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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 15

Indianapolis, Indiana
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atitl prfvj, wherever may exist In every Oe! of rhe statt (tovernment. "VV niost ht artlly approve he. official sets cf the Hwii Iienjamin F. Fhtrely, the jun.on rom Indiana; the sr.d cfTort of the con prejisir.fn this state tn, their fisht to prevrrt tl'e recent vjnjust tarl.T lpgisla Hon nr. t'l i muif true ifmocrsry and to prt crve this government to.

poa trtiv.v Payne Aidrich Srroet Law tariff plank was greeted with cheers. Tt Is the stronjreet that ha ben adopted jr any onvenron; Tl.a plank rea 3s: "We ui.he itatlr.gly denounce the Itlglr protective sj fct' m. built upy fostered and rotected by ihe Inf.imy and greed oTthe fepiiblii Hn pdriy lor the concentration cf t.ntoi.i a td unlimited millions in the hcfitis of thei few by'Uw constuit, 5 rot rwry the many, ln 1he produrjnff and nw( T't claen of AmerK an tiUjensblpj Wt c5rf i.vly nounoe and the 1'a HH AMric ii Kiaoot tarff bill kH tue; crowcl ig iiii juity of the age a. mensur 'i ly I ur jnost openly corrupt ana Ti.i (' i.i.i itlon that ever ditnaed fx lea and for the jttimary j'urj oi vf grand larceny and tlij V. rr f.

the ma" urjiveral cnd.on pir tl is being accomplished only i of prlvlli' laws, "U1 emphasia. we denounce the piemen! of ihe dis ttit of Jri linna for b. a subservient "jarty to tfir cri ne etibtaced In the en cf law. We demand that Us tin! r. tuTit te substantially and ej 1 at the earliest possible lotiking as an ultimate end to a tarlS for revenue only.

HlgH Prices and Trust. VThe present high cost of living is directly attributed to' the policy of pro tectlon, which has proved a prolific fcreed fr of truLs and monoicllcs which is vested the power, the absence of wm petlUim. of res trjetttig trade and regulat if prices tn nierciles sdiyreKard of the cor'o(uvn''s io the avich power we etertial hv'. c. I "Wo hereby the randU3ta for conercss ti ls riny imed by the Uenwr racy of the sixth to vote and ue irifl jcnce In cor.gtens against any ship ir other governmental subsidy for th enrichment ptivaie Individuala or Tis Ml 1 he expense if the masses; that he alter tue interests of tiie people.

the working rlncsea Jn far toriea dnd industrial et)tlil who have neillit tne time ta rtve por soal sttent' m. or" tne.ins to employ reprt svnt them in legielaUve aftuirs." i' Controversy Over Rules. The only rtsl controversy In rho work of. organizing was In a committee, that 'any trouble the; committer on rules. And It was caused hv some ot the members demanding live minutes for tomlnaiinip pthc.

TJ. pn cejii trs if the convention were for a time by the noise of the ds leadl purades, in front of the i JiOi.SA. Iii fore the vr.tirg Vcn It 'ss tliscovi Tcrtr I fist lour of ti di ieeMes troin lien rv not staiid hitched for Ci other dclegMen 'of jur In the center of the' had and the a'liiutire thought a fght was tm minr nu Hut there was no hs'Jc dftnon ttialioiu Five Placed Jn Nomination. trv ti call of counties for" nomfne.tlons. the following names were placed tfore the Finlcy H.

Gray, c4" Fay ett county; Thomas II. Kuhn. of Wayne; 1. H. Muii, cf RukIi; Fed dv rnian.

jf Fink5in. When Henry county wa called there vAs a buzi of Acltcmrnt. for it had thu Wa'ter T.amler9. thit cuniyV ci ndid.tte. not te pre but thla was found a i lul tne running.

Wiien llcV. a name cfterej tiie ai.outs and cU ers lted ti.rve niinute.s, tion. the politicians saul, that Mult. would' l' noniiuU d. Result Cf First Ballot.

Ti ft'st rVed: Oray. 1.. Kuhn. in Mull. Chawbera, J2; FedJerthan.

IS. Hehrv county broke on the firt ballot, ca for Ct.r.:iers and i fr Kuhn. voted li for Muil. 1 for Gray and i for Jvuhti. Breaks cn Secor.d Ballet.

The second tm Hot Mood: Gray, IT; Kuhn. Mull, Chamlrs. 8. Fed dennan, 12. On this balM the vote of Hancok county as protested vot' was cast fr th othur four leei Yolinje lor hti.

Httiry county dl ied Us vote ait the candidates. rnuniv broke away on the second liht from Kuhn. candidate, giving hun twenty three and one vte eacu Grey, Mull and FcdJerman. Cinder From the District. Will Newboll.

editor of the is talked as a candidate for the legislature ria i luring secretary of 4he rouTiiv central coram. ttee. Is well on his lop lie Kives a great deal cf time a job that rya Hothjrisc but hard work. The "dinky crowd or Shelbyvsne is not in exldence at convention. there are rumors th iiys" will be or thereabouis cn election ay.

'Huh. ejaculated Galve Sullivan. I didn't thioK tbre were so uany ii I'nl'w STalr Fisky Gray, rajcr of Coi V3 ti HV JU. THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MAY! 25, 1910. TARIFF DEHOU) III SIXTH DISTRICT i from Page One.

'ehrne controlled by a ellRsrchy weaiih on the other, it Is the duty of hnttr to out the present monopoly turt.T and ultimately es'abUah In lt stead A. tariff for revenue only." of the Mr. Johnson that President Taftj hair way between the two armies of the Kooaevelf radicals ana. iht con ervatori or 'reactionaries, and is drawing the tire of both.

Hid rosltion." aid Mr. Johnson, "la J'Jcsriral. If not Jm ossHie. He can not satisfy both the east and tne weai because he wm supported! by them for opposite reason. Bouquet' for Barnard.

Mr in a pleasant kind of way, handed this bouquet, sprinkled ith red to Cwcrtsrnan Barnard; "Con gnwMri EfljT.ard 1 neither a progres nor a reactionary; he la sort of half bread, "lie is. sadly lacking in moral courage." 1I would like to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds. Ha wanted to be sufficiently friendly to Can non and the administration to ret good committee and control post office appointments and sufficiently re to the demanc of fcls constituents IO secure a re election. He Is.llke the hunter who aimed his run "so as to hit if it wm a deer and mi if It waa a Rut if he tome to after this elec t.on he that the gun missed fire and the kirk he received waa 'from Just a i.iain mule. He waa renominated hy Watson, the standpatters' advance agent, and If elected will owe his piace to the special interests. Resolutions. The following ccmpoaed the committee on resolutions: Bheiby county. Lewi! Jloltmaa; Decatur, W. A. Kaler; Fayette, F.

1L. Thwarts: Wayne. Earls; Frapklin, James 15. Kidney; Hancock, 8. 3.

Meek; Union. Lee Cully; Hush. George i W. Campbell; Henry. Alton Evans.

I The was brief. After the speech r.f Mr. Johnson and the polntir.r rt of committees, the convention adlourned until 1:40 o'clock, to gtre the rommitte on resolutions time to report. There waa no controversy in the commit 'tee. It was a committee that realiy wrote the resolutions.

