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The Daily Herald from Chicago, Illinois • Page 5

The Daily Heraldi
Chicago, Illinois
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FRIDAY, APRIL 1928 Bishop Hughes to Speak Sunday Numerous querics have from those who are not Methodists as to what a Bishop of the church is? Some have asked is he like a bishop of the Catholic or Episcopal church? An officer who has a cerLain delimited area over which he presides? No. A bishop in the Methodist church general officer. There are hondreds of bishops in the epincopal Catholic churches, Their territories are not much larger than that district superintendent in the Methodist church. Bishop in the Methodist church reality a "General Superintendent. One of of forty men who form the goncrul supervisory body of all World Methodism.

The Chicago area offer which Bishop Ilughes is Bishop in eludes much more than Chicago or even the state of Illinois. In addition to the territory over which he presides, he is a member, of the Board of Bishops meets ADDISON STATE BANK ROBBED The Addison State Bank al Addison, was robbed by three youthful bandits at 2:15 o'clock on Wednesday, afternoon, revolvers, the forcing bandits, the cashier, E. G. Miesslor, who way alone, to give up a reported $1,600. The trio of bandits entered the bank and asked the cashier about subdivision possibilities in the vicinity of Addison.

Thus thrown off his guard, the cashier was suddenly confronted by three revolvers, with the demand for money. The cashior had his suspicions of the trio and had his hand upon his revolver. When ordered to raise his hands, gun fell to the floor. Mr. Micssler was or-! dered to open the door him and to bundit accompanied vault where $1600 was obtained.

the men were preparing to leave, Ed. Grause entered the bank on business. He was not molested and no attention was paid to him. The three escaped in a battered Ford touring car. They were 10- ported at to a have Bloomingdale mude a garage.

change of Operatic Star to Play Golf at Arlington Probably the greatest theatrical production I playing in Chicago today is the Desert Song at the Grent Northern theatre. The star appearing therein is Alexander P. Gray, who takes the title roll of The Red Shaddow, lie has it wonderful voice, which coupled with wonderful acting, is the principal reason why that show has born having such 14 long run in a city in which the big revues usually are the only popular showst. Mr. Gray is al fret brother and was a classmate of (icorge Schneberger at Evanston.

Thry have kept more 01' less in touch with ench other since Gray has born on the stage. Mr. Gray will be guest Sunday, April 15, comung to renew his friendship of school dayand to play EL little golf. Easter, Sunday morning tho St. Peter's Sunday school inert at.

9 o'clock. The beginners class will muct Saturday at 4 o'clock Iti the school hall for rehearsal for Sunday morning's program. Mrs. Arthur MoElhose and Miss Esther Militzer teachers. I I I semi-annually to lay plans 'for world wide Methodism.

The Episcopacy in the Methodist church is not a higher order of clergy, it is merely an office to which man, who shown cerlain talents and capabilities who has served his church well, is elected. There is 130 claim made by the Methodists as there is by the Roman Catholica, Greek Catholics and Episcopalcans of what is termed succession" for the Methodist dispite the title given these officials is a democratic church. Those who wish personal informalion about Bishop Hughes, should see Mrs. S. M.

Brown, mothof Mrs. Noyes, who is a life long friend of the Bishop and his family. his Mrs. first Noye4 hoard the Bishop preach sermons, and entertained him in her home often during the years preceding his election to the Episcopacy. Douglas Fairbanks A1 the Arlington Theatre Next Week In Douglas Fairbanks' new piclure, Douglas Fairbanks as The Gaucho, at the Arlington theatre, Monday and Tuesday, March 9 and 10, he has the most dashing part he ever played.

A gaucho is a picturesque nineteenth century charactor little known to the states, and apparently destined to attract more than ordinary attention there A9 well a4 in South America. The scenes of Doug's plays have been veering southward; France, England, Arabia, Spain, the Antiles -and now the Pampas. The story has no definite locality but is laid in the Pampas regions at large, making no pretense at historical accuracy, but using the picturesque environment as a background for 10mance. Many yours ago "The Million Dollar Mystery," a picturization of larold McGrath's well-known novel, was made by the old Thanhouser Corporation in serial form. Recontly Rayart Pictures Corporation acquired the rights to the novel and remade it as feature.

