisess. feel eon fidentthat for quality of workmansliip and tasteful desig liajM." r.

rnOmV I TJAGS. PAPER. Aew GEORGB A EDGAR MAR I XX TOW, Comnnsaton Mercbsnts, No. 7 Burkng slip, oi. re.

I ler for sale 100 bales Nos 1 and 2 Leghorn rag 207 do Si. CUT uu litwiB svaa. wjjaaj IDS ooektlllS ini wmxt aru ccsorea Meacbmg powder by tbe cask. i'ib and They have also for sale, from some of the principal paper IMItllMllHM it. 1 uao cwaacru SUHSJB.

toe lol lowmg paper: suuyrcama tor newspaper printing, of varloui qnalttie and sixes XKO raama of medium, royal sad snper royal poauw iAmu ior uooKs.rrom eon nii.ii lie llXW 1 earns sf foolscap paper WOO do letter paper cosrse to eurfine, white, blue, assorted colore, Ate. laid wu 1 tru mw 1 aia. Also, packet post, tuto post, fia'cap, dead snd inedlnwj wriiuig, tissue and envelope paper press paper, bonnet, wNjuwawm uiuuerr roirj, 8U00 reams of doth, hardware, double crown, ecows nd CSU. WraDDiA ttiiuiia at Liaiiias nrims. SIX r0 RCILJJERsv The ulaKiiber onvrs sjaaie A tfctck from his yard at CaklwU's LaaKkef.

Toese bricks are superior to most other mamrfaeturert. mi a of'uakAFU. Apply to vsORR ALL. OOce Ehn atreet AUCTION SAL ft BY jLAROiN A.KVI. Stqbb Ul Fbqabwat.

bv BTaraa. SATURDAY KVKMU.Sept IS. At Tiedeck. HsiMv VasxaJske Fixated Oil PsjBtmre A eolWe tien oi trmssei sl psjssgsast reeesved boss Aetwerp, aad never before txhaVtied as thascowatry lavHadag ny ny ua 4 austere of tbe very bigkeat oreer. us seldom a eo Urdus, of suck iMrvasse nsevit ia caTcred at auctioa.

Covmoaneura and others waabing is aain pseeares of sierlmg srrrth, sis therefore paiticnlarlj ed is eaU and examino thesm. new ready lo ption saht sssitiv. BY is. P. I1NGRA11AM.

Buirs fA 1 Ffcltoa street next toNassam. Monday, bept. si. Al 10 n'rlori .1 ktmUm mt PavrabrsAer'a Sale A lam aaiaaw4 sd aBrsdrara ed plsdges, whack have beea pledged a year and apwares, kj cedev of A Jackaos, it Reed atreeC TUESDAY Kent tt. Ai 10 oVlock, al 123 Fsuioaau Pawabroker's Salo A mt been pledged wnb tie subscrtoer a year and upwards.

1 a.xn, 5B eart at. THURSDAY. At 10 o'clock al IS Fultmi at. I Elegant Furniture A Lu ad valuahu imtmnit legani rurrature A large aad valuable assortment 01 sarw car aw eabiast and swasehoid furnituiw ronsttiag of Burble top pier and centra tables, tatted, aad spring seat sofas, saabogany rockiag chairs, wardrobes, Irobes, plain auarblelop waahstas.ds, ponsbed aud dressing aoxeaes; Bsahogaay. curled maple and faacv ckaai: aaaborai.r Freach aadnaud bedrteada; scroll diaia asat tea tables; doable aad smgla coturaag bjossm aad etlee sVaAa.

Bos ton rockssg caasra, toiiat tables, wssbstaads, secretanea. Bookcases, ote. E. IL Ltudiam. AucuontT.

BY E. H. LLULOW Bales bvoom CO. Ne.ll BaeABBTaaBT. MONDAY, Sept.

