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The Daily Courier from Connellsville, Pennsylvania • Page 3

The Daily Courieri
Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MSBOH 5, 1913. TjBE P3JLY OOURIEB, OOIOELLSYILLE, PA 1 PAGE THREE. Cleaning Up of Winter StocK Is Making Connellsville Howl with Low Prices on All Kinds of Shoes and Continues to Draw the Crowds to Hundreds and Hundreds of Pairs of High Grade Shoes Being Sacrificed. Smith's SKoery Values That Draw LiKe Magic All Good Seasonable Footwear Going at Wonderfully Low Prices -Shoes from 9c to $3.98 a Pair. 13 to $4 Shoes, broken lots, small slaes, Patent Colt, button and blucher; kid, button bluchor 79c 11.00 Men's Goocl- yonr Glove alt 78c 12.

GO and J3 Men's Four-Bucklo High Top Arctics. All sizes, In several of tho beat brands $1.89 House Slippers for mon and woman 9c 2Bc and 60c Infants' Soft Solo Shoes, assorted colors 15c A PAIH. 14 and J4.SO Women's Velvet, Smoked Tan, Patent Colt, Bright and Dull Kid Shoes, all hu.nct sowcrl and notvest stylos $2.69 A PAIR. "Women 1 Patent Colt, Gun Metal, Bright. Bull Kid Shoes In all $1.98 7 EC "W'omen's Goodyear Glove 59c A PAIR.

t4 Men's Tan' Elk- eUln Button and Blucher Shoo. Ail sizes. Newest Styles $2.98 $3 Men's Boots, first quality overs, ono buckle. All sizes $1.98 Shoes, broken lots 69c A PAIR. Men's Patent Colt Blucher Shoes.

and $-1 values $1.98 Men's Hljrh Top Shoes. All sizes $4.48 Jten's Arctics 79c Endicott Johnson's Green Elk SJdn Work Shoes. $1.98 Men's good strong "Work Shoes, tan. and black, tfaa kind that wear good $1.98 News of Nearby Towns. rtusm MAJUOX.

MAH1ON. Match 1. Too following program rendered by tho T. (fc h. Literary Solely at tho Polot Marion lllch Sliool on Prlduy ufttrhoon: Sons, "Awake Eurth" by society: recitation.

Ethel Hlldebnuul: autobiography, Mabel Packard; rcri- tnllan. Francis Dclrlok; bSograhy, 1-torfa Johnson: debute, cd, That the Cow is More ViJuitbio Thna the Iforse," nfllrtnntlvo Oscar Brog- neimr ami Harold Francis, rhomnt Muller tttul Vital judges dpcldeil In fnvor ot tb.9 affirmative, "The Dreum," Lulu IS'ioniub: Optimist, Alice Christy; 1'cs- sitnlst, Sartih Sehroyer; Jean biography, Clvdo Kohtn- elory, Lnulsa IlofSsey; papor, Editor Jsa McClnln, Adglstnnt Mlltir Lillian critic's remarks. Miss Lydtit Stuyverant of tlnton- town. was here Sunday visiting at tho homo ot her sister, Mrs. Boy MaClatn.

The Aid Society ot tho jr. P. Church of this place In going to give tt chicken supper and a bnzniir Saturday, March 8 In tho Kcyscr fauttrltniC ort fenn tilreot located between the if. K. Church and tho First National Bank, Uart NMckelsoa of Charlerol hns rented fr.

S. U. Owen's store room vn Kttltroad street nml expects jto put In a full lino of shoes and pants' furnlih- tng goods. SHss M. Provnnco ot Point Is on a Ustt to hoc ulster, Mrs.

Jack Condon of Donorn. SJrs. B. U. who been 111 for a short time with pneumonia.

Is slowly Improving. Tho flmU si-fvlce of tho contest of the Christian ttndetwor Society ot the Christian Church was closed Sunday evening, March 2. The loenl churches of Point Marlon appointed committees to decide on the (ntott evansollstld meetings that have been talked of for some tltno by ihe members and pastors of tho respective churches. Tho services will be- eln aa Tuesday evening 1 March 11, Vy the Rsv, Chcnonworth, of tho First Baptist Church of this place preaching In tho Methodist Protesti-nt Church, and on Wednesday March 12, tho Eev. P.