It will be shown at the Arlington Theatre next Wednesday, April 11, and from reports received from different sections ol the country we strongly advise local theatregoors not to overlook this thrilbng production. Mr. M. A. Michaeison Has Given Service The name of Mr.

M. A. Michaelson, candidate for re-nomination as congressman will be found upon the Republican primary ballot next Tuesday. Mr. Michaelson in the opinion of this paper is a man who should recrive the support of oll thinking voters.

The fact that there are if any banInors bearing the name of Michaelson throughout this community is all the more reason that he should be remembered on primary day. He has no big campaign fund in back tot him. We could say a lot about his service and ability, but our readers are probably too busy to road lengthy campaign articles. We I will only say that he is a man who has the courage to represent the people. 1L is noted that King George, in solreting a job for the Prince of Wales, assigned him to the navy instead of the calvary.

SERVICE AND COURTESY Elect John W. Jaranowski County Recorder TOHN W. JARANOWSKI, is Mayor of met City and also County Commissioner. He has had a wonderful record as a successful business man in the County of Cook and has arisen from a hard working boy to a successful business man and public official. Because of his many real estate operations, he is particularly familiar with the service and tesy that should go to the small home owner, I Nominate Him April 10, 1928 Elect Him November 6, 1928 POLLUTION OF DES PLAINES TO BE HALTED 0 a a 1 FINAL SERVICE OF DEDICATION EASTER SUNDAY The dedicatory service of the new Methodist Sanctuary wilt take place Sunday afternoon, when Bishop Hughes will preach the dedicatory sermon.

The service la scheduled for three o'clock. This town should consider itsoit fortunate to have the opportunity to hoar the Bishop who, out of his bury life, has made an opportunity to come hore. Scotts of. requests have come to him for services on Easter Sunday, The vested choir will sing "Tri. umphant Strains by Chipman.

In the morning at the East. er service will be conducted by the pastor. The processional will be TO Day of Rest and Gladness." Mr. Frank MeBride will sing solo and the vested choir will rondor fos. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Or Barrington, Illinois Cordially Invites You and Your Friends to a Free Lecture on Christian Science By Salem Andrew Hort, C.

S. Cleveland, Ohio Member of the Board of Loc. tureship of the Mother Church The First Church of Christ, Seientist, in Boston, Muss. In the Church Edifice East Main Street Tuesday evening, April 10 1928 At 8:16 o'clock DR. J.

H. RENNER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Palatine, Illinois OFFICE HOURS: Morninga, 8-10; Evenings, 1-0: Holiday Mornings, 9.11. No Hours Thursday, June- Nov. 30 DR. W.

P. SCHIRDING Glasses Properly Fitted SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Resilence Olive Hours: 8 P. to 11:30 A. M. 7 by uppointment Phone 00-J Palatine, Illinois Chienzo Ollice: Capitol State and Randolph DR.

W. F. McLAUGHLIN DENTIST Palatine Hospital Building OFFICE HOURS: Algonquin Tuesday and Thursday Aftermons Palatina Except Tuesdays nard Thursdays DR. WM. R.

CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Polatine, Illinois OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 d. m. to 10:30) a. m. 7:00 p.

m. to 8:00 p. 111. Sunday 9:00 to 11 4, m. Phones; Office, 7: Residence 30 Lawyers R.

L. PECK LAWYER Suite 1702. One Hundred West Monroe Street Building Telephone, Central 0631 Also P'alatine 06-J TELEPHONES: Palatine 10-W-1: State 1048 CHARLES HORGAN ATTORNEY AT LAW 1002 Ashland Block Cor. Clark and Randolph JOHN A. SENNE LAWYER With Critic.