Committee'a'Rsport. When the convention met tLSs after noon the resolution committee inade Us report and the report wa adopted. The' reaoluUone afT.rmed th jslatfortn of the state convention and pledged the nominee of the convention to support a law giving th aoldiera of tUa clvtt war a 'dollar a tny pnlrt: It Indorsed Governor Mar fhail nd fcetiaior and om mended th puh'ic arvountt: Jaw tn words; i We most heartily indorse the admlnls trition of rrr state executive, Thomas R. whoce offlcial iccord accords "1 promies of a clean, hunext and Vf 'wl ration. "WcaSso oromvndtba public' account ing la which.

Insures detection, of traft I nrrnir ATcr rv at rr rr um itc I 1 tw 1 jn 1 lu fy 1 1 ui 11 iu 1 mu 1 1 I 1 'It iv I 1 I I I I i 1 MONUMENT TO SOLDERS KSU SAlfXDRS. i should have' brought Dick Elliott here to lead In the bandsiiaklng. 'In spite of his Frak' Ice la. one of the hottest Democrats in Henry' county. The Hon.

UllI Zacharias. of Brookville, took a large. enthusiastic part in the pro the day. Well. the delegation from1 TumM Creek got here all righu I i Gee! how these Wayne county fellows do hate.

A. lot of them are mad at John Us born, the district Just be 4' cause he looks llkei Jim And now the wicked Republicans are trying to make It out that J. W. Rucker ithey wont even give him a title) la editing; a Prohibition paper at Greensburg. 1 The comlnir election In the Sixth district' seems to present "an X'pportunity to elect something insurgeru according to the fig ures presented by.

Kudoiph Lieeds. A.nd the young man does not offer for public gaxe tlte political, brand either, After that lit tle'. affair In Hancock count'. Stokes Jaikson reaV.ies that no one Is of more Importance than hla party. There was a time when the Hon.

Ike Gorman could not bear the sight of a Democrat, put not he must. treat them Just as If they were Republicansit makes a difference when one is superintendent of police, you know. George Ecgemeyer looks across Main street and cans the attention of Ed Cates to the large "and enthusiastic crowd in town today. very If Dick Johnson were only here today to sec how Richmond is overrun' with what a heavy heart he would carry This is one lime when Henry TJ. Johnson Thomas J.

Study seem to be keeping their po'dtlcaJ marbles In the same bag. Andy wnioughby. of the Greensburg Review, and Jim askey. of the Greens burg News, are said to be getting on good terms aeain. There is certainly kome thhj.ln the wind when these two men Ct to drinking out or tne same canteen Perrtr' Freeman attends more conven tion." "than individual in Richmond.

Anything from a township primary to a Scottish ilUto convention catches Perry. A bla' difference between the Demo cratfc conventions of today in Richmond and the Democratic convention of years aco. In the days of via Aaron Walts and Frank Matton used to come over from Hagerstown. nominate a candidate for congress and then go back home and let it go at that, A Democratic congres tio'iht convention' in Richmond with 131 delegates was something that not even ue wildest enthusiast In the cause of Democracy ever thought happeal Johnny of the very fcpf rcmocrats ever elected to an office in ayne county, is greatly pleased. He Is fir In the conviction that all things comes to lum'Who wails.

Some one with a grouch lias started a hckoni for KJ Smith a a candidate for joint senator from Madison and Henry counties. Ed is not a greedy boy. He holds the high ofti. city, councilman at Newcastle and that la all he cares for at this time. When a plank In the platform Indorsing the public accounting law was mentioned the Hon.

Doug Rolser. of Henry count v. waa not noticed throwing hla hat in tiie air or indulging in any undue cheering. Walter Chambers, of Newcastle, acted on the square with his fellow candidates. Although he has a newspaper of his own, he did not use to boom himself.

i Ivoula Fed lerman showed that he has a mighty, loyal following in Franklin county anj how. Had there been any one with so iri'ich maiice in hia heart as to to start something all that was Bec'esearr was to ifet.tre following named pa trio ts Into the nMivcmmo; r.mier ssseii urn iiaruer Oai'i i of Fhello vtlle; Folk Thompson and t'hick Heed, of Green.burg;. Kd Tat sn and Males MofTett. of Conrrsvlile; Wbl.HoucH and Newt 8pencer. of Oreen feld.

jT. R. Deem, of Knigbtstown, and T. R. Mnhktn, of Newcastle, and.

1 udolph Richmond. Turn that I bunch loose in a Democratic convention and what they would do to it wouJd inot be told in the columns or a yamllyj news. Edgar M. 'Haas, or Richmond, did not take any particular part In the convention. Regardless of what the Taggart Jugyer tai 'd to him the state convention.

John D. of RushvUle. Is still a Democrat. Tiie Rev. Thomas H.

Kuhnl of Rlch mon. demonstrated tbe fact that he ts the champion letter writer Of the Sixth cor. re district, fcvery delegate got many letters ftwii hinu A preiliction to. the resntt In November JL now In order from Charles S. Hernly, cf Newcastle.

.1, "The delegates from 'Goosetawn 'and PehSbtopol noted principally. by their absextce. i i Tlere is 'erte nut ateve'ail others who is ireatly with the day's hsp jvenlr.g. lie Is Mr. Ilea Westenberg, Iir tl years a member ef the Richmond jmUc forep and a Leroocrat all tiie tij.e.

Visitors to the cny. rernein i 4 7 ijry VmX i 4 1,7 r. ber seeing a stately policeman manicured hair who prevented anyt one from carrying away the hole the ground where the Second National Bank is to be, will know that ther had the pleasure of raxing orr Hen Westenberg. No' one' having a bouquet to the Wayne county delegation previous to this convention. 'Simpson Oxendlne.

owner of the Wayne county courthouse, does not feel alighted. r. In the. light of! today's convention and what the poslllon the Democrats of, the Sixth district took on the question of nomlnaUng a United, States senator; a the state convention is interesting: Counties. For Inlmt.

Decatur 4 FayMf.vA...v., 9 Franklia 'a Hancock 15' Henry, 11 4 tots thriby 14 fnton i ayae M. 15 io Tots Is Elate Chairman Jacks'on, who lives In the blxth, and District Chairman John O8born. were. both ODPOsed to the nlah of the Governor, but could not awing the iistnci meir way. This, has been a day' of happiness and a joy forever for Ben Hill.

When W. Yi Dudley managed the Republican politics of Indiana he iaed to say as goes Boston townsnlp in Wayne county, so goes the state." Rife proposes. to have Boston; township go Democratic year. The Democrats of Wayne county will hold; their county convention June 8. at Richmond, and expect to put a full ticket in the field.

Milt Woolley. of WiUlamabnrg. feels that he is just the right size for the Democratic nomination for representative from Wayne county. "In the midst. of all this.

noise and excitement, the rattle of trap drums and the grunting of tubas. John DInley and George Amsden retained heir equanimity and never moved from the front of the city restaurant rrom the time they had eaten breakfast, until they led in the rush to the dinner A call of the roll failed to brin? any rei sponse from Knos Porter, of Shelby vllle. That famous laugh was heard here today. Mayor Tom' Hawkins, of Shelbyville, never misses an opportunity to hand out few good things for the Democratic party. V.

George W. of Knlghtstown, has received the Republican nomination for representative from Henry coupty. and that is one of the reasons that he Is not bubbling over with Joy, aa he hears of the doings at the Democratic congressional convention. Bill Pulse, of Greensburg, la not about this convention. All of BlU'o worries are divided between Bartholomew and Decatur counties orj the state sena torship question.

