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The Journal News from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 8

The Journal Newsi
Hamilton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AOE BJOHt A I A A I Mrs. Anna Wedder Is Taken by Death rrs. Anna Barbarn Wetldcr, ogc 74, beloved wife of Thonms Wcd- iler, 1016 East Long street, Wednesday, 7:15 j. of a complication of diseases nt Mercy hospital. Sho wns 1)0 rii in (icrmnny niul came io Hio United Stdfes J5 years moving directly to Hamilton where slio resided i her rJonlb, In addition to the bereaved widower she is survived by one son, Alex AYcddev; Mireo dnuphtors, Mrs, A.

C. Forhorg, Mrs. Klmor C. Hurg and Mrs. Del more Pnync; six grandchildren, i of Haimllon, find ninny other relatives ninl friends, Mrs.

Wedder was devout Catholic and was a member of HI. Joseph's chuveh niul (lie societies of ihat congregation, A kind jind loving wjfo nnd mother, she j'C- SpecEcd ly al! who knew her. Services will lake place Saturday, 8:30 a. ni.y from residence, of her diuighter, Mrs. A.

l-'orborg, 3031 ITanovcr sfrrot, nnd at 0 n. from St. 'A Hiiirc'h. I ment will be inmle in St. Stephen's cemetery.

Friends may call a I'Viday noon, 1934 ArWRiATIONS FOR COUNTY From Lntit and water, rent, prosecuting fiiforupy'a officre, $900; inent, new consfmctiori anil pcriuanont custodian buildings, $1,020. To- Inl, $38,220. Tor Otfunty Home County Home: Sulnry of super- i nnil i snl- ni-y of pliybicion, $900; snlnvy of ciiiployrs, fuel, ligbt nnd wafer, nminlcunnco supplies, Jnriu supplies, $500; repairs nml iiisurnncc, $800; ont- sido relief, othor espouses, new equipment, e.on- stvLiclion nnd punnancut itnjii'nve- jnents, telcplioim rent nnd foil. $150. Total, $27,000.

Momprial Building: Co'rapensn- iioti employes, rnninlpmitic'c of uicmorinl liiiililinp, $000. Total, $9liO. Justices' anil Mayors' Courts: J-'ecs of jostict 1 nnd ninyors, fees of iioiisUliles and mnrsliiils, $200. Tnlnl, $f)0(t. or municipal courts: Snl- nries of jndscs, snlnry of clerk, $900.

Total, Amounts Tor Charity Charity: Relief of indigent blind, otlipr miscellaneous cliar- ity, $2,500. Total, $14.500. Soldiers' Burial: Mnrbcrs for graves, $100; memorial ilny ci- pcnscy, $400; fens, Roliliers' liuvinl committee, $50; burinlx, Total, $2,550. Agricultural societies and farmers' institutes: iusunuici! on nil buildings owned by ugricul- Bocietics, $300; state extension fund, for prevention of tuberculosis in catlle, boys nnd club work, eravr bount.c, i'-lflO. Total Miscellaneous county expenses: Local legist rare of vilul statistics, compensation, $SOO; budget coiamis- siou expense, $50; i a i of criminals in work bouse nnd bouses of correction, not oivned by county, a i a ot tubercular patients in hospitals not owned by county, salary ot' bumuno officer, $001); dependent crippled children, dolliiiur and incidentals for iuniatcri of state insti- lutions, attomey feis, prosecutions by luunane $200; unclaimed costs and moneys, $100; stenm boiler i i fees, $f)0; street asscssmenU tbe enmity, $20(1; a i i county of- iice.s i i $201); school compensation $SO; e.x[)ensi'd, sclunjl i i Bounty board of visitors, $25; Consi-rvaaey, $105; per diem paid to I officer for support of minor children, $H50.

Total, County Auditor's Office County auditor: Salary, i a i a i i i i i i i and clerks, deputy seak-r weights tuiil nres, stationery sml plies, i i imilittir's i i report, $770; a i i list of i i i i i otber genei'iil a i i $50; otber expenses, $I(lll; a cli-rfc-. revise i a $1,450. Total Board of revision: Snhiries of clerks, a i and supplies, $15; other $5(1 Tot Assessing personal property: Salaries of jniil a i nnd supplies, $1,700. Tutal $11,200. Appraising real property: Salaries of assistants nnd clerks: a i arid supplies, $200; otber $511.

