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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 21

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

f.l I LEGION AUXILIARY NOTES furs J. C. Clackman, of Rockport; Appoints Committee Members for National Convention at St. Paul. i US.

J. Glaekman, Kockport, department president of Indiana, I appointed the foLowmj I 1 at the national which opens Monday morning, Sep tenter 15, at t. Pan), Minn Mrs. Hazel L. Workman', depart ment secretary, Indianapolis, credentials and roles; Mrs.

C.T. AMs, Salem, district committee woman, resolutions and recommendations; Mrs. B. S. Rose, Eransrilla, First district committeewoman, JeisIatiTe; Mrs.

Charles E. Combs, Eloomfield, rice prtsident, cbnsti ana amendment; Mrs. ImcIII A. Downey, Wabash, national committerwoman. finance: Mrs.

A. Exton Porter. Whi fir American ism; Miss Esther Harris, district committeewoman, rthatnitaticn; Mrs. Glaekman, child welfare; Mrs. IL E.

Farmer, Terrc Haute memorial; Mrs. Neva Feller. La Grange, Twelfth district corn m.eewenan, co cpcraUon; Mrs. Mae DurJap, Franklin, heredity; Miss Edna. Txhrrft nfr fntfiirn 1 1 ii 'Other will ffo on the Indiana pecjal are S.

Mcllvalne, 1J star tnotfcef ef th Mcllvalne Kothe Unit, and Mia Mabel Wtit, candidates yon in; the recent content of the American rlon; Sire, Norman Kottir, winner of he r.atlonal pair eon teet: Mrs. Georc Molvor, touth Bn4; Mr. Word The mas, of the Funkhouscr I'nit No. Evantville: Mrs. C'alr i.

Thurston, department onhllcitv director: Mm. ntnsrer. cold stsr mo'her, of Indfanapolta. end vrl tiurwi from the American lotion Fort The special will arrive In i t. Paul at 11:39 clock "fay rrornlnr.

The orve'Mrrsr of the combined convention. th Legion and Aaxil itry will celebrated with a re ceptJon fcr 11 visitors at the etate apl? on toiiday erenlnar, fertem hr 15. An prorram cf en r(ainm nt ham beon planned for I lvn ard Aux)Ury visitors. I'a' in the corridor of the rarUol will be one CI the features. Kepreeeat 3IUe Desert.

Hleanor Mitchell. fortner preidnt of the t. Taal Utsl'of the Overaeaa League, wijl convey ti greeting of the league to the American Lgton and the AtjilJUrj Fne Vepreaent: Mlaa Mary A. Lcgart. national preeSdan who wilt be unabla attend the cofrventltn.

'arloe aide tripe are belnfc planned for the entertaln One rlll fo the Interstate park at Tarlor fall, fifty mile from Jit. f'kul. After the convention there will trfpe to the Iron ranne rovtntrr in. the northern part the atafe. Kpecial r2afte for th entertain in riMuiin veterana are "ing int Various orjtanlratlona rm providing epecla! funds to In 1 're ipe romrort er he A I peciai rvlenr stand la being arranged by the KnUhts of Coium bna on the steps of the St.

Paul cathedral, from which the veterana will be nM'(i view the parade TueiJsy afurnnon, Th local offi' ea th tVited Klatea Veteran' E. reair will pv' le for the rtgltf ration fit the dlMd veterans and for eourtey privileges for them. Ca'AMMt Dtaplay. Th auxiliary convention will con In the. Central rresbyterlan church, "Monday afternoon.

Exhibit of ll kl4 will be on display from th Xf partment. These will be set uj in the park near the ftum, liorld will rv a dl. Pay of fruits. and nuts, Kintii will brlntr miniature acka, filled with ti The officers of the Gary Unit. No, are; Mr.

C'hrt Jtut. rrs. nt; Mrs, Dornan, cretry, and Mrs. j. Voung.

treasurer. The meetings re held In the glon Hut. which Is entirely free from dht and was built and fur nlfhd fey Legion and auxiliary rmbrs. The uit ha a "Mck com. mltiee." bh after all local disabled oIitr and members of tha legion and ausiliarv who ar 111.

Th nit welfare committee has sent cn4y, bik and fiowera to the diatled soldiers. Tho nit lted the atvation Ar on Ta rlav, wh'n a mil of win rafted. The have adapted two fury dfeabled eoldlfrs, iianr enteri ainmem eivn foe the henpflt cf the welfare ftind, wh'rh ia r.o'v more tbao The auxlll. mrv In tJary co oprate ttliu the pot, the. local r.ed 'roes Society and all cvlc afflr.

5ir. Ar. thur t'arnduff. ervd prtst dnt drlrsr 15J3. died recently.

kiting alt ratertales. Mr. Ttter OuUcr, president of In the Tenth dl. 1 trtct, is chairman cf the prison com SEPTE.V.CEH v.eV A J.v 111,2 IinnH'S rest about tookir in September, which no other month r'sVses. There are to many wonderful vegetables and if one Lies to experiment, there are unlimited' possibilities in preparing them." i lily Telly Sackettl "Oh.

you're so complacent about a.l this experimenting. rolly. caa't kelp fecltr; cross at you aome tlmet. Interrupted Marie "I don't know how tt wlih the otuvr lrla, but I can't afford to experir. iiu anJ bav things turn oat badty.

anl Cisarlca doen like to be use! aa an etperlmeit Yei. did say that the last time 1 tried to up om lettorers a l.ttle dif tf course the gir'i ll taushed. but rvilv eriott in a tn. tuect. expect ait Cf to be a eitbitaii wli a a 1 but 'realty, Marie.

