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The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa • Page 3

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Houses, Farms A1TD Z.AXTDS FOH SALIC BY Eldridge Bro, TO cliuap for unit. A HEM. GW TKN I-and to trade lor on H. I. Fjarumm 3d 4th for W.cor, ol ltU 8 room A.

on ttorth or 6 E.OU well located from to A flue Hrick honfe, Kivtr view, to 116 Acre Farm on Jetwjy ftiflg GIO ACRES or near Pyucebick Coonty, at Dec ACKKS Oawfnnl wonli 10; or will trAdc forn house III at JpSi towu. or Infirt In the Bjkhom Val- nt-rtr Jrrtiiroaii nnd timbrr, wonh cbctij or trade for City property. for Sale. and Stores to Rent. Money to Loan.

And want to Borrotr $30,000 on long time at 10 per cent. ELORIOGC Land nnd InatiroDcc No 40 Brady SL, DAVKNPOITTMOWA FRANKLIN Carpenter and Builder, WITH MACHINE ASTJEAM POWER, COBNKB THIRD A LKCLA1 Saab) Blinds, order; Contracts for all kiadfKf Cftrpeaterurock ptoaptly attended to, KSTABROOK'S Popular Ballads! for PMIHI K. We. by K- JfflCfc boit; and Chorus, tirJc Child and Chorus, title, for Oiiitw Child-TrafctCrJbcd furPIgno K. Muck liollad The it Mr Before You Ballad Somebody wttl tm at the Ounce Wilt-- lire.

We. nc: Kartlctn-- flftllad, are with of the abo? wlJl pent, addreafl on receipt of the price. Address, BALMER WEBEB, North Fifth Street, ST. LOUIS, MISSOl'KJ mcbW.dtf- LOOK TO YOUK CHILDREN THE GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. Mm.

Colic and Frfcc in the xnUQcU-1 25 SVHDP, lilatea the proccea of Bnbducs Convulsions Al I overcomes nil dcftges I I inctdrnt to and i Cures iriflrrhea, Prltfr Stammer com-1 1 in CbUdren of all I Itiathc Great Inlant'tf and Soothing Kcmcdy Icall dlflordum on by Twtblneor any iWpftred by the GRAFTOrT MEDICINE Mr. LOUIB, Mo. Sold by Dntffgifts and fciac everywhere. BUY ME AND I'LL DO YOU ROOT PLANT. I Bycle IAI- tritfl JOHN L.

COFFIN, the Blood tad tbe Ur- er and wcrctive organs toft healthy acUon, jiheav fiJIa cnre many it iwoold not be euppo-ed they conld reach, anch HBAMOIE. of irthc IlArtnB AjcpPnr, PDIXSBS, NrCKAtOEA, LOM or DAVENPORT, IOWA. AS FOR ACRES OP Ffcrmit Lundf in lows, in fiS diffwcut eelected from lOto since agcnti, and motftJ owned by the inoi-i, Wwcoosin and Minnesota. in IMvcnort, Le Princo- too, V.V.-:uU, UacinU Autlfc-w, Downey, Iowa City BAKER, and Keinil Boots Shoes No. 46 Brady Street, DAVSNPOBT.

IOWA on the cnt Li-st. and DniLmr, FJSVEKS of AIL otlicr the Being or other they can be tmfcen ill ctrcumstaflcea without 25 cents a bos. Prepsmi by tbe Graf Medicine ST. Locta, Mj. Sold by Dmggtfta dcalen in Mfrdittnt B.

WHITTIER, A VIUDUATB OF MEDICINE, as Diplomn at office bS3 Vcncrc Trivate thaa any other f.ouis- is Gonorrhea, GleeL Synctarc, Orchilis, Ruptorc: all "Crioary and of Tbe Throat. with aod Impo tbe uf ahtae is voiilh, excepses in miiurcr year-, or other ca-JKid, which produce of ihc effects, iris- At-trxten to tfif society of tfnrf improve, are pcnnaimitiy The In pn- ro practice ati in St. or any J. JHC MUSIC STORE! JT, Steinway, Steck and Emerson' oiher ciiy. Back filwof St, papers JEatficfaw been located there longer by yeare than any other and mppointm-nw arc vailed in Tbe West, anjwhc-ro- be relied apoo.asd me Doc- 'lorctn refer to ffumy the couotry, la past and prweat position he wiihonta compeUtor.

