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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 18

Indianapolis, Indiana
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18 Fin from ami mroiiurnt, cJaa repinr; 'W L.noi fr e'. la fit. Other lor S.Vi a month: real lor tpock coal ti for isest wia bl ilIUTLi'. ti.i'T Litpve. fen rtxxu.

t.eur iAntiJr city, vtaaa 1 lit so lot. Jttif ul rw now: lour larre 2 fl lELOCIC TALBOTT AVE. 1 ryirrtt 6 rooiO and bath, at. tractive hoene hardwowi firxxrt tftroijehoit. laundry fx awoent.

Jot. shr jtiiery. Price for iin, tan. Ca.l C. Maia 150.

or 334 Amcr lean Cen rl Life. irifi lr. iarf ey bungalow; tw roora. 1 floor. kny bnnr rwn.

jtt feature thro'irhoul, h.ardwyd maljornjr triimd, r.y 3 id; Jil hUa 'y farm for ejun. will art f. for SViOO iset. 1 aold thia fwk. Will ffunjir or anf lhf tlffll, Cof i v.

Harri on i7i', cOnitii a TiL no'k'TH cF' Vo1 jT, fe; entrance, rye. room. iloL4r rrrrra, kitchenette, break fait rrnm end rear pofh; 8 largo bedrowie with pWt.y closets, 1.1 bath, Iu4 baeemefU: lot hUflti. Jkptehitjef 1. PrU h.

blau! tcrirja. rKKKMAJi A JtAHJ. 44 1 n'i Wlvf. WaiiliSl. 19.

1 i imttm. 'a, i5 ITft." SIS K. par Jt'kie 7 room arl roM fl xjrr in liln 1 rffninr Tfpntn: Tula lwn4 la pr'4s faih1 arl rd rrow Into: 0.OO. TTB)a fn MJT' Vjl 2407 "OKTil MEMVUH TUKKT 'M'xVt ri rwm, 2 bai'na. bailer a iiafltry; furrt'j, laufulry.

tora lumn i'f. a twit crl in bawiwwit Srar nwnwi noor: r'a aujr; awnin and fiAWiciro cesvice corf 1 0rwr 't k. ma rk sTRgrr, utimi nwly lfr.rail an fain tad; at flfiw. Trrmi. Jrrnftfl )l a ro i iar: Ww ft room trunf irw ail mHrT mnns bKyCJS ftEALTT CO, St; t.

mm i will i rutrin; mitnt cctini'tor iral aa r1 par naa rnt, whirsrvn C3 a it Uiiutii nu fn ii Co4tlnr liTtnr room rtth brt fla, rrn lora to parkr Krn dwri lo iliHinr rtwrn, mwiwi kitfbn an4 mmilaia I'uJlman brckJt room, Thrra lovely rooma with Jarr cjskH; linai rlvt in hail; romokta bath itu h'llittrt ilrr.ln tlMtwt md Ivii mfirw, f'ltTfl biwtrimt undr aitra honm. with Imurm in. all rootnai brautiuliy inihM and foratl. To nr a 4rlTway from airt; larfa el from Jot. Yu inn noma li i.K''va rrtc i3.

'i'iO, Sho by aoititmant. I. A. MAVr.t.K 7I. rMii Truit fcWf Mix rwmn, rntxirrn.

aarara, Thla honia wIl ariointa(i ami wnrtn 6 Soo. Naar i Ontral vmr Uam, ttorlta of aeib. Can arraa aay term. 'RAKK 1. CLARK A CO.

fihta. Main eta b. 4Tii btreet. inr fwm. ni 3 iiwpicf room on ixm nw; larva baaainaut ao4 saraxt Inimwlial txMaton.

1, JT. CAKTWKT.L hnma. nltinf cf lirtwr r(wn witn rtrpiaa. rrvrtcti coora to rtiiunr room with hullt ln rmfft, lely arranad kftchM ana pantry nail aoparaira ta two Imht i trim t. klh mm mala n.rt in and eoat in bail; oak fintah tv4 iirdwooil floor in two main room; lnrtoal irorrh.

attlf. brirh ind mwil front porch', sl1Mt bwmil wHh too' furnaoa HiiHnni'n'ni. a. HAvrr.infj poi rwnhr itit hw Cantor hall. Iiin roor arittt bnclc flra flar, n)tln bookraaaa and aaats dtntnc room; Urtw Puron1 an'1 rhtna c)ot built In lh kltchanj 8 nica lajiiif room, bath iJ larra rlota: hardwood floora firt floor; baaamant ndcr anttra hotiaa, aKh ood nawly drrratailj entira houaa inlhal In whila antmrl' etai trtc ttyhta.

city n't Htarn Wr ar tftrajra; comer lot. luuijnf, irirm 9.OWi CaaO, Dal' A JfAVIfUcn, bfli rM brr Tru.t 'bMr. rira roomatarn; inoronfhiy modern: hrrtwiw4 floom, braotlful rtrooratlona anJ clartrlcal flxturaa, Tbaaa art raal bornaa. orili tha Ch or trm. iorlb SSUfi nn for appotnttnnt.

R)f Ru (5 A A ITT" Cantar halt tr; 4 balroom, nawty rt. rt1 and j)tntl; rarafa for .1 cars; lntan tanaou watar htM i goixX furnaca. Only riiAKK 8. CLARK A CO Wain St77. Sin fiWo, MfcktirSTTTWeffXlsiria flM.

la A700 Flaa nlra rooma. alt on tha fTouo'l floor: bath, furnace. ctt water, gun. atoctria llM; Hmt anc) a)ly lm proTU aaat fron lot, 40x133. la aacallaat romlition.

Tri" $5 BOO. V. A. BATKMCK, prt JTIatbar TmatibMr, Fall rraelt. ft rooma and bath, hanlwooj fliora.

banmad raUlnr, haaawant and Aloa rtirf thorovighly eomplota and autlfl location. Owoar taaviita ciL VTaahtwaton lHAVikvi tity. will SiOi'VVy rn bomak north of aath bird cloa to Tlitnoia rnr and aclioot; prioa $3,400, Waahi ton ROOM MODERN South weal crvrner S.t.l and ttroad way. Thla la an exceptionally nlca bunaalow, with lonf lirtny room, dm my rnorh. a bwlrooma, kitchen and hath; all on ona ficnir, IYuhi Interior thowu by appoint met only, Mr.

MTMtai AKTXA TRV8T AM) SAVINGS CO. eUnya. North. 2100. Maia 8..

a 1 RftiinrAirci xrwr Oood Wiim bungalow, lucatod on Oni. fort aya.j lonf hrmy room: 8 rood ed btvlroonu; butlt in feature: larra baaemeiK and attic: eatra larra. clone houaa newly ttcwratcd; lr lot. lTi $7,000 hVt CMia SCH Ml A SMITH; INCv realtors. 4f 1.4 1.

rv.iwara at' i (5 ft BALE V0 WN 41S9 Park rooma, lare balna room, freplaoa Jn and; hwlwocn toon throufhout. btrfh woolwork, tila bath 3 bcdrcioma, car ay a knd Kelleratona to match Houaa priced rihl. YahUvytoo. 4. aynta.

xrtlftli" maILk roah. rail 8 atorjr, atrtctiy motlirn, with rarare foot lot, OO pared air t. Lony livina room, fireplac. full baaement Btrtain at 7.:0: ay PVtPenta. Mate, J.8; NfcW rooma.

modern, hardwood floora throughout, tony lTin room, open flreplaca. bulli ia feature. Pullman tvraaktaat room aarar 8 6 OWNER, Woo; north, lsitn Fall Crek a real homa, ftS.bM; wortlt tha Trtca Cwwar leaYlna; dty, North 3240. $34 "month, buya fooot roMcr bomafarareBorthiJMtain 1741. lui'A RX'CkLfe; eonTwlent" Kome.

Juat coia plcted: bnlt ln featnrea yarara; terma CrN' "StrNDAY, TO ft, SSiS CENT'RAL AVE, Tbia attraottya new homa ready f0r yotj it mora mht la. IIt lony hrlny room with open flreplaca. tttodera kitchen. 3 hsbt airy be.ireoma; open bajoony, fyil tile path lmn drawera. nietal la a lory, hardwood floora throughout, arwana.

aha.iea. lary front porch, full baaement, laumlry twlM. hirh .1. aat fronl Jot, 2 car araye only $4 Qv( act front lot. 8 car ar aye only th ta band la, balanca monthly, a walk kttr tir home, and a CkccUent buy lit thi 1ulrct.

T. B. MARW A COMPANT ter Trvml t.ia. Mn BOlt lh' beautiful! appoint, bungalow haa ft rooma and la for yo mow into; SUaJactorr letwt. Open if to 6 p.

Sunday. a BRVCS REALTY (XX MnS22. nouA, 4 twiiroim iouhl rarer inr; MSM. grit E. 24th nmltrn; new hoavrl PrVwTT jmmciiate pooamuinn I.Oa.

Mvn 1P74. 735 Lemck, tt fTkOCSf anoderFlwuSr: 3CHTiSua Jfraey; ateam heal: 0wnr learr are learinr Main arhFncw olat; rca famj homi" duplex arranaamentr modern; 6 bedroos ie, ram; fr raln: ortw J'AIU AVE Beat email houaa buy on Park atrict ly modsrn, tucrA. 4 room. 2i sra Leattl; lrfa lot; plctsty ihWh. AL' 1 4 'Ctt bnc ce'loti, arratuaescel ri t.rd, north ith: trade aouitr fr auit lota 11 i.

A Inreptment ijroo 2013. Cv AN Tlvoo' 1 'vr. then talk to the same a a a wHwaA C0j.ier4U0O IIEAL ESTATBNORTn, yjVii ii'JOM tirin.ix mcni kotuc; ioa reat 5f a nortti; frr: lawna ari ahnjt.vwrr. ttwnr. Mfn J37.