I think ru can't fori not to hrl varif'y in the things tnat are sooi forhtt. 14 I ab)i'l to attar cf r.f Aou tn CiC'Jlion, tii'i you pw thi vecf. tabic the very be.t f. foe blm. Take crrot, f.

Instance. I think every diet ltl for pror af i 1 with nerves nciudrs ihrv liut bow many men like carrots rr weu' i willingly choose to eat em? iave you ever trtel serving rr rots and tccther th crra uce. or crrt ami beeta romMf atf any carrot" as beets. ri P'tr aui iyi i tar IrsK 'i proUaMv have ud carrot and cr irr'ts and oi a rnch rr r.uiw? tft Uif crean muc rr I a fie fiavcr. be etaie or rmUt carrot.

They cut them irsto thin pieces a i cock tSem ah' st f. teen tr. inctf? in bciiirjf eite i wifr. Ne it try drain then. fijrar, butter and a 1 it of levii nr jst enouch so they 7ot Vurn.

l5to the saa epan the "co to become an.i jft. "fhe I tst like orinary carrots ai. tried craroe.l crrxtJ a r. v. c.iea cf toasted brea l.

on 1 ba 1 ni thouc ti awfully soo utei Ar proud ly. 'v. o.l work. I don't treia to bv rs cranV, but when ere ct t. fs 4est tteetashr 'rur'M rice, tontatoe and ttiery wni the aerag fa 1 delegates to serve on committees mlttee for th state auxiliary.

Mrs. A. Exton Porter, newly elected Tetth district contraitteewonaanj ta "ratr of the Whltln Unit. entertained the dlatrlet nferene recently, donated flO to the child welfare committee; grave money to the, Infant child of a former service man tBedr paid a vlalt to the Speedway Iloeoital In Chicago: more than 10 bo xea of dainties disabled men In hospital, anddurina the last month ha added considerably to the welfare fond through different Bales and card part ice. About waa raised it th Leelon nicnle.

where the merahtri had a refreshment jitand. The unit participated in the dedication of the con bclld Ing. A check recently waa issued by the Indiana department of the auailiary for the purchase of a tallc ing machine for the bor In the Iwon Springs Iloxpltal. No. 79.

The department a1o helped to pface In the hospital a complete radio set for the patieAt. A Girls aa.D7s. The Hay P. Harriaon Unit, No. ft, of Columbia City, ha forty fir member.

The welfare committee ha adopted a girl who is under i golng treatment for tuberculosis In the Irene Byron Hospital at Ft. Wayne, and five local' boy In various hopital. The unit! has re sponded to all YaJls from the de partment welfare and child welfare committees, and hat been tnetru mental In distributing many flag pamphleta to the school chlMren. The unit eooperate with the G. A.

Tt. and W. nd other ratrtetic orgnlxatioria. ilra. J'eva Fellern.

district cornmltteewoman, eaya thia unit Is on of. the most active In the Twelfth rtiotrl' t. lt irran No. 21. has forty mem ter and as adopted two boys in the Irene Iiyron Hoapltal.

The unu is seaintina; ttie poat in tn our chae of rernanent home. liarrett Lnlt, No. which It very arnall. hm only twenty five members, but ail are active and the unit accomplishes much welfare work. The relief "work Is centered aroun'l the Irene Eyron Hospital at Kt.

Wayne The membera recently organized ft unit at Auburn, which la active In welfare work Ft. Wayne Unit. No. 47. bas fifty six members.

It pas not adopted a boy in any of the hoepltals because of the close proximity of the Irene Bymct Horpltal. which Is only nine mile out of Wayne. The unit has a regular visiting committee, the duty of which is to Keep In close touch with th management of the hospital, and supply the many small luxuries and necessities. Give Aid te Sick. 1 The Fifth district ha ten ctlv units thi year.

AU of the con tribute to the comfort and welfare of the ex ervlce men at the Hock vilJe Tubercular Sanatorium. Thli hoepltal ia so well cared for bv th various unlta In the dlntrlct that the welfare committee doe not Und It nceinary to call f.r outside help. However, th Oanville Post of the American legion recently presented the dihled aotdlere at riockvllle with a billiard table, which the Stat welfare committee repaired. The Clinton I'nit furnished a room In the new legion bom, and planted tree around the War Memorial Hon pltal. and GreencaMle hav both atarted membership drives.

Ta. Give Sllter Tea, Charters and O. of r. will be for th "silver" tea. to be given Thursday afternoon, between the hour of 3 and o'clock, at the homef Mr.