Xbe Writings of a Pb jslebin vrbove is Unlon-wldo be Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise Ceneraliy 94 Street, Davenport, Piano- for of Iowa, Kodt fctsnd, Tlhnols- It the 5iii'tiaion Gaaraniccd, Order Book J. C. WALLACE, Music Store! Davenport, RSBK i Kcrictu Cottage Orgas. Doctor Wblttier A MEDICAL PAMPHLET relating to TCDcmal diwses and tbe varied canwiatsccA that will be sf to any addict in a opefor two Jtt -tiififl fall will ciubJc sSfected to Ihe DAtureof their of CASC That will Answer admoetas the of tret tment fl jtenouaj bat it conrcnient, the doctor (boiild be Those fttTucr friezids Out rrqujre can them with nimble by Ihcir ViihJftWBp, tbe unfortaoalc wtthoat their kuowtag their bcfiefacton Ccr tafniy snhject is of raorw Importance thaA parity of blooa and prrfrcl maahood. who biovelf eiclnj-iTcly Torbesindy of a ccrtaio cLtai of ad tbonsands ofcstr- every acquire greater Jtj that specialty ucQCiaj practice, pbyuicimn-, Cicu introdnce to the doctor after ntrndin? nstdical Com- ouni cations conadeniial.

will cort joa CftBce ccntnLbnt retired-- Lcinj-. Mo. M. to 7 p. executed, TO TREAT ALf- FR1VAT0 cages' i corrd.

iJ arc from Call lor tbe music NO. tO firsdy JLI enabled biza pcnuaocnt. and which, JD mcrl cau Tiltbont Jiicdjaocc to Mctlidaca prepared in liic oflicr. rcccp itm and waiiinfi hoa-dijrr ror csnos. and ao'I cbcmlcaJ tb" minrml Both sJicJc.raff'rriocfrnniiDfSiMTClianf, Apply becnml ROCK ISLAND.

HODSE FaRNISHIHG EIFOBIOIp SWII.ERA Street. Bock and Retail in STOVES COPPER, PI.ATEP Fffit TaHt C-sOw. AT CIICAW bt fay? in treued rt of 'r Vr tntil. Gl fi m. Io7 p.

10 a ST. LOUIS. GREENHOUSE BEDDING PLANTS. UU ILLUTKATKIJ CATALOGUE, con- GHIGA60. taining ihti of time nml Flutvcf Hviljua Gladioli, LllicH and other tauuw wllJ br limited in alt applicant, jjurtnicti prepaid.

JBKO4, jitf Pifiti St- J. CO Market BAL extern-holy in Korean And and JKtelnrcfl of all Looking IVorJiM, Uold fV Vvtieren. A RARE COLLECTION. I ArtB. Discoveries, cine, it rr.

under tlio title of Medi- Infohaitloafor fcfrot bj til (free of for 3D Adorew K. JC. 1 Market nt, 6t Loaii, Excelsior Liniment, fiflUilffllflNf ofnMrl 7 onc celptafrr au re- anitlfl external and fnwrnnl remedy for curing TM WjaaflOrwIne CordUJs, Superior Itf a mcdlcino ia mocholbflrnsefal tnTorotfttlott for UIOM; crory broasrht before public for in or mmmiUciariDj wy of mborc, either for cttrtflg the rolTawiDi? tae trade or Sent bj mail (free of for Flftj Ad- I SUKUA drew, U- E. JUtkeC tt Mo. 'JVKUSALC1A, a if no A t.

