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Williamsport Sun-Gazette from Williamsport, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

EMAi- --s iri f- -f "i feVl AND BULLETIN, si rs: Hats Will Be Either Large or, Tiny, Says Mme. Georgette, Back JFrom Paris. Want, For Rent, For Sale r.s a VTJ? ae SUITS ARE TO HAVE DECIDED WAISTLINES cs payable in nl BED QUILT BARGAINS The present advance in the prices Bed Spreads would justify us in marking all quilts up instead df down, but you a of business and we are get rid of our stock. That's why we are quoting'such low prices. Here are our price reductions: Regular $1.00 Quilts Regular Sl.39 Quilts at SI.15 Regular $1.89 Quilts at Si.50 Regular $2.45 Quilts at And we a're offering still greater reductions on all of our satin quilts.

Just step in and ask to see them: You'll be- amazed. LOOK AT THIS-GINGHAMS The regular Bates Seersucker Ginghams, regular 12 1 quality. NOW lOe The well known Ginghams. wide, reg-- ular i5c qualify. NOW l2'.

2 And the Tissues. 32 inches wide, regular 25c quality, NOW The reputation established By the SHOPBELL STORE during its years of honest trading irrthis city is continued in this sale as in ordinary selling. Because we are going out of business and reducing every article to cost and below'does not mean that any extreme measures are being resorted to in order to The remainder of our stock wilt be sold "onltTmerits anhrtewest possible-prices and-riot uu MugU UemVl Bargains Zere 3efere In a losing Cu: aL Insoeciono: Cur Prices You'll find all kinds of bona fide money saving opportunities here. You'll find it economy to, stock up for the future at prices such as we are quoting. UNDERWEAR and Girls' part Wool Union- Suits, in Gray and White.

grade for Boy.s,' Heavy Natural Wool Union Suits, quality, si.tio 'Children's Fleeced and quality, Lots of Tulle in Gowns for ernoon, Evening and New York, i a.handsome* assortment of new gowns, new hats and veils. Mine. Georgette, buyer for a' leading Fifth firm, arrived in York yes- te-rday on board the Esp'agne, of Com- I i Generate i Mme. Georgette lias with her the latest Parisian designs and live news of the changing fashions. whole mood of the modes-forHhe season may be summed up in one sentence, as expressed by her.

MA IE HELP AVANTECX lor under former U. a Civil- gen i 3 ANrttetodBy. Patterson Ci-ii feft-yice School, Rochester. N. y.

to $500 per monTh i salary or commission, selling our rOils. Greases, Paints and other sTM cialUes Do not be satisfied- get our gggrb. oa WoVh8 WANTED--An enterprising yolHiK 10 or ca PKal. to han S4f business from your home at first -tUUze your spare time. Jnter- sales company, Erifljcott, Regular 18c quality, now 13r POPLTNS I Colored Poplins, regular 25c quality, now I A A A Regular 25c quality COTTON FOULARDS and Black and White, regular 25c quality, now, a pair 18r VOILES Colored Voiles.

40-in. wide, regular 25c, now, 18c PERCALES A full'line of new patterns, best makes of Percales, regular 2 quality, riow lOe per yard. Nothing Charged; Cash Only During ne Slower of Bargains Continues 7aII 7rom Garment department EOT A FEW ITEMS REMAIN-DID YOlJ GET YOURS? No store ever Gold'oUt before in-this section of the. courtry with more'ease than is" apparent in Ladies' garitent Because the valises offered nce the sale opened have Been genuine and at the same time the selling prices are below those sales similar to this one. WeTSWWSde-wr honest our eudaevors have been crowned with success because the us aid are tamihar.

business methods. COATS, SUITS, FURS, COATS, RAIN COATS, ItE PRESSES, CLOTH DRESSES, ETC, All Going Rapidly at Huge Reactions Rain Coats at One-Half Suits at One-Half SPECIAL- COATS--These make a bargain offer unequall- -ed- anywhere. The former selliifg far above. Your choice now at. just S1.98 CHILDREN'S MIDDIES -at 1 25C CHILDREN'S RAINCOATS at Sl.49 Sizes up to 16 years.

Coats at One-Half Fqtrs at One-Half CLOTH remaining. They are won'derful bargains a LINEN DUSTERS--While thia IG not dusty weather these dusters will come in very conveniently next simmer. Some have sold as high as $7 PRESENT PRICE' Articles Are Selling at Less Than HALF PRICE TABLE LINENS one knows abqut the merit of -Shopbell's Table Linens. We have been selling our linens rapidly, but there are An Old Reliable Dry Goods and Cloak Establishment In the wonderful array of money saving bargains offered at this final sale; some good offers remaining and K- -v 1 tlie 3 SHO? DRY GOODS the lucjfy purchaser. We have especial offers in Tatte Cloths and Napkins to Our prices are' away betbw ordinary sale Yoiu can save considerable by buy-linens for the future Embroidery.

35c yard. Sweaters, $1 np. and, $1.50 g-raOe. for 75c. We 'have some of those bleached.

