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Springfield Leader and Press from Springfield, Missouri • Page 27

Springfield, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TWO FURNISHED light hnusa kkcapt rooms, modern, reasonable to adults. d'M 440 s. Campbell, it SiTl'HKKBKPINO ROOMS, partly f.iVT plslieo. eiae anu ihiiik cmrance, w. Walnut, ll TFotislH Toil HUNT, for sleeping ami lift" iioueuen iiii, Duma jerror son.

pnnne NH'KLY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, ai end nous furnished. Nur two car linen phone ll j.jl ll IK JlOOM Downetalis, rlci I mr.tlerii with bast tihli board, aleo ga r.e, 433 H. MhIii. Phona IHCJ. 11 14 Iinikiikd rooms, 7ii k.i Madison, phone II11W.

Young man pre. ferrert flHNISHED housekeeping room, 401 Will Ml. Vernon. HOI HliK KKPINtl mom lo lrt Ji without children, garage, 740 rv, Walnut. 1 f.38J lf fcOOM and lueele If preferred.

41 gt. lyOUla HI, Til DONOVAN Jefferson gir.rt furnlehed room In thi city, strictly modern, large, wait ventileted. Ceil and ba convinced. otl rrn.MHiiED apartment oi rrotns, MA Market, HVIfllHI AI'AltTMENT (.11 Meikrt. three 11.17 FRONT ROOM for rent, nicely furni.h en.

strictly modern, at 41.1 Market, phytic I4MJ. ij TWO IlOtlMH for Hiht liouake.InT modern heal. Htm lioulo. ard d.lf I1CU.U 111 prtvsta mime, for with mull ir prercron.

rtione a a u.i, IVVo furnished rooms for Until krplhg, 771 Went Ml. Vernon. ct lr THHKK connecting room ror lirlu housekeeping, furnn heot link electricity, lit; (. Campbell, phone ti i 'nl nil tUHl'INcl Itt.i'iM In. tnnd ril home, cioie in.

671 Keet Klm. t'ltorie a 1 9 A ti ll TWO HilMH furnlehed for aea wiar and rlT'rlr. In room. Mo.k norm of fr'e Cl depot, J.i a 'k, 703 ft.

F('HMXIIK H0OM8 for 4I tVelniil, BuOMSt for Uronrllle llalit rvftlreuce rrtw teui ir ril.M IICATKI) atoaptng (t.nni. kll.tir. i prlvlUae. t5 hunt ATTRACTIVSS modern bedroom, oleo garnga. 474 Walnut.

Phona lkOl. VUHNISHKD nOOMSrine. two, three or llva roome. lull summit Ave. tl 30 DKsfllA RLE "ltOOM and porch In etrl.


5lco large Vome. Modern. In proalo hoine. 73 B. Eliil.

1 TWO nicely fuinlahid front light houaekeplng rnoma private home, modern exiant heat, IUH N. Cgmpiwli. Pbcne 324IW. LARUB well furnlehed Hgbt front nom, Brgt floor, toilet and lavatory i Adjoining, gentlemen prefrerad. 714 S.

Jeffereon. HVll unfurnlehed roome. modern ox otpt heat, phona TYPEWRITER i N'BW AND REBUILT. MODERN EOUIPMENT PO. I0 WALNUT ST, PHONB 4110 V'l ta li II 1 1 rj II 'l imivn htaihm K'iom prN re'e to etore omit 'ire Alio, renl.

Apply 1 1 JO Klin. Tint ii i 'l mmi 1 1 iTTir (iV k. Ing rotne, one llork fr.iin er line aid en tnney nc.r tiruty and ivhoot. tuod'Tn riorct h. t.

front end ni'i enlrenie, doanelalr prlvelo fooroe riane li fl'liNAl HKATBti llljl 1 1. ly mowrn (o pr wen tit 0.iih Nlrrct. I'hntie or 11 19 TIVO l.ige ke.plr.a roome, etrlttly Jrisiof bai.h. fall IM1W light' houe. uio.lrin.

e.t I.JIIIIK ITIflNT IturiM for rent In niftdrn home to einplitrd I'h 4f.2W. livlU ifrtUI ANU HMAHU In etrlrtly ni.vl rti hr mr. rtione 3u4IVV or 'call mi CtMrrr. TWO ROOM A A HTMKNT for T' lit. farniihed, HIT Keat llerrlaon atreot.

riwee ll H'NNMHEU IltlOeig wlTh bcTaid, cloe'e raon lillji te ytn PKT and breakfeat If AllKrl. at The l.ioan. Jelferaon. iJ awd light boueekeeplng Menu, nicely furnlehed. ground floor, front porch.

k.Ii.,1. .1 tnlnUtoa WHlk aqnare, 114 Wret Mt. Vetnan. yVRSlBHBO newly papered Vodern rnoma. gee Sea.

nantrv. nrlvtleia parlor and ao. no rhlldren. Phone lillW. i IB feOOMH furnlehed or unfornielird and board If dealred.

IIS Weel Mvlelon ONB NICE furnlehed front bed room i lite Kaat Rim. avervlhing modern. Phone T6.0J. t' 'l FOCR TO FIVE furnlehed roome. two large roome unfurnlehed, room end board for man and wife.

Phone let STRICTLY MOftKRN ROOM cloee to ecuara, for young ladlea. reaaonehle. Phone 4H3IW. MCKl.T FURNIMII EI Bedroom In modera borne; aleo garage. Call 1014.

tf SirEPINU ROOM0 strictly modern. cloee In, 714 Weet We. nut. tl lf For' rent, mod aleo garnge. ft H.

PART OF Moaly furnlehed for boueekeeplng. Rent! raaanuama. 134 New St, TUB IIACHULOR'S INN 1010 CHKItltY KTKEKT Dealrabla roome for biteineea men and bualneee, em cloyed tl tf TWO unrurnlehcd at Kaet Madleon. Call Hundiiy or artrr 4 o. k.

FOR RENT byNnvel ir thtce unfurnlehed roome or pertly furnlejo'il. liable and water furnlehed. If. ar 'month. Phone 4274W at 714 llenlon A.ejl.20 iarltNTmitllj ROOM fur iignt hoirje kei nliig for working people wllhout ehlldren; cloeo to ier line nd north hope.

Phono 1094 or SiiliJ TWo Nli'K "light houackcoping looine at 2lt Kaat Court. 'I l'i(ONTl4Itli "TiOo'm lent, Uown eteire, 10 Keet I 'onimcrlal. (1 2JI I wo roome Irlctly modern end clean. Three block. Iiom atiuare.

To couple only. Phona 02IIW. I0 LAllilK, oirfur7ri7heil. modern, warm, tod room private oiitianco ft Cloee In. Phone IW.

IOZ.Y largu eouth bed room In inod ru homo prlvata bath two rloaete, for two In.lloa or tlentliliiei ttnployed. Aleo mall bed eoom and giirago. Very cloee In. phono life.