I. At It o'clock at tha salea room, ll Froad at. Cbancerv Bale Dader the directsoa of one of the Masters Chaaeery An that dweiLn boose and lot of land situate in the 4th ward ol Ihe city of New York, known as No SO snurwaier atraei, emumingui nrrsenn in iroat si ieai ti ft, and leugth on each side So feet Aad also, all thai certain dwelmg house situate ia the 4tb ward aad known aa No. CO Cherry at, cauiaining ft oa on Cherry st tO feet inches, in tbe rear It feet incues, en the west side 67 fewt inches, and on the cast sale 6 feet iacbee, together with aU aad singular the tenement and appurtenance thereunto bkmgmg. 1 ne 101 on Lnerryat known as JMe 00.

Ckaacerv Sale Uoder tha dareetioa of Pbdo Rbs glee, Esq, master in caaBcerr ua that eertam ateee or parcel of mad. with the bail trigs thereon, sitaais the town ef Csstletraa. cana'v of Richntoud, state ol New York, bound ed a lolbiws'i north by Daniel street, east by Lawten: meet, soma by Key st, aad west by Tomukins st, as laid dovn oa a sup aaade by Edward Doughty, edy in 189. asso, au ua cert am piece a parcel 01 and auoate sa the town of Castle ton, Richmond or, N. Y.

bounded as follows beginning wbeoe the road ekmg the north shore and Tomokina at. intersect, manias ibeace aovlh 15 degrees, west I cbstns and 68 links to the bo thwest corner ol Und late of Lvnde atlas. Eia. deceased. ucwee along am nne norm 6a degrees, east cnaias and 90 bake to said road, thvnes ruanmg ahau said road sooth 14 degrees, east A chants 72 hake al the torn ef the load, thence south 65 degrees, west to said read 6 chain 17 links to the puce of beginning, coatainmg vg acres.

TUESDAY. Md. At 11 o'clock, al 333 Broadway, earner ol Aelhony Oil Paintisg aad Marbts Sutnarv A Uure eollec tioa of Paintings, of Italian atastera, worthy ths altes uawiwBH. a tso, saaroie statuary, just recux. vea iron itaty.

1 nia eouectioa le now ready lor spection by free. asm, at tne time, a supei collection of soar b'e Btataary, induaing 16 busts ef celebrated nsen, of the finest marble aad workmanship. Also sons very valuable vases of extra stars, chixx led from tha solid block of onrble, veined antique, jaune aniiqo and alas wasicr. Al It o'clock, at 11 Bioad st. Chancery Sale Under the direction ol A Em met, Esq master ia chancery AU those l7lo'Sof land situate in the 11th ward of the city ol New Yotk, and bounded aa follows beginning at a point on ths northeasterly corner of Avenue and 81 st.

and running thence northerly along tbe mmmmmm 1. A I 1 I 'J mmw OMIHN BV I. MP I MM WW late of Sand Thompson. M. UENrl Auctmceer.

SY EDWARD HOLMES. St re No. lit Broatlway, (onposita Cuy Hotel.) TT i H. E. blLL, Auctioneer.

BY C. LEAV EiNSJ 8tors No. 6 Pine street, sear Broadway. AT Pitt ATn. SALE.

Sugars, teas coffee, segtrs, soap, steady. Ac cash. N. B. Cash advanced on eotnigtments, if quired.

BI L. FIELDS. Late ol the fiim of Bogart, Craodall, Bacon Ic Co. Store No. I9t Pearl street.

UO.NUAl, Al 10 o'clock at the auction room. Drv Gonds 75 nackarea French. Karlisk. Hnntrh and Amencaa dry goods, by catalogue. Sale positive.