Krt hioLjhf.X 7 rorra bouae in ar cetajlj lorr iiirr rcKj. butlt ftir, aieepsr.r porh, dotibi rrnr: C.pjfl ccrth el 3ia at. Gi.AT&VVM E. iKRHT. 41 mwaa Cwi Ul IP'xt VilS 'A.

Ci Sf iUki. AYE, $700. i F(Hn an4 aiUr: atrxrtSy BvxJrrB: (rreiJet hot i IT tv.r.r pial, lauriry atvl oor Inflow; metal weather atnpa; i orlM IK w.J: farr in raar on paaed aiiy. Frira rh wia bsa. Ji tt.

Sht aptontowtit. P. A. HAVf UCK, ryt Troirt tMr. MODERN 7 roo ii kToaa; 3 tdrocn: rood ctwi.uot; at CV on 24 fh at.

416 CcnlraJ Lif. Xia HI XC'iv fui 2 atory cuxlro Lo noa. ba anient boUML laoadry eooa pVu br root, art exrijct lo ii'ri near liiiooia aoH JLow prtaa OOOj ta pa eS. To property aBt; fn at orwar, Owifer will Mr. Kiir wtta ERXKST J5.

WOOD. 12t2i foor, ittxt Lfa. Xm 3'4. a3. ior aua ifraioar.

oaaainr em fKl iDpiel: eatt ara4ra; aee t'ylay or yo a nay )ia too lata: po ion to a tow 500. u. Kail ariM ERSHt B. WOOD. 2tto Coor fciata Mam y4.

jatrhta. ar4. mt raw ptioa baii, liairr roora. dlolna" mm. nir a par.l'y, kiu tyo.

lavatory 3owntir; bujSt4r frataraa; a brooma. porch and batb tinatwrt; 'floored attur: bar4wool fiuora )a aiJ rooma; aaartar aawad cax ftlhd ttrown. btrvta maa(ar Bp: in oaocnaxot: acvaaa ojt. Low pnef Of K.or. ITY TRL3T COM PAJT.

ft. Irrmrton 14.11. TlVZXKfXSA hm, rriST Mar i road" baryain yayinTta. Owjmx. Waah.

Ilaouful rooma ao4 )th, oak wood wora, hardwood floora, JlrroLaa. PUUt ln bnffat, fail baaaitwrnt, araya with frant rtrlra. Tost wilt find eery onai4eoa io tula boma Frva fOO. AMEKJCAU E3TATES CO. 0I 2 CVrtdeotai baic Main 1407.

Eattfa.Mrt ttro'in, fraforton a.H3. JiOilHJ to rxrn.oaa. ta tb block, Jarl dooHla yaraya; fina iocation; baraun: 000. Main ft'Jitt; avaoific Waab liekrirfTa alrx, bow pa CoUaaa. sear Slat raptio bail, snr worn with ftrapiao and 'Jilt in bookraaaa: Jarra Cimng room.

fa'itkra par fry arub c'ila iotj laratoy wl flovt on flrat COr; baroooa. Ict irf porrH aod batb on paeond floor: 3 bod rooma third; rdooi ftoora ai ar rd oak floiah throua boat at am baatin plant and iauo.rr tuba la naaafBabt' arara. Prioa only 9.0, Kawaoanb a amount cah. BCMtoet trma. TliOi.

CARSOJJ A Main A44, Htmalfaftanf rXTj.v,a i ovv. KOHfii. FivavrtMtn buntalow trar Mania road. Hardwood floora, bull tin buffet: twoloaeiy naxirooma and bath, Terma, cai. baiaoc fV rxsr oontn.

THO, CARSON A 5144. filft Rutna Maoaur. HO EftOH OF MAPLlTliAlJ" on Ouilford, a4 fronl. inl hail plan, larya briny room with ftrapiar. front braktt room.

bulit ln cabinet, 8 Urr twdrooma. ncload alaaptna parch Ad nraaamy room, laratorr, la bathroom. A botna whoa charm arvd tiaahienaaa you esa appractata orify by rrng tha interior aa wrU aa xtrtor. Shall ha flavt to ihow fARTnrCr554S anT5JIa; 3 new. weH am, 8 room, brrb rrada houaaa: will flniaUcd about bciptemicr IS.

Coma out Sunday and took tbera otct, X'crr orm aerdonea. includiny inatantaoaoua water haatar and oowb.a aararaa. Laraa lota. Imi locaiiona. Term a to auit.

cab and par month bun A.mnm modarn b'ralow. tin tflih 9 km. rooma anl bath; bardwood floora; beautifully Lyaunrtrr; larca front porch: pfeftty abado: 1m proT. nmi. unr pay piy ran whan roa can ny modern homa on thiu tarmaf HARR R0BBIN3.

409 Lombard bWy. Mam 140S COLLEOB AVE. Pnaaaaafon wlthtn JO darar wll tM.iit a. room home; 4 bedrooana. bath and furnace: narawmwi noonj oownaiairt and in hallway up; yaraya; convenient to ail hanl churchea: on yood car Una; owner movtny to Ptroit: aubject to eoat of reaurfaoint atraat: 1.

nee wa hava ia not an inflated ont; prtca METER RISER BANK. 6aK i 4ortoo Placa. N. New Jersey ba' Wfal 10 roont houae; aleyantlr lurnlah au hed. lncluoiny piano; aaarythlna: yoea: 4.kmi rah, balance month.

Tha kind of a bujr only eomea alone ocaa'onally OROROR A. LUCAS. 20 AmirtV. rV. Zi j.lfa bldy, Clroia OnOO, OPEN SUNDAY AFTERNOON.

O0lA)NlAL HOUSE, $11600. IN WOOD ED SICTlON'i Corner 34th and lVlnthrnn ara. tnat mnmt. Pleiad: moiJern In erery. particular, includiny lonrMrlnr room with (rale: rtlnlny room ami aitcnen on nrat noar: a tarea itvmrni and tiled bath on eoeond floor; full baaa nwni ktdo 1 lurnaca: a arara with (rant rirtre.

Reaaonabla caah payment and balance on monthly pay man la. Shown by appointment by RICH A WOLCOTT. Fletcher Trust bid. Main 8431. "BftlCfe CENTER' haLI: In tha hlrhtr reatrlcted d4atrte4 i road aaat of Col lea a.

a aquarea from car li'ie. ao 11 area from, acbool WILL BE. READY FOR OCCUPANCY aElTEMBER 1, Larya brick and atone norehr tila waatibtiia renter hall, larye coat cloaet. full lenrth mlr ror and laratorr. larra hrl ny room, anlarliim breaUfaal room, butler 'a pantry, kitchen pantry, tneloaed porch and alt built in cabt beta throughout 3 larye bed room a and larya aleepiny room with unuaually larya liyh ted cloeeta, and band decorationa; tila bath with ahower and butlt Ht bathtub and nedcetal aattatand; complete baaement.

ovaraUa fur. nac with thcrmoatat. Pittabunr eon hot water heater and laundry, extra oiir. ah wmoowa ami openinaa ea.aippad with rueta) weatheeetrttie: laree attiri a at all brick renew raraya; beauuiui yard! treea and ahrubberjr. A wonderful noma.

Price reaaonabla. Terma to auit. B. M. OI.09SBRENNFR REALTY CO BUILDER OF BETTER HflMM rhon.4 Maia GD7, Erenlnya Waah.

18M. Auto. SS 697. Win hare to buy now if yon want it. Will be pleaaed to ahow von an tl ereiny except funday, BEACT1FVL' WOODED HOME Near 4flth at.

Wonderfullr colonial type, with center hail Jtrinf room haa plf fireplace, dinlnr room, cute break fail room, convenient kitchen: opataira ara lovely, bedrooma, larya cloeeta, aewiny room, bath: larya baaement; Rrbolt furnace double raraye. Mr. Have. KATT A CO 803 Huma Manaur Mnin S70T. fVMenca Woodruff 4r ACK, re room mmlern buna alow: aaod a well Pnlahed houae, with bollt lB aaturaa; bich loti half aouara trana Una.

ACT QUICKLY. THE SPAKN COMPANY, 1' Realtor, 55 E. Ohio at. AN KXCELLENTBCT, Near Waabinyton bird, and 34th lorely home, newje decorated, center hall type with 4 bedrooma. full baaement: ya raye; $7,800.

Call Mr, Hay with W. D. PRATT ACOh 03 Hume Manavir bldy. Mum 27S7. Reaidence.

Woodruff f497. TtfX.ROoM HOlifB Maple road. Four rooma down," up; modem except bath. Lot eOxieo. LoU of fruit.

Fin location. Price S3.00O. $300 caah. $34 a Bionth. STATESATINGS AND TRUST CO.

Main 4517. Rcaidcnca, Belmont fi037. 33D SfBUNOAL6wr4.800. Thla htrh arada humilAa ean Vm ImmIiI ior Ti.inKi can arm J.3.J pey menlM. 143 E.

larket at. FOR COLORED. Fire room eottaya north, electric ttrhts, (aa. larr lot. Prion $2,300..

C. C. GROVE. Clrcla 404 City Trntt tldf. RUCKLE ATTsTH.

A alx rootn modem doubt, one aide only baa hardwood floora down aire. One of the beat hooiea and rental Inreatmente ia Indi aaapoUa. Priced at Jft.OOO; term, Mr, Pboaa Main 1S04. Washington 4408. SECURITY TRUST CO.

BROADWAY BUNGALOW. In aclendid reridence aectioa Johnaon'a wooda, Houm ia almoat new. All rooma on rround floor; bedrooma and tile bath. Floored rood baee ment with stationary tub. Lot 40x140.