TWO ROOMS furnlehed loj houBekeeplng, lain t'horry. light 1130 jOri cutwT a word rut xmsjutioM ROUSES AND FLAX 8 FOR RENT or UltAND AVE For rent. mooon, houae, poeses 1 Wuo.lruff Uldg. rtione 101, tf Four room ,1.... ntahed floor will be vacant tiout Novemhur 1 or 1 ho E'', I'11" ATr.ntrt "lodem.

AP' quarry alreat. rhona II30W. wood wood Wood, H.1J for rent! tltlleaet. aonit mai. call Jackeon, 103 tlra'nd.

1'hona H.ll V1J.H nL'N'IALOW for ret" rem tor the winter, at. gi.liic 10 California, would aall, alaH na lornltora for aela. fall ainptien. H.l ''JWKH AfAHTMKNT. roome, for" ixriimnrfi or Ullfll rnlehnd hent i.j wtr fiirnl.h.d; no children.

sjjj KIVKItlMiM r.ret. Co'd wood, chunk and apllt wood, any kind, any amount, dellveted any place in town. Aleo planna and houiohold inoda moved. Work guaranteed. Rog e.a A Ileum.

310 North Alain, rno'ie lie lt.ll.J4) TUBES AND SHRL'BS About par cent dleoniint. Stark Proa, etock. Fruit treea. flowaitng ehrube, hedge plante, vlnoe, grapeg end i'Tir done and eea lUf'n 1113 prnepect, city. 1 31 KDEN Electric waihtng mnchlnea for eele and fur rent.

Cult Mra, Hlgnee, 470V. 1000 8. Fremont. 13 1 A 1 1 1 A 1 1 Fine tfioroughbrerl Airedale male pupa, 420; femalag, 110 with black hncka end tan lege. J.

W. Illebert, vernna, Mo. 17 II Hill BRED tree dog hound Jyi COWS Two yellow Jersey sale, fresh soon, I miles Cherry atreet road. T. A.

OOWg for monthi old. u. A. Allan. Ford lend.

Mo 17 I'ANCY tlreen Oage plum treea for aala otia and throe year old. nlo a few eprly ohcrrlvo. 101 North Doulovnrd. IB SHETLAND PONY, nlca apotted pony for aula or would conatder trade for c.iva or hoge. phone 4SW.

ll TN ICVTY K1VB ahoat for eala. Phono timow. 14 DRK88ER, etand, rug. gtnall wood atova taiga coal, heater, UU Jaat I'arlno Phone ll STOVE POli SALIi. flood elx cap coal or wood cook atove, alilo gag range.

747 Kim Ht Phone 43I4J, ll east on Oalbralth. ll STCA'E FOR SALIC Ona No. II coal hetitlng etoye, haa been used I months Itiqulro slelrs, HBt. Louis. K.ll COwT tlood.

hrlndle cow. Prlca 140. 2140 DouglBs Ave Pf ONE TEAM, wagon, harness: buggy, 1.. 1 separator, all In good condl. lion.

Baby carrage cheap. 144 Concord Ave. MOVING VAN, farm wagon and buggy for sale. IKS lluy slreel. ll FOR SALE.

A good family cow, fresh in three weeks. Aleo yearling heifer. 115C Mleeottrl Ava. lt fTmh COW for aala at a bargain, giving I gallona milk a day. t.ood a.ntle driving hone, ona rubber lire btirgy.

i Orange, ll A SUTBRIOR WANT AD WILL DO 74S 11 11 niooern flay. J'hone ll Ail 1 i.k ttoltlB. Tour roomi unfur. ivciit Ml, Vernon. 11 11 or 1KIOM furnlehed home for "i.i i.iKmoer 1 unr Ah.ii 1.

Cotd hrtwern tawna. adilrou of ader. ll blA' ItOiJM etrlitlv 7ulZ nlrhed or .9. I'hnna. 5774W.

wi i'AKTIKH ho are looking for a four huildihgi, prlred lo cull the tlmea. t.flna to t'Jttl Hpenoer atrect. tlwner. 11 1" MNK 10.M IKHHB elrlrlly modern, cunvriilenr. d'i'oratrd through o.Jl.

aiilhc.pal. None In, on tar line 414TJ. ilJ KKN A A nTMr.STi, rantT noma and lielh, Kaet Madlarin I bath. foaerailon I daye notlre.Phunw 7U, K'll'tt KOM IIOl'II ruTnYahel' all nionorn. aim garage.

no hi dren. ntlteaat, JO prr iponlh I'lmna 351 or Hl'S'ii AI.OW. roortie, modera for "rent. I'hono 10K2.1. ii jn lirtKI! till 'l it niifiTrrTiehert rooinT ff' i.rrl, uiodln enrepl heel.

I'hon'o hi AI'A it rt.tTy unfur" rl.hrd. lolnr room. drrdtiT room. room, i.rakfHet room. en.

l'lion, ll "l5aai llernton ai tlarrleon and Hollnnd. fntl before Wedneeday at aio ltto ''l HupelalTa rrh aiirl hotli. Halite utifurnletie.l, ontranro, Hi, l.tfula r't. II 11 UOIIIl ItnoM llnt'HK for rrnt; win a rliiMl) rorolHOt'd. ''enrrMv o.

d. 10 a mitell famllv: vai'ent lire. I. 1(1 a tliolith. lilQulre at 3Z7 Nli holr.


Cable Wood Yard. 11 COWH, aome good Jeraeya, the kind that will do to eomo nlc4 eoy helfera. 1031 N. Fremont. 19 I'AN'AKY UlltHtt.

Uuaranteed alngora, palra not related. 630 Walnut, riiqna 4g5U. I'lANO, coal heating atove, adjuetahle drree form, amall walnut hat rark. Market. SPITZ )'l I' for gala at 2031 Taylor.

I'hona 4763W. n.l( WHITB Kifl' Hk.V (ABINEi rTetroH Jewell ilea atove, Ice box. oak rock uc olinlre, droaeer, rug. 1011 N. Jeffrreon.

UNO, Morrle lly.le.. 19 GOOD YOllNil TRAM, wegon and her. r.iee. on lima If deelrod. lit) Myrtle.

tli'I'l) I. t'AHHIAUH! for ealo. HI M.rm J. rri rat.ii. tf (LINK YKAHMNVI ITBII'EH tow.

Ilti Iloaera Avo. id one Js'H'K YOtINd fat hene for ThankMglv it.g, ailva or New York l'hone your order lo I7F3J or drive out and got mem. one mile from town on Eaet Urand etren road. Charlea LaSalla. K.ll lTl.Af'K rri'KII COAT fur trimmed.

Phona l31i. 410 B. Campbell Avenue. ll l.A 1 .1 ICS Cl.omiNO Including et fura, loate. eulta.

otc. Hood comlltlon. Cheap, no diatere, U30 K. Elm. OKOrKHY STIRH ami property for aale, Uuet I'lielpa ft.