Williams, 112 S. Adans Street. Chicago Evening Ofire at Home. Telephone, Palatine 1074 nere' "Ring. the Joy the Bells, Lord Christ Is Risen, Suits, la Risen fort to reuch that gowl.

limiting of Pastors Here, A number the neighboring Enthusiastic reports are coming from all who have seen the annetuary, a 04 to its simple churchly beauty. Dr. John Thompson, who preached lust Sunday states that of the more than one hundred Methodist churches in the Chicago districts, which he has helped dedicate, he is more plensed with this one than any of the others. Sunday Often preparatory were received into the church, splendid class of young people. Easter Sunday morning at six o'clock the Tri-Sigmas and the high school league will unite in a breakfust at the church.

Following this at seven o'clock, they will meet in the sanctuary for an carly Easter service. entire community, is welcome to attend which is hold in remembrunce of He who brought joy to the world that Easter morning so long ago. Tonight, Friday, anniversary of the death of Christ, the church will observe communion in the new sanctuary. A quiet intimute service is the order, with music furnished by a mixed quartette. Arlington Methodist church nut only has on unusual church cdifice and community house, but it has been dedicated in an unusual way.

The exercises have extended over a period of two weeks. The speakora have been men prominent in Methodism and the presence of Bishop next Sunday afternoon, is the crowning event of the dodieption ceremonies. Architects, and builders who have inspected the building are of the same opinion that the Methodist congregation of Arlington Heights its received more for their money in their church edifice than any other congregation that has crected 11 building in the last few ycars in the Chicugo area. While capense was cut a minimum, nothing was allowed to interfere with the acquirement of the "necessitics." The adoption of the New England style of architecture with the new England of worship, gives an impression of sacredness to that sanctuary that is an inspiration. The only cumpaign for additionat funds during the dedication services took place Sunday ufternoon when over $3,000 additional subscriptions were made.

The goal is Not ut of which the church board is within three thousand dollars. The total cost of the provement in $00,000, If the subscriptions reuch $40,000, there wilt be no interest charges upon the remaining $20,000. Naturally the finance committee in making an et- pastors were present Monday eyening, which was termed, "Fraternal Night." Tire congregation was pleased to welcome buck Rev. F. Luwlor, pastor of the local church over 20 years ago, and Rev.

Waltmeier, one of the recent pastors, The butter is now stationed Entice, while the former is at Au. tora. Other visiting pastory were Rev. Kossack, Presbytorian church, Rev. Buthman of Barrington and Rev.

Gage of Edison Park. The latter congregation, has recuntly completed wonderful New church and Rev. Buthman is raising Funts for 11 proposed now chureir builting in his towtt. furnished by the Prusbyterian choir. Easter Egg Hunt Sunday Afternoon 'The nununt Master Egg hunt under the auspices of the local V.

F. W. post of Arlington Ifcights will take place afternoon. 1t will be conducted tipon scale I much largor than last your. It is will be used.

This means 860 rumored that four CuRes of egg dozen or eggs will be hidden. The prize list is now said to be over 840 and more are coming in. 'The child who finds tho. golden CHA will receive something very much worth while. The arrunge menta are lying kept secret until the hour of 1:80 when the start will be marlo from the office the Arlington Ileights Herald, All children should be at the florald office urged promptly to come at with 1:30, their Parents chilare dren, but will not to allowed to participate, There will special place roped off for the Mull tota as last year.

This is un event for the young children who will really find enjoyment locating the eggs that the bunny mornrubbits are going that ing. The prizes should be SUCondary consideration. Baby Chicks Hatches Daily Write for our Sunny Croft Guide to surer poultry profits. Sunny Croft Hatchery Phone 5 Palatine, Illinois Arlington Heights Village Council Holds Regular Meeting Considering the big municipal improvements in the making, the Arlington Heights village board held a rather quiet meeting Monday evening when the only mattors coming before them were routine ntaure. All of the members were prosent and following the approval of the minutes the various committees gave their reporta.

