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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
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LAST EDITION THREE CENTS The Best Advertising Medium in the Yough Region. VOL. 40, NO. 45. The Weekly Courier, Founded July 11.

ItfJU Daily Courier, founded November 10. 1903. Merged July IB. 1D38. CONNELLSVILLE, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1042.

TEN PAGES. Mt. Braddock Building Collapses; Two Die, Eight Injured ALL-OUT WAR MARKS In New Position Far East Chiefs Admiral Dr. Minerd, Two Councilmen to Be Inducted Into Office Monday Americans Fight On After Losing Manila to Japan RECREATION CENTER MADE SHAMBLES AS SURFACEJIVES AWAY Removal of Coal Vein Beneath Weakens Earth's Crust, Causing It to Slip; 10 Persons in Structure, Used as Recreation Hall By People of Community. HAD ONCE BEEN A I STOREHOUSE Two lost their lives nnd eight were less seriously injured when the- Mount Braddock Recreation Center collapsed into a mine cave-In at Mount Braddock at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon.

The dead. Alfonso (Lamb) Lombo. 20, killed Instantly. George Bcutty, 15, died at 5:25 o'clock at Connellsville State Hospital. Tho injured: Miss Evelyn Bradley, 10, center instructor, liceratcd scalp, body bruises and possible fracture of right foot; cordltion regarded us "good" at Connellsville Stntc Robert Realty, ID, brother of deceased, injurk-s to back; condition lair at Hospital.

Marvin Means, il, sprained shoulder and bruises; discharged after being treated at Hospital. Hobert Furajtcr, Junior Scott, Albert (Pappy) Grist, Frank Wilhelm and Jack Garbur, ranging in ages from to 18, all severely bruised but not taken to Hospital. Lembo, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lcmbo ot Mount Braddock, had been living in Cleveland for more than a being employed by an Iron, forging company ar.d was home for the Christmas holidays, Ali of tho others involved in the tragedy reside at Mount Braddock.

The building hnd been used to the Hospital where he many years a storage house by W. J. Raincy, and two years ago was converted into a recreation center whore it was the hub of the community's life. The property had been acquired sometime ago by tho Mount Braddock Coal and Coke Company, now controlled by p. J.

Duncan, and the center's activities were in charge of Earl Cmyton with Miss Bradley as one of the teachers. Lamb was crusncd under the crumbling pillars as he played ping pong with the Christ boy. When he was taken from the wreckage, Lnmb still clutched the paddle in his hand. Rescuers said that the Bcatty boy apparently went to his death trying to save Miss Bradley us his body was shielding her when they were taken from the debris. A falling ratter broke the boy's back.

A smnll conl stove- that had been used to heat the building was overturned and the live coals were thrown upon the boy, setting flre to his clothing. The flames were extinguished by Samuel Gallls, a neighboring miner, who i hud the- scene a tuvt minutes sifter the accident. The Furejtcr youth mjnagcd to walk away Irom the wreckage and despite, the (net that his entire- body wi.s literally covered with bruises and lacerations nut a bone was broken In his body. However, he was balicved to have been dazed by the collapse and wandered iiw.iy i the scene. Yt-t be raised the alarm and rwi- dents hurried to Uio spot to remove the trapped victims who only moments before had been the ptaK-ponR isime and listening to a music box playing "This Love of Mmo," Gallis was fMtng at the table of hl.i ne.uby homo when he heard the noUo the crumbhnij building and I is wife looked out ot the window to see the wrecked center.

The rushed to the M.em- mid hit, i orougut a bucket of w'lich VVM-, poured over ihf Om- o( the i boys said the floor dropped down "like an elevator" whik 1 VViUxelm said it happened su fast lu- didn't kntrv whnt Ilmvi-vcv, he managed to get ut i serious injury divspiti- the f.ict brinks fell -ill about him. The rccrLMlion cenU-r. .1 one- story brick 7(1-00 feet, a'llapi'i-d i i i it dropped th.iu uUo the i i i J.iw-, nt MI I Mid- dt'niy npent'd xvht-n tm- M-I! iMve point a large vein of had bi' 'ii In the buildi: Hit- i 10 cf them about, and the a i su-el bt-jm- and trapped ti t'wn. Lcmbo i miii-d i tiie cltfbrK sufti-rmj. .1 skull, crushed log- i-llu which in 1 death The JUUIH: 111,1 when i i i i i i hack i died A ihOi'l Unit and three others were rushed in nn ambulance.