STIFf XffVK, A BOOK FOB THE MULIOH. MAE HI AGE GUIDE. A PBITITI ComirtroB TO HAUWD tbwe nloiit to mmry. on and reveiaiionn with the dincovencn in the science of rc-prodnciion and procreatite cootrol, precenriog the complexion, Ac. ITiiisififtii work of two bcndr-d and twenty-four pagea.wHh nnmeroui and CODtimi vatnable information for who are married or contemplate marriage; vtlll it A Jroofc ifiat outfhttobc under lock ana key, and not laid care- about the hoahe.

Sent lo any one (free of pOBtAffe) for Piny KO tW HKADA CUK.l} rKEJiTJSR fSf MUM! FXtiOys, CffVLKttA XORKVS. jurt. A. SKA Si Send for Cifcolar. TbeaboYc tbore wbo with meritn, butfotliow who have utcn it for the ten tiothinjr etrect, Bt.

Lonii-, totbfl Uiapeiusafy, no- li N. Eighth too higfily in For a proof of bftte rtate, wo to every piirchaaer if they triJl nre ft to clirec- Beforc applying to tbc uotoriocs QUACW wfioad- -mtbthtf resale t5, rtuclupabifcpapera, or wing my QUACI i esf on recufpt Jiw, Jr. work, no maUvr whst yoor of tbe price, and the money tvtnmed If it dcos not or how your condiHon, Ur. can be conmlteit Mnonvlty or by on the mentioned is his worka Office. No- street, between Market wd St.

JLD1U4. JfO. prove $5,00. ARTIFICIAL LEGS AND ARMS. A ANATOMICAL LEG WITH 'TXeidc motlozt At tbe like tbe nmtnnrione, gcirmnteed for fire ycanu to $100, 'Perfect giutfateed orno StttallMoltlcff, Sold by 197 many other article on earth costing MumCtctnrec! DB C.

feet. IlL nmrcotica or Ctyenac In its composition, inchSl- Custom Arms with new Patent ihonlder motion, tfe-ljke jtppcmnnoe, contftiniJty Tklamblc tuformfttlon LEWIS LOCKWOOD, 413 Pine Street, St. Loqis. Mo. REINL, KOEMER ft C0.

9 GEO. L. JOT, GENERAL ACiEMT OHIO RIVER and. MUWHA SALT afactttrcn in Fashionable CHAMBER AND PARLOR SETS Book labrary No. 9.

N. Second Street, ST. These Compitnies make Best salt in use. Over nlnety- nfne per cent. Pure Salt! Packers use It; it keeps their meat.

Dairymen use it; it butter. Stock use it; it eoes farthest. Farmers and Housekeepers use it; the best for all domestic purposes. atKjuBcxl' So broken COKNICES, CYUNPEK Fisianri arid OflJcesof JU1 dtscriptions fltred up to order; xlw. Church and School tore- we make detlgnd free of chAfce rircd.

X. Attention g-tren to orfli febgi Chicago Diamond Wine Works, WILLIAM OVEB1NG, A A toTk Ji -M17 Ornamental Worker, la W. BANItOLPH ST. CHICAGO, ILL. JWHwcel ianeonw; MAY KVG1UNU, Tho breath Comi 1 through And UtMirH Into my ttiloni twililit tirotikd Mint ow5 vl Or brlokof gl! tin: Or woodsiflCf whrrc, in Tlie early wild risr, Or sheltered lawn wh ld encirclin trcf Now ftfoepstlie Inimminif bird, that in thcntin Wandered from Monni to lihtofn; Now, too, tlic Ms Ttork done, In wmen room.