Among which ars 78 aad 4 white, and scarlet merino shawls; 4:4 4:4 6:4 7:4 aad 8:4 chende do; 6g'd satavs; nvinted ararlet do; 4:4 black, brown aad scarlet do; super 8:4 Orleans clash; 6gd Bserinns; super assortN ed do; braces; mutt ctHon hi wht cot. ma hose, whipped, tw lied, rose and Whitney blankets; umbrella cot 1 Of buckrams; London Cass; olive cloth; mouse de lame hdkfa; aatia check mountain mosline; spot do: white cam unci: sewad musha capest Seats castor gluvn: utdies wht did dot geats black bombaztait scarlet flaaarls: raiy aad blk and whns driats: fancy dot blue eoitoo stocking yarn: brown and bleathul rlieetings: long cloth: circaaiaa shawi: wo 1 gtnvee and socks: collars: canvass padding, axe. Also I case extra neavy women noaiery; i so son. pa hdkfa. Also cases ass deoi west ot bngiaaa ciotoi: i do do do cassuneres.

Also 1 case blk silk serges. AT PRIVATE SALE. 3 case west of England broadcloths; do do catei. meres; do brown eon on hoe. BY W.

J. BARTOW or. CO. Aactioe Roo a No. 137 Water street.

TUESDAY, At 10 o'clock at the anetina rocea. Dry Goods A general aaaortmeat o' BesxoAublelBrr ttsh and Americaa Dry Goods. THURSDAY, At I o'clock mt tne auction room. Drv Goods A retierSJUawortBaeat of seasonable Dry Goods. SATURDAY.

At 10 eclnck at tbe aactiOBlroiaa. Drv Goods A eeaeral assortment of aeassaable Braish aad Americaa Dry Goods. BY HENRY COULTER, AUCTIONEER, Store 105 Fulton and 41 Ann streets. AUCTION NOTICE. Henry CooRer.

and rrimmissitra merchant, havmg removed to thelarga aalee rooms, 4X Ana aaa tua ruiton nueeu, now rrasred to recerre coo gn menu ol as kinds of rAaadsss aad bouseaold I uraatare, aad furnsiaing aiti. flM as eeBoraL IS. B. Advance mads in cash, i required, na goads eiwsigned for nvnaediats sale. Aacuoa Bates every rr eoaesaav aaa Okiuraay, at 10 cjock.

'AT PRIVATE Al A act wo Price, lor Caah. MMaehiaery A quantity ol loch iron ahaAiar with coupungs, twmpieie and well worthy the attenlioa af factory Br.poees. Iron Chest I eplendid iron cheat he good ardor. vvBioow Dtuaus a Bptraaio lot 01 Turnpsieal vrisri dow nlrnds from Italy, and beainifalrv nsiated. Furaitare A large, exlerwrve and vshikhV assortraertt of second band aad aew noaacbeVd aad cab.

met formings of all duaenpaeag. Also A splendid stuck of city BsAde cabinet furai tgre ef the very bet dsscTaiuen CoritprBiBBg fancy, maple and ntshogaav boarda, wardrobes, sofas, tables, bosk cases, looking glass, Frenca neosieaos, Bsattrasses, carpets, tags, oal cloth, beds aad bedding also marble top pier esd centre laVcs, do bureaus and antinsrd BA, gttss and plated ware, lampa, docks, vases, Ac Aleo 30 rtegsnt sofas, 14 spring seal rockmg chairs Bofa beds, 14 dose. French mxhogany chars, 1 psaao forte. Also A sUBtity of second hand raraiturej fronwa boerdmit botsset Trifln Tft nrst ewaaity silver Bsoani led. Cut Glass IWsjsAb tesrre worthy the attention of the trade.

Fancy Chairs at factory Chairs 90 eVsa Fancy ciirioswdg 100 aeste, prisse aitiels. Pr Fre i char, rf va, Pm3S FrearJ. pssiaW! of each j. fceM Jtthe, with A gssserslsAworlaBesBt of Furnishing article sold at this estabUaaBxsct ie irranted made the best Oat door sties attended la at say part of the city. rj tiM Dr.