The Lembo youth, who had attended school under the Americanized name of Lamb, went to North Union Township High School for two years. More than a year ago he went to Cleveland where he obtained employment with an iron forging company. He came home for Christmas to his parents, Mr. and Samuel Lcmbo, both in poor health. Because of their condition, lie wrote to his foreman and obtained permission to extend his vacation and he had planned to return to Cleveland today.

Two brothers, Frank and Michael, who icside in Detroit, came to Mount Braddock for a family gathering only 15 minutes before the accident. Deceased, who was 20 years of age last April 2, leaves his parents and five broliiers and sisters: Rose, Mane and Joseph at home and Michael and Frank of Detroit, Mich. The body wa.i removed to the funeral parlors of James T. Bur- hanb at Dunbar where it was prepared for burial before being taken to the home. There will be brief prayer at the homu at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon and a blessing service will be conducted nt St.

Aloybius, Roman Catholic Church at Dunbar at 'i o'clock In charge of Rev. leather George Hurley, pastor. Interment will be made in St. Mary's Cv.mcte.iy at Union town. The body of the Beatty boy was removed to a Faircliance undertaking parlor.

Rationing Board To Meet Sunday Dr. H. Dnniel Minerd, chairman of the I-'ayette County Tire Rationing Board, has called meet- of all local board members for o'clock Sunday afternoon in the at Untontown. Detailed In.sliuction.s, supplies quotas for each dustiict i he revealed, the chairman The eight local bomd.s in the iounty i operating Mon- which lime the lire rationing program gets under WilV. Somerset Tire Quota.

Sun county b( en al- 35 lire- and 4(i ot the jnd 130 tue.s nnd lit! 01 the large D. K. MCILVAINE Douglas K. Mcllvaine, assistant manager of the meter department of the West Pcnn Power Company, will go to New York next week to become nn engineer for the Western Electric Company, Mr. Mcllvaine, who ha.n been with the West Penn lor 19 years, came to Connellsville in May, 1827, and since then has been one of the city's most active citizens, participating in numerous community projects and holding various positions of importance.

The Mcllvaines will reside in Short Hills, N. and he will commute daily to his work, which will be in New York City. Mr. Mcllvaine Is chairman of the City Recreation Board, and was one of the moving spirits in promoting the program which has brought about the improvement ol East Park. He Is also a member of the City Planning Commission and a vice-president of the Westmoreland Fayettc Council, Boy Scouts of America.

He served several years as chairman of the Connellsville District of the council. He had also served us a director of the Pleasant Valley Country' Club, the Salvation Army Board and is a director of the Chamber of Commerce. Chief Executive Will Resume Post Held Twice Before Mitchell Made Chairman Boy Scout Unit Charles C. Mitchell was, named chairman of the. ConnclUville Dib- tr.ct Boy Scout Council ut meeting Friday night lit the Y.

M. C. A. Wliipltey wa.s rcelected vice-president while Robcit Hollenbach was selected secretary. Utxsutlul I'iilienls.

Walter Shipley, of Mill Run, Anthony Masciarelli of Dunbar, MarquctUi Schrader of and Robert Kropp of ScoUdale, Star Route, have been admitted to Connellsvillc St.ite Hospital loi treatment. Connollsville'B quadrennial inauguration, highlighted by the induction of Its Chief Executive, phice at 10 o'clock Monday morning in the council chambers of City Hall. When Dr. H. Daniel Minerd of Wc-t Green street lakes the oath of oftlco lus Mayor, he will be succeeding Iia D.

Younkln of Peach street, the same man who replaced him six years ago when Dr. Minerd resigned lo become Fnyctte county treasurer. As Dr. Minerd Is sworn in nt Mayor, Abe I. Daniels will take the oath of ofllce for another four- year term as councilman while Frank R.

Sweeney will be inducted as a new councilman, succeeding Clarence A. Port. Fred W. Nouroth will take the oath for another four years as city controller. City Clerk S.