A. Poffenbunrer, pns- tn? of the Christian Chuich will preach In tho Methodist Episcopal Church on Thursday evening Jlamh 13. the tlev. P. Queen pastor of the Methodist Protestant Church will preach In tho Christian Church and on Kriilay March 14, the Kov.

o. M. Kelly, pastor of tho Methodist Epll- copitl Church will preach In tho Bup- tlsl Church, and on Sunday evonlns, March Ifi, fully all the churches to be well represented, the Bev. Bobert A. Armstrong tho fnlvorslty ot West Virginia, will preach In tho Baptist Church.

Tho concert that was rendered Vrl- dny eventnt? by the Volunteer Pirn Department of Fotnt Marion proved to bo quite A success, Tho pcopln of this place were anxious to help for the god causo they tiro pushing forward jfor tho benefit of tho whole town. Relieves Neuritis and Rheumatism Ctic'st Coltls. Cotijjhs Sore Throat and IjimiliiiKi) Xlglil. For only 25 cents you cun got Mig yellow box of yellow MUSTAKINB ntid stnccro wlU totl you that If 1C Isn't bolter than any piaster, liniment or poultice you over used, moni-y buck. BEOY'S MUSTAIUNE absorbs Instantly, Is vry penetrating und that's why It only takes a few mlnuton to Hot Hd of oarache, hcnducho, toothache, backache und nottralgin.

MUSrAStN'S won't soil; won't blister; ami Is always ready. It's tho rent good mustard ploa- ter brought up to date wltti 14 other addod. It always flatlsllol. Nothing so good on earth fur bronchitis, throat, croup, stiff ueoh, lameness. muscles, lumboBO, soro corns, bunions and callouitos, chilblains and fronted foot.

Druggists tvervwhcre. Be BKOTt'S MUSTARtKE. Malt filled by J. A. Betty, Chomlst, Ilochester, N.

f--Advor- Uaement. Minister of War and Interior of Turkey CltEEK. INDIAN CIVEDK, March W. Hicks of Mill TUtn, was In tlio valley today on business. George Hlhner of Mount BraiMoi who hns charge of the Vf.

Kaltiey fire clay aiut alllta rock nunrry hero precttnj? a now Incline to connuct now openings of flre clay. Mr. and Mrs John Slecfcman of Rojrorg Mill, Is visiting friends In Con- ncllsvlllQ today. 3. I.

ItORorg, the coal, operator of Rogrcrs Mill, was In Connollsvlllo on business today. William Sipo of Jones Mill, was 't business catlor In today. H. BarRor, con-l merchant unl option man of Jones Mill, was a bus- caller In Conncllavlllo and Un- today. N.

J. littler, tho Justice of tho Pcan at Jones Mill, left for Washington oil train No. 32 luat ovonlns to tafco tho Inauguration. R. A.

Dassdorf tho attorney of Mill, rottirncd homo after a fotv days' visit 1" Oreensburg and Mount Piquant O. B. Stlckcl of ConnclHvlllo. Is tho Indian Clock vnlloy today on business. Lloyd Mlllnr, the wlclcrvivako returned home from Con- noHaville and Unlontown, -where ho had boon attending to burtncs't.

John Llndyay, carpenter foreman for the B. O. nt Connelluvlllo, spont a ellort whllo here today on business. If. Habol Is making some ro- palrs to his porches.

Mrs. S. Slpe of Connellsvlllo, spent a short whtlo hoic with hor aunt and undo air. and Mia. F.

W. Hnbol. Th 0 Indlnn Creek foulti-y Company has ordered 100 more old clilcUs. The breeds nre Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Hhode Island Reds and Leghorns. Mrs.

Bert Sloore was a Connellsvlllo shopper today. Rodney Woodmancy Is busy cleaning up around the old Morgan property and beautifying the sunoundlngs. This Is on ot the most Ideal spots In the Indian Crook section. Mr. oofl- mancy Intends to do aulto a lot of truck farming coming summer.

JJlt'KERSON JICX, HUN. March rjoldson, Harry Hltonour and G-. Bcatty "were calling' on Connella- vlllc friends Saturday evening. Ijandls was t-ho sruesc of JTrlends nt Broad Pord lost ovfnlnK. Grant and nimor Goodman ol! Van- dorbllt was transactint? buslnoas at ConnollsvllJo Saturday cvonlng-.