Now cverj ImTcriftff iTiw i Beneath tUc leaver flown; And, through cry rtcc Arc left to thce alone. the the bloflfomn of And o'er the spice- ft us the opening bndfl thy, And cumc embalmed ttOfffOWff'f NATURE'S GIFTS Scientifically' Developed. MEDICAL. Yomr. 0 0 Invigorator, fmm Uof; or other doomed to rfnfter i'rum remedy bctm uud wlrh rooi- and prepared atid wiJl rvntore To lltid fiicfiArtm- aho lid seek cna that uttiod HOOFLASD'S GERMAN BITTERS The Great Reputation Which KOHKOO ha.s attained in all parts of the country, 'or ibi? imiMlta rf IkT cnrc tha Kladd-r, ri ami d-bu Jt Ir adapted to tU ol Sidneys and Bladder.

Yet there Ifl wdncw in thy soft Wind of the blooming ycnr Thr gentle presence, that was wont to bleti Thy coming is not here, Go, then and yet I beg the-; imt repair, Thy gathered sweety to slu-d, Where pine nnk willow, in the evuulni; i o'er the buried dead. oh to homes where cliuerfnl voices And cheerful looks And where tboa wakcst, in ihinc airy round, No sorrow ofthcpast. And whisper, everywhere, Uiat earth Her beantifnl array, Amid tUe darkness and the fj For tbe return oi WHAT IS IT THAT 3IADB SEW LASD WHAT SHE IS TO-IAi? previous to the great eruption uf tiie ciril war it was my fortune tn Another bill of vision in onc of tliacentml counties of irginia. The panorama of grander than tint which enfolds the lovely valley of the cot Xorth to tfoutt, like a hug' All bulldecl by thegiantsiind fiun with drcanaj tofrrrs and buttresses of purple, ran the Hoe of the Biue Rreclge. On tbe distant slopes nndcrugs the old slumbered and to the wind of May, Far to the eastward the white winding ribbon of the James River, and nearer, the broad but turbid current of A single town risible tipan tbe the remain of the scene was composed of broad ttttions.

Oa these tbeyouujt; crops uf wheat aii'l tobiUX) diipUycd their verdant leafage. peach trees wore their rosy Air was musital with the of free and happy brrds, aud fntgraot ith wealth of unuinbcred tribes of forest lowers. Thus iid nature lavish her est charms around that wcU-sworn bill tlonticeilo, the resting and plact: of Joffer- pbced hefore tfce public thirty aJJ tbtt of patent but tjradunlJy iu- known, nnd now. to-day, Ptanan at tiie head ot of with the endon-enitrnt rf and i Real foUoTTinc find thai your. ie ujany of them, yon niay lUal commenced attack important of yuur Innly, tin- checked, by Uiu of povcrfui life, in death, the re on be tl Di Constipation, ward Pilcf-, Kullniwff ol Blood to.

the Acidity of lbe StoiaftCh, for Food, alines? or or Fiatlcriatf at me FitottJiti Stomach iup Of the Harried or DjflicnU at tbe orSnf inn Port of or Wclhf before tbe in the Deficiency Yelin the of in tin; Constant Imarfnlngsof Kvli and Great Ucpres ffon all of thehvcr combined with impure blood 0 gfierman a Blood Purifier IT HAS AIO EQUAL, AHwlionwitflnd SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS, are restored to YOUTHFUL VIGOR, And Afc With LIFE' AiVD STBIJffiTH, to nil vrho it nod follow tbe It foilrfto remote Kerroan DcbHIty, ImpbrtflC Want uf Power, and all Weafcnc arlatby from or Yoctbrnl Indiwretirm; -reralflfy lo Short I 20 THE SHORTEST ROtTK Ani Osr near ud 20 lioolw Time JJBTtt'EBN -ROCK ISLAND 4 MOtlNE To CHICAGO ALL POINTS EAST, i- VUTUJB Hockford, Rock Island St. Louis TIIK Most Powerful Vegetable Alterative Memory, Nervous DrwiaiB (Jcoernl Latitude. Wwk Nurvra Dimness, of Hcarlache, whfch williwarcdiy Ittd OB to AMTV OR YET no compound of Flotrt Extracts. Tho Roots, from which these It gathered io Qermanyi all the medicinal extracted from them byftsciemiflc cemldt. are Uitn forwarded to thi- epontry for the Uiw 1'hert flttbdtdnce ofAnyfcind In cooi- hence it is fret from All the bjectioM Incident to the of a liquor prcptration omcEjtjro Wire Clcih Qnards Wire fJTmrdpJ AshSUien- Hat" and Ctp flwada Hii Trees I Frmt flwkcta BOSTON.