T. Bcnford will administer the oath to the three incoming officials and Rev. Dr. William H. Hetrick, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, will ask for Divine guidance for the solons.

Among the spectators will bo David Minerd, aged father of the Mayor-elect, who attended the other Inaugurations ol his ton. Dr. Minerd was elected Mayor 12 years ago and at the same time Mayor Younkin was chosen for his first four-year tenure a.s a councilman. Both were reclccted to their respective offices four years later. However, Di 1 Minerd resigned after two years of his second term and Younkin, then superintendent ot the Department of Accounts and Finance, automatically moved up to the post temporarily.

Council then voted Younkin for the remainder of the term. Dr. Minqrd rounded out four years an county treasurer. Two years later Mayor Youiikm was reclected for four more years. Councilman Daniels was elected the lirst time four years ago.

At that time Dr. Eail C. Shcmck was also chosen a councilman but when he did not qualify, the iolons named Clarence A. Port to a two-year tenure. Port then waa reelceted for another two-year term.

Sweeney, the incoming councilman, is entering public life for the first time although he has been a prominent World War vet- active Amor.can Legion member and a dealer in electrical supplies for many years. The two other councilmen are John M. Franks nnd Charles F. White, elected two years ago for tour-year tenurcb. At i) o'clock, the old council will hold Us final transact Its final business nnd then adjourn sine die.

Alter the inaugural 335 QUARANTINE CASES REPORTED HERE IN 1941 The Weather Contiimcil cold i Miow llur- ru-s- in uest and north pi rtioiu tu: i i I is tliL- noon fur ni.i 'I'cniiM-rulurt- Iti-conl. 1941 us ml- H.iMuuru MCJU 38 Except for nn epidemic of measles, when an unprecedented of quuruntme cases was reported, the city's health record In 1941 might huvc been onu of. the best in the past decade, according to the imnuul report ol Health Officer Charles H. Bills- ley. There were 353 enscs ol communicable diseases during the past 12 months ot wlilch 33S were measles while the 18 other cases included one of pneumonia, s.x of chicken pox, of mumps, three of scarlet t't-ver and three of whooping In addition, Connellsville SIMe Ilosiiital reported Uvo of and one of u-K'bio meningitis In 11)40, there were 114 of coinmuntcablc diseases, 1B3'J 30.

11)38 121, 1937 41, 5-1 and 1935 179. The otlicer mailed wnt- U'n r.otit-'eb to 15 persons for vio- l.itiun of the Board ot Ueultu reKiilnttons and city ordinance. He Ii5(l ciimpiainu. isMii-d l.SL'S he.illh cc-rtlliciitcj, nn 1 l'-l jiuspoclioilb of iiar i rind restaurants. Ualsluy examined JaniCi Oscar TiMUtf, Ralph Gi-imni.

Jtihr Louden Junies Quiiui, Cyrus Kcu- ncl, Louis Cole and Mllvort Slrlckler for the Boy Scout public health merit badges. At the request ol the City Police Department tho health ol- llcei warned the Hospital and all drug stores and doctors of the issuance by the Wmthrop Chemical Company of. two kinds ol sul- fnthiagolc tablets which contained phenobareitul poisoning and then later notified New Jersey police that none hud been located in Connellsville. In company with City Assessor J. L.

Williams, Balsley attended a of the food and health officcis as guests It. ,1. Company of I'iltsburgh. Then i Councilman John W. Franks ano Wil- I'nms, he attended the con- of the Lcngue of C'ass Cities at He also aided in the investigation ot un- mitary conditions in a West Side home in which eight chil- dien were found to be improperly cured foi.

The oMieer g.ive nonces i no piacea of buiinessL-b to have cei tillcates, expirmK leeember 3t, renewed at or.ce There was not a single quoran- 1 nc pi, cai'd posted in Connells- i i on Di-re-ribi i Bjlsley ret irtcd. ceremonies, the new solons will meet to rcorunnize. There will be art unusual situation for this i.s tho llrsl time in more than a decade, if not in the city's history, where tht- solons have not already nyiecd upon the "organiration" of the councilmnnic body. Usually the majority gel together and decide on tht- disposition of the ofttceb. However, there's deep mystery ns to which tin- factions will constitute the a i i if either.