Total $2,500. Board of Elections Board of elections; Compensation of members of tlie board of elections, $5,. compensation of clerks and other employes, compensation and mileage oC nml elerk', coinpciwiilinn of registration sup. election ofl'icc supplies nnd a i other expenses, $5,000. Total, Treasurer: Salary eom- pcnsnlion of clcjnilico, assistants and tOerks, tuherlia'mg, rates of tniation, $300; other general advertising, $50; a i nnd supplies, otber expenses, $250 Tolnl, $17,775.83.

Recorder: Salary, component ion of nssifilanls, dcpulica (I clerks, stationery and supplies, $720; other expenses, $100. Total, $10,254. Prosecuting attorney: Salary, compensation of assistants, saeret service officer, stationery a i supplies, $400; other expenses, $200. Total, $10,140.75. Court of appeals: Salaries nnd compensation of judges, paid by county, court constables nnd bailiffs, $100.

Toliil, Common Pleas Court Common pleas court: Salaries and compensation of judges, paid by county, expenses of judges, $151); defense: of indigent prisoners, court constables and a i i ors' fees, witness lees, i i a eases and grand jury, stenographers' salaries, transcripts, $100; jury commission, $120; Jaw $500; stationery and supplies, $5011; other expenses (meals for juries) $100. $32,1111.02. Probate court: Salary ot judge, of assist- a nnd clerks, nnd supplies, jurors anil witnesses, $1,200. Total $11,115.88. Juvenile court: Probation officers' salaries, probation offieer.s' expenses, $600; mothers' pensions, jier diem pnid to i court for support, of i children, other expenses $225; medical a i a i f111(1.

Total, JJoys' Detention Home Boys' Detention Home: Salary of and matron, salary ot physician, $201); salaries ot $i)SS; fuel, light and water, $500; and sup- new cijuipmcnt. nnd furnishings, $300; repairs ami in- mrance, $300; telephone, rent and loll, $75; other expenses (clothing, supplies for school, etc.) Total, Maintenance of Hamilton Train- School for Girls: $5,700. Clerk of Courts: Salary, compensation of assistants, leputies and clerks, stn- ioiicry and supplies, udvcr- ising times of holding courl, $15. $14,301.83. Coroner's Court: Fees or salary of corojicr, slciiogrnphcr, -150; fees of constables, $200; wit- ireses, $200; stationery and sup- dies, $75; other expenses, $200.

Total $2,125. Office of Sheriff Sheriff: Salary, compensation of dojjufics mid nssislniils. salary of a i matron, $810; stationery and supplies, $350; a i a supplies in a i expenses, equipment (autos) $000; a i physician's salary, $300. Total, $25,197. Surveyor: Salary of surveyor, compensation of assistants nnd clerks, stationery and supplies, $350; assistant tax map draughtsmen, other expenses, $(iOO; equipment (anlos nnd i $500.

Total, $14,478.01. For a and materials in cleaning out and repair of ditches a of $100 was set up. Soldiers' relief commission: lic- licf of soldiers, sailors and marines, and their indigent wives, pnretrfs, widows and minor children, salaries, relief commission, other expenses, $300. Total, $23,700. a i i a emergencies or nfiiiKoncics, $15,328.13.

Roads and Bridges County road and bridge fund: Compensation and damages, $300; contracts, labor employed direct by commissioners, materials purchased by commissioners, oilier expenses, inspection oC road and bridge work, equipment operators salaries supplies nnd repairs for road equip- a equipment, hire, $6,000. Total $117,729.25. l''ur labor employed direct by order of commissioners, $3,274.08 set up in i a road and bridge fund. Dog and kennel fund expenses: Danuiges nnd witness fees, mnlilor's clerk hire, stationery and $liUO; dog warden's salary and unto expense, deputy dog warden's salaries, $720; stationery and supplies, $50; other expense, $liOO; mill serum, $-1011. Total, CWA WORKMEN" CITED HY POLICE 'iVi worker.s were arrested on i jobs Wednesday, one on a charge ot i i a i and the other on a of breach of peace ins; "lit nf nn a a i i his I I I I I I I I I i i Hudson, age 30, colored, 117 Charles was arresled un Hie I'lirrish jiveimc.

project on a charge of i i a i lie was released bond signed by 175(1 (irnnil Boulevard. Karl Johnson, age 31, 310 Smith Kil'lb street, u-iw nm-nldl in Lindenwald a lie is said lo have threat, cncd bis a Kd Swain, limit and Lnwson avenues. Johnson was locked ii) and released under bond also signed by IMWH. In municipal court i morning he was probated YY. W.