The street drainage committec reported that following the request erty owners residing on Foundry Road, that thoroughfare had been scraped and graded, The attention of the same committee was brought to water that is standing upon Belmont and it agroed to investigate at once. The accompanying bills and payroll wore ordered paid. Billa and payroll March 15th Moyer, return 22.00! 31st, 1028: 8: Landmeier, return tlep. 22.00 Pub. Serv.

st. lights 448.20 Pub. Serv. traf. lights- 29.00 Pub.

Serv lamps .66 A. F. Wettorman, repairs 1.201 Piepenbrink, labor 68.00 J. D. Wehner, labor 5800 1.

Kurtz, drayage 1.00 Landmeier, 1.60 C. J. Kerber, labor a check 13.56 Becker labor 6.60 Arl. E. conl 36.81 Valvoline Oil oit 23.10 Mueller supplies 97.22 Arl.

Hts. Fire Dept, A. fire Kochler, No. 34 uniform 32.00 50.00 If. Kolling, supt.

w. W. 72.50 A. Dieball, night eng, 70.00| F. J.

Hinz, str. com. 70.00 Winkelmann, labor 28.50 H. Skoog, police 100.00 W. Heinemann, police 80.00 Mrs.

G. L. Parker, nurse 25.00 Northwest Band, 4th quarterly payment. Schugman El. Co, supplics 16.00 The clerk was also instructed to prepare for publication meeting copy of the trensurer's report in order that the see for themselves where the moncy comes from as well how expended.

The report for March, will be found below. It shows a deficiency of $367.57, which is much better condition than usual at this time of the year. The clerk was ordered to draw 0 voucher for $1400 in payment for three lots secured from W. Krause for the now and pumping station. This moncy bond will bu drawn from the special fund.

The following election officials were appointal: Judges: Freise, R. H. Boeger, Albert Russell; Clerks, Arthur Kehe, W. B. Niemeyer, Otto G.

Bolte. The board adjourned until 9th, when bids will be opened upon dump truck, a new well and other matters transacted. The receipts include two items totaling $136 for interest on village funds paid by the local banks. 14.0 4. a Receipta-4 People's State Bank 64.01 Arl.

Hts. State Bunk 72.03 Spec. No. 57 665.00 Spcc. No.

58 1100.00 Spec. No. G1 260.00 No. 65 250.00 No. 66 350.00 Spec.

75. 1000.00 Total Expenditures 75 warrants 2491.43 Feb. deficiency 2136,18 Condition Treasury April 1, deficiency 866,57 Spec. bond fund 4 199.00 Total deficioney 367.57 Heavy Vote In Wheeling Twp. With no opposition on the ticket, there was a surprisingly heavy vol in Wheeling township Tuesday.

The excitement was caused by an effort made to write in the names of two independent candidates, Mr. ticpenhrink for highway commissioner and Arthur Meyer for constable, Over 400 votus wore cast in an election in which the customary numbor with no opposition is barely more than a hundred. The approximate totals for the five precincts are: Nor highway commissioner: Ilorman Garms .505 Picpenbrink 55 For school trustee: John Schoenberk .526 For Constable: Carl Skook .435 Arthur J. Meyer 82 Large Vote Gratifying To the Township Voters My re-election as highway com. missioner and tire confidence of the voters as expressed at the polls Tuesday, in the laige vote they gave mo, is appreciated by mo, and want to thank all those who gave me their support and' vote.

Tum more determined than ever to make every dollar of road money briny the most possible results, I will appreciate any suggestions that may he made from time to time, relative to rondwork. Such interest in township affairs is a good omen for the future growth and welfare of the community. Respectfully, Herman Garms Highway Commissioner Wheeling Township Quiet Election in Elk Grove Twp. With 110. opposition township election day was 11 quiet one an the tow preincts in Elk Grove.