HORN R'8 aATertiseisetit.Uit ptt eeftUlspaipwr. ZAH1E CCRRANTIS tiMeanell cAsol upsa or quality for sale by jAMEj CIFFINC Broker, ..14 71 Wall. PlwwniT Buiirng. DCHWUPFK't LONDON aiuDA ATsvK AND LEMONADE, in boulss fur hotels and private btaUies, ioT.aaie at tueir 'ot ROTTON A BROTHER. 171 Broadway, all.

salMRaatRroswayJ AUCTJOiN a soust so ike aosHA rry aado eeta at it tee uuuiiK win aueau io sales ci nousenoij lur I tiaets. Veatiog. wearms anaaiwl uUuro at private dwellinge, and wdl receive second bacd I fauKj aad ntoJcId artieve. wmiuiv is saics room io ae ioiu ax aocuea. SATURDAY utu iv nt.

imiHw avis inr, iw nifwas we imaorters ot fainting and h.neiavin:i.ov any oth article that line, or China. uub. Piano Pott, a Ac that ha haa made aiiangt meats lor oae ot tbe finest. locations, in a Urge and spaeaoue tin Broadway or a puDiK sales be eeuectally devoted lor purpose, aad will pay every attention to pronaoteibe nisress of his employers. No charg far loom hire.

an juhiN aniKHi. Store No. 47 Foltqw 3ragy. Consignment nt lurnuuie, and mSj? merchandise to the store also, out door, hjsua store and mreet, salt win receive promo attention at sooner at prices, MONDAY. At 10 o'clock, et ihe auctioa room.

Sheriff Sale By or Jer of the sbeiilf, one band and one toot, Breserved. Also 1 portable desk. TUESDAY. At 10 o'clock, al the auction room. Furniture A large and excellent assortment of fur, niturs consisting of wardrobes; secreuiies; bookcase; marble top wabslaads; bedsteads: drer a ng bureaus piaia dot table; faa; mahogani.

cur ed ntapts and wiodaor bedding. Als a superior low of canaries, saockmg bvds. cages, etc AT PRIVATE SALE. For Bale or Exchange for City Property. A Faim unoer jnoa cutuvatlon, wna a great variety at trim, (c a delightful I ul denes fur a city family, a few miles trusB ue exy oi iNrwatk, N.

J. loqusejat us aaet room. lies. FORJf lJT Aajvrleairsj BY JA1VIES M. MILLEK tt CO BtSIbNS BaOADTStBT CSSBSBOr Eacaiabss PV.ACB A 5 BaoABrrsear.

N. Tbere is nsster ep at the antes rases fW ghvAtsasJearunsriyi timthv': AuMJAl Cnanesry Sale Under tbe of Deatl UJlBBBB) TJso BBietvT in Eighty Wta street aad Sseonsl avaans HTseteyvsl Sank a ad ethers Wig sold ail tboss sets ss'iasal ea tbe Twelfth ward, kaawa an a step ef prrpwvy be loagvag as TaHns Hueeis. Aeecaasat. smvjsd bv J. F.

r. Bcaes. 8s. tO. I8TT.

Bv is Nes HIIN 67 US 161 16a 166, Noa 64 RS 67 tasjetner are nssasalad a sWesii biigsBBtng at the ersecuon af lbs Bos bery side 64t srreet. and east nv asdes of fjicifg BM.rsusasag uaeaco easterly alnaw law Bsntbiiily aAhstrssat asoBtaaaiae 100 frtwat aasf 1 aad 101 fret erep. Lata 16S 161 164 166 begu erly Iross 1st avenws, ismsjasg tbesce soaHBerry nasi aw. rli4 1st arssMO.raMassiag 1(0 ft frowt aaa raw asat 100 ft dee. At It o'clock at tbe sales rooas tt Broad st 31 and stb Aveswrs aad 8M and at.

RsaatsJl ve Pcd eo Wiii be sold naser tbe dsrectsoa of John A B4ei, Ess. ma lev in tkaacery. al tsvase eevtaaa asas of ground sa lbs Ittb ward, and ksavara ea bbjb af Haneaa Cawaaaoau. by Charles Cealow. ts ls.

aa i file sa the Rrgwtet's cJke. Nw York, as Nos M7 to 301, both ine usvr. lyaag briween 3d aad 4tb avianes aad 83d aad 8Ab sumach coauaamg ti Utt froal aaat rear and lt 0 fee deep saors or iesa. Also, that acker lot known on siorvwaid aaa aa 181, froasssg oa S4m etrsea, bttauia 3d and 4 asss ee, ooataatauig feet treat aad reur aa 100 leet deep. Also, those other 3 lots of irowad tmsl ana easusra guished on said mas by NoaSli tti, 117.