Kinfrock, pn.baliori officer. 1933 COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS (Continued trnm I.n*l Pure) gifts oC money, tho chnrity events sponsored by tho Woman's committee, tho Toy Mission, a wonmii's project, and the generous gil'fs of toys' by i people a the Christinas committee found it pos- iible, lo carry out the work. IJaskels were i i i Satnr- lay, December '23, lo 1400 families, ncahing a toys were taken lo uoro (firm 5000 children nnd (lint jranyes, apples and candy were tributcd to more than 7000 children md jmrfiiils for Christmas. The complete report of receipts init expenditures, showing every purchnaccl for the. i Store by Thomas G.

XoHotb, gen- ci'fi! a i a of the Comnninity Christmas committee, is as follows: Receipts Reported Ihilance on i'rom li)3li Community Christmas fiO.7; 1 Previously in 101(3 Mr. and Mrs. Cieo. Snuer 5.00 a i Ball InD.Uti Sawyer 350.00 Mrs. Li.

A. Kentsc-hlcr 25.00 I'odil rcecifvlfl Disbursement a i a limning, pofitayc, caish for fit or ft help $-'0; cash for fitoro help, $25; 10. M. dowdy, candy, Service Station, Kroger'ts, apples fuul or- Sfore, toys, Tlic Wnlkor work at Christmas store, Uncon'8, i Bell Tel. iloro telephone, W.

C. i toy supplies, S. Jncubi, photographs, ITardwaro supplies, Drug candy, Cliicngo Market, fituokctl Nmipnveil Printing 'ompniiy, printing, Inrket, i Zimtncr 1'uper company, candy boxes, Eik' crry'Uros. flour, 11am: HOH Lumber storo shelves, Tanner and Atherton, npples K. H.

jellies, York Uiickct Store, oyr-, The Key Shop, keys DP Ktore, Woohvorlh's, toyfi, J. 0. McCrory coitipany, i OY-S cash for elcrica! holy, rtb; a i Dvng dec. It. lobofc; Ohio Tnxi nnd Baggage iO cents; federal tax on checks 58 a expend, bat- in cc OH hand Jainiiuy 8, 1034, The AVonien divifiion, Mrs.

lich.irft l'Yechllin, Ireasui'Pr, has it thifi date $150.80 on deposit in Citizens Savings and Trust addition lo the above bnl- imcc, balance in both funds Receipts Reported Trom Events By Woman's Committee Tho following- report- is filed by Mrs. Hioburd Freeh 1 ling-, ircasin'er the Ionian division, sliowinjf receipts the various benefit events, included in Mr. (Sard's total, followe; I a i on a 4.20 Jard Parly 100.02 Party 176.43 Juniors, Miss a i reading 47.50 nco a 158.25 Gifts $583.00 53.10 $529.81 175.00 Total $704.51 Yulctide Dance Made $158--Mrs. Thomas, The Chairman, Makes Report Homer a treasurer Community am enclosing 1 a report nnd cheek of ihe Yuletide ilnnce, Kridny, December 22, I believe a we have collected most of UKJ jnoiiry frcini if we receive any i Una week, I -shall send i( to you. I am rlusing receipts for flic money a i I paid personally for various expenses during the ivcek.

This amount has been deducted from the ouliro tho eiidlwcd YEAR'3 I TRAVEL NEWS A low lor Fir.l lo lunnr Comforlobl. cl'll a 9 ilViiVfi liittll I i llonoli St. I I i i M.M1 i i UNION BUS TERMINAL 40 High Street Phono 3690 The medicinal and emollient properties of Cnticura, which protect the skin and prevent ekin irritations so common after eitav'nff, are found only in Cnflcara ShaviBg Crean. The medication of the Cream onipases fragrant, oriental, balsamic essential oili which soothe, cool and comfort tender, sensitive skins. Al j-our or tea postpaid on receipt of 3Sc.

Addft.i: Culleurn I.alxiralorki. Mim. check is Ihe money that ve actually made. Inasmuch as all food and decorations wero donated I should appreciate having some acknowledgement in your paper. Thanking you for Iliis courtesy, mid hoping that this rcpoit is satisfactory, I am, Very truly yours, ALTA R.