K. Jouce. OVKIICOA I mu ovcrcwufe tor ealo, alao f'hooe 1 I'Kf'ANI PKCANH liollloue Teiea pnper ehell, par. poet or osproee, i n. Mimpia id.

c. 1,. Kt. rtmiih. Am it PI AYKK JZfil.1.

Phone KM HI.I"K TIUI OT1NK Hit KKS. elr.e 3. one pair eport elio.e, nlniorl new, on. hie. panne velvet hl.

man' gt'erdino elite 3ft l'hnne I a 7 .1 1ft tM'HOO 'wiIVS Ttm flna T.i,r. 1 aone. eome plgi and jrllta, fr aal" or trad Went chicken or Call 517 Koal Ave. C'lWft lKsira "rui'i." fr rh on.l innitog froeh Boon. Cell iitl'7 Ave ft PI." N'O l'OH HAri "high gradeTTiee" tlfnl tone.

Ilk. new. Phon. lll.liUIii aale A elttne, phone Houte MAPW? rnRRK. FOR SAl.R.

Hard and gofl maple. I to 4 Imhre In diameter; Irceathat have traneplanted, and are guaranteed. One half down when trior, are aot, helaiii a when growing. Trace era ncarvclty. W.

It Hlmi Oiark, or leava order with R. nrlgg at o.o. Younif Ptg. Ill Ht. Imula 81., phona Ifit.

"air'klnde rpeirco arm warrHiiled. New. at bet F' RENT AU or part of nrat and I "'d e.cond ( Of building, 211 and 114 i "Tn n. et XlcL'nnlel elreot. Hea Mertlp liroe r'eno Co.

FARMS FOR RENT yAIM tSV Jill or call at M0 Kaat FOR SALE OR TRADE and apllt wood. uood kind, any Juantlty delivered any place In town. Hllefaotlon guarantard. Hellrla 4t llu ill, 111 N. Main atreet.

I'hona till. tf Hoover I i'l STONE window allla. butlreae and I. It er rope, artletlc manllea. J.

Van trert. A US HHIHTMAS For the rhll a chfiuteuqua Deek. phona ie4J. 'e J. Ilrk), 1127'lmuglaa Avenua.

Jfl I3 3T COAL COAL COAL PHONB Til BNNIH COAL CO. BENTON AVENUtt JfST OF ST. LOUIS STREET. tr CI.EVKn MHSBRT TREES. nee them at Powell'a Killing Station, Camp and We.t High, or 4t Waet Ml Vernon.

Pre war prlcee. W. B. Ma heney, eatea manager. Phona I7bl J.

ii ONEv Two karat gereral email onae. Addreaa "Diamond" euro of Leader. tf OOOD CLEAN NEWHPAPERS FOH BALK AT LEADER OF F1CE, ONB CENT A POUND, FUR A LIMITED TIM ONLY. tf WOOD AND roAI. Cord wood, chunk rowler.

bonder of hnrnee of tha better cjeaa. 1010 tjrend. Hanfird Place. 14 FINE COLLIE PUPS, few sliepherdeT malea 14. lemalea II.

mala ooi.n I nounda. It. Writ far. dagcrlp a 4ga rMeewaTlfanwe. Jt ll TltKB DOO for aala, guaramad.

Sea v. n. gig a ertereon aareec. tity. k.ii S'l 'BT JT cllER for aala.

fcoc iter gal. Ion. Buyer furnleh container. Phime 4. Heeeltlne Four cor lou.le of goo.l eollt tu.dy ooft.l Cut four monthe To l.a ai.l Tliuraday anil Friday, per cord.

Delivered. lingers and Haunt Phone 210 N. Meln. COWS. Ten young cow iT for Bele.

eome freeh, eome be freeh Boon. four mllee Beat High gtreet road. Phone Fl, Mike HI.eedy. 14 Fl RNITCHK FOR SALE, can he aeon et 170 Concord Ava. or phona 1548 he tiver a.

m. and p. m. ll MILK COWS four NO. N.

Main. milk cow a K.ll FOUR JKltSKY COWS, heavy mllkeil to freahfn now, lilt Travla atreet. Phone 1I57J. Call p. m.

MAMItK On I. manure aprender with itraw apfeerter nttechtnent. Heed only ten dnye. Iter fjnln for caah. Aleo 17B good hedge poeta at IIR eech for the lot.

AddreM W. A. l.eaiter. II A need roll top deek. a bargain at ona uned eafe.

ls. Two aafca ae good aa new at 147. oO, Three new aafee at apeclnl eala price of eacn. Sne theea In our window. Springfield Office rlupply 131 (41.

I.cula atreet. I has Km no. iiet "Walnut or phone 17. ly.lll NATIONAT. Pt'MP HUN for aale aaine new.

leather caeo und rod. 415 Ka( elreet. Phona I441J. 11 L'l JlllTOlt FOR I horaa 'noarel. riiotor at tha Elite.

Mclanle HMg Room 101. K.ll SP1T51 POODLE PUPS for eala. Phone J09J. I 5rEiilSTERF.D China aiwT cow and calf, get of double harne oi, wagon. Coll 3007, Otange.

1S SMALL STOCK 'agio. No old etock. poor health. AddreM T. W.

(J. enra Learlrr. K.ll liKSF. frown lire7araold7nM vlng ktod flow milk. I gallon Daley churn 1141 Beat Tho man.

ll anil new Perfection oireTova I for aala cheap, 1991 Boonvlllo. 19 SMALL atnek of gocetlea for eul. Phona 14. MAI. IAN DEES for aale. While. 34 mllea Waet Division, Route 1 19 VPHfdHPIAMO B'i, tit w. Center 19 II LATER good combination coal and wood beater, ona Home Prtda range, In fin condition, for sale cheap, 301 S. Brent. K.ll IWcTllEATINO STOVES for saleTnK most now, til Baat Elm slrcel.

Phona 1 9 MOTOR FOR SALsf One horse po 'w. er motor at Th Kllto. MoDanlel Rldg. Room 303. FURNITL'TlK FOR SALE.

4 rooms plele nearly new nt half prlca. Phone 4 1 til between I g. noon. 20 Pt'MP OUN. 11 gauge, for nlo irnley saddle, nearly new, Phone 4CMW.

33 COATS AND sT'lfs, both iadleiTand petiiiemen, 7U4 Hampton. for tr, K.ll STOVES, Colas Hot Blast heater, one 4 cap monkey atove with oven. Moot fo at onca. Ill Plckwck Avenue. Phon.

rnJW. TWO COWS for sal cheap', oni fresh and one ba fresh soon. 1 1 Irving troet. COAT. Black Bolivia, Rlxe also 1 lua trlcotlne dress, else 40.

Reason. able. Phono 1 493 J. 20 LADY to waah dishes morning, noon and night In exchange for bousa rent. Phona I13IJ or lit 8.