Bsteate ho twees 3d end 4 treswt til fyvMUng oa 86th at I lots S74 and 194 sdoata Bwtweea 63 i and 64 set set; each roniainntg 14 foot treat and rser. saw iw fees, Corners Asobbw aad Xid Brady andothsiB Wi 1 be sold asster tae dure assiof Roggles. Esq aaa star sa cbaacerv, those 3 lots of land hrm. the I6 vrard. Ilorswerrv Ittbl of tbe ebV of New York, aad kaovta on sssas af neptT MgtoWa Jackson, dated stb Jafy, 1617, by Br dgee, citv survevnr.

aad amended la bs sa tns office of regtsur, New York, as Nos SO, It, asat Liken together are bawadrd aa fatiowB at laa northeast eoraer ef 6 avenue and Eld St. lanssig tbeaes easterly alone the avians 74 feet, tbsaee uortb 4 arte 65 fee', beoif part ef bund swyod te anta Je conveyed I by aa Campbell, and aaase ss were eoneyed by Atstsat Kiley to John Brady aasl Hesij ctrawv, ay sees dale ana 8ept 1830, aad rr curded ia the regWterU iftVes, nt bbsr tbi asf nonveyanres, page 190. iwaiABf 17, latu. Chancery rSk Under tbe ehsectioa ef RACfUaV Frq. saastrr in chanrerv AD shat errtani nsrae 4 ataa satuale ea the northerly corner of etaaloa aad Chrystas streams, bsaag 13 feet oas sack as treat by lOOfset THURSDAY, Kept 24.

At 10 o'clock, at the store ot Tboo BeasAa, 60 Tssef street, heiwer Ureerw ch m4 UhnrcS SIB. Leather 4000 sxr 84 lea ker. i THURSDAY. Oct I. At 10 o'clock at the stores ef Leu, A Burke, No 10 Ferrvsiieet.

Leather 6000 eidee enle I atker 30 sV a a swperior waxed calf ukase bk ItlOiMAJj BTOXB 12ABB.ASTP IIS VULTOWeTSBB VS At 101 o'clock SB the a. la 8ale of Puuso Fortes. SoTaa. MsAomw. Ckajrs.

SWV Beds. Ccwehes. Sparine Sat Koekmr Chairs. I This sals willrossptiBs AO son fancy a map Is chairs: av I tS dog elegant freach aad grectea makogaay parlor eV I blest fashions aad apareved vrnksxaadtas; tl ssdendsd sprasg, tnfnrd aad eusoa sofas; eetosnaaat divaae aad couches; sofa beeg; 18 best tailed and saving sea rock, mg cnairs: laat nencnea. Aleo a variety af truly elegant csty fnrmturo Also ihe entire rnnsli inni iil nl eat elsen.

Fr i kampe, Ac. wnb which the sate will ccmrwes. Also A vamaMe I ssidia aar gun. WEONK8DAY. At 10, o'clock, at tbe Bale rseess.

Elegant Furniture The entire Aaedaneaa fmnifa. by ord sf sa aansisisti stor cenBstsag of tbe swasai furadare trt parlours, bed tocans and bins, logotber wns ihe kitchva antaneioj.ebBsa, gleva end plated ware, paintinga, bofcieg glass ptaae forte. Ac. rKIUAI. Al 10 oclork in iba sales rooai.

Dry Goods. Cioihmg. Faacv Article A atock af seasonable dry goods, London clothe. ns bardwarb, snucry, At 1C scJork, an 'k sal rrsna. 8plendid Furniture Bv eataloxoe Aa ewtira stock of superior city made csbiset fnradar in ak iu verts A a choice saaoitsaent of honaehi Id fsnnitara.

the iwoeeny id a gretl saae to Enrera. A. O. I UTTl E. AwctsssMMt.