Tr. GHTord. of Laurel, nominee for representative, from Franklin and T.Tnion counties. Mayed politics an4. was friemlly Willi ai uie iiuiuiuaitn.

Altert Bell did the honors for the entire County of Lnion j. I V. McCartv. of Franklin eountv? hooked after things foi1 his bailiwick like a man who knows tne political game. Cf Ad of Rushville.

is here. Mr. snvey la a Kepuoncan wno is always working at the job, but for all of that he. attends an Democratic conven tions in the Sixth district Just the same. E1; Dve former street commissioner of Richmond, had it all figured out a week MTlvat A eteran of manv a hard fought battle.

W. K. Young did "not take an actl part in bhe affairs of today, but he certalnlyxwas Interested. In what was feems to be an undercurrent of suspicion that today's convention is not entirely satisfactory to the Hon. William Dudley Foulke.

Lod Emmons changed clothes three time. There is some class to Lou when he puts on his glad rags for a stroll down the prom, Tour uncle Jimmy 'Griffin la Just as ful of jokes' and merry sayings as he Hsod to be at Iernocrstlc conventions fortr years ago. V' Pplceland, Henry xounty. was well represented at the convention by Alton Evaas. It's a tough Job to be a working Democrat In Splceland.

Jim Varleyl the aame old Jim who was once elected to council in Richmond's big pest Republican, ward, is still as strong in the faith as ever. 'AI Menefee came down fStom Henry A i.t i. i st rv ajiv4f 'Si mr ritii oil the map. Time was when Judge Abbott was about all there was tr the fiemocratic party In Richmond. Time' has dealt kindly with Ihe veteran and the friends of years are bis friends of today.

1 i mm penwH ULhuiruHuiin olhil BIFFED BANGED Continued from Page One. Homer I Cook. Charles Maas. John i Keefcan. Adolpii r.

W. W. Spencer, alter J. rmrle and Wahl. Sidensticker was running away from all the others.

The vote from ci.viif rerv ncf watt ss follows: j. M. Beaver, H. w. Bullock.

1.73"; Jacob nnagei. tioinT ook. f. D. araway.

J. Keegan. .1.011 samnf I Kl l.tW; It. W. MotSinnis, rles Maas.

3.K; Aubrey Porter. pi. Plerson. K. Rankin.

I Oha "aS. SeMenstTc ker. 4.3: Spencer. n.T; Walter Tingle. ,4.

an.i Andrew Wahi. The following seemed in the lead for Ihe live lnwtlce nf the Tieaji nomina tion. With tiie following1 vote in seventy seven precincts: Harry Basxett 1 153: SLtttrSttt mhir: William Elfert. 1.15 and Andrew Hi 'i. 44.

Early to See Their Finish. It did not take long 'for the machine workers to find out thai their slate had been shot to pieces. When tbe return came In from the. first precincts to report at county committee headquarters last night they could easily distinguish the death wound which had been1 administered to their child. County Chairman Brown, who was Jim Keach's associate at the head of the machine which Bought to make the county nominations, deserted the Democratic county headquarters at 3 o'clock this mornfng and went home.

'He had received sufficient in forma tion from the various precincts throughout the city and county to convince him that he could not do any good by remaining longer at the front. The battle was over and the machine had been' licked to a frazzle. No preparations werei made at the Democratic headquarters for tabulating the returns as they came, About twenty five precincts had reported to headquarters up to the time that Chairman Brown deserted the ahlp und ahd for nome. From that time forward ft was up to any one that happened to be at the head quart eis to take the returns aa.thev were In by the election 'inspectors. The btdk of this task fell on Charles J.

Orbison, candidate for Judge of superior court. Room who waa present all night to walch the returns or his own vote. He stayed with the job until 7 o'clock this morning and then he also left the place, with no one to pay 'further attention to lt Making of Estimates. Chairman Brown did not make totals of the vote at any time After he left it was found that a portion of the returns had been copied in shorthand by his ste nographer and 'a! part in long band, and it waa, therefore, Impossible to make head or tall of the mass of figures which he left When Mr. Orbison left the headquarters forty seven precincts had reported By making estimates of the vote of the first twenty five precincts and adding to It the results In the remainder of the fortyr seven precincts it was found that the following candidates were so far In the lead over their opponents as to make it practically certain that all been nominated: Suoerlor Judsre.

Ttoom i 1. Charles J. Orbison," superior Judge, Room 2, Joseph! Collier; superior Judge. Koom 3. John J.

Rochford; prosecuting attorney, Frank P. Baker, county cferk, John Rauch: Auditor. William T. Patten: treas nrer. can von liake: recorder, josepn Turk; sheriff.

Jacob county linam p. aianion: county Second district. Charles Maeulre. The showing by the foregoing candidates in. the returns rrom the forty seven precincts 'eft practically no doubt of their nomination.

In some other Instances, "horn ever, there wns still a doubt. Fearful Jolt From Von Hake. It: was In the nomination of Carl von Hake for county treasurer that the machine got Its hardest The machine, under the leadership of Coun(y Chairman Brown and James L. Keach, fought Von Hake from start to finish, and his was thA ccnJn which thev. Wished to hana over the door of their wigwam, 4 They were for Charles k.

Koerener lirst. laat and all the time. But the forty seven pre cthcts gave Von Hake big lead over both Roesener and George Miller. The vote stood as follows: Von Hakej 1624; Roesener, 1.115; Miller, 916. If remaining precincts make the same comparative showing.

It would, mean nomination ofi Von Hakef by about over Roesener, The Roesener people Were up In the air when it1 became a certainty in their minds that Roesener had been defeated. They could not understand it. They were charging that they had i been double crossed, and they were positive that they knew the, double crossers. One of the problems confronting them was td reconcile the protestations of; the Taggart crowd tnac it was ror Koesener with the fact that Myron KUmt. a Taeeart lieutenant." managed the campaign of Miner: mat liiiatn spencer and other Taggart men were known to "Oppose Roesenerr that "William F.

Moore, one of the high men In theiTaggart ranks, was the manager of the campaign of John McCloskey for the nomination for recorder; that mysterious' printed slates had been distributed In ihe Tenth and other south side wards'! by McCloskey workers carrying the name.of McCloskey for recorder and the nam of Von Hake for treasurer. Why did not these slates carry the name of Roesener, they asked, If the machine. was for him? Guesses on How It Happened. "Jim Keach was bapk I of Roesener." sold of the Jloesener bien, 'when "the situation became known, and I am wondering If the machine did riot hand Keach one in this matter, just to show tliat the Taggart bunch has not jforgotten the years when Keach foughtjthem. We are going to find out Last, night a printed slate was exhibited at headquarters by a Fourteenth ward Democrat, and he declared that It was 'the real machine.

ulaUv. it contained the following names. v. 'i Superior judge. Room 1.

Charles J. Orbison; superior Judge, Roomj2. Joseph Collier: superior judge, Room 3. John J. Rochford; Judge of criminal court, Joseph T.

Mar key; prosecuting auorney, Frank P. Baxter; clerk of circuit court. Jeremiah Mahoney; auditor. Arthur Leopold; treasurer, Charles. F.

Roesener; recorder, John McCloskey; sheriff. Hubert; S. Riley; assessor. Nelson Hyde; icommissioner. First district, John Kitley commissioner.

Second district, D. Brouks or James W. Ballard: senator. Reginald 11: Sulll an representatives, Jacoh W. Buenna gei.

Samuel Homer L. Cook. Andrew; Wahl. Adolph ieidenstlcker. Wil liam W.