Grant 21 DRESSMAKING WANTED and genaral sowing. Call 1419 N. Main gtraat or phono 2I4IJ. L.jfl F'OH '8ALBOR KXCHANOB Nsw type wrller, Cny fur muff, amall Kodak. Write Box 01, Morwtn, Mo.

Marsh. FI'RNITTIRB FOR BALE. High oven, gaa range, white enamel oil heater, vacuum oarpat waaper, wgehlng ma chine and wrlnAr. 117 Billings. 20 Calif.

lOVa CBMT A WOMB IMSBBTIQH FOR BALE OR TRADE TEXAS Oil, Ot'lDK Hont free for elx montha. t'ontaUn larta aboiU new pilda. Kxplalns uow on toniiia are from amiilt veeimniita. Teanif dl llulde, Wichita me, Teaaa. COAT, Halta ecu plueu coat, ri 40.

iiune 44VU. TAl'ESTttY TIAVKNKTTK got, mahog uny llulati, one oek dining room tno.e, Urirred Jto. and Ithodo lalan 1 H.iJ ruilete. Una mile eaet on tirend Av nui road. Mrg.

W. H. tampn.ii. Mlndny before noon or all day Mon dy. JKIU4KY row.

alao iuie calf rir aoie. 1H Wtlt Atlantic tr. LAI111K 11 AH lll llNEH for aula, ginid tonuuion. gozt KObUoreon, 38 ii.AfM rAsuil, 4M( 'in frtima. phona tr 11ANUK lor ealo.

I'll 1 bone 3164 W. in KllCOAT. lmolide, I'hona 3II1W, l. PUT WALL PAPER Vrom my warehouse. AM fancy pepera, 2ftc Tnpentry.

Vnrniehed Tile, Plend Red room 10c up. Phona S444. Open for ap. polntment. (..

A. MILLER WALL PAPBTt 1114 BUONVII.I.B STllliET. t.ood heavy black over coat, euo to. price III, 720 block Monroo car, "VqAT" "for aala nearly now, alia Call ll( Concord. Phone 7SJV 30 h.vt'ai.1.

iilmiho (or aala. mule eplfa doga and 'ona femala French poodle. I'hona 3Ffi4W. 20 FIlltMnTUB FOH KAI.K, good l.e.e tnirner atova for hard coal rug o.n. wash bent and wringer.

Phono ,163. IVtlltV baby liuggy priced rlgllC fivieinp or call Jlitu. MIAN'S eulta ond at rummuga aulo prlice. nUo good coal heutol. Cell el f.til Kin, HI.

lll 1IINH and piloting alia, mcnt oorke on any a.wlrig machine, c.rily a'Diielcl price 42.10 with full I. iirlcntnl Novelty Hoa II, Corpue I'hrlel, Texan. S.tVB :,0 TO ITS ON a. I'HiiNi iisltAPH We hvr on fttftorlmerit of denir.n Irallon and ellghlly iwl phonograph! el ettmntdlirmy prlcoi; I TA for I C.O rlionogioph for I.T.f.o Many etmllor lalw. Aek to era I.

lie. Ker term. K. Sll'mc I 'l. rJI tS MT I.

A LP 4'ANM. 10 gallon lard rang for ealc. Ivotiire at c. A. Cafeteria :,5 Kaat Kim aire.

I. A 'ION CO Elf for' eo H. TWO onfurnlehed flret floor roome K.aeonablc, Keltett Ave. ll NT'V le I be hun 'C In buy o.Jr po teoe IteJ nimr ohloa, 11.31 buehel bv the eack Applca 13 Hveet tat. ee 1 Tunilpe.

Jti'e. Cell a Muirror phono 2.L'1J ll i.ol.KH Hot IJ.Iaet heat for eel cheirp to.liiliii perfect coltilltlon. lofto Summit. ll RCO, tl3J for aule. $.

linoleum. Phone I970VY. Aleo 1x10 1131 Clay. ll TWt) SMALL STOCKS of grooarlea for bMc, cheap rent Cell IKftllW. ll SERVICES OFFERED FI'ltNACKS RBPAIItKD Now Meal I ipe and plp.leea furnaceg Inetallad.

Anything you want made out ol aUaot metal. Ideal sheet Metal Worka, Uoonvllla phone III, tt CALIi Handera, for carpantar work, contract and 413H 8 tamp, bell St. Phona ItltW. ll fO WANTaU riuea to build and repair. r.oueoa ana garagea, ual glixw, tv.

W. Tharp. ll iA KrTED Wood to aaw. Call CamP bdll and Farrll. phone 14I4W.

II I IIACIlVullding material, rubblBhT wood, flirt, manure. Frank Ilrlteltt, hoim ll 1 I 'l Concrete work. cellara, rdda welke, fo.iodBtlone. flewa, etc. Chaa L.15 5 KN'H sTllKTU made for the thing for Chrlelmne preeHtite.

alee, diceemaklng. phone 1374W L.I5 I MHIIEI.I.AJ repBlred SM Weet Wnlnill. and recovered. la a atinn 4ork. Myrtle alree Phone 1913.1 1.

1 SICW1NO' WANTKtl. plain or fancy, eatlefiictlon guarantoed Phone 39' oW. SFWINtl WANTKtl. huuee dreaeea, eprnne, chlldrene haby loyettee. tflilo cloths and napkins, hand hemmed.

1331 St. Louie. I. 19 WA NTED Ton? cai'lnet noi k. eiore flxluroB, helving, storm iloors ami car I inter work of all klnda 747 B.

Elm Ht. Phono 4I.14J, L. A. Fortuno A Son. I WANTED, all klnda of laundry workT ellk ehlrta, dainty linen a epeclalty Phona lla 30 FOR your biltlillng nnd repair work, any kind, eeo (I.

M. Pollereon, 31 Atl N. Campbell Ave. Phone 0210.1., 1, 30 I MAKE nice hungolows out of old, also do repair work. Call 1371 J.

1, JO BCPIXESE CHANCEB HKST CAFE IN CITY For aala or trade for farm. Write ill South Side Station, city. ll 30 Oil. 1.1 l7 LKA.SR17 acree fordrill. thk for oil or gas, located right on Jr toes river.

Stone county, not for from well drilling now In Jenkins, Mo. Pest offer tnkea It. W'rltn owner. fl. Clscklewlcy, P.

o. Box 343 McKeesport. Pa. Vl 14 FOR SAI.PJ On RENT. Blacksmiih and wimon shop, alao, auto repair work, Including loots, also dwelling, hnrn.

good well nnd concrete cellar. One acre of ground with place. Thla la good proposition for a smith. Address (larrlaon Mercantile Garleon. Mo.

ls FO't ANllW. Slock In wholesale grocery for canning fsotory or farm. Wulter Kelly, Hockervllle. Okie. 14 VCI.CA.Vly.lN'd and repair business for elite.

4S2 St. Louie street. MB17 ADVKT4T1SRR8. Save money, get re. suite; oft poga rata book tells how.