BY ILi'lTLE WARD 114 Pearl sxrest. T. ft W. wig give BKrsaeuilkUt siima te Bala a ml a dure of families gning np boaseArrprng. aad an' Fm aalee geaeially.

an I speellally soben basiness eflbew means and the public. WEDNEhDAY. At 10 s'c'ock, at their aoctioa room, tU Pearl st. Package Sale of Hardwais. Cattery.

Asssrica. Freach aad GwsnaGaoai, en a cvedst ef 6 snawbs tor SUroved esidorsed Brers ISO packages Bnsasf.gham aoa Sheffield Hardware an4 Cntlerv, Asaencaa Freach and Oermaa Fancy and Staple Gonda. Coasmmg of harts, bohs. scrrwa ties, haa waers. vW ees, BKvala.

trace sad log chases, hand, peaet, bra ft mm hack and com pass saws; show is, sradrs, ases. C)lhe, caipenier kavb.rioeet, usk, psd asat ill lacks vrssdow spiings aad fasteners, coaipasse, brass bead Bails, screw nags, iwcsgchrena, dividevs. See and common table and oVsert karves sad forks, pen, pocket, prrniiag, cotton aad dirk katves, scissors, shears, rssors, bones, strops, si.ulrr aadlravB, high and flat brass candlesticks, Irs beiiB aalaea, sascs asd stew aad bake Bamv. ceal scwttlea. i aa.

sad bits, firmer snd moruc ebieele aad goswee, English aiwJOernran States, pencil, net snd cfoak heals iwk. stands, twme, crayons, lead neacats. lean W.t.. 11 aihrc tabis and lea swoosva nard mills, 4 e. Also.

SO eases double and sia Ie barrel pereusBiiia and flint locks. Asm ItO pan pntota, assorted. Catalotru.B and goods nuv be examintd AsAv k. ore the rale. ROYAL GURLEY.

fetors lb. Bioadwae New Tork Long lZ ROTAL uUKLh i hasrasuintd th. and eommisssja kustness, and Uken hie eld "et, known as the New York Long Rooas. let Broadway, aad respectfully solicits a coaiiaiiiacs of the patron are be foraaerhr enjoyed. Tbe ad ran tag ea possessed by tLaa eligible room fur iba aale of Private Librai ica.

Panstiaga and eagravisfs, are well kaewaieab whs snsnd sales of tba description, aad wa hope it wig coatinae ta bs rendered artractrvs to tbe reading maasty aad bva vera of tbe Fine Arts. THIS EVENING. Books A large eollecttea of Maeellia Xta. Among tnrm ars Tytler'e Uaiversal Hwtory Hutu's aawwrican Kevonrtma, von Joatnalsf Medical Science, 7 vols; London Drawiag kaeai Scraa Books; Speameas of Ausetieaa Kb sjaencv; Jevemv Bentharn Legation, I vols; 10 oox iMecnenadsas. Books: tO quarto Blsnks: 10 das a 1...

a do Copy Bocks; 6 reess cap Paper, dee. a rnivAf A BALK. 1 An'Obsteiric Machine, sBBsble for lectatrers. A Drug 8 lore. Bleaaantlv aiinaieal the city.

JOSIAH RICHARD19, AnetioBe ei BY BANGS, RlCHAlibsfcFLAlT. BTaaaUfiBnaAPWAT. FRIDAY xiVENUNU, 2SU bmL Private Library of a dartawrsswAad tbe csaairy, cnawasuag of rare and vahsabl works rehitsctwrs aad ia eeaeral lsvrataww aaa. 8taart aad Tievrtt'e A'bew Bkaadel PalaiirwAsT nw Vttrovass WUkms Peyrv PrBaeas RjcaaraV soa's Vnrvp CoUaarhaas' OrajBwa DescaskaV AatapirUes af Rome Pes he Works of Gi est BrvUxa HaJfpemar'. of Yerk sWry', DeaigBsw Uaaed Asrauniea of Attics Crvd Eaaeermg ard Archnectaral Jowraat Mtrooohtaa liisnin.