Spencer. Charles FJ Maas, Joseph H. Plerson. Johp Beaver, Walter J. Tingle.

i Baker and Orbison. It been the general Understanding that Orbison and Baker were not on the machine slate, but some of the Democrats at headquarters laughed and said that these two men had been on! the alate all of the Baker and Orbison admitted that they bad been on tjhe slate, and Chairman Brown Identified; the srlate a the real slate of candidates which the machine wished to nominate, i Bill Klssell end Jim Keach dropped into headquarters for, a short time last night and remained long enough: to hear the news of the breaking up of the slate. They then disappeared. There was some 'comment about headquarters over the fact tha several precincts in the Seventh ward; 'which is Kia hle, wards were slow in their re turns, ill Hie lorij seven precincts which had reported there were only three out eucni mi ire recnui waru. tour out: of terV in the Tenth, three outof eight in the t.levenm.

two out oi seven In the i Twelfth. i three Out of nine: in th Thir 1 teenth. and two out of seven in the Four teenth. Theh are wards in which the ma thine was expevieu jo ao lis heaviest work. The'Sixth.

also a machine ward on the north Bide. hd reported only from one sret'iut out of seven. a G. Charles J. Obrlson said he believed he i months at a IUIAL I or only $1.5.1, nt the iIL tTinid snv other amount for lvtixer time ti 'orty four precincts from, which returns i ht Wt.

rJceived. vote was 4U 1 463 for his opponent. GaV Esta brook. 1 v. 1 a nn .11 1 1...

1 vtuu iJltu cn on uy the DuMic' to be the machine si didate fox superior Judge In Room 1. In Baker's Own Precinct. Frank P. Raker, however. laid claim to one distinction which he said was thrust on him by the returns.

He said that in his, own precinct, the Eighth mary campaign were somewhat surprised at tne small vote cast. They uaa ex pected more Democrats to turn out the polls. Tlie total vote cast fpr the three candidates for treasurer was; taken as a fair basis for estimating the ber of votes cast in the first ortvWv lirp im is. ana inis amounira 11 This ratio applfel to the 138 precincts at en In the county would mean a total tue ot 1. Major James A.

ConnvlUe was elected 10.79s. Thls woulJ be In the neikhior state commander in chief. hool of per cent, of the total I)entn rtatic vote cast at the city elect Wn wt RETURNS EXTREMELY SLOW. This, However, Was Expettedj and wodoov naises oompiamt Heuirns from the oting precincts came in slowly today at the county flerk'a Ufflve, where the members of the prtniafy wrft were, stationed. The canvassing cierics.

wno were jn tne circuit court i room, did not ret cleared awaV for work mHI j. i mM 1 A. Norwood, who had' charge of the clerks, said the tabulation of thel vote uld mean a Mung a.ege, and he was working hla men in shlfta. The flrst shift, i winch had "been there since, midnight. ready for but had not iiadMniuch work to do, went off duty at 8 Mr.

Norwood this afternoon saidt tliat Jh J5VBin olerka liaa got started oh iic hhh atiu mat viit yi ni aa going along nicely, no totals tot any want had been completed. Hej said the, tabulations be toinpteted by mldJilght, and thought that eas)l the work would be imlsiied by tomiirow morning. At the county clerk's 'Office early 'this morning! returns had been received from only thirty nine of the 138 precincts. No returns were received until long 'after mianignt, ana it was predicted that re iui us tjouiu De until toBlgnt. Ldward Lmrlck, the Iemocratic member of the election board, and Martin Hugg I I anai Lonara tne Kepubiican member, were taking turns in receiving the reports1 from the Inspectors.

All of the election board members had been on dutV' since 4 o'clock yesterday morninu. Thi.4 arternoon returns had been brougnt in rrom one hundred of the inspectors were, bringing the ballots with them, in accord with thp injunction issued for ths preservatioa of tne pauots. mere were few excetrtious to this rule in some of the country! precinct where notice of the injunction had not fceen served. The "election board: offl cialsl were having their usual troubles wltlij officers who had made errors int pre paritlg, their tabulations. In som instances only tally sheet was returned fronj a preclnctj and two are.

required. Various'; Expfanatlons of Delay. There were various the delay, In the returns. The fact that there was a light Vote would have led to the conclusion that the returns, would be In early. However, the tickets were lion and and therefore more time was" required for the tabulation by the different boards.

It was pointed outj also that In the prlmares the inspectors (were Democrats for the first time in several years, and It waa believed that the Inexperience of the inspectors might jhave had something to do with the delay of the returns. But It had not been expected tha.t the returns would comq in early, so nobody was complaining. In superior court, room 1, where the returns were read off for the benefit of candidates and others before they were taken to the canvassing clerks, there! was 1 a bunch i of sleepy eyed candidates land candidates' boosters. State Senator Slem D. Clark and others the reading.

Th candidates and their friends were keeping tally as the returns were read. Early this morning a bunch of, noisy fellows, who were yelling for McKernan for recorder, came Into the 1 corridor of the second floor and made such a re.cket that Senator. Clark waa compelled to cease reading. The doors and transoms were closed and the reading proceeded. i Has the Laugh on Foppiano.

Prosecutor Elliott who a Democratic inspector at the polls oi the Fifth precinct of the Seventh be lieves he "has the laugh" on Joseph Foppiano. known as one ef th Republican bosses of the ward. Foppiano ton ducted an Italian friend to the pollsSand ceremoniously showed him Hi. Prosedutor Hooton says that' when' Foppiano friend was asked which party ballot he wanteo ne replied land voted that Battle, at the Polls: Jonathan Mosher, aspirant for the neinl natton for sheriff on the Republican ticket, and Oscni' WJse. employed in! the.

city street cleaning department." beckme Involved In an argument, yesterday, dur Inx the votlnz at Uie noils in th Pifth precinct of tiie Fourth ward, and the argument ended In a battle between 'the two. interference by the friends of poth prevented any serious damage being done. EST Continued from Page Ohe allied organizations, the receDtion at In diana Normal school halt, Candidates for Commander, former Judge Samuel HenchJ of Wayne, is leading as candidate department commander. The northern part of the slate long, since was arrayed for him. Recently 11.

R. i Greensburg, became a' candidate, and big delegation of his friends' of ap Thomas Post at Greensburg came to help elect niiTi me iii iius naay. morn ing. Colonel C. ID.

Thompson, of Lafav 1 1.. also are 6andidate. Richmond la tbe most pronounced an. plicant for the encampment next year. South Rend, which gave way to Terre Haute at Crawfordsvllle a year ago because Terre Haute' would have a monument to dedicate this year, la under con sideration, and before the encampment takes up the question formally there may oe bum oiiiti i.w vwiwa ior.

The committee on rooms und hotels led corps of boys at a church, where visitors were assigned to to act as guides. It. F. Dodge, secretary of the.y. M.

C. and 11. H. Hutton. a merchant, gave their personal attention to this care of the suests of the city.

dARLING RESOLUTION TABLE 0. i Attack on Leo Statue Believe Advised" by Illinois G. R. FREEPORT. May 2o.

At an executive session of the Department of Ili'ndls. A. here today, a resolution of Colonel Jasper T. Darling. Columbia post.