Moiled free. Standard Advertising Agency. 100 St Louis. Mo. P.OOMINO HOtlSB well located, elne In, money maker, leaving city.

M''. H. A. Peterson Itealty Co Ills, Soul 11 rvenua over Denton Drug storo. phona 2111.

M. KLOrYda! It wtlfpey ynu lo write me, If vou wish to buy In Flnrlda a homo fclty or fsrm. orange provo, Improved or. unimproved prop ertv, or negotiate to huelnees. 1 don't deal tn stocks and bonds.

Rufua A. nuoeoll, P. O. Box 1031, Jacksonville, Km 1 MAIL ORDER BPl'SINKSS Would you Ittveat 1100 If convinced nf 130 weekly the yea oround. experience unnecessary.

Write for proofs, piano and 'references. The United Buyers. Mich. RAISE Din CAPITAL for any legitimate buetneee request fre copy "Quick Financing." showing how cempenlea raise larga capital by my easily oper. ated elhod.

Cunningham, Financial Spa clallet, 79 Oram Log Angelea. I JUia. UbMX aV W(MU VM BUSINESS CHANCES i BADioiicorrj WirtKLKfll) INVENTION larn the aocret of tuning tha Ttadlo copa wlreleaa Machine and racordlngf tho Ethereal wavee from Petroleum la tha earth, tbareby toeatlng tho produo. Ing area and aavlng mllllono waated in UHr HOLKft Tha new geological and Radloecaplo map glvea Information aecured by thta marvaloua wlreleaa Invention, which ehowa by ranorded numbera, ranging from to where there la nil and whero dry holea may be expected. Inveatora may protect themeelvaa agalnet Inaa by uea of thla map and tha ftadloacopn raporte, Man with key and booklet by mall.

II. Addreaa RAWO.SCOPK LADOIIATORIER CO. Peak 41, Fort Worth, Taiaa, GREENE5 COUNTY OARAritr, IloOillNd HOL'BK. For aala. amall good tneomo rooming houa.

clnaa In. will aacrlflca on account of leavtu city It will pay to Invaallgata. Ar nreag r. care of leader. I0 AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE TRUCKS FOH UB ONB ANDTHRBB TON A ORADB I.

ORANT BTRB8T. I'l'lll) JtOAIXTBR In aplendld condl. Tton, arir e'artar, lo model. Heeler prlnga. Call at 1000 8.

Fremont. Phona 4T0I. N. 11.11 I paaeenger. good condl tton.Coll ltd w.

Calhoun. Ml) ItOA DST lIIOn V. NewTrreet front feitorv. Call or Inntilra kt. Iiule Tailoring fo.

Corner Robbcraon nnd Commercial. ll I oniiR Alt For aale. a bargain at 1 71. 1:1 North Cauapbell Or phone HI. tf TIKR TROUnl.ES MAKB TOfJ Mua then act ae other neonle do.

bur t.ayion airieaa Tirea rrom O. DtlEMLKR nd then your lira troutila will ha nrougn. Corner Lyon Peclflo atreet. I hone 42 alao OX Welding and Aula Rpalrlng, SAFKTY FIH8T MOTOR CO fKKNBItAI. ACTOMORILB ItEPAIRINO AI.l.

VYiirlK FIRST CI.A88 117 tvt Commerrlnl, phona 440J JOHN M. COAK. Manager. ii ii EXPERT MECHANicri A. A.


PHONB 1711 li DRIVB IT YOURSELF Ford Dodgei; lludeon For rent. Btaton'a Qaraga. Phono 1010, Klrbv Arcade. tf JOHN H. COX llODY.

FKNDKR AND TOP WORKS. OHKBNB COUNTY UARAUE. 414 PHONK I7II lt ll Di'DtlK CAR Winter top. fine condition, cord tlrea all arouud. Phono H20W.

N. MAXWELL HIT louring, f.r cheap, good runnlreg urder. Will taka milk cow in on gam. Phono FORD RODIKS NEW AND OLD IIOCOIIT AND BOLD. RKED AND REBD 01 PATTOM ALLBT Khar 6 Touring Dodga Touring.

Dort Touring Itulck 4 Touring Studebakcr 4 Touring LAROB TOUniNd CAR In axaellent would take plgno aa port jy. II6t Benton Ava. I0 AUTOMoallB owoetrg, g.regein.a, ana. rmwmwn, aana ioaay eor ner xm loia month Jaaua. It ofniaina neipcwi, maarwotlva Informa.

tlon an ovarhaullng, fgnltlogi trouuiva, wiring, carburatora, gtorago bgttarleee, io. Ovar 110 pages, llluatrated. Mend for frae copy today. Automobile Dlgekt. 141 Butler Cincinnati.

LIllHT SIX Ul'ICK, 11.00. See Uree.e i eiieirr, rue. poona 4344.1, ia2i Kasi Wolnut. A' qulcklyr going to Kalians Clly Tueg.lny nlgbt. 10 REAL RAIt'lAINS In need care.

Ford ri.adeter, 1020 model; two Dodga touring cara, ona Bulok light glx, ona Ford ton truck, one Oakland touring car, and olhers. prloed to aall. Make ua an off. k. OUvo Street Garage, III Wast Olive.

Phono ill. 20 LlHllffllX BUICK. 7. Sea Pettefer, Keg. phona 4I44J.

1121 Kaet Walnut. Ark Quickly, going to Kansae Clly Tuesday night. 10 CLASSY FORD SPEEDSTER, gpaclnl body, renders, top, curtains, wind shield, new paint, extraa. A gtylleb Utt ley car, perfect mechanically. Tele, phone IftHW.

'N 10 FOHD TON TRUCK for. drive. Ill Division. ala RUBBER TIRE SUPPLY CO. CAH BARQA1NS; Mrtxwell Touring Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet Roadster worm 30 12(0 ...1300 to .1900 ...1300 .1116 ....171 Soma of theaa cara have bean ovar houled and ara In saoaltant condition.

Will tall you exactly what thay are, RI'IlIircR TIRB SUPPLT CO. JKEFLRSON AT M'DANIEL. PHONE TI9. We're ao far ahead of tha bunch In used car bargains, we're lonesome." 20 POULTRY AND EQG8 FOR BALE BIO Heart of lha Oxarka poultry Show Springfield, December to 10. Catalogue Is ready, J.

Boswtll. Secy. Woodruff Bldg, lf white" front ovar 100 egg trapnaeted hena choice 1. W. p.

McKlnnell, 1011 Mrsd owmera. ll WHITB. WYANDOTTE HENS and cockerels at real bargain prices. Qua). Ity and breading considered.

Phone 1M3W. c. W. Parks, 1011 South Merket. ll A NOON A eallo, Sh p.

pard strain. Pino stock, phona ITE. SO WANTED HOMB for girl ago 11. Ad. dresa 'M, carg' of Leader.