Covbott Meyers hns returned to his work at Oluasport after a very pleasant vlfllt hero with motlir Mrs. Ll7.7.1o Moyora, II. Addis was the guest of friends nt ConnotlsvlHo last evening: A. S. Pollock Tvaa a Fittsburg business caller yesterday.

Mts. Mary Snyder waa visiting' her husband Harry Snyder yesterday at tho Cottage State hospital at Con- Robert HanrJIln of was calling 1 on filends here Saturday oven- Oeorgro Beatty and Nina JIalnos woro cnlllng 1 on filends at tTn- lontown Sunday evening. Georgo Casscl was tho of friends at Glassport Sunday evening. "Robert Handlln and Mary 11- hclm havo returned homo after a vary pleasant visit with relatives at Dunbar H. Thlckston of Brownsville, was tho of TSHa Beattv Sunday ovenlnK.

DICTOURSOlsr BUN, March Ilardwlck Corincllsville, a business caller hero vestcrday morning. Mrs Russell W. Carr of TJnlontown is spending a few days heio visiting Vior parents, Mr. and Mrs P. Oslo vco, Charles Harvey was transacting builnes at Dunbar Tuesday evening, Mlis Rririo Bcatty was shopping 1 and culling: on liltmds In Connellfavllla yesterday.

Mis Harry Lynn and children ancl Spoelman have leturn- cd to their homo at Unlontown after a very pleasnt visit here with Mr. and Mia Thomas St John. Mrs. Casslnda Riser and Mrs Charles Harvey were shaping in. Con- Ttellsvillo last evening.

Patronize those who advertise. March W. Clouao, tho contractor, htis completed tho work which he was doing for tho Lldalla. Coal Company at Auspuch Mrs. G.

R. McDonald was amons ihoyc who attended the funeral of Ili-rbert McLaughlln in ConneUsvllle jotorday. J. Col born tint) sou, prornlnant Turkcyfoot township farmwrs, woro business visitors hejre ypsteid.iy. Tho Rev.

B. Boyer, pjuitor of the Lutheran Church, went to FricndsvlHe, yesterday to visit his father who fa sick, Quite a number of nearby farmeis are encaged in making maple sugar at the time. bonutifu) i grpy horses pamcd tlirough here yesterday by frelRht from Ohio to SpclLher brothers at rviendsvIHe, arc! They were in an Arms' palace horpe car and attended by flvfi men. O. G.

Kantner. the piano clcalor wns a bugineaa visitor in Somerset esterday. Dow nurd GliHi, a B. omployo of Tub Xiun, who had tho mlfforLuiiQ to have a flnprer badly mashed several clavs nso, was here yesterday on his wny home from ConnelJffvllle. "Word has boon received hero from Mra O.

B. Maddox of Fairmont, Vn uho has serlotifly tor sevprnl days, state she la slightly 1m- pioved. There will bo spccioi mectlnp: It el (3 each evening during the week preceding Easter in the Lutheran Church by the pastor the- RAV. B. Boyer.

A B. FJanlfrnn, A well known resident of Johnson Chapel, was a business visitor hoi? ypfltcrdoy. Jacob Kelm, a well to do farmer ot Ad(11 son township, was In town on business yesterday, W. IT, Cottom, a B. O.

employe of ConncDavlllo, waa In town on business yesterday. Grovcr Con way Is in charge of the nickelodeon durlmr tho absence of the pioprletor, Mr. Thrasher, who la in Plttsburk. Dr. P.

and r. Downs left Monday evening: for Washington, T. to attend thr- Inauguration. Viank KreBnr, a prosperous young- farmer of near praketown, was transacting business in town ycRtorday. A.

Malone, Supcrvislor nt Conneflavllle, waa In town yejstor- da.v on ofllclal business B. B. Brown, a employe who has been slclc, Is slightly improved. Classified ads ono cent a word. $3.50 Recipe Free, For Weak Men Send Name nnrt Address Today; You Can Hiiro Tfc Free and Bo Strong and Vigorous.