Prte only $7,000: $2,000 cah. balanc monthly rsymenU like rent. 4 C. B. DURHAM A CO, Realtor.

780 Lemck Annex, 'Maw. 4240.. Waahiuyton 3223. N. DELAWARE.

SeTeii roora home, atrtctiy hardwood Coor throurbout. Pno rath. $1,800. balance ey paymenta. STATE SAVINGS AND TRUST CO.

Main 4517. Eremnra. North sa. 4S10 WASHINCTOV riT.vrt New colonial brick: reneer reaidence: "'10 larye rooma: center ball; extra larye east front lot: double yarara; truly an elerant horn: open erery day, F. L.

PALMER, own VTM ut rtoa l.oi. a 4 A in REA ESTATE KORTIL CAkltolXtCiji A VfC 44 roota Iravch colonial tuxna. poaaaaaioti at once: larpa lialpy room. fSrrplace. unaaoal bui.1 jn frataraa la kitcbea; Rybcit famaca: lasndrr; rwire: porta ccbera orer trr way; hfht Airy baxirooina; Urya loaetar ot ct a to 6 daily or eaH dram 2113 twgc atid erCTinff.

Earyain terma. CPTT rjyj)AT ArmtKOOJT. r3fEW BRICK VENEZR. tl509. A BXAL E03CE CE3TTK.AL AVE5LK.

wa ran ahow by aopmotntant a ara bnc hoaa la anxiaaaity attrarti ra. mortem and wett iksiji. Cm tha Brat Coor la a i ij Urtny roora. recrctioa bait dir.ic room, break. faat room axd kitcton.

Tta liriry. diw and oreakfaat roots. nBiah4 lit mat bocaea. Tha tieb anh 't ki. ara 3 tarca liadwuBaa.

ana of wht i wMf 7 a biri nui room and PM bath with butJt ta tub and' pedectal Cxtoraa. Ail of tha ttpataira rooma ara i.ilhl la aid Irory. Tbera ia a baaeroert nsrW tha antlra bouaa with lan nta cr garaaw Gia a irnv Bn. Tha lot fiOxl45. Tb will tcaka wvm a aplaiid homa and aa yoa irill ajoy owa lay.

Reaaoaabia caah urmrct a td baLane. aaosuaiy, RICH A WOLCOTT TltUbtr TrsaV Maia 2431. HOJtT Bt WSALOW. rl baaattfai rooma modern im ry da tall. nnMaaliy weJl built: eompWefjr ur ntaoad.

eatuae for ntZing. price 17,600. torn terma. Quick DOaaaaim. Maifl 4M3.

Harrtaow lf04. TJ MACLEOD, REALTOR. OHT room aidrrv a in ota af pieaaaateat P.ocaa rtfy, thoroturhiy ed oak bard wood floora. 2rf farr Sna hada traev: yrape arbor. 2430 M.

Feno arl anla Out. Jorth 4137. TXSttLAVti aVEhOWE. Jnny tha aty. Wilt acil 7 room mod rn honia; bar yarn price sea owner, 2141 Aahlawl.

Pbona Nortlt 16. VFTCar modVrri1" bunraw. 2320 ladi ahapoba larye room and bath, hardwood floora tarouyktotit, artiatie rbmoy and brmaT room lr a timlira trwh door, tarya etoa ta. 9 porebca. fuU baaaanant.

avKiju ir 4si ana Bam yard, tot run nrmtn jttnei are; valaa of lot. bom would coat S7.SOO to bui Id today: you may own thia baauU fully af potnted homa for f00. phono owner. North 51. 375nRUCKLriTRErrr ATTRACIVE MODERN RUNGALovr, SabatanUally built, tin uau ally locatad: not tha ordinary btinyalow of today, but Tboilt for a home: inr room extra larya.

with fireplac. oak Interior woodwork; htrheat yrada oak hardwood floora: crows mo at canUnya: diniay room. 3 badrooma. tila bath: arery known conremenca In built in feat urea: both decoration and cbandaUera are of the hiyhaa! typa rood baaeeaent. rood furaacw: raraaa, A bnncaiow that moat rrary on ia looiiJtir for.

Tha ownera arr mortM to De troif and will an re poaaeaaloa akmoat Imme (hataly; caah raq.rad;. no trade: baianca mortyaya running rir at 6 VI per reut. If yan ara lookinr for a hiyh (rada buiiyalow, thi ia your opportnnily, MEYER KIRR RANK alX ROOM houa. on north aidei lot OilA'1; owner aon reaident. H.

E. MORRISON tuwinome, cat Mo 31. "TiNF. ftftsri; Wa bar a aplendid rwn modem, with 3 car raraye. located in tha beat eection of tha city.

Tb lot ia 78i30T. and tha fifr ronndinra ara unexcelled. Wa can aeil thla broperty. which la in rood condition, for a price far under tha reproduction aalua. 4020 N.

Pennaylrania at. $15 OOO.0O. CHARLES E. HOLLOWAT A SON. a RjCa'OLaTOll Main Jlk.

10W Monument Circle 3S 5. KTS ROOM" modern, in 1 fontaine I'riea 37.500; $3,720 caah will handle it. PUTNAM REALTY CO. 7fi7 City Truet b'df. Main 2230 41 PARX AVE.

I Sis room modern doplex. NOW VACANT. Indlrlduat heatiny planta; aan parlora; dQUble yaraye: nawly painted and new roof. Will paper to auit purchawr. PRICE S8.000.

$1,000 caab reuiured. LEO K. CLINB. 431 Lamcita bidy. Main 3115, COTTAGE.

8' rooma down. 1 larye up: elee tne nynia. yaa, aewer connectlona. well and cistern inatda. cement porch and walk a.

rood lot. new pared atreet. Will include ahadea. linoleum, year' a aunply of coal and extra yood' baeeburner. Part caah and $10 per montn.

tin ounoay. tt9 at. FINE corner lot. Broadway, ofaith. 4.70.

Maw 7 room modern home. 1 ttuckle. near 42d; S9.000; terma. Four room ounyatow. aiectrie byhta.

yaa. terma. PRICE BROS. CO. Main 3q, Waahtnyton 004 Law bldy.

AfATXKR0A BLVbTrlOME. Beautiful home near Carrol; ton aouth front, aun porch. Jarre lirlnr room with fireplace and bookcaaea, dlniny room with built in cabinet under window: break faat room, butter pantry with built in cup bdarda. til floor in pantry and kitchen, 3 Hybt. airy aloeptnr rooma and otfalda' rooma.

hardwood floor throurbout; ahoy any fln lah; rood haatlnr plant; Pittabury heater: taunary tuoa: rjoorea attic: double yaraye. win aciia cement anreway in irom front roaaeaaion lew day, a owner ia morinr wvj rice, aio.wi. can maxe reaaonabla terma. THOS. F.

CARSON A Main 2n44. 010 Hume Manaur 6373 CENTRAL AVE. 312.600. Splendid home on aoulhaaat corner ft 4th and Central are. Houae.

ia modern in erery war. includiny tony briny room with rrate and built ia bookcaaea, dtniny room, break faat room and kitchen on flrat floor. Three bedroom aleepiny porch and bath on second floor. Full baaement with laundry tuba. two oar raraye.

uoi 7iyi7o with plenty of shrubbery and flower. Drtre by and look at tnta unuauai noma, iteaaonable caah pay. ment. RICH a WOLCOTT Fletcher Truat bldr. Mala 3431.

r6A 'ikUt 6it rade. 1 Xlyht room houa. modern: haa raraye: rood, aubetantlal home. aall for caah or trade for suburban property. REALTY Realtor.

Main 406. 1004 CUT Trust blda SlE ROCM modern cottira. Una. ulPTot ara re. Can aell.for $4,600.

Owner learlrur dty; 32,309 caah. 1000 block BellefonUina street. STATS SAVINGS AND TRUST CO. Main 4517. COME SUNDAY AWeRNOONT YOU'LI FIND THAT IT'S THE BU NO ALOW YOU'RE LOOKING FOR.

37M RUCKLE STREET'. BabaUnttaUy built, unusually located not the ordinary bunyalow ot today, but built for a home: briny room extra larye, with flreplaca. oak interior woodwork biyheat yrada oak hardwood floora; crown mold at celUnr: dinlnr room, a bedrooma. til bath; ererr known convenience tn built in featurea: both decorationa and chan delier are of the biyheat type: rood baee meni, rooa rurnace yarare. A bunyalow most erery one; lokiny forv The owners ar morinr to Detroit and will gir poaaeaaioa almoat immedlataly, $3,730 each reouirea; no trace balance mortyaya run nlny A year at 6Va oer cent.

If ran are lookiny for a hiyh arade bunaraiow. thia ia your opportunity. JS KTEK mSER BANK. M0DER.NN6RTHr VACANT. 633 E.

13th 7 rooms, hath, new fur nace, electric UrhU. joat been newly decorated throurbout and new rbof: ftrat claaa condition. Flrat party with S4.500 it. Will make reasonable terma. RUSSE H.


NEAR 21 ST. Four room downstair, hardwood floors; bedrooma and bath Laratory and toilet for maid'a room. New hotwater heatiny plant. Brick and porch; ear are. Hooae newly painted aod ta flrat daaa condition.

ROBERT M. COLLIER. SOA Odd Yellow bldr Main 33. PIKE, new, 3 room bunyaJowj irtcluding breaklaat room, built ia feature, blr wooded lot. An ideal ham la a hiyh rrade district Very liberal terma can be made.