Oll PERSONAL SWITCHKS Mada from cemblngg. alee fura remodeled, Lallmera, 117 Bnoa vi lie. Phone I3IIJ. tl 1DKAI. BNAUTY SHOP lire.

Josephine Johnston, 401 401 Woodruff Bldg. Phone 1491. tf LONELY BACHELOR looking for widow over 10 with farm and money. Address P. Dolllaon, 144 W.

Walnut St. I TUB VEIL. II Weet list atreet. Kan. City, Mo.

An Ethical Hospital raring for unfortunata young women during conflnemant. Prices renonahle. Msy vork for board, li healthy babies for adoption. P. I PILES PERMANENT RELIEF 1.egal guarantee given.

No need of knife, no psln; continue work. Ask to Oleo nls Pile Treatment. II. JJrookstienk. 1 MKN For vigorous development uee marvelous "Vital Power Vacuum Developer." Information frea.

Bog I31A, Spring field, III. WANTEDUISCFLLANEOUB cara guaranteed. Call 400IW, ll PIANO WANTKD cara gruarantaed. for storage; Aest of Phon liuvvA I iohji cjcxt a won ru WANTED TO BUT I BUI Clothing and booka. Phona lilt.

J. H. Terrell. Ill Uoonvllla. tt WANTED.

Paok potato nnlona. phona itg g. Bouiavarq. lf WANTCD, about 400 agg capacity la oubaor, bog I17J oare Leader. tt WANT TO HUT or rant amall farm frum 10 tft II mllag aouth of Bprlng.

Call Chae. Kogera, Ull Waeeola. prlngneld, Mik ll WANTED. Second hand fumlturo and elovee and ruga. B.

UU. 101 Beat Commercial, phona 1IISW. It It CLIENT aaya will buy mill, feed or ga raga nuelneaa. c. SaBdara.

ffll Woodruff. 11 10 WANTED TO RENT WANTED AT ONCB, guburtwa tract, with houga gnd otkar bulldlnga. I hone 411 1W. H.ll WAMT TO RENT farm; havo clt? property 10 trade for etoek and toola. Addreaa Farmer," care Leader.

30 WANflJD TO RENT, amafl ranchTwIth paeturo and good plana 10 raiee uhlck. Hi Addreaa Ueo, 1001 Mle. eourl Ava, i WANT TO RENT. Vnfarnlehed room' Ing bouea, 1 4 rnoma or mora, phona IJiIW or call i 44 A Campbell. Can tivg boat of referenoea aa tananta 8 10 SPECIAL NOTICES CALL U.

Q. LKROY for Iwln'leg and paparhanglng. Flret oiaai work. Prlcta teiar.tebla. phona ESK21.

1 SPRINOriKLD RCO CO. r.r; weaving, carpal cleaning, refitting, renovnllng, alzlna. We have Initalled a rag carpet department. Keg rarpeta. ruga and pillow tope.

Work celled for nnd delivered. HOT Weet College. Phona 1371, ll ll I PHOLKTERINO AND Fl' II I'fl. repairing. Coaaar, 117 kj Iloonv.HJ Kt.

Phono I'll. "i tf PAPER HANlllNCJ 1 5c per roll. Milntyre. Phone II17W. 14 PAPER HANOI NO And painter, Aleo patch plaetertttg, flret claaa work.

Call phone I4ISJ. A F. Kuna TILLMAN Co JolWaet "commercial For plain and fancy weaving. Phona S2I0. tf WE REPAIR CLEAN AND POLISH TRUNKS.


Manuecrlpte corrected. Mlee Julia Fowler. private teacher. Phona 4I. 101 South Ave.

ll.ll H. J. RAMSEY, CARPENTER All klnda of renelr work, U.n. la) avenua. Repair work opan'altv.

Phono TI4 IICI. PAINTINO AND PAPERHANOINO AIJlo PATCH PLASTER INa UNION LABOR. PUONB 1IIIJ NATIONAL Metal Weather glrlpg. Do It now. 40 par cent aavlng In fuel Phona 4IIIJ.

SBWINO MACHINES repaired to aaw peraactly. Room 1 Convection HalL Phono 04. ll INVM.ID'S CHAIR lor rant. 401 Boon Vina Ave. ll TPHorjfgTRINO and furnltura repair epnng aow xnai4reew anaaet Cevaiing fimpl.i ara eh own.

jceuma4eg none eere, oaa Nllimcser. 1T Waat Tboman. MONEY TO LOAN FARM" LOANS OANS M. SMITH OVKR QUBBN CITY BANK. ii i.

NOTICB I will not ba responsible for any aeora enntractad Dy snyens aa. rept myself. Otto Naglc. 1114 Lea, II will pot he reaponslhle for any debts eonirscien or anyone nui myee r. wm.

Wlllhlle, 1411 w. Water. IO nt'SINEXS CARDS. 100 for Ti. lO'ifi for 12.40.

other printing reiaon.hle. Economy rttni nnop, 1217 M.t varnnn. none LOANS MADE ON FARMS LOANS ON CITY PROPBHTT We bur notes, lat and 2nd mortgagee, OUlitea and bargalk In real aetata. Plenty good homes worth tha money; also exchangee.

Sea us before you bul Conelder that axtra heavy farm loan with ua H. PtCOTTB CO. Phona nil 4111. ill Holland rtldg. TJ tl FARM IOANS A apsctalty.

Kl ua for Itst rata and terms. A. Tupper Jk ion TOast Commercial st T. MURRAY SON FARM AND CITY LOANS EASY TKTtMB. NO DELAY.

1023 LANDERS BUILDING. 10 PER CENT Prudential money for farm loana. Other funda for city loans. Itvery kind of Insorsni e. Real estate neraalna.

J. D. Bhappard A 110 Woodruff. WANTED TO BORROW WANTED. TO BORROW, I00 on aso note, well secured.

Addraaa C. care Leader. 10 FINANCIAL WB HAVB a good farm loan, 11110. I per cent Intereat for I years on 140 acres, worth three times tha loon. If want It, is me, w.

Jf. Velra Realty Room 14, Jefferaon Theatre rtldg W.ll REAL JUBTATB WANTED WANT TO BUT gome houaaa and lota. Address "Cssh," cara Leadsr ll WANTED TO BUY, email houaa from owner. Soma cash, snd monthly pay. mania Addreaa "Owner, cara Leader.

ll WANT TO BUY from owner, I to It acres improver! or unimproved on or nearrJLood road within 1 to 1 mllea of Rprlnrtlrld. Box ISl oara Loader. WANTKD FOR CLIENTS, savaral four or five room nouaes. at nnoe. muet ba priced right.

S. White, 320 East Commercial, WANT to bear from owner having farm rnr aala; giva particulars and lowest prlca. John J. Black. Missouri Street.

Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. WANTKD To haar from owner of good rurm rnr saia, mate nasn prtca, run pnrtlculara. Bush. Mlnnanpolls, Minn. 1 FARU8 FOR BALE FOR SALE OR TR A OK flood smell farm about 10 miles nut on good road and a lot of wheat sown on Place, will take 11300 dnwn, balance tlma to eult you.

Don fall to ae about this form, A chance of your life time, Crm and ee J. (1. Sptvy 131 Landers Rldg. Phona 4 FOR SALN Dy owner. I acre, eight room bungalow, full baaement, bath and toilet, flna out buildings, on Stat highway, to mlnut drlva to gquara.

Anawer by mall or phona I3FII. M. Hsuher, R. 4 11 10 Tha Superior VVaata my put to practical "uaa In acoreg of way a ONB CKUT A WORD ttWIBRTIOMl FARVB FOR BALM THRBB ACRES for aala, Juet outelde of rlly llmlta aaet; good room houga, outbulldinga, young orchard It, I. I'hona mil.

FARM, Wait Platna, rant, gala, ex. ohanga for. Sprlngrteld. Addroaa Chaaa. 741 Mouth Sprtngtleld.

Mo, 1 10 FOR EXCHANGE 40 acree nlca lock, tlon between wtllanl and Uorrleviiln, II aorea ln cultivation, all fencad. 4 room houaa, barn and chicken hc ueoe. lend laya nice and practically free ol etona. on rural route, phona In tomea. noma II, city 0 HOout am vaua, 1'rloe phona 431IJ.

FARua yon Tnarirc If ran want (o trade a city property a ihiiii aaa it. itu r. inn 1 dere Bldg. FARM FOR TRADB. CI aorea I mllea on good rook roaUt fair Imorova.

manta. a lot of vood about all In graae Thla ano.l t. Property on tha touth mean bualneee. Raa J. Kplvy.

131 Lander, mdg. Phono JUL lt vcat LOT. South aide, for 30 acrea ImtirAi a 1 nprtngtlald Security Real Eetata Dept. WB HAVB for aala at a ohaap figure a tract i mil. if i.

Bulldlnga. If. 'eeg. Ideal loca. chlck' 'neb or oubnrba homo atta, Hor na riald Ro.iiH "7, o.

Millar, Real Eetata Dept. 21 4e Amnion of timber land In Arkanaag a Lti or fo Rock, rB. adit Of 1101. Y.3I ACRES, alg mile. Black RocVAr 30 acrea fenced and In cultivation.

tana in good timber, good, iKiern, gome orchard, Plica 1900. Half raah. will eieh.o.. oar. Addreaa II.

Anolabv. 4.1. Ark. 1UAL your equity for farm c. Sandera.

tol Woodruff. and caeh. IO FARMERS. For brass tack facts about the beat all round progressiva, Irrl gated district 8. Project) write lo.

ley. Farm Bureau. Las Crucee; 1IOMKSEEKKRI4 40 acres rich valley' land 20 cultivation, balance timber good house, bern, water. I mil's Nst. Ileton, fine free nulrsnga for hog, and cattle, fallen ready for the market; no negroes, no swamps.

Price Ukoooo Tirma Ark. Land Nettleton, Ark. I CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. FOR 8 ALP 10 acrea. I mile, as cultlvallon.

bnlsnca limber, all and croaa fenced; 40 acres In pserure; 3 and good well, i harna. I om houaa; ISO par acre. Kiev 10 acrea, wall located, on good road' 4 room cottage; good barn, of fruit, chlokena and farmln. tuf) I room houaa. eleotrlo llakta: uaii w.itar In Bouse, garage, paved elrectl loo oou repair, it.

realdetjtco, modera, corner let; bolh atraeta paved, garage, twrn. Ana nbada; oantrally looatad, A DtJ.lB Jj PUONB 111. i. aTVBNINOD IlltW. 401 ovaraarolal TKHFJal arorraajs AND LOT iJf atANSAgi.

cur, KAifaX Ona having, irrocery buelnees and doing well. Will trade for Springfield properly or gall for cash. 134 SOUTH FERREE.IT. KANSAS CITY, KANSAS. 1 hsva a real anan In wav of 1., tuthweet part of Iowa.

11. Holmes 11, mi woodruff Bldg. Phone lu APARTMENT 31 room brlrk anartment. ana ir best street In Springfield, Mo, Half n.eker. csn use proporty up to lo.

0" about caah. balance term I nca 130,001. acres, coma Improvement, vnad land; owner ehrs trade tor city property or anything or value. Cash buyer for i.0 to 10 aoraa us. Improved land not I mllea out, Muat, have living aprlng.

KA Al JN RKALTT CO, Phona 1114, my. McDanlel Street. r. it 131 Lander 31 Lendera HOUSB BBALTIFVI. Interesting subjent.

Mora ao whan the houaa Is wall constructed, onvsalent. and comfortable. Wa maka a specially of building Just such houses, and wa taka prlda In preeentlnir Just tita a ona for your Immediate consideration. New room, modern brick bungalow at 140 Dalmar. Let 11s tell you all about It and show' you how built, SIIATTL'CK CO.

413 l.anden Bldg? Phona 104. IIOANOKB AVB. A BARGAIN LOT FOR CASH SI1ATTUCK II FEET FRONT And ll room brink reaidenea aoutn 110,000. HATTTJCK 1 Phona 104, PERT FRONT B. at Normal for flog, 0 FEBT FRONT, Oa B.

Walnut, at 441 Phon 104, 15 1 FOR SALE 4 room modern bungalow, tjrgnd avanua far term If dealred. Hag doubl garage, full basement and ioallent location. Sea J. Bd. Moor with J.

Walton Land Investment Company, lie South Ava. FOR SAI.B Modern room new bungalow soul we.t Cine III. for 11,210. Lees than 11.001 cash will handle deal. New typa home Sea J.

Bd, Moor with .1. B. Walton Land Investment Ill South Ava. FOR SALE Bxtrg good room bungalow noutheaot, modern except heat for 1,4,100. Extra location, fin lot, good basement, fire, place, axtra good nondltlon.

Sea J. Bd. Moore with B. Walton Land 314 South Ava. 10 BUNGALOW, ruthaast, etrlotly madarn, bardwn.4 floors, fire place, garage, largo Int.

Muet ba aeon tn ba apprsolatntl. Can airanga larma. Mra, H. A Peterson R'Blty Co lllll South street, phone 1911. wl 144 JJ ciwAwoitnm iMgunoj ClTt FR0t ZRT7 FOR BALU "I atraati norili "of Jlti evnto.

tampla, block Commercial J4t Priced to I. Mra. II. A. Realty Co.

fill, Kouth atraat tvai D. kto lrug mora. Phona Jll. 2i IODKRM BEAUTIFUL "llOML on "1 walnut, clean m. hardwood flnora, nra eleeplng porch, garaae.

lurga lo aioeilent condition, i u.i i.rrangt teia. Mra. H. A. petereon Itealty li HIUj South Htroel.

