Statesville Daily Record from Statesville, North Carolina • Page 4
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- Statesville Daily Recordi
- Location:
- Statesville, North Carolina
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- 4
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
FOUR 'The Family Newspaper- DAILY RECORD' 1 MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1942" Iredell Field Trials Set Season Re cord for North Carolina Events 30 Statesville High Athletes Begin Baseball Drills Today 4 5 6 CRAY SONS SCORE Dean put Problem Up to Hitter. and Rickey Lots Someone Lise Find Out Whether Cardinal Star 14 Slipping. BY HARRY Service Sports Editor TAMP. When Dizzy Dean first cracked the headlines and was rated nothing more than an in-! credible hick. asked the 0110- time cotton -picker how munch thought he put into pitching.
they tell me this about one hitter and that about another." replied ol' Dix. "but they all 1 alike to I just rear back and rump that thing through there with something on it. "That puts the problem up to: the hitter." Branch Rickey had the same idea in selling ball players long before he peddled Dean and his Jame arm to the Chicago Cubs for $185.000 and three useful hands, one of them Curt Davis, who opened the 1941 world series for the Brooklyns. There isn't a. truer baseball saying than "They never die on the Rickey usually knows.
of course but when he is not positive his sound theory is never to wait to be certain whether a high-salaried Red Bird has had an or is 011 the way down. Unless they're indispensable and in full stride. and especially when they are susceptible to injury- the Rickey system is to sell 'em while ther's market. No other appraiser of ivory can find so many things wrong with :11 athlete, exclusive of playing faults. Like Ed Barrow of tire Yankees.
Rickey is a stickler for conduct off the field, too. Next Yankees, Cardinals meet the stiffest person requirements. But the main point is that Rickicy lets someone else find out whether a Cardinal is slipping. Which brings us around to Johnny Mize, who already has followed in the Rickey sales pattern by bobbing up with a bum throwing shoulder. Rickey does know that Mize has to smack long ball to be much help.
It is probably true B.R. doesn't know whether Mizet: reduction in home run power, from 43 to 17. was just one of those things in the life of ball player or the beginning of the end. So Branch Rickey took the 000 and let the New York Giants worry about Johnny Mize being all in one piece and hitting the ball for magnificent distances. They never die on the St.
PAT. OFF. "We must have run into a fled: of robins headed north 'Somewhere in the Pacific' A patrol blimp flouts over two transport stups and a destroyer, right background, as a convoy makes its way toward the MRS. MATTIE HAWN DIES NEAR NEWTON Ready and anxious for Spring to pay its annual visit thirty 01' more Statesville high athletes volunteered their services, not for U'nele Sam. but for a bigger and better Statesville high baseball team this season in 2 canvass for players Friday.
I received a hat full of names, signifying their sound intentions of becoming base. ball players." Coach Pant Kelly stated. 11 interest has anything bearing at all 011 RESULTS. then Statesville high is assured of a top-notch ball club this season. Conches throughout the South Piedmont conference have agreed (for the first time in the history of living man) upon one thing in general and that is to build baseball teams this season from the freshman.
sOph and junior dasses, timo giving the little man a chance to show his talent. Of course this does not necessarily mean that the seniors, the veterans of last season will not stand a chance. It means that the various schools will begin to prepare for the years to come. It'll be a different setup more or less like the orphanages, where fortune for the year ahead is made in advance. In all probability, this new step will 'benefit the Greyhounds, for little is left of the championship '41 team.
The Douglases and Murdocks are all gone and the problem of building 3. winning combination is bestowed upon Greyhound mastermind Pant Kelly. Yes sirree, the burden is left with Fant, just as the football, basketball and the 1'e- minder of the sports program was left in his hands 11-p to him. Although the Greyhounds didn't cop conference honors last season. that doesn't mean that they won't kick the dope bucket over this year.
There is a determination born in the locals this season to rise to new heights of glory. heights of which haven't been seen or heard of in this vicinity in part years. The Greyhounds will officially open their '42 conference schedule against Monroe high at Monroe on March 24th. only eight days off. The 'hounds travel to Winston-Salem 0:1 the 27th, where they will tangle with the ('hildren's 'Home team.
Next in line is Concord, last season's conference champions and the 'hounds' bitter rivals. Statesville will travel to Concord 011 the 31st. Drills will begin this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. according to an announcement by Head Coach Fant Kelly last night. All students who have serious intentions of becoming baseball players are requested 10 be present at this meeting this afternoon.
The complete conference schedule WAS not available press time this afternoon. however the official schedule will appear in tomorrow's paper. Conch Kelly and Manager Jim Poole of the Statesville Owls baseball club are maDping plans for several exhibition games with Poole': spring training school which is now in progress here. For a complete survey of the '42 SHS prospects and schedule, don't forget to consult the sports page of tomorrow's RECORD. Mrs.