havo In my posiongion a prescilp- tlon for neivous debility, lack of vigor, weakened roanJiood, lailinp memory anfl lame back, brought on by exces-sog, unnatuial drains, or tho follies of youth, that lias cured so mnnv worn and nervous inon right In their own homos---without any additional help or medicine--'that I thlnlc oveiy man wlio wlsnes to repraln his manly vhiUty, quickly and ciuictly, should havo a copy. So I havo determined to sond a copy of tho prewcrlption of cltEug-e, in n. plain, ordinary envolovio to any man who will TVi lie mo for it. Th la pi scrip on oomos fli om la physician who has made a special study oc men and I am convinced it is tno uitQst actintT combination for tlic cuie tl deficient niartnoocl and vlgror i i over together, I think I owe it to my follow man to sand them a copy In confldcnco so that any man who is weak and discouraged with repeated failures may stop i hlmseir with Imimtul a tnodlcIncSi secure I believe la tho oulcke'st-actinff rcstoiative, up- i i SPOT-TOaCHINO remedy cvor dcvleotl, a ao cure lilmfeoK at homo quietly and quickly. Just diop me a line like this: Di A E.

Robinson, COCO Luck Bunding-, Detroit Mich, and I will -send you a copy of tills bplencUd rcclpo In a plitt oitUnary envelope freo of chaigo, A many cloctoia- would charge $100 to $500 for merely writing 1 out a i a i like this-but I send It entirely i A Hunting BargrnUis It so, rcatl our advertising columns and you. will find them. When You're Tired and Thirsty order a bottle of Pittsburgh Brewing Company's Beer Its clear, apariding, catufying goodness chases brain fag and muscle A tonic for the appetite and an aid to digestion Has just the right combination of choice hops, seasoned barley malt and distilled water to make a pleasing beer. Always ask for it by name --look for the nalne on the bottle. Sold at all good hotels, clubs, cafes and bars.

Order a case sent home. Pittsburgh Brewing Company CONNELLSVILLE BREWERY. RUN. RUN, araroh Itar- baush, small daughter ot Dell Harbaugh, hag recovered from a long illness of typhoid fever. William, youngest son of WilHiam Sheaior, met with, an accident Saturday "Willie cutting -wood he cut his foot which required two stitches to dress it Dr.

Jackson physician. Mrs. Finnic Bigam Is recovering from a slight attach of (frtppo and tonallHSs. Mi s. Harriet Younlcln of Pennsvllle, Is viblting at tho homo ot hoi biother- in-law, Samuel Bowun Sho loturned homo this morning.

The prayer meeting held in tho cottages the past two weeks preparing for a revival in the United Biethien churcli woie well attended. Services began last Sunday and will continue throughout the week. Charles Maladia Klllarnoy Park, and Flank Bigara of this place, havo returned homo irom a business trip to Pittsours The Rev, Mr. Charleston, pastor ol the United Brethren church, lias le- orfinjaed the choir, known as the consecrated choir, of whom are the following membeia: Blisb Agnea Hutchinson, Tltrs. Violet Living-stone, Mrs Kate Johnson, Mjss I-eona Johnson, Miss Ida Hawkins, II.

Miner. Mrs. Maladia and Miss KaufCman of Killarney Park, -were calling: on friends In Mill Hun today. John A. Cox, Is still adding to tho improvements of his propoity.

Philip Paul, our hustling- miller, is attending court at Uniontown this week. Our hustling lumberman, Franfl Kicks of IHcks Sipo, spent Saturday ana Sunday with his family at this place Miss Myrtle Paul Is visiting friends at Hearing Hun. WEV. Take Tno Games from Uio Bankers in MJeruiHtile League. "Wlrlffht-Metzleis took two games from the on the Temple alleys Monday night.

The Bankers got one. Tho score: WIUGHT-METZLERS. Brown 14 93 302 F. "WVtglit Evana Mooie ..105 115 90 310 20 09 92 281 ..107 121 103 331 06 95 103 234 Norton Edmonds Mestrezat Norrls BANKERS. S7 128 113 32S 113 103 78 234 S7 125 95 307 90 30 36 96 293 Total 498 650 471 1519 Patronlzo those who advertise.

Total 513 524 481 1518 Better Than Spanking Spanking- wm not cure children ot wettlngr the bed, because it is not a httbit but a dang-erout disease. The C. H. Kowan Drug- Dept. 6-49, Chicago, I have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease and to make known Us merits they win send 30c package securely -wrapped and prepaid Abbolu tely Free to any reader of The Courier.

This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. Tho Rowan Drug Co. Is an Old Reliable House, to them today Tor the free medicine. Cure the afflicted members of your famU-w then toll your neighbors and about this remedy..

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