II. S. Leonard. The hoete committee Include, with Mr. Leonard, Mrs.

ill fa Johnaoa and COOKERY lly never triea. if ta wonder on get up on the am old din i luncheor Polly erved: Toavtiti ToeH US Poacbe i Kic Olery Crotuettes Crrta a Uue lea tHt.Lss rtKccirrrs. Tetuat Teaat Uith reached Cera. tFour roruota. ie cv fvl tomato.

h.f or.soe. t'ne tirp.wn nuueed greea ieper. t'ue lt tHttc. t's. t3 wMMi Hjur.

iinIourtlv tup ouxi'xxl sr rt fm. lour a toast, Cuok onions, pepper and areata in Add flour dissolved tittle wUr and ham. loaeh egg, me tomato mixture on each due of toat autl jut eg on 1051 A grating tf cfceeie is a nic a3ui ucn. i SUre sad Celeyy roeaettes. trour rwifonij rit riokd it tw 'urtH rut titKiy (ctel celery ifm M'tiwfwoi im ifim ie tou a ovon 4tt.

i er. tnln in butter f.r two atJ rhui eawce and celerv ilet thorv. tio eifr tnl.i lh rife witri siit and perper with a little cf U.e Ppread smoothly on a cmk cut into four criuettes. crush over with rm! iir es, roll in bread crumbs. Cock tn.

fju with or wllhout celery (arrea de Leve. Fu." I wimt I i rnrrm. v. ra. t4i.

cpoon butter. tk Si.cee. tr i f. C'ise tro Mx Melt butter, aid nlon and fry ly until ie brown; then aii crr mjir, cover a 1 eirr ier rently for thirty mtn a I it. rarvley aai cream, heat r.i terrs at

Mr. Mind Haves, of Clurttr 8. nA Mri. William K. Crairle.

Mra. A. McUonall and i Mrs. UcKlt mc. ci napter u.

Th proa ram will be zirtn by Mr. Jamee. JJ Clar ion, soprano: Mia Mildred Smith, pianist; Mrs. W. O.

reader; Betty Williams. violinist: miii Ufit wrijht. put; Mlti mri. monoioarulat. and little imam i raigie.

reader. Alumms Club Has Luncheon Party President day was observed by the Alpha Chi Omejra Alumnas Club today with a luncheon at the home of Mrs. E. Jenne and Mrs. Hobert TTolf.

Varicolored garden flowers were used oa: the tables, which were laid for forty Aesiatlnr th hotese wera Mr. Jw. E. Lancet. Mr.

C. E. Cot tin rh am and Miss Helen Morray. lollowlng the lnncheon. a buai neea aession.

waa held. Sir. Don U. Ksnon talk on the National Alpha Chi Omega convention ew officer installed were: Xra. Jenne.

president; Mr. Pernor Can. non. vice oresldent rm i ir Tobin, recording secretary: Mrs. John nm correepondlna; cra If' 0rr.i'L,,Hon tfeaiirer; Mrs.

Is.iav Wdd nr Btorlan. and ivuo voiweiu panneiienfc delegate A gronp of ongs wis sung by the sorority quartet, composed of Mr. Jatne M. Ogden. Mr.

Clau Best, Mr. Bridge and Mia Twaaettc Nutter, accompanied by Miss Henrietta Wood. Committer chairmen announced were; Mrs. Kenneth Davla. publicity; Mr.

T. M. Rybnt. program; Mr, ieorge Clark, tele phone, and Mrs. Albert Keep.

Tiit IDC. Miss Mary Ann Cross, of Roach dale, waa among the am eat. She is the houae auest or Mrv Vori Tobin. Service Star Legion Benefit Card Party The June and September' com mittees for relief, of the IlamUton Derry Chapter, Service Star Le gion, will join in girinj a bene fit card party September 28 at the Woman's Department Club. Arrangements will be made for fifty Ubles.

Herman Munk Is chairman of me September committee, satiated by Mrs. Fthel Ttathert, Mr. II. IL Hadley, Mrs. S.

K. Ruick. Mr Oeoree Warmouth, Mr. Harry Verier, Mrs. Alexander fttewsrt, Mr.

W. W. Wlnalow and Mr. T. IL Richardson.

The June committee with mm. jienry coerper, chairman, con aiats of Mra. Will H. Brown, Mr. V'.

Horn. Mm. O. Watklna. lira Walter Hubbard.

Mr. Leroy Mans flld. Mr. James V. Hturgla, Mrs.

Nclle p. Mr: U. S. Lesh and fr. D.

M. Varry. W.C.T.U.Ndtes Meridian W. T. U.

will hold a bualneae meeting in the parlors of the Kle tcher American Bank. Wednesday, September It, at 1 p. m. A full attendance is All local publicity superintendent are requeated to mail their publicity to Mr. Lula Jordan, county publicity superintendent, not later than Wednesday of next, IrTington Union will hold tt regular meeting Wednesday afternoor at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs Myra IMaa, 41 North Irvlngton ave.

nue. 1 Election of of ficer will be held. Mr. Luis 'Jordan. S0 Caft Raymond street, will be th hostess fr the Mary Balch Union at an all day meeting at IS o'clock Tueaday mornlrg.

Election of officer will held. 1 Edgewood Longacra Union will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 clclc. at the hom of Mr. Molll Terklnn. Election of officer will held nd delegate to th stat convention will be appointed.