Dr. Minerd and White nrc DcmocuiU while Dnnicls nnd Franks aic Republicans who have been lined up with the so-called "old line" leaders. Sweeney, who apparently has the "driver's seat," was nominated and elected on the Republican ticket but no party leader, or so-self-styled, of tho G. O. P.

will attempt to gut him In line. An independent who got into the battle despite the "advice" of "leader" against such a move, Sweeney probably will assume the role of keeping the quintet on a road a will be for Connelli- ville's best interests. When friend asked Sweeney with whom he was soing to "line up," the councilman-elect lost no time in setting forth this observation: "I owe nothing to any political clique. I was elected to office by the people of Connellsville. They are the only ones about whom I w.ll be concerned In whatever I may do as a member of Council.

1 shall try to justify the people's confidence and trust In me." While there have been no caucuses to date on the assignment of the departments among the councilmcn, there's likelihood of a general realignment. The Mayor automatically takes over the Department of Public Al- fairs. It is generally believed that Sweeney will become the head of the Department of Accounts and One report persisted that Daniels would return to the Department of Public Safety, succeeding Franks who would then become of the Department of Streets and Public Improvements with White rel.nn- ing the Department of Parka and Public Properties. Another was that While would take over the Public Safety, Franks UK- Streets and Daniels the Parks ar.d Pub- lip Properties. However, the former appeared to have the best chance of support.

It any chimues are contemplated in the personnel of cmpluyeb, thoic been no revelation. Dr. Minerd has not decided upon a chief of police, indicating he may lilt muke any appointments until January 12, if then. Onu thing that has been stressed is that each departmental bend will recommend the workers in his own department. General Admiral Ernest J.

King, top, new commnndcr-ln-chlcf of the United States licet, may become commander of the combined naval forces ot tin- Allies In the fat ICast. Gen. sir Archibald oil, bottom photo, commander of lah forces 111 India, may become commander of Allied ulr and HJid forces In the Far East. I YOUTHS JOIN MARINES William Leckemby Writes He's Safe William Leekcmby, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert H. Leckemby 434 30th street, McKcesport, who was at Pearl Harbor Hawaii during the Japanese bombing, is safe, according Lo two letters received from him January 1 by his parents. One letter written December nnd the other December U. He wrote "W.i; oretly jumpy Jl, but am all right now, Am with the U. S.

Conyngham His bej-l friend was killed during uie bombing when both wore b'ard the U. S. S. law, sunk by (he raidei William, a ot John W. Zimmerman of South Pitts-burg street, and a nephew of Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Dnscoll of Mori ell avenue, is a third class address is S. Fleet, Pearl Harboi, Hawaii The ung sailor joined the Nuvy as an elect-, Immudi- uloly lie was graduated i i McKeesport High School in 19119. He was called lo seiviee in October that year and followed studies while in ti dining. The Mamie lecruiling Nation at the Posliillkv, in rli.nge of SlufT Sergeant Josivh J- Crowley, got on 1 to ,1 guild in the new eur as Mix district were ed in the mm Cni ps L'ri lay and sent tu Ku lilnnd, S.

foi training. Following a -e buyt, ho the linal e.vimin.itjon in Pittsburgh: Albert T. C.llotl. 21, .,011 of Mr. and Mis.

Jo cph Gillott Cuii- nellsville H. D. Tluiinas J. on of Mr. and Mi's.

Thomas .1. i.i- of 01)11 K.iyUte strict, city. Thomas M. SehnaUcrlj, 21, ton of Mr. and Mrs.

Charles M. Schnalterly of Ilopwoud. Joseph E. Minuick. 211, son ot Andrew Mmniek Dnx 131, W'-sL Leiseni ing.

John B. Paston, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P.istun of Box 472, Republic. Grover B.

Torbert, 21, son cf Mr. ar.d Mis. Harry M. Torbert of 70C Meadow Cli.nlciui. British in Malaya Smash Three Jap Assaults On Perak Front and Chinese Stage Devastating Counter-Attack; Axis in Position in Middle East With Last-Stand or Surrender Immediate Prospect; Russian Armies Press On, With Possibility of Putting Germans in Flight for Distance of 100 Miles.