Chicago, calling upon President Taft Jto take such steps as he may deem bestto remove the statue of General Robert K. Lee from the nation's hall of fame at Don't Waste Money: The err Independent Loan ompany' Itatea for 4 battel Loans Are Lena than One Third Those of the Loan hark Combine. "Kverybody lias to borrow nion I I SOHie I limes. Wiia inr juananer or inr new li dependent Loan Company today, "and it's i to uorrow you pay 1 i right rate or interest, nut wnen you are! t. 's: urn i ''U li is the i 7 nn bine it Is sheer nonsense borrow, rbi e.i3s.

1 make a loan of for three proportionate rate. At the small ar.v one ran afford to Ix.rrow em.ugh 1., and cksIi I'aslx thus savinir the hlvh nri. e. I vvnirii iniiM ue Mdiu iih nr r111. The new Independent Loan 1 'um pn niakeit loans on houseiiold gooiis.

pian. teams und and i. al iiling to pa latiS held l.v rijmpar.ies and advan sunie nmre rnutiey besides. The ncu Independent l.i'sn mtianv i THOUSANDS ATTEND Emm 1 I his the Tenth ward. John W.

Kealmc. his ted at "'t Ka. Wtisbii si opponent, did not receive a single vote. front moin upstairs, over the Raker said eighty two otes had Wn 1 I'icsr Stores I'nmpain'j Kni U'ashing cast, all for him. tun sti.

et Bell phone Mala The managers of tiie Democratic pri 'Netv phone SJfiL i Washington and to return it to the care custody of the state of Virginia, waa on the table aa ili advised. Th rearkluHnn rfeclreH rhit lh. 1 1 would te "destructive and demoralizing to tne rurtner teacni aching of true patriotism, id In that pantheon. dll Idem and not ti the d. rralbflc repnonc if allowed ta stand ateu 10 me ouiio stmyers of this Black Hand Writing on Wail.

(Special le. The. Indianapolis Xm. HrUlFORr. 1Uy '5.

Prosecuting Attorney 'John H. I'nderwwod is wondering whetherne really, is to.Tecome a ic tini of Ithe Black Hand, or whether a threatening notice written the hailway of his' fflce waa done for; a joke by some wall.i one 'The message written on the accompanied by an finirer nting toward the rear loor of the hail rml! 1 You have one wm1t to live." This is not the first time Mr. 1 riderwooj has had his life, threatened, and coupling previous threats with the present one, he Is nor so sure that it was meant as Joke. Since assumtna hia duties as. prosecutor.

Mr. I'nderwood iia been, making it "hot" for law violators, and was one of the state's most aggressive attorneys In prosecuting the Sarah Sehafer murder case. Heard In Kentucky. Chlcaso Newal CoIoimiI Corkrljht Ths farmer' almanac predicts a dry moon month. Major Nash fabsently) Oreat juleps! Hiu th moon 'guae.

too? died: JACKgl frofewor Arthur Harnett Jack head ot oratory and debate department of famltnev'inlvenity. '8l. Paul, ueirted thla lite' lHt Monday at Methodist hosuital. In He. waa th, aoj of Mr.

and ilr. h. O. Jackum. West Newton.

Ind. rirnl Ftiday at ni at M. churchy Wet New ton! VO.V kl'RG tlirlt Von Btirg. son of Wll Hani and Anna Von burf. at I'htcaco.

Monday. 7 .30 aa nlwim rar one month. Funarai at St. Jueta ehurch at p. m.

Thursday. Friend can view remain hla home, 10! Brookid, av. Burial at Crown Hill. IRSH Mrs. W.

W. Larh ne Castlack. her SI'S Warratn Wednaaday. 1:40 Ktineral servicea Thuraday evening at, the residence p. Remain will be taken to Laiiora.

Iiid for burial, Friday morning. TR.ACT William Albert mi ST years, at hi late reidenr.v 1240 E. Market Monday." May Zl Funaral dy. May iS. Krienda Invited.

KKRTI Fran Fartla. Tneala May 54, at 7'3 p. ml Funeral from, of hi daughter. Bert Scbralber, 'U'tev Cornell Thursday 'at I. p.

Friend Invited. TI l.FORD John Owen Tllford 24. ra aged art year. funtral day at p. at iSlmrmon' chapel, A.

M. C. Uinrcb. Burial" at Crown 1I1U. KAFERT C.

F. Rafert quietly passed away at hia late residence. Funeral service I p.m.. Thursday, May 35. 1115 N.

Delaware St. Friend Burial private. Ft NEKAL NOTICBL. CATTKRSON ElixalieUi A. Catlereon, died at residence.

1K4 I'nloa May 2i at. 13:20 p. age alghty rke yeaia. on; month. Funeral at resioem May I p.

nv. Frlends inrlted. VONBl'RO The body of Charles Vonburr. of 1B0 Brook tide avenOe. who fell down an elevator hTt in I'hlcago, bas arrired In Indiana Burial wilt be from hla home Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Friend lyOfHiK nNLK.4L NOTICE. SOCIETY X. K. M. STELHORN Mem bera of Newaaa Tribe, No.

I. O. Rl aie notlfled death of Brother Charles Srelhorn. Meet' at haJL Thtirsilay afternoon. 1 o'clock A C.


ntmol Phone tiU FUNERAL iIRECTORrf TUTilWILER A HON. Undertaker. W. Mark at. Tale phone 216.

FUNERAL UiKECiOrtS HELVEU tt HOCKENSMmt. 133 N. Pennsylvania Phooe 149X I. HI RECTORS JOHNSON HAS5 LER. 'Cr MasMchusetl Ti S.

Alabama at. New phone Kl Old Mali 1430. FCNERAL. UlkECTORS AUAMS as KRIBO 12 nd W. Ohio t.

Telephone Uii. FI5NF.RAL, DlRKCTOHi FlNN BRO. lJi W. Marlr. Teti reonee.

CXDtRTAKKHI. U.NOEKTAhVfcitS H. It. HIsEY. liJ OUvar New rhone Old Jiafu.


Phonear New Proepect J. BLACK WE1.U 13 nmt W. Ohio tt. Phonee 113. NOERTAIvERai JUHN F.

RKYNOLUS. Ul Mar 'eed Poi rhonee CREMATORY. vlttkA IDklf INDIANAPOLIS CTtr.MATOnT.l. Ks N. Itllr.oUt Visitor welcomed all hours.

Writ for booklet Aid ION BALth. AUCTION SALat i 1614 Park Ave. On the premises. Tuesday. May 31.

at 2 m. "Modern ten room brick house, stone foundation, slate' roof, hardwood ftcore: flrst clsjie furnace, beautiful lawn with trees: not 8x200; modern barn, cement floor with drain: two story house in rear: all "Improvement rha de and paid; fine location for home or apartment house. Terms AUCTIONEER. New Phone 4744 AUCTION BALE will sell Thursday, Mar tC 9' o'clock a. at 1S31 College oak folding bed.

Iron bed, oak bookcase and ecretary oak dreoers and coalmen! es. mahogany davenport, like naw, coe JW; i lot rocker, couches, some antique furni rare, iraperie, lac curtains, three good xn Brussels rug, email rugs, good li fool hall runner. nictuie. mattreeses. aarlnir.

center front sideboard, coat IW; Dlnlnr nh. tTront kitchen afe. ga wove, large nickeled wnm iipoirr, poixil iurniiuie, euverwnr lihes. large glass door many Other things; aelling on account remodeling house; no goods ahown till day of T. J.