Guernsey Short Mr. and Mr. Chrle V. Khort en. tertalrj Thuraday evtntng, announcing; tb engagement of their daughter.

Dorothy Edith, to burn Guernsey, Th ocaaion wa also ia celtbration of tha birthday anniversary of Short. Th room war decorated with flowery carryina cut a color chm of pink and white Th ice wr decorated with pink flower. In which were concealed th engagement n. houncemcEta Tblrty It goeat wer entertained. A delightful mu alcal program wa during the evening.

Committees Are Selected Irs Cuslness Women's Club Miaa Lojis A. Ro. chairman of th buaineas women' flepartraent of the "Woman' Department Oob, th flrt meeting of which for th clob year will held at tb dnbbou. Thursday, October ha announced tha, following committees for the coming yer: Pror am Hits Idors STeIer. rhatr rn Jiary Fenier ocha iX el.

tVarl lioowny, I "vara er. laabeia Xru and rao Hotirr. I.cvv;jt3e lai M. Hotmea. fhau rwaa: Alt a Cvjir.

Nettl rmhenrv. Joeerlire T' oV. A1l Haebf. Piy y. oarie.

rm Jane Fow. Alsce istaruey. Iwrotisy h. iirt. Atfei oa.

A. It. MrDonald. Vra. C' aee UlTJor.

Wra. Catherice presion, Mr. Lar Ji. Ureea and Mr. Cvt: wirkie nure.

chair nun: Kin Iuioe Cot Anrey ienmeen. F.wia beti li Ifa er et.l Mrs. iJlIisn Hmon. KcerarO Mi S4ric Hnef tIKl. rOairwaw: Litt lrryd.

Hanrufi wearicr r. r.aaabeth Batoey. ran" v. Paine, ra Ma u1e are. AM'e ta Ryno 4 and Mrs.

SiePa Caiman. tou ranren ltrl. chairman: OLxa I1. K'nttia Jne Hose. Ada iieorr.

Ana MorcH. liaity a. K. ueum. Mrs Ia art B.

n. vn. AvSeoa ard rs. Eer Da''" rl HfUia. Ma bla M.

AmVrvon. rhatrtnan: lm atetnan. TTma A. 1. Marl a a I Wi.ltf.

tV. B. Kart. Cier iiurt ie. Era ia.

mint Ahna Ikwwji t.orr Un. Mr ry. MlVI E. Mrs, Pearl Far fxi Mrs. 'tH Majc Ary.

Vrti G' a A nrtrraon. T'ria Ai. wr. Katkr.e hwt rtna t'viefj ywx. Mhm r.

n. i.ucy 'wt. a tk.p Winirr.i lijwi and Ir t. YCr aM 1ra M. trkftl.

i fximus; Marrret E. HanW. 1 Xm.t. SwuH M. i rp n.

A. Wiin. EW api nc r. Arwu ioi! r. Ooaoe.

Kane Tu Jor ar 1 Adah O. Frost. Lcfie atj ntlahet! rv TtQ ha Lrula Gryo. Anrf'wV be fa roe C. Kerfith.

Mme D. a Ka' ie McNeil. i tee Sa 5urt. sairtnaa; Kk'f Pw klt Pttl Miae Et Storcti, Tr inn. Kaeruti ys Coaro ed of the rt trtT T.t.

X. Rm, chair Nrv Kayee no rtntnnan 'ucy 0hom. anrer Franoe Eey. eecreiary: Anwba ltcmr. it I on.

Jor a I nfaa and Jc. L. fctooe Hamaoa. The advteory board, which ia made up of former chairman of the department, lEciuiea. Mias Lena Jfeehan.


Here are six more pictures of durimj the Indiana tat fair under the direction of the child hysriene division of the state board of health la' co operation with the Indiana board of agriculture and The Indianapolis News. Charlotte R. Lamber son, of Strauffhn, with a score. of class of twenty four to thirty six months old, and also in Henry county. Wilbur Witte, of Lawrence, was the highest scoring' boy in'the rural division in his class of taventy our to thirty sir months.

His score was Si33.671S3 points. In the twelve to twenty four months class in the rural division Donald Caw rill, Greeneastle, the highest scorinff baby with 003.806S3 points." Virginia Louise Kigsbee, of Vrlington, Rush county, was the highest scoring girl baby in her class of twelve to twenty four months in rural division. Her score showed 993.14373 points. 1 Patricia Ann Sentney, Indianapolis, is the highest scoring baby in her class of from twelve to four months in the city division, with a score of 933.7875 points. William.

Duncan Keough, In i anapolis, is the winner in his class of twelve to twe'nty four months in the city division, with a score tJf RANKS OF DEBUTANTES ARE BEING FORMED RAPIDLY IN WASHINGTON (Special to The Indianapo'ia Kewal ASIIINGTON'. September 13. The ranks of the debutantes for the season 1924 25 arc rapidly taking form. The croup will make a formidable showing" and will be representative of the 11 army and navy, concessional, circles. The flrat bud of Thankaclvin; day will be Jklisa Katherino Dunlop.

whose parent. Mr. and Mr. Thomas O. Dunlop.

will present her at a tea In their home in Chevy Chase. Miss Dunlop will then continue her studies at Vaaear, On her return for th Christmas holiday, her parents will give a dance In ber honor. Captain and Mr. Ridley McLean will present tnelr daughter, ill Beatrice McLean, at an afternoon tea in th course of tha Thankag lv ine holiday. Another Interesting sub deb I Mis Elisabeth Sutherland.

ter of former Senator nn4 Mr. Howard Sutherland, of Virginia, who will be presented to society early In the season. Ktll! another debutant of. this season who also flans to return to college, is Mia Pecffy AVest. daugh ter 01 iirs.