LATEST AMD BEST Ribbon Hand Stamp! ARSAWTBD tn which art Paid, A. 1L, pan tiold'nif Firm Mme. ID print ia position or Index tbb pcmuofc of oc. more Store daiable than oibcr Our Icdelible Ink Are rape- rior to jthiDK IfWUDttble tbe leUers IUTO cot Ultt broken ippcmuce vAovti 9tmoip am be taed by olfenmt fcembefo of (MiilT, no bfc uxd IIATC TAficty to CHECK FOR BATIKS or monr checks ococ, on nt Ink, 6r Itilcltble ind Bftfldc. alicrcd or Projirirtor- snd of Rubles flexible Stamps.

Boston Hand-Stamp sa srvoot YORK. CF 31.846 OR ESS INS. Established 1856. J. H.

I A NEW PHALONfS LIA; Work on Md Made to 1 "A fu rntttett tic EiiWiw. 22-3, THE BABCOCK I I But how different were the maral aspects of the sceae from that bright New England prospect! The dearth of Tillages rV The absence of schoolbouses betrayed the deeper Inck ofeducatioD. Those rich Anxple, spoke of thousands of wretched human beings to tnil likeoicj), with the 1 lash. In those aristocratic mamioBs, rising up proudly out of the squnlid hutsof worse tlian jxuipcrs the pampered owners were even then, on sweet May njorning of plotting the blackest crime, save one, which ever stained the page of Imtory-- the crime of iLxsassitutUiJg the accumulated freedom nf ait the ge5 that human bondage might be eternal. What made iftat- rnoral diffcrentfrtm the bright protpttt of Bngtandf The Vinriuidns came with all their laws HOOFJLAJfB'S a Tonic 0 a combination ofall tbr oftbs Bit(cn? with pare Crar Hani, for ifte as lie etc.

It Is s. in 3-" DISEASKH OF THE IJLOOO. tbe0e-b Is In the liiood," that frCiauce pruvM tolje irnc. ptople talk about had blood a.i the and Jikc Wood in tmtb. Tbff ofbad trc chilly plain-- bad imperfect nutritive, and circulation Irt tbe ai loose their tone hrOiuL and with a pasiy.

white coaL Tbfs condirioasoon in tben in ZAtraTEand tx- beo JoDff continued, ofUje Brain, Urtr, or apporatns. Much, TCIJ mtich, cfferics is by Inipojc blood. It is estimated by some one atnily cr wiihout help. Jt mart be AND (o enable tbojitiffurftf to falJlllibft Uatiesof life. IT MAY HBL1EDOH JN iLL CASKS OF Epileptic Piles, Dropsy, Gravel and Kidoey Complainis.

srisinir from or Cut properly tluL mo-itr a 1 e'x it jp.of tAt period ttnu.d A I Thin medicine has been, fried by tbonaiuHta FROM HOCK ISLAND TO CHICAGO, $8.50 MOLWBTO CHICAGO, icajpo Exprew Kock Mud at MO A. M. acd MoJicftix8J55 A Jt, And in Chicago at F. M. Sterling Accommodation Jtiavea Rock at 9.451*.

and: VHTO in Chicago at 7.00 JC. The TrEfM nwke Sterling for ill points on the Northwestern Rail ROatL and at Chicago irltii all fort South, Throngfc.TickrtB to Chicago ami all be abuied at tbe Company's Office In Rock Inland And Jtollne. J. N. GftD.

Paw. Agent It H. 1869., 1869. NOW OPEN TO ECCK THE UHOKT PIOflCT fiOtTTK KBOJI A i tbe ejfl Eta luster, the of who have a tbe ite power.