Vawa Pire. Ii.ltx, Londoa, LancasUi. Ac Traaaactioas of the Sociwy of Losxlon. AO vol 6 vsfine copy Bell' Paatbeonal Claawseal MttAelnrv soi tareat Hartrwieal IctnsMrv 4 vsW AaVteoa'a Works 4 a Lars BaeWa Work. 4 vol.

falio Borwetts History of hw own tivae vnl. Sharp's Brim Poets 49 eowiKsaB lfevuara Bavtnry ol tne Indies 4 vols gee En Al1" Tr easnoca and rare. 4 note feus Speed' Chronicle ef Eagiaad Is. hslisB bib's GaHety nap Ate McPberson'a Annas al ossaBerce 4 AkermaB's Rrpcwitnry 17 vols loyal gin 8a? Was Tearple'e Works fobeDr Isaac en's coaukMa works 6 vols 4ta CatalogBeaarel books ready for castas week prenoor. BY J.P.

DIETERICH, FBsrell tfpsi as Btrsst. 7. P. Dieterick nigra snrntas tesalss of Funutare, Groceiiea aad steal Estasr. Al sales si Leads aad Hcssee wdl be aiads at the Msrcaaila' Exchange, TIILv9 1 14tk.

Alio seoik. Pawahrok Sale The sabseiibsse gives aetiee thai Drevri wiU sell ea Tharadsy. S4 1 Inst, at 10 o'clock, st No tS Chatham street, ap stair a large and general aseortaa ot goods, which Lavs beea pledged twelve asoBHaw a sym, Gold pates I char escapsseal rvsr watches. dvpVx. ber soMa), an aad lepsae told wtdee.

Ensl.h sal ver levers. EagUsh, French end Bwaas piaa aalver aasl setal watches, gold guars rnssas, tab do, aold seals and keys, ear rmgs, broaebes. nags, gesd and ailvor pescl cassra4eta, eMra glsxeervr gold and suver itumMee, do saeevaciea, eye giartrs table aad lea svooaa. sagar tones, nlntrd bread BaAat putted candlesticks, dismnad nags, aasi buiaibia ga JrC'Cat lSa knives and (arks, dirks aad raasis, aheara. btstaaani ana sots sad aasgls guas.

pasosa, swoida. sex' Bats, nT. mm BHght keyed fleaea, aUgesssts, claragaarts, Aies, hswles' and T7, Atsa, qaaaftr at ether goede, toe swAwaareaats bmb. tiee to be Bold withewt reaerve eale lo ceia me at 10 oVloe. JOSEPH SIMPSON CO.

Lieeseed Psvmbrokers. 14 Cos then. Mee. STHOMASSLMPItON. 4k WEDNESDAY, Sent tS.

PabBe Sale The aadersigned givsa Mies that DHBTicb will aeH oa WEDNESDAY. IJd 6 Dey kwrratilsrrs and valuabta assvAnxseat af iewewra tin sr. assxewsBsag every fsrncle a tha above btmiaeae, betoagieg tba estate of the lata Robert Gnersoa, deceesed. PartKulars aereear. By seder oT EUSHA MOERCLL.

Pwt be ASwastrster. WATERPROOF BK1TIR ClOTHI, to Tt RTni ni Bnf, Hlsck, snd imam Cre 1 Abw rpetHne 1 jd Pik Clot, ot varkres aosSsa and nnaliri. now ea heoa end for sajeby wnjSONO. HUNT ANOYKSL sIS street, eor. CkwiaraA a.

.1111 i I I l''l 1 a A vi.m ti 4atA t. 1 9 A I tl AAA, .1 vi: tA.i i a S. fevrU it .1 i. Ji i.

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