Waabinyton 1079. XT FINK. new. nerer occupied. 6 room colo nial atyle home: a hir double rrays, built in leature.

hardwood floor, full laundry equipped, basement. A beautiful homa a httn trade district. Very hberal term. Washlnrton 1070. A SHIN GTON BOULEVARD." Thorouyhly modern 6 room houae water neat, complete in ererr war: 1 rrounu.

immt poaaeaa on. By OWNER. "awoinyion wvu, HOME KEAR 30TH. Seyen rooms. iBclwHnr 3 bexlrooms: hardwood floors and quartered oak finish; larr porch, rood furnace, yarare.

fruit treea and berry buahea. Thia ta a rood buy. Price 5 THOS. F. CARSON CO.

Main 2W44. iBH Hume anaur NEW PARK AVE. H0XE. '4W Par juil flriaheI; liriny room, dining room, break last room and kitchen: three sieepmy room, bsth and aleepiny porch: hardwood floor and ma hoy any fln iah; full aement and yoed furnace; yeeaa and pared alley. Price one third cjh.

biilunce yt: per THOS, F. CARSON a CO, I EEALTOR3. Maia 2C44. 010 Unma Uanjor: I 4 I e. A the trr SiX SIS THE IXDIAXAPOLIS NEWS, 1 TJT? e.

M.i iln myjti I 1.. IL I I si I "Vlll' I CHAR34IXG COLCSlAL HOME. ta brauuful lawn; 3 M. room. n.J tiia bath, tr hrmg room, ftra ncil ioor Ajuct; room, kitchcru r' 31 rarara: rfrth apf Cail Mr.

Hayaa. VT. D. PRATT Hraw MiiiTO fcloar. Maia 2767; jrnc.

nooanu: 4S7 room wit brick mantel and LJIIi rTrca kitchen Jowa: DaCTOOaoa aru4 hath rwn bar. hardwood 2 rootn ramer.t floored baaement with equipped U'jrKiry; eemast porch wuh brick v.uuua IIITVM tnim bAnaB hurl.lnll. kept troat and bates yard. Oanrr will aeata tia Caya. Shown by a ioin insect oala HALL A KlXXu.

c. Market. TWTE NTT EIGHTH VtZWTsfT Splid Taom brtck VeWU iTi ourh ftt prcSS "1 ortd aad ra AMERICAS ESTATES CO awi urmenuj IWBiart Mr. Owvna. Waaaiayton A XrwHdM2yORTBL A beastifal boaaa.

Kc'Luinna oere Jf ta a fine, locy Srlc yoom, mocruN: a um ni wma ua ET aJeo e. 4 bedrootaa. aaeii Hoast. A beaatif ul bath, tilaxl E0r; airtny rca xor oa acietnaia: fall naaa rbolt fnrnai Luuw aK I brick all mt tt I pnee. a.4.t jv; larmt.

arm cocatider a lot ia part. Look at thla at on Call L. EJILOCEJ. 33l at. of P.

Main 4114. 'TKRiraj ACKE. SIX ROOM HOrSE. No. 202i E.

34th a. Corner property, fronu aa a bared atreet. lay hiyh abora tha atreet lerel; Una ahad and trait trera: haa electric bhte: arvl etatera Ul kftchen; a rood hot air furnace: a WM.bkt ara: chicwen boaace; yrowtny yardra and field eropa po aton can be had im 0ii.atelj. Tha prioa ia awry reaaoaabia and can be parchaaed on terma or caah from owner. Call Sunday.

Take Ft. Himaon or An4erao ln terui ban. yet ft at S4th au or taka Colleye car to 30th and Cornea. then walk north and aaat. Open for Inapectioo.

to a. m. AVtT fiefl Bi orVru cottart. rood condition: rot with pared atreet: only J2.Q00. Art uick.

Ey parmenu. Now Tacaat. CEO. H. MOORE A CO.

Mala Mr. Sc. ton. Proapect 9331. iEVENR005f "modern boue.

north; tmaoadJat Doacaaalan. F. A HTTrxntva iy an.w Kr "OWN'iR ktS fiEtl. Beautiful roota modern homa h4. rooma.

rtw electrical flxturea; aeawd attic two diid; Biniwaoq noora. new a arara: fine furnace: beautiful foiiaya and trait ireea: larye oaca. porcn with ruanlny water eiir.uw. r.Ttt caaa. oatanoa aaay pay Bimw.

svyro vaniru are. 'm ArlNE HOMETTiTfiM: Thia moat eleyant, hiyh yrada modem home it now vacant; 0 rooma. 4 bedroom a and attic upatatra. maid'a room down: beau, tiful hardwood floora. decorated walla hot water heat, full cemented baaement.

aepar ava rooma. aaraya. eaay terma. Location a. ax.

B. M. RALSTON. 143 S. Market FIVE rooma modern.

Waahinyton 04 si or rraantnirton A HOME 1 IN THE WOODS. Beautiful wooded lot. 110 feet frontaya; center ball type: larya liriny room, aunroom. diainr and break faat rooma. larye pantry, kitchen.

larya bedroom a. bath aecond floor, larr cloaets and linen rooma; bedroom with bath, third Door: two car heated raraya with alcepiny rooma and bath abor; located north of Fall ereekt prioa for Quick aale. SIS.fiuO: a baryain ahown by appointment only. GEORGE H. MOORE A CO.

Main 173. l.MtDlAi powaaion; brica renaer. 44 nranayiraaja lanre lirinar room. Rook wood tila aun parlor, muaic room, dintnc room break' faat room, kitchen, laratorr.

hmit.i. area, hardwood floora throurbout; aecoad floor. 4 bod rooma. tile bath; third floor lary playroom and maid'a room; full baW went, laundry, totlet, fruit room, furnace rwus. Auin ivtMi iuiflwrf uui water heat Chamberlain weather atrip, double arara roi vuaiou.

priL a jto.ouv. vail owner REAL ESTATE NORTHEAST. weriookinr rook aide park. 5 room oouo.a in Rood conditton. op boularard.

lor only $500 down. Price Jt. 11. can wm. T.

Ayrea. Ira. CHARLES E. HOLLOWAY A SON 090 Realtors. 108 Monument Circle.

ift tr'i' AAvr1 rxr' 1 j. a.Nu nwm moueni. Wlin VOl 00X100, lo caiea nortneaat. win aacrillce for caah. aaat vwm 1 irrm mm tjj it, rTJVE WIRES" T.

JnNIt a. 220 21 Fartu era Truat bldy, 150 E. Market iiuiir. 1 Bel. '31.

KOHTUKlST rnt "JlnI roora dinlnr room and kitchen. 8 bedrama up: located at 2020 Hillaid are: $300 down, balance i ircF miram vail owner, irnnrton 000 If 4 1 nd saa na a J. Ayr. CHARLES E. HOLLOWAY A SON.

Realtor. 109 Monument Circl. Seren roora houaa; repainted: larra ahed fooa weu; 9i.auo. woodruH 8280. 1S20 vyra i iinu VAiH4aj.J! 1P34; 6 rooma, electric ciiy water: corner lot.

40x118; $2.300. caah or term. Wtodrug 7000. SXROOU mod ernJFunjriio larr Conner ii mt mtn n. xempie are.

NVESTb'E'NT. cloae in on Rdoaerelt for $35 month: cheap. aROBERTS 1.10 Peoplea Baok bMy. sS4iir a Rtivnitt! Atr Cottar of 4 room po lot 80 feet wide; aaa vrnni, L0RENZ SCHMIDT S0KS. 37 Monument Clrcla 2 STORY modern typa kome: 4 bedrooms and bath up: 4 rooma and hail down; larra cement nmwk' 1 baaement.

rood furnace and raraye: on Bella ivoian a. namaon 1 Vacant home Seren rooms; exceptional baryain. from ow.Ckll Woodiufl 2410 or Tenln; day, 11 1 ULfCiAIXJW. yood location; rood yaraye; rood ah ape; 13.250 caah. Wood mrr 44i8.

HOUSE, frame. 8 rooma. bath, furnace; de alrable downtown location. Call STSlN. nAuttv, wrstern vnion.

N0I THWE3 Wa bar rery rood 3 room modern ainyl houa located on Cona rees which we can sell at a reaaonabla price and aire In 30 days; house ia rery welF built and juat fir rear old. Juat houae and location, for a email family wbo want a row noma. 803 Conrreea CHARLES E. HOLLOWAY A SON, Realtor. Main ll.

in Monument Circle. 5 REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST. aeayJ)fr ye ea ae aeaar waa aapwa. iyiala nTia iri NEW 6 room modern EaUaatone bunyalow For price. location.

terma. Call North 29S0 or Main 740. it. 110IM.S. 140U block: tt room eottara furnace and Call owner.

Jfiia s(7 or ffortn sa.w. READ REMEMBER ACfT Four room bunraiow at 1442 Heracbel are, corner Koehn between Slat and S2d Rieeretde Haa fireplace, cellar, hard maple ready to be mored tnto; larye anop in rear. rmce l.i00: term $300 cash. A. F.

2AINET. 140 E. Market t. SEVEN ROOM modem bouae. 3H acre.

Main 334ft PARIS 3 room modern buiija low. pracucaiir new; aa.uuv; 970Q caaa. Vacant, ready for occupancy. EDWARDS. 12 E.

Market. IMMEDIATE pofcaeaaioo; yood 6 room houa on W. 31st shown by appointment. Call Y. T.

FURQA SON. North COLORED BTJTERS. Fire room cottar, Clifton, near 28th 5U down. $13 per month. Price $1,800.

INDIANA TRUST CO. 2300 BLOCK Indianapoh 2 fire room houae. $130 caah. S20 a month: coined bnyera. Auto.

24 Q30: $1.900. C. B. BOTD. SIX room bouae.

with atoreroom; yood ur nacei on North weatern are. banram at $4.500. Main C216. Waahinrton 3332. "M0DERN0ME 1125 W.

32d 8 room and bath: hr wood floors: larye lot with shade and fruit treea; immediate poaeesaion. Price, for auick aaJav 33.000; caeh. C. GROTE. Circle 404 CStr Tru.l hu.