William II. Welt Jier coming out party will be November 2J. and like the others who ar planning to continue their Atudies, many parties will be given for her during the Chriatma holiday. Carolyn Chamberlain. iaush ter.of Major General and Mr.

John L. Chamberlain, will be vresented in th course ef th Thanksgiving period. Among others who will introduced are: Miss Lelitta Daw. on. daughter of lire, phiuine so yes; Mins Anne Covington, daughter of Mr.

and Mr. J. Henry Cot. inpton. and Mies Louie Clayton, daughter of Dr.

and Mra Thomas Clayton. Few rsaat Recevtieaa. Few parents this season are planning formal receptions for their debutante daughters, afternoon teas followed by dancing beintr the most popular form of presentation parties. Th first entertainment of any kind In the White House since early summer wa given this week, when the President and Sir. Coolidge en.

tertalned at a in honor of Senorita 0neha Oranell and Senorita Leonor Oranello. popular daughter of. th tiuatemalan president. who. "are If'ieMs of Arthur H.

Oeisaler, United frtates minister to that country, and of Mrs. tielsler. They are accompanied on their visit by their uncle. inr Victor Morale. The reception In the Whft House tok place In the Blue room, and after Mr.

and Mrs. Gcisaler prent their Kueata. tea wa served 1 the Ked rom. Jlra. Colidjce received Informally this week the ladle of tha cabinet, who ar In town.

The Women's National Press Club held Its firet weekly Itmrheon of the season Monday. Irofesior David Todd, former dean of atronomy at Amherst College, who has been In Washington spending mush time at the Naval Observatory th stody of Mare, waa the pueet ef honor and the speaker. Wllfevrs im aaiaarieau Mr. Curtis Wilbur, wife of the secretary of th navy, accompanied by het son Donald end daughter Edna, returned to Washington from New Hampshire jajr. The Secretary and Mr.

Wilbur will move November 1 from the home of Major GeneraJ and Mrs. John le Chamberlain, which they leased for a few months. aio ThoIr r.ames. Whit .1 1 1 JS virgixia Louisn RiGsnnn. 'WILBUR WITTE.

prize winnlnr babies in 'the Better' 933.83 points was the highest scoring diplomatic and prominent resident House aid, ha left Washington for Ft. r.iley, to take the field of. fleers' course at th cavalry school. Major Barn served aa Whit House aid under three Presidents, having heen detailed a aid under former President Wilson. In addition to hi duties at th Whit House.

Major Barnes served on the war department general etaff and with th historical section of th army war college. Rear.Admlral and Mr. Cary T. Grayson and their cnlldren. who hav been spending th summer On Lonsr ieland, will return to Washington September 21.

Dr. and Mrs. Wiiliam Bowie left her thi week for two and on half months' visit In Kurop. Colonel and Mrs. T.

Q. DonaMoa hav arrived In Waahlnrton alter a motor trip through North and South Carolina. They will upend a week at their home in Sheridan Circle befor leaving for Colonel Donaldeon' new post at Ft. Mcintosh. Laredo, Te.

Kear Admiral and Mrs. Thomas J. Cowie bava returned to Washing, ton from their aummer hom in New York Dr. L. S.

Howe, director general of the Pan American I'nlon. haa also returned after conducting a round table conference of Latin American relations at th Institute of Politics, Wiliiamstown. Mass. J. Walter Drake, assitant secretary of commerce, snd Mrs.

J. Walter Drake returned from their home in Detroit the latter part of tMs week following" a crun on th Great Lake. They will be joined ahortly by their two daughters. Roali and Barbara, now visitLag In Philadelphia. Th director of th ConeulJr serv.

Ice. Wilbur J. Carr. hav returned here from Ienov. He will he joined later 5In.

Carr and Iter mother, Mrs. Lara Koon. PotUls SlLnUter'a DUaeV. Tb Toliah minister, Dr. Wrotlew.

ski, entertained a company Informally at dinner this week in honor of Jule Henry, of the French embassy staff, who if as been decorated wita th medal honor of the Polonla Restutla. Mrs. Thoma F. Walsh and 3rra. John Allan Dougherty, arrived In Washington this week after a five montraf visit to KuroM.

The char d'affaires of Rrassl. finu Leao Gracie. entertained membera of the emi amy etaff at dlnrr in celebration of the Indo pedenc day of BraiiL The commercial eecretarv 'of the British embaesy and Mrs. liric Bat. tn have returned to their home In Bancroft place followirp month's motor trip through Pennsylvania, New England and Canada.