Fleeced Union Suits for gi.ds,"SOc quality Children's Black Wool Pants, 75e auality "Childfeff's Slack Cottoa Pants, 50c and 25c quality, for 39c and left in other lines that are priced very low. A few AlKWool Vests, sizes 34, for-men, $1.50 quality to close CORSETS 59c iquality iil.OO '-quality $1.50 $2.00 quality $3.00 quality A broken lot of Nemos, $3.00 quality, to close out at $1.98 Brasieres, 50c CASH SALE Nothing Charged During This Big Sale. MORE BARGAINS Just Look Over This Partial List of Reductions. Pink, yellow, -light blu6 and Mara bqu-used for even- out at per yard. Colored Fancy Vests, used for fronts of dresses, were $7.50, $5.00 and $4.50, to close them put at $1.50.

Colored Velvet Ribbons, in width Yt to 3 inches, in all shades, at a great Dress braids in colors, Were $4.50 $1.50 and per yard, now 50p, per yard. Mand Mirrors, in Ebony, Mahogany, Oak and Walnut, and beveled edge glass, at, a big reduction. 12-Button Silk Gloves, Mn White, Tan-; 75e- grade, for 16-Button Silk Gloves. Black, White arid Tan; grade for $1.25 grade for $1. Grey, Tan and Black' Mocha Gloves.

$1.25 grade, for Georgette-tapped a small I creation of the milliner's It was about the' shape ot an -inverted plum pudding and not much larger. jfdr It allowed only room enough for I her hair. Withal, it is very attrac- live and sat serenely without a maze hatpins to-hold -It on. Mme. Georgette was in Paris about -Boy sixteen yeara ot-aiS or over to learn the trade of man.

Apply Gazette-and Bullet in 7 office after 7 o'clock p. m. janfl WANTED--Good horseshoer and pen- eral blacksmith, at once. Apply 31etzger, 230 East Fourth costuming situation. "In tine ot" the she said.

will be lota of tulle for and every day ar. i ain bringina: With me one. whidi is of taffeta is a perfect gem ity. it 'is of half panier effect, caught ow tiny bows of the same taffeta, trj be for afternoon wear or for i dinner. lie day or night.

K. FEMALE A Canvassers; itnnec-essary; good proposition. Call Pine street. Room i. WANTED.

aro caught in same bands of gold so tha't Mr. niakPs sort of brocade over hips. WAXTED--1000 (jets of teeth, a I. Wilson, 328 a veive; coliar. embroidered i gold.

It will bp used for informal i bridge parties arid i RENT. dressy enough in material for in! -formal wear. VOR KENT--The Suits Have ns Xo William than now. and just a trifle longer. will 1 Qni -ferfui-hats-anrt-1-iute.

high lurbaus. of the little ones are just as popular as tlie big flat sailors. There will be extremes aud one-is 'just as popular as the other. "I have brought lots of veils--an extraordinary collection of face veils iThey are made with a new. mesih! Some of them nave" a round Tjje.jonn Fuii eLt nn fn nm, near Newberrc about no acres.

Thos '11. Hammond' 51 West Third street. jan'0--t jFOR and second floor 42-44 West WUlow street. See U. Cole.

ElUot Block. febl9-tf now occupied by in Hart Bldg. tuesfri-tf FOR RENT--Store room No. 13 West FourUi street. Apply Sclioll Litho- To Prevent The Grip i rl 0 cause Grip -Laxative Bromo graphing, Companv Quinine removes the -cause.

There is only one "Bromo Quinine." GROVE'S signature on box. 25c. FOR SALE. 16-ButtoTTBlack Silk Gloves, White Embroidered, 1.00 grade for FOR-VLE--Pine kindling MAY CLOSE DEAL TODAY wood from dismantled freight The deal'for propertv per 128 cub feet loaded tne on arg Alro pjne closed to- er 5 he air Geurg? W. di.y.

Jersey Shore Junction. Bridge and Railroad streets. Phone 8-2. PUBLIC SALE OF A Estate of Lydia De-I POR SALE--115 acre farm Piatt town- 1-. Ceased.

thip. in excellent" condition. Good By virtue of the power contained in! ''Wildings. SO acres wood? Never ilie v.ill of said decedent, the under-idling water. 700 fruit trees sisned Executor expose- to i)iibl'V; dr ess.