Mattie Virginia Hawn, 66, widow of J. 8. lawn, died at her home near Newton yesterday af-: ternoon after al lengthy illness. Mrs. Hawn, d.
native of Catawba county. was the former Mattie Virginia Hildebrand. She is survived by two daughters, Edith Hawn and Mra. Flor- Victory Car for U. S.
Civilians? This cross between a jeep and a station wagon is offered as a civilian passenger auto for the duration. Capt. Richard C. Fitch of Los Angeles designed this experimental model of a "Victory Car" to sell for around $600. It uses plastics, some steel and rebuilt motors.
Total of 80 Entries Vie For Honors The Iredell Sportsmen's club set a record for all North Carolina sportsmen's clubs look up to as it closed the fifth annual Field Trials here Friday. A total of 80 entries were made by bird dog owners from a dozen states, by far the largest entry list of any field meet in the state this season. Winners from the Iredell Trials; will travel to Hoffman March 23-24 for State Winners Trials, the 1. only peer in North Carolina. Most of the winners from county meet have counced intentions of displaying their dogs at the state trials already.
Rounding out a full two-day! trials, the Shooting Dogs stakes which featured more local dogs than any other of the five contests, boasted an array of superb dogs that made it hard for the sudses to pick winners. Originally having only 10 entries, the final event found 21 starters when the first running was made and it was necessary to run them in braces of three's. Although the three top dogs chosen by the judges undoubtedly gave! the best performances, there was only a shade of difference betweer. them and a half-dozen other fine dogs. J.
H. Velott's Iniquity took first place, handled by Herbert Ray, Both Ray and Velott aro from Williamsport, Pa. Second was captured by Drake's Bingo, owned and handled by Dr. J. (.
Mock. of Salisbury, and third went to Kephart's Tip. owned and handled by R. B. Kephart.
of Charlotte. The winners in the shooting dog stakes were hard pushed by such outstanding dogs as Sally Mack's Stemwinder. owned by John Me-! Laughlin, president of the Briarshy Elim, owned by Clarence Rogers of Statesville: Gypsy Firefly, owned by W. M. Anderson.
of Morganton: and Scout's Spectre owned by Col. (. J. Dockler, of Fort Brags. Winners in the four other stakes were: Open Puppy--Fred's Flying Cadet.
owned by Fred E. Fletcher. of Green Castle. first; Peer-! less Mack. owned by C.
13. Black of Charlotte. second: third was split between Atlanta, owned by Dr. Deane Hundley. of Wallace.
and Black Shadow. owned by Bracy Bobbitt. of Amateur Puppy--Bill's Stylish Joe. owned by L. w.
Kelly, and Dr. L. 0. crumpler. of Richmond, first: Hollzapoppin and Atlanta, owned by Dr.
Deane Hundley, of Wallace, took second and third places, respectively. Amateur Derby--Hundley's Jack Doone, owned by Dr. Deane Hun.1ley. of Wallace. first: Little Rio Rita owned by D.
K. Sing. of Charlotte, second: third was split between Iredell's Peerless Pal. ownon ed by Prof. O'Brien.
of U'nion Grove. and Knollwood Diana, owned by Price Sherrill. Mooresville, secretary of the club. Amateur All Age--Gilmore's Till. owned by Vernon Gilmore.
of Kannapolis. first: McKinney's Polly. owned by Dr. Deane lundley, of Wallace, second: Hedrick's O'Henry Jim, owned by Dr. J.
R. Plyler. of Salisbury, third. CENTS AND BETWEEN BEST This Year BUY OUR BEST PURINA EMBRYO- -FED CHICKS Egg and poultry prices this year are going to be good -that's why it's more important than ever before for you to start with the best Just 1 or 2 more eggs will pay the few cents extra Purina Embryo-Fed Chicks may cost in the beginning--they're the best chicks we sell in--see them today! GET YOUR PURINA EMBRYO- FED CHICKS NOW I Good chiet: are in demand- don't ho disappointed order your Purina Embrio-red Chicks today! Purina Chicks are especially bred and fed to and grow- to develop into high layers. We hure them now come in and seo them now.
They're our BEST chicks. EACH (PRICE) FEED PURINA CHICK STARTENA Good chicks demand good feed--that' why we urge you to start America's your chicks favorito on Purina Startena starting feed. It's tops for livability nud growth. Takes ouly 2 pounds per chick. 25 I.BS..