2300 BLOCK. Indianapolia 3 frontTrootn bouses: 1jU caah. $20 a month; rnlnred Auto. 54 030. $1,000.

B. Born ROOil modern, northwest, in good con" price. Bunyalow. 5 room. trictbr modei Guilford, at barrain.

JEfiiJtJS BSOS, S. Illinota at. h6mefor $300 CASH, 748 Roach 8 rooma: ra. citr an electric brhla. newly paintM and papered splendid location; aplendid home; price 33.2io.


Fire rooms. W. S8th haa raa liyhta. well and c.tern: $5O0 canh balance month. Price S2.300.

Main "IW mug. Woodru 31U3. I on ia low BY iIX SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, HEAL ESTATE NORTHWEST. fodent 7 room tuxna, half block at at of ZiOx. ner good avbool: r.ica wandas.

yard and fruit; ay terma; 3.70O. ALTA C. BOHREJ. 418 American CealraJ Life. Main 3734.

Kirht. North 4CS2 TWO BiO BARGAINS. Stai room beuae: riertnc Uaota, yaa. water ta kitchen, front and rear porch, yarayc and tuca forawt treea ta yard, anak try beautiful place to baa: 4 W. 28ta.

wul accept tnuJ car and 5700 eaiv. bal B.e;$20 per raosUi. Just newly painted and decorated torouyhoct. property la raeant; caa rive Uomsdiata poaaraaioa. Come que: aa thia kind dost lat kmf.

"UVE WTRE3 T. JONES at CO. ai Ftnwrt Truat bMy, 150 E. Market. Ponear Cirrie 37; reif5cnce Belraont 31.

I COLOSZO EUTERS. aa room, cicctne brbta. raa. areU and eiatern. Houae ta Jeairable loom on.

Pnca ii.OOp: $oOO eaah. Sea i. Vf. Eider. SOUiXO A SMITH.

Van 4raa. 13a y. at. REAL ESTATE EAST buaylow. beaafcf siL room aiui yaraya.

iocaUoa cioaa to car lina, aa tot. proTemetiU la. ainctly taodem. haa to ba acrecated. kt hat 64 foot tmntArm with thrr li i i7T ctkTT" IrrirtnoolOOa.

maa cxwumi cooaiuoa beat location aaat: rara baryaua. Cail 434 Dreael are. i COZlf UCNiiALOW. EAST. rlt dcasrabla rooma and bath: hardwood ftoora, laj ya praaaeav built ia featurea, floored ittie.

alerant eorxbtioa. located in lotnj 'ctocai on Temple. Thia ia a snappy hula homa and ta priced rtyhu at fS LONGEST RRALTT CO REALTORS. Mm 4oi9. 1004 Oty Truat bk.y.

CaHforaia style: open ail day Rasiday: Garfiaid aad Kictuyaa ata. CaU Mr. Sexton, with I M6EO. H. MOORE te CO.

Main 13, Reatdrw. Frorct 5131. a. usriw itr MttM a rtMtaaa. half block Xrota E.

Waehinytoa car; oaly S.iOO; Pajnaacu. a Mr. toa. with i CEO MOORE A CO. Main t73.

Reaidence. ProapeH 31, I VACANT, 200 DOWN. 8Hndid homa, S9 MeKitn ar near 1400 E. Waa unx ton 0 rooma nicely papered buMIMll' ta 1 AA 1 JACQCART REALTY' CO 1 aa xr rwi. Main 40S.

t30 CASH SemJ modem cotlaya of Jr rooma. newly paiated and decora tad. nlca brbt ftx turea.1 kt yaraya. iraprored treet. i caah and t2 rr month, AMERICAN ESTATE COMPANY, SGl a Occidental Bktr Maia 1407.

Ererdnya Mr. btroup. Im nylon 3313. Ttrrr wttngaLOW. Twai aquarea eouth of Brookaid Prk.

In that pretty section: 5 room on ground floor, bedrooms; room upstair for extr oea room bath and fnrnace beauUIUI lot rood horn for So Mr. DahLmaa EYEit RISES BANK. I MODERN H6ME. it A homa suitable for a larr family, hy ir.y 4 1 bedrooms and bath upstair and 3 rooma i down: furnace, slectrtc lirht. etc: pared street beautiful lot.

Located ba tween Waahinrton and New York au. Houaa could rry easily be made a duplex. Prtc fir. Dahlman. METER K13ER BANK.

NEAR RURAL AND MICHIGAN 3TS. Heraa rooin. modern. plendid location, hardwood floors, full lot; $3,250: part caah required. rv AMERICAN ESTATES COMPANY.

801 3 'Occidental bldr. Main 1407.. Ereni re, Mr. Strou p. Irrinrton 8.S13.

tlGHfoOM Modern, east Hariny knr lirlnr room, dintnr room, one bedroom, den. kitchen and pantry, down: three bedrooma and hath, up. Thia houa was built for a and haa many desirable feature, euch cement and brick porch I aero entire front; cloed back porch, i oak floor downstair, flreplaca and bookcaaea: complete baaement with laundry and arade entrance: one car raraya; eaat front, lot 40x162: Just two block a to E. 10th car. three block a to No.

64 school. Price, $7,500: term: $3,600 cash. B. R. Meredith.

Realtor.) GREGORY APPEL. INCORPORATED. Maia 00. Auto. 38 295.

Erenlnra. Woodruff 400 BLOCK. N. JEFFERSON. StrtetlT modern 5 rooms and bath, ex cellent built property: incioeed back porch; an elerant home, cheap; reaaonabla terms: $1,500 caeh.

AHEK1CAH ESTATES CU.MfAST. 801 2 Occidental bldr. Main 1407. Rraninys. Mr.

Keethler. Main 7027. MODERN bunyaiowa. home and doubla. eaat; cash or payment.

Barrans. KENNEDY aV WRIGHT. Irrinrton 32. FI VE ROOM atrictly modern bunraiow, on Euclid, yarare. street pared, will take yood, touring enr for eeqlty, Main 1078.

riVEt ROOK modern bunraiow. 4. 0l) eaat: lust, off K. Mich Iran at. Thia Is a beautl.

fuf strictly modern bunraiow with rarare: lot 40X13S: atreet pared: unuauallr eaa; tTms ran be arranred today. HUNTER Munygft. TB7 emcke bldr. IRelNGTON Tha leery heat boy in thla town: 6 romn bunyalow. 3 and bath up; tony llrlny room, fireplac, hardwood floora, beautiful atreet.

anlte near acaooi sua car; ioi tvi.uv leet: only $5,780. Splendid mooern noma, nam wood floors. bedrooms and bath up: larr lot in moat elaeeie. spot in Irrinrton; owner lean nr aty: thia muet be aou at once. Let supply rour irrinrton noma want.

I a BO. W. RUSbEL i CO i 5503 E. Waahinrton It. Irrinrton 1213.

HAVE eereral modem bunyaiowa eaat, alao North. Irrinyton 2534. 317 N. DENNY STW $2,750 A rood six room houa. in an excellent location houae newly papered: excellent Hzhta.

raa. well and ciatara: lot 40x136 pared street: property now imme diate poeaeaalon. Mr Daniman. MEYER'EISER BANK. WHO'OfEXT? WHITCOMB PLACE.

Another 6 room. atrict Ir modem bunra iow. juat completed and open for inapec iion at i Tia At. acoma ara. rTtoa, a.wou $500 caah.

then $45 Der month. Wa want you to riait Whitcomb place and ae the many art i a tic bunyaiowa beiar erected ther. all modern to th mlt it. Mr. SbaUey win now properly suad ay afternoon.

Take Brookslde areoua car to 18 th sad Tacotaa IS. L. COTHRKLL REALTY CO. 1 808 Fletcher Truat bldr. Main 1320.

North 4201. OWNER Csf SELL Fire room bunraiow. thorourhlr modem: fireplac. built in bookcase and buffet. Frtnch i doors wida east fronl lot.

shrub bery, hedys small psyment down and $43 per month. No arenta. Irr inyton 37P0. 1 COTTAGE EAST. Six rooma: haa eaa.

electric liyhta. cistern, cement porch, barn; located prd street. Prioa, $3,300. MATHENT A STUMP. Msirt 2413.

428 PcopI1 Bank Wdr. BEAUTIFUL. HOMES. Beautiful 7 room horn: hardwood floor throuyhout. lony liriny room, mantel and raa rrate: One truui in leaturee: French doors; lor ely cloeeta: fall baaement.

Beau tiful hayh daaa bunraiow; Ana location; many ether home, double and duplexes. Main 3310. 7 a. to p. m.

bio Mar. chants iBank bldr. filLLSlbE AVE, 2050: 0 rooms with extra lot: Only S3 60Q. Circle 2789. C.

BOYD. A REAL HOME. Three ateeoinaT rooma. larra baaement. era.

rase, tmprored atreet; modern eon. exuenee: $7,300. Call Mr. Adacoa. Irrlnj; toa 17.


of P. bldr. Maia 4114. I4VB EAST ON N. DEARBORNT" Near i Brookslde park and 10th csr line: nice 6 room modem home.

Price only $500 caah. $40 month leu win bar ttrT MOSLANDER A SON. Peoplee Bank bldr. Main 853. ZIP sratiiv si, ruuui miuuica; i rooma.

Price: $1,800: term $200 caah. A. T. ZAANET, 14tf E. Market St.

FIVE ROOM, strictly modem bunyalow' Ions liriny room, built in features, hardwood floora. full cellar. SA.600 terma Sl.OOO caah. I A. F.

ZAINET. 140 E. Market at. TWO BUNGALOWS on NTllealinr and E. 18th near Brookside park: contain 5 rooms each, baaement and rouyh plumbir.f bathroom, rnce easy II OSTKO BEALTT CO.