W. A. R. F. D.

S. Jersey sal" at the premises in the village" of -Coilomsv-ille. Township of Limestone.) p. and County of Lycoraing on Tuesday I A A I February 15, 191C. at 1 p.

all that certain piees and lot of land in '-iullage-jJi for right man to buy stock, implements, and to go ahead and county.atorei'atd,'bounded and de, scribed as' follows; a Thr miles frofii H. Pa. Janji'-ST We "Embroidery Kdge 5t' yard. -ZlS-in. Krnbroirlery, I jag" and SSf 4 11 ufu (tii iyiiowB" -Beginning at a the 'NESS OPPORTUNITY.

the public road leading through YOfR BUSINESS--On a a fprby; I It pcintr.l out. Jien- j. a reformer'" -U4. sa Ii a fixi f-f 'he early date "The worst i 1 Cutrv i i 81 i 8 confrreiire induces a desire of I do moan wor.t' Loth to reach an agreement he- Kind'?" i i-oiivenlion the program he: fore March when the foUr-vear rtei --r-t, II. i tm- 1 Fnere n-nll TlTm (fontimiey From Firt w'hicji rojjtinded 'iiiorn- Jng Thf-re cf personal invention the proKram he: fore March when the foUr-vear rn --r, tor dealing i the- a tract, is-a -hanvo hTM- i oo i aWe as well as PURITY MILLING CO ry al of Ka h( AVhit, i lnln i ww a as tp ha er had a at lEx Telephone i i i i and i who hi- 1-a BUSINESS--Operate 1 vending machines and wholesale of the wowing sum; small capital; large.

'degrees'nrrofits; Biggest -co-opera- -thnrt i th8nce plan ever Chic Mint Gum of Troagott Enigk north Ct mpany. Wllail 1 iBi(tt i 1-2 west 52 4 feet a stone: thence along land of Frank! SALE--Grocery store with all Dapp in a so-itKerly course. fixtures. Good location. Aci- lo stone ill the center-cf firocery.

Box 445. City. road; thence along the center of pi'blie road decrees east TO LOAN. i 0 nS OIi; al! i.OAS--.-js*, 0 $1,000. first gase desired.

Chester PiatlVrn: and in. a 0 i Adoiph v-ho been to irtrtfliiiTj' r-lia ce n-hito. Th' ub. ycfl on an-l i a i i b-i I 1 i i i of the a rt i a uifiricoal i i in ncsotiaiions thi for 'R'company, a poli. in hisi last tors rlead Mr ill arrantin- a i tuua.

-hi, frienris i ror.frrrncr.- was in toiieb wjij, a i he i be abl- jo i bie r-'Jiicv r-Oymiiffef, of I i a i i i as I Rich- a declaraiiia-4bflt all artis. 1'a of i i i wcr; uS Philadelphia and Hendinc Coal! and Iron -ompany. and S. War- i Jiijpr. of f.resirlf.nt of i i lnl n(l a i rom- i(! 8 M)liil i ll1: Ihe a a i mm'- nst rs ff'i-'iiulated JJ ami i i tn hn tht i ini; ac Corf-rences of 1 ( fse i of lllllli A AS A For Infant! and Children.

The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought MARITAL A Surplos ProftU $100,000.00 "Let Ui Servt Ev 1 I 0h Car Be IS nO(l 1 0t SM 1 p-r? 0st OTR a i it a frame dw.elilr.i; ho'ise. and other Al-o a Notice of Application for Charter. a right of w. ay wi( thro Igh is hereby given that an api'H- ar inin said ne- cation will be made to the Governor Bribed premises, as contained in of Pennsylvania on the 10th dav of Ueorge L. En-ler and wife, and oth- P'-bruary.

191C. 'at 10 o'clock i i i dated "r.der the Act of As- and mti-nded be recorded entitled. "An Act to provide tortflvitn. for incorporation and regulation of I of sale wiM te announced on t-prtain corporations," approved the day ot sale. day of April, 1874.

and the Acting Rwutor of Lydia Yf i PP'enieBtti thereto, for a charter for I WIG. an cdrjporation to be calied Hares Alillinr'company, the chare. of Apphwt.on for Charter. te a objct wbich to i i i i i i i ar- a. eentral i i infl-ides i a 18 na win not spoil i and I i i i i his scale.

il. basis ou i Dr. Alexander's Dmg H-aler not i i Pn a i i i i 11 tion and d'-velon into Con- ft Joint 0 a a but heals and po.aii'i--, eraror in York the Lungs. It affords comfort and 1 a li-f In the worst cases of chronic h-on- i a i i asthma, liay a limp iro.i- i a fixH for contains no morphine bv the all dealers. Xorliern Cental 7rus- Co JAMES B.

CHARLES'COCHRAN EDWARD L. TAILOR Vice-PrMident CHARLES E. KPTAPE A E. HAROLD A. BROWN President Vice-president Treasurer Ai of the Commonwealth oT nla, entitled "An Art to provide for i Incorporation and Regulation'of approved 2ft, 1S7J, and the sitppVprwnts for the Charter of an intended poration, to i the character object whereof growing huylnc arf.

selling flowers, fruits. Se ed 3 and orr.a mental trees, and for these purpose PO e8S a Pnjn a riKhUi. beneflu and privilege, said Act of Assembly and supplements. Jan. 21-28 Feb.

M- Sulicit JAMES itor. POLITICAL 1 hereby nntiounre my candidacy for to the Republican National convention, suhjert to the decision ot (he voters of the Republican party at the primary election. May I EMERSON COLLINS. illiamsport, Pa. I I h---re)ty a to the Republican Natir convention, MibjecJ to the.

decision of the of the Republican ilatty al the primary election. May C-. R. ARMSTRONG, laven. Pa.


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