(PRICE) 100 (PRICE) SANITATION PRODUCTS protect chicks from disease! new pout- drinking water tablet, Kills uiso acta au a fungicido and bowel 30 gent. TABLETS Only 25c CRE-SO-PEG, an efficient disiafectio: die infotant for cleaning and the brooder house. QUART CAN $1.05 Iredell Feed Company Landmark Alley Phone 569 J. M. (Red) Baugh, Mgr.
U. S.1 PAT. OFF "I want to do my bit--how about turning this in for scran?" David Harris. son of Mr. and Mrs.
1). A. Harris 1.1 former Statesville high star forward. 114- 0d his talent 011 the hardwood 8 good advantage this past sc. at Tennessee Military titure where he has been in school for the past seven months.
David led his teammates in scoring honors for the season: counting 187 points. Not only did he pace the TMI basketeers in scoring for the season. but made: a creditable showing in the South basketball tournament last week accounting for 23 of the 3.: points scored against St. Andrews. Young Harris.
who stands 6 feet 2 inches and weighs in the vicinity of 180 pounds is one of the most successful sl19 athletes. He is all all -round sportsman. having played first string right end 011 the Tennessee Military Insitute football squad this pest season. is somewhat undecided aS to where he will continue his education this coming fall. In all probability.
David will enter the University of' North Carolina. Bowling MATCHES TONIGHT Stimpson ladies VS. Business and Professional ladies, duck pins. 7:30. Jaycees VS.
Statesville ('otton mills, duck pins, 7:30. Phoenix Team No. 1 V'S, Phoenix No. 2, ten pins, 7:30. HIGH SCORES Sarah Alexander and Johnny Johnson tied with totals of 122 ping each for the week's high score and award of the $1.00 Defense Stamp on Henkel- De Bow alleys.
Ervin Armour was high for the men's stamp with 8 score of 152. Celeste High Girls Advance InJ-S Tourney C'oach W. York's Celeste girls' basketball team is winning victory after victory in Winston Salem Journal-Sontinel basketball tournament whie! is HOW' in session. The championship stretch is just ahead for the red and white clad lassies its remarkable how Coach York's girls have stood up) under the pressure. The title of champions of Iredell county warn't good enough for them, SO they filed entry in the Winston-Salem Journal-Sentinel basketball tourney, the largest high school basketball tournament in the world and so far they have made a creditable showing.
Saturday saw the Celeste Ilenkel girls shove off a thrilling second half rally by Morganton high school to defeat the smooth-clicking Burke county six 34-30. Celeste gained an early lead and led at half time. Morganton high's late rush fell four points short of a tie. Elliott and M. Ostwalt led the scoring attack for the Iredell vextette.
Thirty -four teams of 122 teams still remain in the tourney and Celeste-Henkel girls' team is right in there on the firing line. Veteran tournament observers continue to praise the high class of basketball being offered in this 17th meeting of the cream of North Carolina's highest cage award in the south. in the world's largest tournament. Watch those Coleste Henkel girls shine they still have their eyes 011 another crown. and this time it's the champions of the Northwest.
ence Shook of Catawba county. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the old st. Paul's Lutheran church. Burial will be in the church cemetery. A SON Born to Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh King, of Florence, a. a daughtor. Mary Nancy. Mr.
King Is a former resident of Statesville, son of Mrs. Mary King, Davie Avenue. Every Monday nite, Free Instructions for Beginners Silver Pine Roller Rink --2 Miles on Salisbury 250) W. M. Sherrill, O.D.
Optometrist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Frames Repaired Broken Lenses Duplicated 126 COURT STREET WANTED TO BUY! Used furniture! Highest cash prices paid! Phone 87 Statesville Salvage Co. Across from Postoffice Welcome Newcomers To Statesville "We are glad to have you! We know Statesville is 'The Best Town In North and you will think the same. We, the business concerns, listed below, will strive to help you receive a good impression of the city through your business transactions. We will be glad to serve you. Come in and let's get acquainted." NEWCOMERS Mr.
and Mrs. K. C. Sherrill, 819 Caldwell St. Gordon's Cut-Rate We are always pleased to meet and welcome ers to our town and offer them the best of banking cilities Merchants Farmers Bank Total Resonrocs $3,000,000.04 Member F.D.I.O.
Iredell Ice Fuel Co. Loot Osal! Refrigerators! Furniture Store The store for the whole Ily! Women's, men's, chil- dren's and home furnishings. Out of the high rent distriot! Phone 08 for your Local and long distance haul- ing. We specialize in moving household furnitare! Prompt Efficient service! Holland Brothers 701 W. St.
Coal Company Sharpe Phone 87 Phone 78 The Statesville Guthrie's Esso Record will be delivered free for one month to the newcomers whose names appear above. Service Complete one stop service! Cars called for and delivered Broad Tradd Sts. Phone $8.
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