SE UANH. auctioneer. New phone 47x4. A LE Nice, clean furniture. 2411 Park College ave.

car, Thursday. 3 p. May II: Two 9x12 Wilton drugget, coat 1 3.10. smalt ruga. oak library cue.

oak ana mahogany rocker, center tnble, pic tureu, large iik oak buffeti coat So. guol ajt new: oak dining table and chairs. 2 iron beds, springs, felt and hair tnattreswa, prince tlreeser, good a hew; bedding, 1W pound refrigerator, used one. year. cot kitchen table, dlahee, glaware.

cooking utenalla. Mc FADDEN ei MORRIS, Auctioneers. Main ZS4e. New phone ltu. S14 Kiale Ufe bldg.

AI'CTION SALE We Ul sell at auction on Friday. May JT. at 9 a. at 71 N. Alabama at four Iron bed, apringa and 5 mat treaae.

Sxfc Brnsael rug, thirty yard ingrain carpet. re seers and waahstaiida. center atanda. gaii range, butplate. kitchen aafe.

lin 4ng table, I kitchen table, ten. dining chairs. chiffonier, four oak rocker, elegant mantel folding bed. lot of bedding, pillow, 'bed linen, lac curtains, toilet aets, dtebe. cooking utensil.

MIL1 A WYNN. Auctioneer. 44 Lombard bldg. Main New 173K. AUCTION SALE Of 'furniture and household giKtd at Shank's auction and storage room.

22. 3S1 N. New Jersey. Thursday. May W.

30 a. consisting In part of iron and bra beda. oak tiki walnut bedroom suites, dresser, washstands center aland, chair, Jar dlnierea, floor eoffe mills, wash ruachlres, mirror, gaa atove. aewlng rmihlne, mut treses. toilet set, wall ae.

folding betla. spring. Morri chalra. oak settees, and lot cf other good. SHANK A LONG.

Aucloneer. ROBERT rriWE.V. Manager. AUCTION SALE We wlM aell at aucffon rrf dav. a.

May 77. furniture Lusk' Storage N. Senate ave Mahogany round u.t,l liter font f'M piu mission bookcase. Isrge wall irr.r. three good brutaels hal! rnnner.

same as new; aeveral i il r.r, a.l,aran,l. ri In.n center tables: everything for house keepmc McFArKNi Amthmeera mi.i. uZ Vwt7 fcur roomTif ful tture. cnsUtlrg of bdr.v.m ultea. folding arnv.a.

cart ta. rwk i center mtmnAm tables linoleum, dhnlng table emfcma utek icehoa. kitchen safes, nany other 3111.1. A t. Aiicnoneer.

ix.ii.baid bldg. Mjih TOi. 173x. Al'iTloN SAI.K AU ma ll li TROTTER A ACTION SAI ail ANK FURNTrEAND STg L.Li' 1 I rr r. r.

(. i.a?b harg'e cf the rel estate department of th Mever Klser Hank, and will be r'eaaed to have frierdu list their property with hlm. KH. 'N A'l Mi 1 made ald In TKOTTFJ! HENRY'S ADDITION. PERSONAL the barn before th borael atolen Oet 9 afe depoait Ipcx for per rear ih Mtivrp RIN'K.

OK I'41J1 oan. ivLKI'KEil, Kra. Ind. JOrtN i. si.

a I SOCIETY ANI CU 5HKTIN.t. .1 T.valT.4 tr "i iiin st' 7 .2 i vi ihif i 5 1 Oxi Xl. socikty k. ok i. xt.rm 1, I of win entertain i( mnbr'nii at I Pa ml KM i iu, lay rv, isia.

a progrnni has bexa pre pared by rjofsor McMater White. a R. Beard and Fr Hoffatadt. iThl ntertaiament will orprl tn4 U0" WUI mf, time not piC A UaouH after th ent.rtiBmt. Kaeh ma.t banquet alter th entertatnmeot.

tlaclt mem bet should bring a prospective applicant fw m. nbrshp or friend. Marlon No 1. K. of P.

H. BKAKl. C. J. H.

MOORE. K. ot R. and SOCIETT VSONK' Ancient Accepted ScnH Rlt The triennial meetla; of tnjtma ennsistor R. P.

R. wfll bol lfn thte IWedneaday evening. 7: o'clock. May 1819. for the purpose of electing oflcera te serve during the enauina three year.

I1ENRT C. ADAMS. 1 Commander in Chief. FRANCIS T. HOI.IJ.DAY.

IT. Secretary. UOCIETT ftocil entertainment given by Star Bualness lodge, K. ami 1 of at the temple. No.

43 N'. Pannsylvsnia at Wednea.1ay evenlns. lie Zi. at wnich lime Xvrtle rtejree SoCIETT MAMOXIC mevtlng Morn ment U)e No. 3T.

F. and A. ThuraUay evening. Mar I. Work: Msatrr Maeun VlaitlnK brethren welcome.

All work done tai eveniug by Pat Master. KH. LEVIN. W. LEWIS BAfM, Secretary.

SOCIETY I. t. Ot' F. Merldlan. kxte.

No. 4Sd. will confer lli third decree Wednealay evening. May 2. oa a number 'of candMatee.

Vtalttng nembeis are lneitl to meet with oa. ElV.ENtl LENTZ. N. C. A.

PATTERSON. Fin. Swc; SOCIETT T. Capital City tent. K.

O. T. alt! hold aa open Maslott Friday nl(rhL May K. AII member expected to rome and Brine; their friend. Oood muaic.

anioker and good, time for all. III LET. Commander. OClE1 MASONICOaiid meetlnc of "Marlon lo ige No. X.

F. and A. Wednesday. May at p. for work In EL A degree.

laiiing nretnren welcome, JOHN I FTrrtVART, W. kf. TlX I. ETANS. Secretary SOCIETK B.

H. Amu Court Ni. a. Tribe of ln Hur. meets every Thuraday nlc bl at tbe Colfax.

S. Meridian at. Vlalt tne members welcomed W. S. CTIAPMAN.

Scrtb. FOR TKAPK Al'TOMC BILKS. FOR TRADE Lot. for food and cheap (aeo line runaboat. Aldresa TK, Newa.

FOR MLF MICF.Lt,.NEOri. FOR ((ALE caa flt saybody, no matter what your, shape la or hether sou are deformed. snar antee to St you right and build you ckuhea that are beoomlnf to your figure. are bay big good by the bolt direct from the mUl and therefore ran give you value that no on cao beat. Don't fail to look over our large assortment before you order.

Na trouble to ahow good whether you buy or. not want to abow what, we nave. FOR SALE Manufacturing busfneea, roachin ery. stock and established trad, manufacturing article seen on every automobile; unlimited poiaibilltle; can be run oa email capital: we Invite cloaeet inveatlgatuxn; would Cwo alder flrat ciaae autn aa part payment; factory now lcated forty mllea from Indianapolis In town of ITS, 600; can be meved at amail coat: don't write unlets you mean bualnesa, A lre Bog Nwa FOR SALE Large size Howard piano, in goail been ueed. 113.

Term. $1.25 per week. Oet our prlcee before you buy. We py Ch for: mm. hand uprlgiit.

$1J Regtna muie bnx with beautiful cabinet and tune heets. If sold this week. HAR4AIX PIANO PTORE. Ml llachuette ave. FOR GJ Jr Best Oregon orchards, on aaay terroa $ee Isge S.

and writ today. FOR 5ALE guarantee to aaee you money on a p.ano; new and used piano. "175, II 45. IICD. $1S, rA flO and upward.