If tbelMrof yoor or ASD ALL FOCTCfc WISCONJWW, To Rock Island and Ikwnperf, And all Points in low MAT mn throngfa to and from WITHOUT CHANGS or close conuftctiocf with er. If by the folfcwiagr points: ATJBACINK ua to Mihruke To for vfberc we no appointed Agent, we will send by Eiprwe, chirycs AT OLZKTQH JOCITON, from and to Northern Wisconsin jtsd flfff not liable to of rhc fcof Mr BOTTLK3 OF LIFE IMIGOBATOR, 7 on receipt of FtTB 1OLLAKS in a AT and to and all pointt North and AT SAVAJWA. Steamer ftO and Omaha, prefisr this fbedldAe ia a then; bemj? nothing objeetiotiable IE i it cqoftUf in the due, WathiBglOrX OtaahA. MM! wfth froai Jwa4 OF PHiS BBB BBBp irnm viiai of 3ifc. coo-! vvij; rninm therefore pwparr Irtfwtetttf ftra.

nay be taken and withom ar- auemJon, and feey ctn te aett bj mi). from to soy addrMs. jwrf oc recvipt of tor boi. or Fl VS liOtLAKS for a Ixrje boi, to ail sent by return of mail, witbost TO wr TiLBBBEH May We Shore Michigan Somliera Ike the ofTerrd mbebtlf or any medicinal THK GOVKIWKEST HAS ADOPTED IT, pomcrfaj or 10 Three Second? by rfmplv clwtf red in one mina'e-- -io Add Each B. v.

S. JL MOUttff, J. B.SuHwn, SteelT. JL y-xw. H.

r. W. coamolcaUKt9 thauld br to CHICAGO TYPE FOUNDRY on for the Hair. 1 irom aJrthc restorers arts on a It totall 7- and pcr- precipitate! nudJy or fShwknt mat "cr rcquirr? no ant: lit BRIGGS HOUSE, Cor. Wells Randolph F.

"hrvi. Krri 4 tmi9hJltI Our constant our io tnilto or the reason 1ha: TO ali initnti PBISTER'S WAKEHOUSE MMBER, USE COMPANY, and shot op In a bj order of Kiog James, with strict orders not to op ecit they landed, and Io! when it was opened not single -element of fjopular liberty wns to be found in it- The jpil- jjrinxs jQahoDed theirowa and haul provided for their civil and rcligiooa rights before they left the cabin of the la the name of the king, but in the name of God. Virginians came across the ocean to chase the mirage of gorgeous dream of 'the Spaniard, Eat, on the other hand, the Pilgrims came with the lufriest purpose recorded in tbe annals of tbe rmce. Inspired with an midjing IOTC for liberty, miodfal of welfare of and with souls sus of a sublime destiny under tbefarorof tbe great Lender whom tcrvcrl.t her mi to; to chores, Aspiration thetn acrum and when ihfiy landed on the rnek5, their firt act was kacel nnd of the conUa -it iu the Dinc atid for the wkc of Christ, Xosoocer had the Pilgiois coostitated tbcIrChnrch and build its house of worship than they founded the FRKK to be the t4iwer of education. A Virginia, is recorded harcuitcredhi5 tJwnk5giving to that in that commonwealth there were no printing presses nnr free schools.

John JEHot, ihc apnstlcto the a imyerlc- forc the General Ciurt of in thttsrcrerse-! the desire of Icy: ercrrwhere ns! That oar Tbew, arc the inflations of New free fire fcboel and 1 be free commonwealth, TbrKnre the mjr towers, the loftr bulwarks of the 2ion vhich tbe pilgrims fnrthc pcncrations foliowinjj, of the whole rarth Thwc arrtbc jdrr ikcy wprtfi A re liry Hon. GEO. WOODWAftO, 1 Chief Curtice thoSapreme Court of liver Invigoratoi; Lecture to Young Men, On the anbject TOliTHf ULjERRORStad KAKL MANHOOD, free yf on receipt of BRYAN A Proprietors. York. STANDS dud "Hopfiud'A in of Marcb ood tonli mil of great benefit in of dobmty, wxot of GBO.