No, one mustered 16 votes, which were cast for the two candidates on the Peoples ticket; Wm. C. Wille, candidate for highway commissioner and Arthur W. Busse, candidate for school trustee. In precinet No.

the former reecived 45 votes and the latter 43 votes, making a total vote of 61 and' 60 respectively in the townchip, Three sanitary district trustees promised 250 members of the leak Walton league and Lions club 'of Des Plains that immediate steps would be taken to rid the Des Plaines river of sewage. It was predictod that within year the river will have been transformed from a sluggish, polluted stream into one of clear, swiftly flowing water. "Action Before November" "There is no doubt," Walter chairman bi the Izaak Walton league, told the board members "that the Des Plaines river at present is a menace to health and Cook county eyesore. We have ask ybu here to extract 3 definite statement from you on your inton. tions regarding immediate stopping; of the dumping of into this river." "We promise that we will use all our influence to arrange for the I sewage which is now dumped into! the river to be taken by means of an intercepting sewer to the north side sewage ticalment plant," responded Mr.

Crowe, speaking for the three trustees present. is certain that definite steps will be taken before the November clec tian." It was announced that the league, would ask that all bathing in the river be stopped until the sewage has been removed. Many children have been taken ill alter buthing in the river, it was said. Conditions Called Horrible "This project is something that affects the health of everyone in the Des Plaines river valley, said 'Mr. Kennicott.

"At present sowage wood Wheeling south to May- 1 from is dumped into the river and i in summer, conditions are horrible. In the Day's Work Tur. Mississippi River was rising sullenly, inundating wide areas of farm lands and making thousands homeless. I At one of the many towns al break came, spreading ruin through the streets. A government steamer rescued 900 refugees, but the four telephone operators refused to forsake their posts.

Friends warned them to leave at once. They decided to remain on duty, and the exchange was the only thing in town that continued to carry on. The world hears little of "the spirit of service" until times of cmergency and disaster. But behind the scenes this spirit is always present, and telephone users confidently rely upon the loyalty and devotion to duty, of men and women who make this service possible. Get the message 'Bell System employees.

ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy One System Universal Service TIE A GRAPHIC OUTLINES OF HISTORY By F. F. DANIELSEN THE FAMOUS ELM TREE ()ne year after William Penn laid out his "greene country towne," he made a treaty with the Indians under the large elm tree that is pictured above. This elm was known as "The elm of treaty fame." It was blown down in 1810, but the spot where it stood is now marked at the foot of Shackamaxon Philadelphia. The appreciation voiced by our patrons gives conclusive evidence of the character of our service.

F. Danielsen Funeral Director PHONE 273 PALATINE, ILL. indri HUMAN JUST FAIR Ilis Upright liccord Should Nominate CHARACTERFUL Senator JOHN DAILEY ATTORNEY GENERAL Senator Bailey's candidacy brings to light one of the really strong wen of the State now in public life, whose past shows special oualifications for the particular office Ire is For twenty-two scars he has served as a member of the Illinois General A4sembly; two years a4 a member of the Hot of Representatives and twenty years 20 a member of the Senate. As Chairman of Judiciary under four different Governors, Democratic as well as lirpublican, dealt with every phase of the social and economic life of this State. As an orator Senator Dailey has recognized as one of the greatest in the Middle Wret.

His superior legal ability has been recognized especially in the field of Constitutional Law. Ilis record of legislative action conclusively proves the fairness of his tude toward Chicago. His familiarity with these laws gives him unusual qualifications for the office of Attorney Gencral. ite has relied upon his record in public liCe as a antec of steadfast adherence to the pledge made by him to the voters to enforce thic law without fear or favor. NOMINATE SENATOR JOHN DAILEY Attorney General Primaries Tuesday, April 10th We want you to try KEL-KO the NEW 10 minute Paint and Varnish RemoverNOT Inflammable! For Woodwork, Automobiles, etc.

When you try it you'll prove why one KELKO is GUARANTEED! That is why, if you present can this ad, we'll give A. C. Zimmer Palatine, Illinois Wm. Busse Son Mt. Prospect, Ill.

1. 4 Ill. PA.

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