Bank floor Peoplea Bank bldy. ii (mi a. rYilmiV) a VP Modern bunraiow. only S5.250r rooma bedrooma, all downstaira; hardwood floora throurhout; raraya witn aide drtre: im nrored street: one half block from car: can supply amtoat any de onvj tn a modern bunraiow, eaat. rt.sji at Auais.

155 t. Market. Main 6338. HOME SEEKERS. Cklifomi bunyalow: rooms, completely modem.

$5.400., Modem cottarc 3 rooms with rarar. $4,750. Scren room modem home: bty barn, chicken house, bir fet: Terma ran i be arranyed In part on theae bouaea. Mr. Gwartaey.

Main 149. HOMES EEKERS REALTY CO. I 013 M.erchanu Baak bldy. EiGHT ROOJX houe. furnace.

45 foot front. fo wntown. a ia conn, van 0ZU9. i IN WALKING DISTANCE. COTTAGE HOME.

$500 CASH. Vlrhlun at 1043; alendut tmai cottar, electric byhu and city water; at the price of 52.0UO. lij.i at nwi. i. nraitvn, tn.1 T.

Market. Mam 5338. owner; IRT'INGTOX modern fl room cot tare: aleepiny lot 40x1 BO; plenty hade and fruit tree: $4.00: poaseaaton October it. AOtiresa not zzvjt. neri RO0M modem home, eaat; not far from car line: 5.Vt', to pantile ee Maryaretj with JAMES E.

BERRY. 147 ut SU Maia 5147. Prospect 4234. be of 1920. REAL ESTATE A ST.

MODERN homa. 7 rooma. Wma. call owner, 31 North 78S9. BUNGALOW.

EAST. Strictly modem. fio room bunyalow, ia a Tery doaixable location, hardwood floors, fireplace, ull tot. uica baaement. cloaa to St.

PtulUr Pne. half eaeh. AMKKICAH tSTATKit COMPANy. 801 2 Occxoental tMf Main 1407. Eyewinya Mr.

Su oup, Irrinytoa 3313. a JI7 tpvto I newly decorated inaide and out: bath, ar jnae full baaement. aha4ea. linoleum, mnf and loot hoae. Real bartaia at $4,100: takea $1.200 to handle.

Call Belmont 8712. FJTE ROOM modern aviayilo, LaSai a. north of Michifaa. Owner ia aaorir.y from city and can pra poaeMoa in lo day. by appointment only.

HAiLL A HI I. 147 E. Market. 10V BLOCS pareer aVe." "HOME. SWEET HOME." Fir rooma.

atrtctiy modern: Iobf lirinf room, full basement with laundry, commo cioue irani porco, lucioaeu rear porch, ateam plant: full tot. in an eWant location. Price 0.000: caah. Close to St. PhiUp a.

aataivaa x. aj.a AI. 801 3 Ocetdental bUf. Main 107. Ereninr.

Mr. Keetaler. Main Tl7. fto NO ttH BRyiV modem ft room story or terms: POaeion Sept. 1, B.

vtjowner; phone Irrlrvytou 210. EaSa "RA CSaTT ar 1421 Vermont tM1Mvts douoie rfi; rKceliect con btioa: rrie tt. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. ASfT caah 0LNEY at, 1317: thorouyhly modern. new bueyalow perer been occupied, located near Brookaid park.

It ia hard to beat i ir some, on leraua HENRY A Realtor. Main 553h. jsj, E. Market i SEE THIS SUNDAVT" nrauwa ootae; poaaeaaioa eoon. comer, wita raraye.

Prop. axr sr.vvra vawu I Si VT? lufTTl tUlT. GEO. H. MOORE A CO.

Maia 173. Mr. Sexton. Proaneci i BETrMfkEX MttHIGAil AND lOflT Bunratow aear Rural. 6 room modern.

French door, hardwood floor. ecreene. Zj awmnya. ya.ouv. half caah roir.

OOOru 31P3 DlE rEU313rbcauUful modem home, 5 room, bathr newle namtat built in featurea, hardwood floor. Caah or' paymenta: immediate poeeeaaion; opaa Sun. l.W re. EAST. If truly youi are inter ted ia a home located on E.

Waahinrton. 4600 block, hare yww waoa: one jn.apw require H.500 cash, at $13. CRM) rexiumnr ww, ror inapeciion call Main W. Arre trrinrton 009 uumuwi e. uuWAT at SON, Realtora.

108 Monument Circle. asa I A V. si .123: tvuim. hardwood floor: $5,000. Irrtnyton 17e3 NEW.

8 room modem, on Bancroft at oonrun a7t lor appointment MODERN SEVEN ROOM HOiriC On Waahinrton atreet. near Cneate a complete reaidence: haa all mortem raniencea; in firat claaa condition baaement under the entire houa. in four eeparale Vw i i A enaraaee; na a yaraee lot buswv; 1 aaaaa ana anrubbery imirewvw price a v. CHAS. M.

CROSS. 10H N. Meridian tt. TutHir i i 11 a. a your cuance i ray uas rent, r'le room mooern.

east all imprormnts. REAL ESTATE IU VLNGTON. Immediate aoaaeeaion: 3 room houa, 4 near rrinytoa. yTtC ivv caaa, io per moau. CALL C.

E. FARMER. Main 18. Erenlnra. Woodruff 744S 1Risotov" Bmeraon opposite Butler Colter campus; modern, el room, 1 atory houae, alao earaae; pieniy Ol fruit and larr nana arwta.

wt nuiiou, mM jn.lUU. CHA3. M. CROSS A C0 10 Wi N. Meridian ll'l'A il 1 i ja.O 4, yoLR RED ynlly modem housa.v.

hartnr larra 11 inr room with fireplace: cost cloaet; aquar xioiria room. rrniie enamel Kitchen with mooern xuit baaement! tour bed rooms and bath on aecond floor, Houaa sit mrn on a corner lot. aoxieo. Terms. Possession at one.

$0,000.00, THE SPANN COMPANY, Main 183. 23 E. Ohio st. Ereninrs. call Irrlnxton 65 or B51B.

NEW bunraiow of six rooma. larra front room, one mantel, outlet, kitchen cabt net, laundry room, rarare: strictly modern. imnytpn 043. ON PLEASANT RUN BLVD. DUTCH COLONIAL.

This hous Is certainly different. Set amony biy tree on larr lot 200x176 feet: orer looklnr the boulerard. The 2d floor haa 3 rood bedrooms. bath and study; fireplace, 1st floor haa special featurea ia liriny and dlniny room arraprament. Glassed in porch with rustia fireplac: hardwood floors; Farqusr furnace yarar; a real country place home, within the city, owner learinr city, Will in re poaeasaton in 30 dars.

Drira out boulerard and notice our airn. eouth aide between Camp, bell and Arlinrton area. Iaapeo tion by appointment. Terma. $16,000.00.

THIS SPAWN COMPAKT. Realtor. Main 183.. 25 E. Ohio st.

EraniDra. call Irr nrtoa 66. i w. 1 THREE (8) ACRES WITHIN THE CITT LIMITS, ona squara irom improrea street; A room bonaaf. furnace and raa.

larra bam. price S7.0O0: some trade considered. CHAS. M. CROSS COn 10H NMeridlan.

MODERN BCJfOALOW. Harinr 3 rood bedrooms snd bsth on seo ond floor; cabinet kitchen, with laundry la baaement; dliny room: beautiful, larya lie Inar room; fireplace hardwood floora i enn porch, heated aame aa balance of houae; full Jot. 60xloO; all city conreniencaa. Includiny roadway: raraye. ah robbery and ahede treea.

Posaeaaioa ia THE .1 REALTORS. Maia 133. Erentnya. CaU Irr. 65 or 3613.

lav era 3 room house: rubatantlally built and eonyeniently syrsnred: lot 60x150: fruit and shad; price, iacludinr all municipal aa aiita. fn.iiw term reaaonaoi. CHAS. M. CROSS at CO 19H N.

Menaan. roora bunraiow. semi atod bery; $3,700: $500 cash, $20 month. ELTON RAY CO, nnjc xuo o. Auauooa roai.T' tr.

rterton g40: erenlnra Irrinrton REAL ESTATE SOUTn. MODERN. 8 rooms: rarer Proapect 65, 1 ani Weyborat. I ATX ROOM modern bouae except rarare: south aide: $3,500. Proapect 1478.

BEAUTIFUL, modern. 6 room bunraiow. with inlaid hardwood floor and built in featurea. in Park Crest addition. 1 aauarea eouth of Garfield park: S743 Ailed are; a barcain Call after p.

m. SIX ROOM aemi modem eottaya. on eouth aide: barrain for auiek Bale at BOO Terems It desired. Prospect 7480. 347 8, at at $20A CASH.

i 916 PER MONTH. Four room cottar, only $1,700: 1400 block 8. Alabama: yood rieiyhborhood: oesr rood car sery. ice. Mr.

Nlcosan, SECURITY TRUST CO. Mala 1404. Auto. 20 367. S.

EAST STREET. 1000 block: 3: on A rooms, one 8: eaa bourht on eaay payment. INDIANA TRUST CO. MADISON AVE near Oranre cottar on easy psyment rearly posseaslon. 8e me immediately.

ALBERT II. L0SCHE 223 American Lafe bldy. Mam 009 ATTRACTIVE HOME. Modern. rooma.

bath, furnace op to date. Lot 62 foot front. Double yarare. $5,200. Inreatiyate at saw.

MEYXR SHANE REALTY CO, 1005 7 Law Bldr. Msin 1228. NEW bunrslow aquam irom tiaTCCul park; paymenu. Proapect 8716 FIVE ROOM BUNGALOWr Two mile 'south of Monument, Improred atreet. Thi houae nw nd ta a dandy: S4.600: terma.