W. WOQDWAHJO. JAMES the only KVOW.V TO INDIES. joa require A rcliibte rtmcdy to Dr. Harvey's Female Pilts.

BATWJCB1T CHICAGO 1 and Sootiprevt comwct at Chicago vttll THE GREAT LAKE SHORE LIKE functionti Dn opon the aDr the Uie syrteia, While ii Qf Apkta jncrpfasg; it tJesd- They smlie (id restore tttrc ui GVI-TT -The? we itr all Whiles, SoH ioj Pilfa. CHICAGO, GRAND RAPIDS, perfectly Co and DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS A rtznccj Tor ftpecisl fur stronsw DC VdIl BBflU-i OC TOO A Sit ij A4pJt 7JT Or A ot line are wfti; for cunlort A in of AUdKlU Of certify UkU fron or UOIV. SHARSWO00, of the ir TO Electrorjfping and Sferwryptug SIHIL1A CUMNTUR. HOMEOPATHIC 7TED.

THiR XOST te a verycood toalc, HOJI. WM. r. VOGCft4 HaroroTlhc ciij Tort, tad auad or of tor or bad to lie taoatir. heat: in mar.v POSITIVELY CtfKED Wm'fl md and Nicht Coaches, mifc a food; a lIO3UCd fall in the the of the piler, Jtc.

KOSKOO! Jtf CiUrrb trxs imiBMlUteJT irHertd br Wilch HawrL ASA BA can rnrt witfiont weiriarr and -cnrirciT (roucninde aging act! Witch Hxel Cm ihe 5 Yonr to relieve Dd SoottweM, 03 fire $AKAH JO5ES. free UK! a UfteaJ Clark CX1A3, BATCB. to JtASTCf DUTTOX, UL LOVE ASD unilOIT. CMM Pacific Of it affocdi and Diseases ortheKidavs and Bladder, 7, wfco to curry, UK! m-farm to be by VitfeODl SfaooD.X^Tcifc MJ7i MUB 2 A AMD Arrra JKXDAT. with Ibr fans-tons of the of TJ riant- ncy.

action of the ttuni lie vbca Ihert Yorfc H.JB HOW- JAMCS Jl. Ei in Trrr Iwa tifl i3r BcrmWL Colic. nd to arj tovd Hffgrtmr-fl, rn the colw -of twe 10 carcfuily IT 15 AS changt pplica- bcing AT LOWEST FIGURES! WESTERS 10 A 15 Cortlandt AS WATER prr Box, LACLEDE HOTEL, Com cr Fl nh A sts, MALTS SOS, the dirrcti n-rc, rn- Vnfl Atntm. r. -ifttnr JL Jt I.

C. R. K- lot Tnfcar AS CUtofa wftt C. p. R.

CKy. Trod UENSI8 MORAXiE. MFIIWK, 61 KS THE SHORTEST LIRE ALBANY, 4 Y. thfctdffi THE CHICAGO T05EW TOKK TtTTH. s4 -m ftfl trr in fbr Hiti-cBtmih IL 01EEFE, SU OTS CATALOGUE OF SEEDS PEMSTiFMM CEHTfilL ROiITt Ml Vunr trrifl or nr i f.f M.1EVAUS 1 Proprieior.

C. M. -T lift tli J-ir It, and HH14WM1U, Iff I JL Imt nut i LINDSAY Slock Scales Jfcl.Oft; Irr it SON, IVrsw lifk For Kale hy all iti, The Sesi at lest Popular 31 odicitte in mn.T tn- J- J. LAWREXCE, M. ORGANIC CHEMIST, nd fc 6 Steam Fitter, i.

METHOD PIAJTO AIJL Price, One ikrttfe L-.

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