I'hona IJ1 7. 7.." I'ODBRN 11 room rvaldeiic, tloaa On Bast Bltn atreet, fur aala or rent, I'hona 32IOJ or addreaa "Uood Homo' cara ol Loader, mt atr'atly modern fo ir (alow, juet finished. Una locution, aoutheaat. You will like it when yog aaa II and prlca will gull. I'hona 4 M.I.

i 'i FOR SALE (room bungalow, nearly new, outhcast part, I blocka of boat car Una In city. Prlca 13.100; 1100 cash, balance 13 pet month Interest Included. See I Walton Land Inv. 114 South Avo. 3II FOR 8ALB raom houae for only 11.000; large lot, on Benton avanua.

I loo block nonh. a real bargain. 1100 down, balance per montn, wny rentr Hea J. B. We I.

Land Inv. Ill South Ava 20 VBUP.BA14 Oood ftrur raam bouse, ona acra (round, oily water, electric lights, lotg of fruit and good cutliulldlnga. Three block to achool, church and car line, prlca 12,400. fl.000 cash will handle. 1410 Km Ava.

BUNOALOW, 4 raomg and bath, eleciyla llghta well located north aide. Owner nou reeldent and la offering a bargain. Terma cao ba arranged. 11.100. w.

B. Latach. 1031 Landers Bldg. 1:0 ROOMS, large lot, city water, eleotrlo lights, gaa, suutbeaat, W. K.

Lelseh. 1031 Landara Illdg. 4 ROOMS, clly water, electric lights. gss, gewer, larga Int. close in south.

real. F'aar Until If desired. 11.700. W. B.

Mtsoh. 1011 Landers Illdg. THR'KK ROOM HOUSE, small payinut down, nalaiice monthly oaymenta. tn. qulra IJJ4 North Main.

I III l) COTTAtlE on streeT Bath, gss, electricity, tjood condition, shady east front lot. 13.100. Will eke In goad car If priced right. Snrloe fleld Security Compaur. 397.

Millar, Real Kalat Dept. 7, 31) Ill.loa. TRAnio llsvs good swll. trarl south side; 8,000. Want trade for rental nrnneriv.

Hprlngfleid Sacorlty Company, phone loT. O. Miller, Real Batata Dent z. a 11.000 BUYS ronma southwest. Bath ess and lec trlclty Raaemant. tn.yr.n Taka about I.IA rash to handle. Springfield Security Compony. phona si u. 1. Miner, Heal F.

isle IVpi. BUY OKaT OF THBSE room bnnaa. ali tctlv mnderw y.iti basement, trga lot. fn best part vf aoutbaaat i extra good furnace, 14.7 io. Two apartment, rr duplex bouea; Ova mnma each eparcmenl, Separaia file.

naraa, nauuia garagaj oloaa jCon. vcrtent mt It ta gtraat oar. prlca I alll baadla. nc HmtJ it kwianca. 1 tbs aiaaaiaat, gig ro4)a.

caiirarnia buwgalaw In ewihl r.earytiting tha aery baa. la a alaavata' 1. ryauaia garage. Yaw eouhln't aaatate thlg plaoe. If ra aa Jt, rtca Worm aYavw mfvbly gcod 'br7fna waili la ppnagneia aaa atsa oufeiua tevsa that would fnterael you.

bofh In oa.tage and bengnlows. Alao fames, alee im and ar a distance. t. HOf.M! RgJALTY to woonniiyr thhldiwi, PHONB ir NON RKSIDRNT aaya aall modern Itleno. Tarma.

4 Sanders, r.01 Woodruff. APARTMENT or duplex for aala or 10. bauga sandara 101 wo't irnrr, l)0g DOWN and liberal terms, biws strania reatdaaoe. u. llHiiuete, ,01 Yveadruff.

InTNCiALOW' SNAP. Owner leail'ni city, for particular 12. Man.lerit, ol Woodruff. :.) WHIS lis real aetata always C. Sandarg, 101 Woodruff.

I'liuns 413... Dl alRABLB RUSINKS bull'llf l. cb.nga for farm near BiirlnanU. r. C.

Sanders, 301 Woodruff. 35 TOU, HAVB PROPERTY TO SELL? LlfT IT WITH vs. IT II OUR BUMNSHS TO FIND? THE BUYERS ANY) TURN Til KM OVER TO TOU TO MAKE THM lE.t, OUR SPECIAL FOR THIS Four room houaa ond seven lots tbr. blocks from ally llmlta; Sne well ool Clatarni barn 11x14; cellar, slti 'ko ocaa and otnor oat nun.iinga tnnty li.rga cherry treea two pluma. goosanarrtea ate.

g. it.i., patt caah, halanca Ilka rent. Fruit will pay half deferred paymcnta. BUYERS AND SRLLBRS PHONB II34W TOU CAN SAVE TIME AND MONEY If you ara going to buy or build bp elhg Tb Burton Building and Investment Co. Ml HOLLAND PI.Dtl.

PHONB M0 te Oobb RKSIDENCB 'LOT tin Veal Stata atraat la 1000 block, on car Una gn ha all Improvemanta Choap for nmK Phone I4I1J, If MODERN Five ronin coltag for rule! ha been bull! two years Price If nld befor Daoamhar 1. Northesei earner of Guy and Grand Ava, Phone IH or linw, tt NOTlt: If you' want to buy xchanga your farm or suburban tract ar your city property R. CULLET 1 tha man you want to aea Ra tl Batata Department, CITY SECURITY AND INVBSTMENt COMPANY. Suite 110 14 Landara PHONE 1121 or HI1 8 POUR ROOM COTTAGE. Ill l.omi.x.

for eale, tk tar In on trade. Phona lo. 1T LISTEN I room bouse, II1S0, 4 roonl hftrt'aa, $1,000, i room modern, 11,71.0. 'arm 10 trd for Springfield property. Ward, tha land man, citlxena Bank TWIdg.

Phana 1914. tf MODERN BUNl)AU)W Grand ava, 20 an satisfactory terma A rh. lcs houae. Phana 4H7W. Tl tt SIX ROOMS Partially moderns lit ei.lenrlH repair.

Leaving city. Wl'l for $1o. phana 4114J tf MODERN Flee roan, cottage for aaie. hua bean built two year. Prlca 130 10 It sold before Deueinher phones 171:.

Ids ar 4iiw. 71 tr SBVBtf ROOM RESIDENCE In dare more. Oklahoma, for stJa nhsap If sold by December liiog. terms on part. Address Med Feareon, llartahorn, Mo.

r.i TWO RESIDENCES for aala or rent. Dr. Wllkereon, 137 N. Jefferson. Phono Mftjii" FOR SALB, room houae.

m.Hi art exopt gas, larga haaatnent, new furnace, garage. lat 110x110, Douglas Ava. Phona I44QW INCOMK PROPERTY, clear. ne ir, Hprlngfteld, want Kprlngflld property ar gabutbaa. phoa istiw.


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