Mrs. Frederick Dnt Grant has returned to We.hlnsrtn. after epnd Irg some tl?" In California wit nn mnii dauzitr iri Uw, Mi snd Mra. TJlve H. Grent lit.

Mrs. Grnt bas been wlh dausrhir. prtneeas Speraneky Cantacutene. who arrived here from her tome in Florida. Joseph Grew, undersecretary of state, and Mr.

Grew will retnrn tha national capital next week and reopen their home, Beauvolr. Ftear Admiral and Mr. Jor Eirauss have returned from Wiiiiamstown. where they attended la of for a he th of a the H. are Mr.

and ton STATE: FAIR CnAltLOTTE LAMBCR.SOX. to am. Si ft try DONALD CAWCILL, Babies Contest held week baby in the rural division in her stltut of rolltlcs. t'Mis Helen Strauss will not come to Washington until October. Mntlcetla Fund Beaeflt.

Keit month Mrs. Mlnegerode 'An. tfrews will lend her home In Sixteenth street for exhibition of family trees and genealogical charts, coats of arms, old portraits. Jewelry, stiver, shawls, documents, newspapers, samplers and othr needlework, shown for th benefit the fund in the Interest of the purchase of Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. The exhibition will include a collection of Mrs.

Andrews' silhouettes of famous reople. John W. Weeks, secretary of wsr, returned to Washington Monday after a visit to New York, where welcomed th round the world flyers. Sunday afternoon Secretary Weeka waa a nest at 1'incfteon given by Mrs. Henry P.

Davison. Others, ia th company Included llear Admlral Charlea P. Plurakstt and hi ataff, Ma3r Ge.nral F.onert Lee Bullard and hl staff and. Hep reentatlve Robert L. Bacon.

Th ranks of the diplomatic corp are rapidly growing with the return of many from The minister Uruguay and i enra Varela closed their cottage at lle hobeth, DeL, thts week end re turned here for th winter. The minister of Denmark, Constsntln Brun, who has been at. Bar Harbor. the summer, will return to Washington late this month. The counselor of the British em baaey, lienrv O.

Chilton, has recently returned to his home In it street after, epemilnir the summer with Mrs. Ciitlton in Hr eland. The counselor of the German, embassy. Dr. Karl von Lewtnski.

arrived In New York from Lurope this week and came directly to Wash Ington. Prau von Lewlnskl and their daughter, Fraulin von Iewin skl. wiil not return here until September Jseraal Retaralas. The of the diplomatic corps and Mm." Juaserand. who have spent the summer at hom In Trance, will sail for this country la few weeks.

1 Lewis, interstate commerce commissioner and formerly cf Indianapolis, has returned to Washington from th Pacific coaof, whre held hearings for rSx weeks. Mrs. Lewln," who accompanied the com mlssO'mer an1 stopped over in Indianapolis on the return journey, returned here toy with th chllJren. Stanton J. 1'eelle.

former chlf Justice of the United f'ates court of clalme, and Mrs. Peeiie have returned tror.x Mich. incn Lyon and Mrs. Lyon, for. meriy cf Indianapolis, wjth their son Richard.

after apenirsr a few week at i' ikmac Inland. Michigan, have hen iolned by their daughter. Miss Plor yon. and ar no at AMantic City. 'before rturnlnsr to fr home in Washington.

Robert La n' rv former secretary state, aid Mra. Lanelng, who is former Uransville (Ind.i woman, have it the!" rJats at their eun borne. HenJ 'son Harbor. N. Mrs.

John W. Davi. wif of Democratt date, and her Mrs. Phil Watson, of TndSanapoH. T.lrs.

ard Mrs. Wateon went from Ltock brilir. where they were guests Kundav of former Under tary cf fate and Mrs. Norman Davi. at Onoooue.

Dr. and Mr. Harvey W. Wiley entertaining a hou partv at their home. Graeaiand, near Blue mont.

V. Ariong their puests) are and Mr. C.ab Ftevews and Dr. Mrs. James Rrown.

Mr. and Mrs. Iferbert Ilyman recently ral through Washtngr on their way to Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.

Ehlrp, formerly Indianapoli. after spending a week la New Tork on return fmm m. tlx weeks honeymoon In Euro? arrived In Wash STATE FEDERATIO! I OF CLU Opens Year at Mrs. Wccd ym'a tHy Saa SleWhlrter ctrt HE WOMAN'S CLUD, cf t. ul tl ir: meeting next Saturday tftcrr.o tn'kt U.ts'h: r.f llt Voo'db arn wheti.the rarer of tho day.

er.t;t!cd "Tcr: be read by Mrs. K. P. Williamt. club has cr.Iy its quota of money to the Oil Fatar.tleroy IT erne fund cf Federation cf Clubs and to tha fcr.l cf this eration but iu addition has contributed and another Z0 to the upkeep cf the Hospital, which home is owned by Eloomington.

Although the club helps in. civic ar.i prises and raises raoney or such purposes by rr.ts holdirj cf rummage the. pre entirely to cultural pursuits. Members ar asligned to aubjects and either make a talk or read a paper and tha programs for tuest day usually ar lectures by professor In Indiana University. Among: th members of the TVora an'a Club are 2 Ir.