W. L. BRIDGES. 330 9 K. P.

Jkty. Main 4114. SlX ROOMSoue and store builtlinr; income $28 per month: Innuir owner. xurriace: SU 607L I IM who Is leaner staU. after P.

OL, .3 3 iflish ar. rr REAL ESTATE SOUTH. Two story frame houee. 8 rooms, ctly waicr, cistern; Eno location eouth. 5aau.

$3,200. terms. MEYER SHANE REALTY CO. I005 Law Bldy. Main NEAR A RFIELD PARK.

Fira room gum, electric tr. dly water, cellar, bty lot: $3 J0n: caah. rest bke rent. Call C. E.

FARMER, Main NEAR CarfieidpTrk rooms, modern $300 balaace ike. rent. Circi 2760, C. i i i. r.l'tlJlETf UAU Modern, 7 rooma.

4 bedrooma. bath. Turn ace: rood condition: St.2.0. terma. METER SHANE REALTY CO.

i03 JTB1(L Ma 12 3. TVVO 4 room ttcra, Oiire st. Proapect 43J. fU'E ROM cottar for ale. 610.

Cottar Vi ili, trade new, aemi modarn 3 rwom cot taye, S5 W. Pieaaant dnra. for part payment oo modern double, eaat or ttorth. Call erepinra. Beech Grvre 1SS.

REASONABLE TERMS. Four room cottar V.nti(n!lr decneated eJectrie hybts, ras. water, back porch, hv ted in rood netrbborbood on South East st. Prtc $700 caah and $20 per month. Four room cottar, ta rood conditioa.

electric lichla. raa. water and a real barcain at $1401; $500 caah, balance $18 per month. CaU Mr. Ridreway.

tibbs bose realty company. Circl 433. Auto. 27 433. Klybis.

North T7S6, 023 S. NEW JERSEY ST. Good bock reeideoc ot 7 rooma: yaa for eookwr and city water in yard. Property ot aa ratate. Priced riyht.

bee A. Brennan. MEYER JCISER BANK, Call tvent it, Hamaoa 843.. EIGHT ROOM" kODERli'llbME. Sander at oak flmah, hardwood floor, laundry, fruit ceiiar.

raraya aad chicken yard. 53 E. MITCHELL, Main p'O. ttSO Lemcke bldr. Irr.

SP22. TWO 4 room cottaraa. if ml each. 143i) CI: re at PnwnaM Fit R00M cottar located oa Bradskaw at. lndoaed rear norch eaa.

wall and rieterav $250 caah, balance tZS a mouth. Price $2 5tH. Mr, Bodine. SCHMID A SMITH. INC 194 tt.

Delaware at RAYMOND Sf Nar Garfield park. Larr lot. rarare, had tree, bearinr truit tree. rraps arbor. Ga.

dly water, electric liyhts: steam heatlnf Plant: $500 caah wilt handle. Only $4 60O. Phoa Maia 3377. Eremnr. North 0' PaWeS'Ts A rood' chaoc for a youny couple to a a 1 an.

souin aid, near Holy Crose cemetery. Fir room and room for bath. Only four yar old. Reception, dinlnr. he.

inr room and kitchen down, with two nic bedroom and room for bath, not completed, with, two nice cloeeta up. Fine fur nace, full cemented baaement. Electric ucnt. wan, Good dondiUoa, yood uowrn. yarn ana anen.

INVESTORS BANKING SERVICE CORPORATION 1 I Owner I 113 EAST MARKET STREET. SEVEX ROOJi home, aoulh aide: pared street: elerant tielrbborhood, cloae lit. Tie 3 aou; terms JSOO caah. A. IAINK 1 140 E.

Market St. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Fira room eottaa In a deairabla location. raa. electric lirhta. wall and.naiern.

Hons xr painieu nq uecorateu, ync caaa ana 5 a month. Elder. SCU MID A SMITH, INC. REALTOR. Main 4088, 134 N.

Delawar St. ii it t. cottar on wbb at: 4 rooms wrs 'u 111 1 a mi.i a 1. cistern and city water: aink in kitchen! front ana rear porcn; cement walks and caliar Term. Phone Waahinrton 2114.

FLETCHaR AVE, 1000. seren rooms, mod. ern eu oa parmenu. Circle 17 80. BOYD.

5N monthly paymeuta. S. Eaat at. dwelUny near rroapeot: rooma and aummar kitchen; house equipped with electric Uyhte ana Room and city waiw. JOHNSON.

48 N. Faun. at. 214. Te).

Main 2. REAL ESTATE SOUTHEAST. GHTROOM' modern houaa: railroad "dla trictl rood inraalment. 0n Shelby. KsAft iElJ" pAriT, Six rooma aeml modern.

Price oon a 1 tttj 1 a J. Main 2450. Erenlnra, Woodruff 8163. i. MODERN HOME SIX room, bath, furnace, laundry, larra front porch, enclosed rear porch, double yarare.

rnce. only $3,850 cash. Must sen quicx. 1 METEH aHAM. KEALTT CO.

1005 8 Lw Dldr. Main 1220. S3l4a iarcna73 porches: lot 80x150: fruit and ahade: mn mooern; lerms 14T8; 6 room cottays; food lo JwiiW 6 room duaj Tow: i.62t FinJ lafsrsl kar Ft al hiS rata4w Kl I raai 4 T3 1n sa a a.s titillM a $200 caah; $23 Owner, 2818 E. Michlyan. BY 0 rooui houaa, aemi tuodnrn.

lot 46xl88i aom furniture with house: owner learinr cttyi make IT ar. 1200 Wood lawn are. frospect 6711. OXTVE ST, 1164; 7 room house; hardwood floor, oath, ya, water, larra lot. NlCAR Fountain aquar.

1310Kiirrold st.i room cottar, on paymenta; i.i o(ki; $300 down, $30 per month. BANKERS TRUST CO, 10 E. Market st. I WILL sacrifice ti room, modern" noma' 1131 Pieaaant St, besutllul lot. larra barn and raraye.

1 of car lln. Owner. Prospect 4511. ENGLISH. 1733, 8 roora bouse.

electric llrhta. water, all Connection with aewar. Proapect 1001. and lnraatmnt on paymenta. alx room si da double, fall lot, pared street.

Price. $2,600: rent $23; take $500 cash and $25 per month. Mr. Keller with ERNTST El WOODS. 12th floor Slat Uff.

Msin o4. rirnts, yirci SOUTHEAST. SEMI MODERN. Four room house, near Fountain square on Shelby hss ra for,) cooklny snd UrhU.

dty' water, wall and ristera: on Isrye lot and la splendid nalrhborhood. This is priced low for a quick sale. $3,250.00 $800.00 caah. balance like rent. FLETCHER SAVINGS AND TRUST CO.

Mr. Caaaady, Eramoya, North 1307. i PLEASANT HO.XE. Six rooma and bath. aty waterr rood location.

rnia. m.uuu, iwbii MEYER SHANE REALTY OO. 10O5 el Lew Blar. Main 122. E.

McCARTY 8T, 000 TlLOCE, ONE 6 ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH and on 6 room collars with oty watar la houa: street pared; rente $40 per month. Prtc $5,600. or will aall separate. Tula a barrel a. inUlABA TRUST 1, 0.

H6YT aV1 Sl3f 69 A 7 room modem home: newly decorated and paiated: steam heatiny plant: ra for cooklrftr and Urblinr: bath: alao lot 46x180: $1,000 caah. balance monthly. STATE $AVING AICD TRUST CO. Main. 4617.

Reaidence. Circle 8878. NEW BfNGALOW 1737 Laurel st. Payments: 1500 caah. $20 monthly; 5 rooms; electric LyhU.

yaa, fruit, newly Minted. RUS9E II. HARTMAN, 224 N. Delswsre. RAYmONDTNEAR TH PARK.

Splendid. room modern: 3 bedrooma: floored attic, full baaement with laundry, yaraye." fruit. Price $5,600: half cash. Main 2450. Ereninrs.

Woodruff 3163. SEE THIS SUNDAY. 1040 LEXINGTON AVE. Six room. 1 story modem bunyalow, rood condition; yarare: fine neirhborbood, pared atreet: $4,800, haU caah.

GEO. H. MOORB A CO, i Mr. Sexton. Mala 173.

Proapect 2231. $500 CASH WILL six room double located on Enytlah sr. Electric hrbts. raa. well snd cistern: ug lot.

Excellent condition. Balanc $35 a month. Prjo $3,600. See Mr. Bodfne.

I 8CHMID A SMITH. wa a ey a AXeJVeJ A. 3 Southeastern ant temple ave Good 4 room bunfUow; city WAter. frffinCHJi vr ocii. as fi PRETTY FIVEROOM BUNGALOw: Located on Cottar only S3O0 cash.

i isuniu bum 1 iu MOSLANDER A SON. nt VWinlx Hank S'Hr I eae REAL ESTATE SOUTHWEST. riVJ 'Tf'ifmr' "ri iiratsj CHADWICX ST. 824; 4 room cottars: pne S1.200; win take $20O down, balance like rent. INDIANA TRUST CO.

SOUTH WEST ST. Ia tha 600 block: a comfortable 7 room houaa eaer payments at S2.700. INDIANA TRUST CO. REAL ESTATEWEST. EIGHT ROOM houae 1 loU.

448 Bruna wick are immedlala poaaeaaioa. Owner. 720 Ft. Warn are. MEDTaT poaaaaeion: Iroora modern houae at r.

mne arrant ra for sublettinr: down and $35 month; now raeant. GEBTRCDE E. BF. HRY, 418 American CsnLral Lsls. iiaia 1(74.