THOMAS, Chairman of tho Ynletido Dance. remaining from tlio buffet snppcr was sent to feed Die help at the Christmas store. Receipts--tickets, buffet supper, ijuilt auction a cigarettes, total, $218.11. Expenses--orchestral, dce- irntions, taxis and hotel services, total, Acknowledgements: A Wnyno hotel, Purity Bakery, Na' i Dairy, Chicago Meat Wilier Produce, company, Slit- Grocers, Champion Coated 'npcr company, Tanner nnd Ather- lon, Kroger Grocery ami Baking S. H.

Jones Meat company, Slil'er Grocery, Hurley a Browning, i i i Wholesale 'Jrocery company, a Ciroccry loiiipiiiiy, A. anil P. company, Bohl- iiider' Grocery, Kirn's Clrocery, Kd. Kigling, Third St. a White i a Market, Slauhlo company, Wirbcl company, Elite Bakery.

Wchr Dairy McCirevy 'Diiiry Ueiser liroeci'y, Monarch Grocery, Schwab Ciroccry, rilcy anil liiley, George Glister, Schfclloiibachs, Kcpuomy Grocery, 11. J. llnsman Products Mrs. Robert i'isher, Mrs. Robert Soliiifrgn, Mrs.

Lncian KnJm, Mrs. Lucius Under, Mrs. J. Kric Schwartz, Mrs. Klliolt Ginibel, a i Ijorliler florists, Dautb Florists, Hciser florists, Kremcr Gray Florists, Hardy Drug Lewis Cigar ti and Schwartz, Kadcliffe Drug Co.

Slork News Born--To Mrs. L. Knlton Parrisli, "05 Crescent road, a girl, at Fort Hamilton hospital. Born--To Mrs. Ralph Tegge, 421 West Pairvtow avenue, a girl, at Mercy hospital.

Licansed To Wed Milan Brnne, ago 21, pressman, ami A i Okrnlilieit, age 19, iiollt of Hamilton. Reverend John Cogan. DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA PLANNING ANNIVERSARY Hamilton Circle No. 200, Daughters of Isabella, held a meeting Wednesday evening in Kniglits ot Columbus hull, South Third street. Plans for the party celebrating tho nnnivcrsnry of Ihe Circle, were discussed.

The celebration will fake place February 7. The next business meeting will take place Kfbrnary 2S. A social meeting will he held January l'-l, itnl being the order the evening. Y. W.

C. A. HEALTH COUNCIL TO MEET FRIDAY NIGHT The health education council composed of representatives from each class of the V. W. C.

A. iioiilth education a will meet Friday nighl, January 12, at o'clock. -THOH8DAT- II, I9S4 KIWANIANS INSTALL DISTRICT OFFICERS (Continued Iron Lull Pnve Clevclanil, tlio retiring district president, ns the toa.stinaster, Following the serving or a steak dinner, Toaslmnster Williams graciously accepted the duties which bad devolved upon him and expressed his gratification nt being present on such flu occasion, lie also thnnkcd all connected with his ndniinistrntion in adding in various ways to its success. Tho program was then presented consisting of group singing led by George W. Campbell, Cincinnati, chairman oC the Ohio district music committee; singing the Y- Orphens clnh under Ihe direction Rimer Fctlei 1 widi Catherine Margedunt at the piano; floor show in w)iic)i "Boots" Taylor, the Jewel Sisters and Spanish Aristocrats participated, wliilo Miss Mary Hraun, in her usual charming manner, sung several numbers with Vcruoii Brazing at (lie piano.

Judge Sdiramm Heard Judgo A A. Schrnnint Jtarieltu, vice president of Kiwauis intenia- lional for the United States, iras tlien presented and delivered a very helpful address on tlio work of Ki- wnnis, following wliich Joshua L. Johns, Algonin, Wisconsin, president of Kiwnnui International, installed the officers of the various clubs in the Third Ohio district; then tho lieutenant governors of the Ohio district and finally Judgo E. J. ae tho governor of tho Ohio district.

In doing so Mr. Johns pointed out (he responsibility resting upon each clnh official in building up Kiwanis in his comm i tho duty of tho lieutenant governors in aiding the clubs of their districts in upholding tho principles of Kiwanis and seeing to it tlmt the cluLs under their jurisdiction do not depart from those priu- iples. In installing Judge Ktiulz, President Johns paid a high tribute to William A. Williams, tho retiring and then charged Judge Ksiitz a grave responsibilities now rest upon him in directing the afifairs of Uie Kiwanis in the Buck-eye Mate, Judge a responded, thanking; the Ohio district for the 'lonor which had conic lo him a pledging his every effort to make stand for greater Ihitigs in each i in which it is represented. International President Johns then presented Mr.