Charles J. Scm bowtr, member of the Authors Club, anJ Misa Aanes Wells, dean of women of Indiana University, both of Ihont are, listed In "Who' Vho in also," Mr. T. J. Louden, president of th Indiana Council of Women; Mrs.

J. K. Beck, ex presl dent of th Indiana W. C. T.

Mrs. jSacford Teter, first woman trustee of Indiana University, and Mrs. Guldo IL StempeU corresponding secretary of th Indiana Federal ion 1 of Club. The membershlo is Iim Itea 10 lorty ana is inviuuonii. uo officers this year are: President, Mrs.

IV. E. Jenkins: fsrtt vice president. Mr. William Burrows; eecond vice prealdent, Mrs.

IL Ij.mith; secretary. Mrs. Jledwijt Leser; treasurer, Mra. A. Y.

Kuereteinerj edera Uon eecretary, Mrs. 11. K. Kamaey: progTara committee, Mrs. T.

C. Karsell, Mr. T. J. Luden and Mia T.ydia Woodbrldpe; membership, Mr.

R. E. Lyons. Mrs. W.

Itawle and Mr. W. N. Culmer. An enthuslaftlc all day meetint: of the Marlon AVoman's Department Club was held Tuesday when, plans were 'completed for the, season a prog ramand ix new member were received The Current Club, of yappanee, held it first meeting of the year last Monday at.

the summer home of Mrs. Frank Coppes, Pickwick Tark. Lake Wawaee. After a buffet luncheon served by the th program was which in cluded a W' or Th tudy of Nature and ulrd. read ty xirs.

James Tilman, end a rarer entitled "The Current Club Gossip." whirh wav read by Mrs. J. Stelnebach. The Book Lovers' Club, of Darlington, observed president's dvat the cf the new president, Iva Custer, September 10. whn membera responded to roll call by answering: the question, "What Po I Gain From Club After Kreetlngs by the president, the constitution and by laws of the club wer readby" the secretary.1 Mra.

Nell Peacock, and routine business was transacted. At Fanntleroy IJswt. September SO th sixth annual meeting of the Dauchters of Minerva, will be held at th old Fawnt leroy home, at New Harmony, which Prc uptial Party Ona parties of the pretty prcr.urtial in lienor, cf Ilisa Louise Ilumston afternoon was a tridG this given by 'is Ward. The bridal pink and orchid, were attractively carried out in the appointments. A feature of th afternoon was an apron and handkerchief shower, the gift being suspended from a clothes lin stretched across the dining room, Th guests included Rllsabeth FUher, Carpenter, Mlas Mary pleener, Marie Fild, Mrs.

Robert Mra. Henry Morran, Miss Ho'iita Cox Mia lone iilnsham and Mrs. Hoy banks. The hostess wivb. listed by her mothrr.

Mrs. John 11. Ward, Mrs. Krank Heeler llumslon, ani llrs. Harry Lister.

TO DISCUSS METHODS OF out the vote Directors ladlaaa Leaa Wemea Vters Held All Day Jleetins ITiarsday. Method being used by lo al leag ues of women voters in their efforts to brlnr out. a reccr vote! at th election, vvili la the chief discussion at C.s all day of the board cf directors of the Indiana League of Women Voter at Ink Arms hotel. Mrs. Walter S.

Gceenou state chairman of th sct out tha vote campaign, will outline the functions of the committees appointed list week, end will tell what is fcelnsr done by the state organization. trlct chairmen wilt report on the. prcres of th campaign in their districts, and a "Joint statement cf Co operation of the Repubijc in aai Democratic Tartles and the Leasue Women Voteis" vcill be read. The statement, which appears In a current number of t.te Women Voter, the league's monthly bulletin, is signed by Mrs. lriora Chi Fiynn, vic chalrraan cf Iemocrvi.T state committee; Mr.

Vivian Wheatcraf vice chairman 1 1 the Republican atate committee, and Mr. Creeno'jgh. A letter from Miss Anne liarns, pres secretary for tv i Iea'je of Voters, coromendinj; a sloran which Is L'. Incr used by the Id leane, end wbicli was written by Miss Iauline Holme, of Indianapolis, also will be read For Recent Bride Mrs. IL E.

Eirdaelt entertained with a miscellaneous shower Fri liy evening in honor, of Mra. Gordon who was Miss Jessie Erown, of Lafayette, before, her recert mar riase. A blue and sroldi color echeme waa carried out in the deer ration. The truest incHd Minnie Ff.ley. Jlr.

ITakel Tn nt llnson, Mra. Louj Wcrley, Mrs. Walter IUkets, Urn. Fred per.

Urn. S. J. Dnffner. iilss Ji 'na Kline Dorothy Overly, Marie Ksgert.

Mie Aim M' Mi Catherine Lanr and Mla Mid ileton, iff, Jane Iferton this week, and are row eisatliabed at their home In Chevy Ilobert Tracy, formerly cf Indianapolis, and now of Philadelphia. pent he week In Washington witri Mra Tracy, who baa been resting at sanatorium. They havo returned to HhiiadelpMa. Mra Mable Gant Murphy ret'irned here last week from IriMarpolss after a three weeks vfit with her rarenta. f'n waa accompanied to Washlnston by her Mra.