Lei. moat 3j4L i 4 by REAL EST AT I EST. a lei iiHTl 5 ViuTTT(jur a iV 1 iTfrvTp'a, between loth st. and speedway pi'aa; can be loujlit on psyments. t.ui:i prw es, Wa jl "i .1 'I TEN ROOM louhle.

3 roorua, tam ci jIat! raa, electric on lri. i.ouil. JENNILr4 iiKOS, vt.VHOO.H mxirrn: iota aii'l saraga; i lierwt. ara. Iimonl 2hl.

NiW, 3 ronm Junt I'f1 Cole at, on square north ft st. Cioa to public ard Sm r'i'ol, oiJ on eaoy payroenta. iCAB EIa.mPl 51 00 Truat A room ra1y to move in at once: locatiun in VVayna para, J'lat north 1 W. aatimrtou at. Cloae to pubnc cnool.

churches ami yrocery stores; iarf corner lot hmall jayoient. baianc tnonlhly. peNnnr 7 4 I tr7rtiViiioi, rn. first" (jHi North Ad.iiaon. Cail BcUnout 1712.

en lr appointment only. sili buuaalow rtx.aia. furnaoe." bardwoct floora. full baaement: tor Berry with JA Ml i KhiJ1 MrK" 6147. hremnra, Proapect 4.J4.

six'noi)M lioriv:" W. MICHIGAN CAR LINE. I'scia root wu and cistern: cement front poir arl walaa: around 70X f1 younr fruit treea. plenty of pt" LTU excellent home for a amity iwiUt children, haTina an extra lot for rardeii, and bemr aitualed across tha 5 rtT modern school builder: hlft down' b'nc Las rent. CaU PSUl Malkm.

realtor M.t APPEU INC. Main 005. Auto. 2S 233.. Erenl 70 13 SEVEN ROOM" mixlern.

i lount rear tNayhmrton. Call tVahiririr.n Nina rooma bath and cookinr: ri I'riea $4 f)0. JTl1: rawcnla. See Mr.

Fox. FIEPER A REILLY, re ltora. 1 2 I N. Dela ware at; Mam cTj.V Two rot H4f OIL V' XK' t'ni iibt'i itt (TRl'riPnk MMV monih. bill.

TRLDE IiERR'k 41 Atn ncan Central Ufa. I Main 3734. Helmont ol4l. 1 rayment down; will e.l you lot and build you a tci? tlT't'fr: formation wnt. JO LNGsrAD.

JR. 0 Carrciitoa or phone eremnra. Washington Six room modern houae, 3 bedrooms and bath alao floored attic, brick and cement lot; caah, t.Un,.e terma ant AMERICAN ESTATES CO, 301 2 Ocddenial Main 1407. i Erentpsa, Mr. KwlhW Main rilt JIB rfl' PERSHING AVE.

BUNGALOW. An attractlre homa of 6 rooma. bath, furnace, electric lien la. raa: 3 room baeament; rarare with side dnra. Located on a beau, liful corner lot ntar 10th at.

Price $4.50. 8 Earl Tee. MEYER RISER BANK. Ereninfa, call North fnO. 1383 OUTER VricoXiT0 Urc torni corner lot, INDIANX TRUST CO.

"iSOA CASif. ii rEWoNfiT i rooma: furnace, raa. city water, larya li at. lrl. j.l.Ouu AM) TRUST CO.

IMione, lain tS.l.Ii ONE 6 room aiXe VlouVte, niuat be aeeiTTJ pireclated. Phone Belmont On 4 room cottar with summer For particulars l'hon Belmont 3003 or Itelmnnt 1015. EY two 8 rooiu rolUr; well lo cated; caah or poymenU. Address Box SO 03.

iAi'N. HWUt ST. Six rooma. furnace. See thla any time.

For Price and terma ae Mr. Harrah with L. If. 614 10 Stale Lif bid. Main 8.V Ereninrs.

North 1718. a I TROO ne I palntcl, at bargain: half caah: lot 40x140. 3040 W. loth at. TOREBTrOOM coVtaaa ty oiTIIer: caan.

tiu oaeiiieu close to W. w.h'i rtnn car DOUBLES, FLATS. "l6 IR JAI 14 PF.ll CENT. FOUR APARTM ENT FLAT. 1 Rente $1,440.

separate itlybolt beat. No Janitor aerrice, 4 ye ara old. Juat painted, tinned and decorated. Faciny Wtllard park caah. Balance t3 per month, lnolud inr ihtereet.

Owner, Main 1801, eTSt on Ta TdoubI ,1. NEAR NEW YORE 8T. Six rooms a Side; yaa. city water la yard; semi modern: improred street snd walks, can bourht for leas hn 4 000. kobt.

m. coluer. 803 Odd Fellow bMr. Main ft. Six moms side; bath." furnace, front and rear porches; lot 40x140; yarsr: barrain, $0,600: eaat.

MEYER SHANE REALTY CO. 1005 3 Law bldr. Main 1778. INDIANA i AVENTK DOUiL 000 BLOCiC. Six room a aula: tnrwlarn ascent i.r4.

wood floors: a barraln. ROHT. M. COLLIER. 808 Odd Fellew M1n fl.

4 room culUae sdjoltunr: doubl rarare; thla rmpertr can bourht chean on terms; will make beautiful home with nice Income. Call Main MODERN DOUBLE. N. Keyatone. eouth 10th double ra rare; alx rooma eida; hardwood floora, rood furnacea and plumblnr: built 3 yara; rnta $70: prtc $7.500 Woorlruff 73.

1 partira to join pie In I'liymc a nuxi. em brick anartnient hiilllinir rirturnfwn i It ia cheap and can be paid for Ilk rent! For further information addreaa Box 2122. New. A double hoil.a hlfln enrtma a alrla. Preaent rnt $11 per month.

Located lt block a north of Waahlca ton at. on N. Eaat st. Lot 40x05.23. This property will show fair return with a steady increase in rround ralue.

We hare an optloa on this St $8,500 for on monthly only. nee II. R. Realtor, GREGORY A APl'EL, INC. Mala 095.

Auto. 28 205. Erenlnra. call Woodrnff 7 l0' sf. SEMI MOUERN DOUBLE.

Fire rooms, bath and pantry on each side. City wster snd ras. $3U0 cash, balanoe oa monthly payment. LORENZ. bCIIMIDT A SONS.

87 Monument Circle. tr try Good 4 room double; electric ltrht. ya. well and cistern: rente for prioa can arrany liberal terms. 0UV1L E.

MEUU1N0. 411 1mcVn. Main 3113. 1 ood A cTlirBT. PAYMENTS.

Fire rooma each'aida; yaa for 1'rhta and cookinr. I Vice $3,760. See Mr. Fox. WIK BER A REILLT, Realtors.

124 N. Delawar st; Main 7..5. 210,212 BRIGHT 81. Four room doubl rsa and water. Prt" $2,000.

be Mrj Fox. FIEUER A FILLY, Realtors. 124 N. Delaware st. Main $1,500 CASH.

BAI.ANCT5 MONTHLY. BUYS MODERN DOUfiLE. Northwest corner 25lh aod Bellefontaln sla. You can more Into ona aid tomorrow. Etch side has 5 rooms, bath, furnace brd.

wood floors: excellnnt repair; dandy aouUia: yood rental, fee W. A. I' rannan, MKItttAlSI 11 MAfiil. i Call ren na, Uarrisoa 843. F1r room double, Iilinoia.

near 18 th, $4.000. Half caah. AN INVESTMENT. Four anartment bulbtlnrs ahowlnr a Mr return on a low rental wublq ft (tee a bloo Of Monument. Alao eereral rood ooi.Diaa acd duplex.

Mr. Gwartney. Maia 14V0. HOME SEEKERS REALTY CO. 013 Merchants Dana: bldr.

OOD 6 room 144 W. 334 not em: rent $37.60 i er month: price H. C. TUTTLB A fckOS, 131 E. Ohio el twO double houaea.

nioit rn in rr rriic built snd lor sai cy owner, c. a st. North Tw5 extra tile. woiIto doutlr. 1 north.

I eaat: both "Very fine locations: barrain for caah fryers. Call owner. Woodruff llo; erenlnra. WovlnifT 65'3. 6M'ALL DOCILE.

EAi lT Gladstone, north ot (i hiran; 4 rooms a side; rents for $22. Price 3 200. nif caah. Main 2450. Erem nyt Wooimff i IlAVE two Jrst claaf i nrth; for' partleulw call BAILEY A fclRNER, Lombard bn'r.

Mam iaz. 1.0CAiirVLL Lt'Y six room double located on Enr'lah ara. Electric brbta. ra. well aiuf ci.icrn: lirre lot.

Excellent condition. i'alen" $35 a month, ince $3,500. 5 Mr. Bodina. bCHMID A a MIUl.

KEALT0HH. Main 4. Lit N. Delaware t. ItOUA anJTnvesTm en 2400 biock eaat, 1 hare a ti room modern double.

IS yeare oH. newly coratrd Uvalde and out: rents for f0 a month. Cn aire immediate Price 7.0i;); $5,200 canh rec i'rei. Ompr. Moo lrnT SilTlOO.a Biodrra r.

ral bVrjair $3,300. only $3000 ch reiu.rci. tal anoa Lke raa.onahia rent: niuat soKi at once. Macpheraon are, north of 3uth st. Owner.

North if MTLEX EAST. 500 caah. o5 per iwralii. a. city electric li(hts; uitairs for a'; 3' Six room mo rn douMe; netr s.

hcnl 3, Conremeril to (H'il (if line, Miown orly irpnintii'it hcrh Ja Ni jfc.K i.fT"' Six rooma lo a aulp; rn. Kl. rn lhnui hin.l; newly fiO lol frvua. Ileal r. ga'n.

North ere..

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