Williams with tlic past president's pin, and Robert J. Brown, a past president of the Hamilton presented J. Nnniino with the past president's pin the. local organization. Tho district governors who were present and wcro presented i their credentials and badges were F.

L. ICinlev, Fimllnyj Roy C. Roster, Greenville; C. Jl. Clirislnf- fcrson, Oxford; Dr.

L. Snndnsky; Ben A. Arncson, Delaware; W. C. 1'imdphuir, Cleveland; Dr.

T. II. Schmidt, Kent; Al K. Coy, Canton; 0. IJ.

Yonnga- Clavk S. Marshall, 1'cetonin; and Earl Bcekley, Athens. State officers present and installed aside from the governor were Floyd A. Week-end Specials, Real Values! Beautiful BREAKFAST SETS $11.95 and $14,95 Hoaulifiil spte tuntlc of soliil oak niiil gin" L'inisbed in whitu crcnin nnd imt- iii'nl Trinitncd in green. NOTICE WINDOW DISPLAY LIVING ROOM SUITES We manufacture onr own overstuffed furniture and can sell you high grade merchandise leas than can bo bought elsewhere.

i grnilo Iniieslry. 2 piece siiilcf, Moss fillcil. Well liatlom. Heavy steel construction. Soliil innhognny Icga nnd carvings.

End Tables $1.48 Lamps $1,15 and up Lamp Shades 19c Whatnots 48c We will recover your Living: Room Suite or Re-stuff your Cushions HAMILTON FURNITURE Co. Opp. Palace Theatre 214 S. Third George M. Daugherty, Mgr.

Pfaff of Marietta, treasurer; Pete Land, Akron, secretary, and Ed C. Forbes, Cleveland, historian. More than 300 guests were present from a i and various pnrts Ohio nnd following the program enjoyed dancing for sov- eral lours to the inusio of Bell's Cumpus Revelers. The Hamilton committee having charge of tho nrrnngemcnU for the event consisted Al Mense, Harry S. Wonnoll, William 11.

Wick, George Mnlancy, Carl Holljrock, Elmer M. Feller, Louis J. Nnrdine, Robert J. Brown, Leon W. Drngul, Herman Wnobbold and C.

J. Baldridge. Tho hostesses, Mrs. William B. Wick, Mrs.

Warrick S. Jliimis, Mrs. E. J. Kimlz, Mrs.

Robert J. Brown, Mrs. Clnyton Loiter, Mrs. Harry f5. Woimcll and Miss Nell Lorenxc.

MOTHER OF SEVEN DESCRIBES (Continued Iruui I.naf Fnve) a thing like that," the moihcr of seven children Baid, trying to lier head toward her hushand. "I have always Ijeen good to him," fihc naid (o her inquisitors. Metealfe then told of the assault upon the tracks, less a a oily lilnck in the rear of their homo. "He walked two paces ahead of mo all-the way from mother's home on Long street i wo got to the railroad tracks, lie walked up the narrow path ahead of me. "He stepped over the first Irack and when I stepped over, he struck me.

Die blow knocked mo to ground and a I was lying there he kept hitting me again with Hint iron strip. 1 tmd to get my head between his knees so he wouldn't hit me on the head any more. Finally he pushed me aside and went away. Knew Train Due "I was not unconscious but, oh, 1 wns in snch terrible pain. My finger had hcen cut off and my two arms broken.

Pains wore going through my head like bullets. I prayed to God someone would corae along- and find me. I knew the train was about dne. screamed as loudly us I could. Finally two bovs came along and gifted me olE Die tracks.

I pleaded 'or them not to leave me because I wus afraid i would come back. )ne of boys went for help and ho oilier hoy stayed with me. When the first boy came back, they carried me to the schoolbonse and the police got me and brought no here to (lie hospital." Mrs. Metealfe identified weapon with which she had been struck. It was found about 25 feet 'rom the spot where was attacked, by Louis Fltinnery, age 22, 1J14 Bast Long street, and his brother, Lawrence 1'lnnncry, age 28, 118 South street." Turns Against Father A stirring incident, took place at.

tho hospital Wednesday when Helen Melcalfe, age 16, a high school student, came into hospital room while her father was there. "I don't know why you, loo, have gono agninst me," the father said. "I took neither side until mama told me three times you did it, and that was enough for me," lie answered tearfully. Police reported that Melcalfe took out $1,000 life insurance policy on his wife less than two weeks ago. They allegedly have the nnine ot a New Miami woman with whom bo is said lo have bad an acquaintance.