William G. F.rr.ith, who Ister was joined by tier husband. Mr. ar1 Mr. ErnliJj hav left for lUnslon, N.

C. 1 ral i nurse ut 2 the Lc .1 Council c.n ci grams ct th.3 trs recently 11 11 bee ty tl i In i cf Glut to i preserv fi fer Its Mtcricat vl iti pr ram for th: will honor ji Mary 'on, CHarlott Daren an heatoicft. as each ya.r eral tnember cf th ririnal Club, frsranl2ed it Mi.i, are f. arsi skt hes of 'their lives ani work Kiven at this annual frti At this time X'liss Marr 1'aunt. my is pi esi.iet of a.

Minerva. Mr. Arnle Mu'er son Fecrrtary. Mrs. Katharine ler Hirter.

of Lcis Ar s. club's cjAiejri to rece nial conyerttlon cf the I'. eration" cf Womcn fcH in Lo Anclea. The i.T.ckvill Club puMinhed its r.ew calendar, w' outlinesia prcram of Thft riry tiur.f ior I ft com nsr vnt officer are: iert. MnntfTlf TV: Vico.rrei;.

dent, j'. n. vrilrr 'Mrs. 1. A.

I'ickard. an. tr tirer, Mrv. J. s.

McFaddin. Tfi.M.' ar thirty four active members. i The i eyroour Tuesday Clnij Published a handsome new book printed on heavv Paper and bound In brown stiff paver bearing the c'tib pram and date In col l. The Is tied with brown silk cord. Tr officers are: Iresident.

Ar A. first vice president, y.y Harriett; Montgomery; cnd presiden.t, Mrs. Mil1red cordlnsr secretary. Mrs. Mary l'. eecretarr, Mrs. Conner; i treasurer. Miss Mvrt'c Bennett; proeran commitlec, rrrs Rva Pre it, Mrs. 2o W. Carter Mr.

Vyz Resiner. The peneral ject for: rtudy this year is "Out Changing; Literature." Tha rew officers cf the Frbfiy Ptudy Ciub, of Vedersbnrfr. ar I resident. Mrs. ITattle IT.

Overfiel vice president. Mrs. Minnie n. bam: record in? ecretar'yKMrs. Oi S.

corr on i ssecreirv Mrs. M. treanin Mrs, vhs Reed, ani parli' en? ir lan. Jlr. HV F.

Phillips. Thi vr the pursue a course i study. Wavtland' C1.H Tear The sftth year' rf the 1 3 Derartnent Ciu't a very complete The officers Mrs. C. A.

vice president, Mrs. M. G' rr ley: fTri if (., Is nj reenrrims: r''. i r.

1. rtr secretary, Mrv. Thnnias A financial secretary, Mi Speticeri treasurer, Jfre. torH. Mrs.

eon, 'lorence Cowan! ert i T11 'r. Me. ani nents sr: e. I ef i r. AT l'erre.

.1 rt i er 1 1 i'un seven circief its nwn 1 Cscsr rute rU re prei of ih 1 r. 1 eaerati jn ft Club, ha l'rr the I tr of (r rf the Mate FM.rMi. fr 1 rtur? lar. to confer f.bout arrare ementa for th" t' rrfv vent nf th rn '1 i The ArM Cluh. opened year'4 prf, 1 1 eve tn eerve.l I the Ci rf a rcc rt 1' i r.

r. ri i't: ai rrc rivn vp ir I Tf 1 i A I rn a Ti i. i mv. ft rrtin I' I J. i.

sr' l'i. an rr, 1 ok 1 i 'r. 51. Vji. Mrs.

c. ..1 iiisr K' M. ta rv. Trs. rt 1 ir'tuv, 1 rr v.e i if s.

p. t.ri sn r. rt a A rt ti i 1 Mrs. (ir. trs rt li I Ci e.l V.

1 5 Pe i 'tv, rf t'. I Clve La I 3' Mra. I 1 Ct 1 r. ti. st K.

1 i rt i rf I. at l.i 1 re 1 1 4 i.o i 1 we ftt 1 1 a r. 1 1 "re i 1 rt, Hi i. I 5 I 1 i. CI ti CO 4 are; vrlil stcry ":f.i.

rev 1 a 1:. D. Mr. 71. jj T.

1. tarv. Mi. Mra. J.

A. ec re I r. 1 rt i ien Ws; i G. W. 'r.

J. If 1 1 1 yram mi tee, All a ill. I'e. rl iiA iiey; r. tee.

Mary It. rr i rv 1 a 1 1 of rs. i dent. ri nH Yy the 0n ill rav i C. A.

1 i 1 the Meier, i next llrn. The Club, cf: take tt i J.Trn. i'i urer, Mrs. 1. leader.

y.rn. 1 be rer tb re ler I Wi ii 1 Co r. Jen til fctrow? an f. 1 11 1 vi Pr' 1 'res i en t'a 'tlr at tr, cou a i i a i rej I rv i I I 1 1 a i 1 5 J. i at i an ir.f urn atten 5" v.

r' 4ts 11. 'a 1 1 Ci 1... Hi rt.

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