CORREGIDOR RESISTS ALL JAP ATTACKS JJy International Sctotcc. Furious, all-out mir rupcd lii-rcely on four Sar- flung' fronts today. With 1 MMI lit thi'lr )mokn, Manila lout tin(treat navnl biihc iif Cavtte evnruiitt'cl, (lie iralliint American and Filipino troojis of (ienoral DoufrlHN Arthnr carried on tlielr ajriilnst tromnnilnus odds, detormliH'd to sell every Inch of around at. a torrllilc price. Tile rocky fortress of Com'pldor, coinmHiidlnp entrance to Manila Hay, ntlll held warships at, respectable distance.

So long as the U. S. holds Cor- tint Japanese cannot tisu Manila Bay, greatest, natural liaruar in world. Imltled British imperial troojiK In a smashed three Japanese assaults on Hie I'eruk front In Central Jluluja and threw back a Nipponese landing attempt on the loner I'erak roast. Klirlitinif continued around Jtiiantan, miles from Singapore, anil the (Treat nmiil base itself was ngahi attacked from the air during the Casualties and damage ivere slijrht.

Chniiffklnir reported that Japs had lieen kllleil or wounded In the desperate hattle for OluiiiKsha. capital of a province. A devastating Chinese counter-attack was said to hare tlirwon hack the Invaders near the entrance to the cltj. JdmicI (Japanese) new uirrncy claimed that Japanese troops had entered Chiinpslui. Tit I HITS looked Mack for the In Mbya as llrlt- Isli troops cornered the flcelnir dhislons of German (General Itoiumel nroiind Airrdiihlii, and cut off his chances of esraphnr into Trlpollliinla.

It was Indicated he noiild have to make his stand here or surrender. The British also announced thai. 5.001) Axis prisoners taken nitli Itiinlia, to Hrltlsh casualties of (til killed and nounded. Sonic lirltish were liberated from llimlla Jnlls. The Hrlttsh admiralty itnnoiiticed that at least siininarlnes Mere sunk In the A a i after furious live-duy battle.

Two merchant shins were lost out of a nlnii); i I ilt-slroyer and a a a auxiliary. The admiralty al-ii aniioiineeil i the Hrlllsh NejitiiHe anil ilestrojer Kamlnhar were sunk In Mediti'rranean after striking enemy mines. Tlie Itusslaii armies on the a front, their lilies straightened by Hie capture of 'Maloyanc-hnets yesterday, pressed their attack nirainst i inti'iislfy. II was Indicated that 150,000 Niui troops in tills area were in of encircle- meat. Some military experts a success at mean a Reiieial (ierinun retreat of from 6(1 to 1(1(1 miles aloni; the entire front.

Corregsdor Resists Five-Hour E3ombing Molnar Elected D. T. Treasurer to Begin Civilian Defense Training Monday Thu c.vihan ileffiihc tiMiiung oil the New H.ucii i ycl Itiuiui w.iv Mond.iy i nlnu with i- dull. Fuu Chief i i a K. i i i MI instructor i-, ubUnniHl, .1 i i 11 be condurttd tlio It i ble, h.iM- r.u 1 S.

Mulnar elrclrd tiX'UMin'r of Hie Dunbar Tciwn-Oup Bu.nd of Uiitii-lors nV a incutinc Friday niijht. He M.irlt Han)ni, w)io ollk-c-. i i jilani, to resign from the- board, having been elected last November to tho oHlcc' of load supervisor. Sons of Legion To Meet Monday There i be mectmjj of the Sons of the Legion at o'clock nifiht at the North bui'K i-tri-et home of L. Uitho;) PoM will bt- elect eel.

By Inlo. naUonf 1 Svrvlcrc. Jan. 3. -Japan's bl.if-tul Corregldor Iflnntl in live-hour in Ja killed.

35 v.v indod. the War nn-ni lod.iy. The my arniadu uf GO bmnbliiK pl.nnv.. at le.iil 11. i of xvliich wi-ii' down by Anieriean Kims.

The Depal tluent. in inunuiue, huti-il l.uuevei, llwl tcusity tj i i iittin i dt-eK-a-SLd. Knemy .1 rplane mnuiiiud ei IhelcM, tiooj',bnj; loi .1 .,11 i i ol i in tlic Chin i.

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