Term II. .3 per week. Square piino, god enough ta learn m. Hi. We pay rash for eeitnd hand up rlxhia, BAHUAIN PIANO STORfci Kl Mani rhueetta ave.

FOR 8AI.E Finrt cUiaa gmcery for le at a bargain; In good location: must be old once: ftrrt cl meat market in connect ton I leased 3 another party; rock grocerte and ftxruree will Invclce W.IXV). will go thl week for S1.30O; stock hi new and up to date. Call at once at THE At'OffT KCHN CO. FOR SALE i 1 7 Liavvn Mowecs Sharpened i with1 automatic grinder callet for and dllv. ertj.

J. V. HoFMAN.N. J3 Virginia aval Phone SrtrS Propect vi FOR HALE Big bargain In an Erawrn pf tin' fhn. n.

1. flr.e tone. Price onle IT5 term 1 nee mk BARGAIN PIANO ToKE, S4I MateaoliUfc avenue. i FOR HALE Second hand 14 horae Advance englner Advance sepirator. wind atacker.

Parson feeder, telescope weigher, drive belt, water tank and Rumley miller. Jll K. of P. bldg.t India napoll. C.

A. OTLER. FOR SALE Strr piano, mahogany case; hi been thoroughly overhauled: complete, wild bench, erarf; AEOLIAN HALL, 221 N. Pennayt' an! TOR SALE Firit clai grocery and meat will ell at Invoice; doing ti.eom per month: good reason for leiling. Address Box News, FOR S.VLE Grocery and fixture; ch i trade; good location; living room: cheap rent; no delivery; owner leaving city.

Ad drea Box Ml. New. FOR SALEOod linoleum, parlor table. square dining table, kitchen chair, tiali tocker. cot nvr used): cheap.

4'ia Blake. Flat I. FOR SALE piano, damage! la shipping; wiii be sold for big bargain. Terms 1 5 per we k. BARGAIN PIANO STORE; 343 Maarbtiatt ave.

FOR SALE Seccnd NATIONAL CASH REOicTERS. We repair, replate and over haul register. E. CHUSii. W.

Market t. Pbone Mala 400. FOR SALE Two roof tanks. In condition. INDIANA TRUST CO.

FOR SALE Ectik: vacuum cleaner for rent by the day; elenn your own rug; aay on can onerater" Phnn Knrth FOR SALE sea" Imbrovement in 1 TROTTER A HENRY'S AUDITION KUR iflALE Engliah bull terrier CV month old. kou broke: cheap. 401 8. Pine t. FOR SALE Fifty had loose dirt raa be bad for the hauling Call at UU Aehland ave.

pitone FOR JALE Millinery tore; great bargala; good location; cheap rent; party retiring. Ad Or Bx J. Newa. FOR HALE Barber ahop, four chair, rwo bath; a real bargain. Addres tX, 'ew.

FOR SALE Several Ice cream cone machlnea In gocl order. Apply BRYCE BAKLSO 14 K. South at. FOR 1 SALE Home grown BURIED CAB BAGE at Staud on SAT nuj ia. FOR fAI.K C'aeh buslrie: an.all capital required; giHKl nr'(i tunlty fur mom one.

Address Bvx Nw. Fl'R XALE Nice clean houaehald good; rea onabie. New phone Co con4 hand I I .11 FOR SaLK Hiaith Premier ii peritr; in excellent condition: bargain Cor uitk aale. 114 E. FOR ALE The new.

Carnegie library la tn TROTTKR HENRY'S addltW. FH SALE Mantel folding beii. hotblt. sfe. trr too, good! condition.

1247 S. Meridian Pruapect 23 FOR SALE ACM TRANSFER. BTORAC5W AND SAWLd'S (XI sawdust tLfct and fj load; vines II. M. B.nh ii FOR SALE Wi coat uit, nea (y new; axe ia.

Phone 3Wd K. FXJK SALE Beautiful scotch cdii. fen.ale; hle and whye. l.J N. Illinois t.

FOR Ing; ALE Five thimaSnd feet of good aheet very cheap. 21 Kentiiiky av. FXiR SALE Large Iron vaae to L'rown Hill cemetery. Call Wntral ave. FtR SALE Beautiful Frenclt allit poodt.

Call 72V W. Twenty seventh Ft)R AI.E One chair barber iop. cheap, bit Oliver av. frtK HALE New fine cheap. WJ EUtt drive.

Wuwlroff. Phone WtVMlrufr X7. FR SALE Peninsular cook stove; almost new. a bargala. Old phone Woodruff 7J.

FOR SALE On 384 egg Incubator rheap; aiso R. I. Red baby chick, tli W. Washington. FOR SALE Ruas'an antique samovar; alse mahogany chalra 710 iiiinot t.

KiR SALB Botrton tenior pups; females, t't South Illlnol t. FOR SALRV Large red canoe and paddies. 114. Phone W.7. 191 N.

Illinola FOR SALE Meat cooler, cheap. t. 1 all Proepect 11, I Naomi FOR SALE Dynamo for nlckef plating; IZS. HOME 8TOTE CO. F'R SALK Pen cf nne Hamburg: reasonable.

34? Cavew FOR SALE m4 bualness cards, 40c VICTOR. Printer. US MarkeL eiarr. cxminanded by captain T. w.

will iv. esalMUe drill for the KnlM. ni uaoiea ot iionnr. Hue music and refreafc meat will be furnleti l. and many other way.

of entert.lnmr will be fumie.1 b.the lod. i FOR FOR FOR FtM FOR FOR Jr FOR FiR I fob imw ncri.LsSr'U iR SALcl i if 7 'rJ. Mrj rt't 1 avenp. x.t 17 bhr co.t evf dawnpurts. cvet '0.

each Z2 'A maswive Irun hei, coat JT. i eacS 1det.cr4. c.t I 0 I dotiltie nn mtaurar.t rarr. at i I Urse iilaie nurrvr. coet tJH BAKER BHOS.


Al9lKES.S M. A Hiu O. BOX IN. ISDl A 1'OHS. 1XI ion SALE Twi Bnebthr.iooi jitflte.

rot lurnacee, i fine hn.i )ers. ana, l.n luR SALE Alt material fmm tie iv auHillEj. on Jf. llfthilao between nut nl at. Clair at.

a aacrilce prK jt te moved at moil and we will i it never before "ITM pitriw. PHRTABl.K HOLfS Co. New plone Sj K. Old Main I. FOR 8ALE TlfKKMkiiaKi every, rr'' Prices Jj micSmn reluct.

2 ujs karicaia in F.en.e5ion! tend nd prite Ti tl KiTER iJtCiiANa. Monument p'ace. 7 FOR BALE Ktw srnl aecend band billiard an! pool ta.tile, br.r Oxture of all kind; ea payments. 8od ftr tatalofn URf.Ni'.VH.a; KALKE COlNUKR. US a.

Meridian aU. la dianapoila. EOR 8 A 4.1 typewrtter; Smuli PTemlens iJeaemorea, Yeats and othe llJ.te Hi. Perd r.r aamp'e of wort CIB TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. Muaclar: Ind FOR bALE Cntt.w atock vi jewv.

antique Cock. Uerwar. Poor caaea, llall eier' repaiatott of the late Andrew Cenier; must ba ol witain thirty day. te eett.e ta eatate. t.