Millville Pastor To Give Address Itev. J. ,1. Menlzer of Millville will conduct services tonight at the First United Brethren church, con- i i the scries of union services which a i Protestant churches are holding in various churches throughout ilio city this week. The subject of lievcrend Mentzcr's talk which will bo followed by a discussion will he "Christ a International Life." SHADE'S TRIAL SET FOR JANUARY 17 Sprcinl To The Eaton, 0., Jan.

Shade, former Preblo county resident now living in Butler county, will go on i a in Preblo county common picas court Wednesday, January 17, for tho alleged forgery of a note of $1,375. The affidavit was i'iied by officers of the First National bank of Camdcn. Shade Broiuhith Bjri After 30 Years Torture His completes relief overnight from Bronchitis of tbirly years standing is regarded as nothing short of a miracle by his friends and neighbors. Read what Mr. Gull says: Hamilton, "From the time I was a small boy until the age of 32, I was never free from a hack- ug cough night and day.

Doctors told me I was suffering from chronic bronchitis--that there wns 10 permanent relief. One day I saw an advertisement for BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. The word bronchitis arrested my a i I rarchased a bottle. It gave me rc- icf. 1 bought two more, and my cough left me completely.

That liuppcned six years ago, and cough has never returned." BUCKLEY'S SIIXTUKE (triple strength) will give you the same iistunt relief from the strangling of Bronchitis, and it acts ike a flash on coughs and colds. Why not get bottle today? liuck- cy's is sold everywhere and guaranteed. Darguo's Drug Store, Radcliffe Drug Co. will be glad to supply you. adv.

entered a not guilty plea to the state's charge. He is at liberty. under bond. To End a Cough In a Hurry, Mix SIYM Big Dollin! No Coolcbf! UIHloni of botucvifM found that, br mixinr tbeir own cough cine, they ret a purer, more Ther UK Kcipc which only oue-fourth much ai rfady- mBde medicine, but which Kalbr haa equal up obitiaate confta, From any droitlsl. jet 2V, ounces nt finer.

Pour tnll Into a pint bottle, add granulated aurar BJTIJU to 4)1 up the pint. The ajrup is euilr mada with 2 cupa sugar and one cup water, stirred a tew momenta until dissolred. No cooking needed. It'a no trouble at all, and makes mott remedy that mooey could bur. Ktepi perfectly, and children love MB taite.

Its quick action In loosening phlegm, clearing the air passages, and Goothing away the inOamuatfon, baa caused it to be used in more than any other couch remedy. Finer Is a highly concentrated compound of Norway Pine, famous for healing effect on throat membranes. It is guaranteed to give prompt relief or money refunded. MUSEBECK SHOES "Vanity thy name is woman. Vanity plus incorrect shoes arc responsible for most ot our crippled, sick feet.

But--every womnn wants a comfortable pair of siloes to wear when she's on her feet of her time. Musebeck Shoes with the Health Spot--insure absolute comfort because they hold your feet in the normal position. Healthy feet don't complain-so INVESTIGATE AVI MEN" TOO! 125 Main St. West STOP THIS FUSSING! LET Vitamim Milk solve the cod liver oil problem pleasantly How often vou've only cod liver oil weren't so nccwary--or JO jmclly!" Did 5-011 ever stop to realize that it's only the Vitamin in ccxl liver oil that's ncccssaiy for rickets prevention, not ihe oil itself? And do you luioft' that an amaiing scientific process now takes the Vitamin out of cod liver oil, so it can be put Into that other necessity of childhood --sweet, wholesome milk? It's (rue! Our Viramin ends fottvtr rhal drdeal for both you and your youngsteu. No more remembering dii- agrcMbls dost.

One less item to buy. Absolute ceminty that your precioui Labiej wilt have sufficient Vic.imin to develop with strnight limbs and good tectb. Eacli quatt of Vitamin Milk contains the same amount of Vitamin as a in 2M teaspoonfull of good grade cod liver oil of good grade cod liver oil t. a (ISOSlcenbocIc Viumin II units). Order it today foe I ij" 1 "V' your family, A WEHR'S VITAMIN MILK WEHR DAIRY, INC i U.

AT, Of em. im un, wi KM.M, i 725 East Avenue Phone 40.

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