Delaware ai. OR 8 A LE OOOLB US I ITT; Sret claaa himbor and eoal bualnesa In an Indiana town nf located In a ric? farming an.iuai bualne ej.w Addraae Log 7:4. New FOR BALE 1 H'TO TXt I ON FKcTK 'N ere; moat cipuir; aptemlid latest Imnved machinery an 1 applism ea. 'umpiete in tvtrj derail; lav ice over I'A. No M.

Uttt l.l. 4 4 "OR fALE K. comi Rhode le.and Kd Jrice red iK ed now la the tijiit tu net; ent in your orde to get prise winner. W. it.

WHEELER, Forty third and Ililnoia. bourn Nonh IsL FOR HALfc Iron bed. trimmed. 1)1 prUig. 13.50.

xtJ brueael rug, ti mlrrrx 4Ji4 Inchee. oak frame, e'et uic fane br galn; gaa burner for Xm r't li 'n. Jl. WaaNlngton. New phone Fl'R SALE Knaee uprtcht piano, Diahoa any eaee.

1 ai a bargain fr anl ne wanm a g. piano. HAbU ZSl S. Innayi alreet. FOR SALE Or TradeT rxTuho UUt lue (Booaeyt.

altver 'plated. In caae. M. or trade for amaMer: bras or reed lajinjmmt. SENKFF, 11 N.

East." phone Vain l.i. FOR fALii filif aql twanhng hiue; giod 1 xation; fe4on, fi se'llng. tyr health; cah or part i. l'hm Mi1 FOR SiALE A fi tnaursinoc agTu y. a gocd bualiieaiN ran be had at A ai able price tf taktn na account of i a He.

Addreas P.g New: OR bALE iiecuod naad urnltur. and toe on payment WALidl Kt NITt'K; CO til and L'4 Virginia a.e. I buoa fcl R. FOR SALL Wanted: Laundry cur.cner in northeast secthti of city, "washing 4. a pound, all Sat.

wit. Ironed. Phanee; ill! a iKJ, New 1 FOR SALE 1 TOt1 WANT A HOME Y' A I.OT I THOTTEit HENRY'S ADIJITION. FOR SALE NlcelV fiirnlahed rooming hnai, roorrn all rented; tt lice''ori In tie will at II cheap: reanon fnr eenlrg. leaving town.

Arldrese Box C7, New VR SALE Hallet iHivla amail pin.i. flnlehed, etn ny we, the piano Tr a T.t or roma tl H'. AEI.IAN i N. Pennevtvani FOR SALE Sett generartrig. I our bu oven, raaotine run: ueed aix month; lb refrigerator.

North FOR SALE Oak bed. Wrtlt ut Ubrsry 'ah e. two chair; ctwidttion; Ili. Ji Wwl rc(T. West rtrl e.

i FOR 8A LK Bufdn terrier jopiie; ta c' kind: scree, white markings. 1JVS W. Waahlrgton. FOR 8AT.K oo.I Tirniture, five rwrrn, c. pTt.

K'D; ma leaving lty. AdJ ee Ug w. FOR SALE No. ti exliaun tin, wtfn a. I 'v Ing ami cv.

can be en ru. Ai. dre lix T. N'ea FOR jS A f. antler, 't.

ri Cir; one er.J a Itirn sand drum. A ee Pox T. Nwa i FOR SALE Vry fine oak cnee upriu'it i sno. giol ta'xan. en pa men's n'ii i party.

Llnti at. FOR SALE Pea Jtlful upr'r' 7i ano. vry It! riflce. l.V.i Lr. Inetcn ave.

(Oil 6AI.E loung men 4j gra.i ia a ipude your rl thi week iX. ENOI.rH CO. HZ lilinme it. ChiiOren clothing at greatly ra duced pri in cur lwiini "bcyt" di irt mu)t." RUBENS. i Jj Wahing.n t.

FOR i.E Pjotrng house of walking dls'ance heap. A 795. FOR ALK oUA AiNrf. New eecond hamt aodi foumaina. JAd.

H. ij K. Marv lsnd r. FOR SALE F'ani4y waehlng: fine work; eurtaln. JDv a (pair.

I'lCiUli LAUNDRY. I. FOR S.lI.E will buy a few odd piece mahogany and jmleeion furniture, iljta phone le. BAKIrt BHOS. FoK SALE Best piaoe tur loan on wa'rtiea.

Jewelry aad dlAicnda BURTON'S, li ie Cirele. I FOR SALE 'nsiv mrry.iTw. rar. conk stoves, rinci and Both phone Uti. 'BAKER i'Him.

Xilfr i'ALi'l Kii 4cia if4 tnwn; paying trie I rs'alri une a A. it. BEI.DEN. Bio.jrntnic,on. Ind T.

"CT17 L''" tb y. nn i. clothing lr cur banement 'Vhr n' art BBnt." Kl W. Whinrtn(i FOK.iALE tii.siii )uipte ii ta A l.i pse s. FOR cafe.

ia, ce him, a i 'f taken at ence, H.IT VAt I.rlT rf.av North rt n.k cnl. If ir. FOR SALE VJ S' Lidmi. l.e I fine at rare rurgnn mi i. AKoLIAN HAr.I1.37 N.

FOR HALB lare. r.repr mwilum ixe salV: leaving city; mut. Addreas New. FOR SALE Mrsel pinr; 3 li p' extra g'iod dark verr ciip. North FOR SAfK Flve tirner ga)ilne riis Park ave i FOR SALfc SiKy Ki.1.

FOft SAl iC Onvcer.v atore f. ar a low price. If at bnce. Jfl FOlt8A.LE AH heat col. It pmr' a a.

l.hone 2Stm: tl.l TViolrii" F'R PAM pno Ti E. FR Al i Fine. rreit conditfui at ilpr f. S. I pt.

one ilt A fc 'f Jfnts g'. l. an fi irid te eecii.t 4' FOR 8AIX (1m fang; a new. t'ollege ave. FOR.

SA ii i News rout north, Ia quire City Clrculttlun lrt FOR SALE One oa Jfning ie, lire 3 N. I sP'ti FOR SALE Rarl ef nve cnair. tare. cuesp thl week, 41J Wl Washir.g IOR SALE Hair i're; four roo.T.s of fjrn tur. 7t7 Prk av.

FOR SALE Fine i But Cochin cocX. hens; Kin 41 l(, ave. four FOR SALE Phowre. counter. iek.

trvi used. lit Pennsylvania a'. FOIl SALE Large load ctadir ds.iver cheap. Phjne Ct FOR SALE Sweet; petal al er.i (if Bismarck ave. fail Main FOR SALE Seven! homer pieon fnr call at N.

Cheater ave FOR MALE Strong folding canva bot tall evenlni after 4, rr i a a FOR SALE Three, parser Ing bad. one refrlkerator. K. Mi' hUn. SALE Four kyndred targe eak Ir.k re; great bargain.

RINK'S CLiuK HO'. SALE Maple Inch by 10 feet. f.iorir.g, cli'a; 7 S. Capital v. SALE Or 'M type wnt KUJoTT R.

Z27 E. SALE Hon S'M fjrn.tuf. 'follege ave. i.a.i 8AI.1 1 ming toid rule part. 113 N.

'Off an. my SALE Wanted; w. Main C'ld airter bt ar SALE Or oerk bed. srnne 1 ill W. TVertT e'gnt'i r.

SALH fine;rg"! tsk for Iv r'EL MJf 1 8AIJC Oiitnet bantam. 'CZ N. ChpitoL rabbi y.izr.A. of nmd f. Vvr aa4 i atlti.lAieie aa am 4.


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